TIIE BEE; OMATTA, MONDAY, JANUARY 17, 1910. 7N 4 OFFERED FOR SALE M Iscfllaaeee ntlaaed. NATIONAL mn register almost new. Address M 821. Bee. CALENDAR pads. Burkley Printing Co. NEW LOCATION. 417 8. 12th HL r5 00 COAL it',..,0di u Harmon fJ.W VVAAJ Weeth. Both phone. ID-HAND oak counter, hand-carved mikr bl cashier plate; wire wicket about 40 ft odd shape; will fit a room SO feet wide Can be seen at storage bourn. Tor further fmrtlculara 'phono Douglas 231, Baa Build tig Co. STORM SASH Cnmpi took fur- C. SUNDELL A CO., Contractors and Builders, Koom U, New Tork Life Bldg. FOR PALE Pure, well assorted Early Ohio seed potatoea. Write for particulars, W. H. Blakemaa, Norfolk, Neb. FOR BALE Fine quality well assorted potatoea; car, bushel or 100-lb. lota. Wrlta or inquire of Norfolk Transfer and Stor , Norfolk. Neb. OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON INST., 41S N. X. L. Tel. D. 144. Dr. Kathryn Nicholas. IM N. T. L. Bldg PATENTS D. O. BARN ELL. Fax ton Blk. Tel. Red 711i. HUFFMAN. Sit Neville Bid. Book frea PERSONAL MECIIANO THERAPY Is a drugless cure for grip. Consult Dr. Marguerite Halloran, 22i Neville Blk. Doug. T76L Under supervision of IS. D. STRICTLY private home for conflne menta; trained nurse babies for adoption. tOls Davenport Arlene de Voy. Manicuring and m&saaga 620 a 16th tit. Flat S, 'Phona D. 7884. OMAHA Stammerers' Ins.. liamge Bids. PRIVATE HOMO during confinement; bablea lor adoption. Good Samaritan Baut toriuin, 740 1st Ave., Council Bluffa.Ia. 1 VTfSS11" toupea for men. GRIFFITH. MAGNETIC treatments. Emmerlln Brott. i. Win. upstairs. Doug, tlaa. ' taut and repair all kinds of sawing .liiuiK. Ind. A lots, Doug, lt3, NEBRASKA CYCLB Ctf lulu and Harney ts.' THE SALVATION ARMY aollolta cast-ofi clothins. in faot anything you do not need We collect, repair and sell at iae ti. lun St, for oost of collection, to the worthy poor. Call 'phone Douglas 4135 and wagoa will call. JOH1B WASHBURN'S new book, "The Underworld Sewer," void at all book stores; price. 81.60. 'lAONFTTfi treatment. Mm. Smith. $ aim 8. lath fit, third floor DR. EOGERS' private confinement home 1514 Martha tit. Phone Douglas m A HOME for women during confinement. Wo find homes for bablea where mothers cannot eare for them. Bablea boarded For terma addreaa Mrs. Martha A. Lea B1 Bancroft St., Omaha, Neb. '. 'Phone iwuglas 12)21. MISS LA ORANE, baths, massage. KIT Dodge St, basement flat Hours, 10 a. m to t p. m. MUSIO furnished. Independent orchestra. Dancing a specialty. Tel. Web. 126. MASSAGE AND BATHS. R. SOS Old Boston Store Bldg., 4th floor, 120 S. 16th St Stairway on Douglas St . MAGNETIC and massage treatment 311 ' 9So. 16th St MASQUE suits to rent Theo. Lteben. i SWEDISH massage. Over SOB fi. 17th St. EXPERIENCED nurse, 86 years; ladies in confinement a specialty; prices reason able. 8109 8. 13th St $1,000 FOR INFANTS' HOME. . Your renewal to the Ladles' Home Jour nal and the, Saturday Evening Poet Is worth 40c to the Chllds Saving Institute, i00 already earned. Urgent must have 100 more subscriptions In January. Rush them in. This is no ordinary appeal, but fn invalid's bid for a llvllhood in hope of business on other publications. Subscrlp " i 2?" to Everybody's and McClure's mean l00 to me. 1 duplicate any offer. Write for complete magaalne catalogue and story. A Broken Back." Do it now. Just Gor don, the Magaslne Man, Omaha. 'Phone Douglas 7163. CHILBLAINS 1 .M18k CARRIE. eMlTH. marvelous mag-4- . i, be'r- Hments treated success- r fully. One visit convinces. 814 N. ISth las'sEa" Bl" Pno"e8' lnd- B-2788 vo- MME. ALLEN of Chicago, salt glow, mag N. 17tb8t mfa,e "imenu. Over 205 POULTRY lJhn?n tn?Ubl;'Ml lnl-comb White ?. . n cockereis for Kale; can t be beat ill,1 ,lIs,n' ,1W whil they last Chapln & Williams. Box S. Rout 8. Benson. Neb. Tel. Benson 206. Screenings, 81.60 100 lbs. Wagner. 01 N. 14tk A few morfc R c. B. Leghorn and Houdan .n0l.R-,B0N Jed ?y. Embden Geo..' and Indian Runner Ducks. Mrs iV r Roblnett. R. l, Charle.town. Ind!" C .tWUech Wyr?i!e cock'-l. "he birds. ,A tnlt ' ord'r rsot from ad. Mrs F 1 Johnson, Crofton, Neb. PRINTING A SP PHONE IND. A-KM for good printlna. f Vksiad Prlnung Co.. ICth A cSpuS Av WATERS PRINTING CO.. 622-B2t 8.!lSl'h! MIT I VII . .ntliV"-'," 1. ""lu suw, quick di t-uumn at xei. Doug. 423; Indf., A-428. Persistent Advertising la the Road to Big avUllls. , The Bee's gains in paid Want Ads; for the month closed, is more than seven times as great as its nearest . competitor. REAL ESTATE RKAL KITAIH DOALRHI. IlKi:n ARSTRACT CO., Est HOT; prompi service; get out priors. 1710 Farnam 8t PAYNE INV. CO.. first floor N. T. Life BENJAMIN tt. E. CO.. 477 Brandels Bldg. REAL ESTATE TITLE-TRUST CO. CHAS. E. WILL4AMHON. president CITV PIIOPCRTT FOR tALAS. $2300 310y Corby St. Practically new five-room cottage, nicely papered throughout, an attractive up-to-date homa, good slaed rooms, modern except furnace, full M-foot. lot, desirable neigh borhood, handy to atreet car, reasonable terma. SHIMFR A CHASE CO., City, Suburban and Farm Property. Fire, Tornado and Plate Glass Insurance. Surwty Bonds. Factory Sites and Business Opportunities in Ralston. 309 R. 17th St Both Phones. TWO 12 INVESTMENTS 4 cottages within walking distance of U. P. shops. Always rented. Yearly In come $774. Houses In good repair. 4 apartment brick flat. 6 rooms enoh. paved street, hot water heat, hew. Weal Farnam. Yearly Inoomn $1.40. See ua. MAR WOOD a. If A R WOOD, 416 Bee Bldg FOR YOUR HOME. M ft., Case St., corner, 41st Ave.. $1,800. M ft, 8Mb. Ave., near I'aas. east front high view, all specials paid, 12,500. 0 ft., 28th St.. highest ground in city, east front, $100 per ft. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. KXW-S-4 N. Y. Llfw. Doug, or A-2152. EA8T FRONT CORNER LOT. Gas, sewer and city water; near two car lines; on grade and in one of the .noit progressive neighborhoods In Omaha. A SURE SNAP AT $500. Nowata Land and Lot Co.. Suite 624 Now York Life Bide. 'Phone Red im. Winter Bargains 'CLOBE-IN Full two-story, 4-room house, nearly new, corner lot; easy walking dis tance; close to Crelwhton college and High school. Price $8,000, NORTH SIDE On S7th and Manderson, six rooms, all modern,- 60-foot lot, new, $3,000. Good buy. WEST FARNAM Nine rooms, hot water heat; tiled vestibule and bath room; quarter-sawed white oak finish; double floors; two years old; very attractive price. Ask us for particulars. HANSCOM PARK Best $6,500 house on market; two stories and finished attic; bungalow style: foor bed rooms; lot 50x UW, east front; new and a dandy. Inquire Of us. Investments M per cent net to you for new brick flats, well looated, . four apartments, oak flnlnh; hot water heating: paving paid; $12,000; half cash, balance tj per cent Best propo sition now on market. It per cent net for two new St. Louis flats, in good residence district, renting for $104 a month; half cash, balance per cent. Price $9,300. Glover Realty Syndicate Ground Floor, N. Y. Life, Both 'Phones. 2 8-ROOM HOUSES Coiner on N. 18th St., near Lake. Con venient to car. Well rented. Snap at $4,600. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., 624 New York Life Bldg. Red-1999. BONA FIDE BARGAINS. 6- r., S-story, strictly mod. home on t4th, near Laird; paving paid; good lot Cosy home and cheap at $3.SS0. $4,000. 8-r., strictly mod., sou in front homo on Emmet near 30th; paving paid; good con dition; barn, shade, lawn and cement walks. See this. 8206 NO.' TH AVE. ' ' 7- r., 2-stdry, new, east front mod. home; birch door an. -wspto. floors; cherry, fin ish downstairs; large attic; extra nice fix tures; full basement; lt 88x120. A- dandy and cheap at $3. MX). HARWOOD HARWOOD, Red 4404. 416 Bee Bldg. A-4203. 5 ROOM MODERN $1,800 On Ohio St., near two car lines. Surely a bai-Raln at the price. ' NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. 624 New York Life Bldg. Red-19. BARGAINS. Five acres, corner, northwest $1,600. Two and one-half acres, 8 rooms, paved road. $2,860. - Ten acres, 4-room house, fruit, $4,000. Forty acres near Irvlngton, Improved, $7,000. 820 acres nine (9) miles west of South Omaha stock yards, $126 per acre. 83x116 ft, west. 2610 IHtvenport St., $1,600. Two brick houses, rental $360, for $2,500. 1618 8. 2Sth St., fine modern 7-room house, bargain at $3,600. 18U Cuming St., 66x132 ft., $4,000. SO, 40 or 60 ft. west front on 14th St., be tween Dodge St and Capitol Ave. Submit offer. West Farnam district 10-room house, modern, 100 ft. east front $7,500. Eight-room brick, rental $4M), for $4,000. " Three frame houses, rental $1.080 $8,000. Three-story brick, rental $1,300 $12,000. -ROOM MODERN COTTAGE, $2,600. Full lot. shade and fruit trees, paved street concrete walks; 2119 Maple St. Look at It; part of the payments most easy. And then, we have others. Nowata Land nrd Lot Co.. Suite 624 New YorK Life B'.da. Phone Red 1399. OtTR home for sale. Northeast corner 86th and Burt Sts. Eight-room modern house finest condition; the best piece of property in the city for the money. Inquire on premises. NEAR BROWNALL HALL 8 rooms strictly modern, large lot laun dry in basement, fruit and shade trees, cistern. A choice home. Cheap at $4,600. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., 624 New York Life Bldg. Red-1999. INVESTMENT 173 FT. EAST FRONT ON 29TH. Fronts on three streets, short distance south of Farnam. Ons of the choicest locations In Omaha for apartment houses. Owner wants offer. NOWATA LAND & LOT CO.. Suite 624 New York Life Bldg. Red 193S. REAL ESTATE CITT PHOPRRTY FOR i ALB Con'tnuad.f FOR SALE A t-room house, bath, Wty water, electric lle;ht, over half acre of ground on ear .line, ttth St. and Avenue A. Hullt three years, will sell cheap. Address W, Omaha Bee, 16 Soott St, Coun cil Bluffs. r,-.. REAL ESTATE FARM AKI1 RAKCii .Ar rOR IAII Celorad. 70.000 ACRES of fertile. Irrigable land on the Costilla estate In the San Luis Valley of Colorado. The cream of Colorado land, with perpetual water right $,000 acree to 'II at $M. SO.0O0 acres sold since March, W0B. Write for advertising literature. COSTILLA IRRIOATKD LAND CO., 812 Railway Exchange Bldg., Denver Colo. Iowa.. ONE AND AIIALF MILES FROM POSTOFFICE AT GLENWOOD, IA. 171 acres at $100 an acre, half cash, bal ance S years, 6 per cent. Improvements conrist or -room nousn, barn, well and other outbuildings; 12.', acres In snnle trees. balance pasture and meadow; only 80 miles rrom umana. inis price good only until February 1. If you know about Glenwood you can appreciate this proposition. If you oo not care tor orcnara it will make a fine farm. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 10O2-2-4 N. Y. Life Bldg. Omaha. Neb. Florida. 560 ACRES farm and stock land,, well watered, two miles to deDot. 86.500. Nino a,-res, Improvements worth price aaKen. at oepoi, t2,wu. Eighty acres; some fruit, flno SDrinsra. one mile to dopt, $1 ,200; will take part pay in crops; laeai ior neaith. West Florida Fruit Farm. CoUagehlll, Flu. Louisiana. FOR SALE-,000 to 50,000 acres rich lands In Cameron parish. La., on Gulf coast, New Mermentau river and Intercostal canal, to close an estate; 86c per acre net cash. Reclaimed land In same vicinity In small farms $35 per acre. B. A. Ulrlch, It Dear born St., Room 707, Chicago. NeOrasVa. FARM BARGAIN Must be sold on ac count of owner's health; well Improved 320-acre farm, seven and a quarter miles from town; price, $3e per acre; easy terms, J. T. Campbell. Litchfield. Neb. DODGE county farm 100 acres, three miler from Fremont, all. level land, highly improved. If taken at once can fca had at a less price than any surrounding farm. Improvement cost $12,000 Prioe $110 per acre. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1002-3-4 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb. SARPY COUNTY FARM Five miles from Gretna; 160 sores, all under plow, except about 30 acres; good im provements; high roiling, not range, land; price, $100 per aore. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1003-4-6 N. y. Life. Omaha, Neb. UIsbcnU, MINNESOTA farma for bargains. Sea F. M. Young, Plattsmoutb. Neb. REAL ESTATE 13V4 acres, with im provements, overlooking Lake Amelia and park. 5000 Cedar Ave., Minneapolis. ' ' Mtsaowrl. FOR SALE or Trade 90-acre farm, well Improved, 63 miles east of Kansas City; $70 acre. Address owner. A. ft Griggs, Altamont, Mo. Montana. MONTANA LANDS. I have for sale 7,680 acres of fine farm ing land, all within 8 miles of a small town on, the extension of the C, M., P. 8. R. R., In Custer county, Montana, which I will sell as a body or cut .it up to please the purchaser, and on liberal terms. For par ticulars addrens E. E. Jordan, Wibaux. Mont. Oklahoma. ' OKLAHOMA , We have 100,000 acres of choice land to select from, ranging in price from $5 to $40 per acre. This land is in the oil and gas district and you might get an oil well with your land. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., Suite 6i4 New York Life Bldg. Texas. A DEEP, RICH SOIL, SUNSHINE all the time; water when you want it Land at $6 to $40 per acre for well im proved farms; go see it February L Very low round trip rates. Write ua. NOWATA LAND LOT CO., Suite 624 New York Life Bldg.. Red 1999. TEXAS COAST COUNTRY LANDS. V v "v viwies, 'B , corn, oats and cotton lands, well located at the Auiiuwuig priceB, on gooa terras: $15 per A. for 120. 2 miles from Ry. station. $30 per A. for 280, 1 miles from Ry. Sta. !30 per A. for 408, 2H miles from Ry. Sta. 20 per Ar for 640, mile from Ry. Sta. 8 per A. for 600, well Improved farm, V mile from Ry. station. $25 per A. for ?20. Improved farm, i miles from Ry. station. $37 per A. for 100. with good Improve ments, for home, located right at the town of Missouri City. These are only a few of our bargains; write for list and description. It will pay you to take the first train and call at the office. We pay the traveling expense of the buyers for these lands. C. H. STANCLIFF LAND CO.. BOTScanlan Bldg. Houston Tex. REAL ESTATE LOANS MONEY TO LOAN Payne Invstment Co. WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. tinn in 110.000 made nrnmnt ! v V r Ar- ., Wead Bldg.. 18th and Farnam. ' $500 to $5,000 on homes In -fekmaha. O'Keefe Real Estate Co.. 10U1 N. Y. Life. Tinmr A-21L2. Good 6 Farm Mortgages Always oa hand and fur Bale amounts from $300 to $3,000. BENSON & MYERS, 412 N. Y. Life Bldg. in WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Mniilb &. Co.. 1341 Farnaln St. LOWEST RATES Bemla. braudela bldg. era, with privilege of making partial pay ments semi-annually. No commission. rv. n. tnuMAH, (OS First NaUouai Laos; Bldg. SECOND MORTGAGE loans negotiated Apply Rooms 417-18 First Nstlonal Bunk Bldg. Bell phone Douglas 2314. FIVE PER CENT MONEY to loan on Omaha Bualnevs Property. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room L New York Life Bldg: PAYNE, BOSTWICK CO.. N. Y. life. Private money. $000 to $5,000; low rate. FAfiTPRV W.hM.b. - - loans on hlgb-grade Omaha resldeuce prop erty at tw BiiKsrvsu vpuooai payments, no delay. L feibberusen. Old Boslon Utore Dias. GARVIN BR08., $11 N. Y. Life. 50 to $200,000 on Improved property. No delay. REAL ESTATE WANTED WE HAVE BUYERS FOR t. and 7- room bouses. If prices ar right can -i. your property fur you. h.OWATA LAND AND LOT CO bull 4 N. Y. Ufa Bldg. SWAPS ' TO EXCHANOR. A 60-barrel flouring mill, with a two-story brick dwelling and 130 acres of land, located In western Iowa, vslued at ti8 0. with In come of $A,M), at $ per cent optional; will trade for land or tticome propertv; what have you to offer? George M. Clark, Smlta land, la. S ROOMS, modern; corner lot $0x100; rired street. In West Farnam dltrlt. rice, $7,000. Want land or Omaha va cant lots. $JO,Ono stork general merchandise. $17,000 stock hardware and implements. Want land. Don't booat prlcee. We have no time to whittle. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. 624 New York Life Bldg. Red-1999. TAILORS $25 will now pay for a real tailor made suit at my shop. I cut the price, not the quality. TAILOR BECK. Ill South ISth. O. A. LINQUE8T CO., 236 Paxton Block. A. THEODORE, ,t00" Block Tailor. SEE (SISTER. young man's fashionable tailor, 412-13-14-16 Faxton Block. A cheap tai'or is always dangerous. Sea J. A- Kervan, 608-10 Brandels Bldg. A TTr.YAr Merchant Tailor, 1. IVUU1.U MU Harney St.. Doug. Vast. JOHN RADMAN, The Tailor, 70. N. 10th St T I"! TAf!TvRON boston tailor. A FEW $36 and $30 suits, while they last, only $26. MAX MORRIS, The Tailor, 301 Bruwn block. YOUSEN. BUSY TAILOR, 1203 Farnam. NORDIN, The Tailor 1622 Douglas St. T?vlon Xr T.inaon 406 So. 16th St. '""' Quality Clothes. A T?TTBTN Cleaning, dyeing, suits J.nxjj.i.'i prfti lsos st Mary's. WANTED TO BUY GOOD price paid for 2d-hand clothes, shoes an(f furniture. JSKLNKR, D. 6041. HIGHEST price paid for broken watches, o!4 gold, etc M. Nathan, 2U ,6. Uth. BALTIMORE 2d-hand store, pays best price 2d-hand furniture, clothes, etc. n. 42. BEST price paid for aecond-band furnl tuie. carpets, clothing and shoes 1 l. Doag K171. BEST prices for 2dhand furniture. D 4469. WANTED SI I UATiONS YOUNG man, experienced in real estate, wants position with a good real estate firm on salary and commission. U 832, care of Bee. BY an Al acountant and rate matt. 20 years experience, at present employed by U. P. R. R. Co. Use neither liquor nor tobacco. Very best references. Address H 867, Bea. WANTED By young roan, place to work for board while . attending Boy.ea college. FIRST CLASS butler and housework; many years' experience at this class of work. Korean, young boy. , , Address, . L 853, Bee. ' HOTEL night cook or chop souy cook. If you want me call me right away; have had many years' experience. s Address, M 864. Bee. . . PIANO teacher will take limited number ber of pupils; very reasonable., 201 South 26th Ave. . MAN AND WIFE desire situation. Man as all around cook; wife as helper or chamberwork. City or country.. Good ref erences. Address L-888 Bee. n . - . WANTED By mlddel-aged lady, position as mother's helper or -nursery governess. Good seamstress. Address . 898, Bes. LEGAL NOTICES THE MISSOURI PACIFIC- RAILWAY COMPANY. SPECIAL STOCK HOLDKRS' MEETING. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a spe cial meeting of the Stockholders of The Missouri Pactflo Railway Company will be held at the principal office of said Com pany. In the Missouri Pacific Building, No. 706 Market Street, in the City of St Louis, Missouri, on Tuesday, the Uth day of January, 1910, at nine o'clock In the fore noon of that day, to consider and act uopn the following piopositlons: .'. . (a) To adopt code pf by-laws for the Company. , . .- (b) To ratify, absent to and arprovs A certain Indenture of lease bearing date the Uth day , of July, 1909, by and between Boonvllle, St Louis & Southern Railway Company, s. corporation of the State tf Missouri, and tills Company and authorised on behalf of this Company at, a meeting of th. Board of Dlrectora, held on the ICth duv of August 190B. (c) To ratify, assent to an approvs tfes purchase by this Company of the whole or any part of the railroads and other prop erty and franchises of all or any of thS following named railroad companies! Carthage and Western Railway Company, Joplln and Western Railway Company, St Louis. Oak Hill and Carondelet Railway Company, Sedalla. Warsaw and South western Railway Compau,' The Kansas City Northwestern Railroad Company, The Nebiaska Southern Railway Company, Omaha Belt Railway Company. Omaha Southern Railway Company, paolflo Rail way Company in Neeraska, The Puublo and State Lint Railroad Company, and Kansas and Arkansaa Valtey Hallway, (d) For the puipose of refunding under lying mortgage bonds and equipment obli gations of the Company and for other cor porate purposes, to constat to, concur in and auihoiU n increase ot the bonded indebtedness of The Missouri Pacific Hall way Company, by the amount ot $lTi,0uu,out by the issue of Gold Bonds of the Com pany, limited in ine aggregate to the principal amount of $17u,0uu.imu at any out time outstanding, to bear inierest at a rate or rates not to exceed five per cent per annum, payable semi-annually, and all or any part of such bonds, as the Board of Directors may determine, to be convertible at the option of the f.olders and registered owners theiei I into slock ot the Hauway Company upon such terms and otherwise as the Boaid of Directors may duUrmine; and to consent to concur in and Authorise the execution and dellve.-y ol a mortgage and deed ot trust un and of the wiioi or part ot the railroads and otiier property and franchisee of tu's eomiwii whether now owned or hertatlMi acquueu, to secure such issue of bunas by this Co.npany, and to consider am. act upon the form and terms of such mortgage. te) To consent to and authorize the pur chase by tills Company from time lo time of not to exceed 46,000,000 par value of the bunds of the tt Louis, Iron Mountain and bouthern Kail way Company. (f) To l nut the proceedings of th Board of Directors tneretufore taken la and ubout tne miners atore.aid, including the auti.orli.aUur of said bonds aim inui i gage and deed of lri.nl and the use to k made of aaiil bonds, and to uonaiuer and act upon such other business as may property be transacted at the meeting. The stock transfer boons of ii.i Company will be closed at $ P. M. on the Hh da) of January, Hi 10, and will remain eiotmu until 10 A. M. ou the 191b day ot jauuaiy. mo. Dated, New Tors:, November 17th, 190$, By Older of the Board of Directors. GEORGE J. GOULD. Pies(dent A. 11. CALli;F, becretury. "The Missouri Psclfto Railway Company, 196 Urumliy, New York. Nov. SOth, 11109 To the Stockholders of The Missouri Pacific Railway Company Referring to the notioe cent to you November 17th, 1900, calling special meeting of the Stockholders of this Company to be held on the lain day of Jan uary, 1910, you are notified that the slock tianrfor books oi this Company will be closed at $ o'clock p. m. December 8th, 19U3, instead of January 7th, 1910, and re main closed until 10 o'clock a. in. January 19th, 1310. This change in date Is made to avoid any possibility of confusion In deal ings In thi stock and rights to subscribe to bonds, prior to the dale of said spsoia) meeting. If unable lo attend the meeting pleas stun and rtiurn the proxy which we Lave already sent you. A. li. CALEF, Nov. 1$ to Jan. la. Secretary." Nov. U to Jan, la. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Notice la hereby given that the annual meeting of the etockhO'.dera of The Bee Building company will be held at 4 o'clock p. m.. Tuesday. January 18. lWo. at the office of said company in The Bee building, Omaha, for tbe election of a board of di rectors for the ersulng year ana the trans, action of auoh other buslneea aa may prop erly come before such mewtlng. h. A HASKELL, Secretary. Dec 27 Sit DAE. GOVERNMENT NOTICES OFFICE or THS CONSTRUCTING yuartermaster, Fort Omaha, Nebraska, tereinber 1, 1. Sealed proposals. In trip licate, subject to the usual conditions, will be received at this office until 11 o'clock A M , central standard time, January II, l10, and then opened In public for con structing one Oil house, one combined hay Shed and granary, and for constructing. J limiting and electrle wiring of one stable, "ull Information furnished on appl les ion. U. S. reserves the right to re)ect any br all bids. Envelopes, eantalnlng propo- !a la to be marked "Proposals for construct ng, etc., building at Fort Omaha, Ne iraska" end addressed to Captain GEORGE 8. GIBUS, Constructing Quarter master, Fort Omaha, Nebraska. D 20-21-22-2S J-17-1 RAILWAY TIME CARD i I'.MOX STATION Trstk and Maeon. talon Pacific Leave. Arrive. Overland Limited a 7:30 am all:fc pra China end Japan Mall.. a 4:00 pm a 6:60 pra Atlantic Express a 9:30 am Oregon and Washington Limited a 12 01 am a 4 45 am Los Angeles Limited. ...al2:66 pm a 8:60 pm Portland Special n 12:65 pm a I M pin Colorado Special a 1:46 am a 7:90 am North Platte Local ....a 1:15 am a 4:45 pm Colorado Express. ..... .a 3:60 pm a 6:00 pm Grand Islsnd Local a 6:29 pm al0:90 am Lincoln-Beatrice Local b 12:45 pm b 1:20 pm Valparaiso and Central City bl2:40 pm b 1:20 pm Chicago A Northwestern EA8TBQUND. . Leave. Arrive. Omaha Express a 7:u am al36 am Chicago Local al2:U3 pm a 8:2 pm Colorado-Chicago a 6:20 pm a 8:28 pm Chicago Special a 6:00 pm a 7:6$ am Pactflo Coast-Chicago.. .a 6:06 pm a 8:28 pm Los Angoles Limited. ...a 9:10 pm aJ2:20 pm Overland Limited all:46 pm a 7:46 am Denver Special al2:40 am a 6:82 am Carroll Local a 4:30 pm a 9:65 am Fast Mail a a 8:86 pm NORTHBOUND. Twin City Express a 7:60 am al0:20 pm Sioux City Ixcai a 8:46 pm a 8:28 pm Minn. A Dakota Exp... a 7:00 pm a :16 am Twin City Limited a 9:00 pm a 7:90 am WESTBOUND. Llr.coln-Chadron a 7:60 am all :00 am Norfolk-Bonstell a 7:60 am alO 46 pm Long Pine-So. Platte. ..b 2:15 pm b 6:20 pm Hastings-Superior b 2:16 pm b 6:20 pm Deadwood-Hot Spgs a 8:66 pm a 6:90 pm Casper-Lander a 8:56 pm all:00 am Fremont-Albion b 6:30 pm b 1:36 pm Missouri Pacific K. C. and St. L. Ex. ...a 9:40 am a 6:35 am , Sat 12 p. m all:16 pm a 6.80 pm Illinois Central Chicago Exprtss a 7:15 am a 8:46 pm Chicago Limited.. a 6:00 pm a 7:16 pm Mlnn.-St. Paul Exp b 7:10 am Minn. -St. Paul Ltd a 6:00 pm a 7:15 am Omahu-Ft. Dodge Loc'l.b 4:15 pm bll:.T0 am thtcaaro, Rook Island St Pacific EAST. Rocky Mountain Ltd. ...a 2:40 am al0:80 pm Iowa Local a 6:40 pm a 4:80 pm Chicago Day Express. .a 7:42 am all :u5 pill Pes Moines Local a 4:00 pm al2:S) pin Iowa Local b!0:35 am b 9:56 pm Chicago-Eastern Exp. .'.a 4:40 pm a 1:15 pm Chicago-Nebraska Ltd. a 6:08 pm a 8:02 pm WEST. Chicago-Nebraska Ltd. for Lincoln a 8:23 am a 6:47 pm Colo, and Cal. Exp a 1:25 pm a 4:3J pra Okla and Texas Exp. ...a 2:90 pm a 1:60 pm Rocky Mountain Ltd...al0:40 pm a 2-.20 am Cblcnsjo, Milwaukee A St. Paul vLeave. Arrive. Overland Limited all:48 pm a 8:00 am Omnlm-Chtcairn Kid a 7:16 am a 9:30 am 'Colorado Special a 7 .67 am all :33 pm Colo.-Callfornla Exp.. ...a :0U pm a 6:a pin Perry-Omaha Local b 6:16 pm bll:06 pm Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Overland Limited al2:10 am a 7:06 am Omaha-Chicago Exp.... a 7:00 am a 9:90 am Colorado Special a 7:40 am a 1:80 am Colo. -California Exp....a 6:00 pm a 8:25 pm Perry-Omaha Local. ....b 6:15 pm all:06 pm Chicago Great Western Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm Twin City Limited a 8:80 pm a 8:00 am Chicago Kxpress a 8:46 pm Twin City Express a 9:00 am a 9:00 pm Wabash '. Omaba-St. Louis Exp.. a 6:30 pm a 9:25 am Mall and Express a 7:30 am all:U pm Stanberry Local (from . .. . . K.' C. & St. L. Ex."' t ;: ' Lv. Council Bluffs). ...b 5:00 pm blO:I6 am BURLINGTON STATION Tenth and Mason. Bnrlinartoa Leave. - Arrive. Denver and California. .a 4:10 pm a 8:46 pm Puget Sound Express. ..a 4:10 pm a 6:10 pm Nebraska points a 8:20 am a 6:10 pm Black Hills a 4:10 pra a 6:10 pm Northwest Express. .... .all 30 pm a 7:10 am Nebraska points a 8.20 am a 6:10 pm Lincoln Mail b 1.20 pm a 12 :15 pm Nebraska Express a 9:15 am aH:10pm Linooln lxcal b 9:08 am Lincoln Local a 7:26 pm a 7:50 pm Schuyler-Platlsmouth ..b 3.05 pm bl0:20am Platismouth-Iowa a 9:18 am a 8:60 pm Bellevue-Plattsmouth ...al:30nm a 2:40 pm Colorado Limited all :30 am a 7:10 am Chicago Special a 7:20am all :10 pm Chicago Express a 4:20 pm a 3:V pm Chicago Fast Express ..a 8:80 pm a 8:00 am Iowa 'Local , a 9:15am aU:4oni St. Louis Express a 4:66 pm s 11:4 '.am It. C. and St. Joseph. .. ,al0:45 pm a 6:45 am K. C. and St. Joseph.. ..a 9:15 am a 4:10 pm K. C. and St. Joseph.. a 4:66 pm WEBSTER STATION Fifteenth and 1 Webster. Missouri Pacific Leave.' " Arrive Auburn Local b 8:50 pm bt7:10pm Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis St Omaha Leave. Arrive. SlnUX Cltv TCxnrAJlfl h MU nnl hll'am Omaha Local c6:20um Stoux City Passenger b 9:20 pm Twin City. Passenger. ...b 4:30 am Sioux City Local c 8:36 am r.meraon Liocai b 6:66 pm b 9:10 am OCEAN STEAMSHIPS CANADIAN PACiriC WBSKLY f AILlNOB BmTWBEH MONTRSAk queuac and uvjckpool. fcothiLg MM oa tfes Auantls loan sar rianrtane. Wirslass ca all luamin O. C. UKNJAXIM, O. A. IU la. Clark St., C'SImso. In. Discoverer of Comiskey is an Omaha Man Father J. E. Enp-lish of Hubbard Makes the Assertion, Which Chi cago Magnate Admits. The discoverer of Comiskey has been found. Father J. E. English of Hubbard, Neb., a priest ot the Omaha diocese and brother of County Attorney English, who is now at Excelsior Springs, Mo., for the benefit of his health, claims the honor of discovering the great base ball player and magnate. "Columbus discovered America, but I discovered Comiskey." This was the greeting of the OmahTt priest, extended to Charles A. Comiskey himself, owner of the Chicago American base ball club, and Ban Johnson, president of the American league, on their recent ar rival at the Missouri health resort Pressed for an explanation. It transpired tha Father English and Mr.' Comiskey, In 1874, were students at tho Christian Broth ers' college at Prairie du Chlen, Wis. Eng lish was a senior and manager of tho base ball team. , Comiskey, the son of a Chicago alder man, was an underclaas man. Ths college team was contemplating a trip and was short on pitchers. One day Manager Eng lish was attracted by ths pitching of the Chicago lad, who delivered a slow curved ball, a pussier In those days. It was tbe first curve ball ever seen on the college grounds. Ths manager decided to take Comiskey on the trip, much to the delight ot the young pitcher. Ths key to ths situation Bee Want Ada WILL ELECT COACII TONIGHT n Nebraska Athletio Board is Divided and Livelj Session is Expected. i i i STUDENTS BOOTING FOR BOOTH Isaac with Kaaaas Over Basket Rail Game and Faot Bull Game Schedule Neat Fall Will t orn I p. LINCOLN, Jan. 16. (Sppclal.)-A caloric session of the Nebraska Athletio board Is In prospect for tomorrow night when the mentors meet for their January meptlng. Three matters of much Importance will be taken up, and over each of th83 there Is likely to be a division between the student and faculty members of the board. The election of a foot ball coach, the question of a basket ball player's eligibility and the ratification of next fall's foot ball schedule compose the trio of things that will cause heated debate and possibly strife. Since Friday the movement to place "Bummy" Booth In as foot ball coach has assumed huge proportions, and the backers of "King" Cole, who wish his re-election as coach, will face a strong opposition In the attempt to return the Michigan man here next fall. The five student members or the board have pledged to stand by their constituents, the undergraduate body, and they expect to command enough strength to at least get the election postponed un less Booth can be chosen. Pressure was brought to bear on two of the faculty members of the board yester day, and It is possible that one of those men will switch to the students' side and vote for Booth. In that case the Princeton man will have six votes, the necessary number to elect. Three former players called upon these two faculty members to urge them to vote for Booth. These Corn huskers were rx-Captalns Weller and Harvey and Fred M. Hunter, the former guard, who was elected president of the Principals' and Superintendents' associa tion of Nebraska last Thursday. Over the sending of an apology to Kan sas because Nebraska played an alleged Ineligible athlete In the recent basket ball games with tha Jayhawkers, a second di vision Is likely to arise between the fac ulty anl student members, with the latter faction opposing the apology. The students are not certain In their own minds that the Cornhusker Is any more In eligible than some of the men on the Kan sas team,- and they will make a big fight In the meet In? tomorrow night to make the faculty members ask Kansas to apologise for some of Its players if Nebraska has to bare Its pride because of a mistake made by one of the Cornhusker professors in per mitting; an Ineligible to compete In basket ball. It Is not decided yet that the Corn husker In question Is an Ineligible, and this matter will have to be threshed out before the board tomorrow night. A fight over the adoption of Manager Eager's foot ball schedule for next full probably will be another bit of the Inter esting" proceedings of the board. The Ne braska manager, has drafted a schedule that Is one of the best this school has had In several seasons, but one of the neighbor ing universities has no place on it. The fact that this school, which Is one that has placed the Cornhuskers forthe last two years. Is not dated for next fall Is likely to cause a protest from some of the faculty members of the board. That school, though, assumed a sort of dictatorial atti tude in the attempts to arrange a game, and Manager' Eager decided to drop It. Another tfood, Missouri valley school was taken on in Its place, and because of this good substitute the Nebraska board may not raise any loud protest. By making changes In his schedule Man ager Eager has definitely booked Ames for November 12 and Kansas for, November fc. The Thanksgiving day game will probably be played away from Lincoln. The namo of the team that will be met on that day will be announced at the meeting tomorrow night South Omaha Wins Oyer Bluffs Better Team Work and Snappy Flay Brings Victory to Tune of 31 to 13. The South Omaha High school basket ball team defeated the Council Bluffs High school team last night by a score ot SI to 13. . The game was played before a fair crowd at the South Omaha Young Men's Chrlstianvssoclatlon gymnasium. The playing was a scramble from the start on account of 'the limited floor space and tbe eagerness of tbe teams to win, Rather than allow , u free throw at the goals either side did not hesitate to foul the other. This fouling was simply In the way of . interfoi ence and could not be classed as rough play. The South Omaha boys excelled in team work and at times did Bome remarkably swift passing. Stryker at ocnter had the advantage of rtach and experience in the game. Collins did good work as 6ns of the forwards. Ths Council Bluffs forwards did good work also, but seldom got a change at the goal on account of the fast work of the South Omaha team in carrying the ball to Its own goal, ai the end of the first half ths score stood 19 ,to 6 In favor of South Omaha and the last half showed about as wide a difference. The' Council Bluffs team won more ot Its free throws after a foul was called. The line up was; SOUTH OMAHA. I COUNCIL BLUFFS Collin .-..H.r.lR.r Uo'yn ttakisu L.r.iur Oi.mi k - .-T. Hum Insurant RO.lH.C Orow ' ,....,.L.O.L.u Attn ptiiiip L a I Msiieiee BuDiSub Rubloton Basket Ball at Antes. AMES, Is,, Jan. . 16. 8pclal.) Though the opening of school Is ten days away, the Ames basket ball candidates are be ginning to return to school, and daily work outs are being taken umier the direction of Coach Clyde Williams. Among those who hase returned are: Captain Herbert, the star forward of last year's five; Vel trup, the gigantic tackle of the reserves; Mosher, Weltta, Walker, "Jumbo" Brown and Joe Brown of Sioux City. Voltrup will probably make center,- as he is six feet four lut-hts in height, fast and aggressive and understands the game. The local sguad Is handicapped by the lack of quartos. A room In the top of the engineering annex has been set aside for the basket tossers. but It has a cement floor And the track men who would try out for the basket ball team are discouraged by the pros pacts and, being fearful ot "stovlng up" their feet, will probably remain off of the squad. Grlnnell Mar Win Championship. IOWA CITT, la., Jan. lfl. (Special. ) Orlnnell's feat of defeating Coe Saturday afternoon on the Cedar Rapids floor by a score of 71 to 10 haa greatly Increased the chances for the scarlet and black again winning the state basket hall champion ship. On the local floor last week the Unl verslty of Iowa basket ball team only suc ceeded la defeating Coe by a score of 22 to 15. Tbe playing of the Orinnell basket tos sers surprised tha Iowa players who went to Cedar Rsplda to see the game. They predicted that Iowa would give the Con gregmtlonallats a better game than the comparative score indicates, but they were almost willing to state that Grlnnell has the beat prospects of any team In the Slate at the present time. The strength of this college in basket bait will help Its plea to Join" the Missouri Valley ootiferenoa. Rickard and Glcason Arc Unable toAgrcc i Former Says Fijht Will Be in Salt. Lake City and Other in San Francisco. ' SALT LAKE CITY. Jan. 15. -Tex, Riclf srd tonight positively announced that the Jeffries-Johnson forty-five-round boxing contest would be held In Salt Lake City on the Fourth of July. In event of Interfer ence, by the state authorities he offers to surrender the entire purse to the repre sentativesof the principals.' Ulckard rave out a statement tonight, saying: '. "In naming Salt Lake City I am not over stepping myself. M.' agreement With'' my partner, Jack Oleason. gives me the prlv-' liege of naming the place Of holding the event. v - ' "Representative bankers. ' business" and professional men today assure me posi tively that the fight can be held In 'Utah. Their word Is good enough for me." ',' It was announced the event would be a boxing contest of forty-five rounds. Tho laws of Utah do not prohibit boxing con tests. Governor Spry Is now In the east and no statement la available from him tonight. He has previously annonnoed his opposition to holding the fight here. BAN FRANCISCO, Jan.. 16.-"Jefferles and Johnson will fight In this city on ths afternoon ot July 4, at S o'clock, the state ment of Tex Rickard to .the contrary not withstanding," declared Jack Oleason to night. "The agreement was that I should name the place of meeting and decide tha date. I have done this." ' ' NEW YORK. Jan. 15.-Jlm Jeffries and Jack Johnson are said to be planning the formation of a corporation to- be known aa the Jeffries-Johnson , Moving Picture corporation, under which their fight will be held on July 4, next. ," '' i A clause said to have, been- omitted from the articles of agreement between tha figbteti given out to tb publio will be published today by ths New York World. The clause as printed Is No. 7, said to be a substitute for the original article No. 7, and reads in part: . ' , . . And the parties hereto esree ' that the principals, James J. Jeffries and John Johnson shall receive the full one-hundred per cent of the picture Income and they shall pay to Gleason and Rickard tX per cent of the profits from such, picture dis Playa, .., .. .' O'NEIL picks COMMITTEES Names of Men to Lead South Omaha Country Cluh. 1 , '' At a meeting of the board ot directors of the South Omaha club held Friday, President T. J. O'Noll announced his com mittee for the coming season. The finance committee consists of himself, C. M. Schln dcl.and Charles Mann.' The chairman only of the other committees were appointed; House committee, Otto Radzuwelt; enter talnment committee, W. B. Cheek; golf committee, R. M. La vert y; grounds com mittee, S. L. Winters; base ball commit tee. C. A. Melcher. ' . . . - Drake Cnptnln Ineligible. ' DES MOINES. Ia... Jan. n.-ltfpeclal.)-Ernest Cave, the captain-elect of the Drake university basket ball team, has handed his resignation to the athletic board, to take effect Immediately. , He was declared Inellgable at the beginning of tho foot ball season for Innocently dropping a remark In President H. M. Bell's office to the effect that he had been playing summer base ball. Cave was star forward on the basket ball team last year and tie Is also a crank bass hall pitcher. Witter, tho tall center, v ho has Just been declared, to be eligible, will probably be selected as Cave's successor. Creston Defeats Lenox:. . CRESTON. la.'. Jan. 16.-(Speclal.)-In a basket ball game between the high schools of this place and Lenox. Saturday night, the local team defeated the Lenox boys by a score of 42 to 17. This Is tho second game taken from Lenox this season, and now the local team will start out to play return ramp with the teams which have been here this fall, several of which they have defeated The Crestun boys were new i J if 5ame thls yMlr' not one f thorn hav ing had any previous experience whatever. Labor Leaders , Will Ask for " Uniform Laws Federation Council Will Present Resolutions to Convention of Governors Next Week, WASHINGTON, Jan. 15 The executive council of the American Ferinratinn Labor has decided to present resolution 10 me conrerence of governore here next week, proposing uniform laws to regu late child labor, laws for compulsory edu. cation, free text books snd a considera tion also of the employers' liability, law. The cocuncll voted to' renew .Its ef forts before congress for the enaotment of laws to regulate and limit injunctions and to have labor organisations eliminated from the Jurisdiction of the Sherman anti-trust law. The full support of the federation to the fight against ths United States Steel corporation was pledged. The council declined to grant ths de mand of the Newspaper Publishers as sociation of San Frnnclscp to annul tho charter of the News Carriers' union of that city. The publishers alleged a boycott by tha News Carriers' union. .. TOLEDO ALSO WOULD . LIKEJHE CORN SHOW G. II. Stevenson Visits Ohio City oa Tour of Investtiratlvu No ' Decision on Location. ,. TOLEDO. O., Jan. 16. (Special Telegram.) Toledo Is after the meeting of the next National Corn association, which will be held In January or February, 1911. O. 11. Stevenson, secretary and special commis sioner of the association, Is In ths city on a visit of Investigation. He says he likes Toledo and believes the location Ideal for a meeting of the corn men of the country because of Its location In the' center ot tlie grain belt, but will not make his decision public until early next week, ' TWIN BROTHERS AND TWIN ' ' SISTERS IN DIVORCE COURT K. and J. Woodynrd Sua for Decrees 'Against Women Married at West Point and Wheeler, D. LOS ANGELES. Cal., Jan. IS. (Special Telegram.) The filing In the ' office of the county clerk today of ths divorce pe tition of F.ugene Woodyard against Anna F. Woodyard discloses an unusual condi tion In ths family. Three days ago Jason Woodyard brought action against Annie. Woodyard for a divorce In the same court. Eugene and Jason are twin brothers and their wives twin sisters. Bugene married Anna at West Point Neb., In October, JS., Jason espoused An nice at Wheeler, 8. I)., In April, 1HW. Ths causs In each case Is , desertion. .The key to tha situation-Bea Want Ao