Nebraska EXCISE BOARD MEETS T0NICH1 Editor of Echo Will Tell Member About "Booze Joints." RICH MAN BEATS BOARD BILL W. C. Okncr, Who la Sneadlna; llstr Ir la Jail. Sticks Pellee naa for Fries of a Shave. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOIjX, Jan. 16. (Spclal Tel-gam.) Tha editor' of a 'paper hers called the Kcho In a Vacant Issue, backed up what tha Rev. Stlllaway aald about thra being "boose" joints and gambling joints In various parts of tha city. Thin baa stirred tha city authorities a much as did the speech of tha traveling evangelist, but as Mr. Editor offered to (how the goods tha matter will bo taken up with tha excise board Monday' night. Rich Man' Ut-ats Board Bill. Tha police ! have a. man In Jail, W. C, Ohmer, who was up for sixty days because ha refused to pay a board bill at a hotel. When searched the police found some thing over $u,000 In tha man's pocket. Yes terday he was permitted .to go to a barber shop accompanied by a policeman to get a shave. After the operation ha announced he had no money and Officer Barrett was stuck. Then the man refused to give Barrett an order against bis money for the IS cents. , Organised Aarlcaltnre, Organised agriculture will begin a week's meeting here tomorrow and It la expected that quite a large delegation of farmers will be . In the . olty . notwithstanding the hotel accommodation are Inadequate to handle any very large crowd. The State Historical society and the pioneer settlers will hold their meetings during the week beginning tomorrow. i HISTORICAL SOCIETY MEETS Pre-arrasa of , . A Banal Convention Which Bea-ins at Lincoln Tatar. LINCOLN, Jan. l.-rHpec!al.)-The fol lowing Is the program of the meeting of the State Historical society which wilt be gin her tomorrow: . Monday, January. 17, rooms of the Ne braaka State Historical society, library building of the State university. 1:30 p. m. Meeting of the executive com' nilttee of the Nebraska Territorial io- liuers association. J:0u to 6:00 p. m. Informal reception to meinnere and irlends u( the Historical society and (he Pioneer's association reg 1st ration and issuance of badges. First Christian church, fourteenth and M streets.. 7:45 p. m. Joint session, Nebraska State Historical society and Nebraska Terr) tonal Pioneers' association John Lea Vvebater, president Nebraska State His torical society, presiding. Address oi wel come, Chancellor hsmuel Avry; address "The First Catholic fiiahon of Nebraska.' Rev. Michael A. bhlntw paper. "Life and Character of Lor en so crounse." Judge uieaser wakeley-, address, Ueneral Charles T. Mandeison. Tuesday, January 18, M first Christian church. Fourteenth and M streets. 10:00 a. m. Meeting of the Nebraska Territorial Pioneers' association. President A. P. Kemptun, presiding. Paper, "Some Eany Nebraska History,'- -William M. Le Coursey. trench, iAibuiutv la,; paper, "Tha Rural Carrie of 184," John K Sheen; paper, 'Early Settlement of th Platte Valley," lfayld Anderson; general discussion, led jjy samuci U- iiasselt, 11:08 a. m.-0U8lnes at-.islon'. 'President' address; report of the sscretary-treasurer miscellaneous business; election of off! cers. .. . , ... ,,. First Christian church, Fourteenth and M streets. 2:80 p. m. Special meeting, , Mississippi valley Historical association, . Vice rri dent Dr. Benjamin F. Snanibaugh, pre. Ulirur. Business session. ' Address. "Ir Kiowa Camps.'' James Mooney. Bureau of American ethnology; addf-as,, "Kansas Nebraska Boundary ' Line," George W. 1 Martin, secretary Kansas State Historical society; address, lane Robinson, secre tary Stale Historical society of South Dakota.. 4:00 p. nv-tnformal foeptton to Hon. ftngene F. Ware, James Mooney and other guests. , , . , ., ' First Christian. , church. Fourteenth and M streets. . t , . ' ' 6:10 p. m, Banquet for members and friends of the State Histsrlcal society and the Territorial Pioneers association. Plates no. Toastmaater, Judge Allen W. JTIeld.' Kive-minute toasts, - First Christian : church. Fourteenth and M streets. , . 7:48 p. m. Historical society session, President John L. Webster, presiding. Addreas, "The Indian Ghost Danoe," James Mooney, Bureau of American Ethnology; address, "Halation of State and Looal His torical Societies," Edgar R. Harlan, cura tor historical department of . Iowa, Dea Moines; address, General John C. Co win. Wednesday, January 1. Music hall, Tem ple theater, .Twelfth and R streets. ' 9:30 a. m. Informal conference arranged for those especially Interested In ethno logical and arcbeologjcal study, Elmer , Blackmen. prsslding. "Iowa as an Archeo- logical Field," F.dgar R. Hardin, curator ' historical department of Iowa, Des Moines; "Slouan History," Doane Robinson, secre tary State Historical society of South Dakota; general discussion, led by James Mooney; reports from local fields in Ne braska by: Thomas .Marwood or Clear water, Walter Rlca .of. Hlue Springs, E, H. Whlttemore of Adams, And Alvln Me- Keyoolds of Nemaha,- Commercial club . rooms, - Fraternity building, Thirteenth and N streets. ' 1240 m. Luncheon, tendered to Hon. Eugene. F. Ware, Jamea Mooney and other guttata, by tha Lincoln commercial club. First Christian church. Fourteenth and M streets. 1:S0 d. m. Historical soolety sesalon. Rum uei C. Basaett, vice president State Hle turtoal society. Dresldlna. , "Marking His- torlo 8ltea." Robart Harvey. "History of Nebraska state penitentiary," Dr. Porter C. Johnaon. 1:16 p. m Conference of local historical : societies and old a-ttlurs associations; ten minute reports . from representatives of local organisations. First Christian church. Fourteenth and M streets. ' - ' x T:45 p. m. -Joint eeeeton Historical so ciety and Territorial Plonaers' association. Hon. John 10 Webster, presiding. Ad dress, "The MtsatRalppI Valley as a Field for Historical Research," Benjamin F. tthambaugh. Ph.D., vice president Missis, slppl Valley Historical association, super intendent of Iowa State Historical society; addreas. "The Indian -Campaign of 1464," Hon. Kugena JV Ware. ... PROF. t . A, MIBCH IS DEAD Ilea oJnenrt-n of" Commerce at Kearser Nnrasal Passes A way. KKARNBT.: Neb.. ' Jan.. 18 (Special.) Prof. C. A. Mures of the State Nonral school 414' this morning at his residence of abcess of the Itver. Prof. Mureh has been seriously 111 for about a year. He rallied and has been actively engaged In h'a department until ten days ago. Prof Mureh Is one of the pioneer educators of Nebraska. Ha was far some time In charge pt the Platte Valley Institute. He organised fend conducted for many years the business college- of Kearney. Whan the normal school was opened about five years ago he was placet 1" otiarge -of the department of commerbs, mhtch position he has filled iintn h'a death. Prof. Mureh has wide c ro'e of friend and his students were sU tachd In him by the strongest bonds of fx'tve chlu ' He was a courtly gentleman. pcfriMi. .1 u hlfh sense of honor and Integ rity sn.l enriched the Uvea of thoae with who:n he .associated. Prof. Mureh was born at Appleiou, W!sl. Ui ISA He re- Nebraska reived his education at Lawrence university nd' came to Nebraska In If. He was t one time president of the Statb Chris tian Endeavor union. He leaves a widow and on daughter. Mrs. Charles Hasiett The funeral services will be at the resl- Tuesday, MEN ON SALOON PETITION MADE DEFENDANTS IN SUIT New Fea era Introduced la Petition for filO.OOQ Dan ages Filed by Widow. AUBURN, Neb., Jan M.-(Speelal.)- Mollie Peery, for herself, and as mother and next friend of her minor children, Donle, Gladys, Madge and Teddy Peery, Bernlce Peery, Marion, Peery and Ruth Peery. ranging In age from 1 years to I months, today filed suit against Walter M. Ramsey and Lee Toung, saloon keep ers at Johnson, In this county, and the Lion Bonding Company, the surety on each of the bonds of said saloon keepers, for the sum of $20,000 damages on account of the death of James peery, tha husband and father of plaintiffs. It Is alleged In the petition that Jamea Peery on Sep tember 23 obtained liquor In the saloons of defendants Ramsey and Toung to such amount and quantities that he drank tr' stuplftcation and wandered from aald sa loons to tha Chicago, Burlington ft Qulncy railroad right-of-way and lay down In an Insensible condition on the track of said railroad, and was there struck by a moving train and had one arm torn off and his head crushed, from which he immediately died. A novel feature of the suit Is that the sigmrs of the petitlgn for the licenses Insued to Ramsey and Toung are mads defendants, and judgment ' asked against them, It being alleged that they were the moving parties In obtaining the license under which the liquor was sold which prod used tha Intoxication which caused and contributed to the death of Peery, and the consequent damage to the plaintiffs. SBCOND DEATH PROM TRICHINA Fonr Mars Will Probably Dla Within Few Days at Falrbnry. FAIRBURY. Neb.. Jan. 1 rrtpHal.) Mrs. Cornelius DaJke la ths second one to succumb to trichina poisoning after several weeks' Illness. About four weeks ago two families llvtna; a few miles north of this city ate a quantity of raw pork sausage, from which they' contracted trichinosis. Two have died and eight others are very low. Tha children of tha families are seri ously 111, their bodies bloated almost be yond recognition and their muscles and joints stiff. It is thought four more will die within ths next few days. Institute at Falrbnry, FAIRBURT, Neb., Jan. . (Special.) The Jefferson county farmers' Institute closed one of the best sessions tonight it has held in years. There has been a two-inch coating of Ice on the roads for the last week, but In spite of this fact the farmers were in town all three days and crowded the court room where the addresses were given and the buildings where the exhibits were on display. Charles II. 81oan of Geneva, Dr. O. E. Condra of University Place, F. W. Chase of Pawnee City, Andrew Elliott of Gait, Ontario, and Mrs. Thomas Shaw of Hespe ler, Ontario,, were among ' the prominent speakers during ths three days' sesnton. The following officers were elected yester day ' afternoon tor the corning yescrT "I( H, Veakle, president; -3. W. - Ulmer,' 'vice president; 'O. R. Jones, secretary, and Ed Brown, treasurer. ; - ' ' Conplc Wedded Sixty Years. SUTTON, Neb., Jan. If. (Speclal.-Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Crouch have just celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary. The mar riage took place on January 10, 1850, ' in Seneca county. New York. Mr. and. Mrs. Crouch have had eleven children, of whom six are now living. Mr. and Mrs, Crouch went to Illinois In the latter part of 18C0, where Mr. Crouch joined the Rock River conference of the Methodist Episcopal church. They, moved to Iowa In 1STS, where Mr. Crouch studied law and was admitted to the bar at Clarlnda. In 1834 they set tled In Howard, then coming to Sutton, where they have since resided. Rev. .Mr. Calvert of the Methodist Episcopal church presented the family a purse containing several pieces of gold, ' the gift ef their cnurch friends, Broken Baw Fire Still Mystery BROKEN BOW. Neb., Jan. IS. (Special Telegram.) The origin of the court house. Ire continues a mystery,. Several people fron-Tthe outside seem to have discovered the flames at about the same tlmo. De fective flues are out of the question, as the fire apparently started at the opposite end of the building from the furnace., Janitor Cooper is certain the fire started on the second floor near tne- stairs, - but is unable to tell how. In the meantime the supervisors have located the county offlolals in the Masonic temple, ths temple- croft having turned the lower floor over to the county for temporary offices. v As soon as ths vaults can be opened business will be resumed as usual. r Allea-ed Forces Is Takta, FAIRBURY, Neb., Jan. 18.-(8pclal. Sheriff Churnslde retuenrd last night from Alnsworth with Joe A. ' Smith, who Is wanted here on the charge of forgery. Sev eral months ago, It Is alleged. Smith forged his brother's name to a note which he sold to Adolph . Kaaparek, a farmer living near Falrbury, and then disappeared. The note was for gtt.M. Smith Is well known in this county, having lived here for sev eral years. His preliminary hearing: will take place Monday. Nebraska News Note. AUBURN The thaw of a few dsys ago haa been followed by cold weather and, as a conaequanoe, the streets and roads are a glare of Ice. Several peraons have been more or laaa hurt the last two daya by falling upon the toe. Much apprvbension la felt on aoeount of ths bridge over the river and creeka when the enormous snow goea off. . AUBURN The Qilniore-Armatrong com pany of thla place baa just completed a deal by which it has bought the C. L. Beebe store at Mondamfn, la., paying therefore the sum of (U1.0UO. A. D. ail more of IJnoola, a member of the firm, will take charge of the purehaaed stare. . AUBURN Complaint haa just been filed In the county court against George Nick erson and Henry Allison, charging them with breaking Into the store of Young A Klinger and stealing about SMS worth of the goods of said firm. Tha. defendants are In the Nebraska City jail serving a sentence for petty stealing. They will be brought here for trial aa soon as their terms expire. YORK The family reunion at ths home or J. it. Allen and wire was most exlraordt nary by reason of the gathering of their twelve children all living and present consisting of all boys and alx glrla, of which the oldeat la 4 years and ths young est - years, and during tha furty-aevsn years of weddsd life of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Allan there has not been a death In the family of ohlldrea, grandchildren and great grsaacnuoTMn, eioapi one grandchild. Mr. Allen la one of the oldeat raatdenta of York eounty and was quits active In the affaire of the eounty. Hla ae la TL and his wife le a years old. . , YORK About Kit waa read lead from tha home talent minstrel show given for the Banmt or tr young Alan ChnattaJ) aa- auciatioa albletls club. . . . ; r . . , YORK . J. Kevea rf Shareeburv. la. purehaaed fro.n L. 1. Houston the Gillstl THE BEE: Nebraska fsrm of 140 acres that Mr. Houston bar gained for two weeks ago and receives 0 nice profit of 11. WO. Only a few years sgo Mr. Houston was a olaarmakar and oper ated a little cigar store In York. About eight years ago he put his savings, a few hundred dollars. In a first payment on a York county farm, and by selecting the choice, well located farms which he found, met with ready sale at an advance, he haa by Investments In York county land cleaned up In profits something like tIMWO. YORK There was a large attendance of members of the Degree of Honor, with their families, to witness the ceremony of installation of officers for the coming year. Mrs. J) Could, Mrs. B. King and Mrs. Helen Miller Installed the officers. YORK The York Commercial club, hy Its active commercial work and through Its campaign for membersh'p. has now a total membership of 1!M. This Is the largest memDTsmp the 'Jommerclnl club pas evor had. At the next meeting the discrimina tion of freight rates nn coal will be taken up and no doubt a petition will be prepared and frwardd to the relate Railway com mission asking that York receive the same rates as enjoyed by other Interior cities. It has beon ascertained that Grand Island coal dealers rnjoy a lower rate on steam coal from the east passing through York than charged dealers here. YORK The monthly banquet of the BuHlnefS Men's club of the Young Meti'e Christian association was served under the supervision of Mrs. J. H. Bell, assisted by the women's committee. R B. Wood gave a practical talk on business Condi' ions of York. Judge Corcoran gave a, most inter esting address on his recent trln throuah Ireland. The following were elected officers for tna coming year: president. F. p. Van Wlckle; vice president, VV. F. Reynolds; secretary, is. w wnnams; treasurer, a Mets. GRAND ISLAND The Sons of Herman had a largely attended meeting laM night. officers of the grand lodge from Hastings doing present to conduct the ceremonies, and after the formal session a banquet was neia at tne L.iederkrans nan. DWIOHT At the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Dwlght State hank the following officers were elected for the en suing year: John W. Burire. preldent: M. Klossar. vice president: F. W. Tomes. cashier; directors, Georrre Dobson, Frank J. Malxner. F. W. Tomes and John W Bunre. The capital etn-k was Increased to 110,000 and surplus $2,000. KEARNEY -Thomas Smith, 21 years old, was fined $28 and costs for becoming In toxicated. This is the first victim of the heavy fine of f2S which was set a few woks ago by Mayor Patterson, and only men with means can afford to hit the flrn water row in this city. Police .Tudre Rellly has been boycotted since the mayor Issued tl Is edict, all his patronage being driven away Dy the f irth avenue price on a common Jag. And the Judge lost out on this vlntim Saturrlny. as the young fellow thought thirty days looked best. KEARNEY James Thomas, a resident of Kearnev for many years and an old soldier, passed away at his residence on East Twenty-sixth street Saturday fore- roon. The cause of death was Brlght's disease. He leaves three children. The funeral services will be lield Monday fore noon and will be In chaVge of the Grand Army or tne uepubllc. KRARNEY The Board of SueDrvlsnrs of Buffalo county awarded the Standard Bridge eompany of Omaha the contrnct for furnishing the bridge work In this county during the year 1810 This includes extensive repairs to the Platte river brldare south of this city.1 KEARNEY James Keffer. a stranger In this city, was painfully Injured while atop plng a runaway team of horaes on Central avenue yesteriay afternoon. The horss of Will Shrives became frightened and dashed up the street. KetfRr saw that if they were allowed to proceed thy might bring injury to pedestrians, or slip and hurt themselves. He grabbed one of them by the reigns as they passed him and bore his weight on them. The animal reared and came down, planting his foot directly on Keffefs chest. He was picked up unconscious and taken to an under taker's room, where medical attendance waa aoon procured and pronounced him not senousiy nun letter he waa taken to the city hospital, when he la resting easy. KEARNEY Count Judare H.tllnwell left Saturday morning for Alma, where he went to attend the funeral, of hla old-time friend. Judge Gaslln. WHEDON IS NOT ENDORSED (Continued from First Page.) M. Cockrell, to whom alt democratic MIs- sourlans say their prayers, to say nothing of "Gumshoe Bill" Stone. Ban" Johnson, whoever he Is, was called several times for a speech, and finally told that the Insurgent movement which had been started by the band of thirty In Lincoln had' extended to Kansas, from which atate he had recently returned, and that It was sweeping over the Stubbltes like a prairie fire. This was cause for great applause. Dr. Finney Wnnts New Party Judge Cosgravs. who has the congres sional bee In his own bonnet. Insisted that the band of thirty should not rest content vt'.h beating Burkett and Brown, but should defeat all the congressmen In the state who did not get into the bandwagon quickly. But while Corgrave wanted all the senators and congressmen beaten. Dr. Ftrney demanded that the tall should go with the hide and a new party be organlr?d right then and there. Others were content with merely beating Burkett and Brown and forcing Taft to resign. Joe Johnson, who was somewhat promt nent In a bunch of "fake reformers" soma mcnths ago, kinder put a kink in the chttu tatiqua speakers and grandstandors when he told of his visit to Washington. The late food commissioner said he found Sena tor Aldiioh the hardest working man In the city. He had not time even to visit, He represented his constituents. When he wanted anything he demanded It In the name of his people and he got It. The matter with Nebraska, he said, was that It had not sent big men to Washington. If the state would send a' man of the ability of the odious Aldrich, he said, the people would get recognition. He blamed thou present at the meeting for this condition. Though the Insurgents have used tha name of Congressman Norrls aa .well as that of Mr. Whedon to work up Interest In the movement as soon as Mr. Whedou announced his candidacy their official organ, D. E. Thompson's Lincoln Star, erased the name of Judge Norrls from tha senatorial blackboard and today asks the democrats to endorse Mr. Norrls for con' greas in the Fifth district and nominate no candidate against him, in order to givs him an unopposed re-election. roiey-s K.mney nemear win eure any case of kidney or bladder trouble that la not beyond the reaoh of medicine. It In- vlgoratea the entire system and strengthens the kidneys so they eliminate the impuri ties from the blood. Backache, rheums tlsm, kidney and 'bladder troubles are al cured by this great medicine. Sold by all druggists. Draaa-lst Sned for Damages. JEFFERSON, la., Jan. 16. -Special.) Salathlel Flack, a well known business man ot thla olty, yesterday filed suit In the district court against E. C. Freeman, a druggist, for S10.0U0 damages. His suit Is based on ths allegation that last March when Freeman compounded a prescription for Flack, that by mistake he put into it atropine Instead of the proper drug. The petition also alleges that Flack suffered partial paralysis from taking the drug, not knowing that It waa poison, and that he waa disabled for business for two months. Slntnle Hesaeay tmr Lna-rlnns. La grippe eoughs are dangerous, as they frequently develop Into pneumonia. Foley's Honey and Tar not only stops tne cough, tut b"la and strengthens ths lungs so thsl no serious results need be feared. The genuine Foley's Honey and Tar contains no harmful drugs and Is in a yellow pack age. Sold by all druggists OMAHA, MONDAY, JANUARY YI1Y ARE THE PEWS EMPTU Rev. J. W. Conley Incisively Analyses Various Reasons Given. SUNDAY DIVERSIONS BIG CAUSE Met Room F.nangih la Omaha Ch arches for Two-Third of the Profeaalna; Christiana Dr. MeBrlds on Sin Atnaesneat. Empty Pews, Causes and Remedies," was the subject of the discourse of Rev. W. Conley at the First Baptist church Sunday morning. 'I had Intended," said Dr. Conley, "to talk upon the subject of 'Safe Investments' this morning, but recognising the proba bility of empty pews at the evening service, decided to transpose 'the theme rather than to talk on "Empty Pews' to empty pews." His text was from Hebrews ;K. Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves to gether, as tha manner of some Is; but exhorting one another; and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching." Dlsousslng the seriousness of the quea tlon aa to why so many people remain away from church, and why so many empty pews, particularly at the evening services, Dr. Conley said in part; "Many causes are given. . We are told that there art too many churches, hence too many pews to fill. Let us see about this in Omaha, With Its 150,000 population, Tha seating capacity of the Protestant churches of Omaha la about 10,000, and the Baptist churches have, capacity for about 2,000. There are possibly 60.000 professing Christians In the city, and should 0, 000 of these attend the churches, possibly 20,000 would not be able to get In. There are not too many churches. "Then again we are told that In holding two services In the week, Sunday and mid week, it is asking too much In thus giving approximately five hours to church services. "There are not too many services. Men are not less religious today than they were In times of old, but religion Is more of a personal element in this modern day than In the external elements of the religion of the olden times. I believe that there Is an Increased spiritual feeling today, more than formerly, and that the lack of church at tendance is not indicative of a lack of religious feeling. "In our church services, the minds ' of most men turn toward the pulpit. For this reason we should have . a better pulpit service, and one less given, as Is held, to thJ discussion of worn-out doctrines. Agreed, that there should be a better Inter pretation of the mors practical energies of life. Ths pllplt Is not a scholastlo Institu tion. It Is a wonder to-me when a preacher has to stand twice each Sunday and speak to the same people that we do as well as we do. It Is a difficult thing to firs at Ibng range over empty pews. "One great fault ot Protestantism Is the magnlfyliyg of the pulpit. AVe ought to come to church to worship; to feel the In spiratlon of God In our songs of praise and our prayers, protestantism has laid great tasks upon, pMrt, . "We are told In' some of the magaalnes that the church Is hot what it ought to be; that there is too- much hypocrisy In it. I waht to say that , this Is a dishonest de ductlon. The dishonest or hypocritical elder or deacon Is largely a fiction of ths brain that Is not borne out by ths facts. Rarely in my ministry have I met such an ens. ., .. 'There Is far more hypocrisy outside than In the church. We are again told that there Is a laek-of sociability, trot dnly Sunday, bet 'during-: th week -day i An other cause Is given "t bat church members are Indifferent themselves. Another cause given for empty pews Is that tha church Is everlastingly appealing for money, and that unless a man is a liberal giver he Is not recognised. Yet after all ths money belongs to God. In the lodge or olub If we pay our dues regularly and promptly we are all right. If not we quit. Persons can be members In good standing In the church If they are unable .to, pay their mltn. It trey be true that sometimes we unduly pledge means beyond, the ability to pay and I do know that many pledges are mad and paid at a great sacrifice. "We are again told that It Is because wc are behind the times that there are so mai y empty pews .In our churches. The church has been always potent In stlmu lailrg tha. vital forces of our social and civic life. Men whose souls are fired by civic reform are Invariably men who are oensecrated to the sen-ice of the living God. The me nand essayists who contro vert this are the ones that ars behind the times. "The highest work of the Christian mis sions has been In bringing the heathen Into the Hen and practice of human prog' ress. . . "Never has there been a time In the history of the church when the pulpits ot the land are ranging higher with all the elements of human progress than now. 'Another cause for empty pews is tliad men are so absorbed with business thai they can find no place nor time for the work of the living God. The world hits toe great a grip upon-them. Temptation and Immorllty hns crowded out the better Instincts. Men know that they are wrong, but do not want to eb troubled byjjietr corsclences. "A most potent factor In contributing to enpty pews is the craving for Sunday amusements, for Sport and recreation, the abomination of the Sunday theaters. Yet I venture to say that the great body ot actors want Sunday for rest, but they are driven like slaves to their work to amuse and entertain for the mercenary advantage ot their employers. Taking the Sabbath for amusements Is not for recreation and rest, but for the mercenary advantage ot those who profit from It." Medina of Stales' Attorneys. PIERRE, S. D Jan. 18. (Specials- Attorney General Clark, after a referen dura vote ot ths state's attorneys of the different counties of ths state Issued a call for s meeting of such officials tq be held at Redfleld the last week In this month. Since that time the State Bar association has decided to hold a meeting at Sioux Falls tha first weak in March, and asks the state's attorneys to meet at the same time and place. As a result of thii In vltetlon the attorney general haa sent out another circular letter asking If they do- sirs to make a Changs. As soon a ha hears from all of them he will Issue a new call, jrlther standing by ths first agree ment or ohanglng to Sioux Falls and the later date If it la tha desire of the state's attorneys to make such a change and at tend both meetlnga at the same time. . Benevolent Woman Dcnd. MARSH ALLTOWN, U... Jan. l.-(Spe- clal.) Mrs. Sarah Lucas, a rich and ben evolent old woman of this city, died this afternoon at Wellington, Kan., of pneu monia. Close friends say that since the death of ber husband, twenty-tour years, death of ber husband, twenty-four years ago, shs has given ISO, 000 to tha Baptist churches of this City, Baptist foreign and home missions, Chicago university, Dea Moines college, ths Railroad Young Man's Christian association of thla city, and to many friends and needy Individuals. Shs leaves property worth from $3,000 ta S0, 000. 17, 1910. Advcntist Sees End of World President Russell of Lincoln Declares Conditions Are Fulfilling Prophecy. ST. JOSEPH, Mo.. Jan. 16--(8peclal.)- Representatlves of St. Joseph's commercial organisations yesterday formally welcomed to the city seventy delegates and about twenty visitors to ths fourth biennial ses sion of the Central Union conference of the Seventh Day Adventlsts, whleh began ten-day session In ths Young Men s Christian association music hall Thursday. A drtegatlon of twelve, the last to Come, headed by Elder E. E. Kite of Denver, president of the Colorado stats conference, arrived yesterday forenoon. Reports of work done in the seven con ferences represented In the Central union were submitted by the following presi dents! E. E. Kite, Denver, eastern Colorado; W. F. Kennedy, Grand Junction, western Colorado; E. A. Curtis, Crawford, Wyo.; A. T. Robinson, Hastings, Neb.; W. H. Thurston," Topeka, Kan.; A. R. Ogden, Utlca, north Missouri; D., U. Hale, Springfield, south Missouri. In an address outllnglng the doctrines of adventlsts, President E. T. Russell ot Lin coin, Neb., Indicated that the members of his sect believe the end of the world la not far distant. "That the end of the world is oomlng in our generation, is at tested by the unrest and agitation all over Ihe earth during the last two years," he said. "The people of foreign countries have been deposing their rulers; there has been devastation on land and sea and capital Is at its flet-otst. There have been great disturbances in the financial world and there Is only perfunctory peace be tween ths nations. These are my reasons for holding that we will live to see ths second coming of Christ. , J. S. Bordeau of Washington, D. C, secretary of the missionary publication department of ths general conference, and James Cochran of Kansas City, eastern manager of the Pacific Publishing com pany, gave lectures on the good resulting from the issuance of denominational literature. " The following committees have been ap pointed for the session; Nominating Committee-James Cochran of Kansas city, mo., cnairman; v;. n Miller. Lincoln. Net..: H. uaterion. vveu lngton, Kan.; J. Z. Walker, Springfield, Mo.: H. M. Richards. Denver. Colo Ueorsa M. Berry. Lander. Wyo. committee on nans ana tgiuiuuup-A. T. Robinson, Hastings, Neb., chairman; O. Bellah. 1'oolar Bluff. Mo.: U. i. Farns- . 1 , , , J .. U.A.,1.. Un.ilAM Colo.; Glenn C. George, College View, Neb.; J. S. Wlghtman, Kanaaa City; H. N. Hiatt, Kansas City, Kan. Credentials Committee O. A. Olsen Wuhiuton. D. C chairman: E. A. Curtis Crawford, Neb.; A. R. Ogden, Utlca, Mo.; W. H. Thurston, Topeka, Kan.; D. V. Hal Korlnirfield. Mo. Finance Committee u. A, irwin, Well ington, D. C, chairman; T. A. uock, Wlnhtta- Kan.: Meada McQuire. Boulder. Ciolo.; B. M. Emerson, College View, Neb.; James Cochran, Kansas city, no-i t-. w, Callahan, College view, Net). REPUBLICANS PASS THEM UP Many Who Attended First Insnra-eatl Session Not Present at Second (From a Staff Correspondent.). LINCOLN, Jan.-!. (Special Telegram.) The hardest Mow yet received by the self styled Insurgent republicans of Lincoln was dealt to them today, when their object was repudiated by Attorney General Thomp son and by Jasper L. McBrlen by their re fusal to attend a meeting tonight Both Mr. Thompson and Mr. McBrlen flatly re fused to go and Mr. Thompson announced that he would go with the Insurgents no farther, while McBrlen wrote a withdrawal from the commute to which he had been appointed in his absence. George Tobey also failed to attend the meeting tonight But the insurgents In surged just the same. Expecting a . big crowd, they paid $10 for the Walsh hall and drummed the streets for their friends and fellow sufferers and secured an at tendance of thirty-two. But they Insurged to the "queen's taste" and they not only announced their purpose to get the scalp of Senator Burkett but the head of Senator Norrls Brown is next to follow into the basket. Senator Brown came In for the same kind of scoring that Burkett was given. So fierce was the denunciation of Presl dent Taft by C. C. Flansburg that Colonel Boydson, a democrat, In a stage whisper, said to his seatmate, "John, aren't you glad you didn't vote for him?" Whr-dnn endorsement Pnt Off. It was anticipated that the meeting was to endorse the candidacy of C. O. Whedon. whose announcement had been made during the afternoon, but the crowd was so small that this waa left to a more auspicious time. Mr. Whedon was eulogised by Count Judge CoHgrave as a second Henry Cabot Lodge and also compared to a few ot the postmasters in statesmanship. Judge Cos grave waxed so wrathy at the awful condi tions of the country that in a great burst of eloquence he exclaimed, as the tears marred hla cheeks, "It almost makes my blood whirl to think ot ths conditions as they exist now." The judge covered the history of the world from 600 yeara before the landing of ths Pilgrims and never were the people in suoh bondage as today. It remained for George Adams, however, to clear the Nebraska senators of the charge of preventing the reappointment ot Charles A. Gobs as United States district attorney. Mr. Adams Said Mr. Goss had been appointed first by Roosevelt and that waa why he had been refused a second terra by Preeldent Taft Adams Insisted on denouncing practically all of the-jnem- bers of the preuetit cabinet Reformer C. C Flansburg was elected chairman of the meeting and Reformer' John C. Fremont McKesson was elected Secretary, while Reformer Paul Clark waa the master of ceremonies. Advents Wnnt School. PI ERRS, 8. D., Jan. 16. (Special.) Representatives of the Seventh Day Aa ventlst faith have been In this city looking up an opening for the establishment of an Industrial school of their faith. They have had a conference with business men and will be back here again for a further conference. At a late meeting of the business club a committee was appointed to look after securing the old university building and site just east of ths city. The property Is owned by the board of education, and can be secured at a low pries If the representatives looking Into the establishment of their school care to take up the property which can be of fered to them by the city. Saloons Closed by Injunctions. MAR8HALLTOWN. Is.. Jan. l.-(8pe-cial.) Judge J. M. Parker In the district court yesterday Issued permanent - In Junc tions against Carl Steinmayer, alo.n owner, and Edward Plunkett owner of ths saloon building of this city, and John Hauaer, "joint keeper," of Laurel. The Injunctions are against the business and closes them for five years, unless an abatement bond Is posted. Eee Want Ads produce results. How Immigration Laws Are Evaded Men Deported Enlist as Seamen and on Again Reaching- American , Ports Desert. ANTWERP, Jan. IS. Ths Belgian author ities hsve been advised of systematic frauds which are being practiced against the American Immigration laws at Antwerp, Rotterdam. Marseilles and other ports. It Is alleged that undesirables, who havs been deported from Ellis Islsnd, have re shipped as sailors and firemen, by bribery ot the ships' officers, arriving at American ports as seamen. They then desert the ships and thus evsde the Immigration au thorities. These frauds. It Is stated, are being con ducted by a gang whose headquarters are at Constantinople, with ramifications to all of ths great European ports. Ths specu late in labor, paying high prices to secure entrance Into the United States of allenae. whose wag-ee they collect, pocketing the difference between the actual wages paid and their contract with th aliens. Meeting of Hook Worm Commission Two Hundred Physicians and Scient ists Will Gather at Atlanta, Ga., Tuesday. ATLANTA, Oa., Jan. 11-With three members of the Rockefeller commission for ths study of the hookworm disease in at tendance, more than 200 prominent phys icians, life Insurance officials and repre sentatives of civic and commercial organ isations will gather in Atlanta Tuesday of thla week for the opening session of the first national conference called for the study of tha hookworm. The conference will be In session two days, and a perma nent organisation, to be known as "The Southern Health Conference," will be per fected. The principal speaker will be Dr. Charles W. Stiles of the department of pub He health, Washington, and a member of the commission, -which has the disposition of the $1,000,000 gift from John D. Rocke feller. I DR. MILLENER WON THE PRESS MEN AT CHICAGO Gave Lee tare nnd Demonstration on Frldny Rrenlna-, Ladies' Nlgbt, Before Larae Cmwd. Dr. H. F. Mlllenor Is home from Chi cago, where on Friday evening he gave a lecture and demonstration before the Press club of Chicago, When Dr. Mllloner, on arrival In Chicago, found his lecture was to be the principal attraction for the oc casion, and that it was ladles' night he arranged to make the demonstration much more complete than he had at first In tended. The large room was crowded with men of the press and their women, and ! the Omaha man won many high compli ments from the audience. I MEDAL FOR STEVE MAL0NEY Early Morning- Shooting- Practice of tbe Detective is Remembered by His Mates. Honors and recognition are coming sd rast for Steve Maloney, member of the Omaha detective force, that the big officer is crimson with modest smbarrassment. Steve has distinguished himself by missing a burglar on a fire escape at thirty paces In seven out of seven shots, with -a long barreled automatic revolver. It Is ad mitted that there were others In the party who shot equally well, but no better. As a token of esteem and appreciation Steve found a large leather medal, care fully engraved: "Sharpshooter's medil, presented to Stephen Maloney for notorious servloe January 15, 1910," hanging on tbe officers' malt rack at the police station. A copy of the story, "The Man Who Always Got Away," by Nleodomus Carter, has also been presented to the big detective. MADMAN BITES INTO RING Fiag-er of Deputy Sheriff Lnngrren Is, Saved by a Geld Baa , Tbfreea, A madman In the county jnil, In an at tempt to bite a finger off the hand of Nels Lungren, deputy sheriff, fastened his teeth lno a heavy gold band ring. The officer jerked his hand away and left the ring in ths mouth of his rsvlng nsssllant Three deputies and Sheriff Bralley swarmed nn ths desperate man, bearing him down. Th ring was recovered after a struggle. The patient, Gust Jutsapelund. who was errtsted Id outh Omaha at the request ot relatives, was taker! to the county hoe- pltal, where he will be treated for Insanity. PRIZE DOG ON RABBIT CHASF . . n Council Blaffs Lady Reports Valnable Terrier as Leaf In Enst Bottoms. The call of the wild proved too strong for "Trlx," a stylish fox terrier of birth and breeding, belonging to Lela Conley, 151 West Broadway, Council Bluffs. Satur day afternoon Trlx was taking a trip In an automobile through the outskirts of the city when a carelest cotton tall frisked across the roadway. With an altogether hysterical yelp Trlx went over the side of the machine and down across the bottoms In hot pursuit of the rabbit. Trlx and the rabbit are both missing. The police have been Mked to locate the dog and tell him to go home. Desperate Shootlasr pains In ths chest require qulek treatment with Dr. King's New Discovery. Prevents neumonia. 60o and 11.00. For sals by Bea- "V ti Drug Co- DEATH RECORD. Mrs. Antonlot Mafias. Mrs. Antonio Maflsa died at her home In this olty Saturday, January IS, of heart failure. Her age was 4t years. Mrs. Maflsa was ths wife of Antonio Mafias, who Is a prominent Italian of Omaha, having re sided here for many years. The funeral ot Mrs. Maflsa will be held Monday after noon at St Fhllomena's church, thence by carriages to . Holy Sepulohre cemetery, where ths Interment wUl be muds. Mrs. Mary Oeff. Ths funeral of Mrs. Mary Ooff wlU take place this .morning from ths resldenos of her daughter, Mrs. Thomas Wilson, 130i Pacific street to St. Phllomens's ohurch, at 1 a. m. Interment In Holy Sepulchre earns lery. 4ee Ula, Oee Gin, a Chinaman, residing at IU0 Capitol averut, dUd Saturday night He was M years old. His body will be burled today at Forest Lawn semetery. - .i , Ths longer a cold bangs on, ths more it weakens tbs system. Cure ft promptly by using Chamberlain s Cough Remedy. CAN DEAFNESS BE CURED? K Wonderful Results Claimed for New Treatment by Easterner. DENIES MANY WELD RUMORS Hays Reports nf Restored nearlns; . at Ills Hands lnre Itenn Very Mneh Ranaasrnted by Credalsna. Can an Individual who has been deaf for a number of years be made to hear again The anawer to the above question would seem to be sn emphatlo "NO," yet ths Cooper "stomach man," who Is now In Omaha Introducing the preparations which havs made him famous throughout the United States, says, "Under oertaln condi tions, yes." Reports from eastern cities stats that Cooper gave demonstrations In which he agreed to make deaf people hear again In thiee minutes with ons of his preparations, and It Is claimed he was suocessrul In many cases. When asked about these seeming mlraoles yesterday the "stomach man" said: "In cases where deafness has been pro duced by catarrhal trouble I havs a prepa ration that will bring relief In a few mo ments' time, but only In cases of this char acter. In the east I have given publlo demonstrations with my medicine tha( wars really astonishing, but the reports of what I accomplished became greatly exaggerated. and It was claimed I could restore ths nesting of any deaf person In a fsw mo ments' time. This Is not trus, by any mesne, and these false reports edused many people great disappointment. For Instanos, ons man came all ths way from On-aha to New York when I was there last year, who had been stone deaf from birth. He was almost broken-hearted when I refused to even try to help him. Such an experience as this makes tne very cautious, as It Is a terrible thing to witness the de spair of an Individual such as this man, who had been led to believe there was hope for him. '1 shall give some of these demonstra tions In Omaha and will attempt to relieve sufferers from catarrhal deafness In three minutes. If I am successful I will bs mors ready to discuss it I, of course, charge nothing- for these demonstrations. "I shall bs at ths drug department of the Brandela stores from 10 o'clock In ths morning to S in the evening each day dur ing my stay here. Saturday night tbs hour will be extended to S o'clock. . I cams here to convince the half-sick people of this city that the only .thing tha matter with them was an overworked, worn-out stom ach. I have convinced thousands of per sons here already, and shall. convert many mors to my new health theories before I leave." Don't be afraid to give Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to your children. It Is per fectly safe. The Weather Temperature at Omaha yesterday: Hour. Do. ...i. VI .., 81 St a st ..... 3.1 .84 u ..... IS nn sj i..-:. m n ,, 35 Local Record. OFFICE OF THE WKATHER BUREAU, OMAHA, Jan. 18. Official record of tem perature and precipitation, compared with the corresponding period of the last three J ears: 1910. 1!W. IBOS. 1B07. Maximum temperature 36 29 8 2S Minimum temperature.... ZD 21 S Id Mean trmpertiture 32 2"i 29 ' 19 Precipitation T .00 .00 .01 Temperature and precipitation departures from the normal at Omaha since March 1, and compared with the last two years: Normal temperature 40 Excess for the day.i M Total deficiency since March 1. 314 Normal precipitation 03 Inoh Dcflclonoy for the day 02 inch Total rainfall since March 1 84. M Inches Fx ress since March 1 t.4 Inches Deficiency for cor. period In 100 6.H0 Inches Deficiency for cor. period In inOT inches T Indicates trace cf precipitation. U A. WELSH, Local Forecaster.: FILES CU1KI I TO 14 DATS. Paso Ointment Is guaranteed to cure Shy caae of Itching. Blind, Bleeding or Pro-' trudlng Piles In o 14 days or money re funded. SOc. The dandy oi Character On the Character of Candy depends Its fitness for -silft snaklnd. No Candy Is 'so -well fitted and graciously accepted as Candles of Rare Quality. Keep Silver like New. ' The beautiful brilliancy of New Silverware Is due to Ihe Sllveramith'a art That bril lian.y can eaitily be retained by Cleaning. aod Polishing with ELCETRQ-SIUCQIl the perfect Silver PclKh. It save ?or Sit ana gtvre it Great SrilUnry wl.aeut irrilrhlng er wearing. t'ed everywhere. Avoid tubftilute. Scud ad dress far FREE SAMPLE Tha r.lwtro Sllli-nn Co 't) rllff hu. New York. SI Cf.xci a-4 D-07h. DR. LUDVIG VULLEIER FAllOlS mERPBETCR CF SONG If. W. C. A. Auditorium TUKSDAV KVK., JAN". 18TII. , Prices ft, l.ftO and 2. now 'selline, at, Owl Drug '. 6tli and Harney. INOAMMA I . -I I rz T I t a. m (ies! ) fr? S m - N. " a. m "VJfc'-v ' I a. m ( a. m TT"r& 10 a. m HyM? 1 a- m I -' m-' AJBVACIP VAUDBTIXXX Mat. Invert day, Sil6 Pre. parfonuanoa, 8 ill. This weak: Oeorge Auger a Co. In "Jack fl the Client Killer." The Carmen Troupe, Nonette, Perry end White, Williams and Tucker, James V. MacIonald, Iteynnlt and iMnagan. the K'nodrome and ths Or pbeuin Concert Orchestra. - " rrloes, lOo, ISs, Bso and, SO, k ..,..-,. - . - .as