Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 18, 1910, Image 1

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The Omaha .Daily Bee
flctn, reliable newspaper that ta
admitted to earh and ever home.
For Nebrnoka Rain or onw.
Tor Iowa Rain or snow.
Tor weather report oo Tage 3.
Chief Executive Makes Opening Ad
dress to Conference of National
Cirio Federation.
Mr. Taft it Introduced by Seth Low
of New York.
Elective Eeformt in Federal Court
Method! are Advocated.
I.nw'i DrUf Made Poiwlble to nM'i.
la Alio Scored br Chief Execu
tlve Conservation by '
the States.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 17. With the open
ing address by President Taft, compliment
ing the organization for the work it had
done and referring to some of the Impor
tant questlona of national moment to
which It could yet lend Its aid, the Na
tional Clvlo federation today began a three
day conference here.
At the opening 'aession. which waa pre
sided over by Seth Low, president of the
body, were a number of atato governors
here to attend a conferepce of their own
which will 'begin tomorrow, and delegates
from all parta of the United States repre
senting the American Federation of Labor,
the National Grange, the Farmers' Na
tional congress, the National Association
of Life Insurance Presidents, the National
Association of State Boarda of Arbitration
and other bodlea.
' Speakers at the opening session lnoluded
Judge Alton B. Parker, former president of
the American Bar association.
Bis; Crowd Greets President.
"Tour presence here, Mr. President, Is
highly appreciated by this conference be
cause your presence Indicates your active
sympathy with the objeots of the confer
ence." In these words President Seth Low of
the Civic Federation welcomed President
Taft, whose appearance on the stage of the
Belasco theater was greeted by a repre
sentative audience with every manifesta
tion of pleasure.
Flanked by Seth Low and Judge Alton B.
Parker, President Taft led a distinguished
body of men to the stage of the theater at
the opening aesslon of the conference.
Mr. Low opened the conference by Intro
ducing the president of the United States.
Felicitating the Civic .Federation for Its
good sense in meeting In Washington, espe
cially at the Same time as the meeting of
governors. President Taft said that from
'Washington everything radiated to the
farthermost parta of the country,
"And you are not the only cltlsena of
the United Statea looking In the direction
or wasmnirion. inert era oinars. wmcn
statement -wii,.jiut.'Jth a' round of ap
plause. In discussing the movement started by
the Clvlo Federation for uniformity of state
laws. President .Taft aald It was the out
growth of a demand on the part of good
citizenship to bring about better condition
in the social' fabric
He defined a constitutional lawyer as "a
gentleman who has gorte out of the prac
tice of law and haa gone Into politics,"
which called forth laughter and applause
and cries of "good, good."
Powers of Supreme Court
Tracing the growth of centralisation of
power in the general government In con
tradistinction to the power of the states, he
gam mat me eariy appointment 01 vniet
Justice Marshall made centralization pos
sible by exercising that power which a
good judge exercised with his colleagues
"he did not minimize the power of the
The president aald there should be uni
formity In Judicial procedure, and he de
clared with emphasis that If anything In
the system deserved attack it was the
delay that could be secured by the wealthy
under the Judicial proceedings, and he ad
vocated some change in the form of fed
eral court proceedings which could be
taken as an example by the states. He
wanted court proceedings simplified along
the lines of Kngllsh practice, both In equity
and Criminal law.
Mr. Taft told of the movement for a uni
form law relating to child labor and cited
the utterance of the governor of Massachu-
A etta in behalf of a federal law regulating
child labor that the power of the federal
government was greater than the power of
the atate.
Speaking on the subject of conservation
the president said:
"The federal government has no power
to compel owners of forests to attend to
those forests with a view to the welfare of
the community or the neighbors who live
there, or of those who are affected by the
denuding of the land. That must be done
through atate government It it Is done at all,
and so with respect to many of the streams.
Indeed, If one follows legal reasoning it
. will seem, I think, that there is more to be
done by the states In the conservation of
resources even than by the federal gov
judge Parker- was named temporary
Secretary of ' Baser Company
loute lata Conrt Stil
NKW YOHK, Jan. 17.-Charls R. Helko.
iccretary or the American 8ugar Refinini
iomnany. was today arralvnad in h. orim.
inal branch of the United States circuit
court and held in $5,000 ball to plead next
Monday on Indictments charging him with
conspiring to defraud the government'.
Henry W. Walker, assUtant to Oliver
tVltier, waa held in $3,000 bail on similar
. charges to which today he entered a plea
of not guilty, as did James F. Hender
nagei and Voelker'und Halllgan, the other
sugar employes indicted with Helke last
llonae endorses Measure to
Arlsuua and .New Mexico
kla Separately.
u WASHINGTON, Jan. 17.-Th houae today
"fcWj(ed by a viva voce vote a bill granting
prate atatehood to the territories of
f w Mealco and Arizona.
Walsh's Last
Hope of Liberty
is Taken Away
Supreme Court Refuses to Hear Ap
peal of Convicted Chicago
WASHINGTON. Jan. 17. The petition for
a writ of certiorari In the case of John R.
Walsh, former president of the Chicago
o, i
of five years' Imprisonment In the federal
prison at Leavenworth, Kan., on th
charge of misapplying the funds of the
bank, was denied today by the supreme
court of the United States.
lissouri Farrrier
Slays His Father
ig is Result of Quarrel Over
Land Neighbors Are
SEPH, Mo., Jan. 17. A special to
t.if News-Press from Cameron, Mo., says
Joseph Mont, a young farmer, shot and
killed his father, Alex Monti, early this
morning, at hie home on a farm near Cam
eron. The son, 31 years old, who was a
tenant of his father, 67 years old, had had
trouble with his parent and had been or
dered to vacate the farm. When the old
man went to the Wi house this morning
to Insist upon tht son's removal they quar
reled and the young man fired the contents
of a shotgun into his father's head. The
son and his wife then went into Cameron
and surrendered to the authorities, claim
ing eei-uefeiit. Oh ac-CuliiiL of strong
feeling against the young man by his fath
er's neighbors, he waa hurried Into hiding
by the sheriff.
Incubator Baby .
Case in Court
Joseph H. Gentry and Captain Frank
Tillotson on Trial for Kid
naping at Topeka.
TOPEKA, Kan., Jan. 17.-Mra Stella
Barclay of Buffalo, N. N., was ln court
here today at the trial of Joseph H. Gen
try and Captain Frank Tillotson, who are
charged with helping her kidnap Marian
Bleakley, the "incubator baby," In To
peka last August. The day was taken up
In arguments for a change of venue, the
defendants declaring they could not get
a fair trial here.
Whl the application Is decided Mrs.
Barclay's trial will begin. An attorney
connected with the case said an effort was
being made to have Mrs. Barclay plead
guilty of kidnaping and will be paroled by
the Judge. , .
. Mrs. Barclay Is the foster mother of the
child. She and Gentry were arrested In
Kansas City, with the baby, after an ex
citing chase. , '
Russia Hostile
to, Knox Plan
Council of Ministers Decides Proposal
for Neutralization is Not
ST. PETERSBURG, Jan. 17. The oouncil
of ministers has decided that the United
States proposal for the neutralisation of
the Manchurlan railways Is not aOc?pti
ble to the Russian government at present.
Russia's reply to Secretary Knox's note
will be delivered to United States Ambas
sador Rockhlll in a few days.
May Contracts Open Up, But Later
Become Vnsettled -and
NEW YORK. Jan. 11 In the cotton
market today there was some excitement
caused by violent fluctuations.
May contracts here sold at 14.64g on the
call, comparing with 13.70c, the low point
on Friday afternoon,' but any further ad
vance was prevented by renewed liquida
tion and the market later became very un
settled under the local bear pressure, stop-
loss orders and Wall street liquidation,
with May selling off to 1116c, or 12. W per
bale under the closing price of Saturday.'
The market closed at 14 23o for that de
livery, .with the general list (steady, at a
loss of from 14 to 45 points, as compared
with Saturday's closing prices.
Nebraakaa Starts on Trip ta Colombia,
Not to Hetara Until
O. D. Melklejohn has gone to New York
and sails from there for Colombia, South
America. He wHI not return to Omaha un
til March 1. He goes to look after inter-
eats, which he has In that country. He
contemplates crossing the Isthmus of Pan
ama and returning by . Hie .ay of San
Francisco. Mr. Melklejohn is quite at
home In the Latin republics, as he speaks,
reada and writes the Spanish language.
Little Volunteer Rescues
, Bill, But Gets no Thanks
One little woman and four strong men
down on their hands and feet scrambling
on the ground.
A strange sight. Indeed.
They were scrambling for a $10 bill. It
developed! Ths little woman got It.
The little woman was the Volunteer of
Aferlca officer who keeps her vigil at the
northwest corner of Fifteenth and Farnam
streets. '
Two elegantly-dressed woman had passed
that corner. She observed that one dropped
a bill on the street unconsciously. She
ran to pick it up. Meantime four men
passed and they spied the money; they
, had not seen the woman drop tu With
Congressman Hitchcock Alleges that
Secretary Ballinger Authorized Il
legal Payments to Cousin.
He Also Alleged Irregularities . In
Handling Conservation Fund, ...
Former Official Says There is no
Truth in the Charge. Vv' '
Arsturaeut on Methods for Conducting;
' Inquiry la Promptly Passed by the
Senate Goes Over In
tbe House.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 17. Somewhat wan
ing interest In the Investigation of the so
culled Ballinger-Pinchot controversy was
quickly revived in congress today by sen
Rational charges against Secretary Bat
linger filed by Representative Hitchcock
of Nebraska and incidentally by the sen
ate's adoption of the Investigation resolu
tion as agreed upon In conference.
The ' most Important allegation of Mr. ,
Hitchcock is that funds of the Interior de
partment were Improperly used in paying
private traveling expenses of ' Secretary
Ballinger'a consln. Tlva secretary and
other officials of the Interior department
will be subpoenaed before the house com
mittee on expenditures to which Mr.
Hitchcock's charges were addressed.
Senator Nelson today reported to the
senate the conference report on the resolu
tion providing for the investigation of the
Balllnger-Plnchot controversy. The con
ference report would permit "any official
or ex-offlclal concerned to appear person
ally of by counsel, and the time limits
provided would make It possible to ex
tend the investigation beyond this session
of congress.
The report as presented was unanimously
adopted by the aenate. The house also re
celved the report as adopted by the senate
and It went over until tomorrow.
. The republican caucus to' select members
of the Joint Investigation committee prob-
bly will be held Wednesday evening. The
democrats have selected Ralney of Illinois
and James of Kentucky. The senate mem
bers of the committee will be named by
Vice President Sherman.
Contents of Affidavit.
The affidavit . was presented by Mr,
Hitchcock at a meeting of the committee
called to permit him to substantiate his
charges of extravagances in the Interior
department: The committee decided to is
sue sVibpoenaes for Commissioner Dennett
of the general land office and all others
Interested In the charges to appear as wit
nesses In the case before the committee
next Wednesday, '' . r'
The statement alleges' improper use ' of
the $1,000,000 appropriation "for the pro
tection ' of the public domain against
frauds" by the purchase of the expensive
furniture, mounting Into the tens of thou
sands of .dollars, the erection of "a certain
large brick chimney for a land office at
considerable expense," the employment of
some eighty additional clerks, "salaries
Increased and In one case at leant doubled
out of the $1,000,000 fund" (citing the case
of Chief of the Field Service Schwarx as
this Instance); long telegraph bills which
"cover long extracts from the newspapers
sent in by traveling representatives of the
general land office, selection of special
agents not at all qualified," etc.
Place Made for Cousin.
The affidavit asserts that when Mr.
Ballinger became commissioner of the gen'
era! land office, the position he held be
fore entering the cabinet, he reduced the
salary of Law Clerk Wright so that Judge
Wright's $2,000 salary "could be given to
Jack Ballinger, his cousin, not under the
title of law clerk, but under the title, cre
ated by Mr. Ballinger'a order, of confl
dentlal clerk. I have been told Wright
died of dlsappolntent and humiliation soon
Jack Ballinger remained a year In the
service, the affidavit says, his manner of
living about the time his uncle resigned, in
March, 1908, being alleged to Illustrate "the
reckless expenditure of the land office.'
it waa announced," tne arridavit goes
on to say, "that young Jack Ballinger was
leaving the land office to resume law
practice In Seattle. In order that he
might receive a final rakeoff he waa
designated as special temporary Inspector
of offices, an evident outrage on the
treasury. This enabled him to draw travel
ing expenses from Washington to Seattle
and a per diem also.
"Within two weeks after he reached
Seattle he resigned, as understood in ad
vance, and resumed law practice, including',
of course, practice before the land office
out there and also In Washington.''
Mr. Hitchcock declared this to be only
one of many outrages on the treasury
which can be found.
Lawyers for Officials.
A provision made by the conferees per
mitting any official or ex-offlclal of the
department to be Investigated to be rep
resented by counsel, authorises Secretary
of the Interior Ballinger, Glfford Plnchot,
former government forester; Overton W.
Price, former assistant forester; former
Law Officer Shaw of the bureau of for
estry and L. R. Glavls, former field agent
(Continued on Second Page.)
one move they and the Volunteer woman
made a dive for the money. When the
little woman emerged from the group with
the money in her hand she ran and over
took the two elegantly-dressed women.
Tapping one on the arm, she handed her
(he Mil. aaylng
"I aaw you drop it."
"Give it here," anapped the fashionably,
dressed woman, but that was all she said.
The little woman of the Volunteers re
turned to her post. ,
"Gee, the moet that woman could have
done was to say 'thank you,' " remarked
a man who had witnessed the affair.
"If she'd been one of the boys she'd given
the little woman a good-alsed Up."
Di-Js' li sjsmsv
From the Washington Star.
Peerless Leader's Intimates Give
Word to Party Leaders.
Fall to Arouse Any Storm of Bntbusl.
nam for the Thrice Defeated
Candidate Among; the
Omaha Democrats. . .
"Mr. Bryan will be a candidate for the
presidency In 191A"
This statement has been made by hi
closest intimates to more than one demo
crat of Omaha and other cities in Ne
braska, who have been summoned to the
Commoner office at LlnooM, ...
. Though Mr. Bryan Is 'VMHng away the
time down in the -South American republics,
his "friends," one of whom Is his ener
getic and ever-alert brother-in-law. Tommy
Allen, the skillful fiscal agent ' of the
"Third Battla," are In Nebraska, and they
are laying the plans. ,
"You may as well understand now with
out any further doubt or questioning that
Mr. Bryan proposes to make the race in
1912, and expects his friends to begin to
get busy," is the advice that was given to
a certain Omaha democrat, who says many
other leaders beside himself have been
"called to jthe Commoner office" to get
the same message. '
There are three men regarded as of suf
ficient authority to make such a statement
Charles W. ' Bryan, known as -"Brother
Charlie;" Tommy S. Allen, brother-in-law,
and Richard L. Metcalfe, associate editor
of Mr. Bryan's Commoner; They may all
have made the statement, but It has been
attributed at least to Mr. Metcalfe.
Those same trusty leaders summoned to
Lincoln were also given to understand em
phatically that under no circumstances
would Mr. Bryan become a candidate for
the senate, though he believes Nebraska
may go democratic. Strange enough, Met
calfe Is for Congressman Hitchcock in
preference to W. H. Thompson. It Is be-
I lleved that Mr. Bryan thinks here Is a
chance to salve tnat "sting oi ingrauiuae
complained of by Hitchcock when Bryan
"bnatched the toga" from him some years
ago and had Governor Poynter place It on
the broader shoulders of William V. Allen.
And Mr. Bryan's "friends" have urged
Mr. Hitchcock against coming out too
boldly for the senate at this time, saying
that he can better afford to let Thompson
spend some of his ammunition while the
battle Is young and then come In 'for a
grand finish later.
The fact is that no great storm of enthu
siasm haa been aroused In favor of Mr. J
Bryan among Omaha democrats. At least
one man who was summoned to Lincoln
and told to don the Bryan war paint, In
sists that he will not, saying:
"I voted three times for Mr. Bryan and
worked hard every time for his election. I
am through chasing rainbows. I will
neither work nor vote for Mr. Bryan again
and if he runs I believe ills- party will re
fuse to . throw away the nomination en
him." ,
Do you want a
girl for housework?
Phone Douglas 238
and get one.
That is the "Want-ad Num
ber." If you are without help,
go do it now. No use drudg
ing this cold weather when
you can get help so easily.
Girls looking for work know that
Tbe Bee publishes practically a com
plete Hat of people who want help,
so they look to Tbe Bee Want-ads
when loklng for a place.
lietter step to the 'phone and
put in the a? '
. Mr .Jr....
- SL'-'tt
The Modern Job's Comforter.
Arrest'in Swope
Case is Expected
in a Short Time
Chain of Evidence is Declared Com
plete to Show Murder of ,
KANSAS CITY. Jan. 17.-An arrest In
the Swope 'case, involving the death of
Colonel Thomas H. Swope, his nephew,
Chrtsman Swope, and tht alleged poisoning
of seven heirs of the dead philanthropist,
may be expected within forty-eight hours,
irrespective of the finding of the scientists
now examining the stomachs of the Swopea
at Chicago. . '
L.Jais-- auument today by -a
man connected with tbe case, who went on
to declare that the chain . of , evidence
wrought against the alleged plotter or plot
ters had now been made almost complete. I
In' the meantime the greatest interest at
taches to the departure for Chicago last
night of John H. Atwood leading attorney
for the Swopes, and James G. Paxton, ex
ecutor of the estate, the two men who have
been most active In pushing the investiga
tion into the sudden deaths of the Swopes.
Authorization to cause an arrest here might
rtso be expected from Chicago as a result
of a conference set for that city today be
tween the lawyers and physicians working
on the case, it was stated.
V -
Wild West Stunt
in New York Hotel
Young Man Who Does Not Dance Fast1
Enough to Suit Drunken Stranger
Permanently Crippled.
NEW YORK, Jan. 17. "In from the wild
and wooly west," yelled a stranger In an
uptown hotel today, as he drew a slx
shooted and pointed It at the neat patent
leathers of a mild-mannered young man.
"Dance, you tenderfott; dance."
The tertfted young man did his best at
a buck and wing but the stranger defurred:
"Fister, you dude, faster."
The young ma could not go faster and
the man with the gun sent a bullet
through his ankle and quickly escaped Into
the street. ' The victim Is In a hospital
with a permanently crippled foot and th,e
police are looking for the man with the
Supreme Court Declares Invalid
North Dakota Law to Catch
I Diva Owners.
h WASHINGTON, Jan. ' 17. The case of
U. E. Flaherty against O. G. Hanson,
himself of Grand Forks county. North
Dakota, Involving the constitutionality of
the North Dakota statute of 1907, requir
ing liquor dealers to pay to the state a
fee of $10 upon receipts Issued to them by
the federal government for the payment
of internal revenue tax was decided by the
supreme court today favorably to Flaherty
and against the state law.
President of Failed Bank
Said to Be Heavy Borrower
EVAN8VILLE, Ind., Jan. 17. Announce
ment today that the Citizens National bank
would suspend temporarily pending an in
vestigation into its affaire by National
Bank KxaTmlner C. Johnson of Indianapolis,
astonished thousands who had implicit
confidence In the Institution.
The statement of the examiner, made in
the newspapers In advance of the hour of
opening today, served somewhat to allay
alarm and there . was no demonstration
around the bank door by depositors.
Th $1,400,000 of private money In the
bank Jncluded large commercial deposits
beside probably as many small account
aa any National bank In the city. Ex
aminer Johnson said h waa unprepared to
Noted Laborite Having Hard Fight in
, Yesterday's Decisions.
Little Chance of Wlplnar Out Liberal
Majority, Though It Will Be
Greatly Reduced Battle
Only Bearun.
LONDON. Jan. 17. The Known results of
the election to the new Parliament, today's
counting of the ballots not having been
completed- are as follows: . 1
Opposltion-rUnionists, 44. -MUlurialits
Liberals, 87.' Irish N'
tlonallsta, '13; labor, .
LONDON, Jan. It. Clea weather and a
host of workers on either side using thou
sands of motor cars and carriage to con
vey delayed voters to the stations gave
promise of a record poll 'being recorded at
today's elections for members of Parlia
ment. '
In doubtful districts the party organizers
were reinforced by an army of canvassers
and few voters escaped. In all 104 seats
were contented today. Of these thirty-one
were London constituencies and seventy
three provincial boroughs. Last year the
Unionists held thlrty-slx of the 104, the
Liberals fifty-two and the' Laborites six
teen. The proportion for London aone
was: Unionists, seventeen; Liberals,
twelve, and Laborites, two.
The city of London Itself Is quite safe
for the Unionists andA. J. Balfour and
Sir F. G. Banbury doubtless will receive
majorities even larger than they had the
laBt electlon.
Burns Having" Hard Fight.
There are a number of prominent mem
bers of the last house, however, whose
seats are In danger. John Burns, presl
dent of the local government board, la hav
lug a hard fight against A. Shirley Benn,
the Unionist candidate for Battersea and
Clappam, Battersea dlvlHlon. In 1908 Burns
had a majority of 1,600, but that was ab
normal, his majority at the previous elec
tlon having been 254. T. J. .MacNamara,
Liberal candidate for Camberwall, North
division, A. Bonar Law Unionist for Cam
berwell, Dulwlch division, and W. H
Long, Unionist, for the Strand are quite
secure. The Liberals doubtless will lose
Greenwich and other London districts,
Among the provincial seats contested today
are Blackburn, held at present by Philip
Snowden, Labor, one of the leaders of the
Labor party. Bristol, where A. Blrrell,
Labor, and C. Hobhouse hold seats and In
which districts both sides profess con
fldence of making a clean sweep; Hull,
Leeds, Newcastle-On-Tyne, Sheffield, York
and Portsmouth, where the Unionists are
depending upon Admiral Lord Charles
Beresford, their candidate, and their de
nunclatlon of the Liberal naval policy to
reverse, the big Liberal majority returned
at the last election. The candidacy of the
Socialist nominee will assist them.
Welsh and Scottish Election.
Two Welsh and lour Scottish boroughs,
rll heretofore Liberal strongholds, will
ulso poll today.
The Stock exchange Is Inclined to be dis
appointed that the Unionists gains of Sat-
(Continued on Becond Page.)
give data on the condition of the bank, but
he hoped condition would be such that
the depositors could be paid In full.
This same hope is offered in the brief
notlco ported by the directors on the bank's
door. .
It Is known that out of th $t,2O2.OO0 out
standing In loans there Is" a considerable
proportion In which, th credit is weak,
but Just how much' is a question. Indi
vidual loans In excess of $50,000 caused the
first suspicion of the examiner.
It is said that President H. B. Gillett has
borrowed to that extent, but he had made
over personal property to indemnify the
bank. So far as known there is nothing
criminal in the alleged mismanagement of
the institution.
Rupture of Artery of Brain Causes
Death of Ambassador from
President Calls at Embassy in Per
son Within an Hour.
Body Will Probably be Sent Home on
Americjn Warship,
Father Was Head of Liberal Party
In Braall Four Generations ol
Family Served In the
i .
Senate. ,' '
WASHINGTON. Jan. 17. Senor Joaqulm
Nabuco, Brazilian ambassador to Washing
ton, died suddenly today at the embassy
In this city. He was 60 years old. The
Immediate cause of death la said to have
been the rupture of an artory of the brain.
For several months the ambassador has ,
born In falling health and ten days ago
his ailment was diagnosed as arterlo-sclor-osis.
Within an hour after the ambassador's
death President Taft called In person at
the embassy to vonvey his condolence. -
Mr. Nabuco left a widow, two dapghtera
and three sons. It Is expetced the funeral
service will be hold at St. Mathew'a Cath
olic church In this city, when high mass
will be, celebrated In the presence of Presi
dent Taft, the cabinet and the entire diplo
matic body. '
If the precedents are followed, as they
probably will be, the body will be Con
veyed to Brazil In an American warship
as a mark of respect nnd an evidence of
the esteem In which he waa held by this
Ambassador Nabuco waa ' a son of tho
late Senator Nabuco, chief of the liberal
party In Brazil during a period of Dom
Pedro II's reign. Both his grandfather
and his great grandfather were senators,
so that he represented In the Brazilian
Parliament, when he entered It, the fourth
generation of his name, the only such in
stance under the empire.
For years he devoted himself In Parlia
ment to the cause of the abolition of
salvery. The abolition of slavery in 18S3
attached Mr. Nabuco to the Imperial 'dy
nasty, for which he risked all and when
November IS, 1889, the republlo was pro
claimed he . kept apart rfom the general
that led both the monarchical parties to
acceptt he) new regime)
He was the author of several books deal
ing with constitutional subjeots and history .
and In 1896 expressed a wish to reoonctla
himself wtih the republlo. His proffer waa
Immediately accepted. He served aa Bra-
all lan minister to . England, waa president
of the third International cbnferenoe Which
met in. Rlos. Janeiro - In 1906, ' and was a
member of The Hague court of arbitration.
He came to -Washington as ambassador
frem Brazil May 14, 1906.
Backers of Cleveland Movement Try
ing to Smite Beef Truat In
CLEVELAND, Jan. 17.-Cleveland's antt
meat strike, as a blow at the increased cost
of living, - was In full awing today. It Is
estimated that fully 6,000 men have signed
a pledge to abstain from meat for one
month In an effort to break the high
prices. An effort will be made by1 the pro
moters of the plan to spread the doctrine
of anti-meat to all parts of Ohio.
While the strike Is directed at the high
cost of meat, the advanced price of other
ataple foods will not be overlooked.
A prominent dealer In live stook is au
thority for the statement that if the meat
eating were stopped for one week, prloea
would drop to the right level. It is pre
dicted that by the end of the week upwards
of 20,000 families will be enlisted in the
movement. ' '
JEFFEHSON CITY, Mo., Jan. 17 Attor
ney General Major said today that ha
pects to investigate the high price of
meats In Missouri.
COLUMBUS, O., Jan. 17. The Joint legla
latlve food probe commission, of which
Senator Daniel Williams Is chairman, prob
ably will begin work Wednesday. J. 8.
Cattleberry of Wauseon writes that the
consumer there not only pays great prices,
but Is short weighed and measured on.
nearly everything he buy.
DE8 MOINES, la.. Jan. 17.-(8peclal Tel
egram.) The county attorney haa com
menced an Investigation locally with a
view to laying before the grand 'Jury the
facts regarding a supposed trust or com
bine among the grocer and butchers to
keep up the prices of food stuffs. There
Is in the city a very strong association of
these people and it has been asserted
many times that there la an agreement as
to prices. Now since the cost of living
has gone up It is proposed that the mat
ter be probed. There Is also a belief that
some sort of a combine exists In the coal
business and in sale of milk.
I '
Drlbert Church Is Shot Dead and If la
Brother Wonnded by Otta
LEMARS, la.. Jan. 17.-(Speclal Tele
gram.) Delbert Church, aged X7 yesrs, Is
deid and his younger brother, Elmer, la
badly wounded In the arm, the result of a
fracas, Saturday night. Otto Nlgllng, aged
40. Is in Jail, charged with the crlm. Th
affair happened at the Fritz Rorpke farm
In Lincoln township. The men quarreled
and the Churches, it is alleged, kicked
Nlgllng out of the house. He went to hi
home, a quarter of a mile away, and they
followed him. At his house he seized a
shot gun and fired at them as they tried
to enter. An Inquest will be held today.
DOXEVS plead not guilty
Trial of folombu Doctor and Wlfa
1 tbaraed With Murder to be
Heard Keat Term.
8T. LOUIS, Jan. 17 Dr. Loren 8. Doxey
and his wife, Dora E. Doxey, Indicted for
first degree murder on a charge of poison
ing William J. Erder, were arraigned to
day and each entered a plea of not guilty.
Th case will be heard at th Btxl tarin of