TIIE BKE : OMAHA. TUESDAY, JANUARY 4. 1M0. V 1 r M REAL ESTATE tKM Atn 11(11 I, A Ml FOR al,K fntoradr -Colli Inaed. COIAJKAPO western. Mope Irrigated orrhaid mini. Delta district. $ arre bundles. . Writ WaJtHf .1'., Smith- Go.. 711 17tu St., Denver, coiu. V" . California. . WE 6vn six thousand nrros of first class alfalfa land in Fresno 4Vount, CftHforriia, together with townsrite on Southern Pacific 'Jtailrpad. This land adjoins fin est improved section iti Cali fornia, (food schools, oiled roads, iptc-iL': Pt; V o have started a Swedish and Danish colony on our tract. Have endorsements from- best Swedish and Danish sources in California. We want some good live agent in Ne brasjea. to, represent us and to bring 'Swedish and Danish set tlers to our tract. San Joaquin Land & Mortgage Co., 326 Byrne Buildihg, Los Angeles. Cal. v '. ; Riu. -FOR RALK 820 acres, gnnd house and rarn. 100- HCres to whint, all sues. Onlv . per acre. ' 100 acrvit,' 140 to wheat, only $iB per acre. Art quick. .J, F. rJchump, Cunningham, Ka". . ' '. A IJAPrY NEW YEAIt In Ford county for those who have Invented In thiH land. Depth of moisture five feet; wheat looking fine; best, uf -climate, noil and water; co operation Allclted Write, for lint. O. L. fainter & Co., lixlge City, Kan. Minnesota. MINNESOTA farms for bargains. Bee . ruuiw, -fiaiismnuin.. ieb. 1. A I'll W. IT A IJ Vf 7K'.. ..-.J..- ... - ,v I. . . -m UM1II-I lu i u v n- tton. nfiir Pfrham Minn u,.H t.,.1 I.I 1 .. .. . Rood soM.'imual be sold this month; price very low... I.. Koteokl, 604 Mitchell 8:., Milwaukee, Wis. . t , "irt. ' "' "CmJh FOR eAt,ti uown. 6 monthlv, buys forty acre good timber land, ' Murirs county. Missouri; price, $121! tttlo perfect; write for llsu R. C. Jarrell, Eldorado Kyi Inks, Jfo. - LAND SALE IN MISSOURI " : 1 , ' JANUART t0. i- Jfi.000 acres rich bottom land in tracts to suit. Also 26.000 acres fruit land. George Northrup, Springfield, Mo. Nebraska, FAHM" BARGAIN" Must be sold on ac count of' owner's health; well Improved 3U0-aere frm, seven and a quarter tnllos from tOvrr,' price, $35 per acre; easy terms. J. T. Campbell,. Litchfield, Neb. i . 14 AORJiJS, ' one mile from town; good . Louse, bartr and other- buildings; 300 fruit trees. Price 2,100. F"or description write R M. Campbell, Endlcott, Neb. '. 1 .1 -.; Ofctaaaasa. S"; OKLAHOMA We bare' loO.OOO acres of choice land to (elect from., anting in price from $6 to 1 10 per a,ora.i.'Thlft land is in the oil anrf Sui district and you might get an oil well with your land. ' NOWATA I-AND AND LOT CO.. Bult 4 New York Life Bldg. ', Tczaa. TEXAS LAND BUYERS Free ' rotin trip ticket to south Texas fot. nil our land ptiyers, any railroad, any itHi'le,. low. prices, best location and qual ity; you get bargain and square deal '"Write or -call for Information. Hank ref rnoi -(S HoMtanollfC Laod &)., Bultu:.W :Woanloln"THUl(.,.Ho4Jitn,"Tex. 'i -' . - . 840 ACRES'. YOU OUGHT TO SEE. --For sale at a very low price, an extra ordinarily cTmlce section of land. 11 nil!p north of Hereford In the famous Panhandle at Tcraw. Dark, deep, rich soli, lies p..r-A.-fectly-smooth' nd Is ell Surrounded bv I f HKhll'-developed farms.- Price $15 per acre, which Is one-third below the market. Half time at S pr cent. ' ' J. H. COOK, -LAND &-INVESTMENT SECURITIES . '215 Tabor - Opera Hlk.i 'Denver, Colo. REAL ESTATE LOANS SECOND' MOKTUAGK loans r.r-otlat:d. Apply Uuo.im .'417-18 First National liank Bldtf. tieil phone Douglas 231a. MONEY TO LOAN-Payne Investment Co. WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. $100 to 410.000. made promptly. V. D. Weed. Wcad .Bldg.i' Is tli ami r'tinam. LOWKHf RATK Bemls Urandels Bidg. $00$ to $5,000 on home in Omaha, O'Keefa Real 'E"iit Co.. loot N. V. Life. Doug, or .A-2i6i . IjOANS to home owners and home build nit, with inlvllene f making partial pay. Ii-.ents rrnil-annually No comnilsslon. " -W. H. THOMAS, ion First Nailinal Bank Bldg. PIViX 'PER CENT MONEY " I to lean on Omaha Business Property. ' THOMAS BRENNAN. lTSora L New York Life Bldf : WED City loans and wBir.,i. vv rh fcmlth & Co.. 1320 Farnam St.' VNE. BOSTW1PK A rn m n- 7777 'V. ta money, $000 to $.0oo; low "rate. Jo$tlH ROS.; 818 N. Y. Life. tTtl Ju0.00 Ain Impj-nved property. Nn delay ;V REAL ESTATE WANTED we -Have .buyers vnu I. I and 7- room Uousea. If prices are right we can sei, your property for you iOWATA LAND AND LOT CO . ' Bull M N. Y. Ufa Bldg. I i A newspaper must produce results to show a gain The Bee has made good on both results and gain On city real estate, comparing the month bt December, 1909, with the same mbnth 1908, shows that The Bee has made a gain of 28. With the same comparison the World-Herald shows a loss of 9i, IIow it looks in figures: BEE " ' Doc, 1900 1,137 inches Dec, 1908 884 inches Gain of Bee. .253 ins. or 2S(c REAL ESTATE WANTED (Continued. WANTED A & or 6-room house from ll.urti to Jl.wo. Mutt be nearly new and fluid location. Write with full description. Uwneis preferred. , VMLI.OVVS. 4 Brandeis Building. KKMKMHKIt It only takes a stroke 01 i'u i.f the pen to mention the fact thut you raw the ad In The Be, SWAPS fouu brand new 6-room house" In aoutheweetern part of Omaha, free from Incumbrance of any kind, modern. Want land at right price. . Vrat market. slaughter house, lee house doing fine business In growing; Nebraska town. Want Omaha property or land. -room modern house, large lot, east front. In western Bart of OmalM. Wnnt clear land; price must be right; we have no Uir.e for whittling. NOWATA I .AND ft LOT CO., Bulte U4 New York Ufa Bldg. WANTED TO BUY WEST price paid for second-hand furnh tuie. carpets, clothing and shoes Tel, Dm vm. BALTIMORE 2d-hand tor pays beat I rice 2d-hand furniture, clothes, e'.c. D 42t& ' HIGHEST price paid for broken watches, o'd gold, etc. M. Nathan. 211 ii. i;tth. PHONOGRAPH records; , buy nil kinds disk records. Address K 902, , Bee. WANTED TO RENT WAJT1Tf"l mt nnM hv na.w - . ... or . months suit of furnished rooms must be good. Willing to pay liberally WANTED Hoard and room by teacher. In refined private family. Address D MS. Bee. BY teacher In refined private family, Address 846, Bee. WANTED SITUATIONS YOUNG lady music teacher desires to give plapo lessons In private family in exchange fur board while attending school. Boyies Oullene, both phones. WANTED By young mvn. place to work for board while attending Boylca collet. Both phones. BY an f-infrlr.nrd vminir mM r-f ol .i.w - r J n ..,. ' . ww nun abllltv irif ctnnrlpnoa It. Ik. ,.r . ; . good reliable firm. Address Y 2G. Bee. FIRST-CLASS wood turner and general machine inun: mnrrieri' t u ,i ik ni.. Address U, Omaha Bee.' REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Real estate transfers for January 3, 1910 furnished by Midland Guarantee and TruHt company, bonded abstracter, 1714 Farnam street:. Albert J. Rice and wife to Harvel Byars, lot S. Weckley's add to Valley ' 35Q Real Estate Title-Trust ompany to Marguret Marve, :25 feet w50 feet of elOO feet of sI43 feet, lot 15, block ' 2, Park Place. goo R. E. Robert and wife to Mrs. Ger trude Hommarg, lot 14. Ellis Place.. 4,000 Frank Lalondek to Matey Runa and wife, nV, lot 9, block 6, Kountxe : Place, 4th supplementary add 1,000 Atlantic Realty association to James B. Watt, lot 8. Arlington add 350 Albert M. Rnsles and wife to James W. Longfellow, lot 7, Dennett's sub of lota 9, 10 11, block S. Orchard Hill 1,000 Grove-Wharton Con. Co. to Thomas G. Freeman, lot 12, block 55, Benson 300 Ctlia M. Cowan and, husband to D. J. Wilson, lot 3, block 7, Crelghton Heights :. 190 Joule A. Rogers and husband to Ed ward J. Brow n, lot 27, block 5, KUby . Place 6,200 Eliza B. and Edith M. Patrick to Iwls A. Yost, lots 5 and 6, fclock 3, -'. Patrick 'Place . v. i. ......... 800 Isaac N. Hnnce and wife to Charles .' W. Wetmore, 5 acres In tiwU nw4 ' 12-15-12 .. 4,500 Katie Zeis to Franklin M. Butts, sH lots 8 and 9. . block 3, C. E. Mayno'a 1st add to Vallny ,., 550 Augustus V. Kountze and ' wife to United Real Estate and Tru com. pany, n50 feet of e4 seV; 3MU. 8300 Elizabeth Kountze Real Estate com pany to Steplien Maloney lot 2. For- est Park 2,200 Omaha Safe Deposit and Trust com pany to Hastings At Heyden, w55 feet of el0 feet of n!07 feet of sub. lot 7. tax lot 16, 21-15-13 1 Ilastlnss i Heyden to Arthur D. Andms, wC5 feit of clfM) feet of nl07 feet of sublot 7, taxlot W, 21-15-13.. 3,000 .ew 1 ork Lire insuranoe company to Omaha Safe Deposit and Trust company, lots 6 and 6, and WVS lot 7, block 117. city 675,000 Silas A Johnson to Luclnda C. Eng lish, lots 1, 2, block .7, West Side add 1 Benjamin F. Hles'and to Emll Gall, wti "Wi sw'i 6-14-13 1,000 Lena Goldsmith and husband to Sam uel Goldsmith, und. interest t'10 feet lot 4 block 71, city .-. 1 Commercial Land Co. to Thomas R. Romlne, sublot 1, taxlot 39, 10-15-13 . 3,100 Bert B. Booth et al. to Thomas S. Kelley. n lot 8. block 19, city 1 Peter Bloom to Andrew G. Seastedt, W40 feet of eM feet of nllB feet of lot 65, S. E. Rogers Okahoma 1 Same to same, purt lot 05. same 1 Andrew G. Seastedt and wife to Peter Bloom, part lot 4, block 9, Parker's add 1 LEGAL NOTICES STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING OFFICE of Lee-Glass-Andieesen Hardware com pany, Omaha, Nebraska, December 11. 1909. Notice Is hereby given to the stockholders of Lee-Glass-Andreesen Hardware Com pany that the annual meeting of the stock holders of the company will be held at the office uf the said company, corner ot Nlntlr and Harney siree.s in the city of Omaha, In the state of Nebraska, on Tuesday, Jan. uaiy 11, A. D. 1910, at i o'clock p. 111., for the purpose of electing a board of direct ors for the company to aerve during the ensuing year, and to transact such other business as muy be' presented at such meet ng. H. J. LEE, President. Attest; ,W. M. QLAS3. Secretary. Dll to J 11 WORLD-HERLD Dec..- 1909 1,089 inches Dec, 1908 1,200 inches Loss of W-IL, 111 ins., 9 c LEGAL NOTICES THE MISSOURI PACI HO RAILWAY COM PAN V. SPECIAL STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. NOTICE IS H'.llEBY GIVEN that a spe cial meeting of the Stockholder of The Mivsourl Pacific Railway Compa iv v.111 be h Id al the principal office of paid Com piny. In the MIksuuiI Pncillc Building. No. "no Market Street, In the City of St. Louis Missouri, on Tuindsy. the 1Mb day of January, 1010, at nine o'clock In the fore noon of that day, to consider and act upon the following propositions. (a) To adopt a coda uf by-laws for the Company. (b) To ratify, absent to and approve a certain Indenture of lease bearing date the lUli day of July. VJ09, by and between Hootnllle, SU Lot. is A: Southern Railway Company, p corporation of the State of Missouri, and tills Company and authorized on behalf of this Company At a meeting of the Board of Diieclois, held oft the Itilli day of August, (c) To isiify, assent to and approve the purchase by tills Con.jMiny of the whole or any part 01 the raixuads and other prop erly and fiaiichlsis of all or auv of the following nsnud railroad jimpanles: Caitliu.e and Western Railway Company, Jopliu ind Western Railway company, 6t Louis, Oak Hi. I und Carundelei. Railway Company, ted'illa, Warsaw and tiouih wesiorti Raiiay Company, Tne Kan.sus City .Northwestern Rallioud Compaiiy, Tlie Nebiaska Southern Railway Company, Omaha Belt Railway Company, ouiuha South rn Ruilway Compaiiy, pacific Rail way Company in Neviaska, The Pueblo and Mate l.itu Railroad Company, and Kitnsan and Arkansas Valtey Railway. (d) For the puipose of refunding under lying mortgage bonds and equipment obli gations of the Company and jor "iher cor poiate purposes, 10 const ut to, concur in and authoilze an Increase o th bonded indt bti ciuss ot 'the Missouri Pacific Rail way Company, by the amount of $W6.0ui,uuO by the issue of Gold Bonds of the Com pany, limned In the aggregate to tne principal amount of $175,ouu,(ioo at any one time outstanding, to bear Interest at a rate or rates nut to exceed five per cent per annum, payable scini-annuaiiy, and all or any part of such bonds, as the Board of Directors may determine, to be convertible at the option uf the I outers and registered owners iherei f Into Mock of tne Kauway Company upon such terms and otherwise as the Board of Directors may determine; and to consent to concur in and authorize the execution and delivery of a mortgage and deed of trust 011 anu of the whole or part of the railroads and other property and franchises of tn's Company whelner now ow nud or hurt al ter acquired, to secure such issue uf bonds by this Coinp.iny, and to consider ani. act upon the lorm and terms of such mortgage. (0) 10 consent to and authorize the pur chase by this Company from time to time of not to exceed $ uOO.000 pur value of the bonds of the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company. (f) To ulify the proceedings of the Board of Directors theretofore takan In and about the miners aforesaid, including the authorization of said bonds and mort gage and deed of trust and the use to be made ot sola bunas, and m consmer ami act upon such other business as may properly bo trunsaeted at tli" meeting. The stock transfer books u the Company will be closed at 3 P. M. on the 7th day of January, 1910, and will remain closed until 10 A. M. on the luth day of January, 11)10. Dated, New YorK, November 17th, 1909. By order of the Board of Directors. GEORGE J. GOULD, President, A. H. CALEF, Secretary. x "The Missouri Pacific Railway Company. 195 Broadway, New York. Nov. 30lh. 1909 To the Stockholders of The Missouri Pacific Railway Company Referring to the notice sent to you November lilh, liKIO, calling a special meeting of the Stockholders of this Company to tie neia on tne ism aay ot Jan uary, 1910, you are notified that the stock t; r.nsfer books 01 this Company will be cosed at 3 o clock p. m. December 8th, 19wt, Instead ot January ith. l'jio, and re main closed until 10 o'clock a. 111. January 19th, 1910. This change In date Is made to avoid any possibility of confusion in deal lngs In tho stock and rights to subscribe to bonds, prior to the date 01 said special meeting. If unable to attend the meeting please sisn and return the proxy which we 1. .. . . . I . . ,1 ann. . a 1 1 ell I,-1.' Nov. 18 to Jan. 18. Secretary.' Nov. 18 to Jan. 18. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of tiie stockho.ders of The Bee Bunding company will be held at 4 o'clock p. tn., Tuesday, January 18, 1910, at the office of suld company In The Bee bulldinn, Omaha, for the election of a board of di rectors for the ersuing year and the trans action of such other business as muy prop-) erty com before such meeting. ' '' M. A- HASKELL. Secretary." f Dec 27-23t D & S. D23d10t. GOVERNMENT NOTICES SALE OF CONDEMNED OVERCOATS Office of Depot (Juartermaatei, St. Louis, Mo., January 3, 1910. Sealed proposals in Duplicate will be received here umll 11 a. in., January 25, 1910, for the purchase of 4,9ii9 overcoats, kersey, dyed black. Sample may be seen and blank forms obtained at this office and at oft Ice of depot quarter master, New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Omaha and office of cnief quartermaster, Chicago. Certified check for twenty per cent of amount of bid required. Envelopes containing proposals to De .marked: "Pro posals for condemned overcoats, to be opened January 2o, 1910," ano addressed: Captain VV. M. Coulling, U. S. A., Depot Quartermaster. - J3-4-20-21 PROPOSALS FOR CA VALRJf HOKSE8 Chief (Quartermaster's Ollice, Omaha, Ne braska, January 4, 1910. Sealed proposals, In triplicate, will be received at this office until 11 o'clock a. 111., central standard time, February 2, J910, and then opened In the presence of attending bidders, for 140 Cavalry Horses, for delivery at Omaha, Ne braska, or other prominent railroad points. The animals to contorin to specifications for Cavalry Horses. United Slates reserves right to accept or reject any or all pro posals or any part thereof. Particulars and blanks for proposals will be furnished oil application. Envelopes containing proposals to be Indorsed "Proposals for Horses." and addressed to Major D. E. M'CAKTHY, Chief Quartermaster. Jl-B-U-zy-Zl FJ. MANY WASHOUTS IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Long; Stretches of Track Are Missing Between l.oa Anaelea and San Bernardino. LOS ANGELES. Cal., Jan. 3.-After be ing Isolated for forty-eight hours, partial communication was established today be tween Los Angeles and the outside world, although It will be many days before the damage wrought by the rainstorms of tho last four days Is repaired. Tonight the Golden State Limited of the Hock Island and the Southern Pacific lines, which was stalled at Iudlo for two days, arrived. The Los Angeles Limited was sent east via El Paso Instead of Ogden. Much concern Btlll Is felt by officials of all three transcontinental roads reaching this city. Two long stretches of roadbed are washed away between Los Angeles and San Bernardino, on the route used Jointly by the San Pedro, Los Angeles and Salt Lake, and by the Santa Fe. On the Santa Fe conditions are par ticularly bad. The second section" of the Santa Fe'a California Limited Is held at Cajon. It was due here last Friday. Trains No. 7 and 1 from Chicago, both due here Saturday, are stalled at Barstow, and train No. , eustbound, Is at The Needles. They probably will arrive Wednesday. Four women, two men and six children, marooned on a narrow strip of land be tween two branches of the Santa Ana river near Downey all night, were rescued this morning by members of the Venice llfesavlng crew, who brought their heavy surfboat on a flatcar. One of those who distinguished them selves when efforts were being made to reach the endangered people was Mrs. Henry T. Gage, wife of the newly ap pointed minister to Portugal, who wad d through mud almost knee deep to direct rescuers from, the Gag ranch, near- the banks of the river. RIVERSIDE. Cal., Jan. !-Thl city was completely cut off from railroad communi catiou with the outside world today as the results of floods and washouts. Hundreds of acres of vegetable gardens are Inun dated. rilOENIX. Aril., Jan. I Italn has been falling over central Arlsona Intermittently since Friday nWht. Accumulated snow in the mountains has melted and Utms are r.sii-g. RECORD IN BANK CLEARINGS First Business Day of New Year Over Four Million-Dollar Hark. LARGEST IN HISTORY OF CITY Increase Over Corresponding Day of Last Yrnr of ft, 404,000 anil $700,000 Ahead of I'rrrl. nna Illah Mark. NEW BaVI CLEABIXO) BBCOBO, Back clearings Monday 4.131,021.67 Clearing on year BfO..'. ... 9,726,814.49 Increase SI. 404.207.08 Previous hirh record 3,439,533.41 Omaha fliould garner a real harvest of (fold dtn liiK D10 acre rdltiK to the record of the flrf t -dny's banking business. For the first time In history the day's hank clear ings have crossed the t4.0X,0')0 mark. "All clearing house records are smashed," said W. B. Hughes, secretary of the Omaha "association. "The nearest approach we ever made to the S4.O0O.OOO mark was on March 3, 1909. when the total amount of business amounted to $.1.429.F31.41. Today's showing Is just S701.477.16 ahead of the old high-water mark. "Today's record is partly accounted for by the holiday Saturday, but not entirely. Than, again, there was considerable bank Ins done today that was left over from Friday night's business:. . However, there has been a steady advance from year to year and month to month and day to d.iy. "The big record made In March Inst year was at a time when the bank clcarlnirs are naturally high. That is really one of the" biggest periods of the year on account of dealings In grain and other business." As was shown In the report of the Clear ing House association Friday for the yenr 1909. there was an Increase of $132.6'l9."01 B7 over the preceding year. The advance was a natural one when the activity In commer cial circles Is taken fully Into considera tion. The clrariag for the corresponding date, one year ago, was $2,72fl,S14.49. The first day's figures this year show an Increase In one day of $1,404,207.08. "The city certainly has made a record thnt will be hard to eoual ' during the year," commented Mr. Hughes. "It Is certainly a good beginning for the new year." AVIATOHS AT LO ANGELES Human Birds l.lnlnic lp for Bis; Meet NeM Week. LOS ANGELES. Cal., an. 8.-WIM1 vork well under way on the great grandstand that will seat 25,000 people and on the aviation course at Doiiilnguez. final plans for the aviation contests here next week are being made. The meet will begin January 10 and continue unti: January 20. Estimates made by the committee toduy from data sent by railroad officials p. ace the number of visitors at from 150,000 to .'00,000. The aeroplane entered bv Glenn II. Cur tiss arrived yesterday Cli-.irles F. Wllliard of New York, who has made flights In u Curliss machine. Is here with the Curtiss machine No. 1. Roy Knabenshue and Lincoln Reachey are here with two dirigible balloons. J. II. C'assen has sent two aeroplanes to this, city In charge of George Duesler. They will bo entered In several prize com petitions. Frank Johnson' of San Fran cisco, who has just brought from the east a Curtiss machine. Is on the way here. Clifford B. Harmon, New York aeronaut, has sent here the monster balloon, "New York," holder of the United States dura tion record. Hlllery Reachey Is hrt'tth the Aero plane built In Bultimore ty H. N. Gi l. Members of the FrencW Aviation syndi cate, headed by Louis Paulhan, and in cluding also. Mine. Puufiin, Masson llas carol and half a dozon,M(o)echantcs, will leave New York for LosvAugeles tomor row on a special train. 1 A. P. Lambert of Belolt, AV'ts., Is expected to arrive tins weeg witn a Lurtlsg bipbuie. Louis Beigdoll or Philadelphia will bring a blerlot monoplane. Captain A. F. Muller has assembled his Immense monop.ane. , A permanent aviation course of one and seven-eUhths miles is being laid off at Aviation camp. Total entries In the three divisions huve reached sixty. REFORMS I NAVAL ATHLETICS Surgeon Says Present System Fulls to Produce Results. WASHINGTON. Jan. 3. Sweeping re. forms In the athletic Instruction In-vogue at tne naval ucaacmy are b.lng under taken by Surgeon General Rwey. It transpired today that General Rixey had detailed Parsed Assistant surgeon Paul E McDonnold to the academy to make a thorough Inquiry into the causes had ng up to the f.nlure of upper classmen to pass the physical tests, although the men when admitted to the freshmen cluss were com pelled to pass a most nwid examination, One of the principal Ciiuses. It !s de clared, was found to lie in tne system of training followed In prcpat Ing men for athletic and field events. This Is to be changed, the gymnasium is to be remod el and un entirely new system of ".-eu.n.; up" drills is to be substituted for that now in use. General Rixey declares- there Is no dis position on the purt of the nndl al de purtment to Impose burdens or restr.cilons on the navy athletes that might tend to lower the high athletic standing of the academy, but he proposes to Introduce a more rational plan of exerc.se and train ing. It I TT AND CLARK WIXNEH9 German-Australian Trnui Finishes First In Knee al Berlin. BERLIN, Jan. 3. Walter Rutt and Jack Clark the German-Australiun team, wun the six-day bicycle race which began at the Zoologican Gardens at 10 o'clock last Monday night, finishing one lap ahead of Stoll and Wulthuur, the Dutch-American team, und Lerihet and Broccu, the French pair, who tied for second place. Stabe and Pawke, the Germans, were four laps be hind, while Eddie Root of New York and Joe Fogler of Brooklyn trailed along seven laps in the rear. Only six teams finished nnd the distance of the winners was 2,3i'.i miles. Rutt und Clark were hot favorites for the race, but they were considerably behind the rtcord. Later Stoll beat Brocco In a ten-lap race to decide the winner of second place. The prizes were $1,250 for first, 1.000 for second. $750 for third, $500 for fourth and $i50 for fifth. Enormous crowds witnessed the contest throughout the week. All the riders fin ished In good condition. PROSPECT OF TARIFF WARJAITH FRANCE Paris Journal Culls Attention tn Necessity of New Agreement Between Nations. PARIS, Jun. 3. The Journal Des Debates, commenting on Ambassador Bacon's speech al Elysee P.ilace, where he was received on Friday by Vresidcnt Fallieros, express! rtgiet at the absence of any rcfirencu to economic relations betwetn. Fiance and the United States. It points out that if no agreement is reached before March 31 a tariff war ap pears ;o be inevitable. While President Taft'g last message held out hopes of a settlement, the paper says, a further con firmation of the desire for an arrangement on the port of the Washington government from the now ambassador would have been particularly appropriate. The Journal Des Debates concludes by deprecating the attitude towards France, of ultra-proteclionlsis In congress, which la disastrous In Us effect here and is ren dering the efforts of moderates to dimin ish tne exaggerated proposals of the tariff commission. Most Wonderful Healing. After suffering many years with a soia. Amos King. Port Byron. N. Y , was cured by Buckbn's Arnica Salve, fcc. Fur salt jby Biutou Drug CV Bowling Tourney N cars the End Neale and SprsTne Still Lead in Doubles and Keyt in Singles. The following games were bowbd In the City Tournament Sunday. The tournament will finish this evening and It Is vt ry certain that all enlrUs will be given a chance by midnight to contest In same. All leagues In the city resum,' play this evening, according to their schedule. DOl'BLl.S. 1st. 2d. 3d. Total Wller 142 YA 170 4"S Hiy holds IikS 1,0 1.8 1G Totals 310 V.i 34S 9M I v- 1st, 2d. 3d- Total Maynor 120 Y6 2O9 ij 1'rlnuau ivl 11 206 b)i Totals 321 i'40 414 1.075 Si NULLS. int. 2d. 3d. Total Conrad IU2 1M 201 Camp b9 I'M lr3 A!U V lley lii.i ISO 1..7 &0.1 Keynnlds l'W i0 . lfl r27 Max nor LA 153 170 4.9 Frimeau 171 p.l 103 4'.'3 Carman H I ltit l'-t 4:1 Sehulli lsj ISO 17K lil Lough 157 pa 1N8 M4 Baehr 14.1 1 l.s2 Lm Latey list ' 171 L bU Bice Iri2 147 1"0 4:.( Bryan 17..3 191 1S8 5.0 Voss 14T. liil IStt 492 TOURNAMENT STAN DINGS. Stuuding of the doubles: Neule and Sprague Zinmii' imin and Francisco li.akeney und Huntington lmnkwaler und Auuersoii Carman and Shultx Conrad uud Camp U'11 l.Wi 1,1 lit 1,1,1 1,1'AI 1 l.lus l.Ol'.l 1.0M l,0.b l.OVl 1.0-..J l.O.a l,0,o l.Vi'd Maim und Bullard , Lehman and Stapenhurst , Keyt and Seaman , Latey and Baehr Mains and Scott , Chandler and Lyons Muilm and Balder HuMior and Irmieuu , GoUeiniciiw ayer and Klauck Diiiman and Hartley Fritclier und VVuienx Bryan and Anglei-berg , , 1.0,0 1,Ui4 l.ObJ l.Oj.l l.On'i , 1,01.1 l.tHJ , 1.034 , l,02i' , 1,01 1 , l.'-'X. , 1.0UJ , l.WIJ , 1,W0 . C7S litxi , Ui4 . 007 . , 000 , uli Utu . .is5 i3 . bVi . full . bit . biT . b,2 , O.J . 6j9 . tlOJ . liUl . bu.i . 60 . tuJ 5ul 5ob . but . 643 . 643 . , brl . Ml . b.io . bob . 6ii Christiansen and luie Rice and Carter , Weeks und Kerr Fagerberg and Voss Goif and Tracy Thomas aud-Encell Gilbrealli and Hluricks Dean and Cm sou Clark and Winer Matthcs and Johnson All other below Standing of the singles: Keyt Olinesorg Gotf Hartley lousem Zimmerman Schuniuclier Biakeuey V Anucison Hull Clark Huntington Zurp Uoueuscliw tiger W alenz Aluun Kiuuck Sprague Stapeuhorst 1 titselin Lehman Conrad Encell Sherwood Drinkwater C. J. Francisco Trucy Schneider Weber v Chinian Ma it lies Scliultz Martin Fritsciier All others below ST. JOE IS RAISING THE MONEY Fans Will Canvusa Town Thursday for that 1(17,300. ' ST. JOSEPH, Mo., Jan. 3. (Special. ) With the rapid approach ot base uuii uj Jai iury 0 when It is expected tout more lliun i.6O0 will be lulaea to finance Hie pyntry ot this city Into 'the Western league utter an aosenuo ot live years, loiai runs are enthusiastic, und not u doubt is ex pressed mat the full amount necessary to Mfure John Holland of Die earnest desire of St. Jo.itph people to see legalized bull will be provided. Recently at a bull given by the commercial truvelers season tickets u no sold to those who would be absent from tho city on buse ball aay. A lime mure man .haI was gamed, but no one w ho expected to bo ill tne city on January b wus permitted to buy al that lime, al thougii had the season and first game licheis been sold geuurully prooaoly one seven 111 of the total umounl desired could liuve been secured then. Flying squadrons of tans are to canvass tlie duwntown district next Thursday uud the captains of Hie various soliciting siiuuus are coiUiUent they can easily cover tne average allotted them. According to advices from Wichita, John Holland bus arranged two series ot upcnjns gumes for St. Jusepn. 1 he St. Louis Amer icans ure to be seen here 111 pro-season gainer on March ii uud April 1 und will uppear In Vv iclnta the two previous days, 'i ho St. Paul team -ot the American assoclu 11011 will piuy in St. johepn .April 8, 0, lu, 11 and 12. Other exhibition games ure now under consideration. liuliund mien is, he Bays, to use every endeavor to have the si ncdule committee meeting of the Western league, to be held the latter pari of this month, transferred from Des Moines to St. Joseph, Slioild tins be din e the St. Joseph Ad club, which has the largest tnember.suip of uuy similar organization in tile United Slates moie timn 1.2U0 w ill give a luncheon to the visa ing magnates. The session would probubi iust two or three days. Holland btneves lie has In R. R. Wolfe one of Hie best backstops in the Western league. Wolle played with Des Moines three years ugo but refused to report when sold to Peoria. Galguno has usk.'d Hol land if lie will be nailed, but the new St. Joseph manager Intends to hold onto the lull mil uud expects nun to go higher next full. STAGU UN FOOT BALL HLI.ES Chicago Coach Says Present Game Will He Ketuined. CHICAGO, Jan. li. Coach A. A. Stugg of the University of Cnicugo, who returned from the liucuug of the Imei collegiate Athletic ussiclulijii in New York, declared thai foot bull as played In American col-.egi-s Is well 011 tne way to thorough re vision, but thai tne present gume wou'd be retulned, with changes, und 110 other substituted, he was cei turn. 'I feel just as sliontiy us ever," said Couch stugg. "that the modern scientific gt.mc of foot bull should nut und will not he givm 1. ,1. 1 ulso feel thut the salva tion of the game will be in muklng it mure open." Stugg further asserted that any Impres sluii that tiie iiallona'. experts favor a revision to Ki.gby or the adoption of the association game is false. JACK JOHNSON CREATES SCENE Colored I'ua; Defies Indiana Un stable Wliu Attached His .Burgage. TERRE HAUTE, ind.. Jun. 3. Jttck Johnaou refused to fulfill his contract to upp'-ur ut u Terre Haute theuter Sunday, tne manager a I inched ills trunks us he was about lo buiird u tiuiu for CuluinhuK. o. Johnson suid the theuter was too cold. W hen a constable served the writ on Johnson he mounted his bugguge and said he would "hit tlie first man who touched It." The constable called lha police and the fighter burked down when Captain Armstiong brougi.l enough men to lake him to Jail. , Johnson later tried lo engage a special train, but failid. and when he saw his be longings piled on a dray he told his man ager he would stay here until tomorn ui.il fight the case. Weston Will Take Another Walk. NEW YORK, Jan. 3 Edward payson Weston, the veteran pedestrian, announced today that he will m.ike one more trur,0 coiitinemal walk, and that be will get from ocean lb oeeun this time within loo days Weston will start from Los Angeles at 4 o'clock tho afternoon of February 1, and will be due lu New York on May 8. li s hike from New York to San Francisco last summer took him 106 days, but on that Journey he encountered a long series of stoijns and unusually hot weather. If con rilt'ons are reasonably favoruhle this spring he is sin.- ti.ai ne ran cross the United Lilulik wilhlii VM days. MAYOR CAYNOR HAS SLATE Executive of City of New York An nounces Number of Appointments. PRAISE FOR dlARLES J. MURPHY He aa Men and Women Who Vrr llrnonnrlnii 'Iniutiiuny lloss Know l ittle of Hint -Will Make ( Irnn Snrrs.' . KW YORK. Jan. 3. M.iyor Guynor gave nut lat-t night through his secretary. Robert Adanison, bis list of appoliilmehiH, so far as he bus been able to make U);in. and an account of his r?la;ions with Charles Murphy, leader of Tammany hall. The latter follows: "When Mayor Guynor was seen lat evening he was found in his home library deep In the perufrtl of a liltln book called 'Wisdom of Benjamin Franklin.' When asked if the political leaders had bio;i consulted In making of appolntmenta he said: " '1 feel thai there Is one great act of Justice which I should do. I was nom inated without even a suggestion bein.r made as to what I should do us mayor. Since election Mr. Charles F. Murphy hus calied on me three times, each tl'tie ask ing me to appoint the best men to be found. His suggestions were few; he urged nothing, and l.ept saying to me thut the I esponslblllly -w as solely with me. " 'I fear there ure a good many people In this town who do not know Charles F. Murphy. Some of them se-tn to-think he lias horns and hoofs. I can inly say of him what I have seen, lie fully r.alzei that u political organization cannot sur vive and grow broader on pationaxe alone without political ideas and virtu.-, but must shrivel up and die of wor e than dry rot. 1 would advise some good women and clergymen who arc wilting l m. about Charles F. Murphy und whut th -X call the white slave traffic to go up a. id see htm and say a kind word to him. They may be surprised. " 'Thou shalt not beur false w Itn -ss Is also one of the commandments. There are more vices than one.' " Comment on Appointments. The mayor In naming his apoUile s ap pends also a brief personal und puliuc.il biography of each. These comments, some of. them waggish, some naive. It wus later announced, were not to be printed as the mayor's own, although he did say they were Issued without his sanction. Some of them are conspicuous In a form;tl state ment. For instance,, of Riilri- lander Waldo, appointed fire commissioner, It Is noted that "hf Is a buchelor and a grout catch, for he rs rich." Herman Bidder, publisher of the Stauts Zeltung, who has been offered the position of park commissioner for Manhattan und Richmond, but who bus not yet accepted, the statement says, thut 011 account of Mr. Bidder's connection with tho pros "he feels delicate In this matter, as his work as a public official would have lo be com mented on by the press, which should not be under constraint. The spectacle of a newspaper publisher running for office und being puffed up by his own newspaper is nauseous to Mr. Bidder. " Nearly All Are Democrats. Most oT the mayor's appointees are dicd-in-the-wool democrats, and the statement Is careful, In giving the biographies, not only to mention those that are, but also to specify that they have children. The mayor himself has seven children. A mpng the .appointments are: . Corporation counsel, salary $15,000, Arch ibald R. Watson, about 40 years old, mar ried, democrat. City chamberlain, salary $12,000, Charles H. Hyde, 40 years old, married, democrat. Commissioner of docks, Calvin Tompkins, salary $7,500, married, democrat. Commissioner of charities, salary $7,rxK), Michael J. Drummond, married, politics not given. , Commissioner of water, gas and electric ity, Henry S. Thompson, salary $7,500, sin gle, a democrat. With him Is appointed Edward Bemls ns first deputy, salary $5,000, who was form erly at the head of the water department of Cleveland, O., "which it is conceded he has made the model water department of the country." Commissioner of bridges, salary $7,500, Klngsley Martin, 32 years old, a democrat. The seven lax commissioners, the state ment concludes, "will be appointed in a day or two. The uppointces will be all high class men who will banish graft and favoritism from the department. "Tho police, street cleaning and health departments are to be deulth with here after. It Is not believed that any of the Incumbents will be retained permiuietitly." Warm Praise for Colonel Goethals Senators Say Work is Proceeding with Economy and Despatch. WASHINGTON. Jan. 2. Construction work on the Panama canal is not only pro ceeding splendidly, but the system of ud mlnistraiion la brilliant In spltu of criti cism directed to It. This is ihe concensus of opinion of the senatorial committee, which returned to Washington today on the dispatch boat Dolphin utter u visit of inspection lo thu canul one. In the party were Senators Oliver, I'eiuose, Cartel-, Dixon, Heyburn and Clark. Senator Oliver whs 1 s-poiial'y Impr-ssid with the manner in which the work Is be ing carried on. The system of stirring rivalry between the army of civilian en gineers and workers bus resulted lu stimu lating work, he suld. The judgment of the party Is that no change in the t-xlstlmj system should be contemplated, und all praised the managerial ability of Colonel Goethals, tho engineer In charge. The practical unanimity of the son-.ue committtee Is expected to cust u blight over the legislation proposed in a bill of fend in the houso by Representative Mann ot Illinois, which already has bee;i re ported from the committee. The bill pro vides for u change In the government of the canal zone and the abolition of the Panama canul commission. BIG GIFTS T0 SCIENCE Dr. I.udnlgT Moud l.envea Fortune for Researches In Chemistry and Th) ales, , LONDON. Jan. 3. Bequests made by Dr. Ludwlg Mond, the well known cheml t, who died on December 10, are all subject to a life Interest of the widow. They in clude $J50.0ti0 to the Royal society of Lon don and $250,000 to ilcirielhc rr unlvirsl y. This amounts are to be devoted to ro s arch In science, particjluriy chemistry and physics. A sum of $100.0u0 is iefl t0 Munich academy and $100,000 la bequeathed to the municipality of Cassel, Germany, where Dr. Mond was born. Fifty pictures by noted artists go to the National gullery, London. Chamberlain's O1111.i1 Ueim-rtv k.ni.i... all uiidciicy ti ward pneumonia. i At the Theaters ' nplrf and the Hollar" at the llojd. A loniedv In three acts by Charles Jfrey. The cust: David i-iratton, a wealthy American miner Tlin Murphj Virginia 8t rat ton. his daughter Dm 01 hy Sherrod Allele, marc htancsa of Antielsley, his mloptid diughier lMiotliy Divh Mai nuls of Anni rslcy, -husbsnd of hts iiiloptnl ihiuglHir J'Mward Lester Pi. til Wesmn. formerly .engaged lo Die mnrchlon.ss Charles II Mirtln Lord D.ii.;lus, In love Miih Virginia ... Richard V Strrltnn Lndv .Inno, mother of Lord Douglas Ms. Aubry Powell Lndv Evelyn Vrtney, a distant relative of Lndv Jane France Lewellyn ret ore. a valet O. J. Griffin James, n footman ...... .iThomns Lawson "Cupid nnd the Dollar" Is one of those plays In which the uncouth but gold hrsrted American twlsls the lion's tall until the English beast roars; the son rf a a.inirwiiat free country putting large crimps In the dlssoulre scion of an effete and debilitated nobility. But this sort of thing ftpp.nl to an American ftudlenre, as witness the triumphant career of "Tho Man from Home," In which likewise the none- too- hlt.Uy p illi hed Amerlcin show, d the Britishers where to head In, as Daniel Voorheos Pike or David Ktratton would huve expnuMd It. One. sometimes lias a yearning to sue a sltre "American. In Eng land who Is faitill!:r with the customs and usages of more or les polll society. Such a character as Stralton Is a grate ful enc for Tim Murphy'.-- It is r-ally funny to see him displaying the exuberance of a mining camp id a Mnyfalr drawing room, and the high pi leiples of Stralton are In eontrast with the visriousm ss of his snn-jA-luw. A fciiuuatloii of daughter' nnd" Ig noble noble Is effect' rt. ' In. the last act and the other daugli'or Is married ofi' to n scion of an hundred earls, who Is really J,, 'I "lis sweet and manly us an Anthony li'.pe hero." ' ' Miss Slu -nod plays the,, daughter who captures the good noblemun and Dorothy Duvics Is the daughter piii-if away from thu bud one. Miss Shcrj'od Is given a bit of heroic ossumptitin t:f 'another'! seeming guilt and us this Is clovi rly contrived ' and thu situation appealing, sceno comes on for much upplause. Mr. Murphy waa ac corded curtain call after curtain call at the end uf thi first act fiiui several moit at tho end of the second. Of the suppoit besides .Miss Shcrrod, the bist work Is done by Miss Davies, Edward Lester as the bud earlet, und Mis. Aubry Powell as a' dowager'' dilchc'st or dowager something or other. "Cupid and the Dollar" will 'be given through Thursduy night with a tnailnee Wednesday. Tho Knights of Ak-Sar-Bcn have tuken tha entire lower floor for Thursday night. Vaudeville ut the Orphrnm. Ed F, Reynold's llfe-l.ko automata are invuiiubiy welcomu In Omaha because tlie man who endows them for the time being wltli verlstlc gestures and with Individual voices brings these autolnufu on stage each time in new roles and in a new setting. This lime his churucters ure a villugo constable, u lone fisherman, a small boy, a woman automoblllut, and a colored imchunlc. The ordinary ventriloquist goes not much farther than flippant replies from one dummy, but Reynard brings on a whole stugeful of lay figures which ure quickened into uppurent life-, not only by his flexible Voice, I ut by many other activities they are mudc to appear to originate. Mile. Bluuci is a graceful dancer, whoso trlj ping of uu Egyptian dance, a real novelty lociliy. will engeiider considerable comment. This number Is given before the temple of I'aslit, wiillo voluptuous strains from "Alda" conic from tho prcjiestra. A striking gown worn In La Dunce en Volant reaches the acme of goreousness without becoming lou t. By a coincidence the same passage from "Alda" lu fciyig by tho four young women, denominated "Wilt's Glrl'a from Melody Lane." These tour, Ada Adair, Eleanor Elliot, Anne Hathaway relict. If one re members aright of one, William Shakes peare and Nina Barbour, sang t.weetly und correctly yesterday afternoon, only thirty-live minutes after arriving In Omaha. The six Glinserettls, who are without superiors In the acrobatic lino have many noval feu is of agiiily to display. James E. Kelly and Annie M. Kent are a "sure fire" team, whose combination of comedy singing one dancing received a warm wel come yesterday. Tlie bill of the week In cludes un animal uct, liulleiinl's canine tumblers, a n.mbcr of exceptionally clever dogs and a trained cat, unique , among feliniB fur going through lis act, without looking frightened. ' - John Weil, a prestldigllateur, entertain Willi exhibitions of manual skill and gives a large number of sleignt-of-hand tricks. The llfeliUeiiess with which , he can tuke an orunge from behind his knee or extract dollurs Hum pe ip lei's heads Is wonderful. The moving pictures of tho week, including a scene .from tiie battle ot Waterloo, ure worthy ot Hole. ' 1 i "In Old Kentucky" ut (he Kruu;. Seventeen years have not utii.med lh verdure ot the b,uo grass and each re curring season brings "Old Kcntuck" as dashing, romantic und interesting as at Its udvent. The play combines Bt lands of most glowing color. I Tlie life of the moun taineer, the moonshiner, the grey gay coloneis of Olu Kuintuck, the sprightly young gallant, fair women, mint Juleps, fust horses, thley.aro all In the story. As romance demands, love fli ds a way, und Muige liiitrly wins a race and a hus band V) the v..HL upproval of an ever ap preciative audience. There have b.irn -many Madge, Hrierlya In the lifu of the pluy, but It is doubtful if uny ever carried more gracefully the role than Mildred Johnson, who has been with tho company for eight years. Burt G. Ciurk, who as Colonel Sandusky Doo llttlu. luce fun, devotee of the gentle but Insidious Julep und typical "colonel," leaves nothing to be desired In his part. The settings ne well appointed and con siderable attention Is given to detailed uccuracy In the presentation of the more Important scents. . It is the same "Old Kentucky" and Madge wins the race. This p!ay opened a four night's engagement at the Krua; last night. An Inhalation lor Whooping-Cough, . Croup, Bronchitis! Coughs, Diphtheria, Catarrh. Cremotcn Is a Boon 49 Alhmtlo Lkh it not msw inort ffw'tiv lo breathe In a remedy fur diMaM. of lit brekvihinf organ liiaa lu u tha rmxjjr tiito tha sumo;!? icaolmit rui-fci b-ausa tha air, fndrd trotigly MiHifcptlc, la cavri! ovar tha diaaaaJ urfaca with avarjj brrath, ft Ing prolonged aud contuuit tri-atmant. It fta lavaliiabla fa motbara with mall childin. Thoa of a 'on anmaLive Tfndrnnf w 11 Mud lramaduta rat. if Son. Cougtia or lnftaina4 Condition vt tha thro. ALL DRUQQiSTS. KAi.d jlkmii for da aortptUa Bockiat. Vapo-f'rcaolrnff itu ruiuo hiraaft, KuW York. PS