THE BEE: OMAHA. THURSDAY JANUARY 1.1. 1!H0. PERSONAL (Continued. ( MECHANOTHERAPY in a driigleas curt fnr grip. Consult Dr. Marguerite Hatloran. I2 Nevlfl tilk. Doug. 771. Cnder aupervi.lon of M. D. MASQUE autta to rent. Thro. Lleben. SWEDISH massage. Over 206 N. 17th Bt. EXPERIENCED nurm, IS yearn; ladle In confinement a specialty; prices reason able. 10 H. 13th est. M HS. CAnRIR 8MITM, marvelous mag netic heeler. All ailment treated mcrwi fullv. One visit convince. 814 N. lS:h, i.eur Cuming Bi. rhones, Ind. B-2786, Doug Ian 6HX0. MMH. ALIjEN of Chicago, unit glow, max netle and massage treatments. Over 20T N. 17th fit. CHILBLAINS No-,70,,e "r'M cure IllljlJUiVilNO Halnea Drug Co. POULTRY Screening. tl.M KM lba. Wagner, Ml N. Mta A few mnr R. C. B. Leghorn and Houdan cockerela for tale at $1 each. Ueo. J. Wol cott. Central C'ty, Neb. WELL nRKIl Rhode Inland Red cocker el, lame, and strong color, II to 11.60; Illus trated circular free. Sandhill Poultry Farm, Dannebrog, Neb. PRINTING 'PHONB IND. A-J620 for good printing Lyngstnd Printing Co.. ltth Capitol Ave WATERS PRINTING CO., 622-521 H. l.'.th. RPAI FSTATF FARM JlWD HAMIt LAND FOIt IMS Nebraaks OfMilaiaa1. SARPY COUNTY FARM Five mllea from Oretna, 1 acre all under plow exc pt about : acrea; good Im provemetita; hlgn, rolling,- not range land, rrlce, $)00 por acre. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., Omaha, Neb. TAILORS (Contlnuerl.) A FEW 3fi and ) iiitt while they laat. onlv $35 MAX MORRIS, The Ts.llor, M1 Brown block. , , YOUSEN, BC8T TAILOR, 12H3 Farnam. WANTED TO BUY BEST prtca paid for aecond-band furni ture, rarpata. rlolaing and shoe U.wg W71. HIGHEST prloe paid for broken watch. o'i! gold, eie, U. Nathan 211 8. 12th. 1003-4-6 N. T. Life. - FOR HALE One of the beat eighty-acre forma In Thurnton county, ut $76 per acre; all In crop, no other Improvement; three mllea from town. Address K. Colllgan, Thurnton, Neb. ; DOIMJE county farm IfiO acres, three mllea from Fremont, all level land, highly Improved. If taken at once can be hart ai a less price than any surrounding farm. Improvements Coat $12,000 - Price $110 per ""'b'KEEKE REAL ESTATE CO., 10U2-3-4 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Oklahoma. OKLAHOMA Wo hove 100,000 acres of choice land to select from, ranging In price from $5 to $40 per acre. Thla land Is In the oil and gas dlatrlct and you might get an oil well with your land. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., Hulte 024 New York Life Bldg. BALTIMORE 2d-hand ator pays heat prlco 2d-hand furniture, clothes, etc. D. it j. GOOD price paid for second-fund clothes, ahoes and furniture. 8B1.NKH. loUK!aa MMI. LEGAL NOTICES (Continued.) HTOCK HOLDERS' MEETING. ' Notlca la hereby given that the annual meeting of the stockhoders of The Bee Hulldltig company will be held at t o'clock p. m Tuesday. January IK 1910, at the offlca of aald company In The Hea building, Omaha, for the election of a board of di rectors for Ilia ersulng year anu tha trans action of such other business ss may prop erly coma before such meeting. ft. A HASKELL. Secretary. Dec. n-VSt D & S. RAILWAY TIME CARD IMO.V HTATIO.1- 10T1I A MASO. WANTED Second-hand Lam:n cat-It carrier system,' with four or five satl-ins. Address Independent, Grand Island, Neb. THREE RECORDS FOR CIRTISS American Carries Pasiing-ei. in Bi plane at Bate of 55 Miles an Hour. STARTING MARK ALSO LOWERED Machine Rise After Ran of Nlnety F.laht Feet and Leaves tlroaad Within 2-8 Reteai from Time Enatlae Starts. WANTED TO RENT GENTLEMAN and wife wnnt furnlahrd arartment of S or 4 rooms. .VcUli r si, J-8C8 Bee. . . I WANTED Room with modern con veniences, In private family, by rlngle gen tleman; atate terms unci particulars. Ad dress li SM, Bee. REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE DEALKHg. REED ABSTRACT CO.. Est. 18M; prompt service; get out prices. 1710 Farnam St. PAYNB INV. CO., first floor N. Y. Ufa BENJAMIN R. tt. CO., 477 Brandals Bldg REAL. ESTATE TITLE-TRUST CO. CHAS. K. WILLIAMSON. President. CITV PROPERTY FOR BALK. MUSTSELL Two lots in Dundee, on Webster, between 50th and 51st, one block to car and stores. ' W. H. GATES, 617 N. Y. Life. Ph. D. 1294. 5-ROOM house, part modern, 'near Lake St., on the boulevard; a watm, comfortable house: must be sold at once; will consider any reasonable offer; worth $2,600; make us an offer; we are going to sell It. F. D. Wead, lbOl Farnam St, DOUGLAS COUNTY FARM' NEAR OMAHA.200 acres. Two sets of Improvements. On macadam road. Tor particulars gee W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. No. 1320 Farnam. Street. Tel. Doug. 1064; Ind. A-1064 MAKE ma an offer for lota 6 and I, block 6, Thornburg Place. J. H. PARKOTTE, 82 Bd. Trade, Triat, A DEEP, RICH SOIL, SUNSHINE II the time: water when you want It. tjinrl at tr, to 140 nor acre for Well 1m- firoved farms; go see It February 1. Very ow round trip rates. Write u. NOWATA LAM) & IAJ 1 I'U., Suite S24 New York Life Bldg.. Red 1999. WANTEI Peak room, with steno grapher's services. In good office hnlldlniT, Omaha, near business centei. Address stating location, terms, etc., 1" 807, Roe. WANTED SI! UATiONS WANTED By yount; tis.n. place to work for board whil avtudlng college, REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS REAL ESTATE LOANS MONEY TO LOAN Payne InvstmentCo. WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. $100 to $10,000 made promptly, F, t, Wead, Wead Bldg., lrtth and Farnam. $.',00 to $5,000 on homeB In Omaha, O'Ksefe Real Estate Co., 10J1 N. Y. Life. uoug. or A-2162. WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Hinlth & Co., litSO raruam St. LCWKSV RATES Bernin. Uraudels UlUg. tiiNS to him. owners and bom build ers, with privilege of making partial, pay- B-.auta semi-annually ro commission. W. H. THOMAS. (03 First National Bank Bidg. ' FIVE PER CENT MONEY to loan on Omaha iiualners Property. THOMAti BHibNNAN. Room L New York Lite Bldg; PAYNE. BOSTWICK CO., N. Y. Ufa. Private money, $000 to $5,000; low rate. GARVIN BROS., 31$ N. Y. Life, $500 to tZOO.OuO on improved property. N delay. EAST FRONT CORNER LOT. Gas, sewer and city water; near two car lines; on grade and in one of the .nost progressiva neighborhoods in Omaha. A SURE SNAP AT $500. Nowata Land and Lot Co., Suite 624 Now York Life Bldg. 'Phone JUd . 6'ROOtf MODERN COTTAGE, 1 3,600. Full lot, shads and fruit trees, paved street, oonorete walks; 21M Maple St. Look at It; part of toe payments most easy. And then, we have others. Nowata Land and Lot Co., Suite KM New York Life Bldg. 'Phone Red im : ""INVESTMENT 173 FT. EAST FRONT ON 29TH. Fronts on tnree streets, short distance south of Farnam. One of the choicest locations In Omaha for apartment houses. Owner wants offer. NOWATA LAND & LOT CO., Suite 624 New York Life Bldg. Red 1990. CORNER LOT; 60x140 ft corner lot, paved street, on car line, on-grade, near 20th and Grace Pt. ; room for four oottages; this must be sold at once; will consider any reasonable offer. F. D. Wead. 1801 Farnam St. V REAL ESTATE FARM AMD RANCH ,A1VD fOIt BALB ' FOR SALE A ,,.; $10,000.00 ; 5 Per Cent Loan secured by first mortgage on $20 acre farm worth more tliar. $iou per acre. W. G. URE, 604 Beo Bldg., Omaha.' EASTERN Nebraska farm loans and loans on high-grade Omaha residence prop erty at low Interest, optional payments, no delay. I. Slbbernsen, Old Boston Store Bldg. REAL ESTATE WANTED WE HAVE BUYERS FOR $. 6 and T- room houses. If prices are right we can set. your property ior-you. NOWATA LAND AND LOT, COy . -- Suits 104 N. T. Life Ijldg.' SWAPS TO F.XCHANGE. a KA.v,.ri-ai finurinir mill, with a two-story brick dwelling and 130 acres of land, located In western Iowa, valued at $18,000, with In come of $8,000, at 6 per cent optional; will trade for land or Income property; what have you to orrery ueorge ai. v. wr, omim land, la. ' Colorado. 70.000 ACRES ot fertile. Irrigable land on the Costilla estate In tha Kan Luis Valley of Colorado. The cream of Colorado land, with perpvtual water right. J, 000 acres to sell at $M. KO.000 acres sold sinoe March, 1WI9. Write for advertising literature. COSTILLA IRRIGATED LAND CO., 813 Railway Exchange Bldg., Denver Colo. Florida. 660 ACRES farm and stock land, well watered, two miles to depot. $5,500. Nine acres. Improvementa worth price asked, at depot, $2,&00. Slight y acres, some fruit, fine aprlnga, one mile to depot, $1,200; will take part pav In crops; Ideal for health. Wat Florida Fruit Farm. Cottagehlll, Fla. ft Mtaaaaata. MINNESOTA farms for bargains. as. Young. Plattamouth. Neb. 6e Metbtassxa. FARM BARGAIN Must be sold on ac count of owner's health; well Improved . SlO-acre farm, seven and a quarter miles from town; price, $35 per aore; easy terras. J. T. Campbll. Lltchflsld. Neb. rort bAiiE-A rarm, 216 acres pasture land, 26 acrea alfalfa. 130 acrea farm land, large barn and aheep shed having water system; good dwelling house. Must be sold at once; cheap. Address N. Bloom, fnuups, niv, For Exchange Dnuhle brick flat. thoroughly modern, Hansc-om park district.' Will exchange equity for Omaha vacant property. -New modern 7-room house, never been occiiDled. Walnut Hill district; full lot. Will trade equity lor umn vui ivi., D. V. SHOLES CO., Ill Bd. Trade Bldg., 16th and Tarnarri Sts, Telepnonee, uousr. w. "u. --. n-in .unit Income Dropert.v In Omaha, flats or good business propi rty: 310 acres fine farm land, Adair county, Iowa; good Improvements; exceptional uarsain. w) . .u , . n. v. ru r, r ' wnnt1' tn heu ere: IM.UUU encumorancr, oui from owners. Address C. 7,. Bee TAILORS $25 5' will now pay for a real tailor uit made at my shop. I cut tn rlee. not the duality. AILOH UKCK, 111 oouin loin. Q. A. LINQUEST CO., E15 Paxton Block, REE BlSTEK.younir man's fashionable tailor, 412-13-14-16 Paxton Block. ' A cheap tailor Is always dangerous. See J. A. Kervan, 608-10 Branaeis oiug.' JOHN RADMAN, The Tailor, 7X N. 10th Kt imnYf Merchant Tailor. A' 1VUU1M 1411 Harney t., Doug. i87. T O T r,TCnM BOSTON TAILOR. J. Kj. Hoom 1, Paxton Blk. 1,423 1,423 represents the gain in inches of paid want ads in The Bee for last month over the same Tmonth a year ago. The nearest competitor gained only 199 inches. 199 AW.Oi p;n s i :tw am a i.& piu a $:36 pm Jennie Kindred th to Fred Krle. lot 7, .block 4i, Florence $2,0)3 Hhlmer Chae to Bllas H. Hauley, W10 feet of lot ard eEO feet of In 4, block 2, Boulevard paik 60J S. Iloxie Cluke and wife to Charles O. Somers. lots 7, (i, 9, 10, 11 and It, block t. Euclid place 1 Wilson W. Buchanan to Rollln 8. Kerr, trustee, lot 8, block 17, bcul leys addition 2.0J0 Boniiinil Hterba and wife to Benja min K. Htoffer, lot 8, block 2, Burr place 1.500 ames Walsh and wife to Louis Han sen, lots 4 and 6. block 4, Mount Douglas, South Omaha 500 Fred Chrlfltlanron to Jens N. Muller, lots F and G, block J.7, Oma..a View 1 Josephine H. WeUlenfeller to Wilson K.Nn. wz rwt or lot K and ei2 teot of lot 9, Wrlrht place 2,0)0 Frank C. Rich to Morrison F. Dimlck, lot 15, block 2, Sulphur Springs addition 900 County treaaurer to Provident Real Instate company, lots 9 and 10, block 8. Weat Side Samantha Rose et al. to Louis Raa- mtiaen. w30 feet of lot 7. block 206. citv 1.600 Roaa Nash and husband to Clara B. Thomas, lot 4. block 6. Mayne's add.- tion 750 Carrie. Elvtn to Charles L. Thomas, lot 3, block 4, Lincoln place 1 National Land company to Charles L. Thomas, lot 3. block 4, Lincoln place TG Nebraska National bank to Nina M. Hartell. lot 2. block 83. city 11,000 M. E. Rlale to Marlus Sorensen, a66 feet of lot 10. block 8. McCormick'i addition 3.100 TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMEF uae Oatllar a Year. t nlon Taclfle Leave. Arrive Overland Llmltrd a 7:20 am all:63pm China and Jspan Mall. .a 4:OU pin a 6:f0 pm Atlantic Express al):Jam Oregon and W asliinglon Limited a 11:01 am a 0:45 am L'-s Aiielo Limited.,.. aU'.Vi pin a8:r0pin Portland iU:S6rm a 8:60 pm Colorado special al:4.iam a 7: .aid North Platte Local a 8:15 am a 4: pin folorado Express a 3:60 pm a 6:0.1 pm Grcnd Island Local a 0:2s pm al0:30m Llncoln-beairlce Local.. bl2 :40 pm bl:2t)pm Valpatalso and Central City bl2:40pm b 1:20 pm Calcago ' SortiiH sr. Colorado-Chlcsga '. 7:4am a l:Mmn chlcuko Duyltsnt bpl.... 7:00 am alliUam Oiuana-Chicago Loeal...al2:u pm all:$jpn; v.tiiuradu-tiiii.'Bgu hu...i uA.-iptii uaiaim-Clnvaao Spl a :U iui ai.tMa.u t acidu Coai-ChicaKO...a : pm a i;M p.u i.i.m Ainuita-l'iii Hand Lliiuuu a;lpm Our. anu Limned aU:luaiu Carroll Local a4:l.aia ran Local Cedar UapiUs-umaha NORTHWESTERN LINE NORTH. Twin City and Dakota Daylight 7:60 am al0:20 pin Mm.itkoi and Dakota, .a i:Wpm imIii city iiinttea aiiiwpiu u 7:10 am aloux cuy iocai a : pm a M pm iiuliilL..hlOUX CltV- , Omaha 9:10 airtJ A.ui...'u.a-bioux City- l omana au:wani NORTH W ESTEKN LIN hi WE&T. Noifolk-ttonesteui a i :o0 am alO.JOpin L.iiivom-Long t iMiira aU:Mlain toiloiK-ouuia Platte...b 2:1j pm Uu:pui lasiinas-ouuerlor o ..wiiii u.upiu ijeauMuou-tioi cpringa.a O.w pm a o.i) caaper-Lanuer a ; pm u:wii IWulUtll' AlOlun uu.-vv'" u..outii4 .aiavonri ruo.itc. Li. C. and SL L. Ex... a 9:40 am a$:36an dat. U p. m au:u put a tt.iv pm .lunula leutral. Chicago Express a 7:16 am a 3:46 pm cnicaao Liiuiied a:uupm a 7:16 pm Minn. -at. raul b.xD D lauam mn.-St. Paul Lid a :w pin a'cibam oaiaha-Ft. Dodge Local.b 4:16 piu bll:JVain snngu, Hoest Island Jc i'aclfle. EAST. Rocky Mountain Ltd. ...a 2:40 am al0:30 pm lowa Local a :40ain a 4:40 pm Chicagu iay express... a :: a.u sil:oo pm ues Moines Looaw a 4:0u pm ali:80 piu lowa Local blO:oo am o 6o pm Chicago-Eastern Ex a 4;i0 pm ai:16pm Chicago-Nebrauka Ltd. .a t:08 pin a8:u2pin w ma i. Chicago-Nebraska Liu. for jjlntuln a b.m am a n.ii pin Cuio. unu Cat. fex ai:pm a:wpio Okia. anu iexa-s h-K....a ;w p.n a l:y piu Uocay Mountain Lid....aio:w pm .dLuiio, Jiiinaukc k. tit. Paul. Overland Limited al2:10atn a 7:06 am. omana-Chlcago n.xp....a 7.-00 am a :in Colorado apeuial a i. warn i:u coio.-C&lifomia u;xp....a t:w piu a:6piu rerry-Ouiana Local be:iuptu uii.wuuj awsse ureal vkestera Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm iwlu city Jji aiuea.. cniusgo .xpis.... iwlu city ikxpress. G0VERNMEN1 NOTICES PROPOSALS FOR YOUNG HORSES. Office of the uuartermaster. Kansas City, Mo., .December 16, IWJ; Sealed Pro posals. In 'triplicate, will be received at this office until U o'clock, M., Central Time, January 14, 1!10, and then opened in the presence of attending bidders for fur niahine- 8o0 young cavalry and 60 youns ar Ullery horses for delivery at Fort Reno Remount Depot, Oklahoma, or other prom inent railroad points. i ne united Mates reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids or any part thereof. Blank forms and all Information can be had upon application to this office. Envelopes con taining proposals 1 to be marked Propo sals for Young Horses," and addressed Captain Klrby Walker. Quartermaster. U-lO-ll-ia-ZU J -13-14 LEGAL NOTICES Olena K. Ourtlss, la a Onrtlss biplane, sstablisbsd world's reoora for speed wUk passenger, flfty-flvs mllea an hour. Olena K. Cnrtlss la a Cartlsa maoblne, broke tbs world', record for time eon tamed in getting into tit. air, 61-5 seo- onds. Olena X. Cnrtlss, la a Ourtlss ma- chine, broke the world', record for abort distance covered la "run before leaving ground," ninety-eight feet. tools Faulhan, in a Blerlot monoplane, failed In an attempt at the world', height rceord, making bat 400 feet. toals Paulhan, la a Blerlot mono plane, carried a passenger twloe aronnd th. field, a distance of three and one- qnartsr mile. Edgar S. Smith, aviator, wa. struck on th. head by th. propellor of hi. tang- ley maohln. and .srlonaly Injured. ..ab:dOpm a:00am a pin ..astOvaui a:tOpin Wabaah- a 0:10 pm a 9:26 am a 7:40 am all :1s pin THE MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY. SPECIAL STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a spe- elal meetins of the Stockholders of The Missouri Paclflo Railway Company will be held at the principal oinoe or sata com pany, in the Missouri Faolflc Building, No. 7Ub Mar set Bireei, in in. cuy ui ou iuuib MiasnurL on Tuesday, the 18tb day ol January, 1910, at nine o'olock In tha fore noon of that day, to consider and act upon the following pioposltlons: (a) To adopt a code of by-law. for the Com Dan V. (b) To ratiry, assent to and approve a certain Indenture of lease bearing date the lf,th day of Jul. 1909. by and between Boonvllle, St. Louis & Southern Railway Company, . corporation of the State of Missouri, and this Company and authorised on behalf of this Company at a meeting of th'" Board of Directors, held on ins itstn dull of AukusL 1909. (ut To ratify, assent to an approve tha purchase by this Company of the whole or any part of the railroads and other prop erty and franchises of all or any of the following named ralirouo companies Carthsae and Western Railway Company, Jonlln and Westein Railway Company. St. Louis, Oak Hill and Carondelet Railway Company. Sedalla. Warsaw and South western Railway Compauy, -The Kansas City Northwestern Railroad Company, Tii Kebiaska esoutnern iauway company Omaha Belt Hallway Company. Omaha Houthern Railway Company, pacific Rail' way Company In Nebraska, The Pueblo ana siaie um nauruaa company, tum Kansas and Arkansas Valley Railway. (d) For the puipose of refunding under lying mortgage bunds at.a equipment obit cations of th Company and for other cor porate purposes, to consent to, concur In aud authorise an increase of the bonded indebtedness of The Missouri Pacifio Rail way Company, by tha amount of $176,Ouu,000 by the icvue oi uuia tona oi ins com' pany, limuea in ine sggrexaie to in oi'luctDal amount ot $176,Ouauou at any on time outstanding, to bear uuerest at a rat or rates not to exceed five per oent per annum, payable seml-annuaily, and all or any part of such bunds, as th Board of Directors may determine, to be convertible at tha outlon of th holder and registered owners there) t Into stock of the Railway Company upon such terms and oiharwts as tha Board of Directors may determine; and to consont to concur In and aulhorls the execution and delivery of a mortgage and deed of trust un and of the whole or part of the railroads and other property and franchises of to's Company whether now owned or hertattei acquired, to secure such Issue of bonds by this Company, and to consider on. act upon Ui form and terms of such li-ortgaga. () To consent to and authorise the pur chase by tula Company from time to Urn of not to exoeed $J6,(Wu.00O par value of the bonds of the SU Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company. U To latit the proceeding, of the Board of Directors theretofore iskan in and about tn mi iters aforesaid. Including the authorlxallor of ald bouds and mort gage and deod of trust aud the use to be made ot said bonds, and to consider and act upon such other business as may properly be transacted at tha meeting. The stock transfer books of u Company will be ulosfd al $ P. M. on the 7th da of January, 1910. and will remain oiomm until 10 A. M. on the 19ih day of Jauuary, Dated. New Tom. November 17th, 1909. By Older of the Board of Directors. OKORUE J. UOULD. President A. 11. CALEF. Secretary. 'The Missouri Psclriu Railway Company, 196 Broadway. New York, Nov. Suth, 19U9 To th Stockholders of The Missouri Pacifio Railway Company Referring to lb nolle sent to you November 17th. 1909. caliina- p:clal meeting of lh Stockholder of this i.oinpsuy to b held on th lla day of Jan uary, 1910, you are notified that the stock transfer books oi this Company will be c:osd at $ o clock p. ni. December ith, 19ug, Instead of January 7th, IK1U, and re main closed until 10 o'clock a. in. January 19th, 1910. This change In date is made to avoid any possibility of confusion la deal ings In the stock and rights to subscribe to bonds, prior to th date of said special meeting. 11 unabi to attend the meeting plaua sign and return th proxy which we have already sent you. A. H. CALEF, Nov- to Jan. 1& Secretary." Key. U to Jan. 11 Omaha-SU Louis Exp Muii and iLxuress aian'uerry Local (from w i ' jk st. tax. Ijv. Council uiuiisj o :w pm - div:u am BtRLlNUTON STA. 10TH UABON BarllBavton Leave. Arrive. Denver and California. .a ;10 pm a 3:46 pm I'nuBt Sound Express... a 410 pm a 6:10 pm Nebraska points a : am a 6:10 pm Black Hills a 4:10 pm a 6:10 pm NinrthweBt Express ail:wpra a 7:10 am Nebraska points ai20ara a 6:10 pin Lincoln Man i:P"i aiz:iepin Nebraska Express a 9:1A am a 6:10 prn Lincoln Local... b 9:08ara Lincoln Local a i a pm acouprn ychuyler-Plattamouth ..b 8:06 pm bl0:20am Plattsmouth-lowa a 9:18 am a 8:60 pm Heilevue-Plattsmouth ..a 1:80 pm a 1:40pm Colorado Limited all:30am a 7:10 am Chicago Special..... a 7:40 am all :10 pm Chicago Express a 4; pm a 3:66 pm Chicago rest .xp ae.oupm an. warn lowa Local a 9.'15 am all :45 am t;i t.nula Exnress a 4:65 pin all:4Rara Kansas City & St. Joe..al0:46 pm a :4oam Kansas City & St. Joe. .a 9:16 am a 6:10pra Kansas City 4k St. joe. .a caopm WEBSTER STA 16TH A WEBSTER Missouri Paclflo. Leave. Arrive. Auburn Local b 8:W pm bl2:10 pnt Ctiloaajn. St. Panl. Minneapolis Omaha Sioux City Express b 8:00 pm bll :46 am Omaha Local o 6:20 pm Sioux City Passenger... b 9:20 pm Twin City Passenger. .. .n e:wi am fiioux Citv Local .c 8:86 am t .... Emerson Local b 5:65 pm b 9:10 am OCEAN STEAMSHIPS C&UISES LUXK to the WEST INDIES Ji.V-7 "AVON" TWO CKiriSKS (81 .r. eackl lft( tiP nos Msrw TotK JAN. 16 and Ml 8. 19 aim Vaehtlns Tttt XBBRBICE" throsfii the West ladles Tea BASTBR CRIIISB ll dsr) THOU NRW TOBS MARCH 2A BERMUDA W WKKKLY SERVICE a. flips'. i. -OROTAVA- Frosa Mew York Every Wtdae.dar. r'rasa Beraaada Every latsrssr, Oieatertabl Tojrsf Haiti Class Cnlrtne Orctae trs Eleetne rsus is man. Ceeill illrtg gsaklets es geoestl TIB SMYU MAIL STEAM PACKET CO. AKIMetttON ION, M tae) SU, Jf. Y 149 LaSalle St.. Chicago. W. S. Book, 1534 Tar nam gt., Omaha, A IY0RDERF11I. 0PP02TUMTY TO VISIT THB COONTaiass or Soufli America Offered la tk l. lOe-Blll Frala al Ikl I. t, BLIECHKH (ll.OOO teas), learlss New York January 22, tl lasts SI day lag east rroai i3a spward. . a hu. rrulu-a la ka Wast lalas ssd Orlest HAMUURO-AMBRiraai I, 1MB 41-46 BROADWAY, N. V., or LOCAL AGENT. 1,423 vs 199 See Page 9. Harry Lewis Clvea Decision. DENVER, Colo.. Jan. 12. Harry Lewis of Philadelphia got the decision over Howard Baker of Boulded In their ten round wludup tonight at the Denver Aln letlo club. Baker, a clever youngster, lost th verdict through too constant covering up." There was not a knockdown. Jimmy Perry of Louisville and Rube Smith of Den ver fought eight rounds to a draw In the seinl-windup. Mlsaoarl Wins f.ame. COLUMBIA, Mo., Jan. 12. trtpeclal Tele gram.) Missouri I'nlverslty basket ball five defeated William Jewell colleaje to night, 87 to $6. The playing of Klo and Johnson were feature. LOS ANGELES, Cal.r Jan. 12. Glenn H. CurtlKR, the American aviator, who was completely eclipsed by Louis Paulhan with hi spectacular feats on the first .day of the aviation meet yesterday, defeated his mercurial French rival In the race for the honors of the day. Paulhan again won the plaudit, of the Immense throng with daring and spectac ular flights, while the leas theatric Amer ican reaped more substantial honors. Cur tlss established a new world's record for speed for aeroplanes, carrying a passenger, flying at the rate of fifty-five miles an hour with his manager, M. Fancullli, beside him, and he set two other less Important re! ord. in aviation. Not to be outdone, Paulhan took up one of his mechanician, and flew three miles, but failed to equal the spoed set by Cur ttsa tn his biplane. The breaking of three records, flights with passengers, the Injury of an amateur aviator and four aeroplanes In the air at the same time breasting a stiff wind that sported dengerously with the delicate craft, furnished 30,000 spectators at Aviation field an exciting finale to an afternoon that promised to be rather tame. Edgar Smith,, a Callfornian, who con structed an aeroplane something on the order of the late Prof. Langley's model, was the victim of the first serious acci dent of tho meet this afternoon. Smith wa. tuning up hi. machine for his first DATE attempt at flight and was struck by the metal blades of the propeller. His head wa. severely gashed and hi. left arm was broken. V More Thrills by Paulhan. At the beginning of today's program Paulhan seemed again to have . monopo lised all the honors of the day. Thrico he drove one ot Ms big Farman biplanes around the course in the stiff wind blow ing in from the sea, then in a- tiny Blerlot monoplane, that looked like a gigantic horse fly, he gave the audience the first thrill of the day by repeatedly .weeping over the grandstand and daringly man euvering In a wind that threatened every moment to wreck his craft. The flight of Paulhan In his . Blerlot machine was the. first for a lightweight monoplane In this country. Bosids Curtis' biplanes, which are mere pigmies beside the great Farmap machine, the monoplane looked puny and unable to raise a man In a calm, much less withstand the as saults of a fifteen to twenty-mile wind. Yet, after an abortive attempt by Mlscarol, on. of the French aviators, Paulhan took It and sped twice around the field although he never rose higher than fifty feet from the ground. Several time, sighs of ap prehension mingled with the shrieks of frightened women rose fromxjie crowd as the liny machine, tossed by fierce gusts of wind rolled and careened in the air. Every moment seemed to b fraught with such danger that when the flight was over and the monoplane had landed far across the field an Immense sigh of relief went up from the crowd. Paalhaa In Bis Machine. Apparently secure in his renewed role of star of the meeting, Paulhan frankly delighted by the tremendous applause -his performance evoked, brought out his Far- man and quickly - disappeared from the view of the spectator, far to th. north ward, reappearing twenty seconds later over the tree, of a nearby ranch. H flew back directly over, the grandstand. Several timt. Paulhan flew 'across lots' or charged directly upon the crowded grand stand, only to turn sharply when within few feet of It and .weep gracefully along before the thousand, of spectators. HI. flight, of 6 miles lasted 21 minutes and 12 seconds." Cartlsa Break Speed Record Curtlss all the while remained silent and at work. Clad In oil-spotted working clothes, an old cap and shoes that had Been better day., he spent hi. time tuning up the eight cylinder motor In the biplane with which he won the International cup at Rheims. Not one. did he look at what Paulhan was doing In the air. But when the fourth flight of Paulhan had ended, Curtlss' mechanician, trundled the machine to the starting point. Without preliminary of any sort he motioned to Fancullli to get In the inacnine. Climbing In behind his manager. Cur tiss gave the word to one of hi. as slstants. A pop and rattle like automatic artillery and th. flight that established the passenger speed record began. Describing a wide circle in front of the grand stand, Curtis, flew with Fancullli at all angles to the wind, and landed almost at the same spot from which he started. Lieutenant Paul Peck of the army signal corps, and one of the Judges, announced that he figured the speed at 66 miles an hour. When the record-breaking figures were announced, th crowd went wild, Shout, and .cream. ro from, th boxes and tier, of seats, auto sirens shrieked and hat. were thrown Into the air to be blown away by theInd. Fsar Maekinea V at Onec. Paulhan, standing by his biplane -on the Other aide of the field iiw the perform' ance through binoculars. These he dropped suddenly," and gesticulating a. he rattled off Instruction, to his crew of mechanic ians, made them race to get his- motor started Immediately. Then he mounted hi .eat and rose majestically. At the same time Wlllard and Hamilton brought their machine, to the startln point in front of the grand stand. Il reclly after they got Into th. air, Curtlss took Clifford Ilaimon. th New York sportsman and balloonist Into the sat be side him and rose again on another flight with a passenger. All foi:r aeroplane. In the air at once presented a sight that sent the crowd Into a freniy. Paulhan landed In a few minutes, and, determined to regain some of his lost laur els, ordered one of his assistants Into the seat beside Mm. Then he arose and twice circled the course, his great biplane Susr- Ing as gracefully with the extra man n- it had dune with Pntiltmn alono. Two More Mark fnr Cartlaa. In quick succession Curtl tried for a starting rerord, nd K rcil for l.tndlng. H succeeded in establishing both. But Wlllaid coming next to the it land ing, beat the lest his chief could do. Cur- tiha, however, et 'a new reoord for getting away to make up for the landing nonor he lost. He started from a marked square of tn feet, flew about the field for two minutes, and, returning, landed exactly In the same spot. Paulhan tried to beat both marks, but the best he could do was u rise 12't sec onds from the time his engine started, and hla machine ran mora than 100 feet along the ground before It rose. Ilarmoa Full to Kly. The trip with Curtlss was tho first fllsht Harmon had ever made In an aeroplane, Mthouglf he owns the one that as given Its first trial yesterday. Harmon was so pleased with the experi ment that he determined to make an effort at flight alone. Wlllard Itnt th million air sportsman his maohlne, though with out giving any Intimation of his Intention he fixed It so It could not rise from the ground. This was done at the request ot Commodore C. C. Benedict of Nsw York, who yesterday offered Harmon the prlco ot ten aeroplanes if he would not go up. Wlllard'. coup prevented the sportsman from experiencing more than a rapid run along the ground for several hundred feet. To complete the day's events, Roy Knab- enshue and Lincoln Beachey, In dirigible balloons, rose from the ground both al the same time und gaining a holght of 800 feet, while flying Into the wind, turned together and began a race with the wind. Knabenshue, higher by fifty feet than Beachoy, won the race by two lengths, when the course of 1,000 feet had been cov flCERS GET "BUrav BOOTH Former Nebraska Coach Will Go to Missouri School. WANTS TO COME TO LINCOLN PRIZES FOR AVIATION MEET President of Aero Clab Authorises Many Large Purses. LOS ANGELES, Cat., Jan. 12. It was atit ounced today that Cortlandt Field Blehop, president of the Aero Club of An, erica, had sanctioned as official repre sentative of that organization the follow ing list of prises for the aviation meet, beginning With event, this afternoon: Speed Best during meat, ten laps, $3,000, $2,000 and $600. Endurance - Best demonstration during meet, $3,000. $2,000 and $600. Altitude $3,000, $i',000 and $500. Best Flight with- Passenger $1,000 and $500. Hlowest Lap at Any Time $500. Uulckeat Start aS0. Shortest Distance in Starting Flight $250. In addition to this Curtlss will receive $10,000 for his flights during the meet and Paulhan and the members of his aviation syndicate, Mlscarol and Malssori wilt re ceive $25,000. FOIt ttKAND CIRCUIT Harness Raelnsr Open at Kalamasoo, Mich.. July SB. DETROIT. Mich' Jan. 11. The grand cir cuit racing season for 1910 will open In Kalamazoo, Alien., July a. it is the rirst time since the organisation of the Grand ircuit fifteen years ago that the program as been started outside of Detroit, ind before the step was taken, much debate arose at the meeting of the stewads held here today. Ar. application from New York City for membership In the organisation was reorlved at the meeting and accepted. The dates for the race. In the different branches of the circuit as approved by the tewaraa are: Kalamazoo, July 25 to 29; Detroit, August to 6: Cleveland. August 8 to 12: Buffalo. August 16 to IK; New York, August 22 to 2i: Rtadvllle, August 28 to September 2: Hart- lord, September 6 to 9; Syracuse, Septenv oer u to lu; coiumbus, in to so. Robert N. Newton of Billings. Mont., was cnosen. presiding; juaga jor the coming sea ' Foot Ball Cause of Death. IOWA CITY. Ia.. Jan. 12 (SDeclal.l I mat Aimer w . t-iy, center on tne lowa championship team, died New Year's day n New York, not from acute Indigestion. but from a lesion of the heart, caused by over exertion in a foot ball game while n college is the news conveyed In a let ter from the New York doctor, who at tended Ely in his last Illness. iMy was in the uovernment service and until his sudden death was In excellent health. When he consulted a physician he was told that either toot ball or swim ming had so affected his heart that he did not hav twenty-four hours to live. As Ely had never been in swimming races it was evident that the injury was sus tained while tn college. coacn jonn Orimth and attend nt physician, deny that the Injury to the brain or 1. W. . Hooiey, the loot ball player, who I in the Mercy hospital here, was neces sarily caused by foot ball. They declare that the cause of the tumor might be assigned to other reasons. Hooiey was resting easier yesterday and was able to receive visitors. Curnhnsker Athletic Itonrd Ifaa gome I setprraied Objection, and II Will Not Re. K.narnard. LINCOLN, Jan. 12. (f pedal.) "Bumroy'' Booth, the man who gave Nebraska plao In western foot ball circles a few year, ago, Is slated to coach the University of Mis souri eleven next fall. He la wanted for the place left vacant by the resignation ot William Roper, the coach who gave Mis sourt a championship team last fall, and he has practically decided la accept the offe. from the Columbia school. . .i .., Booth would rather com. to Nebraska next fall than to go to Missouri, and ban written to a former Comhueker star that In case the Nebraska Athletic board would elect him coach he would accept the post lion. Not getting the Nebraska Job, though. Booth will go to the Columbia school. 1 Thu Cornhusker board Is not in favor of Booth and he will have the opportunity ot tuitinif the Missouri Job. ' 1 Because Roper gave tho Tigers a wlnnc" and because he was a Princeton man l the reason the Missouri -Roard ot Control is trying to get Booth, who also I. A Prince ton graduate. The Miasoiirians go on tin theory that because Roper used Princeton methods and won that Booth, lislng. . thu same style of piny, would .accomplish Just as much. During the recent foot ball season when Missouri was preparing for the gamo with Krnans, which buttle was to decide tho title in the Missouri .valley, ' Booth was called from New York City to assist Roper and helped through his service to bring about the downfall ot the Jayhawkers. At that time Booth made ail excellent Im pression on the Tiger, and now that Roper ha. been selected to Coach Princeton next season the Columbia school 1 very Anxious to get tho former Nebraska coach to take up Roper's work. '' '. The report that Missouri Is to get Booth ha. inspired the Kansas. School with fear, for the Jayhawker. remember wll that during the five year." Booth was at Ne braska Kansas did not win a single gamo from the Cornhusker.; The Jayhawkers feel pretty certain . that .Booth w;ould glvn the Tigers another winning team. There Is still a strong- sentiment In the Cornhusker camp favorable to Booth. Es pecially among the former players nd stu dent, who were here at school In the dny. of Booth la there a' dma.rtd fdi the Prince ton hero. But the Cornhusker athletic board declines to consider Booth as a pos sibility and will select "King" Cole to lead the eleven for another fall. To many students and aJumnl tt seems curious that the Nebraska athletic board should refuse to hire Booth when It I. almost a certainty that he could give the school a winning eleven tText fall, and when tt Is not at all certain that Cole can do thut very thing. Booth says he will come back .to Ne braska at a smaller .alary than the on. he Is offered for coaching Missouri. The Columbia school la willing to pay between $3,000 and $0,000 for "Bummy's" services, but the most Nebraska could pay would be $3,000, and It Is extremely doubtful tt the Cornhusker board could go that high on salary. It Is more than probable that $2,600, Booth's former salary when he wa here, would be a. high as the Cornhusker) could go.- Yet Booth'woirld come to Ne braska nt that salary rather than go to Missouri at a much higher price. The Cornhusker board has some objec tions to Booth, however which will not be overcome easily, and, although many alumni are working to get him elected for the local position, h win not be given A place with the Cornhusker. and will very likely accept the offer made him by Missouri. Basnea Win. Second Block. NEW YORK. Jan. 12,-Fred Eames of Denver tonight won the second block of fifty points for the world', championship at three-cushion carom billiards from Al fredo De Oro. the Cuban title holder. Eames scored his fifty points In clghty- tnree innings, with a nigh run of five. against De Oro's thirty-three points in eighty-two Innings with a high run of two. The total score now stands 100 for Karnes and sixty-one for De Oro. The third contest will be played tomorrow night, although It seems as if De Oro can win only by a miracle. Take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy when you have a cold and you will be delighted with It PLAYERS BACK TO DEI MOIXRS Comlakey , Return bwyer: Kerner and Mehoff. - CHICAGO, Jan. 13 President Charles A. Comlskey of the Chicago Americans an nounced today he had returned three of his recruits to the De Moines Western league club. Those returned were Manager and First Baseman Dwyer, Catcher Ker ner and Third- Baseman Niehoff. Dynamite Wreck. Buildings as completely as cough, and polds wreck lung.. Cure them quick with Dr. King'. Now Discovery. 60a and $1.00. For aalo by Beaton Drug Co. Announcement. The Stor. Brewing company announce, to It. thousands of friends and former prlv&to family customers that Stor. bottled beer can be obtained by the case from Charlo. Storz, retail dealer, 1823-26 Sherman avenue, next door north of Storz brewery 'phone. Webster 1200, Ind. B 12&1) who guarantee, same prices, same courteous treatment and same prompt delivery that you formerly received from us. ! ItHIOVES THE CAUSE OF CMABBH B.S.S. cures Catarrh by removing the causa fror the blood. It io thoroughly purifies the circulation that there Is nothing loft to Inflame and Irritate the musoua linings ot the body, which is the most prominent and dangerous eSect of Catarrh. As long as the mucous membranes and tissues are kept in a state of Inflammation and Irritation by an impure and infected condition of the circulation. Catarrh will remain. Its disagreeable symptoms of Tinging noises in the ears, mucous dropping back Into- the throat, headaches, watery eyes, diffloult breathing, and - even stomach disorders and weakened health, cannot be permanently relieved until the blood is purified. Local applications alone can have no real curative value, because such treatment does not reach the blood. Sprays, Inhalations, lotions, etc, are valuable only for their cleansing and antiseptlo effect, but if depended on alone Catarrh sufferers will find a cure Impossible, nothing equals 8. S. 8. for curing Catarrh. It goes down Into the circulation, gets at the root of the trouble, and removes every particle of catarrhal matter from the blood and enriches this vital fluid so that instead of irritating the different mucous portions of the body, it nourishes them with rich, health-giving properties. Then the symptoms begin to pais away, and Catarrh is permanently cured. Book on Catarrh and any medical advice THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. ATLANTA. OA ' !V.' if v f ? 1 . vrr.' 1 i-.'.;...--..; i?" J. f Otef Old People Don't Die of Old Age Ther die from liver complaint. Their lyttemi become poisoned from th. waste matter clogging- them due to constipation. For instance, Rheumstiim is a disease caused by thii poisoning from bad liver and kidney. If you are old and ailuig, or U anyone you love U old anil ailing Cet a 25c Dot of TAKEOUT TO NIGHT YOU LL FEEL CTTERMTMC MORNim 1 ls af 1m, -T X ' ' e Bettat thsa gill lot llvat III bscaaM tt eos not gripe OoM sot Umt tbttyausa U piacaa; But cu luraly aatf aatlly. It cur constipation cottect th livtf SWMtaix lb ttomadj taa'pi tha kldDtys s4 tona sp lb whel systwa. M.vai ripe Of sicken. ' - Si CHAErZX'ft CUT PEICB DBVO STOKE?, 16th and Bongiu. St.., leth and Cbloaf Mta. outa Omaha Stoias, . W. Cor. 84th and H at... St. W. Cor. 8itu and. a