16 THE BEE: . OMAHA, SATURDAY, JANUARY 15, 1910. 8 a. t q 1 I V tour U Oiip fj Ilia V Ad. mm'mmmamummammmmmmm IIT fir A GREAT SPECIAL IN THE CLEARING SALE Women's WcctwcaiF Worth Up to $1, at Sc. 15c 25c Each V jaUOtS, SIOCKS, lUliur iiinuu wi Jabots, stocks, tailor made ties. Dutch collars, collar and cuff sets, black silk lace ties, Irish crochet jabots, chiffon ruffs, collarettes, silk bows, cluny lace trimmed neel piecesactually worth up to 50c and $1.00 each, at 4jl 5D- 2BBBJ 5o CLEARING SALE OF ODD LOTS KID GLOVES Both long gloves "and short gloves in this sale real kid, lamb skin and cape gloves Paris point and single row embroidery mode, white, gray, red, brown, tan and black some slightly soiled from holiday selling, but they are gen uine $1.00 and $1.50 gT. on bargain square at,' yU O pair.". . . Saturday Pick Out Any Suit, Pick Out Any Overcoat, 51111 Tbej'n strictly band-tailored and worth Hp to $30.00. MAYER Clothing Company, Opposite Postofflce 109 North '.16th Street Women's 1 and 2-clasp Gloves; In French lambskin, cape and mocha white ad colors, pr. . 98c Women's acd . Children's Golf Gloves and Mittens; black, white and col ors, worth 25c, pr. , 10c SATURDAY IS OUR BIG CLEARING SALE Leather Shopping Bags and Purses Every fine leather shopping bag, carriage bag, purse, card case and everything else in leather goods will be sacrificed Saturday at the great clearing sale. The bat-trains will be most extraordinary. If you need a good shopping bag this is the greatest chance of the entire season to buy it. ,r o tn . It:' ,jh" (See big ad on another page.) HOSIERY Women's tine, Imported. Lisle and cotton Hosiery; mercerized silk lisle, fan embroidered boot patterns; silk clocks, etc., worth 60c, . . . j r now at . ... , .'. . : . . . 3C Women's and Men's , fine cotton and lisle finish Hosiery; plain black and fancy; also children's fine and heavy ribbed School Hose, worth i 20c, at IZC Women's. Men's and Children's fine cotton Hose; plain black, tan and fancy colors, worth 15c, at, pr. . . . RIBBONS Silk Taffeta Ribbons; all colors; at, yd. . 9c UNDERWEAR Women's Vests and Pants; Hitht weight vests; long and short sleeves; fine ribbed cotton, in all sizes, now 39c Women's light weight Pants; in . ankle and cuff knee; fine ribbed cotton, all sizes, 7Q . ; now at .JC Women's long sleeve Corset Cov ers; tape neck 1Q and waist, at ...........' Children's fleece lined Pants and Vests; in grey and cream, good quality, all C sizes, at ...' Brandeis Stores gggs X, J OMAHA'S PCRR J Y FOOD CENTKK. f JJ BAKERY DEPT. SPECIALS Assorted Layer Cakes, Saturday only, each -25 Cliocolato Fig Maple '. Marshmallow Vanilla . Nut Flavoi Ansorted Buttercups, Saturday only, per lb 25 Pecan Almond .. Walnut Filbert CANDY DEPT. Nut Centers. Fancy Strawberries Wax and String . Beans Fnnry Klrawberriea MiiMtiroomn Artichokes Spinach Cauliflower Kreeh Mint BruwifU Sprouts .Wax and String- Beans Celery CountTy Roll Butter, per lb. . .30c 6-lb. Jars Table Creamery Butter, each gl.HO Best Creamery Butter, In cartons, per lb. ....... 88c Storage Eggs, per dot.". ..... ,25c Cottage Cheese, per pkg. ..... 10c New York Cream Cheese,' lb. . .2Sc Our own make Peanut Butter, in bulk, per lb. 20c SATURDAY'S SPECIE LS IH-lb. Una AprfooU, each M5o fancy (w!l dried, large) Black WaW . nuls. per peck. SSo. KvaiioraUMl Fechea, par lb. ... . .'. loo Navel OraiiHBH. per Uoxen.BOo and 30o Cuban (fancy, large. llpe) flneapplxa, each 18o lMtg bunches RuUlshea, each....S Best, Beaded Ralslna (large, bulk). per lb '. 10 iio 'qt bottles ' Assorted pickles, each . .' . .ISO Mother's Corn Flakes, per pkg So drape-Nuts, per pkg loo Navy Beans, per lb So l.ood lba. Jap Rice, per lb So CLUDDING OFFER Our Price Daily and, Sunday Bee v $6,001 McChire's Magazine , . JL50 Woman's Home Corapani6n i ..V.'.;V. 1.50 Review of Reviews ...... 3,00 Regular price for all one year. . .$12.00 ONLY $8.90 THE OMAHA DEO, Omaha, Neb. L one MEN'S STYLISH s AND a mm (1D0D Overcoats...(o ACTUAL $15.00 VALUES SEE THEM DISPLAYED IN OUR WEST WINDOW- Two Other Rousing Specials BOYS' $4.00 Knickerbocker Suiis Very Special, at $2.50 846 PAIRS OP MEN'S PANTS suitable for dress or busi ness wear, specially priced $1.90 GUARANTEE CLOTHING CO. 1519-1521 DOUGLAS ST. . HIGH QUALITY AT A LOW PRICE. Change Your Shoes .Don't atlck to a light pair of shoes now. Think of your health, your ap pearance, the foot comfort because our new shoes are as easy foot-feeling; as an old pair. Tiere is no justi fiable excuse for you to wear unsea sonable shoes No, not even ...the price. All stives, all leathers for outdoor wear $3.50 and $4.00 FRY SHOE CO. THE 8HOERS. 10th end Douglas Streets. Are You Working for Less Money . Than You Could Earn on a Farm? TS It not a waste of time, A of energy and of health? On a farm you are your own boss, you are with your family, you can rest when you please, or put In extra time when you please. A Few Acres Cost ;Very Little in the Southwest. AND you' can buy a farm home on the easiest of terms. A farm means a " home and an occupation In one all- Inside your barbed wire enclosure. ' WE wtl be glad to fur . nlsh you with free Information, maps and land Hats, des crlblni farm sltea in Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana, Texas, , Oklahoma and Colorado. THOS. F. GODFREY, Pass, aad Ticket Aft. 1493 raraam St., Omaha, Beb. BILZ STORES 204-208 North 16th St. fjfassnis Bids. FOR Saturday and Monday Ladies' Dresses, $25 values, for $7.50 Ladies' Long Coats, $15 val ues, for $3.00 Ladies' Long Coats, $25 val ues, for ..$3.75 Ladies' fine Broadcloth Coats, $40 values, $10.95 Ladies' Suits, broadcloth, worth $25, for $7.50 Ladies' Suits, broadcloth, worth $35, for . .$9.95 Ladies' Shirtwaists, $1.00 values 59c Ladies' Silk Shirtwaists, $4.95 values $2.25 DEPENDABLE SHOES FOR ! 1 BOYS ! bus Our Candy Special For Saturday ; Our regular 40c Vanilla, Maple and Chocolate Nut Patties, 25c per pound box. Saturday only. MYERS-DILLON DRUG GO. . 16th & Far nam Streets. w Reliable Dentistry AT Taft's Denial Rooms OCEAN STEAMSHIPS CRUISES DE LUXE to the WEST INDIES fi,V.7MAVON" two crfises (SI .n wk) ' 1!U I T PROM KKfV TORIC 2AM. 15 .ml tr.R. 10 AWm T.rhttns Tsnra BEHBICE" throuf 11. BOO Tons VASTER CRVISa (1 d.r) HS VP FROM NKW TOBS MARCH M br N.w TwlD-Scrnr (h the Writ Indira Call by 'Phone Whtattw you wast mom , Ihlot. call "Fbona xioaclu KM and Diak. it knows throufh Boa Want AA BERMUDA HEW WBEKLT IERTICB .M.l.r. 'OROTAVA rrma Mw Tfrk Kr.rr Wvdnrailay. K BrBola Brrr .lar4.r. OBlortsM. T07.C Hlh Qu OiIMd. (Jrchc. tra HlOTtrl Fan la U ntmm. OcmpUtm lihMtraM Jtl1t M Retjmnt TBI RSTAI MAIL STEAM PACKET CO. ItlUHIMtOK A ton, S3 Mtmf IU J. T. Mi LoSallo St, ChlcaKo. W. E. Book, 1534 Faxnam St. Omaha. ATTRACTIVE WEST INDIES CRUISES X of 28 days' dwrutloa 1 ot 1 dys daratloD br tb. twta-arrew 8. 8. MOt TKH (la, 600 to) uarlnc J.... Kck. M.Kh. Otkm ral t. aoutk Aawrio. tad th. ftrtaa. HAMnuna.AlMBntICA! LINK. il-ii BROADWAY, N. V., or LOCAL AO E NTS. Home Consumers of ..... afaW I i ii 1 laM The Deer You Like And other been of our manufactnr can hare their orderk for case lots ' ' , ; ,-t ! DBUViaiEU A T2IEIR HOMES Dy JO H 1M : NITTLER Dealer and Diitributer . ; : ; 'of Cfijjfl&-The Deer You Uke 8224 South 24th Street. Douglaa 1880. Two Block East of Brewery. Bed 8032. Ind. A-1420. FRED KRUG BREWING CO. Saturday la eoys' day at Drexel's Do not be satisfied with the "good enough" kind get the real shoe made for hard wear that a good lire boy will give them. . If our kind of boys' shoes cost a trifle more than the common kind, you will find them worth more than the difference. We guarantee every pair of our boys' shoes to be satisfac tory to the boy and the parent. Boys Sires 1 to 6 .... Little Gents' Sizes 10ft to 13V ... $2.00 $1.75 Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Farnam Street. Greatest Clothing Bargains Ever B9 'HAY-DEW'S 92 A Big Late Shipment of the very choicost winter stylos, patterns and fabrics of tbo Hart Schaffner mm Celebrated Hand Tailored Clothing vrns lost in transit and after an adjustment of the claim with the railroad company we received the entirp lot. r n 1 nAA .1 l i Mm ai u.en's ' CTZr S kw.en's SI life; styles, and complete assort- A'AnG U 1 1 ment of sizes, will be placed COUlS un SATUKDAY, and while they last, noth- ' ing reserved. -; At About Half Price Suits and Overcoats Bought to sell at $22.50 to $40.00, Saturday on sale in 3 big lots (5HI CMlnl Mr Select Saturday here where you can save from Vs to J2 on the best Keady-to-Wear Clothes in the world and make your selection from the latest and best winter styles and fabrics. P n A n ' 5 evera hundred IwJwllS pairs that sold Pants All of the bestra- f styles, values to WW V i 'Big Special Lot of Men's'5 Suits and Overcoats, at .... . $7 $6.50, on $A48 on sale, at .50 2!! Suits Garments in the lot that sold up to $20.00. CANADA-1910! WANTED Reliable and trust worthy agents In every county to represent Vr.l. PEARSON CO., Ltd. owners of 175,000 acres In LOST MOUNTAIN VALLEY "Sonny Southern Saskatchewan." Finest open prairie wheat land In Western Canada. Total Cana dian wheat yield 1909, 166,774. 000 bushels; average per acre 21.6 bushels. Address: U. S. OFFICE, 730 Temple Court, MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. , TRY HAVPEN'S FIRST "fffj fief vviXM 1 :' ee Building Offices for Rent We offer space, 15x35-6, on ground floor of the building with entrance from court. This room would make a very convenient of fice for Real Estate or Insurance business. THE BEE BUILDING CO , R. W. BAKER, Snpt 17th an. Ftraia Sti i dm aw ii 1 r- jr w FISTULA PAY WHIN CURED All RECTAL DISEASES enrad llboot a iurilc.1 operation, and GUARANTEED to laat LIFETIME. No Chloroform. ( Ether or other aanaral ana..- write ton y DR. E. R. TARRY. 224 BUf. Omaha, Nab. r7 HOTELS. HOTEL ROME EUROPEAN I tlli AND JACKSON VBeaU4 To Im kaamty aaA Mo&tu Appatotmaat. ROME MILLER beautiful lands of perennial June" where snow is unheard of and ice is unknown. Only summer things, summer ways and summer pleasures are evident there. Leave the rigors of winter behind you and dwell for awhile where Old Sol is at his merriest now. These glorious, tropic places are near you-it is only one day and two nights from Kansas City to Florida on the fast Frisco train, the outlieastera Leaves Kansas City at 6:15 p.m. daily. v 1 one day and two nights of comfortable, cozy and continuous travel. No delays or changes the sleeping car goes right through. Steam heat, electric lignt Dining Car serving delicious Harvey meals and ,an Observation Library Car with magazines and papers for your leisure hours. Round trip tickets on sale daily at reduced fares to many points in Florida, also to Havana, Cuba. . . Write me and I shall be glad to send you some beautifully illustrated literature and- will also tell you more about Florida and Cuba, the advantages of our service and the fares. J. C. LOVRIEN, Division Paa.enf ar Agent, Friico Una. Kaaa City, Mo. A BEE WANT' AD, ' . . , . will rent that vacant house, fill those vacant rooms, or secure boarders on short notice at a very small cost to you. Be convir it l v J 'T ft Jl V