Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 28, 1909, Page 5, Image 5

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1 i
0 rut w( fay -- SAl
12 3 4
5 6 7 3 9 10 II
IE 13 14 15 !6 17 18
19 0 21 22 23 2425
26 27 28 29 30 31
At the Theaters
-Ta Werry Idew.- at the Bey.
J -TV, M-rrr sr tr:ta m tiro
' '. It Frar.s le'-ar. lri t? Ai'js
,:r.jr iJj-wk of Kerry v . rv- i
Some Things You Want to Know
The Holy Land The Ancient Port of J&Tfa.
i Gai larniclia Diet as ll-it cf Till- j
) il Zo-b Stairs. !
The rat
Ki:vi .an -
.. rir F rrj i.rt u It ti la iL itri rf 5o,pca bn srus for aayrr bei-Wir ta t j TktH .( a-rtea ( lwtlar Aeeldewts
! "ata . fet if "": EnrJ h received tb 4ar and tit sect by "-'"' f ; bou... a'tth-urh the I
' l-aniio. embassy attach .... . , .... . uUcunua ur that ire k of tit 1
ii.-- I -. hjm or Trrt for th ruiieing of the . ... . , , , I - - - - - ..11.. r,
. Fn'a a yoirg wld-w... Mab-1 VT : ber I , , ,. ... ' !-TwJ lr ! Preer. Bll
CBT.iJ ! jMc Km 1 Pj -. u, " " Tanner, probehly I tb rxrr.e a. that of the
1 Vtr?-z.r ascad. .. Chan E4 wei Wr.g r :t Joj ; a of th Scr.pturee. an a It Is e ra.Vra tout whta u, tou.-.rt low
,i''' L fcrwci, Harrr 'r-g " 04,t cities la th. world, aa tb first sacred relic ia Faiesut.
.Ma. ixa. h: if . (..race UixSwy j It is ilrt'nW as a seafTrt of importance Her Interesting thaa tLe ;u-ioa
.ia Kovw-h. cf the fity I j-j tablets dating back r.fteea reics ef th part ar tb three r-i:lerc
;OrV"-l.'Vr'' WmlV'jlanMJ j cni un. befar Cfcrtst It Is th tqM4 cocrt. Gr. Latin aad ArBn:a. at.0
Nim nf'o"r cf i-.haaT .' .. acr. cf U.e la-E of AndrosSa. ar,d it rcxirn Tl Arau vfiii
1 - - Ar.tur x-T it Plitjr t-m vo-rjis r abnwa ta i tte :r itfrt It i Siiffrr ar4
Lr' .;V"fc '''l'-V -yi:n-i tf kicl. Arirta at toaaj irvai.a, wr tK..K.Da T or"" of
..r'T.".'.V.'.".'."....'.f. ... f.iv'W.aW 1 tk rock fcr it crj motr.w aT'.r- Ni--oc. TMmns lt.ra .r.i abtw !-
H-" Kiward Car...; wajds iaJa tj prfi.s. terhaj U)i ff profri:y ac ir.K3-a 4vac-
Lnt'oj-.Ta La4T at XiLn Iirk . . i. ,ir,tTnr,i &f ttk ,t tot . her ia tia coat. trr.
ri rt a'
kM-t Tlaa
-Dr. V k-lr
Xart kVoct Inst It.
av r. teoCa CrrLfi A-ecoaataxt.
XUfBttxf riltm. luWi 6ra.agam Oa.
aUackart. lBCtorTapk.r. lltt ft Ft-fT
Xr. I a ova. roT2 to lti K:
XaJta al Ufa pciic: auttt drafts at
maturity H Li. Niy. rr.a-imr. van.
UM-Iittoul Xia Xx.sar&aa O-IMI
Armu,ty. Lif. Trm poi;o.
Cbarira . Ady. Orcrrai ACbU Omata. i E-Zo
Satnaca iwnits In t 5ttruu 6i- . j,
ix,r axd Lxma Am a. eara t "it r . L-L"-."..'.."."'.... .'."J.."
Jrura. eradlii nxi-aLiairr- Cisa 4oiAr j J.'tj "."."'.
ntn u irwkiL vm Finns i- j .ra'J
Jt-.txr Om Baaa Dironw C J Ctrt- j Jlirfc-i.
l.'iS 4d
- -j Troup la c.tri cv-j i w.iii.r
I . Ja jt,tK.s ad trcii b.U aad th Ct.1
hts farri;;r s J-Jt a i-r It trtd-
Booklat for ItruU aVsaoeiatiOB
Th'y itriniat f tu Cctn3jr-c-.aJ
Lu rraj'd a cat lt:t cf
tmn;j fji J.tT-.fcUc caritg U. crel
lt cf tr NttrtfiLa Ear asrc-a;ira
Tui aad Wrdoraiay. Tb b:4ut is
r v"? Wrrt I ' S(B1 sacraa. Ui tad Lad Tlr is aa E:lisa Protts.r,t accooi for
V;c'.a NarT
A. V"!!I tnnn
lva VJcK'.tf
. ljcta Ca:
.. Jack .('rt..s
Su TcnT
M fCTt cf d.rorc frvm I 7a-Za A4i F-mi
:r,a. sr aid t frv tin- j 5'f'
dsn. Ss.r .w. Litdwy. VJcCr, sic Krr . ;a c LaxiK-r. acd tte mtuy ancbor ia traic cf Lhm izidustrr.
Tcr U?,.inl.a,dBH Sy! Mri r"-M4- t la m.uet.5 oa
1 TJa. j
Gal rarrVclTTL 1 fturfc Ttr-twm
nrwt. fU down a r rM c-f stairs CT.risl n f.l In tb Tat hr t rrs drd rd
r ft:iy !r.1t!rd H lar,dd to
crew a of tir bad ar.d ir fjrr as
crt TKufb t: ris an niit fraf
ttrt at tb bas cf .t triT.n. Tb r-j
r; hapjr)d ato-t I p. m. H as at- l
tt44 by It. Kou'-fky. tct orrr j
Cit.rici: dyir Monday nxin:r.
Tt-iS accdt,t noai tbrt of ri?E:iar aa-
tvr -ailbia tbr daya Tb f rrt ttat
cf Ftt-d Mi.lrtt. bo a-ixj d-d l:adj
a-WTiiif at tb ftoutt Oraaba b'.siiai In- i
,ifu ta bctb ar bfii-S bt.d tbia ater- j
D. H. Wblte. fH dcTi tbs stairs at i
41 NcrUs Taerty-four.h rtrt. n bi ,
o Jrata .b jki'Jc naDoti. brr be sr"-tt j
iaturday cbt aad S-nday roornlr. Hj !
t jaia srr SL-jrTcii j
.-rtt Iftiul ! W11.
P-.ot if.r rruull craft Lbroi ue ctiritj tbs Hty Land acd to rcml bis ba.f- i b i Wtitr is bis buiay sao.-a- I
arniia ctertd a t;ojus jr.'t.-. s;
aaiast tb acoua vf u, iTet-b; I
vrud icaofar as tbal acuoc u AjkhI
-3 r.;urrs ia laxditf a ckrfj at tiis - firle. aad aa Eia7lib b-cwp tai txh kBT
Mrt cf CaiAaa. Ti t tbr mas n rr a t-cia;rCiabd crs ia tb ra-iaDri
n;ort wbica orfrd i f adraatAfrs of Or:itsJ. J-ls frxaj lb fcocdac cf
aad to maey diff;cu;t.: for markers. ircraBr aad tb cbajis bt Orit;t:
early all ns.rcrs to tb Hs.y LxiA dis- fusi-oi.
siba-ra at Jaffa, and ibe &riac is Tb Jaffa yrmcm are famcus frr tbi:
ufcs-uy tb most irJ'.Lf and mcawrab. iac-rs axi rrz.l-ro.irrj mork. acd tb tct:r-
atisr Al.ra. Bro-a. ttVrr. Jor- i c'f tb bc", oaray ti Paiesxiaa. Tber iis art vsruaiJy jvid ujxjb fcr tbs itaJi
Tb bctl a
Fkr. F.-rt:i "' ' Oa'n i-'ir "r . - oTT ia ro beau atArd by cr cf aa- l.aa. b!cb srrres at raos is irtrcd jr
co.-i, 2j.rr.:!. Fi-.n. Gi.i. Hw; r.p. La- J airat.y pri-f-omoi-td Arab ttat2a. be tt.s TikltcT to tb aacred atmjvbr o
-.t.. j'. n;a-ja3rry. i-:t. Kjifcaii.
BCm3 Pur-
, b:irni tb rocks vjoa bich ir.c break- fcrtw.ra bitCcai bistory. Tb t:'TTl ic
-r. L"E,Cbt"CU hT h'1Ln,i"- tb33s-lv lr.ts fwam. Ia tb tb. baeL it-d rf buns iiuBtwl ar
k K5c"'"" ,J:,t J0" kr, 'torn cf ir Et. :ar,dJ.f la s-f.caai:y djrtataxi ty tb of ti T-r
, " tj aiaca tba u ! dlffrujt to co-ataJa tb .asert cf darer. Tnt ct Israed aid ctber Bab3oai M.a
i u-i-m-.. a iaica ttat lr vt latKaa
alts cutixT
aoin -.-. at t vivai - - " ! aad if tbr is tb ieast wind djxbari- Tb rodacl cf tba act of fcjch tb
jnotJ for (.era scow Tstora. .--.. cia..t-a ou.-.. tae auoa urrosslt. la sac (tut ibe Jaffa pecpla. icrikJly tfc Grmax. ar
as to rlsjir lmsara a. Burwil ! ui4 stLU b a su?CfS, jtiwub it Ipajj.,, ar earned en i,ortb-ard b Bl prc-od is a coruua rd sis, knoac
and S. JLap.a ar sulr.t tb N-ationaJ I ujd M b a ct djiiaexl. i Haifa, at tb foct f Mb CarasX. As as "Jaffa Bt" i ti bear tb
Fidelity ai-d Carua'ty cjaar.y fcr , u.t pus:j t-on. aica; to
ailed du la burt.ary Safuraac. Tb j ssraiu of tba s-3-j.i njlcdy rh;en
ma srb rcbbd tbtr stor. wblch is at j -" t& ajid t.f 3 Lttl priia.oa
tit Sotith T: tb trt bave t-a coii- : '"-tat ax.jcu aba cm juiaer caa ab
vlctd. Part cf tb botj as mi,rerJ 1 1. taal it (w,J b tadiy m:sf-d. &a -aad
tb a.ffrac witb tb insuraix- j ductii Is it tbat -m bil priac LJoaJo axd
corr.;.-. cchj rr tbla. j Widow S-c-ma r fitrxi is rerpoxis to
cemA.acter la tt4 Tlrrt C. : its rby-Lhm a.l or tb tbtr abouidra ar
Kirs, t. oaducter c a Farria strt Tr-is-l-ou-tater
car. arkd Inr.i Lyorb. p--stirr
Cbristmas jooa s;atbrd la a
.inttd arrirt aad hated exebasre of
'basUiy cbta a;-platioa. ttai says
b aa cruUr ar,d aatoftir aisauiied.
Klik a f;ar-d I ar;3 dpii tb I idrs iaxt
swir-s'.iiji iL uciiiCin. aid ail mbo sit t--rta
tb ;u of u, cadiictors ba-too
ar for tie acaiiit at itast by
ta acrs aad tb LaT.uac of
lb waits tr.c u
rucb a lilt, pa,; .
ffort of aa array cf ccunl wblcb ap- it Trn, son
arwi with tiro la poMc court-
)u.m as tkia dox.
-r-urir.; daxic.
ow for stois-aT- ats Tb nrtt milM awn
- r,ot3.rnvrt of rJuc-a raiiroaa rim u wi, xi.j., ik.i ci.c.
for tb aw yar ba ba made y tb j kad rta-uiy socty dnc. wber all ax1
Western FanfT asosclatloa. Jaouary
tb rerlsr borr,Mkrs- rati. wLwh
ser ia effect duriag tbe last yar on th
first Tuesday f ry moctb. wlil be lc
effect. No rT''!J annoTiDoTnDts hat
t-n mad ffertlv later tbaa January ,
aJthogb a conference la now bia- bid
reiatiT t reooced rates ftr latr datea
sT SsM at atiw SekBoi Owlr.f to Ina
bility to properly heat tbe Hib achol
buildiEf OmabB tacbrs' xajuinat.icn
w.ll b held Tu4y -ad WedDdy ia
b Board of liducatiosi rccais, f-ftb
Jkier. city bail. ConnKtic-es for stesja
bestics; ar bow mad t-etweea tte
aew -a inr of the tipa acbooJ aad the ms-ia
buiidin aad th work is act far nou;b
diacd to prmit of turcins; on th
fceat- It is kpctd tbat ail ootictioas
trill b ia tins for tbe epotn; cf
ea tb priaiinest of food tf i-avror.
But Trthinc looks forard to c-r barks
back to this cae n-ir that aceomiJes tbe
bauuXui Bldow's effort to stir tb prjc
izito aayii rbat be wants to My. bui
til not because (4 bis stub!c,rn adhere ace
to a vow. His Cusbd face, bis are:
manner, bis bUe beaj-ir.c. tells of t-,
Ud cf fsoa tbJtt t-ars tbrusb bj
t. wbil im is tbtr before tiaj. mal
deaic ia ber preaeaee, ber cbirmi asc
bti;i4 by tb .tren-th of ber der.
bt deteravUied tbat b arf-all teak AnJ
this oae situation explains tbe u-.'rruoe of
It Jt oty a aonlrfs railroad Jiaroey llaitr d Hotel order-as; a bitU ft JaTfa
from Jaffa to ltr-t.tizn. Bfl as it is a iwt sent to sk:.a-eb aid a caraffe uf
three day's matoa Jo-rtey from Hfa to ater to Issatbar. od Is tempted to be-
Jerai3L cost ;t'Otu prefer to rj-k tb tba.t time lu '.arr.ed backward lc
lar-jers of tbe Jafla laaair. tbe di.n of tb j-a'.narcha.
JaTfa is associated la trad.tJoa aad bis- But afw kL Jaffa, is ir teresilr.; caunlj
tory st lib ttaay of tb greatest ceo tb la its capacity as tb st-ipon of Jra-
crid has kooi-n. but St was not Tjtited, saieta. One takes tbe train at tbe Jaffa
far as is recorded, by iesua. It as a station early ia tb n.rn.r.- for tb cues
chief city of tbe Catiaaitib resrinaes, tbe c-ui.taia to Jerusfciem. Tbe vx-
wbicb preceded tb Hebrew Empire of cy lasts warly four boars, eilfcoufb tb
I-arid aad Soiomon. It as an Important titer ts .if fifty-four sul-at At first
ee4'ort uid by Altxandrr tb Great, it the tram fiasmea brtseea or&aVr'-T and
was tbe scene of ft. Peter's nsion. which tiaoards aad a little later is whirled
B has been mad of j cs.ed him to ia;Jud tb Gentile within tarua tb eitenslTe lir grores at tb
arre the hearer , bis tti.ari- .a. it w as th port of entry of besrianinf f tie rise t th bia Ooe see
operatta aoonis , tte aucceaw ai truMri eirJ-l the mjCa.e tb sits of tii batU bttweeo 'St Georfa.
a, it bus the base of oijauoz.s of ttt pa-oa uht of Sjirlaad. and the waea he tipelied tb Christiaa lBgao-a ttt. perrtuate ia bs relief
from Jeruii em. it was an ix.px.nsxt fac- vpon ery jrokiea sererra. Ce
tor ia tc mn.Lary cperauocs ot tae xiaiae
lukes, axd u was tbe soexe of th most
disgraceful act in tb career of Napoleon
the G rei.
-r,Gtrtod. But it 1
-1 tb whole that one
pac. ard !t is faziKnts ail orer Europe
as the from which cifmes lis most
df;.Cio.'js orarige in all tb world- Not
even California atd Fla.-ida. bivtag tb
ad-rantare t,l the rnont skilled honicultural
scitDUftk. caa dirpute with Jaffa th
primacy ct tb oraxge rrowii world.
ETHTthitg abct tb ancient city smeiiis
f oraxg. Ji'fa has a fx'puiation f about
P.fujft. two-thirds Uohammedaa. There is a
It is tbe mu-1 eoniacTale GeraikB colony in tb city,
ags-Liist tbe coauauauoB of Seneru cc-i-jge.
H prcfefcsed to see more in the
moemem tbsji tbe w ish to eonct.'..rai ,
tbe ellorts of tue church on tbe weettra
.5il at Hasua, but thought it a bot
en tbe pan of C'ma.a interests to cr
tbe way for th Un:tersit- of umaha.
Aarnwal Meetlas ef free-tety.
Tbe FioD'er Historical society of Scath
.x.k w ii meet Tuesday evtmng. Iect-ai-utr
is, for tb purpese cf e!ctii.g olltoer
lor tbe eatuit year sxd to lrform aiy
oiber t-kine functions usual x ia such
met tix. s.
Oa of the fea-turts will t tb menaorial j
coajcitlee's repoit. Tbe obituary aouces
for several oembtrs wiii b pjekeced j
with the proper memorial to It
on the rtooru of the assoiuauoa. Ttis
IcaLuit of tb work wsii be m-3s to.T
jroni,at from this ust oc
Tt fixasciti cciT.n .ttee aiid tb mem
sbip tccLjUtt wiii make their ax.:, uil
A ;r:rtxa haa also bexa arraxtd.
l-iwd Axacn-cia h&s prepared t,rif ai
tory of th f-st oett-emesit in tae P.ane
Yailey which wiU iaciuae short biogra
phies of scTeral of the firsi settlers wi.h
ox in a Wks eii krqus-t.ei ia lw. An
ma.ors of the sooeaj are urgi La aitead.
Hs-STie Clly faetst.
Jetter's Gold Tt tieer dellvtred lo any
pan of th cuy. leiepr.oa No. s.
Bit r.rr, J-niMl. Tf-.. .-.Jr. .r, ' " 1-Oer JOUe Ol imh 1 Vuu m
. ho.iCik witi his moixtvr it, aowca o-n r.a
for a few insults at the staliot of fe.iur. i . .... ... ...
, he r-a.s-ton iaitruit.a car jiie Lki bta
wiuta ia tbe site of the last strong bold !r,ar tiocaaoew &o lur i--o as.s.
ibiioh. The 4 ij. urd Mrs. tirkiit Ca-st,ey retiiroed
"Lenox Of Course
THAT IS WHAT most women ear wrhen tK
grocer Ka them whit Kind of laundry oaa
they wint
IT ISN'T stirp rising;.
experiment. There ia no special method f ufinrl
It. The coat ia low bt not too low. The ilitx
ia hij.ri. The shape la convenient. Best of eU.
Lenox Soap doea the worh it l intended to do.
why so Diny women aay, "Vhy, Lenox of
court T
Lenox Soap-Just fits the hand
sees through tb car wmdews tb sues
of miry Crusadsrs' bsit!e, and trifru
mcMSera Jewish ccoaie? tut it is n.t b-ng
nr. til trie road reach tr, nous .airia. Then
But now Jeffa has turned from -wax to ooUull, Ma ext M
cas-onal terraced farm on th bills, d,
a care In w hich iunwi is sa ,d to hat
been bora and tb hi J w her nou
slew the l.W men wiih tbe jawbone of an
., T. L, a... im ik. t-r modern Mos etn riiiaxe of Eitt.a erowcf , last iroaa in.o.ii. vher uie-
kical emoodiment of the "great dir" Ud T TTrlt
tbe whole worl has felt. j about the neighborhood. The Germans a-'oe vtr ITed ftomaa rotd aJ u. ,a iIJe. a.jB wu u.ouy
"The Merry Widw- aiuads ia I grow the greater part rf the oranges. Th. condiuon. It wsj ber tbat the rem- .rivcrE ailss of rouua.
f soua aad of right, aiid so delight, the! 'B kept oraxe grores, surrounded by n J' "" f"1 "l?C Jj?L
school next week, bat the opealrg may senses on sciarcer knows which to credit j bevt a prxUy pears, auggest aouthera f " r T . VL JTTr tTT iCiana. for wtuca Jo-ugisent was
pcsibly fca to b delayed a few 4ljl with most ecjoj-ment. Mr. Savage has Cxlif ortia. kd altoretber out of th Jron or tae tperc-r h- ,tr4e:rt cutr.oi ouri s-ni' evti
0aba Dirt Imager U owta Africa-1 r-rn th piece the most lorm, car. for ! thea. Onent! sorrcruadingw. rt tla. r. at a , .
. . , . . . .,, . . k . oriiii cu.tur is a comparatively asooera o-- -v - j ne snow mur iuj rrui.i. mvuu
all parts of the civilised wor'd was
shows again Monday snoraicg. wha T.
T. f trow i receiv ed a fetgryli of on
cf bis large, dirt-moving machine for
lcad.r.g dirt into waona. Th picture
was taken in g-cruth Africa and caused
considerable comment at tba Caaumerrial
club Monday noos tcaBe of tbe nsotive
power. Instead of th twv borfres or
mules which are u-d la this cwuatry two
osea wr used to haol th machine. Mr.
gtroud insisted on railing tbeta ccwa.
agvaseat. asd atJl e
eer. a aw aroductioc
at aereral Bcasoaa. It is
1 m I-1 Mfl f fJTT mr r IJ wlil i I s
.. ,. I tadastry ia Faiestia. and waa unknowa to the four Quarters of tbe eirth ji the aom ol th of J.e ni'.
It X-onh as if H , T. , " .t .ir - epec-iy toucek-o-e aoout me p-o.ic
o and not a reteraa ' Blbl tinvp- But " "cpoaaibi to look rreat d-spersion. 4.)-1LtS, waa.-e tt jknitttf. are
..d by eompe-
- spoo the groTs with their thouaanda- pf The coairast betwcsen the .-it, . orange entiy cxjcytiig tc jxiia.ia.
lookt d for ia a prince of tne sort be is
I expectt-d to play; young, hancsome, just
litu inclined to b reckless, but a
charming fellow is aJ ways. He does sot
get much opportunity to ahow bs vocal
I abiiiiy. but makes moat of his chances.
Harold Blake ia the amgr-ng tenor cf the
i company, and his fine voice is splendid.
j shan in two siawn Oscar Figman Is
the dear Oid del gtt he has been known
fart run to a tire Th chiefs auiomobfe ' neT in w -Larwo-nao amoaai
wi.s ovenurart and the- fsur WT.71-1 jr. -rlxiir "'r ds th low
. were srio'Jsly Injured, th other thr j cumeijy with Best.
V however, beir.g new out of danger. Chief I "Wi-ber is happily endowed with
ri;:.n took criarre of th departaeat w. : personai beauty, a vuo of uausuai sweet-
Head ef Leslieillt Fire De-start aaeat
Esalrt-e a. Rewalt ef Harts la
Baa t Blase.
LiLriSTIi.T T. Kr. rw. lL-BeBatBla
T'l l': a. chiit of th Louin il fir denart-
mtt, died todar as tb result of Injun I
sustkJnt-d last Tuesday who a
teat Judges whe have heard the opera s040 gioes mn-nii whibc u iuiitj groves ma inuu ui vmeysrai t a te roatai
eiseaher that the company now ofit-ncg ' s11 U th tr" "'t1:'t recalling tbe p.aia at Jafla. xad the burr., i-nudd
tt her is the best that has ever been seen, mor&A "Apples of gold la pictures of hia about Jerusalem is must atr.kirg. At
ia at in Atneriea. Certain it is tr beiotl- 1 aUver." These Jaffa oranges are very Jaffa th people rta U hv in
fal aieiTtry and exaiuait cosnumes ar a-1 lmJs-' nr7 rweet. very Jticy, and alto- cniidren lkugh and p-. ia th nieei. th
fresh and so atm ihst Laos worn by the ' ctIhr Ae-iieious. And furthermore, to the market piai is crowded With usy men.
women ia tb u act wws put oa at 1 3el-ct f Ur tourist, they ar. ridiculously kid tbere is not nuch s great diffoenc
KanwLS City last week for the fijst time. I lhe'"P- from the orimtry ki peels cf il ks seen
Georg. imerel ia aj that cou-d well be Tbe dtr ot ocrmfJetely de- m modern cities.
s-Lrv .eu oum-g ki. 01 uit v ruu, ut ,j.fJ tzx t Jfruf i;n Ti,
. , is ao muci poverty
consik-tta OI Ttn- T T g bui a lew urcis VUCQ
sheltered a miserable of Cuhermea.
That fact doe not interfere in tbe least,
however, to tbe present fact that every
visitor in Jaffa is shows the very bouse of
Simon the Tanner upon the roof of which
Saint Peter saw tb visions of th clean
sad the ur ciean beasts which waa the be
ginning; of his preaching to the Genulea.
On is shown sso th bo us where IorcaS
ao mucu misery, sj
little indautry and so much reugxm thut
on fetus hinietif to be in unotier world,
ll will not be trmge if tn tLurhrt, alter
a day or two. should feel the surfeit of re
ligious trki.t-ca and wsn himself back
among the orange groves and th hi nf
modern Jaffa.
Toaacrrow TS3 OIT
The ia,d.e' auxiiiuy of in An dent Order
ol ir?tein-kn u meet iuesuay erenu-g.
lectn.ti k, at t-2 ki, i.k street- a
ikrge t.j3iier oi w-jji be triuaieu
unuer toe but pice oi tae ar.ti t e-m.
Tt Sojto Omaha mvii bank, with
offioes in Soum cmana .auon4 bunk
tuiiCf. the cu.y firitti bans in i.okA-i&.
cnuijiy. ha a tvei'.y j tm rcotd oi uc
ss oehir.-d it. pa fr cent mtertsi i-c
acoour.1 k-',c aepoa.ta mk.6 oa or
i.tio;c m c.-sw interest st tnat rite
i:or:i Jkii. 1. Sir. Trumaa buck is tae
p:-f.iei.l arid .r. H C. t-,twicit tne
caki itr.
Round trip excursion tickets arc now
on sale daily via the C. CS, N. W. Ry.
to Florida and all southern resorts, and
to Cuba, Porto Rico, Nassau, the Ber
mudas and Panama. The splendid
trains of the
Chicago & North Western Ry.
between Omaha and Chicago, connect at the
latter city with all lines to the south and
southeast, providing a passenger service that
cannot be surpassed.
Through mikz-jy and steamship tickets to
the Mediterranean , all European cities
and for mu?id-the-xCorld tours.
Sleeping car reservations and reservations of
space on steamships are given prompt attention-
Traifis leave Omaha for Ctkcgo
7fD0L, 75 ,..: t:0S P. -5:20".
SAO P. B t:05 P. 9i!0 ?. M, 12:1$ A. B.
Full ir.fmnGtrr cf
Tula 03a, 14C1-UC3
BrilDrurasi D 2J
ImdrfnsclJ 1S24 .
TtlrJ kenn:
was restored tc life by the prayers ol tb. y-r. i. t OT ffw x BOM
than six weeks ago.
Do You
Know Where
You Stand?
aeas and sower, th grwoc and charm of
youth and keen enough perception to cjx ,
her talents to the best possible advantage I ,
ia atailr.g &onjL what an. should be a
A Bloody Affair
is 1-cr.r ht-morihiie- Slp it lad cure
wesk cocigns and colds with tr
Kir.g's New In?covrT. S&c ard tltfc. Far
sa.. by Eealoc trag Co.
Chkit-bt rc s teuga ftemedy u famous
for its cure I of cogiis. colds sad crotia.
. - --- r vMcFTiflt, a nunstrel trio; STtei ing am : ....
and sufT.cieatly skived to bring her lover IRf,eli. a vtLJ u prison '1 bar iimurn, I B.
fmai-.y to ber th. sings several sor-c... ; ar d Mfrt aad Roe4 rt. jnu ex- It.
tb best being "Viils," la th seooad act
But from first to last she Is gives evry
poskih opportuja:ty to show off th capa-
Nearly every business
man has under his very
feet, or, at least, in his
tack yard, a gold-bearing
vein which he himself
guesses not cf. It pays,
once in a while, to drop
one's present work and
scrutinize the elements of
opportunity hitherto un
touched. '
A prominent Chicago
business man has in his
ofr.ce-building what be
calls his "dream-room."
He goes there for an hour
clay and just thinks. .
If you are net an adver
tiser, give your first hour
of thought to advertising,
method. Or, if you are aa
advertiser, think if you are
cultivating sufficiently the
women of America.
Their buying-infiuence is
radically underestimated,
I The Curtis
Publishing Company
thtre is a xylophonrt of rare sk.ll. tb f prises most of the principal members of
ltmin.n half of Charlen. aad Charier tte cast.
Her husband is a comedy juggler who is John P. Locrney ecQuils himself well and
really funny and a Juggler of cunning wita effect in his pan of Rilaad Merrick..
LU1 mf m .-J t. KlU kruS lbM sl3 1 iji rr. kc a.iae vilAln. Tr.-nt'ter tf tr.e S-
simple, unaffected and altogether merry u are Subtrfc CosJcey ana I cret (seven.- a ool.ectioa of city crook
widow, ah te se what ia a.laia to others . . .i ,.n- uln, .n.n 1 :.j hv . m ir.r iiml
jse Mcr. ck hii wife, mjth rbjsed kr.-d m ;
lkst vmdjcated cf course, re;'rtented by
r-uia.fc Fl'-Uarr. hs much to do la th
courfc ol the p.ay. Piuliti is a decAc-dly 1
v ..v. ! winscmc kin anyway and an mixes an !
blilties of her voice, and it successfully i i H:ttri,ing teroine. I
meets aJ testa. Um, Eamard Xieo get. : W ! T c of th play are strnrgly
,m unuruaily fin. opening, for her !-! begn at this . w coalteI.M tt
; lent rotw. and la company with Mr. Blak I " ' uaetse tragedy
'sira mtt deiightfwUT. Tbe chorus is jart 'ot'a!-v fsreng at least as g-od as ia j
a tavag orgar. ik-.k-v. which is latenOed in'ediateJy part weks chxractenr the j3ncr, .pr? CRir.yTCMPn AVIY 1
U ea that it Uck. 1, nothing r taring new at the Gsye-.,. Alo the nti j 3UnGL-iW PhlGr.Tfc.NfcD AVlATj
I Frank Mandeviii cooducta wit antborita- if'-'15111 J0 nona ar b-t.g de- i j
! rlT. srec.aion. and th staging cf tb piece , ilTrT- j ALaraa Seat By Jtrw. Cevrsre H. Pal- i
' Is by Georg Marion. ancher assuraac of ! It Is a colorful affair which Tne-t th ere. j atrr Cawixs Ibesa I - Wa !
' perfect sea. It was wx.t warmly welcomed i rrlnclpais tfminln and the chTus j their Plmwa.
' t nicht. aad th promj for the week1 are arrayed like onto tne rair.b-w.
!ls good. . a good, clearly sea rainbow, ll r.'a ' tuja-iar. were c.-ovtrd attempting to
i icc-orrect. xevertheieaa. to STnret by .ct to the home of George
TsaseviU at fa. Orrkesav. : above statement that at a'J tim.-s such J p. cj Si-uih Fortieth streeu kt
' A earfikJy stad-ed stag setting, oonaid- 1 " ioes of vesture Is weir 5 thkt the; c.sp trt- evenrg, but were frigr.t- i
Listen v
to the Band
Sousa's Band
plar Sousa't iro9 tunrful two
ceps: WasLir.cton Post xnd
Hih Scbooi C-dcu. Boih ia
the J&nuary list of Editou
Araberol Records for tbe
Through the
Cincinnati Gateway to
Start right arrive right
and see something en route
Through Pullman Sleeping Cars
to Chattanooga, Atlanta, Macon and
Jacksonville daily
Lr-te fiit5 r. L
Big Four Rp'iite
in cennection with Queen Jb Crescent
and Southern Railways
Winter Tessriat Ticket Choice of Hoartea
Tins i-rW- th
w W
Dl C
tickets az.A slaeping car scoommodaalosa will b
aljwrew apos reaaeei ky special rssrsaestaaea, whs
wiii farxixx any lalorscatkow desirwa.
J S. WILLEBRANDS, Gea. Ait. Ptss. DrpL
rarram Btrtrt. Omaha. Tft. Tel. noeg. gTX.
erabi comedy.
el using not of tragedy ,
cborus could mbark with ccsr.fart oo sa
and TJrt Bcrger. eomtln to mak rh. Act'e totb. On of tl reas m why the
bead-.te act of the week a big ert kt s-nd -dno. tile affair ts much , j j,;, who we. m tbe house, hetrc
ete4 away and n. truce of them cou.d fat-
found wttu the officers t;prd- Mrs
i th tbtkier. Mis. Bergere, hk the
u s they did is that th whole eorr.pary
j of Mksw-t-kusetis. is in no seed of eulogr : as if it were fun 1. siig -. c , tl
! tut it be stated merely as a matter . 4Joe- T-rT' w" 'A window, asw :w
i of rectj-d. tbat she has added aaothe
and a strong serr.bla.-jce of rpor.tai-ity sed
i prowlers at one ef the windows. Sh u.e-
Ur-r. who. locing out of a
o men at the Pkimr piace.
anj..s uhu. tu uti n or aca.eve- ' j ,ic At th. same time her rsa cut
aoealk J1- !w:ih m fwu bun when fc Mrefl t.1-
tfvuia f . v i ... . hub j , k. .. k n rwn mil t
Tt o-;gfcbor 1b t.ra teiilcr.ed tb pe
lt at a Turkish girl she is now tlaviiu:
on wfco has escaped froas tb. harem of ; lb mens role, and witbot being
Abdul HamUU ad who has found ber way r'4"'"oJ to mdors som. of th Jok.
t Nee Tors, arrivirg, by mistkk. ia lh tkT i ar txirly b said teat
bHia of a a-vs whose w f has ta ia the Qa;1 tuz-T- Jexaette Young, e
Ottoman land. The wif. is npected bosne ! t1 woman, wftb a h.g car avrana
at th sara. urn, and thus is m-d aot j Tbit- aoml cf ,b c1- Kes
i-,r,rv.- th eatranc kr etn.k. , v. Moor. E3eaaor P.-rer wb is c retoarre
Ttiikiah girl lb bous. Ther follow of P--r-d Ma Tuir aisa wo- ecary
ia good deal ef graia. highly amusing I tM-w for their sang-lag. Bess4es theae
cme.v. but al tha end th r-rl t carried j Sa lb. olio J. J Tje-tpwer.
I away, th agoniaed victim cf Turk-sh Uw tg tramp, and Th. CowV.y Four.
'and International wsrlftr. i' i-r!et wfcleh scored hear-Jy. W. V
would-ti tcrg ir w re sot to b seen.
A wagrnio4 of officers reached th p'ao
ia uick ardrr. but ail was quiet and
Get eiwfnieia Est of Jawnarr Jlerord. fro
v-rjr Qcier or r.te t.o Varinkl f'r-m'ic-'i.r'B
C-.he:t:v. 75 Anx Orw-e X i.
i smtX LA DUI' HOwf B
JCtlML - tkaa ij us myiss.
ssrS Tlx eta, fmnmm ksch as
crki4 Inl OCX
m u at tb i
a lea ptfl
. sms at aa aa
Hm t-eTgeT. whose support ta excellent,
is afforied aa eppc-rtemty to express a
varied set of exactions. .jrprue, bcwttdtT
mrt LnuMBtct pieatsure. gaiety, at'gr.
fear, terror and anguish fillow oot another,
and It weald: b Is.posut.. to aeclar that
xpressioa of one is better dose tnaa of
any other. Miss Bergere is exs&irtng pio
ser rrooatd ta puung a real Turtisji
womaa th stag but is Bot soeeuag
th b rdahlsa which ust-aily aefail xplr
ara ef nrfia trritry.
Th raor!t 4 th SuJtaa- ta far from
tetsg tba eat'y act of merit of th week.
ai4 thos. wb Eke gd awuai. exoall tly
gtv.a whl vet th bill th. beat of the
sessem. Mm Tiole kill., aa Eivgt-h rirl
its a vkJlr 't wfcosa e prof louvl vlUv
I Busier will aduett t. ae a mia.rwa of fr
B-sirctixavl. Ta Tw.ui Trcubsflours. ri
aramed roice. eg aptexdid euaiiiy
J fcn-ber c grand Optra seoecoei-a.
Frtk. J. P Griffith. J. IX McCabe ana
C T Karris consist irt th Quartet.
T Q weew ef t he ferret level" a
the krs..
PV-ts aad counter plots, vCla.ns aad
latoaj-s w-itfeout aumber, deeds c vio
lence and wricked cunning-; they ar ail
stirred up together la th uk'rf of the
stcry of a tad. bad ma asd aa xascrupu
lcrus wocnas's eperatloae ia the coder wet id
o( rrtme aid vice The -taterwetixg. but
higwy tssprebabi. story of "The Qaeea of
th ret Pvc is srwseatsd by a col
ieruoe. f pans a tt sir islvaa ra fil ed
sut tarc:y eueeirtect tat rw-Uea to each i
other. '
It would 1 hard ta lasadm. a axsr ,
acnoa mild be crowded lata the play. ,
Whan th curtaia talis ea the MM. act. i
thirty-en rourds of aaBnumtlosi hav beet '
fued and I bit wf dead and injured com- i
Nebraska Cycle Co.
rrpresenta the National Phonograph Co. ia
Nebraska, and carries huge etocks of
Edison Phonographs
including the models mentioned in the Na
tional Phonograph Cc's announcement on this
page today, as well as a stock of
Over 100.000 Records
Nebraska. Cycle Co.
llih and Harney tsn
On ah a. Neb.
Geo. W. Jlickel, S34 Broadway,
tianaer, - Council Bluff a, Iv
jf V iS" . l-"C. '
til h : scziiSMfKZt v A
t?li V - z. aJr'' . - -a
' f LJ v Aid
for ChrtMatkaa bv; tag, ew halt Cases.
Traveling Ha fx. LaOtra' rlaxd Ilerx. To
let Sets, Jda-vtc Roll, fcte. Theae rls
are all lb very bead Talur mui Usilag
OirHlir gifts.
Omaha Trunk Factory
Pfriiaee Doealaa 1058; lw4. AlOVk