Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 30, 1909, Page 6, Image 6

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Indians Opposed to the Consolidation
of Agency Superintendents.
Annnymne Dae to Comlrriomr n
ala'lon l.lkrlr to lie rnrreaned
t aiti-r rian Proponed lr
the I llan II arm a.
WALTHILt,. Neb.. Dec. 78.-TO the Edi
tor f'f Tho lift: I w a short paragraph
In t.ip editorial columns of The B e last
wrrk In which It wan iald the consolida
tion of the Omaha and Winnebago
.'r.irlp would expedite, and not hamper,
the burinrs of the two agoncles, and that
It would add to the progress of the' In
diana. 1 write to correct any erfonaoua
ImprexBlon that ma have been received,
for anyone who know about conditions
around here know thin In not so. The at
titude of resistance which the Omaha In
dian have taken against the recent aotton
of the Indian office In comnlnlng the busi
ness of the Omaha and Winnebago
agencies under one superintendent Is a
natural one, growing out 0f the hardships
of the conditions Imposed on them by the
department, and the position they have
taken Is not untenable.
We are not fighting a mere chimera
we are fighting for the principle for
which the forefathers of this great Ameri
can nation fought for and Who considered
human lives but a paltry offering when
laid down at the shrine of liberty.
The Omaha Indians have three valid ob
jections to the so-called consolidation of
the business of the two agencies under
one superintendent. I shall take up each
First U Is going to materially Increase
their hardships In transacting an Immense
amount of business with the department,
delaying interminably and sometimes ren
dering execution of same Impossible.
Hecond it removes A. O. Toilock, their
present superintendent. In whom they have
perfect confidence and who has won their
universal respect.
Third A Iv. ays Independent, tiny resent
greatly the fact that they hav not betn
consulted in regard to this plun when they
were so deeply concerned.
Masia for Complaint.
These hardships grew out of the qualifi
cations 1 have already spoken of, which
restricted the liberty of the Indian to his
property rights. For altnough he could
vote, the guVernment was to hold his land
In trust for twenty-five years and he could
not sell It. After a few years the poli
ticians felt sorry for tlielr Ted brethren
und caused ctngress to pass a law by
which the Indltin could sell his heirship
lands; the white brother (?) got the land,
the Indian office took the money In I trust,
the Indiun sot the restrictions. The money
that comes from the sale of heirship land
Is held in the offico and the Indian can
draw $10 a month.
He can rent his lands to white men; the"
leuses in the majority of cases being made
out In the government office, the rents
being collected and held through the same
and paid out to the Indian twice a year.
Here Is where a big mistake was made by
the department; The Indian, while under
the tutelage of the government should
liave In the majority of cases been
allowed to lease his own land. It would
have given him some responsibility and
taught him methods of business and
brought blnv, Into better contact with the
white peopie. He would Inevitably have
profited by the bitter experience with his
white brethren and bettered himself and
made a big stride in progress.
Ihe Indians are scattered all over the
reservation and the government office Is
located at Macy, nine miles from Walthill
twelve from itosalie. twenty-two from
Uancroft and Lyons, and thirteen ,fiom
Decatur, only a few families live at Macy.
When an Indian wants to transact business
with the department, It necessitates a drive
to Macy, at.ywheie from three to twenty
or twenty-five miles, over bad roads
usually and In all Uind.i of weather. At
the government office he has to wall and
wall perhaps for several hours, without
food for man or beast; some times after
several hours of waiting he has to go home
asain disappointed because the superin
tendent was too busy to attend to him
Perhaps he comes back again and again
without accomplishing what he wants to
get done and I have had them oome clear
out here to Walthill so I could -phone or
write for them.
H Tape at Agency.
There" are several clerks to look after
the business: the financial clerk, the leas
ing clerk, the stenographer und typewriter
the official interpreter who is a bright
educated Indian woman, and the authority
clerk and the superintendent.
When an Indian comes to transact busi
ness he .steps Into a little room that can
hold but four or five people statndlng up; he
speaks through a window to the Interpreter
af:d If desirous of making a lease to a
whlto renter ho is passed over to the leas
ing clerk;, If not, ho speaks through tho
authority wlndo to ih authority clerk in
charge. He may huvu money from the sale
of lnrnl In tu.. otr.c and he wishes to
buy, maybe, a buggy, a horse, a new stove,
or a blanket sliav.i. The clerk writes to
Washington to ask the Indian office that
authority be allowed to grant thia request.
It may take weeks fur the authority to
come back and tho Indian has to come
back again and ugain. Sometimes the de
partment disapproves and It is not allowed.
If allowed, the artloie has to be examined
by the superintendent und when the white
man delivers the artlcio to the Indian the
Indian sign a cl.eck with tho superin
tendent signing uh trustee, and then It Is
turn d over to Hie white man. The In
dian is restrlcud and bound with led tape.
We have dt purtinent circulars galore to
cover each and eery occasion, and a con
llant changing of the rules and regulations
of ltie.lvvinnt to fit the ever shifting
Lver expeHiuentlria policy of ihe deoart
ment. ' We Jiave . mlr-s and regulations to
tnu rljht of us, to the lef. of us, bnind
us; do ou wonder we object to continu
ation of them in front pf us?
Hoatlae'far Superintendent.
Tne superintendent Is one of the busiest
men In tho state of Nebraska. The money
under bis care is deposited In five dif
ferent bunks. He has to watch carefully
and seo that the amounts do not exceed the
limits of tho bonds. Every check to an
Indiun must be signed by him; every check
to a while man he must sun as trustee
very application has to b examined; he
must listen to the request of every Indian.
There must be over S.lduwhtis people living
on tin) reservation on land rented from
the Indiana.- Bvm) white man who has
to do business with an Indian has to see
the upTHilefcdent; all school matters are
under his care. Just now In addition to all,
no is a member of tne competency commis
sion. He has to cxamius every lease made
in tho office and U supposed to Inspect
very piece of land leased to that it
brlags a reasonable price; h has to view
and appraise every piece of heirship 'land
offered for sal. This require the work
of an expert, as the bidder must be abov
th appraised valu. He ha to look after
tho liquor question and see that th liquor
laws are enforced;' he ha to rent th un
allotted lands for th tribe, baslds listen
ing to all complaints and giving advice to
the Indians.
The clerks are busy all the tlm, but
have no discretionary power, everything
ha to be referred to the superintendent
and he has not enough discretionary power.
For Instance an old Indian drove sixteen
miles to ask If I would write to the super
intendent that he wanted to buy a wheel
barrow and a new stove out of his money
In the office. Two or three weeks later he
drove another sixteen miles to ask me re
sults. The superintendent wrote that he
had written to- the authorities at Wash
ington to ask that the request be granted.
Three weeks later the Indian drove hre
to Walthill, sixteen miles, for further In
formation, the authority had not yet ar
rived. Latest reports have not arrived up
to date. An Indian had to be operated on
for appendicitis one fall. Authority t take
him to a hospital was telegraphed for to
the Department and arrived the next May.
I could cite more ridiculous Instances.
Itrason for Restriction.
Why these restrictions? At the begia-
nlng of the trust period of twenty-five
years, they were found necessary to protect
the Indian from his whit brother. Later
on the politician at election time told the
Indian, now he had all the rights of the
white man, he could drink all the whisky
he wanted to. It did not take any more
argument to convince the Indian than It
does the white men. There were eighteen
years of blackness on the reservation a a
result, but now for the last three years the
Omaha Indians have made a most eom
mendable record In temperance and the
majority of them are climbing steadily up
ward where they will soon be beyond the
restrictions and red tape.
A new order la being enforced by the
department. An Indian can trade at a cer
tain store to be designated by himself to
a certain amount; the superintendent In
spects the bill and If the department ap
proves the number and size of prunes
bought and the color of the bananas, the
government pays the bill out of the In
dian' money in the office. Shades of our
ancestors! This Is a distinct step back
ward even from what you knew for you
could trade your furs yourself for what you
wanted. However loyal to our government,
oh Nebraska, would you stand itt
Delay In the Department.
The Omahas have a trust fund from the
sale of some reservation land, each share
amounting to 2M. In signing the applica
tion blank, the Indian had to secure the
signatures of two witnesses a to his com
petency. At some expense and great delay,
half of the Omahas secured their shares;
the. other balf had their apllcatlons re
turned from Washington to be passed on
by tho competency commission. When the
will be paid ia not known, not for months
probably, In the meanwhile the sick have
begged me to write and get this money for
them, because they needed it for necessi
ties, nourishment, medicines, etc ' I have
watched them dies without It. The money
that should have been and 1 morally and
legally their share Is turned back to the
tribe and the heirs have to stand the
funeral expenses. One young woman who
had tuberculosis asked for. her share it
was badly needed; the superintendent
asked to have It made "special." An order
from the department came back saying she
should sign blanks to have the money de
posited In a bank under the care of the
superintendent. He wrote back that she
needed the money for Immediate necessi
ties. They replied by sending a new form
of blank to be signed by. the applicant. In
the meantime the applicant died and was
buried leaving her poo.' old mother to bear
the expense of sickness and funeral.
Omaha Object to Plan.
The Omahas want a whole live superin
tendent. The one they have' now is busy
all the time and can't fulfill all the de
mands made upon him. They know it will
be far worse when they have one Super
intendent for both tribes. , .
The white people on both reservation are
wondering what has come over the depart
ment to meditate such a plan distances
are too great roads are usually bad the
weather cannot bo depended upon besides
the Immense bulk of business to be trans
acted at bolh agencies, and tho clerk have
no discretionary power, and In order to
have it must give high bonds. s
The year 1910 I a year of crisis for the
Omahas. We who are deeply Interested
wished to make the new hard road to be
traveled as easy as possible, for some are
going to stumble and fall by the wayside.
Instead, tho department Is going to make
It as herd as possible.
The Omahas have paid a high tribute to
A. Q. Pollock. For the first time in the
history of tho tribe they were all harmon
ized on one thing. Factional fights were
stopped, old feuds were forgotten. They
were unanimous In their desire that he be
retained. They have expressed their per
fect confidence in him. They told him they
had found the man they were looking for,
and they wished him to lead them out of
their troubles.
Resentment la Deep.
However much good the department may
want to do the Omahas they have been
put into an antagonistic attitude. Those of
us whd are working for their welfare de
plore and regret this. Their resentment Is
well founded; the majority of the Omahas
are as competent as the same number of
white people. They nre Independent and
self-reliant, and their wishes have always
been respected by past administrations this
Is new treatment.
The Wlnnebagoes and the Omaiias are
very different, and the department will find
It has made a big mistake if It thinks It
can govern both tribes alike. You can
never push an Omaha down or pass a
thing over Ills head,- .ie will light on his
feet facing you.
The Omahas have made fine use of their
money. Almost every quarter sect'on of
land has a good home on it. They have
good horses, good barns and Improvements
and machinery to work with.
Mean More Complications.
Those of us who aio in a position to
know realize that the same policy cannot
govern both, and does It will be a
policy that Is detrimental to the Omahas.
On account of their antagonistic attitude
towurd the department they are not very
appreciative of model farms Just now. Tou
yourselves know that among the white
people an Interest and love for scientific
f aiming has to be cultivated. The Omalia"
Ii'Olars have told the deportment that they
will cut loose from department restrictions
and hav no agent If Mr. Pollock 1 not
retained aa their separate agent.
I cannot believe that the assistant com
mit fioner's American Ingenuity, and a N
braskan at, that, rould not have settled
this question by deferring to the wishes
of the Omaha and yet give us a model
farm. The end Is not yet, for the Omahas
re In a position to make good.
A for myself, I shall willingly and gladly
co-operate with the Indian department In
anything that Is for the welfare of the
trite, but I shall always fight good and
hard against the department or any one
Is against anything that 1 to the tribe'
detriment, even If I hav to fight alone, for
before my God I owe my people a re
I.lttlo Tim" l.eavea o Will.
NEW YORK. Dec. M.-"Llttl Tim" Sul
livan, alderman and Bowery political
leader, who died recently, left an slats
valued at approximately ifl0,u00. according
to the tlniate of his friends, but con
tinued search has failed to reveal aiy will
During his Ill-health several months ago,
"I.lttl Tim" started to maa a will, but
never aigued 1L
Council Bluffs
Superintendent of Avoca Schools
Sncceeds Prof. Jackson.
Irof. Thomns of If lach School and
I.. J. Neff Candidates to Sapr
viae Coanty Schools Mr.
Jsekton I, ram Soon.
Prof. M. E. Crosier, superintendent of the
putlle schools at Avoca, will succeed E. R
Jackson as superintendent of the schools of
Pottawattamie county. The appointment
will be made today by the Board of Su
pervisors. Supervisor Leta announced yes
terday that Prof. Crosier had consented to
attept tho appointment and will assume
the duties of the position on or before
January 10, at which time Mr. Jackson will
letve for Washington to assume a position
In the United States Forestry department.
Prof. Crosier' wife. It Is understood will
act as his secretary. The salary of Prof.
Crosier will be the same as that received
by Mr. Jackson, 11,600 a year.
Prof. 3. L. Thomas of the faculty of the
Council Bluff High school and L. J. Neff.
an attorney of Walnut were candidate for
the position. Yesterday there was filed
with the county auditor for presentation
to the board a petition from residents of
Walnut and vicinity asking the appoint
ment of Mr. Neff.
Th Pottawattamie supervisor met In
session with the supervisors of Harrison
county aa a Joint drainage board. Routine
matters In connection with the Joint
drainage system formed the business of the
meeting. On recommendation of Seth Dean,
the engineer In charge, the Sternberg con
tract for the Boyer subdlstrlot wa ex
tended to February 2, 1010, to which date
the Joint drainage board adjourned.
Mrs. Dora Asmus
Drinks Deadly Acid
Wife of Laborer, Tired of Life, and
Takes Poison to End It Not '
in Poverty.
Mrs. Dora Asmus, aged 63 year, wife of
William Asmus, a laborer employed by the
Ur.lon Pacific Railroad comnanv. llvinv n t
2222 South Thirteenth street, Council Bluffs,
committed suicide Tuesday by drinking
two ounce of carbolic acid. Mr. Asmus
drank the acid at the home of a neighbor,
Mrs. Neis Nelson, at whose house she had
stayed over night. Domestic trouble 1
said to have been responsible for the
woman taking her own life.
Mr. and Mr. Asmus have lived in Coun
cil Bluff for many years. Both have
worked hard and being frugal have suc
ceeded In accumulating considerable prop
erty, owning the home in which they lived
and several other cottagea In that neighbor
hood. They had no children and tho only
surviving relatives of the dead woman
are an uncle, D. Seeman of this city, and
two. cousins, Mrs. W. R. Gooch of 3717
North Twenty-second street, Omaha, and
Mrs. Roy Staeth of 1022 Avenue R. thi.
Mrs. Asmus was in the kitchen nf th
Nelson home when she drank the poison,
which she had concealed In her clothing.
She staggered out of the kitchen door into
the yard and fell in the snow at the rear
of the house. She was carried Into her
own home, two doors distant and Dr. Earl
liellinger summoned. This was shortly be
fore 8 o'clock and death ended her suffer
ing at shortly before 11 o'clock.
l-'r. V. L. Treynor, the coroner, was
nbtifUd. and on his lnstrurtlnn tho hnrtv
was removed to Cutler's undertaking
estabilshemnt. After Investigating- the
cass Dr. Treynor decided that an inquest
would be unnecessary a the death -was
plainly suicidal.
Late Monday nltht Mrs. A Mmn urAnt to
the Nelson home and told Mrs. Nelson, "I
am tired of all this," referring, It Is said,
to trouble between herself and her husband.
She refused to return to her own home and
remained at the Nelson home all night.
She arose ear'.y yesterdiy morning and took
breakfast with the Nelson family. Shortly
after breakfast Mrs. Asmus went Into
tne kitchen where Mrs. Nelson was. Draw
ing the .bottle of carbolic acid from her
pocket she swallowed its contents saying.
mis will end my troubles." Pushing
past Mrs. Nelson, she staggered through
the kitchen door In the vard whrA sb a
dropped. Although practically unconscious
irom tne moment she dropped, Mrs. Asmus
lingered 'until 10:50 o'clock.
Governor Carroll' Christmas Com
mutation Slow of Delivery.
Governor Carroll In suspending the sen
tence of Andy Spickerman the former sa
loonkeeper, who was committed to the
county Jail on October 27, In default of
payment of a fine of ICO0 for contempt of
court by violating an Injunction restrain
ing him from the Illegal sale of liquor, in
fended that Spickerman should eat hi
Christmas dinner at home instead of be
hind the bars, but something went wrong,
spickerman did not secure his release un
til yesterday.
The suspension was signed by Governor
Carroll to take effect December 24. It was
mailed to John Llndt of this city, attorney
for Spickerman and reached here Christ
mas morning. Failing to find Attorney
Llndt at his offico the carrier referred to
the city directory, which gave Llndt's resi
dence as at the Goodrich hotel. The mis
sive wa presented to the e) rk at the
hotel who receipted for It tut railed to
tell tho carrier that Lindt had nut lived
there for over a year.
On Sunday Llndt reud In the newspapers
the pies dispatch from Des Moines an
nouncing that the governor had suspended
Spickerman' sentence and he started to
Investigate. He succeeded In locating the
missing document yesterday morning,
filed It with the clerk of the district court
and Spickerman was released. The suspen
sion of the sentence however, does not
relieve Spickerman from the payment of
th fine.
Marriage License.
License to wed were Issued yesterday
to the following:
Name and rea.denc. Age.
Perry W. Rathburn, Omaha 23
Ctia A. butterfleld, Des Melnsa tl
P. J. Gundersen, Council Bluff 21
Katie Vulovich, Council Bluff u
Charlaa K. Tobin, Omaha u
Lillian Murray, Boston, Mass It
N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel. 260. Night. L-1702,
Like Nloba. full of tear; Ilk Puck, full
af laughter. "Th Fatal Wedding," Star
thaatar Thursday night.
cation, ttt Broadway,
Some Things You Want to Know
The Holy Land
When Doctor Theodor Hersl published his
book, "The Jewish State" he Inf amed the
Jewish mind all over the world with a
spirit of nationalism which It had not
known since the destruction of Jerusalem.
The Zionist .congress which met at Basle
In 197 was the first International and
world-wide convocation of Jews since the
dispersion. That nineteen centuries have
not prevailed against the peculiar separ
ation of this people, that living In small
numbers among many peoples and races
has not brought about assimilation, goes
to prove the existence of a Jewish national
ity although It has no political status or
territorial possessions.
According to the definition of Dr. Herxl,
Zionism strives to create for th persecuted
Jews a home In Palestine. Not all Jews
In America are agreed as to the wisdom of
the Zionistlc program. The Jew hav
never been united In thought, and at the
present time In America Zionism means
more as a partisan Issue among the Jews
than it does as an actual movement toward
the restoration of th Promised Land to
the Chosen People. The Zionists, who are
mostly of the orthodox branch of the Jew
ish faith, cling closely to the doctrines of
Moses Hess and the preachments of Herd,
while denouncing what thoy call th "as
simllators." Zionism has become In fact.
In the United States, a movement against
assimilation with the Gentiles.
Three times a day the devout orthodox
Jew pray to his God: "Sound the great
trumpet for our freedom, lift up the ban
ner to collect our exiles, and gather us
speedily together from the four corners
of the earth to our own land." To the vat
majority this prayer la but a part of the
ritual of dally worship and means nothing
approaching an -actual desire to return to
Palestine or to participate In the establish
ment of the Jewish state. In fact, the Jew
ish nation, as a political entity, exists only
In the Imagination of the Zionist leader.
But already the movement ha begun to
reclaim the Holy Land from It barren
thrlftlessness by the settlement ot Jewish
colonies In th country. Most of these col
onies have been set up !nce the beginning
of the Zlon movement In 1897, while several
antedate the Congress of Basle. Wherever
one of these colonies exists there Is a green
and fertile oasis in the desert of Palestine.
Few American Jews have seen fit to de
sert the opportunities of the western hemi
sphere for a return to their Asiatic an
cestral home. Most of the colonies ar
made up of Jews from Russia, Roumanla
and other European countries In which the
Jew have been subjected to persecution.
There are now seventy modern Jewish
cplonles In Palestine, most of rhem en
gaged in agricultural pursuits. Th Zion
ists have established a college in Jerusa
lem which devotes much attention 10 in
dustrial training and to agricultural sci
ence. There is also a modern Jewish hos
pital In Jerusalem, and a gymnasium and
school In Jaffa.1 The blue and white flag
bearing the shield of'Davld, the flag of the
Jewish nation, Is now displayed In many
parts of Palestine. Grants have been ob
tained from the Turkish government giving
the Jew the right to purchase land and
guaranteeing thern protection. The Influ
ence of the nations of western Europe sup
ports these colonle.
One of the oldest and most Drosnerou of
these modern Jewish establishments 1
the colony of Samarln, or Slchron Yaaeob.
This wa the first colony of Roumanian
Jews to find refuge In Palestine, and was
established fn, lb-a.; It is devoted princi
pally to orange growing and wine making.
Last spring a company of American tour
ists, unable to rand at Jaffa because of
the stormy weather, was carried on to
Haifa. ' It was necessary to take a two
day, wagon trip across the country to
Jaffa' in order to reach Jerusalem. Wagon
were provided at Haifa, but there was no
driver who oould speak English, and not
one of the Americans knew anything but
English. The drivers spok Arabic, Ger
man, Fronch and Turkish, but that was of
no help to th Yankees. The hotel pro
prietor at Haifa told the Americans that
they would stop at about 6 o'clock in the
afternoon at the Jewish colony of Sam
arln, where they could obtain accommoda
tions for tho night. He explained to th
Ignorant Americans that there would be
no one in the colony who could speak En
glish, but expressed a hope that the sign
language would ! ufflce to procure satis
faction for the ; actual physical want of
the travelers.
After ten hours' driving over the fields,
for there were no roads, th wagon
reached a stretch of well macadamized
Council Bluffs
Minor Mention
Th Oonnoll Bluff OfXlo of th
Omaha Be 1 at IB Moott Itr!.
Both Thone 43.
Davis, drugs.
Diamond playing the best vaudeville.
eORIUGANS, undertakers. 'Phone 148.
r'or rent, modern house, 726 6th avenu.
NIGHT SCHOOL at Puryear' college.
Majerttlo ranges, P. C. DeVol Hdw. Co.
Woodrlng Undertaking company. Tel. 339.
Lewis Cutler, funeral director. 'Phone 87.
Bslrd St Boland, undertakers. 'Phone 121
Expert piano tuning, Hospe. 'Phone Mi
When you want rellabl want ad adver
tising, uso The Bae.
Calendars and art novelties for New
Year's gift. Alexander's, 333 Bros d way.
Up-to-date Ark Department and Picture
Framing, Horwick, 2l South Main street.
G O. Balrd, former county auditor. I
seriously 111 at the Edmuudson Menioi.aJ
hospital with typhoid fever.
County Treasurer J. W. Mitchell yester
day presented each of the five members
ot ihe Hoard of Supervisor with a $10 gold
piece. The gifts weire pot intended aa cash
donations, as the gold pieces are fixed up
as watch charms.
The members of tho degree team and all
officers and meiabers of John Huns castle
No. 141 are requested to meet In South
Omaha not later than 8 o'clock this even
Ing to meet with Dunnoon castle In Old
Follows' hall. A lame class of candidates
is to be initiated and a good attendance la
desired from John Huss cattle.
Council Bluffs tent No. 32, Knight of
the Maccabees, will give Its annual i.'hrlst
mas entertainment Thursday evening nt
Maccabee hall for the children of the sir
I. nights and Lady Maccabees. Sinta Clans
will distribute fruits, nuts and candy.
CMIdren wishing to take part In the exer
cises will please notify the commander at
the hall.
The funeral of the late Mrs. Sarah C.
Ward will be held this afternoon at 3:20
o'clock from the residence of her daughter,
Mr. George M. Gould. 24S North Second
fctreet. and Interment will, be in Falrvlew
cemetery. Rev. J. M. William, pastor of
the Broadway Methodist church, will con
duct the services. Friends are Invited to
attend the services at the church, but th
burial will be private.
J. A. Whltbeck. who is 84 years old and
lives alone In a small shanty at 8117 South
Tenth street, ha, like Mark Twain, a fond
ness for smoking In bed. His expeiieno
resterdaj morning may, however, break
Im from th habit. When Whltbeck awoke
yesterday morning about 4 o'clock h con
eluded to have a smoke. In lighting hts
pip he st fir to the bed clothes and th
flumna Ignited th tar paper which covered
but shack. Fir company No. I wa called
A Modern Zion.
highway which betokened the fact that
they had arrived within the limits of the
colony. The road wound up the mountain
side to the clean village which Is the cen
ter of the colony.
The wagon stopped In front of a build
ing which displayed the sign "Hotel Graf."
The travelers were wondering how thev
would ask for dinner In the sign language
when suddenly the door of the hotel
opened and gave forth a hustling little man
who shouted: "Welcome to our city. I
know you are from America and I will
feed you right. Get right out and go In
the parlor. You will find the Ni-w York
papers In there. I take the I
think William Randolph Hoist Is tho green
est man In America slncu George Washing
ton." The suprprlsed and delighted travelers
Instantly knew that they were at home
with a product of the melting pot of the
east side of New York. Mr. Graf, for he
wa the proprietor of the hotel, explained
that he had left Roumanla for New York
at the time his father Joined the colony
which cams to Palestine. His father died
and left the hotel and other property,
which Mr. Graf of Now York came to
Palestine to manage. He took great pride
in showing the American about the col
ony, but he constantly interrupted him
self by asking question about New York
and expressing the hope that Mr. Hearst
might yet be president of the United
It wa evident that this particular col
onlst greatly preferred Lorber' restaurant
and the Thalia theater on the east side to
the Plain of Sharon, the promised land,
the Talmud and the Torah. But not so
the majority of the thousand souls who
made up the colony. For here they have
found peace and plenty Instead of perse
cution and poverty. The government of
the colony Is an absolute democracy of the
form of th old-time New England town
meeting, with Just the same flavor of the
ocracy. Th synagogue and th school
epitomize the purposes and ambitions of
the people. In the one the old men are
constantly at prayer for the coming of
the Messiah and the restoration of the
kingdom of the Jews. In the other the
children are being taught to read and write
and calculate, after the fashion of mod
ern children In modern schools, with the
strange distinction that the only language
used 1 Hebrew. Not Roumanian, not
French, not that strange Jargon known a
Yiddish, but the Hebrew of the pure clas
sics, the Hebrew of the Talmud and the
Rabbinical books of the law.
The street are well paved, lighted by
gas, there is a waterworks system, and
many more evidences of twentieth century
civilisation than one would expect to find.
The hospital, the gift of Baron Rothschild,
not only provides for the members of the
colony, but extends it ministrations to
the Arabs, Syrians and Bedouins of the
neighborhood. The stores and shops look
like those of a small rural village in Amer
ica, and if it were not for the queer dress
of the old men and the earlocka which
proclaim the eastern Jew, It would be dif
ficult for one to realize that he I stand
ing under the shadow of the flag of the
shield of David.
In this colony the principal Income is
derived from the vineyards. The wine
produced la owned by tne community in
common, and the colony' publlo expendi
ture ar made from th proceeds of th
sal of the wine. Th remainder 1 divided
among th heads of families. The wine
presses and vats are sheltered by a huge
building which resembles an American fac
tory building. Underneath thi ar the
largest wine cellars In Asia. Mr. Graf
showed the American party t.. rough Its
dark and cavernous corridors, proudly pro
claiming that there was nothing like it in
America and thriftily explaining that thi
wine could be had in New York or Chi
cago under the label "Samarlan Society."
The Americana enjoyed the visit to the
colony, not only because It afforded the
opportunity to see the working of a prac
tical experiment In Zionism, but also be
cause It was the most prosperous place
they saw In all Palestine. Here the people
were well-fed, well-clothed, clean and con
tented. It Is only' In the Zionist colonies
and In the German colonies that one finds
such conditions In Palestine. And yet Mr.
Graf was living proof that to the average
Jew the United State of America, and not
Palestine, Is Zlon.
X. Crusaders' Oastl.
and the blaze was quickly extinguished,
but not before the shanty was badly dam
aged. Constable Baker went to Missouri Valley
last evening to bring back Earl Fouts, who
Is under arrest there. Fouts Is charged
with the theft of a large quantity of brass
from the warehouse of the David Bradley
company on South Main street Most of
the stolen brass was recovered at two local
Junk shops. Fouts was employed by the
David Bradley company, but disappeared
when the theft of the brass was discovered.
Real Estate Transfer.
These transfers were reported to The Bee
December 28 by the Pottawattamie County
Abstract company of Council Bluffs:
Mary R. Hotchklss, slnslo, to Wal
lace J. Hotchklss, undivided H of n
se4 of section 2 and se4 se4 2-75-S8,
w. d $3,900
Isaac Doner and wife to Margaret E.
Stephens, lots 2 and 3 in block 3 and
part of lot 4 In block 3, Treynor, w. d. 2,000
L. Sheets and wife to G. W. Berk
hlmer A Co., part of lot 14 and ell-ft.
of lot 15 In block 3, In the town of
Carson, w. d 4,500
Total three transfers $10,400
Search for John B. Sonlt.
C. R. Soults of Seattle, Wash., Is seeking
to locate his brother, John B. Soults, who
has been missing for fifteen years. For
several years the two brothers owned and '
published the Evening Leader of Menominee, !
Mich. About fifteen years ago John Soults
left Detroit and his family has not heard
from or of him since. Recently C, R.
Scults heard that his brother was seen In
Candies.CocoaS Chocolates
Ar acknowledged in best tha world over.
Only th klgbast grade of material, Usted
by ar caaatlat, ar allowed to ntr
into th sam, and th blending; ia.
uparvkMd by expert.
What With careful workmansblp, a r1l a
crapaloD cleanliness la ar Plant. It
not surprising that
fler First Choice, Her Last Choice,
And Her Choicest aJl times
ia the Unequalled r .Zn
SS "w 1 up 'll, isanHMsssnsnasnniHsH
Council muffs about two years ao am!
that he worked In a railroad lunch counter
and .was wmII known among railroad men.
On the chance that his brother Is still liv
ing here Mr. Smtlts has written to the au
thorities, ask In them to locate the missing
man If possible. The city directory does
not contain the name of John U. Boults.
m ri.n
I'l I1I.U LY
m it it i i n
MU Mnrrny of Boston and Charles
Tohin Wed Ilrforr Yeomen.
Mis Lillian Murray of Boston, Alas.-"., and
Charles H. Tobin wore the bride and bride
groom at the public wedding, which formed
the principal feature of the public mretlim
jand entertainment of Ivanhoe homestead.
Brotherhood of American Yeomen last
i e ve ning in Maccabee hall. lU-v. John
Kroonemeyer, pastor of Bethany Presoy
'terian church, officiated In the prenco
I of about 3(H) mt'tnhcrs und guests of the
nomestead. The couple were attended by
Miss Lulu Kennedy and t'nii Kennedy or
this city us bridesmaid and bet man. Tho
hemestead presented Mr and Mrs. Tobin
after the Ceremony with a cash present and
a $1,000 policy carh In the order.
Congressman , alter I. Smith presided
at the festivities and JudRe II. W. litkln
of Sioux City, national lecturer of the
order, delivered the principal address. At
the close of the program tho floor was
cleared for dancing and refreshments were
Motorntan Listen, File Complaint
and Men Are In Jail.
"John Doe" and "Richard Roe," em
ploye of the Omaha Van and Storage com
pany, were yesterday sent by Justice
Cooper to the county Jail for three and
two days, respectively, for using profane
EVERY pound of OLD
is chosen from "Old
Crop Stocks," sufficiently
aged to develop the rich
mellow flavor and fragrant
Our experts lest dozens of samples each sample is roasted and
"drawn" to test the comparative cup qualities and only the best of
the lot are chosen. These are then blended, roasted and acain
to insure absolute uniformity in
mtttler of In tmmamm
Always Ask For It.
Through the
Cincinnati Gateway to
Start right arrive right
and see something en route
Through Pullman Sleeping Cars
to Chattanooga, Atlanta, Macon and
Jacksonville daily
Leave Chicago 0:08 P. M. ' Q
Big Four Route
in connection with Quen & Crescent
and Southern Railways
Winter Tourist Ticket Cbotca of Rout
Up aaraiamt snail aiMitieaal fan. nKS a ( am war aa4
ratara aaatlur mU. Thi laekia lb rat rim W.lnt, D. C.
Ticket and sleeping; car acoommodatlon will b
auvra upon request By spcoiai roprsniiiT
will luroisn any information aira.
1334 Tarnam Btrt, Omaha, Nb.
We offer for rent the building located at 914 Far'unra
street, which is a one 6tory and basement building.
Dimensions are 20x8G, approximately 3,300 sq. ft. An
addition to alley could be built to suit tenant. This is in
the wholesale district, being convenient to car line. For
further particulars call
Ths Bee Building Co
Phonaa Soaslaa 838)
Xndpadat A-la.
sngungo toward w. e. Anm. a motor
nun In ili. employ of the Oniaha 4 Coun
cil Bluffs Street Railway company.
The men were unloading a piano nt thu
auditorium of St. Francis" academy on
Fifth avenue Monday afternnon when
Adams passed on tho rear platform of J
motrr. The nun. It Is charged, rallJJ
Ailam.1 "scabby" ar d Cunpled the tltl.
with nu::ierous adjective which th law"
iks must not bo F;okrn In public on the
streets. Adair.i stopml nt the court liou-e
and filed sn Information and Constahlo
l:akcr placed the two men under arrest,
and as they were unable to give bail they
spent Monday nlKht In Jail. Both refused
to give their rlcht names and wer en-
J tercd on Jailer Hill's register at the county
bastlle as "John Doe" and "Richard Rn,"
Don't miss "Tho Fatal Wedding." Star
theater Thursday night.
Ki.hscrlpions taken for the Saturday
Evening Post and ladles' Homo Journal.
It. P. Mullls, 15 Scott St. '
Physician Called to Attend Girl Who
Knot Herself In Victim of
A popleay.
Johnny Preston, 17 year old, shot heraclf
through the head tonight because she had
Incurred some small debts at a store. Dr.
Abraham Mullinix, 72 years old, was called
to attend her. Just after he told her par
ents she was fatally wounded, he laid,
"I'm going, too," and fell dead across tha
bed from apoplexy.
I i
Chamberlain's Liniment has an enviable
reputation as a cure for rheumatism.
by Taste
quality, body, flavor and aroma.
It is such care in selection, blending,
roasting, and packing in air-tight packages
that makes possible the rare bouquet, the
tlavor, the mellow richness
of 1
ulu uuLJJtN COFFEE. And every
pound is exactly like every other pound.
Bay and try a pound to-day
25 tnt at Grocer
Moines, Iowa.
Tom Br
it, I..
., Pass.
Tl., Soar. 878.
17th and Farnam SI
sa. ilptcss.