Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 20, 1910, Page 8, Image 8

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Louis Paulhan Make Trip to Bald
win Ranch and Return.
Onml llrraks Tfcroash flarrlers oa
I! la Upturn to Gramdataad All
I'revluae Records
I .OS ANGKIsKS. ,Jan. 19. Louis Paulhan,
In hi Fnrrann biplane, made Tuesday what
aviation experts consider the most re
mat liable cross-country flight In hlHtory.
On the wings of a wind that other
aviator! h.sitntcd long to fHce, the little
Frenchman rode . from Avlutlon field to
"Iucky" iialdain's ranch, . twenty-three
miles away, circled the old Fanta Anita
raoa track and bucked hla way back to his
In all ho covered an estimated distance
of forty-eeven and onerhalf . miles In one
hour two minutes .and forty-two and four-
fifths second. , He went down with the
wind In thirty minutes and came back
against It in thirty-five minutes. When
he climbed out of his car he said that hla
motor was as cool as when he started and
that he could do the trip over again at
one. ,
In sheer beauty and contempt of danger
the flight ilvals that seen on any aviation
field of the old world. The only test ap
proaching; It In this country was that made
by one nf . the Wrights last fall, on a
flight . with an army, officer from Wash
ington to Alexandria.
Blcrlot, Iatham, Karman and Cody have
made flights, nearly as long, porhapn, but
they have not come hack. Cody flew forty
miles at Aldershut In sixty-three minutes
last fall. Forman took a twenty-mile run
to spend a. day shooting with a friend, but
he landed at one end of his journey.
President Cortlandt F. lilshop of the Aero
club cf America said tonight that he did
not know of any flight equal to Paulhan's
It Is probable that the prize of $10,000 will
go to him.. There will much official pon
dering and cabling however, before a new
world's .record Is added to the glory of
x ranee.
Pauihaii iiuilnlaiiivd an altitude of from
1,000 to 2,000 feet on his way over the
yalley. His highest point was 2,130 feet, as
Indicated by the Instrument In his car.
Under him, speeding over country roads,
were automobiles and men on horseback
and motorcycles, trying to be near tha ma
chine should Paulhan fall or have to de
scend. Mrs. Paulhan was In an automobile
praying and crying.
When Paulhan reached the grandstand on
his return ha was mobbed. The crowd
broke through tha barriers. Tha aviator
wa lifted up and borne over the field. Hla
countrymen klsxed him and wept In Joy.
This event was the only "one of great Im
portance In ' the day's meet, Curtlsa did
not go Into the air until after Paulhan had
been away for half an hour. Then he gave
a pretty exhibition of fancy starting and
retired. .
Upper Currents steadier.
The wind cams urt suddenly, and for a
time it looked bjt though the program would
be spulled. At S o'clock nothing had hap
pened except a few skids over the Held,
the crowd began to howl. Paulhan rose to
the occasion.. Without any announcement
his mcchlno appeared on the far west
course, beating against the wind. It came
around and over tha heads of the crowd
with the wind at a speed of sixty miles an
hour. Paulhan eame down aa though- he
had decided, against, further flying, but be
fore tha crowd had - time to forget their
first wonder, he came over their heads
again and pointed the flat nose of his big
white plana toward, the mountains. It was
8.08 o'clock,.. . . , .
"He's off for tha cross-country record A
the world,'-" announced tha megaphone man.
For ten minutes the machine flew onward
and upward, straight toward the snowline
of the Sierra Madre range. Old Baldy peak
was the compass point.. It lay In shining
white relief against the sky. Through the
glasses Paulhan could be seen rising .above
the base and taking a trail, so It seemed,
K "CW wrnwis-wjWfww . I
Wholesale Dealer
802 Douglas St., J?
' Corner 8th St. j&
'Phone, Doug. BOG2.
to the summit. Soon he disappeared from
Bulletins were sent out and posted on a
blackboard as the machine passed over
small towns on the way. to the Baldwin
raea track. At 4 o'clock there was a great
shout. Someone had seen the airship. Soon
It eame Into sight, blown from Its outward
course and on a line with Mount Wilson.
The machine loomed up mora and more
distinctly and even the experts Watching
and timing were surprised at the speed
with which It returned. Mr. Bishop figured
that It would take Paulhan twloa. aa long
to ponwi back against the wind aa It had
to go with It, but the avla'.or had strucV a
milder current In the higher altitude and
wss coming home on this.
Soon he was over the field and settling
gently. The rush began. The Frenchman
stepped stiffly out of the saddle and asked
for a cigar.
"I will go twice bs far some day," he
Nebraska for
Training Table
Action of Board of Control at Lincoln
, Will Remit in Retention of
This Feature.
LINCOLN, Jan. 19 (Special. )-Four out
of five Important measures passed by the
Missouri Valley conference at Its last meet
ing In Des Moines In December met with
the disapproval of the Nebraska Board of
Control and they will be protested by tha
Cornhusker representative to tha next
meeting of the "Big Seven." The four
rules on which the Nebraska board op
poses the action of the conference are:
The abolition of the foot ball training
table; placing foot ball scouting under dis
approbation, but not prohibiting It; dis
carding the hammer throw In field events,
and adopting the second semester eligibil
ity rule. At Its meeting on Monday night
the Cornhusker board Instructed Its rep
resentative to protest each of these four
By declaring- for the foot ball table, the
Nebraska board will prevent the abolition
of that institution from Missouri Valley
foot ball. At the recent meeting Missouri
and Nebraska voted against a motion to
do away with the table, and hd the Kan
sas representative been present he would
have voted with these two schools, giving
enough votes to defeat Hhe .measure. As
It was, the motion carried, making it nec
essary for one schoojt to protest tha ac
tion of the conference within . sixty days
so as to bring the matter up for another
vote. When the question comes before the
next meeting Nebraska,. Kansas and Mis
souri will vote to retain the table, and
their votes will be enough to bring about
that result.
Crlss 1M 13! 170 2
Uwgh ..146 177 171 4M
Totals 374 6l 4 1,330
1st. M. 3d. Total.
Nugent m 1" 1W "1
Dyberg 114 I'U 141 41S
Brown 128 143 147 424
Totals 170 488 47S 1,334
Government Files
Brief in Anthracite
Coal Trust Case
tussle's Acorns were something soft for
the Keselln Mixers last night. The Mixers
taking the sttalght and getting over 275
pins on totals. Dick Schneider got high
single and totals for the Mixers, 233 and
nM. Morton rolled high single and totals
for the Acorns, lfts s.nd 467. Cole of tha
Mixers Is celebrating the fact that he
rolled over 500. the first time this season.
Hunklst and Kxcelsiors tonight. The score:
1st. 24. M. Total.
Cole 173 174 1M MM
D. Schneider 157 232 Mi -654
W. Schneider 12 It 166 623
Totals f22 671 47 1,580
1st. 2d. M. Total.
Morton 1A9 1M 147 4f.7
Moyna 118 144 I'M 8:8
1 1 aster 1..2 156 141 449
Totals ..... 429 53 422 1,304
Klanck's Olendales took two out of three
games from St. James, but It took the St.
James boyi to break the winning streak
of the Ulendales. High gamfi Camp, 219;
high totals, Qudenswager, 5! of the Olen
dales. Mayna, 200, and Weymuller, 639,
were high for the St. James. cor.:
t 1st. 2d. 3d. Total.
Iehmann lf.4 137 153 414
Klanck r.a 150 lift bM
(iodensrhwogrr 10 18 10 646
Stapenhorst 179 ll'S lol bzi
Camp 1G0 219 1D7 636
Total SC6 895 814 2,575
' 1st. -Sd. 8d. Total.
Scannel 164 170 192 626
Hoster 180 144 170 494
Mayna 143 200 ISO 623
Hanson 10!) 1A6 lil 436
Weymuller 153 199 187 6i
Taking Evidence in Injunction Suit
Against Fuel Combine Occu
pies Three Yean.
Total 749
800 2,518
With the Burners.
(Francisco's Alleys.) '
Thursday Dresner's against Luxus.
Friday Omaha Bedding against Stors.
(Keyt's Alleys.)
Wednesday Drelbua Candy . company
against O'Brien's Monte Crlstos.
Thursday Brodegaard - Crowns against
Omaha Bicycle company. '. '
(Keyt's Alleys.)
Wednesday Dally .News' against West
sides. ThursdayFrench Way against Hollys.
Friday Loyal Hotel . Jewelers against
Bungalows. .
" (Francisco's "Alleys.)
. Wednesday No game' J'- ' '
Thursday people's Store agalnBt Cud
ahys. , Friday Westsldes against Bprague Pills.
(Francisco's Alleys.)
. Wednesday Capitol Boilers against On
The Square." '
Thursday Omaha Gas company against
Quartermaster's Deportment. i
. Friday Midland Paint and Gloss com
pany against Kamoa.
In the Mercantile league the
Paper company won two out
games. The Yousen Colts won
games from the Union Pacifies,
tain Yousen rolling high game
total, getting 610 pins. Score: 1
1st. 2d.
Falconer 153 116 .
C. Rice ...141 158
Toman 194 140
Bruggeman 178 173
Yousen 234 1&3
of three
all three
with Cap
and high
Sd. Total.
181 450
Total 900 770
1st, M
uieson 141
Johnson iso
bioson lvo
WSlley 110
Bullard 170
114 .
83S : 2,503
Sd. Total.
126 3S2
166 '
7M 77
lHt. Sd
Howley ..130 201
Pickett 1 157 147
Arnsteln 158 159
762 2,283
Sd. Total.
144 . 47C
157 461
166 43
ToUl .....445 607 467 1.41J
1,r a q.i ni.i
Blrkeland ...170 163 189 622
Newton i.u 17a in
It Smith 235 18J 1M 564
Total 569 617 46 1.M3
In the Mercantile league the Kuultable
Life won all thriMi rumM Tn, a a ..... .
tested the Malonevs tWO ICftLinAM nut tit
Lyons ,
1st. id.
Sd. Total.
17 fau;
11 b.1
136 4U
234 6O1
191 646
Pains in the
which streak Up between t.'ia
shoulders or through the lolnt
and down the limbs. - Very com
monly theie pains are associated
with a "drawing" sensation at
the back of the peck..
II 'mm.
Grotte ...
Wiley ....
roiey ....
lU nolds
i' t anutsco
Total ...
I 1'ounger .
Iteta ....
Total ..
, loO
817 879 2,049
rouit MurrcHmam
Tkme hIm r stwlr tlwart uw malt at
itmt4mi MnNxn trurm. tmt us mlr
UN mall of ki4Mr Uoutil.
C O C I X tuilto ike wnM nna,
almulaiM s mmI, Walibr turn ot blood
4 koliM ertin vita tka SMrir
"a"!? w Isauia uwlr ftvsw aciloa.
Alt mrmp aWWrc II4 nUllr tkh
laiiui mat th bl rm It ukulf .
uili to coMhioa ( Vikm, Viullir 4
uoUu rtlwu kctiik U Uxrakr !.
Your r4oney Refunded If It rails.
rsice Ma aox. . ton sali by
bkazon aoo CO,'
lata and raraaw Sta Omaha.
815 . m
1st. 2d.
, 16
..'.16 lit '
lui liM
3d. Total.
Ul 507
lb &&
S7 "iMi
3d. Total,
lttt 511
i 4u4
Ml ' 48
Grant ....
ci mer ..
...473 452 m 1,V)7
1st. 2d. Sd. Total.
13 IM 1M
13 US 164 .v
lai 123 134 4uv
Total 44S 412 ill 1.2K1
Maney'a Sunklats won two games from
the txoeilois last night on the basement
alleys. Lit had hign single game, with l,
ami urlftitn had high toiala, with 520. To
night the Dally News and West bides. The
score :
1st. 2d. Sd. Total.
O Connor lw . US 1 aa
Meyers 153 ltfl 111 ill
Lit 14e l!ft 15a 4
Totals 467 46fl
1st. 3d.
Ortman ' 1W liW
Uiifflttt 174 164
Laird 147 153
3M L345
3d. Total
166 477
11 W
161) ,D
Totals , 4&3 471 617 1.47,
Tha Sea Dogs won two games from the
City c last night on tha Metrooolltan aJ
leys. Nugent had high single game, with
im, ana iugn naa nign totals, with 44.
1 ns score:
1st. 2d. Sd Total
OrsUtt lite I w
Sooth Omaha Bowlers.
Msrtln's Tigers won three straight from
the H H. Katskee bowling team last night.
Larkln was high man, rolling 2112 In hla last
game and 537 tor three. Score:
1st. 2d. Sd. Total.
Frltcher .....156 HiS 143 40ti
Larkln 164 171 202 537
Clssna 125 109 132 426
Tombrlnk 166 150 152 4X8
White 90 160 W 345
Totals 79 SIR 728 2.272
1st. 2d. 3d. Total.
Bando 130 189 166 485
J. Usher 163 138 138 439
W. Usher 140 181 135 456
Swift 149 119 102 870
H. Chase 142 152 132 426
Totals..... 724 779 673 2,176
Ronrke Blfrns Blaine Durbln for His
Pitching; Staff for This
Pa Rourke has added to his pitching
staff for the coming year by thej purchase
of Blaine (Danny Dreamer) Durbln, the
southpaw who was recently sold by the
Chicago 'Cubs to Pittsburg. Pa says he
realized there Is to be a hot fight In the
Western league and he is going to be pre
pared for It.
Omaha's First Baseman Likely to Be
Pot Ont of Game for
. PITTSBURG, Pa., Jan. 19. (Special Tele
gram.) Jlmmie Kane, formerly with the
Pirates, but who played last- year for BUI
Rourke's Western league ' team, probably
will lose the sight of his rluht eye aa the
result of an accident last night while the
base ball player was playing banket ball,
In which he Is an expert. Kane had
poised for a shot at the basket when the
captain of the opposing team, In endeavor
ing to Intercept the ball, stuck his finger
squarely In Kane's eye. The accident hap
pened at Unlontown, but Kane was brought
here for treatment.- He Is at the Eye and
Ear hospital, but the surgeons hold out
very little hope of saving the sight of the
eye. Should their predictions be correct,
Kane's base ball days are over.
University Will Adopt Chios no Plan
of Athletic Organisation.
IOWA CITY, la., Jan. 19. tSpeclal.) At
a secret session of the finance committee
9f the board of education yesterday . tho
board In control of athletlcH, . prominent
athletes and alumni of the Unlvrsltv nf
Iova threshed out the local athletic ttt'tua
tlcn. As a reeult Prof. A. O. Smith, chair
man of the board, will appoint this week
a committee to secure a nenpral direct ir
of athletics, thus adopting a syitem such
K Is now In vogue at the ITniverRltv nt
Chicago and which the University of Wis
consin nad until tho resignation of Director
Hntchlns was accepted.
Though the authorities were silent, It id
known that the delicate subject of student
representation bv student councils nH
athletic associations was thoroughly none
over. It Is reported that the agltntlon
iHvoring some iorm or eiudent representa
tion was discouraged for tho present at
The "star chamber" session, w-hleh 1
for three hours,- and which was attended
by President George E. MacLean and Dean
W. C. WHCOX Of the collesre of liherxl arm
besides Chairman W. R. Boyd and Thomas
Thomas of the finance committee, marks
a significant step, In the athletic reform
under way In the University of Iowa It
showed definitely the Importance given the
recent agitation by the administration.
PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 19.-The govern
menfs brief In Its suit to break up tho
alleged anthracite coal trust was filed In
the United States' circuit duurt today by
William 8. Gregg, special assistant to the
atorney general.
The suit was brought In April, 1907. The
nearly three years that have Intervened
since the uctlon was brought were taken
up with the examination of witnesses for
both sides.
The principle defendants are the Reading-
Company, Philadelphia & Reading Railway
company, Philadelphia and Reading Coal
and Iron company, Lehigh Valley Railroad
company, Delaware, Lackawanna & West
ern Railroad company, Central Railroad of
New Jersey, Erie Railroad company, New
York, Susquehanna & Western Railroad
company, Lehigh Valley Coal company.
Lehigh and Wllxesbarre com company,
Pennsylvania Coal company, Hillside Coal
and Iron Commercial company, New York
Susquehanna & Western Coal company and
Temple Iron company.
The government contends that all the de
fendants have long been parties to a gen
eral combination and conspiracy which
stifles competition and obstructs trade and
commerce among the states In antharclte
coal and that they have accomplished the
'The government In Its brief asks the
court to restrain and enjoin the alleged
monopoly and to. further enjoin the defend
ants from carrying out the contract with
the so-called . Independent companies by
which the latter turn over their product
to the larger companies for 65 per cent of
the tidewater selling price.
The defendants have twenty days to file
their briefs, which will be heard February
Liquor Men Praise
Whisky Decision
President of league in Report Says
Storm of Prohibition Has
Spent Its Force.
Peta of Harvey Challls,' Mrs. S. B.
, Stewart and W. T. Hood Wis,
Omaha doir owners won substantial nr'n..
at tho bench show at Sioux Cllv. A.
Italian greyhound owned by Harvey Challls
whs given the blue ribbon and Mrs. S. B.
Stewart, with her two Airdales. took a blue
and red ribbon, and alt.o a cup for having
no uvi-i npurung aog ai me snow. w. T.
Hood, secretary of the Nehrica Knnj
club, was superintendent of the Sioux City
show. Mr. Hood won three red ribbons
with his collies. The entrv list at Slonx
City was about half that of tho Omaha
Tarklo Defeats Amity College.
TARKIO. Mo.. Jan. 19. (Sneolal lTh
local basket ball season was opt-ned hre
lust night. Tarklo college defeated Its
most ancient rival. Amity college of College
Springs, la., by the score of 46 to 10. The
visitors were never dangerous The scoi
at tho end of the first half was 2J to 1
Tarklo u.ied three substitutes In the last
nan ui me game.
The successful mealolnes are those thm
aid nature. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
acts on this plan.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 19. Praise for
President Taft's recent decision on "what
is whisky" was sung today by Timothy L.
McDonough, president of the National
Liquor league, In his report to the organiza
tion now In national session.
Mr. McDonough declared the president
had "given the prohibitionists a vital blow
by his decision."
Ho Asserted that the "storm o prohibi
tion which has swept the country for the
last two years has spent Its force," and
that the trade will come out of the conflict
purged of all the disreputable saloons that
have brought bo; much disgrace upon, all
of us and In the future we will have a
belter standing; with the public."
R. J. Hallo, of Chicago, secretary of the
league, In his annual report referred to
the "direful results of the abolition of the
army canteen1 and scored General Frede
rick D. Grant for having complained be
cause of the removal of the canteen and
then, having "headed a parade Instigated
and -composed of . these very same people
whese Intimidation has wrought such havoc
on the defenders .of the country. '
He denounced the bill now before con
Kress relative to the sale. of liquor to In
dlans as "a deeply laid '"scheme of the
prohibitionists to foist prohibition on un
willing territory." '
He said the , bill, would create a prohibi
tion territory of more than 240,000 square
miles and would Include such large cities
as Spokane, Seattle and Sioux City.
Attorney General Makes a Ruling: Re
vardluK Reports of Incomea
of Corporation.
WASHINGTON. Jan, 1.-Flnanclal In
stitutions will ' be required to take Into
account the Interest on United States bonds
owned by them In making returns to the
commissioner of Internal revenue under
the law Imposing a tax of 1 per cent on
the net Income of corporations.
An opinion to this effect has been ren
dered by Attorney General Wickersham
for Secretary of the Treasury MacVeagh.
It has been eagerly awaited by national
banks and other financial Institutions
throughout the country.
The total amount of Interest bearing debt
of the United -States, represented by Is
sues of bonds" outstanding December 31 last,'
was KU3.317,4a0. , jiore than 700,000,000 of
these securities are deposited by National
brnks with the treasury to secure circu
lation and public moneys deposited with
them. , .
The total interest on the bonded Indebt
edness of the ' United States annually Is
t21.275.000. . .
1 MvnuuRM.nHuavi - i
GoldMedalFlourv j
rvtan, t'T. at. '. V . J.- -'A. tMi ft
-A-IWWJV K1 f i -t.-ir.-sr.
7 f 1
Strike Aaralnat Meat Price at Cleve
land Attracts Notlee of
CLEVELAND, Jan. 19. On the evening
of the third day of 10,000 workingmen's
strike against meat eating-, announcement
was made tonight by the packing houses
which practically control local meat prices
of a reduction of 1 cent a pound In the
price of pork loins, the commodity which
lias suffered most from the strike. No
change is quoted In the price of live hogs
at the stock yards. The Retail Butchers'
association meeting to devise ways of
fighting the strike, declared before;thls
announcement that the price of meat muht
The key to the situation Bee Want Ad-
Catarrh comes a a result of Impurities and morbid matter ia the
Circulation, and is a disease that only attacks mucous membrane The
entiro Inner portion of the body is lined with a delicate skin or covering
of soft, sensitive fleah. Thousands of tiny blood vessels are interlaced
throughout this mucous surface, and it Is through these that the inner
membrane receives Its nourishment and ia kept in healthful condition.
When, however, the blood becomes infocted with catarrhal impurities the
tissues become diseased and Catarrh gets a foothold in the system. The
early stages of Catarrh are characterized by such symptoms as a tight,
stuffy feeling in the head, watery eyes, buzzing noises in the ears, with par
tial deafness and often difficult breathing and chronio hoarseness. These
are merely symptoms, and while sprays, inhalations and other local treat
ment may temporarily relieve them, Catarrh cannot be cured until the
blood is purified of the exciting causo. S. S. 8. cures Catarrh by cleansing
the blood of all Impure catarrhal matter. It goes down into the circula
tion and attacks the disease at its head, and removes every particle of the
catarrhal impurity. Then the mucous linings are all supplied with fresh,
pure blood, and allowed to heal, instead of being kept ia a constant state
of irritation by the catarrhal matter. Special book on Oatarrh and any
mecucaladvlcejreo. TEE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLAKTA, CA.
N ew Orleans SLa.
Mobile, Afia.
Q Round .rip -Feb. 3sl to 7.h, inc. Re
turn limit Feb. 19, with extension to
March 7 on payment $1 additional.
Liberal stopover privileges.
The St. Louis Special
4:55 P. M.
Cafe Dining Cars The Popular Train South
J. 0. REYNOLDS, City Passenger Agent.
1502 Farnam Street. OMAHA. NEB.
llff ilHHilW
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On September 20th, "Woman's Horn.
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McClure'a Magazine
Optimistic, enthusiastic, progressiva
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cusing finger at any sore spot In the
world, it la don. so, not with muck
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