.10 . TIIE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY. JANUARY 11, 1910. MRS. PALI'S ALIMONY FIXED ' ' n . Twenty Dollar a Month Till Supreme Court Hfckeii Bulinjj. PERMANXNT . AMQTTHT IS $1,200 f ' V ' . Ikli Is f-antlnlreat on the Aetloa of the m'fh4tnmi, to Wklrfc Mm. Pinl'i' LiWCM Will A p peal Cm) Formal entry and signature of the decree of divorce between John 8. Paul and Mr. Nellie Paul took place In district court today, and Mr. JHaul waa granted tem porary alimony of $30 a month. Mrs. Paul will alao have use of the house belowtlng to John Paul, in which ahe haa been living all through the period of the divorce pro ceedings. An appeal to the supreme court In behalf of Mrs.. Paul will be the next chapter, i ... Later In the day the court made ap order of permanent alimony In the sum of $1,200. Mrs. Paul's counsel proteated against the alimony allowance, declaring It unreaaon- ably small. Counsel for plaintiff objects to any alimony grant at all. Judge Troup's formal decree covers the same ground as his oral finding at the conclusion. of the trial sometime ago. The former Florence banker Is given the decree on the ground of cruelty, and the para graph on, the Infidelity charge states that whatever, possible doubt there Is should be resolved in favor of the defendant. Judge Troup again refuses to state that he speclhseily finds Mrs. Paul Innocent of this charge.- In submitting a decree for approval of the court, Mrs. Paul's counsel Included a i statement to the effect that Mrs. Paul was cleared of this charge, and the court' rejected this. When slgnlr.g the decree Judge Troup remarked in answer to counsel's protest: "Many and many a woman haa been de clared unfaithful by courts on far leas evi dence than there .Is against this woman." Counsel for Mrs, , Paul In arguing tha amount of alimony declared: "Tha sum of 120 a month la only "law for a whole year. This sum will allow Mrs. Paul 36 oents a week for clothing, for fuel, light nrt water, 20 centa a week, and for car fare 10 cents a week. Assuming that she must pay IN) a year to a physlolan and 9 for repairs . to the house, this would leave her fo food, only W.W or about 4Vi centa, meal." , . Jurors Are Paid at-End. of Service Get , Cash for Work Soon at Done First Time in History of ' ' the County. . it'.. For the first time In (he history of Doug las county ..Jurors were paid Monday In cash as soon as service to the county had been completed. . Those whose "service" was ended were fourteen men who got Judge Sutton to. excuse them. The law requires that they be paid for one day for simply reporting and ,the fourteen made a prompt appearance in the office of the dis trict clerk. . ... i f - D. C. Patterson was , the first In. Mr. Patterson was so prompt, that the, clerk's office -was not yet ready, to pay out and Mr. Patterson had f.o wait. The suit to enjoin the clerk which war rant scalpers talked ot haa, not yet bean brought. There la a disagreement between tha men in the business as to by whom the suit shall be started, each being willing that any other than himself shall appear aa plaintiff and stand tha costs if defeated, to say nothing, of the attorneys', fees. . F. CHILES INNOCENT VICTIM ; , OF. A MISTAKEN IDENTITY He Is Take far L. Scott and Promptly Keleaaed Wkea Er- ror Is Discovered. la Frank Chiles," colored, haa suffered much embarrassment as a. result of being mis taken for I..", Scott, another colored man, who was' Identified as tha man who held up the proprietor , of two fruit and con fectionery stores. Chiles van arrested, and It waa thought he was the 'fellow (wanted, but he proved an alibi, .The two men were taken to police station together and then Louis Debarbeiie of 620 South, Thirteenth street, whose place waa held , up, appeared and promptly picked out. Scott as the man who did the work. Scon was also Identified by the owner of. a fruit store at Sixteenth and Leavenworth streets. . The mistake waa made because of the strong resemblance of the men! When Scott was ident If Ud Chiles was promptly released., , , . . . .' Chiles provvd thai Friday at 8 p. m. he left his place of employment and attended an evening service at St. John's African Methodist, Episcopal church. He left the church about 9:26 p. m., went to his home near ' Cedar street, , ate his supper about 10 p.1 mv. and afterward went to the home of a friend In. the vicinity and sat up all night wltt sick frjend. . He was arrested the tth at noon and released on bond at :30 p. m. of the same day. BURLINGTON MEN CONFER 'Pawafrr Of deals Meet la Chi Cairo for blaeamloa at Baslneaa "Matters. ' '' ' ' ' Uurllngtori "psnsWiger officials rrom all over Jhe country are In session M the La Salle hole),', Chicago. The affair waa an nounced as a reunion of the passenger de partment family', but a business session lll be held, and 'addresses made concern ing the... operation of the passenger service. L. W. Wukeley, general passenger agent, will be ions of. the speakers. He went to Chicago,., Saturday accompanied by E. A. Mudgett, general agent at Denver. J. E. Buckingham, -assistant general passenger agent; I. B. . Reynolds, city1 passenger agent. and L. M. Whitehead, chief clerk, left Sunday night to attend the conference. A Crael Mistake la to aegleot a cold, or cough. Dr. King's Now "Discovery cures them and prevents consumption.. 60a and $1.00. For sale by Beaton Drug Co, '. ef"7 swjsaasaajajs vejasjaja i roil LB So Pure It's Good For tjMtmiTk, kf tmvr, otOm. 4v4 mx. Wf it us) or ( M Sample Ie sA rr S,R drmjrf1tv Alwivyi at? ftaVDUf BKKJ Of MDllsW DIM im U tOVM QC ?VaVOt. Koatoa Mia. Co. HlMIKalJJiOlsM, ottrw MOM .:MV, run tzi TUESDAY'S SPECIALS From Our Grand Qeairiiffi Sale Today's bargains will be the most extra- ordinary of the entire sale prices reduced lower than ever before in Omaha's history. 27-in. Dress Silks at 50c Yard 3,500 yards of 27-inch fine dress silks from the Patterson, N. J., silk manufacturer's surplus stock. Satin finished Rajahs and .Tuscan 'Silks, Majestic Messalines, Peau de Crepe, Louisiene, Jacquard and Faconne, black and colored Taffetas and Peau de Cachemere, Dress Silks and Messa line a chance to buy your spring silks at mm about. the regular price; your choice of If $1.00 silks Tuesday, on bargain square, yard . . . Ruchings f 5c Yard Lace Novelty, Chiffon, Liberty Silk and Crepe Lisse Ruch ing, in band and fold effects also corded edge, mm beaded edge and lace' edge niching, in white, STf black and colors, worth up to 25c; at, a yard. vf WW 'Novelty Buttons More than 100 styles of novelty buttons, dress buttons, cloak buttons in all sizes fancy gilt, cut steel, fancy mm metal, silk covered buttons, jet buttons, etc. 3'to 6 on a card, worth io $2.00 a dozen, at, card. . . Fine Embroidered Flouncings 15c-25c Yd. 18 to 27-inch f louncings, skirtings and corset cover widths" Swiss Anglaise, floral, shadow; and blind effects many worth up to 65c, at, yard. 15c-25c Sheetings, Muslins and Cambrics 5 cases damagad In trans it by the railroad company on. account of ,a leaking car Two yards wide, two and one-quarter yards wide, one and one-half yards wide Pequot, Utica, Lockwood and De fender bleached Sheeting have been slightly , f mm wet and soiled on edge 25c, 28c, 30c and 35c T values from the bolt, at, yard '. . " y All the 42, 45 and 50-inch pillow Lonsdale and Wamsutta Cambric, tubing and casing, slightly soiled slightly water stained on edge on one edge, '.otherwise sound and from the bolt, will, go at, per perfect, from the 'bolt,' yd. 10 yard " . ! : . 7 OMAHA , January Sale of Muslin Underwear SPECIAL GROUP-Slip over night gowns, walking length skirts, um brella drawers, lace and (CK embroidery trimmed 1)Q1-P corset covers, at, each . . SPECIAL QROUPNight gowns and chemises, full shaped sleeves, etc white petticoats with wide lace insertion flounces, para corset cover and draw- A Ta ers, at, each .......... . SPECIAL GROUP Empire and ki mono night gowns, skirt length and long chemises, white pet- ATh ticoats, two-piece combi- ryfSIf nation garments, etc., at. SPECIAL GROUP Night gowns, chemises, combination suits, corset covers and drawers, in one piece," corset covers, drawers, Q( OA and petticoats," at, . vl vu onrli aaii Towels and Bath Rugs 10c extra large, buck towels, at, each ...... 51 25c all pure linen huck towels, 10 R0c all pure linen huck towels, scalloped or hemstitched ends, e 25 a 1 5c Extra large bath towels, at. each 15 Turkish bath ii- 26c best quality towels, each . . . 75c bath rugs, warranted fast co ors. each , 49 $1.60 extra large size bath rugs all colors, each 98 $3.60 finest Imported Turkish bath rugs, with Grecian borders, very special, each 81.75 QRAHDEIS STORES CUDAflY IN STREET RAILWAY Packer is Elected Director to Succeed Albert Stratus. ALL DIRECTORS 0MAHANS BUT ONE 1 r ',;.H:i;waBi:i r mwm;mxmM2MKwiwmmvm2m.wKMSzMzm & aX'aTt """"ff 7S St" pi ami mm ll I I I V I ! I n Coming Events AU Scheduled for Saturday, January 15th. Sale of Books DeLuxe editions, standard authors. January sale of Shoes. Great clearing of Men's Shirts. White Carnival Week Featuring he Great , January Sale of Muslin Underwear Our early purchases lets you In on the ground floor as to price. Comparslona point the way to richest economies at Bennett's. Oo'ret Covers Ten styles; lace, embroid ery or hemstitched trimmings; allv39o goods 25ck Corset Covers Six styles, in cambric or nainsook, lace or embroidery trimmed; all 69c garments 39 Drawers Six styles, hemstitched tucks or lace and embroidery trimmed, 39c gar- 'ments . . .i. , ... . .25 Drawers Fine 50c and 69c garments, also 'a few mussed 76c values; lace and em broidery trimmed, at 39 Gowns Cambric and nainsook, five styles, regular and slipover effects, $1.00 gar ments ....'. j 69tf Gowns Skirts and two-piece combinations, beautiful $1.25 garments, at 89 5 Are you in line for Embroideries? TIlROnCS ATTEND THE JANUARY CLEARANCE nn All Winter Underwear at Sacrifice Prices. li'U Ml B' Winter , ffc Furnishings IS at About Half THE RELIABLE STORE Grand Lace Clearance Tuesday Tuesday wo will place on sale, to close, thousands of yards of beautiful laces Cotton Cluny, Valenciennes, Point de Paris, Nottingham, Torchons, Zion City Laces. Goods that sold regularly up to 15c n yard all will be closed in order to make room for the new spring stock at one price; your choice of all at, PER YAKD. , . M 2C J The biggest lace bargains ever offered in Omaha. Don't miss this. splendid opportunity Tuesday. ra cii i- t..j.. ih . extra srEciAiifl von tves- CAiia cpcuaii iui lu&auaj in Our Famous Domestic Room The January sale opens with all records broken, for bargains have never been quite so alluring as now. . . 2 4 -inch Swiss ' Flounclngs,. Corset Cover Embroideries and Matched Edges, 30c. 35c and 39c values, at ...190 45-inch Skirtings, All overs and Waist Fronting, 88c goods, at .... .'. -590 Corset Cover Edges and Wide Swiss Nain sook Flounclngs, val ues to 36c, at... 150 6,000 yards 24-lnch Flouncing? and Allovers. in new and elab orate designs, 60c and 65c goods, t 290 Hamburg and Swiss Ed k e s, up to 15 inches, worth 15c a yard, at 100 No Let Up to the Garment Clearing g .... 50c and 60c ON THE DOLLAR now buys our finest Suits, Coats and Dresses for women, misses and children. y md .129.50 Tailored Suits, . . : I ...... ..$19.50 $25.00 and at $20.00 and $22.60 Tailored Suits, at .,......$15.00 Tailored Suits to' $56.00, any for only . . . . p.', i . . .-. . . .$25.00 Women's Coats to $45.00, any for only . . ..;. $25.00 CJoth Dresses to $50.00, any for only . $25.00 Misses' Coats and Dresses to $15.00, at $5.00 Girls' $8.QVjong Coats, 6 to 14 years, at. J.! . . ... .$2.95 Girls' $10.00 Long Coats, C to (14 years, at , .$5.00 Girls' Peter Thompson Dresses and Cloth Coats, worth to $15.00 at $5.00 Girls' Junior and two-piece Suits, $15.00 values, sale price. $5.00 Women's' Cloth Dresses to $20.00, at ... $io.oo Women's Cloth Dresses to $32.50, at,... $19.50 Messaline ' and ' Taffeta Waists, plain and stripes, $8.00 kind, at $4.95 . CONTINUING ALL WEEK . Our Big Clothing Sale Men's Suits at Hailf Choose from the very select of season's smartest modes." Styles and patterns to your liking. GROCERIES Specials advertised in Sunday Papers on sale again Tuesday. ' TRACKAGE PROPERTY We offer for rent the building located at 914 Farnam street, which is a one story and basement building. Dimensions are 20x86, approximately 3,300 sq. ft. An addition to alley could be built to suit tenant. This is in the wholesale district, being convenient to car line. For further particulars call The Bee Building Co. SaKiisiS' 17th Farnam sta CLUBBING OFFER Our Price Daily and Sunday Bee.. $6.00 McClure's Magazine 1.50 Woman's Home Companion ......... 1.50 Review of Reviews , '. 3.00 Regular price for all one year. . .$12.00 J THE OMAHA BEE, Omaha Nab. ONLY $8.90 From 8:80 to 9:00 A. M. One case of yard wide Bleached Muslin, regular 7 He goods, 10 yards limit, at, yard .... 3?i , From 10:80 to 11 A. M. One case .3 6-inch PercaleB, the regular 12 He grade, 10 yards limit, at, yard 5i From 2 to 2.80 P. M. One case Red Blankets, 11-4, regu lar price $1.15, sale price, two pair limit, at, pair G8 From 8 to 3:80 P. M. One case 19c fine, heavy Bath Towels, four pairs limit, at each . . . , H DAY'S SKL1.1NG IN OUB HIGH GRADE Linen Department Hundred dozen towels, hemmed Hucks, worth at least 15c, Tues day, each f . . 10 Hundred doien towels, ' hemmed hucks, large and absorbent, worth 25c, Tuesday, each 15 Hundred dozen towels, hemmed hucks, best value ever offered, worth 39c, Tuesday, each 19 Hundred dozen towels, hemmed hucks and hemstitched Damask, worth 60c, Tuesday, each. . 25 Hundred dozen heavy Turkish Towels, worth 60o, Tuesday, at, each . . . .' 25 Ladies' Suits, Coats and Furs in Our January Clear ance at Half and Less 75c to $1.00 Silks, Tuesday 40c 85c Foulards, $1.00 Novelty Silks, 75c and $1.00 Plain Mes salines,. Peau, de Gygnes, in all the latest il f' shades on sale Tuesday, to close, ' "rSJO tu, ;uiu, , , $15 Any man's Suit or Overcoat in our en tire stock, regular value up to $40.00, at $15 A Special Grocery Sale for Tuesday Quality always wins and a sav ing to you of 26 to 50 on your housekeeping expenses. 20 lbs. best. pure cane granulated Sugar $1.00 8 bars Diamond C or Beat 'Em All Soaps 25c 6 lbs. choice Japan Rice .... 35c 4 lbs. fancy Japan. Head Rice 25c C lbs. best hand picked Navy Beans for 25c 8 lbs.. Rolled Breakfast Oatmeal ' for 25c J lbs. Pearl Tapioca, Sago, Barley, Farina or Hominy 26c The best domestic .Macaroni, per Pkg. : 8W Bromangelon, Jellycon or Jell-O, Pkg '.. 7Mt 1 lb. cans Campbell's Soups 7H Corn Flakes, all kinds, pkg. 74 1 lb. can choice Alaska Salmon 10c Oil or. mustard Sardines, can 4 cnoice California prunes, id.. . 4, Fancy Golden Santos Coffee, lb. Fancy basket fired Japan, tun dried Japan, English Breakfast or Gunpowder Tea, lb. ...... 35 The best Tea 81f tings, lb.... 16c For Fresh Vegetables at Less Thau Wholesale, It's Hayden'a Fresh Spinach, per peck JOo Fresh Cauliflower, lb. . . , . . . 1 Oq Fresh Beets, Carrots and Turnips, per bunch 4o Fresh Shallots, per bunch... 4o Fresh Brussels Sprouts, per lb. J6o Fancy Wax Beans, lb. . .". 12 Ho Fancy Ript Tomatoes, lb.'. 20 Fancy Celery, 2 for 6o Fancy Cape Cod Cranberries', per quart ................. 7 a Large Grape Fruit, each ...... 6o Fresh Cabbage, lb. 2o Fancy Jersey 8weot Potatoes, lb., at ,,..lHo Fresh Parsley, bunch ........ 4o 2 heads fresh Leaf Lettuce. . . . (o Large Head Lettuce, 7V4c and lOo Best Mixed Nuts, 2 lbs. for .. 25c DOWT FORGET TRY MYDEN'S FIRST S PATH J? quite a bunch of stock In Naaa Baccerda . l,Hlrr ' aa Sreretarr Tmnrtr, Latter Brenli( At. aUtaat - Ocarral Maaaa-er Maaarrav Saprrlatcadeat. Several Important chii- wera made In tha director! and officer of the Omaha and Council Bluffs Street Railway company at the annual meeting Monday afternoon. E. A. Cudahy, head of the Cudahy Pack ing company at South Omaha, become a director In place of Albert Etrauea, of New York, tha change leaving but oo qutalde man on the Ulreetorate,', Randall Morgan of New York. Tha directors now are K. C. Barton, 1 F. Crofoot, & A. Cudahy. F. T. ' Hamilton, ' Randall Morgan, W. V. Mors. W. A. Smith. C R., Tyler ud O. W. Watties. Mr. Cudahy has been securing stock la tha company for soma Urns, bav ins; acquired June. Louis C. Nash, formerly superintendent of transportation, becomes secretary and treasurer. W. A. Smith was formerly treasurer and R. A. Leussler secretary. The officers as elected are O. W. Wattles president; F. T. Hamilton, first vice presll dent; W. A. Smith, second vice president and general manager; R. A. Leuseler. a sletant general manager, and L. C. Nash secretary and treasurer. While no action was taken In. th matr of appointing a successor to Mr. Nash as superintendent 'of transportation. It is un- u.otUvu inai "imam Muagrave will be given tne position. Mr. Musgrave ha t. n with th company a good many years and has recency been assistant superintendent of transportation. 0. 0. WILLS FUNERAL TRAIN t'orteae of t'allforala-Jlew Yerk lleaalre Paaaes Tkroagk Oaaafesa Oolns; Baat. Mil. Just at daybreak Monday morning a spe cial train arrived at union station over the Union Pacific and left Immediately for Chicago over tha Northwestern line. It w th cortege bearing tha body of the late D Ogden Mills and tne xunerai party irom an Francisco to new xorsr my. It was a sombre appearing train. The cars were black and the shades wer drawn at all windows. The special was made up of the baggage car, bearing the remains of the dad millionaire banker and mining man, a dining car and lw( private Pull man compartment car. The train ha right-of-way privilege and Is making a record run across the continent. In order to reach New York in time for the funeral, announced for Tuesday afternoon. RIVER AND RESERVOIRS SAME Water " la " Thoee Plaeea Practically : Ideatleal, ajr b City QaetertoloaUt. Health Commissioner Connell ha re ceived a report from the 'city bacteriologist indicating that the water In th river and the, 'water in the city reservoir Is practi cally Identical, by test. , "While tha river Is covered with lee and at low stage," says th commissioner, "th pa ads are not moving to help in cleansing the liver iwatar, and tha air ha no ehanc to help In th clarifying process. Until this condition change it will be the part wisdom for all users of city water boll It. MILLER CASE BEING ARGUED Appeal from Riclae Board's Action Is Betas; Heard la the Dla trlct Court. Attorneys are Arguing In district court the appeal from the grant by the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners of a sa loon license to W. B. Miller for the Rome hotel. The appeal was filed by Rev. J. M. Leldy, superintendent of the Anti-Saloon league. The hearing of the. case has brought out no facts or statements not In evidence at the hearing before the excise board. 1 L. D. Holmes is conducting the case for the Anti-Saloon league and John C. Whar ton arcued In behalf of the permit. W. R. Patrick may sneak against th grant Tues day. ' Rome Miller and William B. Miller, his son, were at tha hearing, which Is before Judge Redlck. I 1 Remarkable cure hav been mad by Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. - HOT A HURT 111 THE HAN Ail SHOE From the day you buy your first pair until you buy your next nalr you have foot com fort that goes with shoes as only Hanan can make. We have them in all styles, shapes and slzeb. FOR MEN AND WOMEN If you are shoe-wise, or want to get shoe-wise, try a pair of Hanan's famous shoes. Many people will wear nc others. Our advice to you is, try a pair. PRICES RAKGE For "Women v $5.00 to 80.00 For Men 7 85.50 to 87.00 THE lovclty Skirt Co. 214216 North 16th Strut Dressmakers and Ladles' Tailors, Attention! Complete lines ,of dress makers' and ladies' tailors' supplies, trimmings, find ings, dress goods, imported and domestic suitings at wholesale. " - - ' Extra Special -This week we will make ' . Suits, Dresses and Skirts One-Half -Price We cordially invite the ladies of Omaha to visit our modern factory, where every garment we sell is made right in our factory. The Novelty Skirt Co. Manufacturers and Sellers at Wholesale and Retail. . Drcxel Shoc Co. ; .419 Farnam Street. Reliable Dentistry AT Tail's Dental Rooms HOTELS. HOTEL ROME KVPOPEAN 16lh AND JACKSON VaeseeUe Tow Its Seaaly Moeera ABpoiatateata. ROME MILLER Pains in the f? . BACH which streak up between the shoulders or through the loin and down the limbs. Very com monly these paini are associated with a "drawing" sensation at the back of the neck. II S WILL STOP your mvrrcRimas Thwe pilna Milr Ilwirttlie iwokof t dUoRtand n.rMMM lyium, sod v mrelr lb rawit A kHnvr C O C I X build, sp t n.mM lyw.m. MlmuUlM ooirn.1. Sraithr How A bipod ind tuinirtn the orn, WHS Uie eurgr secmuiT K liwi' Xwlr sctloa. Ail mctoim dliotd.r rlU Mdllr tbb li.nm.nl and Ih wkol trtt.n U quickly built up to t conditio, of Vigor, Vitality ud iti.agUi. f.rlecl ftMlib U itnt.br siulaed. Your Money Refunded If It rails. fRici n.oo rca box. roa iau by BBATOaT OO, 16tb and rarcau sta., Omaha. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Th Best Vara I"apeiv i