Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 19, 1910, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
For Nebraska Fair.
For Iowa Fair.
For wather report sp pro 1.
clean, reliable newspaper that Is
admitted to each and every home.
Wording of Call Indicates That Ma
jority Will Name All Members
of Inquiry Committee.
Hold That Minority Members Should
Be Selected by Democrats.
McCall, Olmsted and Maadison Will
Be Three Members. , '
llti(rT-rinohot Investing
Adopted Without
3. -i.
1 6 C
WASHINGTON. Jan. 18.-The cf -
the part of the republican house or, -i
tlon to displace the democratic caucus
nominee tor places on the Ballinger-PIn-chot
Investigating committee, . now well
under way. promises to precipitate a warm
fight either In the republican caucus, which
has been called for Wednesday night, or
on the floor of the house when the matter
comes to a final vote.
The democrats announce they wlU re
sent any attempt to turn down their se
lections and a ; considerable number of In-;
urgent republicans say they' will support
them on the ground that the minority has
a right to nam Its own committee mem
bers. The Insurgents are badly divided on the
proposition, and the Indications ore that
a large number of them refrain from at
tending the republican caucuH, as they do
no wish to be bound by the result.
Representative Dwlght, the republic vi
whip, put In a large part of today circu
lating the petition for the caucus among
the members and secured a list of signa
tures, which Included about half a dosen
Insurgents, Including Representative Hayes,
Volstead, Steenerson and Picket.
latent of the Call.
It was generally understood on all sides
that the language of the caucus call, which
provided for the selection of the house
members of the committee, means that the
majority would attempt to displace Repre
sentative James and Ralney, the democratic
selections, In addition to choosing the four
republican members. Three of the latter
ore slated to be McCall of Massachusetts,
Olmsted of Pennsylvania, and Madlsan of
Kansas, and the other will be some repre
sentative from the middle west, not yet
decided upon.
Several democratic members Interviewed
today' declared if the republican, caucus
chooses them -Instead of James and Ralney
they Will decline o serv'A
Apparently content to let the "Insurg
ents" take the lead In ttlrring up opposi
tion to( the minority selections, the repub
lics n organization Is silent on the whole
cubjecti Privately, some of the leaders
quoted "President Tafl as having said ha
wanted a committee that would forget
'politics, nd delve to the bottom of the
Balllnger-jnnchot controversy.
House Passes Inquiry Resolution.
'Without debate and by a viva voce vote
the house today adopted the conference re
port on the Balllnger-Plnchot Inquiry reso
lution, and then devoted almost five hours
to further discussion of the urgent de
ficiency appropriation vblll. Consideration
of this measure wne not concluded.
The session was somewhat enlivened by
criticisms of former President Roosevelt by
Representatives liairison and Fitzgerald ot
New York,- the former denouncing hlra for
appointing representatives to ' the third
maritime conference to be held at Brussels
next April without due authority of law,
pnd tho latter because of his alleged numer
ous violations of Civil service laws.
Speaker Cannon today officially ruled
thut President Roosevelt had acted with
out speolflo authority ot law In appoint
ing representatives to the third Interna
tional Conference . on Maritime War at
Brussels. According the paragraph mak
ing such an appropriation was stricken
out of tho urgent deficiency bill.
The Increased cost of living was brought
Into the debate by Representative Flti-
gerald. when the provision for an additional
appropriation for the army rations, owing
to ah advance In prices was discussed
"It Is the maladministration of the re
publican party that has caused these In
creased prices," Mr. Fitzgerald declared
. amid laughter on the republican aide. "You
may as well make confession now," he
added, "and be turned out of office Instead
of attempting to offer pretenses and hy
pocrlsy as an excuse for your guilt."
The taunts did not draw any responses
from members of the majority, the ad
ditional money for the army being allowed
The house adjourned at 6:08 o'clock to
day with the bill still under consideration.
Aftr cleaning up the calendar by pass
lug about forty bills, the majority of them
being1 of a private character, the senate
adopted a resolution requesting the sec-
retary of the treasury to advise the senate
If newspaper reports were true that the
custom house at Newport News, Va., was
to be closed tomorrow In observance of
the anniversary of General It K. Lee's
The senate adjourned at 2:15 o'clock and
'the house at 6:06. Both houses will be In
session again tomorrow.
Hallroada File Demurrer to attack for
Violation of the Aatl
Treat Lan,
JEFFERSON CITY, Jan. 18-Arguments
began today In the supreme court In the
suit filed by the attorney general to fine
' or oust sixteen railroads for alleged viola
tlona of the anti-trust laws in Ihe fixing
of freight and passenger rates. The roads
have filed a demurrer to the petition.
Iowa Rapreia t'oart Makes la.
nortaat Italia; la laherltaaro
Tai Case.
IKS MOINES. la., Jan. lS.-The Iowa
supreme court today held that the Manonlc
lodge la a charitable organisation and that
It is not required to pay the state a col
lateral Inheritance tax on any bequests
that might be left to u.
Banker Walsh
is on, W ay to
Convicted Financier Leaves Chicago
for Leavenworth in Charge of
United States Marshal.
CHICAGO, Jan. 18. John R. Walsh,
the tinner hanker, left lere at 8 :. in.
for the federal prlnon at Leavenworth,
Kan., I nthe custody of United Slate
Marshal I... T. Hoy and Dtputy Marshal
Thomas Mlddleton. -
The last hope of John R. Walsh the
former Chicago banker, of keeping out
cf prison was ' disponed today when
the Vnlted States circuit court
of - appeals overruled his motion for a new
trial on the grounds of the alleged mis
conduct of Jurors In the original trial. The
court also ordered a mandate to be Issued
to the district court, the court of original
Jurisdiction, I
Mr. Walsh did not appear in court, but
Epent the greater part of the morning In
his office In the Grand Central station.
Shortly before the court gave Us decision,
Mr. Walsh apparently had been given an
Intimation of the findings, for he left hU
. office. Jumping Into a cab and was driven
In the direction of his home.
Armour and
Swift Under
Trust Charge
Attorney General of Kansas Files
Civil Suit to Collect
KANSAS CITY, Jan. . Attorney Gen
eral Jackson of Kansas today began suit
In the district court of Kansas City, Kan.,
againat the Armour and Swift Packing
companies, charging them with being mem
bers of a combination Illegally to raise
prices.. The state charges the companies
belong to the Kansas City Produce ex
change and are therefore liable under the
Kansas law providing a penally of $100 a
day for such membership.
"This suit is a civil action," said Mr.
Jackson, "and follows the. Indictment of
the packers In Missouri on similar
The suit will be a test for the law, this
being the first action brought under lis
Swope Report May
Show Strychnine
Conference of jChemists and Repre
sentatives of Estate Held
'hi Chicago... . .'
CHICAGO, Jan. 18. Another conference
between representatives of the estate ot
the late Colonel Swope and Prof. Walter
8. Hains and Ludwlg Hektoen, who are
examining the stomachs of Colonel Swope
and his nephew, Chrlsman Swope, will be
held here today. The analysts have fin
ished a preliminary examination of the
two stomachs, but as yet have nothing to
Dr. Hektoen has admitted that he has
discovered a white powder In the stomach
of Colonel Swope that may be strychnine.
Prof. Halns will make a chemical exami
nation of the powder.
It Is expected a full report from both
Prof. Hains and Dr. Hektoen will be avail
able tomorrow or Thursday.
KANSAS CITY, Jan. 17. If the examina
tion of the Btomach of Colonel Thomas H.
Swope, now being made by Chicago phy
sicians, reveals poison, an autopsy will be
made on the body of James M. Hunton,
a close friend of the dead millionaire, who
died In the Swope home on October 1, two
days prior to Colonel Swope'a death.
The demise of Hunton was sudden and
similar In many respects to that of Colonel
Swope. Apoplexy was given as the cause
of death. Colonel Swope's relatives be
lieve, however, an examination of Hunton's
body might aid In solving the chain of
mysteries that has developed in the Swope
Woman's ffl Note by Omaha City
Bank aad Land Company la Not
Worth Much.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Jan. 18. (SpeciaJ.) Is a IS
note Issued in 1867 by the Omaha City
bank Band and Land company, worth S3,
or anything else? The Information Is
wanted by a woman of New Jersey, into
whose unsuspecting hands the said note
has come. She wrote to the secretary of
state for the Information.
"The Omaha City Bank and Land com
pany became extinct and defunct a good
many years ago," declared Henry Yates,
president of the Nebraska National bank,
"and the note the woman has Is not worth
much. The company referred to was, I
believe a Brownvllle affair, which did a
wild-cat business." v
Colonel Cody
"Nebraska should keep up the tree plant
ing, which was started so many years' ago
by Dr. George L. Miller and J. Sterling
Morton," said Colonel W. F. Cody, who
was in Omaha enroute to Cody, Wyo.,
where he expects to 'sell one of his big
ranches. ,
: "Trees will grow In Nebraska and they
will return a fine revenue to anyone who
will plant them. I told the members of
the Republican club In New York last
Saturday night, when they had a confer
ence on conservation of national resources
that in Nebraska. Dr. George L. Miller
and J. Sterling Morton were the real pio
neers In tree planting and that Roosevelt
was responsible for the great national tor.
est preserve. It the owners of land in
the sand hills, V iiich are gradually being
changed from tramping grounds for cattle
to homes of farmers, would plant trees
liiey would reap Immense benefits.
Friends of Nebraska Executive in
Washington Declare He is Seri
ously Considering Call.
Its Ratification Will Be Included if
Legislature Meets.
Says He Has About Decided to Run
Again in State.
Two Nehraakan Do Not Meet nor.
ins Day and Governor Sara W.
II. Thompson Will Ran
for Senate.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. 18. Al
though Governor Shallenberger has been
lu Washington nearly two days he has
had no conference with Congressman
Hitchcock over the senatorial nomination
In Nebraska and It Is doubtful whether
the two statesmen will have a chance to
the matter over before the governor re
turns. . Neither seemed anxious for a con
ference. Congressman Hitchcock was at
the New Willard . hotel for some time
this morning, but he made no Inquiries
for the governor of his state and did not
see him when he arrived to attend the
conference of governors. Mr. Hitchcock
was enggaged In conversation for a con
slderable time with Governor Harmon of
Governor Shallenberger was much Inter
ested today In talking with other gover
nors over the probable fate of the Income
tax amendment, whose assuge through
congress was secureu last summer uy
Senator Brown. Most of them assured
the Nebraska governor that they would
like to have the amendment ratified, while
some of the New England me stated their
agreement with Governor Hughes, who
Is openly opposed to Its ratification.
That this amendment will be one of the
things Included in the call for an extra
session of legislature was announced by
Governor Shallenberger. He Is , seriously
considering making such a call. In fact
some of his friends said todady that he
has actually decelded to tissue call upon his
return to his state. In this call, he will
ask that the Income tax amendment be
ratified by the Nebraska legislature
once. .
The governor will be a' candidate for
re-nomination as governor this fall and
will not mix up In the senatorial fight. At
least, he said he had about concluded to
run for governor. He did not - think Mr.
Hitchcock would be the undisputed candi
date' for" senator.
Thompson Will Rnn.
"W. II. Thompson Is going to be a can
didate and he will stay In to the end," he
said. "Thompson will be a cundldate even
if Mr. Bryaq i should decide to run. It will
take a primary to decide who is to be the
candidate. I understand W. . B. Price of
Lincoln will be a candidate too. I think
there will be a primary for-- senator all
right. The old law copied exactly, ex
ceptlng for punctuation, and I do not be
lieve the court would throw a senator out
of the primary Just for that reason."
The governor Ib not certain whether an
appeal will be prosecuted in the bank
guaranty case. He Is awaiting the action
of the supreme court on the Oklahoma law,
If that Is declared to be unconstitutional
it Is probable an appeal will not be taken
In the Nebraska ease, ' so Intimately re
lated are the two laws. Charles A. Towne
Is willing to take the case here if Messrs
C. O. Whedon and I. L. Albert do. not
care to go ahead with It. The governor
declared Whedon and Albert were entirely
satisfactory to him If they stayed Into th
case. He expressed his regret that the
legislature had not made an appropriation
for carrying on prosecutions of this sort,
He cited a case in Colorado where th
governor has $65,000 for defending the laws
and prosecuting under them.
Nebraska Reception.
The Nebraska State association met to
night at the Normandle hotel, with
large number of former residents of the
state present. Governor Shallenberger
was present for a few minutes, which
he was able to squeeze In between a
banquet given by John Hays Hammond
and a reception given by President Taft
at the White house In honor of the Judic
iary. Luckily the reception at the White
house did not begin until v:80. The gov
ernor left the banquet table early, being
determined to meet the Nebraskans for a
short time, at least.
The meeting of Nebraskans was a
farewell reception to A. F. Woods of
Llnooln, who has been assistant chief of
the bureau of plant Industry in the de
partment of agriculture for sjme years.
He goes to Minnesota, where he will . be
dean of the state agriculture school and
director of the experiment station, Mr.
Woods graduated at the University of Ne
braska In 1890, and. has been with the de
partment ever since. Practically all of the
(Continued on Page Two.)
Urges Tree
in All Nebraska
"On the Scout'a Rest Ranch at North
Platte, my son-in-law, Fred Garlow, form
erly of South Omaha, has spent $20,000 in
the last year In trees and other improve
ments and it is all money well spent."
Colonel Cody haa been In New York pre
paring for the coming season with the
Buffalo Bill Wild West show, which he
says he, and MaJor LUy will make larger
tnan ever.
William McCune of Omaha, who for
twenty-five years has had charge of the
Indians with the show, laid off last year, be
cuuse of poor health, but Colonel Cody has
Induced him to take charge of the prepara
tions for the show and he will gather
th Indians from the Pine Ridge reser
vation as he hat done for so many years.
The colonel Is looking hearty and hale
and says that his hunting trip In th
Rockies this winter did him a world of
good and that be feela refreshed for an
other season' work
' St ;; K'
IP1 : . Wlpyr
CIS. .
From the Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Notifies America it Will Make No
More Trade Concessions.
; ' ' '
Antls Charge American Tariff
Passed far , the Porpoae
of '
-Limiting; Tra! wlth
Germans, v
BERLIN, Jan. lffe The German govern
ment today cabled to Washington a reply
to a memorandum recently received from
the United States relating to the tariff
on Importation between the two coun
tries. While It does not accept the Ameri
can wishes In various respects and espe
cially concerning the importation of meat,
the German response is sent in (he hope
that it will be satisfactory and as all that
the German government can do.
The reply was dispatched with a certain
feeling of gravity, because of the feeling
that Germany can do no more and must
be prepared for trade hostilities should
the United States unhappily Insist on more
than; Germany accords to other countries.
Chancellor Von Belhamann-Hollweg and I
his associates, the Imperial ministers, ap- I
pear convinced that the combined conser
vative center and national-liberal parties
of the Reichstag would block the way to
any departure from the present Jaws Cov
ering the Importation of meats.
The government has received the opin
ions of leaders of these parties and more
over has gathered widely the views of
manufacturing Interests. Even were the
government disposed to accept the Ameri
can contentions In their entirety, there
does not appear to be the least possibility
that the Reichstag would pass the legisla
tion essential for the modification ot the
German law.
It is cited at this time that in promul
gating the American-German tariff agree
ment In 197 President Roosevelt stated.
that Germany was giving to the United
States more than It was receiving.
It la further pointed out that now, the
American tariff revision having been made
as Is constantly asserted In all quarter,
with the design of limiting German trade
with the United States and a request be
ing made that Germany shall make
further Impossible concessions, the general
temper of the country, as Indicated by the
chambers of commerce, the Reichstag, fin
anclal journals and the governmental spe
cial Inquiries is steadfast in what is con
sidered a sound position, namely, to take
whatever comes.
Old soldier a Suicide.
MARSH ALLTOWN, la., Jan. 18.-(Speclal
Telegram.) Franklin Hayes of Spencer,
la., a member of the Soldiers' home, killed
himself this morning by cutting hi throa'
from ear to ear.
Do you want a
girl for housework?
Phone Douglas 238
and get one.
That ia the "Wnnt-ad Num
ber." If you are without help,
go do it now. No use drudg
ing this cold weather when
you can get help so easily.
Girls looking for work know that
The Bee publlubts practically a com
plete libt of people who want help,
bo they look to The Bee Want-ad
when taking for a place. '
Better 6tep to the 'phone and
put in the ad
They'll Get Ye Yet Br'er Foxl
Phone Magnates
Called by Court
in Altman Case
Directors of Chicago Company Will
Be Quizzed as to Gambling
CHICAGO, Jan. 18. Every member of the
board of directors Of the Chicago Telephone
company was subpoenaed today by the de
fense as witnesses in the trial of Vincent
Altman, who is accused of exploding a
bomb that partially wrecked the Central
exchange of the telephone company. The
defense said each director would be ques
tioned as to what he knows about the al
leged relations of the telephone company
with hand-book gambling. 1
The directors form a part of a long list
of city officials and former city officials,
two former chiefs of police and a large
number of police officials who have been
ordered to appear In court today by the
defense. .
Dr. Cook Reported
in German -Report
Frankfurter Zeitung Says Explorer is
to Go to Sanitarium Near
FRANKFORT, Jan. lS.-The Frankfurter
Zeitung is Informed that Dr. Frederick A.
Cook haa arranged for a strictly Incognito
stay at a sanltorlum near Heidelburg.
The health of the ex-explorer is reported
as having been seriously affected by recent
The paper makes no explanation as to
who made the arrangements referred to,
where Cook is -now or when he will arrive
at the sanitarium.
Papers Transferrin; Control of Stock
Slgrned by Two of the Three
BALTIMORE, Jan. 18. It was learned
today that the papers have been signed
by two of the three interests controlling
the A. S. Abell estate transferring to
Charles H. Grasty, the control of the stock
In the A. S. Abell company, which pub
lishes the Baltimore Sun. The Abell' it
is understood will retain a large Interest
In and be connected with the management
of the paper.
It Is understood further that the change
will not mean any revolution either In
he policy of the Sun or It personnel.
Insurgents Admit to Taft
Democrats Buncoed Them
WASHINGTON, Jan. H.-A new and de
cldedly interesting turn was given to the
"Insurgent" movement in the house today,
when Representative Hayes of California,
Murdock of Kansas and Gardner of Mas
sachusetts hastened to the White House to
tell the president In effect that they were
afraid they had been "used" by the demo
crats In the matter of the Baillnger-Pln-chot
Investigating committee and that the
democrats were taking advantage of the
opportunity to put two of their most par
tisan members on the committee for the
purpose of making political capital out of
the affair.
Mr. Hayes told the president that while
he was an Insurgent he did not Intend to
be placed In the position of helping the
democrats to "throw mud at a republican
admtristratinn." This he was afraid waa
going to happen unless some means of
changing the democratic selection for the
Investigating committee could be devised.
Joe Hunt Held on Charge of Murder
ing Joseph Knowlton.
Home on Patrick Avenue Keese of
Fatal Shootlngr Hunt Arrested,
.i- Dital HH' Guilt of
' Crime.
Joseph Hunt 'is , lu Jail charged with
having shot and killed Joseph Knowlton,
also colored, ot the former's home 2S27
Patrick avenue, j yesterday afternoon at
4:36 o'clock.- ' , .''
Hunt denies , the shooting and says he
was in a neighboring house at the time
the murder,- occurred. His wife, Mrs.
Maflge Hunt, declare Hunt fired the
shots resulting in th death of Knowl
ton. " ,
Mr. and Mr. Hunt were married In
March, 1809 and their wedded life has
not been altogether peaceful. Sunday
they had a fierce quarrel over the atten
tions paid to Mrs. Hunt by Knowlton.
Hunt Went to his houie Sunday afternoon
and found Knowlton there with his wife.
Following the quarrel Hunt left home and
took up his abode at itOl Patrick avenue,
just a few doors from where he had been
living with his wife.
Knowlton Invites Self In.
Yesterday afternoon about 2 o'clock
Hunt went to the house at 2627 Patrick
avenue, where his wife was still staying.
Heasked her why ah had left him, and
she says she told lilm that he had done
the leaving when he moved out of the
While they were wrrmgllngg the tele
phone bell rang and Mrs. Hunt answered
the call. She said Knowlton waa at
the phone and wanted to know whether
her husband wa at home. Told that
Hunt wa there, Knowlton declared his
intention of coming out to see him.
nowlton did come to the Hunt home and
aa soon as he entered, he upbraided Jlunt
for alleged threats gilnst .his life,
Mrs. Hunt then went into an adjoining
room. No sooner had aha disappeared than
she heard two shot. Running back to the
room whtre the men were, she found
Krowlton lying on the floor breathing his
shoots Twice at Wife,
Hunt made 'an attack on the woman,
shooting at her two times. She cut her
hand on a piece of glass and fell out cf
the door Into the yard,- where she lay on
the ground. Seeing the blood and the
prostrate form of hi wife. Hunt Immedi
ately fled.
The police were at once notified and de
tectives began to search for Hunt. A negro
answering his dettorlption was arrested In
(Continued on Page Two.)
Cesar. James of Kentucky and Ralney
of Illinois, were selected by the democratic
caucus for appolhtment under the action
of the insurgent-democratic combination,
which took tho power of appointing the
committee away from the speaker.
Meusrs. Murdock and Gardner reiterated
much that Mr. Hayes had said, but ad
mitted they did not see exactly how they
were going to get out of the difficulty.
A statement was prepared by Mr. Gardner
and Mr. Murdock, which read:
"We called on th president and spoke
to him about the personnel of the investi
gating committee, but nothing definite was
arrived at The president felt It wa not
for him to indicate hi choice aa to the
future action of the hous In this respect,
but urged that it wa of th utmost Im
portance that the member of the commit
tee should be men recognised by both sidca
of the house a fair and Impartial In the
President Addresses Them as Fellow
Executives and Fellow
Right to Appeal to People Might
Modify Criticism.
Principal Speech of .Session is by Gov
ernor Hughes.
Addreaa I Devoted to Problems
Wherein Kxchanae of Idea and
Co-Operation Will Bo
WASHINGTON. Jan. lS.-In welcoming
the conference ot governor at the White
house this afternoon President Taft In
dulged In a little good-natured speculation
as to how the English system on executive
authority might work in this country.
especially with respect to giving the execu
tive tho right to argue matter out with
the legislative branch and go before the
people. He said he would like to have
heart to heart talks with some of the
governor as to their method of legisla
tion. "I would especially like to ask Governor
Harmon how he manages with a demo
cratic legislature ouO In Ohio."
"I can assure him)' President Taft con
tinued, "that there' are struggles even
when you have a congress which nomin
ally Is of your own party. There Is no
use mourning over our lack of the Eng..
llsh system of government In this country
for we can never have It, but you gover
nors, as well as I, have telt thn Injustice
of criticism which come to the executive
because of lack of the English system."
President Taft addressed the governor as
"My dear fellow executive and fellow eut
Governor Hu-jhe of New York and for
mer Mayor Seth Low of New York City
were the speakers at this afternoon's ses
sion. Governor Hughes discussed "Governors
conferences .their scope and purpose,".
Governor llarmon of Ohio, the presiding
officer, introducing the New York gov
ernor as one "who has shown qualities we
all want to see in public life."
"In view of his recent announcement that
he Is going to retire from public life,"
said Governor Harmon, "I want to Bay,
we are all sorry and hope It Is a limited
announcement." '
Address of Governor llushea.
Governor Hughes said In part:
"At the outset the relation and proper,
limitation of our efforts should be recog
nized. 'We are here in our own. right , a
state executives.. We are not.heie, I as-"
sume, to deal with questions which arJ
admitted to be of exclusively national con
cern. These are matters to be dealt with
by the federal government. The people of
the states In their-capacity aa cltlxehs of
the United States are represented by the
president and congress. We are not here
to accelerate or to develop opinion with re
gard to matters which have been com
mitted to federal power.
"But where state action Is involved. It Is
the prerogative of the state governor either
to act, if the subject lies within his admin
istrative authority, or to make recora-
n.endutions to the legislature If the ac
tion be legislative. And it is thoio matters
which may properly be the subject of of
ficial consideration on the patt of a state
executive that I conceive to fall within
the province of this conference of state
governors. t
"Whatever view mny be taken of the ad
visability of extending federal power or
of a wider exercise of existing federal
power. It is manifest that the future pros
perity of the country must largely depend
upon the efficiency of state governments.
Proper local administration Is a nerossary
complement of essential federal adminis
tration. Nutional uctlvltles inevitably v. ill
widen and If we are to prevent an excessive
strain upon national administration, we
must develop our local agencies to their'
maximum efficiency within their proper
spheres. We are fortunate In having our
local bases of administration reinforced by
sontlment and tradition. And the ad
vantages of our dual system are so great
that we should aim to reduce to the fullest
extent possible, through njutual Intercourse
and harmonious action whatever Inconven
ience or Injustice may result from present
methods or laws.
Three Gconp of Question.
'The scope of these conference may be -deemed
to embrace at least three group
of questions: The first relates to uniform
laws; the second relate to matter of siate
comity where, if absolute uniformity may
not be expected, causes of friction may be
avoided and the general welfare may be
promoted by accomodating action; the third
relates to matters which though of local
concern can b better treated in the light
of the experience of other state.
"At our first conference a question of
fundamental Importance wa presented
with respect to the conservation of our
natural resources. These ultimate bases
of our prosperity must be protected from
capture or spallation. And We should be
astute to devise means by which the. op
portunities of honorable industry may be
preserved and extended while the public
right is strictly safeguarded. The preser
vation and care of forests, the creation ,
and maintenance of state reservations, the
development of water power, provision of
roads and waterway, the promotion of
agricultural Interest, and various plan
for Internal Improvement demand th best
thought of our generation and the wisest
methods which may be devised after col
laboration and comparative study.
"There is the question ot financial ad
ministration Involving taxation and appro
priations, or budget making. , In every
state, I believe, there Is pressing need of
considering the boat means of raising the
necessary money to meet state expendi
ture, of avoiding haphazard allowance
and of making systematic provision ao
that requests for appropriations may be
properly scheduled In advance, annual out
lay may be compared, and the demands
upon the state carefully and tm;artlully
analysed. There Is no one of us, I take It,
but would like to have the opportunity of
learning at first hand the experience of
other executives, who 1 are similarly
charged with the duty of securing, so far
a possible, economical administration,
"It would also be of obvious advantage