i 'IT TITK OMAHA SUNDAY TtKK: .JANl'AKY 2, 1P10. a i ACTIVITY ON CHICKEN FARM November Bird Are Usually Sold in February at Sqnab Broilers. S WOMAN TELLS HER EXPERIENCE Half PlymaalB Kwk an4 Raff dnlte Considered Beat Brffdi as Broilers Jtrlrtly t rena Kgg I omaiand High Irlr. "November is one of the bniit months Iti the year on my chicken farm." a woman tho raises chickens for the big city msrket told the reporter. "Chlckena hatched this month nre sold in February a squab broilers anil fetc h the highest price. "Of course the price dpends on the de nictiil. and no far as my experience goes the demand In February for squab brollera far , exceed the supply. I.at ,r 1 re reived 11. w a pair ror all the birds 1 could supply during ih month. According to my Look It cost tiic Ju.it M .tents a pair to raleto them, m ynu ran Judge my profit. "I have been in tha business for six years now and for the last four have been mak ing a good profit on the capital and time Invested. The first to years I waa glad to make both anda meat. There is some thing more than luck In raining chickens for market, aa any person who makes the attempt will soon find out. "I had had experience in raising chickens for home Consumption when I decided to go Into It for profit. I invested $300 In buildings and stock with the expectation of doubling my capital In tha first year. My i-roftt. deducting wages for myself and my daughter at the usual rates, waa 'less than to. The second year It waa something over 115. Since then tt has been steadily Increasing until now we count It by the thousands. "For brollera I look -upon the Buff Ply mouth Hock and the Buff Wyandotte aa fthe very best breeds. Any variety of the ., IVyandotte or the Plymouth Rock family la desirable as a market breed because of their yellow akin and legs and their ideal market shape. I prefer the buffs because of their entire absence of colored pin feathers at all stages of their growth. "Squab broilers hatch from November to March, inclusive, and are ready for mar ket rrom February to the middle of May. For a pair $1.20 Is aa much aa ' have ever received and 60 cents a pair Is the lowest price. Fuch brollera weigh from one and one-quarter pounds to two pounds. Moat Popular In Kebraarf. "I have heard of peopl" "who raised birds of this size in eight weeks, but It takes tne r.ine weeks to raise the smaller birds and eleven to raise the two pounders. The smaller bird is most popular in February and March, and for the rest of the year Don't Weep Soma people swell up on "emotion" brewed from absolute untruth, i , It's an old trick of the leaders of the Labor Trust to twist facta and make the "sympathetic ones" "weep . at the . ice house." (That's part of the tale further n.) i . . . - Qompere at al. sneer at, spit upon and defy our court a, seeking sympathy by laisely telling- the people the courts were trying to deprive them of free speech and free press. Men can speak freely and print opin ions freely in this country and no court will object, but they cannot be allowed to print matter as part of orlmln&l con spiracy to injure and ruin other citizens. Uompera and hla trust associates started out to ruin the Buck Stove Co., drive Its hundreds of workman out of work and destroy the value of the plant without re gard to the fact that hard earned money of men who worked, had been invested thee. , . . The conspirators were told by the courts to stop these viclojs "trust" methods (rffoits to break the firm that won't come under trust rule), but inatead of Ntopplng they "dare" the courts to punish them and demand new' laws to protect them In such destructive and tyrannous acts as they dealre to do. The reason Uompera and his band persisted in trying to ruin the Bucks Stove Works was because the stove company insisted on the right to keep some old employes at work when "da union" ordered them discharged and some of 'de gang" put in. Now let us reverse the conditions and have a look. Suppose the company had- ordered the , union, to dismiss certain men from their union and, the demand being refused si mild institute a boycott against that inlon, publish its name in sn ''unfair lst," instruct other manufacturers all oer the United btata not to buy the latin of that union, have committees call at stores and threaten to boycott If the merchants sold anything made by that union. Picket the factories where mem bers work and slug them on the way home, blow up their houses and wreck the works, and even murder a few mem bers of the boycotted union to teach them they must oby the orders of "or ganised Capital?" it would certainly be fair for the com pany to do these things if lawful for tho Labor Trust to do them. In such a case, under our laws, the boycotted union could apply to our courts and the courts would order the company tu cease boycotting and trying to ruin these union men. Huppuse thereupon the company should sneer at the courts and In open defiance continue the unlawful acts In a persistent, carefully laid out plan, purposely Intended to ruin the union and force its members- into poverty. What a howl would go up from the union demanding that the courts protect them and punish their law-breaking oppressors. Then they would prslne the courts and go pn earning a living protected from ruin and happy In the knowledge that the people's courts could defend them. How could any of us receive protec tion from law-breakers unless the courts have power to, and do punish such men? The oonrt la placed la position where It mast to eae thing or the other punish au ae persist la defying its pease V orders or go out of serrlce, let anarchy reign and the mora powerful destroy the weaker. Peuceabla cillxens sustain the courts as their defenders, whereas thieves, forgers, burglars, creeks of all kinds and violent members of labor unions, hate them and threaten violence if their members are punished for breaking the law. Tbey want the courts to let them go free and at the same time demand punishment for other men "outside d union" when they break the law. Notice the above reference to "violent" members of labor unions. The great majority of the "un heard" union men are peaceable, upright rrtlxens. The noisy, violent ones get into orUc and lUe leaders of tha great Labor those weighing to pounds bring the high- est pi ices. i "The smaller bird". tlio!e weighing one pound and a qusiter and under, are the squab broilers ar.d are uned chiefly r high class hotels and restaurants, where they re called Individual tlrd. The imi pound Idrds are known as standard broilers and are the best soling In the general market, though they never fetch such high prices as the fquahs. 1 prefer to sell my product as squabs, as It emittes the house soonest and so gives me room for another crop. "Having decided on the breed, the next point of Importance Is to see that each hen Is to produce the eggs to be con verted Into b.ollers comes from healthy vigorous birds. I believe It Is quite Im possible to build up a successful broiler business from stock that la not petfectly healthy and of strong vitality. "A broiler to be of the first quality murt be a quickly grown, Juicy carcass and the forcing must begin almost from hatch ing time. A chick must necessarily have plenty of health and vitality to make it stand the forcing and at the same time keep well and happy. A chirk from poor stock or even tha average stock will not stand the strain on its digestive organs and as a consequence will either sicken or die before It has attained the required weight. "After securing eggs from the proper stock the next point is to get them well Incubated. Aa it Is next to Impossible to get broody hens at the aeason that brollera should be hatched I depend en tirely on incubators and I get the beat that are to be had in the market. "I look upon a good incubator aa neces sary, because successful hatching of the chlcka la the very foundation of the busi ness. Next In Importance is the brooder, aa the number of chlcka hatched has little to do with the Increase In your bank ac count as compared with the number raised. "During the six years that I have been raising chickens for profit I have trlod about every system of brooding there la. From this experience I have decided thit each prospective broiler grower should In vestigate for himself and adopt the method best suited to his needs that is. to the conditions in which he must work. "For smalt establishments 1 prefer the individual brooder, but now that my plant has grown larger I have been forced to adopt the pipe brooder house. This gives me the best results at the leant expenditure of labor and money. napld UrotTth 3ie-cessary. "In forcing for brollera the object is to secure the most rapid growth possible. I have found that forcing the first week does not have the best effect aa a rule. Some birds thrive under It, but the ma jority become dyspeptic, and if they do not die they have such a decided backset that they have to be relegated to the roasting pan. "In other words, It takes them so long to get back to their normal health and Trust know how to mtus tliU kind of men. In labor conventions and thus carry out the leaders' j.sche JteSj frequently eh horrent to the rank and filej'so' It tns it the late Toronto convention. The paid delegates would applaud aid 'resolute" as. ,Gmper3 wanted, but now and then some, of the real worklajnuii Insist on being heard, sometimes at the risk of their lives. Delegate Kgan Is reported to have said at the Toronto convention: If the offlceri of the federation would only adhere to the law we would think a lot more of them." The Grand Council of the Provincial Worklngtnen's Ass'n of Canada haa de clared In favor of aeverlng all connection wlthN unions in the 1T. 8 saying "any union having its seat of Gov't In America, and pretending to be international in Its scope, must fight Industrial battles ac cording to American methods. Said methods have consequences which are ab horrent to the law-abiding people of Canada, Involving hunger, misery, riot, bloodshed and murder, all of which might be termed a result of the practical war now In progress in our fair province and directed by foreign emissaries of the United- Miners of America." That Is an honest Canadian view of our Infamous "Labor Trust." A few days ago the daily papers printed the following. (By the Associated Press.) Yashlngton, D. C, Nov. itf Character. Ixlng the attitude of Samuel Gompers, John Mitchell and Frank Morrison of the American Federation of 'Labor In the con tempt proceedings in the courts of yie District of Columbia, In connection with the Bucks' Stove and Range company, as "a wilful, premeditated violation of the law," Ictimon Burns, general master work man of the general assembly. Knights of Labor, has votced a severe condemnation of these three leadera. Mr. Burns ex pressed his confidence In courts in gen eral and in those of the District of Co lumbia In particular. APPROVKK BV DKLKGATKS. This rebuke by Burns was in his an nual report to the general assembly of his organization. He received the hearty approval of the delegates who heard it road at their annual meeting In this city. "There la no trust or combination of capital in the world," said Mr. Burns, 'that violates laws oftener thsn do the trust labor organisations, which resort to more dishonest, unfair and dishonor able methods toward their competitors than any trust or combination In the country." Mr. Burns taid the action of "these so- called leaders" would be harmful for years to come whenever attemps were made to obtain labor legislation. "The Labor Digest," a reputable work ingman's paper, says, as part of an article entitled "The beginning of the end of Gomperlsm. many organisations becom ing tired of the rule-or-ruln policies which have been enforced by the president of the A. F. of L." "That he haa maintained his leadership for so long a time In the face of his stub born clinging to policies which the more thoughtful of the workingmen have seen for years must be abandoned, hss been on account partly of the sentimental feel ing on the part of the organisations that he ought not to be deposed, and the un willingness of the men who were men tioned fur the place, to sccept a nomina tion in opposition to him. In addition to this, there Is no denying the shrewdness of the leader of the A- F. of L.. and his political sagacity, which has ensbled him to keep a firm grip on the machinery of the organisation, and-to have his faith ful henchmen in the positions where they could do him the most good whenever their services might be needed. Further than this, he hss never failed, at the last conventions, have sous sea satloa to spring oa tha ooaTeaUoa at tha psychologies! moment, which weald pleas hint la tha light of a martyr to tha aanae of X Ionian, and est It a wave of sym rtrrngth that they are too old for broilers Because of this fact we never bgln to force until after tha seventh day. There are aeveral foods on the market all manu factured for the express purpose of foto Ing broilers. I have tried about all the best ones, and tiiough I have found thetri about equally satisfactory in producing gro th and flesh. I have discarded them because none of them Is as Inexpensive as tho food which I mix at home. "This home mad ration Is composed ol one part each of ground oats and bran and two parts each of cracked corn and mid dlings. This mixture should be motstened with a sufficient quantity of boiled milk, tweet, sour or buttermilk, to get It to the proper consistency, and care must be taken to give only so much at each meal as the chicks will eat up clean. "This mixture should be given them at least four times a day. t generally give It five times. Fresh water and clean grit should be kept where the blrda can get It at aoy time and some sort of green food should be supplied daily. "For animal food the birds should have green cut bona or ground meal scraps about once a week or every ten days. I have found the green cut bone the better of the two. but often It Is next to Im possible to get. "I have known of the best results from feeding the chickens on a custard made by beating a dosen or so infertile eggs in a quart of milk and baking it slowly. This Is a good substitute for meat and where milk Is to be had I would prefer It to fresh beef. , Where beef Is used It should always be cooked. "Milk may also be used as a drink where it Is to be had. In a measure it will take the place of water, aa the chicks will not drink so much of the latter when they have the former. Vnder no circumstances, however, should the supply of fresh water In a clean vessel be dis pensed with. "I seldom use milk,' because It would be hard to get and expensive. That Is one of the points in making chicken raising pay utilizing the food supply that can be the most easily obtained. In forcing for broilers It should be remembered that no vegetables will take the place of meat. The birds must have meat In some form. "Before killing my chlckena I let them fast from eighteen to twenty hours. While this fasting Is going on the birds must be kept supplied with a plentiful amount of fresh water, as this is one of the greatest aids to securing an attractive appearance for the dressed stock. My method of kill ing is bleeding from the mouth. This leavea the bird In the most sightly con dition to be shown In the market. An other method Is opening the veins of the neck in such a way that the cut does not show. Brollera Dry Picked. "Broilers are never opened nor are their heads removed. They are dry picked. In the east there Is no demand for birds At The Ice Blouse pathetic enthusiasm for him, which would ..any the delegates off their feet, and re- ult In his re-election. "That his long leadership, and this ap . meat Impossibility to fill his place has licno to Ms head, and made htm Imagine hat he Is much greater a man than he l pally is, Is undoubtedly the case, and accounts for the tactics he has adopted in dealing with questions before congress, where he has unnecessarily antagonised men to whom organised labor must look for recognition of their demands, and where labor measures are often opposed on account of this very antagonism, which would otherwlae receive support. "There is no doubt but what organised labor la this country would ha much stronger with a leader who was more in touch with conditions as they actually exist, and who would bring to the front the new policies which organized labor must adopt If It expects to even maintain Its present standing, to say nothing of making future progress." We quote portions of another article, a reprint, from the same labor paper: "Organised labor, through its leaders, must recognise the mistakes of the past if they expect to perpetuate their or ganisation or to develop the movement which they head. No movement, no organization, no nation can develop be yond tha intellects which guide these or ganizations, and if the leaders are domi nated by a selfish motive the organisa tion will become tinged with a spirit of selfishness, which has never appealed to mankind In any walk of life at any time since history began. "It can be said In extenuation of cer tain leaders of organised labor that the precarious position which they occupy as leaders has had a tendency to cause them to lose sight of the object behind the or ganisation. The natural lnatlnct In man for power and position is In no smsll measure responsible for the mistakes of the leaders, not necessarily In lsbor unions alone, but In every branch of society. This desire for power and leadership and personal aggrandizement causes men who have been earnest and sincere In their efforts In the stsrt to deteriorate Into mere politicians whose every aot and ut terance Is tinged with the desire to cater to the baser passions of the working ma jority In the societies or organizations and this Is undoubtedly true when sp- plied to the present leaders of the Fed eration. We mention the Federation of Labor particularly In this article because that organisation Is the ealy organisation f labor which aaa yet found itself in dlreot opposition to the laws of the land. There are other, organisations of labor whose leaders have made mistakes, bit they have always kept themselves and their organizations within the bounds of the law and respected the rights of every other man In considering the rights of themselves and their constituency; where at, the motto of the Federation is Jnst the reverse, and unless the leader con form themselves and their organization in accordance with the laws of the land, the leaders and the organisation itself must be disintegrated and pass into his tory, for In America the common sense In mankind is developed to a greater extent than In any other nation on the earth, and the people, who are the court of last resort In this oountry, will never allow any system to develop In this country which does not meet with the approval of the majority of the citizens of the coun try. v 'This must have forced itself upon the leaders of the Federation by th's t'we Tf It has not, the leaders must be eliminated. The organisation which they head haa done msny meritorious things in times past and the people are always ready and willing to acknowledge the bene fit a which their efforts hsve brought to their con stituency as a whole, but at the present time lsbor organisations in general, and the Federation of Labor In particular, staad Before tha ha ef paslle optaiea, havta baea eon rioted af selfishness and disposition te gait all tha people af the tlist have been picked In hot water, though I understand the people of the nest are not so particular. "Though It Is broiler hatching that Is keeping us busy Just now, I cannot say that there Is any reason when we do not have Jut about all that we ran attend to. re sides squab and sta.' dard biollers I mine roosters, r.tpons and -Ittly fresh eggs, besides selling reeding slock and efcgs for hatching. "Our strictly fresh eges are sold during the winter and Just as the price Is drop ping to what the buyers call noriiml squab broilers come on. Later come the Ntsnd ard broilers, then eggs for hatching and stock for breeding. These three depart ment! keep us busy during the late spring and summer, while In the fall conies the demand for roasters and capons. Uy having an all round establishment of this sort there Is never an Idle season, our ex penses are reduced acd out profits in creased. "Often 1 have Inquiries from both men and women asking Just what Is necessary for success in raising chickens for profit. In reply I always say enough working capital and intelligent application to the business. I will add that a wise beginner. If such a person exists, will not start out on too large a scale. The demand for ' broilers has always been much greater than the supply, so If only one department can be worked on that will give the quick est and largest return If properly con ducted. "liaising breeding stock and etgs for hatching is also a good and so far as I am able to Judge a safe venture. Capons pay well, and the demand lntlie fall and winter is always brisk. Hoasters pay the least, but they arc also the least difficult to raise and can be sold at a fair profit at any season of the year." PENTECOST GETS A TROPHY Presented with Traveling Una by Assorts tea on Ills Departure for Kansns tit). G. S. Pentecost, who left last night for Kansas City to become assistant general passenger agent for the Rock Island, will have many occasions to recall his term of service as division passenger agent, with headquarters at Omaha, every time he has to "go out on the road." The local office staff, the men in Lin coln, Council Bluffs and Ies Moines, who worked under Mr. Pentecost, yesterday presented him with a handsome und val uable walrus hide traveling bag as a testi monial of their esteem and conveyed their expression of friendship In a letter they gave to Mr. Pentecost. O. S. McNaily, formerly of Omaha and for the last half dozen years cf Oklahoma City, succeeds Mr. Pentecost here. Best results from Bee Want Ads. country In the Interest of the few. The people are patient and awaiting to see if the object lesson which they have been forced to give to these leaders is going to be recognized and if they are going to conform themselves and their future work and actions in accordance thereto," Let the people remember that comment, "The Federation of Labor in particular atands before the bur of public opinion having been convicted of selfishness and a disposition to rule all the people of the country In the interest of the few.'' The great 90 per cent of Americans do not take kindly to the acts of tyrrany by these trust leaders openly demanding that all people bow down to the rules of the Labor Trust and we are treated to the humiliating spectacles of our Congress and even the Chief Executive entertaining these convicted law-breakers and listen ing with consideration to their insolent demands that the very laws be changed to allow them to safely carry on their plan of gaining control over the affairs of the people. The sturdy workers of America have come to know the trutli about these "martyrs sacrificing themselves In the noble cause of labor," but It's only the hysterical ones who t well up and cry over the aforesaid "heroes," reminding one of the two romantic elderly maids who, weep ing copiously, were discovered by the old Janitor at Mt. Vernon. "What Is It ails you, ladies?" Taking the handkerchief from one swollen red eye. between four, she said: "Why we have so long revered the memory of George Washington that we feel It a privilege to come here and weep at his tomb." 'Ta8'm, yas'tn, yo' shore has a desire to express yo' sympathy, but yo' arc overflowln' at de wrong spot, yo' Is weepln' at de lee house." Don't get maudlin about law-breakers who must be punished If tho very exis tence of our people Is to be maintained. If you have any surplus sympathy It can be extended to the honest workers who continue to earn food when threat ened and are frequently hurt and some times killed before the courts can Inter vene to protect them. Now the Labor Trust leaders demand of Congress that the courts be stripped of power to issue Injunctions to prevent them from assaulting or perhaps murdering men who dare earn a living when ordered by the Labor Trust to quit work. Don't "weep at the Ice lloune" and don't permit any set of law-breakers to bully our courts. If your voice and vote can prevent. Be sure and write your Repre sentatives and Ke'nators In Congress! ask ing them not to vote for any measure to prevent the courts from proiecfiiig homes, property and persons from attack by paid agents of the great Labor Trust. Let every reader write, and write now. Don't kit silent and allow the organized and fa Id men of this great trust to force Congress to believe they represent the great masses of the American people. Sey your say and let your representatives In Congress know that you do nut want to be governed under new laws which would empower the Labor Truat leaders with legal right to tell you when to work. Where I For whoml 4.t vvliut price! What to buy! What not to buy! Whom to vole for! How much you shall pay per month In foes to tho Lsbor Trust! etc., etc, etc. This power ii now being d?muudtd t.y the passage of laws In Congress. Tell your renators and Representatives plain ly that you don't want ther.i to vote for any measure that will a'low any ct of Mien either representing Capital or Labor to govern and dictate to the common people, who rrefer to he fre to go and come, work or not, and vote for whom they please. Ever man's liberty will disappear when the leaders of the great Labor Trust or any other trust can ride rough shod over people and mass their forces to prevent our courts from affording protection." "There's a Reason." C. W. POST, Cattle Creek, Mich. JUDGE LURTON TARES SEAT First Duty Will Be to Participate in Tobacco Trust Case. REACHES WASHINGTON FRIDAY A loangest Member of "aprrme tonrt lie Will First Kxpreas Ills Opinion on HI Mall. WASHINGTON. Jan. 1 -Judge Horace G. Lurton, who becomes the new associate Justice of the supreme court of the United mates, arrived In the city today. Mr. Lurton will make his first appear ance as a member of the court when that body convenes at noon on Monday. He will take his seat on the extreme left of the chief Justice, occupying that hereto fore occupied by Justice Moody. As Jus tice Lurton comes direct from the bench of the court of. appeals it will not be nec essaty to supply him with a new robe, as Mr. Lurlon's garment has pieceded hlin here. Justice Mooiy will be transferred from the seat on the chlof Justice's left to the farthest seat on his light. Mr. Moody is still too ill to take his place on the bench at the convening of the court on Monday, biit reports from him Indicate continued Improvement. The first case which Judge Lurton will be called on to hear, will be the soil of the government attacking the validity of tho tobacco trust. That case Is the first on the court's docket, having ben ad vanced for early hearing. It Involves prop erty worth I4tl0.000.0ii0 and more important still, the validity of the organization. As the youngest member of the court, It will be Mr. Lurlon's duty to give the first ex pression of view on the case, which, after the hearing, the court retires for consulta tion. On Monday the appeal In the Standard Oil company case will bo docketed, but it will not be heard before March. Stales Conform with All lit la Law. Satisfactory conformity by January 21, with the Dirk militia law, so as to enable all the states and territories to share In the amounts appropriated by congress for the maintenance of the organized militia Is predicted by Lieutenant Colonel Weaver, chief of the division of military affairs, in his annual report today to the secretary of war. This law requires that the organiza tion of the militia by that date must be the same aa the regular army. If It is to participate in the federal funds. Only the states of Pennsylvania and Delaware were reported as not conforming, with the ex ception of its bands, in those states and he believes these statos will be able to meet tho conditions by January 21. The strength of the organized inllllla of the several states and territories last spring was fixed at 11S.92G officers and en listed men. An estimate Is made that there are in the United States, H,974,4i8 males available for military duty. It Is announced that hereafter two mili tia inspections will be conducted annually. That in the spring will bo to determine the sufficiency and condition of armament and equipment of the troops. The other during the period of encampment to de termine their efficiency for field duty. mineral Ootpot of Alaska. The status of the mineral output of Alaska for the year 1909, was 120,200,000, or practically the same of the previous year, according to the report ' of the United States geological survey! of this total, nearly all of it was gold, or to be exact 119,400,000. The production of oopper was S520.0UO, a loss of nearly 100,000 from 1908. Silver, coal, marble, gypsum and other minerals were about the same In produc tion as the year previous. Alaska has produced since WHO, when mining first began, S168,000,000, of which all but 7,000,OUO has been gold. The majority of the remainder haa been copper, with silver next. The coal fields are now an Important factor In Alaska. The report says that If opportunity Is given to mine coal railway facilities for its transportation will be rushed to completion. The exploitation of these rich coal fields, it says, is of great Importance to Alaska and to the commer cial interests of the Pacific states. It will stimulate manufacturing and by furnish ing coke fur smelting, make available for local use the iron deposits of the west, thus leading to the conrervatlon of those in the east. Systematic Study of Forestry. Study of forestry Is to bo made more systematic in the United States through tho closer association of the schools of forestry and the standardization of the methods of instruction. This was the prin cipal decision reached today at the closing meeting of the conference of professors of forestry with Chief Forester Glfford Pln chot.( A committee consisting of Prof. II. 8. Graves of Yale, Fiuf. Flllbert Roth of the University of Michigan, Dr. Bernard E. Fernow of the University of Toronto, Dr. Richard T. Fisher" of Harvard and Mr. Plnchot were Instructed to draw up a con stitution for the government of a regular organization of the forestry schools, pre pare a plan for standardization in study and call a special meeting of forest school representatives when these tasks are com pleted. Among the speakers today were Dr. Ber nard K. Fernow, Prof. Samuel B. Green of the University of Minnesota, Herbert A. Smith and K. C. Carter of the forest serv ice and Prof. Frank G. Miller of the Uni versity of Washington. Committer ou Whisky. "Real whisky" was one of the themes fur discussion at today's cabinet meeting. ' In order to decide what constitutes the gen uine article, a committee has been partly selected to draft Inio regulation form the views of President Taft on the subject. .Secretary MacVeagh has appointed Com missioner of lnurnal Revenue Cabell and Seiretary of Agriculture Wilson has ap pointed Solicitor McCabe of his department as the members of the roaim-.uee to repre sent those two departments. Secretary Nacgel, who is to name the third member of the committee to draft the regulations, took up the matter at the While House to day, with a view of going over the subject with his cabinet colleagues. The committee as soon as It Is completed by the selection of the third member, will Immediately begin work in framing the rules for putting into di-finitu form Presi dent 'laft'a decision. II 1st Having- : peeled. Senator iialu of Maine, wlio is acting chainnun of the senate committee on pub- He expenditures, had a long talk with President Taft this afternoon on th sub ject of federal economy. The committee on public expenditure I devoting lint If to the plan of practical economy snd Senator Hourtie of Oregon, chairman of a stibrummltte on Utparl ii.enial expenditure, rtcsnlly tubiuitt:d his I'tport lo the full committee and with tnator Hale thinks a saving of from $W, tioo.ouu to IHin.OQO.OuQ a year will be the ul tin ate result of the committee's work. I.aad wnhdravra froaa Kalry, In aid of proposed legislation affecting water power sites on the publie domain, th secretary of the Interior ha withdrawn 3 V Starts Afexr 7?mtfVAV Y ftoin all forms of disposition the following lands: Along the Arkansas river In Colorado. 17.2M acres; along the Til II Williams river and tributaries in Arizona, 62,720 acres; along the Melalla river In Oregon, 3,179 acres, and along the McKenzlc river In Oregon, 598 acres. Land Restored to Entry, Serj-etary Ballinger of the Interior de partment today restored to the public do main 378,456 acres of land In California. This action was taken as a result of In formation furnished the Interior depart ment by the geological survey, the lands having previously been withdrawn thought to contain oil aggregates 3,'JI2,60V acres. Mr. Vandcrbilt as Mysterious as Ever in West Pays Second Visit to Cheyenne, Ap parently Seeing No One May Have Eye on Union Pacific. CHEYENNE. Wyo., Jan. l.-(Ppeclal Telegram.) Alfred G. Vanderhllt arrived In Cheyenne at 1 o'clock this cfiernoon from On aha. remained within his car und saw no visitors during the two hours he was here, and at 8 o'clock started on the return trip to Omaha. A line of guards u thrown about his car whllo It stood In t:i? Union Pacific yards and no reporters or others were permitted to enter. A week ago Mr. Vanderbllt visited Cheyenne In the same manner, stopping here several hours, but being Interviewed by no one so far as Is known. What Is the purpose of his mysterious movements is not known to local railroad officials, according to the statements. Among railroad employes there Is gossip that a deal for the Harrlman Interests In the Union Pacific and tributary lines Is pending and that Vanderbllt is Inspecting the property which will be transferred. Alfred Millard Retired Banker Resigns Vice Presidency of United States National Bank After Thirty Years' Activity. ' i Alfred MHlard, for thirty years an active ' uuBirieas inau anu uaiiaci 04 uiuuioi, "i 1 begin the New Year as a retired private citizen. He has resigned hla office ax vice president of the United Slates Na tional bank, but will still remain a member of the directorate. Regarding the matter Mr. Millard said: "The report Is true, for this is my last working day with the bank as vice presi dent. I am still a stockholder and director. I have been thirty years at my dmk and now freedom and fresh air attract me. I am out of business life, Insofar aa ll relates to routine work." Mr. Mlllsrd was the organiser of the old Commercial National bank, which he founded In 1S87. The United States' Na tional bank Is a consolidation of the Old Commercial, the Union National and the United States National banks. Tbe Babonlc Plague destroys fewer lives than Mtomac'.i, liver and kidney diseases, for which Klectrc Bitters Is the guaranteed remedy. 5'k,'. Fui sule by Beaton Drug Co. BRIEF CITY NEWS Haw Boot mt It. bV r. atwoboda Certified Aooonntaat. Lighting natures, Bargeis-Oranden Co. Blahart, Photographer, 18th & K'arnam. yn, photo, removed to 18th & Howard. Chambers' new classes Jan. 1. Doug. 1871. Sanltabl Ufa Policies sight drafts at maturity. H. D. Needy, manager, Omaha. MTry Us Tlrst for Ku ;l." Nebraska Fuel Co., 1414 Karnani St. Both 'phones. 180 national Life Insurane Co IMS Charles & Ady, General Agent. Omaha. Investments la th shares of Nebraska Savings and Loan association earn per cent per annum, credited semi-annually. 1W Board of Trade building. ltJO t'arnam. tavftasijPBjLcv. Sanatorium Ibis Institution is tbe only one to tbe central went with Eepar-ia buildings situated In their own amvl grounds, yet entirely dis tinct and rendering It possible to classify esses. Tho ou building being fitted for and devoted to tbe treatment of noncontagious snd conmentel diseases, no others be ing admitted. Tbe other. Rest Cottage, b)lug designed for snd devoted to tbe exclusive treatment of select mental cases, requiring for a time watchful care ana spe cial nursing. rirr as as m eaw" Engraved Stationery x Wadding tnmilmliont A naeaaceesenf s Vhiting Cars' All correct forms In current socwl uuf e engraved in the best manner and punctually delivered warn promised. Embossed Monogram Stationery an J other work executed al prices lower than usually prevail elsewhere. A. I. ROOT, Incorporated 1210-1212 Heward St. Phone D. 1004 o Pains in the BACK which streak up between t'ta shoulders or through tha loins and down tha limb. Very com monly these pain art atsoclated with a "drawing" enatioo at the back of the neck. WILL STOP tour jturrcniHam Thete paint sre OMilr lwr the nmitl dtwntored nemxit yittm. mm4 tie rsrair tbe mult ol kidser trouble. COCIX kullda as th servoat trsxm, tlaiuliiM normal, healthy sow ol hies in furnithet the entant with the iwnrr neceiuir to Israr laolr Sfofwf actios. All nervoua aiaorofti rial rtsailr la thk) tiaaiment and th whole ayatem la ouicklr built up to a conditio ol Vlir, Vitality an attength. Prlct hatha ll tharabr Ml!. Your Money Refunded If It ralla. PRICE 11.00 PER BOX. FO (All SV BEATOV BBVO CO., 15th and rarnam STU., Omaha, ovetsTPesirsrnoomTaaii Ion, and what satisfaction and teaoa of mind Its possession brings. Tns Unas of age, worry and overwork are render ed well nigh powerless by Mrs. Nattlg HAnRISON'8 LOLA MONTH CREME A wonderful soother, healer and protec tor to a dry, contracted or chapped skin. ' It Is Complexion-Insurance. Convince yourself of Its remarkable MWtf Ktr Vitalnliiar a - J Book "SECRET OF IEMITT AND S0O0 KULTT al UtlHaX ft XoOOVirBl.fc BBVO 00, Oor. ISth ana Douglas ats., Omaha. Owl Drug Co., leth ll Kersey, Omaha. Bo a Trained Nurso S25.00 a Week An eppartanltt' ! ofTarae l tma vk wtas t baooma tralu4 ntiraae t tattr on of Hi baal Trainlns Setaoola In Chloaffo. Hafflatartd ntmaa rlv Wo.aa a nl. Qraduataa of tbla acaool at allsl !! o atrmbaPahla Instate and National aaaaetatloaaof uraaa. Tha ooeraa eomprlaaa Iraan ef training la araotlaal ana thaorattaal liaratmranfllathoroiiKBtnallnrftiiobMaf tha work. Tot tios, board indla'iiidrT fraa.andanalt raanineratlofi af tf saconrt month. Tha pbyatral.nioraland attaint falfara of students ara carefully guartlad. Fur pirtieulara. addrta MISS CASJOLINK SOEU.NKR. 3UT. Uksside Hospital Training School for Nursot, 4IT LAKS AVSNUS. ChiCAOO. ILL. MAIM DO KeMaavaa MsarlMia hair rrwas mmj pmrt mt mm nanr. tat ataair aala aiiaal ralinkla 4a. stllaivrj fciaawaa. Lma-aa !.. ample !. aea4 far aoafclrt . a Madame Josephine Le Fevre, .. laus Caaataaikt.. ralliaaa.. raw loin br Mrera-Dlllon Drue :., Bastes Drag Co.. f he Bell Drug Co., tulnaa Ilruf Co., Oaiaka; Clara Drus Co., Council Biutta. Smarting Chilblains Itching, burning frostbites Instantly re lieved by one nppllcatlDn HBlLajr'S CH1I.BI.AIM CUBB. Frloe, aso. Cur usually effected with one bottle. By mall aOc. SHERMAN & MoCOXKELL DRUQ CO., OMAHA. sTSB. New Yesr's track's open. Tbt race Is to be run and you will run as your hearth gives brain and physical force. Bad bowels, liver and stomach kill mora GOOD EFFORT than any other trouble. CAftCARETS will keep yoa healthy THEN you can produce results. Take CAbCARETS keep tuned np your liver working and then you can go it for all you're worth. sjg CA.SCAB.ETt to bos week treat ment. All druggist. Biggest seller ia th world. Million boxes saeatb. FOR ALL THE NEWS OMAHA DEE YOUR MONEY'S WORTH (IgBI. Pf..-.- . IEVB1Y vm Utfro OFF! Ot'tiA STEAM ICRS. Bom Xsoellent Booms Still oa gala f OLASK'S CmtflSS of ths "OI.BYXZ.AMP 18,000 tons, brans new, f"Jk sad superbly fitted. Basa EiOUIlD THE VOiUU rioit cam rsAMoisoo. r. a, mo One Stamr for tHe Satire Orals of nearly four niontlu; costing only o0 snd till. io'ludliig all necessary expenaa. SOUTH Jspan, China, rtitltpplaee, Bor. no, Jsva, Barma, ladla, Oerioa, Bgret, Italy, eto. Ln unusual ehaaoe te visit unusually attractive Biases. XKKE ORIENT CRUISE February , 1910, by S. H. "Grosser Kur fuerst." TS days. Including 24 dsys Egypt and J'alestlne, S4O0 up, Including hotels, shore xriirltn. etc. fBAKK O. C1.ABK, Times Bldg., Vew York W, B. BOCK, 1684 raraaaa it., Omaha,