THE BEE: OMAIIA, MONDAY, JANUARY 10, 1910. I Council Bluffs BlbY WEEK tUK MASONS Several Bodies Hold Joint Installa tion of Officers. JEWELS GIVEN PAST MASTERS Mat of Officers Wkt ReeelT Posi tion for Kniilag Yttr Ereiti Am( the Fraternal Orders. wMk win a busy one In Masonic elides. ' The several Masonic bodies held Installation of officers, and following the Joint Installation of their officers Bluff City and Excelsior lodges held a banquet at which a number of prominent members of the fraternity were present. Henry W. Rothert, most worshipful past grand master, acted as toaatmaster, and the fol lowing was the program of toasts: Rev. O. O. Smith, " Keys to the Mysteries-Colonel Charles O. Saunders, "Masonry, a Character Builder." Past Maater W. 8. Balrd, "A Mason s Puty." Hon. J. T. Brooks, "University of Ma sonry." Past Master Charles M. Harl, "Spirit of Masonry." Past Master l. n. nicainger, in xjuhu- Past Master J. O. Wadsworth, "Masonlc Traditions." Past Master George HV Jackson, "Ma- sonry on the Outside." Past Master Urnrge W. Upe, "Tha Rec ord of Bluff City. Ixidge." At the conclusion of the program past master Jewels were presented to Charles R. Walters of Bluff City lodge and to . Charles N. Conrad of Excelsior lodga, Other Masonic bodies Installed officers as follows Star Chapter, . Royal Arch Masons High priest, W. J. MCTJonnen; King, r. n. Bhunrt; scribe, F. J. Pierce; treasurer, C. E. Price; secretary, George H. Jackson; C. Host, S. C. Mitchell; P. 8., O. W. Mpe; P. A. C, F. Hobor; third vail, C. W. Bow- mnnnA ,aII a ft Mnnrhter; first vali, J. J. Myrtuo; sentinel, C. A. Bailey; directors Masonic Temple association, r. I tiro llMirm H. Jackson. Joppa Council, Royal and Select Masons T. I. master. I'. J. nerce; xv. i. uiiuij ' master, C. E. Walters; P. C. W., P. H. ! Wind; .treasurer, K. Kretchmer; recoraer, George H. Jackson; , captain guard, O. W. Mpe; C. council, C. W. Bowers; steward, W. E. McConnell; sentinel, C. A. Bailey. Ivanhoe Commandery, Knights Templar Exalted commander, W. E. McConnell; general, C. K. Walters; captain general, E. ' Kretchmer; senior warden, Q. W. Up; Junior warden, F. Hober; prelate, Rev. O. ! O. Smith; treasurer, H. W. Binder; re ! corder, George H. Jaokson; warder, R. M. Williams; standard-bearer, E. E. Smith; I sword-bearer, C. W. Purdum; sentinel, C. A. Bailey: directors Masonic Temple as nniniinn V .Tennlnara. I. H. Wind. C 'ncil Bluffs aerie, Fraternal Order of Eagles, Installed the following officer Frt I day night: ' Worthv oast president. It l. Evans worthy president, C. Komgmacher; worthy vice president. F. E. Deuel; worthy chap lain, il,a bspinwuii wuruij uuuuuwi. . H. Barghausen; worthy Inside guard, Fred Bauer; worthy outside guard, J. P. Beach; worthy trustees, Jerry Walters. W. D. Han sen, I4. zurmeumen.- - r On Tuesday evening St Alban'a and Con . cordta lodges, Knights of Pythias, held u j . Joint Installation of officers, at which a number of prominent Pythlans, Including ' W. K. Denney, grand chancellor for Ne braska, were present.' Following the ln- stallatlon a banquet was served and the ; balance of the evening was spent with a Boclal session and a smoker. Encampment No. 8, Union Veteran legion. j and the Ladies' auxiliary No. 14 held a I .Joint Installation of officers Friday after. : - noon. , ina niucna ,uiBLaiim& , , 1 Hams; lieutenant colonel,' Enoch Hess; maliir A. H. Nicholas: Quarter maater. D. A. l Heisler; chaplain. Rev. O. W. Bnydor; . officer of the day, WUllam Rolpb; surgeon, l James Kelley:' adjutant, I Sherwood; ser- ' geant major, 8. H. Gray; quartermaster aergeant, C. M. King: sentinel, J. H. Brat tan; color guard, H. Whlttellj drummer, Wall McFadden; daughter of the encamp ment. Miss E. Martin. t trains' Auxiliary No. 14 President. Mrs. U. P. Gay; senior vice president. Bertha , Dalton: Junior vice presiaeni, miuii nan sen; chaplain, Mrs. Crouemlller; secretary, Ada Martin; treasurer, Kalhorine Hess; conductor, Jessie Rain; guard, Mrs. Brock; color bearer, Nanof eparks musician. ldlsabeth Martin. From this daU until further pottos the regular meeting of ' ancamprnemt- No, g. Union Veteran legion, will be held on the first Friday afternoon of the month. Thta change la made neoeaaary by tae feeble con dition of many of the comrades, which makes It impossible for them to attend the meetings, at night during the severe weather. The members of the Ladles auxiliary No. 14 will hold their session as they have In the past, the meetings to be held on, the first Friday evening and the third Friday afternoon of each month until further no tice. TRANSPORTATION COMPiNT UXBS Independent Orsamisatfona Bono for ' , Lino Extensions, At the annual meeting yesterday after noon of the Independent Transportation company of Council ' Bluffs, the old off 1- era were re-elected as follows! President, A. T. Flicklnger; vice president, J. R. Mo- Phersant secretary, C. E. Tyson; treasurer, J. K. Reed. These- with Henry Sperling form, the, board of directors., , The company waa organised a little over a year ago for the purpose of securing street railway extensions' on McPheraon and Bennet avnuej but up to date has not made any definite move in the di rection contemplated. President Flicklnger said yesterday after the meeting: "We, have simply been hib ernating. We are not dead and may come to life, at any moment when the occasion demands our renewed activity. We will auk ' for a . franchise whenever the time aeema opportune. Should the city and the Omaha; & Council Bluffs Street Railway company become Involved In a controversy oyer, the company's franchise rights, we would, ) undoubtedly, ask for a franchise and seek to enlist capital, with which to build a street railway system. We have no doubt but that the people of Council Bluffs would be willing to grant us a franchise." . , Real . Estate Transfers. These transfers were reported to The Bse .January a by the Pottawattamie County. lAbalract company of Council Bltffst Clmrle Krlngel and wife to George Pettit and ito, part ne nwv we. ,6, pan 'seta n sec. 6-74- 43. w. 4 12 700 Joseph II. Ilolafasler and wife to Auolphua 11. bcutt, lot 8 and the h of lot 2 in block 14, Mace- - donla, w. d 600 Samuel Smith and wife to Rebecca Ktalth. lot S in block 1, Mere. lull's addition to Avoca, w. d.... jn Eunice J. Lyman, widow of Adellsa ' l'urker, of luts l, 1 and 1 in block 1. Arnold's second addition to Oakland, w. d 1,400 J. M. l'ullni and wife to Andrew Unubltiiu, lots 1, 16. It. 17. Is. 1 uud 20 in block 4 In Big Orove. Oakland, -w. d 700 Total five transfers .85.460 Debate at Arena B School. . At the Avenue II school Friday after noon the pupils of the eighth grade held a debate on the following subject: "Rtf. solved. That Washington Did More to . Halp Thla CountiyThan Lincoln." The debaters were as follows! Negative. Hu 1 bert Hall, George. Hughe. Doris Martin, Council Bluffs Ruth O'Donnell. Affirmative, Roger lead, Emll Ogren, Hope Yates, Margery Baker. The Judges were Rev. A. V. Babhs, Prof. Brlndley of the high school and Superintendent Beverldge. Robert Williams acted as chairman. The decision was two for the affirmative and one for the negative. Another debate will be held soon in this school. IWO DIVORCES FROM THORN F.LI.. lodge Graati Decrees to Jerry Blrks and Ella Chesney. Judge Thornell of the district court yes terday handed down his decision In the divorce suit of Daisy M. Blrks against Jerry M. Blrks. granting the husband a decree on his cross petition. Ella Chesney was granted a divorce from William Chesney to whom she was married In June of last year, on the grounds of cruel and Inhuman treatment. Eva O. Ferguson, whose husband, William H. Ferguson, to whom she was married April 20, 1898, deserted her, was granted a divorce. The Indictment against William M. Crayne, who was recently brought back from Hay 8prlngs, Neb., was dismissed yesterday on motion of the county attor ney. Crayne was charged with deserting his wife and family, but Mrs. Crayne de clined to bear testimony against her hus band. Verna Thompson, the young woman arrested with Crayne at Hay Springs, waa released a few days ago. D. J. Clark has filed an amended and substituted petition In his suit against the Clark Implement company, alleging that he has an equitable interest In the actual profits of the defendant company from 1903 up to the date when his con nection with It was severed. Clark claims that E. C. Merwin, who owned a majority of the stock, chairman of the managing board of the company, arbitrarily established what he declared to be a safe dividend, but without regard to possible losses, and arbitrarily fixed the amount which Clark was to recleve over and above his salary of $1,800 per year. Clark asks an order for an accounting and examination of the company's books during the period specified. GRAPE GROWERS' DIVIDEND Company Prospers and Distributes Money to Stockholders.. y The reports of Secretary J. J. Hess and General Manager G. W. Reye at the an nual meeting yesterday of the Council Bluffs Grape Grower's association shows that the fruit growers of this city and vi cinity enjoyed a remarkably prosperous season In 1903. Owing to th,e good prices obtained for their produce the members will receive a dividend of per cent on their stock and In addition will get a re bate of 58 per cent on all charges made against them during the year for Icing and dray age and a rebate of 8 per cent on all commission charged against them. The report of Manager Reye shows that the association did a business of 196,856.31 during the year. This Included the sale of fruit from the Omaha Fruit Grower's as sociation to the amount of $33,731.56. During the season the association handled for Its members 160,585 baskets of grapes for which 127,496.18 Waa received. In addition to other kinds of small fruits. During the year the association lost two members by death, Alexander Wood and L. Haller. The following officers were re-elected: President, J. A. Aulabaugh; vloe president, W- S, .Keellne; secretary, J. J Hess; treasurer, C. Konigmacher. . .., The articles of Incorporation were amended so as to elect three members of the board of directors by personal vote and three by stock vote. The election of the board of directors was postponed until February 5, . to which time the meeting adjourned. Supervisors Conclude. The session of the Board of Super visors yesterday was chiefly taken up with the semi-annual settlement with County Treasurer Mitchell, at the close of which the board adjourned to Janu ary 84. The reports of the members of the. board of expenditures on bridges In their respective districts showed that the floods of last summer had cost the county considerable. The reports follow: " Seti Repairs, land, etc, 83,(68.02; new bridges, 15,276; total, $8,979.02; old bridge lumber sold, 8318.76. Spencer Repairs, $2,907.18; new bridges, $5,671; total, $8,478.18; old bridge lumber sold, $107.26. Johns Repalra, $1,767.04; new bridges, $8,844.44; total, $5,101.48;. old bridge lum ber sold, $185. W. C. T. V. Program. , The Woman's Christian Temperance un ion of this city will observe this week as a week of prayor and will hold meetings as follows: Monday afternoon at 8:80 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Henry DeLong, 525 East Broadway, Mra. Escancy, leader. Tuesday at the home of Mrs. J. E. Beadle, 2445 Avenue D, Mrs. Hayne, leader. Wednesday at the Christian Home, Miss Denny, leader. Thursday at the home of Mrs. I. V. Howard, 720 Madison avenue, Mrs. H. D. Howard, leader. - Friday at the home of Mrs. T. P. Nugent, 1221 Fifth avenue. Mrs. . O. G. Oldham, leader. White- rlbboners and all friends are In vited to be present at any or all of these meetings. ' Marriage Licenses. Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday to the following: Name and residence. Age. W. H. O. Tinker, Plattsmouth, Neb 28 Anna May Nixon, Plattsmouth, Neb. ...21 Harry L. Lyon. St. Joseph, Mo 44 Elsie M. SJarrlng, Sioux Falls, S. D 38 Frank Nelson, Council Bluffs 21 Anna C. Schmltkers, Neola, la 23 LOGAN WANTS KEW COURT HOUSE Harrison County Will Vote on SlOO, 000 Bonds Monday. LOGAN, la., Jan. 8.-(Speclal.)-Monday the voters of Harrison county will pass upon the question of erecting a new $100, 000 court house. The vaults of the present court house have been pronounced by an experienced architect as not affording proper protection for books of record against fire. In addition to the vaults not being fireproof they are also wanting in capacity. The entire records of the treasurer's of fice from the organisation of the county to 189S, are outside the valut both day and night The recorder's office is another ex ample of want of vault capacity. In this offloe 108 books if record are. for want of room, left outsid the vaults both day and night. The auditor's office is so over crowded that a wooden structure has been erected near the court house, la which the larger portion -of the records of the offloe are now stored. The clerk's office Is another striking example of exhausted vault capacity. Many books of record, papers relating to mort gages, realty and papers used In connection with past ca.i, for want of room, are left outside the vaults In filing cases both day and night. In the west half of the state of Iowa Harrison county ranks third In point of wealth and population, but In all of this territory it has most inadequate court house, one that neither affords proper of fice accommodation nor proper protection for valuable books of record. CLARK TALKS TO DEMOCRATS Home Floor Leader Speaks at Jack son Day Banquet at Kawtown. CHAIKMAN MACK SENDS LETTER Head of National Committee t rges Necessity of Getting; the State Bark on the Democratic Map. KANSAS CITY, Jan. 9. Following their harmony conference of Saturday 600 Xffa.nnrl ilamilril. lint AftWfl In an elaborate Jackson day banquet at the Baltimore hotel tonight. Representative Champ Clark, minority leader In the national house of represen tatives waa ihn nrlnptna.1 anAakftr at Ihii dinner and following the sentiment of the speakers of the day meeting he pleaded for a united democracy that should swing Missouri back Into the democratic col umn. Mr. Clark also iirc,f tha tiMMi1tv nf -- . . - . .j gaining control of congress. This he said was necessary not only to help in elect ing a democratic president In 1910, but to effect an honest revision of the tariff. Norman F. Mark, chairman of the national commission sent a letter of re gret in which he predicted that hla nartv would control the next house of repre sentatives. Representative Henry T. Ralney of Illi nois declared strongly against a ship subsidy and Insisted that present ship ping regulations handicapped American ship owners. Mr. Clark said: This vast convocation of enthusiastic Missouri democrats Is the first gun of the campaign of 1910, which It Is hoped will give us a democratic house at Wash ington, the first step to electing a demo cratic president In 1912. We meet under auspices more favorable than we have been blessed with since 1894. 'Thrice is he' armed, that hath his quarrel Just," and surely no people ever nad a Juster quarrel than the American PeoPle now have against the powers that be. The republicans won the last election under false pretenses. They promised a revision of the tariff downward in order to get in, and, when In, revised It upward, lhe average rate of the Payne-Aldrlch-Smoot tariff bill Is 1.71 per cent higher i tl. ti.,.e v'"rag rate of the Dingley lrf.!!1- Thc PccP'e aahf" Tor bread ana the Aldrlch-Cannon crowd gave them a stone. They asked for a fish iwi. are reiuetel to regale themselves with a serpent. fJrJJ? 0.C0n,Bre88lonaJ campaign of 1910. the In aawln Option will be whether R f m1n.ar8 under any 80rt of obliga tion to tell the truth, and unless the public con8c-le,nce Is absolutely dead which I do not believe the republicans will receive 18S0 bioodle8t llf,llng they have had since . , ....... .... v i ... , i iji miliaria tilings 10 te depended upon and lived up to, or are ---w - mem wick wiin wnicn to aecelve the unwary, enticing baits with which to catch gudgeons? If the latter, then politics nas fallen to a low estate and a contempt ible condition. It will not help them any, when ar raigned at tha He . ii . , juuiiv, UI'HIIUII, IU 5 i that ,tn republican platform simply . ,r i.rlx revision, witnout indi cating whether that revision waa to be up or down, for their standard bearer. Hon orable William H. Taft, everywhere Inter preted that platform declaration as mean ing a downward revision, and on that in terpretation he won the greatest prise Known Amnna- man . In asking for tariff revision and at the i ii o i-uminuing me repuDiicans in power, the American voters repeated the ConnemriAn riArmnnM i .. . . - tne frvlng pan into the fire. Their last " worse man me ursi This Payne-Aldrlch-Smoot monstrosity invites a trade war with every commer cial nation under heaven. Referring to political conventions In Mis souri, the speaker said that while locusts coma-once in everv uvuniaai.tMua re publican governor of Missouri appearsonty every forty years, and that Governor Had ley Is the last republican governor of Mis souri that most of us will ever see. Con tinuing, Mr. Clark said: I stand for the supremacy and solidarity Or the ri tti nnra 1ie n. rt i . i . i - for its supremacy as opposed to the per- iiHcitm nmomon oi any man or set of men, Including my own personal In terests M.nA ftmhlllnn. Tl.. A . " Alio nDimrr Ul 111 P party is paramount to the welfare of any .on ui luiciic ui men. This great midwinter meeting of Missouri democrats augers well for the future Unity of purpose and unity of action should be our shibboleths in the Impending cam paign and through all the years that stretch before us. As proved by the vote In 1908 on representatives In congress and upon all state offlcera below lieutenant governor, Missouri Is a democratic state, and It Is one of the anomalies of our poll tics that It now has a republican governor, a republican lieutenant governor, one re publican United States senator, and six republican representatives in congress. Letter from Chairman Mack. Norman E. Mack, chairman of the Demo cratic National committee, waa unable to be present at the Jackson Day banquet of Missouri democrats here tonight In a let ter expressing his regrest at being unable to attend, Mr. Mack urged the democrats to get together for the fall elections. Mr. Mack said he believed the party would meet with great success in the congres sional elections next November, which would aid the democrats In the national election two years from that time. Mr. Mack in his letter said in part: I am glad to see the democrats of your state getting together ' to celebrate Jackson's anniversary. All about the country the anniversary is being celebrated this year as never before and this Is a good sign. I firmly believe that the year WW, upon which we are Just entering, will be a banner year for democracy, and that we will meet with great success In the congressional elections next November Never was there a time In the history of political parties when the call for an aggressive, fighting democracy, a Jackson democracy, waa more urgent than today My conception of democracy's highest alni Is to secure to the Individual citizen the highest possible benefit of popular govern ment. When, class, privilege and favor en trench themselves as factors In the oper ation of that government surely those of us who are democrats have our work cut out. We may differ among ourselves as to the best way to go about our task but the traditions of the party established by Jefferson and Jackson have made it possible to have a policy on which we can all agree. Kindly permit me in this wav to extend to the militant democracy of Missouri my deep appreciation of the honor of the in vitation to be one of your speakers on this occasion. Senator Gore at Jackson. Mich. JACKSON. Mich., Jan. 8,-At the forty sixth annual banquet of the Andrew Jack son society today. Senator Gore of Okla homa urged democrats to support Insurgent republicans In districts where they were threatened by the regulars. He eulogised the early works of the republican party, but asserted that a great a-ulf ......J Lincoln and Taft He denounced the ship auDsiay Din oi the administration as "bare faced graft" SEES BOOST FOR M008EVELT Champ Clark Says Plnehot Dismissal Will Maka Him Candidate. KANSAS CITY, Jan. .-Mlsaourl demo crata from every county in the state and numbering over 600 gathered at Conven tion hall here today in a great "harmony conference". Most of the leaders of the party In the state were on hand and the spirit of all the speeches was "Missouri must be redeemed." "Cannonism." and "Aldrichlsm." so termed by the speakers was denounced. Three speakers. James A. Reed of Kan sas City and David It. Francis and Joseph W. Folk, the two latter ex-governors of Missouri, had previously been shown off as candidates for the United States senate to succeed William Warner, republican, whose term expires on March 8, 1811, and at the Informal conference held before the big meeting was called to order, the race for senator ' was discussed freely. The I Balllnger-Plnchot episode was Injected Into the gathering when Representative Champ Clark, minority leader In the house of representatives said: "The dismissal of Forester Plnehot Is one of the first steps In Roosevelt's can didacy for the republican noninatlon for president. And If Roosevelt runs for president It will be the hottest fight that has taken place In a republican convention since Grant was defeated In the dog days of 1880." Two sessions of the conference were held. In the morning speeches were de livered by A. M. Dockery, a former governor; James A. Reed and Senator William J. Stone. On the afternoon program David R. Francis, Joseph W. Folk and Representa tive Henry Ralney of Illinois delivered speeches In the order 'named. Minister Guilty of Abducting Girl Rev. W. M. Stuckey Convicted on Two Charges, Following Elopement Last Summer. OTTAWA, Kan., Jan. .-W. M. Stuckey, the ex-minister of Williamsburg, who had been on trial here charged on two counts with abducting Lorena Sutherland, his 16-year-old parishioner, was found guilty by a Jury today. The case probably will be ap pealed. Stuckey waa found guilty on both charges, those of abducting the girl for his own Immoral purposes and for abducting her for "white slave" purposes. The pon alty Is from one to five years on each count The Jury considered the case but thirty mli.utes. When the verdict waa read Stuckey appeared very nervous. The min ister's wife, who had stood by her hus band throughout the ordeal, sobbed audibly today when the verdict was read and later when Stuckey was taken oack to, jail. Their two children also were presentT Sentence was deferred, pending consider ation of the matter of appeal. Rev. Mr. Stuckey. besides being pastor of a church at Williamsburg, was also edi tor of a newspaper. Ixirena Sutherland was a member of his congregation, and as well worked on his newspaper. They were arrested at Waukegan, III., where they were found living together last summer. They had also lived In Chicago. ' STATE WARDS MAY BE COLD Scarcity of Fnel Reported from Various Places Throughout , Iowa. DES MOINES, la., Jan. 9. (Special.) The State Board of Control yesterday re ported great scarc'ty of coal at the various state institutions. At Marshalltown and Eldora there Is great difficulty in secur ing coal to run the plants. In the south ern part of the state the Institutions are short of coal. The board has been unable to secure a reserve stock or to get coal delivered that was shipped, in some cases, as long as two weeks ago. The general managers of the roads leading into Iowa refused to act on the suggestion of the secretary of the railroad commission and abandon some of their passenger trains In order to move coal, practically all report ing that they are moving all freight trains now with reasonable facility. IOWA CITY, la., Jan. (-.-(Special.) Through railroad co-operation University of Iowa authorities nave been able to ef fectively break the coal famine and the school will be opened'- TWonday morning without fall. i . - Seven cars were received yesterday by the university and fifty more car loads have been billed to the local Institute. These car loads are expected to be deliv ered in plenty of time to Insure the uni versity keeping open the remainder, of the winter. The Chicago.1 Rock Island & Pacific railroad through General Superintendent W. C. Jones Is responsible for the opening of the university. For two days two of the leading officials of the university have been in consultation with Jones and his "white" treatment, as one of the offi cials expressed it, prevented further post ponement of class work. Every effort Is being made by the uni versity authorities to reaoh all the stud ents who are at '.heir homes during the temporary vacation. Some reports have been sent out stating that the university might not open the first of the next week and George McEbben, secretary to Presi dent Mac Lean, u. endeavoring to counter act the effect of these statements FORT DODGE, la., Jan. ((.-(Special ) Although yesterday factories thought they would have plenty of coal before they would be compelled to shut down, closing down was necessarily begun today In many places. All the gypsum mill. down and clay products and sewer pipe ana tue plants in this vicinity are closing down. The city pumping station has been without coal supply for three days and the city would be in serious predicament had not the Illinois Central agreed to keep the plant supplied until coal arrives. BOONE, la.. Jan. t.-(SDec(al tvi..-, . , The Northwestern Railroad company has lsbued orders to all train crews to give preference to coal trains over passenger, man or express trains. Officials are bend ing every effort to move coal ihnni.h t...- to aid the famine districts. Passenger and man trains nave Deen held up at various stations In the state to allow coal trains to pass and the company is supplying a number of towns with coal from Its own supply. The officials assert not a single car has been confiscated by this comnanv as reports indicate other roads in the state nave aone. HERMAN. Neb., Jan. 9.-(Special.-Herman is beginning to get pretty short of coal. The three coal dealers here have something like twenty, tons of soft coal between them. There are about fifty tons of hard coal on hand, but the extreme cold weather has been a big drain on It. Each dealer has cars enroute, but It Is a ques tion when they will arrive. STANTON, Neb., Jan. 9. (Special.) Un' less coat comes In within a day the electric light plant will have to close down until coal la procured. The flour mill Is In the same condition. Tha coal dealers all have orders in for coal, but can't get It. This Is the first time such a condition has ex isted here. 1 FINKELSTEIN HAD NO PAL No Trace of Confederate of Man Who Tanneled Bank Cnn Be Fonnd. NEW" TORK, Jan. 9. The envy for a bank's millions and a jewelry shop's treas ures which caused Isaac Flnkelsteln to make a mole of himself did not Involve any others In the miserable fate the misguided man met as hla patiently dug tunnel caved In and killed hlra. The end of the tunnel waa located today. The excavation stopped just where falling earth shattered Flnkelsteln's visions of wealth and crushed out his life. Whether the dead burrower had help In hla task may never be known. No trace of a confederate was found. Try Chamberlain's Cough Remedy when you have a eold and you will be pleased with the prompt relief afforded. THE Cosmopolitan MAGAZINE IMIure's MAGAZINE Woman's Home Companion Review OF Reviews Favors Fpderal Regulation of Copper Market Daniel Guggenheim Sayi Present Methods Besult in Enormous Waste of Mineral Resources. NEW YORK. Jan. . Daniel Guggenheim, president of the American Smelting and Refining company, has thought the present moment opportune to advocate federal reg ulation of the copper market. Following di rectly upon the president's special message recommending similar action in the case of the railroads, and taken in connection with recent rumors of a huge combination of all the copper mining companies, his statement is received with interest. The American Smelting and Refining company is capi talised at $100,000,000, and owns plants in Colorado, Montana, Nebraska, Illinois, Utah, Mexico, Alaska and elsewhere. Mr. Guggenheim bases his recommenda tions on the demoralization not only in the business of .mining copper, but among those interests which use manufactured copper In their processes, Incident upon fluctua tions from 25 cents to 11 cents a pound for copper. Mining, he says, is a hazardous enterprise, requiring, under modern condi tions, very large outlays of capital, and In need more than any other Industry of a stable market. Stability, he believes, can best be obtained by federal regulation. "I deprecate all unnecessary interference with business on the pan. or the govern ment," says Mr. Guggenheim, "yet I ap preciate the necessity for It and cannot but admire ths result which has been obtained by ths German government in its effort to foster German commerce. Many articles of German production, like our own pro duction of copper, are largely exported, and tha German government has taken a very lively interest In so regulating ths produc tion and sals of such articles as to bring about tha full return to the empire war ranted It by the economic situation. 'Ths pries of copper metal should not be a matter of speculation, but our aim seems to bs to sell our product to European cus tomers at panic prices. Ths people of the United States are throwing sway millions of dollars every year and wasting tha min eral resources of their country by bad soonomlo policy. Boms means must bs de vised whereby this uunsatlafaotory condi tion may bs duos away with." GREATEST insenptin d OF THE YEAR BEST MAGAZINES PUOLI&HED AT HALF AND LESS CLUBBING OFFERS: Daily and Sunday Bee .$6.00 1 Olir Prf McClure's Magazine 1.50 VU1 11 IVC vy Oman's Home Companion Review of Reviews . Regular pi ice for all one Daily Bee (without Sunday) McClure's Magazine Woman's Home Companion Review of Reviews Regular price for all one Daily and Sunday Bee.. Review of Reviews Regular price for both one Daily Bee (without Sunday) Woman's Home Companion Compi Regular price for both one Daily Bee (without Sunday) rv,o:., Regular price for both one illt, o. Daily Bee (without Sunday) Review of Reviews Regular price for both one Daily anr". Sunday Bee Coexaopolitac Regular prce for both one Daily and Sunday Bee Woman's Home Companion Regular price for both one Daily Bee (without Sunday)........ .$4,001 McClure's Magazine Regular price for both one Daily and Sunday Bee McClure's Magazine liegular price for both one , This offer is good until December 31, 1 909. Send your order at once to , . THE OMAHA BEE OMAHA, NEB. 1 ' ' I, fclssltatthBtsMl Buffalo Meat in New York Twenty-Eight Hundred Pounds from Wyoming Brings Seventy-Five Cents a Pound. NEW YORK, Jan. t.-Buffalo meat Is on sale in the markets in New York today for the first time in many years. Twenty-eight hundred pounds, representing four bull buffalo, are offered for sale and the meat brings 75 cents a pound. The hides are on sale for $1,000 each, whereas thirty years ago they could have been bought for $& apiece. The bulls were shot by a western ranch owner who has a private herd In Wyoming. It is said that there are now, less than 1,000 'American bison alive and It was only because of -'the unruly temper of the four that they were sacrificed. WHALLEY AFTER SUGAR COIN Employs Attorney to Press Claim for Discovering; Weighing frauds. NEW YORK. Jan. s.-Rlchard Whalley, holding a t'empomry position In the office of the special agents of the Treasury de partment In the' custom house, has re tained an attorney to press his claim for k tor1 i i & SEN Is .!. J : "t PRICE 1.50 3.00 year. . .$12.00 ONLY $8.90 Our Price , '. ONLY. $6.90 t .. , i, Our Price ONLY $7.10 $4.00 "I 1.50 1.50 3.00 year. . $10.00 J $6.00' 3.00 year. .$9.00 $4.00 1 ftnr Prrt 1.50 uuliILC. $4.60 year. .$5.50 .$4.00") Anp Prf Ad . tKA win lute ONLY $4.50 year. .$5.50 J $4.00 1 Olir Ppfro 3.00 U C ONLY year . . $7.00 J $ 5 2 0 $8.00 "1 Hnp Priro 1.B0 I " tJ $640 Our Price ONleY year. .$7.50 $rt.00" 1.50 year. -$7-5 J $ 5 0 Our Price ONLY $4.60 1.50 year. .$5.50 $6.00T OlIP PriPP 1.50 I ""Viwii year . . $7.50 j $ () 5 0 V. the reward ai discoverer of - the sugar welching frauds. ., Richard Parr's claim for the . discovery has already been . favorably . passed on. Whalley declares that early: in 1V07 lie brought tire fact of the sugar,, weighing frauds to the attention of the Treasury de partment officials and that later Parr was put on the case and received the4 popular credit. ... , Hrr. J. W. Williams Testlfla. Rev.' L W. Williams, Huntington, W. Vs., writes us as fbllews: "This is to eerily that 1 used Foley's Kidney Remedy f.r neivous exhaubllcn and kidney trouble and am free to say that Foley's Kidney 'Romedy will do all that you claim for It." gold by all druggUts. CLUE TO PETR0SIN0 MURDER New York Of fleers on Track of Man Who Killed Police MenU-tiant In Italy. - NEW YORK, Jan. 9. A clue to the Ident ity of the man who murdered Lieutenant Petrosino, in Palermo, Italy, last July la In the kanda of the central offlcera here and th police officer nald tonight the de partment has hopes of making an arrest soon. The man want-id is said to-'b'e work ing in the mines at Carbondule, Pa. He followed Petrosino to Sicily. Scalded by Meant or scorched by a fire,, apply Uncklun's Ar nica Salve. Curea piles, too, and the worst cores. Guaranteed. 2oC. For sa)e by Bea ten Drug Co. , .' ,,, . 2 mAkdS LbSALn) C0XI5! ELST SUGAR FC A TEA AND COFFEE! 6Y GROCERS EVERYWHERE! ";