The Omaha Daily Bee THE OMAHA DEE clean, reliable newspaper that la admitted to each and every home. WEATIIER FORECAST. For Nebraska Fair. For Iowa Fair; colder east portion. For weather report oe pape I. VOL. XXXLX-NO. 165. OMA1IA, FRIDAY MORNING, JANUARY 21, 1910 TEN PAGES. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. BURKETT SAYS SENATE IS SLOW Nebraska Member Protests Against Fabian Tactics of Upper House of Congress. Paroles Granted to Two Chicago Bank Wreckers COAL AND METAL MINERSMAY UNITE United Mine Workers Discuss Propo sition to Merge with Western Federation. OUTLINE OF BIG PROJECT Union to Include All Mine Workers in United States and Canada. - MATTER FAVORABLY RECEIVED President Lewis Will Appoint Com mittee to Report Further. Paul 0. Stensland and 'Henry 0 Hering to Be Released by Order of State Board of Pardons. POSTAL SAVINGS BANKS DELAYED Calls Attention of Body to Work He Thinks it Should Do. SENATOR BROWN IN NEW YORK Hakes Address to Jewelers on Income Tax Amendment. IOWA RATES ARE COT DOWN Interstate Cmm rommliiloi Orders Them Reduced from River to Oltraw oTrnori Garlll. "' WASHINGTON. Jan. .(Speclal ' " to " Herln w" gram.)-Senator Burkett delivered a ",.m"r ntence. Arguments be fore to the sen.t. today which made nu(- " h' P"d" on b'htalf of ,the wise old owl. blink and fidget about. ). "nr" W " , thV the,r ullt course. It didn't avail much, but It did or- in nr r nrniitrnc inmi in. tbri inAL in senate havdone little or nothing since the first Monday In December, From the man ner In which the upper house of congress is proceeding Senator Burkett' deduction Is that It Intends to do nothing. The Nebraska senator started the pyro technics on Senator Hale's motion that when the senate adjourn it be until Mon day next. Of course, the motion prevailed, but the Nebraska member wouid nut let the opportunity pass to take a "fall" out of the senate for Its do-nothing policy. Senator Burkett said tlio senate had been called In session for two months and had done absolutely nothing. He called atten tion to the postal savings bank bill which had been two-thirds perfected at the last aession of oongree and Insinuatingly wanted to know why the senate could not sit dally and perfect the remainder of the bill. It was nls opinion that adjourn ment was being taken In order that the bill might never be completed. Senator Hale, stated taht adjournment was taken that committees might have time to formulate reports and put the final touch to bills. Burkett felt the crushing power of the steam roller, but says If the senate does not get down to work pretty .'blamed" ' oon he will pull the record on several committees of the first rank and! show that they have not had a meeting since congress -convened. Brown Talks In New York. Senator rBown, who is one of the prin cipal speakers at the Jewelers' club ' In New York tonight, took for his text his Income tax amendment to the constitution and Incidentally criticised the position of Governor Hughes, who has declared him self In opposition to the measure. Among other thlUKS he said: - "The virtue. ot.thA, proposed, .amendment Is that' it contain ' no exemptions and makea no exceptions.. Under the proposed amendment all Incomes may be treated alike and hear each-its share of burden should necessity or peril assail the nation. In the face of actual national necessity, If It confronted the nation today, not a man tould be found In New York who would tbject to the law because It reached the bolder of public bonds aa well as other people. When argument Is applied to the real situation, such as the amendment la leslgned lo meet, the argument falls. "The capacity of the' state to borrow money depends on the wealth and re sources o( Its people. It does not depend and has no dependable relation to taxes or creditors the state has to pay. The capacity of an individual to borrow money depends on his wealth and resources and not on taxes collected from a man he owes. The railroad can borrow money If Its property la worth the loan without regard to whether the owner of the bond pays or escapes paying the tax on the bond. "When New York, if it does, rejects the amendment the American people, will know It la because It is opposed to conferring on the government the power to tax any income and not because Its people are afraid the borrowing capacity of this great state will be Impaired." Iowa Hates Reduced. Railroad freight rates between Mississippi river crossings and Ottumwa, la., are de cleared by the Interstate Commerce com mission to be unreasonable, and excessive. In an order Issued by the commission to day in the case of the Ottumwa Commer cial association against the Chicago, Bur lington & Qulncy: railroad, ,the Chicago, Milwaukee 4 St. Paul, the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific and Wabash railroads, the rates on first-class freight were reduced from 61 cents to 66 cents a hundred pounds and those on second-class freight from 60 cents to 46 cents a hundred pounds from Chicago to Ottumwa. These tatea are to be made effective for two years, beginning March 15. Uoveraor SCatertalaed. Representative Dawson, who has refused to stand for re-election In the Second Iowa district, wsa host today at a splendidly ap pointed luncheon In the house restaurant in honor of Governor Carroll. The entire . Iowa delegation In the house Were guests of Mr. Dawson. Representatives Burke and Martin of South Dakota entertained Governor Vetssey at luncheon today. Governor Carroll of Iowa, who extended an Invitation to the conference of governors to meet In Des Moines nevt year, hopes for favorable consideration of his invitation. In view of the fact that the governors de cided to meet In one of the state capitals next year. Governor Carroll Is of the opin ion that Des Moines Just about fills tl bill. Mrs .Norrls Brown waa hostess at a de lightful luncheon at the Portland In honor of Mrs. bboJlenberger, wife of Nebraska's governor. To meet Mrs. Shalleuberger, Mrs. Brown invited the wives of repre sentative In congress from the Pralri? slate. E. C. Kricson of Kilt Point, Carl Gunder son of Vermilion and T. W. Dwlght of Sioux Falls, 3. D., were In Washington today snroute to New York. Senator Wan en today introduced a bill carrying an appropriation of 175.000 to pur chase a site and elect a publlo building at Buffalo, Wyo. Moor Italia 'tariff Lcecst. NEW YtiHK. Jail. 3u.Charles A. Moore retired as president of the American Pro tective lanff league after nine years In cumbency. He was succeeded by William Barbour, chosen In the election at the tnty-firth annual meeting of the league, held bt-re today. CHICAGO. Jan. 20. -Pan I O. Stensland. former president of the Milwaukee Avenue State bank, and Henry O. Herlng. for merly Its cashier, who were convicted In connection with the wrecking- of the bank and the disappearance of $1,300,000 of Its funds, were paroled today. . Stensland, who was captured fater a sen sational chase extending- across the At lantio ocean. Into Europe and- Into Mo rocco, had served three years three months and twenty-four days when the pardon board, sitting- at the penitentiary at Jollet, III., concluded he had been. , punished enough. Allowing for good behaviour this time represents a sentence of four years six ' months and eight days. Ha was sen to the -enitentlary on an Indeterminate antnr .. ... j. .is wver up Biionages struggling to get the bank out of - - JJty. Ptensland is almost 63 years "ho looting of the Milwauke y.2. 'ank, for which Stensland, ' 44id Herlng, It cashier, v ee Avenue Its presl- were sen- v , o serve indeterminate sentences in t.",.j- rfofiet penitentiary, involved the sav ings of 22,009 depositors and the disap pearance of about S1.3O0.90O of the Insti tution's depolBts. Stenslaand left Chicago July 14, 1906, and it was not until August T that the bank was closed by the state banking examiner. Stensland's Integrity and the confidence reposed In him by the small tradesmen and wage earners who figured largely as depositors In the In stitution, led both the authorities and the victims to believe for a time that undis covered securities and careless bookkeep ing would account for the steadily increas ing shortages. The suicide of the bank's paying teller and three ruined depositors, the death of another from worry and four victims ad Judged Insane from the same cause soon added an element of tragedy to the affair. In the meantime the fugitive president had been traced to Tangier, Morocco, where he was arrested September S, 1906. Caahler Herlng gave himself up. Fetzer Charged With Big Fraud Former Omaha Man Accused of Par ticipation in Alleged $850,000 Swindle on Railroad. ..Suit -has been. filed in the jjjrcuit-xsouxt of Chicago accusing J. C Fetxer, formerly of Omaha, with being one of three partici pants In a gigantic fraud . upon the Chi cago & Western Indiana Railroad company. The sum named Is $850,600. Mr. Fetxer with Benjamin Thomas, . for mer president of the road, and Charles R. Knapea, another Chlcagoan, are charged with having made purchases of real estate with the road's money, . transferring to "dummy title holders," and then trans ferring to the road at prices far In excess of the original coat. Thus a handsome proift was realised to the alleged con spirator. Evidence will at once be presented to a grand Jury against the three men. . Mr. Fetxer was at one time bookkeeper for the Wrlln, Orendorff & Martin com pany. From here he went to Chicago to become credit man for Cyrus McCormick of harvester fame. Then he secured the place of real estate agnt for th McCor mick estate after the death of Cyrus Mc Cormick. It waa at this time that Mr. Fetxer sold the McCormick estate the old United States National bank building at Twelfth and Farnam for several hundred thousand dol lars. It was recently disposed of at $75,003. Preparation of the suit Just filed in Chi cago has been a matter of weeks and months, and no expense was spared. Di rectors of the company engaged William J. Burns, the famous detective of San Francisco fame, who traced down sale after sale, through all the transfers. The suit has created . a terrific sensation In Chicago. r-RANK E. HERING RE-WEDS President of Ragles, Recently Di vorced, Marries Rick Widow. ii t SOUTH BEND, Ind., Jan. 20.-(Speclal Telegram.) Frank E. Hftring, president of the Fraternal Order of Esgloa, who was recently divorced and ordered vby the court to pay his wife $10,000 alimony, was mar ried here today. His bride is Mrs. Ciarlbell Orton, a wealthy widow. Preparing; for rail Kalr. HURON, S. D., Jan. t0.-(8pec!al.) The office of the secretary of the Slate Board of Agriculture, In charge of C. N. Mcll valne, Is a very busy place. Arrangement for next fall' exhibition are materialising and a force of clerks is pushing the work a rapidly as possible. A number of coun ties, Spink being in the lead, have appro priated funds for an agricultural exhibit at the 1910 fair, which action will stimulate other counties to do likewise. Dan Lahey Catches i Afire Fighting a Runaway Horse Help! Fire! Whoa! Fighting with a runaway horse, beating a fire that war burning off bis clothes, Dan Lahey, police emergency officer, tor along North Seventeenth street. Ths agony of his burn did not deter him from hi determination to atop the running horse. With on hand on the bridle while he frantically heat .r ih. flames with his hat, th officer was dragged along in his manful struggle. Th flaming concourse of horse and man was intercepted after a race of two blocks and a warm of passersby vheld the horse, while others turned their attention to, the flaming policeman. 1 Lahey' privately conducted conflagration r at last put out after h had Buffered M0YER AND MAHONEY SPEAK It is trared that Time Is Ripe' tor All Miners to Stand for Higher Waae' and Better Cos. dltlons. .4 ; INDIANAPOLIS,' Jan. 20. A merger of the resource of the Western Federation of Mlntors (metal) and th United Mine Workers of North America (coal) to em brace all the organised mine workmen of the Pnlted States and Canada I in pros pect during the convention of the United Mine Workers now In session In this city. President Lewis tomorrow will appoint a committee of seven. Including hlmseS, to confer with a similar committee sent to this city by the Western Federation bf Miners and report a plan to the conven tion, .v The purpose of the coalition was set be fore the convention today by Charles H. Mover, president, and C. A. Mahoney, vice president', of the Western Federation of Miners, and T. L. Lewis, president of the United Mine Worker. Moyer urged tfpon the convention that unlees the Iron arM coal miners of both north and south com bine their forces it will be Impossible to carry through the projected attack on the United States Steel corporation. He also pleaded that In these "copper trusts" cam paign against the copper miners, now, he saJd, begun, the copper miner were help less, standing alone. The several speakers urged that the time Is ripe for all miner to amalgamate for a stand for higher wages and better work ing conditions. Charles H. Moyer,. president, and C. E. Mahoney, vice president, of the Western Federation, chiefly of metal miners, made speeches urging an offensive and defensive league of all miner aa the only solution of their "problem." The projected merger wa unanimously approved by the convention. ' Moyer, who was enthusiastically re ceived, declared that the Interest of the metal miner and coal miner were Iden tical. He asked the convention to take a stand against William Randolph . Hearst, "the great friend of organised labor," who, he charged, with, havlnir been . Influential In "lot-kin out" organised -miner- In ' the northwest." He' said" If ' It' Were' necessary to BBk for financial aid .in this fight ' he first would call on the coal miner. I ' i Dissolution of Harriman Merger Will Be Pushed Attorney General Makes Authorita tive Statement Suit Will Not Be Dropped. WASHINGTON, Jan. 20. It was stated authoritatively today that the government suit for the dissolution of the merger of the Union Pacific and Southern Pacific railways would not be dropped. Attorney General Wlckeraham has found nothing so far in his Investigation to warrant such action. ' i Schiavone Family Acquitted by Jury Declared Not Guilty of Complicity in Thefts by Cripple from Italian Bank. CHICAGO. Jan. 20.-The five persons who were on trial on the charge of conspiracy to fraudulently obtain money from Pas quale Schiavone, the owner of an Italian bank here, were declared not guilty today. The defendant were implicated by An gelina Schiavone, the daughter of the banker, who confessed to the theft of ap proximately $90,000. The girl, a cripple, said she stole the money to give (.o her uncle and aunt, Francesco Schiavone and Gll arma Schiavone, In order , that she might marry their son, who Is also a cripple. The defendant were Francisco Schia vone, his wife, two daughters and a son-in-law. Angelina Schiavone will be tried for th theft. : Ktarht Dressmakers Plead Guilty. NEW YORK, Jan. 20. Eight of the dress makers indicted for complicity in the "Bleeper" trunk smuggling of millinery, today entered pleas of guilty in the United States circuit court. Fines aggregating $10,000 were Imposed. painful, but not dangerous burns and the loss of a suit of clothes. "I ask permission to go home and dress." announced the officer in his report to Cap tain Dunn over the telephone. "Granted," replied Dunn. "What waa the insurance V -mcer lAhey, accompanied by Fahey, patrol conductor, had cone Dan r.i.u. lunauiior, nan gone to 601 , North Seventeenth street to take a woman surrenag with nines to a hospital. While Officer Fahey waa within th house a box of matches, misnamed "aafety," In Lahey'a pocket caught fire. Th flames were breaking through his clothes before he realised, the danger. The restlv horse started to dash away at the same moment and the exciting performance was on, From the Cleveland Leader. HEALTH TOPIC OF MAGNATES Insurance Presidents Discuss Means of Prolonging Life. CAUSE OF TYPHOID SCOURGE Dr. Roaenaa Declaree Coadttloaa Canals Disease An National Dlf ; race labile Health HU lltla Is Proposed. WASHINGTON, Jan. JO.-The movement to prolong human life waa the topic dis cussed by- the various- speakers at the morning session today of the Association of Life Insurance Presidents. The report of the Ufa extension com mittee of the association waa presented, by George E. Ida, chairman at th committee. The work of the federal government In the matter of health conservation and way In which this work may be supplemented wa discussed by Dr Walter Wyman, urgeon general of the publlo health and' marine hospital service. ,. . . ,-, "i Dr. H. J. Roaenaa of Harvard' Medical college,' the next speaker, told the life. In surance president that they could do much In a campatam of education ta- teuh the ipeopl" the velua of pruvi.ll- medicine Individual citlrens they could help to foster fruitful and useful legislation of. public health character. Dr. E. W. Dwlght of Boston declared that the vast mine of Information which had been collected by life Insurance com panies during the last sixty year could be used to great advantage In the fight to .promote public health. Typhoid National Dlagraee. ' -There is more typhoid fever In thi country than In any -other civilised land," ald Dr. Rosenau. . "The annual total Is 35,000 deaths and over 350,000 cases. This Is national disgrace and due entirely to lack of education on the subject W probably know more about typhoid and It method of spread and means for its control than we do of any other disease. Yet right here In our capital city there I an excessive amount of typhoid and thl sad story finds repetition In all our large cities. If the publlo were taught to fear typhoid as it does' a case of cholera there would soon be an end of It. r an advocating a public- health militia iff the cause of preventive medicine, I do not mean a marching column of men In uni forms armed with microscopes and disin fectants. The publlo health mllltla that I have In mind calls for the enrollment of all good citizens. Preventive medicine I the watchword of the hour and enlistment in the cause can come only through educa tion. , Publlo Health Mllltla. "There are two Important factor In pub llo health work. . On la th gaining of new knowledge through scientific research; the other Is the diffusion or this knowledge through education. With prophetic fore sight and characteristic energy. Harvard university has established a chair of pre ventive medicine a an integral part of its educational system. Not only the medical profession, hut the publlo at large should be enlightened. The sclentlflo and pro fessional corps may be the regular army, but the public must be the reserve mllltla. In any effective warfare against disease. "When the people understand that ty phoid fever Is as preventable aa are rail road accident we shall have a-casus belli, and the courage needed for a victorious campaign. The government now protects us from cholera, leprosy, yellow fever and other exotlo plagues; why should It not also guard u against th danger that are present as well as those that ar but remotely Imminent T Present dangers such as tuberculosis, pneumonia, typhoid fever and infantile diarrhoeas are infections which reap the highest total of death among us and ar foeman worthy of our best efforts." Call Douglas 238, the "Want-ad Number." Ask for the Want-ad Depart ment and your ad will be tak en carefully and will appear in the next edition. Probably you have something you should advertise a room or house for rent need help gomethlng; to sell Bometblng you want to buy. Do it now while you have it in mind. Telephone it ' ' ' ) "Hey, Come Down Here and Let's See How Train Plunpes . Down Mountain; Four Are Killed Moffat Line Freight Runs Wild on Grade Near Summit of Divide. DENVER, Jan. M. Tearing down the mountain side at the rate of nearly seventy mile an hour, a freight train on the Mof fat road Jumped the track at a point be tween Jenny Lake and Antelope, near the summit of the range, early today and the entire train plunged down the hill. Three men were killed and another fatally in jured. The dead: i ' ENGINEER GRAY. Denver. ' FIREMAN HOOSICK, Denver. BRAKEMAN BERRINGER. . Conductor T. D. Chapcott Is reported fa tally Injured. Berringer wa hurled far from' hi train Into the deep enow and hi body ha not been recovered. ' The train was bourTa for "Denver, it waa drawn by a big compound -engine, 'one of the 'largest In. useV on he steep -mountain grade!.- OA 'the grade not far from Tolland the train got beyorid control and soon was plunging down the mountain at a tenifflc speed. Finally the engine and then . the heavy . train Jumped the rails and was hurled far down the hill. The engineer and fireman were killed instantly. Thirty Miners Rescued, and Two Are Killed Hen Are Imprisoned Three Hours in Shaft Near. Richmond, Missouri. : . RICHMOND, Mo., Jan. Two miner were killed and several other were In jured, none fatally, when thirty men were Imprisoned In mine No. S, owned by Pence It Calnen and situated one mile from here, today, the result of an explosion. The dead: ' CHARLES WAIT. BUD BRADY. Among the Injured was James Pence, a brother of one of the proprietors. The other miners were rescued after be ing imprisoned three hours. With one or two exception they escaped with slight injuries. ' , AGREEMENT WITH SWITCHMEN Tentative - Trace Patched I'p by the Chicago Roads and Their Employes. WASHINGTON, Jan. ' .-A tentative agreement ha been reached In ths contro versy between the Chicago railroads and their switchmen. It I likely the announce ment will be made later In the day by the mediators. The nature of the agreement 1 not disclosed, but It is believed to in volve arbitration of the wage question. Banker Walsh Takes Up LE'AVENWORTH. Kan., Jan. J0.-"I iept very well, thank you," leplled John R. Walsh,' the former Chicago banker, in response to the greeting of a guard this morning- at the federal prison here. The aged banker had arisen after his first night aa "convict had mad up th llttlo col In his cell and stood, aa did th other 900 prisoner, awaiting the order to march to breakfast. Today, It was planned, and probably for several days to come, Mr. Walsh was to be permitted to rest before entering upon ths regular routine of prison life. If th prisoner was on th verge of col lapse, he covered up the symptoms. Ills chief concern seemed to be that he should violate none of the rules of the institution. He was even eager to carry out to th letter every order that might be given him, and this he did with a' cheerfulness that made hi keeper, who had seen many a stout heart given way when finally merged Into th existence of hundreds of fellow prisoner marvel. . After he retired last night, hi relatives having bidden him good-bye and started back to Chicago, no sound came from Mr, Walsh's cell to indicate that restlessness a a taking hold of him. It Works.' FIRM OF BROKERS SUSPEND Failure of Roberts, Hall & Criss Due to Ho eking- Slump. AFFAIR TO BE INVESTIGATED Probability that Special Committee of Stork Gickssge Will Look. Into Unusual Condition t Affairs. NEW YORK, Jan. 20. Roberts, Hall Criss of New York and Cincinnati were forced to suspend as members of the New York Stock exchange today, following the two failures yesterday, brought about by the collapse of the Columbus and Hocking Valley Coal and Iron pool. Hugh F. Criss wa the board member of the firm and had charge of the Hocking pool on the ex change. He estimates the liabilities of the firm at $3,000,000, but 1 quoted as saying that he hoped to pay "100 cent on the dollar unless the governor of the exchange permit welching on the part of other members with whom I had- con tract." The feeling among member of the ex change ta that Criss is made to bear more f than'1 -aluure.-afNthe blunt -and that an the paftlclparit ought to; be punished for their part In the episode. 1 The affair of all three firms Involved J. M. Flske & Co. 'and Lathrop, H asking & Co., which suspended yesterday as well aa Roberts, Hall & Criss, are now bSlng investigated by the committee on Insofven cles, of the exchange. But It Is not unlikely that the situation may get beyond the Jurisdiction of this commute necessi tating the appointment of a special com mittee with plenary power, such aa was done In the Rock Island case not long ago. In announcing the failure of Roberta, Hall A Crlsa, the president of the exchange said there were . peculiar circumstances which called for rigid investigation. These, as Criss' deolaratlon indicate. Imply bad faith on the part of other members of the so-called pool. A petition to remove the stock of the Columbus and Hocking Coal and Iron company from the list of the Stock exchange is said to be under consid eration. Criss endeavored yesterday to stay the flood tide of selling order In the .stock and before the day waa over almost col lapsed and had to be aeslsted from the ex change floor. The suspended firm, composed of J. Nevj Ins Roberts, Thomas B. Criss, Hugh F. Criss and Walker Hall, has It principal office In Cincinnati. The firm wa formed In August, 190i. . GRAND ISLAND LOOKING INTO ' DEATH OF PROF. VAUGHN Former Instructor In Missouri Nor mal School Died Last ' October. KIRKSVILLE, Mo., Jan. 80-An Investi gation into the death of John T. Vaughn, former professor In the First district (staTe) Normal school, is being conducted by the Adair county v grand Jury. Prof. Vaughn died last October. Hi body is burled In a vault of steel and concrete In Monroe City, Monroe county, where his widow and daughter re aide. Prof. Vaughn waa an authority nn American history. Cheerfully Prison Routine When th line formed the new prisoner nimbly took his place and moved toward the breakfast room.. There, with the others he partook of the meager prison fare, out wardly with reliuh. Breakfast over, all were returned to their cell to rest before th day's work should begin at 7:90. But Mr. Walsh did not begin his active duties today, Instead, when the rest period waa up. he was taken to the office of Dr. A. F. Yohe and given a pre liminary examination. Hero, also, he main tained his remarkable composure, answered all questions readily and gave the physi cian whatever help he might in diagnosing his case.. From Dr. Yohe's office Mr. Walsh waa taken to the office of William MoCaughey, a son of the warden and special agent 'of the Department of Justice In charge of the Bertlllon system. Ther he wa to spend today under observation. It was decided not to take the Bertlllon measurements till Mr Walsh has been given a chance to rest from the mental strain and fatigue which he has under gone. Later tnls week a more thorough examination will be made by the physician and then if the prisoner Is found fit. he will be. assigned to work, probably next week. CAUCUS SLATE GOESjTlIllOUGH House Elects Balling-er-Pinchot In quiry Committee Nominated Wednesday Evening. FULL STRENGTH IS MUSTERED Majority Carries Out Its Program, with Several Votes to Spare. DEMOCRATS OFFER AMENDMENT Effort to Substitute Rainey for Lloyd is Voted Down. LLOYD TRIES TO WITHDRAW Democrat Chosen for Place Refase to Servo and Plead for Recogni tion of Minority Caacna Komi ace. BAunraEB-raoxor commtttb'e. Representatives MoOaU of Massachu setts, Olmstsad of Pennsylvania, Denby ol hUohlgaa, Madison of Kansas, republicans Jam of Kentucky and XJoyd of Missouri, dsmoorat. . Senators If elson aeTotlnnasota, Flint of California, Sutherland of Utah, Hoot of Kw York, republloaa) Paynter of Ken tucky and rietoher of florlaa, dsmoorat. i WASHINGTON, Jan. 20.-Ignorlng the protest of the democratic member, the republican majority In the house today rat ified their caucus nominees for the Bal-llnger-Plnchot Investigating committee, dlKplncMng Representative Italney of Illi nois, one of the democratlo selections, and nominating In his stead Representative Lloyd of Missouri, who Indicated his un willingness to serve on the committee. Con sideration of the urgent deficiency; appro priation bill was resumed, but was laid aside until tomorrow, ' after three hours' debate. The senate had a brief session, the only incident of which waa a speech by Senator Bradley of Kentucky, In which he defended Kentucky and charged that the "Tobacco trust" waa responsible for the acta of vio lence whioh had been perpetrated by the so-called night riders In that state. At 1:26 p. m. the senate adjourned until Monday, but the house remained In session until 6:06 p. m. Republican ProtTram Qoe Through. The republicans today mustered their en tire party strength in the1 house and forced through their caucus program, eliminating Mr. Rainey (dem.. 111.) from the Balllnger Plnchot investigating committee. The vote was 1S6 aye, 146 noe. 18 voting "present." The house first voted down an amend ment offered by Mr. Clayton, (democrat) Alabama, substituting Rainey for Lloyd, who announced that he would not serve. A caucus of the democrats was called after announcement of the vote on tha resolution ,to follow Immediately after ad journment, of the house today to determine wnemnr me democrats stixuitf decline en tirely representation on the committee. ... Of the eighteen members who answered "present" four, Mann (Illinois), McLatchen (California), Lundln (Illinois) and Young (New York) were regular republicans. Cary (Wisconsin). Cooper (Wisconsin), David (Minnesota), Lenroot (Wisconsin), Lindbergh Minnesota), Ponldexter (Wash ington), Madison (Kansas) and Nelson (Wisconsin) were republican "insurgents." Ashbrook (Ohio), Burleson (Texas), Cartor (Oklahoma), Pou (North Carolina), Rainey (Illinois) and Webb (North Carolina) were democrats. Rothermel (democrat), Pennsylvania, and Olmstead (republican), Pennsylvania, were paired. Currier Resolution Adopted. The Currier resolution naming the repub lican caucus appointees waa adopted by a vote of 186 ayes, 146 nay and IS voting present. ' Promptly after the house waa called to order by Speaker Cannon, Chairman Dal sell presented' a resolution from the com mittee on rules, providing for an election by "resolution of six member to repreaunt the house on the Joint committee to In vestigate the whole matter underlying the so-called Balllnger-Plnchot controversy. Representative Currier, chairman of the republican caucus, at once offered the names of McCall of Massachusetts, Olm stead of Pennsylvania, Denby of Mlohlgan, Madison of Kansas, Jame of Kentucky and Lloyd of Missouri as members of th committee, all of them republican cauoua selections. Instating, on recognition by th ohair. Representative Lloyd announced that In th selection of democratlo member of the committee the choice of the democratlo caucua should be respected. Meter. Jame and Rainey having been selected by the caucus for thost places, he declared he could not serve on the committee, ' Clayton Speak tor Democrat. - Representative Clayton of Alabama ob tained the floor and said: "We democrats concede to the republican party the right to control thl house, but we do not concede your right to dictate to the democratlo purty how It shall conduct Its affair.' I Mr. Clayton' resolution to substitute Rainey for Lloyd waa loat, 182 no to 147 aye. Informal conference early in the day between democratic leaders In the room of Minority Leader Champ Clark Of Missouri, and between republican leaders In the room of Speaker Cannon, had paved the way for a battle on the house floor, mad Inevitable by the action of the republican caucua lust night in rejecting Mr. Rainey as on of the minority members of th investigat ing committee. ' The turning down of Mr. Rainey waa con demned by the minority as hostile to th principle that the democrats should not be Interfered with 'In their selection. Those who met with Representative Clark were Moasr. Joine and Rainey, Lloyd of Missouri, Underwood and Clayton of Ala bama and Flnle of South Carolina. Republican Leader Confer. The conference In the apeakar' room wa attended by Representative Dalzell of Pennsylvania. Republican Whip Dwlght of New York and a number of other. The subject under discussion wss th muster ing of sufficient votes to put th republi can caucus program through th hous. After the conference, Mr. Dwlght sent notice to all republlt-an members. Including regular and "insurgents," requesting- them to attend the session and remuln until thi vote was taken for the election of the In vestigating committee. The minority toou similar action to mus ter Its full strength on the floor. Minority Leader Clark mad this staia-