THE BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY, JANUARY' 14, 1910. Want - Ads Advertisements for the want olomne will lie taken nntll 13 '' III tmliif edition and nnlll HiM p. m. for the morning nnd Sandfly edi tion. lash mnat accompany all order lor want ala nnd an nJtffll"'"""' "nl e nrrepted for leae than SO fft first Insertion. Rates apply to eltner The Dally or andar Bee. Alwaye coont al worda to a line. CASH WATF." FOB WAUT AD". RROILAR CLARIFICATION One Insertion, 1 1-a eenta per word and 1 cent per word for each anbaeqaent Inaertlon. Each Ineertlon made on odd days, 1 1-2 centa per word f l.BU per line per month. Want ada for The nee mar he left at any of the followlna; drass atorea one la roar "corner dmsrajat" the are all branch offlcea for The Bee and yonr ad will be laarrted Jaat aa promptly and on the name ratea aa at the mala office In The Bee Building, Seventeenth and Farnam atreetat A loach, TV. C, 40th and Farnam. Heraiick, 8. A.. 1402 H. 10th St. Recht Pharmacy, 720 S. Itith St. Benson Pharmacy, Benson, Neb. Bemls Park Pharmacy, 33d and Cuming. Mlake-Hrarilsh. S1 Sherman Ave. Canghlln, C. R.. 6th and Pierce Sts. Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 2213 Military Ave. Conte, J. H., Slat Ave. and Fat nam. Crlssey Pharmacy, 2tth und Lake. Cooney Pharmacy. 222S S. 10th St. C'ermak, Emil. 1264-6 8. 13th St. F.hler, F, H., 2N3 Leavenworth. Foater A Arnoldl, 213 N. 25th St. Freytag, John J.. 1914 N. 24th St. Pregger Drug Co., 108 N. 16th St. Florence Drug Co., Florence. Neb. Goldman Pharmacy, 2oth and Lake. Green'a Pharmacy, Park Ave. and Pacific , Greenough, G. A., 1(6 S. 10th St. Greenough. G. A., 10th and Hickory. Hayden, William C, 2U20 Farnam St. Hanscotn Park Phar., ljOl 8. 29th Ave., John, 624 N. Mth St. Huff, A. L., Ki Leavenworth Ft. Johanson Drug Co.. 24th nnd Spalding Sts. King. H. 8 . 2238 Farnam St. Kountie Place Pharmacy, S304 N. 24th. Mares. Fred L.. 2M Central Blvd. Patrick Drug Co., 1624 N. 24th St. Lathrop, Charlea E., 1324 N. 24th St. Peyton, L. R.. 24th and Leavenworth Sts. Saratoga Drug Co., 24th and Ames Ave. Kchaefer's Cut Price Drug Store, 16th and Chicago Kta. Schaefer, August. 2631 N. lfilh St. Schmidt. J. H.. 24th and Cuming Sts. Storm Pharmacy, 16th and Martha Sts. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming. Walton Pharmacy. 20th and Grace Sts. Wlrth, O. H., 40th and Hamilton Sta. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. P.lrths Jacob Llntzmun, 1108 North Sev enteenth, girl; Louis Hofxtalur. 1412 South Fourteenth, boy; Edmund Manning, 1622 Burt,, boy; Howard K. Shlnrock, 930 North Twenty-fifth, boy; Robert E. Frltsche. 2224 Charles, boy; Otto Vallmer, 1518 North Twenty-fourth, boy; Henry Marlon, 2011 Burt, girl; Frank Nerling, 3108 South Eight eenth, boy. Deaths Baby Detamorl, 2016 Charles; Mrs. Ida J. Palmqulst, Stanton. Ia., 41; Harry House, 2216 Seward, 86; Alex Lillian "rone, 968 North Twenty-Heventh avenue, 707 Baby Roue Campbell, Fourth and Ban croft; Baby Stewart, Fourth and Bancroft; Luella Beck. 4S23 North Twenty-s?venth, Rt.; Jennie Hyland, 2416 Indiana avenue, fl; Charles F. Uakley, Fourteenth and Capi tol, 63. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Licenses to wed have been Issued to the following; Name and Residence. Age. J. Herbert Kough, Omaha 2X Anna Kough, Omaha 27 Edward R. Hammond, Table Grove, 111. 27 Maymo Rankin, Cuba, 111 Zj Fred Hanton, Omaha 2 Kate Herlngton, Omaha 25 William E. Allen. Omaha...: 27 Vera B. Cox, Omaha 28 Fred O. Miller, Yutan 21 Ltn Heldt, Yutan 21 ANNOUNCEMENTS PriAT CLEAN Carbon Cooking, 16.60. JAAJ Coutant & Bqulrea. 140b Far. D. PJO. The Smith Premier Typewriter Company la receiving old friends and new In its new home In the New Kennedy Building, 19th and Douglas Street. Omaha's Newest Commercial District. Smith Premier Typewriter Co. M. O. Plowman, Mgr. Saratoga Drug Co., 24th and Ames Ave., accurate compounders of prescription. Free delivery. Store open 6:30 a. m. to 12 p. m. WEDDING RINGS Ryan Jewelry Co., Flflroeung!'asnJ PT Arrj:NBallw,n Co- wholesale player 1 iAiUPpitnoli organs, lot McCague B. Billiard nnd Pool Be8t ,ables and jjiiuuiu 1 UU1 cues; courteous, at tention. BTTRANCK through TRACY BROS. CIGAR STORE, 14Io Douglas. -1- MONEY m TO LOAN LOW In aums to 310 Bee Ride Phone Doug. 29.4. UNION LOAN COMPANY. Douglas Printing Co. TeL Douglas C44. Cfi A T . Illinois lump per ton w; r.r , V"AU P. J. Creedon & Sons. O.JU 46th and Dodge. Tel. Harney 2160. l71or trifOmaha electric works repairs elo iiiieCUU.vatr.a itfc N. 11th. I). Uil. A-144S.4 GOOD MERCHANTS LUNCH, r. cvrci A. JETES. 1302 Douglas St. " KjXO. THE Bon Ton restaurant, 2C3 South 13m fit., open Dec. 37. Management of Leo Wing and Charles Leo. Chinese and Amer ican diuhes. chop euey. C retailors uf former proprietors. Call Dec 24. OMAHA Safe and Iron Works makes a rpecialty of fire escapes, shutters, doors aim sates. G. Audi ten. Prop., loj S. loth. COAL Andovar, Egg and Lump. TeL W. 8106 or B-2245. $6.50 R. H. MOREHOUSE CO. 1ilTTF. MIKO 1419 r'Kias st.. om- D. W. DUDGEON, Plumbing and heating. Boiler Repairing work. lloller Co., 19lh and Pierce. Douglus 1141. 1LER GRAND HOTEL rKaHdTti: Turkish Baths YOUR MAGAZINE RENEWALS are wmh 11,000 to Infants' Home. 1700 already earned. URGENT. SEE PERSONALS. Melcher & Schmidt Drug Co. ANNOUNCE THE OPENING of their NEW COMPLETE PHARMACY 17th and Karnam. Opp New York Life Bldg. About Februaiy 10. The same attention to detaiia In the se lection of our slock and the filling of prescriptions that liaa in ule our present Mores a suc eM will he the rule In OUR NEW IP-TOWN STORK. Cement Blocks FRITZ E. SADWALLJ0n formerly So. Uniaha, now 0U1 Paxlon blk. HINDOO TABLETS 1ll build, bracl etrnigihen. 60c fci-LL DRUG CO. ANNOUNCEMENTS CollllmiU- ELEVATORS BETA I HE L Freight, Pas enger,, J. It. Kennedy, 104 S. 13th. loug.28WI. DAVID COL. IS Creamery Co. U. S. Cleaning Co., 0,&S "pllOtlCS. PHOTO ENGRAVINQ Acid Blast Etching. Prompt Work. W. R. IiltAM HLETT & CO.. 1311 Howard. D. 6971. RORT. I. HAMILTON. PLUMBING. STEAM ar.d G3 FITTING. 2231 Leaven worth St. Phones D. 49M. lnd. A 4366. W. W. SCOTT. PHOTOGRAPHER Photos taken anywhere, any time. D. 816. n T A 7?T . Keys and gen. repairing; new location, 1709 Leavenworth. TRY the Morris Cafe. 1316 Dodge TRY our cream bread; always freh. Leavworth St. Bakery, 1707 llworth. H. 6096. ANCHOR FENCE CO. Iron and wr fences cheaper than wood. La' a Lifetime. 207 N. 17th. 'Phone Red 814. Monuments. J. F. Bloom A Co., 1815 Far. RAMSER, practical HATTER. 229 8. 14 St nt t & h. Green Trading Stampa -J-rilJ ltl, hnpit and aofl coal. Peo ple's Coal Co. Dour. S471: lnd. A-146S. WOOD, Dr. O. 8.. (521 N. Y. U Homeopath. MILLER JAMIF.SON, quirk printers. 1212 Douglas St. Tel. Doug. 42S9; lnd.. A-42S9. OFHCE STATIONERY Koiera & Co., 1506 Jackaon. 'Phone D. 1S60. PiriTin TuninryEtPcrlenced men. C. H iimiuoTliaict,Wi UBS Ha Har. D5019 Depositions. P. J. flutcliffe. 628 Ree Bldg. LEW.W.RABER--, Over 20 Years in N. Y. L. Bldg. AFTER FEBRUARY 1, 1910. BEE BUlLDlNQ.0onu Missouri Filters a.ade, sold. 1310 Howard. II. A. STEINFIELD Piano Repair Factory, 808 South 18th St. Let mt figure on your repairs and re flnlKhlng and tuning. I will guarantee all work BeRt of references furnished. 'Phones, Doug. 34S; lnd.. A-2215; South 20S8. SAFETY RAZOR BLADES made sharper than new; 2' cts. earh; all makes. SMITH NOVELTY CO., R. 9, Union Blk., 16th and Farnam Hts. ARRIN'S KOSHER RESTAITRANT, 818 S. 16th St., (Upstairs). AUTOMOBILES See Drummond For your AUTO TOP or TOP REPAIRS. For AUTO WHEELS or WHEEL RE PAIRS. , For spring or axle repairs. For the lowest priced good painting. For body woodwork or trimming. For Diamond Tires, Tubes and Casings. 18th and Ilarney Sts. INTERNATIONAL Delivery Wagons. I.-II.-C. ROADSTERS High-Wheeled Autos. International Harvester Co., Omaha. bEND for our list of second-hand cars. DERIGHT AUTOMOBILE CO., 1814 Farnam St. DON'T have a puncture, we treat your tires and guarantee them for one year. Ne braska Puneturo Proof Co., 706 N. lGth. t4nto P-iintino- aET VR PRICES. A. JAUIO 1 diniing MURPHY .1412 Jackson AUTOGENOUS WELDING All kinds of broken cyllndors. crank cases and casting? proinyuy repaired. All work guaranteed. BEKTSCHY MOIGR COMPANY, Council Bluffs, la. AUTO STORAGE, Painting and Repairing. WM. PFEIFER CARRIAGE WORKS, 25th Ave and Leavenworth. MIDWAY AUTO GARAGE. Steam heat space for storage; repairing done promptly anywhere, day or night. fiie 'vulcanizing, oils and supplies. 1329 Broadway, Council Bluffs. Independent tiU. 1MACK U). WRITE for list of secondhand automo bile bargains. H. E. FREDRICKSON. AUTO CO., Omaha CALL us for demonstration of Cole Midwest Auto Co., 19th and Farnam. BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET In or out of business call on GANGilSTAD. 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. 83S7. FOR SALE Half Interest In a 816,000 stock of general merchandise, soutneast Nebraska, to a good houebl man; It need not be all cash; uest and cieanust stock In state; good business and a money maker, Addiesu Y 139, care of Bee. ROOMING house for sale. 1S12 Chicago St. . . i . . WANT poolroom valued at 11.600 to 83,500. have two cottages to trade. 30ti N. Y. Life. HOTEL for sale at once on account of health; 22 rooms, 16 bed rooms, furnished complete, rine location ana Dusiness. camp bell & Wilson, WalthliL Neb. PARTNER, with capital to Invest, In grain huHlne!s; best paying Investment at Omaha. Addiess Business, O 80:, Omha Bee. FOR SALE Confectionary btore; good locution and business, tor Information write Lock Box No. t2. North Bend, Neb, FOR SALE Restaurant, cheap if taken at once; ill health; doing good business good location; two living rooms to ivar lent. $2ii; price, laiiO, part cuh. Address 203 Main St., Council Blufts, la. 'Phone lnd. 671 muck. YOUR MAGAZINE RENEWALS are worth 1.000 to Infants' Home. $70 already earned. URGENT. SEE PERSONALS. TIIIRTV-FIVE SAVINGS BANK DEPOSITORS WHO ACT PROMPTLY can accomplish something of immense ad vantage to themselves In a financial way, without disturbing the safety which their funds are enjoying at the present time. We do not require a fee to furnish the information. Simply send yuur nume, address and occupation. and state at wliux hour ot the day you can bet be seen. Address, N 8U5, Bee. MEAT market tor sale doing a big busi ness. One of the best markets In Ne braska. Address P. O, Box Superior, Neb. HERE IS YOUR CHANCE. 11-iooin looming house, modern, well fur nished, location and Douglas. Price, t4J0. Address K ttH Be STOCK OK HARDWARE. Doing good business; only stock of me kind in town; low rent, or can buy the buudlug very cheaply; a firm class busin ;ss opening. Nuwaia l.uiid and Lot Co.. Suite td xvew lurk Lite tilOg. Phone Red t-. GOOD paying business; hair dressing and manicurint; ; up-lo-daie; louo Invested; st 11 for ijsli; place M.ouo; write tins now, right away. Address t U4 care Bee. LETTEHS DUPLICATED In any Quan tity. b73 Ui andeis Bld. Doug: ):i.0; A 2U11, MY PENCIL and I can locate you. WIL- i.iAAia. ill Mci'ague building. CHIROPODISTS DR. ROY. 1506 Farnam St. Douglas 6497. DANCING MORANDS 15th and Harney; lessons Mun., Fit., 6 p. in. private dully. D. 1041 DENTISTS BAILEY ft MACK. Id floor. Pazton. D 1086 TAFT'S Dental Rooiua, li!7 Douglas St. DETECTIVES OMAHA Del Agency. 428 Pazton. D. 181. DRESSMAKERS MISS A. HOLLAND, Importer Suite 206. Pazton Blk. Tel. Douglas 3049 Announces that during the month of January she offers her exclusive line of material and high class workmanship at greatly reduced prlcea. OMAHA'S "EXCLUSIVE LADIES' TAILOR" T TPOV I-adlea' Tailor, 2922 Leavenworth U. T VAV j1- 6(j3, special price until Feb. 16 on latest style tailor suits and dresses. We have all the latest fashions and fabrics In stock. Out of town trade solicited. TERRY College. 20th and Farnam Sts. 1T POT ,TTl:Fa!,nlonan! ladles' Tailor, iw. UlJlUilw l arnam (upstairs), during January and February offers up-to-date materials and workmanship at a re duction. Those taking ndvnntaga of the clearing sales, he will make up the material cheaper than any other Omaha tailor or dressmaker, quality considered. Har;iey 4211. MISS STURDY. 2127 Dodge. Tel. Doug. 7636. M. SELICOW, 2902 Farnam. Harney 2047. McDowell dressmaking school. 1623 Farnam. THE PARIS. ladkB- tailors and furriers, flrst-claBs fancy and plain work, fittings guaranteed; material furnished by us or patron. UU3 Douglas St. Phone Red 19SS. KFTKTFT? Indies' Dressmaking Col-lY-EilO-irjlV PK( m Karbacn Bdg. EDUCATIONAL LEARN SHORTHAND AT HOME. Take advantage 30-day special reduced rate. Complete course 125; terms. Think of It. Stenogrsphen wanted everywhere; gov ernment and railroads short; good wagos; rapid advancement. Study nights; spare time. Don't watt. Write today. THE CENTURY SCHOOLS. OMAHA. THE MID-WINTER TERM OP BOYLES COLLEGE la now open In both the day and night sessions. Tli late catalogue, giving full particulars li. regard to the various!: ourses is ready. Business training, bookkeeping, shorthand, telegraphy, civil service. Call, 'phone or write for It at once. Boyles College, Omaha, Neb. MOSHER-LAMPMAN BUSINESS COLLEGE. Unexcelled couise In business, short hand, penmanship and English. None but experienced teachers. Day and evening sessions. Most Interesting catalogue pub lished ill Omaha. Send for one today. MOSHER & LAMPMAN. Seventeenth and Farnam Streets. ST. ANDREW'S SCHOOL FOR BOYS 41ST AND CHARLES. Rev. F. D. Tyner, SS48 CharUa. H-2383. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN ARSENIC and IRON complexion wafers makes clear, white skin. By mall SOc and 11.00. Sherman & MoConnell Drug Co., Omaha. PANTORIUM?nnJNES..TsrT- phones. 'Good cleaners and dyers." CHINA decorating; order work a special ty. Lessons Tuesday, Thursday and Satur days. Firing daily. Children's classes Sat urday morning. Mrs. c c. Hungaie, 94 Brandeis Bldg. TeL Red 6466. HAIR GOODS. Mrs. Mathews, 304 Neville. EXCLUSIVE LADIES' PARLOR ppii'L' ONE scalp treatment with X XI Ej Hi eacn bottle of hair tonlo. electric facial massage, hair dressing, man icuring, hair goods. MRS. SIMPSON, 30 Neville Blk. A-2446. Doug. 3067. YOUR MAGAZINE RENEWALS are worth $1,000 to Infants' Home. 1700 already earned. URGENT SEE PERSONALS. CLEARING sale trimmed hatB; now $1 at PENNELL'S, 1611 Douglas, over Jewel theater. iTTT-kTNr will make you a special I rl II II II 1 price on tailor-made ,'A. 4- V ,Hu anri D-nwna nt all descriptions during the month of January. Pantors, 214-216 S. 18th St. FLORISTS J. F. WILCOX CO. Bluffs. Ia.: largest greenhouses In west; beautiful flowers fur any occasion shipped anywhere in U. a. BENNETT'S Flower Dpt. K. store entr'ce. HESS & SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam St. J. H. BATH. 1623 Harney, Douglas 3000. L. Henderson, 1519 Farnam St. Doug. 1258, BRANDEIS CUT FLOWERS DEPT. A. DONOGHUE. 1607 Far. D. 1001; A-100L FURNACES AND REPAIRS WATER fronts, furnaces, repairs, grates for steam, hot water heaters, thermostats and tank healers. OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS. Both 'Phones. 1206-8 Douglas St. HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical and Office. EIGHT STENOGRAPH F.RS $45-105. SEE US AT ONCE. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 676-77 Brandeis Bldg. STENOGRAPHER, Oliver machine. Call 226, Paxlon block. BOOKKEEPER and STENOGRAPHER, real estate firm 4u-w. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 675-77 Brandeis Bldg. Factory and Tradea. A GIRL to learn hair dressing. Oppen- helm Hair Dressing parlors. JU juccague Blk. Doug,. i6. A 1554. WANTED Marker and sorter. Hlnchey Leundry. Tel. 146. Honaekeepera and Uouteatloa. A GOOD kitchen girl that can cook and a second girl, at once. 611 S. 24 ih bU good crlrl for general housework; family of two. 2b69 Farnam St. Tel. Harney 110. GIRL for general housework; no washing nur Ironing; best wages. S416 Burt St. WANTED Girl for general housework at 645 So. 25th Ave. GIRL going to school to work for room ind boaid. 413 N. 39th. GIRL for general housework. 4142 Izard. GIRL for general housework; good wages. 1921 Blnney St. WANTED a cairl for general house work; no washing or Ironing. Apply 27 No. 22d St., So. omana. WANTED Girl for general housework; family of four; no washing. 602 South 35th Ave. GIRL or middle-aged woman wanted for general housework; good salary. 2113 Maple St. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work. $ per week. 2453 St. Mary'a Ave. Tel. Douglas 73. Small family. GOOD girl for general housework. Leavenworth St. Uood wages. 3124 GIRL to work for board and room, ran attend school. 1625 Pinkney St. Telephone Webster 4066. WANTF.IV Girl for general housework 1101 N. 23d St., South Omaha. GIRL for general housework. $511 L&Xay elte Ave. Oarflalns In F'nrms. Farm land all over the country is advertised un der "Farm and Ranch Land." It pays investors to watch the offerings on the Want-Ad pages. HELP WANTED FEMALE Honaekeepera and Domeatlra oit'd WANTED A good, reliable girl or wo man for general housework. Apply 2024 Blnney or call Webster 62. WANTED A working housekeeper In wc.rklngman's family. Call 2619 Sherman Ave., after ( p. in. COMPETENT girl for general house work. Mrs. V. Walters, 3319 Harney St. GIRL for light housework, about 16 or 18 years old; good salary. 3014 Ma-son St. GIRL or woman for day work. Celt 364 S. 30th St, South Omaha. WANTED A good dressmaker by the day for family sewing. 2212 N St., South Omaha. Phone South 12.". WANTED Girl for general housework. 118 N. 23d St., South Omaha. Tel. South 1071. GIRL for general housework; wages $5 to 7. Call at 922 N. 22d St., South Omaha, COMPETENT girl to do cooking. 31st Ave. 124 S. STRICTLY first-class girl for general housework. Mrs. H. B. Graham, 115 S, 34th St. V GIRL for general housework; good wages; small family. 2108 Blnney St. GIRL to assist with housework and children at 24J8 Manderson St. a. , i WANTED First-class cook where second girl Is kept. Best of wages. 116 South 32d Ave. WANTED Good girl for general house worK. 401 S. 38th St. '. Mlacrnuneona. BOYS and girls wanted to sell our Gloss ine and receive handsome premiums free. Write today. Eastern Mfg. Co., Passaic, N. J. THEATRICAL Wanted, dramatic people and pianist. Can use one clever amateur. Room 204, Oma hotel. HELP WANTED MALE Agents, Solleltora and isleimea. WANTED A solicitor with horse and buggy to drive through the country and solicit subscriptions. Cal and seei circu lation manager. The Bee Publlnlng Co. AGENTS make big money handling our 'new Invention; unlimited possibilities. Noble & IShafer, Room 16, Crounse Block, Omaha. SALESMAN wanted on commission or 176 and up per month with expenses, as per contract. Experience unnecessary. Premier Cigar Co., Cincinnati, O. , EXPERIENCED whoh-sale clothing salesmen wanted to sell an up-to-date popular priced line, who have an estab lished trade In Minnesota, North and South Dakota, Iowa and Nebraska. Appli cations strictly confidential. S. Fein Broth ers Co., Milwaukee, Wis. WANTED Agents to sell Potter and Sullv county. South Dakota land. Write Brower & Hollingsworth, Gettysburg, 6. D. AGENTS-lNeW specialty; sells Itself: good profits; vrlte today. Bartlett Supply Co., 411 Brown Blk., Omaha. Neb. CIGAR salesman wanted In your locality to represent us. Experience unnecessary. 1110 per month and expenses. Write for particulars. Monarch Cigar Co.. St. Louis, Mo. THIS MAY BE YOUR OPPORTUNITY. Wanted. Intelligent. energetic sales men, willing- to work; splendid opportunity; salary and commission. Answering, give references. Address Box 1700, Denver, Colo. , WANTED By large Corporation, first- class solicitor, educated and of good ap pearance to, work In Omaha and vicinity; right . man should , make 1260 per month commission;' must be a worker. Address, suite 604 Merchants National Bank. -1 EARN 14 to 16 a da v. Necessities needed In every housnold. Easy sales. Reoeat orders. The Mills Company. 460 Live Oak St., Dallas, Texas. Clerical and. Office. WE NEED several salesmen $75-$lO0. Eight stenographers $'iO-$75. Retail clothing clerk $ii5. City 'salesman, young man $76 email In vestment roquiied. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASSN., INC.. 721-22 N. Y. Life Bldg. SIX STENOGRAPHERS-$46-$75. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 675-77 Brandeis Bldg. A-T-T-E-N-T-I-O-N ! STENOGRAPHERS! BOOKKEEPERS! IF WORKING AND DESIRE BETTER POSITION SEE ME OR WRITE. CARSON, THE REFERENCE MAN. 574-6 Brandeis Bldg. SALESMEN In the following lines: Heavy hardware, electrical supplies, car' pets, coal and building material and insur ance. All paying good salaries. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 675-77 Brandeis Bidg. Boya. BOYS wanted from 16 to 20 years, at shoe factory. S. T. Klrkendall Co., 11th and Harney. -I BOYS AND GIRLS, after school. 4:30 p. m. room 16, Patterson block. Call Factory and Trade. Drug stores (snaps). Jobs. KnlesU Bee Bldg. aflsuellaneooa. A MAN to sell real estate who la fa miliar with business and close-in flat prop erty; with goud firm; salary and commis sion. Address P-790, Care Bee. WANTED Railway mall clerks. Com mencement salary $800. Spring examina tions. Preparation tree. Write for dates. Franklin Institute, Dept lfi6 K, Rochester, N. Y.. , . WANTED Men to learn the barber trade. Will equip and place you In your own shop or In good position In few weeks. Don't overlook thta chance. Investigate. Moler Barber college, no a. i4tn st. ASK. me how you can start a profitable mail order business at home evenlnsa. Heacock, 739, Loc-kport, N. Y. THERE IS STILL TIME To prepare for advancement before sum mer Is here If you attend the Y. M. C. A. night school; classes five nights per week. Why delay? Act now. WANTED An experienced manarer to take charge of a mall order department In large department store. Address S 842. Bee. GILLETTE and other sufety razor blades made sharper than new. 2hb els. each. Smith Novelty Co., Room i Union Blk., lam auu r ui iikiii dim. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Uoraee and Vehielea. HALL & MORRIS, VeLeurrneriaM- specialty. Hospital 28C8 Farnam. Both phna, WAGONS for sale. E. Smith. 1314 N. 24th. HORSES for sale. 914 North list. MILLER A WINDER buy anu Sell all kinds bf horses. 1415 Capitol Ave. D. 1S10. LOST AND FOUND LOST Gold spectacles with Kryptok lenaes In Columbian Opt. Co. case. Iteturn Columbian Opt. Co., 211 8. 16th. Reward. LOST Beaver muff In Brandeis base ment; finder please turn In at main desk; receive reward. GOLD neck chain, rope patterns, with garnet and baroque pearl pendant. Re ward. Tela, Webster 43 ir LOST AND FOUND (Continued..! IX)8T Gold watch and fob between Mth and Wirt and 13th and U Bis. 26.00 reward. Call W. 1278. MOVING AND STORING EXP. Delivery Co., of floe 16th and Dav enport Sta; warehouse, 2J07-00 liard St. Ist-class STORAGE at MOVING. COLE'8 EXPRKSS. 1616 CaL'ltoi Ave. D. 670, A-8937. MEDICAL FREE medical and surgical treatment at Creighton Madlcal college, 14th and Dav enport Sta.; special attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised by college professors. 'Phone Douglas 1107. Calls answered day or night. BEST nerve brace for man. Gray'a Nerve Food Pills, 11 a box, postpaid. Sherman tk McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AN D CHATTELS. SALARY and chattel loans, lowest rates, confidential, open Saturday evening. Dot phones. STAR LOAN CO.. 644 Paxlon Blk. MONEY TO LOAN Salary and I hat tela Continued. U II It U N H U it U It II H II It M S NEED MONEY? S U Colti 'lO Ol'H or'FlCE and get M II all the money you need on your furnl- 14 ture, piano or salary, at tne following s M low rates: $1 6uu a week pays $10 loan $ 76c a week paya $15 loan x iwc a week pays $26 loan it $1.00 a week pays J0 loan 1$ $1.50 a week pays $60 loan $$ $2.10 a week pays $76 loan U S2.66 a week pays $100 loan. $$ You can pay monthly If you wish. 14 $$ These payments include Interest and $ $$ principal; no other charges. It you U 1$ have ever borrowed mune before it II you will realise how much eaaler our $$ $ terms are than those given by other $$ II companies. It will pay you to see us $$ if belure getting money eisewnere. ino $$ ted tape. Everything strictly confl t deutlal. Open till 4:30 p. m. OMAHA FINANCIAL CO. H 501 Brown Block, Opposite Brandeis. $$ $$ 16th St. Entrance. $$ 'Phones: Douglas 2036; A-2036. It $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ II li DO YOU WANT i to start the NEW YEAR RIGHTT Do you want to pay up your landlord, grocer, doctor or anyone you owe and have only one place to pay each month. You'll be sur prised how easy it is. Call and see us now. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co. 119 Board of Trade. $06 So. 16th. St. Telephone Doug. 2296. Call ua up. ARE YOU WORRIED and bothered by collectors calling for bills you put otf paying last month In order to have a pleasant Christmas? If so come to ue, we will loan you on your plain note any amount at rates like these: $10 for 20c weekly. $20 for 40c weekly. THE J. A. HUTTON CO., 614-15 Pa-xton Block. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., 3d Floor, 307-8 Paxton Blk., 16th and Farnam. Salary and chattel loans; quick and confidential. MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE, WOMEN KEEPING HOUSE AND OTH ERS, without security; easy payments. Office in 66 principal cities. Tolman, room 613 New York Life Bldg. DIAMOND LOANS AT 5 Why pay 15 and 20 per cent a month on Diamond Loans when our prices are $2000 only $1.00 $50.00 only $2.50 $100 only $5.00 LARGER LOANS EVEN LESS W.C.FLATAU, 1514 AMii31- YOU CAN BORROW $10. Or more on your own note; private party; no red tape. Be Independent of friends. Get what you need now. 620 Paxton Block. OFFERED FOR RENT Hoarding aad Rooms. DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Far nam. THE UTOPIA glvea beet board and warm rooma reasonable. 18th & Davenport. THE IDEAL Modern rooms, well 'heated and board very reasonable; 6 minutes' Walk from center. 1717 Chicago St. THE FARNAM CAFE. Good home cooking. Meals 26c. New management. European. 19th and Farnam. Doug. 3240. Joseph Hammer, Prop. FURNISHED, steam heated room, with board, suitable for two or three. 123 S. 25th Ave. ROOM and board for married couple who appreciate home cooking; private family. Tel. Douglas 491)0. 216 N. 23d St. FURNISHED rooms and board, family style. 2412 Dodge. BEAUTIFULLY furnished large front room with excellent board. 709 Georgia Ave. 618 S. 1ST II, desirable rooms with excel lent board; reasonable; close In. Farnlaked Rooma. THE BELMONT, 1618 OODGE ST.. MODERN STEAM HEATED ROOMS. EVERYTHING NEW. RATES FROM $2.50 TO $6.00 PER WEEK. TWO nicely furnished connecting front rooms, suitable for couple or gentlemen; breakfast If desired; In private family; 2a ui and Dewey Ave. Tel. Harney 5011. ONE nlco furnished room, single, mod ern; private family. 1818 Chicago. DODGE HOTEL Large outside, and steam Heat n every rootr.; rales by ween. FURNISHED rooms for gentlemen. 6. 13th St.. The Chatham. 110 TWO suites of two rooma each; modern and beat location; cafe In house. 1621 Far nam St. Tel. Red 5455. The Farnam. HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms, modern, 306 N. 18th 8t. FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room, modern, on Park Ave. near Leavenworth, to desirable party; convenient car service; private family. Phone Harney 715. 2310 DEWEY AVE., two nicely furfilshed, modern rooms. 'Phone - Douglas T70W. NEWLY furnished rooms. 2221 Dodge. FRONT room, steam beat, bath, flat. 6 Davidge Blk. Tel. Doug. 2498. TWO nicely furnished front rooma, com- tlete for housekeeping. $15 per month, toil iv n port. ONE LARGE FRONT ROOM, furnished, with board, modern. 2664 Douglaa. Tel. Harney 832. MODERN ROQM3, 2007 St. Mary's Ave. TWO parlora, finely furnished, suitable for four men; everything first class; hot water heat; fine bath. 2402. St. Mary's Ave. MODERN, well furnished front room, pri vate family. 702 S. 29th fit. WARM, rooms. 12 per week; free bath. Ogden Hotel, Council Bluffs. LARGE rooms, suitable for man and wife. 1724 Dodge. FURNISHED rooma, strictly modern, rent reasonable. 2106 Cass. 2469 HARNEY, one or two nice warm furnished rooms for gentlemen. " PARLOR, modern, cbtap; three or more. $22 No. 191b. OFFERED FOR RENT raralsked Rsoaaa .'oatlaaed. ALCOVE room; good heat, 241$ Cass. 1671 ST. MART'S, furnished and house keeping rooms; heated; modern. STRICTLY modern, neat and clean south front alcove room. 1624 Cass. ONR large heated room; three large closets. 1701 Capitol. FRONT room, with heat. 415 N. ISth. 'WARM front room, also smaller room; modern. C2 South 19th. NICELY furnished front room; heated. 2023 St. Mary's Ave. ONE nice, warm room, newly furnished; all modern. 631 S. ltth St. TWO parlors, finely furnished, suitable for 4 men; everything first-class; hot water heat; fine bath. 2402 Et. Mary's Ave. LARGE front room for two gentlemen. (12 8. 18th. TWO large rooms cheap. Private family. A nice home for young people. Breakfast If desired. Tel. Red 4302. FURNISHED ROOM, strictly modern. Call Ul 8. 11th St. Phone Red 6709. A GOOD room for gentlemen. 218 N. 19th Ave. TWO nicely furnished rooms, era. 63S S. 22d Ht. ill mod- MODERN furnished rooms, $1.50 per we-k and up. 2310 Douglas. Phone Douglas 4663. NEWLY furnished room In a new. mod ern house; hot water heat. 2013 Chicago. WALKING distance, $18; strictly modern, large, warm, southeast parlor, has bay window and piano; nicely furnished, nice bath, plenty hot water; no objection to muslo or practice. 2563 St. Mary's. FURNISHED room and breakfast. 2717 Capitol Ave. Telephone Harney 4115. PARLOR and bedroom with private bath for gentleman or man and wife. Phone Douglas 166. NEWLY furnished rooms for married couple or gentleman; strictly modern. 25i6 St. Mary's Ave. FRONT parlor for two. plenty heat; board If desired. 2426 Dodge. Red 6186. FRONT room and alcove: also two oth ers; modern; good neighborhood; one block from car; reasonable. 2964 Harney St. TWO furnished rooma for man and wife. or two gentlemen. 1605 Blnney St. Tel. 11 5167. TWO warm, front rooms, one large enough for three or four: flat, next Chris tian church, 418 S. 26th St. ONE nicely furnished room. lrilO N. 2Sth. FURNISHED room, private family: mod ern conveniences; Farnam car line. 214 S. 29th Ave. Harney 6111. LARGE, sunny, modern roem; reasonable rent. 2324 Harney. 'Phone Douglas 3091. 2310 DEWEY AVE., one south front room, modern. "Phone Douglas 7709. FOUR rooms, furnished for housekeep ing. Call Sunday or evenings. 627 S. 20th St. ONE steam heated sleeping room. 24th. 201 S. FURNISHED room, steam heat, modern close In. 2510 Dodge. PLEASANT room with private family: walking distance; references required. 408 S. 24th St. NICELY furnished front room, modern house, electric lights, fine bath, reason able. Gentleman preferred. Phone B-5083. Apartaaenta and Flata. 6 ROOMS, 2d floor, 1606 Rees St., bath and toilet, $15. Chris Beyer. Sid and Cum ing Sis. FOR RENT-Elght-room flat, $50. 2220 Douglas St. Apply to W. M. Chambers, 222 Board of Trade Bldg. Phone Doug. 1206. 4-ROOM apartment, strictly modern, $20. Harney 3886. CENTRAL APARTMENTS. Six roonwf outside corner, high grade, hardwood, full modern, gas range, steam heat, hot water all year, walking distance; references required. iiii-Mis, 4Mi uranaeia mag. MODERN except heat, 6 rooms, brick. 4204 Hamilton St. 'Phone Harney 3953. Houekeeplsg Rooma. A SUITE of three elegant new rooms, modern. 220 North 20th. TWO cosy housekeeping rooms to couple. 909 S. 27th St. TWO furnished rooms for housekeeping. 1414 Chicago. HEATED rooms, 8018 Webster St. Harney 1738. Tel. SLEEPING and housekeeping modern. 831 S. 19th St. FURNISHED and unfurnished housekeeping- rooms. 204 S. 20th. TWO furnished housekeeping ground floor. 1610 California. FOUR elegantly furnished front rooms, main floor, 'or housekeeping. 2018 Daven port St. THREE newly furnished housekeeping rooms; parlor floor; modern. 2214 N. 19th Bt. Tel. B 2163. HEATED rooms; modern In every re speot; single or en suite; newly furnished and clean. 2019 California. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. Cuming. 2408 MODERN light housekeeping rooms; also furnished rooms. 1001 Park Ave. TWO rooms for housekeeping; modern; gas range; good location. 1K22 Chicago. Unfurnished Rooms 3-ROOM. bath room, store room, outside porch, all modern, except beat, 2617 No. ISth. TWO unfurnished rooms, with heat and gas; reasonable. 2716 Dewey Ave. WARM room, modern house; distance. 1909 Webster. walking The thousands upon thousands who ead The Bee are confined to no particular class. The servant reads it to find a good employer. The employer reads it to find a re liable servant. So does the landlord the tenant the lender the borrower. All read it to find in both its ad vertising and news columns the truth. Call Doudas 238 OFFERED FOR RENT Rooms :oatlnaeit. FOUR unfurnished rooms; all modern; s Sl.6 Farnam St. Tel. Harney 1773. 2S22 Farnam; two large rooms; house keeping; range; kitchen. Harney 1593. FOUR rooms; modern except beat; no children. 2616 N. 20th. FURNISHED or unfurnished room. Webrter St. 1013 FOR RENTV Two modern rooma. 8211 Charles iL TWO nice unfurnished rooms for house Jf keeping. 2026 St. Mary's. FOUR unfurnished rooms, 1470 8. lflth; walking distance; rent reasonable. Tel, Ilarney 23Td. Hoaaea aad Cottaaa. OMAHA Van & Storage Co., pack, move, atore, h. h. goods; storehouse, 1120-14 N. ltth; office 309 S. 17th St. Tel. Douglas '.fek HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker BIK 6-R cottage. 3018 Ohio, $M; mod. except I heat. Carlberr. 911 N. 1. Life, ' " . J ROOMS, modern except heat, 1923 Doug las, $10. 6 rooms, 208 S. 20th St., city water, $20. 6 rooms, modern except heat, 2401 Dodge St. . $26. 8 rooms, modern. 1517 S. Mth St., $25. $25 fach for two new t-room apartments, 24th and Lake Sts. 8-rooin modern house with barn. 2710 Btistol SU. $W. 8 rooms, 646 8. 24th Ave., strictly mod era, $35. $;t7.W each for two new modern ' apart ments, 6 and 6 rooma each, 628and 532 S. 2!Uh Ave. $47.50 each for two new modern hrtcle houses on Chicago St., very close In. GEORGE & CO., 1601 Farnam St. Doug. 756. 2813 Wool worth Ave., 8 rooms, modem. $25. 1506 N. 20th, 4 rooms, $14. 1558 N. 20th, 4 rooms, $12.50. 713 S. 17th St., 6 rooms, $20. 2919 Mason, 10 rooms, modern, $.11.50. 5U9 H. 83d. 6 rooms, $14; will rent to colored family. RLNGWALT BROS.. BARKER BLK. 7 ROOMS, modern house, 1G08 Spruce St. H. 1. Plumb. 110 S. 13th St. HOUSES, flats, Garvin Bros., S1J N. T. L. FOR RENT 8-room brick house, all ml. ern, 2009 Willis Ave., $25. 4-room apartment, city water, toilet. 1521 No. lxth. $12.60. 8-room, all modern, combination fixtures, will be vacant soon, corner house, eas front, MO. C. M. BACHMANN, 436-37 Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 2639, Rea. Tel. D. 6066, HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwarded; cheap freight rates; moving and storing. Expressmen's Delivery' Co. TeU Doug. 294. BRICK house, 2614 Dewey Ave, 7-room, modern. Moyer Stationery Co., UVI Far nam St. MAGGARD Van ft Storage Co. D. It. Pack, store and ship household goods. 6 ROOMS, 2a tioor, bath and toilet, -2604 Rees St., 115. 6 rooms, 2d floor, toilet, 1902 Parker 8L. $16. 6-room house, modern. 160$ Bristol St., $21. 6 rooms, modern except heat, 409 William St., $15 CHRIS BOYER, 22d and Cuming 8ts. HOUSES-Petera Trust Co.. N.T.Llfe Bldg NO EQUAL Steam heat, all modern, T rooms, ball, bath and basement. 220 N, lid. HOUSES 1,1 " Parts of tn v-re .'reign Sons & Co., Bee Bldg. MODERN, 8-room house, 216 a S5th Ave. Phone Douglas 4587. Storea. WILL RENT part of atore for hair goods or some clean business. Rent cheap. 1707 Leavenworth. FOR RENT Store at 1S16 Farnam; good location; directly opposite Woodmen site. 816 S. 16th St., new modern store room, 1,175 sq. ft. floor space, heat furnished. Lease 3 to 10 years, $2o0 per month. 524 S. 16th St., modern store room, "600 Block," 22x00 ft., heat furnished; good, light basement. 620 S. 16th St., 22x60 ft, new, up-to-date front, good basement, $75 per month. 1611 Howard St., 22x 60 ft., new front to be installed, $125 per month. , GEORGE & CO., ' I 1601 Farnam St. Doug. 756. Bnlldlawa. I WANT an offer for the two story brick building at 1213 and 1216 Howard street. Will rent for $200 a month. Eastern owner .'.ill sell cheap. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1 New York Life Building. OFFERED FOR SALE Fnrnltnre. A NICELY furnished steam heated 14 room flat, close in, full of roomers, A bar gain for cash. Address K 786, Bee. Household Furniture S,XiyBu2ed" at prices to move stock quickly. American Furniture Co., 220 N. 16th. THIS IS YOUR CHANCE lo buy cheap all the standing furniture and a new piano In a 6-rnom apartment In the rinest apartment building In the city. Partv buying same can rent rooms if so desired. Address M 804. Bee. rianea. UPRIGHT Kimball piano, big bargain. owner leaving city, HO N. 22d. Typewrltera. SECOND hand typewrltera aold. renal-d Central Typewriter Exchange. 1607 Farnif) Typewriters For Rent BA. W.P son Co., 41-South 16th St., Omaha. -I Phonographs. SECOND-HAND Edison and other Phon ogiaphs, $3 to 126; good us new. Call or write. Piano Player Co., Old Boston Store, Miscellaneous. Kindling $1 a load delivered. D. 4469. i; K