V THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 12, 1910. Want - Ads ..dTrrMaemeata tnr the want ad rnlimM lll h" tikrn 1 v. for the edttlmn and nutll "I3" ! tm. for the morning- and edi tions. fash mailt nrcompnny all rdere lor .rrnnt ) and no iiTllwmt ' be imptrl for lees haa 20 cents for first Insertion. Hates mvplr to either The Dally or landar Bf. tlna;i count al vrorda to a Hif. mH mates inn wast ad. KROl I.AH C I.AIFirATIO- One Insertion, 1 1 -2 rents irr word and 1 rent per - srord for each subsequent Insertion. Karh Insertion made on dd day. 1 1-U cents per word I. HO aer line per month. Want ads for The Bee mar lft t any of the following- drusr stores one ! your "corner droaaTlat" they are all branch offleea for The Bee and -oor ad will be Inserted lost aa promptly and tin the aame rntea aa at the main offlee In The nee Rnllfllns;, erenteenth and Farnam atreetai Albach, t. C, 40th and Farnam. Beranck, H. A.. HOJ 8. 10th St. 13vht Pharmacy, 720 R. liith Bt. Benson Phnrmacy, Benson. Neb. Bemls Park Pharmacy, 33d ami Cuming. Hlake-Bradtsh. 2X1(1 Khermnn Ave. Coughlln, C. H, 6th and Pierre Pt. Clifton Hill Phnrmacy, 2213 Military Ave. Conte, J. U., 81st Ave. and Farnam. Crlssey Pharmacy. 2t(h and Lake. Cooney Pharmacy. 2228 8. 18th St. t'ermak.' Emi, 124- H. 13th fit. Khler, F. H., 201 Leavenworth. Foster Arnoldl. 213 N. 25th St. Freytag, John ,)., 1914 N. 24th Si. Frcager Drug Co.. IMiS N.pjtli St. Florence Drug Co... Florence, Neb. Goldman Pharmacy, 20th and Lake. Green's Pharmacy, Psrk Ave. and Pacific. Greenough. O. A., 106 8. 10th St. Greenough. G. A 10th and Hickory. Hayden, William C. 2520 Farnam St. Ilanscom Park Phar., 1S01 S. 2th Ave. Hoist, John, 124 N. 16th St. Huff, A. L., 2924 Leavenworth St. Johsnson Drug Co., 24th and Spalding Sts. King. II. 8., 2238 Farnam St. Kountie Place Pharmacy, 3304 N. 24th. Mares, Fred L.. 2019 Central Blvd. Patrick Drurto, 1624 N. 24th Ht. - Lathrop, Charles E 1324 N. 24th St. Peyton, L. E.. 24th and Leavenworth Sts. Saratoga Drug Co., 24th and Ames Ave. Schaefer's Cut Price Drug Store, 10th nd Chicago Sta. ' , Sdisefer, August,. 2C31 N. ICth St. Schmidt. J. H., 24th and Cuming Sts. Storm Pharmacy, 16th and Martha Sts. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming. Walton Pharmacy, 20th and Orace sts. Wlrth, -O. H., 40th and Hamilton Sts. BIRTHS AND DEATH 9. Births Willian Freeman, 622 South Eighteenth street, boy; Max Ferrenstein, 22U1 Seward street, boy; Joe Olglotte, Omaha General hospital, girl; Ralph Hughes, Wise Memorial hospital, boy; Lew Kw, 1015 South Nineteenth street, girl; Mark Meer, 1508 North Seventeenth street, girl; John Kyden, Twenty-fifth avenue and Fort street, girl. Deaths Elmtra D. Updike, 3306 Fowler avenue. 87 years; baby, Julius Peterson, lM)i Ohio, street; Wlllalm G. Schafer, 1618 South Central boulevard, 2 years; Julius B. Starr, 3078 Mason street, 64 years; Clara Pratt, 1521 Park avenue. 46 years; Luella Btrk. 4W3 North Twenty-seventh street, 35 years. MARRIAGE LICENSES. . f t Licenses to wed have been issued to the following: Name a"sd : Residence. Age. Nicholas Ureguras, Omaha 23 Katie Radovic, Omaha 20 W. F. Wlesbroad, Omaha 24 1 tattles R. Wiley, Omaha 19 ANNOUNCEMENTS rr k T CLEAN Carbon Cooking. 16.W. W-tvj-1 Coutant & HQUlrea. 1406 Far. D. P30. The Smith Premier Typewriter Company la receiving old friends and , new In Its new home in the New Kennedy Building, 19th and Douglas Street. Omaha's Newest Commercial District. Smith Premier Typewriter Co. M. O. Plowman, Mgr. Saratoga Drug Co., 24th and Ames Ave., accurate compounders of prescription. Free delivery. Store open 6:80 a, m. to 12 p. m. TT A TOQBaldwln Co., wholesale player ri.nJX V'-'planoa, organs, 106 MoCagua B. Billiard and Pool cuBe8rco,uarbt,eeo,lusa.n tantlon. ENTRANCE through TRACY BROS. CIQAR STORE. 1415 Douglas. MONEY TO LOAN LOW RATE, In auma to suit, 310 Bee Bldg. Phona Doug. 29. 4. UNION LOAN COMPANY. Douglaa Printing Co. TeL Douglaa 644. HO AT. Illlnpla lump per ton - d;fi crj P- Crsedon & Bona. O.OU 4Mb. and Dodge. Tel. Harney 2180. VlonirinOmt11 electric works repairs ele- jjdeciriCy,.!.,,.,, w n. nth, d. mi. A-144 GOOD MERCHANTS LUNCH, c -rptJ A. JEThiS. IMi Diugla St. VXO. THE Bon Ton restaurant. 201 South 13th St.. open Dec. 17. Management of Lao Wine and Charles Leo. Chines and Amer lean dlHhea. chop suey. Creditors of former proprietors. Call Deo. 1H. . OMAHA Bate , and Irou Works makes a specialty Dt firs escapes, shutters, doors and sales. .Q. Ajidraeu. Prop., loi S. loth. CLASS In drawing and painting everv ay, 2 to 4 p. in. Miss D. D. Brlgirs, i."i Capitol avenue. Telephone Douglas 4M9. ff k T Andovar, Egg and fl- r r f COAL; w-3m 5o.50 ,' B. H. MOKh-HOUSE CO. D.VW. DUDGEON. Plumbing and heatini BSiler Repairing Boiler Co., Dth and Plerca. Douglas 114L LLKR GRAND IIOTEL Fin'JsT In tha wast. Turkish Tinflw lt I. anrl Hmu4 Uta. A UlltibU XiUlIih FRITZ E. SANDWALL,JJul2t,ll formerly bo. Omaha, nuw tWl Paxluu Blk. HINDOO TABLKT8 will build, brace, trcngtuan. elk). BELL DUUU CO. ELEVATORS REPAIRED Freight. Pas tngrr,, J. 1C Kennedy, 104 S. 13th. Doug.W7. DAVID COLE Creamery Co. U. S. Cleaning Co., - 'phones. rilOTO ENGRAVING Acid Blast Etching. Prompt Work. W. R. BRAMBLETT At CO., 1311 Howard. D. 6971. ROBT. J. HAMILTON, PLUMBING. STEAM ar.d GS KITTING. Jill Leaven worth St Phones D. 4DuL Ind. A 4.Swi. CJATTKe', nd en- repairing; new TRY the Morris Cafe, 131 Dodge W. W. SCOTT. PHOTOGRAPHER Photos taken anywhere, acy time. D. 915. TRY our cream, bread; slways freh Leav'worth St. Bakery. 2707 11 worth. H. DO AT i Green Trading Stamps wnlJ with hard and aofk coal. Peo ple's Coal Co. 1'uug. 34,1; lnJ A-140S. WOOD, Dv. O. a. 621 N. Y. L. Homeopath. ANCHOR FENCE CO. Iroq aad wire fenevs rhauper than wood. Las, a Lifetime, IOT N. mh- v Phona Red 814. . Monuments, J. F. Bloom It Co., IStl Far. RAM SCR, practical HATTER. ti 8. 14 St ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued.) MILLER JAMIKFON. quick printers. 1212 Douelas St. Tel. Doug. 429; lntf. A-43t OFFICE STATIONERY ra Koiera Co., 1506 Jackaon. 'Phone D. 1. T'innrt TtinJnwFxrerlenceil men. C. """'6 Thatcher. 190J Har. D601I Depositions. F. J. fiutcllffe. 628 Bee B.dg. LEW.W.RABER The Printer. Over 20 Years in N. Y. L. Bldg. AFTKR FEBRUARY 1. 1910. HEE BUILDING nroann.reD0onug-:0iorJ. Missouri Filters made, sold. 1810 Howard. II. A. STEINFIELD Piano Repair Factory, 308 South 18th St. I,ct me figure on your repairs and re flnlKhliig and tuning. I will guarantee all work Best of references furnished. 'Phones. Doug. 3748; Ind.. A-2211; South 208. SAFETY RAZOR BLADES made sharper than new; 24 cts. each: all makes. SMITH NOVKLTY CO., R. 9, Union Blk., lth and Farnam Sts. ARKIN'S KOSHER RESTAURANT, 316 S. 15th St., (Upstairs). AUTOMOBILES See Drummond For your AUTO TOP or TOP REPAIRS. For AUTO WHEELS or WHEEL RE PAIRS. For spring or axle repairs. For the lowest priced good painting. For body woodwork or trimming. For Diamond Tires. Tubes and Casings. 18th and Harney Sts. INTERNATIONAL Delivery Wagons. I.-1I.-C. ROADSTERS High-Wheeled Autos. International Harvester Co., Omaha, BEND for our list of second-hand cars. DERIOHT AUTOMOBILE CO.. 1814 Farnam St. DON'T have a puncture, we treat your tlrea and guarantee them tor one year. M braska Puncture Proof Co.. 706 N. 16th. Antn Pnintinc OET OUR PRICES. A. -iYUlO 1 mining MURPHY ,1412 Jackson AUTOGENOUS WELDING All kinds of broken cylinders, crank cases ana casang promptly repaired. All work Kuaranteed. EEUTSCIIY MOTOR COMPANY, Council Bluffs, la. AUTO STORAQE. Painting and Repairing Witt. PFE11CKK CAKKIAUK WOKK.S, Zoth Ave and Leavenworth. MIDWAY AUTO OARAdSL Steam heat suace fur storage: renalrlna dono prompf.y anywhere, dsy or night. rire vulcanising, out ana supplies. ld.y Broadway, Council Bluffs. Independent 6.1. WRITE for list of secondhand automo bile bargains. H. E. FREDRICKSON. AUTO CO., Omaha CALL us for demonstration of Cola Midwest Auto Co., 19th and Farnam. 'SO.' BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET in or out of business call on OANUESTAD. 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. S367. FOR SALE The only breeding barn In one of the best farming communities in the state; three imported pedigreed atalliona. one standara Drea sianion aua one mam' moth jack; fine location. Address J. H. tinerwood, Oxford, Neb. FOR SALE Dray business; two Wagons, with or without teams; ' possession any lime. O. Brown, Aurora, Neb. FOR SAL13 Half Interest In a 115,000 stccK or general merchandise, southeast Nebraska, to a good hones1, man; it need not be all cash; oest and cleanest stock in state; good business and a money maker, Address Y !), cara of Bee. - . , THE GROSS & DIXON GOLD MINING COMPANY OMAHA. NEB. Invest In mining stocks where you bave no chance to luae a gold bond to the amount of your investment delivered with each certificate of stock. Wa are only too glutt to aliuw the finest or In the city loiu this mine, also assays, mm treat menta, etc. All communications addressed to this office, not matter how searching will be answered at once. Wo caa operate tins mine lor one-nait it corts in the west, This mine U owneu and controlled by Na braska people only. Investigate this. 'Phone Douglas awz. Suite oil, Paxion Blk. ROOMING house for sale. 1812 Chicago St WANT poolroom valued at $1,600 to $3,600, nave two cottages to trade, aou M. Y. Lire, HOTEL for sale at once on account of health; a rooms, 15 bed rooms, furnlBhed complete, fine location and business. Camp Den at wiison, waunin, iMetj. MEAT market for sale doing a big bust ness. One of the beat markets In Ne liraska. Address P. O. Box ZoL Superior, reo. r HERE IS YOUR CHANCE. 11-room rooming house, modern, well fur' nislied, location l& and Douglas. Price. HjO. AQdreaa Mi etu. Baa. WANTED Young man wants a nartner This is an exceptional inside conndentlal proposition. JiA cash required. Young man prettrrea. tsox M, Omaha, Neb. STOCK OF HARDWARE. Doing good business;' only stock of the tuna in town; low rent, or can buy the building very cheaply; a first class busln iss opening. Nowata Land and Lot Co., Suite 624 Mew York Life Bldg. 'Phone Bed l'JJ, GOOD paying business: hair dressing and manicuring; up-to-date; 2600 invested; sell ror .u cash; place o,oun; write this now. right away. AddreBa Y 134 care Bee. FOR SALE Half of specialist's office paying Dusiness. Address J, M, Bee. LETTKKS DUPLICATED In anv auan tity. 673 Brandels Bldg. Doug. 1X0: A 2911 CHIROPODISTS DR. ROY, 1506 Farnam St. Douglaa 6477. DANCING MORAND'S 15th and Harney; lessons Mon., f ri., p. m. ;private dally. D. 1041 DENTISTS BAILEY ft MACK. Id floor. Paxton. D108S TAFT'S Dental Rooma, . 1517 Douglaa St. DETECTIVES OMAHA Del Agency. 42S Paxton. D. 1319. DRESSMAKERS MISS A. HOLLAND, Importer Suite 206. Paxton Blk. Tel. louglas S049 Announces that during the month of January she offers rer exclusive Una of material and nign ciasa woramansmp at greatly reduced prices. OMAHA'S "EXCLUSIVE LADIES' TAILOR." TERRY College. 20th and Farnam Sts. f POT T,nVFB,ll"nabl" La5"' Tailor. 1U. VAJLJ X J 266 Farnam street tup- stairs), during January and February of ftrs up-to-date materials and workman ship at reduced prices. To those taking ad vantage of the clearing salea, he will make up the material cheaper than any other Omaha tailor or dreasmaker, quality conMderel. Harney, 4J44. T. VfiY ladies' Tailor. a Leavenworth l-u J-- H. tC3. HptcuU price until Feb. ift on latest style tailor suits and dressew. We have all the latest fashions and fabrtca in atock. Out of town tcade solicited. THE PARIS, lad Us- tailors and furriers. first-claBs fane) and plulu work, fitting guaraiueea; material mm tuned ty u or patruu. mj Douglas bU Ptioue Red WO. in: DRESSMAKERS (Continued.) MISS STURDY. 2427 Dodge. Tel. Doug. 7635. M. SELICOW, 2U02 Farnam. Harney 2017. McDowell dressmaking school, 1623 Farnam. EDUCATIONAL I.JSarN SHORTHAND AT HOMK. Take advantage 30-day special reduced rate. Complete corrse $25; terms. Think of It. Stenographers wanted everywhere; gov ernment and railroads short; good wages; rapid advancement. Study nights; spare me. Hon t war. write tnoay. THE CENTURY SCHOOLS, OMAHA. THE MID-WINTER TERM OF BOYLES COLLEGE now open In both the day and night sessions. The late catalogue, giving full particulars In regard to the various courses i ready. Business training, oooKKeeping, horthand, telegraphy, civil service. Call, phone or write for It at once. Boyles College, Omaha, Neb. MOSHER-LAMFMAN BUSINESS COLLEGE. Unexcelled couise In business. ihort- and, penmanship and English. None but experienced teachers. Day and evening sessions. Most intoreHtlng catalogue pub- shed In Omaha. .Send lor one today. MOSHER & LAMPMAN. Seventeenth and Farnam Streets. - ST. ANDREW'S SCHOOL FOR BOYS 41ST AND CHARLES. Rev. F. D. Tyner, 3M8 Charles. H-23S3. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN ARSENIC and IRON complexion wafers makes clear, white skin. By mail 50c and 11.00. Sherman & McConnall Drug Co., Omaha. CHINA decorating; order work a special ty. Lessons Tuesday. Thursday and Satur days. Firing dally. Children's classes Sat urday morning. Mrs. '. u. uungaie. tm Brandela Bldg. Tel. Red 6486. J1A1R GOODS. Mrs. Mathews, 104 Neville. EXCLUSIVE LADIES' PARLOR FT) t1 1? ONE scalp treatment with JVPiPj cach bottle of hlr rente. electric facial massage, hair dressing, man icuring, hair goods. MRS. SIMPSON, 306 Neville Blk. A -2 Hu, Doug. 3067. CLEARING sale trimmed hats: now $1 at PENNELL'S, 1511 Douglaa, over Jewel theater. FLORISTS J V. WIIIOX CO. Bluffs. Ia.:' largest Greenhouses In west: beautiful flowers for any occasion shipped anywhere in U. S. BENNETT'S Flower Dpt. E. store entr'ce. HESS & SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam St. J. H. BATH. 1623 Harney, Douglas 3000. L. Henderson, 1519 Farnam St. Doug. 1258. BRANDE1S CUT FLOWERS DEPT. A. DONOGHUE. 1607 Far. D. 1001; A-1001. FURNACES AND REPAIRS FURNACES AND REPAIRS. Water fronts, furnaces, repairs, grates for steam, hot water heater; thermastads and tank heaters. OMAHA STOVE KKfAlK wukis-o. Both 'Phones. 1206-8 Douglas St. HELP WANTED FEMALE A sents atad Salesladtea. cDircuT. tjtt.prkseNTATIVES wanted. Strictly high grade men and women of r...,un uui nhintv. aood aDDearance and character can earn from $500 to 11.000 monthly ann lorin permanent, imhuuuii and stronsrest concern of Its kind Bee Mr. Lusk, Hotel Loyal, all this week. HlIKUX. Clerical and Office. STENOGRAPHER, law experience-IOO. Stenographer, wnoiesaie noue, WESTERN REF. & BOND ASS N. (Inc.), 721-22 IN. X. iue Bia. STENOGRAPHER, insurance exp., $65. Stenographer, neat appearing, 145. Bookkeeper and steno., $45-$50. Bookkeeper, thoroughly exp., $50-$60. if v.. ii are an exrjerlenced stenographer, nnN'T FAIL to see us at once, for we cannot meet the -demand. CO-OPE KAi lVtt n.r-,r inn-iM-n, 675-77 Brandels Bldg. Factory and Tradea. i -ittt. learn hair dressing. Oppen- helm Hair Dressing Parlors. AL3 McCague Blk. Doug. iSM. A 1DOO. Housekeepers and Domestic. GOOD girl for general housework. 1901 Spencer. Tel. Webster 62L GIRL for general housework; good home and wagea to right party. 415S Davenport St. Tel.- riarney w. oini. for eeneral housework. Mrs. F. H.' Hanson, 4207 Lafayette Ave. 'Phone Harney 233. WANTED A girl to help do housework, can go home evenings. 2410 casa. RELIABLE girl for general housework; no washing. 613 S. 26th Ave. , WANTED A girl to assist housework. 2710 Burt. Harney 1237. wanted A good cook or girl for gen eral housework; no laundry work. 2024 Chi cago St. COMPETENT girl to cook, wash and irtn. 124 S. 3Ut Ave. wiNTRn-Glrl for housework: good home for right person. Mrs. Dr. Little, 912 S. iflth St. 'Phone Hcrney 22J9. A GOOD kitchen girl that can cook and i second gin, at once, ui a. jilij ni. GOOD girl for general housework; family of two. iWSI f arnam at., xei. iiaruey iiv. GIRL for general housework; no washing nor Ironing; best wages, imo nun oi WANTED Girl for general housework at 545 So. 25th Ave. GIRL going to achool to work around house for room ana Doara. uooa name. 2461 Harney. REFINED young lady for light house work, small family. Apply at onoe. Mrs. M. M. Aronson, 506 8. 19th St. GIRL going to school to work for room and board. 413 is. win. GIRL for general housework. 4142 I sard GIRL for general housework; good wages. l&l Blnney fct. COMPETENT girl for general houswork; no washlnd, Apply 3403 Harney St. Tel. Harney 15J3. WANTED Girl to asulst with housework good wages. Mrs. W. F. Callahan, kit North 40th St. Tel. Harney 42. WANTED A working housekeeper In WLrklngman'a family. Call 2til! Sherman Ave., after t p. m. KXPERIENCED girl for general house. work, $6 per week, 24ti3 St. Mary's Ave. Tel. Douglas 73. Small family. GOOD girl for general housework. Leavenworth bt. Good wagea. SUM GIRL to work for board and room, can attend achool. last Piukney rt. Telephori Webster 40bo. WANTED a galrl for general house work: no washing or Ironing. Apply H27 No. 22d St., So. Omaha. WANTED Girl for general housework family of four; no washing. 6U2 South 35th Ave. GIRL or middle-aged woman wanted for r-ncral housework; guv' 2iu Maple II you want a barflaln Inn piano or some musical Instrument watch tne "Of fcrcd for Sole" column I roVn day to clay. HELP WANTED FEMALE llonaekeenera aaal OosiftlciCoB. WANTED A good, reliable girl or wo man for general housework. Apply 2024 ltlnney or call Webster 62. WANTED Competent cook, no washing highest wages paid to a reliable girl. CJ S. 20th St. WANTED A girl to assist In housework. 506 South 2!th St. GIRL or woman wanted for general housework at 718 N. 21st St. GIRL for general housework. 8315 Wirt St. Tel. Webster 139. GOOD girl for general housework, no washing. Phone South 2S1'4. 1016 N." 2:td St.. So. Omaha. WANTED Good girl for general hnuce wtrk, Bmall family. N. Rosenblatt,- N. l!Hh fit. WANTED Good girl for general house work. ' 401 S. SSth St. WANTED A girl for general housework; no washing; good wages. Tel. Harney G04. 3224 Dodge St. WANTED A woman to do general house work for famllv of four In the country; ref erences required. Inquire 2118 S. 32d Ave., Omaha. HELP WANTED MALE Agents, Solicitors and Salesmen. WANTED A Solicitor with horse and bugity to drive through the country and rollclt subscriptions. Call and see circu lation manager. The Beo Publishing Co. EXPERIENCED wholesale clothing salesmen wanted to sell an up-to-date popular priced line, who have an estab lished trade in Minnesota, North and South Dakota. Iowa and Nebraska. Appli cations strictly confidential. S. Fein Broth ers Co., Milwaukee, Wis. SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVES wanted, strictly liiah grade men and women of proven sales ability, good appearance and character can earn from $500 to $l,0uu monthly and form permanent affiliation with largust and strongest concern of Its kind See Mr. Lusk, Hotel Loyal, all this week. HUKRY. . WANTED Agents to sell Potter and Sully county, South Dakota land. Write Brower & Holllngaworth, Gettysburg, S. D. AGENTS New specialty: sells Itself: good profits; write today. Bartlett Supply Co., 411 Brown Blk., Omaha, Neb. CIGAR salesman wanted In your locality to represent us. Experience unnecessary. $110 per month and expenses. Write for particulars. Monarch Cigar Co., St. Louis, Mo. Clerical and Office. WE MUST fill the following at once. No red tape. Stenographer, Smith-Premier, 6o. Stenographer, It. R. exp.. $ti0. Stenographer, lumber firm, $75. Two stenographers, $50. Two cigar salesmen, 875-1100. Stenographer, some exp., $40. Bookkeeper, lumber firm, 75-S5. Salesmen in the following lines: Heavy hardware, coal and building material, elec trical supplies, carpets and draperies, lum ber, Insurance. DON'T FAIL, see us a-once. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 676-77 Brandels Bldg. Factory and Tradea. Drug stores (siaps). Jobs. KnlesL Bee Bldg. PHYSICIAN; licensed to practice In state of Nebraska, wanted to take part in drug store demonstration ot advertised propri etary remedies: straight salary basis; work Immediately. Poetofflne Box 206, Omaha. - at lavellaaeoas. WANTED Railway mall clerks; com mencement sala-y S00; spring examinatlcns everywhere; tandidates prepared tree. Franklin Institute. Dept. 192 J, Rochester, N. Y. RAILWAY mail clerks; spring examina tions; preparation free. Franklin Institute, Dept. Vti J.. Rochester. N. Y. A MAN to sell real estate who Is fa miliar with business and close-In flat prop erty; with good firm; salary and commis sion. Address p-itw, care Bee. WANTED Men to learn the barber trade. Will equip and place you In'your own shop or In good position in few weeks. Don't verlook this chance, investigate. Aioier Barber College, 110 S. 14th St. MEN All thin Safety Razor Blades sharpened. 30c dos. New method; satisfac tion guaranteed or money refunded. Victor barely Kuior CO., A.-63U i'axton ill., Omaha, Neb. ASK me how you can start a profitable mail order business at home evenings. Heacock, 739, Lockport, N. Y. THERE IS STILL TIME To prepare for advancement before sum mer la here lr you attend tne x. m. u. a. night school; classes five nights per week. Why delay 7 Act now. EARN $10 to 115 a week during spare time; we, as manufacturers, start you and furnish everything: no canvassing: s slm pie, successful mailorder plans to keep our factories busy) we coach you and show you how to get business; you pay us In 8 months and make big proms; spare time to start write today for positive proof, fease Mfg. Co., 635 Pease Bldg., Buffalo, N. Y. WANTED An experienced manager to take charge of a mall order department in large department store. Address a 842, Bee. HELP WANTED MALES AND CUM ALB WANTED Linotype Junior operator: state wages expected and experience; either man or woman. Rocora, tMienaaie, N. V STENOGRAPHER, Oliver machine. Call 225, raxton piock. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Harsea and Vehicles, HALL & MORRIS, Veil?Sa'i specialty. Hospital 2&8 Farnam. Botli phns. GOOD street hack, landaulet style, but little used; new rubber tires; owner paid $1,100, but will sell now for $260. Jonnson-uanLunn u.B wiu kiiu junci. HORSES for sale. 914 North 21st. HORSES, harnesses and buggies, 2222 Howard St. 'Phone 77b8 Doug. MILLER A WINDER buy anu 3? all kinds of horses. 1416 Capitol Ave. D. 1S10. HORSE and grading - wagon; Largalna. Call 122 N. 16th St. Doug. 4408. LOST AND FOUND LOST Gold spectaclea with Kryptok lenses In Columbian opt. tn. case. Ketur Columbian Opt. Co., 211 a. 16th. Reward. LOST Beaver muff In Brandela base menf, finder please turn In at main desk receive reward. LOST On January 7, between the New York Life building and tne posioince, man's fur muffler; reward to finder. Notify 607 N. Win St. Telephone Red 6204. BETWEEN I4th and 18th on Cuming an Cuming and Chicago on 18th, lady's gold watch with Din. "Jim to Edith. A mas ijiw engraved on Inside of back lid. Return to S.0 N. 18th. Reward. J6. LOST From wagon. between Counc Bluffs and Omaha, one Oriental rug on Jan. I. Suitable reward for rug or in formation. Orchard & Wllhelm Carpet Co. GOLD neck chain, rope patterns, with garnet and baroque pearl pendant. Re ward. Tele. Webster 43M. LOST Rlack purse, containing about $5 00. Call Douglaa, luOU. $5.00 reward. I L , X. MOVING AND STORING EXP. Delivery Co., office lth and Dav enport Sts.; warehouse, 2JO7-0U Izard St. lHt-class STORAGE MOVING. COLE fl IJXPKliSH. ltilt CapiLol Ave. D. 870. A-3837. MEDICAL FREE medical and surgical treatment at Cieighton Medical college, 14th and Dav enport Sta.; icial attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervlmd by college professors, 'phona Douglaa lli7. Calls answered day or night. BEST nerve brace for man. Gray's Nerve Food Pills, Si a box, postpaid. Sherman tk McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. - MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CHATTELS, tl $ St fl H J H tl IS S It II M H NEED MONEY? S CO.vliJ TO OUR OFFICE and get M ft all the money you need on your furni- M W ture, piano or aalary, at the following tf sji li.w rutes: $ lifc a week pays 1 10 loan t 750 a week paya $15 loan S$ Nc a week pays $4 loan U tl.oo a week pays .tu loan $1 W $$ u it l.j0 a week pays f0 loan $2.10 a week pays $76 loan $2.66 a week paya $100 loan. You can pay monthly If you wish. $ These payments include Interest and i$ $$ principal no otner cnargea. j you 1 (t have ever borrowed money before tl it vnn will realise how much easier our II M terms are than those given by other $$ $$ $ $1 companies. It will pay you to aee us $ before getting money elsewhere. No $$ red tape. Everything strictly confl- $ dentlal. Open till 6:30 p. m. $$ OMA1IA FINANCIAL CO. H 01 Brown Block, Opposite Brandels. $f 16th St. Entrance. $ 'Phones: Douglas 2030; A-2036. tt tt tt II $$ $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $4 $$$$$$ M DO YOU WANT to atari the NEW YEAR RIGHT T Do you want to pay up your tanaiora, grocer, lnntnr or anyone you owe and have only on place to pay each month. You'll he sur prised how easy it is. can ana see us now. Omaha Mortgage .Loan uo. 113 Board of Trade. 308 So. 16th. St Telephone uoug. zzw. un us up. SALARY and chattel loans, lowest rates. confidential, open Saturday evening. Both phones. STAR LOAN CO.. 644 Paxton Blk. MONEY TO LOAN Any amount, on your plain note; no security; lowest rates; easiest payments. THE J. A. HUTTON CO.. 614-15 Paxton Block. Tel. Douglas 1607. DIAMOND LOANS AT 5 Why pay 15 and 20 per cent a month on Diamond Loans when our prices are $20.00 only $100 $o0.00 only $2.50 $100 only $5.00 LARGER LOANS EVEN LESS W. C. FLATAU, 1514 edd&9st RELIABLE CREDIT CO., 3d Floor, 307-8 Paxton Blk., 16th and Farnam. Salary and chattel loans; quick and confidential. YOU CAN BORROW $10. Or more on your own note; private party; no red tape. Bo Independent of friends. Get what you need now. iu paxton Block. MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLH1. WOMEN KEEPING HOUSE AND OTH ERS, without security; easy payments. Office in 66 principal cities. Tolman, room 513 New York Life Bldg. OFFERED FOR RENT Boarding and Rooma. DBWKT European Hotel, 13th and Far' nam. THE UTOPIA gives best board and warm rooma reasonable. 18th tt Davenport. SOUTH front room for two; private fam ily; modern. 2664 Douglas. 'Phone Har ney 332. WARM rooma. atrlctly modern, close In; reasonable, with home cooking. Mrs. Bart lett, 2110 Douglas. PARLOR and alcove for 3 young gentle men, with board; home cooking. 2208 Har ney. A NICE place-for two or three adults, with board; references. 1918 Cass St, Tel. Douglas 1476. WANTED Two men to occupy sama room, with board. 2472 Harney; also one small room. LARGE. beautifully furnished front room, with excellent board. 709 Georgia Ava. THE IDEAL Modern rooms, well heated and board very reasonable; 5 minutes' walk from center. 1717 Chicago bt. THE FARNAM CAFE. Good home cooking. Meals 25c. New management. European. 19th and Farnam. Doug. 8240. Joseph Hammer, Prop. ROOM and board for married couple who Tul. Douglas 4990. 215 N. 23d St. FURNISHED rooms and board, family style. 2412 Dodga. BEAUTIFULLY furnished large front room with excellent board. 709 Georgia Ave. 618 8. 19TH. desirable rooma with excel lent board; reasonable; close .in. Varnished Rooms. THE BELMONT, 1518 DODGE ST. MODERN STEAM HEATED ROOMS. EVERYTHING NEW. RATES FROM $2.50 TO $6.00 PER WEEK. TWO nicely furnished connecting front rooms, suitable for couple or gentlemen; breakfast if desired; In private family; 2tjtb and Dewey Ave. Tel. Harney 6011. ONE nice furnished room, single, mod ern; private family. 1811 Chicago. DODGE HOTEL Large outside, snd steam heat in every roon.; rates by wees. FURNISHED rooms for gentlemen. 110 S. 13th St.. The Chatham. two suites of two rooma each; modern and best location; cafe In houxe. 1821 Far nam St. Tel. Red MOO. ini r aroam. NEWLY furnished rooms. 2221 Dodge. FRONT room, ateam heat, bath, flat, t Davldge Blk. Tel. Doug. 2498. TWO nicelv furnished front rooms, com plele for housekeeping, $15 per month, toll uavcnpori. MODERN ROOMS. 2007 St. Mary's Ava, TWO parlors, finely furnished, suitable for four men; everything first class; hot water heat; fine oatn. xwi Bt. Mary s Ave. MODERN, well furnished front room, prl vate family. 702 8. 29th St. WARM, rooms, $2 per week; free bath. Ogden Hotel, Council Bluffs. LARGE rooms, wife. 1724 Dodge. suitable for man and FURNISHED rooms, atrlctly modern, rent reasonable. 2106 Cass. MODERN furnished rooms, $1.50 per week and up. 2310 Douglaa. Phona Douglaa 4063. NEWLY furnished room In a new, mod ern house; hot water heat. 2013 Chicago. WALKING distance. 118; strictly modern, large, warm, southeast parlor, has bay window and piano; nicely furnished, nice bath, plenty hot water; no objection to music or practice. 2fJ aU. Mary'a. 2469 HARNEY, on or two nice warm furnished rooms for gentlemen. PARLOR, modern, cheap; three or more. 622 No. 191 h. LARGE furnished room, suitable for two; close in; cheap. 1M6 N. 19th. OFFERED FOR RENT Famished Rooms -t'nn t tnard. STRICTLY modern, neat and o!-an south front alcove room. 1W4 Cans. ONE lsres heated room; three large closets. 1701 Capitol. FRONT room, with heat. 41.i N. ISth. WARM iront room, also smaller room; modern. South 19th. NICELY furnished front room; heated. 2022 St. Mary s Ave. ONE nice, warm room, newly ftirntihcd; all modern. 631 S. ISth St. TWO parlors, finely furnished, suitable for 4 men; everything first-class; hot water heat; fine bath. 2402 Si. Mary s Ave. ALCOVE room; good heat, 2418 Cass. 2571 ST. MARY'S, furnished and house keeping rooms; heated; modern. LARGE front room for two gentlemen. 112 S. ISth. TWO large rooms cheap. Private famllv. A nice home for young people. Breakfast If desired. Tel. Red FURNISHED ROOM, strictly modern. Call 1219 8. lllh St. 'Phone Red 6709. A GOOD room for gentlemen. 21S N. 19th Ave. NEWLY furnished, comfortable rooms. 806 So. 22d St. FRONT room In new house io refined gentleman. 207 N. 19th St. TWO nicely furnished .rooms, all mod ern. f33 S. 22d St. FURNISHED rooms steam heated; walk ing distance. $4. 501 S. 22d. Red 4487. FURNISHED, ateam heated room, suit able for two or three. 123 8. 26th Ave. Apartments and Flats. B ROOMS, 2d floor, 2601 Bees St., bath and toilet. $16. Chris Beyer, 22d and Cum ing Sis. FOR RENT Eight-room flat. $50. 2220 Douglas St. Apply to W. M. Chambers, 222 Board of Trade Bldg. Phona Doug. 1200. 4-ROOM apartment; modern except heat. 2018 Marcy. AN elegant 9-room, modern apartment; water rent paid; 2S. Douglas 42K8. CENTRAL APARTMENTS. Six rooms, outside corner, high grade. hardwood, full modern, gas range, steam heat, hot water all year, walking distance; references required. BEMIS, 480 Brandels Bldg. 640 So. 26th Ave. Attractive 6-room flat on first floor,, nearly new brick, strictly modern, In best condition. .(X). Vacant Jan. 24. Phona Harney $186. MODERN except heat, 6 rooms, brick. 4204 Hamilton St. 'Phone Harney 31)53. Housekeepings Rooma. A SUITE of three elegant new rooms, modern. 320 North 20th. " FURNISF.ED room for light housekeep ing. 1817 Davenport. 'Phona A-2109. NICELY furnished rooms for light house keeping; modern. 422 N. 17th. UPSTAIRS 2 rooms, desirable for house keeping. 811 So. 20th. TWO ROOMS suitable for housekeeping. Close In, 2026 St. Mary's Ave. TWO housekeeping rooms; modern. Harney. 2208 TWO or t light housekeeping rooms. 1105 A, Pacific St. TWO modern basement rooma; every thing furnished. 504 N. 21st St. Call Doug las 3966. TWO coxy housekeeping rooms to couple. 909 8. 27th St. TWO1 furnished rooms for housekeeping. 1414 Chicago. HEATED rooms, 8018 Webster St. Harney 1738. Tel. SLEEPING and housekeeping rooms, modern. 8318. IBth. St ; FURNISHED snd unfurnished house keeping rooms. 204 S. 20th. TWO furnished housekeeping ground floor. 1610 California. rooms; FOUR elegantly furnished front rooms, main floor, for housekeeping. 2018 Daven port St. TWO rooms for heat. 113 S. 24th. housekeeping; stove ONE large front room; furnished com plete for housekeeping. 2110 Douglas. TWO rooms for housekeeping; modern; gas range; good location. 1822 Chicago. THREE newly furnished housekeeping rooms; parlor floor; modern. 2214 N. 19th St. Tel. B 2163. HEATED rooma; modern In every re spect; single or en suite; newly furnished and clean. J019 California. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. Cuming. 2408 MODERN light housekeeping rooms; also furnished rooms. 1001 Park Ave. THREE front rooms for housekeeping; furnished complete. 2223 Leavenworth St. Phone Douglas 1512. ROOMS for housekeeping. 411 N. 19th. FRONT parlor and kitchen. 622 N. 19th. MODERN housekeeping rooma, 2002 Web ster., Douglas 2019. TWO furnished rooms, complete; house keeping. 622 So. lth. TWO connecting rooms, modern. 1919 Chi cago St. TWO excellent, completely furnished rooms for housekeeping; heat, light and cooking gas included; 'phona tn house. 2574 Harney St. PERFECTLY clean and keeping and sleeping rooms. light house 1411 Jones St. TWO unfurnished rooms to party without children; call evenings, ZOS So. 27th; ref erences. PLEASANT rcoms at right prices. So. 25th Ave. 611 To room renters If you have a well heated room to rent at this time of the year,-mention in your ad how it is heated. That is the first thing the roomer wants to know. Roomers depend upon the columns of the Bee for good rooms. Phone 238 and we will take care of your ads. OFFERED FOR RENT a llonaekeeptna Itnnma Contlnaed. TWO rooms, parlor floor, romrlete f"r housekeeping, with kitchen: modern. 24o modern. 24u k om for light alcove; also Harney. ON K nice, large front room housckeenlng. with lame largo front room aultnbln for two: strictly modern. Tel. Hartley i14S. 6.t2 So. IMh St. THE MANUEL apartments; 2 rooms for lion-ckc. plnif ; st ntn heated, H'S. 50b 8. 81st ave. Tel. lied 4n. Vnrorntsheil nootns. 3-ROOM, bath room, store room, outside porch, all modern, except heat. 2617 Nil. 18th. TWO iinfurnlnticd rooms, with heat and gns; reasonable, 2715 Dewey Ave. WARM loom, modern house; distance. 1IKX) Webster. walking FOUR unftirnlHhed rooms; all modern; 1155 Farnam rit. 'I'd. Harney 2773. 2N22 Farnam; two large room: house keeping; range; kitchen. Harney l.3. 1-tit it rooms; mouern except lieat; no children. 2015 is. 20th. FURNISHED or unfurnished room. 2013 Webster St. FOR RENT Two modern Charles at. 13 TWO nice unfurnished rooms for house keeping. aOtl St. Mary's. Houses and Cottaa-". OMAHA Van A Storage Co.. pack, movs, store, h. h. goods; storehouse, 1120-24 N. 9th; office 309 8. 17th St. Tel. Douglaa FREE RENT TO FEBRUARY 1. . After February 1, $;lu, .reduced from 40. One of the best nearly new 8-room brick flats In West Farnum district; Al repair. 3419 Dewey Ave. GARVIN BROS., 318 N. Y. LI PIS. HOUSES. Ins.i. ance. Klngwalt, Barker Blk 6-R. cottage, 3018 Ohio, 30; mod. except heat. Cariberg, 911 N. 1. Ufa. 7 ROOMS, modern house, lous Spruce St. H. 1. Plumb. 110 8. 13th St. HOUSES, flats, Gai vln Bros., 313 N. Y. L. FOR RENT 9-roc.m brick house, all mod-- em, 2009 Willis Ave., $25. 4-room apartment, city water, toilet, 1501 No. 18th. $12.60. 8-room, all modern, combination fixtures, will be vacant soon, corner bouso, east front, 10. C. M. BACHMANN, ' 436-37 Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 2039, Res Tel. D. 5078. LOW winter rent, eight-room house, 2Wi and Capitol Ave. Six-room house on Wal nut Hill car line. Both modern except heat. Call Tel. Red 6264. MODERN. 8-room house, 216 8. 85th Ave. Phone Douglas 4537. HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwarded; cheap freight rates; moving and storing. Expressmen's Delivery Co. Tel. Doug. 291. BRICK house, 2614 Dewey Ave., 7-room. modern. Moyer Stationery Co., lolii Far nam St. 6 ROOMS. 2u Iloor, bath and toilet, 2604 Rees St.. $15. 6 rooms, 2d floor, toilet, 1901 Parker St.. $15. 6-room house, modern, 2606 Bristol St., 2S. 6 rooma, modern except heat, 409 William ) St., $15 CHRIS BOYER. 22d and Cuming Sta. HOUSES Peters Trust Co.. N.Y.Ltfe Bldg. MAGGARD Van & Storage Co. D. 149. Pack, atore and ahlp household goods. NO EQUAL Steam heat, all modern. 7 rooma, hall, bath and basement. 120 N. 23d. HUUOLO Crelgb Sons & Co.. Bea Bldg. Stores. WILL RENT part of store for hair goods or some clean business. Rent cheap. 1707 Leavenworth. BalldlnsTS. I WANT an orfer for the two story biiok building at 1213 and 1215 Howard atreet, Will rent for .$200 a month. Eastern owner will sell cheap. THOMAS BRENNAN. Roorh 1 New York Life Building. OFFERED FOR SALE Fnrnttnre, A NICELY furnished steam heated 14 room flat, close In, full of roomers. A bar gain for cash. Address K 786. Bee. Household Furniture Eiy8 at prices to move stock quickly. American Furniture Co., 220 N. 16th. Pianos. UPRIGHT Kimball piano, big bargain; owner leaving olty. 210 N. I2d. Typewriters. SECOND hand typewriters sold, repaired. Central Typewriter Exchange, 1607 Farnam. FOR SALE at half price Large Trodm ner coffee mill; also fluh box; both tn good, shape. .Tohnson-Goodlett Co., 20th and Laker Sts. Tel.. Webster 1675. Typewriters For Rent aA1ik 'Swan": aon Co., 415 South 15th St., Omaha. Miscellaneous. COAL AT CUT PRICES We aave you from 60o to $1.50 on every ton and give better coaL Wa guarantee correct weights. Rosenblatt's Cut Price Coal I trnn RA I. re New and Id-hand bill and pool tables. We lead the world iu cheap bar fixtures, easy payments, liruna-wlck-Balke-Collendar, 407 S. 10th St. . DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on alt $10 orders; catalogue free. Sherman At Mo Connell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. ABOUT 1,600 feet -lnch wlra cable, sec ond hand; will aell at bargain. Apply H. W. Baker. Supt. Bee Bldg., Omaha. NeO. i it k