Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 28, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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Traffic from Philadelphia to Maine
Tied Up by Snow.
Only One Street Car Mn In Phlla
drlpkla la Open and Milk frhort
aare Thrratroa (llr An
other Btorm Expected.
The Christmas, blisTard, the severest
storm ippr1cnV'd"fi the at In twenty
vnri, tied up loeial traffic tlila morning In
eltle from Prrvrlaylvanla to Maine and
disarranged . trolri schedules throughout
half a dozon atMoi,
Condition, however, are rabidly Improv
ing1 and raUruads and munelpalltles are to
day bendlutf every erfcrt to move Inter
city and kcftl traffic. There la reaaon to
believe' condHlona will be normal again by
Tuesday niffht when another Btorm la ex
pected frum the weal.
At ' l-at . forty persons have met their
dath through exposure or accident, five
In Philadelphia, eighteen In New York and
at leant fifteen In New England.
In Philadelphia general business this
mornmir' Ui practically at a standstill.
All throufch trains were late, only one
street 'caV line waa running and the city
Is Buffering from a Bhortasje of milk.
Washington did not suffer severely, but
communication with Boston Is maintained
only with ' difficulty. The storm In New
England seems to have been worse In the
vicinity.1 ofVow Hertford, Providence, Fall
River,'', -Jfewpoit, I'awtueknt and Woon
sucket yi ;. 1
In NewiYork Clt 7,000 men are at work
cleaning, the Jitreets. '
EighternDrad In Sen York.
NEW YORK.. iec. 27. Elghteon peraons
In and near NiW York perished In th
Christmas storm or from accldenta cauaed
by It. Six dledffom exposure after being
caught In stow 'i drifts. Others were
drowned and sevril'wur killed by tralna.
Today New Yrk was rapidly digging
Itself out from cover of the ton-inch
snowfall. Ry noon traffic conditions ap
proached normal as the rexult of the la
bor of nearly 10.000 men In the employ of
the city and the traction .lines, while
atcam railroad conditions also were rap
Idly Improving.
Wire communication, which Waa badly
Interrupted during the worst of the blow,
was again fairly good today, except to
New England points.
Blockades on railroads created a short
age of food .supplies and a consequent In
crease In prices, which contributed to the
hardships of the poor.
Shipping felt the atorm'o effect seri
ously. While no heavy Insa Is reported
from any one wreck, many small crafl
suffered damage, "drag'ln ihclr. anchor
and being driven aahorj. ,X.iC wrecking of
th freight ateamer Thurmun off Toms
river,. New Jet-aey and Uio sinking of the
schooner Mary Ann Klrby In Long Island
Bound were the worst wrccka, but neither
was attended with loss of life.
While Incoming-Transatlantic liners re
pott hard, .Weather, noue seems to have
been badly delayed.
VFiftee'n'lKflled In Sew England.
BOSTON, Tee. - 27. Up to noon today
fifteen) lives? wor known to have been
loat In New England by yesterday's atorm,
threo'ln Che1aeaand Everett, and twelve
through .tha wrecking of the five moated
chooner Da,vla Palmer off Bostrin harbor.
The loss of the .Davis- Palmer with all on
. board.- waa. the., first of the fatal. marine
5cidms o V reported. ..Wreckage "from
, th vg Eae.Vj.wa -flCjkftd ,ug on the beach
at.HulL ..
According to, the shipping agents In thla
city, tha Palmer carried a crew of eleven
men beside Us captain, Leroy McICown of
Maiden. ........
Five million dollars loss is the estimate
mad oday' of the havoc wrought in and
around Boston by the blizzard which yes
terday sw-pt,' New England and drove a
record tide oyer the coast.
Thirty-two citle' and towns which last
night were -plunged In darkness owing to
the cutting off of the electric light servloa
hope to have thole lighting facilities re
stored, by twjilght.'
The Borm was easily the greatest that
New ' JCngland . has"' experienced in eleven
years.' 'All alofi "Yh.3 coast phenomenal
tides wore' ripo. wuv "In many places sea
walla wcr3 bat'.etcti io pi.ces, boulevards
razed and' "curb's -ar.d houses along the
shore rdenlr6y; 0. ' '
In 1 B6(Jioti' tlie ''Vide 'swept over the
Wharves, across ''AO.anae avenue and as
far' inland 'as t'hV Chamber of Commerce.
It is estimated that 'the damage' In this
s?ctlon will reach J500.O0O.'
The' worst1 damuge wrought by the
atortft' -Was Ik Che'lsa and Everett, where.
It la believed, It Wilt be several weeks be
fore the tide 'gate en the Island End river
can b repaired and the flooded district re
claimed.' ".'
Having ' escaped 'tnroug'fr the snow
scantily olad -and many of them bare
footed) tho residents of the submerged sec
tion of Chela 'had to stand for hours In
the bllisard- w ailing i for wagons . to take
them to-shelter - Hundreds of th home
leas "were taken care: 0f In relief stations
established In public 'schools and churches.
No further damage resulted from the
tide -late1 last nlghU The water did not
rise a iilgh aa In the, forenoon.
PITT8BURQ, Die. 27.-After night of
th greatest 'activity on the part of th
railroad offlolala train east and west of
Pittsburg - on main lines wer moving
lowly today. . Although a light snow con
tinued' to 'fall and th roads were badly
conge tsd through tralna wer straggling
Into th Union station here from thirty
minute to eight Jiaurs, late.
Branch lines throughout this district were
out of cjouynlxsion.,
' Al'efforta 6t the official were directed
. towards. opening' up. U)fvu;h facilities, the
branch -line 11(1. temporarily abanduned.
, nil .ADELFlllA. lec. 27.-Vhil rail
road lra"f$lc and street car service art still
In a bad, way and general business is seri
ously ttturbed aa a result of the severe
Snowstorm, conditions tills afternoon wer
somewhat Improved over Uiose of tho
erJy morning. x
Hundreds of t tils-in..! other -establishments,
ernploylxg. fhotftiands of people were
tlther shut down or working With a low
a : 10 (per jreat; of j-thalr normal force of
mployes. The street car service remains
.diy -,cTippJd,'' .. ' -. '
Th jjsJli'oud of.'lelala' expect that all
fjdilililk Trust
Tfet Original ir.i Ginulni
:tl il-irl 0 8
xrMLTEto: ilk
- til Food Drink fr All
Forlufanta, Invalid,tn(i Growing ch3dren.
PureNulrioq.upUtiilcling the whole body.
InvigofjiatKnuritiemc4etandthe ajjed.
Rii .millc, milled rrn, in povder form.
! A quki. luwh preparii ia t piiaute.
Gthtrt are imitations.
through trains will be running practically
on or near schedule time by tonight, but
suburban truffle wfll not hrcoihe normal
for a day or two.
WASHINOTOX Deo.. 27.-LIU1 Incon
venience was felt In Washington today aa
a result of th Christmas storm beyond the
late arrival of tr.lna from the north with
belated Christmas gifts and malls and th
jrene In the city of four and one-half
Inches of snow and Icy pavements.
Traffic conditions on the trunk line rail
ways were auch that President Taft
thought It advisable to cancel engagements
In New York which he had made for to
night, although little difficulty was antic
ipated by railroad offlclala In the move
ment of their tralna northward today, In
fact, Washington escaped the full effeot
of the storm. Street railways are running
on schedul time.
Hopeful conditions were held out this
morning by the authorities at the weather
bureau who said that the storm, which
began on Christmas eve had passed out to
sea off the Maine coast and . everything
seemed clear In th east.
Another disturbance, however, la coming
from the west and moving eastward, but
this, they aay, will result In only a little
Child Robs Bank
of Fifty Thousand
Italian Bank it Victim Crippled
Daughter of Owner Eight Others
are on Trial.
CHICAGO, Dc. 27. An - unusual atory
waa outlined In the criminal court here to
day In the opening statement In th trial
of eight Italians who are accused of con
spiring with crippled 17-year-old Angeline
Schlavone to rob her father, an Italian
banker. . '
In his argument Assistant State's Attor
ney Fleming: told the Jury that Francisco
Schlavone. uncle of Angelina, three years
ago told the girl to get all the money she
could from hwr father' bank, to bring It
to him and ho would save It for her and
when she hud a snug amount she could
mnrry his son, Michael. -
The girl was employed In her father's
hank and It Is alleged that her thefts ag
gregated $30,000 before she waa detected.
When money from the bank waa found
In her possession she told her object In
taking It and declared that, being crippled,
she feared she would be unable to marry
and so had tried to win a husband with
her father' money.
Michael Schlavone Is Iaroo and Is five
years the senior of-hla emistng Angeline.
Th eight defendants to the conspiracy
charged are all relatives of Pasquole
Schlavone, the banker.
Angeline was also Indicted and will have
a trial separate from the. relatives.
(Continued from Flrat Page.)
cerned In last week'a speculative movement
In the Rock Island dial moved very fever
ishly. Rock Island collateral 4 sold at
85 In a block of 500,000 and then slumped
to S3. The Wabash refunding 4s sold at
78$ and then ran off to 774. Wabash pre
ferred dropped 3 under Friday's closing;
price. .
One ' hundred and . fifty-five thousand
shares of Rock Island common wer traded
In daring th first hour t , x
moffaT road is not sold
S, assBBsassas
Owner Denlea that It Ilaa Been Ac
qnlrrd by Rock Island.
DENVER, Colo., Deo. 27.-D. II. Moffat,
president of the Denver Northwestern &
Pacific railroad, known as the "Moffat
road," this afternoon emphatically denied
a story published in a local paper to the
effect that the Rock Island system had
acquired control of th Moffat road.
The report was based on an assertion
that the stock of the James, Peak tunnel
project had been withdrawn. This waa a
15,000,000 corporation, the object of which
was to drive a bora through. .James Peak,
thus reducing materially the heavy grades
on the east end of tha Moffat road.
"There'a not a word ef truth tn It," aald
Mr. Moffat to the Associated Press. "The
Moffat road la not sdld and It la not going
to be sold. There never was but $2,(0
worth of stock of the Jamas Peak tunnel
project Issued, anyway, and that ti in
the safe of the Moffat road.' It's going to
stay there. No on from th Rook Island
system has ever1 seen about the possible
of the road, and I do nt ex-
pect anyone to see me.Mi,
Hoy Also Has Hand Crnshed and at
Score of Other Persona
, 1 : Are Injured. '
DETROIT, Mlch.,y Deo. 47. Frank Ken
dall, 23 yeara old, of Plymouth, Mich., waa
crushed to death,' Richard Roe, '7 year
old. of Detroit, suffered the loss of one
hand and is In a critical condition and. a
score of other passengers were less seri
ously hurt as the result of an interurban
car on the Detroit United railway Jumping
th tracks last night four miles north of
the village of Wayne. ,
Maalcal Offerlna; for Jan nary on Edi
son Recorder
Excellent In variety and quality of se
lections, both vocal and instrumental, the
Edison Aniberol and Standard Record litsts
for January deserve more than ordinary
mention. Tho Amberol list offers "Wash
ington Poat and th irjjfrt J3ohool .adot
Marches." (one record) 'j- Sousa' : band;
"Redhead," sung by Adi Jones; "Ring
o' Rosea." the popular 'duet, from the "Th
Dollar Princess," t by Kllsabeth Wheeler
and Harry Anthpay; 'jhalllt Muslo from
'Mil. Modiste,' 'V by lector Herbert and
his orchestra;- 'YloMrt - Duet - from- -'The
Mascot,'" by Wheeler and Anthony;
"Mont Crlsto Walti.t" by th Jorda-Roea.
brun quintette; ,"A Hac for aWif." .a
clever race track' sketch by Ada Jonea and
Len Speaeer; "Plow Oeqtly, Svvjet Aftqn,"
by the Metropolitan quartet,', 'and - "Uer
ceusa de Jocelyn," a cello olo by jean
Schwtller. There are also tyfo vocal rec
ords In Hebrew and thre In, Italian. "
In the Standard Mst are ! found "The
Summer Girl," byv'Sousa'a band: 'It'ai Hard
to 'Find a Real Nio MarO by ,)t?l
Wynn; "OrUnUl.Maroh," byVlctor H' r
brt and hla orchestral ''Medtay of IrUh
Reels," an acconiioh aulo by John Klmro
ble; Mabel McKfenlejr hi "Ma IVtl Sweat
Sur.beam;" "Elley RUiV fwm '.Tit' If td
night Bona," by . Ada Jqeat; nd "Sweet
hearfa a Ptetty IfJam When It lis Yo-tt.!'
by Manual Roxnaln. Yoeal, soloa auti and
quartets, aa -welt.' as a 'iwuli lc:l
variety of Instrumental (ttu&bera,. nak up
th beUuiet.of the llsw; earh o which
eomprlaaa twenty iainnMra.v V .
Heavy UaniAKt la aroad raa,
ST. JOWN8.V, x. at;.- tr.A mltig.
Btcrm.. wbt'li ; bit - qn .' t;he'tio v
and .waalun faj kg,n'r,";mf) cma-id
groat darBa'lTT.the.Aio nK ,'tale city:
ThroJi(hcut th cqjony telcrra'pli aad:telc
phan lthca hava 'bren' carried' aw-ry and
tb railroads hav been mad lmpaaabl.
Chief Toregter Says Conservation Hai
Become Moral Problem.
Derlnrea Attacks on "erTlce In.
crrsw In Illtterneaa Jnat aa
Srrvloe Drrnmri Mora
NEW YORK. Dec. 2. "Special inter
est have made repeated attacks on the
United Statea Forest service and those
attacks hav Increased In violence Juit
In proportion a the service has offered
effective opposition to predatory wealth,"
said Qlfford Pinchot. chief of the United
States Forest service, 'n a speech today
before a number of prominent publishers
at the University club. Mr. Pinchot took
aa tha aubject for hla speech at th Peo
ple' Forum "Conservation and Equal
Opportunity." Mr. Pinchot said:
"The American people hav evidently
made up their minds that our natural re
sources must b conserved. That la good,
but It settles only half the question. For
whoa benefit shall they be conserved
for th benefit of the many, or for the
uso and profit of tha few? Th great
conflict now being fought will decide.
Ther Is no other question before us that
begins to be ao Important or that will
be so difficult to straddle as the great
question between special Interest and
equal opportunity; between th privil
eges of th few and th rights of the
many; between government by men for
human welfare and government by money
for profit, between the men who stand for
the Roosevelt folltlces and the men who
stand against them. Thl la th essence
of the conservation problem today.
Conservation Moral lasae.
"The conservation icsue la a moral lswue.
When a few men get possession of one of
the necessaries of 'life, either through
ownership of a natural resource or
through unfair profits, aa in the recent
cases of the sugar trust and the beef
packer, they injur the average man
without good reason, and they are guilty
of a nioi ai wrong.
"I believe In one form of government and
I believe lu the Golden Rule. But we
must face the truth that monopoly of the
aourcea of production makes it Impossible
for vaat numbera of men and women to
earn a fair living. Right her the conaer
vatlon queatlon touchea the dally life of
the great body of our people, who pay
the coat of special privilege. And th price
is heavy. That price may be the chance
to save the boys from the saloons and the
Corner gang, and the girls from worse,
and to make good citizens of them Instead
of bad, for an appalling proportion of the
tragedies of life spring directly from the
luck of a little money. Thousands of
daughters of the poor fell Into the hands
of the white slave- traders because their
poverty leaves them without protection.
Thousands of families, as the Pittsburg
survey has shown ua, lead Uvea of brutal
izing overwork In return for tho barest
People Victims of. Plunder.
"The people of this country have lost
vastly more than they can ever regain by
gifts of public property, forever and with
out charge, to men who gave nothing in
return. It ia true that we have made su
perb material progress under this system,
but it Is not well for us to rejoloe too
freely In the slicen the special interests
have given, ua from th great loaf of the
property of all the people.-.
"Tha.peopl of tho . United -Statea have
been the complacent victims of a system of
plunder often perpetrated by. men who
would have been surprised beyond measure
to be accused of wrongdoing, and many of
them in their private Uvea were model
citizens. But they have suffered from
curious moral perversion by which it be
comes praiseworthy to do for" a corpora
tion things which they would refuse with
the loftiest scorn to do for themselves.
Fortunately for us, all that delusion Is
passing rapidly away.
Bitter Attacks on Service.
"It la the honorable distinction of the
foiest service that it has been mure con
stantly, more violently, and more bitterly
attacked by the representatives of thaspe
clal Interests In recent years than any
other government bureau. These attacks
have Increased in violence and bitterness
Just In proportion as the service has of
fered effectite opposition to predatory
wealth. The more successful we have been
In preevntlng land grabbing and the
absorption of water power by th special
interests, the more Ingenious, the more
devious and the more dangerous these
attacka have become. A favorite one is
to assert that th forest service, In Its
seal for the public welfare, has, played
ducks and drakea with the acta of con
gress. "The fact Is, on the contrary, that thu
Service has had warrant of law for every
thing It has don. Not once since it was
created haa any charge of illegality, despite
the most searching investigation and the
bitterest attack, ever led to reversal or
reproof by either house of congress or by
any congressional committee.
Attempt to Cnrb Publicity.
"Another, and unusually plausible, form
of attack, ia to demand that all land not
now bearing trees shall be thrown out ot
the national forests.
"Still another attack, nearly successful
two years ago, waa an attempt to prevent
the forest service from telling the people,
through the press, what it Is accomplishing
for them, and how much this nation needs
the forest.
"Sine the forest service called public
attention to the rapid absorption of the
water power sites and the threatening
growth of a great water power monoply,
the attacks upon it hava Increased with
marked rapidity. I anticipate that they
wil continue to do so. Stll) greater op
position Is promised In the near future.
Ther la but one protection, I mean,
awakened public opinion. That Is why 1
give you th facts."
Veteran' Union Pacific Engineer at
Rest in 'Council . Bluffa ,
.WATERIXJO, ' Kb Dec. 7.-(Speclal.)
Th fnneral of the late Btebblns A. Teal,
former master mechanic of the Northwest
ern at Missouri Valley and an old-time
engineer of the' Union Pacific, Who died last
Thursday, waa held at the family resi
dence In Waterloo Sunday ' afternoon at 1
O'clock, Services were conducted by Rev.
David U Miller, jr., of the Presbyterian
chgrch and members of "Waterloo lodge No.
22U, Ancient,, Fre and Accepted Masons,
of which Mr. Teal waa a member. A large
number of friends and neighbors ware
preaent. aa wer relative from Omaha and
Council Bluffs.
, The body was taken to Council Bluff
Monday morning for burial In th family
lot there, being accompanied by the widow,
Mrs, Elsot Purchase Tal. a sister, Mrs.
1'hapjr.aii fit. Fremont, Dr. and Mrs. Hor
ace Havers lock 05 Council Bluffs, Mr. and
;Mr CharJa. Havejstock of Omaha, Dr.
And Mra.,r. F, Teal, alao of Omat.a, and
oitiet. relative tf Council .Bluffs were
present -at the burial. . .
Stcbbiaa A. Teal wa horn In New York
stat and cam wat In the early '50a, being
one of the early settler of Courcll Pluffs
and running out of that city as an engineer
on the Union Pacific an early aa 1RM. He
waa for years connected with railroad
work then at Missouri Valley and only
retired front active duties about flv years
ago, when he and Mrs. Purchas of Water
loo, friends of long standing, were married,
since which they have resided at Water
loo. Mr. Teal helped cut walnut log to
build a bridge over the Elkhorn river on
the Military road about 1R55.
(Continued from First Page.)
eat off the totf of"k barrel and will occa
slonally lay art eg; In return.
George Lee of Omaha Is showing some of
the fanelest ' df Leghorns, those birds
famed for laying .'"country fresh" eggs and
growing big red combs.
The dog show I taking shape and assum
ing an end in the ' general nols.cmaklng
function. The pupa are coming In from all
ends of the surrounding states.
The "Merry Widow" ;dog In I the show.
Irvln S. Finn of the "Merry Widow" com
pany has entered this Boston terrier, the
most admired bit of pudgy-nosed canlnln
Ity at the show. It lhaa Just the very cun
nlnerest little sweater, too. His Nibs Is
known as "Pat." . .
"Toddy Bob," a pet .bull, seventy-one
pounds of muscle, who likes children and
eata lltla dogs at a gulp,' Is shown by C.
W. Hill of Walnut, Ja. Toddy Bob's tra
veling companion at the show la "Jack
Wonder," an English bull terrier, milk
white In color and blacker than Captain
Kldd'a flag In disposition. Jack only
weighs fifty-one pounds, but he haa put
Toddy Bob to the bad so often they don't
fuss any more. There isn'J room for argu
ment now. i ,y
A flock of dachshunds, shown by Howard
Goulding of Omaha,, Is snarling a chorus of
Jeers acroes at the bull dogs. The dachs
hund Is a long, thoughful looking - beast,
bearing the general appearance of a vestl
buled train crossed with an earth worm.
Sllky-hafreqV Sootch collies, the happy
family of Rockdale Floss, belonging to V.
E. Hall of Omaha, were established at the
show Jast night. These wise Collies are
the direct descendants, of "Squire of Tyt
ton," the world'a greatest Collie, worth
W. Colfax, a dog fan from Bassctt, Neb.,
came to town last night not knowing that
the show was on. He happened to have
three prize hounds with him, however, and
they will be entered at the show. Prince
and Ring are his much admired Russian
stag hounds, great powerful beasts, trained
I to chase their quarry across miles of the
frozen wastes of the north. Mr. Colfax will
also enter two fine pointers, particularly
well known among the sportsmen of eastern
J. A. Bush of the Cudahy Packing com
pany Is to be Judge of the pigeon entries.
Mr. Bush also has an' exhibit of fowla at
the show. ,
Mrs. Elisabeth M. nirchard.
Mrs. Elizabeth M. Birchard, wife of P.
T. Birchard of 4735 North Thirty-ninth
street, died Monday morning. The
funeral will' take, place at the home at
8 o'clock Tuesday afternoon. The burial
will be at Marshalltown, Ia, The burial
ard was a graduate of the Pratt Art in
stitute of New York. She was married
August 14, J,8 !J 6. She leaves her husband,
two children, of her own and two step
children. Mra. Birchard was born In Uana
voort, N. Y- and after graduating waa
superintendent .of the art work In tlio
Marshalltown,, schooU. In. thl depart
ment she ,hd,' great ability and her own
home is decorated with many beautiful
works from her own hand. Upon her mar
riage she moved to Norfolk, Neb., and
came to Omaha in 1900. She waa an ac
tive and faithful member of the First
Congregational' church.
Cyras B. Richmond.
IOWA FALLS, Ia., Dec. 27.-(Speclal.)-Cyrus
B. Richmond, one of the best known
and most popular young men of this city, i
died at his home Sunday morning about
5 o'clock. -Mr; Richmond was taken sick
December 1 and a few days later typhoid
fever In a light form developed. He was
getting along nicely until Christmas night,
when he waa taken worse and gradually
grew weaker tintll his death, yesterday
morning. MV. Richmond had for eight
years been assistant cashier cf the Slate
National bank' of this city and was a very
popular official with the public as well aa
with the management of the Institution,
John C. Lowtry.
John C. Low'ery, 74 years old, a veteran
of the civil war, who died Friday at his
home, 4211 Erskine street, was burled Sun
duy afternoon. The funeral services were
held from his home at 2 o'clock In the
afternoon. " Rev. J. M. Kersey, pastor of
the First Christian church, conducted the
services. Burial was In Forest Lawn cem
etery. Mr. Lowery is survived by two sons,
H. E. Lowery and Fred G. .Lowery, and
a daughter, Mrs. John O. Burger, all of
whom live in' Omaha.
Mra. I.Ua Egbert.
Mrs. , Llla Egbert, 65 years old, widow of
the late Augustus R. Egbert, died Monday
morning at a local hospital. The funeral
will be held at 2 o'clock this afternoon
from the Cole-McKay chapel, Rev. E. H.
Jenks, pastor of the First Presbyterian
church, officiating. Interment will be In
Foiest Lawn cemetery. Mrs. Egbert lived
in Omaha for the last twenty-two years
and is well known. Her late husband was
a lieutenant 1n( the Second United States
tr fan try.
William Abner Eddy.
NEW YORK, ' Dec. 27.-Will!am Abner
Eddy, well known as a kite flying expert,
died today at Bayonno, N. J. He was born
in New Jersey In IKiO. Many of the observa
tions made by Mr. Eddy In his experi
ments with kites are of great benetlt to
icli-r.tlsts. He was the first person In this
country to take a photograph from a kite
in mld-alr and he also made extensive
experiments In taking upper air current
temperatures and In atmosuherlo electricity.
Second Woman Physician.
ROCHESTER, N. Y.. Dee. 27. Dr. Sarah
R. A. Policy, aged 81 years, the second
woman to take a medical degree from an
American college, died at her residence
here this morning. At the age of 23 she
waa graduated from the Rochester and
Syracuse Medical collegea and was ap
pointed interne In the Blocksley hospital,
Philadelphia. For many years Mra. Dol
ley practiced In Rochester.
Miss Cora Strait and William McCarty
wer united In marriage at th residence
of the trlde'a Bister. 2306 North Twenty
aorefhth atreet, Sunday morning. Mr. and
Mra. Lawrence J. Sorenaon atood with
the bridal pair 'aa witnesses of the cere
mony. Rev. Charles W. Savldg was the
officiating clergyman.
Inak llantera Basy.
ROCK SPRINGS. Wyo., Dec. XI. (Spe
cial.) Word from tha big game country
south of the Yellowstone park states that
tusk hunters are at work,, and a large
number of elk have been killed for thlr
tusk. Gam warden hav gone to the
sckne In an effort to capture the tusk
hunter and put a atop to tb unlawful
slaughter of big gam
Woman's Work
Aotlvtttee ef th Organised
Bodtea Along; th T.lna of Un
dertaking of ceara t Women.
The Young Women's Christ Ian associa
tion is arranging several unique features
In combination with Ita annual New Year's
reception, to be held from I to I o'clock
New Year'a day. In Ita new holding.
Among these will be a demonatratlon In
the school of domestic science, conducted
by Miss Margaret Coffin ot that depart
ment. The equipment will all be on ex
hibition and also tho result of the fall
term's work In preserving fruits. An
other Interesting exhibit Will be a table
properly set for a dinner and another a
properly balanced breakfast for one. This
exhibit will Include the cost of the food
and Its nutritious value. Still another In
teresting feature will be a demonstration
In making simple pastry.
Members of the committee In charge of
this department will be ther to receive
during the reception hours. The commit
tee Includes: Mrs. Clement Chase, Mra.
G. W. Wattles, Mr. 8. D. Barkalow, Mrs.
Howard Baldrlge, Mrs. O. T. Eastman,
Mrs. Charles T. Kountie, Mrs. C. C.
George, Mr. C. W. Hull. Mrs. Arthur
Crittenden Smith, Mrs. Victor Caldwell,
Mra. J. R. Bcoble and Miss Mary Wallace.
The agitation that for several years past
has been directed against the wholesale
cutting of young evcrgreena for Christmas
trees haa become sufficiently general to
warrant club women devoting their atten
tlon to other abuses Incidental to the
Christmas Reason. More Intelligent giving
especially by churches and charitable or
ganizations, has received not a little at
tention from club women, and the Investi
gation that has attended their efforts has
converted them to the wisdom of the plan
of the Associated Charities. There Is noth
ing spectacular about this system and,
tnougn many are prone to regard it as
too practical and cold, as a matter of fact,
It ia doing more to foster the real Christ-
maa sentiment than the old wholesale plan
of indiscriminate Christmas giving to chil
dren. Several Omaha women who have worked
In the various mission of the city tor
many years have recently conducted a
private, but fairly general Investigation
among the children they have touched
through these classes and a.l are agreed
that there la need of closer co-operation
among the organizations that supply
Christmas gifts and Christmas dinners to
tho alleged "poor" of the city. It Is not
their Intention, however, to withdraw from
the mission work, but to devote their ef
forts to a more intelligent charity. The
Young W'omen's Christian association
through Ita school of domestic science and
extension branch will teach food values,
cookery, how to buy provisions and cloth
ing and other household arts. Plain sew
ing, dressmaking and millinery will be
taight by experienced women volunteers
frcm the churchea and various organiza
tions and the principles of nursing, first
aid and sanitation will be taught by others.
The women believe that the same moral
Influence may be exerted through the social
aide of auch classes as Is now In classes
of less practical nature. The social settle
ment haa afforded an admirable Illustra
tion of the wisdom and th benefits of in
telligent, discriminating - effort and the
women have not been slow to recognize
the better system. -
Club women of Louisiana through their
representative. Miss Jean Gordan, who Is
tha only woman factory Inspector In the
state, are making vigorous protest against
an effort on the part of New Orleans
theater owners to exempt first class
theaters from the provlssions of the child
labor law. The New Era club, tha largest
woman's organization of Louisiana and one
Of the most prominent In the United
Statea, Is especially active. Ita member
ship Includes a majority of the represen
tative woman of New Orleans and it has
been instrumental In bringing about many
reforms in the city and state.
Cleaning Out
Leopold's Court
New King Accepts Resignation of
Grand Marshal Fortune $3,000,
000 to $8,000,000.
BRUSSELS, Dec. 27.-Baron Goffenett,
private secretary of the late King Leopold,
on being examined today before a notary
at the instance of the daughtera of the
late monarch, gave evidence Indicating that
Leopold's private forunte was between
$3,000,000 and $8,000,000.
King Albert today accepted the resigna
tion of Count Oultrempnt, the grand
marshal of the court. Thla step Is regarded
as the precursor of the retirement of the
late king's entire entourage.
Th king and Queen Elizabeth will take
up their residence at Laeken Castle next
rremouv Performed at Home of the
Brlde'a Parents by Dean
A pretty wedding of the holiday season
was that of Miss Faith Potter, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Potter, to Hugh H.
C. Weed of Si. Louis, which was celebrated
last evening at 8 o'clock at the home of
the bride's parents. Thirty-third and
Dodge streeta. Dean George Beechrr of
Trinity cathedral officiated and Mr. Wil
liam Little of Sit. Louis served as best
The rooms were brightened with Christ
mas decorations. A profusion of holly and
foliage tied with bows of red ribbon, illu
sion and red Christmas bells was ef
fectively used. The same color scheme of
red and green waa also used In the dining
The marriage lines were read in th
drawing room and th ribbon wer
stretched by the three brothers of the
bride, Messrs, Aubrey, Cedrlo and Cuth
bert Potter.
The bride was attended by Miss We'd
of Connecticut, sister of the groom, and
by two college frli-nds, Tvllss Shattuck of
Boston and Miss Moore of Kansaa City.
Th bridesmaids wer gowned alike In
white net over white satin, and each car
ried a ahower bouquet of red rosea.
The bride waa charming In a gown of
white crcp majestic, with trimming of
real lace and embroidered with pearls.
She carried a ahower bouquet ot lllle of
the valley. After a wedding trip Mr. and
Mra. Weed will reside In St. Louis. -
Mlse Potter won th city tennis cham
pionship in single for women last yer. r
and was th runner-up this year at the
tournament She ha alao been prominent
In the aoclal settlement work and In the
Collegiate Alumna association, and her
many friends regret that her man-lap
will Uk her to another city to roald.
Big Companies
May Leove Iowa
Dei Moinei Commercial Club Dis
turbed Over Attitude of Corpora
tions on State Tax.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES, -Dec. 27. (Special Tele-gram.)-Th
local Commercial association
haa been making Investigation aa to the
amount ot filing fees due the state from
various trust and large outside corpora
tions and not paid because the statu of
ficial have been powerless to force pay
ment. It appears that eight of ths com
panies doing business In Iowa would have
to pay 3i5,60t) for incorporation. This In
cludes the Glucose, Tin Can, Linseed Oil,
Oatmeal, Cracker, Glass and Gypsum com
panies, all operating plants In Iowa with
out having compiled with the laws. It Is
feared they will withdraw from the state
unless th law Is changed to permit thein
to pay a smaller fee and an effort Is to
b mad to have this done.
Attorneys In the recent case In which
th Iowa supreme court held that the
civil rights law of Iowa did not require
that at a pure food show coffee should be
served free to negroes, have asked for a
rehearing and base it largely on the faot
that the court Intimated that even In the
caae of soda fountains it might not be
illegal to discriminate. The attorneys con
tend that the modern soda fountain is In
fact a place where refreshment are eerved
and the law covers it Just as much as a
cafe or a hotel.
Burled Alive, Bat Saved.
IOWA FALLS, la,, Dec. 27. (Special.)
Reacued in the nick of time, John M. Crca
gan of thla city is thankfully able to tell
the Sensation Of being burled alive. Mr.
Creagan waa at work In a sewer ditch here
and was In th bottom of a twenty-one-foot
excavation when the dirt caved In on
one side completely covering the workman.
Help was quickly summoned and the dirt
removed from his face before he smoth
ered. Two men then set to work In the
narrow ditch to relieve the awful pressure
on the buried man's body. Finally a rope
was placed under his arms and he was
pulled from the loosened dirt that en
veloped him. As he was taken from the
ditch ha collapsed. Physicians were sum
moned and an examination proved that
while no bones were broken, hla body had
been badly bruised by the squeozlng from
the pressure of the dirt about him.
Barely Escapes Asphyxiation.
BOONE, Ia., Dec. 27. (Special.) Edward
Alexander, a well known young man of
this city, had a remarkable escape from
asphyxiation while doing some work for
the Boone Gas company yesterday. He was
summoned to the plant of th Boons Blank
Book company to put In a meter. In the
basement where the meter waa being placed
he waa suddenly overcome by gas which
waa escaping from a pipe near by.
A workman In another portion of the
basement happened to glance over Just as
Alexander fell. He rushed to th rescue
of the young man and pulled him from his
perllious position.
Arrested for Whipping; Pnpll.
OAKLAND, Ia., Dec. 27. (SpeclaD-rThls
place Is somewhat stirred up over the ar
rest of Prof. V. L. Mangun, superinten
dent of the Oakland schools. The trouble
grew out of the punishment of Rodney,
aon of Loman Roy, In school. Prof. Man
gun left Friday evening to spend the
Christmas vacation at his home In Mt.
Vernon, Ia., At Avoca h waa Inter
cepted by a constable and placed under
arrest. Mr. Mangun aoon procured a
bondBman, and continued hla Journey.
Iowa News Note.
CRESTOX News haa been received
In th city of the death of Mrs. Mike Lee.
who left several months agro for Parkdale,
Colo., in the hope of benefitting her health.
Her death la attributed to consumption.
She haa resided In this city for many years
and arrangements have been made to re
turn th body and make the Interment here.
CRESTON-A negro la being held In the
county Jail in thla city awaiting Identifi
cation from the police department of Kansas-
City. He was arrested laet Thrusday
evening and answers closely to the picture
of a colored man wanted at that point for
the murder of another negro.
MASSENA Walter S. Hancock, agent for
several years for the Burlington road at
Brtdgewater and Masena ha been re
lieved of his position at Massena upon tho
algged showing made by the accountants
who checked tip his books and found him
over JfifiO short. Hancock we a mere lad
of 17 three years ago when he waa (riven
the station at Brtdsrewater and upon his
good showing at that point he was ad
vanced to tha office at Masaena.
ELDON Through the prompt action of
th fire department the coal ahutea of the
Rock Island at this- point wer saved from
a destructive fire which started In the aand
drying house, a frame building- adjoining
the shutea. The drying house waa destroyed
and It was only by the hardest kind of
work that the other building waa saved.
SIDNEY Mr. and Mrs. William Englke.
two of the enterprising- older residents of
Sidney, took affairs Into their own hnnd
soveral daya aro and planned and carried
out their own golden weddlnar anniversary.
They Invited their children and carried the
entire affair out as a surprise not on
themselves but on their friends and chil
dren. They have been residents of the
county slnse 1FF3 end were married fifty
years turn In a little log cabin standing on
one of their farms near the city.
BOONTC No more drug store whisky In
Bonne. Not that the etorea have been
trulltv of flagrant violation of the law.
but thev have been remiss In filing with
the countv auditor the requests and signa
tures. They were enjoined from further
selling liquor and the stores without a
murmur srave no their perm'ta. No fines
were assessed, as It was plainly evident to
the court that there were absolutely no in
tended violations of the law.
IOWA FALLS The case of M. Hoean
of this city Is now apparently closed and he
has returned to this city, having been de
clared sane by the county board of com
missioners which held two sessions to con-
rider Mr. rwian i case. It will be recalled
from dispatches to this paper that Mr.
Hogan has been conflner" n an asylum, for
the Insane at Duhuqu. The Kntehta of
r-vtnias loog or this city Interested it
self In the case, Mr. Hogan being a mem
ber of the order, resulting In several lets'
perries In Dubuque and a final agreement
by th Interested partlea to aubmlt th case
to the board of Insanity commissioners In
this county.
' i
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet
Druggists refund money If It falls to cure.
E. W. Grove's signature Is on each box. lie.
Louis Mndaey and Minnie ! Hotk.
hnrn Named to Glvo Instruction
In New Mexlenn School.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, Pee. ST. (Hpeclal Tele
gram.) Louise C. Llndsey of Bantea, Neb.,
haa been appointed teacher at th Tohotohla
Indian school, New Mexico, and Minnie
Dev Rothburn of Lancaster, Neb., at
Ranta Fe, N. M., on th recommendation
of Congressman Kendall.
Dr. C. N. Hyatt haa been appointed
pension examining; aurgaon at Albla, Ia.,
vie 8. M. King, deceaaed.
Th following rural carriers have been
appointed: Nebraska Fremont, rout t,
George Keeler, carrier; nd Substitute.
Iowa Chelsea, rout S, C. K. Boyer, car
rier; N. F. Boyer, Substitute. Greene, route
1, Edward Bhulta, carrier; Phillip Bchulta.
substitute Manchester, rout T, It. E.
Deelton, carrier; no substitute; Manley,
rout I, E. C. Relndl, airrler; J. W. Kalndl.
substitute Oakland, rout 1, C, I. Palmer,
carrier; Tho maa Palmar,. , subatltut.
Thompson, rout 1. L. I Curley, can
Cora M. Curley, substitute.
Postmasters appointed: Nebrnska-Gray.
son, Sheridan county, Henry Suiher; vice
8. K. Smith, removed.
Bouth Dakota-Lane Creek. t Stanley
county, Thomas J. Frltts; vice W. J.
Frltt. resigned. ,
Mabray's Pal
Taken in Texas
B. E. L. Woodard Arrested at Fort
Worth on Advises from
FORT WORTH. Tex. Dec. 27 ft. E. 1..
Gcodard was ariestid by tho federal ini
thcrltlcs here In cnn:n c:!on wl:h the bIU'k1
Ma bray "fake" wrestling and racing con
terta, which It is claimed originated In
Iowa. He was arrested on advices from
Orraha, Neb., and gave a bond of 12 OX) f,r
appearance in court here next Tuesday.
Mississippi governor Appoints Htm,
with I'nderstandlna; He Will
INot Rnn A an in.
JACKSON, Miss., Dec. 27.-Governor N.i l
today announced the appointment of ColonM
James Gordon of Oklona as Unlud
Statea senator from Mlsslsalppl to succeed
the late Senator A. J. McLiurln.
The appointment is temporary until tho
legislature can elect a senator for the un
expired term and i made with the under
standing that Senator Gordon will not be a
candidate for this term.
motemxhts or oceajt bteamships.
foM. Arrived. Bailod.
BAN rRANClSCO....Kor ,
IONDON MarquetU.. '.....
Ql'KKNSTOWN oltlr r
Your Catarrhal
Instantly Relieved
lust a little Kondon't purest
Catarrhal lly, pinched from the sani
tary tube, snuffed into the nostrils relieves
goothci and heals the affected membrane,
which, raw or inflamed, brings on catarrhal
not Bilfbdre this smmitlr, snHirprte, coollnf an
pleMM, iire snd Mlea remedy lor lolent douches,
prayi of tnuffi, which lirlme bit do not hril, Kondon's
It m tweet, clean and pure that li r pieaauu i
Sad lor thlt
Free Sample
today, or ask your drawls!
or doctor. They will recom
mend s 15c or 50c tuba be
cautt It cure contains no
harmful dmf, and la aold
andec oat peaitirt ruarmiucai
. Kondon Mfg.
ttlnneipolli, Minn.
Smarting Chilblains
Itching, burning frostbite Instantly re
lieved by one application SHERMAN'S
usually effected with one bottle.
By mail iiOc.
Tonight, Matinee Wet
18c, 330, BOo, 750,
Tonight, Matinee Wednesday
Thursday ST. ELMO..
At Auditorium
All Day and Evening
Admission, 25 cts. and 15 cts.
Matin Wdnady, Thursday, Saturday.
. . ; : Henry W. Savage Offers
Next Sunday TIM MT7SPHT.
ri a rl7"T,'V rinr. ibo-tbo,
-. X 2j M. M pally Mat, IB0-6O0
TWICK DAILV, ALU Ul Kit, Cloning
Friday Mjfht, RICH A UAKTOV8
. .. Kxtravaganxa and Vaudevltt.
, Just the Show for Holiday Week.
Ladies' Dime Mot. Dallv at 218
mt un, Day) Clark' Kuuaway Qlrla
pally Matin, StlB TJvery Evening, 8:13
; Tliia week Valerie Uergere, Tmcutiy
Troubadoura, Ktelllng and Hevell, Town
Hall Minstrels, Cliarleno and Cliarlene,
Miss Violet King, Meyers and Uuau, The
Klnodrome and The Orpiietim Concert
Orchestra. 1-rlceg loo, a5o and 60.
John Says:
Kotle tb emilse
on Omaha man to
day J Tfcat'a because
of tb 'Trust Boater
el rata they got tor
Oiristmas. (loot
amok getting; bet
tar all th tlm. too.
0o aon."
Central Cigar Store
321 South teik Strut.
I S3 V waul tf I