The Omaha- Daily Bee WEATHER FORECAST. For Nebraska Fair and warmer. For Iowa Partly cloudy; warmer. Fcr rrofitbpr report ee rp 3. THE OMAHA DEE a,cnn, reliable newspaper that If a-nlttPd to r&cb and every home. VOL. xxxix-xo. 14; OMAHA, FRIDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 31, 1901) TEX PAGES. SINOLE COPY TWO CENTS. Every Little Bit Helps TELEGRAPHERS MADRIZ WITHOUT OFFICIAL STATUS Committee Ready IPROFESSOBS OF to Report on Rock I FORESTRY MEET WILL NOT STRIKE Island Scandal State Department Officials Recogpiize Him Only at the Leader of Teacher from Universities Discuss Plans to Further Education Along this Line. Bis Four Employes and Officials Agree Upon Basis for Compromise Settlement. General Belief that Manipulators a Faction. of Stock Will Be Disciplined. SOME DIPLOMATIC NICETL United States is only Country to Break with Nicaragua. CREEL'S OBJECT IS GAINED Mexican Special Envoy Discusses Status of Zelaya Affair. FRIENDLY TO THE UNITED STATES a Policy of Hll Government U In. drrstoud and Approved by Pres ident Tnft- Co-Operotlna; for Peace. WASHINGTON. Dee. 30,-The situation J rt Nicaragua presents some diplomatic niceties In relation to the propriety of recognizing the government of Madrli by the Central American slates. In the opin ion of officials of the State department, rrrM--nt Madrli should receive no reoog nlt fun on the part of Central American republics beyond that which would be ac cord d to a leader of a faction. Because of the close relations main tained by Zelaya with Honduras It Is ex pected that that government may be fore most In doing anything that will lend to strengthen the authority of Madrir, but there would be a great surprise should such action be taken by Mexico wlihout a previous understanding with the United States. It Is pointed out here that as the United States is the only government that has broken off official relations with Nica ragua, there would be no occasion for spe cial recognition on the part of the Cen tral American republics were Madrls elected president under ordinary condi tions, as diplomatic relations with the na tion would be continued as usual. But In view of the statement that Madrix merely headed one of two factions and was elected by what has been declared, to be a "packed congress." conditions should. In the opin ion of the officials here, be stable before support la fc'ven him In the form of any recognition as president of the republic by other Central American governmenta. Humors that Admiral Kimball would be reprimanded for having called upon Mad Hi at Managua were denied by Assistant Secretary of State Wilson. . Assistant Sec retary of the Navy VVlnthrop character ized the rumors as being absolutely with out foundation. Admiral Kimball, according to the offi cials, has made no report of his call upon MuJrls. although he announced to Wash ington his intention tj inspect conditions at akenairua.' . .y"...v Orel Explains Mission. Governor Enrique Creel of Chihuahua, speiiul envoy "from Mexico to the United ftatea In the Nlcaraguan affair, gave to tiie Associated Press today a staiment re tarding his mission to this country. Gov ernor Creel declared that he had accom plished his iok with gratifying results. The resignation of Zelaya and succes sion of President Madriz had ended many difficulties und prevented anarchy, he de clared and and putrlotlsm were now finding their way on both sides In Nicaragua. The granting of asylum of ZHaya by Mexico, slid Governor Creel, nag In no seiie an art of unfriendliness to the United .States. Governor Creel's statement In fu"l. fol low a: "It Is due to the press and to the public that I should nuke the following state- nients: ' I Flrst-I completed the work of my I the United States The object of Mr. mission wits giatlfylng and satisfactory Thompson's visit Is to arrange for the con-ri-suH. tinuatlon of the Pan-American road lntj "Sr. -or.d-The resignation of President I Guatemala, although the right of construc ts a r. as the Droner wav for him to end ! tion to the border has already been granted 1 'x administration under the prevailing .'i umetances. Such action hus avoided many difficulties. "Third The asiv:m granted by Mexico to ex-President Zelaya was In fj'l accord v. 1th the law of nations and under no con sideration unfriendly to the United States. "Fourth The election by the national congress of Dr. Joss Madriz as provisional president of Nicaragua was a happy event Ut-a use it prevented anaichy, a second rev olution and further complications with the United States. "Fifth The e!ments cf peace and the patriotism of the Nlcaragu; " finding their v. ay on both sides. "Sixth So far as Mexico Is concerned, the i.ollry of my government was friendly to the United States and has been well urdirvUod and appreciated by President T.tft and Secretary Knox. They have both been kind enough to congratulate me. "Seventh The United States and Mexico v lil continue acting and co-operating in full accord to consolidate peace in Central America, to give solid consistence to the Washington conventions of 1907 and to de velop a feeling of high respect to the In tel national court of Cartago." Oovernor Creel will ave for home Im mediately after January 1. Belaya tails oi Dins. MEXICO CITT. Deo. J0.-Former Presi dent Ze!aa of Nicaragua, who hat found refuge In this republic, call.d upon Presi dent Diaz at the national palace today. Zelaya said the obji-ct of his v;sit was to express his thanks for the courtesies ha had received from ufflc.ala of Mexico. There was little ceremony. SEEKS TO ENJOIN DRUG STORE LIQ'JORJLAW IN KANSAS tainted Art forbidding! Rale for Mr dies I Pnruoare Is Un constitutional. TOPKKA, Dee. Srt-Samuel A. HarrUon e.f Kansas City. Mv, who owns a drug store In Kansas City." Kan., today applied foi an Injuncdon bef rc Judga Pollock In th.i federal court l prevent the enforce ment of the ar:ti-d-JT s'ore liquor law. The drug store law prohibits the rale of liquors ror mecilclral purtoes by dntg gtets. It is clalnvd thrt the law is con trary to the fourteenth amendment to the constitution cf the United States and In corfl'cl with the coi ".'union of the state of Kansas, which pr . that liquor niav be sold for medic::. al. scientific and me chanical purposes. The scit Is brought to teat ti validity of the Ksrsas dm;: re law. which war erected by the last I. g'lature. and the fact that Ilarrlsrn 1 a r. s de nt ot M mimrl per mit the suit te be Lrojght in the f-dcral aiurt V" K. Dec. 30. A brief session of of the stock exchange was in to receive the report the. held of the 7 three appointed to In- quire Into ' cumstances attending the purchases a sales of Rock Island com mon on Monday morning, when the stock advanced, amid much excitement, from 60S to SI and as suddenly receded again. The special committee has taken the testimony of a number of brokers, has ex amined the books of various members and has also listened to complaints from out siders who were more or leas affected by Rock Island's gyrations. The finding of the committee was sub mitted to the governors and the subject will be acted upon by the governing com mittee January 12. l'.'lO. Although the strictest reserve is being maintained by the committee and the governors. It Is be lieved that the closing of the Rock Island Incident will be accompanied by dis ciplinary measures. Live Stock Exchange a Trust Kansas at Court Orders Kansas City, Dissolved. Association Kan., KANSAS CITT. Dec. 30 Judge L. C. True of the district court In Kansas City, Kan., today declared that the Traders' Live Stock Exchange association, operating at the Kansas City stock yards la a trust whose methods violate the Kansas anti trust law and ordered the association dis solved, In rendering a decision in a suit brought against the association by the at torney general of Kansas. The Traders' Live Stock Exchange asso ciation Is composed of 180 members, who deal principally in Mockers and feeders (cattle not fat enough for slaughter). The state brought a suit against the asso ciation two years ago, alleging that the methods of the concern placed such restric tions on trade and commerce as to violate the anti-trust law. The Co-Operative Live Stock Commission company, also at Kansas City stock yards, filed the original complaint against the Traders' Live Stock Exchange association. In this complaint It was alleged that the association boycotted the members of the Co-Operative Live Stock Commission com pany, of whom there are more than 400. The defendant association will appeal the case t9 the supreme court of Kansas City. An action similar to the one brought gainst the Traders' Live Slock Rxchange association Is pending Against tho Kansas City Live Stock exchange. Thompson Visits Gautemala City Former Ambassador Seeking Right-of-Way for Extension of His Railroad. GUATEMALA CITY. Dec. 30 David E. Thompson, the retiring American ambas sador to Mexico, who resigned his position to devoto his attention exclusively to the Pan-American railroad, purchased by him. Is now here. President Cabrera gave a banouet in his honor last evening, at which the spee ches were highly complimentary to I to the Central railroad, a Guatemalan and American enterprise. Mr. Thompson will return to Mexico next Wednesday. TOBACCO TRUST DEATH ASKED Methods of Corporation arc Con demned by Brief Filed by Gov ernment Attorneys. WASHINGTON, Dec. 30. A strong ar raignment of the method of the American Tobacco company and declaring that the "situation imperatively demands a decree which will utterly destrcy the unlawful arrangements now existing and prevent any similar ones In the future" la con tained in the brief submitted to the su preme court of the United States in be half of the government In the case againt-t the corporation to be heard by that tribunal Monday. The brief Is signed by Attorney General Wickersham and J. C. McReynolds, special counsel. The case comes to the United States su preme court on appeal. Bank Presidents and John Wakefield Let Snow Lie Snow shovels opened strong and advanced through the day. The shorts were stam peded by unfavorable new from Eleventh and Dodge streets. John Wakefield, secretary and treasurer of the Nebraska Power company. Is hlghl peeved because he wis haled Into police court Thursday morning for neglecting to clear his waika of snow, tt Jfi Farnara street. He told the court he was a much abused man and nnde surging retnaras. Including the press, wntcli aired mention the matter. Meanwhile the merry game of p.nchlng the cfenders goes on. Sergeant Carl Mad sen la serving bank presidents, real estate magnates and the generally prominent will) warrants for violation of the snow oruinanca. The police show a particular penchant for bankers. Judge Crawford's court to look like a director's meeting Friday morning. John Wakefield stood before the police Judge's bench In a very bad humor. "Guilty or not guilty?" queried City Prosecutor Dickinson. "It Is a rank injustice, a shame and a d . "trace," roared Wakefield. Ignoring the formal quest'on. "I object to being singled out and bar el SECRETARY WILSON WELCOMES Schools of Nebraska, Iowa and Minne sota are Represented. NAVAL SIGNALS ARE REVISED Action Follows Inquiry Into Collis- sion of Nebraska and Georgia. DEAD LETTER OFFICE AUCTION Bidding; for Undelivered Parrels Is Brisk Uncle Sam's Cash la Connted and Fonnd to be All Intact. WASHINGTON. Dec. 30. -Professors of forestry, representing practically all the forestry schools In the United States, met here today with Glfford Plnchot for a discussion of plans to further education along the forestry line. The conference will continue tomorrow. Secretary Wilson welcomed the conferees on behalf of the Department of Agriculture and he was followed by Mr. Plnchot. The principal speakers at today's ses sion were Prof. Henry S. Graves of Tale, Dr. Flllbert Roth of the University of Michigan. Dr. Richard T. Fisher of Har vard and Dr. Bernard E. Fernow of the Unlvers.ty ot Toronto. In addition to tho Institutions named there are represented at the conference the universities of Columbia, Lehigh, Maine Minnesota. Nebraska, New Brunswick and Washington, Iowa and Pennsylvania state colleges and the Maryland Agricultural college. Naval Signals Changed. Approval was today given by navy offl clals of the Navy department to the report of the board of Inquiry Into the collision of the battleships Georgia and Nebraska off the Virginia capes, during the recent drill, which recommended that no disciplinary measure be taken as a result of the ac cident. The board held that the signal given to the battleships was subject rea sonably to two interpretations, and as this happened none of the officers were to blame for an error of Judgment One of the results of the collision has been a modification of the regulations so as to prevent another misinterpretation of this particular signal. Unable to fix the responsibility for the propeller to the collier Vestal cutting a gash In the side of the battleship Georgia, w bile recently In Hampton Roads, a board of In quiry has recommended that no further action, be taken. This recommendation has been approved. It was shown in the testimony that the Georgia careened Just before being struck, and that the Injury was received below the armor line. Anetlon at Dead Letter Office. Lottery luck has so stimulated the de mand for other people's property lost or strayed In the mails, that the Postoffice department in Its recent annual sale of undelivered articles accumulated at the dead letter office averaged 6 cents more for each parcel than the year before. A report today showed the recent sale j brought aggregate receipts of 110,373, averaging S1.35 for each of the 7,789 derelict parcels. The speculative demand for the pack ages whose contents were only sparingly made known and their value left an un known factor, was reflected In the over crowding and the calling of police to quell a possible riot and avert personal Injury to the bidders. Many of the parcels sold in the government-conducted game of chance con tained prizes; others were virtually worthless. To count the coins and securities In the United States treasury It has taken a committee of four persons supervising from thirty to forty counting experts, almost two months. Upon the retirement of Charles II. Treat as treasurer it be came necessary for a counting of the con tents of the vaults to be made for the Incoming treasurer, Lee McClung, to give a receipt. Next Monday Mr. McClung will give Mr. Treat a receipt for $1.259. 001, 756. 37j. the exact contents of the treasury. Not a cent was found to be missing from Uncle Sam's pocketbook. It was the quickest count ever made in the treasury and was absolutely neces sary before Mr. Treat could be relieved of the responsibilities of the office. The count Included 156,521.317 silver dollar pieces. One Killed, One will Die. DAVENPORT, la.. Dec. 30. (Special Tel egram.) P. J. Evans, a switchman, was killed and Robert Wltte, a fireman, was pinned under an engine for an hour and fatally Injured by the overturning of a Milwaukee switch engine on the new grade In Davenport, this afternoon. out by the yellow dogs of the press. Why last night I got over 100 telephone calls about this thing." Then Mr. Wakefield proceeded to lake a fall out of Officer Glover, clerk of the court, charging that he had caused the isue of complaints and had given out the matter to reporters, think of It to re porters. Order was restored In the 'Court room and Judge Crawford entered a plea of not guilty and declared the prisoner discharg-d regardless of his refusal to enter a plea. Mr. Wakefield started to leave the court room, then turned back to deliver another phillipplc on the police and press. "Well, now. Mr. Wakefield," Interrupted Proeeculor Dickinson with ail upraised hand, "you will have to excuse us, for we have other bustnesa to transact here. Now, if we may be excused, we will proceed with court." Complaints were filed In police court against former Senator Joseph H. Millard, president of the Omaha National bank, and L. L. Kountae f ths First National bank and president of the Kounuj Real Estate company. The University of Omaha is to be ar rested and haled Into court, or at at soma officer of le institution of learning From the Washington Herald. BRIEF IN TOBACCO APPEAL Government's Contention in Famous Case Filed with Supreme Court. SAYS VERDICT IS TOO NARROW Trlbanal Asked to Broaden Scope of Finding; to inclnde Foreisrn Com panies and Certain In dividuals. WASHINGTON, Dec 30.-In a printed brief of 268 pages Attorney General Wick ersham and his special assistant, J. C. McReynolds, today presented to the su preme court of the United dtates the case of the government In the famous tobacco trust cases, which will be argued - next week In that court- . The cases were tried In tn United States circuit court for the Southern district of New York, which af ten dismissing the pe tition as to foreign tobacco companies and some of the subordinate American com panies, adjudged the others to be parties to an unlawful conspiracy and enjoined them from continuing their operations and from engaging in interstate commerce. Verdict too Narrow. The attorney general takes the position that these findings, sweeping as they seem to have been, were not broad enough and he asked the supreme court to extend them to so widen their scope as to take in the foreign companies and some individuals who were relieved from the operation of the verdict. Many other extensiona of the Judgment are also requested. After showing that In 190 competition was free, the various coalitions are traced in the document and facts are given to show that the combination has grown until its combined arietta amount to fmu, Ouu.uuO. It is asserted that the combina tion includes all manufactures of cigars for export and almost three-fourths of the smoking tobacco ai d cigarettes for domes tic sale, more than three-fourths of the plug, twist and finecut tobacco and almost all of the snuff and little cigars that are made. It is declared tnat "the defendants have persistently exercihed duress, have prac ticed wicked and unfair methods and have used their great potter In oppressive ways." Further it Is asserted that they have been actuated by a fixed purpose to destroy competition and obtain monopolies. Competitors Disappear. "Competitors have fc-iadqaiy disappeared and the combination, strong. y entrenched, unduly restricts the business of those In the trade and prevents others from enter ing." "Putting aside for the time the effect of the Sherman anil-trust law, under whicn the suit waa brought. It was contended that the combination under the name of the Au.erican Tobacco company was Illegal when It was entered into in 1S90, because it was contrary to the common law. Con tending for the right of congress to enact ami-trust legu-Uulon, it is asserted that the essential purpose of the Sherman law is to prevent injury, r.ot merely to reverse a course of conduct. The attorney general aiso lays down the general proposition that the right to freely buy, sell or transfer property la not a fundamental civil right to be exercised without limitation aa m-tetesic-d parties may determine," and he adds the assertion thai "It la subordinate lo public policy and the lawfully ex prefcbed will of congress." Coming to specific instances relative to ihe operations to ;ruat, it is declared It. at substantially ail established Jobbers In New England were induced to inrow out iiic'cpcr.detii products as were tnose oi I'liiauelphia, New York and many other fcpecllied places. It is tt&t-rled that inde pendent Jjbblng In New York was destroyed by the organisation of the Metropolian 'lubacco company, , which waa given an exclusive agency tor me sale ot the trust goods. Bsiknkitklsf Methods. It Is also a. rted tnat "bushw hacking" methods were resorted to in the use of union labels and the methed In this pro ceeding la denounced as "lmqu.tous" and one such aa Is "inhibited by a civilised conscience." Indeed, It is delared that, "the record contains much evidence and a vast deal of correspondence concerning the operations of these bushwhacking com panies which disclose amazing depravity and show with clearness how theae sinister agenclea were effectively utilised." The advertising methods of the trust are referred to as a means of influencing both business and public sentiment and It la said that not less than fiS.OuO.OOO dollars (Continued on oecond Page.) "7 - C Demand Ransom for Girl .Kidnaped at Louisville Parents of Alma Kellner Receive Let ter from Point in Ohio Asking for $5,000. LOUISVILLE, Ky Dec. 30.-Except to admit that a letter had been received to day from some town In Ohio promising the return of little lima Kellner to her parents on payment of $0,000 ransom, all Information was refused by the family. The girl dis appeared Iwcember 8 and the demand for ransom re ved today, although it may not be genuine, brought with it the first real hope for her recovery. Frank Fehr, millionaire brewer and cousin to Fred Kellner, father of Alma, la going to .Chicago tonight and although he said positively his trip had nothing to do with possible negotiations with kidnapers of the Kellner girl, it is believed he is going to Chicago or elsewhere on such a mission. The activity of the Pittsburg police today Is believed to have commenced after the demand for ransom had been received by the, Kellner family. Leaky Gas Stove Causes Two Deaths Pioneer Des Moines Architect is One of the Victims of Water Heater. DES MOINES, la.. Pec. 30. William Foster, a pioneer Des Moines architect and theatrical man, and Louis Bemls of Spencer, la., aged 17, who was a guest at the Foster home on Grand avenue, were found dead from asphyxiation In adjoining bed rooms at the Foster residence early today. Mr. Foster had been dead several hours. The younger man had been dead but a short time. A leaking gas stove In the bath room. Into which both bed rooms open, was the cause of the tragedy. Mr. Foster was the owner of- the Foster and Grand opera houses, the two largest theaters In Des Moines. He has been prominent In theatrical circles for years. Young Bemls la the son of Will Bemls, a banker of Spencer, la, and a grandson of George W. Bemls, -formerly state treasurer of Iowa. NEW BILL F0R MRS. FORD Charge of Blackmail la Indictment Brought to Care Old Defect. CINCINNATI. O.. Dec 30. -A new In dictment against Mrs. Jeannette Steward Ford, alleging blackmail, waa returned by the Hamilton county grand Jury today. It is designed to cure possible defects In the similar charge returned several weeks ago. Charles L. Warrlner. former local treas urer of the Big Four railway, was before the grand Jury two hours before the bill was returned. jMMB sugar! L Entombed Mine Official is Rescued in Nick of Time M'ALESTER. Okl.. Dec. 30,-After hsvlng been entombed twenty-eight hours In a smoke-filled cut of the Bolen-Darnall com pany's coal mine, near bere. Superintend ent John Brown was rescued alive but un consclolus this morning. Had his rescuers .'ailed to reach him. Brown would surely have died within another hour. As It Is his conditlcu is s-rlous, but the mine phy s.ciuns believe he has a fighting chance fur life. Brown, who Is a well known mining man of Hartford. Ark., risked his life In a heroic auc-mpt to rescue Ang.lo Asnlcar, a shot flrer, who was entombed following an explosion on one of the lower levels of the mine late Tuesday. Brown apparently had not reached even close to the point where Asmcar had been overcome when he himself succumbed to the foul gases and smoke that choked the various passages. The shot flrer's fate still remains unknown. The explosion occurred Just as the day force was emerging from the main shaft and before the bight shift bad entered the mine. Asnlcar had remained below to set off a C COME """? r OLD V! r )I . 7iY CHARGE ROUSES PARIS PAPER Matin Declares National Honor De mands End of White Slavery. PART OF FRANCE LN TRAFFIC Report of Immlarrntlon Commission Shovra that Majority of Exporta tion Were from that Conntry. PARIS, Dec 30-The Matin today de clares that the Investigation of the United States Immigration commission, which placed France first among the nations as an exporter of so-called white slave re cruits constitute a national disgrace, and apnea's to the government to commence Immediately pour parlera with Washing ton for the suppression of the traffic The paper insists that .ice in reality is the -most decent country on the globe and one where home life and virtue are most beautifully exemplified, yet abroad, and . especially In America, scandalous French literature Is circulated and the ex tent of the white s'ave trade has given It the reputation of being the center of de pravity. Paris, the Matin says. Is pic tured as the modern Babylon and adds: "The government must Intervene. It Is a question of humanity and national honor." WASHINGTON, Dec. SO.-The report of the immigration commission showing the nationality of the girls deals especially, so far as nationality Is concerned, with importations and trials In the courts. It shows that of eighty-two women de ported from the port of New York on ac count of prostitution between January L 1!W, and December 1, fHW, forty-six were French, thirteen Hebrews, thirteen Ger mans and ten Italians. Of the 2.003 women convicted in the night court of New York from November 15. 1908, to March li, 1909, on account of soliciting on the streets and practicing prostitution. 1.513 were native born and 5S1 were foreigners. Of the foreigners 154 were French and 225 Hebrew, the next largest number being sixty-nine Germans. On this point the commission said: "The opinion of our agents, secured by talking with persons familiar with the situ ation, is that the percentage of French women who practiced prostitution before '. fineis if the United States supreme court arrival In this country, as compared with i upholds the decisions of the circuit court their total number, is decidedly larger 1 f0r the Minnesota district ordering the cor than the percentage of Hebrews who have J poration dissolved. Thomas L. Hisgen, the engaged in that business before coming." recent presidential candidate ot the lnde M. JusscTaud, the French ambassador, ! per.dence party, who if now the president read with Interest a copy of the Paris j uf the Petroleum Marketers' association, to dlspatch regarding the attitude of the : day announced the program undertaken by Matin on the white slave traffic In the j his organization. United States, but he positively declined i The independents will base the proceed to express himself on the subject. ing, on a section of the Sherman anti-trust "COW GIRL" KILLED BY HORSE WASHINGTON, Dec SO. The appeal of Well Known Woman Wild West Rider Falls Before Moving; Pletore Machine. PONCA CITY. Okl., Dec. 30. -Mrs. E. J. MUhan, known throughout the country In Wild West shows as the "Cow Girl," died here today from Injuries received late yes terday. She was riding for a moving pic ture concern when her horse fell upon her. Mrs. Milhan lived In New York and was 23 years old. number of shots and this work evidently had caused the explosion. Bo much smoke belched from the shafts that it waa Impossible for rescuers to en ter and immediately men were set to wora tunnelling In an effort to reach Asnlcar. It finally became apparent that this would be useless and Superintendent Brown vol unteered lo enter the mine with pit boas Weatherford. The smoke had become lest dense and the chances of success seemed favorable. After these two men had been down several hours those on the surface became alarmed and additional rescuers started In after the two men. Weather ford was found unconscious after a brief search, was brought lo the top and soon ri covered. No trace of Brown could be found. Party after party volunteered to go after Brown, however, and the attempt at hH rescue was kept up constantly day and night till this morning. They were success ful Just at daylight today, when one of the men stumbled upon the supeiintendend ent's prostrate bex J a few yards below the first STATIONS TO BE INVESTIGATED More Pay at all Points Where Work Has Been Increased. PERHAM REACHES WASHINGTON Representative of Switchmen Will See Mediation Board Today. BUTTE SWITCHMEN ARE BACK Normal Conditions Again PrrTnll la Northern Parlfle Vards There Cross Appeal In Hoy cot t time. CINCINNATI. O., Dec. I0.-A compromise nas been reached between the telegraphers of the Big Four railroad and the manage ment of the system and all Immediate dan ger of a strike has been removed. This is the outcome of a conference held to lay between the telegraphers' committee and General Manager Van Winkle. The basis of the compromise rests on an agreement for the investigation of all sta tions on the system and an Increase of pay at such points wher Increarel work H shown. The orig.nal demand of the operatora was for a uniform 20 per cent raise. The telegraphers' committee will remain in conference with Mr. Van Winkle for some time lunger, in order that a new schedule may be perfected and points In the controversy settled, but it Is believed now there will be no further serious situa tion. Tronble on Illinois Central. WASHINGTON, Dec. 30. The Illinois Central is the only railroad whoe dispute with its telegrapher operators has been officially called to the attention of the government mediation board. H. B. Perham, representing the labor In terests Involved In the sul.chmen's strike, centering atSl. Paul, arrived here late to day for his conference tomorrow with the mediation board. Mr. called at the Interstate Commerce commission office, but did not ree either Mr. Knapp or Mr. Nelll. The cross appeal ot the American Fed eration of Labor in the Bucks Stove and Range case, in which that company sought to enjoin the federation from boycottlnf the goods of the company, was docketed i today' In the supreme court ot the United ' States. ; This is the case in connection with which the proceeding agatist President' Gomrrrs.' i 'ector MltcfaeJA and. .Secretary Moirison ; . -t la the courts of Washing- j ton and 1 resulted In sentences of lm- , prisonmen: !ir all of them. The contempt proceedln: hlphect c certiorari having been brought to the t by the process of ft writ of th branches of the case prob ably will .e heard by the court about tho same tine. Cross Appeal In Boycott Case. BUTTE, Mont, Dec. 10. The strikers, who as members of the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen went out in sympathy with the local members of the switch men's union, returned to work at the Northern Pacific yards here today and the situation here Is now normal. Damage Suits Against Standard Independents Crushed by Trust Will Sue if Dissolution Decision is Upheld. SPRINGFIELD, Mass.. Dec. 30. Several thousand damage suits against the Stan dard Oil coinpuny of New Jersey are to bo instituted by the independent oil re- the Standard Oil company from the de- clslon of the circuit court of the district of Missouri In dissolving the corporation urder the anti-trust law will be docketed In the United Slates supreme court Mon day. In view of the great Importance of the Issues Involved, a motion will be made on behalf of the government at that time or on the Monday following, to advance the case for hearing. USUAL FLURRY IN CALL MONEY Year-End Boost In Hat Not as High aa it Formerly Has Been. NEW YORK, Dee. 30 The usual yar-end flurry in call money took place today, loans going to 7 per cent on the stock ex change during the noon hour, after open ing at 6 per cent. The rise was attri buted In part to belated borrowings and to the belief that early In the coming month much new financing would be en gaged In. Only twice in the last ten years, last year and 19M, has call money failed to work higher than today's figures In the final quarter. Stocks were but slightly affected by today's advance In money. CARS COLD; PRESIDENT HELD Trartlon Masrnale Arrested la Cin cinnati for Uallure to Keep teem Up. CINCINNATI. Dec. 30 An Indictment was returned today by the Hamilton county grand Jury against W. K-isley Schoepf, head ot the Cincinnati Traction company, charging failure to keep the tem perature In certain street far up to the standard of M degrees Fahrenheit, pro vided by statute. A fin of from flOO to M0 la provided for violation of the Law.