THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, JANUARY 10, 1910. The Omaha Daily Ber FOUNDED BT EDWARD ROSE WATER. VICTOH ROSEWATEH. EDITOR. Entered at Omaha postoftlc a second class matter. terms of subscription. Xlly Bee (Including Hunday), prr week 1 Ially H-e (Without Humlavj, p r week lie Pally Re (without ftunday). one year HW Daily Ho and Rsnday. on yar (.CO DELIVERED BT CARRIER. Evening He (without Bunday), per week ftc Evening Be (with Sunday), pi r week 10c fiunday bee, one year 12 50 Saturday Bee, on year l.W Address all complaints of Irregularities In delivery to City circulation Departm-nt. OFFICER. Omaha Th Bee Building. South Omaha Twenty-fourth and N. Council Bluffs 15 Scott Street. Lincoln 018 Llttl Build. opr. Chicago IBM Marquette Rullding. ' , New York Room 1101-1101 No. 24 West Thirty-third Street. Washington 7?: Fourteenth Street. N V. CORRESPONDENCE. Communication relating to news and ed itorial matter should be addressed: Omaha Bee, Editorial Department. REMITTANCES. . Remit by draft, express or poxtal oidr payable to The Bee Publishing Company. Only 2 -cent stamps received In payment of mall accounts. personal checks, except on Omaha or eastern exchanges, not sccrpted. STATEMENT OF CIRCULATION. Stat of Nebraska. Douglas County, ss. : Qeorite B. Tsschuck, treasurer of The Be publishing Complny, being duly sworn, says that the actual number of full and complete conies of The Daily. Morn ing, Evening and Hunday nee printed dur ing th month of December, I'M. was as follows: 1... 41,680 41,760 41,880 41,70 44,340 - 43,830 41,470 43,880 43,880 -48.880 40,880 41.660 4.180 . 49,470 . 42,600 ' 43,420 17 43,830 10 43,830 13... 41,630 80 .. 43,770 SI ' 43,480 83 43,850 83 43,430 84.. 43,030 a. . kv. , a. T. a. 9. 10. 11. ia. 13. 14. 85... ' 88. . . 37... 88. .. as... SO... 3l.,-. 43,809 44480 43,810 43,830 42,370 43.410 43,490 ,.. . t - . ,f ia Total . 1,338,610 Returned' copies. . . , . , , , . . 10,130 Net Total.. ........ .1,313,380 Dally Average v 43,334 QaJORUltlj. TZtfCHUCK. Treasurer. Subscrlbod In my presence and sworn to before me this 811 day of December, 10. "' ' W. P. WALK hJit, . ., i. Notary I'uono. stbaorlbers leaving1 ike city tem porarily ahoald have The Ue Mailed them. Address will be efeaed - aa often aa requested. With man', the great woman's ques tion ls What ahall 1 get for the next meal., ' From Bogton'B now municipal bean pot, it is safe to say, the pork will not bo missing. ... While Jt ia true that there is no' ice shortage, the price is likely to be as long as. aver. ..... In the light of current warmer con troversies,' how tame appears that old North polo scrap! Will the supply of salt hold out (when wo begin tou sprinkle It. on the tall of Halley's cometA ' iFor ability to put on the lid.4 none of those railroad presidents oan ob tain any credit in Wall street. "Two jnen claim dead wife," reads a news beading, but it does not ap pear that either owned her alive. When steel rails are proving sp brit tle,, who will blame the occasional fracture of a castlron.. resolution T The ,,national Treasury department 1b to have an ice-making plant Noth ing to do withv-cold cash, however. The fight. of women to hold office In Nebraska is to be tested In the courts. This will give the suffragettes their inning. , Having .acquired the expeditious shopping habit, wef may expect ' the thrifty housewife to buy her mosquito netting .early. Wits) 2.000 new telephones Installed in this obuntry each day, it ia apparent, that tn4 American' people are begin ning t speak up. , The Clearing house record for the first wtek in January, shows a hand some increase for Omaha, which is a most encouraging sign. i '. , . ; Calcfii Islanders are trying to gel. us to fcdopt the crawfish as a substi tute for. the lobster. Would not thai, be stepping backward? Renfember those Indian-summer prophles.lljiat it would be a dull ses sion tf congress? Since then things have been sharpening up. Brussels begins to suspect that the marriage of the new king was not "regulAr.;' still, he may have been following royal precedent. Tho penalty tor falling to shove) the snowf off the sidewalks Is to lead one's falling' brother to violate his ; New Yeart aatl-sweartng resolution. When the c,lty council comes to adopt an ordinance intending to regu late traffic on Omaha's streets It should be remembered that Omaha has out grown village ways. Several Japanese statesmen have been convicted of graft, and sentenced to long terms of imprisonment, but aa the courts generously defer execution of the sentences we may expect some budding crops lo follow tho grafting. Americana cannot fall to admire the resourcefulness of Chicago. legally de prived of the privilege of building its great, museum on the lake front, It pUns to construct an island. Just off shore and place the museum there. If it can thus circumvent its lake front opponents Chicago can float most any ' ' ' ....... i . International Insincerity. Reluctance rnanlfesteJ by Russia and Japan to agree to the proposal of Secretary Kuox that the Manchurian railways be neutralised, may be re garded as a demonstration of the In sincerity of these two nations. For the Knox Idea Is but the practical ap- plication of the theory of the Ports mouth treaty, which stipulated that the commercial neutrality-of southern Manchuria should be guaranteed. Why should the signatory powers shrink from specific accomplishment of the Portsmouth intention? Simply be cause It Is easy to find excuses later for evading the responsibilities of the generalities of such a document, when years have passed and there has been in the meantime no definite Interpreta tion of vague provisions. Secretary Knox has been keenly ana lyzing the march of Japanese aggres sion In Manchuria. It must have be come apparent to him that' the 'lines being followed were at variance from the treaty prombes, or he would hardly have felt warranted in thus plainly calling the attention of our far eastern neighbors to them. The dubious out look for acceptance of the American memorandum adds to the conviction that both Japan and Russia desire to have as free a scope In the debatable ground as the broadest . view of the Portsmouth compact will permit. In this connection it will be recalled that the assassination of Ito was committed at a time when the mikado was calling the reluctant czar to conference over this very matter. Since the tragedy that broke off those semi-hostile nego tiations, they have not been resumed. Whatever the outcome the good faith of the' United States has been strikingly shown. In our attitude to ward strengthening the world's peace in the region of the difficult open door we have published broadcast our sincerity, for we have asked nothing of Japan and Russia but that which we have agreed openly to support diplo matically, a position identically adopted by Great Britain. The Issue Joined. The case between the administration and the anti-administration forces at Washington Is now made up, and the issue is squarely joined. The strength" of the opposition to President Taft and his policies has reached the high water mark. By the adoption of a resolu tion by the house o take the-appointment of an investigating committee out of the hands of the speaker comes what is claimed as a real triumph for the op position, made up of so-called "insur gent" republicans and the democrats. The significance of this vote cannot be looked upon as a serious menace to the Taft policies. The demand for an Inquiry into the affairs of the Interior department is as earnest on the part of Mr. Taft as from any of the opposition-. The president, as well as eVery fair-; minded citizen of the United' States, demands that the fullest Investigation be made, and the truth be reached and published abroad. " As to whether a portion of the committee charged with this wprk shall be selected one way or another is a detail that, does not vitally affect the outcome. The vote In the house of representatives on Friday was merely a vote of lack or confidence in Speaker Cannon and carries with it no surprise because the opposition to the speaker finds itself momentarily, and unexpectedly, in the majority. The democrats could not be expected to support an administration proposition, while the "insurgent" republicans are pledged to oppose the-'-fcpeakjer of the house at all times, so that -the only sur prise occasioned by the vote was that for the one time th combination ound itself with a majority of vthrpe on a matter of trivial importance. As to the PInchot phase of the con troversy, the president " adopted the only course open to him. He did what any other executive would do under similar circumstances with an Insubor dinate official, not only persistent In his contumacy, but. finally in open re volts Nothing was left for the execu tive but to remove the offender. Mr PInchot Is, nO doubt, actuated by the highest motives, and firmly believes in the rectitude of his conduct. Yet it would have placed him In a much bet ter position If he had had the good taste to resign when he found he could no longer work with the president to achieve the ends they both sp ardently desire. This episode should have lit tle bearing on the main question, yet It will be trumpeted loud and long by the opponents of President Taft. But In the end the truth will ' be made known and President Taft, and his sup porters do not fear the truth, Methods of Muckrakers. Admission by a publisher and an editor of one of the sensational waga rlncs, when summoned on oath before a grand Jury in 'New York, thaf they had paid large jume for letters and documents stolen from the district at torney's office, uncovers the' of the muckrakers sufficiently to en able the public to determine 'thy true worth of their 'exposuie3;M Tho latest disclosures give evidence of official record that indicate how unprincipled the muckraker renJly can be while pro cessing devctlon to hieh principles. "TorlunVely there arecrlminal stat utes PUcer which the wen who' stole these papers and sold them for publi cation may lie prosecuted. The fact that the particular person 'under in dictment had been trained In the sugar ring, demonstrates him to have been aptly schooled, and the grand Jury ap pears to have found him a worthy dis ciple. But in getting after the pur loiner, the real offender, who bought the etolen property to trade upon it, seems to be protected. The presump- tlon Is that the purchasers knew the possessor of Buch papers had not come by them honestly, In which case they ought to share the opprobrlam if not the penalty. - Activity Against Combines. So diverse are the cases involved, that It Is doubtful If 'the people ap preciate all that Is being done in legal prosecutions against combines, both on the part of the United States govern ment and as a result of the activity of Individual states. Much of the hostility to combinations operating in restraint of trade formerly originated lu the west, and it must be encouraging to the advocates of rigid 'applicat!on of the law against Illegal monopolies to witness the spread of the contagion to the east, where New York Is notably pursuing a policy of prosecution. The latest anti-trust step in the metropolis, the Indictment of theen tire Paper Board association, compris ing 140 prominent manufacturers, promises results, Inasmuch as the pro cess of the grand Jury Is based on con victions already obtained, one of the ringleaders having been heavily fined as a preliminary to the breaking up of the Fiber and Manila association, whose members likewise paid punitive fines. The fact that similar action Is projected against the manufacturers of print paper indicates the thoroughness of the official inquiry. . New York has also secured the con viction of the ice combine, and is In the thick of the fight against the ma nipulators of a corner In milk, a field of activity that calls for popular ap proval, and which may be the means of undermining prices throughout the country In cases where they have been unduly Inflated, for the New York ex ample Is one which pins down the in dividual offenders, having swept aside the old notion that those acting In the name of corporations cannot be held amenable to the criminal law, and hav ing also made the fines heavy enough to hurt yet practical enough to be col lected.' In Washington tho federal govern ment has Just argued the case against the tobacco combine, concerning which a speedy decision may be expected from the supreme court, and is also advancing toward a final ruling In the matter of Standard Oil. The adminis tration likewise is proceeding against the Tobacco Growers' association, and the president has directed the proper departments to investigate the charges that the steel concerns are. operating in violation of the antl-truBt law. Further federal action is probable as a result of the grand Jury discovery that the sugar companies, nominally rivals, are really operating under an agree ment that governs prices, so that it is possible that the customs investigation will have accomplished a double pur pose. ; ' No complaint can properly be lodged, therefore, that there Is any lack of activity on the part of the govern ment against the combines. What ever is possible under existing laws Is being attempted, toward the regulation of corporation greed, It is always pos sible that the government may lose one or more of such prosecutions, but con gress now has before it various sug gestions for' strengthening federal pow,er, and such additional legislation as is necessary is likely to be forth coming. Rival opera managers have con fessedly been giving grand opera at a loss in New York this winter. The reason Is not far to seek. Under .the concentration of rivalry In the metrop olis and its adjacent cities, there has been generated a competition for stars that has raised the salaries paid sing ers to heights out of all proportion to their worth as established in operatic centers abroad. New York has made it known that it wouli prefer one compe tent presentation of the' best In opera, in place of the present unsatisfactory splitting up of forces, and if the inter est were to s:et together they could utilize their excess of talnt In giving opera to the large cities throughout the country, many of which are ripe for such a project. But to make a success of such a plan, salaries would have to be readjusted and stars would have to understand that they are hired to sing, not to make apologies. The trouble with opera In this country is that the managers and public have humored the whimsicalities of temper, sometimes nniipri temneranient. altogether too much. We have been hearing a good deal of late about tho human equation which renders Inefficient the safety nrecautlons on railroads, so often, in deed, that one wonders if It is not time to determine the responsibility for some of the disastrous wrecks that have disgraced American railroads this winter. A shining example might be marie in the case of the wreck which took the life of Spencer Trask, one of New York's leading bankers ana philanthropists. He was the victim of a rear-end collision in broad daylight on a road that boasts of its four tracks and block signals. Definitely fixing the blame might be followed by the es tablishment of a higher grade of oper ating efficiency, which seems to be woefully lacking at times. Hardly has Charles W. Morse begun to serve his sentence than efforts are being made, to procure for him a par don. All talk of pardoa at this hour is ill advised and an Insult to American Justice and institutions. The temper of the public is to see crime In high places punished, as a check to some of the abuses, which the power of wealth has attempted. Morse exhausted tho resources of the law In every effort to evade the consequences of bis taking the gambler's chance, and now that the highest tribunal In the land has estab lished the fact that he merits his fate there ought to be some summary way of bringing his excessively seal o us friends to a realisation of the unfair ness of their attitude toward the public. The laboring men of Nebraska who voted for Governor Shallenberger be cause he was such a friend to the work logmen must feel well satisfied when they contemplate the establishment of a clothing factory at the Nebraska pen itentiary which will brlrfg prison-made goods into direct competition with the product of free labor. Governor Shal lenberger redeemed his promise to la- bor Just as be Omaha. did his promise to The city council In making Its appor tionment of revenues for support of the various departments of government during the fear has been compelled to disappoint a number of heads of de partments who were looking for larger appropriations. What the citizens will expect now Is that the money set aside be so expended that one hundred cents' worth of service will be delivered for every dollar paid out. Every man loves a dog, but most men apply a nomenclature outside of dogdom to the pampered pets that Have all the noble instincts of their race educated out of their system by molly coddling. Such social Innovations as feeding spoons and scent sprays In the canine world are among the modern thorns in the ancient friendship of dog and man. Sixteen years ago President Cleve land was being assailed by the Insur gents in the democratlo party Just as President Taft Is now. Time has jus tified Cleveland, just aa Taft will be justified when the public gets into pos session of the facts unclouded by the mists of partisanship or dishonest up roar. Indictments against another trust returned by the federal grand Jury un der the Sherman, law will not convince the democrats that the republican ad ministration Is serious In its proposal to eliminate illegal trade combinations, but the Indicted officials will need no further awakening on this point. With Bob Burdette in Hawaii and Mark Twain In Bermuda, and George Ade's lamp hidden, under the footlights, what are we going to do for our spring greens front the purling wells of humor? ' . P With society, women managing the shirtwaist strike and George Bernard Shaw solving our other problems, all there is left for the people to do is to support their families and pay their billB. ... . . ,V . - .-, r ..' New York papers are commenting on the fact' that Boss Murphy got In side of the city hall for the first time In eight years. What Tammany wants is to get the city hall inside Murphy. Those who seek a permanent in vestment might place, their bets as to which James Gordon Bennett will ac complish first, the abolition of ivi sectlon or the annexation of Canada. . V We are bearing a . lot lately about all sorts of masterful women, but let not their limelight blind us to the worth of the womanly woman, who continues in, the large majority. "Figures won't He, but liars will figure," 1b the only answer apparent to the assertion of a Lincoln newspaper that more freight Is handled In that city than In Omaha, - When the mikado's saplings are set 108 out there will be enough cherry trees along the Potomac to test the hatchets ot future presidents for a long time to come. This talk of merging a lot of In surance companies has a suspicious look toward an effort to head off the public supply of calendars and blot ters. . One Good Decline. Wall Street Journal. A decline of $35,000,000 lu fire lasses la the rlg-ht kind of a decrease. Passed I' p. ' Chicago Post. After many years of research' Iri restau rants we are willing to turn over to Presi dent Taft the problem of "What la Cof fee?" IN'vted on th Han. Atchison' Globe. We have" observed ' that the boldest In surgent makes less noise in congress than whtm traveling that well-beaten warpath, the Chautauqua circuit. . I - I Whither Arc We Drift IncT Washington Herald. What mingled feelings of resentment and relief one feels nowadays when his family physician advises' him to cut out turkey, asparagus tips, quail on toast, mine pie, and Ice cream for a while. , V Tama Jliu Will Show 'Km. New Tork Tribune. Secretary Wilson says that he Id going to show th public how and why It la pay Ing more than It ought for food products. There seems lo Ik a general agreement as to the excess In cost, but everybody con cerned In producing and selling food stoutly denies responsibility. The secretary will do the country a great service If lie can fix the blame. Discounted Dreadauaahls. ' Boston Qlobe. An unflnkable marine target from the Brooklyn navy yard was lately received at th I'hillpplnea for the winter praotlce of th Paclflo fleet. The target cost tlS.Cfla Two broadsides from the Charleston sent It to the bottom. If American marksmanship la aa effective aa this th 115,000 la no loss. There will b no need for the target. For eign battleships which are not constructed aa unslnkabl are already at an enormous dlaadvantag. Washington Life one Xatrstlag rfcaaee and Conditions OksarveA at the HaUoa-s Capital. Senator La Follett of Wlsoonsln, who Is regarded by th elder statesmen as the most disagreeable Insurgent who has come out of the west, la Joyfully watching the frost melt off his senatorial caka these days. In fixing up committee assignments lsst year th gentleman from Wisconsin was given several placet In the cold storage committee assignments reserved for young sters in the law-making business. On of these was th chairmanship of th census committee, which gets a chunk of business one or twlc In ten year. It seems to have been overlooked that the commute would have something to do with oeusus appointments this year, and that is why Mr. La Follette Is Insurglng with rude laughter. Bunches of appointments In which senators are Interested repose In his care, but ha Isn't saying a word, merely enjoying th scowls ot brother senators. To inquirers from th census bureau Mr. La Follette has replied suavely, describing himself In terms that hav frequently been thrown at him on the Tloor by th enraged regulars. 'I am a new and Inexperienced senator," he Is quoted as replying Imperturbably to the census officials, "and I am not fully familiar with the procedure of th senate. I feel at a loss how to go forward In the matter without the aid of Senator Hale, n experienced member of th committee, who ia now busily engaged In other com mittees. Really I am quite a novice, and that explains the delay." When It Is recalled that on of Mr. La Follette's bitterest eflemlea In the senate is Senator Hale the' kind pf fun Mr. La Follette la looking- for becomes apparent Mr. Hale and Mr. I Follette had a con- feience the other day, and while It Is not kiown what they said. It was evident that Mr. La Follett held the upper hand. Mr. Hale, who Is by. general repute the most dignified member of the senate, stood over the younger man, shaking a roll of papers at him. The more he argued the more pleased Mr. La Follette seemd to become, and when Mr. Hale walked away, appar ently angry, Mr. La Follette leaned back In his seat and laughed heartily at the celling. ,ven automobiles liisurse when Uncle Jo Is around. Representative Huff of Pennsylvania Is the proud pousesaor of a touring car. One night not many moons back, the Keystone YeprPsentatlve was about to leave a reception for home in his car, when he espied Unci Joe standing aa If waiting for a conveyance of some kind. 'Come along with me, Mr. Speaker," called out Mr. Huff. "You bet," said the object ot Victor Murdock's admiration. Th machine waa Cranked and oft they started, dewn hill as It happened. When the bottom of the Incline was reached the car stopped. "Oh," said Huff, "the engine la cold from standing so long." They tried hard to get the thing to go. but nothing doing. "Let's push It up to the top of the hill and by getting a run ning start, maybe It will go," said your Unci Joseph. As usual his suggestion was carried out, and the car once more ran beautifully, down hill. Thrice the pushing Stunt was repeated, but to no purpose, as to a complete gel- away. Becoming disgusted the Great" and the near "Great" left the car standing and hoofed it home. In the wee small hours of th morning Mr. Huff waa called tip on the phone by a policeman, notified that his machine was blocking th street and must b removed. Mr. Huff apologised profusely, '- stating that there was something wrong with the running apparatus, and that he would have the garage people remov It in the morn ing. This was done, and after a cursory examination of the auto-Insurgent It was found that there was no gasoline In the tack. Among the proud possessions of Captain Archibald Wlltlngham DeGraffbnre id Butt, th president's military aid, Is a gorgeous cloak given to him, by President Dias of Mexico. Some years ago, before Captain Butt entered the army and even before ha was a newspaper correspondent in Wash ington, no servea as au. uiiuvur ai me United States legation In Mexico. Matt Ransom, ex-senator from North Carolina, was the minister. The young attachedls- played a keen Interest In the novcftle of Mexican life and soon attracted the at tention of Dias. The two became fast friends, and when Butt was leaving the capital, Dias gave to him a Mexican clonk as a mark ot his personal esteem. It la a brilliant affair, or red, purple, and gold, When President Taft vlHlted Mexico hist fall It was noted that the sole companion of our president and Dias on their horse back ride was "Archie" Butt. There Is no longer any justification for the us of the term "the great unwashed," In referring' to the members Of the house. The baths in the new office building, pro vided for the lawmakers of the lower branch of congress, are running fuU. blast, and It Is easier now to keep clean than to get a pension bill passed. Row after rcw of simple private baths are provided, each' equipped with a massive porcelain tub. artistic dressers, plenty of French plato mirrors and heavy coarse bath towels. There are needle sprays for those whq llkqi something fanoy In tho way of showers. They are so adjusted that the statesman can regulate the attack upon his parson of hundreds of tiny Jets of water .of any tem perature desired. For those who have plenty of time to spend on th toilet sumptuous Turkish baths are provided. Hot rooms and steam parboil the victim to the proper degree. Then ha la taken In charge by expert rub bers and masseurs. A corps of husky negrro bath -attendants Is ,on hand to take th green congressman lu charge. A dozen or more resting rooms, fitted up with cots and pneumatic mattresses, provide restful re treats for tired lawmakers who want to forget th cares of state In peaceful slum ber. ' After a free Turkish bath and rub doun the statesman may stroll Into the official barber shop and get a free hair cut. sham poo and shave. Then he may saunter over to the house In th luxurious underground tunnel, safe from the biting winds. He stops at the stationery room and geta a supply of writing materials, free, drops Into his seat In the house, writes his letters and franks them. Reposing in the Washington postoffice there are at least four typewriters, a tew baby carriages, several Jugs and other ar ticles which are not used by congressmen alone. On each and every one of thes Is to ba found th nam ot the legislative servant who has tried to use the frank, but failed miserably. Under the law members of congress ar permitted to send letters and publio docu ment through th malls to officers of th government or to constituents without pay ing postage. F-vlduntly some of the mem bers hav forgotten what a document looks Ilk from th surplus furniture which now decorate th city postoffloe. On som of this mail matter congress men hav declared their willingness to pay, and In som instances th charg Is Several dollars, but in other instances. It was stated today, the legislator has refused ab solutely to produce the cash. WAflRS AND FHF.IG11T RATF.S. Increases la Both Will Not Improve the Sltnatloa. Indlaoapolls News. On gathers from the ton ot, th Wall street press that th railroads do not se riously resent th demand they are now faolng for an Increase In the wages of their employes. It ha been announced from time, to tlm that high railroad offi cials (generally not named) have reoog nlsed th Justice of th demand In view of the Increased oost of living. ' But It was declared that It would be lmposslbla for th railroads to Increase wages unless they could advance freight rates. It has also been ahown mor or less definitely that while th total Increase of -freight rates would amount to some 1180,000,000 a year, It would only amount In Individual ' oases to a half cent her and a cent ther on the hundred pounds and would not be felt by the shippers. One of th objections to a wage advene In recent years Is that It has generally re sulted In a price advance which was con siderably greater in total, thus enabling employers to make a profit out of their generosity. Whll It would be unfair to charge the railroads with deliberately In tending this, there Is no doubt that It would be well before either wages or Trelght rates are advanced to have figure showing th total of each under th sched ules proposed. If th advance of freight rates amounts In total to more than that of wages It might be better for the general public, and even for the- railroad employes themselves, to leave things as they are and make a general campaign for lower prices of the necessaries of life rather than higher wages. And even if the figures ex actly counterbalance. It Is difficult to see where any advantage la to b gained. It may safely be assumed that It shippers hav to pay mor for freight they will charg more for their product and thus the cost of living will get another boost. During the latter part of 1908 and all of 1809 such reports as hav been made public have shown that the railroads did a very profitable, and increasingly profitable busi ness; and at this time ther Is no Indica tion of a slump. Therefor any talk of raising freight rates Is not likely to be cheerfully received by the shippers. With the steadily Increasing profits of the rail roads It would seem to th ordinary ship per that the roads could make wages some what higher without Increasing freight rates, thniirh the sentiment tot grnwlnr that the best -gnneral policy for all concerned would be a decrease of prices rather than an Increase In wages. One thing Is certain, however, and that Is that the general slttia- tlon will not be Improved If every Increase of wages Involves an Increase In the price of the necessaries of life, which It Is evi dent an Increase In freight rates would pro due. NURSES FOR POLK V HOLDERS. Novel Protrrtlvo Method of mn Insnranee Company. . Louisville Courier-Journal. A .New York Insurance company which does a large business in industrial policies ia trying the experiment of furnishing nurses for such of Its policyholders as fall ill. The trial Is belnfe made lrihalf a dosen large cities, Including New York, Chicago and Philadelphia. If the results prove satisfactory the work Is to be widely extended and the company may establish a training school for nurses. Under the arrangement the policyholder Is supplied with a card which la to be sent to the company In case of Illness. Upon receiving notification the company sends a nurse to assist the physician In charge of the cage. The, officials of the company say that they do not know .what the experiment will Jead to, as It hajj not been In progress long enough to decide, They assert, however, that thee policyhold ers are showing marked evidences of ap proval. The question of the conservation of the policyholder's health is receiving a great deal of attention nWadays from insurance companies. Some oX them have gone to the extent of providing sanitariums for the treatment of their tubercloua patrons and others are seriously .considering a similar course of action. It th plan of furnishing nursea should prove desirable from the eoonomlo point of view there may be further helpful efforts in behalf qf the policyholder .By and by he may be sup plied with medicine and a physician at the company's expense, provided, of coursu, that he Is prompt with hla premiums and is content with meager dividends. SACUlFlCHn FOR THIS CAUSE. Development of Fly In a; and It Tragedies. Cleveland Plain Dealer. Man's boasted mastery of the air is trag ically Incomplete. Aviation continues the deadliest of sports. The latest death Cred ited to the attempt to traverse the high way of the birds Is that of Leon lela grange, a Frenchman, monoplane broke at fifty feet above the earth and fell, crushing its operator.., Delagrange follows a score of other intrepid experimenters whose confidence outstripped their judg ment and whose reward was death. These men risk their lives In developing an art whose perfection, if ever reachtd, will be of distinct and lasting advantage to society. Unlike automobile racers, avi ator by persuing their desperate vocation are promoting th public good. They are engaged In conquering earth's last do main for the benefit ot man. The game is worth whll, even if death how and then eteps In for a hand. Borne time, perhaps, In that distant day when man shall hav really "mastered" the air, these dauntless aviators who have given up their lives in crude experimenta tion will receive their Just reward in pub lic esteem. They will be looked upon as the unfortunate pioneers whose lot Is often to suffer and die that others, coming later, may be benefited. 1 Our Birthday Book January 10, 1810. DrTE. Benjamin Andrews, formerly chan cellor of the University of Nebranka. was born January 10, 1844, at Hinsdale, N. II. Dr. Andrews served in the union army dur Ing the civil war. H became president of Brown university, at Providence, R. I., and later superintendent of public sohools at Chicago, from which position he came to Nebraska to take the headship of our stale university. H retired a year ago on ac count of 111 health and has been given a special retirement pension out of th Car negie foundation. Reed Smoot, Mormon disnltary and United Htute senator from Utah, I 48 years old. He was on of the floor managers in th senate for the Payna-Aldrlch tariff bill. He is a native of Utah, being born In Halt Lake City. . Howard Chandler Christy, the magazine Illustrator and artist, dates his birth Jan uary 10, 1873- 11 will b remembered as figuring not long ago In th public prints In connection with marital troubles with his wlfa. Charles F. Harrison ot Harrison A Mor ton, real estate agency, Is M. His parents llv In Mt. Pleasant, la., where h was born, and later sent him to th Iowa Slate university. H has been president of the Omaha Real Ktat exchange and active in our local affairs. TERSONAL KOTES. . William A. Murphy, Governor Draper's new private secretary, has been the Boston Globe's stat house reporter, Lvl P. Morton at M assumes the chair manship of the board of on of the two largest trust companies In th country. Where Is Dr. Osier? Th latest man to attempt suicide because a girl had refused him made the mlstak of trying to blow out his brains. Naturally he missed. Tlttsburg seems to be the home of the obscure millionaire. No one so far away as this, probably, had heard of James W. Friend of that city, who died last week, and whose estate Is valued at 115,000,000. From driver of a bakery wagon at 110 a week to retired millionaire. Is the transi tion of William McCoy of Chicago, who has Just turned over the hotel property that for twenty-five years bore his name to th Victoria Hotel company. Mr. Rockefeller and Mr. Carnegie are both making unprecedented records, but at the end of 109 Mr. Rockefeller had given away tl81,760.1G2. aa against Mr. CarneRle 1162.000,000. Together they have distributed in the form of free gifts $343.?0,irc!. Mrs. Agnes J. Connell, the only woman In this country who has papers permlttlnif her to navigate a steamer of any cluaa in any ocean, is now running the steamer J. L. Luckenbach from New Orleans to Bos ton. Bh Is known over all the world, for a steamer Is her only home, and she has sailed everywhere with her husband. Cap tain William J. Connell. PRESIDENT TAFT'S ATT1TUDK. Factionalism Mnat t'esuie for the Pnbllo Good. Minneapolis Journal. Th president makes his attitude toward th Insurgents ot th house perfectly clear. It Is a reasonable attitude. .Stripped ot all Irrelevant detail, It amounts simply to this: The president wants positive action by this congress carrying out republican party, pledge. He doe not want that action aborted by a factional flht In th house. He wants the struggle between the Cannon machine and the Insurgents postponed till the next congress and every effort con centrated now upon carrying out th presi dential and party program. He does not seek to punish anyone. He has no quarrel with any cenrrem!n for vatlnjr aa-alnst the Payne tariff bill nor any purpose of punishing any insurgent for such a vote. Deeming that the supreme and paramount duly of a republican congress Is to pass the legislation promised by the republican partJv Mr. Taft demands that factionalism be laid aside and tho duty performed. Be lieving that the contest over the house rules nnd the speakership has been settled for this coiiKress he demands thst no precious time he frittered away In fighting thfe brittle over tiKnln at this Juncture. He takes no sides n that controversy, only asking thst it he postponed In the face of more Important work. The president understands that he can with confidence count upon the loyal sup port of most of the InsurRents, for they are as eager as . ho firr the, reformative leslslp.tlon he Is working fr. But there are certain Insurgents .whose personal bit terness In- the struRKle arcolnst Cannon Is such that that Issue lonnls large' In their pathway. They cannot see the necessity for party harmony at this time. They. are not willing to postpone their vengeanca oven If they bloolt the wheels of legisla tion. From surh insurgents, the president demands pledges brfore ho will let the pntronape they claim take Its usual courso. That Is all there Is too it. . PASSING PLEASANTRIES "Somebody stor a dozen fresh eggs from Our houre yesfrda;'." , i T A ... . V. . . 1 ..... .1 I. t .1 1 them for a ransom?" Houston Post. Lover Of course. ilsiiliiR our engage- ' menl. must be kept private for a while. The Girl Oh, yts, dear. I've told every one not to say a word. Illustrated Bits. "There la no place In the World for me." "Why not?" "Nobody understanda me.". "Then there Is a place In the world for you. Gt a Job as a train announcer." LoUlsville Courier Journal. "Think of what that banker lowes In reputation by going to prison," mid one financier. "Yes," answered the other, "but think what ho saves on his living expenses." Waxhington Htar. Auto Salesman Business Is booming, In fact, we are so rushed that we have filled our orders only Up to last April. v Auto Owner I can appreciate that At the present time 1 have had repairs made on my car only to the smash-ups of May, W08. Puck. j, Mrs. Knlcker Would you adorn yourself with anything from a living creature? Mrs. Bocker Certainly that's the only way G-aorge ever gives up a cent. New l urn duii. Tom My wfe Is an angel. . I lck 1 notloe - she ris ulways flying around. Boston Transcript. ; , "Pardon my temporary lapse of memory madam, the professor said, "but your hu- band is a man of distinction, Is he not?" "The only .thing I cat think of, am- wered Mra. Vlck-3enn, "for which he distinguished la that there are more puo pie in this town who don't' look like nun than any man I know of." C'hlcano Tribune. .. COUSIN LOBELIA. . Tudor Jenka in Munaey'. Lobelia is my cousin we'll call it tw;ce removed; A clever girl In many ways, and thor oughly approved;.. She's pretty, ami she's bright enough -a girl you'd not tomet; And still i.obella failed to fill a high placj in our set; She would not spend all waking hours in . talking about dress It's hardly strange Lobelia was not a success, I Introduced her all around, and iaunchel k her faithfully With tons of cake and bonbuus, and gal , Ions of hut tea; But poor Lobelia couldn't show abSOrLl!! r Interest In nerves, and rheumatism, ami cjld upon the cliesl; Lobelia chatised the subject; ard r, I muHt confess, It's hardly strange Lobelia was not aftieat success. She liud no queer religion,' her views v. erj orthodox; , . She hated picture puKZlrft niude of wrligly little blocks; . ( She didn't care for bridge enouKh to lit up to -all hours; She doubted that mahalmas had queer. supernal powers; Lobelia did not wish to vote, and could noi win ii rnt-M It's hardly strange LobHlla was not a reat success. ; When older folk were talking Lobul.u. would sit by t Ml. ,' " And never Interrupt them; she dldu t even try To prove they were old fogies, completly out of date, Though long-drawn reminiscences they'd venture to relate, Lobelia was not up In slang; she used puns even Ihh: It's hardly stisnge Ixbella was not a great . t success. ' ( I found her rather quiet, though a very charming sirl; She did not keep your faculties In on un ending whirl; Her tone was low and modest, her tulk had something In It i ,V And, slran- to say, she dUnt, !-", every slnsle minute.' Hh married well and early, 'though why I cannot guess; So, after all. It may b said a laid some slittllt success. ' I -4