THE HEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, JANUARY 21. 1910. j )1 4 4. L. t ft. ft f l I.'ff ai AM) r v & k h k r U Decline it Wheat it Checked on Local Exchang-o. DEARS ASE LESS AGGRESSIVE Kirmrn Ket Willing; tn ('II Their Orsln at Present Price and Are Holding Oa Cora Hold Steady. OMAHA. Jan. 20. 1910. The decline In wheat ai checked for the time being thl 'mornlr.g. Bears' were In clined to be lees aggressive; being fa. Isfled mlth the result of a 7c decline during the last ten day. Farmer are nut Mlllng teller of wheat at there prlcea and are watting for another advance. Corn proved steadier with wheat and trader were Inclined Id fo-lleve prlr had been discounted enough for the present. Wheat waa flrtn In ia:e ot lower cable and idrnt bearlah new. Casti people were favoring the buying at this level and premiums, are atlll otferrd for good milling wheat- and the decline hfta been checked for the time at least. After a steady opening roth toad ay sharp rally and advanced ateadlly under Rood buying, both In option and the cash mar ket. Sentiment la unanlmou that corn value are well worth -then prlcea,- : Primary wheat receipt were 742.000 bu. and shipment were IM.flOO ;bu... against re ceipt last year of 148,000 bu. and sntptnents of 249,008 bu. Primary corn v receipt ' wtre 707.OOO- bu. and lilpmenta were 607,000 bu., against re ceipt lant year of 873,000 bu. and shipment! Of 649.000 bu. Clearance were 180,000 4u. of corn, 2,000 bu. of oats and wheat and flour equal to 268,000 bu. Llvj rpool closed- H& Td l,ower on wheat and unchanged on corn. ' Local ran if e of option:. ,, , ', A rticle.! Open. High. Low. Close. Yes'y. M . If.. Wheat-I .1 I 1 02141 1 03SS.1 . 103 May... July... Corn -May.:. Juiy... Oit -' May... July... bihk M' 66 . 64H 6V, 64 4Ti ' 46 424 41 - I MSI eh! 4m. C414I t4 : - : I Sill.' ITilt 46 '. , ('; . Omaha ,4jmn Price. WHBAT-No. I hard, ft Oftil .06: No,' a hard,: $1 .W Val.04'.; No. 4 hard, -evoteliol; rejected bard. UmMc; No. 2 iprlng, fi.O, l.ui'i; Xq. 1 prlng, 11.00-0 1.04; No. 2 durum. 2i(iti4c: No. i durum, 9lU93a. t CURN-No. I white, 4ii4ro; MO. 1 white, 634(Utt4e:"No. white, 6Z&2Ve;: No. 2 yel low, VigKM; No. I yellow, 61'-i4f6Io; No. 4 yellow, 674tuSc; No. J, 8a&63c; No. t, Uij lc; No. 4, r?ftrJtc; 'n1 grade, 6O'0?c. OATS Hiandsrd, 4747'jot No. t white. 464ie: No. 4 whit. 464fi46T:' No. 3 yel low, 46$.4'c: No. 4 yellow;, 46U46c; No.' nusea, 4B'(f46a, . BA KLEi' ISO. 4. 60HelHo; ,N0. 1 feed, 6M)trt0c. .f- ': , tiiK-No. 2. T4(S7M4c: No. 3, ,73i&74o. . Carlof Kertrn. Wheat.' Corn. Oat -'it 246 75 105 ,... ... Chicago . Minneapolis ......... Omaha ;,, 45 Duluth , 73 t lllt AtlO GRAIN AMD PROVISIONS Feature of the Tradlna; and Closing Prices oti Board of Tr)de. . CHICAOO, Jait 20. Grain advanced, . In prlcea today, wiping out an Initial decline and closing from HfiHo hlifher than Ihe previous clone. Provisions, wjth hs excep tion of January ribs, rulod ounHlatcntiy lower and finished from 10u-3rVjCi lower than the previous final figure. The wheat pit-w the principal-battlefield for speculator. A general bullet that 1 the Increased northwest arrival of late ""have been, ,. principally,, delayed ' train loads and might not continue' contributed to the strength! of the bullish sentiment. The future traveled over a range Of from mio. to 10. May -fell off to 1.0e'4' 1.0 and later advanced to 11.0!), closing Ho higher A noticeable demand from country trader changed weak start 'In-the corn pit u an appreciable advance. After fall ing bff-frrnUl'M flWopeMlwfc-triiUei the future gathered trn(rth and moved over a range of from liaiVic, May ad vancing from Sliifesnc. May clotted -c higher .than yesterday's final quota tions at 68Ho, the other future showing similar advances - ' 'v "M Trade In oai look cheer .from wheat and Toirn and advano3 most of tha day. The Vi-maiid for cash oat Improved and helped the forward' movement, which was checked front time to time by heavy commission selling on the bulges. The range for thu day was from Hftc. May closed Hic higher. ' In provisions the different products ranged from 105B'27Vi0 lower. Th leailinu utuies ranged a follows: Article. Open. Hlh.l Low. Close. Tes'y. Wheat May 1 Ofc'vi t 097J 108 V 1 09 1 00 8Vi .July Sept. Corn May July Kept, Oais - May July ; Sept. Pork . ii Jan. ' T May July LDrd .Inn. May July Rlbv- Jan. ST May July 1 0U4 I on ,9tV ' SWVs- Whom ... .IXPi 67, 67Si 07 "-si 6"i 68 V, e?Vi ,;6NSs7j 8711 67H 7 474flH 43 . 47W 47Uf . -MS, 4Xl 43 41 V4 21 56 -21 90 -21 M 13 46 11 90 12 00 11 82Vi 11 63 V, 11 SO .41 21 67V4 21 S2Vi n 2W 21 27H 21 92h 21 Hit 21 M 1242V4 12 10 u ta U ,70 n'40i n us 21 72V 42: 12 10 U 97V4 12 ."! 12 11 87 11 SO 11 60 U 60 n oo u uo U 60. 1175 12 00 11 W 11 60 11 4lV, No. I ' . ' , Cit quotation were a follows: fljirru ......... . . R0; winter straights -kralghts. t4.80tit6.00; b f HVK No. 2. 7JH40. -i BARLEY Feed pr winter straights, . t5.0O,r'6.6O; sprlitg baker, 13.2rff6.40. v BAnLti-f ffa pr mixing, 6&S8c; fair Ciu uuuii cr IIin.ll.IIIK, OTlt ( JSC. SEEDS Flax. No. 1 s.Kithwetern, 12 08 ., No. 1 northwestern, 13.12.. Timothy. 12 76a ',.&.. Clover-. 114.70. PUOVISIONH-Pork. mess, per lbl fl 60 t21.tS!Vi. "Lard, per 10 lbs.. 112 40,i.t Short rlha'stdua (loose), $11 6O"(il2.00; short clear Hide (boxed), 112.12V, (.11.26. Chicago Cah Prices Wheat: No. red n.W124: No. S red, tU-vffttS, nominal; No 2 lard, 91.101.13; No. 2 hard, 1107&113; No. 1 northern spring, ll.irmi.131; No. 1 norfh ern spring. tl.ll(iH.12Vi; No. 3 spring, 11 0SJ 1 11. Corn: No, 2 cash, 66Vfcc. nominal; No. S cash, Tc: No. 2 white, 6tiVio. nominal; No. 1 white, 6V4o; No. 2 yellow, Ute. romlnal; No. S yellow, WigtSRVio; No. 4 yel low. 64Wc: No. , SV4fl64o. Oats: No. I white. 48ft4o; No. whlla, 4i(ii'48Uo; standard. 4t;o. i BUTTEU-KMyj" creatnerlea, 3T dairies, 2&ij;0e. .... V.GQS re.ce4is, ouaea; at mark, cas,. Included., 24H(?tc; first. S4c; prime first. -Te. " i. ' i1 K k ' ilulI, 17-7JI17V40; twine, l(.,yl7c; yoimg America, l6V(ij Wc; long horns. 1i.ii Ke. . .. . POTATO;b-RisT choice to fancy. '489 60c; fair to good. 46s47c. POri.TKY-Wtenaj- turtey. 17o; chiok en. 144c; spring, lfc. V1T. A T ImiIv- hi . cn t v. -. . . . . K ?l,0M,',' i 86Kto'liellb j weights, 10TllHo. . . 4 Recerpta Today: Whoat. cars; oom 245 car; oat. 76 car. Estimated tomor vkrow: Wheal, 12 car; corn. 1ST. carat . t V- 86 car. ' ' ' ' if Total MMT&nca etr hMt . equal to IvJj.uu t.' Primary receipt were 7410C0 bu.. ompar4 with SiS.CUO bu. the oorreapondlnf ,iTay a year ago. Estimated receipt for tomorrow: Wheat 23 car; oornr 1 oarsr Oats, Hi fcwrs; hon' head. . . - ' m MIaa,eaaolla rala. MarJket. MINNEAPOLIS. Jan .WUEAT-My It 10; Julv. $1 0trtH.0O; cash. No. 1 har1 112iiiul.l2; No. 1 northern. il.llHH.124; No. 2 northerti. 1.4)in.l04; No. I north ern, t1.t7H0rl.tW4." f ' i ..... CORN-No, t yellow, WalViC, , HTtt- No. " 7t')rT7c. - f' lJ.RA.NrI,J,la0-lfc' rk. t2t.0tVJ43.60.- y mt'R-Flrnt Oftleina, In wmwl f. o. h. Mlnneanalla, !S.4ftf,5.0: seond patents. 15.20 Jl ;L:.f.!l,t cl,r' M KH.46; eC3nd dear. 93.103.40. 1 . 1 . Dalatk drain' Varket, 'LITH. Jan t'h's.; July. tl.lOH. M t northrn..l WrWHlCAT My. x i northern, n.1044: Vo. )ATS-c. . V Taleda Head Market. T2i'KI.? 3an M -fEIV-Ch.v-r. " cash, ftutt; February, tvtf; Maroh. te.00: Aurll. $sf; f)ctober, I7.m; prime told), tKflm No. t. tTO; rejected, $1 3r-MM.3It; N. H !., Ii7y Timothy, prime. H .:; March. 22.00. Al.k, prime, 27.W; March, $0t. KKW V OR K ;KK.RAI, MARK KT qiotitlnnt of the liar Varlowa Com modltle. . NKW YORK. Jan. 20 FLOUR-ftU-edY. with demand poor; prlag patent. 16.TO 66 7h; winter pstentB, In 4o.lw; wirier extra. No. 1, $4.fiu'ri4 HO; Knsa stralnht, $4 mv-yfi.1',; winter stralaht. 6.:i,i.4(.i spring rlearfi. H.4(; winter extt. No. 2. 14. V fc4 4fi; receipt. 12.500 bbls. ; shipment, 18,402 bbl. Rye flour, steady; fair to good. 24 . 2&U1 4 40; choice t7 fani y, 4.4iVn.4.oU 'ituck wheal flcur. unlet; hulk per 1 lf.. $2 00, nominal. COltNMEAlv Firm; fine whit and yel low, lbo'i4l.t. ooarae, $l.vif l.ov; kiln dried, $.S6 ItYB Dull; No. 2 western, SOVic nom tral, f. o. b. New Vork.' JlAHLKV Nominal; fedlng, nominal, 0. I. f. New York. WHKAT Spot market firm: No. 2 red, M a, elevator, domestic, and 11.29, f. o. b. n float, nominal; No. 1 northern Duluth, 2l.2.ISt. and No. 2 hard winter, 11.23', f. o. b. afloat, nominal. Opllun wheat waa easWr early under moderate) comtnlaslon house celling on the larKS and weakness In Wall street, but - advano..'d sharply In the afternoon on covering by shorts and on firmer cash market, closing VuVjc net higher. May, 21 WHflM 5-10, closed at 1117; July,) Sl.ONff 1.0 16-lit, closed at S10"V . Receipts 42.4KW bu.; shipments, II, 8.16 bu. , CORN Boot market steady; No. 2, 7T)Ho, elevator, domestic; 74c, delivered, and 72o, f. o. b. afloat, nominal. Option market was without transactions, closing Va'nC net higher. May closed at 77ei July closed at 7fi'c; September closed t 7tic. Keoelpts, 6,7,'iO hu.; shipments, M.iHi bu. (JAT8 Spot market steady; mixed. H to 32 pounds, nominal; natural wh.te, 2a to 22 ixiuiiUs.'-621'U6f,c; clipped whltot 24 tu 42 pound. 63Hii'(7o. Option market wa without transactions; cloning steady. May closed at f,3Sc. Receipts, 72,200 bu.; ship ments, .1,500 bu. MA y Finn; prime, $1.161.M; No. 1, $1.16; No. 2, ll.OMil.07Vi; No. , $1.00. ' ttOr'S Stenuy ; siate, common to choice, IW.t. SoCy.Wc; Won, lfryiSc. 1'acifld coast, 1909, 21wMc; 1WW, 14(nl8c. ' tH)ES Steady, Central America. 23V4o; Uonota, 21'q22mc LEATHER Firm; hemlock firsts. 2Vg' 2o: seconds, 23g27c; thirds. 22U&1 reject. 20-'f21c. '. PROVISIONS Pork, quiet; mess, 134.00 24.2n; family, 2i.Uu2ti.6ti; anorl oieaf. Ja.0u 4(27.50. Heef. steady; mes. 11.58'12.t; fam ily.,g; Utjt t ha:ii. i4.u,i,o iM. t:ut meats, steady; pickled bellies, 10 to 14 lbs., I13.00H13.M); pickled hams, 113.51V" 14.00. Lard, steady; mlddlg west, prime, 112.76ifU.86; re fined, steady; continent, 413.60; South America, tt4.; compound. J10.i6(iill.p0. B1JTTER Steady; creamery, specials, 26c;- extraa, 26c; third to first. 23"ft4c; creamery, held, second to special, 2'it'i4o; stave, dairy, common to finest, 2ii'"o;).i3c ; process, first (o special, 27'i29y4c; western, factorv. 8ffic; weata-n. Imitation cream ery, 2ger ' ' CHEKSE Irregular; atate, new, full cream, special, 17'4418c. EGGS Kasler; western, extra, first, 41it 42cj firsts, 3i&-40c; lower grades, JOWSdc. ' POULTRY Alive, steady; western chick ens.' 16c; fowls, 17c; turkeys, 12&17o. Ureased, firm; western chickens, 1623c; fowls, 14l7Vc turkeys, 22(&24c; ' . WEATKKr' IN T1IK GRAIN BEIT For Nebraska, Fair Friday and Ale Some Colder, j " OMAHA, Jan. 20, 1910. A barometric depression of oonsldere-ble energy Is central this mornlnjr over extreme upper ,, Mississippi valley and upper lake region. Light flurries of snow were scat tered over the upper Missouri valley during the last twenty-four hours and are reported In tha Lake Superior, region thl morning. Warmer weather prevail from the Mis souri river,' east td the lake region and Ohlo valley and .south over the lower val leys to the gulf.' An area "of high pressure overlies the west a ad a very decided fall In temperature has occurred throughout the northwest since the preceding report. Clear weather Is general everywhere west of the Missouri river and condition ' are favorable for continued fair In this vicinity tonight and Friday, with oolder tonight.; Record of temperature and precipitation compared with the corresponding day of the last three years: , ; . 1910.. 1909. 1908. 1907. Minimum temperature...'. 31 ' 20 31 6 Precipitation .00 T ' O00 .00 Normal temperature for today, 20 degrees. 'Excess In, precipitation since March 1, 5.27 inche. " V . - i peflclency corresponSlng period Ih 1908, 5S Ihchbs. " " ( ,v Ueflc.lency corresponding period :tn 1907, 7.82 Inche. L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaater.' . Str Lonla General Market. ST. LOUIS. Mo.. Jan. 20. WHEAT Higher;,, track: No. 2 red cash, tl.2V 1.27V4; No. 2 hard, 11.1041.16; May, 11.10; July, V4o. CORN Higher; track: No. 2 cash, 66c; JIo. 2 white, tWc; May. tiSVio; July, two. OATS Higher; traxtk: No. 2 cash, 48V4c; No. J white, 4'JVic; May, 47c; July, 42c. ftYE Hnchanged; 80'81c, FIjOUR Lower; red winter patents. 16.60 (ff.O0; extra fancy and straight, IS-OOSu-W); hard winter clears, 15.6Bn4.10. SEED Timothy, li&Ot&i3.66. CORNMEAL 13.10. BRAN Weak; sacked, east track, 11.20 1.21. HAY Firm; timothy, $14.5O18.00; prairie. tl8.00ral4.50. . . BAGGING 6c. PROVISIONS Pork. lower; Jobbing, 121.62ft. Lard, lower; prime steam, U2.10rg) 12.16. Dry salt meats, unchanged; boxed extra short, 113.00; clear ribs, 13.00; short clears, 113.25. Bacon, unchanged; boxed extra short. $1126; clear ribs, 114.26; short clear. 111.60. POULTRY-Weaker; chicken. ISo; springs,. 16c; turkeys, 19Vc; ducks, 14Vko; geese, 80o. BUTTtiR Steady; creamery, 80ffi36c EGGS Lower at 30c. Receipts. Shipments Flour", bbls 1,700 . 6,500 Wheat, bu. ........., 80.000- 7tt.2u0 Corn, bu i 164,000 66.400 Oats, bu 110.4O0 62,800 Kansas City Grata and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Jan. 20. -WHEAT Un changed; No. t hard, 1.07U2; No. 3,' $1.02 ft 1.10; No. t red, $126; No. I,' tl.171.24; May, tl.041.04, sellers; July, W&40, sellers. CORN frgic higher; No. 2 mixed. 8c; No. I, 66c; No. 2 white, 7!i7o; No. S, 66c; May, 67o bid; July, 6H6We. eller. OATS Unchanged; No. 2 white, 48140; No. 2 mixed. 4i48c. RYE 70-730. HAY Unchanged; choice timothy, tl3.7Tx8) 14.0U; choice prairie, $ll.T5tJ'12.X; choice al falfa, llH.ooig 18.50. K BUTTER Creamery, extraa, S4c; flrt, 22c; seconda, 30c; packing stock, Kio. EGGS Extras. 3.Vc; firsts, 2V4o; current receipt. 29c; aecond and dlrtlea, l7fto. Keclpts. Shipments. Wheat, bu M.OOO 66,000 Com. bu 68,000 40,000 Oats, bu 11,000 13,000 Options at Kansas City: Articles. I Open. High. Low. Close. Wheat- ' May July ...... Corn May ,... July 1 04IHVJ 6TU 1 06 W7A 1 08l 04SA 4i 4A 66V4I 7B "fci 6A 67 604(6' Philadelphia t'roaace Market. PHILADELPHIA. Jan.. SO. BITTER Steady; extra western creamery, ic; extra nearby prints, S7c. EGGS Weak and 4o lower; Pennsylvania and other, nearby first, free casus, S8o at mark; Pennsylvania and other current re ceipts, returnable cases, 36o at mark; west ern firsts, free cases, 8fo at mark; western ourrent receipts, free cases, 32t436c at mark. CHhiESK Firm; New York full cream, choioe, lTViiJl'Hc: New York full creams, fair td good, 16.0170. . ' Liverpool lirata and - Provision. IJVERPOOL, Jan. . tO.-WHEAT-Spot. dull; No. J red -western, no atook; futures, steady; March, kl-kd; May, ,7 lUd; July, 7s ld. CORN Spot, quiet: new American mixed, 6sHd. old, American mixed. 6s d; fu turru. dull; January, 6s Vid: March, 6 CVd. PEAS Canadian steady, 7s 8Vid. Peoria Urala Market. 1 PEORIA, Jan, 30. CORNSteady; No. 1 white, 6ic; No. 3 yellow, 4c; No. t, 4c; No. 4." 6Hc; no (Tide. o7&8o. OATS Higher; No. 1 wlute. 48o; No. 1 while, 47o; .atandard, 47(&.47Vc. . , Milwaukee' Grain Market. MrLWAUKFR, Ian. 20.-WHEAT-No. 1 Dorthera, tl.ltvigi.17; Ha. norther. 11. 140 115; May, 11. u. . OATS 4VC - , BARLEY Sample," tSr71c. ' ' i . i i - : M iiu and ,Mlaaaea. , NEW YORK. Jan. JO. SUGAR Raw, nominal; Muncovado 8 teat, l.bao; cetttrlf-tijial- e tet. 4 0hp( khiIiubm susar K tent. 1 H.1C. Refined, steady: crunhed, e.k&c; giati ulated.; puwdeied. 6.2uc NEW YORK STOCKS A!SD BONDS Wednetdajr'i Break Pro vet Culmina tion of Downward Movement. EAELY PERIOD OF UPHEAVAL After Another Fallnr I Announced Excitement "nbsldes'nnd Market t'ontlnne to Rise t'attl Cloae, NEW YORK. Jan. JO. Yesterday' fllsor. flwly break In prices of stocks proved to be the culmination of the downward move ment of prices for the time. There was a period of upheaval as the- sequel of the anxiety growing out of the bitalness em harassment of yesterday and one more failure was announced, that of the special ist on whom fell the brunt of the wild mar ket yesterday in Columbus and Hocking Coal and Iron. , By the time the fuilinv was announced tho closlng-up process wn practically completed and the way had been paved for the vigorous recovery which followed. Various forces worked to that end and were already at work when the market opened. The bears made another stand to dominate the market and a fierce contest wa waged during the whole of the first hour of the market. The vulnerability of one or two stock had a sympathetic effect on the whole list and a short period of gen eral weakness Intervened. UeFlde the over-extended short Interest in the local market, a substantial factor toward recovery was the Improved monetary and investment situation In foreltm mar Rets. The London money market was IU .'.u be " far fengthened ns to prompt the governors of the Bank of Kng land to reduce, the official discount rate of that Institution half of one per cent t-j P"T oent. hu somewhat anticipating the expected action In that direction. The expectation waa strengthened bv this ac iat ,th. ""count rate of the Im perial Bank of Germany also rhall come down. CommlsBlon house with membership In iJ". tocK exchange were agreed that an investment for domestic capital was de veloped also by the more Inviting level of prices for stocks established by the recent ".'k- , Th bargain hunter appeared In mEXn V " pp"- attracted by the signs of rSC"' e,1ni of Btocks yesterday. The declaration of an Initial dividend on the common- stock of New York, Chicago o. .ul5,,.1d ,ne lncr'a'" I" the Cant oria Stool dividend were Incentives to tho hopes of Investment holders and buyers of riclW uBuln w Rolng on actively at darToneSSea - " th! vaI?uen.de4.Mlrre'fUlftr- T0,f P" caVn"ed S,atPS bonA wre unchanged on Number or sale and leading quotations on stock were as follows: ..," 4 Bile. Hlsh. Low. Cloie. Allli-rtiilmer pM ..,..,, l.:io 47V4 41 47 Amalsamaud Copper M,1W) 83 8114 gjti Amartoan Axrlcultuml . ..... ion 4s 4J 4 Am. Beat Sugar 1. $U 41 40U 41 a. can i.o-o rnt n 77-x Am. O. 4 K 4 tes4 MUj w Am. otton CMI. ....... J , .(oo 4 i 1111 Am. H. A u pM ; ,4no 4! 40 n Am. Ica Saurltls (ho is. 13 m Amerlnan UnMd m 16 UJ America LocomotlT MV4 hii 54 Am. 8. A R. U lw wvk )V, 3 Am. , K. pffl 1,600 io lint li) Am. Sugar (tanning. "l.sio 12J laiu Am. T. T 1,400 13(4 I3s 13-jJ Am. Tobaeoo pfa M K w American Woolan 100 2U S2ii , 8Jvt Anaconda Mining Oo 4.N1O wv, 4ti K Atchlaon 4J,1 lttH4 nss ,ltmt Atohl.on prd ..' ftou 10J174 103 03Vk Atlantic Coaat Line 1,000 131 12 12S-). ltlmwe Ohio. ,700 n 1,4 jir? Bal. a Ohio pr 100 84 4 I :1 Uathlahani Steel 7,10 M mu a Brooklyn Rapid Tr. .no 74 7J vjj- Oanadian Paolrto l.ioo ISD14 1M 'i79)t Central Leather :. . 5.100 ' 4H, 43 Central Laatliar pM ' aio' 1071 107 107W Central of New Jersey su Chaeapaake Ohio 17.100 84 "mi 8.1 Chloao Alton 2,i0 11 Ot. W., new...... 1.KW Jl "V sott J3.U Chlcaie & H. w..-; i.tno UVU 157 - lf,H 31.S00 148, 146V 1W4 C O., c. A St. L . 600 78 77 77 Colorado F. aV.I 8.5110 44 H 44 44 Colorado A Southara i.soo 67 t( 57 Colo A 80. It ptd 1 400 tilt 80 S1U Colo. A 80. Id pf -M H 0 Conaolldatad Oaa J7.000 l4Vk - 14SU 14iH Corn Produeu 4,1 ' 30 i m- Dalaware A Hudson 1,4 m 1744 1J8U IenTfr Rio Orande,... I, too. , 4.1a, 4jh 43 p. R. O. pfd - so 1 7 Metlllarar Bacurltlaa 600 14 Ssi 84 j-; , 5,10.) 81 4 2Mt 81 Vt Erie tat pN - 1.9W 48 47 4 Brta Id pfd 800 87 ' ,16V ' 87H Omaral Blactrto 709 1R3V, 162 Vk 158 Oraat Konharn ptd 13.600 184 131V 1M Oraat Ne-tharn Or otfa.... 1,400 74 4 71Vi t 7 Illinois Central 800 lVi 14'U 143(4 lnterboroufh Mat 17,700 m 19 tA Int. Mat. pfd 18,500 6714 64 M International Harvaatar .... 7no 1UJ 118 lis Int. Marina ptd 1,800 11 20 VI International Fapar isu Intranational fnmp 1.4W0 ' ' " 4 Iowa Cantral 71 u 18 38t Kanaaa City 80... t,O0 40 89 M K. C. Bo. pfd 600 88 U 68 Loulavllla A N., tx-dlv.... I,M ltr4- Hu 1474. Minn, at 8t. L loo 47. 47V 46 . M.. St. P. aV 8. B. M 400 183 138 US Mleaourl Paolfte (,680 70 6SV4 K- T 18.700 46 42 44 M., K. A T. pfd 'MO 72 V4 71 National Blacult . iloS National Lead l.(WJ0 844, 'wi 8 N, R. R. of M. Ut Jrfd..., 600 64 6.1 8: New York Central fl.too 11S41 117 1 tit N. Y.. O. A W 8. 100 4S 44 44 Norfolk A W l.too t7 M tv North American 1.000 7 77 7u Nnrtharn Paolfle li.Mu is 3t 136 Paelfte Mall 700 S4? 83 34 Pennarlvallta 28.004 183 188 1SJ Peopla'a Gas, ax-dlv; 1.000 m 110 mu P.. C. C A 8- L 1,500 ta KV Fraud Btaal Car I SO 16 44 4i Pullman Palac Car 1,600 186 m 1m Railway Btaal Spring too 45 44 4 5 ""In 141.000 162 158 161 Rapubllo Btaal 6,400 88 87 38 Rapublte Btaal pfd l.tuo 101 89 10O Rook Island Co., 68,100 44 Stl 44 St. L. A B. P. Id pfd...... 700 54 53 64 St. Lout 8. W 1,601) 2X 19 8t. L. 8. W. pfd 1,000 74 72 -71 Sloaw-Shafflald 8. A 1 1.900 81 80 61 Boutharn Pacirio 61. 800 lsu lm 180 Southar Railway 6.400 80 80 80 80. Railway pfd... 1,000 68 t 68 Tannaaae Coppor 600 1 jsu Taxaa A Pacific , l,5oil S3 81 81 T., 8t. L. A W 600 4t 48 47H T.. Bt. L. A W. pfd 1.. 400 67 67 66 Vnloa Paoifla t. .121.100 192 18944.192 Union Pariflo pfd 1,900 10 nw lou 0. 8. Raalty 0 79 78 79 V. B. Rubbar... l.ono 45 41 45 U. B. Btael Itt.SOO 81 81 84 V. 8. Steal pfd l.tiO 123 ia 12J I'tah Coppar 4.400 63 61 68 V. -Carolina Chemical .... 4.800 - 64 II 53 Wabaah 1.800 y i ' la Wabaaa pfd 7,:. 50 48 ao Weatern Maryland, ctf. ... I,5o0 60 4 50 Waatinfhouaa Blectrlc 1,3(0 71 71 71 Weatern Union 400 78 71 72 Whaallnf A L. E JoO 6 6 4 Wr1aconaln Central . 47 Piiubur Coal 1,500 11 1914 2144 Am. Btaal Foundry 800 69 62 tu Unttod Dry Ouoda llo Laclada Oaa 1.6O0 1 104 106 Total aala tor tha day. 1,110.600 alias. Bnstoa Btarka anal Bond. BOSTON, Jan. 20. Money, call loan , 4V4 uo per cenij time loans, fit per Cloains: ouuiatlona: cent. . 68 . K . 41 . 10 . It . 8 .mc, . it . to . 11 16 .101 . ' . 14 . 7 . 70 .161 . a . . 15 . 1 4t . S . 41 Atchison adj. 4 M Adventure ,1'JO eaAllouaa . 91 ' Amalgamated .111 Arlioiia Com. .1J Atlantic ' X .114 Butw Coalition ... .14 Cal. A Artaona... .111 Cal. A Hecla , . n ....... 1 Mei. Central 4. At-hlaon R. R da ptd Ho. ton A Albany. Bum on A Maine.. Boston Blavaled . ritohbur ptd N. T.i N. H. A H...15& Ooppar Ran .... t'nlon Pacific It! Daly Waat Am. Are. Oham 44 Franklin da nM , ..10J Olanby 7 Graane Canana .. . .181 Iale Royala ..Ill Maee. Mining , ..l3Mi,hlxaa Am. Pneu. Tube. . A mar. Buar do pM Am. T AT Abu. WoDlan atd lUu kl,.hKB,u KVHaon lilac, lllu.. 241 Nevada Oeneral Kiectrlo 1.J Old Dominion Maas. Electric It Oaoeola o ptd Maaa. Gaa I'nltad fruit .... lulled B. M do ptd V. 8. Btael do pfd lid. Asked. .... t Parrot 76 aeyuiny ....167 Bhauinoa .... 67 Tamarack .... lvtl. 8. Mining... .... (). 8. Oil ...U6 North Butte .... Treaaary Btatenaeat. WASHINGTON. Jan. .-Th condition of tha treasury at the beginning of busi ness today was as follows: Trust Funds Oold ooln, W71.UM.869; silvur dollar. 14bo,Oa.C00; silver dollar of 10 H.910.000: llver ceftlficatea outBtandliiar. 4ti5.0i),JO. Oeneral Fund Standard silver dollar la general fund. ,a,2a.4; current llabllltlea, $:s.&07.0; working balance in treasury office, f23.1M.41; in bank to credit of treasurer of tho United Rtatea, M.j60,7GV ubeldlary llver coin, lg,St,8M; minor ojln ll.0fU.8j0; total balance In general fund. M.604.fc. ' Dlaeoaat Hal Retlaeed. , U)NDOf, Jan. !0.-The director' of the Bank of KtiKland at tha weekly meitlng today rcduued tb minimum rate of dls ouunt from 4 to i' per cent.. Cheap die count rate, a cessation lo the demand for Bold for the continent during- the wick and the improved monetary wltuatton gen erally caused the director to make the change. New York Moaep Market. NEW YORK. .Tan. JO. MONEY On call, SH4i4 per cent; ruling rate, IX per cent; closing bid, S per cent; offered at 4 per cent. Time loans, easy, but quite flail M.xty dayr. and ninety day, freely offered and lending at 4 per cent; six months, 4 per cent. I'lUMK MERCANTILE PAPFRr-4V,iiT5 per coit. STidtUNO EXCHANOK-Steady, with actual business In bankers' bill at t4.83't 04M75 for sixty-day bill and at 14840 for demand. Commercial bills, 4.M4j4.4:. .K1LVRTI Har. 62'.c; Mexican dollars, 4c. HtNDS Government, steady; railroad, Irregular. Closing quotations on bond wer as fol low; V. 8. ret. ta, re....lO0 Int. Mac 4 11 do roiipon loo Int. M. M. 4a II. 8. 8a. re 10lJapan 4e do coupon 101 do 4a ...,v 95 V. 8. 4, re( UK. C. . let a . . . 73 do coupon 1HU B deb. 4a 1911. .. 94 Allla-tirial. let 6a..... tl L. A N. ant 4a , Am. Ag. ta lo2M , K. A T. lai 4a.. 99 Am. T A T. cr. 4. .lot do gen. 4a 19 Am. Tobacco 4a 77 Mo. Paclflo 4a do 6a 10N. R. K. of M. 4a. 14 Armour A Co. 4a.. 93 N. V. C. g. ts t Aidilmm gen. 4s 100 do dab. 4a 96 do ot. 4a. 117N. y., N. H. A H. do l. 6s. l.t c. 6s , 1MV4 At. C. L. lat 4s...... 91 N. A W. let t. 4a... 9.- Bal. A Ohio 4a t do ct."4a.....v lei do la 9No. Paolfle 4a l . do 8. W. Ia 90 do ta 7 Prk. Tr. ct. 4a 4o 8. U rfrtg. 4a 94 ten. of Oa. 6a 10SPna. ry. la Wtl... t Can. Leather ta 9 do con. 4a .)4 f. of N. J. g. la. ...lit, Beadlna; ga. 4a 9 Chen.- A Ohio 4a...lul8t. L A B. P. fg. 4a. tt do ret. 6a. 105 do gan. 6.... H Chicago A A. la.. 74 Bt L. 8. W. 0. 4s... 7 C. II. A (4. j. 4a.... 96 do lat gold 4t M do gen 4a 9Saabnard A. L. 4a... 86 C. M. A B P. 8 ltSo. Pacific col. 4a... 93 C' R. I. A P. 4a.. to do ct. 4a lot do ool 6a Kit do lat ref. 4a 94 tlu rfg. 4a. tl o. Railway ta.,...109 Coin. Ind. 6a 11 do gen. 4a to Volo. Mid. 4a M Talon paclfla 4 101 C. A 8. r. A a. 4a 97 do OT. 4a...... 1)1 I). A H. ct. 4a 100 do 1st A ref. 4a.... 17 D. A R. O. 4a........ W V. 8. Rubber a .,...103 do ref. 6a 941'. 8. Btael Id taw.,. niatlllara' ta ., 72 Va.-Caro. Cham, 6.. 71 fc-rla p. 1. 4a l&VWabaah lat 6s Ill do gea. 4a 76 do lat A ax. 4a...,. 73 do CT. 4a, err. A 60 Weatern Md. '4a 86 do aerie B 71 Weat, Bloc. CT. la... 91 flen. Klee. ct. I. .44Wuv Central 4a. t III. Can. lat ref. 4a.. 99 I.onden Cloaitier Stock.' LONDON, Jan. 30. American securities, after a weak opening today, strengthened on covering orders, and with the reduced bank rate inducing fresh purchases, im proved further. At noon the market was firm and from to 1 higher than yester day' New York closing. , London closing storks: Cotawla, money... li 13-18 LouIitIII A N 155 do aoeount 12 M., K. A T ......... 44 AnuU. Copper 64 N. T. Central IS) Anaoonda 10 Norfolk A W 9 Atchison 180 do pfd tl do pfd 106Ontarlo A W ..46 Baltimore A Ohio. . . . llt Pannaylranla 66 Canadian Pacific 15 Rand Mine. 9 Chesapeake A 0 64Readlng tfc Chicago O. W iXgouUera Ry.,,. ...... 11 Col., MU. A Bt. P. ..161 do pfd : 6t De Beers 19 southern PaRtfle It2 Danver A Rio 0 44 Union Paclflo m do pfd 5 do pfd lot T Brta UU. 8. Steel'.... ....... 14 do lat pfd 49 do pfd..... ........las do Id pfd , 40 Wabaah at Grand Trunk It do pfd H illlnela Cantral... ....146apanuh 4a ...... 84 K1LVK11 Bar, steady at 24Vtd per 0. MONKY 2 per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short and three months' bills ia 1 16-ltkia t per cent. - . , .cat Soar14!ea. Quotations furnished by BamueT Burns, Jr., fin New York Life building, Omaha: BIQ. aata. Beatrice Creamery pfd, 1 per sent. ..... to tt city of Omaha 4a ref., 1IS4. 106 106 City ol Omaha ta, 1921 . .106 1V6 City of New Vork 4. 195t 100 101 California O. A K. 6a. 1987 96 94 Columbus, Nab., Blectrlc Light 5a. ISOba 96 s 96 City Oaa A Bleelrle. "Waterloo 9T tt Cudahy Packing Co. 6a, 1924 ...100r 100 Denver Btock Yards Stock ....97 18 Independent Tel. 6a, 1888 tt International Con. Co..., 61 81 Kennedy Bldg. Co vl ' 106 Long bell Lumber Co. , 123 tt. .-. 101 Michigan 8cat Tel. 5a, UM , 99 lot) - Nebraska Tel. Stock, par oant loo " Jov Omaha Water Co. is, 194 64 t Omab Oaa 6a, 1117 : J9I at Omaha K. L. A P. Co. (a. 1988.4 .""tt - '' 18 Omaha K. L. A P. Co. 6s pfd 81 14 Omaha A C B. Bu Ry. ta. ltM......,,',t lot Omaha A C. B. Bt. Ry. pU, I par caat i4-. - . at Omaba-A C. B. Bt. Ry. oom. ........ -, 86, 76 Omaha. A C. B. Ry A B. Co.. ptd.M,4 1 64 Omaha Water Co., Id pfd 11 ' at Sloui City Stock Tarda pfd 1 par eant 90 II SouUe.Omah rat. 4a. 19ll....,,.,aoo,...lw Seattle Lighting Co. ta. Ii0.... ....... 97 ta L'nloa 8. Y., Bo. Omaha t W . f H y- , Fore lan Financial, r I ' LONDON, Jan. 20. A tale of (59.000 bale of ahecpskln wa held here today. The quality of the offerings was good, ant) the demand fair. Merino ware unchanged and full-wooled Bklns sold in Belief' favor. Kull-wooled cross-hreds advanced VHd; lialf-wooled were unchanged but.firni, and short-wooled skins were in buyers' favor. Americans purchased a few parcels of cross-breds. . Following are the Bale and price obtained for clothing and' combing: New South Wale,' 700 bales, at U&81; Queensland, '200 bales at SHXJ; Victoria U00 bale at 4V4tMid; South Australia, 20 bales at H'iMA; West Australia, 1.(00 bale at B'.i0td; Tasmania, 200 bale at 4H0Vid; New Z-aland, 2,400 bales at 4Vlg10Sd; Cape of Oood Hppn and Natal, 500 bales at 6 6d; Punta Arenas, 1,300 bales at 6'610Hd. ' Xev York Mtalagr Stock. NEW YORK, Jan. 20. Closing quotations on mining stock were: Alice 17 LeadTill Con......; t Brunsvlok Con 4 Little Chief..,.,...'.. I Com. Tunnel etoak... 83 Meilcan ....,,.' 160 do bonda It Ontario ..... ;.;.126 Con. Oal. A Va 16S Ophtr .........1..; 196- Horn fillrar 7t Standard 60 Iron Bllter ....161 Yellow Jacket ........IK Bank Clearing... OMAHA, Jan. 20 Bank clearanoe for today were 12,668,OH8.77 and for the corr spondlng date last year fi,J37,604,6A Wool Market, BOSTON, Jan. 20 WOOL With" stocks well cleaned out and prices holding firm, dullness oontlnues to b the feature of the local wool market. There is lomt move ment in quarter-blood Ohio and territory wools, both staple and clothing, - are selling from day to day in limited quantities. Lo cal dealers regard quotations from the west on tho new clip as excesalv. The loading domesUo -quotation range as fol lows: Missouri three-eighth blood, 84wS4c; blood, U2aMo. Bcoured values Texas fin 1 to 2 months. 73Vi75o; fine I to 1 months, SS4)70c; fine fall, bonftac. California north ern, titn&'osc; middle county, ttiti6o; fall free, frH52c; uregon eastern No, 1 staple, Tlic; eastern clothing, KXjiTic; valley No. 1, 67 &'tc; Urrltory fine staple, 77iiOc; fine medium staple, 70a2c; fine clothing. 70 tllili'; fine medium clothing, 6tK-6c; half blood, '.6(b7oc; Vhree-elghth blood, 870c; quarter blood, 67tU8o; Bulled extra, 7y7oo; fine, BIMyt70c: A. super, 604160. ST. LOUIS. Jan. 20. WOOL Unchanged; territory and western mediums, 2bita8c; fine mediums, 20Q24o; fine, 12fc216. - LONDON. Jan. 20. WOOL Of ferlngs at the wool auction aales today amounted to 13,839 bales. A- good selection of Victorian merino brought out animated bidding and lamb realized 2s Vd and greasy Is td. Americans bought a good quantity of cross breda at prices ranging from 10d(jls 34d. New Sopth Wales scoured sold at 2 8d. French, German and home buyers wer keen competitors and the sales were firm throuKhout. Today's transaction follow: New South Wale, 700 bale; acoured, MJt 2s Id; Ifreasy, BVjd'ffls. Queensland, 1 bales; Kreaay, Hdtls 2V4d. Victoria, 4,800 bales: scoured, la rjclfjila lOHd; greasy, 7d (his fd. South AuHtr.ilia, 800 bales; greasy, 8'4dils 8d. Weat Australia. 1,800 bales; greasy. 6diQls Id. New Zealand, 4.100 bales; ' scoured, I0d(7j1s 6d; greasy, Wdfils 8Vil. Cape of Good Hope and Natal, 600 bales; greasy, 7(510Vid. ,. . Coffee Market. 1 NEW YORK. Jan. JO-COFFEE Market for coffee future opened steady at un. changed prices to a decline of i point, In ' response to the decline of !itVi frano In the French market, and as a result of a littla scattering liquidation. There waa not much coffee for sal, however, and dur ing the afternoon the market became firmer on trade buying, which was attrib uted to reports that there had been no Im provement in tha new crop outlook. The market closed ateady at a net advance of fru It) point. Sales were reported of 10,000 bag, including January at (.66e, Maroh at (Hoc, July at S.c, September and Decem ber at l.iiOo. $pot coffee, quiet; No. 7 Rio, 8 ll-l&Uo; No. Santos. HilViC. Mild Cof fee, quiet; Cordova, ullc. , Metal Market. NEW YORK, Jan. 20.-METAIJ1 Stand ard copper wa easy today local dealers quote lake copper at fl2.7&(2U.OO, elaotroly tio fl3.5ortf 11.76 and casting fll.16vLl.n2K. weak. Spot. ISJ.IO Jl 40. London market declined about fl. Spot closed weak at 146 l&et; futures, flit la. Lead quiet; spot. 14.87, London cables were a Utile lower. Tin was fi'4.7i!. London market unchanged at 13 13s d. Spelter weak; spot. fAtc'ti'i.ZS. In don markut unchanged at (23 ia. Iron higher In lmdon market at H2s lvd for Cleveland warrania. luteal market unchanged. tiT LOUIS. Jan. 20 MFTALa Lead, dull lat f4.00. Speltdr, dull at 14 00. OMAHA L1YE STOCK MARKET ' ' ' v Receipt of Cattle Very Much Lighter Than Lait Week. HOGS SELLING LOWES AGAIN Desirable Pat "keep and Lamb ia Good Demand at steady ta Itrasg Prices, hat thi Caaaaaoa Klada Arc glow. SOUTH OMAHA, Neb., Jan. 10. 1009. Receipt were: Cattle. Hog. Sheep. Official Monday .K. not Xltf ! Tl.""day ' Tsl w o" 8 6,4 Official Wednesday .... l,ns 9.P18 5.. Kstimate Thursday 1,000 10,500 5,700 Four days this' week.. 17.140 SR. 196 r.tf2 Same days last week...22.til SI.S45 81.013 Same day 2 weeks ago.. 14.692 16.7D7 1.3 day I week ago., 12.423 15.W2 23.0,: Same day 4 week ago. .12.1M) 23.294 1,921 Sams day last year ....20.067 4,0OT 20,013 The following table shows the Weipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South 'Omaha for th year to data, compared with last year: , 1910. 1H0. Inc. Pen V.aU, M.3 !, 8.239 Hogs 120.727 lti,03 46,810 o'leep 89,032 8e.63ti 1,396 The following table shows th average price of hogs at South Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons. Dat. j 1910. 190.1908. U07. 1S06.1905.1904. Jsn. U.. Jan. 12.. Jan. 13... Jan. 14.. Jan. li.. Jan. .. Jan. 17.. Jan. 16.. Jan. 19... Jan.- 20... t 22, e ik 4 68 4 U 4 61 4 76 4 72 4 09 4 74 4 ! 6 26 4 63 4 OOl t 29 5 29 4 62 t 2t 4 61 f 271 4 66 4 69 o 14 ot) 4 (4 6 31 4 67 1 4 83 Sunday. Receipts and disposition of llv stock at the Lnlon Stock yards. South Omaha, for twenty-four hours ondlng at I o'clock yes terday afternoon: RECEIPTS. n Cattls. Hogs. Sheep. Urs. C M. & St. P 4 I X wabash 3 1 MIsHouii Paclflo 1 1 Union Paclflo 86 ""38 ' 6 2 C. N. W., weat 24 84 6 C., B. dV Q., east.;.... 9 .. 1 c., H. et u., west 88 C. R. I. i P.. eaat t 84 2 C R. I. & P., west... 8 Illinois Central 3 vuiuagu uu Western. 1 ,1 .. , ,. j Total receipts 137 141 23 1 DISPOSITION. r.i . t , . x-ame, nogs, oneep. Cldahy Packing Co 720 2,6ot 1,732 Armour Co 6H9 2,679 ' 1,321 Soliwaru-Bolen Co 1 137 Krey Packing Co m '' St. Louis Ind. P'ck'g. Co 1,773 auorreti facKing Co 1 W,, . , ........ & .... .... Benton Vansant & Lush".', 44 "" Stephens Bros 1 ' "" Hill & Son log F. B. Lewis 51 J. B. Root & Co 10 J. H. Bulla j, W) T ... ,, r -' .... .... r , nusa 1 I. Wnlf ,7 s. werthoVmer!;; 68 " M.-Hagerty 03 ' Sullivan Bros 14 ' 1. j. ingnram.. 2 Lee Rothschild 39 " "- Mo. 4 Kan. Calf Co.:::!: , 19 .' Kline - ' o. " Other buyers 418 L099 v.. .i.u-nai.eiiua or eatti mis morn ing w-ere small for a Thursday, only 142 cars being reported in. This leaves the total for tha four daya this weak smaller for the same period laBt week by over 6,000 head and smaller them a year go by about 8,000 head. Owing to the moderate receipts ail th week and a fair buying demand, th trade has been In a good healthy condition, with the tendency of values upward and local conditions this morning ,wero ganerally.iavorabls to- Ihe selling Interests. I-- ai1i,SlitK.vfhe fact. hat 'eoelptB Vers strain light this morning and local condi tions favorable as noted, the conditions of eastern market were so unfavorable that ths trads here waa slow and weak to a much .as lOu lower on all kinds of killing cattls. beef steers, cows and heifers. Still desirable catUe sold fairly well and moat of the offerings changed hands in reason able season. 4 The supply of stackers and feeders was comparatively small, while there wss a pretty good buying demand, with th result that desirable cattle of that kind c6m manded good steady to strong prices. Quotations on cattle: Good to cnolce beef L'aJ6-96124: ttXt to od beef steeT.: f0!0 00: common to lair beef steers, f4 00 6.00; good to oholc oows and heifers, f4.26 6.00, fair to good cows and heifpra. fi2f-a i. L con,mon to fl' cows and heifers, 12 40 5 oSiit5n?? f .choloeJ1 "tocmsrs and feeders. RS?5 : falr t0 ood "tonkers and feeders 13.6CKif4.26; common to fair Blockers and feeders, 82.753.60; stock heifers. 12.783.50' fae764CS.Ve M-60W' bull' tS: Representative sales: uailliF STEERS. No. 1.. .. 1.. 11.. 1.. It.. u.. AT. Pr No. A. Pr. ..10M I si ..1187 I 46 ..1140 160 ..1S18 6 10 ..Uit 6 10 ...1167 ttB 701 4 40 78 4 60 U 4 66 - 4 60 86 I 0 7S1 1 06 1.... 14.... 11.... a.... 6.... 20.... ..1101 1 M COWS. I 4 10 1 It 1 4 7 11 81 4 11 4 4..... 1 1 1 1 1 1 W0 1 M .746 1 16 4.... 6.... 8 6... 14.... SO.... (.... .16.... 11.... 11.... 11.... .. 170 4 00 ...1006 4 ta .. 667 4 U ..1180 4 16 ,..1066 4 40 .. nt 4 60 ...1100 4 60 ...108 40 .. 688 4 60 ..low 4 lb) ...lutl 4 74 ...1368 4 0 ... 776 4 10 ' ... J0 4M ... 84KI 4 66 ... 681 4 76 ... t70 4 0 Ul 1 to HO IK 766 I 16 864 1 86 ........ 170 1 86 171 1 86 14 Ii4 6S4 1 66 888 IK . 60 4 00 4. HETirpi'n'a ... 683 1 00 .. aal 1 06 ... 668 a 10 .. lit 1 75 .. 761 I K ' ..lot 8 at It.:: 16 I 4. BULLS. .. 130 1 76 1 ..146 4 00 1 ..1170 4 06 1 ..IKO 4 16 1 ..14JO 4 40 1 .. 60 4 60 1600 4 60 1M4 4 66 1740 4 60 1600 4 60 im 4U CALVES. , 140 4 16 1. . WO 4 86 win ,14 4 76 7 76 . 14 1 71 .124 7 74 , aw , let) 4 76 .810 6 04 81 4 00 .170 6 On .Ml 110 STOCKERS AND iricinnirua 11 tt I W 4 ui ii. W 1 WI 4 SO 1 644 4 08 11 is, 11 HOGS Packers mad another attempt to take a dime off of hog price at the open ing thi morning, but- their efforts wer not attended with much success. Seller were alnw t n rrantfn -.. , whatever, and there wa very little ac- uurme urn rounas a a result As the morning progressed and the hogs con tinued ta Coma. I n . nlnk.l . basl wa finally settled upon and a good ..w. v mo c.i ly murning reoelDts changed hands at this decline. Several loads of the better grades of butcher walarhta AiA nnt ...... v. . as medium lights, and trading figures on a " vaiimou uiuva ot reany good ma terial appeared to be possibly no worve than nli tii Ka i.w.p a. 111 . .. .. . ence for good butcher weights was just muwui uiiKci Vj m rviuciance ot ouyers to purchase the commoner kinds of . Ilahts and the htv hulk nt A.rl ..1 : about 6c lower, as above noted. lowara miaciay, arter the full quota of receipts 146 loads had been yarded, de mand eased off somewhat and the trend of prices was easier than otherwise, as com- ma m,j wans, jk considerable nortion nf the a 1 nfr..i,... . fN 26 to 88.40. with the big stHng ,t the lower flfrnrea Tr . n. nu, y, . -t K - . - . ... v. v e.a com pared with the same top of yesterday ana No. . At. Bh. FT. Mo. At. Bh. Pr. ... 6M ) ... 180 10 ... ih a 160 6 81) M ... 184 40 8 in HI ... 18 T7 V ... I 60 ... 11. 86. J 6) III 81. .........nt'... iso . 71 Si4 ... la) 67. : 8 ... 8 8n it. 87 110 1M lint 71. Tl Xa 80 8 86 TJ. II ... I 86 - 66 144 ... 6 82U, I til ... 1 86 71 87 8 IS4 M ... M 71 t 180 tit ... 8 16 11. ....... 861 14 ... 12. 41 ...... .8!4 ... lot 10 I 86 1 Ib4 .....41 . ... 18 , Vt 84 ... ... I 86 66 8y4 ... xto IK T...,, ...,.IW8 ... I 86 64 a ... I) 40 I irrvt tt ... a) rm . 71. ...... ut ... I at I 86 16 86 I M I 86 1 a 6 I 86 It.. 116 ... 1 STt4 - M. 841 BllEEP Condition surroiiudlnit ths live I 44 t 18 S 74 4 It 6 29 f I8V1 ( 82 6 80 I 47 Va I 88 4 08 8 lifl 6 87 4202!l 42V, 5 87 4 29 ( 35 t 3 4 S3 42 8 4ftVj 4 26 42 8 43'A 6 OS 4 231 ( 60 8 38 f 09 16 49 03 4 r V mutton trad thl snorning wer much the same a on yesterday, although there -pea red to be a greater degree of activity and possibly laum slight improvement in Values. About fourteen cars ot sheep and lambs were reeelved and practically every thing moved toward th scales readily, the better kinds of killers sellng first. Summed up in a few words, th market today was sotlv and strong with th more finished classes favored, as sbov noted. Lamb were good enough to realise fl 10, but something- of an extra prim quality In this line would probably sell up as high as $8.70 or f8.76 Receipts for th four , da,vs this week numbers 26.000 head, about 6.000 head less than supplies for th same days ot last week and about the same number that was received during the same period last yesr. The general character of offerings this week ha been decidedly common. -In point of prloea, the market lately ha experienced no very great change. The must Important sin face fi attire perhaps. Is the reluctance with which packer absorb medium and short-fed material and the at tendant spread In prices between common and finished sheep and lambs. Stock of th latter description has been selling very well at all times snd prices are easily Wi lfc higher than the close of last weak. Of fering lacking In flesh and finish, however, have suffered more or less and current value re barely steady to lbflioc lower than last Friday. Quotation on fat stock: Good to choice lambs, !8.H8 6K; fair to good lambs, 17. M SiS.lS; good light yearlings, f7.0iw7.60; good heavy yearlings, f6.4tVu6.90; good to choice wethers 16.76.16; fair to good wethers. I6.25lr6.7r; good to choice ews, 15. 406. 86; fair to good ewes. fR.OO6.40. Representative sales: . No. Av. lib Mexican yearlings 70 M Mexican wethers 84 241 Mexican ewes , 0 61 Mexican ewes, culls..... 74 662 western lamb, feeder 68 121 western ewes, culls..... 80 K2 western lambs 76 IK wentern lamb , 84 229 western ewes.... 89 36 western we, cull 83 ' 26 weetern lambs, cull 63 9i0 western lambs... 71 433 western ewes 102 24 western lambs, culls. r 41 144 western lambs, feeders 62 19 western lambs, culls 44 125 western lambs, feeders 67 13 western lambs, feeders 61 48 western lambs, feeders 64 16 western lambs, culls 84 Pr. T 40 00 6 60 t 50 T 40 4 16 8 60 8 00 6 10 8 75 60 8 26 t 66 t 86 t 76 6 80 76 8,715 76 I 20 4 00 6 70 ( 60 00 6 40 7 60 40 ( 76 f 60 t M 20 western ewes, culls 88 200 western ewe and wethers.. 100 19 western, ewes , 06 29 native ewes 163 89 western (..,., 106 S6 -western lambs 81 81 western ewes , 122 144 western lambs, culls 66 324 weatern ewes..., 97 136 western lambs 71 CHICAGO L1V 12 - STOCK MARKET Cattle aad Host Are Lower Sheep aad Lambs Steady. CHICAGO, Jan. 20. CATTLE Receipts, 14,000 head. Market MXolfVo lower; steers, 16.00a8.40; oows, f3.60D&.60; heifers, 13.40 a 6.00; bulls, f4.00rq,6.16; calves, f3.00(a9.76; stockers and feeders. f3.76ji6.60. HOOS Receipts, 24,000 head. Market & lOo lower; choice heavy, f8.66'&18.75; butch ers, f8.60d2.70; light mixed, fg.3&iji8.46; choice light, 18.46&8.60; packing, f8.66b.66; pigs, f7.ti.Vu.8 26; bulk Of sales, 18.40fc8.ti6. SHEKP AND LAMBS Receipts, 14.000 head. Market steady; Bheep, 16. 00(i4i.26; lambs, 17.008.76; yearlings, 14.258.26. Kansas City Lira Stock Market. KANSAS CITT. Jan. 20.OATTLE-Re-celpts, 6.000 head. Including 200 southerns; market 10c lower; choice export and dressed beef steers, t5.90Si7.20; fair to good, f4.75j) 6.80; western steers, 14.6ttyo.00; stockers and feeders. f3.6U4.00; aouthern steers, 84.00 6.76; southern cows. f2.604.26; native cows, f2.60ra5.26; native heifers, 13.60(16.00; bull, f3.60rg5.l0; calves, S3,5X( 8.75. HOGS Receipts, lt.000 head; market 60 lower; top, fx. 60; bulk of sale, f 8. 268.60; heavy, 28.35&'8.60;v packers and butchers, 1H..WU,60: light. 17.85faS.42H: Digs. t7.26fi K8HEE5P AND LAMBS Recelot. 8.000 head; market steady to 10c lower; lambs, f 7. 76(8. 60; yearlings, f8. 766-7. 66; wether. f6.25i.26; ewes, 84.745.00; stockers and feeders, 13.504j6.50. St. Loata Lire Stock Market. ST. LOUIS, Jan. 20.-CATTLK-Recelpts, 4,000 head, including 1,900 Texans. Market steady to lOo lower. Native shipping and export steers. 17.6xva8.00: dressed beef and butcher steers, 5.2u.6. 70; steers under 1,000 ids., tisruo.iu; Blockers and reeders, 13.4031 6.16; cows and --heifers,. fl.lO(&)5.76; canners, f2.40tft3.00; bulls, t3.26s-4.; calves,- 16.Wtu-8.76. Texas and Indian steers, 84.006.90; cows and heifers, HOGS Receipt, 10,40 head. Market steady. Pigs and lights, 88.407)8.36; packers, 18.4O(B)8.50; butchers and best heavy, f8.6utf 1.76. SHEEP ' AND LAMBS Receipts, 2,300 head. Market steady. Native muttons, f4.75fgi6.00; lambs, f7.26fr8.70; culls aad bucks, f3.756.2C; Blockers, f3.26$6.00. "St. Joseph Live Stock Afarket. ST. JOSEPH, Mo., Jan. st.-CATTLE- Receipts 2,600 .head; market slow: steers, f4. 606. 75; cows and ..heifers, f2.60flti.00; rilve. f3.00fr8.60. HOGS Receipts, 8.600 head: market 5&10o lower; top, 18,60; bulk of sales, S8.26 &'8.50. ' ... SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt. 1,000 head; market steady; lambs, f6.00.6&. Sioux City Llv Stock Market. SIOUX CITY, Ia Jan. 20.-8polal Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 1,600 head; market slow. . - i 1 . HOt!8 Raeelnta 1 MM ku, . ,.,v 'opened steady, weak At close; 'rang of prices, 18.208.45; bulk of ssles, 18.208.40. Stock In Sight. Receipts of live stock at the six principal western markets yesterday were as follows: cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha .. Sioux City St. Joseph ' Kanaaa city ... St. Louis Chicago Totals...;.... ,DVU 10,000 6,700 1,600 2,600 6,000 4.000 14,000 8,200 9.600 1,000 8,000 2,300 14,000 11.000 10.400 24,000 81. W0 68,600 23,000 OMAHA GBCnL HAKKIST. Staple and afaacy Prodaco Prices Vsr. alahed by Bayers and Wholesalers.' BUTTER Creamery, . No 1, delivered to .the retail trade in 1-11). carton, 87c; No. L In 60-1 b. tub, 86Vo; Not 2 in lib. oarton. E6c; in 60-lb. tuba, 84 He; packing ciOck, solid pack, 22c; fresh rolls, 22Vc; fancy dairy, roll, 26o; ' common butter, Z3',c. Market change every Tuesday. POULTRY Dressed: Broilers, 15 a dog.; springs. 16o; hens, 16o; cocks, lHc; ducks, ltc; geese, 14o; turkey, 26c; pigeons, per dos., 11.26; Homer squabs, f4 per dos. ; fancy quabs, 13.60 per dos.; No. 1, 13.00 per dos. Alive: Broilers, under f ibs., 16c; ovsr 1 lb. 11c; hens, 11c; corks, 7Hc; duckt, full feathered, 12c; geese, full feathered, 9c; turkeya, 18u; guinea fowls, fl per aoskj pig eons, boc per dos FISH (all frusen) Herring, Co; salmon, 11c; pickerel, 9c; whitefish, llo; pike, 12c; trout, 16c; catfish, lie; orapplea, otr to 8c; large crappics, 15c; black- baas, 26c; red snapper, 13c; smelts, 14c; frog legs, 60c a doxen;- Spanish mackerel, lhc; eel, 18c; haddock, 13u; flounders, 12o. OYSTERS Keleots, small cans, t6c; larg 40c; gallon, fl.86; New York counts, small, is3c; large, 46c; gallon, 11.96; standards, small, 2.c; large, 36c; gallon, 11.36. FRUITS oranges: Extra choice, 96a, 112a, lbia. box, f2.60; 160, box, 12.66; 176s. 20J and 316s, box, f2.K6; extra fancy Redlands, 9tls, 112 and 12, box. fZ. 75; l&u, bi-x, 12 si; 176, 2WM, and 216, box, 4U.0V. Lemons: Kxtta fanoy, 300s and 2um, per box, 16.00; extra choice, Jous, 860s. per box, 14.76. Grape tiuit: Florida Indian River, box. ft 00. Tangerines: Florida, 144s and Ibis, box, 12.60. Pineapples: Florida Indian River, 24 and Stun.- oral, f 3 50. Sataunw Florida, 100 to 160. box, tu.00. Apples Choice White Pear ma In, fl.So; Uen Lavlsl Colorado, fl.86; Win Sap, Colorado, 12.00; Jonathans, Colorado, f2.ou; Greamuga, Colo rado, par box, 11.50; Missouri Pippius, Colo rado, per box, $1.75; Utmlten. Colorado, tyr box, fl.60; Iowa Jonathans, bal, 16.60; Iowa Wine Sups, bbL, tC.vo, Iowa Missouri Pippin, bbl., to.OO; Iowa Ben Lavla, ubl.. ft. lb; Hon Lavla, atrlctly No. 1 Missouri, bbl., f3. 75; Missouri Pippins, strictly No. 1, bbl., f2.76; Ganos. triully No 1 Missouri, bbl., 14.00; Greening! . New fork. No. 1 Farmers' pack, bbl., 13.60; extra fancy New York Gresultigs, bbl., 14.60 . Grapes: Mala- r;as, extra ehoica Imported, bbl., 16.60; Ma agaa, fancy Imported, bbl., fa. 00, Malagas, extra fancy, extra -Heavy, Imported, bbl,. In. 60, Malagas, .extra fancy, tinted, highly colored, Imported, bhl., . 18.00. Bananas: ICvlra fancv. Port Llmnn np riiin,,,inn.. finest and largest, bunch. 1360; extra fancy! apociai 10-10. ouuene, ounoti, 6.1.04; extra fancy, bunch, f2 00a2.76. Cranberries. Butra fancy, long keeping, bbl., 17.60; Jr sy, lips, bbL, 16 50. Pears: California, extra fanoy Easier Beurra, box, $2.60. Figs: New Imported, (-crown, lb,. 14c; new In. ported, 4-crown, lb.. 13c: new, Im ported, 11 12-oa packages, box, boo; new imported, 60 tt packages, box, 12.00; im ported, 1-ib. basket, Uu. V't-G ETABLKS Cauliflower: California, per crate. 12.60. Honeyi Colorado, per crate. $2 26. Sweet Potatoes: Kansas, f-bu. bbl., 12.40. Celury; Jumbo Cuiifornla, per doa, 75o. Head Lettuce: Per hamper, 12 60. Rutabagas: Canadian, per lb. l'o. Cab bag: Wleconaln ganuln Holland seed, lb., fc. Tomatoes: Florida, B-bneket Crate, . . . - . j . 1 . ... 1 . . 6"T urate, vin turnips, reea, t.;ar- rot or raranlt: Per bbl., 11.26. Oglonc Red Globe, extra large, per lb.. i-o; Spanish, large cratea, crate, tl.60: Spanleh, mall New York crate, oratej, fl M. BKF.r CUTS No. 1 rlb, lrtc; No. ribs, llo; No. I rib. 8 '40; No. 1 loin, 12c; No. 1 loin, 13Vic: No. 8 loin, 8c; No. 1 chuck. 7 Wo; No. 1 chuck, 6o; No. 1 xhuck, 6o; No. 1 round, 9c; No. 8 round, 740; No. I round. To; No. 1 plate, 6ac; No. 2 plate, 60; No. 1 plate, 4'to. NUT9 Almond: Drake seedlings, per lb., Uo; Braslla, large, per lb., l'.'Vo; fil berts, large, Jr lb.. 13c;- pevanai jumbo Texas, per IbT, 16c; pocana, nmllum Texas, per lb., 12VC; black walnuts, per lb., IV; hickory, email, per lb., Be; hickory, large, .. per lb., 4o: California walnuts. No. t soft shell, per lb., 16c; California wajnutav No. 2, soft shell, per lb., lie; peanuts, raw, per lb., 60; peanuts, Jumbo, raw, per lb., S'",c; peanuts, roasted, per lb., 80; peanuut, salted, rr box, fl.26. DATKS Thirty 1-lb. package, per box, f2.25: new Hallawe'en, per lb.. to; aurir walnut, per box, 11.26: fan), per lb.. 10a Cotton. Market. . .1 NEW YORK, Jan. 20 The cotton market opened steady at a decline of 4'd 15 points. In response to disappointing cables. Hut there waa a good foreign demand here, probably by straddlera against early sales . In the Engllah market and the active months soon sold up to within a point or two of last night. There was a little Wall street selling early, but no great volume of liquidation from any source. Future opened steady; January. 12.90c. . bid; March. 12.96c: May, 14.0fc; July. 14 10c; August, I3.9O0: September, 13 08c; October. ' 12.60c; November, 12.45c. offered; Leoem- ' ber ItJ&Mto. Future closed Irm; January, 14.01c; Feb ruary. IS 95c; March. 14c: April, 14.04c; May, 14.12; June, 14.12c; July 14.12c; AtjgtiM; ' 13 90c; September, IS.O60; , October, 11. 7Vcj December, 12.60o. Spot closed quiet, 26 points' lower J mid dling uplands, 14.11.0; middling gulf, 14.46V; sales ftoO bales. - . GALVESTON, Jan. 20.-OOTTON Steady at 15o. ST. LOins, Jan. 20. COTTON Dell; mid dling, liil,c Sales, none: . receipts, 6.974 . hales; shipments, 6,644 bale; stock. 42.068 bales. ' NEW ORLEANS, Jan. iO.-COTTON-Spots were nominal. Ixiw ordinary, 11 6-16c, ordinary, 18 9-16c; strict good ordinary, 14c; low middling, 14 7-16c: strict low middling, 14c; middling, 16c: strict middling. 16Hc; good middling. 1614c; strict good middling, 16 7-16o; mlMllng fair, IB 9,-lflc; middling fair to fair, 16 I6-I60. Receipt, 6,329 bale; took. 112,480 bale. - Oils and Rosin. OIL CITT, Jan. . OIL Credit balances, fl40; runs. 161,161; average, 145.770; ship ments, 194.600; average, 211,4:77. SAVANNAH, Oa., Jan. 20. -OIL Turpen tine firm, 69W&6940. ROSIN Firm. Quote: ' B, D and R. 4.2iW; F. M27; G. f4.3io4S5. H, fa.STS. I, H 60; K, f6.70; M, f6.10; N, fti.66; WG, ffl.66; ' WW, f.76. Dr. Corilcy is, Urged to Remain Fourteen men of the First Baptist church met with the pastor. Rev. J. W. Conley, at the Toung Men's Christian association Ut luncheon, heard Dr. Conley give hia rea sons for going to Fresno and urged him to reconsider his determination to resign the local charge. ' " Dr. Conley told the parlhloner that he hgd been planning to announce hi resig nation the coming Sunday morning at ser vice. An earnest effort on the part of the whole church Is being made to 'get Dr. Conley to stay. The fourteen men who lunched with him were among the most Influential members ot the First Baptist church. . j . . : J . COURT HOUSE CORNERSTONE WILL BE LAID NEXT MONTH First . Week In February Wilt Sea Ceremony Old . Uecordej' te (Co', ,"M la New BallillnsTi, . , The corner stone of the new. Douglas county, court house will be laid with due ceremony some day In the first Week in February. The Masonlo fraternity will have charge of the ceremony. It la likely that the records and papers In the corner stone of the old court house will be reburied in the corner atone of the) new building. This -plan waa . originated by County Commissioner Jeff W. Bedford, and has met with favor upon the part of the other commissioners. , . Stone masona will be commissioned In a day or two to dla out the old corner Mono. The board will 'consider details of1 t,he . corner stone laying ceremony at Ita next meeting. . , ,, . V 1 ' ; ,, Simple Hemefty tor aagtlfH, .!'',, Ls grippe coughs are dangerous, as they frequently develop into pneumonia. Foley' Honey and Tar not only stop the, cough, but hls and strengthens the lungs so that rto sorlous results need be feared. The genuine Foley's 1 Honey and Tar contain no harmful drugs and Is In A yellow pass age. Sold by all druggist. . , . ., , WAS NO ,"M0RAL TURPITUDE" Men Convicted la Land Provocations In Omaha Clrcalate Opinion , of Jadge Phllllna. . a', . Copies of the opinion oft the circuit court of appeals denying a new trial in the cases of Bartlett Richards, W. O. Comstock, A. Triplets C. C. Jameson, T. M. Huntington, A. B. Todd and Fred Hoyt,' in the Wed land trial cases in which tho defendants were convicted two years ago, are being . senf out by friends of the defendants Vltlj the copy of the dissenting opinion of kludge PhllHUS. , ; , , ., The dissenting opinion Is the one tb which ' the special attention pf the . recipients ' is called by certain passages indicating that "moral turpitude" was hot shown In any of the'acts of the defendants .these pas sages being liberally underscored. The application for a writ of ,cerVoraft to the United States supreme court will he filed by the attorneys for the defendants at an early date, they having been given ah externum of lxy days In which to make such application. The sixty days will ex plrs about March 1. - . Frightened Into- Kite f .' by fear of appendicitis, take Dr. King's New Life Pills and away goesi bow trouble. Guaranteed. ' 25c. For JgJe . by Beaton Drug Co. ,. , V MILLION LEFT TO ELMA Another Will by Oeergt Rhodlea'la 1 . Announced br Lawyers fog Wtaiia, INDIANAPOLIS. Jan. 20. JAn' ' state valued at 81,000,000 Is left entirely (0 a woman known as Elma Dare, by the last will of the late George Khodlua of this elty, whose marriage to the Woman was an nulled. The announcement was made by the woman's attorney's today. Elma Dare, or Doddsworth, la said to now be, In' Chi cago. A will by Rhodlu already ', "filed leaves not a oent to the Dare womari and about fWO.OOO to, Indianapolis for parkav 1 1 1 ' - Use Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for coughs, oolds. croup and whooping eough. Ucrbcrl E, Gooeli Co, ? Broken ind Dcil'erif , , y 1 ' it. OKAIS. ' .'SaOTISIOMS, STOOrtL Owaaa Offiooi Slo . T. aida. ' SsU laaaylioD IDotigiae ul .,. , , .,' . . i . "vimiMi. A-auai aag aTt-BISaV, Oldest BAd Largest Xooae la the feaate