TITE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, DECEMHER 29; 1900. i "t !!' J. f IRAK AXD PRODUCE MARKET Congestion Relieved, Wheat is Not t Erratic at it Has Been. EZCKT BULGES BRING RESULTS Tatars Ire Slroaa, bat Late Balls Are Chanslna; Orrr Into More Uinta Fnlnre nnd Pre dicting Heart loti. OMAHA. Deo. . 1 . The w fit at nurkn mi not so erratic tl.ii morning, the congestion bring some vhat relieved during the recent bulges. Yalura are strong, however, bill late bull ere changing over Into tho more diaiant futures and-predlct a reaction after the I'Htmhi.r option clonal. Th tranisportallon facilities are figuring s; rongly in the rum situation, while S'li tirr.er.t 1 generally bullish and gives more strength. S Jiro t started high on firm cable and rarly buying otdcrs,. Aa noon an the flrt ciders were fnlrd selling was general and aiurs paieed back to yesterday' leval and the market lacked .support at the close.' t'orn (ikncd sharply and was Bold !,-.. .. . . . - .. . an, nfrnrllivl ... e, . ivrLrij'm uric nun at w . . 1 vr heavy and of enough volume to ease tone of the market. With liberal re st-from now on the cash market " ild decline. ' I rltnary wheat receipts were 1.078.0nO bu. and shipim-nt were li'.K (K) bu., against re ceipts last year ot S36,0uO bu. and shipments of IM lMi bu Primary corn receipts were Sn6.000 bu. and shipments were Soil") bu.. agalnat receipts last vpjr of 1.163,0u0 bu. and ahtpments of 47;.cw bu. C.enrancea were 1.000 bu. of corn, none of oata and wheat and flour equal to 131, (W0 bu. Iverj.ool closed H'Sd higher on wheat anl V"Vd higher on corn. Local range of optional 1 12V 1 Oa1 to" I MSI 421,1 43SI eo I MVi! 43! Uc1p?s. Open. High. Low. ) Close. Yes v. Wheat- Iec...j May.,: Crprn DeO. . . May. Oath Dm., MayT.J 12 J 11 I 1 12 M 1 04 1 OaUj 69, 5SI o U4 ' 631, 04 42, k, H 43 43m Omaha Cask Prleea. WHKAT No. t hard. $1 No. I hard. $104106; No. 4 hard. tscty$l 03; re Kcud, hard, 94ci$lU0, No. 2 spring, 11.04' Vlin: No. 3 spring, $l.ifjl.04; No. 2 durum ,'84Mi86c; No. 8 durum, 8a4c. CORN-No. 2 white, 6rWc; No. 8 white, rp94i4e; No. 4 white, 6657; No. 2 yel low, 61Gic; NO. i yellow. 5Sg;?V.'-'. No- yellow. 5org67c; No. 2, Bll5i0:'c; No. 1. 5SM ufao; No. 4. 5Li-57c; no grade, MTtfttc. t'ATSStundard. 43V'0io; No. 3 white, ytiHo; No. 4 white, 42'a43c; No. I yellow. i;i1l4.ic; No. 4 yellow, Uy4jWc; No. 1 , mixta. 41t't4i:tc. l - ' . . . j . - . . . , i . , .... , . . . m t, la'lj taftC, iO. , H-Hi7S. Curie I Ft - pra. Wheat. 87 ,..2M , ss 140 -No. Chicago .... Minneapolis Oinaiia Ij ul uth Corn. Oats. 404 174 r net lower. Ltecember rtoaeA vt tl it. ay tiosed at SI. 18; July closed at I !" Ke(eipis, 9.2V) bu. ; shipments, 4 ik bu. t OKN ."'IkpL easy; ro. a, p'o, eievaivr, d ineMtic; '.ipc, delivered, and t c, f. o. b., afloat, nominal. Option market was wnn out tran-acilons, clpslng 'jnchanged. De cember closed at ITHr; Msy cloeea ioIsU. lle elPte. 11,200 bu. ; hlpnitnia, 1.474 bu. OATS 8pot market siee.lv; muM, m to I lbs., 47r; natural while. M to M lbs.. tie; rltpned white. M to U lbs.. 4H'uic. Option market waa without tranaaclions. closing uni'haniiod. May cioseo a p. lmeipts. J7 bu. HA V Steady ; pilme, $106; No. 1. $100; No. a, sf.tfic. , HoPH Quiet: state, common to onoloe, i:p. if-. lis, isiaoc; Paolflo const, la, ISipwJTc; 1. 17210. lllliKii oulet: Central America, n"po; MoKota. aiVp.til.'Ae. leather, owlet; hem- Iwk. firsts. seconds, 13" .'Jo; thirds, PHOV1K1UN8 Pwk. steady; mesa, 154 bO j4 7fc: family, t W7.U; short clears uom 27 H). H.ef, quiet; mees, $1MpVu1'W; rmilv. 1LS VmlPl.OO. beef hams. Lt.llii. Cut meals, easy: ulckied bellies. W IQ 14 tn unds, $1S wmU.W, pickled hatna, 1:1 &u. Lard, weak; middle west, prime, $li.Ttxo i . Keflned. barely steady; continent, $ I J 50; Houth Ameriua, $14.M; compounds, $10S7V:j14 7a, '1'ALLoVV Klrm; prime, 6Vc; country, RICE Quiet; domestic, IVkfiHc; Japan, GH'a7c. BUTTER Steady; western factory, aeo onds and firsts, M426o; wtatern Imitation creamery, "Ar'a'i&c. CHEk.bE r irini state, new full cream, EDeclal. 17V.Palc: slate, nsw full cream, beptember, fancy, 17c; state, new full cream, October, best, lttc; state, new full cream, lata beat. l&Vkc: state, new full cream, common to good. 13)jLc; skim. toll to special. b()14Vp0. E;US Steady; refrigerators. 2Ii,26Hc. POULTRY Dressed. weak: western chickens, ltiaiic; fowls, 12i17c; turkeys, 21 b4c. WEATHER IX THE GRAIW BELT Pavrtlr Cloady WedaniUr Colder la West Portloa of Nebraska- OMAHA, Dec. 28. 1908. A barometric depression overlies tha lake region and the middle Mississippi and lower Missouri .valleys, with Its center over the lower lake region Unsettled weather attenda the depression and snows axe general thla morning from the Mississippi river east ever the lake region and Ohio valley. HlKh winds pre vailed In the upper Mississippi and -upper Missouri va.les durtna: the night, and snow flurries are general in the upper val leys this morning. An area or nign pres sure overlies tha west from the Rocky mountains to the Pacific coast, and gen erally fair w anther prevails throughout the weat, except Scattered snow flurries are re- rted In Montana and Idaho. It la colder the upper Missouri valley, and temper atures are generally lower In the extreme northwest. It Is warmer In the lower Mis souri va lev and throughout the southwest The weather will probably be fair In this vicinity tonight and W euntiijr, wills not much chanae in temperature. Record of temperature ana precipitation compared with the corresponding day of the last three years: 19UB. I9ui. taw. law Minimum temperature.. ,, 10 29 IT 23 Precipitation ,. .04 .00 .00 .00 Normal temperature, for today, h de grees. precipitation since Marcn Kl 19 CHICAGO UKA1 AND PROVISIONS Krstirei of the Trading; and Closing Prices on Bears of Trnde. CHICAGO. Dec, 2. Reports of unfavor able, weather In Argentina gave the wheat market a strung atari rubra today, but prices declined sharply In the final half of the session owing to prof lt-taklne. Clos ing quotations showed net losses of He to VuU Coarse arain and provisions also uove.oped eonslde.iable weakneeg and close at about the. bottom. The principal factor responsible for the aiiung opeiiing in wneai was a aispaicn telling of frost In tha southern portion of uuoiiuH Ayrea Province, where, tue crop Is now wunin aoouc two weeaa ot maturity. A later decline waa precipitated by the selling of December by a prominent casn Interest, which resulted In quite general realising. During the day December sold between $1.17 and $l.lt. May ranged be tween l.ltt ana $1.1)!. The market closed veak at almost the lowest soint.'' J-aquidatlon - by leading - holders caused weakness In corn follow. lng moderate firm' nes at the start. Shorts were talriy active bidders for December al the opening, which resulted In an advance of lc In that opuon but the bulge prompted liberal realising ta.es which soon causes a reaction. The weakneaa became mure pronounced during the final half. Prices at the close were tjpic below tha final figures of the previous day. oats were fairly firm, owing to buying, but the market finally yielded to the weak ntsa of wheat and corn, closing quotations being a Shade higher to He lower. Provisions closed at 74b6c lower. The leading futures ranged aa follows: A 1 tides. Open. High. ) Dow. Close. Yes'y 1 1 I 1 1DU; 1 U 1 l)f,i Wheat I I Dec. . .1 May.. July. corn lre...G3V,ll6t fit'! May...; til bpi . Juiy...ti7 M. th W'oats - Dec... I 44 W I 44vtl aiay...46XW p 4; July... 4Jti 4J Pirk- 1 I Jan... 21 k5 21 K6 May. ..I 21 SO 21 t0 July... I 21 70 I ill 70 Lard- I 1 Jan... 12 40 I 12 40 May... 11 D5 11 K t July... 11 DiVi! 11 SO t illbs- 1 . ... I 1 loisi 1 1H 62V 1 1 18 I 1 184 1 UH1 11H, 1 Ult: 101'i Excess in 4 82 Inches. Deficiency 4.48 Inches. Deficiency T.44 inches. corresponding period In 1908, corresponding period In 1907, D. A. WELSH. Local Forecast en NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Bock Island Drop. Into Background After Sensational MoTemenU. SCANDAL BEING INYESTIGATED i ProbnbJ Aetlen br tate and redetml Lawmakers (aasee Uallaeas in All Deallnas In Kn x tares. NEW YORK, Deo. i-In the stork mar ket proper Rock Island fell Into the back ground today after Its highly sensational performance of yesterday. Those perform ances left an impression on the minds of traders that security capable of such eo centrlo and inexplicable action migTit carry with it hasards in the handling which dis couraged attempts to experiment with it, As to the episode Itself, not much fear waa felt of direct conseuuences for harm from It. The supposition continued to gain iorce mat reckless and blundering mlsap plication of manipulative methods were at the bottom of th InoidenL On this suppo sition it would follow that the buying of the stock ud to ill Dame, not from fright ened shorts, but from tha speculative party wnicn naa managed tne advance, i he mat ter having taken on the proportions of a scandal and the stock exchange commit tee appointed to investigate being engaged during the day on the work, the subject waa kept conapicuous. it waa remein bered that the Hughes eommisslon had secured assurances from the stock ex change authorities of their confidence In their ability to control and prevent flag rant manipulation such aa led up to the A. O. Hrown & Co. failure In iM and to the appointment of the state commission It waa the character of these assurance that Influenced the commission to recom mend against attempts to regulate the abuse by legislation. From Washington came a report that the federal atuhorltlea were showing re newed interest In the question of possible regulation of speculative dealings In fu tures. This was accompanied by Intima tions of an early submission to congress of the special messages of the president deal ing with propoaed measures for the regu lation of corporations. These considera tions and th continued preparation for tha annual money settlements kept the stock market operations under restraint. Thla, while keeping dealings small, did not depress prices. Individual stocks advanced briskly from particular causea nut always specified. The coppers were strong and were Influenced by a rise in the London price of the metal. The quick sale of the Delaware ft Hudson refunding bonds made a good Impression on the investment situation, although the general bond market continued dull and unresponsive. The failure to aettle the switchmen a trlk on northwestern railroads waa dis cussed without causing any signs of apprehension- In the stock market. The grain markets, however were affected by feara of delay In deliveries. Bonds were Irregular. Total sales, par value, $S,77.00tt. I'nlted States bonda were unchanged on call. Number of sales and range of prices on the New York Stock exchange: gal. High J4.1fO rVi.' ; in hanks to rre1tt of treasurer ft the l ulled Htatew $.TiJ4Jl euhawiary silver roln. Ili;ifi3: minor coin. 11 OIH.KJ; total balance In general fund. r.SU.01i. Neve T ark Mnnef Market. . k r NEW TOR K. Iec. 2S. MONEY On rail, firm, per cent; ruling rate. I per cent; Closing Bid. per rent; onered at 61 per cent. ll.Mb. Lt A jvs uuiei sun aieaay; sixry dsys, 4Sb4 per cent, and ninety days, 44 p"" cent; six mrtntns, 4iMv1i per cent ' PRIME MERCANTILE PA PER $ l& M per cent. BTKHLINU EAtliAivuK v taker, wun actual business In bankers bills at l4.MJft ti4M.-0 for sixty-day bills and at $4.1740 for demand; commercial bills. M Vi-4 . 81 LV ER Bar. I2c: Mexican dollars. 44c. HONDo Government, steadyi railroad Ir reaular. r- Closing quotations on bonds' were as fol lows: V a. rf. a.'f.. ..'isni. rntrl In t ts U. g. raf. .. soupaB lullnler. MM. 4 J I S 1. ri l.ilVnir M. Marls 4S ' I'. 8. a. rovsoa MIp,Jin 1 I . g. 4i. rs IHH "do 4m H V. 8 4. ei'pon l;inK C. Souihern let 1 "I'e Alll-tlllisn 1M bt. M Lk Shore 4.4. 1111 W Am. Ain.ullural la 1VU N. ufil. llW Am. T. A T. ci. 4l H M , K. ft T. lt 4. "4) Am. Tobacco 4s 77H V) sen. 4S 4a ta I'tSMo. roifle 4 It Armour ft Co. . W,Nn'l R H vt M. 4S1 MH Alckisos r. 4e HK. T. ('ntrl g. H 1 do c u 1X1 Mu dth. n do ct. to 1, N. T . N. H. ft H. Allintie C. U 1st 4 -. ct 4 lit B. ft n. 4a KtSNorfolk ft W. late. 4a S o .. Vt do c. 4 '. do a. W It svaNo. rwcllte 4a. J-tt't prtKpklyn Tr. cr. 4a. "aSH do '4'4 Cantral of Ot I. . . .114 Onron 0. L rM. V Central Leather it.. Prnn. c. His. M1 Cntrl ot N J. g. to.l4S con 4a 1M t kaa. ft Ohio 4. Reading gen. 4 tt !t. U ft s F. I. 4 k do r(. ba Cblcaao ft A. C . B. ft U It. a . Ul do (en. 4l... t lo lat (Old 4.. !'., M. ft 81. P. Kci board A. U 4 (en. Is no. Pacific col. 4a. C. R. I. A P. . ta M do ct. 4a do col. 6a loHa do 1 raf.. 4a do rig. 4a tiM. Rallvar 6 Cl io. Industrial (e. . S'JV, dit (o. 4 olo. Midland 4a... vl'nlon Piciflo 4 Colorado ft Southern do ct. 4a rat. ft ait. 44a ;4 do al aad rf Del. ft Hudaoa o. ta.l't'-stl. g. Bubow la. D. ft R. (J do raf S r allllara' 5a ... Krl prior lia ilo sn. 4i do c. 4s, do ct. 4a, Gen Eire 73 V, do sen. M uit s. w. c. 4a it . tlH ...D.X .... N .. 11IH ... lt ...11 ...I1M 4. r 104 V Bid Ot(rd. Wl'. g Rteal 3d U....1 . HVa -taro. (hai. Is.. n . 141tVabaali lat aa Ill , SM, do M and tit. 4s n . 74 Wna'cni Md 4s Sf.S4 aarlea A Jl Wa.tlnsh. Klac. o. 6s a seriaa B 7lKwla Oantral 4 ct. ae. . .147 Kansas City Grsln and Provisions KANSAS? CITY. Dec. 28. WHEAT Caeh unchanged to lc lower; No. t hard, $10 fl 1.14; No. 8. $1.04481.10; No. 2 red. $1.22'al.25: No. 3. Il.17fel.t2; December, fLuGW. sellers; May, $1.06), bid; July, pH9oc bid. CORN Unchanged to 2c lower; No. I mixed. 4c; No. 3, 62Wfe3c; No. 1 white. Sa4ic; No. , 63c; December, o3Vc, sellers; May, ec, sellers; July, 640, sell ers. . i OATS Unchanged; No, i whlta, 4sro; No. 2 mixed. 43m 440. RY E of 70c. HAY Unchanged; choice timothy, $12.S 18.0V; choice prairie, $10.2sfel0.&0; choice al falfa, $l7.5t)fe 18.00. BUT'! ER Creamery, extras, tto; firsts, 34c; seconds, (2c packing stock, 230. EGU8 Extras, 34c; firsts, 82c; current receipts, 31c; seconds and dirties, 18c. Keceipis. Biiipmenis Allls-Oialtaera pfd Amal(mated Copper Am. Asrtcultural. . ..- Am. Bat Sugar Am. Caa pfd Am. Oar ft Foundry Am. Ootton Oil Am. Hid ft Leather pfd.. Am. lc gecuiitl Am. Linseed Am. LoeomotlT Am. Smaltlr.f ft Rf. ....... do p'd. Wheat, bu. Corn. bu' ;. tlatl, bo ,, kX.000 41 10 6,000 - 4.S.O0O U.0HO 6.WU0 Options at Kansas City: Artlolea 1 Opsa. High. Low. Close. Wheat December May July Corn December May July 1 OS! T, 844B 107V, 5l ftal 1 04V 1 Obit Do 63' 64 4H 1 0SHA 1 OfvfcB IteHB 63HB 64A ST. lower 63Hl boSn 67 62 fe'H 44V4 44i 41V 461 4.. 46- 43'4l43W 43Vi 21 66 21 60 21 K5 21 b2Vi, 21 21 77V 21 W I 21 60 12 KVil 12 25 , 11 76 I 11 S5 I U 7V 11 80 U 35 11 85 U HO Jan... I 11 30 L 11 3a 11 30 11 32V, 11 C0 Miy...l 11 47 V 11 47UI 11 22", U S2V4; 11 40 July... M 40 i 11 4:', 11 26 U Ur 11 40 No. L Casn quotations were a follows: t'LOUlt-Firm; w lr.ter patents, $0.10-276.60; winter struignts. $4 flooa 35; spring straighia, 4.70t;4.0; bakers, $3 0oUi.aO. RE No. 2, 7Wc. UAKLEY Feed and mixing, WfeClc; fair til choice malting. ooyTic. btEliS Flax. No. 1 southwestern, $1 SS; No. 1 norihuestern, $l.X. Timothy, $a.7a. Clover. aSP.jvrj 13.50. PUOVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl.. fZ.OO titi.lb. Laid. Pr 100 lbs., $12.412 6(1. b'nort Xtua sides (lousr), $1 l.iTS'.i 1J.. "iVa. 6ll0l t clear Mdes Ihuxtd). $U.T6' 12.00. Total cl stances ot wheat and flour were equal to iUl,oJ bu. I'rimary receipts were 1.0;8,0v.i0 bu.,' compared with Miw bu. the corrtapomiiiis 4a a year ago. The world isible supply aa shown by Hi adstrect'a, increased M1.000 bu. Eaitiuuud i vciiiiid. lor turnorrow: Wheat. M cara; coin, .j- .in oats. 2.261 cars, bona, 27,Uu) head. ChicBgo Ca.sli 1 , -Wheat: No. 2 red, Sl.aUlAA,; No. 8 td, .1.1 J 1.24; No. 2 hard, $l.ltal.ln;- No. hard, sl llyl la; No. 1 nortr.ein api iiig. J1.17ijl Ju; No. 2 northern spring. 41.lail.U; No. 8 spring. $L121.1. Corn: No. .3 caali. lilc; No. 4 cash, aVil) tsv; No. 8 white, til iuiwo; No. 1 yellow,, kl vU HCj No. 4 j'ellow, Wt) Osl'c. Oats: No. 3 carh, 44V:. No. 8 white, 44Vu4atc; No. 4 white, 44ji4VtC; standard. 45Utc. BUTTER aieady , eieamerieg, 7ti3tu; dairies. 2MJ0c. liOtlS Firm at mark, cases Included. J4''ji2c: fireta, RSc; prlmb firsts, 35l. CHIwESjE blcady; daisies. loSilltiVc; twins, lalu'c; yuung Amitcii, lt-c, long horns, ltiSc POTATOES Steady; choice to fancy, 45 tl-te; fair to good. u2c. POULTRY-tSttady; turkeys. 7e; chick ens. 13 'o, sprlnga 14c. VEAL SUady; k) to 60-lb wts., afttc; U0 to -.-lb. wis., kuloc; to UO-lb. wis., luu Ho- . . KW YOU K GEEHAL MARKET (.notations ef the Day on Varioas Jvattnodltles., NEW YORK. Dec. 2i.-FLOUR.-Msrket flu in attd sirady; KpWfg patents, $i 4i.iJ5; Inter patents. a 4iis 30; winter extras. No. I, $4.ku4.iW; Kansas straights, H $ la; winter straights, :.'iii te; spring clears. $4 40m.4; w.nter extras. No. t, $4 40 fetbn. . Receipts. ' 44 N bbls.; ehlpments. loo) bbla Kye flour ateadv; fair lo good. I Wilt ; choice to rsncy. l !4 W Ruck wheat flour, ateady; bulk, $2 10, nominal, er 100 I ha i COKNMEAL Steady ; fine while and yel low. $l.a6(ul u; coarso, $1.4i.jl.o0; kllu dried, $S.2fi. R Quiat; No. I western, $4140, nomrnat, f. o. b.. New York. 11 k III 1.-.V . - , - , . . PUiri, 1CTA1111S, 0UWC, 1IO IPllIia 1, C. L . New York. WHEATr-poi .market Irrecular: No. 1 reJ. $1.27, elevalor. diuuestic; and $1.2tji. f. o. b., afloat, No. 1 northern Duluth, ,H n-. ana i nerd winter. fl.Siv. all , t onunal to arrive. Op'ions aere f.rrn early the cables, th strike situation and re- ' J rts of dainaie In Artnt tia bu; later i velopad weaanea. dfcllning sharply l:- loir'oa-.lon en larjer reclpia man peeled aiwi a pvur caaii demand, tjioaing St. Lonls General Market. LOUIS, Dec. 28. WHEAT Futures, ; cash, steady; track. No. I red cash. $1.12il.ltp: No. 8 hard, $112fel 18; December, $1.14S; May, $1.11V. CORN Lower: track. No. 2 cash, 62Sc; No. $ white, 83ViO; December, 2Vsc; May, OATS Weak; track, No. I oaah, 46c: No, 2 white, 46fe46V4c; December, 44Vc; May, RYE Unchanged, 78c. FLOUR V'ncnanged; winter patents, $o.70u.10; extra fancy and straight, U-lti B.ofl; hard winter clears, $3 Wa4.3U. SEKliS Timothy, $2.a&.au. CO KN M E A L $3. 10. UliAN Quiet; sacked, east track, $L119 1.18. HAY Steady; Umothy, . $14.00:17.50; prairie. Ill outi 13.00. BAOOINO 6c. HEMP Ttt l.N E 7c. PROVISIONS Pork, lower: Jobhlng. $.'1 7i Lard, lower; prime steam, $12,204 12.40. Dry salt meats, higher; boxed extra fhorts, 13i,c; clear ribs, Uc; short cleara, 13Sc Bacon, higher; buxed extra shorts, 14Sc; clear ribs. 14Sc; short clears, 14c. POULTRY Higher; chickens. 12o; springs, 12o; turkeys, Jlc; ducks, 14c; yeese, Rl'TTER Creamery, St33o. EQOS-Hlgher, 83c. tteceipis. nnipmenis. Flour, bb'g Wheat, bu Corn. b .. Oats, bu .. .137. (Ml .418.0pfi .114 . 4O.000 13.000 2.a00i llfi.SIIl K.0U0 Available piles of Grain. NEW YORK,' Deo. 28. Special cable and telttgraphie communications received by liradairoet s show the following ch:tnces in available supplies as compared with pre vious account: Available Supplies Wheat, United Slates east of Rockies, decreased, 877,000 bushels; Canada increased, 7OS.00U bushels. Total United Stales and Canada, decreased, $169, OuO bushels. Afloat for and in Europe, in creased. l.OOu.Ou) bufchelH. total American and European supply Increased, tol 0j0 bushels. Corn, United Slates and Canada. Increased. 1.307.0 0 bushels. Oata, United Statea and Canada, - decreavd 1,083,000 bushela. The leading Incresaea and decreases re ported this week follow: Increase: Port Huron, c-').0u0 bushels; Ooderlch, 4a bushels; Port Colborne, tfJ.OoO bushels; Manitoba, 89.000 bushels; Lincoln and vicinity. 82, 00 bushels. Uecreaats: r uriianu, axq., an.wi uubiiuib, Midland. 3M.00 bushels; Chicago private elevators, 341.000 bushels; Fort Worth, 88,- Xi bushels; Omaha, bushels. The vfuble supply oi wn.at in Canada last Saturday was 8.Mt8.0uO bushels, a de crease of 844,00) bushels. Am. guaar Kalinins , Am.'Tal. ft Tal.. Am. Tobacco prs Am. Woolen Anaconda Mining Oo Atcbiaon do pfd , Atlantla Ooaat Lin B. ft O.., d pfd..... r;...A..k.. Blhlbm Bteal Brooklra R. T Canadian Paclfla Ontral Laihr do pfd Central ot K, J... Chea. ft Ohio -. I'lucaao ft Alton Cblc(o Ot. rVatrn, aw., C. ft M., W o, M. gv-at. p..A.-.li..a c. a, a st. 'V, .. Cola. Ful Iron Colo, ft 8uihrn do lat pfd da 3d pld.. -n ..- Coaaolldatd Oaa Corn Product Pol. ft Hudaoa U. ft R. O do pld En i do 1st pfd do d pfd - OanaraJ Blactrlc Oraat Norlliarn pfd do Oregon ctfs Illlnola Central lntr. Met do pfd lnlr. HarraaUr ' Invar. Marin pfd lntr. Papr lntr. Pump Iowa Oanlral K. C, Soulhern do pfd L. ft N Minn, ft St l Minn.. 8t. P. ft . Bt. It. Missouri Pacific M.. K. ft T do pfd Kat'l Blacult, x-dlt Nat'l Lead ival'l R. H. of M. lat pld.. N. T. Ctntral N. f., tint, ft W NoHolk ft W North A marl can No. Pacific Pacific Mail.i Panruylvanla People's Oaa P., C, at ' praa4 8uwl Car ... Pullman Paiao Car.. Railar '' soring Reading i Rapubila Rtaal. i do pfd Bock UI0B Co do pld .' gu l a. r. sd pfd at Leui g. W do pfd lo-8hm14 8. ft I ga. Paoifla go. Raiiarar do pfd Tnn. Copw Tuh ft Pacific.. T., t. L. ft Wl do pfd x Vnlon Pacific do pfd - V. . Realty U. g. Rubber v. a. ti do Pt4 Utah Ooppr , Va.-Caro. Cham leal Wauaah do pfd Waaurn Maryland, affarad. Wltn(boia Blaotrio Weaiara t'nion W. ft Lah art Wlscoaaln Central Pittsburg Coal Am. Steal seuadri tniwd Pry Oooca WO U.outl I'D on l.ii no l. l.ouu 4S.4-4I 1,700 KM l.eX) "i.ipi 84.6.10 3 ) "l'.tvib iw l.KU 4 O 17.700 lOO 104 17, NO 4U0 1.400 l.tf 641a h 4HW ' 46 81 714 A4j 4S4 tt 174 m in ia H2 7a 631s lLM 1 Low. Cloea. 64V 64V, 4S 44 8"i 71 W M 47 26 17H 6s ltTi 11U1 its it: I74 61 lam lubw 1HH M SV, 7Vh 117 M 14 7M, 11SV8 i 47 1.100 700 700 $. lue 1 200 "iio - 700 3.0 Iwl "ei an 1 Joo 8pJ0 mn lot) i.too 10aM 46 11 17 m lao1 6Hh 17 " 16H 14SS . :i 42 H 1.4, 14 a UV, tss 71 '15H 64 l 4 46 lal 'at. 4 lit 12 1H 61 MS 83 48 If 144 J 24 62 1164 8-1 62 4 M 43 71 W 61 W 5"1 4 I'klladelpkla Prodnea Bfarket. PHILADELPHIA. Ieo. 88. BUTTER Quiet; extra western creamery. 3Vc; extra western creamery, nearby prints, 400. KiJOit-Firm; guod demand, Pennsylvania and ether nearby firsts,- 3o at mark; Pennsylvania and other nearby flrsta cur rent receipts, in returnable caaea. S2c at mark; western firsts, free caaea. 34c ai mark; v. enters firsts, current receipts, free cases, 81188 at mark. CHEESE Firm; New York full creams, choice. 17Vc; Netty York full creams, fair toj good, Ital7a Liverpool drain Market. LIVERPOOL. Dee. 2JW WHEAT-Closing, spot, firm; No. 2 red western winter. 84 2'td; futures, quiet; December, 8a lVd; March, 7s UHd; May, la 8d, , CORN Spot, new American mixed, via Galveston, quiel, 6s d; old American mixed, quiet, fa Vid, futures, quiel: Janu ary mixed, la Sd; January plate, 67s H1. PEAS Canadian, ateady, 7s kd. t lAJt'lt-Wuiler pafenis. steady. g3s. Peoria Market. ITCORIA. Dec. 88. CORN Steady No. 8, (lc; .No- 4, iac; no grade, MVtc. OATS Steady ; No. 1 white, tac;" No. $ white, 44e; No. 4 while. 44c Dnlntk Grata Market. nrUTIl. De a. WHEAT-Decernber. $1 a o-l U'T . May. fl.l0-4jl lri; Xo. i.ottlern. 1 No. 1 northern, $1.0V OA To 13-..ii . 1. we . l.frpo . 18,7'PO e tJO '. $'! . 10J . 1.600 aui) ;...! . 17.1"0 ' '- .112 7) , J 0X1 J 'I li) W) 1 . 18.40U L8UU ; '"ioo A . l,l ., 2v,7iw p0 go0 8u0 . II. UK . 1.4'JO . I. en . $,J . 1.700 . 10,S l.tp ft) auo 6-0 8Ss Ire 4Svi . 144H 424 117 lllUj Vr ii 171 4:. IpM, II l r4 u 7r 74 1844 . ni ji :,, SB- 7(n lul 81 al ls l.t eo'4 MS iia 4 63'4 K tin 114 51 1S4H 4J4 fc4 144 " tr 131 Uh 4f. 104 44 pp ( 11 7V4 114 HJ i8 is 31 62 H 7i..4 tu 101 V, u s , 124 s, t4Va 6 634 8i 7I4 ' 87 4 1U4 4v, 71 I 474 4414 "H la 1PV4 1114 li 1424a M S7 6ji 121, l4a 16 1174 , . 7 4 n4 474 l'7 8!k Ma 4 8 "4 114 161. M . ' 60 I U n w . Ia7t 184 T 614 V, w 4i4 884 UtV, 142 t 80 , 14' V, 24V, 2 1144 16 8' .46 284 434 704 Ijv'a 63 114 71 48i 7 1 46 8t 64 IMlt 48S US' M 144 41 1144 114 ll ISM 61 l.U 4644 I'M l 6H4 314 7 814 1 Ss, 844, 19 14 TV, p la 108 81 62. la, 64 Is M 6t i24 aH 74, . 4 4a 4 4, IS., tloaton Stocks and Bonds. BOSTON, Dec. 2. Money, call loans, BH tjjti per cent; time loans, Sfetl pijr cent. Clos ing quotations: Ah him adj. 4a 84 Atlantic i do 4a MUtlutt pjoalltloti t-, Atcbiaon R. R II ( alnm ft Aria l'H do pld lJ6i,rliat ft Hacla,...40 DoFlnn ft Albany.... U.S ( autannial 87 Boaton ft Main 147 Copper Hang 64 Boaton Elevated 132lPalr Wat 84 Pltchburs pfd lat rranklln 18 N T.. N. H. ft H..1.17,5rnb 108 Union Pacific M S Green Cananaa 114 .- titalsfc. ftoyfi- 17 . 7Mnaa. Mining , .121 Michigan 7 .111 Mohawk 87 .1424,r'eTeda 864 .ltpl40ld Uominloa I444 . 7tptt.Trola v.r..:iWa .XI Pairot - .169 Cuiucy la . 14 Shannon !i 8IHTan.ar.ch 4a 167 Trlnltr 1 Mack... 68 V, S. Miping..- 644 .-. 60 V. I. OU .... S4 604 rtah 46, U6,Vlctorla 64 4 Wmuna llH, t, Wolvarln 146 Bi North Hutu 44 Tel... pfd... ft g. 111.... Am. Ara. (T.&ia. Am. Pnau. Tub.. Am. Sugar do pld Am. Tal. ft Am.. Weolan IK'Bilnlon I. Ediaon Klec. Oen'l Electric. Man. Electric Maaa. Oaa t'nltad Fruit t'nltad Bho do pfd V. 8. Btael... do pfd AdTentur . Alloua .... Amalgamated 0U1HA LIVE STOCE MARKET Receipt, cf Cattle Continue Light, killers Good Sellen. HOGS SELL nVZ CETS HIGHER Good Pat Si era steady gteongi, with Common I.I sat Lamas "lew to a Little Lower Tkaa on , Monday. SOUTH OMAHA, Dec. 28. 1! Receipts were: Cattlo. Hogs. Sheep Official Monday S 141 1 .77 1270 Estimate Tuesday $. 00 1.700 4.000 Two davs this week.... 8 748 8 487 7.270 Seme davs last week....$73 11 OM 11W4 Same days f weeks ago.. 13.574 18 4) 23 7 4R Same days $ weeks ago. 11. MS $ W Rume days 4 weeks ago.. lit 47 1$.8!8 21. Same days last year 7.8 l.Bn$ U.471 The following tabl shows the recelptg ef cattle, hogs end sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, compared with last year: ima. 19o. Ino. Dec, Cattle 1118 428 Hogs 2118.81 Sheep 2.146 841 The fo'lowlnaT table price of hogs at South Omaha for the last aeveral days, with comparisons: Data I 1309.' lists). 11907. ill-06.!UW6.lo4. 1808. 271,824 l.OAYtCj 81.800 l.J.pl.817 1.0M.K03 $8,706 shows the average Deo. Doc. Dec. Deo. Deo. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Deo. 18... Id... 20... 21... 23... 23... 24... 24... 2... 27... 28... 1 JI 8 2 $ 38 8 08 I 8 03 11 8 29V8I b I2 31 8 34, $ 38 i 471 a 1 t 60! 4 401 18 4 34 8 23 4 83 4 20 4 19 18 I 00 tOhi $ 13 21 la 4 81 4 84l 4 tV i 801 4 (01 4 881 4 44 4 891 4 3a 4 88 S 061 6 181 4 ' Ss-I 4 43! 4 (Si 4 27 4 81 4 (1 I i 4 4 4 48 a 4 St 4 S Ml 4 44( 18 4 Wl 4 b5 4 61 Sunday. eHolidar. Receipts and disposition of live tock at tlu l loon atock aros, South Omaha, for twenty-four hours ending at i p. m. yes tertoiy: RECEIPTS. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. I m fl : x to.. 4f . H . 71 . U , St . 60.. M.. 84.. 10.. .1 t rn ,1M ,A ,.m ..; . r . 11 .1-4 ,1:1 ..sti .1138 ISO BU 1W to tv t rr I'M I 40 . 3 40 3 40 8 41tj I , "f 3 It 3 is: 8 n4 1 1 1 L .. ' J 1 If... HO ... 8 84 7t m is n M M 8 at m ie . 1 m 8m e itp 14 M 40 I Ma 4t 14 . itm tl in e I l" M .64 10 8 l"4 1 144 H I 4 64 ": 811) 8 47 Ku 80 4o V M ... I e 6l tl 4 I 4f4 p II ... - n J4i .,. 11 T M PIOS. SHEEP-Yesterdays sharp advance in live mutton prices inft pretty strong Ideas of valuation in selling circles and sales men as a rule were inclined to ssk tome ahal, higher prices this morning, as a re lull. Packers were nut disponed to further elevate the price fist. hover, and open ing trade a as rather quiet. With the yarding of tha original estimate, some 4.SO0 h.ad. the talent settled on a trading basis and bulk ot receipts changed hands In very good season. Most sales wire Just about steady with yesterday with the trend of valuea .possibly a shade stronger On some of the better classes of sheep There waa a greater number of com mon lambs in today's run and the tend ency of prices on stock of this description, waa. if. anything, somewhst easier Noth lig verv toppy was included in offenns, one string of sOtrie iif the best lamba hers selling for IT.au. Fed western eaee rhangpd hands at $o.l0 and yearlings realised $i.:0. A few strings of short-fed stuff and rangers were suld for feeding purposes, but thai volume of business in ILe feed r branch of the trade was hardly large enough to afford a broad Idea of the act ual situation. The demand for anything suitable for finishing has been active lately at good, firm figures and tt la safe to call today's market fully ateady with last week's close. quotations on fat sheen and lambs: Ojod to choice lambs, $7fVfS2h: fair to good lambs, 7.16417.e6: good light yearlings, $6 60 i7.00; good heavy yearlings. $6.T5K.a0; goof to choice w'ethers. $fp 10i6.60; fair to good wethers, $4 701(.lrt; good to choice ewes, as.OO feSM: fair to good ewes. $4 6Ofi6.00. Quotations on feeder stock: Good to choice lambs, $ 8Mi7. 0; fair to good lambs, $)S.crrffi t 35; light yearlings. $J.0Tii5 60; heavy yiarlylnrs, linWjgoO; old wethers, $4 t'i; good to choice ewes. $18FVri4.00; breed ing ewes. $S76tj5.0; yearling breeding ewes, $5.a0tj.0U. C , M A St. P Wabash Miosourl Pacific L'nlon Pacific C. & N. W., ast C. & N. W., west.... C, t. P. M. & O C, B. ft W , east C, B. at (J., west C, R. 1. t P., west.. Illinois Central C Q. W Total receipts 6 . 1 . a . 37 . 20 . 25 . 11 . ( . 26 . 11 . I . 7 ia a 11 3 4 1 17 1 3 6 2 11 4 8 1 60 23 DISPOSITION. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Arlaoa Commercial. . 44 Omaha Packing Co Swift and company 711 Cudahy Packing Co 826 Armour ft Co 642 Cudahy from S. St. Paul Morrell 16 tie n ion Vansant & Lush.. 64 Hill 4 Son 28 F. B. Lewis 8 J. B. Root Co 25 J. H. Bulla $ L. F. Huss 24 L Wolf 8 McCreary & Carey 2t)0 H F. Hamilton 13 Sullivan Bros 63 Mo. x Kan.-Cal. Co 61 Other buyers 3a0 4.17 7a 7b3 1.228 oi7 1.086 2,13 1.013 237 Local secnntlea. Quotations furnished by Samuel Burns, Jr., 614 New York Life building, Omaha: . , uio aaaaai. Be trio 0amry, jom Baalrlc Creamery, pfd ,.. City of Oman 4Vts, la Columbua. Nab.. E. U la, 1121.. Cimmonvaalth Plr lna City tiaa aod Blactrlc, Wierioo.ry. 87 . Cudahy Packing Co. ti,' ii4.-...5,'v..: 100 ' Oarman Plr rnaaranes i3o. lc4J li.iarnatlonal Con. 'Ce....v....ii...V.-t 41 Kanaaa C4Up Brock Tarda w. 100 Long Ball Lumber CO. as, una......... Nabraeka Tal. Slock. I uar en.,..v,. Omaha Watar Co. 6a. 1144 . Omaha Gaa la. 117. .v. ?iv..m.- Omths K. L P. la, M1. ...... Omaha C. B. Bt. Pty. la, -M Omaha ft C. B. 8a. Kr., pfd. 8 . a.ii' Omaha ft C. B. St. Hy., sobj.. .,.,. Omaha . L ft. I Dr ,s Omaha ft C. B. R. A I k 1138 Bioui City I. r. pfd. 1 par oat. .'...v. South Omaha raf. 4 a. laU... ,.. 87 ti 10914 414 II 84 a - 84 ' 64 I U4 l ,. 18 MOti Swih ft Co. la. 1114 .....in) Union Stack Varda, S. Omaha, I P W ' Waatera Fir lna. Co.., . .. 4 5 II SO lu 44 M 1 8 1004 101 1 41 101 11 101 p 88 llAI kOe K4 H . . M 100 8 ixl I New York Mtatu gtpcki NEW YORK, pec n.-TCloslng quotation uil utiiiiiiK atovaa. !. ' t Allc .'..4..1p -Ladvlll' C0n Brunawkk Con 6 Uitl chief Comatotk T.. atock-. 2s Maxlcan do bonda X) 1 Ontarl Con. Cal. ft Va..i....l43 Oj.hir Horn Silver 76 Standard Iron Sliver 1 Yellow Jacket Ullarad. . , ...2.1 .171 .137 .SU6 .. 60 .10 Cotton HarVrl. : NEW TORK, Dec. 28 COTTON The market opened firm at an advance of 6 to 28 points, In response to very strong de mand. Trading was very heapy and there was much leaiixing at the initial advance, under which . prices reacted partia.Iy, but spot houses were good buyers and there was a big demand from some of th lead ing bulls, with the market during the mid dle of the moining, with a lift advance of about 8t14 points. Futures opened firm, December, U.bSc; January, I6.600; Marcn, 16.81c; May, lo. Uc; July, 16.12c: August, 16..6c; September, 14.04c; October la.aic. ' Futures closed steady. Closing bida: December, Ui.aac; January, 15.57c; February, 16,4c; March, uxSTc, April 16.Kc; May, 1612c; June, 1603c; July, lti.llc; Augum, lu.t,tc: September. 14.60c: October. 13.8.C Spot clostd 4u!et, 10 points higher; m.d dllng uplands, la. lac: midling gulf. 16.10c OALVESTOM. DEC. 2S.-COTTON- Hiaher. 18 6-16c. hi'. LOUlb. Dec. 28. COTTON-Hlgher; middling, laac bales. 142 bales; shipments 61! bales; receipts, 616 bales; stock, 4-', 147 bales. Tstal ! lor th day. 4U,4uO ahars. Leaden Stock Market. LONDON. Dee. 28 American securities opened sleadv and during the first hour gradually hardened on fair buying A I noon the tone was steady, with prices ranging from unchanged to a point above yesterday's New York closing The tin--ket waa not affected by the Rock Inland incident In Wall street yesterday. Rook Island shares opened here at 63x and later declined lo 61e. .... Dondon closing siocks Conaoia. man d account Anal. Copper Aaaraoda Al.rla.pn 4 pfd Ball I nor ft Obla Canadian radii. Ckaaaaaak AO.. Chicago U. U ... Chi., MIL ft SC D SMI par A Rle O so pfd Brte U lat 4 4a Id ptd flraad . Trunk ... llilppau f-aulral LaulaTllla ft M... 11 U-14M . K. ft T ... 1N. V rwnlral ... ... 10aKorfalk ft W ...Ik do pld ...WkOatarlo ft W... .,.llPanaiTaiila .... . ..lMi, hand Minae M.Sadlng lba8outi!arn Ry P.. .18. do pfd Ilttlpputharn Palflo. ..1p .. Iti'a ..IMt ..I'll .. ax .. ki .. t-l . 114 .. ..l'W .. s ..14 .. 86 .. 12 I'ulea 'Paclfla... t do pfd... . 1410. 8. S)4 . aw, 4a pf... 41 Wabaah .... ,114 do pld... 141 iLavntah 4a 14 SILVEK br. steady at 24,d per ounce. MONEY 4'B48 per cent. The rata of discount In the open market for short bl.ls is $V per cn for three months' bills. $S V c,nt- Bank C'leartaca, OMAHA. Dec. 27 Bsnk clearings lor to day were $l.lt4,8.8 and lor the oorre gpoadlnc date iaat year $L Hit 171 65. Tmnaarr tn4asnl. WASHINGTON. Dan- 23. The condition oi the treasury at the beginning of busl neea today was as follow; Trust funda Oo.d coin. $ks.S.$l; silver dol ar, 84i8. Itk'OtO; sliver d.J.an df IKjO. ttS'-luou; silver . artifU-atea oulsiandtiig. $4rk.0f0.tAl. OanaraJ fund etaridard silver do.lars In (friirraJ t.inj $14:iftl: current t-b.lltles. $! 040. Uu. wolkiii; ba-u-i.e la Ueauiury offices, Wool Market. BOSTON, Dec. 28. WOOL The demand for j! clauec of wool on the local 111-r ket continues unusually brisk for this s-a sun of the yeor. Inquiry runs through ail grades and comes from both clothing and combing cusluiriera. Uuarter-blood fleeces are in particular demand. Ix.lh oaatern and leirliory. Values hold ateady In spite 01 the short supjiiy. Bidding lor lite new clip is in full swing In the west, especially in Utah, Wyoming and eastern Montana. Kentucky. . Indiana and Missouri ttiree-elghlha-biuod, 34c; Quarter-blood, 32a 83o. Scoured values,: Tejtaa flue twelve months. 7j,c; fine. six to eight months. SJi7oo; fine fall, Wtto; caiiiornia northern, Wip.uc; middle county, &Ucc; fall fre, 60t6c; Oregon eastarn No, 1 staple, 7t4i7c; euiatirn clothing, 7u(i7c valley No. 1. 6.&c- Teirltory fine staple, 77'umic: fine medium staple. 7iji7ic: tini clothing, 70f)73c; fine medium clothing, 6otU 6Sc; half-blood. 73ft76c; three-elghths-blood, taucjc; uuaner-riiood. tt..P)c. ruuea, extra 79 76c; fine A. . 70c; A supers, tavtnac. siT. LOUIS. IifcC. 2. WOOIj Unchanged : territory and western mediums, 4U2bc; fine mediums, 21fapc; fine, UgSoc. - Mlaneapolis Grain arket, MINNEAPOLIS, Dec. 2a. H EAT Close; L'ecember. fl 10; May. H lOvfcal.lO1,; cash wheat; No. 1. hard, $1,US1.12; No. 1, iiurthern. $1.111,(8 1 ;' ; No. 2. nortliern, i wijj j.iuia. o. norinera. l.VpHill Uia, FLAX t'loted. $2 0iV CORN No. 3 yellow. nUaaUSSc' OATS No. 3 white. H2,(ii42'!,o. riVE-So. 2. 74Vi741a. BRAN In 100 pound sacks, $21 00. FLO 1 R Firat jjatents (In wood f. o. b iip.4iMa.60; first cleans. cleara, $3.303 50. $4 3-4.15; second 10 ewes No 9 western lambs. 1S4 western lambs .. 339 Montana ewes .. 80 Montana ewea ., 4(6 Montana ewes ,. I!'4 fed yearlings 10 fed w el hers ,.,. 202 fed ewes i..(. ) western lambs 6 11 Mtrpi 8 western 17, uenern IS! westcn S?4 western 10 western lambs 1 western buck 1 western ewe . 21 native lamba 110 native lambs 106 native lnmbs . 11X native lambs 133 native lambs 12 native . lambs 133 western ewea 15 western 70 western 1K5 western 145 western western Av. Prlc. Intra are opened. Export markets are quiet. Yarns are firm and quiet. OMAHA OEKlll. MAttK-vT. Ktesle and Fancy Prod ace Prleee Far nleaed hr Bayers and IS. klalrs. BUTTER Creamery, No i. delivered ta the retail irsple In 111' cartons, $o; No. 1, In 80Tb tubs. Ac: No. L In lib canons. S4c: in 01b lubs. U tc puCKihii si. ok. S 'lld pack. 22c; fresh rolls. 2.10. fncy da.ty, lul s. 2sc. Market cl ang, pi . very Tuesday. POULTRY Diesrd. rtrollt- $a a do.; springs, lie; hena. 14 ;' yi k. Jc: ducka, U'c, geree Hc; turkeys. Jtc, pigeons, pet dos., $125. Alive; Lrollna, und'i' 2 lb., I,; otril lbs, lie; h-iiK. M -.c; cocks. 6,c rlicka full feathered. lOc; geeae. full leiilll- eiea, lc; luiaeyx, tw, aumea mi, a dip ; pigti'iis, 6mc per do. OYSTERS S. lecla. sma.l esns. i.c; isrg, 4e; gallon. $IN, New 1 01 k tjunn. smaii, Sac, iaige, 4,'C, gallon, $1 :6. Baiiunort standard!, small, ZJc, Iaige, 36c; tKllod, HI .... . ... ..... FISH All irosen: iroui, ac, a our neia, Ho; pickerel. He; pike, lee; eel. i.e; 11.111- duck, Uc; epaiiian niacaerxi, c, i.-u- snapper, 13c; oiuelish. k'C, connaii. 1 c. flountliis. lac; shea roe, 10c; saiinun, iov. halibut, llo. Hell oranges: axtra lancy. uipomi colored navela, um and U-a, per box, $..a; exua faiiy. highly coioied tiavaia, loa, par box. $3U; extra fancy, highly colored cavcia. laos. ipoe aa- p' 'p extra fancy Valencies, ran. per box. la .6; extra laiicy Vaieucias. Ljba, per box, M no small siaes to bu uaa. ueuiuus: no laney aouH. 3uua. per oox, lata); exira fancy ehone avos. aoua, per box. $4 1. Urape Fruit: Florida Indian river, das 4bs, Ma. its. 80s and 80S. per oox, $4.oOL iangerlneat riorlda, 144S aim loss, per num. e av. pnw appiea: 101 iu inuian nver, a and 8ua, per craie, a.o u.oy u i . nvnu, Quart. 3pC Apples: Ben Davis, Colorado, very fine quality, per large bu. box, $1 Sal tAine fraps, cuiorauo, veiy 1111a uioou ru, large aixe, box, (Lea; Jonathans. Colorado, very line, good coior, fine eaimg, per box. l.au; ureeuings, cuioi auu, per oox, ai.av. sliasuurl I'lppius, Lo.oiauo, very line uuair ity, per box. 61 it, taeuitoiis, ColoiaOo, par box, 81.au; len-oo lets, aasurieu, iur. iea Iwwa aouaiaaua, exua laney, per iihi., 40 bV maa Wine aaps, extra tancy, per bbl., loao. Iowa Missouri i'lppin. exua lane, per pi., $5.si; Iowa iaeu Uavis, exua fa ucy, per bbl., 84. 10; iitu aavia, airtuLiy i u. SlisaourL per bbl., $3.u0; Missouri Pippins, smelly No. 1, per bbl., $Xiv, Uaooa. sirictiy so. 1 Miaaour culls.. mils. a. ., 1 , . . Cvl.lB. ewes lambs culls, 47 65 ft 97 87 104 104 MS 74 13 culls Totals S.612 8.17$ 6,156 C iTTT.f T li.r. Br:, o rionl run rtf rat. genera ly just about equal to the demand, so that the tiade was In a fairly satisfac tory condition as a whole. The proportion of beef steers among tne receipts waa not so large aa yesterday, but still there was a fair showing. Buyers all seemed .to want a few . good Killers arid as s. rule, were out in tne yarns in lair leamn cleaning up, the early arrivals some little time before midday. The prices paid war steady to strong gs compared with yesterday. cows ana. heifers were, also in very gooa demand, and they too, sold quite freely at steady to strung price. Tho early ar- rivala sold in good season ano tne inaraei as a whole was satlnf aqtory, . The only unsatisfactory feature 01 the (cattle trade was the poor demand for feeders and stockers. : but that wag to be expected wider existing conditlona. The trade In conaequence was alow and dull, with the tendency of prices lower. Ouotatlons on rattle: Hood to cholct cornfed steers. $6.254j'7.60; fair to good corn fed steers, 8a.36tr4.iiu; aommun to fair corn fed steers, $3.7f45.35; good to choice range steers. $n.60.20; fair to good range steers, 60&5.DO; common to lair rang stetrs. 76b4.60: good to choice cornfad cows ana heifers. $4 00i5.00; fair ta good cornfed cown and heifers. - $3. 254. 00; common to fair cornfed cows and heifers, tl. 664,3. 2i; good lo choice range ccwa and heifers, fd.7aii4.4Q, fair to aood rani cows and heifers. $3,253 3.76; common to fair range cows and heif ers. t2.bmU3.2Z; good to choioe stockers an! feeders. $4.o0'oa.20: fair to good stockers and feeders. 13 fxito4.00; common to fair stockeru and feeders, $3.7a4..a0: stack heif ers. $2 75'u3.50' veal' calves, JJ.eWtfl.V0; bulls, stags, etc.. $2,751(14.40. Kepresentatlve sales: BEEF STEERS. ewes. ewes lamba lambs lambs , 2S western yearlings, wethers and ewes 14 native ewes v. ..... 153 native yearlines u S native wethers ewes, culls ewes lambs, culls lambs lamba ewea, pulls........... 4 native 3 native 30 native 41 native 51 native IS native Kn. 7..., It).... a... I.... 11... ... 30... a .. 4... 1... 8. AT. I I mi isti 844 UK 1064 11.1 rr. 4 IS 8 76 4 10 4 40 4 16 I 40 i GO No. 15 17...... JI::::: -.... 28 At. .. .1160 ...nu ...12 J ...1878 ...Uil ...Ii 44 I to I 76 I 71 i n I aj I Ml STEERS AND STAGS. ..H' 11117 I.::::::: 1 a.. t.. 1 . 80.. a'.'. 17- 11.. 11.. I.. 14.. 18.. .. mo .. 176 ., m .. IVO ..I'JOO .. tti .. n .. kw .. 121 .. in .. all 680 6 10 4 a 3 00 t w 8 70 2 16 I oil t I 60 8 71 3 80 4 M 3 40 3 Ml 8 u 8 Ml 81.... cow a 4.... 86... 11 ... I... 3-... i .... 80... 3..., 16.... 1.... 23.... as.... 1.... 14.... .U 6 8s 8U7 IrJS 5 170 82 Hi! Ill jiatO Ill luu 44 U.4 1UU Hoe 3 18 3 II 8 10 $ 61 3 71 71 . 8 76 3 10 I 16 3 80 I to 4 60 4 60 4 88 COWS AND HXIlrERS. .. 714 I 80 HEIFERS. 700 I Um 871 8 11 760 $ 76 i. p I 16 IS,' 4 M I tUO I 14 667 I 4u 8 M 14 131 I 10 7 664 I II J I 10 - II 784 I 48 640 $ M BULLS. IIKp I 60 1 1880 3 40 Wup) I la 1 W" 1 10 ItJa 4 00 1 laW 4 00 7.6 I 80 1 8"00 i 71 STAUS. 1480 4 K CALVES. '.SO 10 64 t7 Vii 8ia STOCKERS ....... 73 3 no 6 75 7 it I pa 3 00 I t 4 aa 1 ICO 3 80 $ W 18 1 Itt Ilk I 164 f eo 1 It 7 60 i 160 1 68 AND FEEDERS. 1 874 I H H 146 8 61 8 74 8 1 6 141) I 76 4. .. .ai I It u MS 4 10 ri 6sa 4 la 8 40 .. 60 8 H . . 4W I . ., 4 I kl ..1,1 I 30 .. 7H 8 6U WESTERN-COLORADO. 66 steers.. ..1UX 6 1 HOGS Receipts ut hogs wars light this morning ai.il aaileis taking note of that fact and the further fact thai advices from other selling points were enoouraglng Slarled out asking deo dediy higher prices than yesterday, on the othr band, prlc a being already cloaa up to the lii.n point of the tear, packers a ere slow about Dul ling on anything. They wanted the hogs, 163 native, ewea 2 native yearnngi 33, native 16 native 32 native 10 native lambs lambs, mills.. ewes ewes, culls.... 91 .......... 67 feeders W 140 150 70 7? 70 78 71 BO 90 97 70 70 63 69 IIS 93 100 K5 99 53 77 T3 V, 101 89 m 64 118 66 6 50 7 30 4 35 4 35 4 36 6 40 5 75 6 10 7 75 I Ai ( IS ! 1A 7 80 ( no "0 $ n 7 7S 7 00 7 W 7 40 7 n 7 an 4 5 s 00 I sv 7 75 7 75 7 75 7 00 4 60 6 70 6 50 3 00 4 00 6 FpO 7 2i t 2fi 3 50 4 85 70 t 00 $ 50 4 85 150 CHICAGO, a,IVE" STOCK. MARKET Cattle Steady Hoc Hlgker Sheen and Lambs' Loner. ' CHIOAGO. Deo. 4S. CATTLE Receipts 7,(00 head; market steady., steers, $.0oJ.00; cows. $3.60434 00; heifers. $3.40&6.00; bulls, $i.40-i4.76; ' ealves, $3.009.761 stockers and fee a s. $3. 7643 5.60. h. jS Receipts. 12.000 head: market 6C hlghi-r; choice heavy, 34. 61 S. 71; butchers, $3.eW8.70; light- mixed, $8 SMi2.40; choice liaht, 88.36478: tiacking. 8e aMi'8.66: C ga 87.6uU8.26; bulk Of sales, IK.40JI6 40. bHttf AKU LpAMHS KecelptS, IHM.11 head: market for sheeD loulac lower: iambs, steady; sheep, Hxpw6.7; lamba, $6.25 lQS.u; yearangs, t).swaVi,v. - Kansas City LlTe block Mnrket. KANSAS CITT, Doc. 28. -CATTLE ceHMS, lUUBu head, including luo southerns; market fos aleera, layioc lower; fur oalvea, comb, packers and feeders firm; chuice ex port and drtased beef steers $6.00t J. 26; fair to good $4.buii6.00; western steers, $4.04 6.X: stockers and feeders. $8.6u4ia.oo; aoutn- ern steera, $4.0oi6.0u; soulhern cuas, $2.7a native oows, 12 ia 1 a; native ne lers, a3.a41.a6; bulls. $3.2-,.; calves, $aOou8.60. HOUS-Kticelpts. b.vu head: market IOC higher; top, il.bO; bulk if gaiaa, i w, heavy, $.48 .60; packers and bulcnera, lo.a52il.52Mi; light, $85i(H.47Vx; pigs, 36.15(X 7.60. ... CHEEP Ar-U LAMUS- Receipts, e.000 bead; market 5c higher; lambs, $ 20; west ern yearlings, 4 i.io; lamoa, .iwa i; ye .r lilius. $6.0uu7.10; wettu'is'. $u.2au6.e6; ewea $4. 0O(u,5. la, stockers and feeders, $3.a0'6.6. St. Lonls Live Itock Market, ST. LOUIS, Dee. 2S.-CATTLE Receipts, 8,5 0 head, Including 200 Texans; market steady; native snipping and export steers, W. uan 4.40: dressed beet and butcher steeis, $3.&Utj6.76; steers under l.OUO pounds, $4.(Ak(fi 5.80; stockers and feeders, 8ioiiii4.7&, cows and heifers. $3.2.2a; canners, $.13.80; bulls. a 404.06; calves, lb.0iKuS.7a, Texas and Indian steers, $3.50Q'5.6H; cows and hei era. Il.2bti4.. HOUS lleceipta, 6.000 head; market 10c Malieri pigs and lights, $0.1118. 26; packers, $8 4oi8.60; butclier and best heavy, iH.boj 8.75. ... SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1.900 head: market strong; native muttons, $3 &6 &0; lambs, $.2 8 40; culls and bucks, $3.504j6.8G; stockers, $3.25184.00. St. Joarppu Lie Stock Market, BT. JOSEPH. Mo., Dec. J3.-CATTLE- Receipts, l.boo head; market steady. S eers, $1.50i4ti.OO; cows and heifers, 2.ao00 eaivea. W 00416 00. HOUS luceipts, I W head; market, 6c to 10c higher, lop, $8. bulk of sales, $8.1$ pu8.40. ' ' ttm.jf A.-su uariB- oneep, none, New Voik. No. iuls 100 lesa choice Unpolled, ported, per bol. Ileay lllipoi le-vi. tinted. liigniy bbl., $8.00. orate. $1 75; crate. 81. i. cananaa: per bbl., 84.60; ureeuiiigat, 1, per bbl., $a.t0; ten but tirapes: Malaaas, extra per bbl., $a.au; tancy nu l.O0. extra fancy, exlra per bbl., t0; exua fancy colored, luiporletl, per Natouia, extra fuuey, per Emperor, California, red, per extra lancy fori Limun or Changuluola, finest and largest. per bunch, J.OU. exua lauey ilicviai ia iu. bunches, per bunch. $3.00; extra lancy, per bunch, $3.uui'k.i6; special $-hand bunches, l 75. Cranberries: Extra fancy, long-keep- ng, per pui., fi.av, , iap.-viiBiu, pii,, aw for Irumcuiate use only, per bbl., $6. 5. Pears: Cauiurnia, extra tancy nuicr Beurre. per box, $2 60. California caulr- flower, per crate. $-75. Honey Colorado. , per crate, $a Kansas sweet potatoes, ine finest l.evy weight, two-hu. obi., 2.tU Celery: Extra fancy aiicnigan, per aos.. Vac; Jumbo, California, per doa., 73a Head lettuce, per nam per. 4 nuiauaiaa. Canadian, per lb., la. Caooage: Wiscon sin genuine Holland seed, per 10., in l.wuo-lb. lots or more, lc; red cabbage, per lb., 2c. Florida loma-toes, six basket crates. $6 60. Onions: lnuiina itea uiooe, . per bu., $100; yellow, uregon. per id., j, Spanish oulons, per crate, $1.50. Figs: New imported. 7 crown, per lb., 15c; 4 crown, per lb.. 13c; 12-13 ox packagea, per box. . hue; 60-6 ox. package, per box, $2.00; im ported, per l la. uuancp, v, apiipuippw. Drake seedlings, per lb., 5e. Cocoanuis, . per sack, s.ou; e-acu, u- ppaa.pi, per lb., 44c. riiuaiia, .a, a isc, pm iw. Louisiana. Per lb.. 174c; Jumbo Texas per lb., 16o; medium Texas,. per lb., ' 13M.C. Black walnuts, per lb.. gSo. Hickory : nuts small, per id., oc; iaige, to. vamoi- , nla walnuts: No. 1 soft shell psr lb., lac; No. i soft shell, per lbs"f lie FeanuU: ' Raw, per lb., 6c; Jumbo, raw, per lb., 1c; roasted, per lb., 8c; salted, per box, $136. Dates: 30 1-11. packagea, per box, ll.w. new Halloween, per lb., 6tc; surer walnut, ber box. $126;' Fard. c4" Iry loo.--; Mott s cider, per keg, $3.60. W bits rice popcorn, Beef 'Cuis-No. 1 rlb,"wt4c; $0. i "ribs, lie; No: I rlbi, tc; No. 1 lolrif 18c; Ko. 1 luin. 13Vc; No. ( loin, Vic: No. 1 chuck. 7c; No, 2 chuck. 6c; No. cttuck. IHc; No. 1 rouiipl. c; No. $ round, 7 he; N6. 2 round, 6Vc; No. 1 pla'-s. to; No. I plate, 6ke; No. $ plata, 4Vo. J : .... Dakota Editors at-Sioux Falls .Sloaa City Live Stock Market. SIOUX CITY. Ia.. Dec. 28 (Special Tele. grain.) CA'lTLE Receipt, l,Ti head, Market steady. HOijS rtuccipta, 2,100 head. Market 5tf 10c higner; range of prices, $8 lijj.vio; bulk of sales, $.38 ft. Minneapolis). $a 5ofi5.70; second patents but they did nut seem to want to bid up toffee Market. - NEW YORK. Ie. 2ii.-COFFEE-Futures closed ttp.n. net unchanged. Saeaj were repotted of 23.760 bags, includiiig December at 65c, March at 6.e0c: May at 6aojiis, July at $I.0ue; betember at $7.Umj7.Juc. Spot, steady; No. 7 H10. bvl ll-16c; No. i Sanlpa, ac, mild, quiet; Cordova, ijUV,o. Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO. O, Dec 88 SEEDS Clover, cash, $h 90, December, $8.90, February, p TXl; March. $66; April. 88 96; OcUler. $6.70; No. 8, $4.45; repoctpad. th.$7. Timothy, prime. $L8s- Alslka, ptiina $7.i; lecember, $7.9C; March. $a 10. agar and Malassea. NEW YORK. Do. 28-SUOR-Uaw. quiet; Muscovado, 88 tssl. lUc; centrif ugal, M lent 4 02c; molasses sugar, 8 teat. 3 27e: refined. iuil; crushed, $o6c; gl anu laled. 4 aic; powdered, 6 04c. Mllwankee Grain Market. MT .WAUKFE Dec. 28. WHEAT No. 1 np.ru.rrn. 3I0T4; No. I northern, $1.141-la; 61 ay. OA' LARLEV $7 10'c. aak'd. S-t fi4c. mplea, 62t6,c very mucli higher. 1 pe result waa that the market opened slow, , but gradually prices stiffened up until tha moie d.sir able of the tugs pushessing some weignt sold about 6c higher. The light and under weight loads did not sell quite so readily and it took tnoia work to get buyers to raise prices on that kind. Siill the hogs kept selling a load or to at a lime and the early receipts were cleaned up in fair season. Hugs are selling so high that packers gre buying them as It were under prtnest, and hence tha natural thing to etp ct is that th.-y will take advantage of any opportunity afforded to cheapen up their purchasea. Late trains which arrived at the yards after the more urgent orders are filled and some of the buyers have dropped oui, af ford tha very beat opportunity fir tits cheapening up of drovea. The result Is thai tha market closes lower nearly every day. Today the same old program was In force. While the early market waa higher, as tioted above, the later market eased off, dyers trying to pick up th late arrivals at prices quite a little lower, making tha trade slow and ungauafaolpry toweri) (he Close. Uepreaepiativa sales: his. at. Ba. Pt. Ka. ' A. Ik. Pr S) 1M IV 3 hi M 11 IW I 114 14 XT! ... IN 83. ...... .IS ,,. 116 U 40 I 66 71 1. Ml ... its n 8U W IH tw ... 114 kteok In Sight. Ricelpts of live stock at the six principal western markets yealeaiijy: Cattle. South Omaha. 8,600 Sioux City .1 L7u0 St. Joseph l.boo Kanias City ,..11.0u0 bt. I .iuls .3,6 0 Chicago 7.000 Totals .118.400 Hos8. Sheep. 3.7 0 4,o00 2.10J 3,tw0 6,1100 (.000 6.O0O I.dOj tf-Ovo U.oou U.)0 25,900 Prpgrain. " for State Meeting Next Month Includes Interesting; " FeatTires.' - SIOUX FALLS, S. D., Dec. 28. (Special.) .-The program has been completed for the cpnual midwinter meeting of the South Dakota Press association, which will ba held in Sioux Falls on Thursday and Fri day, January 27 and 2a. The dates have been fixad at a time when it is easy for every publisher to get away from home, and an unusually lrgs attendance is looked for. The following Is the literary program whiiih has been prepared for the meeting: President s address, C. M. Day, Argus Leader, SIuux Falls. Soldiering an Editor." Harry Wentzy, Press-Reporter, Pukwana. 'The Province of the Country News paper," Mrs. Christina S. Thorp, Brltton, member of the Women's National, press association, Washington. D. C. "What I Know About the Uw of Libel, Thomas W. Taubman, Herald, i'lanking- t0"The Standing or Dignity of the Country Press," H. A. Sturges, Republic. Beresford. "Does Printing Cost Anything to prr duce?" This will be the sublet of an ad dress by F. J. Elllck of Omaha. On Thursday evening, January ,27, the visiting newspaper men will be guests at a theater party at tho New theater, the play for the occasion being "Lltt(e Johnnla Jones.". Friday forenoon all the members of the stats press association who are la the 'city w 111 be given a rids over the lines of the new electric street railway system. Stops will be made at several points of Interest, such as the Sioux Falls peniten tiary. A business session of the association will be held In the afternoon of the second day, and a reception given all women in attendance by the women or bioux. aus. In the evening the visiting newspaper men will be guests at another theater party, this time at the Majestic theater. Following this thtre will be a smoker and addresses a 111 bo made by a number of prominent members of the association. Metal Market. NEW YORK.!ec. 2S.-METAL8-SUnd-ard copper waa firrb today. I vocal dealers quote Lake at $U.8ouM-bz. electrolytic at 81S.12tii 12 87V and casting .at $13.tuj 13.26. London market closed firm and a shade higher than last Friday, with spot at 61 and futures at 62 3s Id. Tin was firm I epot. $J3 87vt. Lndon market firm and higher; spot, 153 17g 6d; futures, 156 7s 6d. Lead, firm; spot cloved at $4 674.72'e. London market tiiehar at 13 6s. Speller, quiet; spot. 86 10ti6 30. London market un changed, U 2s 6d. Iron unchanged at 61s 4'4,d for Cleveland warrants In London. Local market unchanged. ST. LOUIS, Dec. 36 METALS Lead, quiet, $l.6a; spelter, dull, $6 10. IHl aaeat HesJn. OIL CITY, Pa., Dec. 28 OIL Credit bal ances. $1.43; runs, 31.888 bbls.: average. 139. K2 bbls ; shipments .'86,413 bbls.; average, til iwl bbls. SAVANNAH. Oa Dee, 28. OIL Tur ner!! die. f 1 1 m : 64Vk4iii44aO. ROSIN Firm; quote: B $3 85; D. $3 97 E 34 0iVn4 ttti, F. 8108: tl 84TH'1110 14 15; I. 4.l: K." 806; M, $5WI. N, r 16; $3o; WW, $.7. $4 15; VQ, 7h: Pry Good Market. NEW YORK. Dec. U.-Many retail buy ers are In the dry goods market In at tendance at the seml-aannal clearg'c sales. Cotton goods and yarns are very girung. but trading, is golnjj on In small lots, principally for spot and, nearby de livery. Men a wear martreta are active In fancy overcoa lings, and sums lines ot sult- kCaaa Libel Suit Transferred. 6IOUX FALLS. 8. D.. Deo. 38. (Sptcial.) A libei suite Instituted In the state cir cuit court of Sanborn county a few months ago by Mrs. M. M. Robs of this city, whu edits the Soo Critic, a local weekly news paper, the defendant bing Ueorge W. Egan, the local attorney abuse troubles have been before the publlo at various ' times dur!nJ the past year, has been Hansferred to the state circuit court In Sioux Falls, and will be tried at the April term. Mrs. Ross seeks to recover damages in the sum of $10.OuO from Mr- Egan for' tatements repeatedly made by him is his newspaper in reference to her. The motlo.i for . the transfer of the suit from Sanborn to Minnehaha county was made by Mr. Egan. The attpirneyg for the plaintiff at once assented, ond the ground that the Egan sentiment In Minne haha county had subsided so not ceably that a fair 1 rial could now be had In this county. This action was taken by her attorneys on request of Mrs. Rosa BlaT Fee In Kaofuiann Case. HIOUX FALLS. K. D., Ieo. 2a. (Special.) For the last two days a rumor has been In circulation 10 the effect Miat Aikena 3k Judge, a lorul law firm. I about to In stitute gn action against Muac,s Kaufn.ana for the roovey of attorney fets In ih'j sum of $20,000 for conducting the two trials of the pow famous uass of Mia. Einrca Kaufmann. Aikens At Judg acted as cu ef tounael for Mrs. Kauf innpn, When seen by a. esaspaper ryan MsM fsfused. 14 affirm or deny the rumor-