Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 17, 1910, Page 4, Image 4

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II I I .. HI I I
t he omaiia Daily Bee.
Entered at Omtht poatofflce as second
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Daily Bee (without Sunday), per wee 1C
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Dally Bee and Sunday, ona year a.00
Evening Bee (without Sunday), per week o
' Evening Bee (with Sunday), per week 10c
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Address all romplatnta of Irregularities In
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Omaha The Bee Building.
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Communlcatlona relating to news and ed
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Bea, Editorial Department
Remit by draft- express or postal order
psyable to Ths Bea Publishing Company.
Only I-cent stamps received In payment of
mail accounts. Personal checks, except on
Omaha or eastern exchanges, not accepted.
Stats of Nebraska. Douglas County, ss.t
Oeorire B. Tsachuck, treasurer of Ths
Be Publishing Company, being duly
sworn, says that ths actual number of full
and complete copies of Ths Dally, Morn
Ing, Evening and Sunday Be printed dur
ing the month of December, 1909, was a
1.. 41,680 IT 48,880
a., i,tm la a.eao
41.M0 1 41,630
4 ' 41,70 M 48,778
B ... 40,340 81 40,480
. 49,30 09 43,660
T 41,870 83 48,460
8 48,860 84 48,080
t 48,880 88 48,000
10.... 48,060 86 44,060
11 i 48,660 6T 48,610
18 41,800 88 48.830
18 , 44.80O BO 48.370
14.. - 48,470 80 48,410
10......... 48.509 81 48,480
18 48,480 .
Total M88.B10
Returned copies MA30
Nat Total... 4 1,8 1880
Dally Arsrag 48,334
CSCRGS S, T28CHUCK. Treasurer.
, Bubscrlbed in my presence and rworn to
befora me tola (1st day of Deo ember, 1S0B.
' ' Notary Public.
Sn bees-then lcYlngr tkeKeitr tem
porarily ' sheala kave The Be-e
mailed to them. Address will be
ckangen aa often sue renaested.
Yea, the loser of that $30,000 neck
lace was an actress.
Money may melt the snow, but It
also melts In the process.
It may be called hard coal because
of the hard feelings and hard language
it engenders.
Perhaps the dramatic critic found
aeaa in ttiioxi couan t stand sucn a
one-night stand. v
It transpires that the good, old
fashioned winter that is upon us 1b
playing no geographical favorite.
The question,' "Why is: an insur
gentT" is almost aa hard a nut to crack
as the question, "What is a democrat?"
Wyoming is worried because the
frozen country keeps the elk from
drnking. That is calculated to distress
an elk. ' :
The recurring defeats of Mrs. Duff
on Botson's school ticket make one
wonder whether she la tbe Bryaaof
the Hub. . ; .
Some cities enforce a regulation
against coasting across street car
tracks. Omaha would do well to do
likewise. ."'- . , -
Indianapolis wants the Corn show.
If Omaha is going to dispense with it,
Indianapolis will be entitled to consideration.-
- -
It will Te noticed., however, that tbe
kaiser did ..not commit , himself as to
Shackleton'a abUity to reach the pole.
NO garlands. ..!
The twin brothers seeking divorces
from twin Bisters may be seeking a
human application of te law that four
of a kind beat two pair.
. X '
Tbejault over the , Joslyn-Sutphen
tract baa ' been decided, but by no
means ended not so' long as the law
yers see a ohance for more fat fees.
As a letter writer Dr. Harry A. Fos
. ter 1b almost as much of a success as
be la as a tooth carpenter. - We have
some samples of his chirography our
selves. ." -
When Estrada and Madris are not
talking of fight they are talking of
peaces Why not get together and
revive the languishing commerce of
Nicaragua on a practical basis?
When the inevitable thaw finally
comes we may be able to measure the
depth of the rich, brown earth which
these dirt-hauling wagons are spread
ing over our pavements without let or
The excitement among the eastern
colleges over the hockey championship
indicates that youth has not lost its
late rest la .the fundamentals of the
hlgbec' education, young Sldls to the
contrary notwithstanding.
If Khode Island Is suoceBsful in its
suit .'against North Carolina for re
covery on those repudiated reconstruc
tion Jondst the Incident will be apt to
cause those southern governors to ex
tend the time between drinks.
The only thing lacking now Is an
facial declaration from Would-be Sen
atcr,'Al 8ornson a to whether he
wants to ruu'ag a "regular" or an "In
surgent," or simply continue to be the
vrtfn candidate of the corpora
Insurgency. .. ...
The World-Herald makes bold to say
that thers are hundreds of thousands of
Insurgents all over this land, who are In
surgents not because they are soreheads or
demagogues, or Cannon baiters, but Insur
gents, because they are opposed to ths
measures which Mr. Taft, as the leader of
his party. Is advocating.- These Insurgents
represent the only Insurgency that has any
vitality, the only Insurgency that la worth
considering. World-Herald.
The democratic World-Herald's defi
nition of republican insurgency is
doubtless what the democrats would
like to have accepted as the test, be
cause the only hope of democratic suc
cess lies in arraigning a considerable
body of republicans against the repub
lican president and his administration.
No other reason for Insurgency will
satisfy the democrats, because personal
antagonisms may be removed and
minor differences of opinion can be but
transitory.' The democratic organs
have, therefore, been doing their best
to lure so-called "Insurgents" on to the
point where they must line up with the
democrats against the legislative pro
gram recommended by the president,
and against republican policies gen
It goes without saying that the lead
ers of the so-called insurgents at Wash
ington insistently deny that this is the
reason for, or the purpose of, their In
surgency, and declare that they are
fighting only against what they regard
aa a despotic system of rules governing
the deliberations of the house. When
men get into a fight they usually seize
whatever weapons are at hand, which
may account for the Plnchot diversion.
The contest for political ascendancy,
however, must continue to be between
the republican party, represented by
President Taft and his policies on one
side and on the other Bide the demo
cratic party, trying, to stop the wheels
of progress and embarrass the admlnis
tratlon in a desperate hope of improv
ing democratic chances for the presi
dential election of 1912. '
Back to Uature. '
New York, witnessing the apparent
success of Chicago's open-air schools In
the dead of winter. Is following suit,
and has arranged to equip pupils of
tuberculosis tendency with garments,
foot-warmers and other bodily com
forts while studying and reciting their
lessons out of doors. The Chicago en
thusiasts report that the innovation is
enjoyed by the children and that their
health conditions are manifestly lm
proved, so much so that medical at
tendance grows less and less, while
children who habitually lost much time
because of staying at home to be
nursed for throat and kindred troubles
are now able to attend all sessions.
The experiment is in too early a
stage 'to warrant any serious conclu
slon, yet it is gaining advocates among
those who have long urged mankind
to get back to nature in his manner of
living. Some types of school rooms
are notoriously hotbeds of disease, and
are the first source of germ propaga
tion attacked In time of epidemic. Yet
it remains to be seen whether adequate
ventilation and sanitation may not
prove as effective as the more robust
measures prescribed by the open-air
system. Many children cannot with
stand such vigorous reform, and there
is grave question whether the raw and
emoke-charged mid-winter air of tbe
cities 1b as good for the lungs as the
atmosphere that has had its chill and
dampness removed' by the' scientific
methods of the modern house. Even
rugged adults sometimes are choked
and rendered 111 by the conditions out
of doors.
However, the success of the experi
ments now so ambitiously launched
would tend to solve not only some of
the perplexing problems of health, but
also add to our general economical
knowledge. Who can say that this is
not a beginning of the abandonment cf
much of the indoor coddling to which
we have made ourselves accustomed?
Perhaps) man is on his way toward
curtailing some of the expensiveness of
living by these steps back to nature.
Vitality of Cities.
Man, the great Imitator of nature,
closely copies bis teacher in the repair
ing of ravages, as Is illustrated graphi
cally in the restoration of cities that
have suffered destruction. Our own
centers of population are a ready re
minder of this fact, the great fires of
Boston, Chicago and Baltimore having
served as a basis for the rebuilding of
more stable and stately structures, and
the case of San Francisco being a
latter-day marvel of tbe vitality of
cities. We are prone to consider that
these phoenix-like recoveries are due to
American spirit, but occasionally we
are reminded by the old world that the
principle Is universal. Messina, to
point to a recent instance, has Just re
opened its ancient university, a slgnlfi
cant mark of confidence in the future
in Bplte of the wrecks of the past, and
one of the indications that the old
Sicilian port is again aggressively
sharing in tbe world' commerce.
Truth is, cities are hard to kill
SlothfulnesB of public spirit, lack of
municipal pride and push, will permit
them to stagnate and flicker away Into
oblivion, victims of dry rot; but the
municipality that Is aggressive and
progressive, survives every physical at
tack and gains strength and character
and growth of population and pros
perity, not only despite but also because
of the antagonism of the elements. Meg
sina Is a fine example of this trait Its
original excuse for existence, a port of
call and shipment directly In the path
of a short-cut trade route, serves as
well today, and the despoiled survivor
of. the terrible earthquake, nothing
daunted, have flocked back' to their
reins and are rehabilitating the houses
and their fortunes, while ships p!y
freely from its docks as of yore. Fires
and plagues and wars have devastated
Venice, Lyons and even London, yet
these and scores of others have risen
from their ashes and their mourning
and faced the future with hope and in
spiration. The vitality of the city la
a splendid testimonial to the dominant
spirit of man.
Braving; a Royal Volcano.
Authorized affirmation of the be
trothal of Princess Victoria Patricia,
daughter of the duke of Connaught,
to King Manuel of Portugal comes as
another proof of the Inveterate match
making ability of King Edward of
England, whose niece is the bride-
elect. Thus does another daughter of
England march heroically forth to
wear a crown, heroically because the
throne of Portugal is one of those set
on the brink of a crater, and the spouse
of a monarch bo parlously placed
knows from the outset that the vol-,
canto eruption may at any moment
terminate her ascendancy.
Once before English royalty es
poused Portuguese, when Charles II
wedded Princess Catherine of Bra
ganza, whose dowry Included the pos
session of Tangier and Bombay, but
as the union was childless, the blood
of the two nations has never been
fused. The welding of this new alli
ance necessitates a removal of the bar
of religious difference, as was accom
plished in the case of Alfonso's bride,
but .such arrangements are only Inci
dents in the lives of the creatures
serving as pawns in tbe game of hu
man destiny.
These marriages of English girls to
foreign potentates extend the power
ful influence of the British throne
among the nations of Europe. Ed
ward's daughter , Maud Is queen of
Norway's king, while two of his nieces
are consorts, respectively, of the rulers
of Roumania and Spain. His sister
was the mother of Kaiser Wilhelm.
And another link in the chain of na
tions is his own marriage to a princess
of the royal blood of Denmark. Man
uel's bride will be the fourth of the
recent English Victorias to wear a
crown, for that was the name of the
wife of Frederick III, a fact which
seems to have been popularly lost
sight of in the current agitation over
Germany's naval program.
Like many another shrewd mon
arch, Edward has utilized the women
of his royal family to serve the policies
of the scepter, and Victoria Patricia
but goes forth on such a venture as
has thus , far been succe'ssf ully sus
tained by Victoria of Spain, whose vol
cano almost engulfed her at the begin
ning. In the royal sport of ruling
dynasties, it seems to be a case of a
Woman is only a woman, while a
throne is always a throne.
The invitation list for the "insur
gent" meeting called for Lincoln mis
week is being carefully guarded from
Ihe light of publicity. It would never
do to extend a general Invitation to all
Nebraska republicans who subscribe to
the declarations of the Chicago plat
form and are ready to help President
Taft's administration carry them out
The familiar case of Jack Spratt is
recalled by the decision of Cleveland
worklngmen to eat no meat and Yale
students to buy no flowers. New
Haven might ship the discarded
"prom" decorations to the city by the
lake, where the price of all greens is
sure to rise when the vegetarian diet
gets under way.
As the new president of the Com
merolal club Edgar Allen starts out
with every promise ofa notable and
successful administration during tbe
coming year. At any rate, there is
reasonable assurance that he will not
arrange to remove to California before
his executive chair is warm.
Unable to find evidence to substanti
ate the .magazine charges of an organ
ized system of white slavery in New
York, that much touted grand Jury In
vestigation is in danger of falling flat.
It takes facts more than hearsay to
support Indictments.
And all the time that Philadelphia
heiress was longing for excitement
away from home, a Philadelphia clerk
was saving up his stealings from bis
employer to "go to Paris to see the
nrettv women." Moral: There' no
place like home.
Those knights of the knuckle who
are planning to add to the festivities
of that safe and sane Fourth of July are
too busy reaping in the nightly nickels
to pay much attention to knuckling
down to real work.
Mr. Calhoun has been bo silent about
it that the people had supposed he was
In China by this time, uut at the fare
well banquet in Chicago he violated his
policy of conservation of conversation
Judging from "Bill" Brown's Jere
miads in the east about the dearth of
farm products. "Jim" Hill in the west
will have to look to his laurels.
Wkal'i tke I set
Washington Post.
Democratic harmony Is getting a shave
hair cut and shampoo, and soon ought to
be presentable.
Getting; Close to tke Mark.
New Tork Tribune.
The latest confident estimate of man's
age on ths earth la from S0.0O0 to 100,000
years. Why not be a little more definite
and say from 41.000 to W,00T
l.analnbbr Batts In.
Louisville Courier-Journal.
James Jr Hill says in Ms latest arttcL
on "Highways of Progress" that America
cannot compete with foreigners whose
ships on the Pacific are "government paid
In one guiae or another and manned by
cheap Mongolian labor. May the bumble
landlubber Inquire whether the Mongollsn
labor employed on other transpsrlflo
steamers Is much cheaper than the Mon
gallon labor employed on the Paclflo Mall
Line steamers?
A Uraelnna Admission.
Cleveland Lender.
These facta, obvious to any thinking man
who will consider care-fully the conditions
which he knows exist, do not by any
means oover tbe whole question.
And Wky Mention Itf
Baltimore American.
The American nation Is the greatest on
earth; none of us would for a moment
permit that to be gainsaid. And that Is
national self-exaltation. We are a nation
of megalomaniacs; and we are nationally
megalomanlacal. Why deny It?
Let fio Guilty Man F.erape.
Philadelphia Record.
Apparently Attorney General Wicker
sham has run down the thief that stole his
very Indiscreet sugar letter from his letter
file. He should now get after the receiv
ers, purchasers and publishers who mnke
a market for such stolen wares. He should
afterward kick himself.
Mean r bile, Haw Fnre-s tke Victim
Brooklyn Eagle.
Early has now been adjudged a "probable
leper" by a committee of doctors and law
yers, members of the Society of Medloal
Jurisprudence. The report of this com
mittee, however, has been referred to It for
further Investigation and report Ths ques
tion of how to show mercy to this poor
victim of professional doubt remains to bs
settled also.
Harrying to Pay Tnxea.
. New Tork Times.
Washington dispatches report a phenome
non, not to say a Dortent. The corpora
tion tax has been supposed to be one of
the most unpopular taxes recently enacted.
Possibly it was unpopular because of lis
merits, and ought to be dear to all who do
not pay It because of Its hardships upon
those who must pay It. However that
may be, and although the tax Is not dus
until June, some of the corporations which
have been protesting against the tax ars
now hastening to pay It. The receipt of
checks six months before they are due Is
not a matter so commonplace as to de
prive of all Interest conjectures as to what
the answer Is
Fascination of tke Newspaper,
Samuel O. Blytho In Leslie's.
Newspaper work Is essentially a business
for young men. Old men cannot last In
It, because old' men cannot stand the
pace. And the further truth Is that when
a man gets old in newspaper work, un
less ho has specialised, he decreases In
value to his employer Instead of Increasing,
The younger you get In, the better It will
be for you after you have acquired what
ever knowledge you can afford and ore
ready to take a chance. I don't know
how to get out. Iha,ve seen shoals of
newspaper men get out Into all sorts of
Jobs, from business down to politics, and
lots of them have made wads of money;
Dut they never did belong, anyhow. The
real writer never gets out of his game:
and why should he; for his game Is the
best game In the whole world.
Ideaa Laid Bare with the Utmost Him.
- nllrlty.
New" York Evening Post
we used to talk about the 'Appalling
iranKneas of -President Roosevelt, but
Mr. Taft Is fully holding his own In that
regard. In his speeches, as In his roes
aages, he layaitbaiie the workings of his
own mind- wttht the utmost simplicity.
And in -one particular he manifests a di
rectness greater, than that of any prede-
ceseor, even his Immediate. We refer to
the perfectly straightforward wav In which
he notifies congress that he has caused to
be prepared the drafts of bills which he
would like to see enacted. His quiet words
are: By my direction the attorney general
has drafted a bill to carry out these rec
ommendations." It Is highly probable that
other presidents have done practically the
same thing, but we doubt If any other
sver announced It so openly. Yet Mr. Taft's
manner is so calm, and his message la
written so absolutely without heat, that
we presume no one will accuse him of
trying to dictate a law to the lawmaking
body. What be doubtless had In mid was
the saving of time and the expediting of
the public business; but he goes about It
with a disregard of precedent which would
seem sensational enough In a more sensa
tional president. '"
Name of the Peerless Passed Un br
tke . Showmea.
Washington Post.
The speechmaklng at the Jackson day
dinner in Kansas City strongly suggests
a tacit agreement among democratic lead
era to lead the party away from the Bryan
fetich. Nowhere In the comprehensive re
port of the speeches of Champ Clark and
Representative Ralney and the letter from
Norman B. Mack does the name of the
peerless leader appear; nor is there any
reference, to his -policiea, go far as silence
can be accepted as indicative of a pur
pose, democracy means to live down Its
past and go Into the, fight next summer
with a new "overshadowing question" and
under the constructive leadership of An
orew Jackson. Especially algnif leant
ware Mr. Clark's words, "We meet under
auspices more favorable than we have
been blessed wHh since 1894" two years
before the "cross of gold" speech. Mr.
Dark declared ; that the overwhelming
question In the coming congressional cam
paign will be "whether public men are
under any sort of obligation to tell the
truth." In other words, are ante-election
promises things' to be lived up to by the
republican party? Or are they "enticing
baits with which to catch gudgeons?" Ar
guing along on tills line, Mr. Clark's de
ductlon was that the republicans would g-t
"the bloodiest licking' they have had since
Mr. Clark predicted victory for his party
in 1912 also, with revision of the tariff
still Its shibboleth; but he let fall no ut
terance that would betray bis preference
as to the presidential nomination. Yet his
stand on the tariff aa tha paramount Issue
might warrant the presumption that he
had Governor Harmon In mind as the
strongest possibility now In the field.
National Chairman Mack, in his letter of
regret, was equally studious In avoiding
the use of narai-s of living democrats, and
harked back, like Clark, td Old Hickory's
day for the policy on which all kinds of
democrats can agree. Looking ahead, Mr,
Mack sees in 1V10 a banner year for his
party. "The failure of lhe republicans
to revise the tariff downward, as prom
ised, and the extremely high cost of liv
ing will go far," he feels assured, "to
ward aiding us in the elections of U'10 and
Mr. Ralney, too, appears to have been
"tipped off" to the new departure In deny
ocratlc policy, and his remarks on ship
subsidy never bruugbt him within think
Ing distance of the Nebraskan. The com
plete elimination of tha personal equation
by all the speakers suggests the idea that
only a strict censorship could have pro
duced a democratic symposium so devoid
of Bryanlsra,
Around New York
Stipples oa the Current of Xitfe
as Been la the areas Amsrloaa
Metropolis front Say to Say.
Pelham Manor Is a romantic, sylvan re
treat for merry New Yorkers a near-suburb
of the Dundee and Benson class. Lots
of good people, ' well-to-do home owners,
live there. Until recently the general re
pute of the locality rested on ths rippling
muslo of the name. Now it lays claim to
eminence as the home of a Sherlock Holmes
In the person of Chief of Police Marks.
Marks denies having reached ths destina
tion, merely heading that way, and this Is
why: Charles Melville was run In a sus
picious character of porch -clImbLng talent.
There wasn't enough visible on the shady
fellow to prove his crookedness until Marks
siied htm up.
"Let me see his legs," exclaimed Chief
Marks with a mysterious air.
Melville's trousers were pulled up and his
socks were pulled down. On either leg
were scratchea. Chief Marks seised his
magnifying glass and dropped on his knees.
"Tls Just aa I expected," the chief said
solemnly aa he regained hia feeC'Those
scratches were made by splinters of wood.
The wood Is of that peculiar grain known
to the building profession as 'porch wood.'
This man hss scratched his legs on porches.
It follows he must be the porch-climber we
have been hearing about."
"A bartender with a stunt Is always a
good asset," said the manager of a Broad
way cafe quoted by the Times. "The fel
low who can keep a hot scotch In a blase
while tossing It over his shoulder from one
glass to another In the mixing process, or
who hands out the change with the coins
standing edgewise on the bar, or who has
any other tricks of a spectacular nature
may be a bum mixologist from a scien
tific point of view, but he's always worth
the money and he's the kind of fellow we
"There's one fellow down In Staten Is
land I'd like to add to my staff, but, un
fortunately, I can't get him, for he owns
his own place and Is coining money, I
discovered him quite by accident I had
some business down there last week and
tc-k a train to Fort wadsworth. Right
near the station I noticed a slick little
place, and feeling thirsty I went In for a
glass of beer. There were several sold
iers from the fort standing at the bar,
and the Germrn who was serving them
was also amusing them by writing their
names with a piece of chalk on the smooth
surface of the bar. This doesn't sound
unusual, does HT But when you take
Into consideration that from his position
behind the bar it was necessary for him
to write not only backward, but upside
down, you may get some Idea of the diffi
culty of his feat. He wrote my name,
and standing where I was In front of the
bar I saw him dash It off without any
hesitation, and It gave me a sort of un
canny feeling to see It coming at me
backward. , A feeling that one does not
care to repeat.
"Well, we had two or three, and I
wound up by making him an offer to ap
pear on Broadway with an Iron-bound
contract But he told me ha owned his
own place, had It all clear, was doing a
good business, and, anyhow, he wouldn't
leave Staten Island as long as the whit
ing and ling were biting from the piers at
South Beach."
Plans for the world's fair to be held in
New-York City In 1911 have been launched
here.' The proposed exhibition wtl com
memorate the three hundredth anniver
sary of the settlement of Manhattan Is
land. The prompters of the enterprise
have effected a nrellmlrary organisation
and have taken out articles of Incorpora
tion. No site for the fair has yet been
Mayor Oaynor is smashing precedents
and shaking privileges in an awfully rude
way. The other day two of his seven ap
pointees as tax commissioners were sworn
In on probation. The mayor did not Indi
cate who the two were, however, In
frankly addressing them thus: "I had de
termined not to re-appoint two of you, but
on careful consideration I felt that Justice
required me to give you an opportunity,
and everything had to yield to justice."
The mayor again sounded the note of warn
ing against political favoritism, "Favor to
no one," continued his honor in admoni
tion to his appointees, "and see that your
deputies favor tio one for political In
fluence, love or money. If political lead
ers come asking favors In valuation, tell
them to go away. That day is gone by.
Politics must be- banished from your de
partment. Every dputy who makes a
wrong valuation must be dismissed at
once. Try to find out some owner trying
to corrupt a deputy and we will have him
Indicted. " With the curt comment that
New York's beautiful Riverside drive "was
made for all and not for a few," the mayor
Issued an order to his new psrk commis
sioner, Charles B. Stover, to take steps for
the immediate resumption of the running
of the big public stages on that thorough
fare. For a long time wealthy residents
along Riverside drive Successfully objected
to tbe presence of the cumbersome electric
stages in that rxclusiv district
In of the largest retail grocers of New
York, In an interview in the World, de
clares that the time has come for an en
forcement by law, if necessary, of lower
prices of food products. Ha says:
"I say frankly from my own knowledge
there are scores of food products and
articles in daily use In every kitchen that
would be supplied at fur less cost to the
consumers if the wholesale and retail deal
ers were permitted to sell at fair prices.
"Instead of this an arbitrary, artificial
high price la forced upon us. If we do not
sell at that price we are boycotted by the
manufacturers. They will not only cut off
out supply of goods, but they will Insist
that no other dealer sell us anything. It
Is this latter aapect of the case that Is the
mott outrageous.
"Manufacturers of food products and
combinations that control food products at
piesent are operating as absolue monopo
lies. They are not content with receiving
from dealers the price they ask, but are
Insisting that they, have a right to fix the
selling price at every stage, even to the
"There is one shining exception to this
rule. There Is one manufacturer In New
York who, against protests, will sell to
whomsoever pays the factory price, regard
lexs of how great or how small a oroflt
the retaile" attempts to secure.
"If a womun goes Into the ordinary
grocery aud buys goods she thinks she Is
buying from her grocer. On probably one
third of her btll the grocer does not make
one cent but must wait for his profits
until he receives rebates from ths 'meu
higher up.'
"It is strange there is so little legisla
tion upoa tha methods of handling food
supplies. The public is largely at tha mercy
of the combinations of capital. In some
articles the final price paid by the con
sumer la reasonably fair, but In many cases
It is ridiculous.
"As a retailer I have tried to get the
goods to the people at the least possible
cost, but this cannot be done unltl there Is
some regulation of the boycott methods."
Ilia Parting Preachment tn Former
Ppringfleld (Masa) Republican.
Mr. Plnchot'S sincerity Is everywhere con
ceded and his great services universally
praised, but his conduct as an administra
tive officer continues to xclte bewilder
ment The doctrine that he preached to
bis fermer clerks, when saying farewell
to them, points straight to administrative
anarchy. He la reported as telling thorn
never to ferget that they are "the ser,
vants of the people of tha ITnfTed Ptates,
responsible to them and to them alone."
"Stay by the work," he admonished them.
"Never allow yourselves to forget that
your are serving a much geater master
than the Department of Agriculture or
ven the administration." In plain words,
this Is the doctrine of insubordination.
If It were followed consistently Into prac
tlve by the thousands of bureau ohlefs
and .clerks In Washington, It would., be
impossible to run the . government. Ad
ministrative efficiency would be ruined
by the lack of administrative discipline
and harmony, and there could be no worse
chaos than 0.000 clerks "appealing to the
country" over the heads of eablnet minis
ters and the chief magistrate himself,
whenever any of them felt that the gov
ernment work was not being managed In
accordance with correct principles. The
truth Is that only by a curious develop
ment of megalomania can a government
Clerk maintain that he Is responsible not
to bla superior officer In the bureau, but
to the people of the United States. It
Is Mr. Taft who was elected president
that Is responsible to the people, and his
administrative subordinates are respon
sible to him. If they disapprove of his
policies, they shnnld resign In case they
wish to conduct a popular agitation on the
Issue. But for them to remain in office
and assume that they are "responsible to
the people alone," rather than to the ap
pointive power, involves so preposterous a
situation that It may as well be dismissed
with a smile.
Relations to Congressmen Respecting
Appoint menta.
' The Outlook, Nw Yora.
When, last week, reports were published
In a number of ntwspapers that President
Taft contemplated using federal patronage
to punish those republicans In congress
who were in revolt against the house or
ganisation led by Speaker Cannon, the
most thoughtful readers of the newspapers
must have regarded those reports with in
credulity. In the first place, the presi
dent has shown through years of his publlo
life so high a standard of disinterested
public service that no one of Intelligence
could credit a report that he would use his
appointing power in any arbitrary way
without regard to the fitness of the ap
pointee. In the second place, those who
ars known to be "Insurgents" against the
oligarchical group headed by Speaker Can
non are not enemies of Mr. Taft's admin
istration or opponents of his policy. On
the contrary, whether wisely or not they
have acted uniformly with a view of car
rying out the very policies for which Mr.
Taft Is known to stand. It la therefore no
surprise of the careful reader that im
mediately upon these reports there followed
what seems to be an authoritative state
ment of the situation from the president's
point of view. This, in substance, may be
stated as follows: Under the constitution
the president has the power of making
appointments to some federal positions, as,
for example, postmaster-ships. It Js neces
sary, of course, for the president to take
counsel .on such appointments, and it has
been customary for him to call In con
gressmen ' who are likely to know local
traditions and to receive their suggestions
and advice. It u not however, incumbent
upon the president to do ao, and it Can
hardly be expected that he would call for
such advice from men who are evidently
out of sympathy with hla plans and pur
poses. It is thus that the president states
his petition. No reasonable ' person, we
conceive, can for a moment take exception
to this view.
Hiah Flyer Presumed to Be Oat ef
Cleveland Jader.)
- French experts are quoted as saying that
the recent flight of Hubert Lathati, at the
height of from (.000 to 4,000 feet above ths
earth, in an aeroplane, proves that such
flying machines caa be considered immune,
when used as Latham handled hla, from tbe
risk of being hit by bullets or shells, in
case of military service in war. It is a
reasonable conclusion, a every one must
admit who has studied tbe difficulties of
hitting a swift-moving target half a mli
or more above the ground.
It would be great shooting to hit a mark
the else of an aeroplane, moving at the
rate of forty miles an hour, three-quarters
of a mile away, on the e&rUi. but when the
target Is elevated to that height the feat
becomes practically Impossible. There is
nothing to sJgbt over, no background to aid
the gunner. The position of his rifle or
cannon must be awkward and unfavorable
to quick aiming. He must cope with rapid
and unforeseen changes li the position of
the mark he tries to hit not only up and
down but in other respects. Its course may
be, almost as Irregular aa the flight of a
swallow. In mist or darkness the target
would disappear altogether.
If the aviators can fly 3.000 or 4,000 feet
above tbe earth, and depend upon getting
as high aa that whenever they want to,
they will be quite safe from shot and shell.
If field batteries or riflemen should hit
their machines at all It would be the re
sult of mere phance. For that reason the
aeroplane looms larger than ever as a pos
slble factor In the next great war.
Do Monasters Really Wink nt Diso.
brdlenre of Signals.
Pittsburg Dispatch.
The Inquiry Into the collision In New
York state In which Spencer Tiaxk, thn
banker, was killed. Indicates what was
suspected at the time, that the accident
wascauned by disregard of the pi f cautions
Installed to prevent such disasters. Al
though the air waa clear, the track straight
and block slgnaltd a following fast fright
crewhed Into a passenger train st a stnnd
still. The evidence of the engineer Is thai
notwithstanding the Installment of tha
signal system It was In effect nullified by
being made permissive rather than prohibi
tive. In other words, signals might be
passed at the discretion of the engineer..
This system, he said. In effect enabled ths
company to onernte more trains on a given
stretch of track.
The Investlsatlon Is Hill in progress, but
this evidence stAtes very clearly a practice
that must produce accidents. No matter
Lliow excellent the signal system may be
or how complete Its installation Its value
must he measured by tke Individual discre
tion of the engineers If they are permitted
to run past a signal whea they think they
can do so safely. The main idoa of the
automatic block was to eliminate as much
aa- poaslblo Hie elcmetit of human falli
bility, yet It is again Injected, with tha
usual resulta. The pest precautions possi
ble must ba rendered nselrss when modified
to permit the very thing they were de
signed to prevent, -
Pogonlp, the new disease which )as ap
peared In rittsburg, is likely to have a
longer run than hookworm, on account of
Its superior title.
Colonel RHJah W. Halford of New York,
distinguished soldier, statesman, Journalist
and mission worker, will be one of the
principal speakers at the monster dinner
given during the Pittsburg convention of
the national laymen's missionary move
ment, January 30 to tS.
Stony Wold hall. Miss Blanche rotter's
memorial to her sister, Miss Martha Pot
ter, has been formally turned over to the
Stony Wold sanitarium of New York. This
hall, with other buildings Included In Miss
Potter's gift, cost 176,000. Mrs. Walter Oeer,
a sister or the Misses Potter, has given an
organ to the Institution.
Bernard Kroegar, one of the slxt yhardy
young men who, falling to upset the gov
ernment of -Germany m IMS, rame to
America and won success In wide enter
prises, dies of the effects of age tn the
home of his daughter at White Plains. Mr.
Kroeger was regarded aa one of the oldest
piano manufacturers In thie country.
Ixnils Smith, known as the "Man of
Mystery," and supposed to have been a
French nobleman, was crushed to death
a factory at Venice, 111. He bad worked
Just a week for the first time In the fifty-
two years he had lived there. He was
unfamiliar with machinery and ventured
too near a cogwheel, which caught bla
clothes and dragged htm into the machine.
Miss Anna Helnrlchsdorff is tbe first
woman to receive an engineer's diploma in
Ueimany. After studying four years in
the Berlin Polytechnic Institute she passed
the electrical engineer's examination and
received the mark of excellent In each
branch. Wis has opened offices In Berlin
and will now practice her profession as a
means of livelihood.
Sng-ar Trnat Director Pat Blame en
Minor Employes.
New Tork Bun. ,,
Tastes differ, but in the humble Judg
ment of The Sun the most interesting
chapter of the American Sugar Refining
company's address to the publlo Is that
which the directors have entitled, with fa
lloltous euphemism, "Litigation Against
the Compuny." Such generous provision
has betn made by the management
for the dissemination of this document
that few amateurs of - the truly refined
and delicate in the way of - expression
will miss the chapter on ' "litigation" or
overlook Its crowning passage, in which
me airectore record their eoncluslon con
cerning what they describe' to fco stock
holders as "certain fraudulent underwelgli
ttig of sugar at one of your several re
fineries:" "Your board has no reason to believe and
does not believe that any executive officer
or ' director of this company bad any
knowledge of or participation in this
If the annual reports of great corpora
tions throughout all the ages are ran
sacked, can aught b found more touching,
more simpiy and beautifully conceived
than this vote of faith and confidence? Jt
Is the verdict of the directors conccrlng the
possibility of complicity on ths part of any
director or executive officer of , tbe so
called sugar trust in , the monumental
scandal. That is what the courts are try
lntf to get at ao far as the statute of
limitation, permit That, Is what the
proposed investigation by congress was In
tended to discover, 'mat is wnat u neocla
of the United rt tales have named te know,
about as eagerly as they have wanted to
know atvJiing.lnj-oenvaaushailBe history.
" " . we ooiunaer the magnitude of , tbe
financial resulta of ths conspiracy of tha
inferior employes to defraud the govern
ment the Ingenuity, the persistence, the
oonerenct, me audacity, of the system aa
already exhibited in the courts and atoned
for so largely out of the sugar treasury,
we hesitate . between amassment and ad
miration. What other great industrial con
cern has tha satisfaction of knowing that
It has been served (by its aer vants tn In
conspicuous stations) with a seal for
dividends ao magnificent even in its dis
regard of certain moral prejudices T
"What do you understand by "magnet--iam'
as so often applied to an actor's Der
sonallty?" T
Alagnotlsm," replied the- manager, "Is
the lore that draws dollars to the box
office," Washington Star, .
There is one thing which' the lnsur
gents lit the house of representatives at
Washington, needn't try with any hope of
"Vvhat Is that?" '
'"lo eej tne bubble reputation at the
Cannon s mouth.M-Ualtimore American.
Victor Come here, my dear: whose
pretty little girl are you? ' wnost
Housemaid 'sh, Mrs. Jlmea! The courts
aveu t decided yet-Clilcago Rocord-Her-
blTcuitf'41"1 cr"k "V my wifei
v Me. tah4n MMvM.t . , . . .
as that?-Boston Transcript.
"Do you ever scold your husband r
K', B,i! ln for more,
money." Buffalo Express. ,
"But, senator," asked the reporter. '"who
Is to pay the cost of placing the country
on a complete war footing and keeping it
there?" -
"My dear boy," said Bonator Lotsntun,
Its a tossup between our posterity and
the posterity of some European or Aslatlo
power, and really doesn't Interest us. Try
one of these imported perfectos." Chicago
"To what school do- those Duncans whe
walk about the streets In Oreefc costume
"Ob. they're taking B pott-graduate
course In free publlcllty." Cleveland Plain
Myrtle Tapa doeeu't favor your qalling
here at all, Oeorge.. 1 . ; ,
CJeorge - Why, that can't ' be! Your
father gave me a cigar a moment since
as I rarne In the door, -
Myrtie All rtghtj Just' wslt till you
smoke it! Llpplncott's Magazine.
Mrs. Homeboddy Why did- you send
your hushanda coat to the tailor When
all It nterted was a button?
Mrs. Outley Well. Uwt fact is. my hus
band married ao yornig he never learned
how to sew on buttons. Boston Transcript.
I love the good,-time-honored stunt
Old winter has been doing;
I love to hear the silence shriek
when there's a hltssard brewing!
I love to be snowed In all day I
When wild the tempest roars; j
'Tls good to have one day ut home: '
But oh you chorea! , '
I love to watch the snowing flake,
I love to see them chase .
Each other In tiielr downward flight
To see them Interlace, 'A
And from each hough hang gay festoons
And thatch each lowly hovel;
I loro to watch the flying snowflakes -
But oh you enow shovel,1 . v .
- m, i(nai
I love to trea3 snow-troddeh paths
And pavements smooth as glass;
To hear the frosty "criuclt, eraucli, crunch"
Beneath me as 1 pass;
I love to bresst a wintry rale, i
To sniff the air, to breathe it;
I love to tread on snow liew-f Jen
But oh you Ice beurath, HI
I love ths crisp and sparkling snow
And evrry poet should outburst
Each day In rapture dutiful;
Its beauty all may now rniov.
Save the grouch who fails tit fin it In
I love tbe crisp and sparkling nnow-mT
But oh you slush behind 111
Omaha, -BAYOJ.L N TftELH.