10 ItTR BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 12, 1910. BRUMNC'S VOTE ELFXTS III M Swallowed as Bitter Pill by Bedford and Pickard for Chairman. ' THAINOB VOTES FOE J. A. SCOTT nranlnf Haa Ilaldaesa to Aanooars Thrrt Wit Xalhln "Flaed" A boat Ilia F.lectlnar, Add inc. "In War." Fred Brunlng's own vote re-elwted him self chairman of tha Hoard of County Commissioners for the year 1910, at the organisation meeting held Tupsday. Brunlng- had threa votea and John A. Scott one. Jeff W. Bedford. O. J. Pickard and limning .voted for Brunlng. P. J. Tralnor cast the ballot for Mr. Scott, who was anselt on accnant of lllneBa. Hrunlng, elected t the county board as republican has again oommitted tha deed of party treachery which elected him to the chairmanship In Jnnunry, 1908. and will pay the same price as before canting hla vote for the men whom CommlsBlonera Bedford and Pickard reject for county appointments. The result waa without surprise. After County Clerk Hnverly hid called the meeting to order. Commissioner Pickard moved that the board proceed to elect a 'chairman by bnllot. The votes were cast and ' Mr. Pickard stepped forward as one teller. County Clcfk Haverly sum moned Commissioner Tralnor to act as another counter. "Xt'a superfluous," tald Tralnor, as he stepped forward. "This Is pretty well cut and dried." Neither Commissioner Pickard nor Bed ford looked' particularly happy over the result of the election. They have admit ted that Brunlng Is a bitter pill to swallow. Knnny, hut Don't Know It. Brunlng himself Injected considerable humor of the unconscious variety Into the meeting by an address. Also he declared, "The election Is rather a surprise to me, for there was nothing really fixed up, In a way." This remark was made to reporters. In Ms more formal address Brunlng delivered himself of several gems of thought. 'The reason I wanted to be re-elected," said he, "was that I think every chairman of every committee has worked faithfully and efficiently, and so I didn't see any reason for any change. I want to thank the superintendents of Institutions who have co-operated with us and I want to ask their co-eperatlon to co-operate with one aim this year." The following committee chairmanships were announced: Bedford Finance, Detention home, con struction. - ' Pickard Roads, bridges, committee of the whole. Tralnor Hospitals, chalrty, claims. Scott Judiciary, court house and jail. The Board of County Commissioners has received a communication from Coroner Willis S. Crosby, announcing that l)r, Bamuel McCleneghan has been appointed coroner's physician to succeed Dr. A. D, Dunk. SutphenrJoslyn ; Decision Tomorrow Judge Troup Will . Hand Down Opinion of Court After Noon Recess. Oil 0 AWSBBj,. IS January Clearing Sale Children's Cloaks Worth up to $5.00, at $1.49 This is our annual January clearing sale of children's cloaks, in ages 1 to 6. Hundreds of cloaks, in all this sea son's styles bearskins of various kinds plain, curly, ost rich and lamb effects white, gray, brown, green and black. Also children '8 cloth coats, in new styles $ n 49 1 1 11 illL Jlli Jlll $5.00 1L Children's cloaks, in ages 2 to. 17 years plain and mixture cloths, worth $12.50 at $5.00 Children's 35c Flannelette Dresses Worth 35c in various .colors ; ages 1 to 6, at ... '. ... ... . 15c January Sale of Undermuslins The grandest bargains in muslin underwear that were ever offered in the west. Great special lots on squares, on our second floor. . January Linen Sales A decision will be. handed down at 1:30 tomorrow In the butphen-Joslyn case, in volvlng the ownership of the palatial Jos- I lyn home , at . Fortieth and Davenport streets. Judges Troup, Estelle and Sears heard the evidence and considered the decision together. Judge Troup, In whose court the action originated, will read the decision Thursday. This Is one of the most Interesting cases Involving real estate law ever tried In Douglas county. It hinges on the rights of minor Children under a will, the provi sions of which, It is claimed, were violated in a sale made by their parents. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Is cheapest because It Is best. ENGLISH WILL NOLLE PROSSE E. E. THOMAS LIQUOR CASES County Attorney Says Kvirtence of In formers Not Worth Much la Snrh Suits. Nollf prosics will be entered by County Attorney English against the Indictments procured by the lact grand Jury against two score liquor dealers and druggists. 'who are charged either with' selling on Sunday or selling without license. This decision Is the result of the ncnutt tal of William Hartmann In district court. "We picked what seemed to be the strongest case we had," said Mr. English. "Evidence of Ipfprmers Is not worth much so far as ,' securing convictions are con cerned." ,' These Indictments were IntittgaUd by Elmer E. Thomas, whose agents, White head and 'Andrews, visited the places and htn appeared before the grand Jury ' against the proprietors. ( A Serious Breakdown results from chronic constipation. Dr. Klna-s New . Life Pills cure headache, stomach, liver and bowel trouble. 25c. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. ' . DAMASK All pure linen cream damask, good, heavy weight, 69c quality, yard 40k $1 quality best cream damask, full 2 yards wide, beautiful ,at terns, yd 75 wide, beautiful pat In damask table linen 75c quality, yd.., at Kf) Beautiful Prussian da mask, new floral and stripe patterns, $1.50 t quality, yd. 1.19 Pattern Cloths $1.60 full bleached pattern cloths, 8x10 size, at, each . . OS $2.25 round thread Oerman linen pattern cloths, neatly hemmed each SI. 69 3 yard pure Irish linen pattern cloths, $3.25 ' quality, each $2.49 50 extra large pattern cloths, In , the best quality linens, made to sen up to 1 15, at. each $4.98 NAPKINS $1.75 grade pure Irish linen Napkins, good quality, dozen. 9g $3 quality all pure linen napkins, large size, dozen. . $1.98 $3.50 best Prussian and Irish linen nap kins, dinner size, at, dozen $2.49 $4. "50 Scotch linen nap kins, 24 inch, good assortment, at, dozen . $2.98 TOWELING 22c all pure linen glass toweling, 24 inches wide, at, yard 15 15c all linen glass toweling,, at, V.-11 12 Vic union glaes toweling, at, yard i ...,.. . 7 6Vc grey crash toweling, 16 Ins. wide, yard 4V 12 Vic all linen bleached crash, yr J... 9 ,18c best Scotch linen bleaohed crash, yard .......,.. 14 BED SPREADS Extra large, heavy Marseilles pat ; tern bed spreads, $1.39 quality, each 984 Full size, fringed or ; hemmed , shrunk finish bed spreads, $2.00 values, each . .' $1.49 $2.25 shrunk Marseilles pattern bed spreads, fringed, , with or without cut corners, each $1.89 Beautiful satin Marseilles pattern bed spreads, full size, $3 values, at. each $1.98 January Sale of White Goods Best grade sea island 42 Inches wide, at . . . Imperial nainsook, 45 inches wide, at 25? nainsook, 25 Imperial nainsook, 36 ins. wide, yd.. . 10 English nainsook, extra fine qual ity, 40 ins wide, 15c and 12 Ht New line of plain white flaxon, yd. 13c; 20c and 25 Odd Lots IMK RUCHINGS at 5c a Yard Lace, Chiffon, Liberty Silk and Crepe Lisse white, C black and colors; worth up to 25c a yard at, yard. . J C EMBROIDERIES, Narrow Edgings and insert ings of good quality, at, per yard . . .'.i...3V.C EMBROIDERIES Corset cover widths, skirt ings and flouncings, at,-per yard .15c ADVANCE NOTICE-NEXT SATURDAY Great clearings sale of Leather Goods. All the (Shopping Bags, Pocket Books, Bill Books, Smoking Sets, Leather Boxes, "etct at the grandest bargains ever offered in Omaha. ' BRANDOS STORES 77T7n77TTTi3SiiKTiJV mm urn UK !i. Ql NEXT X'lirillUirU OlUC MONDAY CLEARING HIGH-GRADE m. 4 w S2 "RTTt-Br; r. i l Ll china mil Coalport Doulton. Haviland Adderley Royal Dresden The newest designs from the world-famous potteries. All these beautiful pieces that have made the Bennett China Store so widely talked about go on sale Wednesday. Engliflh Coalport, Indian Tree Pattern. 10-inch Plates, woAh $20.00 doi., reduced to $14.00 8-inch Plates, worth $18.00 doi., reduced to $12.00 7-inch plates, worth $16.60 do., reduced to $10.50 6-lnch Plates, worth $12.60 doe., reduced to $ 9.25 6-inch Plates, worth $10.50 dot., reduced to $ G.75 Tea Cups and Saucers, worth $18.00 do., reduced to. . .$11.50 Chocolate Cups and Saucers, worth $18.00 doi., reduced $11.50 All other pieces in same pattern in same proportions. ROYAL DOt'LTOJJ WARE. 76c Plates reduced to . $2.50 Jugs reduced to 08 $ 1.00 Plates reduced to, . . . .49 98c Jugs reduced to 59 60c Tiles reduced to 35 $3.00 Tea Pots reduced to. $1.50 ROYAL DRESDEN. ?Kk f- $5.00 Candle Sticks, reduced to 'av i., mn no villi p4riC-7 $3.00 Fancy Plates reduced to only $1.50 ROYAL BAYRKUTH. (Imitation Wedgewood.) About 60 pieces. . . .HALF PRICE Haviland. Coalport, Adderley, etc. Bouillon. Tea or Coriee Cups. Friendship Cuds and Saucers, executed in white and gold, Cobalt blue and solid gold encrustations, rang- l (Ironi Poilurf innc H ing in price from $15 to $100 a dozen, U Ultdl iVCUUlllUIld WHITE CARNIVAL WEEK Thebest bargains on new. fresh muslin garments and embrold- 0 erles. Did you see the crowds Monday? UNDERMUSLINS. 39c Corset Covers 25 69c Corset Covers 39 60c and 75o Drawers for. . . .39 l.VV XHUBUU UU r. UO .vi V 65c Muslin Gowns for. 39 EMBROIDERIES. 39c Flouncings, 2 4-inch 19 65c Flouncings and Allovers 29 4 6-lnch Skirtings, 98c value. 59 35c Corset Cover EmVd'ry. .15 20c Emb'deries, very fine 12 H 16c Embrolderleo, wide'. . . . . 7 M 12 He Embroiderjes, special. . .5 NOTIONS Every Wednesday la special Notion day at Bennett's. 200-yard Machine Thread, blaek and white, all numbers. 2 for 5 ' 1 rt i, pair Lf "o .ea .80 .60 .6a .So Hose Supporters, for women ana cnuaren. pair Darning- Cotton, doen Bpoola to box, apeclal. . . Safety Pln,P nickel platea, 2 cards ior.... Skirt Belting, double, per yard 1 ...... m ... . Machine 8k Thread, black only, 100-yard spools. 2 for. Kklrt Binding, mercerized, black only. 5-yard bolts Hooks and Eyes, two dosen on card, 2 cards for Mosl Successful linen Sale Ever ; After all, the sale that endures is the one that holds out the best Inducements. That Omaha women know linen values is fully attested by the busy buying throngs at Bennett s nnen sate uanj. LINEN PATTERN CLOTHS. 2x2 yard cloths,' $2.76 values. . .$3.00 2x2H yard cloths, J.S0 values. .fiaJ0 8x3 yard cloths, 14.25 values... 3.00 ($4.25 napkins- to match, doz., $3.00) 2 yard double damask $4 cloths. $3.85 2Vs yd.. double damask $6 cloths. 84.00 8 yard double damask $8 cloths. $4.78 ($4.00 napkins to match, doz.,- $3.25) BENNETTS BIG GROCERY TOWELS, CRASHES, ETC. 12Hc huck towels, hemmed, at..BHo 16c huck towels, 22x46 Inches, at lOo 19c Momle linen towels, at lBo 85c Turkish bath towels, large. .. .84o 20c bleached linen crash, at, yd.. ISO 16c bleached Barnsley crash, yd.HHo HViC bleached linen crash, yd...8Ho 8Hc linen finished crash, yd BVie 7c cotton twill crash, yd 80 The faUoflnr Items on sale Wednesday and Thursday 1 Queen Uiivesij.buc uoiue ior 30o Teas, assorted kinds, pound .....,.,.,........,.. ,..48o and oU "tamps Tea. tSirunss.eo , Pnd Package . ' 11 7BXa.nd Vo' atamos Bennett s excelsior Flour, sac . f 1.78 ana 80 "amps Diamond C Chill Bauce, lao bottle Y" Bennetts Capitol Hxtraci asa.nd 10 ataniDa jap nice, four pound, :2o1Snd io Vtll , .860 and 10 stamps Sweet Mixed Pickles, quart Hex L.ve. three oans Karl's Cleanser, three cans Yankee Uose Toilet Soap, four cakea . Polk's Soups, four cans Diamond Crystal Table Salt, two sacks Parragon Eg Plums, four cans California Prunes, 12V4c quality Golden Eagle Currants, lb. pkg Capitol Oats, Wheat or Panoake . . . . . utiti i wArrK a .in tin,. - -- ., lten;s famous Tourist and Uraham Crackers, rresn Deiooand 10 POT pacivago 860 and 20 stamps , . .B&o 86o .100 '-and 10 stamps Sfto 80 . 13o and 10, stamps .110 and 10 stamps 30o and 30 stamps stamps WIFE PREFERS STAGE TO HOME Likes Kootllarhrs Better Than G - Lamp, ' So Stars with Hert Art. Mrs. Fantite Stuben prefers the glitter of the footlights to the softer glow of a gas lamp, ' the odor of rouge and grease paint Is sweeter In her nostrils than the cent of frying pork chops; the applause of a theater audience Is more gratifying than the rattle of steam In a radiator. In short. Mrs. Stuben has elected to be an actress rather than to Uvo with her hus band, W. H. Btuben, Mho Is a petitioner for divorce on the ground of desertion. Mrs. Laura Meyers asks a decree from William Meyers, who has "not given the lovs affection which he promised when he made his marital vows." l Foley's Kidney Itemed;- win cura any cava of kidney or bladder trouble that Is not beyond the reach of medicine. It In. vigorates the entire system and strengthens the kidneys so they eliminate the impuri ties from . the blood. Backache, rheuma tism, kidney and bladder troubles are all cured by this great medicine. Sold by all druggists " ' .ABoaaciuea t. The Stora' Brewing company announces to Its thousands of friends and former private family customers that Stors bottled beer can be obtained by the case from Charles Stors. retail dealer, 1824-25 Sherman avenue, next door north of Stors brewery ('phones WehHter l.'Ou, Ind. H 1IM who guarantee same prlc4 same rouru-oun treHtnunt and samo prompt dVllvtiy that yuu former!. fscilvid fi'om . CANADA-1910! WANTED Reliable. and trust worthy agents in every ounty to represent ' i. ' ' ' v:n.PEnnsonco.,ud. owners of 175,000 acres lu .. LOST MOUNTAIN VALLEY "Sunny Southern Saskatchewan." Finest open prairie 'wheat land in Western Canada. Total Cana dian wheat yield 1909, 166,774. 000 bushels; average per acre 21.6 bushels. Address: V. 8. OFFICE, 730 Temple Court, MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. -A-W-F c o ulc ii The Bent Colds, Throat Diss Is COUGH Kemedy or Coughs, 4 buag Trea. HOWELL'S ANTI-KAWF Get a bottle today, BSC and 60o, at your druggists or Howell Drug Cot. 807 S09 H. lfita It, Omaha. FOOD FOR NERVES Weak and nervous mm who tlnd their powir to work and youthful vigor gone as a result of over. work or mental exertion should take UHAV-g NKKVK FOUl P1L.UI Thar will make you eat and sleep end bo a dim stain. . II Bos; I boxes It SO by malL--BiucmMA.v Kocoarirxi.1. dbuo oo. Vor. lata ajttf bodge StreeM. . OWL DSUtf COfeUAJIT. Cos. lttb and Harae BUk. Oiuai, sTea. TviimETTrcE 1 he Uesl Kiriu Paper, v Omm DIlt-r a Year. Practical Wo men are those made of gun metal calf skin. It's the cleanest, nicest stock used in women's fj boots. It doesn't scuff up, it doesn't burn the foot, it cleans and shines easily. "We have them in button or lace. $3, $3.50 ' N . Jew Orleans rf5 i mm A rare opportunity to reach New Orleans, the metropolis of the South, the city of social brilliancy and the home of the Mardl Gras, yia inis eratral Only $32.20 Round Trip Tickets on sale February 1. 2. 3, 4, B, 6 and 7. Good returning until February 19th, with privilege of extension of return limit. 'New Orleans for the Tourist." TICKET OFFICE, 1402 Farnam St., Omaha. EaSQsarfl Write for free booklet, Tickets reservations and detailed information at CITY Bal l Wis - . " ' """" Ikf TRACKAGE PROPERTY We offer for rent the building located at 914 Farnam street, which is a one story and basement building. Dimensions are 20x8G, approximately 3,300 sq. ft. An addition to alley could be built to suit tenant. This is in the wholesale district, being convenient to car line. For further particulars call The Bee Building Co. a Better Than Ever Bargain Offerings the JAUUARY CLEARAE2CE SALE of Winter Clothing and Underwear . Men's Suits and Overcoats, $20 to $40 Al U U r bones Dong-las 838; Independent A-1838. 17th and Farnam Sts FRY SHOE CO. THE BUOEItS. 10th end Douglas Streets. I i ss . SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. KEARNEY MILITARY ACADEMY MAKING MANLY BOYS Training- the body of tbe bey, as well as tba mind. Is reco? nlied enaentlal of saodera edurattoa. la sereateea years ( tucceuiul work this academy ass developed tba minds aad budieaof many boys wbo bare become manly men. We oBer Capable laetrartlea, wboleMime nironmnt. tfaoronirb ertnip- JWt ACADEMIC BUS1KESS COURSES No trance examinations, bend lot our beautiful new - cataloged. KARRY N. RUSSELL, Held Mister, KEARXEY, NEER. HI values, at U THERKLUDLC STORE Ladies' Suits, Coats and Furs at Half Price and Less. $15.00 Qualify Goods at Saving Prices in Our January Sale of Filuslin Underwear High quality of material and work manship. Unusually beautiful design and dainty finish is eoupled with de lightfully low prices in this sale. SKIRTS 98c to $10 00 CHEMISE 50c to $5.00 GOWNS at Corset Covers, 25 cto $3.00 Combination Suits 50c to $5.00 . 39c to $5.00 Threa Big Special Lois Gown, Com b 1 n tion ' Suits, Chemises, Cor set Cover and Draw erf, worth $1.00, on Bale at 40 1 Ladies' Corset Covers, 50c and 75c values, also drawers, In big assortment, on sale, at SCORES OF MATCHLESS BARGAINS THIS WEEK. Combination Suit, Kowns, skirts, chem ise, drawers and cor" set covers, $1.50 and $2 values 08 Grand Clearance on January Linens in Our High Grade Linen Department Wednesday Full bleached Table Damask, pure linen, worth 75c, Wedn'day, yd. 50 Full bleached Table Damask, pure linen, worth Jl.Qjfi, Wednesday, yard 75 Full bleached Dinner Napkins, pure linen, worth $3.00 dozen, Wednea day, 6 for 91.00 Mixed lot Napkins, good size, slightly soiled, worth $2.00 dozen, Wed nesday, for 50 Grand assortment high grade Linen Huck Towels, worth 39c, Wednes day, each . - . lfK Fringed and hemmed, large size Turkish TowelB, worth 45c, 'Wednes day, each 25 Pure linen hemstitched Table Cloth, size 8x8, worth $2.25, Wednes day, each $1.50 Full size hemmed Bed Spreads, worth $2.60, Wednesday, each $1.08 Genuine Bargains in Whito Goods 1 Oc India Llnons . .Q 12 He India Llnons J hi 15c India Llnons 10 12 Long Cloth 7Mi 16c Long Cloth .10 19c Long Cloth 15 V4 19c Persian Lawns 10 10c full bleached Muslin. ...Q, 12 Vac full bleached Muslin. -8 $1.98 Bed Spreads $1.25 $2.50 Bed Spreads $1.68 All 19c Towels 12Vs All 26c Towels 15 Towels. .8 He, RcTHiCt tOc, 12 c and Up. Wash Rags, 6 for 6c, or, each, Everything lower than any other house In the west. Blankets and Comfortables all Blankets and Prices still lower Closing out Comfortables. than last sale. Regular price 75c. $1.00 $1.25 $1.50, $2.00 Sale price 48c 68c, 88c, 06c, flJ24 Regular price $2.50, $3.00, $4.00, $5.00, $6.00 Sale price $1.08, $1.06, $2.85, $3.66, $4.88 COMFORTABLES Regular price 75c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00 Sale price 48c, 68c, 87c, 94c, $1.10 Regular price $2.50, $3.00. $3.50, $4.00 Sale price $1.50, $1.86, $2.10, $2.06 Extra special on Cotton Bats. Extra special on Sllkolines. Extra special on Cretonnes. GOODS DAY IN OUlt E Famous Domestic Room EXTRA From 8:80 to O A. M. We will sell one solid case of fine 12c and 15c India Llnon 12 yards limit at, a yard 5 From 10 t 10:30 A. M. We will sell one case of the celebrated 500 Long Cloth, regular price 12c 12 yards limit at, yard.. 6W From 2:80 to 8 P. M. We will sell one case of fine soft finished Nain sooks, worth 15c a yard 10 yards limit at, yard . . . '. 5 From 4 to 4.80 P. M. One case of 45-ln. Persian Lawn, regular price 25c 17. yards limit at, yard 7V4 Tennessee White Corn and Maryland Rye Whiskey, per full quart 75 Per gallon $3.50 Orders taken for bottle beer. . . ' Lotting Down Grocery Prices It pays you t trade at Hayden's. We save the people of Omaha from 25 to 50 per cent on your house keeping expenses. 48 lb. sack best High Patent Flour, made from the finest wheat grown, makes the whitest bread and more loaves to the sack for this sale .... $1.40 Every sack guaranteed to give the highest satisfaction. 8 lbs. best Rolled Breakfast Oat meal for 25 24-lb. sack Rye Flour .... 75 24-lb. sack Wheat Flour.. 75 8 bars Diamond C or Beat 'Em All Soaps 25c C lbs. best hand picked Navy Beans for 26c 3 lbs. Pearl Tapioca, Sago, Barley, Farina or Hominy 25c 6 lbs. choice Japan Rice .... 25c 4 lbs. faucy Japan Head Rice 25c The best domestic , Macaroni, per pkg. ., 8W Tall cans Alaska Salmon., 10 Oil or mustard Sardines, can 4 Bromnngelon, Jellycon.or Jell-O, PkS .... 7H 1 lb. cans Campbell's Soups 7H The best Soda or Oyster Crackers, Per lb 7W 2 lb. cans White Oak Sugar Corn, at 7M4 Hayden's, the Greatest Market In Omuha for Fresh Vegetables resh Spinach, per peck 20c Fresh Cauliflower, lb ,. 10c Fresh Beets, Carrots and Turnips, per bunch 4c Fresh Shallots, per bunch... 4c Fresh Brussels Sprouts, per lb. 16c Fancy Wax Beans, lb 12V4o Fancy Rlpt Tomatoes, lb... 20 Fancy Celery, 2 for 60 Fancy Cape Cod Cranberries, pet quart .' 7V40 Large Grape Fruit, each 5c Fresh Cabbage, lb 2c Fancy Jersey Sweet Potatoes, lb., at 2 Via Fresh Parsley, bunch 4c 2 heads fresh Leaf Lettuce. ... 6c Large Head Lettuce, 7 Vic and 10c Best Mixed Nuts, 3 lbs. for .. 25c DON'T FORGET TRY (MYDEN'S FIRST " i Home Consumers of ... . . And other beers of our manufacture can have their orders for case lots - IlKLIVERKl AT THEIK HOMKM JOHN NITTLER Dealer and Distributer The Deer You Like By 8224 South 24th Street. Douglaa 1880 of Hiisaib Red 8032 FRED KRUG BREWING Two Blin ks F.at of Brewery. Ind. A-H20. CO. 1. iU Ml 'J I B Am. WW ? n W IT ) DENTISTS ; J Best equipped dental office In tbe middle wmL.( k Highest grade dentistry at seasonable prices. Porcelain fllHtiM. just like the tooth. All lnatruv' mants carefully sterilized after each patient.. .. lUUlU LM)lt PA XI ON ULOCU Cor 10th and I'arnaiu I f 4 V