THH IJKK: OMAHA, TUESDAY, JANUARY 18, 1U0. OFFERED FOR SALE T writer Vt'on tinned. TYPEWRITER SllghtryVus-d linrl rebuilt Ifmlerwnods. Olivers, llcmlnirton, Ftnlth Premiers, Mori ai hs, L. C. Smiths arid other makes. Full gum antce. I'rlces Mid H rnanuf ncturvni' sin up). Lowest rental prlees. Look over our Hock before buying or write for our bargain list. 1 ilstrlbuttrs L. C. Smith t riroB. typewriter. . V. SWAN SON CO., Inc., fl" S. 1Mb St., Omaha. Neb. AIo stores ni Mis Mulmi ami Lincoln. Tvnowri trtro Wrr Mnnt make. .1 .uwr) r Swan con Co.. .South l.".;h rtl.. Omaha I'lionoKra ph. SKCONt-HANI Kdlson and other Phon oKittphx. $:! to Komi h new. Cull or write, Piano. Player Co., Old Boston Store. nllacrllaneotta. COAL AT CUT PRICKS We gave you fioin GOc to $1 V) on every ton and sive better coal. We guaranteo oorrect weights. KdseAblatt'-s Cit Tiico Coul Co. ABOUT l.itO feet H-lnch wlra cable, sec onil huriu; will ll at bargain. A pply It W. Baker, bupt Bee Bldg., Omaha. N-jo. Kindling 1 a load- delivered. D. 4409. SODA FOUNTAINS, new and second hand; monthly payments. Deright, IBIS Fa i nam St, . YI T Furnace lump a ton t;5 75 UPI Kiirvcled. Winter Variety d-1 1 IjI'.O ;, (. Hrown, llorenco. fx Til. Florence KAUHANU Organ $40; candy case, porch swltut t-ible nnd hall glarta. 211 S. 25th Ave, Tel A-2104. . . TWO outside plute glasa show cases, riargaln 308 N. 16th. MOTORS New and secondhand Dy namos and Motors; siho all Wndt of electrical repairing. LeBron Klcctrlcul Works. 31J S." 12th St. HEATER, also cook stove. Harney 3S86. "rtALL'S safev new. Sd-hand. 1X18 Farnam. SCHOLARSHIP on leading business col lege for sule at discount. Address P-604. Bee. ' ' FOR 8ALE New and 2rt-hand billiard and pool tables, Wa lead the world In cheap bar ,itures, easy payments. Bruna-Wlck-BalkeCoiiunuer, 4u7 o. lviii oi. PRUOS at cut prices; freight paid on all 110 orders; catalogue free. Sherman & Mo Connell Drug Co., Omaha. Neb. WIS HAVE on hand a number of Ink bar rels which -we will sell at Wo each. They are fine for rain water or ashes. Call at Oieesroom Bee Publishing Co. NATIONAL caen register almost new. Address M 821, Bea. SD-HAND oak counter, hand-carved mar ble cashlur plate; TIre wicket about 40 ft. old shape; will fit a room W feet wide Csn be sen at storage house. For furvhei particulars phono Douglas 238, Bee Build fng Co. QrrOT7r 2 A 2TT Complete stock fur-OAVJlk-JJ. QilOiJ. nished on short notice. C. SUN DELL & CO., Contractors and Buililora, Room O. New York Life Bldg. FOR SALE Pure, well assorted Early Ohio seed potatoes. Write ifor particulars. W. H. Blakeman, Norfolk, Nub. FOR SALE Fine quality well assorted potatoes;, car, buhhel or 100-lb. lots. Write or Inquire of Norfolk Transfer and Stor age, Norfolk, Neb. . OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON INST., 4l N. Y. L. TeL D. 1664. Dr. Kathryn Nicholas. 60S N. Y. L. Bldg PATENTS D. O. BARNELW fax. ton. Blk. Tel. Red TUV. i u r ' i i hi i , ' PERSONAL . "MECHANO THERAPY" Is a druglesa cure for grip. Consult Dr. MavtJuetlte Jianoran, 226 Neville Blk. Doug. 7761. Under supervision of M. D. 8TRICTLY private home for confine ments; trained nurse; babies for adoptions. 2bls Davanport, Arlene dVVoy. Manlourlng and masaaga, 620 a lth St. Flat 8. 'Phone D. 7686. OMAHA Stammerers' Ins., Ramgs Bldg. PRIVATH HOMH durlnjf confinement; huWos for adoption. Good Samaritan BaiU torlum, 744 lat Ave., Council Bluffs. Ia, 7Tn;-nd toupee for men. GRIFFITH, VVlUk.u Wl xt FRENiWR BLK. MAGNETIC treatments. Emmerlln Brott, tm a. 16ta. upstairs.' Doug. 6186. WE rent and repair all kinds of sewing machines. Ind. A 166$, Doug. 1663. , NEBRASKA CYCLE CO.. . . ibxtx aAd Barney Sis. THE SALVATION ARMY sollolU cast-of i clothing, in faot anything you do not need We culleot. repair and sell at 184 N. 11th 6t., for oust of collection, to the worthy poor. Call 'phone Douglas 4136 and wagoa will calk BIRDIE Peters, teccher of piano. Web. iXA. 2128 Burt. JOS1E WASHBURN'S new book, "The Underworld tiewer," sold at all book stores; rice,. W.W. MAGNETIC treatment. Mme. Bmtth. 622 S. 16th St, third floor. DR. EGGER3 private confinement home lild Uai-tha SU Phon Douglas 6230. . A HOME tor wqmen during confinement We find lioin. tor babies w here mothers cannot care for them. Babies boarded For terms address- Mra. Martha A. l.e 401 Panel oft .St., Omaha, Neb. 'PUoiih , Douglas 1921. - MISS LA GRANE. baths, massage. 1(1" Dodge St., basement flat Houral 10 a. m. The Bee gained 784 inches paid want ads, the first two weeks of January, over a year ago, while the nearest competitor gained only 681 inches, and in this are in cluded indecent ads that The Bee refuses and ads run over on Mondays and heyond the time ordered tq bolster up the classified columns. Use the phone if you can't come down to the office. Bee want ad phone Douglas 238. It" PERSONA (Continue,!. Ml'SIO furnished. Independent orchestra Pain ing; a specialty. Tel. Web. 111.. MASSAGE AND BATHS. II. Old Boston tstore Hid., 4tn floor, IJ S. li.tii Kt fctatrway on L-ougias 6t. . MAGNETIC No. ljth fct and massage treatment til MASQUE suits to rent Theo. Liebcn. SWEDISH massage. Over 200 N. 17th St. EXPFUil KNCKU nurse, Si years;: ladles In confinement a fpeclalty; prices reason able, ilua S. llith rt 11,010 FOP. INFANTS IIOMF". Your renewal to tne Ladies' Home Jour nal und the Saturday livening Post Is worth elk; to the Child' Saving Institute, ITuo already earned. I'rgent, must have mora subscriptions In January. Rush tli'om In. 1 hi fin no orumaiy appeal, but nn Invalid's bid for a llvllliood u, hope of business on other publications. fcUibscrtp llons to Kverybody a and McClure'a mean IU0 to me. 1 duplicate any offer. Write for compltte m.ig.ixme catu-ogi, and story, "A Hiuken liack." 'low. Just Gor duo, the Mxguziiitt Man, Omaha, 'Phone Doutiius TltJ. rifll.lH.ATNS No' Hi02; guar td cure. M IS. CAUUIE SMITH, marvelous ma7 netie hcaier. All ailments treated Kuccexs fully. One vlait convinces. 814 N. Win, near Cuming Si. Phones, Ind. M-278ti. Uoug- MME. ALLEN of Chicago, salt glow, mug- netlC and maHBaire ' Inoii nmnn. Over N. 17th St. POULTRY ... Screenings. I1.M 100 lbs. Wagner, 801 N. Utb A few molt R. C. B. Ltuhorn and Houdan cockerels for hale at 41 eaca, Ueo. J. Woi oit. Central t, ty, Neo. HOL'RUON Red Turkeys, Embd.-n and ' ldlan Runner Ducks. , Mrs. A. C., 11. 1, Charlestown, lnd. WHITE Wyandotte cockersla. fine birds. at $1 each; order direct from ad. Mrs. F. u. Johnson, Crofton, Neb.; Screenings, XLC0 100 lbs. Wagner, S01 N. ltith. PRINTING 'PHONE IND. A-2620 for good printing Lyngsiad Printing Co.. lt)th & Oapitol Ave WATERS PRINTING CO.. 622-524 8. ISth. MILLER & JAMIESON. quick printers. 1212 Douglas St. Tcl. Doug. !3; Ind.. A-4289. REAL ESTATE It B All feSTAlQ PEA I, ling, REED ABSTRACT CO., Est. 1S58; prompt service; get out prloea. 1710 Farnam St. PAYNE INV. CO., first tloor N. Y. Life BENJAMIN R. S. CO.. 477 Brandels Bldg. REAL ESTATE TITLE-TRUST CO. CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON. President, CITY PROPERTY POR BALIS. 6- room cottage, S1.3U0; J150 cash; balance terms. . . 4-room cottage, $1,200. 6irom cottaKe., I1.SKW. Terms. 7- room, modera cottage, now, $2,360. Terms. 7- room cottage, maple floors, 12,200. Terms. 8- room resit'ence, $4,000. Other good.. resi dences. - 6, 10, 20 and 40-acre tracts near city. HUFFMAN, BIS NEVILLE BLDG. PLENTY of caah buyers and trades for Omaha property and farms, DeFord In vestment v;o., iw tjoronuao Jiiug., Denver, V.U1U. 2 8-ROOM HOUSES Corner on N. 18th St., near Lake. Con venient to car. Weil rented. Snap at $4,600. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., 624 New York LlfOyBldg. Red-19aa. SEE me for. any kind of , real estate; . have all kinds of propositions. ' R. M. SHLAEiV , 626 Bee BlUg.t'- 5 ROOM MODERN $1,800 On Ohio St, near two car Hues. ' Surely utu(,aiu ul wio price. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., 624 New York Life Bldfc Ued-ISM. NEAR BROWNALL HALL 8 rooms strictly modern, laree lot. lann dry In basement, -. fruit and Dhade trees. ewLui n. iv cnoice nome. uneap at H.tjOO. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., 624 New York Life Bldg. Red-im INVESTMENT 173 FT. EAST FliONT ON . 29TU. Fronts on ' tnree streets, ' short distance south of Farnam. One of the choicest locations in umana tor apartment houses Owner wants offer, NOWATA LAND A LOT m Suite 624 New York Life Bldg. Red 191)9. FOR SALE A 6-room House, bath, cltv water, electric light, over half acre of ground on car line. 36th St. and Avenue a. iiuni inree years, win sell cheap. Auurpw w , vmaiia xace, ia scott oi., cuun cil Bluffs. REAL ESTATE J HAM lit t,A!fT PC FARM AND ron ulb ITabramka, FARM BARGAIN Must be sold en ac count of ownors health; well Improved 820-acre farm, seven and. a quarter miles from town; price, per acre; easy terms J. ,T. Campbell. Litchfield. Neb. DODGE county farm 160 acres, three miles from Fremont, all level . land, highly improved. If taken at once can be had at a less vPrice than any surrounding farm. Improvements cost $12,000 Price $110 per acre. O'KEEFB REAL ESTATE CO., 1002-$-4 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb. REAL ESTATE 13H acres, with Im provements, overlooking Lake Amelia and park. 5000 Cedar Ave., Minneapolis. MIssoarl. FOR SALE or Trade 90-acre farm, well Improved, 63 miles -east ot Kansas City; $70 acre. Address owner., A. It Griggs, Altamont, Mo. REAL ESTATE PAR M AID HAXI1 I.AD FOM B M.K . (Continued.) Montana. 1 MONTANA LANDS. I have for sale 7,Sm) acres of fine farm ing land, all within miles of small town on the) extension oi the C, M., P. S. R. K., In Custer ooua-H Hlonttiwi, which 1 will sell as a body or cut It up to please the purchaser, and on liberal terms. For par ticulars address E. K. Jordan, Wibaux. Mont. Oklahoma. OKLAHOMA We ha lW.Oor) acres of choice land to select from, ranging In price from J6 to $40 per acre. This land Is In the oil and gas dintrict and you might get an oil well With your land. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., Suite Ci't New York Life Bldg. Teaae. TEXAS COAST COUNTRY LANDS. We handle the best Orange, fig, corn, oats and rotlon lauds, well located at the following prices, on good terms: 15 per A. for 120. a miles from Ry. station. J-'O per A. for 2x0. is miles from Ry. Kta. 3) A. fur 41, 2V4j miles from Ry. .Sla. t-Xl per A. for 640. A mile from ltv. Sta. ' A. for StiO, well Improved farm, y nine isom rty. Hiai nin. 15 per A. for ?20, Improved farm, miles from Ry. station. $.17 per A. fur 100, with good Improve ments, for home, located right at the town of "Missouri City. These are only a few of our bargains; write for list and description. It will pay you to take the -first train and call at the office. We pay the traveling expense of tne Duyers ior tnese lands. C. H. STANCL1FF LAND CO., 307 Scanlan llldg. Houston Tex. A DEEP, RICH SOIL, SUNSHINE all the time; water when you want It. Land at to to $40 per acre for well im proved farms; go nee It February L Very low round trip rates. Write us. in O WAT A IxAND & LOT CO.. Suite 624 New Y.irk Life Bldg.. Red 1990. REAL ESTATE LOANS MONEY TO LOAN Payne InvstmentCo. WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. $100 to $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead, Wead Bldg.. 18th and Farnam. $i00 to $5,000 on homes In Omaha. O'Keefe Real Estate Co., 1001 N. Y. Life. Doug, or A-2152. WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam St.- LOWEST RATES Bemls. Brandels Bldg. LOANS to borne owners and home build era, with privilege ol making partial par- Cteuts teml-iinnually N commission. W. H. TriOM Art, 603 First National Bank Bldg. SECOND MORTGAGE loans negotiated. Apply Rooms 417-18 First National Bank Bldg. Ball phone Douglas 2318. FIVE PER CENT MONEY to loan on Omaha Business Property. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room L New York Life Bldg: PAYNE. BOSTWICK CO.. N. Y. Ufa. Private money, $500 to $5,000; low rate. EASTERN Nebraska farm loana an4 loans on high-grade Omaha residence prop erty at low Interest Optional payments, no delay. 1. blbbernsen. Old Boston Store Bldu. GARVIN BROS., 318 N. Y. Life. $500 to 200.000 on Improved property. Nn delay. REAL ESTATE" WANTED "WE HAVE BUYERS FOR $, 6 and 7-room bouses. If prices are right we can sew your property for you. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., - Suite 64 N. Y. Life Bldg. SWAPS Do You Want to SwapT Have you a piece of property you would like to exchange for a farm In the North Platte valley? We put our Llsco lands on the market a few weeks ago 30 farms. We have sold 14 of them, 8 of them golngjast week. We will consider some good trades on the tracts we have left. The tracts which we now offer range In price from $l,eoo to $20,000, and in size from 6 acres to over 600 acres. , The men who have bought are going to Improve their lands. They are all Irrigated or partly Irrigated, close to railroad nnd now town. Llsco is In the new Garden county, 100 miles west or Norm Platte. Beautiful country, fine land. Suow I: nearly all gone and you can see tlA land Let us have your proposition and we. will go out with you and see Llsco. It you want to make a deal, see us soon We took out seven men last week and sold to all of them. The land Is all. right the prices low, plenty of water, future prospects bright. Call, write or 'phone us. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha. 8 ROOMS, modern; corner lot, 60x100; paved street, In West Farnam district. Price, $7,000. Want laud or Omaha va cant lots. . $20,000 stock general merchandise. $17,000 stock hardware and Implements. Want land. Don't boost prices. We have no time to whittle. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., 624 New York Life Blug. Red-1999. TAILORS $25 will now pay for a real tailor made suit at my shop. I cut tho price, not the quality. TAILOR BECK. Ill, South 15th. a. A. LINQUEST CO., 236 Paxton Block. D. COOPER, Tailor. 319 N. 16th St. Suits $22.4) up. A. THEODORE, "500" Block Tailor. SEE J3ISTEK, young man's fashionable tailor, 412-13-14-15 Paxton Block. A cheap tai'or is always dangerous. See .J. A. Kcrvan, 508-10 Brandels Bldg. A KOnYr Merchant Tailor, -iZ UU Httrn?y st- Doug. G9S7. JOHN RADMAN. The Tailor, 706 N. lfithSt. J (1 JACKSON BOSTON TAILOR. O. V.JAblVOUlM Koom L paxton BIk A FEW $: and $30 suits, while they lust, only $J5. MAX MORRIS, The Tailor, iOl Brown block. YOUSKN, BUSY TAILOR. 1201 Farnam. NORDIN. The Tailor 1522 Douglas St. toy leu Cu Lauumiuui yuallly clotriea. A WfTMTV Cleanipg. dyeing, suits a, nujJiH Dressed, 50c. 1S06 St. Mury's. WANTED TO BUY WANTED Office desk, roll tOD. Please address li-844, Bee, giving price, sise and Particulars. GOOD price paid for 2dTiand clothes, shoes and furniture. bELNF.R. D. C041. HIGHEST price paid for broken watches, oU gold, etc, M. Nathan, til . 13th. BALTIMORE 2d-hand store pays best price lid-Band furniture, clothes, etc. J. 42'o. BEST price paid for second-band furnl tine, carpets, clothing and shoes. Tel. Uoug $1)71. , WANTED TO RENT ' WANTED ny gentleman, room and part board, between 23rd and 26th and Ames avenue and Grand. Address E-864 Bee WANTED Two or three rooms, furnished and modern, for liuhl housekeeping, close In.-- Call Douglas 145, or A -41 43. WANTED Suite of rooms or large al cove, with boaid, on or near car line, for m ther and daughter; daughter employed In public school. Address T 899, Bee. WANTED SITUATIONS POSITION wanted by youni married num. with chance for asanceiaent phone Vvt-bsUr il'.i WANTED SITUATIONS (Continued. t WANTKD-B; young ma. place to wm for board while aiteuding lioyiea college. FIR.T CLASS butler and housework; many ) ears' experience at this class of work. Korean, young boy. Address. L 8.M. Ure. HOTEL night cook or chop souy rook. If you want me call me right away; have had many years' expedience. AddiesirvM 8t4. Bee. PIANO teacher will take limited number ber of pupils; very reasonable. 201 South 2tilh Ave. MAN AND WIFE desire situation. Man as sll around cook; wife na helper or rhamberwork. City or country. Good ref erences, Address L-886 Bee. WANTED By rhlddel-aged lady, position as mother's helper or nursery governess. Oood seamstress. Address F (88, Bee. OI11L would like a place in restaurant dishwasher or counter girl. Address II WO, liee. Legal notices THE MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY. FPEftAL STOCK HOLDERS' MUETINO. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a spe cial meeting of the Stockholders of The Missouri Pacific Railway Company will be held at the principal office of said Com pany, In the Missouri Pacific Building, No. nc U..I.., Ot-ont In IK. I'll. iJ, I .,.,(. Missouri, on 'luesaay. tne intn day of January, 1910, at nine o'clock In the fore noon or thnt day, to consider and act upon the following propositions: (a) To adopt a roue oi oy-iaws ior tn Company. (b) To ratify, assent to and approve a certain Indenture of lease bearing date the lfith day of July, liwa. Dy and between Boonvllle, St. Louis & Southern Railway Company. . corporation of the State of Missouil, and this Company and authorised on behalf of this Company at a meeting of th" Board or Directors, nem on tne ism d of August, 1900. (c) To ratify, assent to an approve the purchase by this Company of the whole or any part of the raturoada and other prop. erty sua irancnists oi an oranv oi ins following named railroad companies: Carthage and Western Railway Company, Joplln and westein uauway company, st Louis, Oak Hill and Carondelet Railway Company, Sedalla, Warsaw and South western Railway Company, The Kansas City Northwestern Railroad Company, The Nebraska Southern Railway Company, Omaha Belt Railway Company, Omaha Southern Railway Company, racino Rail way Company tn Ngoraska, The Pueblo and state Lini nauroaa company, ana Kansas and Arkansaa Valley Railway. (d) For the puipose of refunding under wins iniiruiiin bonds and euulmnent obli gations of the Company anil for other cor porate purposes, to consent to, concur in and auiuoiUe n Incruasa c ths bunded Indebtedness ol The Missouri raoiric Rail way Company, by the amount of $17u,0OO,0O4 by the issue oi uoia tJonas oi tne com pany, limited In the aggregate to the principal amount of $176,oou.ouu at any one time outstanding, to bear interest at a rate or rates not to exceed fWe per cent per annum, payable semi-annually, and all or anv Dart of such bonds, as the Board of Directors may determine, to be convertible at the option of the holders and registered owners thcreif Into sloch. of the Railway Company upon such terms and otherwise aa the Board of Directors may determine; and to consent to concur in and luthoriae the execution and delivery ot a mortgage and deed ot trust on and of the whole or part ol the railroads ana ouier property and franchises of thia c-ompuuy whether now owned or hereafter acquired, to secure such Issue of bonds by this Company, and to consider and act upon the form and terms of such mortgage. (e) To consent to and authorise the pur chase by tins Company from time to time of not to exceed $25,000,000 par value of the bonds of the St Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company. if) To ratify the proceedings of the Board of Directors theretofore taken in and about the miners aforesaid. Including the autnorlzatior of said bonds and mort gage and deed of trust and the use to be made of said bonds, and .to consider and act upon such other business as may properly be transacted at the meeting. The atock transfer bodka of tine Company will be closed at t P. M. on the 7th da of January, 1910, and will reniaiu do, until 10 A. M. on the 11th day ot Jauuary, 1910. ' Dated, New Yorx, November 17th, 1909. By order of the Board of Directors. GEORGE J. GOULD. President, A. H. CALEF, Secretary. 'The Missouri Pacltru-Railway Company, 196 Broadway, New York, Nov. SOth, 1909. To the Stockholders of Ths Missouri Paclflo Railway Company Referring to the notice sent to you November Uth. 1909, calling special meeting of ihe Stofkholders of this Company to be held on the Uth day of Jan uary, 1910, you are notified that the stock ttansfer books oi this Company will be cosed at 3 o'clock p. m. December 8th, 1909, Instead ot January 7th, 1910, and re main closed until j0 o'clock a. in. January 19th, 1910. This change In date Is made to avoid any possibility of contusion In deal ings In tho stock and rights to subscribe to bonds, prior to tne date or said special meeting. If unable to attend the meeting please sign and return the proxy which we have already sent you. A. Ii. CALEF, Nov. 18 to Jan. 18. Secretary." Nov. IS to Jan. IS. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of the stockho.ders of The Bee Building company will be held at 4 o'clock p. m Tuesuay, January 18, 1910, at the office of said company In The Bee building, Omaha, for tho election of a board of di rectors for the ensuing year aim the trans action of such other business as may prop erly come before such meeting. - H. A HASKELL, Secretary. Dec. n-Tit D & 8. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. F. W. Hlgglnson et al to Richard H. Hollen. und. V part of lot 4. bloclt 22 city $ 1,171 James Mlcholson to wuuam K. Wall, lot 7, block 233, and other ' property. 1 Murcaret A. Mattingly to U. G. Tay lor, lot 3,, Llpion place 13i United Investment company to Henry Hiller. und. Vi of mid.. s of lot 3. " block 131, city 10,000 Marv Fove et al to Henry . Hillar. same property 10,000 Ajjnes M. McShane and husband to Henry Hiller, same property 10,000 J. A. Sai'Kent et al to Henry Hiller, same property '. 10.0W Celia McShane et al to Henry Hiller, same property 10,000 H. 8. Thomas and wife to James Mlcholson, lot 4, block 117, Florence 160 W. L. Sclby and wife to Lena Olsen, lot 16, block 4, Rush & Selby's ad dition 1 Anna K. Overture et al to Anna lluuku, part lot 4, block 1, Kountxe place 1,400 Silas Robbins to H. Garst. part lot 13, biuck 2, Patrick's addition 1 W. A. Smith and wife to O. W. Hroun, lot 6, block 2, Glencoi place 450 John Schaub and wife to Lewis D. Schaub, lot 36. K Heat one Park place 1 John Schaub und wife to Lewis D. Schaub, same to samc..j 1 John Schuub and wife to Lewi D. Schaub, same property .' 1 1 Mark J. Hen on to Ellen Roberts, lot 14, blork 7, Gramercy park J2S F. M. Castetter and wife to fir -F. Frazer, lot 20, block 4, Pruyir park. I7i Gertrude ' Bell Haney to Addle Bell, lot 16, block 4. Omaha VI aw 10 Gertrude McDowell to Union Pacific Railroad company, lots 7 and 8, block 3. and loisS ami 9, block 4, Jefferls1 addition 1" F. 1. ililler to K. A. McAllaster, lots 4, 7, 14. 15, 17. 18 and 13. -block 2. lots 11. 13, 14 and 19, block 20, Jefferls' re plat, Albright's choice , 1 Same to Union Pacific Railroad com pany, lot D, block 3, same addition,. 0 Glace M. Lloyd to Union Pacific Rail road company, lot 6, block 4, same addition 400 Alma Mi'l'aue. to Union Pacific Rail road company, lots It, 18, block h, same addition 300 Anna McC'ague to Union I"aolflo Rail road company, lots 1, 2 and 3, block 2, same addition 1 230 F. P. Miller to same, lols 1. 2. 29, 31 and 32, Lindqulst's addition to South Omaha 1,400 Grace M. l.loyd to same, lot 2), block 6, JefferiB' replat, Albright's choice 1,200 Hastings tt Heyden to G. R. Boyd, lot 3, block 8. ciirton mil 4V) F. P. Miller to Union Pdciflc Rail road company, lots 20, 21. 22. block t; lots 1 to 4. block 6; part of lots 7 and 8. block S; lots 1 to 4. ( to 17, block 4; V.ts 1 to 16, 19, 21. 22 and 23, s In block 6, Jefferls' replat 7,649 8, A. Johnson to It T. Walker, part lot IS. block 2. Ciarlndon addition.. 2,730 Ines Callahun and husband to Calla han Reuity company, lot 8, block $. Ketd's First addition 1 Parkwuy Real Kstatu company to C. I. Thomas, lot b. block 4M, Grand View ' i ElUabclh K. Kuehn et ttl, executor, REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS t Continued ) . to the Smith Hrlck company, r4 lot 5, blnck 12. SliuM's Second addition.. 3W Gennette lutler and husbnnd. to P.mtna F. Cady, part tax lot 21, aec tlon 8-lfi-H ..i . Thedo H. Heed and li-.ishand to A. 11. . Ci ameretal, lot 7. block S, DriiKe addition H. N. Way and wife to H. J. Grove, part s4 of se'i 3U 13-1$ W 11. J. Grove and wife to Emma Mary Hover, same uroperty 6.6"0 T. R. Penny to II. J. Grove, part ot swV, of nwH of nwVi 12-1.-12 0"0 Emma M. Hover and hushand to H. J. Grove, lots 13, 14, 15 and 16, block 25. Went Side .W George McMride and wife to Ora E. I'.ruco. part lot 9, all of 10. block 8. McGavock A O'Keefe's addition. 4,000 H. B. Prentsc! to Philadelphia Mort gatte Lumber company, part lot 8. K'onntxe's Second addition 1 GOVERNMENTNOTICES OFFICE OF THE CONSTRUCTING Quartermnster, Fort Omaha, Nebraska, December IS, 1909. Scaled proposals. In trip licate, subject to the usual conditions, will fce received at this office until 11 o'clock A. M., central standard time, January In, lldO, and then opened in public for con structing one oil house, one combined hay shed and granary, and for constructing, plumbing and electric wiring of one stable. Full Information furnished on applica tion. U. S. reserves the right to reject any or all bids. F.nvelopes, csntslnlng propo sals to be marked "1'roposals for construct ing, etc., building at Fort Omaha, Ne braska" and addressed to Captain GEORGE S. GIHBS, Constructing Quarter master, Fort Omaha, Nebrsska. D 20-21-22-23 J-17-1S PROPOSALS FOR LINING OF RESER VOIR Fort Mackenzie. Wyoming. Jan UHry 17, 1910. Sealed proposals In triplicate will be received here until P. M., Feb ruary 14, 1910, and then opened, for lining with waterproof felt and vitrified brick, a million gallon concrete reservoir near this post. Plans, specifications and necessary blanks furnished from this office on re quest. Envelopes containing proposals should b endorsed "Proposals for Lining Reservoir" and addressed to the Construc ting Quartermaster. Fort Mackenzie, Wyoming. J 17-18-19-20. Fll-lH. RAILWAY TIME CARD 'iNlON STATION Tenth and Mason. baton Pacific Leave. Arrive. Overland Limited a 7:30 am all:6 pin China and Japan Mail. .a 4:00 pin a 6:50 pm Atlantic Express a 8:30 am Oregon and Washington Limited al2:01 am a 6:46 am Los Angeles Limited. ...al2:65 pm a 8:60 pm Portland Special al2:66 pm a 8:50 pm Colorado Special a l:4o am a 7:30 am Norm Platte Local S li am a 4:46 pm Colorado Express a 8:60 pm a 6:00 pm Grand Island Local a.6:29 pm al0:30 am Lincoln-Beatrice Local bli.46 pm b 1:80 pm Valparaiso and Central I City bl2:40 pm to 1:I4 pm Chicago & Northwestern 'EASTBOUND. - Leave. Arrive. Omaha ExDress. ' a 7:00 am al2:85 am Chicago Local.;.. al2:06 pm a 1:28 pm Colorado-Chicago a 6:20 pm a :a pm Chicago Special a 6:00 pm a 7:66 am Pacific Coast-Chicago.. .a 6.06 pm B 1:28 pm Los Anirelea Limited a 9:10 Dm al2:20 pm Overland Limited all:46 pm a 7:46 am Denver Special... al2:40 am a 6:32 am Carroll Local ,...a 4:80 pm a :6o am Fast Mall a a 8:ao pm - NORTHBOUND. Twin City Express a 7:50 am al0:20 pm Sioux City Local a 8:46 pm a 8:28 pm Minn. & Dakota bixD. ..a i ou nm a mm Twin City Limited a 90 pra a 7:80 am WfciST BOUND. Llncoln-Chadron a 7:60 am all 00 am Norfolk-Bonstell a 7:60 am al0:46 pm Long Pine-So. Platte. ..b 2:15 pm u D:zo pm Haxtlmra-SuDerior b 2:16 Dm b 6:20 pm Dead wood-Hot Spgs a 3:65 pm a 5:20 pm Casner-Lander a 3:66 Dm all:00 am Fremont-Albion D o:ao pm i; m Missouri ravelfie- K fi. and St. L Ex.... a 9:40 am a 6:36 am Sat 12 p. m all:l& pm a 6:30 pm Illinois Central- Chicago Express a 7:15 am a 8:45 pm Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm a 7:16 pm Minn. -St. fnui KID n civam Minn. -St. Paul Ltd a 6:00 pm a 7:16 am Omaha-Ft. Dodge Loc'l.b 4:16 pm bll:30 am C'Mcago, Hock Island A Pnclfl ' EAST. Rocky Mountain Ltd. ...a 2:40 am al0:30 pm Iowa Local a 6:40 pm a 4:30 pm Chicago Day Express.. a 7:43 am all:65 pm lies Moines Local a 4:00 pm ai2:39 pin Iowa Local b 10:36 am b :t& pm Chicago-Eastern Exp. ..a 4:40 pm 1:15 pm Chicago-Nebraska Ltd. a 6:08 pm a 8:02 pm WEST. Phlrnffo-Kebruska Ltd. for Llne-oln a 8:26 am a 6:47 pm Coin, nnd Cal. ExD a 1:26 Din a 4:3 Dili Okla and Texas Exp. ...a 2:30 pm a 1 :50 pin Rocky Mountain Ltd...al0:40 pm imih Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Paul- Leave. Arrive. Overland Limited all:43 pin a 8:00 am Omana-Chlcago Exp. ...a 7:16 am a 9:40 am Colorado Special a 7:67 am all S3 pin Colo. -California Exd a 6:00 Dm a 3:26 pm Perry-Omaha Local 0 6:16 pm du:U pm Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Paul Overland Limited.. ...al2:10 am a 7:05 am Omaha-Chicago Exp. ...a 7:t0 am a 9:30 am Colorado Special a 7:40 am a 1:80 am Colo. -California Exp.. ..a 6:o0 pm a 3:26 pm Perry-Omaha Local b 6:15 pm aU:05 pm Chicago Great Western Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm Twin City Limited a 8:30 pm a 8:00 am Chicago Express a 2:46 pm Twin City Express a 9.-00 am a 9:00 pm Wabash Omaha-St. Louis Exp.. a 6:30 pm a 6:25 am Mail and Express a 7:30 am all:15 pm Slanberry Local (from K. C. & St. L. Ex. Lv. Council Bluffs). ...b 5:00 pm bl0:15 am UIRLINUTON STATION Tenth and Mason. Burlington Leave. ' Arrive. Denver and California. .a 4:10 pm a 3:46 pm PukcI Sound Expreea..,a 4:10 pm a6:0pm Nebraska points a 8:20 am a 6:10 pm Black Hills a 4:10 pm a fi:10pm Northwest Express all SOpm a 7:10 am Nebraska points a 8.20 am a 6:10 pm Lincoln MuAl b 1.20 pm al2:15 pm Nebraska Express a 8:16 am ati:10pm Lincoln Iacr b 9:08 am Lincoln Local a 7:25 pm a 7:50 pm Schuyler-Plttttsmouth ..b 3.05 pm blt):20am Piattsmouth-Iowa .a 9:18 am a 8:60 pm .a pm a 2:40 pin .all :30 am a 7:10 um .a 7:20 am all :10 pm Bellevue-Plattsmouth Colorado Limited Chicago Special Chicago Express Chicago Fast Express Iowa Looul a 4:20 pm a 3:v pm a 6:30 pm a 8:00 am a 9:15 am a11:45 nm St. Ijuls Express a 4:66 pm sll:4."ani K. C. .and St Joseph. .. .a 10:46 pm a:4nam K. C. and St. Joseph... .a 9:1a am a 8.10 pin K. C. and St. Joseph.. a 4:55 pm WEBSTER STATION fifteenth and Webster. Missouri Pacific Leave. Arrive Auburn Local b 3:60 pm bl'.' :10 pm Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis Omaha Leave. Arrlv.. Sioux City Express b 2:00 pm bll :45 am Omaha Local c 6:20 pm Sioux City Passenger... b:J0pm Twin City Puasenger. .. .b 6:30 am Sioux City Local c 8:36 am Emerson Local b 6:55 Din b 9:10 am OCEAN STEAMSHIPS CRUISES DE LUXE WEST INDIES By Ketv 1Vn,fVj 11 oo Tons Twln-Ke rT im w Ull CltriSE OP 81 dujs ir.ii i p rnoM v kw york eastkk rniiisis (18 darn) $h.i li ra on N KW TOBS MARCU 26 FF.B. t At" WrMinr 1ur by New Twla-a-rew "HKIIKICF." tsr.iush tb Wnt India. BERMUDA KEW WEEKLT ERVICB B..r9P.'"OROTAVA Tons From PUr MO N. R N. Y Every Wedaalay. From Brrataaa Krtrt liliirilir. mfaruhl rrt' illfk UUn Culln Orches tra r.ittinc a la all ruous. Csll illurS Boukltl$ on el THE ROYAL MAIL STEAM PACK IT CO. 4KDRIISON A SON. t Stat. St., g. T 149 LaSalle St., Ctilcago. W. E, Sock. 1634 rarsam itn Omaha. RICHARD AND GLEASON IN ROW Fight Impressarioi ' Quarrel Over Location of Big- Mill. SrORTDTQ MEN ARE SKEPTICAL Many Frisco Fans Think )narrl is Framed V to Keep la- terest la the Blntch Alive. SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 17. A bitter controversy Is on between the two flsht iinpressarlos who are to handle Ihe Jet-fries-Johnson championship tlKht, Jack Uleason of San Francisco and Tex Rlck- ard of Nevada. The dispute Is over the selection of a battle ground. At present there Is A wide difference of opinion between the two managers as to where the go will be held. Tex Rlckard Is sued a flat statement last night that the fight would take plaoe in Salt Lake City or the Immediate vlolnlty. In raponse Jack Gleason Just as positively stated that Jeffries and Johnson will meet In San Francisco. And, In this condition, the situation Is left dangling In mid-air. Where the con troversy will end la coming to be the main topic for discussion and speculation In the sporting world. H fro hard Furnishes Caah. Rlckard, In his statement, charges that Gleason has not advanced one cent In the transaction so far. Of the $101,000 guar antee, only $20,000 has been posted. Rlck ard asserts that Gleason did not put up a cent of this forfeit and hence cannot as sume to dictate. Gleason entrenches him self behind the declaration that Rlckard could not have become a partner In the enterprise It It had not been for the Gla- son influence, with Sam Berger and Jim Jeffries. ; The main celnt In dispute is the ques tlon as to which place shall be chosen for the fight San 'Francisco or Salt Lake City. It appears that the matter jhas ceased to be a oontest between the cities and re solved Itself Into a tusset for authority, be tween Gleason and Rlckard, The balance of power seems to be with the fighters; and the San Francisco sport ing fraternity Is almost unanimously of the eilnoa thnt the fla-ht will be held wherever Jeffries dictates. Nothing has been heard from either of the two principals since Gleason and Rlck ard fell out ' Statement of Gleason. "It s well known that Jeffries Is par tial to Ban Francisco. He Is a California and Berger, his manager, is a San Fran cisco man. Jack Johnson has often said that he has always been well pleased with, the way In which he was treated In San Francisco. "When all is (aid and done, the big fight will bo held here," said Jack Gleason to night at the Olympic club. "I say so, and It was agreed in New York that I should have the naming ot the plaoe. I don't car. what Tex Rlckard saya about It. I know what I am. talking about "I don't care to get Into any contro versy about this thing, but I want It dls tirotly understood that I am to nam. the place. Sam Berger will back me up. Kc knows and Johnson and Little both know. I am content to leave It to them. They will tell who was given authority to choose the battle ground. The fighters want to go to the place where the tight can be most advantageously handled and I guess that before, long . the world will know whether that Is San Francisco or Salt Lake, Jeff will be here tn ten days and then w will see. v Ready to Take tt All. .' "If Riokard does not care to live up to this agreement I will take the fight oft hl hands. I. am ready at any time to take the Whole thing. I can handle this fight and I Intend to handle at least my end of it I 'say again that if Tex docs not want to go through with It, as wt agreed to do, I'll relieve him of any furthei responsibility. "Jeffries would never have consented to sign articles with Rlckard as one of the partners In the affair if It had not been for me. I'm not going to stand for Rlckard being the autoorat and neither will Jeffries. Tl atil about settle the dispute." Many sporting' men here are skeptical about the controversy between Gleason and Rlckard. Some think that it Is being done, to keep the Interest In the match . alive. This, however. Is Indignantly denied by Gleason. Fight fans are at a lops to ex plain the positlveness with which Rlckard states that tho fight will be held In Utah In face of Governor Spry's recent state ment that he would use all the means at his command to prevent the battle being pulled off there. JOLIET, 111.. Jan. 1. "The fight will bi either In 'San Francisco or across tho bay at Oakland," said James J. Jeffries, who was here tonight "I much prefer the coast, and that's the understanding. I have not any faith In the Salt Lake boom, and don't think there Is the slightest chance of Its being held there." Governor Spry Says "Nay. CHICAGO, Jan. 16. There will be no fight In Salt Lake City or any other place in Utah. The authorities will take what ever drastlo steps necessary to prevent It. Governor Spry of Utah, who arrived in Chicago lute tonight, made this statement. "It have made this assertion before,:' continued Governor Spry, "but I repeat It now with renewed emphasis. There Is no use of these sporting men keeping up the tayt of overthrowing the law In' Utah. It Would be absurd If a couple of fight pro moters could nullify the law at their Con venience. The law Is against the fight and we simply 111 not permit It "I don't think It would be necessary to call out the militia to prevent a flsht, but we would take whatever drastlo action that would be necessary. It I generally under stood that the fight Is to take place In Cal ifornia, and we do not think there Is any .danger of our state being Inwded. As for the supposed guaranty having been put up by Salt Lake business men, it had no of ficial sanction." Tf you have anything to sell or exchange advertise It In The Bee Want Ad :j umna. V When the blood becomes overcharged with urlo acid It continually grows weaker, more acrid, and poorer in nourishing qualities. The nerves, muscles and Joints, instead of receiving their neceseary nutriment from the circulation are gradually filled with the eharp uratio Impurity with which the circulation is loaded, and the pains and aches of Rheumatism are the natural result. No amount of rubbing, or the application of external med. lcines can have any direct and curative effect on the blood; the most to be expected from such treatment is temporary relict from the pclns and aches. There ia but one way to cure Rheumatism, and that is to cleanse the blood of the urlo acid impurity. 8.B.8. is the proper treatment, because it goca down and attacks the disease at its head, and by filtering out every particle of the uratio matter and strengthening and enriching the blood, cures Rheumatism jn every form. 8. 8. 8. changes the sour, acid-burdened blood to a rich, healthy stream, which quiets the pain-racked nerves, muscles and Joints, cools the feverish flesh, gently removes the cause and drives Rheu matism from the system. 8.8.8. reaches inherited cases as well as those v which have been acquired, and good results are always experienced from its use. Special book on Rheumatism containing many valuable sugges tlons for rheiuuatio suilerers and any medial advice free to all who write. the swrir specific co., Atlanta, ca. Curtiss Makes; Sensational ...... Flight-in Wind awassMsnanUi , t American Showi Trenchmftn Some Points in Aeroplane Jockeying that Astonishes Crowd.. . LOS ANGELES, Cal. Jan. U.-The wind and rain conspired yeetetdtty to tes tho mettle of airships flying on Aviation Md. The result was a victory for" Glenn H. Curtiss nnd Louis raulhan. ,' In half a gale of wind. Curtiss rose to a height of more than 100 feet, and there performed as pretty a plere of aeroplane Jockeying as ha,s been een. lie described circles In a daring fashion, ' lifting and dipping and beating against the Wind and , winding up by flying a figure eight Pnul han strove to outdo this, going up RU f"t and circling about like a hawk. But his exhibition lacked something of the bril liancy shown by th. American. Another wonder plctur. was painted. Curtiss and Paulhan and Charles K. Ham ilton, each driving his own machine, swung around In an aerial marathon. At times they raced together headlong against the wind. Again, they played tag With each other. They flew under aud over each other and around each other. That ther. wer. no accidents was on. of the marvels of the day. The aviators did not want to fly In. the vlnd.' They knew that the wind strains' the delicate silk plane, aad pulls at the, fastenings. But the crowd was there and something had to be dona to amuse it .. The people ot Los Angeles, gave an .ex hibition today of their enthusiasm for av iation. . Through the rain ot the morning they went in droves to the field, standing In mud along tb. fence I the or hoding dripping seats In the grandstand. By the time the events were scheduled to begin the biggest crowd Of the meet had gathered. Even the nearby hills were black with spectators. Tho rain ceased after the aviators had waited as long as possible," but finally Hamilton awakened the echoes by -rising in -a short flight to test the ' wind. Paulhan was not long In following. He came, up. with a rush; and sailed past the grandstand In two qualifying rounds. He veered and shot out of the course back of the grandstand 200 feet high, going over the field again after a short run. When he came down, he' said that he had In tended to try ten laps tor speed, but found the wind too strong 'on the westward course.' ' Then Curtiss came Out In a preliminary flight Hamilton and Paulhan started to gether in a wind-bucking contest but were sent out ot the course and landed' back ot the grandstand. - Paulhan, after finding that his machine was standing the strain well,' made another trip for speed. In tour rounds his best lap was 2:38. Curtiss' record is 1:12. Finding he could not win in this, Paulhan tried to lower Curtiss' starJng record, He made It on the soft turt In ' 118.8 feet. Curtiss' recgrd Is 88 feet Roy Knabeushue and, Lincoln Ueachey brought out their dirigibles. They went up and struggled hard against the wind for half a mile, then gave It up, whirling back over the grandstand at a high rate, ot speed. Charles F. Willard, in a Curtiss machine, came out for a brief flight, but after feel ing th. force of the wind, gave up. Curtlaa, who had announced that he would try for a mile speed record, also quit The crowd, was sent home. t Paulhan was not content. As the crowds were filing out he appeared on the horizon with two passengers behind him, a diffi cult and dangerous feat In such a wind. The passengers were his mechanicians. After a short turn with them he took up Clifford B. Harmon, New York balloonist. Great Interest centers In Paulhan's sched uled attempt to win-th Mlchclln cup for long distance flight tomorrow. If the weather permits he' will start' early. It will be necessary to go over the new triangular course more than thirty-five times to beat the record of 144 miles held by Henry Farman. Paulhan thinks it will be a great Joke to win this event In a machine bought from' Farman. Dc Rouen to Meet Zbyszko in Omaha Giant Frenchman and Polish Wrestler Will Have Tug at tho Auditorium. Raoul de Rouen, the gigantic French man, and Zbysako, th. herculean Polish wrestler, will meet on the mat at tho Auditorium the night of January 28. Man ager Glllan has Just closed terms with their managers. De Rouen has' been seen In Omaha on two former occasions, once In a handicap with Jess WeBtergaard and once In a handicap with MahmouU He la the giant who delights In the roughing game and gel erally becomes the object of hisses by his unfair taotics. He weighs about 0 and Is as tall In proportion to his weight He is not as skilled a wrestler as tome of the others. If he were, with his enor. mous strength and heft, he would crush anybody In the business. Zbyszko himself weighs near 230 and Is a more scientific wrestler than ' th? French man. He was imported as the man to beat Getch. but he came about as near ac complishing that feat as some others who have crossed the Atlantic with that object In view. But he and the , Frenchman should make a most thrilling match. Interest Is added to this affair by th. fact that Jess Weatergaard of Pes Moines, very popular In Omaha, will challenge the wljiner to a finish match in Omaha. J.n tines' De Rouen and has been eager for a chance to get at him In a finish match. He is ar more skilled and Is believed to be the superior of the Frenchman, though he weighs forty or fifty pounds less. De Rouen and Dr. Roller have beea mulched for a wrestle in CUlcago February 14. DHIVES OUT imEUIVlATISM