rr THE BEE: OMATIA, FRIDAY, JANUARY 21, 1010. r . V Want - Ads Aa,vevttaaaaa for ' the waat a rolinna will aa takaa til 1 as. far the) Ttlt edition aad uattl BtSO m. for e sears tag- 4 s.aaay ' tlsaa. C saast aemeaaaay all arders for wml a 4a mm 4 aa (lTHlwant will ba aceeatea far leas Ifcaa SO eeats ( flrat laserttosi. Rates aealy ta either Tka Pally laaiaf- Baa. Always eaaat at wardato a llaa. .AH RATF.I FOR WAHT ADS. BROULA H CLASSIFICATION Oaa laaertlaa, 1 1-1 rats per ward aad 1 seat per ward for each sabeeojaeat laaertlaa. Bark lasertloa anada oa odd dara, 1 1-a rrati per word ( ft. BO per llaa per aaoatk. Waat ada for Tka Baa mar bo left at aar of tka fallawlac dr atorea--la rar "eoraer dnaasUt" taey ara all kraark offices for Tka Dea aad roar ad will ba Inserted Jaet .aa promptly aad aa tka Mae rates aa at tka aaala efflaa la Tka Bee OalMlac, 'eateentk suisV Farnam streets i A Ibsen, -w. C. 40th and Farnam. P-eranck. 8. A.. 1402 S. 10th St. ' Hecht Pharmacy, 720 8. 16th St. Benson Pharmacy, Benson. Neh. Bemhj Park Pharmory, 33d and Cuming. Blake-Brndish, 2814 .Sherman Ave. Caughlln, C. R-, th and Pierce Sta. Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 2218 Military Conte, J B., Ilat Avo. and Farnam. Crtssey Pharmacy. 21th and Lake. Cooney Pharmacy. 4228 8. liith St. ' C'ermak, Kmll. 1VK4-6 8. 18th St. Ehler, F. H., tft Leavenworth. Foster A Arnoldl, 213 N. 2Rlh St. Freylag, John J., 1914 N. 24th St. v Fregger Drug Co., 1x08 N. ltli 8t. Floranca Drug Co.. Florence, Neb. ) ' Goldman Pharmacy, 2)th and Lake. Green's Pharmacy, Park A vex and Pacific Oreenough, Q. A.. Iflfi 8. loth ft. Oreenough. O. loth and Hickory. s Hayden, Wirrium C, 2SI20 Farnam St. Han scorn Park Phar., 1501 8. 20th. Ave, . Hoist, John, 624- N. lflth St. ' Huff. A. I. 21)24 Leavenworth St. Johansnn Drug Co., 24th and Spalding Bta. King, H. 8 , 2238 Farnam St., Kountse Placa Pharmacy, 3J04 K. 24th. Mares, Fred L.. 20t9 Central Blvd. Patrick Drug Co., 1624 N. 14th St. Lathrop, Charlea E., 1324 N. 24th St. Peyton, L. E.. 24th and Lea van worth Sts. Saratoga Drug Co., 24th and Ames Ava. Schaefer's Cut Price Drug Store, 18th and Chicago fita. Bchaefer, August. 2631 N. Kth St. ' Schmidt. J. II., 24th and Cuming Sts. Storm Pharmacy, 16th and Martha fits. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming. Walton Pharmacy, 20th and Grace Sta. Wirtii, O. K. 46ih and Kaiuilluii Sta. MARRIAGE LICENSE. 1 The followlnr marriage licenses have bean Issued: Name and Addremi. sv Age. George J. Hpnrks, Council Bluffa 2.T Bertha E. Wegener, Omaha.... .. 21 C. A. KemmlHh, Peoria t 33 Mabel Williams, Logan 21 Gustave A. Plath, Columbus 43 Allvna Roth, Columbua 33 , , x BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births Arthur Rocheford, 2015 Oak. boy. Deaths Michael Welner, 1815 North Forty-eighth street, 50 years; Frank Thorn son, 3034 North Twenty-third street, M2 years. i 'LODGE NOTICE. A. A. 8. K. KadoMh service In honor of our brother, Jacob. King, will be held Friday night. January 21, 1910, Masonic Temple. Doors open 10 p. m.; close' 10:80 p. m. All friends Invltedj No cards. JOHN R. STINE. f ' Commander. ANNOUNCEMENTS CClXT, CLEAN Carbon Cooking Coal. V i-LJ Coutant & Squires. 1406 Far. D. 30. The Smith Premier Typewriter Company l receiving old friends and nw In its Dew homein the New Kennedy Buildius. 19th and Douglas Street. ' Omaha's Newest Commercial District. f Smith Premier. Typewriter Co. M. 3. Plowman, Mgr. Saratoga Drug Co., 24th and Ames Ave., accurate compounders of prescription. Free delivery. Store open 6:20 a, m. to U p. m. fx WEDDING Ryan Jewelry Co., INGS Fifteenth and Douglas. THE Bon Ton restaurant, 2C3 South 13th fit., open Dec. 17. Management of Loo Wing and Charlea Leo. Chinese and Amer ican dishes, chop suey. Creditors of former proprietors. Call Deo. 24. OMAHA AEROPLANE AGENCY. 1102 Farnam. Dlstbrs. Matthewaon-Marrs Aeroplanes. Call or write for specifications. MELCIIER SCHMIDT DRUG CO., Anonunce the Opening of Tliwir NEW COMPLETE 17th and v PIIAEMACY Farnam Opp. N. Y..lfe Bldg., About February 10. The same attention to detaila In the se lection of our stock a-nd the filling of prescriptions that has made our . present stores a suuceaa will be the rule in OUR NEW UP-TOWN STORh). YHTT or Tne Western Hit, Schmoller JJ, Ot , 4. Mueller Sheet Music Dept. p AMY )M Baldwin Co., wholesale player pianos, prgans, 106 McCague B. MONEY I TO LOAN LOW "lit. in sums to in, aiu nee Bids UNION LOAN COMPANY. "V T Andover. Kit and lll A I Lump. Tel. W. 8105 $6.50 or H-54i R. H, MOREHOUSE CO Douglas Printing Co. Tel. Douglas g44. NEW HAMILTON CAFE I4TH AND FARNAM. HAMILTON APT8 PROMPT AND COURTEOUS ATTEI?: T1UN. TABLE D'HOTE. LA CARTE. MANDOLIN and guitar music furnished for receptions, parties or programa Numbers, two or three pieces. Tel Ben- FRITZ E. SAND WALL JJpwrcra..& Formerly Bo. Omaha, now 601 Paxton Blk. FlfM'triP0"1"' 'eotrlc works repairs ele-A-.u;miivturil n. nth, d. iti. A-144S. GOOD MERCHANTS LUNCH. r r2 A. JETES. 1302 Douglas St. J tlS. DAVID CO LK C rea me ry Co. OMAHA Safe and Iron Works makes specialty of fire escapes, shutters, doora and safes.. Q. Andreen, Prop., 102 S. loth LOUIE A11K0 1A1.Dr.1".BL1: m" ... aha a best steak and chop place. American, and Chinese styles. P. W. DUDGEON. Plumbing and heating. Boiler Repairing Boiler Co., Uth and Pierce. Douglas 1141. ILER GRAND HOTEL TAriio?: Turkish Baths Poment Blocks . B,,t Quality. s HINDOO TABLETS will build, brace T LI 7 Stiff) anrase, eIaaaM sVMUU KiJ ELEVATORS REPAIRED Freight. Paa- nger J. It. Kennedy, 104 S. 13th. Doug 2f7. U. S. Cleaning Co., hirt 'phouea. Tr the Morris Cafe, 13l Dodge ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued J PHOTO ENGRAVING Acid BlaKt Etching. Prompt Work. W. R. BRAMUL.ETT A CO.. 1311 Howard. D. tWL ROBT. J. HAMILTON. FLUMRINO. RTKAM ar.d G8 FITTINO. 2231 Iaven worth ft Phonea D. 4fL Ind. A-4Jfi6. CTAT?T.Kya and gen. repairing; new . mvu location, 1709 Leavenworth ANCHOR FFNCB CO. Iron and w)re fence cheaper than wood. Laa a, Lifetime. M7 N. 17th. 'Phone Red 814. MonumeoU, J. F. Bloom Co.. Ifl8 Far. CD AT. H. Green Trading Stampa VV7iJJ wth hRrd n(, ,oft co, pe pie' a Coal Co. Ijouk. D471: Ind. A-1468. Office statto'nery,1 Koiera & Co., 106 Saekeon. 'Phone D. 1W0. Missouri Flltere made, aold. 1310 Howard. LEW.W.RABER-- Over 20 Years in N. Y. L. Bldg. AFTER FKBRUARY 1. 1910. BEE BTITr.DTKO Entrance on Court ljU UUlJjLliNU phoI,e Doug. 1018. II. A. STEINFIELD Piano Repair Factory. 308 South 18th SL Let nib figure on your repaira and re flnlflhlng and tuning. 1 will guarantee all work Best of references furnlnhed. 'Phonea, Doug. TiiS; Ind., A-!15; South 2088. SAFETY RAZOR BLADES made eharper than new; 21 cta. each; all makea. SMITH NOVELTY CO., R. 9. Union Blk., 16th and Farnam Sts. ARKIN'8 KOSHER RESTAURANT, 310 8. liKh St., (Upstairs). THE best bakery lunch. Leavenworth St. bakery. 2707 Loavenworth. Tel. H. 6096. AUTOMOBILES See Drummond l' ur your AUTO 'lOl- or TUP KKPA1RS. For AUTO WHEELS or 'WHKEL RE PAIRS. For spring or axle repairs. For the lowest priced good paintings. For body woodwork or trimming. For Diamond Tires, Tubes and Casings, lath and Harnev a.in. USED AUTOMOBILE BARGAINS Li9 4-cyl., so n- p Maxwell Touring Car. with top and glass front. Price $1,160. vJHOO 4-cyl.. to h. p. Maxwell Touring Car, with top, used 4 months. Price $1,100. ia08 2-cyl 20 h. p. Maxwell Touring Car, fully equipped. Price $660. lwa -cyl., n. p. inuicK, in fine condi tion and newly painted. Cost $1,960. Price $$G0. 1 C. F. LOUK, 1108 Farnam St. AUTO STORAGE, Painting and Repairing. WM. PFE1FER CARRIAGE WORKS, 25th Ave and loavenworth. LN TIILiNATfONAL " Delivery Wagons. I.-II.-C. ROADSTERS High-Wheeled Autos. Interoatioual Harvester Cf. Omaha. SEND for our list of second-hand cars, DERIGHT At;rOMOBlI.E CO.. 1814 Farnam St. DON'T have a puncture, we treat your tires and guarantee thera for one year. Ne braska Puncture Proof Co., 70S IT. Uth. WRITE for list of secondhand automo bile bargains. H. E. FREDiUCKSON. AtJTO CO., Omaha CALL us foo demonstralon of Cole Midwext Auto Co., 19th and Farnam. 'SO.' Auto I aintmc Mrphy Did It." Get ,".,,T fcur P'lcea. Andrew MURPHY & SON. 1412 Jackaon. FOR SALE Baker Electrio Coupe, com pletely overhauled, entirely new battery, repainted car in first-class condition; ma chine one year old and coat originally $2,260. Will sell for $l,500.'car on exhlbi tion at Electrio Oarage Co.. 2218 Farnam St. A FEW good second-hand car for sale cheap; first-class condition. SWEET-EDWARDS AUTO CO., 2052-2064 Farnam St. " MIDWAY AUTO GARAGE. ' Steam heat apace for storage; repairing done promptly anywhere, day or night lire vulcanising, oils and supplies. ia29 uiuauway, v;ouncir tiiuna, ind. 671, Black 800. BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET In or out of business call on GANGES!' AD, 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. $367. , ROOMING house for sale. 1812 Chicago St. MEAT MARKET, FOR RENT OR FOR SALE. Address Y 132, care Bee. FOR SALE Drug Mtore; can show $200 to $300 net profit per month; stock and fix tures 16 months old; new town; good coun try; bank reference. Write today. G. Vin cent Allen, Wasta, S. D. FOR SALE. General mercantile, grain, seed and prod uce business In city of 3,000, surrounded by best dairying altttrlct in Wisconsin; doing big feed, seed and produce business; merchandise sales alone over $120,0u0; stock turned four times; business controls farmer trade; excellent opportunity tor ex pansion; volume of trade increasing v every year; party will sell entire buainess or mercantile part. Inquiries must be accom panied by linanclal references. Address Y 136, care Bee. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. Best general merchanaise stock tn ' oity; all new, clean, up-to-date merchandise and doing the biggest business tn ladles' and men's ready-to-wear garments; tor sale or win consiuer gooa improved farm as part pay price rignt; rare chance for someone to stop into motley making business; act quickly;, reason ill health. The Fair Cash Store, II.' J. L&ngnoop, Hartmgton, Neb. FOR SALE A $42,000 stock, consisting of groceries, ury goods, clothing, boots ana shoes, gents furnishing goods, furniture and everything that goes with a general store. Will veil fur cash or on time with proper security. Trade runs from $13,000 to 1S,000 per year. For further informa tion, write to D. Miller A Son, Wheatland, Wyo. HERE 19 JTOUR CHANCE. 11-rooiu roomiug bouue, modern, well fur nisued, locution HM and Douglas. Price, IHuO. AdUbeas si sal. Bee. AdUbpu FOR FOR SALE A blacksmith shoo with nil tools. Inquire of W. Borther, Lanharu, Neb, HAVING aold my livery business I want to sell my blacksmith shop and one com plete set of blacksmith tools. Cheap rent and work for two' men the year around; also some good drivJUig horses; one good 10 loom house aud barn In Norfolk, Neb.; two houses and tour lots in Council Bluffs and four lots in Jimaha for sale, or will trade fur land. H. NOONE, 4010 Hamilton. Harney S765. $U, Beev TWO good grocery .and meat markets in best location in Omaha; does $2,ouo par mo. business. For sale cheap. R. M. Shlaea, m Bee Bldg. FOR SALE TeN-phone plant, nearly lew; good town; best farming district in central west; good prospects for future business; price.4tf.MJ0; $l.SO0 down, balance any length time. Address A. M. Benedict, owner. Richards, Mo. ' ' OPPORTUNITY to make big money on rniall investment; bona fide proposition. Noble at shafer, room 15 Crounae block. UUMMia. QOOD paying harness nuslneea In a town of 700 population; only shop tn town; In one of the richest farming communities In the state; Invoice aboat $l.eoo; other business reason for sealing. Address Box w, Aaieti, ieo." FOR SALE An established dental office in inriving town In central Nebraska; ex traordinary large territory. Including nine email towns; raslY-price, $1,000; good reason lor veiling; annp lor a hustler, Addre Y 141, rare Bea. SMALL Krocer V and confectlonerv stook. test liH'atioit in north Dart, store and mod ern living rooms; can ba leased; beet of rasnna for selling. Call at SHI Board of Trade for particulars. 'Phone Doug. 2310. BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) DOCTOR Do you want a fine location In Nebraska where you can make $3,M00 an nually T I have it- Addreaa Y 14J, care Bee. LETTERS DUPLICATED In any Quan tity. 872 Brandels Bldg. Doug. l.;,0; A 2U1L xiv I't'Vr'ir m-A f I ...... . X.t , r L1AMS, 411 McCague building. ONLY rentaurant In town of 700. $300 required. Joseph Mikkelson, Farwell, Neb. ROOMING HOUSE for sale. 'Phone Doug. 704ix AN awtnhltahed rnrnnratlnn ,v. n.v. fna 10 MT Iftnt HtvlHxtwla fr.i ttm ,tLhnlA.M pffera permanent position at good wages til tiartv K hn f n Invodt t ') ; . U i .. .. I. capable of demonstrating and selling auto nomies ana auiomooiie truexs. Aauress b CIGAR store for sale, located In' promi nent office building. Rra.mn, ill-health. Price fA cash. Address O &t. Bee. FOR SALE One of the oldest and best paying druc stores In Omaha. Good run- son fur selling. Address N-fri2, Bee. CHIROPODISTS DR. ROY, l0u Farnam St. Douglas 6497. DANCING MORAND'S Uth and Harney; lessons Mon., Frl., 8 p. rr..; private daily. D. 1041. DENTISTS BAILEY fc MACK. 3d fioor. Paxton. D.lOSfi TAFT'S Dental Rooms, 1117 Douglas fit DETECTIVES OMAHA Det. Agency. 42S Paxton. D. 131S. DRESSMAKERS THE PARIS, ladles' taitors and furriers. first-class fancy and plain work, fittings guaranteed; material lurnisnea by us or patron. 1813 Douglas St. Phone Red U6S. t "LTJ'Y" Ladles' Tailor, 2922 Leavenworth U. T UA h. ftfiS. Special price until Feb. ir on latest style tailor suits and dresses. We have all the latest fashions and fabrics in stock. Out of town trade solicited. COLTON BROS. 286 Farnam SL (Upstairs). H. 663. announce as a feature for-January at their up-to-date parlors they will specialize in work made from their patrons' own ma terial. If you have taken advantage of the clearing sales, let us do your work. lT"rT,T3TlT'T? Ladves Dressmaking Col rVdilOJ.Jii.tt ,eB, jog Karbaoh Bldr MISS A. HOLLAND, . Importer Suite 205. Paxton Blk. Tel. Douglas 8049 Announces that during the' month , of January she offers her exclusive line of material and high class workmanship at greatly reduced prices. OMAHA'S "EXCLUSIVE LADIES' TAILOR." , TERRY College. 20th and Farnam Sts. MISS STURDY. 2702 Farnam. Tel. H. 4676. M. SELICOW, 2902 Farnam. Harney 2017. McDowell dressmaking school. 1623 Farnam. , r EDUCATIONAL THE MID-WINTER TERM OF BOYLES COLLEGE - Is now ' open In both the day and nlrht sessions. The late catalogue, giving full particulars In regard to the various courses Is ready. Business training, bookkeeping, shorthand, telegraphy, civil service. Call, 'phone or write for it at once. Boyles College, Omaha, Neb. . t j , i MOSHER-LAMPMAN BUSINESS COLLEGE. Unexcelled comae In business, short hand, penmanship and English. None but experienced teachers. Day and evening sessions. Most Interesting catalogue pub lished in umani. sena for one today. MOSHER & LAMPMAN, . Seventeenth and Farnam StreetaY ST. ANDREW'S SCHOOL FOR BOYS 418T AND CHARLES, raev. F. D. Tyner, 3848 Charles. H-2383. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN AnOEill IV. alio A ivvj.. vviiijicaiuii wucn makes clear, white skin. By mall SOo and 11 00. Sherman & MaConnell Drue Co. Omaha. PATORIUMnJNE3..T8,I- "Good cleaners and dyers." THE N. Y. DEPT. STORE (P. Wiig & Son). 1810 Vinton. "Sella Everything." May Manton patterns, 10c. CHINA decorating; order work a special ty. Lessons Tuesday, Thursday and Satur days. Firing daily. Children's classes Sat urday morning. Mrs. C. C. Hungate, KM Brandels Bldg. Tel. Red 648C CLEARING sale trimmed hats; now $1 at PENNELL'S, 1511 Douglas, over Jewel theater. ( CHI0D0 will make you a special price oil tailor-made suits and towns of all descriptions during the month of January. Parlors, 214-214 S. 18th St. . . FLORISTS J. F. WILCOX CO. Bluffs, la.; largest greenhouses In west; beautiful flowers fur any occasion shipped anywhere In U. S. BENNETT'S Flower Dpt. H. store en tr'ce. HESS SWOBODA. 141$ Farnam St. J. H. BATH. 1628 liarney, Douglas 3000. L. Henderson, 1G19 Farnam St. Doug. 1258. BRANDE1S CUT FLOWERS DEPT. A. DONOGHUE. 1007 Far. D. 1001; A-100L FURNACES AND REPAIRS WATER fronts, furnaces, repairs, grates for steam, hot water heaters, thermostats and tank heaters. OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS. Both 'Phones. . Douglas St WANTED Good girl tor general house work. 401 S. Saib. Sl - COMPETENT Jri for general house work; smalt family; good wages. Call 1912 Coiby St. WANTED Girl for general housework; three In family; references required; wages $6. 420 Dodge St. Phone Harney 1748. A SECOND girl wanted; no washing. 610 8. 22d St.. between St, Mary's Ave. and Howard SL Phone Douglas 4430. T" HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical aaa Office. STENOGRAPHER, $. , Stenographer, Implement exp., $40. StenoKrapher and bookkeeper, exp, la bank, $5. Bookkeeper, good future, $.i0-$tf). CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., t;&-77 Brandels Bldg. WANTED Stenographer and bookkeeper; Jrefer one with grain experience; $&. Look uto this AT ONCE. 1 CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 475-77 Brandels Bldg. Paetery aa Traelca. A GIRL te learn hair dressing. Oppen- helm Hair Dressing Parlors. Hi MuCagu Ulk. Doug. 2Hi, A l&Je. Most people who want to sell horses use Bee Want Ads. Read the Live Stock ads if a bargain would Interest you. HELP WANTED FEMAL!E (Continued.) Hoaaekeepera tat Dasaaatlea. WANTED A good dressmaker by the day for family sewing. $212 N St., South Omaha. Phone South 12H5. WANTED Competent white lady cook, with referenoee; steady place for right party. Brenker Bros. Cafe, Beatrice, Neb. GOOD girl for general housework. $8U Burt St Tel. Harney W9. WANTED Competent girl for general houeework. 1024 Park Ave. GIRL to work evenings for room and board. 2327 Davenport St. WANTED A neat housekeeper. Apply after 6 p. m. 4217 Harney St. Tel. Harney 4770V GIRL to help with. second work, about 16 years old. 2408 St. Mary's Ave. WANTED Housekeeper for a small family. Apply 26M Spalding St. - WANTED Colored girl to help with gen eral housework. Mis. Q. F, Oarcels, 617 S. 18th St. GIRL wanted to do plain cooking. Apply 1908 Farnam St. GIRL to assist with housework. 2590 Mandcrson St. WA NTED White washerwoman, at 2033 N. 19th St. at once. Call GOOD giri for general housework. 1316 Park Ava. WANTED A cook. 120 8. 23d St . ompciflllK girl ur unnerai housework; small family; good wages. 205 S. S7th St Tel. Harney 2035. Tl' . Xrrr t" K . . . i . STRICTLY first-class girl for general housework. Mrs. H. B. Graham, 115 S. Mth St. WAITED Thoroughly competent girl for general housework. 1801 Binney St Tel. Webster 894. DESK room nr nart rif itAM A AArfmm P 837. Eee. ' GIRL for general housework; one who can go home night. Call 1626 Wirt St , GIRL for general housework; nice home; pleasant rooms. 1306 Bo. 85th Ave. Tel. Harney 2230. WANTED Good girl for general houstf work at oncef . Apply 2420 Cass St. WANTED Girl for general housework. Mrs. Cella Hantlng, 62 Military Ave. Tel. Benson ICS.- - day mornings. Inquire 621 So. 21st Ave. A mrin ' ... - 1. . cooking; good wages. 417 No. 25th St. WANTED Girl to assist with housework; three In family; light work; no laundry work. Mrs. R. E. Marble. 3301 Sherman Ave. : GOOD girl to help In general housework. Call at 602 No. 18th St., South Omaha. GOOD wages and good home for a good cook, no washing or Ironing or outside work. 606 So. 26th St. COMPETENT 1rl fne mnaral hnniaunrli 129 No. 38th Ave. .... - sllacertuaeoas. T.F1PM tr itnnniraciwni, v.. - - . . u...w,tiuuuiii v. v Jiaj D . i can earn16 to weekly. Full course muijiii. j.-u oranaeis Halrdressing Dept. WANTED An- experienced woman as head of our 'mall order dept. Only those of experltnoe in mall order business need apply.- ft."', r.- Redmond, Supt Brstideis StoreeV ,lj . HELP WANTEDMALE Agents, Solicitors and halesmea. WANTED A solicitor with horse andj buggy to drive through the country and aoucii auDwcripuoiia. v-ai, ana see circu latlon manoser. The Bee Publlsnlng Co. SALESMEN ' on commission to sell our paints and roofings (established ISM) high class staple Una; sales run high; commis sions exceptionally liberal; good salesmen earn $J00 to $300 monthly; experience de sirable, but unnecessary; pocket samples. Thomas Mfg. Co., Dept. 61, St Louis, Mo. WANTED Agents to sell Potter and 8ullv county, Houth Dakota land. Write Brower & Holllngsworth, Gettysburg, S. D. MANAGER In north part of city. Knowl ledge of the business not necessary, but must know city well. Character and abil ity must stand strictest investigation. Slate age, last employer, and three re sponsible references. Address M. 871, Bee. 'Auu.i , w o T. 1 1 unci 1 , good profits: write today. Bartlett Supply Co., 411 Brown Blk., Omaha, Neb. THI8 MAY BE YOUR OPPORTUNITY. Wanted, Intelligent, energetlo sales men, willing to work; splendid opportunity; salary and commission. Answering, give reterenoes. Address Box 1700, Denver, Colo. WANTED Newspaper solicitors. Call or write TwHntleth Century Farmer, 603 Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. HIGH class men who can sell gilt-edge stock. Good money for right people. Call Saturday.' Union Bik. Room 8, Kth and Farnam Sts. EITHER SEX Best selling article in years. "Just think" sells- everywhere where coal Is used; $25 to tM weekly; suc cess assured; sample 10c; Investigate today. Daasch Manufacturing Co., Davenport, la. MAKE over $6 a day. New things that sell on sight. Koaaon just commencing. Free samples. Repeat orders. The Grand Novelty Co., Hill City, Kan. THREE high-grade specialty salesmen for Iowa and Nebraska; those with adver tising or, premium experience given prefer ence. See .Van Arsdale, Millard hotel. WANTED Salesman to ksslst photogra pher showing proofs; road s work; experi enced proof shower, preferred. Address 8 874. Bee. Clerical aad Office. TRAVELING salesman, local concern, $100. Collector, $30. i Bank clerk, Danish 'speaking preferred, W. Bank clerk, Bniall town, $40-$50. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASS N., INC., . 721-22 N. Y. Life Bldg. OFFICE MANAGER, investment re quired, $1,500. STENOGRAPHER, Smith Premier. $i. LUMBER SALESMAN, $1,200- 1,50ft EXPERIENCED DRAUGHTSMAN. $8i COAL SALESMAN, $1,200. LEATHER OOOl '8 salesman. S5. STENOGRAPHER, $0. BOOKKEEPER. $tlo-$?0. FIDLN'G CLERK, young man, $30-$:t5. We have many others. Call or write. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 6.&-T7 Brandels Bldg. WANTED Stenographer and bookkeeper; firefnr one with a; rath experience; $75. Look nto this AT ONCE. , CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 676-77 Brandels Bldg. Boys. . BOYS AND GIRLS, after school. Call 4:80 p. m., room 16, Patterson block. , Factory aad Trades. Drug stores (siapa). Jobs. Knlest Bee Bldg. WANTED First class aaddlemakers and' horse collar stitcher Loa Angelea Sad dlery and Finding Company, Los Angeles, Cal. WANTED at ones a practical electrical engineer, going , to Install a complete electrio IlKittiiig. power and pumping station. Good reference" will be required. Address. City Mayor. Tyndsl, BU i 1 1 1 lasWSai i. sSaTllaliiiswiaisiJsaMaaaalBeias or vehicles and Vehicle HELP WANTED MALE (Continued.) xf Isoellaaaaaa. ASK ma how you can start a profitable mall order business at horns evenings. Heacock, 739, Lockport N. Y. WANTED An experienced man as head of our mail Old or department. Only those of experience In mall order business need apply. T. P. Redmond, Supt., Brandels stores. 'ALL Thin, Safety Rasor Blades sharp ened, otc dosrn. Only successful sharpen ing service in existence. We guarantee Hallsaction. Victor Safety Rasor Co., 630 Paxton Block, Omaha, Neb. DO you want profitable employment? We have - splendid orrers. ivui uaiuornia si. YOUNG lady of refinement wishes to get acquainted with refined gentleman with means; object, matrimony. Aaareaa Bee. . YARD FOREMAN Man with exparienca In coal and building materials. Apply with reference!, Sunderland Bros Company, 24th and Taylor. LIVE STOCK FOR SAXE Horses and VcMcl. HALL & MORRIS, yt"a specialty. -Hospital 2858 Fmrnarn. Both phns. FOR SALE Horse, harness and wagon. Cole's barn, 2104 Cuming St WAGONS for sate. E. Smith. 1314 N. 24th. HORSES for aale. 14 North 21st' MILLER A WINDER buy and Sell all kinds of horses. 1415 Capitol Ave. D. 1H1CK. LOST AND FOUND SOLID gold stick pin, set with pearls, between Bennett's and Karnam and 24th Sts. Tel. Red 6736. Reward. , LOST Gold spectacles with Kryptok lenses In Columbian Opt Co. case. Return Columbian Opt. Co., 211 8. 16th. Reward. LOST Beaver muff In Brandels base ment; finder please, turn In at main desk; receive reward. LOST Leather-covered loose-leaf price book; of no value lo anyone except owner. Small reward for return of same to the Western Auto Supply Co., ISM Farnam St. A HORSE, 6 year old, bay, .weight 1,150 or 1,200, left, hind foot white to ankle, hind legs slightly crocked, slight mane; kindly return to 4Z2 S. 14th and receive reward. MOVING AND STORING EXP. Delivery Co., office 16th and Dav enport Sts.; warehouse, 2207-O) Isard St lst-class STORAGE A MOVING. COLE'S EXPRESS. 1616 Cacltol Avs. D. 67a A-SM7. ;MEDjCALL FREE medical and surgical treatment at Creighton Medical college, Uth and Dav enport Sts.; special attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised by college professors. 'Phone Douglas 1167. Calls answered day or night. BEST nerve brace for man. Gray's Nerve Food Pills, $1 a box, postpaid. Sherman 4k McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. WHEN answering these advertisements, kindly mention The Bee. PILES FISTULA PAY WHEN CURED. All RECTAL -DISEASES cured without a surgical operation, andCJUARANTEED to last a LIFETIME. Frov chloroform, ether or other general anaeethetio used. EXAMINATION FREE. - - . WRITE FOR FREE BOOK. v DR. E. R. TARRY, 224 BEE BLDG. OMAHA, NEB. MONEY TO LOAN , SALARY CHATTELS, f $$$$$$$ W W lit $$$$$$$$$$$$ I : NEED MONEY? j t COME 'lO OUR Oit'FxCE and get I I all the money you need on your furnl- I l ture, piano ot salary, at the following I I low ratea: 1 I 6Co a week pays $10 loan . I 75c a week pays $16 loan i lk)c a week pays $4 loan 1 I $1.00 a week pays $30 loan j l $1.50 a week pays $U) loan I I $2.10 a week pays $15 loan I $2.65 a week pays $100 loan. I i You can pay monthly if you wish. I I These payments include Interest and I i principal; no other charges. If you j I have ever borrowed money before I I yoiT-wlll realize how much easier our I l terms. are than those given by other ! i companies. It will pay you to see us ! I before gettlitg money elsewhere. No j I red tape. Everything strictly confl- i i dentiai. open till o: p. in. : OMAHA FINANCIAL CO. ! 601 Brown Block, Opposite Brandels. I 16th St. Entrance. I 'Phones: Douglas 2036; A-2036. !$$$$ $$)$$$$$$$$$$ $$$ DIAMOND LOANS AT 5 . Why pay 15 and 20 per cent a month on Diamond Loans when our prices are: $20.00 only .'..-...$1.00 V.OO only $2.50 $100T-only $5.00 LARGER LOANS EVEN LESS. I31VUUIVTJ X C3 14ul DOUGLAS ST. MONEY TO LOAN ON ANY SECURITY The holidays are over, and If you find yourself In NEED OF READYsCASH it will pay you to INVESTIGATE OUR TERMS. BUSINESS STRICTLY CON FIDENTIAL NEBRASKA LOAN CO. 7 and SCrounse lilk., Opp. Post off ice corner. f loin anu i-apiioi. 'Phones Douglas 1356, A -1366. Salary and Furniture Loans at positively the LOWEST RATES, quicker service and MOST CONFIDENTIAL DEAL of any in the city. Patronize the BIGGEST AND BEST. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., Third Floor, 307-308 Paxton Block, Douglas 1411 and A 1411. . DO YOU WANT to start the NEW YEAR RIGHTT Do you want to pay up your landlord, grooer, doctor or atiyone you owe and have only on place to pay each ruoo.h. You'll be sur prised how easy It Is. Call and see us now. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co. 119 Board of Trade. 308 So. 16th. St. Telephone Doug. 2295. Call us up. - ARE YOU WORRIED , and bothered by collectors calling for bills you put off paying last month ln order to .have a pleasant Christmas? If so come to ue, we will loan you on your plain bote any amount at rates like these; $10 for 2oc weekly. $20 for 40c weekly. THE J. A. HUTTON CO.. 614-15 Paxton Block. DIAMOND LOANS AT 5 Why pay 16 and 20 per cent a month on Dlumond Loans wnen our prices are zuvo oniy . . ;9.00 only , $100 only II 00 12.50 $5.00 LARGER LOANS EVEN LESS W. C. FLATAU, 1614 gtW- , MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE, WOMEN KEEPING HOUSE AND OTH ERS, without security; easy payments. Office ln 66 principal cities. Totman, room $13 New Tork Life Bldg. YOU CAN BORROW $10. Or more on your own note; private party; no red tape. He Independent of friends Get what you need now. 420 Paxton Block. SALARY and chattel loans, lowest rates, confidential; open Saturday evening. Both phouea bTAit LOAN CO., (44 Paxton Blk. OFFERED FOR RENT Dearala aa Raasas, LTHB DOUOLASvNIcely furnished, mod. ruwpit reaaoiiaoie. snii L'ougiaa Et. D. KibX DEWEY European Hotel, Uth and Far nam. THE UTOPIA gives best board and warm rooms reasonable. Uth 4k Davenport. THE IDEAL Modern rooms, well heated and board very reasonable; ( minutes' walk from oanter. 1717 Chicago St THE PRATT Excellent home cooking. Meals, Jba. Warm rooms. 21$ B. 25th St. THE FARNAM CAFE. Good home ranking. Meals 26c New management. European. 19th and Farnam. Doug. 8240. Joseph Hammer, Prop. . FURNISHED, steam heated room, with board, suitable for two or three. 12$ d. 25th Ave. TABLE board at the Templar by day or week. 1818 Capitol Ave. WARM, rooms, $3 per week; free bath. yuen iiotei. council Bluffs. riiKNlSHKD ROOM, with board; two nicely furnished rooms, ensuile or srparftte; modern home; home cooking" 'Phone Har ney 46. WILL HAVE LA ROB front parlor va cant about January 30; hot water heat, piano in room. 642 So. 19th St FRONT ROOM, strictly modern, first class board. 617 So. 19th St Farnlaaeil noonas. THE BELMONT, 1618 DODGE v ST. MODERN STEAM HEATKD ROOMS. EVERYTHING NEW RATES FROM $2.50 TO $6 00 PER WEEK VERY nicely furnished large front room, suitable for two or three. 201 South 2ith Ave. ONE nice furnished room, almjla, mod ern; private family. . 1818 Chicago. FURNISHED rooms for gentlemen. 110 8. 13th SI..N The Chatham. TWO nicely furnished front rooms, com plete for housekeeping, $16 per month. Davenport. LARTJE, SOUTH front parlor, for two, $3.50 per week. 'Phone Doug. 4663. 2310 Douglas. FORvRENT Nicely furnished front room, modern, on Park Ava. near Leavenworth, to desirable party; convenient car service; private family. Phone Harney 715. ROOMS for two. 1617 Cass St. NEW MODERN HOME, hot water heat, private family, for those who can appreci ate refined surroundings; no sign. 603 8. 22d St. 'Phone Douglas 6133. MODERN ROOMS, 2007 St. Mary's Ave. Hotpl Howard J- Martig, Prop., 10th iiuiei xiowaraan1 Howa.rd St,.( n(,w building, new furniture, any rooms clean, sweat and fresh. Reasonable ratea. 2018 St Mary's, nlc front room for gen tlemen. j NEAT room, modern home, "2129 Wirt St. SMALL Bleeping room, 2421 Dodge. IUUII1 lor BcMlcllCfl, U1DUOI II, private. 808 N. 19th. CTVlf VP .. . An.1MAH . AFTER February 1, elegant front room, with large alcove. In modern home. 4911 Chicago. Tel. Harney 6147. NICJELY furnished and heated rooms, close ln; terms reasonable. 823 South .'0th street. ELEGANT large room, private; good heat, modern, $9. 2003 Burt. SINGLE room for gentleman, $7. 8001 Mason. H. 2793. 2220 Emmet, two rooms modern. 'Phone Webster 4170. ' FRONT room, fine furniture, steam heat, private bath. 320 N. 20th. Apartaaeata and . flats. 6 ROOMS. 2d floor. 2606 Rees St.. bath and toilet, $18. Chris Boyer,,22d and Cum ing Sis- . ' 4-ROOM apartment strictly modern. 220. Harney 8886. . CENTRAL APARTMENTS. Six rooms, outside corner. hirh rrade. hkrdwood, full modern, gas range, steam heat, hot water all year, walking distance; summer, $28; winter,' $7 more. References required. BEMIS, 480 Brandels Bldg. BEAUTIFUL apartment at 33d and Far nam: will ba vacant soon. Call William K Potter. Harney 2215. Heasekeeplaa- Rooms. A 8TJITK) of three elesant new rooms modern. 820 North 20th. THniTK!.nnriM Innllhail anrrtnnnt fnr rent 2602 Chicago. Douglas 6782. TWO nicely furnished rooms, "trlctly modern. 833 8. 21st' 'Phone Douglas 76.'t0. s HOUSEKEEPING rooms, two ensuite: $2.60 and $3 per week. 2218 Leavenworth St. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, mod ern except heat, reasonable. 2906 Leaven worth. FOUR-ROOM apartment, complete for housekeeping; 30 month. 2018 Davenport. k 2671 ST. MARY'S Two south front room or housekeeping. ' PERFECTLY' olean. light housekeeping and sleeping rooms. 1411 Jones St. TWO modern basement rooms, furnlched, no children. 604 N. 21st. Douglas 3966. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; mod ern. 611 N. 18th St. LARGE, clean housekeeping rooms. SO) N. 22d. PLEASANT furnished rooms for house keeping, modern. 2018 Howard. SLEEPING and housekeeping rooms. 703 8. 17th., KITCHEN and bedroom In basement, $2.50 per week. 1619 Dodaro. NICELY furnished front room and kitchen 422 N. 17th. Steady gains in paid Want . Ads day . . in and day out indicate strength. The Bee's gains are greater than any other Omaha publi cation. It is now, and always has been, Nebraska's strongest newspaper. .- Call The Bee if you can't come down town. f WantAd Phone 238. OFFERED FOR RENT , lloaaekeeplas; Haii Catlaa4U , THREE furnished -rooma for light rir)tie keeping, with heat. Ind. H A. Jwtt Pratt. WARM. modern. light housekeeping rooms. Z019 St. Mary's Ave. ONE houseket-ulnc room, modern. 60S N. TWO rooms, second floor. 522 N. tWh. EXTRA latge furnished basement room, with small kitchen; no objection to chil dren. JMt N. 25th, St. FOUR elegantly furnished front rooms, main floor, for housekeeping, $018 Daven port St. 3 NICELY furnished, well located house keeping rooms; electric light cooking aa. phone In house, private family. 503 So. tu Infe rd Hoons I-ROOM, bath room, store room, outside porch, all modern, except heat, 1617 No. lath. : TWO large rooms and alcove, east front; lights and water furnished; private family; references renulred. Price $12.50. Inquire 120 N. 2fith St. i II o usee aad CottaaJ". OMAHA Van A Stores Co.. paok. move, store, h its goods; storehouse, 1120-84 N, Uth; office 300 S. 17th St Tel. Douglas 'ii3. 8 rooms, briok house, modern, very low rent. 6 rooms, new, modern, $3F 6 rooms new, modern, $22.(0. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO. 624 New York Life Bldg. Red 1099. 6-ROOM modern, except furnace. 261$ Pnppleton. Inquire 1301 S. 25th Av. J. U. Althause. 8-ROOM house,, t nice clothes closet", city water, a barraln, $t per month. 72$ Bancroft, inquire next door. HOUSES, lnstt-unes. Rlngwalt Barker Blk a B-R. cottage, 3018 Ohio, $20; mod. exoept heat Carlberg, U N. I. Life. 7 ROOMS, modern housa, 1608 Spruce Br. H. I. Plumb. 110 8. 18th SL HOUSES, flats. Garvin Bros., Ls N. Y. Ln FOR RENT (-room brick housa, all mod ern, 2009 Willis Ave., $26. 4-room apartment, city water, toilet, 15 No. 18th, $12.60. A 8-room, all modern, combination fixtures, , will be vacant soon, corner house, oast t front, $40. J C. M. BACH MANN, 488-87 Puxton Blk. Tel. Red 2638, Res. Tel. D. S06& HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwarded) cheap freight rates; moving and storing. Expressmen's Delivery' Co. Tel. Doug. 194, i MAGGARD Van A Storage Co. D. JH. Pack, store and ship household goods. HOUSES Poters Trust Co.. N.T.Llfe Bldg.' I1UUOH.O crelgh Sons A Co.. Bee Bldg. f N. 20TH St., 8-room, fUU modern house, ln nice order: new furnace; new decora tions. T. J. Hook, Office, 1101 N. 18th St MODERN, 8-room house, 216 8. 85th Ave, Phone Douglas 4587. NO EQUAL Steam heat, all modern. rooms, hall, bath and basement 120 N. 23d. 8-ROOM, modern house, new plumbing, nice lawn, 719 So. 37tn. Key at 721 So. 87th. Harney 3151 NEW BUNGALOW. Six rooms, all modern, ' hot water heat, one block west of Country club (No. 331), garage, etc.; rent $26; references required; key first door east , . 1 mi REAL RENTAL BARGAINS. 7- r., also barn, 4103 N. 28th Ave., $15. 6-r., city wter, 724 Bancroft, $11 6-r., 2 lots, 4326 Corby, $12. 6-r., 1 blk. ground, 2308 a 8th, $10. 8- r., part mod., 1403 N. 18th, $25. 8-r mod., choice. 608 8. 86th, $27.60. 6-r., city water, 1623 Martha, $11. 6-r., mod., close, 1618 Webster, $23. RUSSELL McKlTRK'K CO.. . 432 Ramge Bldg. 16th and Harney. 6-ROOM cottage, modern exoept heat, $22.50; block south Bamla park, 819 No. 34th. Phone-owner. Webster 771. 8-ROOM house, 2 nice clothes closets, city water, a bargain, $8 per month. 7201ft Bancroft, Inquire next door. ' SIX rooms, modern except heat, 624 Ban croft St., $17.50. Six rooms, modern, 221$, Lake St., $27.50. Nine rooms, modern, new furnace, 2707 Farnam St, $40. Seven rcom.t, modern except heat, 2611 Bristol St., $20. Five rooms, new flat, first floor oak fin ish, all modern, 2102 California St., $35, BUTTON REALTY COMPANY, New location, 1216 Farnam Bt. Phone Douglas 2819. GOOD HOUSES FOR RENT. New 7-room mod. house, 119 S. 42d, $37.60. 8-room mod. house, 1148 8. 29th St., $30. 8-room house, mod. except furnace, 2542 Davenport St., $22.50. Six rooms, 27th and Charles, $17. , Two rooms In Davldge Bldg., $30 JOHN W, ROBBINSl 1802 FARNAM ST. 3-ROOM, modern, 2933 Douglas St., $10. 6- room, city water, 208 8. 30th St., $20. 8-room. modern, 2818 N. 19th Avs.. $20. . 7 8-room, modern, 2401 Dodge St., $26. 8-room, modern, 1517 8. 2iith 8t., $25. " 10-room, modern, 2206 N. 20th tr, $26. 8-room, 2710 Bristol St.. also barn, $28.50. 7- room, modern, 119 8. 42d St., new, $36. 8- room, modern, 647 8. 24th Ava, $35. 10-room, modern, steam heat, 621 Park Ava., $55. . $25 New 6-room apartment 24th and Lake. ' $37.50 each for two new s-room, modern apartments, 528 and 632 8. 29th Avs. - $45 New 7-room modern brick house on Chicago St., close ln. GEORGE & CO., 1601 Farnam. Doug. 75$. Chris Boyer, 22d and Cuming Sis. ' l for houses and flats, from $10 to $40,' and from three to ten rooms. r i 1A JUT r r V 1