Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 10, 1910, Page 8, Image 8

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City of Tent and Wooden Structure!
Near Los Angeles.
Mnul flf Crnrk Air IMIols from
r'nrnpr and t'nlted tatra Are
Present la Person or Have
Mnchlne no IJrnnnd.
Kansas Drubs
at Lawrence
Second Basket Ball Game at Law
rence Goes to Jayhawkers by
Score of 42 to 16.
VH yNCJRL.K. Jan. 9 On a level nil
id field, thirteen miles from thin city,
a uei-k aso a hrd of cattle grased
;av, n miniature city of tents and
i wooden Btiuclurrs today mark ths
ot where th- first aviation meet In
America s to begin on Monday, and
above whlth the first competitive trials of
r.peed and endurance between henvler-than
air machine will be en on thin continent.
On a stretch of hlfh ground at one ide
of the field a grandstand has been erected
700 feet In length. Stretching out across the
fir Id from a point in front of the grand
stand la a long row of tenta that now cover
numerous flying machine and will house
many more dining the ten days of the
On another side of the broad field
another line of tents Is placed, and here
tha rnlted Statrs army dirigible and many
other airships of the balloon type are do
lig assembled, ready for Inflation.
(amp on Historic Ground.
Aviation camp Is on ground made his
toric in the days of the Spanish dons. It
is a part of the famous Dnmlngucx ranch,
given to Lieutenant Juan Jose Domlnguc
of the army of Spain In the year 17S4, and
Its extent wus determined In the grant by
a clause which said that the gallant soldier,
for valiant sfrvlcen. was entitled to as
large a ic' ne CH,','1 rM aroUnd be'
twet-n sunrise und sunset. The very slope
over which the modern vessels of the air
will rail, was made historic in the year
1845 by a battle between the early Call
fovnlnns and members of the crew of the
vessel on which Commodore Stockton after
ward embarked at San Pedro for Monterey
to raise the American fla? over California.
Tho course that haj been laid out on the
slopo'ls visible from evtry part of the big
fi.M whtnh surrounds It, and from tho
crest of the hill on which the grand
stand ro'ts, not only all of the course may
be plainly viewed but beyond It the broad
valley on the far slope, the cltlos of Los
Angeles and Pasadena appear. Flights may
be mado in any direction and for twenty
miles no obstruction offers to hide them
from tho view of the spectators.
Officers Are Selected.
The officers of the Aero club of California
announce tonight the selection o( the fol
lowing Judges for the competitive flights.
Coui tland Field pishop, president of the
Aero Club of America, chairman; H. La
V. Twinning of the Aero Club of California,
vice chairman; M. C. Neuner, Lieutenant
Paul W. Beck. Dick Ferris and William
Alternates: A. L. Smlght, George B. Har
rison. Secretary to the Judges, W. H.
Wblle no program for the meet can be
completed until the arrival of Louis Paul
han the , French aviator, and his asso
ciates, tomorrow, Monday has been nom
inated as Aviation dny and will be devoted
to trials and elimination flights. The
aviators who will make the first flights
u heavier-than-alr machines tver at-
. i.oted ,on the Pacific coast will be Glenn
.... Curtlss, Louis Paulhan, Charles K.
..amllton, Charles V. ' Wlllard, Clifford B.
Harmon, M. Malsson, M. Mlscarol, Hoy
Knabcnshue and Lincoln Beaohy. Farnam
bl-piuncs, Blerlot monoplanes, Curtlsa bi
planes and the new Knabenshue machine
will be flown and several machines mado
by comparatively unknown inventors, will
be given their first trial to determine
whether they entered In the lists
of competitors for tne Jmj.OUO In money
pnzus. ,
1'luu for Ualloon Flights.
Flights for the two dozen spheilcal bal
loons tliat, have buon brought to this city
I'roni all parts of the country will be made
from iluntlugldn purk, twenty miles from
the aviation field. Owing to the conform
ation of the Intervening stretch of coun
try, however, spectators at Avlailjn
cump will bu enabled to see the ballo n
flights at the samo time the heavler-than-air
machines are In the air, and if the air
currents are right . the balloons may at
limes be seen, directly over the aviation
field, balloon races will be held In ths
latter days of the .meet, when attempts
to sail over' the Slorra Madre ranges of
mountains and to sail from this city to
San Francisco for prizes offered by the
aviation committee will be made.
The first' one of the prize competitions
for heavler-than-alr machines that for
greatest speed will be made on Tuesday.
According to Ulenn II. Curias the aviators
will be compelled to make these flights at
a height of about seventy-five feet, on ac
count of the topography of the field,
whereas the flights. ovei the aviation
courses In Europe have been made at a
height of fifteen to twenty feet.
II la the expectation' of Curtiss that all
records for altitude In heavler-than-alr
machines Mill be broken here.
Curtis Talks of Latham.
When told today at Aviation camp that
the flight of Hubert Latham yesterday,
when he attained an altitude of approxi
mately 3,500 feet In an aeroplane, had
aroused great enthusiasm among foreign
aviators, Glenn H. Curtlss, the American
aviator, smiled and said:
"The height to which an aeroplane may
be taken Is a matter of the fuel that can
be carried and the engine Itself. There
is no other limit, except, of course, the
density of tha atmosphere. How high it
will be safe to go on account of the lighter
atmosphere of the higher altitudes re
mains to be found out. We expect to
break all records for altitudes here in Cal
ifornia. It is the records for speed and
duration of flight that ate going to be
harder to break. However, I consider the
flight of I-atham a great feat and an early
Indication of what the present year Is go
lug to ste accomplished In tl.e way of
The big balloon "New York," carrying Its
owner. Clifford U, Harmon, Mrs. Alvln
French and ner niece, Jean French, aa
jiaaser.gers. and George U. Harrison a,nd
Gvorge Duessler, balloon pilots, landed,' at
Can Verduga, In the Glendale valley, at
4:47 this afternoon, after a flight of nearly
io bouts.
The larding was made with eaxe and no
discomfort or danger attended any portion
of this, the initial flight of the aeronauts
who have gathered here ror tha aviation
An altitude of 6,000 feet was attained and
obhei vatloua were taken by Mr. Harrison
and Mr. puessler
LAWRENCE. Kan.. Jan. 9. (Special Tele
gram.) The Cornhusker quintet started out
Saturday as If they were going to run all
over the Jayhawkers. For the entire first
half Nebraska outplayed Kansas, but the
second part was a different story. The
Jayhawkers had everything their own way
and piled up a big score, defeating the
Cornhuskers, 42 to 16.
Wood and "Tommy" Johnson had a battle
royaL Last night Johnson carried the ball
down the field many times, but tonight
Wood had the better of him and veryfew
times did "Tommy" do anything. On the
other hand,' Wood carried the ball down
the field and Johnson could not atop him.
Martlndale did the goal shooting for' Kan
sas. It was a guard play that the Corn
huskers were unable to solve. The team
work of the Kansas team In. the second
half was very good. The Jayhawkers are
all veterans and were Missouri valley cham
pions last year ',,
Nebraska plays the same team In Lin
coln the last of February, when both teams
will be in better shape. The lineup:
Perry L.F.R.r long
Mitchell R r.lUF Johnaon
Petrahek C.IC i , Helier
Wood L.O.iR.f Martlnilale
Ingersol R.i.I.Il.O Woodward
Free throws: Perry, 4; Long, 8. Wood
threw one goal In Kansas basket. Goals:
Nebraska, Perry (3), Mitchell U), Wood (1);
Kansas, Long (3), Johnson 13), Martlndale
5 Fouls: Nebraska. Perry (2), Mitchell
(8), Wood (2). Ingersol (1): Kansas.. Long
(11. Helzer (1), Woodward (2), Martlndale (1;.
Keferee: Fischer. Umpire: Ashley.
Draw for Buckles
at New Orleans
Omaha Fug Nearly Knocks Out Billy
'Moorehead in Ten-Sound
Western League Averages for 1969
CHICAGO, Jan. g.-The Western Ir-ague produced twenty-six .300 hitters during the season of 1909, according to the official
figures Issued by pTldent Norrla L. O'Neill here today. Welch, the hard hitting outfielder of Omaha, lod In batting with an
average of .87 for 181 games. He made 190 hste for a total of 188 bases. Miller of Pueblo was second with .807 for eighty
seven garnet and Mertena af Pea Moines waa third with .80S for fourteen wm,
Kane and Welch were, tha only Omaha hitters to stay In the .800 class until the close of the season, although several were
In the favored bunch at one stage or another. King ended close, with .290. and Potts, the new shortstop, who played In but
forty-three games, followed with .81. Fisher and Schlpke came next, with .288 and .287. respectively, while Pendry was down
to .z7.
Captain Fox led the second basemen In fielding, his' record being .963. Rchlplte was the best fielder among the third base
men, and he finished with' a record of .949. Frank led tha shortstops In the eighty-six games he played while manager and
captain of the Omaha team.
Sioux City led In the team hitting with the remarkable average of .2SS. and Omaha was close behind with .288. The Pes
Molnna team, which won the championship by the narrow margin of two points, was tied for sixth with Wichita In the team
batting at .200.
Omaha led In team fielding with .96! and fioux City was second with .952. The champion Pes Moines team was fourth
with .918. ...
Melter of Sioux City led the pitchers In percentage of victories with seven games won and two lost for .778. Olmstead of
Denver Is the real leader, with twenty-four games won and eight lost for .750. Lange of Pes Motnes won twenty-nine games
and lost twelve for .707. .
Following are the official batting, fielding and pitching records for the season of 1909:
Club. Won. Lost.- Pet.
Pes Moines 93 69 ,t;l2
K'oux City 94 00 . .I0
Omaha 84 82 .65?,
Topeka 76 73 .510
Club. Won. Lost. Pet.
Wichita 71 82 .44
Penver fl 82 - .4.V7
Lincoln M 89 .407
Pueblo 58 93 . 3-4
O. AB. R. IB. TB 2B.Jb.HR.SH.SB. Pet. I Name and Club.
Name and Club.
Welch. Omaha 151 B?7 SI 1M 2SK 41 IS
Miller, Pueblo 87 806 62 112 lffT 14 7
Mertens, Pes Moines.... 14 33 '7 12 18 4 1
Holmes, Soo City &4 140 20 60 04 12 1
Rellly. Topeka 62 177 30 62 84 8 4
Towne, Soo City 118 808 6 121 108 22 4
Smith, Soo City 150 567 1ST. 188 267 45 6
Fenlon, Topeka 96 85 08 120 165 14
Jr.nes, Penver 162 686 110 191 22 88 14
Kdmonrtson. Soo City.. .126 464 90 147 2.15 40 6
Cole. Wichita....
Gardner, Pueblo....,
Spencer, . Pueblo
Thompson, Penver.
Kane, Omaha
Fouts, Pueblo
Clark. Pueblo....
100 428 73 187 196 S3 4
. 22 78 9 25 82 S t
. 97 347 fl 111 142 16 4
. 08 239 81 76 92 10 S
.153 668 101 176 237 27 18
. 18 84 4 20 27 4 0
.146 537 93 108 217 22 A
Lnndreth. Topeka 48 170 22 53 08 7 4
Iialton. Pes Moines 162 582 113 179 237 28 8
Pettlgrew, Topeka 140 4R8 94 149 216 25 8
Curtis. Pueblo 146 675 106 173 235 20 9
Hunter, Soo City 156 535 132 162 264 39 7
Waldron. Lincoln lf0 609 99 183 228 22 10
VcChesney. Pueblo...... 41 ISO 12 45 09 13 4
Lindsay, Penver 118 420 70 128 174 28 3
Thomason. Topeka 1 10 16 48 68 8 1
Thomas, Lincoln 149 673 116 171 250 85
Middleton, Wichita 126 449 68 133 104 28 t
King, Omaha ......154 667 107.106 213 17 11
Cassldy, Penver 154 016 112 192 236 80 -13
W. Pavldson, Lincoln. ..150 606 85 167 234 20 15
ManKaro. uenvor 143 ECO
Bader, Pes Moines 138 619
welch, Soo City 142 691
166 574
. 43 148
.146 53?
7 44 61
9 .7 20
Oil 2
0 10 15
2 13 9
4 22 17
17 52
1 7 21
8 15 43
11 28 25
8 8 12
0 2 2
1 15 60
0 2 6
' 1 23 33
8 17 22
0 8 13
6 16 35
12 16 26
6 10 26
13 41 59
1 18 21
13 4
4 16 18
0 7
11 11 49
1 19 13
3 22 42
0 10 89
8 19 49
7 10 26
6 19 27
9 L" .300
NEW ORLEANS, Jan. 9. (Special Tele
gram.) Guy Buckles of Omaha and Billy
Moorhead of Minneapolis fought a ten
round draw before the Royal Athletic club
here Saturday. Moorehead forced the fight
ing the first couple of rounds, and although
very clever, lacked the speed V ' Buckles,
and was on the defenslveduplng the greater
part of the bout. Buckles nearly knocked
him out near the end of the eighth round,
but he hung on and saved himself. Jack
Urace refereed the contest and the crowd
of SOO who saw it seemed pleased with the
First Basket Ball Game of Season
Resalta in Victory.
(Special.) In their annual contest here Fri
day evening the Wesleyan basket ball team
defeated the alumni by the score of 39 to
17 The game was rough from the start,
which eervLj to even up matters for the
alumni, the varsity having the advantage
of a week's hard practice. Ths garhe
served as a tryout for this year's team, two
new men, Essen and McCandless, being put
in at forward for a few minutes.
The work of Captain Meyer, center, and
Slmonds, forward, for the university, was
especially good, both ' being at all times
In the game and making several difficult
goals. ;
Isham, former captain and star, did most
of the work for the alumni, having a valu
able co-worker In Cain, Who played a strong
The strong games to be played this year
are with Ames and Highland Park, with a
pobsible game with tne Kansas' Aggies.
Ames was defeated here last year in a
close game. Games have also been sched
uled with York and Hastings colleges and
Kearney and Peru normals. The lineup:
Slmondi, Eert L.F.R.F Thotnpion
Swan, McCaDllM...R.K.L.F ..Buhop, Cain
Mr lC.) C.0 Isuam
Beck L.Q H.O. ......... ....... Lemon
Lehman B.O.UU Cain, Kuni
Field goals: Slmonds, 5; Swan, 1; Meyer,
8; Beck, i; lsham, 2; Cain, 2. Foul -goals:
Meyer, I out ot 16; lsham, 9 out of 14.
Will Try to Brine Semi-Pro. Clnbs
of City Into . Fold.
CINCINNATI, Jan. . Chairman Her
mann will leave for Chicago tomorrow to
meet the representatives of the various
semi-professional teams of that city
with a view of wiping out tha last haven
left open for National agreement contract-Jumpers.
-. . f . . ,
'Negotiations are now on to bring
tlteae leagues Into the fold," aald Mr.
Hermann, "thereby making so-called
'outlawry' among players Impossible."
Mr. Hermann expects to meet Presi
dent Johnson of the American league.
67 156 217 20 10
82 152 195 14 7
83 170 266 31 11 11 27 . 22
90 168 266 34 9 12 14 26
19 43 60 7 0
99 165 204 30 11
86 164 214 18 10
...151 691 127 170 234 90 12
39 74 108 18 1
27 69 79 8 3
6 18 21 3 0
66 166 221 23 10
36 80 106 8 7
37 81 100 7
96 .138 170 16
14 26 29 4
Pennell. Wichita
Potts. Omaha ,
Pwyer, rjea Motnes..
siovall, Soo City 158 670
usher, Omaha.
Schlpke, Omaha 72 268
Bohannon, Penver 78 200
Hai'mRn, Denver 24 63
Oeler, Topeka 151 682
Kerner. Pes Moines 103 2X8
Weaver, Wichita 88 289
1'enary, Omaha 144 4n
Nunemachnr. Llnco n... 20 90
Hughes, Wichita 156 567 109 168 200 21
Kerns. )Topeka.. 119 867 66 101 166 26
raatiioKB. ues Motnes... i.w fim
Cndman, Omaha..' 79 216
Wooley, Topeka...., '...,. 151 598
Hollenbeck, Omaha 74 185
Nlehoff, Pes Moines.. ..155 653
Bonno, Llnc.-Pueblo 16 80
Westerrell. Wichita 158 78
Campbell. Soo City 134 510
Wilson, soo city is 84
Hoirriever. Lincoln 1. 478
Qaa-nler. Lincoln 133 608
Koni. Topeka 136 47
Cockman, Lincoln 89 137
.lehl. Pueblo 89 103
Mnag, Penver....
Andorscn, Torek
Fox. Omaha. .....J 148 670 83 149 183 17
Corhnn, Pueblo.. 133 484 66 124 172 26
MAlrien fhnah. 1A it r .n
Henry, Topeka ...86 102 ' 7 26 28 l0
Andreas. 800 City 156 535 120 136 180 21 r
Lang, Pes Moines 66 186 28 47 61 8 0
Brennan, Wichita 68 186 15 84 88 4 0
E. Locke, Pueblo 76 264 36 64 97 12 " 6
Williams, Pes Moines... 83 286 46 72 91 IB ' 2
Jude. Lincoln 118 442 48 111,149 19, 8
Zaluslcy, Penver 12 48 5 12 19 2 1
Pelden. Penver 154 671 101 143 203 80 9
waiters, pueblo 108 869 44 88 127 16 7
87 1 69 217 19 IS
29 59 80 12 3
98 102 192 18 6
80 50 66 9
84 149 200 23
3 8 10 2
79 164 204 19
95' 136 170 23
5 9 20 1
65 126 142 8
66 138 168 23
59 1 23 164 27
20 36 43 7
15 27 39 36
.146 627 123 138 167 16
74 276 . 34 72 86 6
0 13 P
0 18 24
4 21 27
2. 16 88
4.16 12
8 3
2 2
19 26
1 1
40 51
2 6
20 32
8 3
1 15 J8
1 9 ,.
16 -40
5 0
28 63
1 0
24 18
12 ,26
1 .2
12 40
30 28
1 17 26
0 5 13
1 8 t
1 8 91
0 21 12
0 34 48
1 27 26
0 8
, 261
6 .2.-15
.. 86 2Iifi
....143 653
....110 3K5
.... 27 98
.... 13 47
.... 63 189
.... 48 133
.... 17 56
.... 42 104
....102 843
.... 26 79
....60 198
.... 61 190
47 111
IP 40
25 68
..94 310
.. 13 36
.. 20 45
..44 90
..111 360
&$0 41 ' A:2M
Hartman, Denver.
Pes- Moines
Omaha' .. ..'.i...,.
.154 677 66 140 173 21
0 n 2
8 12 7 ,
0 15 15
1 18 16
1 0 I1"'
4 23 261 143
8 8 10 .216
0 28 23 .243
Powney, Topka..
Colllgan, Pes Moines. ...165 635
Franks, Omaha
Kunkel, Topeka
Abbott, Topeka.
Andrews, Topeka ,
Mlsse. Lincoln ,
Holland. Wichita
Swift. Pueblo.
Williams, Pueblo
Keeley, Omahi
Oondln. OmahH
Ilecklnser, Pes M...,
Armstrong, Wlchi'.a..
Green, Soo City
Alderman, Soo r".v. .
McGregor, pen M'nes
Omaha 43 116
Hendrlx, Topeka...
Pulllvan, Lincoln...
Melter, Soo City...
J. Locke, Pueblo.
Chabek, Soo City..
Mltxe, Fueblo
Piltchett, Pjehl.i 126 447
Perrlne, Omaha 11
Johnson, Soo C.-Lino... 45
Wrlsrht. TopHva 38
Shed, Pos M 3' 11 ok 21
McOrath, Lincoln 14
Clark, 800 O.-Pcs M... 38
Adams, penver. 47 127
Altchlson, Wichita 37' 87
White, Wichita 75 2S8
Cooley, Topeka. 20 63
Crulkshank. Soo City... 12 34
i'ruiiiine, 5(m City 27 72
l'"eemnn, 3o City 30 78
Kitufman. Topeka 69 142
'"hea, Soo Cltr 63, 178
Haley, Penver 28 75
."ensel, Pueblo 37 130
McManus, Pes Vl'mn... 68 190
irhaner, Wlchlla .
Ollmartln. Pos M nes.
Grahiwn. Omaha... ..
C. Clark. Wlci .
Galgano, Pueblo 46 119
.1. Jones. Lincoln 34 93
Lewis, Pes Moines 49 149
P. Pavldson 12 39
Jnnk.oon, Pen.-Puebln... 33 101
Wlegnrd. Pueblo 32 97
Robert. Wichita 65 166
Wasson,, Llnc.-Pen 26 57
Farthing. Lincoln SO 80
Olmstead, Penver 38 98
Jockerst. Wichita 33 122
McCafferty, Lincoln 39 118
Boles, Topeka 24 59
Mason, Lincoln 71 184
Shackleford. Wichita.... 13 30
Zlnran, Penvor 16 66
Blersdorfer, Pes M's.... 36. f!2
Miller. Pes Moines 60 130
Sanders. : Omaha 81 76
Hnas, Penver.. 60 162
Nngel, Lincoln 27
O. AB. R. IB. TB.2B.2B.HR.SH.PB. Pet.
78 280
68 120
37 126
13 68
16 35
I mrham. Penver.
Ford, Penver
Burnum, Pes Moines..
Forrester, Lincoln
Johns, Omahn
Patton, Omaha
Hatch, Pueblo
Ashlev, Topeka
7Hassler, Wichita
Harris, Topeka
McGce, Pueblo
24 67 77 3 2 1 9 7 . 238
77 161 175 17 4 0 36 28 . 2.M
49 70 87 14 2 0 14 22 . 2:7
74 131 186 21 6 7 26 7 .237
52 91 115 14 3 1 8 39 . 2.16
11 23 35 3 8 1 6 8 . 2 6
4 11 12 1 0 0 0 0 .234
23 44 61 10 2 1 6 4 . 233
11 31 49 7 1 8 8 1 .2!3
8 13 19 8 0 1 0 1 .2.12
9 24 36 2 2 2- 10 1 .2(1
80 79 88 7 1 0 13 8 .2:)
10 18 23 2 0 1 8 1 .2
18 45 64 10 0 3 8 2 . 227
14 43 54 5 0 2 1 9 .226
9 26 29 2 1 0 6 1 .226
4 9 13 02021 .225
15 26 83 3 2 0 8 0 . 224
2 IS 18 3 1 0 1 0 224
23 69 76 7 0 0 13 S .233
3 8 9 1 0 0 2 0 .22?
6 10 12 2 0 0 1 0 .222
12 20 25 2 0 1 4 0 .222
38 77 106 9 7 2 14 13 . 220
46 97 122 10 4 2 14 8 . 217
2 8 800012 .216
6 21 2700210 .214
9 21 23 2 0 0 5 0 .214
9 12 16 1 0 1 0 1 .211
8 9 10 1 0 0 0 0 .214
9 19 19 0 0 0 3 0 .213
13 27 32 3 1 0 1 0 .213
8 18 21 3 0 0 12 0 .207
20 59 74 11 2 - 0 12 8 . 206
7 13 16 0 1 0 1 2 .20ii
7 7 810013 .206
8 15 18 3 0 0 8 0 .29r
6 16 17 1 0 0 3 0 .206
12 29 33 1 1 0 11 0 .204
28 30 44 3 0 0 19 4 . 202
8 15 IS 0 0 1 0 0 .200
28 26 34 4 2 0 4 4 .200
21 37 43 6 0 0 7 6 .196
8 23 32 5 2 0 10 2 .1P2
7 24 30 4 1 0 5 2 .190
5 11 16 3 1 0 2 0 .1W
2'6 600010 .18
16 22293 2014 .15
11 17 18 1 0 0 2 0 .183
17 27 3S 4 I '1 10 2 .181
8 7 7 000 32 .lr0
9 18 23 2 1 0 1 4 .178
8 17 19 0 1 0 4 0 .175
17 29 42 S 2 2 3 8 .175
5 10 10 0 0 0 2 0 .175
2 14 15 1 0 0 1 1 .175
9 17 18 1 0 0 9 0 .173
9 21 36 4 0 0 6 2 .172
12 20 22 2 0 0 7 1 .169
9 10 14 1 0 -1 2 I .169
6 31 35400.. 83. .18
2 6 500010 .167
8 9 10 10010 .Ini
7 16 16 1 0 0 1 0 .163
12 21 2402050 .12
7 12 13 1 0 0 3 1 .1 0
19 26 31 3 1 0 1 0 .160
6 11 12 1 0 0 0 0 .15.1
3 4 400001 .143
2 6 600000 .140
6 6 600020 .140
2 6 610010 .138
3 4 4 0 0 0 2 0
4 3 300061 .111
2 3 300000 .107
3 3 620020 .10
3 3 3 0 0 0 01 .076
0 1 1 0 .0 0 0 0 .0-4
0 1 S01010 .043
New Three-Man , Leapue Hai Been
Twelve of Fastest Men on Alleys In
City Will Roll Wednesday Mhti
Mat of Winners In the
City Tonrnament.
There was a meeting of tha new three
men league at Francisco' yesterday morn
ing to elect officers and complete arrange
ments for a new league. This la a ten-team
organization made out of new bowlers.
Another new league, composed of six
twolmen teams. Is being formed, who will
play Wednesday nights only, on open night,
at Francisco's. Twelve of the best bowl
ers In the city will form the personnel ot
this league.
Tuo match games will be played today
at Francisco's: The Glenwoods and the
Rangers and Fremont and a picked team
from the Booster league.
Schedule of Omaha Bowling league for
this week: '
Monday Mets vs. Advos.
' Tuesday Moloneya vs. Hospe Co.
Thursday Preshers vs. Triumphs.
Friday Luxus vs. Omaha Bedding com
pany. Wlnnera In City Tonrnament.
Below Is a list of prise winners and others
who rolltd in the city tournament:
Five-men teams: 1
Mets Bros , t.749
Hrodrgaard Crowns 2.643
Stors Triumphs 2.63
Willow Springs 2.629
Klauck's Glendales , 2 624
Omaha Bicycles.... 2.."iv;
Prelbus Candy Company 2,577
Other teams not prise winners:
Advos ...1. 16 '6
Monte Chrlstos 2.515
Yousems 2.506
Orrahas 2.M
Beslin's Mixers 2.425
Omnlia Bedding company 2,422
Omaha Cold Storage ' 2.106
Moloneys 2.370
Union Pacifies 2.314
Spragiie's Pills 2.901
Equitable Life 2.?2
Metropolitans 2,244
Neale and Sprague , 1.214
Zimmerman and Franclsoo 1.207
Blakeney and Huntington 1.178
Di hikwttittr and Aiidui'son 1,171
Carmen and Schults l,l0
Neeley and Plckard 1,132
Conrad and Camp 1.128
Mann and Bullard 1.109
I-ehman and Stapenhorst.. 1.096
Keyt and Seaman 1,092
Laley and Baehr....' 1,087
Others who bowled: I
Scott and Martls 1 .081
Lyons and Chandler , 1.083
GJerde and G. O. Francisco 1,081
Traynor and Primeau 1,075
Mnrtln and 1.076
Klauck and Oodenschwager 1.073
Fritseher and Walens 1,071
Penman and Hartley.. 1.070
Chrlstensen and Yale 1,069
Bryon and Angelsberg 1.069
F. Rice and Carter . 1.066
Weeks and, Kerr 1,064
Fftgerberg and Voss 1,012
Goff and Tracy 1.029
Thomas and Encell 1,029
Helnrioh and Gllbreath .fl7
Hunter and Carson 1,(118
Clark and Weber ions
I Matthes and Johnson io''2
.;oiwman ana wuiey n9
Johnson and Solomon 9 p
Schumacher and Sherwood 990
Wiley and Reynolds' an
Prlaney and Coffey 979
Htill and Zarp trrt,
Bosolln and Schneider 072
Ocander and Pickett , nii
O. Rice and Yousem e4
Falconer and Toman 94
Grotte and O'Brien...;. v qR
Ohnesorg and Bengele 87$
. Mlnalea.,
Keyt 7C1ark
ABJ R. BH. TB. 2B. 3B. HR.SH. SB. Pet.
. 6165 746 1 343 1736' 181 69 26 189 242 .20
.6182 1 787 1378 1818 219 68 2S 121 224 . 268
. 6016 646 1272 1616 184 62 19 186 241 .2S
. 4928 799 1392 1836 216 79 24 148 344 ,2S3 1
Slonx City..
Wichita ....
Oil St-urri to Be settled In Hqaared
lirclo January IS.
A boxinp and wrestling carnival hai
bei n arranged for Calhoun for January
1," Jr. wlitcU some old scures will be set-
tlo.l. The principal event will be
wrbtltng match, at 160 pound, between
Li m rh wager of Calhoun and Gan
K( xeguil of Sou.h Omaha. Quite a
crowd from South Omaha la prepaing to
Princeton Captain Denies Report He
Will Not Piny Neat Year.
PRINCETON, N. J., Jan. . Reports
that Edward J. Hart, captain-elect of the
Princeton foot ball team, would be un
able to play next season because physi
cians had declaned him physically unfit
on account of a neck Injury and (hat he
had opposed the appointment ot W. W.
Roper as head coach, led Hart to Issue a
denial today. Hart weighs over 200 pounds
and Is probably the . strongest man
physically In the university.
Grlssllea Make Deal. for Pitcher from
Indianapolis Clnb. - -
INPIANAPOLIS, Jan. 9.-Barney Schrel
ber, pitcher, was today sold to the Penver
club of the Western league, according to an
announcement by Manager Carr of the In
dianapolis club. The deal for Schretber, It
Is said, waa made at the recent American
association meeting at Chicago. ,
Name and Club. O. PO. A. E. PC.
Armstrong. Wichita 33 28 19 4 .987
Hunter. Sioux City 166 1668 86 24 .986
Holland, Wichita -. 50 360 36 7 . 983
Thomas, Lincoln 133 1359 113 25 .983
Lindsay, Penver..... 118 1036 75 20 . 982
Pwyer, Pes Moines ..145 1429 64 30
Kunkle, Topeka. 22 -190 11 4
Kane, Omaha ..163 1448 103 35
Sullivan. Lincoln 15 163 8 4
Abbott, Topeka .....109 964 66 24 .977
Cooley, Topeka 20 166 17 5 . 973
Clark, Pueblo ..146 1337 91 41 .972
Pennell, Wichita 33 222 17 8 .9J8
Bohannon. : Penver 31. 220 23 10 .962
Green, Sioux City-Lincoln 11 70 7 6 .839
Roberts, Wichita 35 269 Za Z4 .825
Name and Club. G. PO. A. E. PC.
Fox. Lincoln-Omaha ......148 818 400 27 . 963
Hughes, Wichita 133 372 863 29 .963
Thomas, Lincoln 13 29 43 S .960
Pendry, Omaha 41 131 94 10 .967
Graham. Omaha 13 83 80 t .965
Kohl. Topeka , 136 408 384 42 . 960
Pritohett, Lincoln-Pueblo.. 34 74 90 9 -948
Andreas, Sioux City 166 391 423 46 .948
Bader. Pes Moines 32 69 73 8 .947
Williams, Pes Moines 81 206 246 28 . 942
Walters, Pueblo 100 246 198 29 . 939
Cole. Wichita 21 61 66 1 .938
Perrlne, Omaha 11 82 26 4 .934
King. Omaha 82 74 .77 11 1 .932
Gllmarttn. Pes Molnea 87 61 98 12 .930
Stankard. Penver 98 206.218 34 . 926
Maag, Penver 28 66 82 12 .925
Hogriever,' Pueblo-Lincoln. 69 126 162 14 .923
Geier, Topeka 19 49 48 9 .911
C. Jopes, Penver 82 67 80 16 . 907
Name and Club. G. PO. A. E. PC.
Schlpke, Omaha 73 108 170 15 . 9(9
Maag,. Denver 120 169 211 24
Cockman, Lincoln 39 87 74 9
Thompson, Denver 22 27 32 6
Kunkle. Topeka 118 126 217 31
E. Locke. Pueblo ,. 72 94 133 28
Pendry, Omaha 88 109 165 28
" Name and CluW G. PO. A. E.PB.PC.
Welch,: Sioux City 143 164 271 46 . 901
Andrews.- Topeka1 27 31 60 10 .901
Westersell, Wlcllta ...v.. .156 207 246 60 .901
Prltchett. Llncoln-Puehlo.. 76 104 14S 28 .900
Hogriever, Lincoln-Pueblo. 61 76 119 22 . 899
Nlehoff, Des Moines. .......166 17 314 69 . 893
Keneel, Pueblo 28 26 35 13 .822
.. 86 1R 248 21 .964
Francks, Omaha'.....
Gagnter, Lincoln
Anderson. Wichita ..
Potts, Omaha ........
Powney, Topeka......
Hughes, Wichita
Smith, Sioux Cl(,y....
Rellly, Topeka ........
Corhan, Pueblo
.133 371 370 49 .938
... 71 148 180 46 .933
... 43 107 123 19 .924
... 78 167 241 83 . 923
... 22 47 64 9 filS
...161 298 445 67 .916
... 62 108 160 23 .915
.125 311 344 64 .911
Colllgan, Pes Moines. .....166 288 363 67 .907
Prltchett, Pueblo Lt 29 28 6 .905
Hartman, - Penver 154 309 370 71 .905
Mlsse, Lincoln 13 31 38 8 . 896
White. Wichita .... 75 141 199 41 .893
King, Omaha ..... 24 62 6517 .873
Sioux City..
Pes Moines.
... 3963
4069 .
.. 8930
, .. 4090
1957 '
Hogriever, Pueblo-Lincoln. 24 33 7 0
Waldron, Lincoln ..150 202 15 2
Green, Sioux City. 46 66 6 1
Pennell, Wichita 122 206 IS 6
Cassldy, Denver 164 263 24 7
I. Belden, Denver ....153 267 19 8
Fenlon. Topeka ..96 163 17 8
A. Davidson, Lincoln 160 333 18 12 .967
Belden, Omaha 14 29 2 1 .966
P. Pavldson, Omaha 12 23 6 1 .964
Wooley. Topeka 151 268 20 M .963
Cole. Wichita 79 167 16 7 .963
Curtis, Pueblo
Palton, Pes Moines...
Campbell, Sioux City..
McCheaney, Pueblo ...
Fouts, -Pueblo
Matticks. Pea Moines.
King,. Omaha
Welch, Omaha
Jude, Lincoln
Geier, Topeka, .........
Fisher, Omaha
E. BB. HP. PB. WP. SO. Pet. I Club. :
70 477 49 14 9 601 ' ,9",6 t Penver
87 17 46 785 .n2 vt lcnua
70 80 21 690 .949 Lincoln
73 : 63 40 894 .918 1 Pueblo
.146 226 12 10 .960
.152 196 15 9 .99
....134 171 13 8 , .9;S
.... 41 81 10 4 . 958
.... 18 21 1 1 .967
....166 296 86 16 .964
.... 97 191 15 10 .964
....161 224 19 12 .963
....118 169 10- 9 .92
....130 164 25 10 .930
....161 227 16 13 .943
AB. R. BH. TR. 2B. 3B. HR.SH. SB. Pet.
. 4852 688 1302 1784 204 78 41 167 199 .?W
. 6076 921 1415 1998 273 64 60 281 294 . 2.r5
. 4999 692 1808 1703 191 60 29 J 73 218 . 262
. 6208 710 1362 1819 214 52 48 194 174 . 20
Name and Club. G. PO. A. E. PC.
Gardner. Pueblo 22 L5 3 1 .947
Jones, Penver 117 300 21 18 .917
Miller, Pueblo 81 131 8 8 .946
I -an Re, Pes Moines.. 11 12 6 1 .944
Spencer, Pueblo 97 209 12 13 .944
Kerner, Des Moines 39 63 2 4 . 942
Middleton. Wichita 126 24 35 16 .917
Hollenbeck, Omaha 19 36 6 8 .933
Stovall. Sioux City 156 180 20 15 .930
Pettlgrew, Wichita 140 252 29 33 . 924
Pendry, Omaha 14 21. 3 2 .923
Edmondson, Hloux City.... 126 222 20 22 .916
Bader, Pes Moines 106 119 19 13 .914
Thomason. Topeka 84 68 4 8 . 912
Landreth, Topeka 48 69 2 7 .910
Stankard. Penver 37 63 6 8 . 893
Holmes. Sioux City 39 44 6 .893
Crulkshank, Sioux City.... 12 15 6 3 .876
Jehl, Pueblo 21 22 1 4 .852
Name and Club. G. PO. A. E.PB.PCJ
Zaluskey. Penver 12 77 11 0 0 10W
Towne, Sioux City 103 6.94 88 10
Weaver. Wichita 77 447 104 9
McManus, Top-Pes M.. 66 287 68 6 10
Hallman, Pueblo-Pen... 15 73 a a
Cad man. Omaha 64 276 61 8
Sullivan, Lincoln 77 356 96 12 12 .974
Gondlng, Omaha 100 461 167 17 8 .973
Nunamacher. Lincoln... 26 146 28 6 6 . 972
Shea, Sioux City 64 333 74 12 9 . 971
Thompson, Penver 43 198 64 8 16 .909
Kerns, Topeka 112 524 101 22 14 .968
Lewis, Pes Motnes 49 803 51 13 10 . 965
Mltxe, Pueblo 102 126 22 9 11 .964
Kerner, Pes Moines.... 49 2f2 26 11 14 Mi
Hecklnger, Pes Moines. 26 176 33 8 13 .963
Haley. Penver 22 107 21 6
Henry, Topeka 31 160 38 8
Hartley ......
YouMm ,.v-.
Zimmerman ,
Blakener ...
Andereun ...
01 In
MS Huntington ....
, Careen
. 07 Scott
. 3Zarp
, eiMjuodenechwager
, BOTiAniraUberf ....
. 6fS! Klauck
, Solomon
. (Ml Mann
. 683
, 679
. (71
, 77
. 677
, 677
, 574
, 672
Others who bowled:
Name. Plni. Kama.
Grotte t7Louah .
MBjI.i;tey 51 g
8 .986
6 .9K4
Shea, Wlchlta-Pos M... 20 86 19 6
Jokerst, Wichita 36 189 49 11
Williams, Pueblo 17 84 16 6
Haas, Penver 60 203 61 18
Weigard. Pueblo 31 115 47 11
Mason. Lincoln 71 199 64 19
Roberts, Wichita 19 60 16 6
Zlnran, Penver 14 66 21 6
Jehl. Pueblo 11 36 15
Armstrong, Wichita.... 24 128 29 4
6 .962
2 .961
8 .m
8 .9T.2
2 .962
7 .946
6 .936
7 .933
0 .927
1 .927
0 .893
0 .843
PO. A. E. BB. HP. PB. WP. SO. Pet.
.. 3969 1728 818 673, 92 39 38 681 .947
.. 4063 1865 - 369 630 72 26 41 674 .913
,.. S9S9 19J-8 386 635 64 28 28 4S .939
... 3803 1802 363 490 37 23 24 678 .939
' Pitch
O. W. L. Pet. PO. A. E. BB.HP.WP.SO.Pct
Hitting: of Omaha Rlaat Fielder Is
Shown to Be Classy.
WICHITA, Kan.. Jan. 9. The fart that
Harry Welch, right fielder for the Omaha
Western league club, batted for an average
of .372 last season came aa a surprise to
followers or the game in the various West
ern league towns.
Welch was recognised as a sweet hitter,
but there were few persons or ball players
who had any Idea that he hit more than
.320 or even that much.
In previous years sport writers have se
cured the Omaha scorer with showing fa
voritism to certain players, and Welch waa them, but there can be no talk of
that kind thla season after the records In
President Norrls L. O'Neill's office In Chi
ergo are examined.
Jack Holland, who now controls the St.
Joseph club, was In Chicago a few weeks
K while consummating the purchase of
the Pueblo ball club, and at that time ex
amined the records as compiled by Presi
dent O'Neill's secretary.
He was surprised at Welch's high average
and examined the seore sheets closely. He
found that Welch hit over the .400 mark
on the road and that lt,was his average at
heme which was the lowest. No one think:
for one minute that Welch was favored by
corei a upon the road. At least, the writer
touad that the Wlchlla players weri never
Name and Club.
Bohannon. Penver. ...29 9 14 . 391 8 65
Shackelford, Wichita IS 6 5 .600 1 20
Sanders, Omaha 29 IS 9 .691 7 74
Ashley, Topeka 10 4 4 .600 5 23
Lange, Pes Molnea... 62 29 13 .707 16 99
Miller. Des Moines. ...47 24 16 . 600 19 86
McOrath, Lincoln.;.. .12 6 .645 46
Boles, Topeka 12 ( J .067 33
Brennan, Wichita 41 18 16 .529 16 82
Johnson, Line. -Soo C 45 15 19 .441 14 100
Burnum. Top.-P. M...35 g 10 .444 . 7 63
Jackson. Pen. -Pueblo 83 14 14 . 600 12 66
Clarko. P. M.-800 C..84 1 8 .667 4 89
Harris, Topeka 12 V s .w x 21
GaJa-auo. Pueblo.,.. ..42 14 21 .100 17 119
Chabek. Soo City 42 17 11 .607 9 102
Adams, Penver 43 16 13 .626 s W)
Fromme. 800 City. ...17 11 8 .679 4 80
M Cafferty. S. C.-Lln.Xl 10 17 .670 17 136
Btersderfer. Pes M s.. 36 16 11 .593
Wilson, Boo City IS 4 8 .671 4
Melter. Soo City 13 7 1 .778 6
Wright. Topeka 37 21 10 .677 1
Palton, Omaha 11 t S--.600 , (
Johns. Omaha 11 1 9 .182 1
0 70 8
0 30 6
0 38 1
0 26 1
2 120 21
71 l.WiO
'86 1.060
62 1 (H
48 l.O)0
828 .938
1 103 20 12 266 .9S1
1 40 6 1 41 .91
Hollenbeck, Omaha..: 42 M 17 .641 29
1 .32 5
S 71 9
4 106. 14
1 67 14
1 106 4
4 51 6
1 14 1
6 108
6 65 8
148 27
51 4
115 18
110 6
28 6
32 4
81 9
10 7
30 S
126 20
1 47 .975
5 147 .970
1 133 .'M
6 72 .'64
6 . 127 .9'3
8 111 .969
0 23 ..058
124 .9f.S
132 .957
192 .9fi6
83 .K.5
PS .9f0
134 .946
69 .146
44 .946
110 .944
1 . 39
.J to
Pitch Field
Name and Club. O. W. L. Pet. PO. A. E. BB.HP.WP.SO.Pct
Durham, P. M.-Pen.lO 46 . 444 83612712 21 .9:8
Keeley, Omaha 42 20 11 .606 17 98 8 83 4 1 126 .934
Bhaner, Wichita 60 18 21 .462 11 89 7 165 23 14 163 .9 4
Lower. Omaha 43 20 12 '.626 13 111 9 120 7 4 139 .93S
J. Jones. Lincoln 82 10 16 . 385 8 74 6 69 8 1 60 . 933
Bonno, Llnc.-Pueblo. .15 4 7 . 364 2 23 2 52 6 1 27 . 926
Farthing, Lincoln 80 12 13 .4K0 5 67 6 61 4 6 124 .925
Freeman, Soo City 29 16 7 . 6 6 66 5 113 21 7 146 .921
Uik. Wlchlla 16 3 7 . 300 2 34 3 47 2 S 62 .923
Nagle. Lincoln 23 4 9 .308 6 42 4 60 4 2 78 .922
McGregor. Pes M'nes. 17 7 6 . 53 6 50 5 30 4 1 26 . 918
Olmstead. Penver 37 24 8 . 750 26 71 9 90 id 10 160 .914
Forrester. Lincoln.... 8 1 6 .167 2 18 2 36 I 4 21 .909
Wasson. Llnc.-Pen.. ..24 5 12 .294 7 40 5 61 7 4 56 .901
Ford. Penver IS 5 8 .3S5 3 24 S 61 12 5 53 . 900
Kaufman, Topeka. ...68 22 26 . 468 14 126 IS 67 17 8 1K2 .897
Altchlson. Wichita.. ..37 16 11 .621 9 66 9 88 7 7 118 . 8!"2
Hendrlx. Topeka 26 10 7 .68 6 49 7 58 9 1 71 .8A5
J. Locke, Puoblo 19 8 S .500 4 26 4 32 8 1 39 . 82
Alderman. Soo City.. 47 22 10 .688 114 16 121 32 11 1R4 .870
Swift, Pueblo 47 10 23 . 410 20 75 15 122 6 6 174 . 864
Thomason. Topeka. ...19 1 -4 .200 3 21 4 48 11 4 51 .W7
Hassler, Wichita 16 4 10 .2X8 6 28 6 41 2 1 59 .846
McOee, Oma.-Pueblo.ll 1 I .200 2 16 8 32 1 i 20 X
Hatch, . Pueblo 13 J 7 .300 6 U 34 I 1 ti .760
favored while on tha road, and In .many
cases were given the rankest kind of treat
ment In the official tabulations.
This waa not true of the scoring In Den
ver, Lincoln, Sloux City and Topeka, where
the official scorers knew their business and
scored the games correctly, but in tha other
cities there wero cases of gross careless
ness or Incompetency by off leal scorers.
Two big league scouts told the writer last
summer that they paid less attention to the
Western league averagea than those ot any
other minor league In the country.
This condition should not exist. If aver
ages cannot be used for purposes of coin
lerison or as an index to' the real mechani
cal ability of a ball player they are useless.
Tbree-X Leasee Meeting; Postponed.
BI-OOMINGTON, III.. Jan. 9.-Prealdent
nual meeting scheduled to be held In Chi
cago January 11 had been postponed prob
ably untP March 1. owing to the inability
of Wilson Bering of Decatur, who has been
engaged to prepare a schedule of games,
to submit his draft.
Comnany K Defenta Omahn Y. H. C. A.
SHENANDOAH. Ia., Jan. 9 Special.)
The Company E. Fifty-fifth Infantry, bas
ket ball team of this place defeated the
Y. M. C. A. ot Omaha by the score of 33 to
U. A large crowd watched the game, which
proved to be the best game played on the
local floor thla seaaon. The Omaha boys
played a fast, clean game. The local boys
play a fast, clean game, and on several
occasions were able to score a field basket
by two passes of the ball from center. By
defeating the Omaha Y. M. C. A. Company
Tearney of the Three-I league, today nott- I E haa the first claim on championship
fled all league club that the proposed an-lhono.s of Iowa and Nebraska. The Ot-
tumwa Y. M. C. A. will play Company E
February 9 for the state championship. The
lineup last night was:
Maranville ....Right Forward Lynn
Stenger Ieft Forward Parrlsh
Newman (C.) Center Barrowman
Yates Right Guard Griffith
Castle Left Guard Robinson
Field Baskets Company E: Maranville,
i; Stenger. 4: Newman, 7; Camle, 1: total,
4. Y. M. C. A.: Lynn. 1 and 1 fouls', Parrlsh.
1 and 4 fouls; Barrowman, 2; total, 23. Kef
eree 4'ohn. L'mplie Schrlner.
5471 Cains
8tnpenhoret (Mi Yale 6A2
Kerr 64i8chmldt ..: 601
Lehman 6MIC. Hlce 4M
Sherwood 62 Oillireath 4:
Conrad 642 Weeka .., 4,16
Encell 662Pmman .; 495
Drlnkwater 5tl P-lmeau 4t3
C. J. Francleco 5580-Hrlee 41M
Tracy 6MVosa , 4ltf
Schumacher (SHBalier 4'j1
Coleman 64)jCarmn 491
V.'eber 64l falconer 491
Matthes 641 Bowman 481
Solium 541, Trajrner 473
Wllejr ..... S7Thomes 476
Martin eMjOJerde 4 '17
Fritseher 4S6o. O. Francleco 47
Bryan 6S2iHelnrich 4M
A. Johnaon MlOrotheer 464
Neale 631, (Iran t .46
Baehr 6301 Hunter tit
Walena .... 6a7Liluney 429
Rernolds 6!7 Martla 429
Co((e 68
Omahn I.eag-ne.
' Mrs. Roberts, the only woman bowler.
netted 609, out bowling twenty-three men.
Tho high average man Is George Zimmer
man, who outshot Keyt sixteen pins, get
ting the following scores:
. . Five-Men. Doub. Sing. TotaL
Zimmerman 5S8 636
Keyt 636 o4
Standing of the teams:
Games. W.
Mets Bros 45
Triumphs 45
Luxus ..J..... 46
Hospe Co.
Omaha Bedding Co..,
Individual averages
Names. Oameat A
Neale ,.
C. J. Praneleoo.
O. O. Francleco.
Pet. Pins.
,778 40,666
Biaktner ...
f . Conrad .
Krltacher ...
Ohneeors ..
Y.uem ....
fttymlda ...
Gel n, lit ....
Donman ....
si mi weber
4 1M Mitchell
1;W. Eltimaii .
14 1 Johnaon
h4l Hammeratrora
HI Orotte
iSiC. Conrad ...
lt MeKelvey ....
'M Bullard
11 Ocander
lHOij. A. Ljone..
177, Sherwood ....
17 K. Zltamaa ...
I'-, Wiley
175 Sheldon
171 Toman
lil Weeka
171! H. B. Ljrona.
171' Encell
171 Buehnell
Games. At.
41 17t
.... 45
..... U
.... M
S 14
II 14
Metropolitan Lea
Standing of the teams:
Games. W.
Beslln Mixers 36 27
Derby Woolen Mills.... 39 28
Maney s Sunklst (Stars 39
Excelsiors K 22
Holleys S6 18
Bungalows 36 17
Parkey Auto Co 36 13
West Sides 39 13
Pally News 33 10
Hussle's Acorns 39 11
Individual averages:
U Pet.
9 .760
11 .719
1! .692
17 .604
18 ,60
19 .472
23 .361
26 .333
23 . 303
28 .283
West Sides ..
People Store
Cream Cltys
individual avers
46 11 24 .46 IMS
45 17 .37T W.iwi
45 8 87 .177 I3.4M
Vftmee. Oamee.
Yntieem 45
Clara 4
Thftmaa II
Srhintdt 45
CKamler 45
Carter 46
Mallhes 45
frirteteneen 46
Yale 15
penaele 41
Jnhhaon .'.4J
Coleman .......... 4
Pullurd 1
Kidaiin 44
lloolh 44
Smith , T7
Wilier 44
Aldttrh 4S
J. Malum s
Brualeman 41
C. Hlce 99
Hunter 9
Kn It
C Mitchell,., H
E. Norgard 45
A' I Vamea.
1'4 ralcner .
I' II Mitchell
1" Loff
I'O'Ureon ....
t ;,) coiline ....
1 crtey .....
1" Iwlaney ...
1 .
1:, Stricter
"U. Norsard ,
14 r. Kia
1" lmmmy
'4 w. Metutn ...
' Untitles ....,
1 fVet
I" Kunct
1 fnteltln
11 huff
'Ornmam ...
fc-f Ho. ........
lie I
...... 41
...... 4
...... 46
..... 1
re M
..... tl
1 J
J 44
, 17T
19tCln 17
19; Laird 17
li Sutton 17
. lSlrlmeau 174
W, Welmaelter 171
1M 171
, li Johneoo 173
115! Hrran 171
141 Baiter 17
1U Bpetman l(t
1X1 Hough 144
ll Drahoa m
1 l.ouih ltut
lsiTranor 148
10 Stafford W
lTtng.-.nn.ll 147
17S nil bern 164
17l Moyna 1'.4
IT Wilson ltt
Solomon 177 Hanaen 134
Lehmann .' 177 Hauler ' 1(4
High scores second seven weeks' playj
A Names. v Aw.-
1771 An1eron tf7
'4'camp t
MX 16
Shulti ...
' Three games:
. Names.
Anderaon -.
Sliulli . 1. ...I...
Martin ;.;..'......
, 445'
, 644
A- Name.
W'Klaurk ...
653; Btapanhorat
The Union Pacifies' fast team still leads
the Booster league,, with Vousan's Colli
holding down second. Mose Younen still
leads the individuals, with Clark second.
Secretary Coleman of the league and cap
tain of the Union Pacific, will make his
last appearance in the Booster league on
next Tuerday nlghl. after . which H. F.
Willey will take his place and lead the
team to victory.
Poslofflce I.eajtae.
' Standing of tho teams:
Games. W. L. Pot.
City A 42 26 16 .619
General Pellvery ....39 23 16 .hW
Sea Pogs 46 25 20 .666
Pav Mailing 33 17 16
Night Mailing 86 14 22
City C 45 15 30
Individual averages:
Namea A 1 Mocra
Baehr I Morton
. 161
Later 1 I Dyberg
. . lMlciijae 14
O'Connor 1611 VilMnl
Galluv 1&1I Thomas
Brown lotlicrniler
Crabh 154Sliort ...
Harrier lMlKlley .,
Sand 1U! Wlntera
Crlea ....( 11
1 Nelaon 145
, 134
South Omaha Records.
The following la tho tabulation of bowl
Inp averages of the South Omaha league,
compiled at the close of the third week of
tho season:
Standing of the teams:
Oames. W. L. Pet.
Martin's Tirers
Company K 9
Carpenter Transfer Co 9
Gophers .'. 9
H. H. 9
Union Stock Yards '
Stelllngs 9
Culkin's Cubs 9
Namea. At. I Names.
Francleco '81 Fitzgerald ..
Frllcher 183l Tombrlnk
Pcachek 1WI Stelnhauacn
White ....
Sherwood .
Nolan ....
Floyd ....
Dudley ...
Bando ...
Decker . . .
Mann ....
Lcplnsk! ..
Chase, H.
Wlntera ..
Spovrln ..
t'eher, J..,
Smith, B.
16 Park
ls4 Smith,
. 147
.. 147
. 1411
. 146
1M Melrher I'M
169 Ruff
15lZrock . ..
1Moia-k, a...
15l Smith, B...
1!5! liucklnRham
lr,j MrUIn
K'Vi'hnae, A
ir,4 Swift
166 O'Hern
161 1 1 M
..... 161 Knlloire.
1491 Wclmur
1411 Krhelltierf ..
1481 Welth
147 Cher, R
, 142
, 142
. 141
, 141
, 140
. 13
, i:ta
, 1
, l'.'O
, J0
The Glnd Hand
removes liver Inaction and bowel stoppage
with Pr. King's New Ufa Pills, the pain
less regulators. 25o. For sale by Beaton
Prug Co. . '
16,'H !
18,861 I
Pnenmoala Pnllnws Cold,
but never follows the use of Foley's Honey
and Tar, which stops the eough, heals the
lungs and expels nte eold from your system.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Is pleasant
to take. Children like it.
By were .......
W. Schneider
I! It
At. I Kernes.
lallFklea .
1J Hoche ..
lau Moyna .
174i fa tu .
171! Howler
la9 Myere
...... 1M
Lahecka lWlllaater ....
(Ilbaon ....
M.-Cune ,.. 145 Ward
Schneider 16n Crabb
Chailwell 14 B.-no
illilham l48ardera ...
Ortman 144, Mortan ...
Patleraoa ............. lUCole
Francia l.i; Kaare ....
umtetfc 1441 1'arkey ....
f'miuonda HSfarej 144
C Conner lo
Boosters l.eagne.
Standing of the teams:
Games. W. L. Pet. Pins.
T'nlon Pacifies 48 14 14 .704 89.K40
Yousen's Colts 46 11 14 .64 16.713
Signal Corps 48 27 21 ,62 X.3i
Cudahys 48 16 21 .620 28.0k
Sprauge'a Pills 4o 4 It .UK) 18,6tf
Introductory Sale
I5 T025 OFF
The first day of our
Sale showed us plainly
that the people appre-
ciate an honest propo
sition. We continue
for one week.
Don't Forget The Prices
All $3.50 Shoes
All $3.00 Shoes
1609 Farnam Street.
mi i . i in !
Commerrlnl I.ensrnn.
Standing of the teams:
Games. W. I Pet. rind. Av.
Omaha Bicycle 38 hi 18 ,7T 85.&4S U
Klauck's Glendales 8fi 24 12 .0H7 82.737
Willow Springs.... 42 27 15 .t4S 87.M8 84
Monte Crlstos 88 24 15 .615 Sfi.OOO 7
Itrod.-gaard Crowns 42 211 20 .524 87.444 92
Chahota Shoe Co... 45 18 27 . 400 38.2SS K71
Hreibus Candy Co .42 16 27 , 8.7 85.759 SRI
Si. James 46 36 .2u0 38.784 818
Individual averages:
Namea. At. I Mamea
Anderaon soo;Camp
siapenhorat ..,
lirlnkwater ....
8ea man
Anaelebers ...
The land of ptrrpetual Tune and
Roses. Less than 3 aaya from
New York; 12 hours from Flori
da. Temperature 68 to 78 de
crees durine winter months. The
Umous Colonial Hotel ia here.
full partteulare In rnjrard to thla moat delta Mful
at vtuter retort. ttm on miueat. AUdiM., lurUla
lit OtM Hallway, M link Arm. I vr Nw York
a4 Oil Mall auaiuentB Co., VSm 14. Keel Hlvrr.
H'W V'.rki or lcal Brauci. OSIoee el all
f-nmilBeui Tevlat aaietee.