Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 09, 1910, NEWS SECTION, Page 2, Image 2

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Need a Suit or
Overcoat for a
Need a Sampeck
Suit or Overcoat
"Young Man"
Northwestern Issues y Order, to Give
Fuel Preference Over All.
"Little Fellow"
Need a Coat or Dress for a Girl?
Yes? Then why not buy
it here tomorrow at
QJ3 3 O
Such a reduction is in force now on every suit
coat or dress during our really important
66HsiIlfi Yearlly99
ip si rue si' Sailo
Tho largest selling of garments ever recorded
by us transpired during the week Just passed. And
this Is Just what we wished a thorough clean up
of stocks. But even In the face of all this selling
there is STILL a splendid assortment left for early
comers tomorrow. You're Interested are you not?
Villi 7 lUn-
"ewer, Larger Store
Farnam Street
Never forget for a moment that w are spe
ciallBts In "hard to get" sizes; don't forget that our
style, fabric, make up. put-together, etc., is VERY
much higher graded than the usual sort. Any of
thesa sals values may be ordered by mail it cash
accompanies order. Catalogue sent free.
Omaha's only stock for the
Complete Outfitting
of "Young People"
'Mr. McCabe a hearty welcome and said
he was ready to at once turn over the
' bureau to him.
Forratrr Cheered by Employe.
'. Word then being passed around that Mi,
plnchot 'waa about to leave the building
, the core' of employee, who occupy the
'ight floors pf the big office building In
Which the bureau Is located, gathered In
, the assembly Topm on the, top floor.
Mr. Plnchot met them, his entrance be
ing slgnallsid by deafening -applause. No
candidate., returning from a successful
campaign was over .greeted by a more
enthusiastic demonstration thun that ac
corded the late forester.
' Mr. plnchot bade farewell to all who
filed by. A little later he left the building.
' j"I have nothing to fear from a thorough
determination of the facts," said Secretary
Balllnger today. "I may have committed
errors of Judgment In one way or another
as any man might while In the public ser
vice, but 1 am firm In my knowledge that
no linrrroper motive has ever Influenced me
in any action I have taken."
He -declined to make any comment re
garding the action of the president In dta-i
missing Clifford Plnchot.
. Plnchot today In the opm:oit of many be
comes the pivot on which the Insurgent
fight with the administration ean turn Its
runs. - The effect of Plnchot, the personal
Mend of Theodore Roosevelt and head
champion of the Roosevelt conservation
policies, being ousted from the of .Iclal
family of President Toft Is npother phase
of the conectures which fill the air. The
effect of Plnchot's dismissal upon con
gressional Irives'.lgatlon of Secretary Bal
llnger and the land office 1b another.
Money from Game Licenses
,; Await Appropriation.
Widow of Former Governor Dies at
Caldwell, S. Keoksk Gets
Money to Improve Water
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES, la., Jan. 8.-(SpeclaJ Tele
gram.) State Treasurer Morrow today re
ported that the fund realized from the li
censing of hunters at II each will within
a few days pass the $100,000 mark. Only
about 110.010 of the fund has been used in
the payment of deputies and law enforce
I ment and about $110,000 Is lying Idle. The
j legislature will be asked to direct what to
do with It.
Wllioa May Reilcs.
Friends of Secretary Wilson here be
lieve that the chance for his resignation
from the cabinet at an early day Is ex
cellent. Nothing definite has been received
from him, but It 19 known that Wilson
feels keenly the danger to his situation.
Mrs. W. M. Stone Dead.
The widow of Former Governor William
M. Stone died today at Caldwell, 8. D.,
at the home of her son. She will be burled
in Knoxvllle, whtre she lived many years.
evere- Pains in
I die-'and
Could Not Walk a Block Owinj to the Excruciating Pains
- Which Were Caused by the Kidneys and Now She Is
;" Completely Cured by
The World's Best Remedy for Kidneys, Liver Bladder and Blojd
- Mrs.' L. 'Swanaon of New York City writes as follows: "After receiving
your free sample bottle of Warner'a Safe Cure, I bought several bottles and am
very thankful for the results. It has cured me completely and removed all my
troubles. My ailment started with a severe pain in my side and back, and
when 1 would walk only a block the pain waa so great that I waa obliged to sit
down and rest. Ne person can Imagine what pain I suffered. I advise any
person who has trouble with their kidneys to use Warner's Safe Cure. I thank
you again for your great remedy, which I know has saved my life." (Signed)
MUS. L. SWANSON, 309 East 91st St.. New York City.
Diseased kidneys cause more sickness, suffering and serious complications
than any other disease. Thousands of people have kidney troubles and do not
know it.
V Put some morning urine in a vessel, let tt stand 24 hours. If there Is a
reddish sediment in the bottom of the glass, or if the urine la cloudy or milky,
fr It you seo particles' or' germs floattng about In it, your kidneys are diseased
and you should, get a bottle ot Warner's Safe Cure at once.
. Warner's Safe Cure is made from the fresh Juices of plants and medicinal
roota, gathered at the proper season in the various quarters pf the globe. Men
skilled in botany, and chemistry compound it. It Is pleasant to the taste and
agreeable to the most sensitive stomach. It is put up in 50c and $1.00 sixes
and sold, by all druggists. . . . ,
Constipation, Biliousness and Indigestion
When the bowels do not move freely. It ehowa that the liver is inactive,
and the bile, Instead of being eliminated by the intestines,
la taken up by the blood. In consequence the Internal
organs are deranged and you have a bilious attack. After
frequent attacks the akin becomes sallow and rough. You
are troubled with headache, coated tongue, bad breath,
sour atomach, loss of appetite, pains in the side and you
. feel out of sorts and should take Warner'a Bafe Pills,
purely vegetable, augar coated, absolutely free from in
jurious substances, a perfect laxative. They cure Bilious
nesa. Torpid Liver and Constipation. They do not grlpo -or
leave any bad after effects. 25 centa a box.
To convince every sufferer, from disease of the kid
,neys. liver, bladder and blood that WARNER'S SAFE
CURE will absolutely cure them, a sample bottle and
alao sample box of Warner'a Safe Pills will be sent FREE
OF CHARGE, postpaid, to anyone who will write WAR
NER'S SAFE CURE CO.. Rochester. N. Y., and meatloa
having seen this offer lu The Omaha Bee. (
Stone was a colonel In an Iowa regiment
and near the close of the war was elected
governor, afterwards serving; as commis
sioner of the general land office at Wash
Work on Dee Moines River.
, A. C. Miller, banker, and - head of the
Iowa River comtsalon, has returned from,
Washington where he secured assurances
from government engineers that work in
the matter or making the Pes Moines river
navigable will commence sometime next
month. The plan is to immediately alec
the river navigable.
Keokuk Water Power.
It Is announced at Keokuk today that
the business men of that city have com'
pleted arrangements to secure the 115,000,000
of private capital necessary to make the
changes In the dams and locks In the river
and to develop the Immense water power
possible there. The city waa given over to
rejoicing and the ringing of bells. Work
on the improvement will commence at once.
low a. Shipping- Case Argoed.
Great interest is manifested throughout
the state in the case whioh waa argued at
Washington today before the Interstate
Commerce commission. Involving the live
stock shipping rates in Iowa. The case was
brought by the Corn Belt Meat Producers
association to cecure reduction In the rates
eastward on cattle and hogs. Alroady a
reduction has been secured on sheep and
also shipping In transit rates on cattle.
The Iowa shippers were especially Insistent
on a reduction on the rates for hogs and to
this end Interested the State Railroad com
mission. Attorney General Byers personally
took charge of the case and not only se
cured the evidence, but made the argu
ments. A decision la not expected soon, but
the shippers are confident they will win.
Selects New rare Food Man.
Governor Carroll', so it is reported, has
selected W. B. Barney of Hampton to be
state dairy and pure food commissioner.
It has been known for some time that H
R Wright would not be a candidate twain,
He has held the office eight years and has
virtually developed it from a mere bureau
to one of the most important departments
of the state. Mr. Barney la president of
the State Breeders' association and a well
known breeder ot Holatein cattle.
Prosecuting- for Oleo Frauds.
Just at present the state pure food de
partment la very active and has on hand
a dozen or more cases Involving the sale of
oleomargarine which has not been properly
labeled. It Is found that owing to the high
price of butter the makers of oleomargarine
are pushing their sales In all parts of the
state. In most cases they sell It under it
right name, but occasionally a restaurant
keeper falls to post the proper signs.
Sw Packing; Company for Iowa
The articles of Incorporation of the Corn
Belt Packing company of Augusta, Me.
were filed with the secretary of state to
day. The articles would Indicate that the
purpose is to conduct a packing house at
Fort Dodge. J. J. Kyun of this city is con
r.ecud with the company.
The Farmers' Co-operative Elevator com
pany of lieimond and tho Sauer Telephone
company of llurtky also become Incur
Minlaa: Board to Meet.
The Slate Board ot Kxamlners for Miners
will meet January 11 to examine for mining
engineers and foremeii and Issue cfitlfl
csles. The examining board .consists of
J. W. Baker, Woodward; Kdward Gray
Des Moinn; Harry Booth, Knoxvllle; Joh
0tns, Beacon, and John Caldwell, Sidney
It la supposed that all members of the
board will be continued In office, as th
board has made an exceptionally good
Frank Lee, a well known cement con
tractor of Beatrice and a member of th
firm of F. A. Lee & Son of that city, died
suddenly today In a hospital at Omaha,
He waa about 64 years of age and a pto
nter resident of Beatrice. Uis wife an
son were In Omaha at the time of hi
Big Results from LUUe Uee Want Ada
People of Home Towns Resort to Cat
ting Wood Alone tke Streams
and Hauling- It to
(From a Staff Correspondent.) I
DES MOINES, Jan. 8. (Special Tele
gram.) The State Railroad commission
this evening received word that on prac
tically every railroad In Iowa the freight
trains are running and coal is being hauled.
The most seriously crippled was the Mll-
aukve. which Is how delivering coal at
man stations w'here needed. Several train-
loads came to Des Moines from outside
Carroll Wright, attorney for the Rock
sland railroad, reported to the railroad
commission yesterday that the Rock Isl-
nd company has not confiscated any coal
for commercial uses, but, on the contrary.
ave to the State university at Iowa City
on carload of Its own coal to help In keep.
Ing tho university open. He states that
the situation In Iowa la not any different
this year than In other years, since It is
the habit of the dealers In small towns
to not lay In a supply of coal for the
There was fear here that the public
schools would have to close, but this fear
soon passed away, tor the dealers notified
the school board they would supply the
coal. The street railway company did not
ave enough coal to last throughout the
day, but got somo from the Wabash. The
situation seems all the more remarkable,
since the mines In Des Moines or within a
few miles of the city are supplying nearly
,000,000 tons a year to the fuel stock of
the state.
BOONE, la., Jan. 8. (Special Telegram.)
The Northwestern Railroad company has
Issued orders to alt train crews to give
Lpieference to coal trains over passenger.
mall or express trains. Officials are bend
ing every effort to move coal through Iowa
to Bid the famine districts. Passenger and
mall trains have been, held up at various
stations in the state td allow coal trains
to pass and the' company Is supplying a
number of towns with coal from its own
supply. The officials assert not a single
car has been confiscated by this company,
as reports Indicate other roads In the state
have done.
Dakota Town Are Suffering;.
MITCHELL, 8. D., Jan. g. (Special
Telogram.) A serious condition faces the
people who are living In the towns west
of the Missouri river, on the Milwaukee
road. Telephone . communication was had
this morning with eight towns with ref
erence to the fuel question and the situa
tion Is very bad, except In three cases.
At Oacoma there la no coal whatever and
the people have resorted to hauling wood
from the timber along the river with
hlch to :. keep .warm. Chambrelaln re
ports that coal la almost entirely go tie.
Reliance Is more fortunate and has
enough fuel to last a month. Belvidera
reports having seventy-five tons on hand.
Draper Is. fast running Bhort, with no
coal in sight. Musdo has enough coal to
last three or four days, but has no pros
pects of amy more coming. Vivian Is al
most out. while at Kennebec there is a
good supply, with two cars of coal on the
track that arrived yesterday. Kadoka re
ports havltig plenty ofuel. Dakota Wes-
leyan university expected io Close down
today "on Account of coal shortage, but
two cars came in last night and lifted the
embarrassing- conditions. The Milwaukee
company is now- able to handle a little
more coal each day. This mining the
thermometer registered 17 degrees' below
able war In which this- big undertaking
w conducted.
The striking feature of tho show was
Its educational character. There was a
pleasing lark of the usual barkers and
cheap amusement features. Something
could be learned at every point.
The Homestead, Des Moines, la.:
It Is the common custom of the dally.
as well as the agricultural press, to spend
too much extravagant praise on shows and
expositions In general. Surcoasful events.
a well as those that are failures, are too
often pictured In similar terms, and as a
result the public In general Is misled. Hav
ing this situation clearly In mind, we have
no hesitancy In saying that th National
Corn exposition was the greatest agricul
tural educational event that has taken
place In the last decade. Never before to
our knowledge have the Important experi
ment stations of the United States en
operated to present the results ot their
work to the nublla as was done at the
The Breeders' Oasette, Chicago, HI.:
Ijint week at Omaha the third annual
National Corn exposition came to a suc
cessful close. In Its arrangement and
character the exposition was. a monument
to the Omaha business men who financed
and had It In charge and to corn growers
and farmers In general who furnished the
competitive exhibits. - Agricultural col
leges, experiment stations, railroads, man
ufacturers of corn products and machinery
and the United States Department of
Agriculture were represented by displays
tnat instructed and interested all ciasee
of visitors, and the miscellaneous exhibits
were or a particularly high order lot edu
cational merit. Last year a dosen states
had Institutional exhibits, made by their
agricultural colleges or experiment sta
tions; this year twenty-four states were
represented In this department, Canada
and Mexico and thirty-six states and terri
tories contributed displays.
I -
(Continued from First Page.)
. 1910, a resolution was passed calling for
the payment of the balance of outstanding
subscriptions. We beg to notify you 'that
the amount due from you Is on your
original subscription of . , It is necessary
to close our accounts promptly and we ask
you to kindly send check by return mail
to C. F. MuUrcw, treasurer."
It was the consensus of opinion of the
executive Committee that It did not feel
like urging Omaha people to go into another
exposition of the kind because of the ex
pense. The committee thought best to close
the affairs for the two years and then to
leave It to the people to decide what was
best for the future.
rf action will be taken on the matter by
the committee until the annual meeting of
stockholders, which Is to be held January
25. At that time a full detailed financial
report will be made to the stockholders and
to the public. The books are now being
audited by an expert accountant.
Done to Help the Farmer.
There is no doubt that the Corn exposi
tion was the greatest venture of the kind
Omaha ever undertook from an advertls
Ing standpoint, for It has put Omaha on the
map agriculturally just as Chicago is famed
for Its International Live Stock shaw. The
National Corn exposition Is the best 'move
that Omaha has ever made for the direct
benefit of the great famrlng community
which lies tributary to the Nebraska me
tropolis, and there la no doubt that the
show appealed directly to the farmer.
Out of the Orn show has grown the pub
licity bureau Nioufu the Commercial club,
and the Corn show has given the bureau
something on which to hang a vast amount
of publicity.
. F.atlinat of F.xperts.
Some Idea of the splendid ' advertising
Omaha has received and also of the value
of the National Corn exposition may be
gained from the following notices from
some of the1 largest and best-known farm
and stock papers:
The Farmer, St. Paul, Minn.:
The National Corn exposition has again
demonstrated its pre-eminence In the
world of shows, the third anniversary,
held In Omaha, having completely out
distanced both of Its predecessors. In
every department this year the show ex
celled. There was a greater list of ex
hibits and they were arranged to batter
There was no hitch In the program and
the facilities for giving out Information
were admirable. In spit of cold weather
the great Auditorium and annex were com
fortably warm and visitors were aceommo- (
datea in every possible way. me manage
ment deserves great credit for the crfdlt-
i hsji a nit-sis is j. f n j biji anMTfffliWMnisTsHH1 1 ftfif 111 H
Mason & Hamlin
Officials Think
Miidriz Playing
for Sympathy
Acts of Nicaragian President Be
lieved to Be Intended to Estab
lish His Position.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 8. Dispatches from
Managua indicate that President Madrls Is
making every effort to obtain the favor of
the United States. Madrlx's past record,
however, is such lis seems to Justify the
doubt entertained In some quarters as to
whether he has any purpose in view other
than to make secure his position as presi
dent of Nicaragua.
In addition to dispatches received last
night that Madrls had publicly denounced
the killing of the Americans, Groce and
Cannon, as unlawful and unwarranted, and
holding Zclaya personally responsible for
their death, Vice Consul Caldera, in a tele
gram received at the State department to
day states that Madrls has Issued decrees
abolishing all monopolies and ordering all
confiscated property returned to the right
ful owners.
No confirmation of the reported drowning
of General Dlas has been received at the
State department.
The gunboat Marietta Is on Its way from
Port Llmon, Costa Rica, to Blueflelds.
CIT7 OF MEXICO, Jan. 8.-The state
ment of President Madiiz, that the execu
tion of Groce and Cannon was Illegal, was
Commented upon by former President He-
laya today. Zelaya said If there was any
Irregularity in the proceedings against the
Americana It originated within the court-
martial and was chargeable against the
officials of that court.
Slashed with a Raior,
Wounded with a gun, or pierced by a
rusty .- nail. Bucklen's Arnica Salve heals
the wound. Guaranteed. 2Ec. For sale by
Beaton Drug Co. ' ' '
'. ' Rlchert-Otoupollte.
DAVID CITY. Neb., Jan. 8. (Speclal.V
Mlss Christine Otoupollk of this place was
married to Fred Rlchert of Alberta, Can
ada, at 8 o'clock last evening. Rev. Mr.
Klelhauer of the Christian church officiat
ing. Miss Maude Harris played the wed
ding march and Miss Ruth Duncan acted
as bridesmaid. Miss Otoupollk is very
highly thought ot here.
HOLDREGE, Neb., Jan. 8. (Special.
Last evening at 6 o'clock, at the bride's
home north of Funk, took place the. wed
ding of Miss Lula Johnson to Ford Mo-WhorteT-of
Bertrand. Rev. H. B. Allen of
this city officiated. Mr. and Mrs. Mo
Whorter will make tbelr home In Bertrand
where the groom Is tho cashier of the First
State bank.
WTMORE. Neb., Jan. 8. (Special.) Ray
mond Walker of Beatrice and Miss Emma
Beck of this city were married at the home
of the bride's mother, Mrs. J. V. Jobes,
last evening, Rev. E. F. Gates of the Meth
odist church officiating. The couple will
reside In Beatrice, where Mr. Walker Is
employed as a fireman.
1 .
Lauded High in the Estimate
of the Knowing Musical Public?
1 It has the tone, the wonderful TONE.
2 It has the notion, the most acute touch possible.
3 Durability is written on every square inch of the
piano, inside aiid out.
To hear it is to own one.
V Representatives Kranich & Bach, Krakauer, Kimball,
Bush & Lane, Gable-Nelson, Cramer Pianos. Kxjiert tuning.
Rupture Quickly, Cured
No Charge if You Don't Get Relief
Not a single cert comes out of your case, the Cluthe Trus with Automatic
pocket If a trial of the Cluthe Truss Massage Treatment win cure you com-
mttth Antnmatin Manava Treatment P'etly In a few months to a year or 80.
with Automatic Massage Treatment Th. cluth Tru88 wh Autolllntl0
doesn t result In immense relief. We Manage Treatment has cured some of the
don't want a cent of your money unless worse cases In history.
this Truss does you a world of good. It has cured men and women over TO,
80 and 90 years old people who had been
The Cluthe Truss with Automatlo "upluC"i i" " "I"r.TiV.
I un n a
Massage Treatment in entirely unlike any in vain.
other truss aver made.
There Is no belt, no leg straps, no
springs, no harness of any kind what
ever. Nothing at all about it that can
pinch, bind, chafe or cut.
Your Rupture Can't Come Out
No Risk Whatever
We know that you who have worn
other trusses will Incline to doubt thexe
statements. But please give yourself
the benefit of all doubts.
Let the Cluthe Truss Itself prove all
that we say. Try It at our risk. No mat
ter how bad your rupture may be, we
guarantee the Cluthe Trus to hold It In
place, ir it dosen't we don t want you
io pay us
You'll feel a whole lot stronger ths
minute you put this Truss on. Your
rupture will never again come out.'
And after the first few days after It
overcomes the soreness caused by the
truss you now wear you'll never suffer
another moment's discomfort.
Though you lift and push and strain
with all your might the Cluthe Truss
win hnid vnnr rimturp, securely In place.
n...ii. n v.i vmi whn nnw hnv to experience In
put your rupture back perhaps doxens of of over 270.000 eases.
times a day you wno now rar n ue
that cause you constant torture.
Free Book Tells
Wa have written a book cloth bound
which sums up all that we have
learned about Rupture In forty years ot
trie treatment ana cure
This book explains how a rubber band
around your waist dues aa much good
as some trusses.
It exposes the fraud behind some Of
the advertised "methods." It puts yO'J
on guard against throwing money away.
The Cluthe Truss automatically gives It explains about operations ,
wnndarru v noriPTliHl llltlBtJUKtJ laws- -..v. --' .... -
Automatic Massage Treatment
It has Automatic Holding Pads. They
are self-regulating self-adjusting to ev
ery movement you make. That Is why it
Is utterly impossible to force these pads
out of position.
No matter how much you lift of strain,
there Is always proper support for your
rupture. ' '
And these Automatic Holding pads
automatically massage the weakened
muscles at the rupture opening until
they are strong and sound. - -
This massaging does for these mus
cles what exercise does for the arms or
legs. That is how the Cluthe Truss can
cure a rupture after everything else has
failed even to give relief.
Cures in Short Time
with Automatic Massage Treatment. It
tells the experience of many former suf
ferers. Your name on a postal or ott
the coupon below brings you this help
ful cloth bound book.
Send today don't put It off when you
read this book you will know how you
can get relief without risking any mors;
money. '
OuS, Ja. CLUTW '
IBS East 93d sjt., Vew Tors:
Sand at your free Book on the
enre of mapture.
When you wear a Cluthe Truss, you
can do any work that you could do If
And. unless yours' is a terribly bad wwwwwwwww
. , ! 11 1
Norvrll-Shaplelgh Hardware Com
pany of St. Louis Makes Tre
mendous Gain In Sales.
Norvell-Shaplelgh Hardware Company of
f3t. Louis Increased their sales In 1909 over
1P08, 9t.520.lti3.18. As hardware sales are
always an Index of trade conditions It Js
evident that prosperity has returned. Prob
ably no other hardware Jobber in the coun
try has made .uch an unusual record In
The Norvell-Phaplelgh Company attribute
their large gain In sales to an aggressive
selling campaign, backed up by Good Serv
ice In the house in the way of prompt ship
ments and complete filling of orders. Their
bouse motto Is, "Diamond Edge is a Qual
ity Pledge."
Rhino Camp is
New Basis for
Roosevelt Party
Hunters Are Now Established on
the Eastern Shore of Lake
BL'TIABA, (On Eastern Shore of Lake
Albert), Uganda Protectorate, Jan. 8. The
Smithsonian African Scientific expedition
arrived at Rhino camp, the basis for the
hunt of the eagerly sought white rhino,
early today. Rhino camp Is on the Congo
side of the Bar-GI-Jebel river. The expe
dition is making good progress aa the ar
rival at camp had been scheduled for
either today or tomorrow.
The hunting party left Butlaba at 10
o'clock yesterday morning and reached
Koba at ten minutes before midnight.
Forty minutes later the Journey was con
tinued to Wadelai and thence to the camp,
which was reached at daybreak.. The trip
from Butlaba across the northern end of
Lake Alberta ana tip the Bar-El-Jebel
river was made In a steam launch which
had In tow two steel boats loaded with
The expedition as made up In the present
hunt consists of Colcnel Roosevelt, Kermlt,
Mearnes, Heller, Lorlng, Cunninghame and
thirty porters and boys. They have 200
loads, of supplies. .
This distance from Butlaba to Wadelai
is seventy-two miles. The exact location
of Rhino camp, which Is a permanent basis
for hunters, Is not given. The party baa
thus temporarily left Uganda for the ter
ritory remarkable for the presence of tho
white rhinoceros. If their plans are car
ried out the expedition will continue for
ome days In Its present location thence
proceeding to Nlmule. Unless the game
ought is found within a week the quest
will be abandoned.
Fifteen Tbonsand Petition Not to B
Made Cltlsena, Asserting; They
Are Not fit.
WASHINGTON ,Jan, 8. Fifteen thousand
full-blooded member of the Creek, Chicka
saw, Choctaw and Cherokee Indian tribes
have Joined in a petition to congress and
the president asking that citizenship be
withheld from them on the ground that
they are not prepared to exercise such re
sponsibility and that the United States otO
tir.ue aa their guardian.
Crude Oil Decreased.
PITTSBURG, Jan. g.-The Standard Oil
company today reduced the price of Rag
land crude oil 5 cents, to 4I cents.
The Weather.
For Nebraska Qenerally fair.
For Iowa Partly cloudy.
Temperature at Omaha yesterday:
Hour. Deg.
5 a. ni 12
6 a. m 11
7 a. m 10
8 a. m 10
9 a. m 11
10 a. m 12
11 a. m 16
12 m 16
Terrible Suffering
Eossma All Ovr Baby's Body
"When my baby was four months old
his face broke out with ecsema, and at
sixteen months of age, his face, hands
snd arm were In a dreadful state. The
ecsema spread all over his body. We had
to put a mask or cloth over his face and.
tie up his hands and arras. Finally we
gave him Hood's Sarsaparllla and In a
few months he Vaa entirely cured, and
today he la a fine healthy boy." Mrs.
Ines Lea-Is, Baring, Maine.
Hood's Rarsaparllla cures all blood dis
eases. Get It today In usual liquid form
or chocolated tablets
lt LKsea t.
called oareaiabs.
1 p. m.
I p. 111..
5 p. m..
4 p. m..
6 p. in..
6 p. m..
7 p. m..
Local Record.
OMAHA, Jan. 8. Official record of tem
perature and precipitation compared wlin
Die corresponding period of the last three
years: 110. 1!. W0. 107.
Maximum temperature 2 M ti
Minimum temperature 24 7
Mran temperature 18 2 14
Pieclpltation W .00 T
Temperature and precipitation departures
from the normal at Omaha since March 1,
and compared with the last two years:
Normal temperature 21
Peflrienry for the day 1
Total deficiency since March 1 350
Normal precipitation 02 Inoh
lieficlency for the day 02 Inch
Total rainfall rltice March 1 54 M Inches
Kxreos since March 1 6. IX Inches
l)eftrlncy for cor. period, S.i'i Inches
Deficiency fur cor. period. 1MJ7 7. (A Inches
T Indicates troe of precipitation.
la A. WELSH, Local Forecaster.
It's Better
To Drink
Than to wish you
had after coffee
has undermined
the health.
Ten days' trial will
convince anyone
''There's a Reason
A Trained JTnrse Made Dlsoovery.
No one Is In better position to know
the value of food and drink than a trained
Speaking of coffee, a nurse of Wltkea
liarre, Pa, writes: "I used to drink strong
coffee myself, and suffered greatly from
headaches and Indlgextlon. While on a
visit to my brother's I had a good chanoe
to try Postum Food Coffee, for they drank
It altogether In place of ordinary coffee.
In two weeks after using Postum I fuun
I was much benefited and finally my
headaches disappeared and also the In
digestion. "Naturally I have since used Postum
among my patients, and have noticed a
marked benefit where coffee has been left
off and Postum used.
"I observed a curious fact about Piwliiin
whe used among mothers. H greatly
helps the flow of milk in canes where cof
fee Is Inclined to dry It up. and where tea
causes nervouanesa
"I find trouble In getting servants to
make Postum properly. They most always
serve It before It has been boiled long
enough. It should be boiled 16 to W min
utes after boiling begins and served with
cream, when It is certainly a delicious
beverage. Read "The Road to Wellvllle,"
In pkgs.
Postum Cereal Co., Ltd., Rattle Creek, Mich.