Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 17, 1910, Image 1

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    The, Omaha Daily Bee
For Nebraska Fair.
For Iowa Portly cloudy.
For weather rrnort aee Tase i
goe to the home la read by the
it omen sella goods (or advertiser..
Former President Arrives at Naisobi
Accompanied by Victorioui
Wild Kemberi of Escort Sin; and
Blow Horni.
Freight Rates
to Western South
Dakota Too High
Representatives of All Phases of Citi
zenship Will Attend Conference
at Washington.
Insurgent Fight Promises to Occupy
Prominent Place in Congres
sional Situation.
Railroad Commission and Governor
Vessey Are Seeking-' ve
Chargei Readjus .
Mighty Hunter from United States
Saw the Combat.
ouna; Man Achieve High Dlstlnc
tton hr Killing- a, Bongo, and
Smithsonian Institution
Will Be Gainer.
NAIROBI, British East Africa, Dec. 11.
A long stream of porters came winding
across the veldt towards the station a
Nairobi, looking for all the world like a
string of ants. The stars and stripes was
held aloft by a giant native, and the sound
of horns made strange discords with the
chanting of tha weird and elusive Safari
Shortly, Colonel Roosevelt arrived, on the
back of his favorite horse "Tranquillity."
It was the end -of hln last trip in the
British East African protectorate.
This safari, which waft the fourth h
made out of Nairobi, gave Colonel Roose
velt and his party an opportunity to wit
ness an exciting hunt at A. 13. Hoy's
farm at Slrgol, In the Guasu Ngulaho
country, tha spearing of a Hon by Landl
warriors. '
Seventy of these spearmen had been
asked to take part In the drive and they
assented readily, for when a warrior spears
Hon he becomes a leader of the fighting
section of the tribe and may wear a head
dress formed of the lion's main and walk
at the head of tha Nandl warriors when
on tha march. When in these hunts they
display extraordinary courage.
After Lion irlth Spears.
Tha band of seventy almost naked men
with their long, sharp spears, and at
tended by the chosen spectators, the latter
being mounted, proceeded down a long
valley, where the grass waa thick and
thorn trees lined Its edges.
Very soon a Hon waa observed not mora
than 400 yards Jn front. Immediately the
warriors gave chase, and In lees than two
miles they had rounded up the king of
the wilderness. , The horsemen then ap
proached and it waa seen that the Hon
at bay waa a fully grown, black-man ed
The spearmen began their task of sur
rounding tha quarry. Every man went to
his allotted fwettlon, nd tha circle slowly
'dosed In .on the snarling beast, which
swished his tall and kept up a continual
The warriors drew to within some twenty
1 yards of him, and the horsemen closed
up to see the kill, yet remained at a suf
ficient distance not to interfere with the
movements of the spearmen. Three times
the Hon made a savage charge at the
now stationary warrlora, but stopped short
each time, with mane bristling, roaring In
impotent rage at his tormentora.
Again tha attacking party advanced to
withlng ten yards of their victim. One
last desperate effort and he drove directly
at the spearmen, only to fall with ten
spears quivering In his body. But In one
brief moment ha managed to drag down
one of the natives, his clawa sinking Into
the man's flesh.
Warrlora Dance About Victim.
The death of the king seemed to awaken
all the fir in the warrlora' blood. They
began a danoe of triumph around the body,
waiving their blood-stained spears, some
of which were bent by tha force of the
shock, holding their .shields above their
heads and shouting forth blood-curdling
yells In the excess of their Joy over the
In tho meantime the Injured man was be
ing given medical attention and he bore
the pain of his wounds without a sign of
concern.' He who had first Jabbed his spear
through the Hon joined In the dance at the
tart, but aoon retired' to a distance, where
he aeated himself, apparently Indifferent to
tn antics of his fellows. He waa now a
leader of men and must therefore not show
sign Jhat he had done anything out of the
The luck of Kerrnlt Roosevelt haa been
proverbial. While Colonel Roosevelt wa
hunting with Lord Delamere. Kerrnlt went
ott with R. B. Cole and his Wanderobo
warriors. Tha Wanderoboa are adebta at
killing bongo, which are very rare and are
only to be found in the forasta In a short
apaoa of time tha younger Roosevelt had
secured a large and fine specimen of the
female bongo and one of tha young. Imma
ture bongo,
This waa a feat that any old hunter
might Justly be proud of, for no white man
has aver before stalked and shot at bonao.
There, ore only two cases on record of a
white man ahootlng bongo with the aid of
tha natlvea and their dogs. So pleased waa
one of the residents here with the success
of tha youth that he presented Kerrnlt with
a fine specimen of tha male bongo, and ao
tne Bmlthsonlan Institution will have
complete family group, the only on In the
Coal Miners Will
Demand More Pay
Men in Bituminous Districts Will
Ask Increase of Ten Per
INDIANAPOLIS, Jan. 11 -Ten per cent
Increase In wages for the bituminous
miner of North America probably vi)l be
the demand formulated In the annual eon
veatlon of lb United Mine Worker ot
America, which will open In thi city next
, Tuesday.
The contracts between tha bituminous
miner grid the operators of the following
State expire on March XI
. Central and western Pennsylvania, West
VUglnla. Ohio. Indiana. Michigan.. Illinois,
Kentucky, Missouri, Iowa. Kansaa. Ar.
kahsaa, Oklahoma and Texas.
Contrscts In Tennessee, Wyoming. Mon
tana. Colorado and Washington also will
expire this year. In ail of theae states a
uniform Increase of wages will be asked.
It 1 expected that there alii be V WC
delegate In the convention.
siuners Has taken up a matter of
terest to the residents of the entlHlS '
ein half of South Dakota the securrf '"
an adjustment of the present freight
on coal, wood and lumber, from the Bls
Hills and from eastern Wyoming adjacet
to the Black Hills, to points In westerrVi
South Dakota as far east a the Missouri
river. The matter recently waa called to
tha attention of the board by Governor
Vessey and by residents of the western
half of tha state.
Aa an Illustration of the unjustneesa of
tha present freight rates. Governor Vessey
cites the recent purchase of three carloads
of Sheridan (Wyo.) cool for the state
house at Pierre. The shipment amounted
In tha aggregate to 107 tons, and cost In
the aggregate at the mines tha sum of
$126.15. The freight on the three carloads
waa SC7S.6S. Because of this the present
rates are declared to be prohibitive. With
the present rates In effect tha business
of the Black Hills lumbermen and sawmill
men, with renidents of the towns west of
the Missouri river, is seriously affected, as
It ia found that the rate on lumber from
the Twin Cities to Fort Pierre is lower
than the rate from the Black Hills to Fort
Pierre only a part of the same distance.
Wood alto can be shipped to Fort Pierre
and surrounding towns, from surrounding
states cheaper than It can be shipped
rre-m ins I'.'.acic n'.l'.a, where thsra are
large supplies.
George Rice and Dr. W. G. Smith, mem
bars of the State Board of Railroad com
missioners, have been In Chicago during
the last two or three days conferring with
the .railroad companies concerned to see
If they cannot secure an adjustment of
the rates. It Is expected that upon their
return to South Dakota they will have
an Important announcement to make to
the residents of western South Dakota in
reference to the matter.
Colonel Cody
Praises Pinchot
Plainsman Says But for Former For
ester There Would Be No Great
National Preserve.
NEW YORK, Jan. IS. Praise for Glfford
Pinchot, former chief' forester of the
United States, was the keynote of most of
the speeches delivered today at the con
ference on conservation of national re
source at the Republican club here.
. "Tha national forests," said Philip W:
Ayrea, chief forester-, of New Hampshire,
"have been established through1 tha genlua
and patriotism of Glfford Pinchot."
"But for Mr. Pinchot," said Colonel Wil
liam F. Cody (Buffalo' Bill), "we should
have no great national forest preserve.
And It was President Roosevelt," he added,
"who started it."
Almost the only note of dissent was
spoken by John C. Brady, former gov
ernor of Alaska.
"When Mr. Roosevelt, with one stroke
of the pen, made 5.000,000 acres of timber
land in Alaska a preserve," he said, "with
out consulting anyone who lived there, he
violated the true principles of forestry.
The timber Is going to waste and the coal
under it cannot be ' mined. Where
Alaskans paid SS a ton for native coal, now
they pay S22 a ton for coal from Seattle
nd Vancouver."
Rain Is Expected la Plains and Cen
tral Valley States Within the
Next Two Days.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 16. Moderate tem
perature for the season will prevail
throughout the United States during the
next few days and probably during the
entire week. This is the prediction made
tonight by the weather bureau. Some sharp
falls in temperature, however, are. looked
for In the northern statea east of the lake
Rain is expected 'during the next two
days in the plain and central valrey ataiea
and later In tha week in the middle of the
eastern and northeastern states. In the
northern states the precipitation of tha
week will be In the form of snow. Fair
weather with temperature above the season
average la promised for tha southeastern
Man Charged with Murder of George
L. Stewart at Woolsey, S. D.,
Found Kot Guilty
HURON, a D.. Jan. 11 Special Tele
gram.) Loue Raoey, who haa bean on trial
In circuit court here since last Monday,
for the alleged murder ot George L. Stew
art at Wolsey over a year ago, waa ac
quitted by a Jury last night after being
out one hour. Racey left for Kansas
City, Kan., tonight, where hla widowed
mother resides.
SIOl'X FALLS, 8. D.. Jan. VS.''$
The Stnto Board of Railroad -
Estrada and Madriz to
Resume Negotiations
WASHINGTON, Jan, 11 Negotiation
for peace are said to be on again between
the Nlcaraguan revolutionists and Presi
dent Madrls. Tha tragic drowning of
Fornaa Dlaa, Estrada's peace envoy, who
fell Into the sea when he was about to land
for , a conference with President Madrlx,
halted the conference a few days ago. Ac
cording to correspondence between Madrla
and the Insurgents, the text of which has
been sent to the Navy department by Ad
miral Kimball, a new commissioner will be
appointed to meet the Madrls representa
tive at Grey town and discuss the term
of permanent poao.
The Central American diplomats her ar
still of the opinion that nothing short ot
the complete surrender' of the rwixna ot
government by Madrls will be accepted by
the revolutionists.
CITY OF MEXICO. Jan. tf.-After hav
Ing leased and taken possession of a rest
denoe In this city, with the announced
j Intention of making this his heme for son
1 month at least, former Prvsldeut Zelaya
Child Labor, Pure Food and Pure
Drugs to Be Considered.
State Executives Called to Washing
ton by President Taft,
Texas Man Proposes to nave len
Millions Distributed Among
States by Federal Gov
ernment. WASHINGTON. Jan. 16. Representatives
of every phase of the complex citizenship
of the United States will assemble In con
ference tomorrow, Tuesday and Wednes
day under the auspices of the National
Civic federation at the Belasco theater for
the purpose of devising ways and means
to bring about uniform laws relating to
marriage and divorce, child labor and pure
food and drugs.
Labor and capital will Join with lawyers
and business men. educators and politicians,
clergymen and soldiers, scientists and
trtlsts. In d!QC"lng prohlems vital to the
home and society,
Coincident with the conference of the
Natlcnal Civic federation will be the meet.
lng of governors called by President Tnft
for the purpose of considering uniform
laws looking to conservation and all mat.
ters relating to conservation, whether of
the forests or of the watrs of the country.
President Seth Low of the Civic federa
tion will call the conference to order to
morrow, the opening address to bo de
livered by President Taft, who In turn will
be followed by Judge Alton B. Parker of
New York and Governor Wlllson of Ken
tucky. Expedition to Antarctic.
An expedition to the south Atlantic and
the Antarctic oceans In the Interest ot
connnmln nnd scientific work bv the fish I
commission steamer Albatross is under con
sideration by Secretary Nagcl of the De
partment of Commerce and Labor. It waa
suggested by Henry F. Osborn, president
of the American Museum of Natural His
tory, at New York.
Mr. Osborn says he haa received confi
dential. Information from one who has Just
returned from the Antarctic that there still
remain on certain remote Islands herds ot
southern fur seal In such numbers as to
promise commercial Importance. The defi
nite location of these herda the -discovery
cf other herds, tha get oral fllstributlpn of
the species and the approximate number
become desirable, he says, as records for
future scientific and Industrial work.
Mr. Osborne says at least four distinct
species of whale Inhabit the Antarctic, and
that he 'Is Informed) that large numbers of
sea elephants also exist In the Antarctic
region. .
Good Roads BUI.
The latest contribution to proposed legis
lation for highway construction In the
United States is a bill by' Representative
Garner of Texas, appropriating S10,000,000
among tha states and terrltorlea, pro-rata,
according to mileage of the traveled public
roods In those respective Jurisdictions.
The fund, according to Mr. Garner's
Ideas,' should be apportioned by the secre
tary of agriculture after certification of
the governors as to the amount needed,
etc., and the amount allowed each state
Is not to exceed the state's own appropri
ation for road maintenance. Within' the
last week Mr. Sulser introduced a postal
savings bank bill, designed to produce, ac
cording to his scheme of figuring, 1500,000,-
000 of deposits from the people In the postal
banks, $100,000,000 of the amount to be spent
on road construction. Mr. Sulzer figured
that this plan would bring into circulation
millions of dollars of hoarded gold and re
store to work tens and tens of thousands
of Idle workmen." .
Trouble for Navy Officers.
Trouble Is looming up before the hundred
naval officers, more or less, who failed to
take the physical tests durtn gthe last
calendar year and who were not excused.
The report has reached some of them that
Sacretary Meyer la going to make the tesv
cumulative. Henco, Instead of being re
quired to walk fifty miles In three days,
they will be required to walk 100 mllea In
stx daya, when they fall to comply with the
regulations for one reason or another.
Tha question of some action in regard to
the phyaical tests, in view of the large
number of offlcera who failed to take them,
fs being conslneder by the Navy depart
ment, but no action has been decided upon.
High Price for Land.
BELLE PLAINS, la., Jan. 1. (Special.)
What Is believed to be the highest price
ever paid In Iowa for a tract of farm land
was given yesterday by F. E. Koubawhen.
He paid J4.SO0 for ten acres owned by Fred
Crittenden. The land is two miles south
of Belle Plalne. Crittenden bought tha
land two years ago for $3Ti0 an acre. Much
ot it Is In bearing fruit.
of Nicaragua appears suddenly to hav
changed hla plans, and today announced
that h will sail for Belgium as soon as he
can make arrangements to do so. This
decision on the part of the former dictator
waa said to be due to the receipt of a
telegram from Mr. Zelaya, now at Mana
gua, who ha decided to go direct to Bnis
aela, her old home, Inatead of coming to
this city to live. Her decision is said to
meet with the approval of Zelaya.
BLUEFIELDS, Nicaragua, Jan. Id The
expedition under Generals Estrada, Matuty
and Zeeladon, composed of 1.200 men, which
was to hav left Bluefleld today for Orey
town. Is still detained here on account ot
the heavy aea.
DAYTON, O., Jan. 15. In answer to mes
sages sent from Blueflelds, Nicaragua, by
General Estrada, commander of the Nlca
raguan provisional forces H. H. McGIII.
an experienced balloon pilot, left her to
day. He shipped ahead an eighty-five-foot
dirigible and another balloon, both of which
jii expects to use la actual warfare.
From the Cleveland Leader.
Special on Illinois Central Strikes
Freight at Pinckneyville, HI.
Prelgbt Waa lislnsr Time of
Passenger Train" to Back Up to
,. Water Tank Locomotive
Is Demolished.
person was killed and ten others Injured In
a collision between the St. Loule-Memphls
sptolal on the Illinois Central bound for
St Louis and a freight train near this city
at 6 o'clock this morning. The train was
due In St. Louis at 8 o'clock and was run
ning at high Bpced when, it dashed Into
the freight on a curve.
Ibe dead i
CARL E. KITCHEN, fireman on paa-
aenger train, East St. Louis.
The Injured: -. .
H. G. Brown. 120 Exchange street, Mem
phis; head cut and Internal Injuries.
Lister Tyrell, 215 Bird street, Hannlbat.
Mo.; head cut and Internal injuries. 1
w. M. -Lt, aoi curt-rtemt. Ph'Ui-
delphta;' neck ttlstod' arid Internal injuries.
Alfred Plrron, 14i North, Main street.
Memphis; left side crushed.
T. Felber, Piv at. tjiair avenue, jn. v.,
Cleveland, O.; back and neck Injured.
C. Rlnaldo, 184 South Columbus avenue,
Columbus, O.; nrck and wrist twisted.
J. E. Ward. Ml Poplar street, Memphis;
broken ankle and interral Injuries. -
R. P. Wilson, Memphis, negro porter;
neck nnd shoulder wrenched.
E. H. Pope, passenger engineer, Eost St.
Louis; cuts and Internal Injuries.
Miss T. H. McKenxle, Lulu, MIfs.; cuts
and bruises.
The freight ran back to a water tank a
quarter of a mite south of tho city on tha
special's time. The passenger tralr. rounded
the sharp curve and crashed into It head-on
before the crew could -make a move to stop.
The engln was demolished and the bag
gage car waa piled on top of It.
Fireman Kitchen was Instantly killed.
The injured were all In. the day coaches.
Miss McKenzle was a heroine following
the crash, tearing up her skirts and attend
ing to the Injured.
A special train with doctors wa sent
from East St. Louis, sixty miles distant,
arriving two houra later.
Automobile Load of Anxious Officers
Searches for Burglar In
With a mighty clang the burglar alarm
at Alsbaugh's fur shop, 1013 Farnam street,
startled the Sunday afternoon crowda along
the street. The din kept up. and the police
responded with an automobile load of
Wonder If that 'charmed life guy from
the near burglary has broke loose in a
daring daylight performance," murmured
Patsy Havey, desk sergeant.
A wondering crowd gathered about the
store while the officers searched the place.
No burglar could be found and in the end
It waa decided that the Impulsive alarm
had gone off without provocation.
Wreck Near Conrad.
CONRAD, la.. Jan. 16. (Special.)-A
rear-end collision of freights In the local
yard this morning tied up traffic on the
northern Iowa division of the Northwest
ern all day. Freight No. 30, east bound,
while standing here, was run Into by an
extra, the engine telescoping the caboose
and two cars. The trainmen Jumped to
escape Injury. The engine of the extra
was badly damaged.
Do you want a
girl for housework?
Phone Douglas 238
and get one.
That ia the "Want-ad Num
ber." If you are without help,
go do it now. No use drudg
ing this cold weather when
you can get help so easily.
Girls looking for work know that
The Bee publishes practically a com
plete list of people who want help,
o they look to The Bee Want-ads
when loklng for a place.
Better step to tho 'phone and
put in the ad .
.Sh u. ft. .
a Bully Fight and I'm Not In
South Dakota
Corn Show Opens
Exhibition at Mitchell Opens This
Afternoon and Lectures Begin
MITCHELL, S. D., Jan. 18.-(Speclal.)-All
the preliminary arrangements for the
beginning of the Bouth Dakota Corn and
Grain Growers' association have been
completed for the opening day Monday
afternoon when the corn exhibit will be
ready for Inspection, and the assignment
of place? In the Judging of the grain.
Tuesday morning will occuri the first lec
ture on the corn Judging, with the prac
tical application of the theories. This will
be conducted by Prof. Willis and Mr. Pot
ter of the agricultural college. During the
week talka on the corn proposition will be
given by Prof. Holden, 'Prof. Crossley of
Iowa and Prof. Willis of this state, all of
whom are acknowledged . corn experts.
Short addresses will be given by practical
farmers of the- state who will give their
experience of their everyday life on the
- It was expected that Governor 'Eber
hart of Minnesota and Governor Vessey ot
South Dakota would be present and deliver
addresses during the week. They have both
written that It will be Impossible for them
to come on account of the meeting called
at Washington for. the governors of the
various states.
- The corn exhibit will be one of the main
features of the week, and the state will
be divided into three sections to permit
of a larger exhibit and to avoid some of
the lesser developed sections coming Into
competition with the older corn sections.
The southern district comprises all coun
ties east of the Missouri river and south
of the north line of Turner county and the
counties of Gregory and -Tripp. The cen
tral district embraces all counties east ot
the Missouri river, north of the north line
of Turner county and south of the north
line of Sanborn county and the county of
Lyman.- The northern district takes In all
the remainder of the atate not Included
in the other two sections.
Special prizes are offered, which Include
cash by, the oaoclatlon, while many fine
agricultural tools are given by the various
Implement companlea of the country.
President Allen and Secretary Twamley
apeak very confidently that there will be
a large crowd present during the week.
The show closes on Friday afternoon.
Punishment Is Suspended by Judge
In Order that Prisoner May
Care for Family,
GRAND ISLAND, Neb., Jan. 16. (Spe
cial.) In the Interest of the two small
children of a married couple. Judge Paul
of the district court today stayed the hand
of the law aa to the woman and sent one
Guy Fillmore, who was arrested with the
woman on the charge ot misconduct, to the
county Jail for six months. Fillmore
pleaded guilty, and when the woman was
later arraigned she, too, admitted her fault,
but upon a presentation of the Interests
of the children by W. H. Thompson, ap
pearing for . them, the grandparents and
the husband of the woman, the court sat
isfied Itself that the woman earnestly
wished to return to her husband and family
and the sentence of four months In Jail
was suspended during- her faithful per
formance of her duties in the matter, the
sentence to be carried out fortwlth as soon
as she should prove otherwise.
Frederick Brown was sentenced to one
year In tha penitentiary for stealing hides.
Miss Taft Aids
PHILADELPHIA. Jan. 15,-MIhs Helen
Taft, daughter of the president. Is lending
her aid to the several thousand shirt waist
strikers In this city. Today Miss Taft and
about ten of her girl friends at Bryn Mawr
college came Into town and participated in
a conference of prominent society women
at tho home of Mrs. Henry La Barre Jayne,
at which the strike was discussed and plans
formulated to aid the girls. How promi
nent a part Mlsa Taft took in tha confer
ence could not be learned, but the fact that
she attended the conftrtnee haa given re
newed hopa to the shirt waist operatives on
The nature of the plan made at the con
ference wa not given out.
The offer of th manufacturers to arbi
trate is said to have been one of the mat
ters discussed. The manufacturers want
U girls to return to vork pending arbi
tration proceedings, but tle executive com
Only Thirty-Two Men Attend Meeting
. Lincoln Insurgents.
John C. Fremont McKesson Chosen
Secretary Speakers Wave Flag
and Denounce All Repub
licans in Office.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Jan. 16.-(Special.)-Tho meet
ing of the thirty-two Lincoln Insurgents, or
rather,- the "progressive stand-patters," as
they prefer to be coifed, indicated last
night that Frank Harrison is having a
lot of fun with a bunch of politicians.
In their various speeches. In which prac
tically every person connected with the
national administration was denounced,
nearly ail of the speakers said they knew
not who had called the original meeting,
which had been held at the office of C.
C. Flansburg, but that someone had asked
them,' to go to tho office.
During all their denunciation Harrison
sat in the back of the room and laughed
and tnjoyed the- vigorous4 manner In which
tha .speakers tore the eagle's tall "leathers'
out and waved the flag and ' saved -the
- Paul Clark, the old Burlington stalwart.
had the appearance of a man who Is
very much ashamed of the turn affairs
have taken, and his talk sounded like the
comedian who Is f orcef to leave a sick
bed and do his stunt.
But while the meeting was a frost, the
Insurgents secured a - new recruit when
Colonel Mellck came out of retirement and
attended, but whether he waa there as
an onlooker or a dyed-ln-the-wool kicker,
he was not given an opportunity to say.
Paul Clark Takes Charae.
. That these politicians do not Intend the
game to get away from them and become
so aerlous that they cannot deliver the
endorsement '.where they choose, waa dem
onstrated -when that famous reformer,
John C. ' Fremont McKesson was chosen
secretary. "Brother" Flansburg, as chair
man, appointed the former Lancaster sena
tor to this place and then Paul Clark
took charge of the meeting, Just aa he
used to in the. good old railroad days.
Mr. Flansburg explained that the senti
ment of the Lincoln "Insurgents" waa the
unanimous sentiment throughout the rural
portions of the state, and a proof of
this statement he declared he had received
a , letter from Dundy county, saying that
thirty persons wer coming In from that
part of . the atate to their big meeting.
It Is an open secret that the meeting
last. night was called for the express pur
pose of endorsing the candidacy of C. O.
TVhedon, who had announced himself dur
ing the afternoon. But aa the crowd only
nuniDerea ininy-iwo. tnis naturally was
(Viferred. Bu Judge Cosgrave had been
selected to make the nominating speech
or, at least, It seemed that way, for he
delivered an eulogy on Mr. Whedon that
would have graced any state occasion. Ho
likened him to Henry Cabot Lodge, who,
he se-ld, had been denounced as no other
man In national life, but who had made
good to such an extent that today he waa
regarded a the 'man who made Massa
chusetts. His principal recommendation
tor Mr. Whedon waa that he wa "like
an IcloJe" and would never be found
shaking hands with people. He denounced
both senators from Nebraska as being of
small caliber and insisted that he wanted
big men. Hla other hero, which he placed
alongside of Henry Cabot Lodge, was the
late Senator Veat, democrat, of Missouri,
who, he said, had made that atate a
beacon light, overlooking for the moment
Senator Thomas A. Benton and Francis
w (Continued on 8econd Page.)
Waist Workers
mlttee of the strikers is not In favor of
this plan and hss so Informed the manu
facturers. The committee, however, In or
der to give the workers an opportunity to
pass upon the question, has called a mass
meeting for tomorrow afternooa, when the
proposition will be submitted to them for
NEW YORK, Jan. 15. A corporation cap
italized at $;X, 000,000, to control everything
pertaining to the manufacture of women'a
wearing apparel, Is under consideration by
the Associated Waist and !re-s Manu
facturers. According to the secretary of
the association articles of Incorporation will
b filed in Albany within the next few day.
11. Hymnn, president of tho executive
oommijtee, said tha ld.-a commends Itself
to manufacturers and dealers in the south
with whoan he has talked, as well a to
many of th largest woolen manufacturers
In NiW Enxla'' - -
A ...
Lull is Expected as Soon as Inquiry
Committee is Appointed.
Some Opposition is Developing to
Conservation Measures.
They Will Outline Position They
Will Take on Proposition to
Ameud Commerce and
Anti-Trust I.ams.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 16. No matter how
satisfactory an arrangement is made for.
the selection of the Joint oommlttee to In
vestigate the llalllnger-Plnchot controversy,
the insurgent fight promlres to oooupy a
prominent place In the congressional situ
ation during tho coming week.
Dissensions between the Insurgents and
regulurs In the house have occupied the
center of the stare for a fortnight, although
some measures have been passed. The
bickerings have even spread to the senate,
and legislation there has been at a stand
still. That there will be a lull In hostilities In
tha hcusc as soon as the Ba!!!ngr-P!nchot
committee Is appointed is conceded, but
those who are anxious that legislation may
proceed without delay are not oversangulne
of their efforts to keep the Insurgent row
in check. They look for renewed outbreaks
whenever any question affecting the Can
non rules Is Interjected Into the proceed
ings. Statu of Toft Bills.
Second In Interest to the discussion of
the battle between th republican organi
sation and the insurgents In the house, Is
the gossip In botlt branches of congress as
to what will be the fate of the several ad
ministration bills to put Into force what
are now known as Taft policies, as differ
entiated from Roosevelt policies. Theso
embrace the program for tho amendment
of the Interstate commerce law, the Sher
man anti-trust law, and carrying Into ef
fect mcasurea for the conservation of na
tural resources.
Little opposition has been heard to the
administration measure for the strengthen
ing of the interstate commerce act. On all
sides it seems to be conceded that some
such measure as Is proposed by Mr. Taft
will be enacted.
The Insurgents of the senate expect to
hold a conference at an early day to con
alder what Is to be their ; attitude on the
administration bills. In tho meantime- tha-...
ssnrvts commlttes on irtl restate r commerce
will Lake up he, subject or amending, me
Interstate commerce act at a meeting to
bo held Friday, while the Taft measure. will
have to run the gauntlet, of opposition In
the house commlttee on interstate and for
elght commerce.
The message of the president bearing
upon the question of enacting a voluntary
federal Incorporation law to offset the In
terpretation placed upon the Sherman anti
trust law by tho Standard OH company dla-
solutlon case, and a possible affirmation by
the supreme court of thai decision, has at
tracted little attention In the house. Mem
bers of the senate Judiciary committee have
read the bill which President Taft and At
torney General Wlckersham have drafted.
and will present to the senate through Sen
ator Clark of Wyoming.'
Comment Not All Favorable.
Comments upon the federal Incorpora
tion bill have not been altogether favor
able. Many lawyers have taken the po
sition that It interferes with the rights of
states to tax the property of corporations,
while there are others whose view are
dictated to some extent by the bellf that
if the decision In the Standard OH case is
affirmed by the court that company would
be tho first to take advantage of a volun
tary fedoral Incorporation act. Opposition
to the Standard Oil company as a mon
opoly compels these member of congress
to be against any measure designed to
give relief to any of the alleged trusts.
The administration bills to carry out Mr.
Taft's vtewa on the subject of conservation '
ot natural resource ar still before tha
house committee on public lands await
ing the announcement of some volunteer
that he is willing to undertake their de
fense In the house. . Th offer of Chair
man Mondell of Wyoming to Introduce tha
bill "by request" having been declined by
President Taft and Secretary Balllnger,
attention will be given to th measure by
lndlvtdaul member of tha committee and
they may be parcelled out among several
of the western representative.
Mondell and Balllnger.
Many peopl believe that tha administra
tion forces made a mistake In declining
the proffer of Mr. Mondell. Hla oposltlon
to the Balllnger bills I said to be In har
mony with lukewarm support given by
him In the past to the Roosevelt or Taft
program for the conservation of natural
It Is pointed out that few bills which
withdrew for governmental reserve nny
part of the public domain that had been
subject to public entry have had Mr. Mon
dell' support. The measure In question
wer drafted by Secretary Balllnger and 1
the endorsement "llntroduced by request"
would have brought them prominently to
the attention of the country aa adminis
tration measures.
In view of th fact that Mr. Balllnger'
conservation tendencies hav been ques
tioned, It might prove advantageous to him
to have his personal label upon them.
An interesting situation will be raised In
the house committee on expenditures by
Representative Hitchcock of Nebraska,
who will endeavor to substantiate tha
charges made by him In th house of ex
travagance in th conduct of land offices.
The bill giving separate statehood to
New Mexico and Arlsona I now on tha
house calendar. Hamilton of Michigan,
author of the measure, say that If it
pussoge Is delayed it will b by. the sen
ate. WItnea Mrld for Murder.
LOGAN, la.. Jan. 10.-(8peclal.)-Accord-Ing
to tho returns of the grand Jury, Ira
Brundridga haa been Indicted with Henry
and Guy Marley for murder. In tha pre
liminary trial Brundridgo waa placed under
11,000 bonds as a witness, but the grand
Jury viewed him other than a witness, and
he will l given a hearing oa ar about
WeduvsOay, Juuuwy U, , -