i 1 D V THK OMAHA SUNDAY UKE: JANUARY 2. 1010. Traditions of the Home Life and Training of Omaha Indian Children A ft . OMAHA INDIAN Q ' UK 7 :.-'XsA Oft B 1 .J. ft A1 : ln if m mm HKKK I a quaint folk-lore tale told umong tli Oinuhn Indltm nbout the origin of fire and Hie comoquent founding of a home, ever since which time, the tale corn on in relate, the nnurlsli- meni and well being of Immunity, a well as order have exinted an the result of 'the e.rtabHt hmcnt of that first flres:de. An open fire I always conducive to re flection we know. To me It call op a Mrlea of vivid mental pictures of the home life of the Indian, of the family circle, gathered around the csmpflre In the tent, and bj a child, I received here, striking and undying impressions of the Intense love tho Indian has for his children. The strong love of home Is found In every race, In none Is It stronger than in tho Indian. We find In him the same hu man nature we find In the white man, the same rardinal sins, the mint cardinal vir tue. and I have been able to find only one difference. Sometimes you may find the Indian treacherous to his own Interest", tiio white man, never! From an Indian's puir.t of view exceed ingly unfortunate and deserving of pity is that home that has no children In It. An Indian has three names, ono for child hood, one for youth and one for man hood. A baby receive! Its childhood nam when 4 days old, being named after some animal or something In nature. His name !. -'j - tr Hou3crf Nebraska Haltowel, An Omaha Indian everything in nalure, so that the little one may have atl the blessings of heaven and eBrth to make him a good and grent man. We hae the beauti ful and wonderful Cal umet dance, In which every bit of decora tion, of feather, paint on pipes, gourds, and decoration of child and dancers Is ayiu- I'olleal. In which the ear of corn from the pluntliiR of the seed to Ub harvesting repre sents the little hu man life, from birth .t v i'Mhriii''t-ili-M Housp of MinniP Hdmilton.Oinaha Indian to manhood, warriors after large game, until he became the whole ceremony forming ono beau- accUHtonied to the use of bow and arrow tifui, fubiime prayer fur the biensiig iiuil gun. He was taught to cultivate hi- la changed again when a youth and again Aimignty, tnat throughout lite the physical nature so lie might oe aoie 10 in manhood, this tlmo the namo denoting some 8 re nt achievement he, as a man, has accomplished. A child is considered of so much im portance .that all through babyhood and childhood we find tribal ceremonies conse- child may receive protection from tha core with nature in all Its moods. Great One, the ceremony taking four days a girl was taught to prepare the food, for Its performance. to help In the tunning and preparation of There are ceremonies connected with the skins for, clothing, to sew moccasins, to putting on of the first moccasins, with the get water and wood, to be self-reliant and first cutting of the hair, etc., and a boy Is Independent of man's help in all these crated to the children. Some of tfiege are K!ven lessons In bravery from his earliest preparations, for often the man had to be rr.ysilcal and very beautiful. "Th Turn- childhood days, while a girl receives les- away for days, hunting for food In all Ins of the Child," where the medicine man, takes tho child and turning It to the four points of the compass, Invokes first the aid of tho Great Spirit in blessing the child, sons. In the domestic arts. Before he was 14 a boy was taught to ac custom himself to exposure, to eat raw meat, so if left on the prairies In a bliz- appeallng in turn to the four winds of the rard with his bow and arrow he could sus- squashes and beans, all the work being earth to blow upon him and make hiin tain life; he was taught to shoot small done by the women. The corn was great, then Invoking the aid of tho clouds, game, then to go out with the rest of the pounded between two stones or In a wooden kinds of weather. When these hills were all prairie, I re member the cultivating of patches of ground for the planting of Indian corn, . mj?. ,y-w? . 4 lis f ''i 1 Chief "Rabbit MorriT mortar and pulverized with a pestle, and made into cakes and baked by an open fire. The Eiiuashea were cut Into "trip and dried by the sun In open air and put away for winter use. It always had a good flavor and was sjwect. The women gathered wild grapes 'and raspberries and dried them for winter use, wild cherries were pounded, Heeds and all, made Into cakes and dried and eaten mixed wltn the corn meal. In the fall the wild sweet potato was dug by the women (it has a riavor and color not unlike the cultivated sweet potato), and formed a welcome ad dition to our menu. The wild beans were eagerly sought after. They taste like the lima bean, only sweeter, with little bulk We had no dyspepsia In those days; now that the tin can Is in evidence, we have I I .Mi house of Cruy 5tdblr, Omha Indian WoodficK, OmAhA r v -it- 'vf t - s if r. 'flaw ' 'I'm mtt tftfisUM house of Elwood Harlan, Omaha Indian much, as the prescription blank book can testify. The Omahas were a peace-loving thrifty psopl. and tauirht their children accord ingly. A child was given strict lessons in etiquette, to treat all old people with deep respect; never to Interrupt a speaker; to give strict obedience to father and mother, and never to eat with hands and faces un washed. Marriage was considered as binding as among the white people arid there were no always sent back a like quantity of gifts sister, and a love had to be very watchful and skilled In eluding the chaperon and get ting an uninterrupted inter view with the mulden. These Interviews usually took place at the spring where the girl went to get water, and I knew of one young man who raid he laid in wait in the tall grass and fchrubbery all one hot day in summer, without dinner or rupper, only to go home disappointed, for every time the girl appeared her chaperon accompanied lur. The young man always took his bride to his home ll was always an elopement, and a few weeks later she was sent back to her family with gifts from his family. The white people have received an errone ous idea of the selling and buying of wives among the Indians. If a young man or his family desired a certain young woman for his wife he gave or sent to her family a certain number or gifts, of horses, goods, etc.. and if his suit was rejected these were sent back. If accepted, when marriage took place the young woniHii'w family separitiotis without cause. (Since we have advanced (?) Into civilization we have suits for alienation of affections.) There was no marriage ceremony. A young girl re ceived strict chaperonage from the age of 10 years, never' being without the presence of a grandmother, an aunt or a married to signify that the t'o families were now one. It was no commercial barter or trade. The child's moral nature received careful cultivation. He, was taught ownership and possession, the property rights of others to be honorable In all his dealings with his fellowmen and to be truthful. One who took things that did not belong to him. or who told what was not so, became tho butt of ridicule and was given name sug gesting his shsjy transactions, and he una made to feel that he was held In odium by his fellowmen. The Indians are very proud of their chil dren, and are now sending them to school not ot.ly on the reservation, but to O'liou. Neb.; Haskell, Lawrence, Kan., and to Carlisle, r., and Hampton, Va., and are taking n great deal of pride and interest in Uielr standing and accomplishments ai these schools. They Bre building good, comfortable hounes all over the reservation. Some are modern as to the convenlencei.. not only for their own comfort, but because they want these children who arc away i have a good homo to come to. They nil hfcve a desire for a good home. It leads to the cultivation of thrift and saving and U a most encouraging Indication of then willingness to adopt the new customs of th" white people It will in time develop civic pride. There are many good houses such as you see In the pictured. The Omahas are work ing far better than for twenty years pasl, and are building commodious barns and corn-cribs and buying machinery to work their farms. With the establishment of good homes hik1 r. II that means in organised society, and work with all Its Incentives to thrift and morality, with education for their chil dren, the Omahas are beginning to solve their problem, and as they are a part of our state, the white people must do their part by encouraging and protecting them as far as possible whenever possible. SCSAN LA FLKHCHH PICOTT13, M. D. Sweet Singers of Nebraska Who Are Making a Fine Public Record 1 . COMMON Idea of a glee club I that It is an aggregation of voices who s'riff a few simple eongs us occasion demands, but tho Teru club Is a fully equipped and efficient musical organization of a much higher order. The club, with its present org juration and equipment, dates from the beginning of last year, when It was organized, with Dr. H .lib as Its director, and had a member ship of twenty-eight students of musical pr milse and ability. The club began its work by having fre quent rehearsals und built up un elaborate repertoire. It gave a local concert In Peru and concerts at Nebraska City and other neighboring points before Christmas, t'urlnf the spring vacation the club made a tour of southwestern Nebraska, ending with un engagement at the Houthwestern Teachers" association meeting at McCook. The personnel of the club ut the begin ning of this year insured an enviable, yeur's work. Ross House, at present a private voice teacher In Peru and formerly a member of the famous Adelphlan quit Id. which was known to tho public In this section of tho country as one of the rarst lecture course number, added very muC. to tho tenor end of the organization. Dr. It. C. House was also a member of this well-known quartet. The work of the year was begun early and pushed hard. An ex ceptional repertoire was built up within a few weeks. The club sung at the Ne braska Plate Teachers' association and was repeatedly encored. Concerts have al ready been given In a number of north- ii ii ii. i .. mi. in i i un un .un ! is I i am ii,iJ u i, . ini i j in. iu sis. i isiiii 'i mi . .iiims. u-. J4'W';' ib V- W-x i 1 . wmmi mm Hm U 'J: 1 x J. 'x tif college glte clubs. The work of ths club is chaructt-rized by fire, dash and precision. Its repertoire Is varied, includ ing standard part sours and many llrht pieces Imbued with college spirit and life. Music critics who have heard the club at Its concerts regard It as the best 'equipped end best trained musical organi zation in this section of the country. The members of the club are shown In the picture as follows: Upper Row (reading from left to right) Lee Roberts, Charles Moulten, Jacob Scholt. Ward McDowell. Arthur Johnson. Samuel Galthers, Oren Lincoln. A. P. Hclioll, Joseph Goldstein. Harold Humphrey and Carl Crook. Middle ffrbw Ross House, Hex Trueman, Floyd Ralston. L. V. Gurey, Audubon Neff, Arthur Vance. W. 8. Bostder, George K. Campbell and Harry Sanders. Lower Row Roy Ralston, Russell v Whitfield. Klugsley House, Harry Johnson and Dale Whitfield. THE PERU NORMAL GLEE CLl.B. eastern Nebraska towns, among which was now being arranged through central and given much individual coaching ill tone the on given Thanksgiving day at Ne- western Nebraska. production to the members of the club, biaska City under the auspices of the Otoe Dr. House, the director, who is the head making possible the mellow effects of county corn show. An extended tour is of the music work in the Normal, has tone coloring so seldom seen in the work Getting Down to Hard Pan At the annual convention of tho National Good Roacty association held at TopeUa, Km., December 14 and 15, I. S. TU't'n. freight claim agent of the Missouri Pacific, delivered an address on "Roads and Rnll rreds," and said in part: "People usually think of the operation of American railroads in terms of bllll ins of tons and millions o doMars. fl3urea of suclr Ftartllns magnitude that the average Individual seldom connects himself in hie daily thought and living with til? factor of commerce that finds expression in our transportation agercles. -.ie statement that carriers administer largely to the necessities, comforts and luxuries of liti reaches the human mind with many other economic propositions without making due Impression of the extent to which this is tine, and to the further extent that things I hat were formerly luxuries urc now In dally use In modest homes. "To Illustrate this proposition I l.nlts you to a review of the commonplace sub ject of my breakfast In Kansas City thle morning, consisting of half a Florida grnpj fruit, in the center of which was l cherry frf.m Oregon, colored red by cochineal from Mexico. Whltefish which a few rtnys b -fore had been swimming In Lake .Superior appeared on the breakfast table garnished with a lemon from California. Coffee was from Brazil and the sugar may have come from far away Hawaii. "Arriving In Topeka, I bought for ll) cents three times as n.uny dates us a hungry mai would care to eat. These dates were grown In Arabia, carried on cam' 1 back to the Persian gulf, then by sea. canal, ocean and rail to tho Kansas capi tal. The farmer to whom fishing has grown to be an art niny take in quest ot his sport a Japanese pole, an Irish linen or oriental silk line and a supply of Eng lish hooks, carrying as a product of Amer ica a can of worms, with so-r.e doub". on the ancestry of the can. It would be Inler esting to figure on the freight oust of this fishing outfit, but the amount would b so Infinitesimal that wo must take our bear ings on something o greater bulk." Mr. Tustln then gave an inventory of tho clothes that he wore to the cnnvi ir.loitf' in cluding each article from shoes to overooat, with their cost value, and naid if thsa garments had been purchased in Trp ki from stock bought In New, York the freight cl arge would be less than one-half of 1 per cent of the amount. As a contrast with other inland trans portation, he said, that in connection with a neighbor he bought a car of Arkansas coal for domestic use paying for the rail haul of approximately BOO miles less than 2.W per ton, for the wagon Haul of a mile and a halt from the sv.itcli track to his Jiome 7D cents per ton, and to the wheel barrow men from the gutter to his cellar window, n distance of sixty feet, 16 cents per ton. adding faeetlous'y that If the en gine hud earned as much as the wheel barrow In proportion to distance the rail road tariff would have exceeded $200,000, and If the wheelbarrow had been paid on the engine basis, the cost of carriage for the carload of twenty tons from gutter to cellar would have been about one-ninth of a cent. "How much work would a farmer per form for a cent? How far would he haul a ton of freight, or do any labor connected with It, for that price? A child buys a penny stick of candy In a moment of pass ing fancy, yet the American railways re ceive for the carriage of the average ton of freight per mile, about three-quarters of the retail price of the child's purchase, a cent with a substantial segment removed, yet laws are passed and agitation encour aged to muke the removed segment larger andthe mutilated penny to the rail car rier smaller. "If "the Missouri Pacific had averaged the retail price of a penny stick of candy for hauling each tun of freight ono mile during the last fiscal year, millions of dollars would have been added to Its treas ury, labor would have continued without Interruption und the public business would have felt the Impetus both from the pur chase of supplies and from a more ample service to commerce and this without ap preciable tax to the ultimate consumer who pays the freight. Can the human mind think of a service so colossal for a reward so meagre? A copper cent Is the actual standard of railway finance in lieu of dollars by the millions." Christmas Reunion of the Cope Family Made a Most Joyous Occasion ORTY members of one family helped Mr. and Mis. C. C. Cope of 914 Hickory street celebrate on Christmas day the fortieth anniversary of thulr marriage. -iTiMr A family dinner was perved at F the home, where, for the first time, the sa tire family, consisting of grandfather, srundinother. sons, daughters and grand children had assembled. Mr. and Mrs. Cope have been the pnrenls of fourteen children, seven sons and seven daughters, eleven of whom are now living. There are eighteen grandchildren. Mr. Cope Is a veteran of the civil war. a survivor of forty battles or skirmishes und Is a veteran employe of the Union Pacific railroad. Fur many years he has been passenger director ut I'uion station, where Ills Hon, C. C. Cope, jr., is his assistant. f -H " - ' if , 4 " 'V "S . '-'it A f i Tj . i v v -t. X. , X , V"'' " f- -, r . . . 17 A ' ' i;V' - .; - TOVNQ FOLK 8 WHO MAKE THE SKNIOU COPE HAPPT. wnmm -m ti iisssssssssssmi wsnmni m ' .tmm m .J-IV- assj urn I msuidjiushwm sum hi Jim m .1 i n m ' "fT " "" """ ' """ ' fi,AHT y'fyi&yy :, . y tt:ij) o w h?' fcm 1 &.y '''4?.'- v, . 1 "" ""' !" m " u t . u ,'f i," ) I "OAOW NUPS" AT THE COP1S FAMILY REUNION. " t 1 (! i 4 1 i