THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, JANUARY 15, 1910. 13 tr- f I i 1 t i 4 I CHAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Spirit Kales Wheat Traders and xiolaexs Hay tor Decline. .COHS TOP-HEAVY, SELLS FR.EEL1 Lower tables from Liverpool nnd Ilea r receipts Inspire Karlr '.te-lllnsr Wkent Kofi (d Receipts Liberal. CORN Root, easy; nfW American mixed. 6 M; old American mixed, in Vvd; futures, dull; January, mixed, 6s 7d; March, mixed. 6S 7d. OMAHA, Jan. 14. l'HO. ..neat trader were bearish at tna it.ri Oil Liiveipuoi cables and heavy re ceipts. Holders pieyed lot a decline and ho.n the long stufi eariy and caused a tiAk from ine opening valus. Corn was topueavy and liauera were sell ing lung corn freely at the opening. CI NEW YORK OOERAL MARKET Qaotntlons of tho lar on Vnrloos Comb mod It lea. NEW YORK. Jan. 14 -FI-OUR Market firm and trade alow; spring patents. $660 Wfi.75; whiter parents. $6.80116.90; winter extras No. 1, (WJOD: Kwimi straights, $490u6.U; winter straights. $6.Suwl5 40; spring clears, $4 40ra4.86; winter extraa No. 1, $4 40 44.i6; recelpta, 21.03S bbla ; shipments, 4171 nbls.. lire flour, firm; fair to good, 14.110 4 40; choice to fancv, M.4ofc4.). Buckwheat flour, quiet; bulk, $2 00, nominal, per 100 Iba. CURNMEAI, Firm; fine white and yal low ll.6Wjl.40; coarse. $1.4&41M; kiln dried. RYE Steady No. 2 Western. (SC, f. o. b New York. BARLEY Dull; feeding, 70V4c nominal, c. I. f.. New York. W ll iSAT Spot easy; No. I red, H.SOigi.28, elevator, domestic, and 11.32, f. o. b., afloat, Ing weather waa predicted and a heavy run nominal; No. 1 northern Duluth, $1.26; No. J i ot recelms were features. 1 Wheat waa sort and rased off under heavy sellng by longs, who bogsn realising. Cables uru lower aiMl reCmipt wer lib el al. Cash prlcea wr about Vo lower vitn the demand a trifle aiowar. Corn weakened am the orowd sold ! huavlly uu the break, sending valuea off about lo before the docllne waa checked. "Cash corn waa steady and sold readily, . especially, the better grades which brought higher prlcea. I frlmary wheat receipts were 826.000 ' bushels and Hhipnients were 216,000 busnais, against receipts laat year of eUi.uwO bushels and shipments of 12b. OX) bushels. 1'rlmary corn receipts were 625.000 bushels And shipments were 4o.M0 bushels, against ' receipt last year of 4M,0u) bushels and ; alilpments of 4.6. ouO bushel j Clearances were 2M.uuo bushels of corn, none of oats. Liverpool closed Vd higher on wheat and Vd higher on corn. . Locai range of options I Articles. Wheat , May...l July... ' Corn May...! July... Oate I ! May.,.1 ! July... Open. High. Low. Close, 1 07' WS 67V.' 47V 3 I W- titr! 47 V,' 1 On' l 6H I .31 1 1 0Mi WH 66 6 401 43 I 107H 67 V. 4U V 43H Oata. U0 Omaha Isteh Prices. WHEAT No. 2 hard, ll.OW.09V4; No. 2 hard, ll.OWSfl.OS; No. 4 hard, Sl.Mtjil.06; in jected hard. 85c6$1.02; No. 2 spring, 1 0, l.ol; No. A spring, $l.02tfl.O7; NO. durum, 81V,4j92c; No. a aurum, evtiWVtC. CORN No. 2 white, 64(u4Vo; No. 2 white, 6334c; No. 4 white, 2iaiJic; No. 4 color, elyetwVic; No. H yellow. a(uWVc; No. 2 yellow, tK.'ig'&lc; No. 4 yellow, fctKu-sOVto; No. 2, eifSIVic; No. 2. 62rJc; No. 4, b1pt)0Vic; no grade, M)J(T.9c. OATS Standard, 47fi4Sc; No. 2 white, e7"y'Siic; roo. while, ioTii'iiTic; No. 3 yeuow, 474i,Vki No. 4 yellow, 4tiVi4J47V4c; No. 8 mixed, 4t.ViS47V4C. BARLEY .No. 4, tilftf2o; No. 1 feed, 60 tie. KYJ No. 2. 7GV(3i76Vto; No. 2, 74VMy75Vio. Carlet Rawstpta. Wheat. Corn, Chicago 19 208 Minneapolis 448 Omaha 44 111 lMiluth ta CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Feat a res af the Trading; aad Cloalnas Prlcea oa Board of Trade. CHICAGO, Jan. 14. Grain prices slumped ahaiDlv here today owinir to liberal real' lxiriK sales brouunt out by proapecta of an increased movement from tne country. 1 rices at the ciose were almoet at the bottom, final quotations on wheat shoHkns; a net loss of vkc to lc. corn waa aown lo to lHo and oata, ITovlslons . fol lowed arriLtn and closed weak. Profit-taking on a liberal scale was In evidence In tne wheat nit throughout the entire session and aa a result prices sagged almost continuously from opening Tha areatesL sellins Drensure was cen tered on the May delivery, the price of that ODtion declining from 21.18 to 11.111. 1'ha ma.rttnt beciuna extremely weak In the flnU hour, registerliig losses of W to VMiito!. from tha hlirh points of the day, Closing figures on May were at 1.118 1.11. Liurlna the dav corn for the May de livery sold between 8Hc and 70V4C Other deliveries moved over a 'range of 1V,C to lo. The market cloe at the - lowest noint for all but. the May option, final tmurea on Which were at OS'M.tllltl'&c. Outs showed relatively less weakness. but sentiment waa bearish. The market clcsed wwUi. with prices almost at the bottom. Provisions closed unchanged to 12VsC lower. The leading futures ranged as follows: Articles.! Open. High. Low. Close. Tes'y. It I 1 13Hil HHHil ll,! HV4H I hard winter, fl. . f. o. b., afloat, nom inal. Option market: After a firm opening on the rabies and bullish Argentina news, wheat declined sharply under active sell ing on larger receipts and on lower prices la the northweHt and in Winnipeg. The close was lc to Vfte net lower. May, $1. 14.14 1.11, cloned at SI. Is; July, U.lifVl.ll. closed at fl.lOH. Receipts, 2,M0 bu. CORN Kpot firm; No. 2, 7c, elevator, do mestic; "liStc, delivered, and 74vc, f. o. b., afloat, nomlncJ. Option marks waa firm, with little for sale, closing at a net ad vance. May, 19io, closed at 7Vc, July. Tut? V7o. closed at Tic; September, 7T(nc, closed at 77c. Receipts, 19.12& tu. OATS Ssot stead v: mixed, a to S3 lbs.. nominal: natural wnite. M to 32 lbs.. i3a clipped white, 34 to 42 lbs., Mu6.'c. Option market was without transactions. Closing unchanged. May closed at 644o. Receipts, 33,660 bu. MAt r irm: crime. 21.1s: No. 1. Il.w; ino. 2, 5t90c. HIO. Quiet: Central America. ZZttc; Bcgnta, 21Vd224e. LKATUKlir- Firm: hemlock, firsts, Z9c; seconds. WtZlc; thirds, 222oo; rejotsd, liCuJIc. FROVISION8 Pork, steady; mess, $24.00 624.26: family. I28.0tWi2.W: short cleais. .0U2f7.60. Ueef. firm; mess. 111.WW2.50; lamily. il.00til.60: beef hams, M.aur"-'"- Cut meats, steady; plckleu bellies, iJ.Wa 13.U0; pickled hams, la.6tc 13.75. lard. steady; middle west, prime, 18.00fal3.1O; refined, steady; continent, 213.50; South America, tU.ftO; compound, $10.3710.76. TALLOW Quiet; prime city, Bc; coun try, 6Mi7c. . . RICE Julet: domestic rWc; paieni, Hwtfc. . H ttkk-Kteaay : western raciory, i6o; western imitation 'creamery, 2w(i2ic. CMKBiSB ivirm; state, new iuu crmni, special, nVfiilSc; state new lull cream, 8eptembr, fancv, 17c; state, new full cream, October, best, 16Vc; state, new full cream, late tert, 10Vei state, new full cream, common to good, lttioVio; skims, full to special. UWim.. , KUUa Barely steanv: wwirn eiirs firsts, 40c; firsts. 36 c; lower grades, 37c; refrigerators, 25vi(f)'2Sc. POULTRY Alive, steady; western chick ens, 18iic: fowlB, 18c; turkeys, rsyua. Dressed, firm; western chickens, 17JJc; fowls, 1317c; turkeys, 22iq24c. . WEATHER IN TUB GRAIN BELT For wltk Nebraska, Fair Saturday, Temperatare on the Rise. OMAHA, January 14, 1910. The barometric depression, central over the middle . Mississippi valley, Thursday morning, continued slowly eastward during the last twenty-four hours, and Is now cen tral over the upper Ohio valley. Rains ana snows snd generally unsettled weather still attend the disturbance. Snows arc general In the lower lake region, the Ohio valley and eastern states, and rains are failing In the middle Atlantic stated. Pre cipitation occurred within the last twenty- tour hours throughout the east and south. and some heavy rainfalls are reported In the Ohio valley. The western area of high pressure has extended eastward over the central valleys and decldel colds weather prevails this morning in the lake region, throughout the central valleys and west to the mountains. Tha weather is much warmer In the mountains and west to the Pacific coast and the temperature will rise In this vicinity tonight and Sat urday, with fair weather. Record of temperature and precipitation compared with the corresponding day of the last three years: . . 1910. a909. 1903. 1907. Minimum temperature ... It) 13 23 8 Preoipitatlon 00- T .00 ,10 K01 mal temperature ror today, zv degrees. KxcebS in precipitation sinoe aiarcn 1. NEW YORK STOCKS ANB BONDS Speculators Search for Eeal Influence Back of Liquidation. SELLING CONTnfuiS ALL DAY Market Ikows No Rallytaar Power aad Float Prleea Ar Lowest Harrlasaaa, Hills oad ' Steel Weakest. NEW YORK, Jan. 14. The resumption of liquidation In the stock market today set conjecture to work for some devper cause to explain It than ths mors superficial in fluences which have been given responsi bility and which are passing away without relieving the market from depression. The call money market also passed from a con dition of relative to positive ease, but this proved powerless to check the unloading of stocks or to stimulate any new demand. The liquidation of stocks continued to put back funds into the money market, which Is In course of replenishment, ss well, from various other sources. This peralstent liqui dation is deemed important and as oomlng' from Influential sources having In view a piolonaed outlook as well as retrospect. Continuous and persistent accumulation of stocks went on for many months during the rising prices of last year and there Is reason to believe that the taking of profits on much of this speculation was planned for the opening weeks of the new year, when easing money markets and reinvest ment of yearly profits were looked to for tile Inspiration of a general demand for stocks. It was foreseen that legislative and Judi cial actions having Important bearing on financial affalra would dsvelop soon. Ap parently the desirability of pushing the liquidation before further happenings in this field is appealing with greater force to noias-rs or stocks. The liquidation was pushed with growing precipitation today and declines of one to three points had become general bv the middle of the afternoon. In tha Harrlman Pacifies, St. Paul and a few others it was even greater. The breaking through of prices to lower levels than had been touched on previous reactions was the signal for the uncovering of fresh stop loss orders and for bringing new burdens on the mar ket. Washington prospects were said to be a principal motive for the throwing over of stccks. The widespread activities of the government In the field of corporation regulation and the Drosnect of earlv d- clKlons by the supreme court, which it was feared might present even graver condi tions, were made the staple of argument by the sellers of stocks. Indications of th IramMiilniit Influx nf f urds from the Interior furnished by the preliminary estimates of the week's cur rency movement were made matter for ap prehension in the prevailing speculative mood as offering uct.i.mii ui a lull In commercial and trade activity. The stock market showed no rallvlna Dower. lower f trices of the day being reached In the am hour, with an even greater outpouring of stocks. The Harrlman Issues. Ht. Paul. United States Steel, Great Northern and Northern Pacific were especially weak and apparently without support. The closing was very reverlsh, with practically no re covery trom the lowest. tnlted States bonds were irregular. Sales, par value, $4,770,000. Number of sales and leading quotations on stocks were as follows": S1m. High. Low. uiou. Urwr of the United Metes, t3S.IM.M; sub sidiary silver coin, S17.6N1.1K2; minor coin. $1.0!.1,7W; total balance In general fond, t79,138,0Mi , REPORT OF TUB CLEARING HOV TraiMetlem of toe AK-II,4 Banks for tko Week. NEW YORK, Jan. 14 Bradslreeft bank clearings report for the wek ending Janu ary 13 shows an aggregate of $4.77.00ono, as against $4,127,830,000 laat week and $1.81. 4 000 in the corresponding week last year. Following Is a list of ths ltles: CITIES. j Clearings, j Inc. Deo. 5.88 Inches. Deficiency S.83 inches. Deficiency 7.71 incnes. , L, A. WEIH corresponding coiTesponding period period V Local Forecaster. 1906, 1907, Whea May July Kept. Corn May July Sept. Oats May July Sept. Pork jan. May jvily Lard Jan. May July Rlbs jan. : May juiy 1 13Hi 1 twHl ItKXtfiWj 7(VoTOH sa'tr tl 31 IM J 4!"4I 42 23 02Vi 23 05 23 ii.Vi 12 76 12 3.i 12 26 I 11 70. I 11 70 23 26 22 27 V, 12 76 12 35 12 3JV, 11 70 u tm k8 46 42 y 68 I 4Ht 46fe 42 I 48V4 46 4iH 22 00 i 22 00 I 22 12V, 22 10 I 23 16 22 1W 22 1241 23 12Vi 22 20 12 72V, 12 72V, 12 77V, yi at 1 ix zin n art 12 20 I 12 22V 12 22V, U 75 1 11 T7! 11 80 I 11 2Vi 11 7V, 11 ttSVsl 11 WVti 11 S7V, s No. 2. - Onuh mintntlnna were aa follows I FLOUR r'irm: winter patents, 5.20n.80 winter straights, $4.eotf.60; spring; straights, $4.MgC0U; bakers, .(.2ou.90. BARLEY Feed or mixing, 668i69c; fair lo choice maltlna. 704iT74c. Sh,KOS r'lax. No. 1 southwestern, $2.14; No. 1 northwestern, $2.21. Timothy, $3.90. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbt., $22.12 t! 23.26. Lard, per lOv lbs., $12.72412 76. Sniort ribs, aidca uooae), $ll.tuU.8JV,- Short 1 lear sldos t boxed), $12.12V4itV12.l6. Total clearances of wheat and flour ware equal to VMM bu. Kx perls for tha weak, as shown by Uradstreet's, were equal to 2,677,000 bu. Primary receipts were 824,000 bu., compared with 303,000 bu. the corre sponding day a year ago. Estimated re ceipts for tom3rrow : Wheat, Us cars; corn, 2t& cars; oats, 8 oars; hogs, 8,000 head. Chicago Cash Prices Wheat. No. 2 red, $1.26(4 1.27H; No. S red. $l.rl.26Vi; No. 2 hard, $1.14 -'. 16',; No. 2 hard, $i.ilttl.l4; No. 1 northern spring, l.lfl.l7; No. 2 northern, $l.lNal.l6V; No. 8 spring, tl.12wl.lii. Corn: No. , luiViSftioViio; No. t white, 7(gr7Vic; No. 8 yellow, etrWtrelo; No. 4 yellow. tfeVtsVitC. Oata: No. 2 cash, 4tic;-NO. S white, 4(H,(60c; No. 4 while, 4c; standard, 60'60Vto. HUTTKR Steady; creamery, 26534c; dairy, 26u80c. ' EOOB Steady; at mark, cases Included, 24V(aW14c; fusts. $60; prime firsts, Si CliEliSK Steady: daisies. 1VU 17c; twins. KSVttlliiVtc: young Americas, 10c; long horns, liiVjo. POTATOES Steady; choice to fancy, it tjGOc; fair to good. 4&ij45c. POULTRY -Steady; turkeys, 17c; chick ens, 14c; springs, 16c. VEAl-Steady;, 44) to 0-lb. wts., tGai 60 to h6-lb. wts., SlOc; 65. to 110-lb. wts., ltifillo. Chlcaga Receipts Today : Wheat. 19 oars; corn, 23 Cars; oats, 110 care. Estimated to morrow; . W heat. 16 oars; corn, 20t cars; oats. 89 cars. Minneapolis UtaJn Market. MINNEAPOLIS Jan. U-WHKAT-Mey. Sl llttifil It: July, $1 114j. Cash: No. 1 hard. tl.UVul-14; -No. 1 northern. $1.U4'1.14V4; No. 2 northern, ll.UMVi.l?; No. 1 north ern, $1.10wl 11V4- 8i:h.l l-'lax closed at S3 2444. CORN No. 2 yellow. )iilHc. OATS No. 2 white, 4660. RYE No. 2. TI'Vi&Tr'io. bRAN In 100-lb. aacka. $23.00628.60. via 11 R First patents. In wood. f. o. b. $ MlnnaxUs. $6 .ftOnj ? s.-cond patanta, 16 SO ti4.60; first clenra, tvvt aucouu clears, S.2Oii4.G0. 'Liverpool Grain nnd Prorlalona. PEORIA, Jan. M.-OORN Lower; No. 2, Sfcc; No. white, $4Vscs No. t yellow, c; No. 1. KVc; No. 4. 6c; no grade, feaio. OATS Higher; standard. 49c; No. t white. 9o. St. Louie General Market. ST. LOUIS. Jan. 14. WHEAT Closed lower; track No. 2 red cash. $1.30j1.82; No. 2 hard, $1.U4j1.17; May, $1.121.12!; July, $1.01V,. CORN Cash, steady; futures, lower; track No. 2 cash. 6Kc; No. 2 white, suVko; May, c; July, 60c OATS Cash, weak; futures, lower; track No. 2 cash. 60c; No. 2 white, 61o; May, 48ci July. 444kC . RYE Unchanged. 80c. FLOUR Unchanged; red winter patents, $5.76.26; extra fanoy and straight, Sb.lwtf 6 66; hard winter clears, 43.9uttf4.2s. Su;il Timothy, $2.oO((i3.60. BRAN Unchanged; sacked, east track, $1.2tKB1.23. HAY Unchanged; timoiny, io.uui.uo; prairie, $l&.00r9t14.00. BAGOINU 4,o. HEMP TWINE 7o. PROVISIONS Pork, steady; Jobbing, $31.34.- Lard, steady; prime steam, $12.46ui 1126. Dry salt meats, unchanged; boxed extra shorts, $18.00; clear ribs, ii.ou; short Clears, $13.26. Bacon, unchanged; boxed extra short, $14.26; clear ribs, $14.26; short cwars, $14.60. POULTRY Steady; chickens, 12c; springs, 14c; turkeys, slo; ducks, 14c; geese, SUc. BUTTER Steady; creamery, 9&Me. EtOS Steady at 84c. RecelDts. Shipments. Flour, bbla.. 11.4110 8,400 Wheat., bu 9i,0u0 el,fci0 Corn, bu 117.700 63.100 Oats, ou m.euu ,vuv Kaaus City Grain, and Provisions. KANSAS CITT, Jan. 14.-WHEAT-Cash unchanged to lc lower; No. 2 hard, tl.llko. 1.16; No. 8. Sl.OSHB'l .14; No. 2 red, $L24wl.8i; No. 8, $1.20127; May, $1-0601-06. sellers; July, 9tVkiMiHo, sellers. CORN Unchanged to w nigner; 10. 1 S, 8.)4o; No. 1 white, May, M7v,vf0 bid; mixed. 747V,o; No, C7V,o; No. 3, 7Vc; juiy. 7o bid. . OATS Unchanged; NO. 2 white waic; No. 2 mixed, 464I-46C RYK 70ja78o. HAY Unchanged; choice timothy, $12.76 14 00; choice prairie, $U.7th12.00; choice alfalfa,- flS.OOQ 18.60. UUTTKR Creamery, extras, 84c; firsts. 82c; seconds, 10c; packing stook, 23c. KtX4S Extraa, SB-c; firsts, 84Vtc; current receipts, 32Vtc; seconds and dirties, SoVro. Receipts, snipments. Wheat, bu 87.000 34,000 Corn, bu 48.000 12, (Ml Oats, bu 13,000 19,000 Options at Kansas City. Articles. I Open. I High. I Low. Close Wheat- May July Corn- May- ' July 1 0SHV4 97v 8I 1 O8V1; ' tVnl 1 0H1 OfiHA 6V, 96V.A Allts-Chaltners pfd Amalgamated Copper American Asrlcultural .... Am. Beet Sugar Am. Can p(d Am. C. P Am. Cotton OH Am. H. L pfd Am. Ice Recurttles. ......... American Llnaead American Locomotive .... Am. B. It R... Am. 8. at R. pfd Am. Sugar Rsflnlng Am. T. A T Am. Tobacco pfd American Woolen Anaconda Mining Co Aichlaon AtabiBon pfd Atlantic L'oajit IJnt Baltimore A Ohio ll, I. A Ohio ptd BMhleham Steel Bronklra Rapid Tr Canadian Pacific Oentrul Laathar Central Leather pfd Central of Now Jersey ChMUpaaka Ohio Chicaso at . Alton Chicago ot. W., new Chlcac St N. W c. M. at at. Pt C , C C. t si. L Colorado P. at I Colorado at So Colo. A 80. 1st pfd Colo. So. td old Consolidated Gas Cora Products Delaware Hudaon Danver A Rio Onuida...., D. A R. O. pfd Dliilllani' eecurltlaa Brla , Erie lat pfd Erla Id pfd Oonaral Glactrlo Oiaat Norxhurn pfd Groat Northern Ore etfa.. Illinois Central Interborouxh Met Int. Melt. pfd... International H arrester . Intl.- Marina pfd International Paper , International Pump Iowa Central Kanaas City So K. C. Bo. pfd LouliTllle A M ' Minn. A 8t, L., offered.. M., St. P. A S. g. M Missouri Pad rto M , K. A T M., K. A T. pfd National Blicult National Lead N. D. It. ot M. 1st pfd... New York Central N. Y., O. A W Norfolk A W North Ann-loan ., Northern Paelflo Paclfle Mall Pennsylvania Teopla's Uu P.. C. C, A St. L , Proased Steal Car Pullman Palaca Car , Railway Steel Spring...., Heading, ax-dlv ......... Repubilo Steel Republla Steal pfd Kouk laaand Co Rock Island Co. pfd..... 81. X. A 9. F. ti pfd... St. Louie g. W St. L. 8. W. pfd Skies-Sheffield g. A I... Southern Paowle Southern RuBway So., kail war P'd Tenneaaea Copper leiaa A Paelflo T., St. L, A W T. , St. L. A W. ptd Union racino Union Paelflo pfd U. S. Realty U..8. Rubber, aa-rlghta. V. ., Steal I), t. Steel pf -. tftaa txtppar Va. -Carolina Chemical ., Wahaah Wabaah pfd Woetern Maryland etta. , Weatlnghnuae SlecUlo . Wcatern Union Wheeling A L. K Wleeenaia ieoirai Piuatmrg Coal Am. Steel roundry United Dry Ovals Laolede Uaa 69.400 too , 1 l.eno 1,1(10 7t l.nn 700 1IU0 28.400 1,000 ato I, too ""ioo t.wo IS.KIO 0 7W , 4,500 100 209 , 11.400 t.HM 4,(00 100 47 r.4 ("H 48H 6'4 41 Sf.Vi )H E4 ' MV 111 lMi 1WH 'wii t. m 11?H Mil M 7814 181 i 108 VI 82 6 . 48 7 CSV, 4 lVi (7 M ltxc 187 Sk '' 4 llSe 101 (0 S8H 44 MVi 78, 44 ti if. 18 67 944, 104 mil 117 H 86 88. 4 HIS, HS4 13114 UJ141 118 83 81 78 179 44 108 84,100 8 88 67V 67 7VB 0713 A asked. B bid. Pnlladelphln Pmdnee Market. PHILADKLPHIA, Jan. 14. BUTTER ftteady; western creamery, , 27c; nearby nrli.tB. 3Sc. KOtIS Flran; Pennsyrvania and other nearby flrsu, free) cases, eo; Pennsylvania and other nearby current rencipts, return able eases. Mc at mark; western firsts, free cases, S80 at mark; western current receipts, free oases, 22a3e at mark. CHEESE Firm; New York full creams, choice, nVaSnVsc; fair to good, 16$ 17c. ' Toledo) Bend Market. TOLEDO. Jan. 14. SEEDS-Clover, old prime, $8.96; rash and January, $9 00; March, $910: April. $8 66: October. 17.26; No. 2. 80.66; relected. $8.26a.20: N. E. O.. $1.26aO0. Timothy, prime. $1.87V4 Alslks, prime, $4.06; March, . Dnlnth firaln Market. PULITH. Jan. 14. W H KAT May, tl.U; July, $1.13; No. 1 northern, $1.13; No. 2 northern. $1.11. VATS 4oc. Penrln Oraln Market. LIVERPOOL. Jan. 14. WHEAT Spot, dull: No. 2 red western winter, no stock; futures, quiet; Match, lis 4Vd; Maj ks 2d, Milwaukee Urnln Market, MILWAUKEE. Jan. 14. WH EAT No. 1 northern. 1. lien 1.20; NO. I northern, $1.17 (.is; stay. l.u. OATS-oOc. RARLEY Samples, 7i71V,c . Hew York Mining; Steaks. ' NEW YORK, Jan. 14. Closing quotations on mining siocas were: 1T Laadvllle Caa. Lltila Chief ... Bmaa-wlett Oen Coca, Tunnel stock. do bondo Cos. Cel. A Vs.... Hern Sliver Ins. Silver 8 . 84 . 1 1T0 . 16 1 Meiloas (intarlo Ophlr Standard Hello Jacket . 8 . 4 176 lit .jd . M 114 1. M0 8. 8' 8,a3 800 8,i 800 100 800 19.900 2, (X1 800 , 4,V0 , l.too 800 , 2,100 , 1,80 too . 1.800 , 18,109 1 8.100 . 8.t) . I7.8O0 . 28. 460 . l,O0 8u0 TOO . 4,000 800 .. 1.40 .' i.ooVi 800 400 . 8.T0O . li.iM) 100 100 . 1,700 100 . 18.800 . 1.000 . 4.800 . I.eoO . 11.800 . 1.400 . 40.800 . 8.80D 804 ' 40 tJ ,.104. 400 ,. 8,9) .. 1,100 .. 14.8UI .. 1,1M ,. 1.800 400 800 .. 800 .. 91.600 8,otn ... .M 600 .. 1.700 .. 0 80 ..lW.fjoO .. 80 .. 1.8U0 ..8S8.4HO .. 8,0v0 .. It., 100 .. l.vof .. . .. 1Z.VA .. 3.800 .. $. .. 1,00 aio .. l4 too 7o MV4 1(0 lli 78 48 Hi 80 ' 61 80 168 81 180 . 4 82 81 (0 80 i6; 181 78 144 8e i 191 88 1 68 4 i w 137 70 48 13 US 87 (1 1& w at 118 M 188 114 98 4 189 48 184 48 4(5 8? IIS 7 sa 6i 71 18 HH4 n 4 87 ll4 fr tn. 64 () l , 4 48 28 4 88 lf7 147 78 48 67 81 80 148 8 m 46 7 84 81 88 1S4 13t, 18 141 23 i 121 21 " 60 2 40 168 48 136 ( 46 73 116 84 1 1)8 441 M 78 18 133 112 (1 47 188 47 180 41 108 44 84 6 81 13 81 1(0 80 68 17 11 61 TO n;i 100 81 e 84 111 4 61 64 11 48 48 14 74 6 4e Xl 8.600 k 108 Utte 88 81 14 178 44 108 3J0 4 167 17 78 48 67 81 SO 148 80 177 44 1 84 83 48 8 U 136 74 14 23 1JO 80 18 60 i 0 168 48 13ft M 4 ,3 118 84 (0 llv8 48 K 1U !- 8S 46 18 4.. 180 41 100 44 80 64 81 18 88 130 80 88 88 68 60 48 UWte 100 81 4 64 181 Uh 64 81 48 48 It 14 14 6 81 83)8 1 108 New York CMcago P-oatnn Philadelphia St. Louis Pittsburg Kansas City San Francisco.... Rnltlmore Cincinnati Minneapolis New Orleans Cleveland Ietrolt OMAHA Ioulsvllle Milwaukee Fort Worth I OS Angeles St. Paul Seattle Penver Buffalo Indianapolis Spckane Providence Portland. Ore Richmond Albany , Washington ..... St. Joseph , Salt Lake City t oiumnus , Memphis Atlanta , Tacoma Savannah Toledo , Rochester Hartford , Nat-h villa ......... Pes Moines Peoria New Haven Sioux City.... . Norfolk Orand Rapids Hy recuse ICvanBvlllo Birmingham Springfield. Mass.. Portland, Me Augusta, Oa. Dayton .' Oakland, Cal Worcester Jacksonville, Fla.. Wichita Wheeling rr.noxvll!e Lit tin Rock..!.'.!.!! Chattanooga Charleston Mobile Wllmngton Lincoln, Neb Wllkesbarre Topeka L)avenport Oklahoma City Fall River ., Kalamasoo Sacramento Springfield, 111 Helena Fort Wayne Cedar Rapids, la New .Bedford Columbia, 8. C Macon Youngstown Lexington Fargo , Akron Rockforrt, 111 Erie. Pa Sioux Falls Canton, O Qulrcy, 111 Bloomtngton, 111 Lowell UlnKhamton Chester, Pa South Bend Decatur. Ill Springfield. O Vlcksburg , Fremont, Neb Marsfleld, O Jacksonville, 111 (Jackson, Miss -(Houston tGnlveston Duluth ....... Scranton $2.5ffi.m(Xl 17.81 27 1.869.000 ...... 2039S90U0I 1ft. 71 28 i 7.4 25 0 77. S 18.9 14.2 164.253. 0001 77,22).0ntM Sl.7M.O0OI $2,201,0001 44.0t77.O00 $8.973.000 27.4.'.Omi., 24.000.000 82.6O5.0IX) 21.814.000 18.760.OOOi 17.320.0001 14.743. 000., 12.29.0U0 7.76LOm) 14.6I4.0H) 10,481,000 12.4WI.0i 10 ,928.0OO W.6K8.000 9.762 4.790.000) 9,478 OOOi 9.667.000) '8.5M.O0O , .102.0!0 7!r77,00fV 7.224.0i0 6. 21.000 . 0.84'.OHO 8.230.0I8) I6.642.r7j0 t.905.000 5.8fi4.0i)0 4,72.000 4,m,oooi 4.875.COO 4.521.000 2.910,000 S.61G.OH) I.Sll.OOO 8.1HO0OO 8.101.00H 2.012.000 2.79S.O0O J.llS.OflO 2 109,000 I.S32.0OO 1.941.000 2,604.000 2.259.0'I0 2.227.0O0 2. 031. 000"9,0O0 2,9f.3.O0O 1.776,000, 1 7"K onn l!948.'006 2.020,000 2.104.000 1,726.0110 1.633.000 l,49.0O0 1,886.000 1.29fi.X . 1.477.000 2.405,0110 1, 401 ,000 1.A41.000 1.378,000 L199.000 . 1,208,000 1.098 000 1,418.0001 l,22n,tK8 1,323.000 . 1,472.000 1.22.O0O 1.218.0OOI 1,108.000 814,000 780.000 L2O8.00O . 9S3.00Q 894.000 664,000 534.000 694.000 51S.O00 535,000 Mi.OQO 612,000 691,000 432.000 429,000 381,000 348,000 640,000 80.745,000 15.129,000 3,504.000 1,229, 000 84 6. fJ.9 90 1 24.0) 'ii!o 19.7 18. Si 7.1 62.81 8.6 17.8 14 6 83.8, 22.4 51.2 18.01 4.1! 1.6 12.5 "ii.3 32. t 14. It 23.6 2H.1 U.l 27.41 24.0 13.1 15.B 20 4 11.9 5.2 .4 24.6 19.8 6.9 2B.7 .1 7.6 10 8 20.8 13.7 18.4 83.4 74.1 2rJ.6 9 ll.Tl 25.9 26.0 7. 24.0 12.1 1S.8 m!2 S4.5 4.6 34.0 39.8 'ii!s 17.41 31.6 41.1 59.6 82.8 46.3 24.1 13.7 "82'.2 33.0) 19.31 16.M 8.9 "n5 19.6 86.5 ..J0:1 15.6 17.81 18.7 1.1 2.6 2.4 11.8 4.S 1.5 HAUA LIVE STOCK MARKET KiUiny Cattle of All Kinds Ten Cents Higher. HOGS SELL HIGHEST ON EEC0BD Sheep nnd Lam be In Very Ooe De mand nnd Ten to Fifteen Cents Higher Thnn nt the CUse nf Lnat Weak. SOUTH OMAHA. Neb., Jan. 14. 1910. Rectiijt wtre: Cattia. Hogs, d.ieep. Official Monday Official 'luesday Otriclal Wednesday... Official Thursday Estimate Friday Five days this week.. 38.761 Same days this week.... 17.520 .Same days 2 weeks sgt.. 18.o2 Sams days 2 weeks ago.. 12,701 bame days 4 weeks ago.. 20.149 Same days last year 24,232 The follow i table shows tn receipts of cattia, nogs and sheep at South Omaha tor ths year lo date, compared with last 6.411 i.wi U.,4 Il.tW 8.481 S.o2 &.VW 2.il3 16O0 1.100 36,846 82.113 28,403 2e.0 21.D64 2S.546 M.032 20.06 46.210 &,M6 60,908 29.21.2 year: Inc. 1910. 1909. 41,740 46,702 7B.SW 110,432 6f,212 65,962 fnllowlnir table shows the average price of hugs at South Omaha for the last several duye, with comparisons. Cattle Hogs . Sheep Tha Dec 8.902 33.494 4.740 Data, 1910. 19i.12O8.1907.Ui06.lM6.il9O4. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Ian. Jan. Jan. an. Jan. Jan. Jan. 14".'.. .. i 8 4 20 28, I 4 o0 4 U Sunday. Recc.p.B and disposition of live stock at the (j 11.011 oiock laius, south ouiu, 10. twenty-tour hours ending at 8 p. m. edici- aay; . KEt'lilflS. Cattle. Hogs. anep. M. A St. P I Wabash R. xl 2 Mo. f. uy U. P. R. R. C. ot IS. VV . (eastl C ex N. W. tMest) .... lo C, bt. P., M. oc 0 4 C, u. ec W- lesi 2 C, U. oc W tweet) .... 1 C, R. 1. & (easil .... 1 ImIi.uiS Central rt.i 4 cnioaavo uu vvesiein .. t Total receipts 46 8.1 9.3 16.9 24.9 Not included In totals because compari sons are lnoomDlete. tNot included in totals because contain ing other items than clearings. - S....I S J0V.I I 4 40 89 0T 4 48 A I 1 Ul.e., 8 70. 8 Mil S SO, 6 14)1 4 4ul t 77 6.... 8 4 S 661 , $ 4 $ 22 4 47) 4 ....( 8 40 6 76 4 811 lM?'T"? 1 1 liurs k.ti 4 441 241 4W4 66 8.... 8 42)11 S 8o 4 lfct 6 Ho, 6 26 I J 00 9.... I 6 (U 4 401 6 8S 6 M ll 4 ui 10...$22Vj 4 M, 6 20, S2 ii . ... t U . ,n, 1,1 II U I UU i M 12... IS 26 t 62 I 6 301 5 201 4 62 4 61 S 47 6 86 4 08 6 2o 4 6 4 .6 opening next week are naturally somewhat l-Mstil.-r- fur selling intereets. sscsi ssies today wars just ahrrut IOO 16a higher than yeatarday. 1'wo Km da of lambs auld at $U; wethers real I awl xosw. ana ewee soia bi 1 6, The market thus far tnie week nas neen rather disappointing as a whole to ship pers. Trade on moat days hns been rather slow and dull, snd the Inquiry from pack ers anything but active Heavy yearlings and medium grades of sheep suffered de clines of 2.v(fic during the first two days. with ths best grsde of killing lambs and even quotably weak. Stock of the latter description received a severe drubbing Wednesday afternoon, however, ana quo tations were leveled to about the same basis. With this mornings strength cur rent quotations on all classes of killers are Just about trrhtOc lower than the close of last week, the poorer kinds suffering the greater deoline. Quotations on fst stock: Oood to choice lambs. $7.90-03 40; fair to good lambs, $(.40if 7.90; good light yearlings, $; good heavy yearlings, 8Hfl7.10; good to choice wethers, 6.ei.oi); fair to gooa weiners. $5.106.80; good to choice ewes, $6.t5.7&; fair to good ewes, $b OotjS.So. Representative sales: No. 227 fed yearlings snd lambs. 17 western ewea 241 western wethers 438 fed lambs .- 24 fed yearlings Ave. ,. 68 ..112 ..lu6 .. 67 .. SI Price. J" Ms I 90 8 00 S 76 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cnttle Firm Hoars and Sheen Ten to Fifteen Cents Hlgher. CHICAGO. Jan. 14. CATTLE Receipts 2.000 head; market firm; steers, to.OO-fiiM; cows. $ heifers. $3.40tf6.60: heifers, $3.40U.oft: bulls. $4.0Qu6.1o; calves. $3,000 9.75: stockers and feeders. I3.7bifr6.nQ. HOUS Receipts. 9 "00 head: market. tS 16c higher; choice h, ivy. H 9Mr.06; butch ers. $8.9i'(r9 00; light mixed. $H.iW8.76; choice light, IS.76tf8 8o; packing, $.86t8.90; pigs, $7.i(K(t8.60; bulk of sales, tS.7tf 8.96. SHKEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 6,000 head; market, 10g;l5o higher; sheep, $5, 4.16; lambs, $7.40l.80; yearlings, $4.2&97.90. 9 1 ii 4 L) I 2 12 'i 2 6S Kansas City LIT Stoek Market. KANSAS CITT, Jan. 14.-CATTLEi-R-cWpts, 2,000 heod. Including 100 head southerns; market shade higher; choice ex port and dressed beef steers, $6.007.26; fall to good $5.00&6.00; western steers, 44.0016 00; southern cows, $2.754.60; native cowa, $2.60 ti6.2f; native heifers, $3.&0fv.00; bulls, $3.60 45. W; calves, $4.008.26. HOGS Receipts, S.oOO head; market. Sjy 10c higher; closed weak; top, $8.70; bulk of sates, 28.30Ca8.a5; heavy, $8.iti.7n; paokers and butchers, lS.4niuK.i0: light. 8.0j.52V; pigs, $.75tf7.90. SHEEP AND LAMBS RecelDts. 8 000 head; market iodine higher; western lambs. .un; ismos, i.WKos.rjr; yearlings. .76B7.36; wemei-s, i.Ki((Ht.oo: ewes. M.7fKU.60: steers ond feeders, $5.6Oi(7.00. Omaha Packing Co. owiti anu txieupauy .... cuuaiiy i-acauiet Co Attiiour ot Co iv ley Packing Co t. U. 111U. 1 Kg. tyO.... tiutiuian t acKmg uo. .. tit-iiion, Vansant Sc Lush F, 88. Lewis j. ti. buna Mccreary 6V Carey a. wertneimer M. riuei-iy oulllvan tioa Lehiuer Lios Le HotfiBCiiiid .vto. and ivan. Caif uo.. tvtina & cn'isiy Oilier ouyeia uicii-OBliluW. Cattle.Hogs. Sheep. 131 2,1 442 Old 2 13 i V 2 27 26 4 86 7 30 lO 722 110 ou2 1,1 o boi 210 26 Hii 1 600 St. Lonla Live Stock Market. ST. LOCI 8. Jan. 14 CATTLli Reeelntn 1000 head, including 2.100 head Trxans: market steady; native shipping and export nlwrs, $; dressed ueef and bulchor steers. X5.4IKu6.75: steers under 1.000 lbs S4.Ki4.SO: stockers and feeders, $3.406.2.V. cows and heifers, $3.00if6.00; canners, 2.16'ijl .ou, uuiis, aj.wi(iJ4.oo; calves, snwtgs.tio; Texas and Indian steers. $3. HOST). 76: cows and helferg. 12.7W4M. HOOH RecelDts. 7.600 head: market. 15i 20o higher; pigs and lights, $6.76ff8.60; pack ers, $; butchers and best heavy. eo.noiy.9V. SHEEP AND . LAMBS Rjecelnta. WV) head: market steady : native muttons (6.60; lambs, $7.2ntu8.90; culls and bucks, fc.76'u.26; stockers, $2.406.00. Totals CA'ITLE Receipts of New York Money Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 14. MONET On call, easier; 3cf4 per cent; ruling rate 3ft per cent; closing bid, 3 per cent; offered at S-'4 per cent. Time loans' very soft and dull; alxty days, 4 per oent; ninety days. 44Vi per cent; six months, 44 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER IVffi per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Steady, with actual business in bankers bills at $4.84 4.6410 for sixty-day bills and at 84 8736 for demand; commercial bills, M.ftaVtfM.M. SILVER Bar, 62Vo; Mexlcau dollars, 44c, BONDS Government, steady; railroad. irregular. Closing quotations on bonds were as follows: ...10044 Int Met. 4e K ,..100Int. M. M. 4a 7ft .. J01Mapan 4s 8 -t.101 do 4a 88 ...114 K. C. So. 1st 8s 73 ...114 U 8. Oeb. 4a 1M1.... 84 ...84 Ik A N. unl. 4s 100 ...101 M . K. A T. lat 4a.. 0 n..l03 do sen. 4s Am. Tobacco 4a 18Mo. Paelflo 4a 81 do 6a 108 N. R. R. sf M. 4s.. 84 :a AlUKMir A Oo. 4a... (4 N. Y. C. f 8 9i do deb. 4a K .118 N. Y.. N. H, A H. V. 8. ret. 2a, reg, do coupon U. g. 8a, re do coupon ..... V. B. 4a, reg , do coupon AlllsCnal. lit 6s. Am. At fm Am. T. A T. cr. 1,439 4,438 cattle tins ing were, extreme. y llgnt, there nut enuuih in sis ut a., any nne time to iiiakM a maiKel. anil tne aeiuauu good and everyinlng changed nanus about as fast as Buyers couia gei at. u. The few best steers on saie commanded prices mat were safeiy loo higher tnun yesterday. Taking Into account tna stronger uioee ot yesteiuuy it is sale lo quote ine market lutfe-loc Higher than ths low point Vveanesaay or around 29c lower than tne hiirn n,.lnt last week. What bos been said regarding beef steers would apply equally well to cows and heif ers. They, too, were In better demand today ano sold at prices that were safely inn nlaher tnan yesterday.. The cow mar ket has been firming up during the last two duvs ho that the market at the pros ent time is not over 2oo lower than the htirh time last week. There were only a very few odds and ends of feeders here today ana tney soia at about steady prices. The best feeders are selling anywhere from steady to 1015o lower than- last week with stockers lti26o lower. Quotations on cattle: Good to choice beef stceru, 8r..VK(j7.3); iair o goon oeei sieers, J5.00fi.0o: common to fair beef steers, $00'(f 6.00; good to choice cows and heifers, $4.2(8 6.00; fair to good cows and heifers. $3.tfrrf 4.26; common to fall- cows and heltors, $3.40 ai 26; good to choice stocaers and feeders. f4.004jo.uo; fair to good siockers ana isoaers 13.50-jil.2h: common to lair stockers and feeders, $2,7513.60; stock heifers, $2.753.50; veal calves, $3.50uv7.60; bulls, stags, etc., $2.760-4-GO. Representative sales: BEEF-STEERS. Mo. av. ft. No. Av. Pr. 4 8Z 4 60 IS 993 6 16 11 813 4 80 100 llS I 40 18 1084 6 10 82 1152 $ 10 it m 6 io Af-hlion can. do cv, 4a do cv. 6a At. C. L let 4s.... Bal. A Ohio 4a do 3e d S. W. 8s... Bra. Tr. cv. 4e C. of Os. Si On. Leather 6a C. of N. J. a. 6s... 118 ov. s . 4N. A W. 1st o. 4s. . s do cv. 4a . a No. Paelflo 4s .80 do 3 ............. . 88 0. S. U tfdg. . .108Penn. cv. 3s 1916. . 88 de eon. 4a. 18t Reading sen If- Cliea. A Ohio 4a 108 St. I A B. f, do ref. 6s oo do sen. 8a... Ollraso A A. 3s.. 74 it. L. S. W. a I C. B. A 4. ). 4a ' do lai sold 4s.. do sen. 4a W fleaboaxd A. L. i C. M. ASP. g 3s 88 So. Pactlls col. 4i 0., R. I. A P. o. .-. 81 40 ev. 4a do col. 6a los da 1st ref. 48... do rf. 4s 81 o. Kaliwty 6s. Colo. Ind. 6a 8t do geu. 4a...... Colo. Mid. 4s... 8o Colon Paolflo 4a.. 0. A 8. r. A e. 4s. W do cv. P. A H. ev. D A R. O. 4s,.. Dlatillerv ia ... Krlt p. I. 4a do gas. 4s do ev. ear. A... do aeries B Gen. glee. ov. la. ill. ten, let ref. Hid, Hiirenl. .lol do lat A ref. 4. ., . 96l!. S. Rubber 6...., . 141.'.. S. Steel 3d 6a... . 8Va.-Caro. chain. . 7 wauaea 1st ., .60 do in A ex. 4s:.., . 7lv.'eelern Mi. 4a.... , .144We. Kle,-. ev. 6a. i. 88 Wls. Central 48.... 184 . 88 .101 .10S . 74 . 8i . 88 .104 .. 88 4s 84 .. e8 ..18 ... 83 .. 88 ... 32 ...lot .. 84 ...14 ,.. 80 ...111, ...111 ... 61 ,..104 04 i 111 74 36 , 0J 84 It'.'.'.'.'. 4.. 1.. 4... 1.. Local . BeCnrttlea. - ; Quotation furnished by Samuel Burns, Jr.,. U4 .New York Life building, Omaha: Uu. Aelta. ... 841 ... 818 ... 881 ... 844 ... 883 ... 8.4 ... M8 ...1018 ... 82 ... 964 t ... 804 ... 611 ... 861 ... 314 ... 717 ...1830 ...1270 ...loati ....ill ...1460 lbSO .. .14i0 ...U43 ...lie ... 135 ... 81,8 888 ... 28 ... la ... 130 ... 286 2 78 i 80 I 00 I 00 I 10 t ii 8 80 8 69 10 8 75 21.... 6 6 14 24.... 4.... 4 9 11. HEIFERS. 8 18 4 8 86 4....r. I 36 4 8 86 67 8 66 21 BULLS. I 60 t to 1 60 80 2 80 I to 3 8V 88 i In CALVES. 2. .... 837 ... 988 ...1180 ...1070 ...1008 .... 8f4 .... 66 ...1010 ...1V66 ...1186 .... 780 ... 463 .... 183 .... 84 ... 830 ....130 ...1190 ...ii:v ,...:870 ... 810 ...1530 ....1180 ,...14etl. t 80 8 86 4 oo 4 00 4 36 4 uO 4 60 4 60 4 60 4 80 $ 80 8 80 4 00 4 20 4 40 4 06 4 It 4 16 4 80 4 6o 4 40 4 84 4 86 I (0 i 60 4 60 4 76 1.. 15 240 HI) 160 Ui 130 180 t 00 t oo t 60 7 00 7 16 1 60 7 80 Total sales for tha dar, L2M,u00 snares. London Stock Market. LONDON, Jan. 14. Only a small business was done in American securities during the early session today.- At noon Union Paclflu was firm and a point higher, while the rest of the list showed Irregular changes, ranging from H htgher to V4 lowsr yesterday's New York closing. London closing stocks Console, aaoney... do aeoouui Copper Anaconda Atchison do pfd lUmore A Ohio. 83 18-1 Loulavllle A 14.. 82 16-13 M .. K. A T ... 88 N. Y. Central... ... 10 Norfolk A W... ...114 do ptd ...10 Ontario A W.... 181 Pennsylvania ... Canadian Paclllt.M.186 Hand Mines. Oeeapeeso A 0 88 Reading Chloaa-o 0. W n Southern Ry Chi.. Mil. A St. P..-1M d pld lie beer 1 southera Paelflo.. A Rle Q 60 to Ion Pacific do aid... 88 so pld Brla 84 D. S. Stoat do 1st pM 68 do ptd do M pfd el Wahaah Orand Trunk 21 do pld... lllleoia lemrei aw ieiie ee... ee B1LVH.K oar, sieaay at e-ioa per os. MONEY lV,ij2 par oanu The rata of discount In ths open market tor short bills Is 8 per cant; for three mouths' bills, SV.Jj$$-li per cant ...lao ... 4 ...133 ...100 ... 88 ... 4 ... 88 ... S ... 84 ... 83 ... T ...138 ...808 ...104 !"i5 ... 14 ... 64 Trenanry Stataaaant. WASHINGTON. Jan. 14. The aondltlon of tha treasury at ths beginning of busi ness today was as follows: Trust Funds Gold coin, $74. 706. Si; silver dollars. $4A4.4h2.000; silver dollars of TKS0, ts.8j0.0ii0: silver certificates outstanding, $484.42.000. Osneral Fund Standard silver dollars In general fund, $5,625,699; current llaollitiea, $lu6.220.0tV; working balance in treasury of fices, $21,1U,UMS; in batiks tu credit of tress- Armour A Co. 4s 183 IRairlte traanxr pld, par oent. City of Uiuaha 4a ref. 1K14 City of Omaha tvta. 139 CMy at Nea York 4a. Ia6t..t Cincinnati Uas be, lt43 Calilorula tt. A M. 8a -88J , Cvlumbua, NcO., B. L aa. 1M6.... City Uaa A Blevtr.c. V.a:arloo.... Cuaatir Packing Co. 6a, 1.K4 .... Inavpendeul 'te. ee, .84 International Cos. C Lous Hell lAiniher Co. s, 1321.... Mlcaian stew 'tel. is, 1824 iokraate 'relephoae etock umalia Water Co. 6a. JavS... ...... Omalia Water Co. 8d pld.... .... Oiueia Oa ea, 1811 Omaha t. L. A P. Co. 8a, 1344... Omaha B. L A P. Co. pie. I per sent Omaha A Q. U. St. Br. 6a 182.. Omaha A C. B. St. kjr. pld, 6 per cent Omaha A C. B. It. Hf.. com. Omaha A O. U. kr A at. pld... 8 lout city Siock tenia pia, per sent 80 South Omaha ret. 4e, 1811.... tuuei Seattle Lismlns Co. as, 1880 pf Cuius a, Y. -.. So. Onaba. f p. a, 8 94 . 80 . Idu-K ,. .04 : luo t; . 8, . rl . 91 . 10J I.' 'if ' ,. 83 ,. 8 l'JO ,. 84 .. .8. .. 36 .. 8 4 a 84 8e 83 10 - l'i 88 M 96 8 iw 31 8 lo. ItM l.u 8S 84 IUU 81 llM Foralarn Flnnnelal. LONDON, Jan. 14. Money was easily ob tainable and discount rates were weak to day. Trading on ths Stock exchange was farlly active, with a good undertone. Con sols and gilt-edged securities hardened on iuveatiiMMit buying despite tha forthcoming issue ot a 3 per cent Canadian loan. Home rails war quiet, but foreign ers Improved on Paris buying, while Kaf firs were quits strong snd active. Only a small buslneeja was dons In ths American section during the early session. Union Ps oitis advanced a point, but ths rest of ths list showed very little change. In the aft ernocn prices hardened slowly nndar the lead of Rook Island, on covering orders but ths New York opening caused values to decline slightly, and the market closed about steady. bkrun, Jan. l. prices were stronger on tha Bourse today, following better re ports i rum in iron marast. St. Joseph Lire Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mo . Jan 1J. r 4TTt .V Receipts. 600 heed: market slow: stimra. $4.&?i.0u; cows and heifers, $2.666.25; calves, $3. 25(n 8.00. HOOS Receipts. 2.000 head: market Inr- blgher; top, $8.70; bulk of sales, $8. 44 8. 65. SHEEP AND LAMU8 RecelDts. 6oo head; lambs, lorjftfo higher; sheep, steady; lambs, $7.0O&8.50. Hons City Live Stock Market. ' SIOUX CITY. Ia.. Jan. 14.-SDeolal Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 300 head; mar ket steady to strong. HOOH Receipts. 1.700 head: market. KM tfc higher: range Of Drlces. SS. 3018. 65: hnlir of sales, $8.408.55. Stock In Sight. Receipts of live stock at the six rjrlnelnaJ western markets yesterday: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha, Sioux City ... St. Joseph ... Ka -is City , St. T.ouls .... Chicago Total 800 800 .. 800 ..2,000 ..2,000 ..2,000 4.500 1,700 2,000 6,000 7.500 9,000 1,100 600 3,000 800 6,000 at $.10M6.2S. New Tork, and $R.!Mi5 0S, Eftst St. Louis. The lamtlon market was un changed at ?S 7s d. li-rvn was higher, at 6i 11 for Cleveland warrants. In In- don. No change was reported locally. No. foundry, northern. $13. 7jfe 14.2b; No. I southern and No. 1 southern soft. $16.r0gi 19 25. T. IlMfl. Jan. 14 -MKTALS-Ind, dull at M 6HI4.C2V. Sreltar. dull at $ 06. OMAHA UKX RR A L MlRkRT, Staple and Fnney Predsce rrleea Fnr nlahed hr Boyera nnd Wholeaa lem. BUTTER Creamery, No 1. delivered to th retail It ads In 1-lb cartons. 87c; No. X. In eO-lb. tubs. Stiver; No. 2 In 1-lb. cartons, 96c; In 60-lb. tubs, 244c; pncklng stock, solid pack. S?o, fresh rolls, f.c: fancy dairy, roll, 2oc Market changes every Tuesday. Common butter. 23c. . POULTRY Dressed: Frollers, $5 A dos. springs, 16c; hens. 14c; cock, 10c; ducks, lso; geese, 14c; turkeys, 2nc; pigeons, per do., $126; Homer squabs, $4 per d, s. ft,ncy squabs, .W) per dos.; No. 1, $3 00 per dug. Alive: Broiler, under 2 Ihs., 15c; oVer I lbs. 11c; hns, 11c; cocks, 7e: ducks, full feathcrtd. 12c; geese, full feathered, 9e; turkeys, 18c; guinea fowl. $3 per do.; pit eon, Ooe per dos PISH All troaen: 'Trout, 13c! whits flh, Hot pickerel. 6v; pikes -lie; e I, l$o; had dnck, 13c; Spanish iiiackei-sl. 18c; red-snap-par, 13c; blueflsh, 16c; codfish, 13c; flound ers, 12c; shad roe. 7Co; salmon, 11c; hali but, 11c; smelts, 16c OYSTERS Selects, small cans, 2fic; larg, 40c; gallon, $1.60; New . York Counts, small, 83c; larg, 4uc; gallon, $2.00; Baltlmnr, standards, small. 23c; large, 26c; gallon, $1.40. FRUITS Oranges: JLxtrs fancy, highly colored, navels. 96s, 112s and 12tia. par boa. $2 96; extra fancy, highly colored, navels, 150s. 176s, 216a, per box, $3.00. Lemons; Extra fancy. 900 and SOOs. per box. 16 00; extra choice, Suva, $rios, pr-e box. $4.76. Oraps fruit: Florida Indian River, 86s. Vm, Ms. 64s. 80s and 90s, per box, $4.00. Tangerines) Florida, 144s and 16Ha, per box. $2.50. Plnrw applea: Florida Indian River, 24a and KOs, per crate. $3.60. Apples: Ren Davis, Colo rado, larg bu. box, $1.26; Wine Saps, Colo rado, large size, box. $2.00: Jonathan. Colorado, per box, $2 00; Greenings, Co o- rado, per box, $1.50; Missouri Pippins, Colo rado, pr box, $1.76; Genltena, Colorado, per box, $1.50: Iowa Jota(han, bbl.,-$6.n0; Iowa Wine Saps, bbl., $6.00; Iowa Missouri Pippins, bbl., o.00; Iowa Pen Davis, bbl., $4.76; Hen Davis, strictly No. 1 Missouri, bbl., $3.76; Missouri Pippins, strictly No. 1, bbl., $.1.75; Uanos, strictly No. 1 Missouri, bhl.. ' $4.00; Greenings. New York, No. 1 Farmers' pack, bbl., $3.50: extra fancy New York Greenings, bbl., $4 CO. Grape: Mala gas, .extra choice imported, bhl., f6.R0: Ma lagas, fancy Imported, bbl., $6.00; Malagas, extra fancy, extra heavy, imported, bbl., $6.50; Malagas, extra fancy, tinted, highly colored. Imported, bbl., $8.00. Bananas! Extra fancy, Port Llmon or Changulnola, finest and largest, bunch, $3.50; extra fancy, special 76-lb bunches bunch, $3.0J; extra fanoy, bunch, $2.00y2.75. Cranberries': Rell and Bugle, extra fancy, long keeping, bbl., $7 50; Wisconsin, ripe, good for Immediate use only, bbl., $6.25. Pear: California, txtra fancy Easier 2eurre, box, .50. Figrs; New. imported, 4-crown. lb., 18c; new. Im ported.' 12 12-os. packages, box, 60c; new Imported. 60 6-os. packages, box, $2.00; Im ported, 1-lb. basket. Wc. VEGETABLES Cauliflower: California, per crate, $2.50. Honey i Colorado,1 ' per erate, $3.26. Sweet Potatoes: Kansas, 2-bll bbl., 12.00. Celery: Jumbo California, per , do,, ,;.c. Head Lettuce: Per hamper, $2 60. Rutabagas: Canadian, - per lb., lc. Cab bage: Wisconsin genuins Holland seed. per id., l(B2c; 1,000 lb. lots or mors, per 1C. Tomatoes: Florida, 6-basket crates, per crate, $6.50. 01V Turnips, Car rots or Parsnips: Per, bbl., $2.25. Onions: Red Globe, extra, larsre. Mr lb.. SVaa: Spanish, per crate, $1 60. ' NUTS Almonds: DraJte seedlings. Me lb.. 13c; Braslls. large, per lb., 13Vo; fil berts, large. Der lb.. l.lVeo: Decans. Jumbo Texas, per lb., 16c; pecans, medium Texas, per lb., 12 Vie; black wtilnuts, per lb., 2c; nlnkory, small, per lb., 6c: hickory, large, per lb., 4c; California walnuts. No. 1, soft hell, per lb., 16c; California walnuts, No. soft shell, per lb., 11c; peanuts, raw, per , 6c; peanuts, Jumbo, raw, per lb., IVifl; aanusi, roasted, per lb.. 6c I peanut. salted, per box, $1.26. DAlEo Thirty lilb. packages, per sox, .25; new Hallawc'en, per lb.. 6y4c; sugar walnut, per box,. $1.26; fard, per lb., 10c uiUEK-MotiB, per keg, ih.60. POPCORN White rice, per lb.. 8e. BEEF CUTS NO. 1 ribs, 16V4c; No. 2 ribs. 12a; No. 2 ribs, 8c; No. 1 loin, 18c; No. t loin, I3c; no.. t-oin, 9o; Mo. i ohuok, 7Vc; No. 2 chuck, 6c; No. $ chuck, (i; No. 1 round, 9c; No. 2 round, 7c: No. t round, 7c; No. 1 plate, 6o; No. 2 plat. c; No. 9 plate, 4o. . . - .11JJU.DU a W III, 3.0M, IVUU1 Allie . block. Swiss, 20c; brick, Uo; llmbergr, Uo; Imported Swiss, 30c; .8,900 80,700 11,400 Cotton Market. Cotton Is Still Slumping;. NEW ORLEANS. Jan. 14. The alnmn In the cotton future markets at New York and New Orleans again carried prices down $2.60 a bale below the high levels of the day. At New Orleans the March no tions dropped 63 points, going to 14.210, and tne may uuiion want irom Id. IOC to 11.60c. INUiVV iOrtrV, Jan. 14. tUi'lON-Tha maraei ouenea weaa at an advenca nf 1 points on January, but generally 8 to 18 points lower, with the aotlvs months aeiing into new low ground for the season ana snowing a net loss of from 13 to 19 iFvima uui ins toe iirsi icw minutes, i rad ing was sensationally active, and after over-nigni selling orders had been executed, ine market rained several points on Liver pool buying, covering and surjnort from spot interests, i ne market during the mid dle of the morning was nervous and irrea-u- lar, within a point or two of last night's uimis. Fntures opened weak; January, 14.68o: March, 14.60c; April, 14.60o. bid: May. 14.6Rn: June, 14.55c, bid; July, 14.00c: August, 14.8e; September, 13.86c; October, 12.90c; December, i lot--, uiivrru, . - Futures closed Irregular, closing steadier. Closing bids: Jantiary, 13.66c; February 13.68c; March, 13.76c; April, 13.79c;' May. j.i.wu, junr, jo.pvc; -juiy, ls.yfc; August,, nrjiirinucr, u.vuc; t-Fctooer, is.iuc; DO' cember, 12.65c. Spot cloned quiet at 60 points lower; mid dung uplands, 14.45c; middling gulf, 14.70o. aaies, i.oou Dates. GALVESTON, Jan. 14. COTTON Lower at lotc. ST. LOUI3, Mo., Jan. 14. COTTON Un changed; middling, 16c; sales, none; re ceipts, 1,695 bales; shipments, L8U8 bales; BLOCK, ,VC1 DUieS. . NEW ORLEANS, Jan. 14.-COTTON spots worn sieaay; low ordinary, U 5-18C, nominal; ordinary, UVic, nominal; good or- omary, ia n-ioc; strictly good ordinary, llo low middling, 14 7-16c; strictly low mld- anng, n,c; middling, 16u; strictly mid dl'ng, 15-,c; good middling, 15c; strictly guou miuuiing, io i-iuc; miaanng fair. io v-ioc; nuuaiing iair, ia lo-ioo; receipts, uaies; stooK, sua.ltu Dates. Coffae Market. . .' , NEW YORK. Jan. 14. COFFEE Market for coffee futures opened steady . at un- - changed price, which was about In Una with, the European cables, but weakened under European -selling renewal- -of Scattered local liquidation, which seemed to come from Wall street and cotton x- ' change houses and which may have bean, caused by the weakness of stocks : and cotton, rather than by anything In the Coffee situation itself. Offerings were not particularly heavy, but the market lacked any aggressive support and while tns close was steady, last prices were 6 to 10 Dolnta lower. Sales were reported of 14.500 bags, including January at 6.70c: March at S.7&9 tfc; May at 6.806,90c: July at 6.86c. and September at 6.90fr7.00c. Spot, steady; No. Rio. $U-1647Sic; No. 4 Santos. (WtVao. Mild, quiet; Cordova,. HwUHc. L-D-TTl't .. U J .;. 47S 8 60 1 980 4 40 HtUS Hogs broke all previous bounds of outside Diit-es tnls morning and etxb nslivl a liranti new retotd top at $8..0. 'a ne highest puce ever paid beiure at t.iis uuint va Jo.oiv, ana was rea.ixea las 1-rniiiv. lust a atek ago today. 'lhu market opened mis morning on a 10, hlkuer basis a compared with yesterday cioso and packers tougnt up all ot tu eu.iy ainvais In short order. The big buU ut supplies of n bu tclisr weight nature so.d trom eo.55 " to $8. Os. Totai receipts were ra.hcr limited, In fact lucre v.tre only flity cars estimated, about thirty-flvs ot v. men ai rived oelom iai:o a. in. Quality as a rule was ery good. With this mornings savance tni mar ket not only make a new,-high r.c ord, but tne average cost Is also .he higu- eet of any day in the n. story of the irauo. As the mernlng progressed ami after the more urgent orders had o.eii filieu the de mand ioal much of lis urgsncy and blue werd lowered contluerably. Moa, of tne opening advance bad vanishtd about midday anu movement did no apptar to oa very active at offers that were l.ttia d.f feient from yesterday's opening. No. Av. Sh. Ff. flu, Av. Sa. Pt. lot 14 ... too 78. ...... .812 ... (46 1 147 ... I 4 80 44 40 8 64 74 808 80 8 40 38 8-0 ... 64 8V 218 180 3 44 if 31 ... 8 64 J6........18 80 3 48 71 4 ... t 6 te 80 40 4 48 ' 10 tut ... lilt, Ml 183 ... $41 !A 33 80 8 61 ,' i- tf 8 60 88., SM 40 8 40 6 tU ... t 60 C8 8-8 10 6 So 16 810 I 60 18 884 ... 8 8 18 214 4 I 6a 10 866 180 3 80 it 8.8 ... 9 63 1 317 ... 8 8V 88 Ml ... 8 13 11 lAi 11 IN 18 8 8 ... 6 66 18 3ae 80 8 0 18 J .- 6 66 77 141 M 80 88 2-4 80 3 U 8 U ... te 14 844 80 8 83 14 &U 80 I 80 16 804 ... 8 86 83 88 ... 8 89 31 310 ... 186 4 rs ... 186 4. ...... .81 ... 81 te 11 ... It 1 131 40 t ii l 88 ... I 70 Boston Stocks and Bonds. '. ; BOSTON, Jan. 14. Money, call loans. (50 per cent; time loans, 45V( per cent Closing quotations: Atchison ad). 4a.,.,. 94 Amalgamated .... do 4s 100Arlaoua Com lli CenUral 4.... 88 At Untie Atchison MltIiutie Coalltlos .. : do pfd lo3ral. A Aiiiona.. Unrtan A Albany.,.. M Cal. A Hecla Boeton A Melne It Centennial Boeton Elevated lit Copper Range .... riuhuurg ptd U Hair V eat N. Y N. H. A Prenklla in Ion Pacific m(irenbv Am Arse. Chem 46 Oraene Ananas . "do pfd 14 1,1, Royale Am, Pneu. Tube 7Maae. Mining Amer. Sugar ...v 113aMlthlgan . do pfd isi Mnhawk Am. T. A T 183 Novada Amer. Woolen 8 Old Dominion ... da pfd H'Z'tOaceole Dnru. I. A rParrot , Malleus Blee. Illu.,144 Uulnef Maea. Electric 18Bhannon do pfd to Tamarack Maaa. Uaa l Trinity 1'Mted Prult 137 f. S Mining I'MMtl . M 88 V. S. Oil do pfd IMal'tah I'. 8 Steal ; 85 Victoria do pfd 19-,Wtnc.ha Adventure ' 7 Wolverine Alloues 88 North Butte ttld. Assad. Ks-4lvldend. SHEEP Hardly enough tl.oep wer on sale this morning to maks much of a mar ket. Only about six or seven cars wer yarded and these sold readily at good, strong to higher prices. While any ad vance of prices on a scantily supplied mar ket does not by any means refieut ths so tual cor.dltlon of trao with receipts of a normal volume, tiie general aituadoo to day showed a decided improvement ever that of yesterday and prospects tor lh . s .80 . 84 . 6J . 8 . 18 .100 . 10 . 87 ,. 1 . 7 . 1 . 81 .18 . 8 . 88 . 14 ,. 8 .. 10 .61 .. 3 :: f ..143 42 Bank tlearlnars. OMAHA. Jan. 14. Bank clearings for to. day were $3 006,773 69 and for ths correspond ing date laat year, 2, Matal Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 14.METAL8-Th market tor standard cot-Der tin tha Now York Metal exchange waa quiet today, with spot and all deliveries up to ths end of April closing at iu.l2'a 13.60. The Engllsi market wss steady, with spot closing a 60 16s Id and futures at at 61 17a d. E potts of copper for th week ware 7.667 ton, making 10,147 tons sinos January and Imports at Atlantic ports by steamer nave been 4.248 tona, Including matt and ores, slnoe tha first of the year. Ix-a dealers quote lake oopper at $18.76314.00, electrolytic ai ia sz'tit 14.66 and castlni $lo.S7Vtff13.6ZVt.. Tin was weak, with spot quoted at 4-u.euojf oo, January, February juarcn ana April at :a. 4032.56. Ths Lon don market waa steady, with spot closln at 147 6s and futures at 148 17s $d. Land waa quiet, with spot quoted at $4 67'& 8 12, rnew tors, ana K&u4.C0, Ksst S I-ouls. London was unchanged at 12 $d. fcpelttr was quiet, vith spot quoted Wool . Market. BOSTON. Jan. 14. WOOL The Commer cial Bulletin will say of ths wool markets Saturday: Ths market la marking tlmo until goods for next fall begin to sell.' although manufacturers continue to watch remaining supplies. Carded woolen - mills are buying moderate lots of territory cloth ing wools at about 703 7 lo clean and Ohio quarter blood is moving at 36c. Sampling In cross breds continues steadily.. Pries ate firm with a strong tendency. Ths shipments of wool from Boston to January inclusive, were 7.870.640 lbs., against 891.128 lbs., for the same time last vear. The receipts to January 13, Inclusive,' wer 918. 4U ID., agatnat 7.879.876 lbs., for th samo.. period lust year. hi, lAJum. Jan. 14. wool unchanged: territory and western, 2oivS8c; fine mediums. JUW'Xtc; line, uauc. Evaporated Applea and Dried Frnlts. NEW YORK. Jan. , 14. EVAPORATED APPLES The market waa Quiet and steady; on the spot fanoy la quoted at 10 iffllc; cholo, VUW, prime, 1itlc; oora- mon io I air, wuc DRIED FRUlio Prunes are firm, with small offerings and . a better demand for sums grades, quotations ranging from 2.-f o for. Callfornlaa up-to . sv-4os and tjivo for Oregon. Apricots are firm on that small stocks; " uhoioe, ' Jl4j UVic;- extra choice, 11&12c;- fanoy,' 12ai3c. Peaches ' are quiet, but firm, with little pressure to sell; pholoa, 6uv7e; . extra oholc, 7'tf7V4jSi fancy, 7'((So. Raisins are firm, with smali pffmings on the Improved conditions on tho coast, loose Muscatel is quoted at 4u6c; choice to fancy seeded, ttiuSc; seedless, l'4o; London, layers, $1.151.20. . -Snarnr nnd MeUases. NEW YORIt - ' Jan. 14 Kirn a nTt. ' firm; muacavado, 89 test, S.C7o; oantlfugaJb 96 test, 4.17c: molasses sugar. 89 teat. 1.4&Z Refined, steady; cut loaf. 8.95c; crushed, 6.85c: mould. 6 50c: cuues. 6 B)o: Xflf ruwdored, 6.30e; powdered, t.25c; granulated, lc; diamond A, 6.15c; confectioner A. 4 t5e; No. 1, 4 90c; No. 2, 4.86c; No. 8. 4 75c; No. 4, 4'75o; No. 6, 4.70c; No. 6, 45c; No. 7, 4 boo; No, 8.-4 66C; No. 8. 4.00c; No. 10. 4 4f"-c; NO. 11. 4.40c: No. 12. i'A.c: K,v U 11-. No. 14, 4.30O. Refined Snirnr Advanced. , NEW YORK. Jan. 14 All rraAm t flnd sugsr were advanced W cent S 100 pounds today. - . , Huron Alter I'oniinlaelon Porn. ' HURON, S. !).,' Jan.'-.14. Spcutai.)--Pkr. tltlons buvs beon JTUednwlth City Clerk (iuhoenert, asking the.qlty oouncil to order an election to determine whether or not Huron shall adopt a. commission form of city government. Th petitions renrsnt mors thQ au pr cent 0f the voters of th city and ask that th election be ordered for February 1, "at whloh time a vote will b taken on ths question of Issuing bond In tho sum of $30,000 for a new system of water works. - ' Btor bottled beer asiivtrsd promptly your residence at ssms prices as form aril. Charlss Stors, retail dealer, 1I33-J6 Sherman avenue, next door north of Storg brwry. Phonss Wcbitsr 1260. ind. fl-inrj Ilcrbcri E Gooch Co, Brokers aai Dealers OsVAIaT, PBOYISTOBTs, TOOKn. Omaha Oftloei 810 ST. T. SJis BUg. Ball Vtlapheaa Don la SS1 . . InaspsiUleai, A-Slll and A-tlSB.' Oldtst tw4 Largest Uoa 4a tho KUt