ft AY 0 mmJ EM THE RELIADLE STORE The bargain event thousands have been waiting for begins Ilonday HAVE Ml TU RZUAOLS STCRX W netw carry goods over from season to season, hense these great price reduction FfJ winter goods must go to make room for the new early spring stocks IV. ". M r 17 1 1 II 1 i t if 'x a r- " Mammoth Clearance s SAees Pillowcases and Bedspreads In Our High Grade Linen Department Monday Sheets, size 81x90, at seamless, worth $1.25, Monday, nrs Sheets, size Slx90, seamless, worth $1.10, Monday, ' 80 Sheets, size 8190, seam, worth 75c, Monday. .63 Sheets, size 72x90, seamless, worth $1.15, Monday, at 85? Sheets, size 72x90, seamless, worth $1, Monday, 72 Sheets, size 72x90, seam, worth 76c, Monday. . .50 Pillowcases, 45x36, worth 25c, Monday Pillowcases, 45x36, worth 30c, Monday Pillowcases. 46x36, worth 30c, Monday -22 Pillowcases, 4536. worth 25c, Monday 14 Pillowcases, 42x36, worth 25c, Monday ig Pillowcases, 42x36, worth 19c, Monday lS'C Heavy Hemmed Crochet Bedspreads, full size, worth $3.00, Monday, each jg Heavy Knotted Fringe Bedspreads, Marseilles pat terns, worth $6.00. Monday, at $3.50 Full Size Knotted Fringed Bedspreads, Marseilles" de signs, good value at $3.75, Monday at. $2.25 Every )iay scores hundreds of match less bargain offerings will be shown Omaha's Greatest Gearing Sale of Fine Silks Monday " . Prices on highest class fall and winter stocks are made so low that a big reduction in stocks is assured within a few days, giving us the needed room for new spring goods. Don't miss this opportunity. The Monday offerings include all best color ings in choicest weaves and patterns yard wide Messalines, worth $2.00; Cashmere de Soie, worth $3.50; Novelty Silks, worth to $2.50; Evening Brocades, that sold to $7.50 a yard; Silk Dress Patterns, worth to $50.00. AT 48c YARD , Plain Cashmere de Soie, worth 75c. Plain Messalines, worth regular 69c Rough Pongee, worth regular $1.00. Printed Foulards, worth regu lar 85 c. Novelty Silks, sold at $1.25. Double Width Chiffon Voiles, sold at $1.00. AT 68c YARD 27-in. Fancy Silks, worth $1.25. 27-in. Plain Taffetas, worth $1.25. 20-in. Satin Failles, worth $1. 23-inch Silk Poplins, worth $1.25. 23-in. Colored Moires, worth $1.26. 45-iuch Silk Chiffons, worth $1.25. AT 98c YARD 36-in. Pallet de fioie, worth $1.50. 36-in. Fine $1.50. 36-in. Fine $1.60. 45-in. Silk Voiles, worth $2.00. 44- in. Marquisettes, worth $1.75 45- in. Fancy Grenadines, worth $1.50. Taffetas, worth Messalines, worth AT $1.48 YARD , Fine Evening Brocades, richest new coloring, worth $5.00. 46-inch Bordure Chiffon and Printed Chiffons, Print ed Foulards, Fancy Marquis ettes and all Highest Grade Silks. All Guaranteed Black Silks at Sweeping Price Reductions in Monday's Sale Monday we will place on sale every yard left from last season of SKINNER'S GUARANTEED SATIN: the world over $1.50 a yard all goes at, per yard .98c Laces At Halt Zion City Laces, Linen Tor chon Laces, Val. Laces; reg ular selling prices 5c a yard up, at 2V4c Up A11 just half price in our January clearance. jn After Inventory Shoe Sale On some lines we have too many and have put the knife into the prices so that your money will go a long ways in the Shoe department. Women's $3.00 shoes, at....: Women's $3.50 shoes, patent and kid Men's $3.50 shoes, at The best work shoes in the city for Misses' shoes, worth up to $2.50 Child's shoes, regular $1.25 and $1.50 shoes, "rr TWO LOTS, $1.00 and. IOC Men's and .Women's warm lined shoes and slippers at spec ially LOW prices. $2"1 $251 $25 $221 $V1 Immense Clearing on Linens In Our High Grade Linen Department Monday Mercerized Damask, good width, worth 60c yard, Mon day, yard 30 Mercerized Damask, 64 inches wide, worth 75c, Mon day yard -59 All Linen Full Hleached Satin Damask, worth 75c Monday, yard "0 Pure Linen 70-inch Satin Damask, worth SI 00 M0 day, yard '.75 Heavy Double Damask, 72 inches wide, worth $1 60 Monday, yard '. $1.00 Silver Bleached Napkins, already hemmed, worth $1.60 Monday, dozen jjjj qq Bleached Pure Linen Napkins, worth $1.75, Monday, dozen , g j ojj Pure Flax Full Bleached Napkins, worth $3, Monday, dozen SI. 98 Heavy Double Damask Bleached Napkins, full size, worth $4.60, Monday, dozen $3.00 Toweling, 17 Inches wide, heavy and absorbent, worth 10c, Monday, yard 7 All Linen Toweling, full width and good for drying, worth 15c, Monday, yard 10 Heavy Huck Towels, hemmed, 15c values, Monday, each, at 10 Extra Heavy Hemstitched Hucks, 20c values, Monday, each 15 Half and Less Than Half Regular Prices On All Women's and Children's Outer Garments No Winter Goods Reserved in our Great January Clearance Ml the Furs, all the Suits, all the Dresses, Dress Skirts? Under skirts, Waists, Kimonos and Children's Wear At Half and Less Regular Retail Worth The most complete assortments; cleanest up-to-date stock of outer garments ever shown in half price sale. Silk Underskirts that sold up to $7.50, choice, at ....$2.95 Long Silk Kimonos, $5 and $6 values, at $2.95 V. The Furs At Just Half Beautiful Otter Coats; genuine American otter garments; regu lar $225 values, at . .$112.50 Hudson Bay Beaver Coats; 28 In ches long, garments worth $125, on sale Monday, choice $62.50 Hudson Bay Seal Coats; regular $150 values on sale, choice $75 Brook Mink Coats; $50 and $60 values, on sale, choice $25.00 $75 Krimmer Coata ...$32.50 Coney Fur Scarfs, worth to $6.00, now, at $1.98 i Suits andDresses Half and Less Fine Broadcloth Suits that sold regu larly for $50 to $75, on sale Monday, at $25.00 Fine Worsted Suits that sold at $26 and $35, on sale Monday, choice. t $12.50 One big lot of Tailored Suits and Dresses that sold up to $20, choice Monday, at '....$5.00 One-piece Dresses; silk and wool fab rics; $25. and $30 values, big assort ment, at $10.00 All our finest evening gowns and street dresses at half and less regular prices. ' . All Coats Half and Less An assortment embracing all the newest Ideas in style; the very best fabrics and colorings; every cloth coat In the house, included. Fur Lined Coats tfcat sold regu larly at $20, your choice $9.90 Fine Broadcloth Coats that sold at $30 and $35, choice $15.00 300 Stylish Cloth Coats that sold , up to $16, Monday, at . .$5.00 Silk Net Waists; white, black and all colors, best styles, values to $5, Monday, at $1.95 Dress Skirts Worth to $10 All wool serges, voiles, panamas and fancies; choicest values ever of-, fered, Monday, at $3.95 All Children's Coats Half and Less iateJ?lM. $1.95A Children's Dresses Half and Less Ladies'- Furnishings All winter furnishings and underwear must go quickly. These prices will move them. $1.00 Wool Knit Shawls, in all colors, at 49 BOc Wool Knit Shawls, In all col ors, Monday 25? fl.50 Wool Knit Shawls, extra heavy quality 9g Ladies' Wool Union Suits, $2.50 values, regular and extra sizes, t $1.50 Indies' Fleered I'nion Suits, gray or cream, great values Monday t ..... .-.98K19 Ladies' Underwear hi silk and wool or all wool Vests and Pants odd lots, to close at 75-50 Children's Fleeced Union Suits at 50 Children's Fleeced Underwear Vests or Pants, values to 50c garment, at jj) Coif (; loves, worth to 75c, at 23 llig special bargain offering in Kid ti loves and Hotter. Rug Specials It Will Certainly Pay You to Buy Now at . These Prices $10.00 Seamless Tap. Brus sels Rug, 6x9 size, 10-wire quality; choice . . . .$6.9 $18.00 Seamless B r u s s e 1 Eugs, 9x12 size, 9-wire quality on sale Monday at $13.98 $30.00 Axminster Rugs, 9x12 size; snap at $21.98 Seamless Wilton Velvet Rug 9x12 size, Monday $23.75 7-6x9 sisce.Mond'y $14.98 6x9 size, Monday, $12.48 $25.00 Seamless Brussels Rugs, 10-6x12 size, 10-wire quality; on sale. . .$19.98 $1 Rubber Door Mats. .69c A hig general clearance of nil odd lots ths week at greatly reduced prices. Grand Clearance of Imported China A big shipment of fine Althrolo Austrian Decorated China Cuis, Saucers and Dinner Plates was received too late for Christmas sales. These goods were Imported to sell at $3.60 per set. The entire shipment of beautiful china will be placed on sale Mondav In the Jinmrv rLxnn I W L . 11 . . . J i lean hid um i actual worm UUPS, Saucers and Dinner Flates, at, set per Decorated 8-lqch Salad Di.hes In Monday's sale, at ......... 10 English Porcelain Dinner Plates, on ale at. each 101 $1.29 Star Cut Tumblers, bell shaped, on sale Monday, each lit? Decorated Cuspidors, very special, Monday, each 10 Ribbons- MHalf Taffeta Ribbons, Satin Rib bons, Fancy Ribbons of all kinds ; regular selling prices 5ca yard up, at. . .2Vc Up You save 50 Monday in our January clearance. Curtains, Draperies Clearing Sale Alhodd pairs of Curtains at half the regular price. All Couch Covers at 33. discount. k All Portieres at 33i3 off. All odds and ends in Dra peries at half price. Come earlv. Millinery Clearance 200 Pretty Trimmed Hats that sold regularly to $10.00; Mon day at. . . .$2.50 and $1.00 100 Beautiful Hats, in the sea sou's best styles and colors, trimmed in ostrich plumes, gold roses and grapes; regu lar values to $15.00; Monday at. $5 Your Unrestricted Choice of any Man's Suit or Overcoat in our entire stock, values up to 540 Great Clearing Sale of Blankets 10,000 pairs of all kinds Cotton Blankets, "Wool Blankets, Kobe Blankets, Beacon Blankets, California Blankets, etc., will go as follows: Present price. . . 7.")c 8.K- $1.00 $1.25 $1.50 Sale price 50c 59c 69c 88c 96c Present price.. .$2.00 $2.50 $3.00 $3.50 $4.00 Sale -price...... $1.27 $1.48 $1.96 $2.19 $2.89 Present price.. $5.00. $6.00 $7.50 $8.50 $10.00 Sale price. . . . .$3.38" $4.48 $5.45 $6.27 $7.38 COMFORTABLES Values, 69c 85c $1 $1.25 $1.50 $2 $2.50 $3 $4 Price 55c 67o 74c 94c $1.12 1.38 1.65 2.25 3.19 Clearing sale on Cotton Bats, Silkoline7, Cretonnes, all kinds of comfortable materials. Prices very low. Domestic Room Sales We have no competition in these lines Muslins, Sheetings, Sheets, Pillow Cases, Outing Flannels, Per cales, Cotton Dress Goods of various kinds all must go to make room for (Spring stocks. 10c Unbleached MuhIIii, eo Mixed lot of lOr, 12io. mid l.'Hc Hleached Muslin, T4o 1 6c Flannelettes, all at '4o -4 Bleached HheetlnK. bent 12Wc Percales 8H mude, worth 3oi; yasd. 30c I'ure Indigo Blue Apron 9-4 Unbleached Muslin, worth Checks So . "&c ISHo Fine Fluffy JOc Outing; Finn- 12Hc and lac Flannelettes, nel at 740 . at J Amoskeag 1921, best made. 10c Manneletterf 74o at . . lOo Furniture Specials Only a Few of the Many Splendid Clearance Bargains Iron Beds, full size, all col ors, at $1.75 Steel Couches, $3.75 kind Monday at $2.45 One lot of Bed Springs val ues to $3.00, slightly dam aged ; to close ........ 50c Solid Oak Chiffoniers; reg ular $7.50 value, full size, 5 drawers; Monday . .$5.85 $12.50 Solid Oak Dresser, 20 x24 French bevel mirror on sale $8.95 Solid Oak Dining Chair Brace arm and cobbled seat at 95c $18.50 Solid Oak Buffet French bevel mirror, fine golden finish $14.85 Solid Oak China Cabinet . Bent glass ends, large size, at Dress Goods Sale High Grade Dress Goods Department l.OOO pieces of the finest all wool Drcsa Goods manufactured on the two continents wUl be cleared out re gardless of cost This Includes black and colors. " All $1.00 Dress Goods 68c All $1.25 Dress Goods 88c All $1.50 Dress Goods 96c All $2.00 Dress Goods. ..$1.38 All $2.50 Dress Goods. . .$1.68 All $3.00 Dress Goods. . .$2.19 All $4.00 Dress Goods. . .$2.94 All $5.00 Dress Goods. . .$3.89 All $6.00 Dress Goods. . .$4.85 All $7.00 Dress Goods. . .$5.48 All $3.00 Bearskins $1.15 All $4.00 Bearskins... ..$1.75 All $5.00 Bearskins $2.69 All $6.00 Bearskins. . . . .$3.65 All $7, $8.50 Bearskins. .$4.75 All $1.00 Eiderdown, 36-inch, all wool ...35c All 59c Krinkledown 25c All 50c Eiderdown 15e (Wen's- Furnishings Clearance bargains worth while in the big Domestic room. $1.00 Sweaters Monday 25c 110 dozen men's and boys' sweaters in the lot, all styles, all colors; Monday, at 25c 75c Laundered Shirts 25c All sizes and styles, slightly mussed or soiled from hand, ling. Big bargain Monday. Men's 75c Underwear, 8f)c Extra heavy fleece lined or Jersey rib bed Starts or Drawers, all sizes. $1.25 Wool Underwear, 73c Shirts or Drawers, all sizes, extra heavy quality. 1'J He Heavy sox, c. $1.00 Jersey Oversliirts, 40c Una tr i ' uiaI.ui I. i $X3 85 TTC16ui. uS Knap. READ THE BIG JANUARY GROCERY OPENING SALE-25 to 50 Saved on Your Housekeeping Expenses . . " -" .."u u iMjiv su.j. nm.simd BVMvmx r re.sn auiiriower. per pound 1 48-lb. uacks best high patent Flour 1140 flioh-e California ITunes. per lb 4c Flesh Khallots. per bunch , . fi II. s tdmica Janan Rii-e .SR Fancy Italian Prunes, per lb 'He Fresh HrusKel Hnroiitu nnr iniiiml "i 8 lbs. best rolled Breakfast Oatmeal 26c lbs. best Pearl Tapioca, Sago, Barley or Farina -Be 4-lb. package Pyramid Washing powder. .. 16c The best bulk Laundry Starch, per lb 4c Iaige bottles Bluing 4o 8 bars Heat 'Km All or Diamond C Soap . .J5c CHI or Muctard riardines, per tin 4n Tall cani Al.i''kH Halmon 10c 2-lb. ciniM White Ouk Sunar Coin 7'4c The leet Condensed il lnemeat, pkg 8'c The best Soda or Oyster Crackers, per lb..7Vic The best crisp Pretaels, per pound c Fancy assorted Cookies, per lb 10c Fancv Santa Clara Prunes, per lb tHc Faucy c leaned Currants, per lb H',.; Fancy Mulr Peaches, per lb SViO Fancy Yellow Crawford Peaches, per lb.,10o Fancy Sultana Raisins, per 'h 12Ho Fancy Kvaporated Hartlett TVars, per lb, .loo Fancy California Beedlcas Raisins, per Ib.lHc Fancy Heeded Kalslns. per package 8jc The bejtt 1-emnn, Krunge and Citron Peel, per pound -0c it Fays te nay Tour rrssn yegsianiss aaa Fruits at HaTdsns. Fresh ripinach, per peck . Fresh lleets. Carrots and bunch Vurnlps, per .:oe .4o 10c Fancv Wax HeuriH. u.r nnund 1 4 IX l-anr.y Ripe Tomatoes, per lb 20c Fancy Celery, two for be Fancy Cape Cod Cranberries, quart 7ltc Large Grape Fruit, each ; 6o Frssh Cabbage, per pound ...lHc Fancy Jersey Kweet Potatoes, pound JVc Fresh Parsley, per bunch 0 Two heads fresh Leaf Lettuce for .'..to Large Head lettuce for 7Hc and io0 Ths best Missd Wuts, 9 pounds aaa osvAJioEa OKAjnasa OBaiaii Fresh, swet and Juicy Navel Oranges, per dozen. 17Vr. ?0c. 26o and fOc Open Friday Evening Till 10 T, It. Mall Orders Filled Fr.m Dally Ads Don't Forget-TE2Y HAYDEN'S FlRST"It PayS I" Mail Orders Filled From Daily Ads