THE REE: OMAHA, MONDAY, JANUARY 3, 1910. The Omaha1 Daily Bee. FOUNDED BY EDWARD ROSttWATER. VICTOR ROSE WATER, EDITOR. Entered at Omibl postoffioe as second clasa matter. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Pally Bee (Including Sunday), per week 15c l'alljr Bra (without Sunday), per week 10c Dally Bee (without Sunday), ona year 14.00 Dally Ilea and Hunday. ona year..' (00 DELIVERED BY CARRIER. Evening Bea (without Sunday), per week So Evening Bea (with Hunday), per week 10c Hunday Ite, ona year I- Saturday Bee, ona year 1 M Address all complaints of Irregularltlee In delivery to City Circulation Department. OFFICES. Omaha The Bea Building. South Omaha Twenty-fourth and N. Council Bluffs-IS Scott Street. Lincoln 618 Little Building. -- Chicago 164)1 Marquette Building. New York Honmi 1101-1102 No. 34 Weat Thirty-third Street, Washington 725 Fourteenth Street, N W, CORRESPONDENCE. Communications relating to newa and ed itorial matter ahould be addressed: Omaha Bee, Editorial Department. , REMITTANCES. Remit by draft, express or postal order payable to The Bee Publishing Company. Only 2-cent stamps received In payment of mall accounta. Personal checks, except on Omaha or eastern exchanges, not accepted. - STATEMENT OF CIRCULATION. State of Nebraska. Douglaa County, as.: George B. Tzachuek, treasurer of The Bee publishing Company, being duly aworn, says that the actual number of full and complete copies of The Dally, Morn ing, Evening nnd Hunday Bee printed dur ing the month of December, 1909, waa as follows: 1 41,630 17 41,780 18 3 41,680 1 4 41,70 BO 6 48,340 81 43,930 S3 7 41,070 83 S , 43,660 84 43,830 86 10 43,660 36 11 ' 43,860 87 18 41,850 38 13 44,860 88.. 14 - 43,470 30 16 43,600 31 18 43,430 43,630 43,930 41,830 48,770 43,480 48,850 43,450 48,530 43,800 44,880 43,810 43,930 43,370 43,410 Total .' 1,333,810 Returned copies , 10,130 Net Total.. 1,318,380 Dally Average 43,334 UitiUKUM IS. TiVSUHUUK, Treaaurer. Subscribed In my presence and aworn to belor ma tola Slat oay or December, 10. W. P. WALKER, Notary i'uDuo. SaasorUbers leaving; the city tem porarily ahould have The Bee nailed ta them. Address will be eaaagjad aa eftea mm reqaeated. The new year started eff shockingly at Martinique. The anti-pass law doesn't seem to work very well in Minnesota. ' Wall street seems unable to clear up the drift of the Rock Island flurry. . i ,, , , . Tfjston Is planning for a corn exposi tion next fall. Better come to Omaha's If the price or rubber keeps on stretching, something is liable to snap. Some of the big cities' census guesses are likely to blimp the bumps when the returns come In. Too earnest devotion to the dollar mark has left the mark on the face ftnd frame of the pursuer. The principle of "Look up, not down," will be unanimous as soon as Halley's comet Is sighted. Gayuor's policy of choosing his of ficeholders by fitness Is causing Indi cations of fits in the wigwam. Omaha has much to be thankful for and little to regret In the review of 1909. Now all together for 1910! The ballet dancers of the Parisian royal -opera won their strike. The man ager could not. withstand their kicks. All of the Suppressed high Jinks of the Hlbky Dink ball appears to have been let loose in Chicago on New Year's eve. t Estrada's- pledge for the disarms tiient of Nicaragua does not disarm the world of the suspicion that he means to be its president,' The shipload of sugar that sunk on Hearing New York must have been dls couraged by the wireless news from the customs house. A crying baby Is sometimes an ad vantage, as tlys Omaha man whose life and property was saved through the baby's alarm can testify. Now that the Woodmen of the World building has finally alighted, the real estate deals that were dependent on Its erection may be closed up or declared off. When the National Anti-Trust league meets the National Anti-Boy cott association Oompers and his friends can stand aside and watch the fun. The great concrete road which Gal veston Is about to build to the main land will take Its place among the world's wonders as the real giant's causeway. Benator Lodge denies that he will accept a post abroad. No lodge In the wilderness for him, when he can be both fellow and spokesman for the Hub at home. . ' The location of sky-scrapera for Omaha Is sufficiently distributed to avoid the harge of either congestion or collusion. The new business dis trict appears to Include a large portion of the old." While wo all are In earnest about conservation, there can be such a thing as too much conversation about It What is needed Is some practical legla latlon, and congresa cannot too soon enact It- The fate of our resources must not be Imperilled by the desire for self-exploitation la debat. , Now for Bal Work. Reports from the various centers of population Indicate that the holidays hare been enjoyed with especial relish by a nation hopeful under the anima tion of a full resumption of business and every Indication of uninterrupted prosperity. Much of this public con fidence has been based on the tinder lying faith In the administration at Washington, some of whose policies, definitely announced, were given prac tical headway In the opening days of the session of congress. And now the real work of the ses sion begins, work which the. people ex pect the national legislature to ex pedite in keeping faith with the citi zens. Economic financiering of the routine of government is to be accom plished, and in addition much new legislation is to be enacted with reme dial Intent toward regulating existing evils and toward creating new chan nels for good through which the bust- ess of the country may be intelli gently and satisfactorily guided. Mr. Taft already has pointed out to congress Us public duty in the matter of some of the vital problems of the day, and with the reassembling of the body he will make additional sugges tions. It la to be remembered that the counsel coming from the White House Is the utterance of the presi dent of the whole American people, elected by their votes to secure the fruits of the very policies now enun ciated by the administration. And In rendering into the law of the land the voice of the people, the nation expects every congressman to do his duty. Snow on the Sidewalk. The snow, like the rain, "falleth on the Just and on the unjust," and the busy man's sidewalk is Just as deeply covered as that of his neighbor who has more time to devote to the manip ulation of the harmless, but necessary, snow shovel. In a large' community blessed with a democratic administra tion, such as Omaha, It behooves the citizen, no matter what his standing, to take cognizance of the fact that the public comfort and convenience, not to speak of the police regulations, require that the snow be removed from the sidewalks. It Is unfortunate, perhaps, that the heavy snow fall of December came at a time when no election was pending in Omaha, and consequently the street cleaning department was not in a state of pernicious activity. At any rate, a number of otherwise excellent citizens and prosperous business men neglected to remove, or cause to be removed, the accumulation of snow from the walks In front of their premises, and thereby laid themselves'Ilable in some degree under the city ordinances In such case made and provided. This brought several of them into unpleasant noto riety as tne result or a suaaen aeier minatlon to enforce' the law. ,' Whll It Is not a pleasant duty to record these facts, and the average neWspapel stands in this regard "Like angels fo( a good man's sin. weep to record an blush to give it in," yet the fact had t be chronicled as part of the day's do lngs. The lesson is plain and th moral is obvious The next time the snow falls on your sidewalk either get yourself or the hired man busy with the snow shovel. Message to All the World. The strides taken by the students' missionary movement, as indicated In the annual report, must be gratifying to all progressive interests as well as to those which are Strictly religious, for iris apparent that these crusading volunteers are carrying to all the world a message of civilization. Moral awak ening and mental enlightenment are twin sisters, and lnthelr spread of the gospel to the dark places of the earth the American emissaries are allies of the greatest of uplifting forces. The program indicated for the com lng year shows the vast scope of the movement, covering as It does such countries as Turkey, Russia, Japan, India, Africa and the turbulent sec tions of Latin America, whre the edu eating force of the Christian students Is bound to be an influence for all right living and good government. Even the worldly affairs of the work-a-day life are advanced by this move ment, for it is well known that trade follows the missionary, so that for practical as well as for ethical reasons the students will doubtless find even larger support in the future. Theirs 1b one ef several unselfish institutions of the sort that are making the Araer lean known to the uttermost parts of the globe as a disciple of light and hope and happiness. Another Myth Exploded. So firmly fixed In the popular mind has been the idea that Mars Is a planet of marvelous canals, that the an nouncement from London absolutely destroying the canal theory will come as a shock. The latest telescopic pho tographs were accepted by the dlstln gulBhed scientists gathered at the con ference of the British Astronomical as sociation as conclusive proof than, what had hitherto been deemed to be canals were merely an effect upon the eye of collections of dark spots whose cause was undetermined, but which were certainly not due to canals. Indeed, it was announced on the authority cf Superintendent Maunder of the solar department of the royal observatory at Greenwich, that no on ever had seen a single canal on Mars, and that there never had been any real ground for supposing that th markings on the planet supplied any evidence of arti ficial action. It was agreed that It were better for sclenc that the canal theory be abandoned altogether, fiction writers and wild theorists have thus removed from their field the basis of much fruitful imaginings of recent years. It was the canal theory that gave rise to the most substantial faith that Mars was Inhabited by. a race more highly cultivated than oar own. With the London explosion crum bles the whole structure of Martian population, and the human family Is left without a vestige of this carefully constructed planetary fabric. But, after all, It is something to have built a telescope powerful enough to dispel so wondrous an Illusion, and man can afford to lose the shadowy sentiment of his Martian myth in the contempla tion of the actual achievements of old earth's real people. A School Girl on Education. Washington Irving, one of the mas ters of literary style, might well be proud of the essay written by a girl student in the New York high school bearing' his illustrious name. The es say is a logical and edifying answer to the question, "What do the high schools do for a girl?" and Is being circulated among students of the ele mentary schools with a view to open ing general Interest In advanced edu cation, for In New York, as in most cities, the tendency of the majority of students is to go no higher than the grammar grades. , From the point of view of the girl herself the value of the high Bchool training is interesting as confirming the faith of the parent. "High schools," says this youthful essayist, 'prepare the girl for the highest hap piness and the greatest service. They give her the fruit of the training through which her teachers have so earnestly led her up to her entrance to the high school. They give her the cultivation and the refinement of the well-bred woman. They fit her, If necessity should come, to avoid de pendence upon her relatives and to ypport herself in a self-respecting way. A hign scnooi education is now Indispensable to the American woman. It puts her at ease In any society; it advances her in business success far beyond the graduate of the business school which omits everything but the bread-and-butter studies. Every day In the high school pays not only bet ter In, better wages, but In the satisfaction of the higher life. Go for a term, or a year; each day is an advantage to you. Go the full course if possible. Business houses want educated girls, Intelligent girls; they want high school girls. Don't let anyone fool you with a short cut proposition that will fit you for a third-rate place from which you never can rise." Frequently youth will accept sug gestions from its own contemporaries rather than from Its elders, and It is probable that this earnest appeal of a high stfhool girl'ln the midst of ber hope, her faith and her work will have an Influence toward swelling the am bitions Of those who ordinarily would stbp .at the high school threshold. If It persuade only one, It will have ful- nilied Its destiny, and the chances are that It will persuade many. The 'vicissitudes of the American family are such that the daughter ought to be trained to be self-reliant; she should be no clinging vine that withers at the first blast of adversity, but instead a. creature of poise and en durance, and she ought to be able to make her own living should clrcum stances compel. The Washington Irv Ine high school girl Is right: The American high school Is the best all around training field Tor the battle of life, for the gentler as well as for the sterner sex. A Literary Debt. Not only do we owe a literary debt to England, but English literature In Its turn owes a debt to those far-seeing and generous publishers who, with wise expenditure of their fortunes, en dowed the authors struggling toward fame, solving their financial problems and affording them ease and quiet tor the cultivation of their best lnsplra- tlons. One such was George Smith, a scholar of plain name, but the finest instincts and attainments. He It was who discovered and gave to th world the immortal Thackeray. It Is now fifty years since Mr. Smith established his Cornhlll Magazine and put Thack eray at the head of It, paying, him $1,750 a month for the serial rights to his novels, and also $10,000 a year as editor, though Mr. Smith, himself, took the routine burden off the au thor's shoulders. In the early vol umes of the Cornhlll not only Thack eray's books first ran their course, but the magazine also gave to the world George Eliot's "Romola," Wllkle Col lin's "Armadale," and Borne of An thony Trollope's workB. Other dis tinguished names of Its bygone con tributors were Tennyson, Darwin, Rus kln, Tom Hood, George Macdonald, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Matthew Arnold, O. H. Lewes, G. P. R. James and Robert Louis Stevenson. It is a satisfaction to witness the stalwart, untainted survival of a me dium which ha given to the world so much that Is Immortal In literature, and the Jubilee Issue of th Cornhlll, now at- band, is a living evidence of high endeavor and attainment carried throughout half a century with no de viation from its original standard. The golden age of the magaalne finds its Ideals the same today as ever, and to it the present generation Is Indebted for th novels of Mrs. Humphry Ward, th essays and stories of the brilliant Benson brothers, such gems of modern writing as Yoxall's "Wander Years." and many other productions among the current best. Nothing to excel It, from a literary standard, has appeared in Europe or America since tha dayB when Thackeray first marked Its proofshects, and It is a pleasure for the wonderland of cornfields to take off its hat and send Its -wireless, but none the less cor dial, greetings across th ocean to the wonderland of the Cornhlll In acknowl edgment of a literary debt that shall extend through generations to come. While the government Is In the mood for economizing it might give some attention to the revision of its customs service by eliminating the ports which produce no revenue from foreign com merce. There are forty ports whose collections do not equal the expense of maintenance, as, : for Instance, Torts mouth. N. H where $3,673 is ex pended to collect $222, and Annapolis, Md., where $3.09 Is the year's revenue from a $956 office. The government spends $4,221 at Egg Harbor, N. J., to take In $167, and In twenty or more other places a similar annual discrep ancy Is noted. It would seem to be good business to. abolish the expensive offices at ports of such trivial income. Why should the government maintain a collectorshlp that does not collect? v Mayor Dahlman is about to give the city council the benefit of his views of certain feature of municipal house keeping. The outline of his Ideas so far presented Indicates a tendency to ward economic and efficient adminis tration. If the mayor Is sincere in his purpose and the city council will act with him great benefit to the city will ensue. The adaptation or business methods to public service is always In order. The nomination of United States senators by direct primary vote in Ne braska may have to run. the gauntlet of the courts. In the meantime the citizens can well afford to continue, a practice that has been permitted for many years of recommending to the legislature the candidates preferred, and the legislature can well afford to heed the recommendation made by the voters. Pure air, pure food and pure thought is the rule of life advocated by Mr. Wu In parting from Americans. While fidelity to the advice may not hold us al here for the full term of fifty years at the end of which Mr. Wu promises to visit us, still It Isn't a bad suggestion to follow on its merits, coming though It does to a Christian people from a so-called heathen. While "Dixie"' has been announced as the preference in a voting contest for the favorite national air, "Yankee Doodle" may be expected to keep It up. Born that Way. New York Evening Post. Sugared phrases, ' honeyed words, gum- dropped evidence, and the Havemeyer trust seem to Indicate that there la a con genital moral weakness bound up with the saccharine principle. Look for. the JT rouble Elsewhere. nmSbxiLoula Republic In his ittnutrjiirinto food prices Secretary Wilson of the Department of Agriculture will f!ndV,thAUth farmers are getting no more than jthey jought to for their produce, no matterwhaf. may happen to it after it ia out ojr,,,ttelr hands. A Lioaa to the World. Chicago InterrOccan. The death of Frederic Remington Is a loss to the art of the whole world. He oreated a new school and did more than any other artist to depict the strenuous lite of the frontier during the conquering of the west. His Indians, soldiers, cow boys and horses and game animals are the unmistakable work of the man who knows. Usefulness of m Preeedeat. Philadelphia Record. A former Japanese minister, Count Hay ashl, advises the Incorporation of Korea after the example of the annexation of Hawaii by the United States. All things considered, this was by no means a credit able act of statesmanship in view of the method of lta Accomplishment. But It can hardly be denied that It affords a pre cedent for Japan In tbe Korean case. Governmemand Railroad Strikes. , Springfield Republican. It has before been suggested that the government be empowered by law to put under a receivership railroads whose op eration has become blocked by strikes. Now Representative Stenerson of Minne sota offers a bill to this effect and finds the president disposed to give it serious consideration. Such a propoaal implies that the government as an operator of rail roads ia more competent to deal with strikes or troubles with employes than Ufnanagers under private ownership and ( . I .. . .1 .. I - ,. t mlcV., often prefer to ceal with the government as employer, the proposed law would ad mit of many Btarts and more or less per manent steps In the direction of govern ment operation of the roads. It la a measure not likely to be welcomed by the companies. , ' Our Birthday Book 'January 3, 1810. Rlchaid Henry Dana, the well known, aithor and reformer, was born In Cam bridge, Mass., January S, 1S61. He is to day one of the leading citizens of Boston. Williams J. Conner, the big democratic boss of New York state, popularly known as "FIngy" has a birthday today. He was born in Buffalo In and started out as a dock-worker and roustabout. Congressman James A. Tawney is Just 56 years old. He la the same "Jim" Tawney about whom so much fuss is being made because he la the only member of the Minnesota delegation In congress who voted for the tariff bill. He waa born in Gettysburg, Pa. Former Governor . Franklin Murphy of New Jersey started life January t, IMC. He la a native Jerseyman, and la New Jersey's mea.ber of the republican national committee. Rex H. Morehouse Is president of the R II. Morehouse company and la one of Omaha's popular young business men. He waa born January t, 1881, at Missouri Valley, and waa educated at Culver Mili tary academy and Andover academy. E. Sellgaohn ia 71 years old today. He ia In business here in Omaha as a whole sale liquor dealer under the name of Wolateln tt Co., the name taken from his birthplace, since he was born In Wolstein, Germany, January I, 1843. Mr. Sellgsohn has been In this country twenty-three years, Bryan Pipe Dream Tbe "Ms" and Anda" Lining the Highway that Folnt to Demo cratic Control . ot Congress. Brooklyn Eagle dem ). A contribution sent by Mr. Bryan to th National Monthly for January I- likely to attract the atntlon of those who think that at the congressional elections to bo held next year control of the house of rep resentative will be taken from the repub licans. What such a change would sig nify Is, of course, obvious. It would mean that the country expected downward re vision, and that it Is disappointed, not to say disgusted, with the schedules. Nor has Mr. Bryan any doubt that such a re buke would be administered "but for the unfortunate division that manifested Itself in our party." That, In his Judgment, took away half the chance of victory. However, the other half remains.- And there Is but one way to take advantage of It.' We are told that the party must stand unitedly against every proposed Increase and in favor of every proposed- dncrtasa. It must understand that democratic pro tection Is not a bit superior to republican protection; also that protection, whether democratic or republican. Invariably In vites bargaining, trading and corruption. Furthermore. It must realize that a plat form which la not binding is a fraud. Hav ing thus, aa It were, cleared the way for action, Mr. Bryan concludes; "If we can secure a democratic congress and pass a measure providing for sub stantial reductions, we can enter the next presidential campaign with confidence. If, however, we secure a bare majority In congress and then our party Is rent asun der by a division on the tariff question, as the republican party was divided over the Aldrich bill, our prospects of success in 1312 will be greatly reduced." It In not often that the Eagle finds Itself in accord with, any program outlined at Lincoln. Indeed, It can recall no occasion when that has happened, but this time Mr. Bryan has a true bill. According to a careful calculation made by the Review of Reviews, 66 per cent of the Imports remain subject to the old rates, 15 per rent are subject to higher duties, and 0 per cent to lower charges. While, how ever, the percentage of Increase is 31, that of decrease Is but 23, so that, taken as a whole, there has bgen a raise of rates. This is more than sufficient Justification for the contention that the consumer waa betrayed. To that extent Mr. Bryan Is on solid ground. He Is an exponent of demo cratic doctrine when he takes up the con sumer's cause, which means that he has anything but an imaginary grievance against senators and representatives who fell out of democratic line on roll call. He Is right in principle when he demanda ,that revision should have the greatest good for tbe greatest number for Its objective point, but what about practice? It makes a mockery of principle and scoffs at plat forms. When the editor and proprietor of the Commoner says that if his party secure a democratic congress and pass a meas ure providing for substantial reduction It can enter the next president campaign with confidence, he formulates a thought that is fathered by a wish. But, he admits that there is only half a chance, and he knows that there la none at all. For a majority in the congress to be elected next year la beyond the reach of his party. Many senators will have to go and come before that statement must be modified. This ia not the worst of it. The president who occupies tha White House is a re publican. He has the power of veto and he has Indorsed legislation of the Payne Aldrlch brand. Moreover, It Is a waste of tlmo and energy to Urge that congress men- who will Ignore local Interests shall bes elected. Many representatives will re turn to congress for the very reason that they voted with tbe majority. In other words, they will have their seats because they did that for doing which Mr. Bryan thinks they should be left at home. So, however commendable part of the Nebraskan's program may be said to be, it prescribes impossible conditions. Instead of being half optimistic It should be wholly pessimistic." And it overlooks altogether the introduction of a new and consequential factor. Tariff rates have been referred to experts who are looking for enlightenment. It will take them about two years to get It, and that Will be soon enough. They cannot do much worse than congress, and they may recommend better. As for the Interval, what can't be cured, must be endured. AN IOWA ANNIVERSARY. Sixty-Three Years Youngr and Quite Handsome. Pes Moines Capital. Iowa entered upon the sixty-fourth year of its existence as a state last week. When President Jamea K. Polk signed the act whereby Iowa was formally admitted to the union of states, the man who la now three score and ten was entering upon his 7th year. At that time Iowa had a pop ulation of less than 300,000. There were probably a few who looked out over the broad expanse of traokless prairie and ruefully shook their heads. The smoke of the Indian wigwam here and the smoke of the settler's cabin there both ascended to the sky, telling a tale of loneliness and isolation which could hardly be uttered in words. When the night shades fell the roar of the wild beast waa the only Bound which broke the stillness. Only those who have lived a long life can appreciate the wonderful transforma tion which haa here taken place. Today Iowa Is the leading agricultural state In the union. The claim of leadership is ofteu put forth when only a comparative leader ship can be proven. Iowa'a pre-eminence is a matter of authoritative facta and. fig ures which make it stand out from and above all other states. , On New Year'a day the American Agri culturist will make a showing of the farm wealth of the United States. In the pros pectus which Is before us is a map of the United States giving the number of farms in each state and the total vaiu-e ct the farm products. This map shows tha Iowa has 241,000 farms and that the total value of its farm producta for the year 1S0 la (L'1,000,000. It W true that Texas has 425,000 farms and farm products valued at $ta,000,Ouo, but Texas Is a small continent in size and it would be unrea sonable to make discriminating compari sons with that state. Illinois falls behind Iowa, lta 200,000 farms producing a product value of .rH7. 000,000. Ohio has product values of $488,000,000, and New York, lung far-famed for Its agricul tural superiority, reaches 1431.000,0(0. It Is no wonder that $100 or more pr acre is beginning to be the ruling price for Iowa farms. The conviction Is deepen ing that the soil la worth .he money. With the stand which Iowa occupies today there Is no limit that ran be placed upon ita future possibilities. Hot Pare for tae Year. Denver Republican. Let 1910 be forewarned that it ia going to have a pretty atiff time of It keeping up to the pace set by Its nearest predecessor. CHRISTMAS STORM ON COAST. Pea Pletara of Orras Farr la New Knalaad. Springfield (Mass.) Republican. Ft w of us who dwell In the safety of the Inland resllxe the terrors of an angry flood tide; a relentless dull gray mass of 'dithering seas creeping In and In and de manding Ita toll of life and property. The nien who go down to the deep In ships, and the women who watch anxiously on the headlands for their home-coming, know that the cycle of the months brings In four great tides. One usually comes In the late si mmer. It Is expectantly awaited by those In the hammocks of the summer cottages all up and don the grim New England const, for it la picturesque. Impressive and generally rather harmless. Rut the winter coming cf the hungry sea Is a far different thing; then the beaches and houses on the overhanging cliffs arc empty of the summer people, Then the sea comes In to hold converse with Us children, the men and women who gain their living from Its ovt-rchamiln.f bosom, the fisher people and the skippers, the gatherers of moss and the hardy farmers on the edges of the drear salt marshes. Ever the sea Is ugly and desperate at this time, but It has been years since it swept In so relentlessly as on Sunday. Twice before In the memory of living men has It demanded such tribute. The first time was In "SPl. when Minors light, the binding link between shore and deep, was twisted from its ledge and hurled Into the crashing seas with its crew. Then the tide swept In over fifteen feet and four inches In height. The second time was In lxwt. That tide and storm will always bo known as 'the storm In which the Portland was lost." It was a wicked thing, a gale and sea which drove the coastwise ships like feathers before It and which wrought havoc on the beaches along the coast. And now comes tha third, a third which will probably go down In history as the Christ mas tide . of 1M9. Even ' now it ia too early to give any estimate of the loss of life along the coast. Too many places are still cut off because of damaged wires; too many anxious women-are still looking Into the gray offing for the homeward-bound sails. Around Boston alone the property damage la estimated at around $5,000,000 and the tide came In over the beaches from Bar Harbor to Newport. ' Chelaea probably waa the worst sufferer because of the breaking of Its dike. Win throp waa badly hurt by the rising flood, Its lights were doused, its wires laid low, and many of Its summer homes damaged. Great sections of the bulkhead along the state reservation at Nantucket were waahed out and cottages and hotels in Jured. The little summer colonies along the coast from Boston to Cape Cod suffered heavily, for brake waters were undermined and the seas ate their ways under cot tages and sucked out the little struggling lawns. The towns along the great hooked cape were flooded in many instances and people went In boats to places generally visited safely without rubbers. Some of the streets In Provlncetown were under water, and It was a daring skipper who forced his ship into the teeth of the gale which howled off the yellow headlands that mark the seaward dangers of the cape. Even fashionable Newport suffered. The storied Ocean drive was awash and badly damaged, a thing almost Incredible. From out In the deep come stories of equal slse. The gale blew seventy miles an hour at Block Island and many fisher shacks now strew the' beach aa wreckage. The Nan tucket lightship weathered the storm and tide, but It waa bad there, very bad. And the storm Itself was a wonderful thing to see, a thing which brought the fear of God into the heart of man and made him acknowledge that the strength of nature la Irresistible. Standing on ' a headland on the south shore, the wind drove the biting, snow into your face so that the glittering flakes cut like knives. Through the kjlndlng gusts glimpses of the dull gray aea could be had beyond the trembling rocks, while, with the regularity of minute guns, the combers, tossing their crests twenty feet above the waving kelp, crashed in on the coast and sent their scud swirling high into the air, to be frozen and whirled away with the drifting snow. Then, aa the storm above subsided the storm in the sea rose greater In Its might, the size of the breakers increased as they threw off the wight of the storm above, and tbe sea came racing In to claim its toll and to bring on its angiy crest its wreckage of human flotsam. ON THE TRAIL, t)F THE DEFICIT. Plans for Placing; Postal Service on Paying- Dasla. Cleveland Plain Dealer. PoBtmasrer General Hitchcock In his an nual report made public this morning makes one suggestion, which ia novel as - coming frqm an executive offi cial of the government. ' He thinks that If the public everywhere would iend Its assistance some part of the great an nual deficit in that department might be avoided. If the patrons of the 00,000 offices scattered throughout the nation would each do his share In cutting down the cost of the service the aggregate saving would be astounding. There are too many "dummy directors" in this government corporation. Another suggestion of the postmaster general Is worth notice. He would organize the thousands of locul offices in districts for the, butter direction of the business. For Instance a city postmaster might be given authority over the postmasters in the towns and smaller oities of the vicinity. They would report and get authority from him; he would be responsible to the cen tral oft Ices at Washington. Mr. Hitchcock urges that residents In free delivery cities provide themselves more generally with mail boxes to relieve car riers of the necessity of ringing door bells and waiting for tbem to be answered. This might well be made a subject for legisla tion. Hundreds of thousands of dollars would be the resultant saving. The complaint made by the president that second class mall matter ia causing some $M, 000,010 loss each year Is repeated In this report and several suggestions made to ef fect a saving. Publications should be charged a higher rate of postage, both think. The Taft spirit of economy has thoroughly pervaded the Postofflce de partment, where, perhaps it is needed most. The public should co-operate to give effect to some of the suggested reforms. Pensions on a Waare Baala. Boston Herald. The Rock Island road, In the establish ment of its old age pension system, pro poses to place Its pensions strictly on a wago basts. There will be no contribution from the employes' wages, nor will the management set aside a pension fund to provide an income for distribution. Pen sion payments will be provided from the railroad treasury aa they become due and will be charged to operating expenses each month, Jurt as the regular payroll la. The pension system Is not to be considered a benevolence. It ia recognized as a proper charge on the earnings of the railroads and Is an acknowledgment of the theory that an industry must care for ita own. They tame Across, Chicago Newa. There waa an Increase of Ml, 800,502 In the customs receipt of the port of New York this year, affording further evidence of how Collector leb haa made the people who come acrosa come across- PERSONAL NOTES. Senator Depew fem quite confident that he has a stock of stories sufficient to last through another term. Chicago graftera have found a hole Into which to crawl, the latest municipal scan dul being In relation to the tunnel. Codfish, too, la to rise In price. That beef critter which played leap frog with the moon set a most Infoctloua example. "China for the Chlneae," Dr. Wu a.tys, Is China's motto, and America Is to blam for It. It la a poor boycott that doee not work both ways. . i A Georgia man is the father of twenty- one children. Ilia second wife, now 28 years old, Is the mother of eleven children. II alive. That man and hla wife would never havo been lonely on a desrrtSsland. Captain It. H. Kills, a plonei r of 1M9 and at one time chief ot police, recently died in San Francisco at tbe ago of SO years. Captain Bills took an active part, in the stirring events of the early and troublous mining days, and then Joined the police department as patrolman and advanced up the line of promotion until he became chief, the last head of the department to bo elected by the peopl. William B. Norrls, gneral foreman of the Pennsylvania Railroad shops at Al toona, Pa., does not agree to tha recent order of the Delaware and Hudson Rail road company that the Ideal man for work weighs 160 pounds. The short, chunky man, according to Mr. Norrls, has the most endurance and he weighs from lt0 to ISO pounds. No expert comes forward to account for the endurance ot tho 100- pound woman. NINETEEN TEN. Thoughts on the Hay and the Days to Follow. Collier's Weekly. Our future is made by purpose and by chance. Dally we pass into an undis covered country. Dally we' try in vain to guess what that undiscovered country holds; what of allurement, what of dread. It Is only In fable that men or witches look Into the soeds of time, and say which grain will grow; or read the book of fate. and see the continent melt Into the sea. Shakespeare never wearied of the subject thn fascination of the unknown, and how unknown Indeed it is. So much does the unexpected weigh, that a wise man can seo In definite prophecy, but little further than a fool. The advantage of wisdom Is not in forecast, but living wisely now prepares for living wisely to the end: "Her ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace." We can not penetrate the unseen, but we can greet it with a cheer. Better than that, we can welcome it with readiness and understanding. There Is enough, at least, for Inspiration, In the saying of old Sam Johnson, that the future Is purchased by the- present. It is true sufficiently to make effort, hope, and faith the better course. We know the world, with all Its woe, grows happier; with all ita ignorance, more en lightened; with all its error, more virtuous and Just; and In this painful, slow and steady progress we know that eaoh of us can help. One contributes policy. In vention, knowledge; another, barred these great factors, can bring at least fortitude, Joy or abnegation. To none is denied. "That best portion of a good man's life. His little, nameless, unremembored acts Of kindness and of love." 11 , I THO WATER POWER TRUST. Opposition of Proinotera to Plana of the President. Boston Herald. Opposition to the president's plan for the control of water-power rights on, fed eral lands will do more to convinoe the people that there Is an aotual or pros pective water-power trust 'than any asser tion or evidence that has been made pub lic. The bill to be presented by Senator Beverldge, which has the approval of the president, la outlined as providing that title to these sites shall remain in the United States government, but that easements for power privileges may be granted for a term of years, sufficiently long to prove attractive to' investment capital, and yet limited to avoid perpetuity and to enable the United States to retain a Controlling power for the purpose of preventing monopoly. In substance, the bill appears to bo in line with the suggestions made by Secretary Balllnger In his report, and unless It has departed radically from those linea deserves to be approved by oongress and to be copied by the legislatures of the several states to apply to their Jurisdic tions. PASSING PLEASANTRIES. "Dora, the mere thought of you seta hit heart to throblng tumultuoualy!" U. ucorlrey, i have told you a hundred times that you smoke too much!" Chlcasn Tribune. "What Is the motto of your . nation T" asked the newcomer. " 'Ktep lively, please," "' answered .hla American friend. Buffalo Express, n-. "That chap used to be a champion light weight." "What! A boxer?" "No. A grocer." Judge. TIM vtii r, ! ,u w,U-, la V. M.M thing which a man does when he gets -or learner in nis cap; What?" "He plumes himself on it" Baltimore American. "What were you saying to. Miss Gabby?" "Not a thing, dear." "Don't be foolish. Why, you two were talking together for nearly an hour." "I know that." Cleveland Laador. Mr. Bach I suppose, old man, you find a great many surprises In married life, eh? Mr. Youngliusbarid I should say so. Why, only the other day I found out that my wife Is fonder of fried onions than of Ice cream. Boston Transcript. Judge Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth? Fair Witness It will be Just perfectly lovely If you really have the time to listen. Harper's Bazar. "Do you believe In table-tipping?" queried the woman advocate of aplritual- lsm. "Not me," replied the matter of faot man. "I have found waiter tipping more satis factory when I'm hungry,' Boston Herald. "Why do people have silver weddings, pa?" "Just to show to the world what their powers ot endurance have been." Judge. "Maria, for heaven's sake pleate let ma get In a word edgewise!" "Well, what do you want to say?" "If Villi Inula, .... mn,. mill, . and better milk I may as well buy a cow" uw, jonn, you Know m&i s nut trying to get a word in edgewise. You're trying to lug it in by the horns." Chicago Trib une. OPPORTUNITY. William D. Eddy In Atlantic Monthly. Foolish Is he who, says that at his door I knock but once, a furtive moment stay, Fearing lest he shall hear, then hasta away, Glad to escape him to return no mora. Not so, 1 kuock and wait, and o'er ant o'er Come back to summon him. Day after day I come to call the Idler front his play, Or wake the dreamer with my vain uproar. Out of a thousand, haply, now and theiy' One, if h hear again nnd yet again, Will tardy rise and open languidly. The rest, half puzzled, half annoyed, re. turn To play or sltSp, nor seek nor wish ta learn Who the untimely, clownish guest may be.