Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 02, 1910, Page 3, Image 3

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JtSI Lllvt Bll.S IN A RIG
state Normal Board to Be Well Cared 1
for nn Its Junket. i
A !
Every Krbraikn City to D Visited
Will F.ntrrtnln tbe Members j
with the I (moat tun-sldcratlon.
(From a Staff Correspondent.) I
LINCOLN, Jan. 1. (Special. )-N. P. Mc-
tonall, member of the State Normal
jPoard, will be unable to visit all the town I
acklng for the new normal school aa he la j
engaged In a law suit, whirl! compels his
attendance In tho supreme court next
On tho other side of the cane la the firm
of Hougland & Hongland. Thla firm ami
Mr. McDonald filed motions In the court
for a continuance, but the court refused
to change its calendar. Yesterday the
court Hi nt for Luther I'. Ludden, secretary
to the hoard and he made an affidavit
tl at the Itinerary of the normal Ijoard hud
been mapped out before the case had been
set In the supreme court, but even that
4) failed to change the date of the argument
in the case. The court did agree to wait
until Saturday to hear Mr. McDonald, but
as that would give him very little more
time he will visit one or two towns and
then hike for Lincoln to be here Thurs
day. Ballot (or Location.
Secretary Ludden has prepared the ballots
for the UHe of the board In selecting the
location of the school and it has printed
u,i It the following towns: Alnaworth,
Alliance, Chadron, Crawford, Gordon
and Kushvllle. How many votes the first
place on the ticket la worth haa not yet
ben estimated. '
j O'Neill Is not on the ballot, though rep
resentatives of that town have asked for
a hearing and have said a proposition
would be filed, but an far the papers have
not rcauhed this board. Whether the sec
retary of the defunct board has the papers,
this board does not know.
The board docs not expect to settle the
location of the school on this trip, but It
pcislbly may do so when it meets again
In Lincoln next Monday, following the
Secretary Ludden has received from all
the towns except Rushvllle the programs to
be carried out. These programs were
prepared by local committees. They fol
Arrive at Alliance at 12:25. mountain
time. If train Ih on time, take luncheon
with local committee. If train la late, take
luncheon on train. Headquarters at Alli
ance, Hotel Drake. Committee says: "New
modern brick hotel, with steam heat,
baths, fire escapes, nine-foot sheets and
all modern conveniences except a bar.
After luncheon view the eighty-acre tracts
C p. m. Dinner Hotel Alliance. (No
wines or liquors nerved.)
Invocation, Rev. J. L. Vallow. After din
ner Alliance will briefly present its case
to the board in short speeches and docu
mentary evidence.
Introductory, Ira E. Tash, president of
Commercial club.
"Western Nebraska, Its Future Develop
ment," R. M. Humpton.
'VMIiance, its Moral and Religious At-
mhero, Rev. W. L. McNnmara.
House, Hotel and Office Furniture
asa R6 HflRO & W I L HE L M stlIs
Two Big Selling Events For January
For These Annual Sales of Lace Curtains and Furniture
We plan months in advance, manufacturers and importers are sought for their most desirable samples and drop patterns. The qualities and styles must be the Best the price is a last
consideration that, however, remains staple, except on purchases of this character when discounts vary according to quantities purchased, fortunate for patrons of these sales that we are able
to purchase quantity sufficient to secure the maximum of discount. We are, therefore, able to offer almost astounding values. Read below of the bargains these January sales offer, come see
the goods and be convinced of the sterling quantities and values:
Territory," Senator L. L.
Statistics," Prof. D. W.
MuhIc by tho Alliance High School Or
chestra. The board will then be escorted to tholr
hotel and required to retire not later than
8:30 p. m.
A speriul guide has been provided for
ach member aa follows:
Member and chaperone:
II. M. Childs, S. K. Warrick.
Dr. Bart L. Shellhorn, Oconee L. Griggs.
Rev. L. T. Ludden, D. D., W. W. Norton.
N. P. McDonald, Ira E. Tash.
L. Q. Hrlan, F. E. Reddish.
K. C. Bishop, I). V. Hayes.
J. J. Tooley, Mayor F. W. Harris.
Arrive at 6:62 a. 111. Messrs. Chase and
Relmund will meet the board at Alliance.
Breakfast at dale City hotel.
9 to 10 a. m. Visit the proposed sites.
10 a. in. to 12 m. Visit Fort Robinson
and other points of interest.
1:30 p. in. Dinner.
2:30 to 4 p. m. Presenting of Crawford's
claim to be followed by five-minute talks
by the members of the board on topics as
ulgned by the local committee.
" 'Possum from the Viewpoint of the
White Man," Rev. L. P. Ludden, D. D.
"Kiluctitlon as a Factor in Business," H.
M. Child.
"The Influence of an Educational Insti
tution In a Town," N. P. McDonald.
"Putlence vs. Patients," Dr. Bart L.
"How I Like It as Far as I Have Gone,"
J. J. Tooley.
"My Impression of Northwest Ne
braska, " L. (1. Brian.
"The March of Education in Nebraska,"
l'V U. Bishop.
Arrive at 6 p. in. Board properly cared
for over iiiKht.
Wednesday morning, January 5. . 10 a.
r.i. Visit the proposed Bite for normal.
12:30 p. ni. Dinner.
2:30 p. in. Public meeting. Chadron Dre-
eiittng her claims for the new normal.
Short addresses also by representative
urn Printed documentary evidence pre-
Arrive at 7:30 p. in.
( Prngrum for Rushvllle not yet re
qelvod.) GORDON, JANUARY 9.
Arrive at 8:03 p. m. Thursday.
Members of the board cared for at pri
vate homes for the night.
Friday morning;, January 7. 10 a. m.
VlKltlnif' the proposed eighty acres.
12:30 p. 111. Dinner.
2 p. in. Public meeting. Gordon will
present her claims for the normal,
Arrive at 12:30 a. m. Saturday.
The board to be cared for by members of
the local committee.
10 a. m. Visit the proposed sites.
12 m. Luncheon with local committee
at their residences.
2 p. in. Special ride la the country.
0 p. m. Dinner.
7:30 p. in Public meeting In Rising's
hall. Ainsworth presents her claims for
the normal.
$1.50 Swiss and Novelty Lace Curtains, the kind used
for bed rooms great value, new patterns, also Nov
elty Net Curtains, per pair 95t2
$2.00 Swiss Curtains, Novelty Net Curtains, Notting
ham Lace Curtains, Scrim Curtains, per pair, 1.33
$3.50 Novelty Net Curtains, Arab color, Irish Point
Curtains, Arabian Curtains, Madras Curtains, per
pair $1.89
$4.75 Cluny Curtains, Irish Point Curtains, Novelty
Arab Curtains, Madras Curtains, per pair $2.75
$5.75 Arabian Lace Curtains, Cluny Lace Curtains,
Scrim Lace Curtains and Irish Foint Lace Curtain,
per pair $3.45
$6.50 Duchess Lace Curtains, Arabian Lace Curtains,
Brussels Net Lace Curtains, Scrim Lace Curtains, per
pair ' $4.65
$7.50 Brussels Net Lace Curtains, Duchess Lace Cur
tains, Fancy Scrim Curtains, Cluny Lace Curtains,
Arabian Lace Curtains, per pair S5.90
$10.00 Duchess Net Lace Curtains, Fancy Scrim Cur
tains, Cluny Laco Curtains, Novelty Net Lace Cur
tains, Arabian Lace Curtains, per pair $7.95
$13.75 Saxony Brussels Lace Curtains, Point de Venice
Lace Curtains, Cluny Lace Curtains, Duchess Lace
Curtains, Hand Made Arabian Lace Curtains, per
pair $9.40
$16.50 Duchess Lace Curtains, Point de Arab Curtains.
Double Thread Brussels Lace Curtains, Hand Made
Arabian Lace Curtains, Cluny Lace Curtains, per
Pair $11.75
$23.00 Extra Heavy Hand Made Lace Curtains, Duchess
Lace Curtains, Saxony Brussels Lace Curtains, Cluny
Lace Curtains, per pair $14.75
Fancy Nets In Novelty Weaves, also with insertion and
edge, worth up to 35c per yard, 12 designs, special,
per yard 10
50c Fancy Net from 30 to 45 Inches wide, In white and
Arab color, good new designs, 15 styles from which to
select, special, yard 29
75c New Novelty Net and Madras for Curtains, 50 in.
wide, very newest In net for Curtains, in Arab colors
and cream, special, yard 43
95c Fancy Filet Net, also Bungalow net In new patterns.
In Filet patterns, Mission patterns, also all over de
signs, white and Arab, special, yard 57
$1.35 Fancy Net, Imported designs, in Arab, Ivory and
white colors, jour choice of 9 styles, special, jd.S9?
$2.00 Filet Net, In the correct Fifet designs, newest In
net patterns, all bought for this sale, special, per
yard $1.13
$10.00 Bonne Femme Curtains, to close all we have,
valued up to $10.00 each; white and Arab, 30 to 4 8
Inches wide, your choice, each $1.35
$12.50 to $15.00 Bonno Femme Curtains, to close,
white and Arab, 52 to 72 inches wide, your choice, at,
each $1.89
Remnant Day, Friday, January 7th, when we will sell
all remnants and odd curtains to close regardless of
25c Swiss, 36 Inches wide, new styles, per yard.,14
30c Grenadine, 30 in. wide, white only, 42-lnch Scrim
in white, Ivory, Arab colors, new plaid Swiss, regular
value 35c, special, yard , . . . , 19
50c Madras In white and cream, also colored, 42 inchea
wide, 45 inch Swiss imported, regular value 50c to COc
yard, special, yard 29c"
75c Madras in white, cream, 42 Inches wide, embroid
ered Swiss, per yard ... 43
Remember, Friday, January 7th is Remnant Day
all odd curtains and remnants of all kinds must be
closed out on that day regardless of cost.
"We secured for this sale tho entire show room sample lines of Dressers, Chiffoniers, Dress
ing Tables and Somnoca of oue of Michigan's foremost manufacturers. This is a high grade
line of goods in genuine mahogany dark finish, also Toona mahogany, bird's-eye maple and
quartersawed golden oak. These goods were purchased so that we can offer them in this sale at
one-third less than regular. Note some of the bargains:
Bronze Figure 2 lights 27 inches high
$15.00-Special 7.50
Bronze Figure 2 lights 24 inches high
$12.50 Special . . .' $6.25
Bronze Figure 2 lights 22 inches high
$12.75-Special $6.25
Bronze Figure 2 lights 24 inches high
$13.50-Special $6.75
Bronze Figure 2 lights 23 inches high
$13.50 Special $6.75
Bronze Figure 2 lights 22 inches high
$13.50-Special $6.75
Bronze Figure 2 lights 24 inches, high
' $12.50-Special $6.25
Bronze Figure 2 lights 21 inches high
$12.50-Special v .$6.25
Bronze Figure 3 lights 27 inches high
$22.50-Special .'. $11.25
Bronze Figure 2 bunches of grapes 27 inches
high $59.00 Special $29.50
Bronze Figure 5 lights 36 inches high
$69.00-Special $34.50
Bronze Arab on Camel 27 inches high 2
lights-$42.50-Special $21.75
Gold and Glass regular value $97.50 as
is $19.50
Verd Green Lamp regular value $G7.50 as
is $19.50
Verd Green Lamp regular value $37.50 as
is , $5.00
Verd Green Lamp regular value $19.50
for S9.50
Dozens of smaller lamps and lamp laces for gas
and electric your choice, each 95c
Odd Bric-a-Brac at V4 Va and V2 off regular
$27.00 Golden Oak Dresser, special,
at $18.00
$25.00 Golden Oak Chiffonier
at $17.00
$21.00 Golden Oa Dressing Table,
at $14.00
$42.00 Golden Oak Dresser
at $28.50
$36.00 Princess Dresser, golden oak
at $2 4.00
$40.00 Golden Oak Chiffonier --
at $27.00
$29.00 Golden Oak Dressing Table,
at 1 $19.50
$54.00 Golden Oak Dresser
at $37.00
$50.00 Golden Oak Chiffonier .
at $33.50
$25.00 Golden Oak Dressing Table,
at $17.00
$29.00 Dark Mahogany Dresser
$27.00 Dark Mahogany Chiffonier.
at $18.00
$23.00 Dark Mahogany Dressing
Table $15.50
$38.00 Dark Mahogany Princess
Dresser $25.50
$4 2.00 Dark Mahogany Chiffonier,
at $28.00
$31.00 Dark Mahogany Dressing
Table $20.00
$44.00 Dark Mahogany Dresser
at $30.00
$38.00 Dark Mahogany Princess
Dresser $25.50
$42.00 Dark Mahogany Chiffonier,
at $28.50
$31.00 Dark Mahogany Dressing
Table . .$20.00
$44.00 Toona Mahogany Dresser
at $30.00
$38.00 Toona Mahogany Princess
Dresser $25.50
$42 Toona Mahog. Chiffonier, $28
$29.00 Bird's-eye Maple Dresser
t $19.50
$27.00 Bird's-eye Maple Chiffonier,
at $18.00
$23.00 Bird's-eye Maple Dressing
Table $15.50
$44.00 Bird's-eye Maple Dresser
at .$30.00
$38.00 Bird's-eye Princess DreBser,
at $25.50
$42.00 Bird's-eye Maple'Chiffonlor,
at $28.00
$31.00 Bird's-eye Maple Dressing
Table $20.00
$34.00 Bird's-eye Maple Dresser
at $22.50
$32.00 Bird's-eye Maple Chiffonier,
at $21.00
$15.00 Bird's-eye Maple Soninoe
at $10.00
$15.00 Dark Mahogany Somnoe
at $10.00
$13 Golden Oak Somnoe. . .$8.75
Prelty Parlor
A manufacturer's
surplus stock and sam
ple line, purchased for
this sale. All new .this
season's goods. You can
save a third . or more.
Three-piece suite, (like illustration) mahogany finish, upholstered in loose silk velour cushion J
seat, or, geunine leather spring seats. Regular selling price $57.00, January Sale Price for the
three pieces $38.50
" i
Special (Clearing Sale of Prop Pa"erns in Rugs
Monday morJllng we place on sale our entire lines of drop patterns of different grades and sizes of Rugs
among this lot are about 300 to 400 room sizes, the greater part will be sold at very much less than the actual
cost to manufacture. See list of few sizes and prices belov:
, $10.00 9x12 Boudoir Rug for $5.00
$12.50 9x12 American Fiber Rug for $7.50
$12.50 9x12 Prisllla Fiber Rug ..." $G.50
$15.40 6-3x9-10 Ideal Rug for $7.50
$12.25 6-9x8-3 Ideal Rug for $6.50
$30.00 9x9 Imperial Smyrna Rug for $18.00
$19.50 8-3x10-6 Kelto Rug for $12.00
$27.50 7-6x10-6 Imperial Rug for $15.00
$32.00 7-6x10-6 Eagle Rug for $15.00
$8.75 8-3x10-6 Fiber Rug for $6.50
$10.50 8-310-6 Fiber Rug for $6.50
$19.75 7-6x10-6 Pilgrim Rug for $11.00
$17.00 7-6x10-6 Martha Washington Rug. . . .$11.00
$24.50 7-6x10-6 Ruglln for $15.00
$10.50 7-6x10-6 Old Homestead Rug '. $7.50
$8.25 4-6x7-6 Kelto Rug $4.75
$21.00 4-6x7-6 French Wilton Rug $10.00
$8.00 4x7 Ideal Rug ... $5.00
$25.00 9x12 Velvet. Rug $15.95
$37.00 9x12 Wilton Rug $25.00
$42.50 9x12 Wilton Rug . . . .' $23.00
$65.00 9x12 Kashan Seamless Rug $47.50
$50.00 8-3x10-6 Hartford Saxony $30.00
$33.00 9x12 Body Brussels Rug $22.50
35.00 Wilton Rug for $25.00
$55.00 10-6x12 Wilton Rug for $37.50
$24.00 10-G12 Wilton Rug $30.00
$21.00 10-6x12 Brussels Rug $16.75
$18.00 12x12 Shlrvan Rug for $9.75
$45.00 12x12 Wegamo Rug $22.50
$43.50 12x15 Smith Axmlnster Rug $22.50
$70.00 12-9x14-6 Wilton Rug $47.50
$31.00 9x12 Seamless Wilton Rug -$27.50
$21.00 8-3x10-6 Axmlnster Rug .$16.75
$30.00 9x12 Beattle Wilton $19.50
$27.50 9x12 Sanford .Axmlnster Rug $19.50
$10.50 8-8x11-3 Brussels $7.95
$18.00 9x11 Velvet Rug i. $12.95
$13.50 9x12 Shlrvan Rug '. $8.50
$13.75 9x12 Bresmer Rug $9.00
$23.50 9x12 Martha Washington Rug $14.50
$27.50 9x12 Smyrna Rug $15.00
$34.00 9x12 Smyrna Rug $20.00
$27.00 9x12 Semmol Rug $16.00
$22.00 9x12 Negorns Rug t $18.00
$39.50 8-3x10-6 Wilton Rug $27.50
$40.00 8-3x10-6 Wilton Rug $25.00
$37.75 8-3x10-6 Wilton Rug $27.00
$27.50 6x9 Wilton Rug $17.50
$19.75 6x9 Axmlnster Rug $12.50
A carload of these were
purchased trji a manufac
turer wno decided to engage
In the manufacture of other
goods. ' They were bought at
a very liberal discount whfch
permits our offering the fol
lowing values. '
iitchen Cabinet (like Illus
tration), made in satin wal
nut, a very complete, sub
stantial, well finished, . at-,
tractive cabinet, regular
selling price $15.00, sample
sale price $10.50
$12.50 Satin Walnut Kitchen
Cabinet .-$9.50
$17.50 Satin Walnut Kitchen
Cabinet $11.75
$20 Satin Walnut Kitchen
Cabinet ..$13.75
$72.50 3-pc. Leather Suite, $48.50
$68.00 3-pc. Leather Suite, $45.00
$70.00 3-pc. Leather Suite, $47.00
$78 Spanish Lea. Sofa -Bed, $53.00
$20.00 Velour Couch $14.00
$22.00 Velour Couch $15.75
$19.00 Velour Couch . . . , .$13.50
$11.00 Velour Couch $7.75
$08.00 Spanish Lea. Couch $45.00
$65.00 Spanish Lea. Couch $41.00
$62.00 Spanish Lea. Couch, $38.00
$22.50 Boston Lea. Couch, $15.00
$25.00 Boston Lea. Couch, $16.75
$120 Spanish Lea. Sofa Bed, $80
$90.00 Silk Velour Sofa Bed, $52
$20.00 Mahogany Rocker, $14.00
$19.00 Mahogany liocker $12.75 $50.00 Mahogany Davenport $35.00
$95.00 Mahogany Davenport $67.00 I $36.00 Mahogany Chair to match, pnvp't, $25
lll BUI LTV;
THAN Fi: 3i&kSZZ&i NOT
stermoor Mattresses
A whole carload received in bad order. By way of explana-v
tion, we ordered a carload of Ostermoor (312) Mattresses, and
while enroute the car was reported in bad order. The mattresses
were transferred by the Railroad Company into . another car without taking the necessary pre
caution of first lining the car for the protection of the mattresses. Tho tickings therefore be
came soiled by the transfer. The railroad made us a liberal allowance for this damage. We
are therefore going to pot the mattresses on special sale, commencing Monday, as follows:
$15.00 Ostermoor Mattress, full size, at. . . .', .$7.50 and $10.00
$16.50 Ostermoor Mattress, full size, at $11.00
$18.00 Ostermoor Mattress, full size, at $12.00
$30.00 French Edge Ostermoor, 60-pound, Mattress $15.00
following dates for holding: district court
In the Second Judicial district for the year
1910: In Cass county, Jury term, Feb
ruary 14, equity May 16 and Jury October
3; In Otoe county. Jury March 7, equity
July 11, Jury November 14.
Ciraftrra Keep Busy.
TKCl'MSKH. Neb.. Jan. l.-(Spedal.)-Grafters
teem to be unusually, numerous
In this sectU.n of Nebraska this winter.
The :utet proposition to be worked Is as
follows: A tmooth looking fellow appears
at the places of buHlnesa of the profes
sional men and merchants In the smaller
towns, lie aayg he la selling lots In
certain town in Texan, and that he will
give the man approached one of the lots
with no other expense than K&0, which
la to pajr for an abstract. The grafter ex
plains that he wants to Interest aa many
people In the town aa he can In the lots
and by having lila list of lot purchasers
headed by some of the most influential
cltliens he will be better ab'e to Interest
others. Three or four men In each town
re "given" the lots. It develop that the
stranger Is not a real estate man, has no
tots, but haa the money of the easy ones.
The scheme has not been worked In Te
cumseh, but haa at Brock and other
nearby towns. Banker Yoftt at Brock In
sisted upon the agent furnishing him with
the names of persons In other towns who
had received the lots. In looking over
a auppooed list he noticed the name of a
fellow banker In Kails City, and,, whl e
the agent was still tu the bank called
the Falls City banker hy telephone. The
way the grafter got away from that bank
waa qulcknens Itself.
J ad ie TraiTla Coart Dates.
rtATTIMOUTH. Neb.. Jan. 1 (.
401) Jud4 U. S. TravU feg namsd the
Dipso Guard
Fires Pistol
Dr. Woodard Accepts Hi Resignation,
Though He Said Heroic Measures
Were Necessary.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Jan. 1. (Special.) Still the
hoodoo rests over the Lincoln asylum for
the Insane. Dr. Woo4ard, superintendent,
haa discharged, or rather accepted the
resignation, of Neal Marshall, an attendant
whu has charge of the dipsomaniacs.
The story reported to the office of the
governor was that a dipsomaniac at
tempted to escape and Marshall fired a
revolver a couple of times In the air to
head off the runaway.
This roused the Ire of the superintendent
and Mr. Marshall was haled on the carpet
and after a consultation with Ir. Wood
ard tendereu his resignation. The dlpso
manlan changed his mind about escaping
and went back to his ward.
It was told In the office of the governor
that Marshall had simply fired his re
volver In the air. and In extenuation for
this It was pointed out that he was
blamed for all the escapes from the dipso
maniac Ward and resorted to herolo me is
pres to stop the practice,
lterlate Dire from Kxxure,
SEWAIU. Neb.. Jan. 1. (Special.)
Herman ricbloesHer, an old bachelor who
lived alifi Dtr Braver Crusslng, this
county, was taken 111 while alone and
when found on Wednesday night was lying
partly on tho floor and partly on a sofa
nearly froien. The exposure caused his
death. He was 49 years of age.
Terms of Coart Set.
BEATRICE, Neb., Jan. 1. (Special.)
Judges L. M. Pemberton and J. B. Raper
of this Judicial district have agreed upon
the terms of court in the countle com
prising this district for the coming year
as follows:
Jefferson County February 21, petit
Jury; no grand Jury; May 8, equity court;
September 18, petit Jury.
Johnxon County March 7, Jury term;
no grand Jury; May 10, equity term; Oc
tober 3. Jury term.
Gage County January SI, Jury term; no
grand Jury; April 11, equity term; Novem
ber 14, Jury term.
lHwneo County March
no grund Jury; May
14, Jury term;
3, equity term; Oc
tober 10, Jury term.
Nemaha County April 4, Jury term; no
grand Jury; June 6, equity term; Decem
ber G. Jury term.
HUliHrdaon County February 7, grand
and petit Juries; May 2, equity term; Sep
tember 26, Jury term.
Richardson county- la the only one In
the district that will have a grand Jury.
Stewart for Principal.
TECUMSEII, Neb., Jan. 1. (Special.)
At a meeting of the school board In Ster
ling Prof. O. P. Stewart of Schuyler was
chosen as superintendent of the schools
there, to succeed Prof. J. A. Dimmlck.
Salooa Mem Sued.
NORTH PLATTE, Neb.. Jan. 1 (Spe
cial.) Mrs. Orpha Inmun, through her at
torney, W. E. Bhuman, began an action In
the district court this morning against J.
C. Pen, II. J. Rebhausen, A. E. Tlmmer
man, C. T. Whelan and Fred Waltemath
arid their bondsmen, in which she reek
to recover damages in the sum of I ,'0.00(1.
The petition recites that the husband of
the plulnrlff, who was klllf.l In a runaway
November i, drank liquor la the saloons
of the defendants on that day, became in
toxicated and was unable to manage hli
team. The suit Is brought In behalf of
the widow and the six minor children.
Board Will Keep
Within the Limit
Condition of Normal School Funds is
Good and Deficiency is Likely
in Only One Fund.
la more noticeable than at any time dur
ing the last three or four days.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Jan. l.-tSpedal.) Secretary
Ludden of the State Normal board tiled
his annual report of the finances of the
two nc rnial schools and of the board wkh
the governr tcday. The report says tnat
unless something unforeseen occurs tue
board will be able to complete the biennium
within the appropriations made by Ihe
legislature, with the possible exception of
the employes' wages fund at Peru. The
appropriation for this purpose wbs l-'.OA)
less, the report says, than the actual payroll.
Osceola Statesman Able to Make
Friends I'uderstaad Ills Needs
to Slight Degree.
OSCEOLA, Neb.. Jan. L (Special Tele
gramsThe slight Improvement reported
Friday evening In the condition of ex
Governor Mickey haa continued throughout
today and apparently he Is gaining some
strength, tie Is apparently brighter and
makes himself understood more readily
by members of his family.
The Improvemeut In his condition today
Nebraska News Notes.
SEWARD The elevator at Milford has
handled 6,000 bushels of corn tlila week.
MILFORD Henry Marshall, an old sol
dier at the Miltord Soldiers' and Hnilor.s'
home, died yesterday. He recently nad
one foot amputated. He belonged to Com
pany C, Fitty-slxth New York volunteer
PLATTHMOL'TH The books in the of
fice of Recorder H. A. Schneider show
the following mortgage record for De
cember: Amount of larm mortgage filed.
J 30. 101; amount of those released, 125,650;
amount of city mortgages filed, 6,078;
amount of those released, $3,2115. The
records In the office of County Judge A.
J. Heuson show that there were 142 mar
riuye licenses Issued in C'ais county "lur
ing the year 180tf. The report of Mhk
Jessie Robertson, deputy clerk of the dis
trict court, shows that there were twenty
rtUorie cuses filed in the district court
during the ytar 1908, of which twelve
were granted and two dismissed and the
others reported not ready for trial.
GENEVA Mr. Gun Mozee of Governor's
Island, New York, la home visiting his
parents, Dr. and Mrs. A. li. Mozee, during
tho holidays.
GENEVA Company G, Nebraska Na
tional Guard, held an annual reception
last night with a progr.i;n and dance In
their armory.
HARVARD Rev. Mr. Davis of the
Christian church will begin a series of
meetings immediately following the com
mencement of the new year. ,'
HARVARD George Yost, who made a
settlement on a farm near Harvard In the
early '80s, where he ha continued to re
side, died at his home last night from a
complication of causes .'ollcwlng a few
weeks' sickness, aged about (iO years.
HOLDREGE County Treasurer-elect C.
O. Olson has named as his deputy A. F.
Swanberg, who for nearly a year has been
the proficient bookkeeper of the Gus A.
Johnson firm. The new county officers,
Mr. olMin and Miss Hulda s'eierson, suiter-
intendent-elect, will take up the duties on
January .
HARVARD The 2-year-old child of Mr.
and Mrs. Dines, residing seven miles
nortlea-t from Harvard, died at the fam
ily home last night, death resulting from
the lodgement of a piece of peanut In the
child's throat that could not be extracted.
a doctor not reaching the child In time to
bo of use befora conditions became lutal.
HOLDREGE John Youngqulst went to
Axlell this morning to be present at a
meeting of the directors of the Scandi
navian Fire, and Lightning association,
1 'helps county's mutual Insurance company.
The directors will go over the affairs ol
the association and arrange for the an
nual meeting of stocknoiotys which will
be In Holdrege early In January.
HOLDREGE R. H. Evans Tuesday
traded his residence property on Morton
street to E. S. Phelps for Ills tract of aboui
lairly-eight acres and the residence whicn
Is situated northwest of Eleventh and Bur
lington streets, at the edge of the city. Mr.
Evans gave Mr. Phelps in addition a cash
consldei atlon. It Is understood that Evans
contemplates starling a dairy, depending
materially on whether he can obtain a suf
ficient number of milch cows Just now.
Mrs. Mary Unrnane.
Mrs. Mary Gurnane, 12 years of age,
wife of Pdtrick Gurnane, K28 Parker street,
died yestjerday afternoon of a complication
of dlseasos. She la survived by her hus
band, four sons and three daughters. The
funeral will be held Monday at 9 a. m.,
with services at Sacred Heart church and
Interment In Holy Fepulcher cemetery.
Deaths la Dakota.
TERRY, S D., Jan. 1. (Special.)
Michael T. Hayes of Exeter, Neb., died
here at the home of his son, Dennis Hayes,
aged 77, after a brief Illness. Mr. Hayes
was a native oi couniy Tipperary, ire
land, coming to the United States when
a young man. He Is survived by three
sons In this town and three married
daughters In Nebraska. Tha remains were
sent to his home.
Miss Llda Logan, a former well known
resident of Deadwood, died at the ranch
of her brother-in-law, David McGahey,
near Aladdin, Wyo., after a collapse of
the nervous system. Miss Logan was a
sister-in-law of S. W. Russell of Dead
wood, and came from her home In St.
Louis In 10(.
ll.jnry Gibson, one of the best known
m'rers In the northern hills, died at his
home hero of a heart affection, aged 61.
He was a past piaster of the Central City
Masonic t i le lodge, prominent In Ancient
Ordir of United Workmen circles and a
member of the Terry Miners' union. Ho
leaves three daughters and two sons, all
Names of Classy Animals Taking
Place In Competition.
The following dogs won In tho oportlnn
and non-sportlntf divisions of the . Trans
mlssissippi Dog and Kennel show:
Sporting Dog Dl vision Captain White
stone, English setter, owned by W. A. l'lx
ley, omaha, first; Lady, greyhound, owned
by W. Colfax, Raesetl, Neh., second, Llllie
Light, pointer, owned by Theodore Wise
man, Omaha, third.
Non-H;.ortlng Division Lady Wllhelmina.
St. Bernard, owned by E. H. Day, Fremont
first; Froh Von Frlcktenberg, Great Dane'
owned by John buck, Omaha, second; Cul
bertson Fin de Hiecle. Airedale terrier
owned by Mrs. 8. B. Stewart, Omaha, third.
own la the mart
In a
Musings of
The man who holds his
who holds his tongue.
It often hajipena that the truth
nutsneit is a hard nut to crack.
Life Is a burden only to the man who
saddles himsflf with trouble.
It In sometimes hard to tell whether a
man is a knave or a fool, but he is neither
till he Is found out.
Most of us are extremely wise when it
eo mm to knowing what other people ought
to do.
We like a man who Is always the same,
unless he happens to be a very disagree..
able man. New York Times.
The Chabot Shoe Co.,
In the Loyal Hotel Building
208 North Sixteenth street, are, selling
5.50 Shoes for $3.95. See display
ad on page 5, Editorial Section.