V JO TITE BEE: OMATTA, THURSDAY, .TAXUAIiY (?. 1910. Want - Ads lilrMlUMpnU tfca et " e4sia will fee Itkra U 13 m. rfca ele; 4lle) aa U aa, fe the MrlB aad. '7 tijrae, r nae entastanr rf era., ... a. a dTrt1.mt will fee at4 fo lea a thaa S4 eeate fire IiuhIm, Hafaa applr t etta Tfce BMr Inhf Plea. Alware aeaaf eta wards a llae. CAH nATK9Foil WAWT ADS. RRRtLiR rXASeiFICATIO Oae taaertlen, 1 l. reals per war aa 1 rt par word far rack ItMrtlsi. EaeB laeertloa aaaile aa 4d days, t 1-1 rrti aer warl 1-B f Una per aaeata. .tVaal for Tha Bee may ft left at aar at tha fnllawlaa; drag etarra aa la roar "eoraea draalcal" taey ara al kiack afflcca far Tha Bee ad roar aa will ha lasrrte Inat aa arepaitl ill oat tha aaiaa ralee aa at taa mala office la Tha Baa ella'lag, feveateeatk aad. Paraaaa etreetai Albach. W. C, 40th and Farnam. Branrk, S. A., 1402 8. 10th St. lierht pharmacy, 720 S. lth St. Benson Pharmacy, Benson, Nel. Bemis Park Pharmacy. 'M anil Cuming. Illake-liradiah, 2Mi Sherman Ave. ('aughlln. C. U , tith and Pierce Sts. Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 2.'13 Military Ave. Conte, J. B., 31nt Ave. and Karnam. CiiMtcy Pharmacy, 2-lth and Lake. Cooney Pharmacy. S. liith ft. Ormak, Emil, 12ti4-6 S. liith St. lihier, F. II., 2.S02 Leavenworth. FNter Arnoldi, 2L3 N. 2.1 h St. 1'revtag. John J.. 1914 N. 24th .St. Jregger Drug Co., im N. liith St. Florence I 'rug Co.. Florence. Net). fioldman Pharmacy. 20th and Lake. Green's Pharmacy, Pnrk Ave. and Pacirlc. fireeliough, (j. A.. JOS S. lh St. flreenuugh, O. A., 10th and Hickory. llayden, William C, Z)20 Karnam St. HatiRcom Park Phar.. I'M S. 2Uth Ave. llol.xt, John, 624 N. lGth St. Huff. A. 1... 2924 Leavenworth Ft. Jnhanson . Drug Co.. 24th and Spalding Sta, King. II. S., 22.18 Karnam St. Kountze Place 1'harmacy, S.W N. 24th. Mares. Fred L.. 2019 Central Hlvd. Patrick Drug Co., 1024 N. 24th St. Lathrop, Charles E., 1S24 N. 2tth St. l'evton. L. K.. 2tth and Leuvenworth Sis. criiima lrnir Co.. 24th and Ames Ave. Krhiirrr'n Cut Price Drue Store, 16th and Chtcaga Sts. s Schaefer, August, 2C31 N. lfith St. Schmidt, J. H., 24th and Cuming Sts. Storm Pharmacy, 10th and Martha Sts. Walnut Hill riiftimary, 10th and Cuming. Walton Pharmacy, 20th and Grace Sts. Wlrth, O. II., 40lh and Hamilton Sts. BIRTHS AND DR.VTII9. Births W. H. Znrp, 2SS3 Burt, boy; Sal vurnr Alpttn. 1107 Pnelflc. Klrl: U F. Fore- mun 2i;i2 Cauliol. clil: -lcoiRe Soldi, 713 Ulnlnrv alrl: T. J. LonrV. 300 Wool worth hnv! Iterman ICourafsky. Twenty- f if in and Oak. Klrl: O. R. Williams, 1533 Mnrth wiwhipnth. cirl. l)eaths-L. H Harper, 4C02 Parker, 62; Anna Fenkell, 2T.20 Hamilton, 6i). MARRIAGE LICKN9KS. Permits to wed have been granted the following couples: Kama and Residence. Age, James Meek, Council Bluffs. 60 Lcttle Boyd, Galveston 32 "Robert E. Buchtel, Omaha 22 Clara M. Gllllzan. Omaha 21 ri II RuKsell. Omaha 24 Lottie Ince, Omaha 19 Arnold H. Haake, Kansas City., 23 (ieorala Williams. Kansas City IS Albert Hale. Omaha 21 Anna Raefschneider, Omaha IB Leo A. Howe. Omaha........ 22 Bertha L. Deuel. Omaha...... 2J LODOB NOTICE. Yeoman, Attention t TTenderson Homestead will Inatall Its off! eers Friday evening. January 7, at the tnlnt Installation. Saratoga's hall. Twenty fourth and Parker. Members are requested to be present. C. H. Schoessler, corres pondent. Attention, Kn Bleat Thursday evenlne January 6. 1D10. la In ctallatlon of officers.- Good program and rcfrenhments. Charlea S. Huntington, Sec'y No. 38. ANNOUNCEMENTS rn AT CLEAN Carbon Cooking, $6.50. CUiVlJ Coutant ft Squires. 1406 Far. D. i0. Saratoga Drug Co., 24th and Amis Ave., accurate compounders of prescription. Free delivery. Store open 6:30 a. m. to 12 p. m. I5T A MriQIJa'lw'n C0-- wholesalo player I lii-i.MVJOplan0Mi organs, 106 McCugue B. MONEY TO LOAN LOW RATE, in sums to suit, 31U liee Bldg. Phone Doug. 29.4. UNION LOAN COMPANY. Douglas Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 644. pA T Illinois lump per ton jJjtJ-i i j. Creedou ft Sons, $G.5U 46th and Dodge. Tel. Harney $160. TltnOmiiha electric works repairs cle- GOOD MERCHANTS LUNCH. K fypjj A. JE'l ES. UOi Douglas tit. . , " VXO. TUB Bon Ton restaurant, 2C3 South 13tn SU open Dec. 17. Management of Leo win and Charlea Leo. Chinese and Amer ican dlHhes. chop . suey. Creditors of former proprietors. Call Deo. 24. OMAHA Safe and Iron Works makes a neuiaity of tire eucapea. shutters, doors and satea. G. Anareeu. Prop.. Iu3 S. loth. COAL Andovar. Egg and Lump. Tel. VV. 3105 or B-2245. $6.50 R. H.. MOREHOUSE CO, D. W. DUDGEON, Plumbing and heating. -i n. '.,;.,, PROMIT WORK. liouer liepaii ing wilson steam Boiler Co. lsth and Pierce. Douglas 1141. 1LER GRAND HOTEL ; r.S"lJ?. i:.'72!i: Turkish Baths FRITZ E. SANDWALLJ0an formerly So. Omha. now wU Paxtou Blk. HINDOO TABLETS will build, itrengthen. 60c HiiLL DllUG CO. brace. WEDDING rings made by hand, sold by weight. T. L. Coinus dt Co., xuo uoug.as. Elevators Ikpnired .,J'.t lj;aen nedy, liH S. 13th bi. Doug. ICJVl. DAVID COLS Creamery Co. CT 1T Keys and gen. repairing; new ,mu location. 17JB Leavenworth ROBT. 3. HAMILTON. PLUMBING, S1KAM and U48 FITTING. 2231 Leaven worth St. Phones D. 4&L lnd. A 43wi. THE PARIS, ladks' tailors and furriers, f list-clan fancy and plain work, fittings guaranteed; material furnished oy u or pa,uun. lail Douglas. Red 1168. TRY the Morris Cafe. 1316 Dodge W. W. SCOTT. PHOTOGRAPHER Photos taken anywhere, any time. D. 9li. TRY our crrim bread; always fredv Leav worih St. Bakery, 2.07 llworth. H. .Vw4. COAL .pie's Coaf Co. H. Green Trading Stamps hard and soft coal. Peo Douu". 34,1; lnd. A-1468. WOOD. Dr. O. .. 6a N. Y. U Homeopath. Plunnino- AND DYEING" TwTn City Cleaning iy. work. n . imi su MILLER A JAMIFSON. quick printers. 1213 Douglas St. Tel. Doug. 4.9; lad.. A-42&9. OFFICE STATIONERY HZ" Koiera ft Co., IW6 Jackaon. 'Phone D. 1mA. ANCHOR FENCE CO. Iron and wra fences cheaper than wood. La', a UfeUine. W V. 17th. 'Phone Red 814. ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued.) LEW. W. R A BER-"' Over 'JO Years in N. Y. L. Bldg. AFTER FEP.RUARY t 1!10. BEE BUILDING nru0onuiorii Missouri Filters made, sold. 1310 Howard. Deposition!. F. J. Sutcllffe. 628 Bea Bldg. Billiard and Pool Zt tentloii. ENTRANCF3 through TRACY BROS. CTC1AR STORE. 1415 Douglas. PIANO TUNING Let our expert take care of vour piano. Tuning. $2 50. Repairing nd reconstruc tion our great specialty. i. MARSHALL SMITH CO.. 308-310 S. ISth. Monument, J. P. Bloom ft Co., 1815 Far. iano j.uningThatcher 180s Har- vmi II. A. STEINFIELD Piano Repair Factory, 30S South 18th St. Let mt figure on your repairs nnd re flnlhlng and tuning. I will guarantee all worn neat or rfferences furnished. Phones, Doug. 3T4V Ind., A-221B; South 20S8. RAMSER, practical HATTER. 220 S. 14 St. AUTOMOBILES AT-TOS FOR RALK Three second-hand Holsman auto buBKles at $1S5, I2!0, I.lHI. Send for detailed description. S. A. Dwlghi, Denier in I sed Autos, lii H. ionla St., Grand Rapids. Mich. MIDWAY AUTO OA RAGE. Steam heat suace for storage: reDBlrlng done prompt'y anywhere, day or night Fire vulcanizing, oils and supplies. 1329 Broadway, Council Bluff. Independent U7L Black W9. SEND for our list of second-hand DEUIGHT A CTOMOHILK CO.. 1S14 Farnam St. AUTOGENOUS WELDING All kinds of broken cylinders, crank cajes and casilngB promptly repaired. All work guaranteed. BEKTSCHY MOTOR COMPANY, Council Bluffs, 1. AUTO STORAGE. Painting and Repairing. WM. PFiilFEIl CARRIAGE WORKS, 20th Ave and Leavenworth. DON'T have a puncture, we ' treat your tirea and guarantee ihem for one year. Ne braska Puncture Proof Co., TOW N. 16th. BARGAINS In used cars. Send for Hat. Council Kluffa Auto Co.. B10 Pearl St. WRITE for list of secondhand automo bile bnrxalns. If. E. FKEDKICKSO.V. AUTO CO., Omaha CALL us for demonstration of Cole 30.' Midwest Auto Co., 19th and Farnam. BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET In or out of business call on GANGKSTAD. U4 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. 83S7. FOR SALE The only breeding barn In one of the best farming communities in the slate; three imported pedigreed stallions, one standard bred btallion and one mam moth jack; fine location. Addreaa J. U. Snerwuod, Oxford. Neb. THE GROSS & DIXON GOLD MINING COMPANY OMAHA. NEB. Invest in mining stocks where you bave no chance to loue-a gold bond to tha amount of your investment delivered with each certificate of Block. We are omy too glad to show the finest ore in tne city from this mine, also assays, mill treat ments, etc. All coiu.nuriicai.ioni adareasid to trim office, not matter how searching. will be answered at once. We can operate this mine lor one-naif it costs in tne west, This nune la ownea and controlled by Ne braska people only, investigate thla. 'Phone Douglas 2u3Z. Suite 611. PajLion Blk. MEAT market for sale doing a big busl neus. One of the best markets in Ne brauka. Address P. O. Box 263. Superior, Net). FOR RENT SPACE FOR THE TAILORING DEPARTMENTS, Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Gents' Fur; uiuhlngs, Groceries and Millinery, in the new and modern atore bunding on lfclb, Ht- loom uoxau, , two-story and twaeincnt. For particulars see H, Krabne, 1215 Harney tL 'Phones: Douglas 81143, Webster 2all. . FOR SALE OR TRADE A complete 90- barrel mill, located in western Iowa. Will sell for cauh or trade for good land. Ad dress Y 124, care Bee. FOR SALE-Pool hall in Wheatland. W yo.. 3 pool tabic good lunch counter. stock of candles, cigars, frulu, c.gaieues, tobaccos, pipos, Soft drinks. All tlxtuies are nearly new, well located. Have a fine trade. If sold must be in next tuirty uttj'M. Will sell for $1,500 or will Invoice everything. Apply W. C. Farnsworth, Wheatland, Wyo. FOR SALE A nice clean stock of gen eral merchandise located at Pender, .Neb. Stock will invoice about $10.0u0 to $12,u00. Liberal discount for cash. u. A. Uacely. Pender, Neb. REIS-KOHN Printing Co.. 107 a 14th St. HERE IS YOUR CHANCE. 11-rooni rooming house, modern, well fur nished, location Im and Douglas. Price, $460. Address K tibl. Bee. WANTED A man with six or ten thou sand dollars to lake share in a department store in one of the best towns in the Slate; act at once. Address Y 123, care Bee. PHYSICIAN, licensed to practice In state of Nebraska, wanted to take part in drug store demonstration of aovertised propri etary remedies; stialglit salary basis; work immediately. I'oel mice Box 20ii, Omaha. CHIROPODISTS DR. ROY, 1505 Farnam St. Douglas 6497. DENTISTS BAILEY ft MACK. 3d floor, Paxton. D.1086 TAFT'S Dentul Rooms. 1617 Douglas St. DRESSMAKERS MISS A. HOLLAND, Importer Suite 205. Paxton Blk.' Tel. Douglas 8049 Announces that during the month of January she otters her exclusive line of maieiUl high class workmanship at greatly reduced prices. OMAHA'S "EXCLUSIVE LADIES' TAILOR." MISS STURDY, 2427 Dodge. Tel. Doug. 7635. TERRY College, 20th and Farnam Sta. McDowell dressmaking school, 1623 Farnam, T. VflY LADIES' TAILOR, 2922 Leav A vv .nworth. Harney 663. Special reduction until reo. 15 on the luteal style iniioi. u uim aim uiwim. v a ui " the latest fashions and fabrics in stock Out of town trade solicited. DETECTIVES OMAHA DeL Agency. 42S Paxton. D. 1319. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN CHINA decorating; order work a special ty. Lessons Tuesday, Thursday and Satur days. Firing dally. Children s classes Sat urday morning. Mrs. c. c. Huugate. 894 Brandels Bldg. Tel. Red 6484. HAIR GOODS. Mrs Mathews. 131 Neville. ARSENIC and IRON complexion waters makes clear, white skin. By mail 50o and $1 00. Sherman ft McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. EDUCATIONAL MOSHER-LAMPMAN BUSINESS COLLEGE. Unexcelled coulee in business, short hand, penniaushtp and Fnglish. None but experience. teachers. Day and evening sessions. MOt interesting catalogue pub lished In Omaha. Send for one today. MOSHKR ft LAMPMAN. Seventeenth and karnam b tree La. ;il . ii,. HiLioi EDUCATIONAL (Continual.) THE MID-WINTER TERM OF BOYLES COLLEGE Is now open In both the day and night sessions. The late catalogue, giving full particulars In regard to the various courses is ready. Business training, bookkeeping, shorthand, telegraphy, civil service. Call, phone or write for It at once. Boyles College.Omaha. Neb. FLORISTS J. F. WILCOX CO. Bluffs, la.; largest greenhouses In west; beautiful flowers for any occasion shipped anywhere In U. BENNETT'S Flower Dpt. K. store entr ce. HESS & 8WOBODA, H15 Farnam St. J. H. BATH. 1623 Harney, Douglas SOiO. L. Henderson, 1519 Farnam St. Doug. 1251. BRANDEIS CUT FLOWERS DEPT. A. DONOGHUE. 1607 Far. D. 1001; A-KXH. HELP WANTED FEMALE Agents and Salesladlee. cprriAt. n rprkh ENTATI VK9 wanted Strictly high grade men ana women or proven sale ability, good appearance and character con earn from $&00 to tl.tiOO monthly and form permanent ainuaiioii v 1th largest and strongest concern of Its kind Se Mr. Lusk, Hotel Loyal, all this week. HlIkHY. Clerical and Office. Stenographer, to act as private sec'y., -". . . ... Bookkeeper ana stenograpner, uo. Bookkeeper, Implements, $55. Stenographer, out of city, $50. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO. 675-77 Brandels Bldg. Factory and Tradea. A GIRL to ltarn hair dressing. Otten- heim Hair Dressing Parlors. 313 McCague Blk. Doug. 2Mb, A 1560. Honaekeepera and Domeaiica. NEAT housekeeper. Apply 4217 Harney St. Phone Harney 4770. COMPETENT girl for general house work; best wages; no washing. 414 S. dStn. GIRL for general housework. 2026 St. Mary's Ave. Tel. Dougias 1126. WANTED Girl. 13 to 10 years o'.d, as companion; can go to school; will give bolrd and room. 6620 Leavenworth SU Phone Harney 2to. WANTED Girl for general housework; no laundry work; good wages. W)2 Worti lngton Place. YOUNG girl to assist with housework and care of children. 4224 Douglas St. WANTED Girl for general housework; easy place. 626 S. 26th St GIRL to assist with general housework; good wages. 3606 Harney St. YOUNG girl wanted to help with house work. 2963 Poppleton Ave. Pbone Harney 3183. GOOD girl fir general housework; two In family, zom w in est. rnoni) HeuwrM OIRL about 14. work for board, small wages; school privileges. 1S06 N. 28th St. WANTED Good plain cook. Mrs. Marsh, 8th and Pine Sts. GOOD girl for general housework. Spencer. Tel. Webster 62L 1904 WANTED A good cook. Mrs. M. Morse' man. 224 N. 32d Ave. 1 GIRLnfor general housework; good home and wages to right party. 41i8 Davenport St. Tel. Harney 2648. WANTED Good girl or woman for gen eral housework; no washing. 2557 Harney St. GIRL for general housework. Mrs. F. H. Hanson, 4207 Lafayette Ave. 'Phono Harney 233. WANTED A girl to help do housework, can go homo evenings. 2410 Cass. RELIABLE girl for general housework; no washing. . 61S S. 26th Ave. WANTED A girl to assist housework. 2710 Burt. Harney 1237. WANTEnA e-nod cook or Klrl for gen eral housework; no laundry work. 2024 Chi cago St. COMPETENT girl to cook, wash and lrcn. 124 S. 31st Ave. WANTED Good girl; two in family. 210 S. 34th. Harney 700. WANTED Girl for housework; good home for right person. Mrs. Dr. Little, 912 S. 37th St. "Phone arney 2239. REFINED young lady for light house work, small family. Apply at once. Mrs. M. M. Aronscn, 506 S. 19th St. GIRL going to school to work around house for room and board. Good home. 2469 Harney. GIRL for general housework; good wages. 1921 Blnney St, WANTED Girl to work for board and room. 2421 Spencer St. 'Phone Web. 1887. WANTED a woman to work and do laundry work, in family of two. Good references required. 2236 St. Mary's Ave. WANTED A thorough competent girl. 1801 Blnney St. Web. 394. WANTED Housekeeper, without chil dren, between 26 and 35 years old. Box 22. McCook, S. D. Mlaeellaaeoaa. WANTED Lady E 814. Bee. canvassers. Address HELP WANTED MALE Agents, Solicitors and Baleamea. WANTED A solicitor with ' horse and buggy to drive through the country and solicit subscriptions. Call and see circu lation manager. The Bee Publisulng Co. WANTED Agents to sell Potter and Sully county, South Dakota land. Write Brower ft Holllngsworth, Gettysburg, S. D. SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVES wanted, ttirictlv hith grade men and women of I ...... malam- 1 1 1 1 1 1 V f II 1(1 BHnPlirin,!! Ami Jliararter can earn from $500 to $1,000 ,.,, ht nit form Dermanent arrillut .in with largcM ana strongest concern 01 its kind See Mr. Lusk, Hotel Loyal, all tills week. HURRY. WANTED Ten experienced salesmen In men's clothing department. Apply Super intendent. Brandels Stores. ClQAR salesman wanted In your lo cality to represent us. Experience un necessary. $110 per nio. and expenses, Write for particulars. Monarch Cigar Co., St. Louis. Mi). Boys, WANTED Boy to . set type and run nre&s. printing tags, labels, etc., fur fac tory; state age, experience and wages ex pected. Address A 83 uee. Clerical r ad Office. OFFICE MANAGER and credit man, $10. Mananer. sen. Mdse.. 1100. Office clerk, young man, $30. Office clerk, familiar with electrical sup nlifs lr!6. Collector. $N0. WESTERN HEF. & BOND ASS'N, INC., 721-X2 N. Y. Ufa Bldg. WANTED A first-class, experienced male stenographer, one familiar with railroad work preferred for $.0 position. Call on General Storekeeper, U. V. H. R. Co., at Shop. A practically complete list of the vacant rooms in Omaha will be found on this paffo HELP WANTED MALE Clerical and Of f lee Coatlaaed. I CAN USE OFFICE MORS., BKPRS., ASST. BKPRS., SALESMEN AND COL LECTORS AT ONCE. GET BUSY. SEE ME. CARSON, THE REFERENCE MAN, 674-6 Brandcis Bldg. Stenographer, $fi5. Stenographer, Implements, $fi5-$(!0. Collector, Vo and expenses. Salesman, heavy hardware, $1,500-1S,00. Bookkeeper, ITS. Collector, $12 and com. Cliv salesman, electrical supplies, 11,200 $1,500. Bookkeeper and stenographer, $i. We have MANY others. Call, 'phone or write. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO. 675-77 Brandels Bldg. i Factory and Tradea. Drug stores (snaps). Jobs, Knlest. Bee Bldg WANTEI-Iron molders, wnget $3 to $3.50 for nine hours railroad work; piece sys tem; men can make $1 to $u per day; open shop. Berry Foundry, St. Joseph. Mo. WANTED A butcher. Leavenworth St. Henry Duve, 1609 allaeellaaeona , WANTED Railway mall clerks; com mencement sala-) MX; spring examinations everywhere; candidates prepared tree. Franklin Institute, Dept. Wi J, Kocnusier, N. X. " MEN WANTED Working men; men of neglected education, miudie-aged men, foreigners, men ambitious for advancement and all others, except "don't care" men and "snobs." Congenial fellowship and helpful assistance in Y. M. C. A. classes. Investigate. Call Educational Director, Douglas 849. RAILWAY mall clerks; spring examina tions; preparation free. Franklin Institute, Dept. Uj J., Rochester. N. Y. WANTED Men to learn barber trade. Few weeks completes. Scholarship Includes tools, demonstrations, examinations, diplo mas. Wages Saturdays. Position waiting .Miner graduates. Just In time to begin. Term completes at busiest season for barbers. Ca'.l or write Moler Barber Col lege, 110 S. 11th St.. Omha, Neb. MEN All thin Safety Razor Bladea sharpened, 30c doa. New method; satisfac tion guaranteed or money refunded. Victor Safety Razor Co., A-630 Paxton Blk., Omaha, Neb. WANTED Several bright, reliable young men to quality for the railway man serv ice. Address, stating age, height and weight. Y-126. care Omaha Bee. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses and Vehlclea. HALL & MORRIS, VerrSe34an'a specialty. Hospital 2858 Farnam. Both phns. GOOD street hack, landaulet style, but little used; new rubber tires; owner paid $1,100, but will sell now for $250. Johnson-Danforth Co., 10th and Jones. MILLER & WINDER buy and sell all kinds of horses. 1115 Capitol Ave. D. 1S10. LOST AND FOUND LOST A child's bracelet, with initials H. VV., between 14th and Harney and the ttoya. lei. 3io, council Biuils. LOST Gold spectacles with Kryptok lenses in Columbian Opt. Co. caae. Return Columbian Opt. Co., 211 8. 16th. Reward. LOST Monday, Dec. 27, In Omaha shop ping district, blue enamel coll brooch. Ke ward if returned to Frenser, Jeweler, luth ana Dodge, suitable reward. MEDICAL FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crcighton M.:dical college, 14th and Dav enoort Sts.: suecial attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised by college professors. 'Phone Douglas 1167, Calls answered day or nignt. BEST nerve brace for man. Gray's Nerve Food Pills, $1 a box, postpaid. Sherman tc McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. MOVING AND STORING EXP. Delivery Co., office i6th and Dav enport Sua.; warehouse, 22U7-G4 Izard St. lHt-class STORAGE ft MOVING. COLE'S EAPRcSS. lulo Cupiloi Av. . D. 670, A-3947. rvtui.bY 1U LOAN HALAttk AAU CUAl'lGLl, $$ $$ $ $ $$ $$ $$$$$$ $$ $$$$$$$ $$ W NEED MONEY? 44 $ u COME TO OUR OFFICE and get U U all the money you need on your furnl- $ $ lure, piano or salary, at the following 4$ l,iu rulim: we a ween pay iu 75o a week pays $15 loan 90o a week pays $Z5 loan $1.00 a week pays j0 loan $1.50 a week pays $50 loan '$2.10 a week pays $75 loan i? tifc a week Days $100 loan. You can pay monthly if you wish. $$ These payments include Interest and it $$ pr $$ ha rincipal; no other charges. If you 14 ,v i-vr borrowed money before $ $$ you will realise .how much easier our $$ $$ terms are than those given by other $ $$ companies It will pay you to sea us $$ $$ before getting money elsewhere. No $$ $$ red tape. Everything strictly confl- $$ $t dentlal. Open till 6:30 p. m. $$ OMAHA FINANCIAL CO. $1 " 501 Brown Block, Opposite Brandels. $$ 11 16tn St. r-mrance. SS .'Phones: Douglas 20;i6; A-2036. $$ $$$$$ DO YOU WANT to atart the NEW YEAR R1GHT7 Do you want to pay up your landlord, grocer, iini-inp or anvone you owe and have onlv one place to pay each n on h. You'll be sur- prisea nun c,nj ,v i,. - " " - Omaha Mortgage J-.oan uo. . 119 Board of Trade. 306 So. 16th. St Telephone uoug. hjo. cm. ua up. MONEY TO LOAN ON ANY SECURITY The holidays are over, and If you find yourself In NEED or nr.Aur fASH it will pay you to INVESTIGATE OUR TERMS BUSINESS STRICTLY CON F1DENTIAU LOAN CO. 7 and 8 Crounse Blk, Opp. Postoffice corner. 16tn ana capuoi. 'Phones Douglas 1360, A-13j6. MONEY TO LOAN Any amount, on your pmln note; no security; lowest rates; easiest payment. THE J. A. HUTTON CO.. 514-15 Paxton Block. Tel. Douglas 1607. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., 3d Floor, 307-8 Paxton Blk.. 16th and Farnam. Salary and chattel loans; quick and confidential. l on DIAMONDS. W. FLATAU.1514 Dodge SALARY and chattel loans, lowest rates, confidential, open Saturday evening. Both phones. STAR LOAN CO.. 644 Paxton Blk. MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE. WOMEN KEEPING HOI SE AND OTH ERS, without security; easy payments. Office in 66 principal cities. Tolman. room 613 New York Life Bldg. YOU CAN BORROW $10. Or n.ore on your own note; private party; no red tape. Be independent of friends. Get what you need now. LM paxton Block. I 1J OFFERED FOR RENT Board I a a- and Roams, MODERN steam-heated rooms, with board. $6. 820 8. 17th St. DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Far. nam. . THE UTOPIA gives the best board and warm rooms reasonaoie, 18th and Daren port Sts. THE FARNAM CAFE. Good home cooking. Meals 25c. New niHiiagment. European plan. Try us. ltn and Farnam. Phone Douglas XM. Joseph Hummers, Prop. SOUTH front room for two; private fam ily; modern. 2664 Douglas. 'Phone Har ney 332. WARM rooms, strictly modern, close In; reasonable, with home cooking. Mrs. Bart lett, 2110 Douglas. PARIX5R and alcove for S young gentle men, with board; home cooking. 2208 Har ney. A NICE place for two or three adults, with board; references. 1918 Cass St. Tel. Douglas 1476 ROOM and board for married couple who appreciate home rooking; private family. Phone Douglas 4W0. 21b N. 23d. WANTED Two men to occupy same room, with board. 2472 Harney; also one small room. FURNISHED, steam heated roon with board. 123 S. 25th Ave. Furnished Rooma. ONE nice furnished room, single, mod em, private family. 113 Chicago. FURNISHED south room, with board for two or three gentlemen. 1812 Chicago, DODGE HOTEL Large outside, and steam neat in every roon.; rates uy ween FURNISHED rooms tor gentlemen. 110 S. 13th St., The Chatham. . NICELY furnished room. Strictly mod ern. 21 a. ftin st. pnone i. Mil. WARM, rooms, $2 per week; free bath, Ogden Hotel, Council Bluffs. ROOMS for men. $1 and up. 1617 Cass. LARGE, nicely furnished rooms: every thing modern; steam heat. 211 N. l&lh 8U STEAM heateo rooms. 2013 Harney Sc. FRONT room in new house to refined gentleman. 207 No. 19th St. FURNISHED room for light housekeep ing, 1817 Davenport. 'Phone A-Z199. NICELY furnished rooms for light house' keeping; modern. 422 N. 17th. UPSTAIRS t rooms, desirable for house keeping. 811 So. 20th. TWO housekeeping rooms; modern. Harney. 2208 TWO or 8 light housekeeping rooms. 1106 A, Pacific St. TWO modern basement rooms; every thing furnished. 604 N. 21st St. Call Doug las 3966. MODERN housekeeping rooma, 2002 Web ster. Douglas 2519. TWO furnifihed rooms, complete; house keeping. 622 So. 18th. TWO connecting rooms, modern. 1919 Chi cago St, TWO nicely furnished connecting front rooms, suitable for two or three gentlemen; one large single room; In private family; all modern conveniences; breakfast if de sired r 2957 Farnagi. Telephone Harney 4685. TWO nicely furnished connecting front rooms, suitable for couple or gentleman; breakfast if desired; In private fcmily; 28th and Dewey Ave.- Tel. Harney 6011. TWO excellent, completely furnished rooms for housekeeping; heat, light and cooking gas included; 'phone In house. 2574 Harney St. PERFECTLY clean and keeping and sleeping rooms. light house 1411 Jones St. TWO unfurnished rooms to party without children; call evenings, 208 So. 27th; ref erences. PLEASANT rooms at right prices. So. 25th Ave. 611 TWO rooms, parlor floor, complete for housekeeping, with kitchen; modern. 2469 Harney. FOR RENT Furnished room In private family, all modern, conveniences. 2612 Cum ings. 'Phone Harney 4166. THE BELMONT, 1518 DODGE ST. MODERN STEAM HEATED ROOMS, EVER V THING NEW. RATES FROM $2.50 TO 86.00 PER WEEK ONE large furnished room, also smaller one. Block from postofflce. Ind. A-1751. MODERN furnished rooms, las. 'Phone Doug. 4663. 2310 Doug- TWO suites of two rooms each; modern and best location; cafe in house. 1821 Far nam St. Tel. Red 5455.. The Farnam. 2961 PACIFIC ST. Excellent board, home cooking; nice comfortable room for two. FRONT room, steam heat, bath, flat. 6 Davldge Blk. Tel. Doug. 2498. NICE, large, furnished front room, $6 month; colored people. Small room $3 month. 806 N. 23d. ONE nice, large front room for light housekeeping, with large alcove; aiao large front room suitable for two; strictly modern. Tel. Harney 6146. 632 So. 28th St. TWO nicely furnished front rooms, com pleie for housekeeping, $15 per month, i18 jjavenporu FOR RENT Furnished room in modern hoube; furnace heat; private family; break fust and dinner, if desired; gentleman pre ferred: reference required. Kountxe Place, near 24th street car line. Phone Webster 991. Apartments and Flats. 6 ROOMS, 2d floor, 2008 Keee St., bath and toilet, $15. Chris Boyer, 22d and Cum ing Sts, FOR RENT-Eight-room flat, $50. 2220 Douglas St. Apply to W. M. Chambers 222 Board ot Trade Bldg. Phone Doug. 1206. 4-ROOM 'apartment; modern except heat. 2618 Marcy. Housekeeping: Rooms, A SUITE of three elegant new rooms, modern. 320 North 20th. TWO excellent, completely furnished rooms for housekeeping, including - beat; light and cooking gas; pnone in bouse. 2571 Harney St. TWO nicely rurnisnea rooms, with ess range and sink In kitchen. Reasonable. 315 S. lath St. Untarnished Rooma. S-ROOM, bath room, store room, outside porch, all modern, except beat, 2617 No. 18th. Furnished Heneaa. FOR RENT For $ or 4 months, -room modern furnished house at 3526 Hurney St, Price ,.oo per month. THE BYRON REED CO. llouaea and Cottas,Ja. OMAHA Van ft Storage Co., pack, move, store, h b. goods: storehouse, 1120-24 N 19th; office 309 S. 17th St. Tel. Douglas 'iut. HOUSES. Insurance. Ringwalt, Barker Blk HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwarded; cheap freight rates; moving and storing. Expressmen's Delivery Co. Tel. Doug. 294. FOR RENT Eight-room house, 28th and Cap. Ave., roomy and convenient, 6-rootn on Walnut HD1 car line. Both modern, except heat. But low. Tel. Red 6264. OFFERED FOR RENT Ha roatlnned. I ROOMS, td floor, bath and toilet, 2604 Raes St., $16. 4 rooms, 2d floor, toilet, umz r'arker ei.. $16. -room nouse, mooern. swo iinmoi bi., I rooms, modern except heat, 409 William 8tt $1 . . CHRIS BOYER, ana cuming ots. CHEAP RENT, l-room house, 1231 Evans, $10 00 7-room house, tut N. 27th. $12.50. (-room house, 3128 Half Cass, $12.50. 6-room house, mod.. 1712 N. 29th, 12.60. J. H. PARROTTE, 32S Ba. Trade. 4-R. COTTAGE for colored, 705 N. J2d. $10. J. H. PARKOTTE, 32 Bd. Trade. FOR RENT New modern 7-room bouse. 1314 So. 16th St. 6-R. cottaae. 8018 Ohio. $20; mod. except heat. Carlberg, 911 N. Y. Life. BRICK house, $6)4 Dewey Ave., 7-room, modorn. Moyer Stationery Co., lale Far nam SU HOUSES-Petera Trust Co., N.Y.Llfe Bldg. V: 2668 DOUGLAS, g-room. $27.60. Frenzer. Both Phonea. John N. HOUSES, flats, Garvin Bros., 311 N. Y. L. MAGGARD Van & Storage Co. D. 1498. Pack, store and ship household goods. NO EQUAL Steam heat, all modern, 7 rooms, hall, bath and basement. 2J0 N 23d. TIOITSF.S In a" Prt" ot th city HUUOLO Crelgh Sons ft Co.. Bee Bldg FOR RENT Large cottage, 8 rooms and bath; toilet, gas, city water, shades, con ciete waiks, paved street. Located midway between Crelghton college and high school. Rent $25. W. H. Griffith, 2521 Chicago St. 6-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE. Nearly new, large lot, 2914 Fowler Ave., $22.50 per month; key at 2914 Fowler Ave. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. Suite 624 New York Life Bldg. 7-R. house; furnace and bath, $26 per mo. 2818 Woolworth Ave. Tel. Harney 2X57. 7 ROOMS, modern house, 1608 8pruce St. H. I. Plumb. 110 S. 13th St. MODERN, 8-room house, 216 S. 85th Ave. Phone Douglas 4587. 8 ROOMS and bath. New and strictly modern. Choice location on Central boule vard. Phone Harney 39S. FOR RENT New modern 7-room house. 1315 So. 26th St. FOR RENT The R. R. Kimball residence on Park Wilde Ave., 10 rooms, modern in all par ticulars, large barn. Will lease to right party for low rent. See McCAGUE INVESTMENT CO., 1606 Dodge St. Tel. Doug. 415. FOR RENT 9-room brick house, all mod ern, 20W Willis Ave., $26. 4-room apartment, city water, toilet, 152U No. lXth, $12.50. 8-room, all modern, combination fixtures, will be vacant soon, corner house, east front, $40. C. M. BACHMANN, 436-37 Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 2639. Res. Tel. D. HK'-S. 214 So. 35th St., 8 r mod. ex. heat, $23. 1234 Park Wild Ave.. 8 r., all mod., $30. 1422 No. 19th St.. 10 r., all mod. flat. $30. 1512 So. 6th St, 4 r., city water, $10. 1734 So. 17th St., 9 r., all mod.. $25. BIRKETT & TEBBENS. 423 Bee Bldg. 'Phones Doug. 4764; A-1764. Bnlldlnca. I WANT an offer for the two story brick building at 1213 and 1216 Howard Btreet. Will rent for $200 a month. Eastern owner will sell cheap. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1 New York Life Building. OFFERED FOR SALE Musical Inatramente. SECOND-HAND organ piano case for sale cheap. Mrs. Reason, 1K06 Third Ave., Council Bluffs. Phone 441X. ' Typewriters. SECOND hand typewriters gold, repaired Central Typewriter Exchange, 1607 Farnam Tnm.:4o, t?r. T?n4- All j.) ucmucin rut xcci it g( p( Swan son Co., 416 South 15th St.. Omaha. Miscellaneous. COAL AT CUT PRICES We save you from 50o to $1.50 on every ton and arlve better coal. We guarantee correct weights Rosenblatt's Cut Price Coal Co. COAL S baskets, $1. Dry kindling, a load. $1 delivered. Star Ice ft Coal Co. D. 44 FOR SALE New and 2d-hand billiard and pool tables. We lead the world In cheap bar fixtures, esy payments. Bruns wlck-tfalKe-coiienaer, wi a. imn oc. NATIONAL cash register ilmost new. Address M 821, Bee. CALENDAR pads. Burkley Printing Co. NEW LOCATION. 417 S 12th St. DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on all $10 orders; catalogue free. Sherman ft Mo Connell Drug Co.. Omaha, Neb. SCHOLARSHIP on leading business col lege for sale at discount Address P-604 Bee. HALL'S safes, new. Zd-hand, 1818 Farnam WE HAVE on hand a number of Ink Bar rels which we will sell at 60o each. They are flna for rain water or ashes. Call at pressroom Bee Publishing Co. "fWlflPO AT. u'8 ttoo&i try It. Harmon SbO.UU- KsVJALi A Weeth. Both 'phones ABOUT 1,601 feet tt-lnch wire cable, sec ond hand; will sell at bargain. Apply R W. Baker. Supt. Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. 200 OVERCOATS slightly used at a bar gain. A. B. SINGER, 418 N. ltth. 2D-HAND oak counter, hand-carved mar ble cashier plate; wire wicket about 40 ft, odd shape; will fit a room 20 feet wide Can ba seen at storage house. For furthr fiartlculars 'phone Douglaa 238, Bee Build ng Co. Is Your Room Cold? If your room isn't comfortable, Move! There are plenty of warm, comfortable rooms In Omaha for rent Most of them are advertised on this page p. s. If you have a well boated room to rent at this time of the year, mention In your ad bow It la heated. That ia the flrat thing the roomer wanta to know. OFFERED FOR SALE Hlaoella llaaed. TYPEWRITER Slightly used and rebuilt Underworlds, Olivers. Remingtons. Hmlth Premiers, Monarchs. I C. Smiths and other makes. Full guarantee. Prices and H manufra, t$5 and up.) lowest rental prices. Ixioic over our stock before buying, or write for our bargain list. Distributers. D. C. Pmttn Rros. Typewriter. R F. SWANSON CO., Ific, 417 R. 15th St., Omaha, Neb. Also stores at Dee Moines and Lincoln. FARMER AND CONSUMERS. For Sale Best grade Japan rice, deliv ered anywhere at $3 for AO lb.; $6 for 10 lb.; freight paid; will ship C. O. D. to your depot. Write to T. Morloka, P. O. Box 90 Houston, Tex. rOR PALEGood alfalfa seed. f br bushel, F. O. B., Danbury. Send for samples. Reference, Bank of Danbury, J. L. Sims, Danbury, Neb. 4TnPf KASIICornP,,'t' "took fur- C. PUN DELL A CO.. Contractors and Builders, Room O, New York Life Bldg. FOR SALE National cash register In perfect condition, will sell cheap If sold at once. Room 7. Crounse Blk. SNAP for young married couple. Com plete furnishings of R-room apartment In one of the finest buildings In city. Every thing ready to step right In, Including new piano. Party buying same can rent apart ment If so desired. Owner leaving town and must sell. Address L 7811, Bee. OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON INST.. 418 N. Y. L. Tel. D. 1664 Dr. Kathryn Nicholas. MIS N. Y. L. Biflg PATENTS D. O. DARNELL, Faxton Blk. Tel. Red 711.. HUFFMAN. 318 Neville Bldg. Book free PERSONAL Arlene de Voy. Manicuring and mass.igj 620 S. 16th St. Flat 8. 'Phone D. 7686. STRICTLY private home for eonf.ne ments; trained nurse; babies for adoptions 2518 Davenport. PRIVATE HOME during . confinement babies for adoption. Good Samaritan bint torlum, 740 1st Ave.. Council Bluffs, la. WTn;nd toupes for men. GRI VYIUk. u and 14 FRENZER BLK. FFI1 MME. ALLEN of Chicago, salt glow, mag neno and umasaae treatments. ."7 N. "!' THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast-oil clothing, in fact anything you do not need we collect, repair ana sell at in rn. ntn St., for cost of collection, to the wortny ,,oor. call phone uougias tint ana wagoi. ..Ill call. JOS1E WASHBURN'S now book, "Th . nderworld Sewer," sold at all book stoma price, $1.50. v MAGNETIC treatment. Mme. Smith 622 S. 16th St., third floor DR. EQGERS' private confinement home 1516 Martha St, Phone Douglas 6230. h MISS LA GRANE. batha. massage. 161' Dodge St., basement flat. Hours, 10 a. m to 9 p. m. A HOME for women during confinement We find homes for babies where motheix cannot care for them. Babies boardud For terms address Mrs. Martha A. Lee 401 Bancroft St., Omaha. Neb. 'I'lion Douglas 1921. WE rent and repair all kinds of sewing machines. Ind. A 1663, Doug. 16K3. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO.. 16th and Harney Sts. ' OMAHA Stammerers' Ins., Ramge Bldg MASSAGE AND BATHS. R. 808 Old Boston Store Bldg.. 4th floor. 120 S. 16th St. Stairway on Douglas St. SWEDISH massage, 207 N. 17th St. MAGNETIC and massage treatment. 314 No. 16th St. . MASQUE aulta to rent. Theo. Lieben. 81,000 FOR INFANT HOME. Your renewal for the Saturday evening Post and Ladles' Home Journal Is worth 50o to the Child's Saving Institute. $700 N I already earned. Write Gordon, magaxlne man, Omaha, or phone Doug. 7163. Rush them In. POULTRY Screeninga 1160 100 lbs. Wagner, 801 N. IStb H. P. STONE ft CO. poultry yards have some fine bargains in Rose Cbmb R. I. Red cockerels at $1 to $8. I guarantee to please you. My clicular of pen mating Is free. Ready Deoember 16. H. P. Stone ft Co., Platte Center, Neb. ALSEN Poultry Farm For sale. Whlc1 Rock cockerels; price, $2 to $5. These birds are Just like my first premium cockerels at the Interstate fair, price list free. H. P. Larson, Beref'jrd, 8. D. ROSE COMB White Leghorn Cockerels for sale $1 each, or six for $5. Mrs. Joha Ki app. Palmer. Neb. A few more R. C. B. Leghorn and Houdan cockerels for sale at $1 each. Geo. J. Wol cott, Central C'ty, Neb. PRINTING PHONE IND. A-9820 for good printing. Lyngstad Printing Co., 16th ft Capitol Ave. REAL ESTATE 1 REAL ESTATE DEALERS. nrnrn awsttiact CO,. Est. 1858: nroff' aervlce; get oui prloes. 1710 Farnam St PAYNE INV. CO., first floor N. T. Llfa BENJAMIN R- E. CO., 477 Brandels Bldg. REAL ESTATE TITLE-TRUST CO. CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON, President. CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. KS1 EVANS Bt, 1 rooms, new, modern, nek and pine ftjeh: near Omaha unlver. ity-13.760. Call W-8199. 1 4