THE BEE: OMAHA, . SATURDAY, JANUARY 22, 1H10. f .. LL i l i THE Omaha Daily Bef. FOUNDED BT EDWARD nOSEWATER. VICTOR ROSBWATER. EDITOR. Entr4l at Omaha postofflc second clas matter. TERMS OP 6TJB3CRIPT10N. Pally (Inolurtlnr Sunday), per ww in Dally B (without Bunday). per wees ; Dally H (without Bunday). ona year 14 to Dally Re and Sunday, ona year 8 w DELIVERED BT CARRIER. Tvanlnf B (without Bunday), par week c ICvrMna- Baa (with Sunday), Pr 10c Kiinday Bea, ona year til Saturday Bea, ona year p" Addraaa all romplalnta of Irremilarltlea In delivery to City Cln-titatloii Department. , officer ' Omaha Tha Bea Building. South Omaha Twenty-fourth and N. Counoll Bluffs IS Bcott Street. I-lncoln 61 Llttl Bulldlnir. , Chlcaao 164S Marquette Building;. ' New York-Rooms U01-11M No. M west Tlrty-lhlr4 Street. Waahlnrton 72S Fourteenth Street, N W. CORRESPONDENCE. Communlcatlona relating to nawa and ed itorial matter should be addreaaed: Omaha B, Editorial Department. REMITTANCES Remit by draft, express or postal order piyable to The Bee Publishing Company. Only J-cent atampa reoelTed tn payment or mall accounts, personal check. esxept on Omaha or eaatern exchanges, not accepted. STATEMENT OP - CI rtCUIAT10N. State of Nebraska. Donglaa County, as.: Ueerge B. Tiachcck. . treasurer of The Bee Publishing Company. bmg duly awom. asya that the actual uumber of full and complete copies of The Dally, Morn ing, Evening and Bunday Bee printed dur ing the month of December. 1900. was aa ioiiows I.... 41,680 IT 49,680 41.TM IS.... 42339 .., 41,680 It 11,630 4... 41,70 80......... 48,770 ...' 44,340 81... 48,480 t. ........ 48,930 88 48,830 t. 41,670y 33 48,430 ... 4a,SH) 84 43.580 .. 48,880 Be 48,800 10......... 48,580 88.. 44,080 II..; 42,860 BV r 48,610 18 41.860 88 48,830 13..,, 44,860 88 .. 48,370 48.470 80......... 48.410 18.. '43.500 81 48,490 18.. I. 48,420 Total .'. 1,333.610 lletui-aad copies... 10,130 Nyt Total .1.312,30 )lall J n Averts . ...... .... ....... 48,334 6EOROE 11. TZSQHUCK. Treasurer. Subscribed la ray prejoace arid (worn to bettor lu tills SJst aay of lecemler, ISO. I Notary public. subscribers leaving tit city tern porarily should have The Be mailed to them. Address will be changed aa often as requested. "i could a tale unfold" Watch It grow. -the comet. And now the Toledo Blade Is drawn agalbst the packers. i . Te bog on Ice la still skating spirals that' look like dollar marks. . f;. v. , T see the comet, look up, not down out, not in; and lend an opera glass1.; . ' ... r ji " - : ' Take notice that Cnpld Is spreading hla Wings again in company With the head flyer of the Eagles. "- Nkw.that the grand jury has been duly, drawn the" purveyors of Undefined rumors will again get busy. After all, the coming together of the Governors seems to have resulted in anything but a get-together policy. Tough winter for the squirrel. Cal ifornia blames him for the plague, and now Nebraska finds him an incendiary. If Governor Hughes cannot afford to continue in office at his present salary, maybe New York might afford to raise the salary. . Eugene V. Debs deserves credit, at least, for consistency. He is still pro claiming socialism as the only cure for existing evils. Conviction of the dressmakers who smuggled by means of Bleeper trunks Indicates, that .there are apt to be do ingS'.wuen,1. the sleeper wakes. ., : Hard week for the British peers, wuq,' noin aisappoinung election re turns and the news that Marjorie Gould is to marry an American. '.-V : - One daring newspaper prints in bold black type the announcement that the price of butter is to bo slashed a cruel Jest, when so many people these days. have heart disease. Tha Board cf Education is debating what' to do with poor coal delivered by the v coal contractors - who -supply Omaha's public schools. The 'school board Is not the only one. .t : j- The only t"emergency" that cries loudly for an extra session of the leg islature Is tho"urgecy of something to prop up the democrats for the im pending Nebraska campaign. A Tcpeka editor1 bewails because he is not permitted to abuse anything but the man-eating shark. He should cheer up. Pretty soon the wholo population will be with him in damming the Kaw river.' . . 'London is perturbed because the original of Dickens' "Old Curiosity Fhop" Is to be destroyed. Fortunately for the stay-at-home generations every where, the, book cannot be "extin guished. . ' , . Nantucket, cut eff by storm and' ice from the mainland, has the satisfaction of knowing that next summer the mainland will be flocking to her Just as usual, and contributing a financial harvest to carry tier, through another winter's Isolation. . Still, it is to be noted that the lion. John L. Webster did not commit him self as to where that new $5,000,000 state hoase should be built, Mr. Web ster Is too good a lawyer to take sides in a case in which he might be retailed by one or the other of the litigants. More Chalice for the Babies. . The addition of a live- baby to the working material of Missouri State uni versity, so that. the fair co-eds may have a practical course in the cares of motherhood, is a form of popular edu cation that would have made our old fashioned grandmothers sit Hp and gasp. So universal has been the in stlnct of motherhood in American girls that with the first baby in the average household the hitherto inexperienced young matron has been devoted in applying natural and rational treat ment to meet the various demands of tha newcomer. Indeed, it is a common remark in every generation with what readiness and intelligence the young mother takes hold of the situation and meets its problems. Yet almost any older couple who have raised a family of children will look back to their earlier experiences and view with some regret the lack of that superior and' trained effort which they would have liked to expend upon their Initial offspring. In many house holds, notwithstanding " the maternal instinct, the handling of the first baby Is largely a matter of experiment, from which the youngster undenledly suf fers physical dlsoomfort if not actual barm. In the simple matter of wash ing and dressing the baby, to say noth ing of feeding, such scientific knowl edge as the young mother can absorb Is well calculated to improve the nur sery stock. And it is a sign of the times, and a good one, that public edu cation is realizing that the conserva tion of theaTace calls for such prelim inary guidance as shall give the infant every possible chance. Dr. Holmes would begin a child's development with his grandfather, but if the state can help the growing young womanhood of the nation to a realization of the re sponsibilities and duties of practical and efficient motherhood we can af ford to forget the autocrat's cynical dictum. Emulating the United States. : If imitation is sincerest flattery, we may again take a measure of pride in the action of Canada in two Important matters, for the Ottawa plans for curb ing corporations and for restricting Asiatic immigration are based on American 'experience and endeavor. But in its drastic act for regulation of monopolies Canada goes further, in providing for the immediate removal of the tariff on all articles upon which the price to. the consumer is found to have been unduly raised. Also, it is proposed to fine any corporation $1,000 a day for maintaining excessive prices after an order to reduce them has been issued.,' It is thus h6ped to put within the power Of the government a remedy of a practical and Effective .character; through a apiece of sumptuary legisla tion such, as our constitution prohibits. As regards Asiatic immigration, such restrictions are Imposed under the new act would tend to prevent the Hindus in British Columbia fromadd ing to their colonies, a measure de signed to prevent possibility of a recurrence of the outbreaks resulting from wblte antipathy in that region. The property provision, however, would also operate to keep in the United States a considerable number of European newcomers who are now attracted Across the northwest border. In these and other forms of legisla tion, Canada has the advantage of a new country in utilizing lessons taught by an older neighbor. ' It may thus be able to forestall some( of the evils at tendant upon prodigious and prosper ous growth as witnessed in the United States. Abuse of Free Postage Privilege. :' The' Kansas City Star prints a com munication from a Nebraska farmer as a text to declare that, "If the malls were, rid of cumbersome political mat ter, and if the railroads were paid to carry the malls at even as low rates as the exceedingly prosperous express companies receive, there would be no postal deficits." The letter reads as follows: FURDUM. Ntb.'. Jan. 16. To The Star: I am a farmer and am not posted in re gard to the mystorles of politics. Can you tell fne why the senate of the United States will order tens of thousands of Speaker Cannon's Kansas City speech printed and sent out, , and the Unlte'd States pays the freight? The common people care nothing for Cannon, muoh less for what he snys. He. la regarded as an. accident in a multitude of accidents. If one of ua hayseeds sends for a farmer's bulletin, they aay: "Fifteen cents, please." A While ago I wrote' for Bulletin No. 112, In regard to hog cholera, a,nd was told to send 15 cents. Now, I don"t care for 15 ceats, but to go to the postofftce and gat an order Is different. A. W. GRIOS3Y. The Bee acrees with the Star In Its conclusion, but the Star should be fair enough to note that, the offense com plained of is by no means exceptional in this case and that the vicious prac tice of Injecting, extraneous matter into the Congressional Record to get it carried postage free has been indulged a much, if not more, by the democrats than by the republicans. On one occa sion a whole book written by Henry George was put into the record In order that it might be circulated as a demo cratic campaign document at public ex pense, and a lot of T.Tr. Bryan's orator ical effusions have In the same way be come public documents while he was a mere private cltlxen In quest Of the presidential office. ..; '. . t The fact is that Were, it not. for the free pcEtage.'attac hinent wljlch goes with everything printed by order of congress a lot of copy gotien up far political purposes only' would never see the light of day. Campaign documents In the guise of testimony before" lnfas (lgatltig commissions, letters to con gressmen and .reports of, eommitts, to say nothing of the propaganda car rlel on by various brnchs of the govr ernment service to achieve publicity and work up sentiment in support of their demands for appropriations un questionably account for a large share of the postal deficit. The correspon dent of the Star, however, seems to labor under one mistaken Idea if he thinks, the extra copies of these speeches and public documents are printed at government expense, be cause the printing cost is defrayed by those who circulate them, otherwise there would be no end to the drafts on the printing office. The abuse of the privilege of the Congressional Record should be stopped, and stopping it will hit demo crats and republicans, Cannonltes and antl-Cannonltes, Insurgents and regu lars indiscriminately. The Manchnrian Refusal. To those who have been watching events In the Far East, the' jjolnt re fusal of Russia and Japan to agree to the sucgestlon of the United States for the neutralization of the Manchurian railroads, was a foregone conclusion, presaging international complications which the diplomacy of our State de partment had earnestly striven to avert. 'Independent always, neutral never," is an old and bold cry, and one, that at times has won admiration, yet the independence manifested in this case is not based on high ethical pur pose, but instead on selfish design which by fine analysis may be Inter preted as 'a violation of the spirit of treaty rights. Secretary Knox, watching the drift of affairs in Manchuria, had detected a tendency to diverge from the condi tions assured by the peace of Ports mouth. The fact that his proposal to check this by the specific application of the Portsmouth principle to the rail way enterprises has been met with a denial, which, though polite, is never theless a rebuff, brings us the satis faction of having compelled Japan to show her hand, at the same time de picting Russia in the attitude of con senting to Japan's dictation, either be cause she is not In a position to help herself or because she has a definite understanding with Nippon which does not appear above the surface. . It should be remembered that in presenting our note to the mikado and to the czar we had the open endorse ment of Great Britain, and while we lack no confidence in our ability to hoe our own row, still there Is satisfaction in realizing that England also intends to yield no point in the policy of the "open door" which underlies this Man churian railroad question, and to which London, as well as Washington, is Irrevocably committed. In the nieantlme, our new minister to China has been silently awaiting this do ClfiloByOf the Portsmouth signatory powers TJefore departing for his new post, where important developments undoubtedly await. . A good many northerners who went south for an outdoor winter are writ ing home complaining letters about the cold. Truth is, southern houses are built to keep the inhabitants cool In summer, and when a cold winter comes the people suffer. A well-built north ern house with adequate heating facili ties Is more comfortable to the average person than the shivering makeshifts to which the southerners resort when frosts strike them, as they so often do. The "no place like home" fact is deep ening in the convictions of the south ern sojourners, in spite of the custo mary protest that this season is an "unusual" one. Bill Nye used to say that at every place he visited he al ways struck an "unusual" season, and he yearned all his life for a "usual" one by his own hearth. A Britisher writes a letter to a New York, editor' protesting against the familiar way in which we speak of our president. Does he not know that the more popular a nickname becomes for a man the more real affection the peo ple have for him, in this republican country? Or is he inwardly chagrined because he knows this and regrets the frosty reserve between public and po tentate in Europe? Without detracting from, the fame of Richard Watson Gilder for his long and invaluable service to literature in the upbuilding of the Century Maga zine, it is proper to say that in his suc cessor, Robert Underwood Johnson, the Century has an editor of taste and dis crimination as well as a poet of no mean lyric, ability quite the man whom Gilder himself would have choton. . ' , Many if not a raajcrlty, of the mem bers of the United States senate were governors of their respective states be fore they went to Washington, and un der such conditions the protests of the governors In conference against the threatened Invasion , of state's rights ought to be superfluous unless a gov ernor changes hla point, of view vhen he becomes a senator.' "' While the popular fallacy Is that no body loves a Janitor,- still there is bound to be a fellow, feeling for, the one who caught his chin on a basement clothesline. , That exeprience puts the Janitor in the .human interest class. If the theory that young Sills, the Infant prodigy at Harvard, Is' ther re incarnation of Pythagoras were based on fact many parents would pray that their children be spared such visitation and be permitted to remain normaj.- ' Advices from New York are! to the effect that our old friend.' Vtrgil O. Strickler. has secured control of ..the boari of trustees of he, First Church of. Christ.' Scientist- from which he crowded out Mrs. Stetson, the former head. To those who knew Strickler when he was trying out his versatile talents here in Omaha this will be no surprise. An Item entering Congressman Hitchcock for tke sobriquet, "The Grand Old Man of Nebraska," has been reprinted in Mr.' Hitchcock's paper. "Old Man," indeed! Here's where someone gets a call-down. "On arriving In Peru Mr. Bryan was met by a large number of prominent personages, and the working classes there are arranging special honors for him. Better be careful or he may de cide to run for president. A new comet is reported to have been sighted right here in Omaha, and as the comet is visible only after 8 o'clock there Is no good reason to impugn the eyesight of those who claim to have spotted It.' ' Judging from the screaming type In some of the Chicago papers, with the words "graft" and "fraud", prominent, Leavenworth has by no means ex hausted the frenzied financiering of the local population. From Politic to Daslnea. Chjc&go Record-Herald. Governor Hughes says he" Is going to re tire from politics and ern some money for his family. On of the unsatisfactory things about being the kind of a politician that Governor Hughe is is the lack of financial returns. ' In the Dry Territory. Charleston News and Courier. There Is no great objection to a cane as such, but when a gentleman carries one which is hollow, and the hollow is a glass receptacle, and In another hollow a glass drinking cup, we think he Is lacking in hospitality if he do not pass round th cane and give others an opportunity to raise It. "Impregaslile Korrlf lentlons." .Ban Kranclsco Chronicle. ' If Japan Is hopeless of making Port Arthur Impregnable, . it seems useless to spend money trying to guarantee Manila against attack from a near-by great power. Port Arthur Is one of the strongest of de fensive positions, a group of high and steep hills surrounding It, even on the sea side, where the tortuous approach Ib fully cov ered. Nevertheless, the place has fallen twice and may fall again. I Proof of Prosperity. Philadelphia Record. Building operations in sixty-six cities are computed to have run up Into a good deal more money than in any of the preceding years. The total for 1909 was about $730, 000,000, and In the four years preoedlng the nearest approach was in 1908, when the figures were only $628,000,000. Building op erations indloate considerable confidence In the future and afford the most conclu sive evidence i of the atmosphere of pros perity. , . .' . ' . . .- FEDERAL, CHARTERS. . Need of Snfegraard and Penalties Sim ilar to Dank Law. Philadelphia Press. Attorney General- Wlckersham confirms the Judgment of lawyers who read the al leged federal corporation charter bill, heralded as the administration - trust' meas ure, by saying that this Is a draft, not yet revised and completed. For five year past the conviction has grown upon all those dealing with trusts that a federal charter Is the only effective solution of the problem offered by the need of protecting consumers without stop ping growth in trade. If this charter Is to be satisfactory more is needed than a general corporation act, under which a trust can secure a charter and Its growth go on by acquiring and holding stock In other corporations. Pro visions for capital paid up In cash, and the supervision and approval of th burea'u of corporations for the full value of all shares Issued for realty, plant, patents or goad will, are wise. Yearly reports, protection for minority stockholders, excminatlons by the bureau of corporations and the finan cial responsibility of directors for false statements in a prospectus offering sKares are all judicious. But these are all general provisions, pres ent In many sound general corporation acts. A federal charter for trusts. Is sure to be opposed. It was at each stage In which a federal charter was offered for banking. The national banking act was accepted and has worked efficiently be cause it Imposes criminal penalties on di rectors for any personal and Illegal use of their powers, requires periodical examina tions and strictly limits the methods and operations of national banks, making h1 most every violation of the law criminal. No regulation of trusts through a fed eral charter will ever bo accepted sunless It does as much as the national bank'lng act did for banks. The states' are sure to ob ject to tha loss of their charters as they did to-4he abolishing of a state bank cur rency. State regulation of trusts, such aj exists In some commonwealths, will never yield to federal regulation unless the fed eral supervision gives more than a good general corporation act. '. If, as President Taft rightly declares, combinations must continue to grow, this must not be through an act permitting a corporation to acquire other corporations tn the same trade indefinitely; unless opera tions, profits, costs and prices under the federal chnrtcr are made public and the responsibility of director and officer is guarded by criminal penalties. ' Glmply keeping the Anti-Sherman trust I net on th statute book Is not enough, un less th operation of corporations, organ- j irea unaer a new rcaerni act, to carry on th work of trusts, are brought under pub licity, examination, supi.rvlR'on and a crim inal rrsponniblllty Is Imposed for obedience to the law by all who direct and manage them. ' 1 Our Birthday Book Jaaaary S3, 1810, Francis L. Patton, formerly president of Princeton ur.lvurtiiy and one of the lead ing divines of the Prebyter:an 'church, was born In Bermuda January. 22, 1843. Joseph H. Schmidt, th popular druggist at Twenty-fourth and Cuming, is cele brating his forty-seventh birthday today. Mr. Schmidt, although of German paren tage, is a native of Lockport. 111., and a graduate tn pharmacy of tha University of Illinois. lie has been president of th Ne braska Board of Pharmacy and Is presi dent of the Douglas County Retail Drug gists' association. Harry H. Culver, doing a real estate bus iness In the New York Life building, was born January zt, 1SS0, at Mllford, Neb. He ia a graduat of th University of Ne braska and ha a war record as one of Ortgvtjy's cowboys In th epauish-American war. '.' In Other Lands id XJffat est What la Vraas. ptrlag Anaag th Wr a rar Xatiaas f ta Barta. With more than half th pollings in Great Britain and Ireland completed, the result la not a triumph for radicals or con servatives. The ministerialists lost a large number of seats won in the landslide of 1308, many due to three-cornered contests. Indicating a lack of harmony among the prdgretslves. A bare majority of the com mons, members of the party, I all the liberals can hope for, under present cal culations, a situation compelling minister ial reliance on the nationalists and labor lies. Certainly the peerage and beerage hav reason for moderate rejoicing over the marked frtndllnrsa of the electorate. A greatly Increased vote will doubtless n courge the Hous of Lords In the policy heretofore pursued of slaughtering liberal party measures. The budget is' the only measure bearing , the popular mandate which the peers are likely to respect. All other liberal party measures must await a settlement of the crucial question of limit ing the power of tha House of Lords. Ac tion In that direction is necessary if the liberals and their allies escape the partisan harassments of the unionists entrenched In th upper house. One minister after an other haa declared that the liberals will not again assume power without a curb on the power of the unionists peers. Non-interference with the finance ' measures will not suffice. To be at all effective the curb must Insure legislative fulfillment of lib eral party pledges. There are already In dications that the lords realize the need of revising their legislative powers, but in sist on doing the revising themselves. What form the revision will take remains to be developed later on. For the present It is sufficient to indicate the coming great struggle between democracy and aristoc racy, of which tha election is only the pre lude. "Great Britain," writes Sydney Brooks In the North American Review, "Is passing through a peaceable but profound revolution and Is entering on the prodi gious and fateful task of rebuilding almost from top to bottom her constitutional framework." Profs. Stevrer and Fleming, who claim the record for altitude in a contribution to the German Aeronautical Journal de scribe their experiences In the balloon Ber lin with which they attained the extraor dinary height of between 2fi,000 and 27,000 feet. Both aeronauts wer equipped for a series of experiments, especially with regard to the effect of rarefied air, cold and sun rays at great altitudes. Both wore oxygen masks. At a height of 16,500 feet they were obliged to Inhale oxygen at in tervals "of from one to two minute; other wise they suffered from heart palpitation and gasping for breath. As they reached greater heights these symptoms Increased and oxygen had to be moro frequently in haled. At a height of between 23,000 and 27,000 feet Prof. "Fleming fainted on remov ing the mask for a moment. The effect of strong sunshlqe. Intense cold and Insuf ficiency of air gave the face a terrifying appearance, but the aeronauts felt apathy rather than any severe pains. Another ef fect was a feeling of cramp In the muscles. The sun rays acting in the rarefied air produced a tremendous swelling and red dening of the skin, accompanied by fever, and these symptoms reached their height forty-eight hours after the descent. Among the experiments was a test for the pres ence of mloro-organlnms. These, tests, the highest made at 15,000. feet, showed micro organisms In the small proportion of from 0.2 to OS a liter (1.78 pints) of air. The fourth test was made ,nt' an elevation of nearly 27,000 feet and revealed no germs. Berlin Is energetically reaching out for tha glory and the profit enjoyed by Paris as the gayest capital tn Europe. On of the means to the end sought are great public bolls and fetes remarkable both for magnificence and good taste. The jour nalists of Berlin recently organised a great Egyptlon fete In the enormous halls of the exposition building In Chariot ten burg, and transformed the immense struct ture into African scenery. The desert, the pyramids, and the. sphinx were all there. With the streets and bazars of Cairo, the harems of wealthy Egyptian Moslems, and many other features . characteristic of Egyptian life were shown with remarkable realism. The crowd was so great that dancing was Impossible and the guests had to content themselves with promenading throughout the building and drinking champagne served at small tables by dark eyed oriental-costumed ' beauties drawn mostly from the east end of Berlin. But this gorgeous affair waa only one. of the maiy fetes of huge, dimensions held In Berlin week by week during th winter seasons. .''.. , The assertion reiterated as a truth In this country that American goods are sold abroad for less than at home Is emphat ically refuted in the case of the American cocktail. Excepting"" the, lobster palaces and gold-trimmed dispensaries of liquid caramels, the cherry-topped tickler is a fifteen-center, singly,' five-off for twd. In Berlin, Paris and London the American confection Is twenty-five straight. Where fore the globe-trbtter with a native thirst roars in native tongue and several dia lects. They are demanding 15-cent cock tails. They are tired of paying the ex cessive tax for a- cocktail in which there Is an unduly ' large proportion of ver mouth and an unduly smalt portion of gin or whlBky, as the case may be. To sup port their demand -they have mads a serloua threat. They have declared that -they would organize a union In all the large cities; that '- all cocktail-drinking Americans abroad would league together and Import their own gin, wlilvky and bit ters, and buy. abroad Itre. quantities of vermouth and cordials, stock their private houses, form clubs, and boycott thj "bars," which would soon, have to go out of busi ness. An international complication im pends. . i Despite the assertions ot political and racial enemies, Ireland continues far In advance of the rest of Ahe United Kingdom in freedom from crime Statistics compiled by the Howard association, a non-polltlcal organization for the treatment and pre vention of crime, -show that Ireland so far from being tn the state ot lawlessness in which It is often represented, is, In fact, more free from . crime than England or Scotland. The averages of committals to prison during thu year 1308-8, a fair enough test of the crime ot th respective coun tries, Is given per l.flOO of the population. The figures are: Scotiahd, 12.64; England and Wales, 63; Ireland. B-7-. "To Scotland, then, belongs the unenviable distinction of having twice tha average of the other parts of Great Britain and Ireland." And th report shows that in Ireland, , while ther was a small increaso in the number of persona committed to prison, the increaa waa so small that .th average remained th same as In the previous year. But in Ei.gland and Wales there was a positive Increase; of 10.000 prisoners of all categories. Including , (,000 prisoners , charged with criminal offenses. In Scotland th com mitments to prison were LOOO more than during th previous year. . Beyond the opening of one or mora mill ta v rsv.v-w tn tha vlntni -- - 'pi EatabYi$hei in 1857 Nationalized in J One of the Forms of Investment Is a 3 Certificate of Deposit In This Dank, Which Has Over S12.000.000 of Assets ill iubi.uvu statement if Aovtmbr 1. 'OS, oliowet this bank had outstanding In terest bearing certificates totalling B1.884.S10. expedition to Mellla has not been produc tive of Visible results for th Invaders. Spanish troops won a battle or two over the Riffs, but the Moors are still' there with territory undiminished. Nevertheless the Spanish troops are receiving the plaudits of the victorious on their return. Th Catalan regiments marched through flower-strewn streets of Barcelona, and wer .feasted as if they had been con querors. The Spanish being a shrewd peo ple, after their way, these manifestations may be conatrued as simply Indicating popular satisfaction that the not particu larly cruel war Is over. It was from the start an unpopular war. , , l PERSONAL NOTES. Major Benjamin M. Harrod of ' New Or leans, who was a confederate soldier, has accepted an invitation to deliver th next Memorial day address at Harvard uni versity. John Fe,dder, a boyhood apprrnlioti with Andrew Carnegie, one ot the Inventors of the hardened armor plate and one of Pitts burg's pioneer Iron and steel npn, died at his home tn Pittsburg practically a poor mail. , San Francisco has entered the committee stage of plans for the "Panama-Pacific In ternational exposition," year not fixed. A show-down of what haa been accomplished since th shake-down is considered ample provocation for the venture. The lieutenant governor of New York stat ts Involved In a life Insurance com pany scandal, and the president pro tem pore of the state senate Is involved In charges of selling or preventing legislation for a montary consideration. It promise to be a winter of housecleanlng at Albany. A commltte composed of George A. King, John S. Keyes, Moorfleld Storey, Henry L. Hlgginson, Charles Francis Adams second. Woodward Hudson, Edward J. Bartlett and George S. Keyes has Issued a circular ap pealing to admirers of Ralph Waldo Emer son to contribute 13,000 necessary to com plete a fund of $20,000 for a' statue to be placed In the Emerson house at Concord, Mass. A movement Is under way In New York to raise , the salary of Its governor from fM.000 to 2&,00Q.. Although Governor Hughes's tastes are declared by the New York World to be "modest enough to suit tha most exacting exponent of the slmpte life," his expenses have been doubla his salary7, and he must retire at the end of his present term to replenish bis depleted fortunes. MORIS SPEED IN COURTS. Urgent Need of Reform In Jadlelal Procedure. - Philadelphia Press. After President Taft has taken up a good cause he is not willing to let It go until he has accomplished something. Because of this excellent trait of mind be lets no opportunity, pass to emphasise the need ot reform In Judicial procedure. Uniformity of state laws on subjects common to ail the states is clearly desir able, but when - making -laws- uniform It la of the highest importance to make them also right In his address, on Monday, before tha National Civic federation, on the Subject of uniformity of state laws, the president demanded uniformity In judicial procedure that shall put an end to the delay that can now ba obtained by the wealthy under judicial proceedings. The president In this describes on of tha gravest scandals In connection with our courts of law. Under the administra tion of Justice In most of the courts a persistent lawyer, on various pleas, can nearly always delay the case from coming to trial promptly. In some cases this delay la xtended through many years and wears out the suitor who may have a highly meritorious case, but eannot get a heiSSlng. This Is a defect of justice and an In equitable and iniquitous practice. A d- !gL-J.tJ-IJ "Saturday ; Isthe Last Day of Our 25 Pel Cent Discount Sale This is your last opportunity of buying a Browning, King & Co. Suit or Overcont at 6uch a saving even if you do not need one now it would pay you to buy and have it for next season, as the style will be as good then as now, for we do not carry the extreme and freakish styles that go with a season. While Saturday will be the last day of our entire stock, next week you will find many interesting bargains' in broken lines of suits and overcoats. You will find big reductions in most every line in our furnishing department. We start our alterations February 1st and wish to reduco our stock 'as low as possible by that time, so the next 10 days we will have lots of interesting price reduc tions thai will Burely close-out the broken lines.' 'BrowninaiCing & C3 CLOTH I NO. rir i cam n R. 8. WILCOX, Manager. . aa Kountzt Droa. 863, Charter No. 209 Safest 1 fendant with a long purse can weary out a suitor when he should be made to satisfy his claim promptly. The president does well not to let this great evil be overlooked by those who are planning and working; reforms. The procedure of our courts needs reforming. Legislation ' that " will corns I the speedy trial and decision of all suits In all statns will promote both uniformity and Justice throughout the land. ' LINES TO A LAUGH. "That orator has become a student of political economy," said the statesman; "but since he got his head full of serloun thought he seems reticent about ahowlng his eloquence." 1 "Yea." reDlled Senator Sorghum. "I foar he has put an enemy Into his brains to steal away his mouth." Washington Star. Manager That new saleawomah seems to have a very persuasive manner. Shopwalker Persuasive? I believe she'd sell a snowball to Old Nick!-M. A. P. "Do vou think people can ever get' to the North pole by aviation?" "I don't see why not. The question of those who claim to have reached It seems -to be all In the air." Baltimore American. His Lawyer They charge you with burg lary. Now you will hav to tell me, as your counae.l, whether they have any di rect evidence connecting you with the crime. Client Well, I Relieve they r caught me in the act. Chicago Tribune. "You and your old friend Meandering Mike have separated?" said the village constable. "Yep." answered Plodding Pete. "H's a plagiarist Ho got up early in de morn ing an' went down de road tellln' m bast hard luck story." Washington Star. Madge How do you know ah thinks she's pretty? Marjorie She is always suggesting to tha girls that they have their pictures taken In a group. Puck. I CLASSMATES. J. W. Foley In New York Times. " Ha Isn't distinguished and yet 1 I read about him every day; ' . Mediocre, he chances to get His name in the papers some1 way; It Isn't through talent or art. It Isn't through genius or graft, But he got a wonderful start, ; For he was a classmate of Taft He bobs- up here, there, everywhere, i . ' Upon the most trivial hint, . The papers have om lines la spar' When lit wants to get Into prlut) v -He isn't a high flnanqler, Or yet an exponent of craft. The secret of It Is right here, For he was a classmate of Taft. His fame came to him all unsought. He never went out of the way To get all the plaudits he got. To win all hla honors today; He may be downhearted or poor. Be sorry of look fore and aft, What matter his fame Is secure. For he was a classmate of Taft Oh. see the grand army ttiat comes From uttermost parts of the world. With resonant beating of drums, With banners and streamers unfurled; With three-cornered ensigns abeam, With hurraha and rah-raha abaft Uncounted as sands by the stream, The men who were classmates of Taft. Not A Milk Trust Tht Origins! and Qinulns .ORLSCsl'S HALTED HULK Tht Food-drink for All Agts. More healthful than Tea or Coffee. ' Agrees with the weakest digestion. Delicious, invigorating and nutritious, -Rich milk, malted trsin, powder form. A quick loach prepared in a minute. Take no substitute. Aik for H0R LICK'S. ' Others are imitations. FURnJISHINGS AND HAT8. AMD puuulas a I ne., OMAHA., jsy f y tj ,""vntf t.vifrvi """V tu' Q msmi (OJiTiTPST I