Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 29, 1909, Page 6, Image 6

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The United States Circuit Court, after a full hearing, refused in
junction asked for in the interest of Studebakers to restrain the E. M.
F. Company from annulling the selling contract between this com
pany and the Studebakers and we are now free to contract for the
sale of our product direct. In appointing agents, we shall give pref
erence to those dealers who have previously handled the E. M. F. line.
That's only fair for this isn't the dealer's fight and he should not be
made to suffer. We have already signed up with several hundred
'11 if -' "v "v r i
'It jj
E. M.
State Department Looking After
American Imprisoned in Mexico.
Stttt Department Official Explains
lira son for Lone Walt for Trial
Statute Does Not Per
mlt Ball.
WASHINGTON, Dec. i8.-Acting under
the demands of labor unions, the State de
partment has railed upon th? American
embassy to Investigate sharply the matter
of the Incarceration of Conductor James A.
Cook, an American, who, was arrested and
Imprisoned for alleged complicity In the
robbery of freight trains on a Mexican
rat'toad. Cook has been Imprisoned for
some time without tilal and his friends In
tl Is country have besieged both the White
House and th State department with de
mands that he be given Immediate trial
or be admltttd to ball. In cases of tho
klrd the latter alternative Is never resorted
to under Mexican law.
The text of the i ote addressed to the
embassy Is not niad- public, although what
purports to be a lopy of the note was
published In an afternoon paper here to
day. State department officials d'.'cllnd
to paw whether it was authentic or without
foundation In fact, but they d:d ai-knnwl-thst
the United States diplomatic;
representative In the Mexican capital has
been Instructed to undertake an immediate
and thoroiiKh Invr litigation Into the matter
nd bring the request of the I'nlted States
r-overnment to the attention of the Mexican
Forrtgn office.
Position of Htate Department.
The department deplorws the stories
based on, this action," suld a hltrh official
of the State department tonight. 'The
United States has taken steps to safe
Kumd the rights of an American
because the friends of that cltlxen believe
those rights are not helng recojrnlzed.
Prronally know Utile about the case,
but I do know that the man In the case
has not been Imprisoned nuc longer. It
s lonft, as many tuspected persons undei
the same charge hav been Incarcerated
In this country awaiting trial. It Is entlraly
natural that the friends of Cook should be
anxious about him and should likewise
exert every effort to have him brought a
spe edy trial. The Idea of an Ami rlcan,
pictured as helpless and subjected to per-a-cullon.
languishing In a foreign lall, al
ways will apptal to the tender-hearted. It
Is altogether likely, however, tiiat tl.e
Mexican law Is taking Its course."
Cook, It Is said here, was a member of
the brotherhood of luilway Trainmen be
fore he went U Mexico to ork on the
railroads there. ' This organisation Is a
powerful one and closely allied with other
railway labor organizations equally power
ful. These labor bodies have brought
powerful prestuie to bear, not only on the
White House and the State department,
but also on. congress, and the delegation
fruin Kansas, the stats from which Cook
halls, has taken up the matter.
Peculiarities f Mexican Law.
At the -present time the exchanges be
tween -the United States and Mexico are
purely friendly and Informal. They are
being conducted through the regular
diplomatic channels and on the part of ths
department with a complete recognition of
the peculiar laws governing the opera
tion of railways In Mexico. Not the slight
est friction, the officials cf the depart
ment insist, has arisen as a result of the
Interchange and ,a satisfactory solution of
the entire situation Is a matter of only a
few hours or days at the furthest.
The existing delay in the matter of giv
lng Cook a hearing Is well known hero.
Under the Mexican law, the conductor of a
dealers ana tor over o,UUUcars. Applications are pouring in upon us
all Darts of the country. If you want
and Flanders "20" cars, come to Detroit
starting and we
train which kills or malms a citizen or Is
looted Is held without ball until he can
be heard and his case passed upon by a
court of first Instance, which corresponds
with the American grand Jury. ''
Cook was arrested last August and has
been In prison since, all attempts to ob
tain his release on ball having been re
fused. Clearly Within Mexican lair.
MEXICO CITT, Dec. 28. "The Mexican
government has acted wholly within ils
rights thus far and according to its legal
methods . In the matter of the American
railroad conductor, Cook, whd' is ! blng
held responsible for the robbery of a freight
train In his charge." sild Charge d' Affaire
James O. Bailey of the United States em
bassy tonight.
"The crime with which Cooks stands
charged." said Mr. Bailey, "Is not bailable
under the Mexican laws and they have a
legal right to keep Cook in custody six
months before rendering a decision. He
has now been In Jail four months. The
cass Is waiting upon the return of the let
ters from General Manager A. Clark of the
Mexican line, which have to do with ihe
character of Cook."
Three Children
Burn to Death
House at . Pratt, Kan., Catches Fire
While Mother it Talking with
a Neighbor.
FRATT, Kan., Dec. 28. Mrs. Henry Blan
ton left her home this morning and went
across the alley to talk with a neighbor.
When she next looked at the houve It was
a mans of flames and her three children
were being burned to death. ,Help did not
come In time to save tham. The dead:
ROSEHV, a boy, aged 6 years.
MYHTLE. t years.
. MARGARET, 2 years.
The house Is about a mile east of tho
postoffice and with the exception of Mrs.
Plnnton and a neighbor woman no one was
near. Mrs. Blanton did not know how to
act and ran for assistance. In the mean
time the three-roomed frame structure
caved In, burying the three children under
the mass of flames. When men were sum
moned finally tt was necessary to carry
water for more than a block In boilers and
wash tubs. Many men worked energetic
ally, but their efforts did little g.wd. Mr.
Blanton Is an engine wiper in tho nock
Island roundhouse and was working. Dig
ging for the charred bodies had commenced
before he knew of the calamity.
" '
President Taft Will Reappoint Per
sonal' Friend of Roosevelt as
United States Marshal.
WASHINGTON, Doc. 28-r-It was an
nounced at the White House today that
Beth Bullock. United States marshal for
South Dakota, is to be reappointed for
another four years front January 13 next.
Bullock has been known as ths close per
sonal friend of Theodore Roosevelt and his
reappointment Is said to be both a recog
nition of what he has done as well as a
compliment to ths former president
Employe of Kxprese Company at Chi
cago and Sao.OOS Disappear at
nine Tim.
CHICAGO, Dec. 28. A sura said to amount
to IMOOO. and George A. Capron, cashier
of tho United States Express company at
the Englewood branch office In this city,
disappeared Christmas eve. Detectives of
the company all over the country are
searching for Capron. Capron and the
money disappeared while sl other em
ploye wero at work In the same ronm.
Several valuable Christmas packages are
a. so reported to bo mlislog.
will tell you
Carnegie's Knee
Much Improved;
Out in Few Days
Steel King Slips on Icy Walk in Cen
tral Park and Suffers
NEW YORK, Dec. 28. -While suffering
considerable pain from his fall on the Ice.
Ar.drew Carnegie showed much Improve
ment today and expects to be out again
in a few days. He was taking his con
stitutional" in Central park yesterday,
when he slipped on the Ice, severely In
juring his left knee.
He was unable to be present at a
dinner at his hone last night, which he
gave to Governor Hughes, President But
ler of Columbia university and others, and
ho was also unable to attend the meeting
of the American Historical assoc.atlon and
American Economic association at Carne
gie hall last night.
At the Carnegie home tt was said that
his condition was not serious, but that ii
had remained In his room on the advice
of phys. clans.
Mr. Carnegie had arranged for the din
ner several weeks ago and had invlud
among others President Taft. The pres,
dent was unable to come to New York on
account of the storm. The other guests
assembled last evening, however, and weie
Informed that tt was Mr. Carnegie's de
sire that the dinner proceed without him.
In his absence, Dr. Henry Smith Prlt
chett, president of the Carnegie founda
tion for the advancement of teaching, pre
sided. After the dinner the guests went
to Carnegie hall.
Mr. Carnegie was taking one of his usual
constitutionals in the pork, where he Is a
familiar figure on the walks, when the
accidont occurred. He slipped and fell
heavily on his knee end was unable to re
gain his feet. For several minutes he lay
prostrate, for the walk was almost de
serted at the time. Finally a park employe
assisted him to tho shelter of an oid
tower. A man who said he was a friend
of Mr. Carnegie, but withheld his name,
arrived at this Juncture and summoned a
cabman from a nearby stand on Fifth ave
nue. The two then made a "pack saddle"
with their hands, and seated upon this,
Mr. Carnegie was carried to a cab and
taken home.
Patrick M. Smith, Janitor of Apart
ment House, Found Dead In
Seattle, j
SEATTLE. Dec. 28. Patrick M. Smth.
aged 67 years. Janitor of an apartment
house, who was found deed in his room
last night, recently recetved a letter from
friends in Ireland saying he had fallen
heir to 130,000. He refused to return to
fe'.alm his legacy, although an offer to send
$1,000 for his expenses was made. He had
become despondent over his appetite for
drink and felt that ths money would do
him no good. Smith told friends that he
once taught In an Omaha college.
Chamber of Commerce Find that
City la Paying; High Prices for
Work Poorly Don. f
BUFFALO, Dec St. An extravagant use
of puSllo funds, favoritism to contractors
on friendly torms with ths administration
and other shortcomings are charged against
the executive branches of the city govern
ment in a report submitted to the trustees
of the Chamber of Commerce today by the
municipal affairs committee of tho organi
sation. No cliarg of graft la mad against any
if your territory is still open.
official, but the report alleges that It Is
shown from city records that supplies and
work have been paid for by the city at
from S3 to 700 c per cent above market
prices; that work has been Inefficiently
c"0f7e.' and that the pay rolls have been
carrying the names of scores of men who
make but slight return to the city.
The committee recommends a new city
charter along the lines of the Des Moines
plan. . . , .
Mrs. Ford's Trial
V Is Postponed
Defendant Unable to Appear Because
of Pall on Icy Walk Her De
murrer is Overruled.
CINCINNATI, O., Dec. 28. Mrs. Jeanette
Steward Ford, the woman who Is charged
with blackmail In connection with the em
bezxlement of $043,000 from the local office
of the Big Four railroad, will not be
brought to trial until January 10. Mrs
Ford's attorneys asked for a continuance
on the ground that their client had sus
tained a severe fall on the frosen pave
ment and was unable to be present.
Mrs. Ford's attorneys also filed a de
murrer to the Indictment, claiming that the
alleged blackmail levied on Charles L.
Warriner, former Big Four local treasurer,
and now und?r sentence of six years hard
labor tor his share In the defalcation, was,
if committed, a misdemeanor and not a
felony. The demurrer was overruled late
today. .
Tho postponement of the trial means that
Warriner will be still held In the local
Jail, as he Is to be the principal witness.
When the Ford trial Is concluded he will
go to Columbus to commence his sentence
In the state penitentiary, ..
Mrs. Paul Sonnecalf of Loveland, O.,
Accused of Dentins; Boys to Death
and Burning; House.
LOVELAND, O., Dec. 28. Charged with
the murder of her two boys and with
having set fire to her home to conceal
the crime, Mrs. Paul Sonnecalf was ar
rested this afternoon In an apparently de
mented condition. The bodies of the boys,
one aged ( years, the other 3, wero found
In their home utter the fire had been ex
tinguished. The heads of the children
had been crushed by some blunt Instru
ment. '
Their father was absent from home at
the time the fire was discovered and Mrs.
ponnecalf was found walking up and down
In front of the burning house wringing her
hands and calling hysterically for her boys.
She will be held to the common pleas court
for trial.
The woman la unable to give any co
herent account of the tragedy.
Bio Biampa with Words "Votes for
Women," to be Attsched to
NEW VORK. Dec. .-The National
Woman's Suffrage association has started
an "Indirect plea" campaign through ths
distribution of neatly printed stamps In the
The new "rotes for women" stamps are
half again as large as the Lincoln l-cent
stamp and ars printed In various shades
of blue, with five pointed stars at each
of tho four' corners representative of ths
four stats, whera women are permitted to
vote. Beneath a scales of Justice are ths
words: "Taxation without representation
is tyranny."
Don't experiment with unknown medi
cines when you have a cold. Take Cham
berlain' Cough Remedy and bo cured.
the agency for E.
quickly, wire us before
Council Bluffs
City Council to Interview Railway
Company Today.
Ruling; of Interstate Commerce Com
mission on Ten-Cent Fare Leaves
Problem Open to Posalbl
Com prom Ise.
Will the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street
RallTtay company. In view of the recent
ruling of the Interstate Commerce commis
sion relative to the 10-cent fare between
Council Bluffs and Omaha, abolish the
commutation books, by means of which
persons traveling dally between the two
cities enjoy a 6-cent- fare, Is one of the
questions which the Council Bluffs council
committee will ask the officials of the com
pany to answei at the conference to be
held this afternoon.
There has been considerable apprehension
cn the part of those who use thee com
mutation hooks that they will be discon
tinued by the company now that the Inter
state Commerce commission has ruled that
the company must furi.lth transfers from
the Council Bluffs cars to any part of
In view of tho fact that there Is a ques
tion whether the street railway conany
has any valid franchise In Council Bluffs
the city council had expected to be t'.ble
practically to name Its own terms to the
company, but now the rltuatlon Is changed
somewhat and city officials are inclined to
the opinion that the company may use the
commutation ticket question as a "stuffed
club" over the council and the citizens of
Council Bluffs.
The committee Is urging that the com
mutation books be continued.
The Commercial club Is represented at
tlie conference by a committee consisting
of E. H. Doollttle, M. F. Koher and George
Hamilton. The city council committee will
consist ot Mayor Maloney and Councllmen
Klgdon, Jensen and Younkerman.
Demented Stranger Finally Locates
Ills Relatives.
'.In O M. V.MMK'je;!!. tho dementi d
stranger ho war taken Into custody by
tho police tarly ono morning In Novenib.r
after he had taken popsesMon of tho sum
mer ktuhen of a residence on Knepper
and Klr.-t streets, end was iont to at.
dernurd's hospital, was 111 and slightly
deranged when he left his home In Fort
Lupton, Colo., is the information received
in one of the answers to the several let
ters of inquiry sent out by Harry M.
Brown, cl.-rk of the district court.
At the time he was taken Into custody
Youngbeck was found to have among his
possessions a ticket from Fort Lupton to
Fond du Lac, Wis., and ho said he was
en route to attend the funeral of his
father, but was unable to give the name of
his parent or othtr relatives. Recently
his condition under treatment at the hos
pital improved and he was able to give
the name of the bank where he did busi
ness in Fort Lupton and the names of his
brother and sister, the former In Fond du
Lac and the latter in Bin fort, N. D. Mr.
Brown wrote to all of these.
Tho letter received yesterday by Mr.
Brown was from ths Fort Lupton bank.
It stated that Youngbeck had lived there
for some years and left about six weeks
ago In response to a telegram announcing
ths dualh of his father. The writer s.iia
that In hi Judgment - Youngbeck was
slightly demented and was sick at the
lis left Fort Lupton. tUicloscd with Uie
Council Bluffs
letter from the bank was one from Young
beck's mother, who Uvea at Knowles, Wis.,
making Inquiries as to her son's departure
from Fort Lupton. Tho letter from the
mother shows that Youngbeck'a relatives
had caused search to be made tor him In
Omaha, Chicago and Milwaukee, but that
they did not suspect ho was In Council
In talking with Dr. J. M. Bars tow of
the board of Insanity commissioners re
cently Youngbeck stated that h owned a
fine ranch at Fort Lupton and that a cer
tain attorney in Denver was employed by
him by the year to attend to his legal
business. The letter from the bank, how
ever, discredits this statement. It says
that Youngbeck'a only property consists
of a threshing machine outfit and a few
unpaid threshing bills. The latter Young
beck left with a man In Fort Lupton for
collection. As a result of such collections
Youngbeck, the bank says, has about $100
to his credit and It will honor hla check
to that amount..
Nothing further will be done In Young
beck's case until word la received from
some of his relatives. Should hla condi
tion continue to Improve he will probably
be permitted to continue his Journey to
his sister In Fond du Lac. If he does not
recover his normal mental condition he
will either be turned over to his relatives
or his case referred to the state board of
control, as he has no legal residence here
and would have to be regarded aa a state
City Not In Mood for Election on
Commission Plan.
Those in charge of the canvass to secure
the necessary number of signers hav de
cided to defer completing ths petitions now
In circulation asking for a special election
at which the people may vot upon the
commission plan of government in Council
bluffs until the latter part of January. Up
to date the people have not shown any
undue haste to sign the petitions and the
consequence is that they lack about two
thirds of the required number of names.
Advocates of the proposition say the lack
of signatures Is due to the fact that the
people generally have been so occupied with
business and pleasure during tho holiday
season that they have not had time to give
the matter the attention they otherwise
It Is estimated that the several petitions
which have been In circulation now for
several weeks have not received more than
M0 names, If that number. Before the
mayor opn act upon the petitions about
l,JX signers are needed. O. J. McManus.
one of the leaders in the movement, said
yesterday, that he had no fear but the
required number of signers would be se
cured, although It might take a little
longer than had been anticipated. Mr. Mc
Manus declared there Is no politics back
of the movement to secure the commission
pian or government ror Council Bluffs. (
MarrlaK Licenses.
Licenses to wed were issued Monday to
the following:
Name and Residence.
Richard Delano, 'i'ekamah, Neb
Mattle DeOroat, Tekamah, Neb
William N. Stoel, Burlington. Wis.
Ira M. Troubrldge, Nellgh, Neb
Henry Koch. Bently, la
Minnie Harlse, Bentley. II
.... 24
.... lit
.... 69
.... 43
.... B)
.... 23
Tine of Dairymen Nearly V p.
Local dairymen have but four more days
In which to have their cows tested for
tuberculosis In accordance with the new
pure milk ordinance.' Those who have not
compiled with this provision of the odl
nance will bo proceeded against at once by
Inspector Smith. The ordinance requites
that all dairy cows must be tisted bfoi
January 1. "Some or the dairymen. It Is
said, have been delaying tho test pending
M. F.'
Council Bluffs
the decision by Judge Snyder In the case .
brought before- him to- test the legality of. :,
the ordinance. While Judge Snyder haa
not yet handed down his decision. It Is
generally understood that his ruling will.'
only affect the right of tho city to require
dairymen and milk dealer to take out a
TruTellns; Man Held Up.
J. R. Clawson, who says his homo Is In
Kansas City, reported to ths police that
he waa hold up last night about 10 o'olock
by a negro and a whit man near Hol
land's lumber yard on South Main street.
The negro shoved a gun Into bis face and
ordered him to throw up hla hands, which
he did promptly. Tho whit man pro
ceeded to go through hla pockets and
found 115, which ho appropriated. Mr.
Clawson says ho la a traveling man' and
has bean stopping at th Millard in
Omaha and that ho had com to Council
Bluffs to call upon friends.
Arrested tow Whipping Pupil. ,
OAKLAND, la., Deo. 28. (SpeclaJJ Thla
place la somswhat stirred up over the ar-'
rest of Prof. V. L. Mangun, superinten
dent of th Oakland schools. Th trouble
grew out of the punishment of Rodney,
apn of Loman Roy, In BchooU Prof. Man
gun left Friday evening to spend th
Christmas vacation at hi home in Mt.
Vernon, la., At Avoca ho was Inter
cepted by a constabla and placed under
arrest. Mr. Mangun soon procured a
bondsman, and continued his journey.
LEFFERT'S JBWILRI store, new lo-ri,
cation, 602 Broadway.
"A manly Ameri
can's favorite brew
A manly Amerlcan
that means you "
DOUGLAS 420. IND. A-1420
Do It Wow
Tomorrow A. M. too late. Tsko
a CASCARET at bed time; get '-'
up in the morning feeling fine and
dandy. No need for sickness
from over-eating and drink- '
ina. They turelv wait
leep and help nature help you.
Million, lake them and keep welL
tit I
CAiCABRTfl ino V. v . . ..
treatment, all druggist., biggttt nrller
In tits wui id. . Uuuuii bo a uouUi.