i i i THE BEE . Council Bluffs SMITH OFF FOR WASHINGTON Congressman Returns to Capital After Spending Holiday at Home. ! HOPEFUL OF RENOMHTATION Says Ills Dstlfi Will Keep Him Oat of District ! lie Will Depend I pom Friends to Cam pa Ian for Illm. CoriKrensman Walter I. Smith, ho re turned to Washington lait evening after pending the holiday with hlit family In this city, will, on account of hi work In congress be unable to take an active part In the pproachlng political campaign In the Ninth Iowa district. Despite the clrtlms of the supporters of Attorney Gn eial H. W. flyers, who haa announced him self as a candidate for the congressional ronilnation In the Ninth district, Judge Binlth In very hopeful of renomlnatlon, but a he la likely to ba compelled to remain In Washington until near the date of hla primary election In June, hla interests will have to be looked after by his friends. Ueferrlng to the report that Mr. Byers would propose to resign as attorney gen eral If he would resign as a member of cotigrtKS, Judge Smith said yesterday that ho doubted if Mr.' Byers -was responsible fur such a suggestion, and explained that the attorney general's office could be filled by appointment. While the office of mem ber of congress could not, and If he re signed the result would be a special dic tion to fill his place within a month, lie added that It ; had taken his utmost etiorts during his entire service In congress to acquire his present pluces as member 01 the committee on ruies, member ot the ccrmnltl '' on appropriations, chairman ot tic uo.:..iiiilce On sea-coast fortifications, lUikuirf member of the committee on the fcmury civil bill, chairman of one confer ence committee with the senate and mem ber of another, member of the house build ing commission, and member of the Joint commission of the two houses of congress on the bonding of government officials. "If Mr. Byers made the proposition at tributed to him," said Judge Smith, "It was a mild suggestion that I should resign ail these place earned by years of service and which v.o.i t once be filled by others and the., re-elected start again at the foot or i. j ladder. No, 1 shall not resign neither i.iall I neglect my duties In Washington ev'en If they take time 1 would like to use In the primary campaign. 1 am exceedingly hopeful ot renomlnatlon and re-election, but my official duties re quire that 1 leave largely to my friends work 1 should be glad to relieve them of." ftegardihg ' the work of congress Judge Smith expressed the belief that material amendments will be made to the anti-trust law ana to the Interstate commer . law. "The. nineteen years of experience under the anti-trust law ' and the various de cisions under t, have thrown light upon ths subject that the law can now be im proved In several respects," he said. "When Sh9 Hepburn inter-state commerce law was passed, while It C overed a num ber of BubjoitJ, the principal object was to confer the rate making power on the commission. Other features have since risen to lmportarce. Conspicuous among these is the question ot how best to con trol the capitalization of transportation companies. Than the shipper should be given enlarged power to control the routing of his goodn. "The 1 decision In the S-cent fare case and the threat to raise the rates by wlth di awing the commutation tickets, illus trutes the need for a law to require com panies to ubtiiln the approval of the Inter state Commerce commission before raising rates.". ' LKFFEIIT'S JEWELRY store, new lo cation, at3 Uroudway. V Se-rinon by Bishop Morrison. IM. Rev. Theodora N. Morrison, Episcopal bishop of the diocese of Iowa paid his an nual visit to St. Paul's church, on behalf of the diocesan missions yesterday. The bishop, however, did not have to make an a;p6ul for. subscriptions for this purpose as the rector,. Rev. J. W. Jones had the parish's contribution subscribed before the arrival , of ths bishop. This proved an agreeable surpriso for Bishop Morrison and Instead of preaching a sermon In the in terests of the d'.ocesan mission he delivered one or, ths New Year instead. Taking "A Happy New War." as his theme the bishop culd each yea." represented progress in the world ana It likowlse should represent progress In-the Individual. He exhorted the congregation not ,to look back on the past years with their mistakes and defaults, but to look forward and work in p different and battel1 way In the future. While in ttie city Bishop Morrison was the guest of Mrs. Horace Everett and family. - . N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel. 250. Night. L.-t?0i A Wonderful RemeJy for all Diseases caused by URIC ACID IN THE DL00D hese oills cleanse Ihe whole system and bring about a new senso of health and strength. The manufacturers, Belden & Copp Co., Minneapolis. . will send you a samole ab solutely free. The regular price is $ I a box. For sale by Myers-Dillon liru Co, F YOU ARE CURABLE WE CAN CURE YOU AVERAGE TIME TO CURE Rrrrcat One Vl.tv Htdr(mlc One Vin VaR.icocsi.aUn Visit Cit isictt . .10 liars CAT4na sonars Olsst. Etc 'loiTia " i a Piles W i Dat DbaiM to M Daft Jtftce Heuri 9 to Dairt .V NVrtts loony to GERMAN DOCTORS tvttgi. ejurr. I-, TIDINGS, GENTLEMEN At Kr'Vew fcocatioa, M, South Mala. 1 iim now prepared to do first claas tailor Ing. give you the beat goods, best lyia, best materials, best workmanship and the test va.Lua. Let ills muk yuu a suit ot clothe It It doa not prove satisfactory U s my lull ,. " Lukejjord, The Tailor hJm. Council Bluffs Minor Mention Tae Oownail Bluff. Of floe of the Omaha Baa la at 1 " Root Street. Dot Tboae. X Davis, drugs. Diamond playing- the 'orjt vaudeville. CORKIGANK. undertakers. 'Phone 1L ror rent, modern house, 7M tth avenue. FAUST BEER AT ROOKRS' BUFFET. NIOHT BCHOOL at Puryear'i collere. Woodrlng I'ndertaklng company. Tel. 839. Lewis Cutler, funeral director. 'Phono 37. Tlalrd c Boland. undertakers. 'Phone 121 Expert piano tuning. Hotpe. "Phont When you want rellablo want ad adver Using, use The Bee. Calendar, and art novelties for New i ear gut. Alexander's, bit Broadway. Up-lo-iiaU Af Department and Plr.turl rramlng. Borwlck, 211 bouth Main street. The public schools o the city will re open this morning after the two weeks' va cation. The first arrest by the police for the new year was made last evening when Jo.. Palmer was taken Into custody as a sus picious character and to be held for Investi gation. Judge H. E. Pecmer of the Iowa supreme court and Asosistant Adjutant i.rneral Cluy E. Eogan, who are both residents of lied Oak, were guests of Congressman Walter 1. Smith yesterday. Central chapter of the Woman's guild of St. Paul a Episcopal church will be enter tained Tuesoay afternoon at the-home of Mrs. J.K Atkins on tSixth avenue. Mrs. Atkins will be assisted by Mrs. C. 8. Byers and Mrs. C. F. P. Froom. On Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock at St. John's English Lutheran church there will be a lecture and prayer meeting. The chulr will meet for rehearsal at the olos of the meeting. The Woman's Missionary society and the Ladles' Aid society will meet Thursday afternoon at the residence of Mrs. U. W. tinyder. 217 South Seventh street. The city council will meet this evening tor the first regular session of the new year. City Solicitor Kimball. It Is under stood, will recommend to the council that an appeal be taken from the decision oi Judge Snyder In the pure milk ordinance test case In which the court held that the city had not the right to require dairymen and milk dealers to take out a license. A leaking gas heater In the barber shop of O. C Olson, in the basement of the Odd Fellows building on Broadway gave the fire department its first run for the new year at V o cock last night. By the time the firemen reached the place the flamea were eating their way through thr floor, but were quickly extinguished oy the ohemlcal engine. The damage was slight. Taylor Woolsey. the well known pro prltor of a Broadway restaurant and a leading member of the First Baptist church, died at a late hour Saturday night at his home, 302 West Broadway. Death resulted from Bright's disease after an Ill ness extending over a year. He was 6a years of age and leaves a widow. Arrange ments for the funeral, which will be held Tuesday afternoon, have not been com pleted. The funeral of Leonard Arthur Welker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Welker, 816 Seventeenth avenue, aged ii years, who died Saturday evening from Typhoid fever, was held yesterday afternoon from the family home. Burial was In Walnut Hill cemetery, the services being conducted by Kev. Frank Caldwell, pastor of Trinity Methodist church. Deceased was a fire man in the employ of the Chicago. Mil waukee & St. Paul railway. The men of the' First Congregational church will meet today noqn at the Grand hotel for the weekly luncheon and confer ence. Midweek services will be held Wednesday evening at the parsonage, with N. P. Dodge, L. B. Cousins and Mrs. E. L. Scott leaders. The Flower mission will meet Saturday at the home of Mrs. J. W Strock. 811 Sixth avenue. The Ladles' Aid society will meet at the home of Mrs. W, H. Kimball. The annual business meeting and dinner of the congregation will be held next Monday evening in Woodman hall in the Merrlam block. BANQIET AT THE Y. M, . C. A. Wlnaera Im Membership Coatest Will . Be Guests of Honor. ' The opening of the departmental work and night school at the Young Men's Christian, association on Tuesday of next week will be celebrated by a program, the details of which are . now being ar ranged by General Secretary Eastman. A feature of the celebration which has al ready been decided upon will be a ban quet for the members of the winning team In the recent membership contest. A number of prominent business and pro fessional men will be Invited and there will be a program of toasts and speeches. The team headed by W. E. McConnell had the dl.stinction of leading In the member ship contest and consequently will be the guests ot honor at- the banquet. Physical Direct Pierson will shortly an nounce a scries of Indoor basket ball games with out-of-town teams. Games have already been .scheduled with Tabor college, Malvern, Tarklo college. Amity college. Red Oak, Fort Dodge, Waterloo and the Young Men's Christian asSrwi. atlon team of Hastings, Neb. An effort will be made to take nn ih the Chicago training school team while It is on its trip out In this part of the country. Director Pierson will pick the local team from a squad of over twenty young men who are adepts at the gamo. FOR MEDICAL AND FAMlLx" USB BUY YOiJK LiyUORS AT ROSENFELU LIQUOR CO., 51 a. MA1.V. 'Pao.Ej SgJJ, HARD WINTER 0 THE POOH Overserr Miller Says Drmauds for Fuel and Food Are Heavy. "This lias been the hardtsi winter on the poor people for a number of years," declared ueoige 1. Miller, overseer of the poor yesterday, "lura nave been more demands on "he county for fuel and provisions than has been tne n in- several years. This is probably due to the -a.'i mat me extreme cold hus practically put a stop to all outdoor work except tuning Ice and the number of men em ployed at that on this sid r nu ri,. is comparatively small. There is no public aim i no men who have usually secured employment on the streets are no iaie. The resuiur stieet men have not even teen given ork shovelling snow. "The cvera&e laboring man who Is de pendent upon r.'S daily vage is Improvident and rarely saves anything lor a rainy day. 'll.en when a hard winter comes and work Is scarce the county has to furnish fuel and food. I am afraid unless the weather moderates .ion there tfill be considerable suffering among the poor people, although of coutse no decervlng case is turned down by the county. 1 am kept busy every day writing out orders for coal and provisions. The requests for fuel, however, exceed those for provisions." VALUABLE GIFT TO GLENNON Tlsaot . Studies of .New Testament Characters Presented to St. Lonis Archblaaop. ST. Lulls, Jan. 1 Archbishop J. J. non, who receutiy celebrated his silver Jubilee In the church, learned today that several unopened boxes sent him during the Jubl.e celebration contained pictures valued at approximately CS.OUO. The pictures. 1H In all, are copies of TissoCs Bible Studies of New Testament characters, and were presented to him by Herman C. O. Luyties, a mlllionairech&m ist. The Old Testament picture In the same series recently were purchased by Jacob Schlff of New York for ttt.ouo and presented to the Amor library. Archbishop Glennon was greatly sur prised when he learned the value of, the contents, of the boxes, which had been stored In the tiaaement of the arch-episcopal resident- without opening. I owa WILL PLACE HARLAN STATLE Senator Cummint Will Arrange Pro gram for Unveiling. WORK ' OF IOWA SCULPTOE It Is Now In hloaa-o Awaiting Orders of ate KiecntlTe Council Pour t onaresslonnl Con tests. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DKS MOINI'.S,- Jan. 3.-(Speclal.)-Scna-tor Cummins started for Washington this evening. One of the first matters to com mand his attention Is th arrangement of a program for the placing of the statue of Setmtor Harlan In the gallery of fame at Washington. The stntue Is completed and Is in Chicago awaiting the orders of the Iowa executive council. It Is eight feet high. The work was dene by M.ss Nellie Walker, formerly of Appanoose county, Iowa, and is declared to be very fine. The Coldest Winter. The records of the weather office In Des Moines do not show any winter when the December temperature was so low as the one just passed, but It Is known that the December of 1876 was colder, since the records at older weather stations In Iowa will show the fact. The total deficiency of temperature was about 300 degrees, or an average of about i degrees lower than the usual temperature. Four Congressional Contests. The announcement virtually made today that Smith W. Brookhart of Washington will be a candidate for congress In the First district makes four congressional fights certain In Iowa, and In each case it is to be a clear-cut contest betweep a progressive and a standpatter. In the First It Is Brookhart against Kennedy; in the Seventh, Prouty against Hull; in the Eighth, Darrah against Towner, and In the Ninth, Byers against Smith. These are all In the southern part of th? state, where the progressives have hitherto have had nothing. Attorney General Contest. The chances for a large number of candi dates for attorney general appear to be good. Speaker Feeley and Senator Cosson are already at work. Others who are con sidering the matter are S. D. Rinaker of Rock Rapids, W. T. Chantland of Fort Dodge and Wlllurd Eaton of Osage. Want Indians Protected. The Stute Anti-Saloon league has started a movement to place Indians In the same class with minors and drunkards as to Iowa law and forbidding them to enter saloons, also making it a crime to sell liquor to them. There has been much "trouble over sales of liquor to tho Indians In Tama county. It is expected Governor Carroll will assist in this matter. Thirty Violent and Accidental De .ths in Gotham Coroner's Office in the Big City Has an Unusually Busy ' . . - Sunday.-: ... .. NEW YORK, lan. 3. Today was re markable here for the unusual number of deaths by violence and accidents. Sunday Is usually the coroner's quiet day, but to day his office handled thirty pases, of which one was a possible murder, one an unusual suicide by shooting, one a death due to a criminal operation, six were suicides by gas, and three fatal accidents. The man who shot himself choso the marble steps of a life Insurance company in Madison square. He took pains to write a courteous note of apology to the coroner for the trouble he was about to cause. In Brooklyn the toll of accidental death and suicide was particularly heavy. One girl drank carbolic acid and died; a man met a similar death through accident; a man was found dead In a snow bank; another died in a hospital after falling un conscious in the street, and still unothei man inflicted fatal wounds on himself with a knife. Three men committed suicide by inhaling gas, two women died likewise while cases of persons being overcome either ac cidentally or in an attempt to end their lives ran more than a half dozen. Two More Arrests in Baltimore Seven Men Are Charged with Com plicity in Attempt to Blow Up Bridge. BALTIMORF., Md., Jan. 3. With the ar rest today ol diaries W. G ruber and John H. Kenny, there are now In custody seven men charged with complicity In at tempts to destroy a bridue of the Ltiilti- more i. Ohio rallro.:d in this city last Friday nlRlit. Gruher Ik the man in whose house de tectives found u ciuantltv nf i . Kcnney is a youth of 17 and from his story voptars to have been tho tool of th others. He Is said to have to rt th A,.tc. tit '.s that during the recent strike of the rs Iroad muchlnlsts he threw a brick that fitctured the skull of Frank W. VVilger, a watchman in the employ of the company. Kenney says Zimmerman paid his 50 cents to throw the brick and afterward con gratulated him on "doing a good Job." W. H. Ames, also under arrest, is one of the vice presidents of the strikers' union. ST. LOUIS ICEGORGES BREAK Decided Rise of the River Prevents Further Dannie to -Shipping: ST. LOUIS, Jan. 3. With total damage to shipping estimated at foO.ouO from the breaking up of the Ice gorges In Die Mississippi river during the last twenty four hours, a decided rise n the river this afternoon brought relief from danger of additional losses. The steamers Chester and Omaha, driven ashore yesterday were released today. Thirty barges of the Monongahela river. Consolidated Coal and Coke company were Jammed by the Ice last night and several ot them were cast adrift. PITTSBURG. Jan. 1-Wllhtn twenty-four hours ten inches of snow In the-Allegheny and Ohio valleys has melted and flowed Into the Ohio river at this point. However, there is slight chance of flood water caus. Ing damage at this point. It Is believed the present week will see a resumption of navigation at all points between here and Cincinnati. Lifelong Bondage to dyspepsia, liver complaints and kidney trouM.-s Is needless. Electric B tters Is the guaranteed Remedy. 60c Forsale by : OMAHA, TUESDAY, JANUARY 4, 1910. , ! V- , , i , , . . ,jrA firv- N Sv The Finest Boor Ever Browed U M Np&7 UnliVp the proverbial prophet who hardly creates a ripple of interest ' fe- j i " ' his own town 'Blatz" has, for over a half century, been recognized TS' fv3 I Ms. thC mSt PPularbecr in M'fux'ukee The Home of American Brewing. ilf-'l j mmmkmmmmmtttttm'' ' ;' 11 MjteMSMnlnlil liillsnManaelaeaeas , ,t nm 'niotnw'saaannaa I j 111" Incf Hero You Have it llffl i 1 the wholesome, and piquancy of is the Argument where this beer is Get in Blatz GIRLS DENOUNCE CIURTS New York Magistrates Strongly Con demned at Mass Meeting. SUFFRAGE LEADERS ATTEND It ia .Allege that Pure-Mlnded Young Women Are Sent to Workhouses on Trivial Chara-es. NEW . YORK,. Ja.n. S.-One of the most violent condemnations of law and author ity, as ordered V. some New Tork courts, ever given by strikers and their sympa thizers In this . city came from a great mass meeting mainly of women in Car negie hall tonight. The girls ot. .the shirtwaist shops, who struck sever$L weeks ago, and suffrage leaders who z are s lDDortln ths cau passed a resolution declaring that certain city magistrate were unfit for office be cause of their attitude toward strikers who have been arrestel and brought ' before them. (. 1 ' "The office of magistrate has been per verted Into an instrument of persecution and oppression," says the resolution, "and Innocent and pure-minded young women have, to the gerll of themselves and so ciety, been sent to the workhouse upon trivial charges; there to associate with the most abandoned of their sex." Mrs. O. H. P. Belmont attended the meet ing Willi a party of society women. Miss Anne Morgan was in one of the boxes. Trainmen Are Waiting;. On behalf of the Brotherhood of Rail road Trainmen and the Order of Railroad Conductors,- which have made demands for higher wages on all railroads east of the Mississippi, It was reported by their local oft leers tonight that the demands would He In abeyance, so far as negotiations with the companies lire concerned, until about January 20- ' This, it was' explained, was because the election of the local finance committee and their offers, which takes place every two years, was held last month. Datte Miners Keep Oat. EUTTK, Mont., Jan. 3. The Butte Miners' union toniRhtl by an overwhelming vote, decided to keep their hands off the switch man's strike, at Great Falls. This vote was taken on the report of a conference committee which has been con sidering ways and means, of settling the strike in Great Falls. The report of the conference committee was not made public. Great Falls Is the only terminal point In the northwest where the striking switch men control Ihe situation. As a re.sult of their strike tUe Boston & Montana smelter there and that company's mine In Butte, employing about 6,000 men, are ldl. NO TRACE OF EARTHQUAKE Location of Saturday's Shock, Regis tered lit Washing-ton, Still I ndeterinlned. FT. THOMAS. Danish West Indies, Jan. 3. No earthuitake hus occurred here, or, so far ns can be learned, In any othei VYttt Indian Island. KINGSTON. Jamaica, Jan. 8. Two earth tremors were recorded here today. They were of sllsht Intensity, and not sufficient to cause damage or alarm. The stronger shock was recorded at 10:20 a. m., but showed only a small movement on the si-iMnoxraph. POKT DE FRANCE, Martlnque, Jan. 3. There has been no eruption of Mount Pelee. and Soufrelrre is also Inactive. ION'DO.N', Jan. 3. Prolonged earthquake shocks, extending over two hours, were re corded on tho Isle of Wight and at the ob servatory at Lalbach on SatuFday. They were estimated to be about 5,600 miles dis tant. The West Indian Cable company re ports all well in the islands. WABASH TRAIN IS BURNED Fast Frt'laht Containing Several Cars of Oil Derailed at Logans purt, Ind. LOOAKSPOnT, lnd.. Jan. 3.-A fast freight train, composed of oil tank cars and curs of merchandise, on tha W'ahjih railroad was destroyed by fire on the edge of this city tonight. The train ran off the track and took fire. Several nil -- exploded and biasing oil was thrown oxer the rest or me train. The fire for a lime threatened the neighboring part of city. For Croup there ;s uuining better than ''hamberlaio's Cough Remedy, i 1 1 fe' - old-fashioned tonic features flavor that have for generations Tho Popular Verdict that strikes home. The sentiment of the vast majority in every town or city marketed is the best "quality" reference for your guidance. right on your beer for the home also be your down-town Beer. It's up to you. Don't forgi Remember the Trisswguffar Laijei BLATZ COMPANY, Wholesale Dealers, 802 Douglas St., Cor. 8th. "SWT Fast Train on Rock Island is Derailed Golden State Limited Rolls Down an Embankment at Minooka, 111. Five Persons Hurt. JOLIET, III., Jan. 3. A through pas senger train on the Rock Island main line jumped the track early today and rolled down a ten-foot embankment near Mi nooka, III., but no one was killed and few were hurt. "A cylinder head of the loco motive blew out, it is said, throwing the rails apart and upsetting the train, which consisted of several sleeping cars, two day coaches and the usual number of mull and baggage cars. The only passenger seriously injured was Clarence intone, Clinton, la.,- who had two ribs broke.i. He was in the tourist sleeper. Five other 'passengers abstained bruises and cuts. All took the next train westward, an hour later. The wrecked train was run ning from fifty to sixty miles an hour, when something happened to the locomo tive and it stopped short in 100 feet. The trouble Is a mystery to Engineer Brlggs. Conductor Swift ran all the way to Mi nooka and secured help. The train derailed was the Golden Gate Limited, which left Chicago at ! o'clock last night. SANDUSKY, O., Jan. 2. A loaded pas senger train on the Lake Shore railroad was wrecked near Huron today. Hundreds of excursionists narrowly escaped, but only one fireman was injured. HYMENEAL. IIInmau-Nr oninnn. BEATRICE. Neb., Jan. 3. (Special.) Henry Hlnmnn- and Miss Gertrude Neu mann were married Saturday at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Neumann, at Wymore, Rev. K. F. Gates officiating. The young couple will make their home at Clovls, N. M. r VOXA mm a, J Ba V LO W mtjm A a. m - - TL. ' -T "f - i i ail at Ii I I H I i r""-1 ataJlltlit. Tl-afr " TW ' K J1"' ."!" I i.IIH i Uignnjssi.nl' ' i 1 11 ' m is I ill iii J m im I m ii iiiu.i4i mj..iili.nnJin lil'Slli fei-: Y' --pl ' ! ''OLD MEDALFLOUfK . J "liM' ' ' : j : : -- ? " U p ! JVlS&Yi;.4.Aii'tJl'allC&..rU - - . ...Mll .. -.,,-, - f, j T Hl- .ttllltV--' '---'--"'-'- '-'"''-'-'''---"''-'-'-''''-'-'---'-'-. " . - J Absolutely Pure Rye Whiskey Of The Highest Quality. Sold By All First-Class Bars, Clubs and Cafes. UOTTLED IN JIOM) - 100 PROOF. ALWAYS ASK FOR IT. CLARK K BROS. & CO. DISTILL1-KS. PEORIA ILL of early-day brewing, backed characterized Blatz exclusively by ordering a case of Blatz. Phone Douglas 6662. CHRISTIANITY IS GROWING Prominent Men Say it is More Domi nant in Public Life. aUESTIONS SENT TO SIXTY MEN Vice President Sherman, Speaker Cannon and Chief Forester Plnchot Among Those , Who Answer. CHICAGO, Jan. 3. Men of prominence In national politics believe that the teach ings of Jesus Christ are more dominant in public affairs today than when they entered active life, according to answers to questions read today before the Plymouth league of the Oak Park Con gregational church. Two questions were sent to sixty leading men of the nation by Bruce Barton, presi dent of the league, early in December. One related to the dominance of the spirit of Christianity. The other question was, "Is It an advantage or a disadvantage for a public man to be known as a pro fessing Christian?" One of tho first to answer was James 8. Shermun, vice president. "To your first inquiry," said the vice president, "I beg to answer that It is my belief that with the progress of education and civilisation throughout the world the spirit of Jesus btcunit-8 more dominant not only In busi ness or in politics alone, but In the smaller affairs of everyday life. In answering your second query I hate to believe, and I do not believe, that it is disadvantageous to any man in any calling to be a profess ing Christian. I am firm in the conviction that the time will never come In this country when a man In high position will hefiltato to upoak frankly and freely to such questions as you propound." "I believe It Is a strong ndvantnge for a republican today to be a professing Chris tian," wrote Glfford plnchot, chief gov ernment forester. "It gives him confidence in ' by that "bodj undeniably. Let in himself and It gives others confidence In him." Among others who answered the ques-" tlons expressing belief In the growth of Christianity and Its Influence In public affairs was Speaker Josi ph O. Cunnon. Students for Missionaries. ROCHESTER, N. Y., Jan. 3,-Crowdlnp the platform of Convention hull at thu3 close of the sixth Intel-national convention of the Student Volunteer Movement to night ninety-two college and university students offered themselves for sorvlce aa foreign missionaries. They Included young women from Vaatiar, Wollesley and tho Women's college of Baltimore and men from Harvard, Yale and Johns Hopkins university. These volunteers expect to leave for their fields within the next year undor the dlrr-c tlon of various church boards. China, aa a field of labor, appealed to most of the students, forty volunteering for that coun try. Ten men and women offered to go to Africa and nine to India and volunteers tor other countries were as follows: Philippines, one; Japan, four; . Russia, one; Korea, one; Alaska, one; 81am, one; Moslem world, fourteen. , A feature of the closing session was the. reading of cable mtssages from all parts of the world by John Mott, chairman of the convention. Among those who sent, greetings was Baron Nlcolay of Kusaln.j who said: "Remember Russia; need In tense; possibilities tremendous." RIOT IN HOTEL INHAVANA' Negro Congressmen Who Are fief used Drinks at American llnr Stnrt Fight, HAVANA, Jan. 3. Two negm congress men entered the bar at the Plaza hotel tonight. This Is distinctively an American house and they were refused drinks. They went away Immediately, but returned with a crowd of several hundred negroes. ' A riot ensued which was only quelled by a strong force of police after a fight between the Americans and thn negroes in which, several were Injured. Twp Americans were arrested. It Is thought the riot was a con certed plan on the part of the negroes tnm give expression to the anti-American Benli ment In Cuba. et. .ATr IIIU HKJF I I 1 1- f