Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 31, 1909, Page 6, Image 6

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A! f h
i irw x sjr 'i
4s w inri .
liiUay Will Be Merry Widow Day at
the Combined Shows.
up tnl it YVIiltt.toiie Swecpe the
Hoard In the Setter L'laaa for
W. A. I'lsley at the Ken
nel Show.
Friday will be "Merry Widow" day at
the poultry and dog show at the Audi
torium, for' on that day the entire 100
I, embers of the company will be the
guonts of the ahow and the "Merry
Widow" herself will award aome of the
cups at the kennel uho. Omaha people
will have a chance to nee how all the
pretty gills of the Merry Widow company
look In their street clotb'jH. All the com
pany l.t interested In I'at. the Merry
Widow dog t the show, mid all have sig
nified their Intention of being on hand.
With the weather warming up the
crowds Hhould Increase at the ahow, and
besides, the management has sent out
100,000 tickets to butchers and grocers
which wtU' be redeemed at tho door for
S cents. This will make the price to chil
dren 10 cents.
One of the novel sights at the poultry
how Is a contrivance by which chickens
feed themselves, and huve to work while
doing so. The birds can see some wheat
or corn through a slit's. When they
strive to get at It they tep on a platform
which releases ,a few Uerneln of grain
and there Is a strife among the barnyard
grouse for the fecfi.
One of the famous birds nt the show Is
King White, a White Orpington belong
ing to K. E. BurrtH of reru. The bird cost
lilm $350 and has a distinguished pedi
gree. He Is a nephew of Peggy, the fa
mous $10,000 bird i owned by Madam
. Fndrewskl,' wife of the famous pianist.
Peggy Is reckoned as tho best bred hen
In the world and has won International
The crack pullet of the barred Plymouth
Hock class belongs to Perry Stranburg of
Pavey, Neb. This bird won first at St.
Louis at the chicken show, which was
the largest evei held, and also won at
the Alarkan-Tukon exposition at Seattle.
L. P. Harris of Clay Center Is making
his first exhibit of poultry In twenty
years. Mr. Harris Is tho pioneer chicken
man of Nebraska and Judged elxtcken
hows before some of the present Judges
were born. He wis the first editor of the
first poultry Journal ever published In the
state. Mr. Harris Is showing a fine col
lection of birds If wire coops, which make
tho birds visible from all sides.
Entries have come form all sectlona of
the country;") One woman has sent her
birds' from' Bethel. Conn. Anothsr tx
htbltor has sent all the way from New Or
leans; another from Winona, Minn., and
another from Denver.
Whlto Bird, ntbbona CSn to Kinuia
City llrrciler nt Shovr.
l'r. Stark of Kansas City, made a clean
bwc ;v of every first and second In the
White Wyandotte class, ono of .the hot
test clusaes at the show. He won on cocks,
cockerels, hens, pullets and pens. The
Hire Judgi s have been keeping their eyes
on the White leghorn cock, 'belonging to
Anton Lundstrom with a view of giving
that bird the ullver cup for being the test
bird of any kind ot the show. He won
eaelly In his class aivntnst the strongest
sop., of competition.
Cocks-rKlrst . and second. blue Ridge
Poultry farm. Kansas City, Mo.; third,
Max Nlppell, Benson.
Cockerels First and recond, Blue Ridge
Poultry .farm, Kansas City. Mo.; third, O.
L. Bock, Council Bluffs, la.; f njrth, Harry
J. Jens. Mlndcn, In.; fifth, JHckinson &
Son, Hhelion. ,
Hens l-'lrsi and second. Blue Ridge
Poultry larin,. Kanrns City, Mo.; third,
Max Nlppell, Hennnn; fourth and fifth,
Hairy J. .lens, Mlndurt. la.
Pullets ill st anti reouml. Blue Ridge
Poultry farm, Kansas City, Mn,; third,
Harry J. Jer.s, Mlnden, la.; fourth and
fifth. O. L. Bock, Council Bluffs.
Pens FMrst and second, Blue Uldge
Poultry farm. Kaunas Citv. Mo.
Cocks FirKt. Henry Hess. Winona, Minn.;
Eccund. U. S. Fraser, Omaha.
Cockerels First, second, third ar.d fourth,
Henry Hess. Winona, Minn.; fifth, John
Fits Hor.rts, South Omnhn.
Hers First, second, third and fourth,
Henry Hess. Winona, Minn.
PulU'ts-J'list, IX 8. Fraser. Omaha;
"Dead in the shell" "stnc to the
shell." etc.. arc the direct results of
UuMia4 at moisture, and it don't pay.
Toouiui.ti moisture is Junt as inju
rious as too little. Stop guessing; use a
It IVilit?l8 the Dercentaira at mnlntnn
In as incuuator as Accurately as a ther
mometer remitters the heat. The grrnt
est invent Ion In Inrnbator work la M
tears. Adititcd lor use lu any incubator,
Sent anywliore, prepaid lor (a.ftO. Will
ave you nanny timet its cost in one season.
What foa want la results. Don't
waste tune la experiment., t'te Mandy
I u 1 " n . 1 1 r i rr n .!... t . .-. . . . - 1 .. t. ..... .
) treleee llrooders and Hyirrometer-snd'
be auored ot .uer.n. Our Guaranty
be assured ot .uer.n. Our Guaranty H
protects you. bead lor catalog today. H
1U3 Harney 8U Omaha, Neb. I
SUS. pn si sj jh mi i y pi-m ji i mne-ejyj
II in I I i ' i ti'-i'lU-B.Wl-T-
second, third and fourth, Henry Hess,
Winona, Minn.; fifth, John Kits Roberts,
Mouth Omaha.
Pens First, John Flti Roberts, South
Omaha; second, A. D. Jones, Beaver Cros
HitiK, Neb.
Cockrels First, second and third. Jack
i. lackey, Chilllcothe, Mo.
Pullets First, second, third and fourth,
Jack Brackty, Chilllcothe, Mo.j
Cocks First and second, L. P. Hubbard,
Topeka, Kan.
Cockerels First, P. J. Schmidt, Gllead;
second, Dickinson & Son, Shelton.
Hens First and second, L. P. Hubbard.
Topeka. Kan.
Pullets First, P. J. Schmidt, Ollead; sec
ond. L. P. Hubbard, Topeka. Kan.; third.
Dickinson & Son, Shelton; fourth, L. P.
Hubbard, Topeka, Kan.; fifth, Dickinson
& Hon, 8helton.
Pens First. I. P. Hubbard, Topeka. Kan.
Cocks First. A. Lundstrom, Omaha, sec
ond and third, O. H. Lee, Omaha; fourth.
A. Lundstrom, Omaha; fifth, Q. H. Lee,
Cockerels First, O. H. Lee. Omaha; sec
ond, A. Lundstrom, Omaha; third, O. H.
le, Omaha; fourth, Anderson & Combs,
Pacific Junction, la,; fifth, O. H. Lee,
Hens First, G. H. Lee, Omaha; second,
A. Lundstrom, Omaha; third, Harry Hig
ley, Blair; fourth, (J. H Lee, Omaha;
fifth. A. Lundstrom, Omaha.
Pullets First, second and third. George
H Lee, Omaha; fourth, A. Lundstrom,
Omaha; fifth, Harry Hlgley. Blslr.
pens First and second, George H. Lee.
Omaha; third, Hillsdale Poultry Farm,
Council Bluffs, la.; fourth and fifth,
George H. Lee, Omaha
Cocks First. L. 1. Harris, Clay Center,
N'tb.; second. Elmer M. Carson, omana.
Cork! rels First, L. P. Harris, Clay Cen
ter, Neb.; second. B. F. Jones, Marysvllln,
Mo.; third, fourth and fifth, L. P. Harris,
Clav Center, Neb.
Hens First, L. P. Harris, Cloy Center,
Neb.; second, F. A. Agnew. South Omaha:
third. L. P. Harris. Clay Center, Neb.;
fourth, F. A. Agnew, South Omaha; fifth,
L. P. Harris, Clay Center, Neb.
Pullets First, Elmer M. Carson. Omaha;
second, B. F. Jones, MaTSVllle, Mo.; third,
Elmer M. Carson. Omaha; fourth, B. F.
Jones, Murysvllle, Mo.; fifth, L. P. Agnew,
South Omaha.
Pens First, James J. Lldgay, Winona,
Cocks First, A. Lundstrom, Omaha.
Hens First, second, 'hird, fourth and
fifth, A. Lundstrom, Omaha.
Pullets First. Max R. Nlppell, Benson,
Cocks First, Dan R. Doollttle, Sabetha,
Kan.; second. Frank Miltenberger, Cort
land. Neb. i
Cockerels First. C. H. Green, Fremont,
Neb.; second, Frank Miltenberger, Cort
land, Neb.; third, Dan R. Doollttle. Sa
betha, Kan.; fourth and fifth. C. H. Green.
Fremont, Neb.
Pullets First, Frank Miltenberger, Cort
land, Neb.; second and third, Dan R.
Doollttle, Sabetha. Kan.; fourth. Frank
Miltenberger, Cortland, Neb.: fifth. C. H.
Green, Fremont, Neb.
Hens First and second, O. R. Meyers,
Lincoln. Neb.
Pullets First and second, O. R. Meyers,
Lincoln, Neb.
Jndac Haa Hands Fnll PlrklnK Win.
nern Ainon Sheep Dos.
The hottest competition at the kennel
show to date was In the collies and the
Judge had his hands full deciding which
were entitled to tho honors. The number
of exhibits Is larger than any other class
of dogs at the Bhow and the quality Is vei y
high. The Judge was forced to spend most
of Wednesday evening deciding on the
winners In this class. V. E. Hall won
most of the puppy and novlca firsts.
Additional prlxcs awarded are:
Puppy (dogs) Pride s Burt. V. E. Hall,
first; Burton King, V. E. Hall, second;
Don, N. H. Kuhn, third; Seattle, J. J.
Mvers, V. H. C.
Puppy (bitches) Floss Babe, V. E. Hall,
first; Nebraska Girl, R. O. Smith, second,
Nig, H. S. Grimm, third; Teeny, H. S
Grimm, C.
Novice (dogs) Jack. H. T. Flint, first;
rarbold Marshall, R. O. Smith, second;
Busier, A. C. Lungren, third; Sarpj
Klinker. W. R. Harris, V. H. C; Pride's
Burt, V. E. Hall, H. C.
Novice Hatches) Floss Bnbe, V. E. Hall,
first; Roslyn, Elmer Hood, second: Ne
braska Girl, R. O. Smith, third; Sunny
Brae Gladys, G. A. Golden, V. H. C;
Teeny Queenie. H. S. Grimm, H. C.
Limit (dogs) Parbold Marshall. R. O.
Smith, first; Sarpy Klinker. W. R. Harris,
second; Prides Burt. V. E. Hall, third:
Buster, A. G. Lungren, V. H. C; Burton
Klur. V. E. Hall. H. C.
Limit (bitches) Floss' Babe, V. E. Hall,
first; Baby Bunting. H. S. Grimm, second:
Teeny yueenie, H. S. Grimm, third ; Sarpy
Queen. W. H. Harris, H. C; Rockdale
Floss, V. E. Hall. C
Open (dogs) Parbold Marshall. R. O.
Smith, first; Sarpy Klinker. W. R. Harris,
second; Don, N. H. Kuhn. third; Robert
RlRhtaway, R. O. Smith, V. H. C.
Open (bitches) Baby Bunting, H. S.
Grimm, first; Teeny Queenie, H. S. Grimm,
second; Nig. H. S. Grimm, third; Snrny
I Queen, W. R. Harris. V. H. C; Topsv,
Otto Velmer, H. C; Rockdale Floss, V. E.
Hall, C.
Parbold Marshall, R. O. Smith, Sioux
City, first.
Jack. H. T. Flint, Omaha, reserve.
Novice (dogs) Royal Nls, John Hassert.
first; King. F. W. Byrd, second; Raffles.
A. H. Frye, third.
Novice (bitches) Lilly Light. Theodore
Wiseman, first; Rose Tip, J. A. Hall, sec
ond- Nebraska Zephyr. Ray C. Hughes,
third; Helen's Lady, Max R. Nlppell, V.
11. c
Limit (dogs) Raffles, A. H. Frye, sec
ond; Millie, W. Colfax, third.
Limit (bitches) Nebraska Zephyr, Rav
11 Hushes, first
Opt n (dugsi Huffles, A H. Fi ve, sec
oid: Bile, W. Colfax, third.
I i'' ' i ii'tch'F) Nebraska. Zephvr, Ray
C. I' 's. first.
Novice idoKsl Don GlHds'one, Joe
MuiiL'lioff, first; Rod, L. P. Rpger. second;
Sport. W. C. Carpenter, third; Don, Jr
L. I'. RjKer. V. 1 1. C.
Novice tbltclies) Millie B., L. P. Reger,
Limit (dngs) Captain Whltestone. W. A.
Plxley. first: Don Gladstone. Joe Munch-
off, st com): Sport. W. C. Carpenter, third.
open (dogs) Captain Whltestone. w. A.
Plxley, first; Don Gladstone. Jo Munchotf,
second; Sport, W. G. Carpenter, third.
Lilly LlKht. Theodore Wiseman, first.
Royal Nig, John Ilassert, reserve.
Captain Whltestone, W. A. Plxley, first.
Don Uladbtone, Joe Munchoff, reserve.
Heed Birds.
In many of the eastern hotels, caf s and
restaurants, a small bird that passes for a
reed bird Is served. These are not reed
birds at all, but are English sparrow, and
the task of catching thorn la given over
mainly to the boys. English sparrows are
easily anared or trapped, as they prefer
the back yards for feeding grounds. For
all that Immense numbers of them have
been slain for this purpose. It cannot be
noticed that any decrease at all shows In
their numbers.
Elaht Dollars and Klfty Centa ia Paid
at lioatk Omaha, Beating
All Records.
The highest price paid for hogs tn the
history of the South Omaha market Is
Thls record was made Thursday on a car
ot a traliiload of hogs from the west.
She, with Her Little Egg, .Eiilei the
Whole Land.
Lays EnoDBh In Two Weeks to Pa
the Interest on All the Money
that Tour Uncle Sam
nel Owes.
We haven't all of us statistics at hand to
show the relative difference between the
poultry products of the United States and
that of our national wealth In the pro
ducts of corn, wheat, cattle and swine, but
we have figures at hand for tho yearly
output in these sources of national wealth,
and a'l since the last census, to show us
that poultry products are leading at In
creased rates over their showings In the
lost census, and In this last census the
values of poultry and eggs over that of
animal and wheat values In many states
certainly took the country by surprise.
And the surprise In the face of facts
showing that we had been handed In low
estimates of poultry product values from
ftvery farm.
In the last nine years an Impetus has
been given the poultry trade In higher
prices that was ever before known. An
Impetus that has resulted In the doubling
of flocks kept on the farm, and In the
Interest shown In exchanging flocks made
up of every kind of poultry cross for
flocks of the pure bred In the general
utility line, although, as the very old say
ing goes, "The eggs of a fowl will pay
for the horse long before the weight of
her body will pay for the saddle" has led
many poultry breeders on the farm as well
as In the smaller towns to put In breeds
renowned only for egg laying and not for
market birds.
Strange, bnt Trne.
Here Is something strange, but true. We
do not notice It until we get the aggre
gate values of the poultry Industry from
all the farms. We have all heard about
the steel and iron trust, of Its great hold
ings, of Its great nted not the trust, bu'.
the product of steel and Iron, to this land.
And yet figures show that In the last six
months the humble, often time half fed
and sheltered hens of the United States,
have produced more wealth than all the
Iron mines In the last year, and yet the
steel and Iron Industry, claming to be the
barometer of business success In this land,
with all Its flurry and fuss, Is not tha
barometer ut all. It Is the hninh'e poultry
business that beats Its baroiu trie figures.
Next, and better. At a low count our
hens have laid over 15,000,000, (to -pgs the
last year. Her product for the last year
amounts to $300,000,000. Now note: Tills Is
more than the usgregate output of wO"l,
sheep, gold and silver In the last year, and
about $100,000,00 more than our hogs
brought us the great American hog and
about $LH),00,000 'more than old King Cottr.n.
The Hen la Queen.
Truly the hen is queen. The grain which
furnishes her largest food supply, old King
Corn, keeps ahead of her now, but only
manages to do this because of its late
very high price per bushel.
We have a large national debt. The hens
of the United States lay enough eggs In
two weeks to ry off the Interest on that
debt. How soon at that rate could they
earn enough t make us free from the
national debt?
Perhaps poultry and eggs arc climbing
too high In price per pound and dozun to
suit the consumer. This may" all be true.
But there Is nothing evanescent about
this rise. It Is due to no boom. They
rlso on a solid busts. And were the price
to, In course of time, be gradually low
ered which there Is no danger of coming
to pass soon yet will there be good profit
In keeping large flocks of poultry.
Tho excellent and steady prices paid for
poultry products has not only increased
the number of poultry kept, but each year
sees a correspondent riso In all poultry
There is an Increasing demand for the
pure bred. This hus brought into the
business an Increased Industry in raising
the pure bred of all standard varieties to
supply the calls for breeding stock. This
of itself, as a sldo business, carries a vast
amount of money.
Demand fur Incuha tori.
In poultry fixtures the demand for Incu
bators and brooders increases each year.
At first the Increase was steady, but the
last two years the Increase has made up
ward Jumps and bounds, so that some In
cubator manufacturing houses could not
Poultry and Bog Show
At the Auditorium All This Week
Last chance to see
best show ever held
Adults 25c
1 '.'IVV'
fp inn 'iasma
S.C. White Leghorn
Ii a class hj himself
Lundstrom wins afaia
Three of the best poultry
Judges In the U. S. have pro
nounced Lundstrom's Single Comb
White Leghorn cock bird the fin
est they have ever seen.
Wins first at Transmlsslsslppl
show hell at Omaha, 1909-1 10.
On Keven birds entered I won
1st and 4th cock, 2d cockerel,
2d and 6th hen, 4th pullet.
I challenge any S C. White.
Leghorn breeder tn the t-.nlted
States to duplicate the following
winnings In January. 1909; Kansas
City Mo.. 1 cock, 2 cockerel
Leavenworth. Kas ; 1 cockerel 1
Dullet. 2 cock, Cedar Rapids, In.,
1 cock, 1 cockerel; also high hon
ors at Omaha and Nebraska state
bow. T
Meet me at Kansas City. In
dianapolis, Cedar Rapids.
Anion Lundstrom,
Care Equitable Life Irnc fg'
Merchants National Bank Bldg.
wars ok his
VVIiIle Rocks
at the Big" Omaha Show.
First on Breeding Pen.
Second on Hen.
Third on Pullet.
Fifth or Cockerel.
gome good Cockerels, from 11.50 up.
ci ai uAttlnir
Boats so. i "w
111 Nol 41st St., Omaha.
Game Bantams
Black Reds
Red Pyles
Grjltien and Silver Ducklings
j. a
keep the supply even with the demand.
This coming year will see an unprecedented
sale of Incubators. Already many people
on tho farms are turning their attention to
the catalogues and inquiring which ma
i hest and enslest to understand.
Already many questions from these people
are coming In relative to Just how early
one can safely begin with the incuDnioi
and how early to start them for broiler
Not only here, but the salesmen fur
poultry houses of the knock-down-and-set-up-ngain
kind, trap nests, caponizlng sets,
swinging roosts, or roosts made In such
patterns as will destroy or not harbor lice,
roup and cholera cures, commercial, both
animal and grain mixed, report 50 per cent
profit from sales last year over ttiose of
previous years, showing the Interest be
ing taken by poultry keepers In caring for
their flocks to make them profitable over
past years.
Increased Sale of Ekk.
Prom various stales are received letters
showing the Increased sales last year over
other years in eggs for hatching, breeding
stock and baby chickens. One mnn in my
own state sold over 6,000 eggs for hatch
ing purposes and without a great array of
advertising. Previous years he was doing
well, with the utmost push, -to sell 3,000
eggs for this purpose. Also, all or ir.e
baby chicks htitchtd In his Incubators
could not Bupply the demand for them.
Another says: "1 sold &O0 baby chicks
lust year. Could have sold more. I am
keeping over SCO pullets. Could sell any
amount of day-old chicks and pullets right
at home If I had the means of hatching
ihem In larger numbers." And so It la all
along the line, IDA M. SHKPLER,
lOdltor Poultry Department of the Twen
tieth Century Farmer.
.... -s-I-Ja
the biggest and
west of New York.
Children 15c
Mrs. F. C. Black!
Breeder of prize winning
Buff and Partridge Cochins.
Eggs and birds for sale.
Mrs. F C. Black
Nebraska City, Neb.
No better flock than ours
Heavy layers, prize winners,
and large, healthy birds.
More Than 50 Prizes
Send for folder List of
j prize winners, price of eggs
and birds.
Bixby & Bixby
Council Bluffs, Ia.
Single Comb Duff
Low prices on classy breeding stock.
Call or write for prices. Kggs In
Winners at Oiraba:
First and fifth Cockerel.
Second and fourth Hen.
First and Pen.
B'lrst, third and fifth Pullet.
Breeder and Fanccler of
S. C. Vlhile Orpingtons
If Member of American White Orp
ington club. Member NebrbuHka Stute
Poultry association.
Winnings at TrnnmnisHlsKlppl Poul
try Show ut Omaha. liiOH-llilO:
K1 First prize Pen, firxt and second
Cockerel, second Pullet.
The Nebraska Seed Co.,
We carry a full line of
Poultry Supplies at
1613 Howard Street
Bg rrnnmn r rr.T-maMBaM,iitatl;fmiiwiii r li.i, m ,nmm f
Look at These
Prize Winners
In full force at the Trans-Mississippi
show. Every bird ex
hibited is of our own breeding
and raising. We have at the
farm 1,500 more of as good
blood and breeding, though,
not as good in show points.
4 . i .
Mandy Lee Farm,
E. IB. DAY '-
Breeder and Shipper of1
St. Bernard Dog
For Sale at all Times. See Them at the
Auditorium Home Address
Kennels 2413 Hamilton .
Home of the Fashionable1 Boston Terriers"
Mall Address
1017 Howard Street -
The Choicest Two Months St. Bernard Pupa
in the Show. Pups Eligible for Registration.
Every one a Good One.
Leigh, -:-
Feed that makes
your poultry grow
See that it
comes from
Omaha (Florence)
Omaha, Neb.