TIIE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, JANUARY 21, 1910. Council Bluffs STATE'S WITNESSES MISSING County Attorney Forced to Dismiss Picotte Case. COLLETS CASE UP NEXT WEEK Woman Arrnaed of Mnrder of Hi liand Will Boon lie Bronchi to " Trial Criminal t'oart rrorftillno, Tho case aijatnnt Leon Plcotte, the former Northwestern railroad freight conductor Indicted at the March term of district court last year on the charge of robbing- freight cars. In hie train bet-en Missouri Valley and Council Bluffs on April 15. 1909. the trial of which hud been assigned for yes terday, was dismissed on motion of the county attorney. The case had already gone over two. terms, and a the state waa unable to produce some of Ha Important wftnesses there wan nothing left for County Attorney Hess, under the rulea of the court, but-to con Bent to Its dismissal. The same action, It Is expected, will be taken In the case of Henry Hott, a brakeman on Plcot t a s . train, who was jointly Indicted with him. Two indictments were returned against Plcotte, and Hott Jointly. Jack White, against whom an Indictment on the charge of keeping a gambling house woe' returned by the grand Jury Tuesday, was taken Into custody yesterday, and fur nished a bond In the sum of $400. Ed Burke, a negro, Indicted on a similar charge, also furnished a bond In the sum of $400. Henry Sherman and W. C. Ross, who were Indicted ' at the November termiorv charges pf gambling, appeared In court yesterday and. on entering pleas of guilty, were fined $100 each and costs, which they paid. Fred Fowler, the former Janitor in the Hhugart block. Indicted on the charge of criminal assault on Iowa Smith, a 12-year-old irlrl. furnished a bond yesterday morn ing In the sum of$S00, with J. J. Stewart, A. T..Fltcklnger. L T. Hhugart, Ohio Knox, Emmet Tlnley, T. J. Walker and Fllcklnger Eros, as sureties. . ' Collins Crs- Set, Mrs. Grace R, CclHrus and Quito Cala mese, Indicted on the charge of murdering Kugene Collins, a negro dining car waiter and husband, of the former, will be placed on trial In the district court next Wednes day under the reassignment of Jury cases made yesterday by Judge Green, who will assist Judge Thcrnell in disposing of the business of this term of court. Mra. Collins and Calamese were ar raigned yestarday before Judge Thornell and both pleaded not guilty to the charge. Their bonds wcro f lxod at $3,000 each, but it was stated that In view of the fact that their trial is to tnko place soon they will not make any effort to furnish ball. City Solicitor Kimbull,'. who is attorney for Calamese, contemplated habeas corpus corpus proceeding on behalf of the young negro, but yuterday stated that he would not now do so seeing that the case was to be- tried so soon and that he felt as sured that his client would be acquitted. The rearrangement of the assignment of jury coses Caused by fixing the Collins murder case for next Wednesday made it necessary to postpone the trial of Frank Scott, the alleged "steerer" for the Mabray gang of "big store" swindlers, which had been set for next Monday. Scott's ,trlal Is now set for 'January 31. The postpone ment was agrusable to Scott's attorneys, as they had other engagements at the time "of lgrnalfy fixed for nls trial. - Assignment of Jnry Cases. Following' Is the reassignment of Jury cases as made yesterday by Judge Green: Monday, January 24 Toledo Computing Scales Company against A. W. Huber; W. M. Harrison against L. E. Moore; U. Jack son against C B. McColm. Tuesday. January toC. M. Witt et al. against I. J. Kills; Johanah O'Brien against T. K. McCaffery, sheriff, et al.; aiichael O'Brien against T. . F. McCaffery, sheriff, et al.; J. A. Kirk against Frank Ktailrig et al. " " Wednesday, , January 24 Marcus Sleek against U. W. Crossley; State against Col J.im and (.'alanine. Thursday, January 27 Mary M. Gallup against Cltlxens Uas & Electric Company: tars. Urai a l Schenkln1 against , Cunard Liieamshtp Company. rTlciay, January 2S Chaxlcs a. Scott against Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Rullway Company. Monday, January 31 State against Frank bcoll; Meyer Kramer against Metzger & Co.-' Tuesday,-, February 1 C. G. Clark et al. against Wabash Railroad Company;. It. P. Teilander, administrator, against Omaha & Council Bluffs B. K. and B. Co. et al.. Wednesday, February 2 Bltssard Bros, against Growers' Canning Company, 'lhursday, February 'A Thomas- H. Flood against L. F. bollincler, A. K. Anderson, tuardian; Treynor Savings Bank against K. Hollnioter et al. Friday, - February 4 C. B. Gano against Churl M. rlantord; In re will of Kinney. Saturday, FeDruary 6 Kefer & Marks tsalutit c: i lie Ago, Burlington & Qulncy Kail road Company; William A. Lewis against ununa at council uiurtt Hireet llawway Company; Heeler A Marks against Chi cago, iiurlingtun & Quincy, Railroad Com pany; same against same. . Monday, February 7 Joseph W. Letsen against Benjamin Marks et al. ; Ueorge r . Castle against - Benjamin Marks et al. ; Aii ptlo Furniture company against Don ald luacrae. 'luesnay, February 8 John Ernst against Julius' klrchorf; Frank 8. Hall against Joan Moloney. - Wednesday, February 9 Alleshouse llarding (Jompany agalnut Edward DeYVlit Patton; Clirls Johnson against Wabash lUiuoad Company; Numwi B. Hawkins against Leopold Kaslner. Jr. lhursday, February Id Ralph Joseph McKwan ugatnst Jacob Simon ei al.; Leo pold. Knottier against J. B. sweet !' Marriage Licenses. . Licenses to wed were issued yesterday to . .he following: Name and Residence. Age, Jtsse Davis. Council Bluffs 80 Josephine Swan, Council Bluffs 25 4. C. Olson, Council Bluffs IS seluiu Swan, Council Bluffs 28 Charles C'lauren, Treynor, la 18 Eva Lammert, McClelland, la 17 Kven Pure In Sanitary 25c&S0 Tubes Minimi to Eat Ellin Write or Ask Druggists For this Free Sample There Is enough Kondon's Catarrhal Jelly in this free sample ent Inr a peony postal lor tevcrui (lay treat-lnenl-eituiih lo L'lva instant relief from Ci'U la the head or natal catarrh, etc. Till wAnlerful, pure reniody (la sani tary titbea) la applied direct to the raw surface. It it so soothing and healing tiial It glvea Instant relief, and Its con tinued use will cure permanently all forma e! catarrh. Ovar 'JS.OuO drugvlsts aell It In 2Vj and SQc tubas. Doctors, nurses, druui'lsts recommend It. The sample Srovrs. Ask your druggist or write lo an (or free sample. Kaaktfoa Manutacturlao) Cei. MlaleayuHay Minn. 1 1 UmW (Ml M1H J tl I pew lk.4a( . MaMM aa Council Bluffs Minor Mention rba Oouoll Staffs Offlee ot " Omaha See la M l (MM Street, Beta Thanes . Davis, drugs. t'ORKIGANS, undertskers. 'Phone 14S. For rent, modern house, T2 6th avenue. FAUST BEEH AT ROGERS' BUFFET. Woodrlng Undertaking company. Tel. 33. Lewis Cutler, funeral director. 'Phone $7. Ilslrd A Bolsnd, undertakers. 'Phone 122. When you want reliable want ad adver tising, use The Bee. Diamonds Special prl'-e this month at Leffert's now store, 603 Broadway. WANTEDTWO BOYS TO CARRY THE MORN 1 Nil BEE. APPLY B EH OFFICE. 15 HCOTT ST. Pee the "Copley Prints" of noted palnt- Iiiks by Taylor and of Abbey's Holy Oral! series at Alexander's, S33 Broadway. William D. Carothers. the veteran Jeweler at 4H Went Hrounway, Is lying critically n St. Joseph s hoxpital, Omaha. Wid has been received here of the death In Chicago of A. D. Kuhn, aged W years. former resident of Council Bluffs. Charles Clauxen of Traynor. Ia.. and Eva Lammert of McClelland, la., were married In this city yesterday by Justice Gardiner. The Woman's Relief corpa will meet In regular seslon Friday afirenoon at tho Young Men's Christian association bulld- ng. The Ladles' Aid society of the First Baptist church will meet this afternoon at the home of Mrs. H. W. Binder, 830 Fourth avenue. At a meetlna of Council Bluffs lodge of Elks tomorrow night will be a class of candidates for initiation. The initiation will be followed by a social session and re freshments will be served by the entertain ment committee. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Rlker, who after their mairiage last summer removed to Denver, have returned to Council Bluffs to live and are now located at lis South Seventn street. Mr. Rlker will re-engage in the real estate and land business In this city. James Owen was committed to the county all yesterday afternoon In order that he might sober up. 'ine complaint was filed by Owen's daughter, who stated that her father had gone out on a drunken car ousal a few hours after the birth of a baby at their home. Mrs. bora Reinohl. wife of Christ Relnohl. 1X10 South Tenth street, died at a late hour Tuttday night, aged 4 years. Deceased, who had been a resident of Council Bluffs sinoe 1863, Is survived by her husband, two daughters and one son. Funeral arrange ments wlii be aiiiiuuiiced later. Owners of land along the proposed route of the Pigeon creek dralnago ditch have riled claims for damages aggregating up w aids of $60,000 with the county auditor. Yesterday was the last day for-JUlng such claims. . The Board of Supervisors will meet next Monday to consider these claims. Harmony chanter. Order of the Eastern Star, will meet tonight in regular session. Tho members are requested to met at the hall this afternoon at 1 o'clock to attend In a body the funeral of the late Mrs. Rosanna Parkes. which will be held at 2:30 o'clock from the Fifth Avenue Metho dist ' church. Rev. S. Grant Lewis, the rastor, will conduct the services and burial will be in Falrvlew cemetery. Special meetings are oeina- .held each afternoon and evening of this week at the reopie s congregational church, Thirty fifth and Ave'nue B. conducted bv the pastor, Rev. C. S. Hanley, assisted by Rev. w. Li. Butnerianu, assistant home mission ary secretary. Urlnnell. Ia. Mra. Hanlev. Shenandoah, Ia., will assist the last of tna-f weeK and over the coming Sabbath. Cot tage prayer meetings are neld each after noon, (services begin 3 and 7:30 P. m. OLSON v MAY RUN FOR MAYOR Coancllnien Wonders Whether to Enter the Race. To be or not to be the republican candi date foij mayor at the approaching spring .!..' Hon ' lu B nnullnn -.1.1.1. . .. . 1 troubling Councilman John Olson.. He has been assured that he nomination will be his U he will accept it. but Mr. Olson is undecided. He ia of the opinion that the duties Involved on the position would take up too much of hie time and this he sayr he could not afford, as he has his grocery business to attend to. Mr. Olson is at present . councllman-at-large and recently declared that he would not be candidate for renomination. He has, however, changed his mind in the last few days, it is said, owing to the importunities of his friends, and would be willing to again be a candi date tor councllman-at-large, but would not be willing to run for mayor. Spencer Smith ia being talked of as the republican candidate for mayor, but so. far he has not expressed any willingness to enter the race. Lee L. Evans, president of the local aerie of Eagles, who announced himself as a candidate for the democratic nomination for councilman in . the First ward, has now decided to fly a little higher. He announced yesterday that he would be a candidate as councllman-at-large on the democratic ticket It is said that he will experience no difficulty In ob taining the nomination, whatever he may run up against when it comes to the elec tion. ' Elmer E. Mlnrrlck, who was announced some tln.e ago as a candidate for - the republican nomination for councilman In the Second ward, filed his papers yesterday with City Auditor McAneney and is now a tull-fledged candidate. BUTOR'S CASH OCT OF COURT Proceeding Brouaht In Wrong; Juris diction, Judge Holds. Holding that the district court of Potta wattamie county, Iowa, did not have Juris diction in the case. Judge Thornell yester day dismissed the suit of Samuel Kutnp nf Cass Lake, Minn., against J. E. Cavanaugh, formerly of McAllister, Okl., now a resi dent, of Pine Bluffs, Ark. ' Sutor and Cav anaugh both went up against the Mabrav gang, the former to the tune of $5,000 and the latter for $37,000, ho being, as far as has been made public, the largest con tributor to the treasury of the "big store" syndicate. At the time that Mabray and his astociates were arrested in Little Rock both Sutor and Cavanaugh hastened to the Arkansas city with the purpose of attach ing what property they could of the men they said had fleeced them. Sutor said he and Cavanaugh entered Into an agreement for the division of th spoils, but that In the final cleanup he waa Miked by Cavanuagh. and brouaht suit against Cavanaugh for $700, Notice of the suit was served upon Cavanaugh while he was attending federal court in Council Bluffs as a witness for the government laHt October. Cavanaugh filed obiectlona to the 1uri. diction of the Pottawattamie district court, claiming that he Is exempt from service from other courts while attending federal court here as a government witness. Being a resident of Arkansas and the Plaintiff a resident of Minnesota, Cav anaugh also claimed that the suit could not be properly brought In the dlstrlot court of Pottawattamie county, state of Iowa. Dobbins' Appeal Paid For. John R. Dobbins, alleged "steerer" for the Mabray gang of -."big store" swindlers, convicted last December of complicity In the fleecing of T. W. Bellew, a banker of Princeton, Mo., out of $30,000 by a fake horse race In Council Bluffs, will not be at any expense In taking hi case up on ap peal to the supreme court of Iowa.. On showing made yesterday by his attorneys that Doblrax, was financially unable to pay for the transcript of the evidence In the dis trict court Judge Green made an order that the preparation of the transcript be made at the expense of the county, lo suto caaes the law requires the county to pay the freight Instead of the state. GOSSIP OF THE BOWLERS Season ii More Than Half Gone and Still the Eace ii Warm. FIVE LEAGUES RUNMNG CLOSE Three Teams Are- Sepnrnted tr hnt Five Games In the Omaha Lrnarn nnd Others Are Nearly na Hotly Contested. With more than half of the season of the bowling leagues, gone the races In the five big leagues are very close. In fact. It Is impossible at this time to attempt to pick the winner of any of the five. This is probably due to the fact that many new bowlers have joined the teams of the leagues and developed Into very good men from the start, making It possible for the weaker teams to greatly strengthen and be In the race. In the Omaha league, the oldest organi sation in the city, but Ive games separate Mets Bros., Storx Triumphs and the Luxus teams, the first three. The Commercial league has the prettiest, race In the town, only three games sep arating Klauck'a Glendales, Omaha Bicycle company. Loch's Willow Springs and the O'Brien Monte Christos. the four leading teams. This Is exceptional for a league race at this time of the season. In the Cellar league but six games sep arate the Beselln Mixers, now leading and the Maney Sunklsts, Derby Woolen Mills and the Excelsiors. The new Boosters league are also having an exciting chase. The Yousem Colts have gone into first place, with the Union Pa cifies, Signal Corps and the Cudahys close on their trail. Hardly a week goes by that some of the league teams do not pick up some new bowler for the game was never as popular as it Is at present. The Bis Pill Rollers. Ratekln, the Benson Eagle base ball player, has the making of a pretty good bowler. Another year In the brush should enable him to get control and he will likely be drafted. Hlnricks and Drlnkwater, the two south paws of the Commercial league, will bowl any pair of bowlera In the p.lty that shoot from the off corner. Dad Huntington should get a partner and take on this pair of sharks. Koines, the only screw ball bowler in the city, is at Boston attending the conven tion of bricklayers. The Chabots miss him. Stick Cain has been made captain of the Chabot team. Cain is a good hustler and will have a winner before the springtime comes. He has signed Oley Johnson, who Is one of the most promising younger bowlers In the ty and Is now after Lally Lahecka, the Derby Mill find. Since reorganizing the MoCord-Brady company's Advos have won seven out of their last nine games and have been pitted against the Luxus and Mets teams at that . Marty Martin Is looking; for some more matches. Since Jack Mann left town it has been very lonely for the shooting kid. Frltcher is fighting hard for the leader ship in the new South Omaha league. Tucker thinks he can do It, too. . Tommy Reynolds wants to know who took his shoes, the loss of which was the cause of him laying out Tuesday night. Kerr Is not using the J. H. H. dope ball any more, since getting over 600 in his last league game with the OO. King' Denman has .been- styled the posing bowler. Nobody in the city has ' a better delivery and to say It is graceful sounds like flattery, but it la just the same. Our own Russ McKelvey is coming back into his stride and is making some very good scores. Jimmy Lyons, the tantalizing Molony, has lost his ball and Is using one of the croquet manufactures. The Cudahy team drew a lot of hard luck splits the other night and lost two of their throe games, putting a crimp Into their maie'i to the front. The last game was lost by but eight pins. ' . Jimmy Delaney will give a bowling party on the private alleys at Francisco's Friday night. Twelve people will comprise the party. The Mitchell brothers will take on the Norgard twins Saturday night for a stake, brothers against brothers. WITH THE BOWLERS. The People's Store won two camea out of three from the Cudahys last night. Score: PEOPLE'S STORE. 1st. Jd. 3d. Total. Abbott 142 166 136 442 Aldrlch MS 17 1S7 517 East 158 175 167 m Thomas 156 159 158 473 Bengele 143 20i 173 521 Totals. 761 872 810 2,443 CUDAHYS. 1st. 2d. Sd. Total. 159 H.6 149 47$ 151 ' 130 179 400 ......... 12 128 150 404 187 157 139 4tX 201 169 175 545 Matthes Powell . Col fey ., lielaney Schmidt Totals S2i 749 792 2.3ro The Storx Triumphs won all three games frcin tho Omnha Bedding company, with Zimmerman getting high game of 242 and hlyh total of 56. Score. STORZ TRIUMPHS. 1st. 2d. 3d. Total. 1S2 458 1X1 (, 203 595 1M9 M4 204 510 Murphy-Frltscher .... 140 136 Walens 210 TSi Zimmerman 150 242 GJerde 195 160 C. J. Francisco 159 147 Totals 854 878 959 1.631 OMAHA BEDDING CO. 1st. 2d. Sd. Total Chandler 189 157 205 ' 651 Tracy 172 la3 181 54). West 150 147 . 11 , 47S Johrson 155 178 162 4,S6 Schumacher L 140 1 lsi 459 Totals m 811 902 2,5ir The News team took two games from Ihe Beselln Mixers last night after drop ping three straight to the vest Sides. Mc Lean rolled high for the News with 61J8 and Beselln for his team with 540. ganders rolled high for the West Sides, 526, and McLean, 477, for the News. Tompkins' D.rby Woolen Mills and H.Us tonight. Scores: DAILY NEWS. 1st. 2d. 3d. Total. Merrltt , 1 176 160 4ii0 McLean 143 171 194 508 Paxton U 169 ltO 4b8 Totals 437 615 BESSLIN MIXERS. 1st. 21. Beselln 224 168 Cole I' I08 D. Schneider 169 11 IU4 1.408 3d. Total. 148 540 144 409 151 500 413 1.509 31. Total. 1x7 626 l&s . 4.1 128 44J 47$ L440 Totals 670 an WEST SIDES. 1st. 2d. 147 lt3 li 120 158 10 ganders .. Byrne Muster .. Totals 4i 468 DAILY NEWS. 1st. sd. 3d. Total. Merrltt 144 118 1.4 4o0 McLean 145 176 157 477 1'axion 170 lli li$ 1U Totals ti 408 427 1.300 Last evening on the Metropolitan alleys the Dreibua Candy . Co. ' defeated the Monte Christos ihcee straight games. An geiabarg a.M strong for the Drelous, gal ling a ulgh total ot 819 and hlgn game of r-i. niatiotd nad hlgn game with 2& and (.led with 1'ilmeau lor a total alu. Kid Tallet of tne Drelbus is improving In his dow ling, baehr had hth ame of 210 and mgU lute! of 51 for ttiu Moute Chrnloo. Tonlcht Omaha Bikes vs. Brodegaard Crowns. Score: O'BRIENS. 1st. Bsehr ' 177 Ixnish l' Spetman lw Latey ' Anderson 204 Totals K8 DREIBUS. 1st. Traynor 177 Stafford lsl Tallet U.7 Angelsberg lit) Prlmeau 201 Totals $16 M. d. Total. H J10 Ml 1H7 12 49 17$ If.lS (.2 143 134 4t 1,0 1M M 8KZ 85$ Ml$ Jd. M. Total. 1K 144 ' 610 208 226 010 143 l: 44 206 $23 61 211 18 610 962 827 1 75 There will be a big bowling contest Fri day nignt on the Metropolitan alleys be tween Herb Johnson and Dutch Walton FOOT WORK SAVES O'BRIEN Philadelphia Jack All hnt Knoeked Ont by Al Kaafntnnn In Sixth Ronnd. PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 20.Jack O'Brien's ring, generalship tonight saved him from a terrible beating and a possible knockout at the hands, of Al Kaufmann of San Fran cisco In a six-round bout before the Na tional Athletio' club tonight. At the close of the fight both men were bleeding from the nose and mouth and O'Brien had a badly-swollen eye; Kauf mann, however, was In far better condition than the Phlladelphlan. There was a ted ious delay in getting started because Kaufmann Insisted on the gloves being weighed. After this hitch the men were soon In action. O'Brien had once defeated Kaufmann In San Francisco and the Callfornlan was a trifle too anxious or he might have duplicated O'Brien's feat. When the bell rang for the opening the men rushed to a clinch and in the breakaway O'Brien sent two straight lefts to the nose. Kauffmann rushed his oppon ent around the ring but O'Brien would stop suddenly and jolt a hard right or left to the faco. There was little damage done In the first round, but In the second Kauffmann drove his right under O'Brien's heart and crossed a lef t to the Jaw, causing O'Brien to clinoh. The minute rest refreshed O'Brien wonderfully and he had all the advantage of the third round. His exertions seemed to weaken htm, however, and had it not been for his clinching In the fourth round O'Brien would have probably been knocked out About the middle of this round Kauff mann drove a wicked right to the wind and hooked - a vicious left to the chin. O'Brien dropped to his knees and when he arose he rushed to a clinch. His clever footwork saved him. In the fifth and sixth rounds O'Brien would not allow the Callfornlan to get set. The Phlladelphlan would jab the nose with left and - then rush to a clinch before Kauffmann could land with effect. In the middle of the sixth round Kauffmann caught O'Brien coming in and almost lifted him off his feet with a right upper cut. O'Brien clinched and saved himself. It Is doubtful whether O'Brien could have lasted another round, even with all of his brilliant ' footwork. Kauffmann gave his weight at 195 pounds, while O'Brien said be weighed 195 pounds. - MID-WEST BOWLBRS AT ST. LOUIS Tennis from Nebraska, lown nnd Kis- sna Are In Tonrnnment. ST. LOUJS. Jan. 20. The Middle West Bowling association tournament will nrxm here tonight. The entries Include seventy five five-men teams, lit doubles and 220 lllUITIUUWVi Visiting teams from Nebraska, Iowa and Kansas will howl Saturday night and Sun day. Fourteen 8t. Louis and two Belle ville (111.) '.teams will occupy the alleys to night. ., ; HBTl'irtlBAME WITH GENOA' HERE Bneket Bail Teams . Are Keen tn Rlvalrf' tor Next Contest. Genoa High school will send its basket ball team to Omaha to play Omaha High school Thursday, January 17. Genoa de feated Omaha last Saturday at Genoa and it is confident (hat it can do It a second time at Omaha. The visitors' team Is the strongest for a number of years and Is hoping to get the state championship. On the other hand the Omaha boys are deter mined to wipe out their defeat and run up a large, score on Genoa. The game will be held at the Young Men's Christian as sociation gymnasium. WHITE . SOX TO ( OPEX HERB Comlakey's Team Will Play la Omnha April a and 8. Comlskey and his White Sox will open the base ball season In Omaha, as far as outside teams are concerned. The dates are April 2 and 3. Two games prior to that will be played as usual by the Rourkea with the Lee-Glass-Andreesen team. Comlskey is to make his regular training trip to the Pacific coast and will pass through Omaha for the west on the morn ing of February 26. Minneapolis will be In Omaha April 6 and 7, and other games are being arranged, but nothing definite is set tled upon, j , . , .(. n - Drake May Drop T I iters. DES MOINES, Jan. 20. (Special.) Al though John L. Griffith has not made a definite announcement, there seems little doubt that Drake will drop the Missouri Tigers from its schedule next fall. The Missouri management has dllly dallied so much, according to the local version, that tho blue and white has practically decided to take on the Kansas Jayhawkers In pref erence to Missouri. Kansas will be a better drawing card than Missouri hero and there is little doubt that the Drake-Kansas game at Lawrence will be a greater money maker than the game at Columbia. Last fall Drake drew a big crowd at Columbia and the receipts were only $1,800. The probable date of the Drake-Kansas game Is October 22. Cornell has written asking for a game with Drake, but it is likely that Manager Griffith will keep the same teams on the schedule for the preliminary games next fall, so Coach Finger's fast aggregation will not be seen on the local gridiron. Iowa-Ames Freahman Meet. IOWA CITY. Ia., Jan. 20.-KSpeclal.) Iowa and Ames freshmen track teama will meet on May 20 In a dual track meet and Iowa will spring a new precedent by hav ing the .home meet In May, were the an nouncements made yesterday by Coach Jerry Delaney. May 13 will probably be the date of the home meet, which Is to follow the Minne sota dual meet on April 29. and the north western anal meet, wnicn is scheduled for May 6. It Is expected that the local athletes will make a much better showing In the home event because of the change of the date to a different place on the schedule. ew Lengrne Includes Nebraska City. MARYVILLE, Mo., Jan. 20. (Special.) It is prohable that Maryvllle will be one of alx or eight teams In northwestern Missouri and southeastern Nebraska and southwestern Iowa' to form a base ball leairue for the coming season. The towns proposed to be Incorporated In the projucted league are: Maryvllle and Mound City, M. ; Bedford, Shenandoah, Clarinda and Crestnn, Ia., and Nebraska Cltv. Neh. It Is planned thaf esoh town shall raise a guarantee fund of $2 500 for the season's playing and that each town shall have three or more games earn week. Drake to Play Kansas. DES MOINES. Ia., Jan. . (Special.) Drake university has decided to accept the offer of Kansas university to play in Des Moines on October 22. Drake will also play Illinois In October. The game will be played In Champaign on October 23. The games on the Drake schedule as thus far arranged are as follows: October 8 Illinois, at Champaign. October 23 Kansas, at lies Moines. November 12 Iowa, at Iowa City. Thanksgiving Ames, at Des Moines. I'oar Pltrhrrs Traded.' CINCINNATI. O., Jan. 20 A big base ball trade was rinsed today by the Clncin natl and Philadelphia National league clubs. Philadelphia gets Robert Ewlng and James Brennan in return fur Frank Cor idon and Harry Covaieskl. All are pitch, era. w Brennan was bought from Hutchin son, h.an., Uuit fall. - aaV I 1 4 a mm The general elections in England begin on January 17 and continue until February 1. The dispatches each day will report the progress of the polling, but in addition to the cable news there will appear in this paper a special series of articles, direct from England, by FREDERIC J. HASKIN. It is needless to remind the reader of the importance of this campaign. Whether the Liberals or the Conservatives win, the British Constitution will be changed. If the Liberals are victorious, it means that the Lloyd-George budget will stand, and that the House of Lords will either be abolished or ao reformed as to make it entirely ineffective in legislation. If the Conserv atives win, it means that the House of Lords will be given the power to veto financial legislation in Parliament, a power not exercised since the' day of Cromwell and Charles I. Further more, a Liberal victory will mean the adherence of the British nation to a program of social reform which includes the prin ciple of the single-tax and other features which arc termed "socialistic in America. A Conservative victorv. on the other hand, will mean which England, These articles will describe the methods of campaigning in Engl&nd as contrasted with these ia the United States. They will explain exactly what the budget is. and why it has stirred up such a great commotion. They will include amus ing features of the campaign, such as the heckling of speak ers, the warfare waged by the militant suffragettes, the campaigning by noble ladies r and backwoods barons who have emerged from oblivion for the occasion, and all the issues and incidents of the great campaign in which the English people will ever leit to the verdict of an electorate. Beginning January Twenty LONG TRIP WITH PASSENGER Louis Paulhan Takes His Wife on Twenty-Two-Mile Tour in Air. TO SEASIDE- AND RETURN Mrs. Bishop and Two Newspaper Men Are Also Taken on Shorter Aerial Jannts Conditions Are Perfect. LOS ANGELES. Cal., Jan. 20. By carry ing one passenger In his biplane on a twenty-two mile cross-countrv trip from Aviation field to a point half a mile out over the ocean, by taking another passen ger on a twelve-mile flight over the fields, and by taking. three other passengers, one at a time, on short flights, Louis Paulhan yesterday established a new world's record for heavler-than-alr machines. No other aviator has taken up so many passengers In one day and no other aviator has taken a woman for a high flight over fields and woods and villages and surf for more than twenty miles. Paulhan sailed at an altitude of from 600 to 1,000 feet over Redondo Beach, Ve-nlce-by-the-Sea and other resorts toward Point Firmln. There were no life buoys tied to the machine to save them from death in the waves should they fall. He made this trip and other perilous flights this afternoon with the ease of a run in a taxlcab. The passenger carrying record Is held by' Orvllle Wright, who flew with Captain Engelhardt for one hour and thirty-five minutes at Berlin last fall, but Wright did not leave the course where he could land at will. Mrs. Panlhan ana Mra. Bishop. Paulhan was gone thirty-three minutes on his twenty-two-mlle trip. He had as a passenger his wife. His twelve-mile trip was made with Clifford B. Harmon of New Tork. Besides these, he took up Mrs. Cort landt W. Bishop, wife of President Bishop of the Aero club of American, Lieutenant Paul Beck of the United States Army Sig nal corps, William Randolph Hearst, a newspaper publisher, and another . news paper man. The flights were made under perfect at mospheric conditions. Earlier In the after noon, the wind had been "puffy" and the other aviators had gone back to their tents after trying the course for a few laps. While the crowd waited patiently In the burning sunshine, Paulhan went over the parts of his machine. At 2:27 o'clock he put on his yellow cloak and helped his wife up to her high perch. Then he flew out over the grand stand to give the big crowd greeting. With their cheers sounding faintly he left the course on his next lap and headed for the ocean. In ten minutes he had become a blur against the sunlit clouds that curtained the Pacific. At 2:50 o'clock, Paulhan again came in sight, and at 8 o'clock he landed directly In front of the grand stand. He received congratula tions and was taken down the narrow aisle of frantlo people, so that all could get a good look at blm. Dummy Dynamite Bombs. As he was in sn amiable mood he was besieged with pleas to take friends up. He returned to his machine and began to make this, part of the program. Lleuteant Beck, on his trip, took dummy dynamite bombs to, attempt to throw them from a height to a measured place on the ground. This was a test made for the bene fit of the army. While Lieutenant BccTc was not successful In placing the bombs within ths square they did not land far away and It was demonstrated that the aeroplane could be used for such a pur pose and that It was only a matter of prac tice to place the bombs where wanted. Paulhan's last flight with Mr. Harmon was not made until 6 o'clock. Again he disappeared In the direction of the ocean, but he did not go to the shore. He re turned after circling the fields in the west, an approximate distance of twelve miles. an abandonment of the Free Trade policy, to alone of all the nations, now clings. ipTTS decide the most momentous questions made In a little more than twenty minutes. The other aviators did not accomplish much. Charles K. Hamilton made three starts in an attempt to lower Paulhan's altitude record of 4,165 feet On his first flight Hamilton rose 456 feet, on his second 300 feet and on his third about 600 feet. Paulhan, on the seashore track, exceeded this without any effort at record-breaking, j Hamilton's machine was not working well enough to encourage him to go higher on the spiral pathway. i Glll-Dosch Machine Injnred. The Glll-Dosch machine met with an ac cident that eliminates it from any work tomorrow. This is an American machine owned by H. W. Gill of Baltimore. It has been tested out several times, but each time It 'has met with trouble. This time the trouble was serious. At a height of from thirty to 100 feet it circled the field once, and then came down with a crash that wrecked the left plane. Hillary Beachey, the driver, was not Injured, Glenn H. Curtlss made two appearances. The first time he went around the course three times, and the second he tried for a speed record. His lap was 2:lfi, seven sec onds from the record. Tomorrow Is the last day of the meet Curtlss, Immediately after the meet, will go to Hammondsport, N. T., to start, work on a model biplane, a heavier one than he has used here. He claims that he will dem onstrate with this new machine that he can get along without the Wright patent. Speed Association to Meet. The annual moeting of the Nebraska Speed association for the purpose of ar ranging th 1!U0 circuit will be held In Omaha in February, the exact date to be anrounced later. Associations not members during the Beason of 1W9 wishing to Join are asked to notify H. V. Rlesen of Bea trict, who will inform them of the condi tions for applicants as adopted at the last annual meeting. Diets Clnb to Eleet Officers. The Diets club will hold Its annual stag election party this evening at 1608 Capitol avenue. Plans are now being made for the new base ball diamond, which, It is said, will be one of the best in the city. J. McMahon is the present president and A. Anderson the secretary of the club. Lyons Defeats Homer. LYONS, Neb., Jan. 20. 8peclal.) The Lyons basket ball team beat the Homer team here yesterday evening In a well matched and Interesting game by the score of 17 to 16. Nursing Mothers and Over-burdened Women In all stations of life, whose vigor and vitality may have been undermined and broken-down by over work, exacting social duties, the too frequent bear ing of children, or other causes, will find in Dr. PiercVi Favorite Prescription the most potent, in vigorating restorative strength-giver aver devised for their special benefit. Nursing mothers will find it especially valuable in sustaining their stretch end promoting an abundant nourishment for (he child. Pn..t.n mnthara too will find it a Driottless boon to prepare the system for baby's coming and rnoderkf me ordeal compare- , , lively painless. It can do no harm in awy ts, vt condition of the female system. ( , Dtllemt; ntrroum, area vct, wk matter from frquent hemdaeh: bmekmek; sfMg gfag-rfaayf sfsfresa or from tul trreiulmrltlir; gmmwtai or dlmtfued mmOm In mtommch, efJxxy or tmlnt ptll, Immilamry tpocko ot moot ttomtlai btloro eyes, mmvo efsatfrosahe, oatmrroml 4fmim. prolapiuo, mofvormlom or rotrovrolom or other aiplmemmt ot worn only organs from womkmomm ot pmrtm will, wktthir tky peHeno0 mmay or omly m tow ot tho aboro oymptom: tla4 rollot and a porotanoat oaro by amlai taUktally and tmlrfr ' porolBtoatfy Dr. Ploreo'm JParortto Proscription. This world-fsmed specifio for woman's weaknesses and peculiar ailments is purs glyceric extrsot of the ehoioest native medioinal roots without a drop of slcoliol in its mske-np. All its ingredients printed in plsin English on its bottle-wrapper and attested under oath. Dr. Pieroe thus invites the fullest investigation ot bis formula knowing that it will be found lo contain only the best agents known to the most advanced schools of practios for the cure of women's peculiar weskuesses and ailments. If you wsnt to know more about ths composition and professional en dorsement of the ."Favorite Prescription," send poslsl csrd request to Dr. H. V. Picroe, Buffalo, N. Y., for his frit booklet treating of same or, better still, send 31 one-cent stsmps for cloth-bound copy of Dr. Pierce' Common . Sense Medical Adviser, new, revised up-to-date Edition, 1008 pages. , ' ' ( f ', You can't afford to aooept as a substitute for this remedy kutmm torn. " pnMtn a rrrt nostrum aasaeasw mmpiiti. Don't do it. Il U not only foolish but often dauftnut to do to. ' V 1 U Umcial scores of Trap Shooters J. 8. Young of Chicago Leads in . ..Amateur plan, with Percentage , of 95.09. ' PITTSBURG, Jan. 20.-The official Inter station association list of trap shooting. averages for 1906 was made public here to day. The averages for single targets are a mA nn minimum rt 9 flflrt 9nn m .v. t, i r and a minimum of 6.000 for professionals. The ten leading trap shooters In the ama teur and professional classes, respectively.' are as follows: AMATEURS. i Name and Address. Shot at. Broke. Pet J. 8. Young, Chicago 4.7J0 4,4S .9609 W. H. Clay, St. Louis 2.240 2.12S .9609 P. Baggerman, St Louis.. 2.010 1,906 .9492 W. Henderson, Lexington.. .45 .0utj .K47 I). Clark. Upper Alton. 111. ,S0 .(W1 .94H6.' J. R. Graham, Ingleslde' 111. 4.M6 4.631 .9421 W. Wettleaf. Nichols, Ia... 4.H60 4,881 .9421 F. Fuller, Mukwonago, Wis. 2.OH0 1.969 .9418 H. Dixon, Oronogo, Mo 6,966 .60S .9417 Fred Ellett, Kelthsburg, 111. 4.936 4, Ml .9424 PROFESSIONALS. ' Name and Address. Shot at: Broke. Pet. C. O. Spencer, St. Louis.... (.225 8.062 .9720 W. M. Heer. Guthrie, Okl... ,01S S.846 .9717 J. M. Hawkins, Baltimore.. (.800 6,812 .9A87 L. German, Aberdeen, Md. 9.010 8.6H2 .9637 W. R. Crosby. O Fallon, III. 8,436 8,00 .9679 F. Gilbert. Spirit Lake.... 11830 12,079 .96(13 E. O'Brien, Florence, Kan. 6.850 6,66 .9623 J. R. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga... 8.736 63,79 .9471 H. D. Freeman, Atlanta.... 9.316 8.6B1 .9431 W. Huff, Macon, Ga. 7.TU6 7,S1 ,sai Minneapolis ts Coma Hera. The Minneapolis American association team will train In Des Moines wl(h the champions of the Western league, the same as last year. After a short training season exhibition games will be played by Min neapolis at Omaha, Sioux City and Liu- coin. 'i BAKE PIE IS FATAL TO Lons; Island Man Drops Dead loss After . KatinsT Piece ' for Breakfast. , FREEPORT, L. I., Jan. .-Henry Meed,' a baker, dropped dead here today after eating a piece of pie for breakfast. The doctor ascribed death to heart failure, su perinduced by acuta Indigestion. Mead waa 71 years old. medical science of all the different