The Omaha Bee. m two unday TOR AIX THE NtS THX OMAHA BEE BtJT IN THE EDITORIAL Flf II 1 TO 19- VOL- XXX IX -NO. OMAHA. SUNPAV MORNING. MXKMBKTI 1:m ''.'. SINGLE LOV FTVE CENTS. Pictures Neckwear ! Ribbons -!. n '(i ., . of a.i tsrrnen Ne e Nckwar. niece s,-gM!v mussed. r r erd and reduced Vie ,-iwiar IM t. and 11 . Nktr ( Remnants and fill pteeea. in grand clean JO hefiire inventory H. ihoona. worth to c. loa Ribbnna. wnrtli to ioc. 14 Pustt;. Kfhsrc. Knjfra- 1 Srim. arbond. Mt, and In ry k.nd f fram; rhv of mir -'Tr uTm- After n Slearinn and I utio D . nu v m lAy l V r ii : m W . v yV iv i i 4 u 1 1 i i it ri i I r7 ii i if i VI ii i I u i i K.viss. i !ru l i x a n vr x j Sis sftnas nventory The Ctrutciaj tnxaraesa for 19C0 is history. It has bn a big, busy season and now comes the aftermath, rhe riran-ao (lays, and b bafTrains. No More nuul greater Tine t ma preparation, and rnaaeqaently t"e left nvrn an1 nnnifma. Fiery departmeat with say pretense of carrying Christmas mrrchanilise ta making heroic Hearing; hargainw tht week. Holiday Knew nawe heea kalfeil to nuko a clearance aJvwoitite ami certain. Wbrtlw advert iel or six fcmk for hdi.laT at vis at sacrifice prices on eery floor rtoilett. maael at! itnperfert oeerto ks or alia not. a ill he harnH out at nnmiMakahle bargain prirnt. On January 1st we take our semi-annual inventory the importance of having stocks down to the lowest ItM ran oaly he fully r-alUe.1 hy tlie huyrr of the rarfaxi tpartnen(. Ia thia oae wk Ha aot o iniH-h profit mm tolomc of mi that omint" The unloading of t)Haanl of worth of merrhamllae ia imeraie. Kry oae of fhee mew ia aiaia a 1e ferminert. ronoientia rfjort t out out W no ailuring oariptin. tiiti and end. remnant aad hroken lota rimpJy mn r. No Ii!ly-1Ilyiim oo. It the lat anl supreme effort of llie year mat tomorrow. The mo iaveterate harain hnater will rel in the offeringi. Wonder Sa e of Oinaha A tremendous stock-reducing movement, the greatest ever attempted by us. Closing the year with unprecedented bargains on our entire lines of women's cloth garments. Suits oats Dresses a V "V" Here's the most powerful cut price incentive made to Omaha wo P riea this year. The magnificent Bennett styles, admittedly the most I J fttehizg auid smartest the city has seen this season are offered tomor- J rnrtr all at nna rmr f Choice of Any Tailored Suit Choice of Any Long Coat of Any Wool Dress This gives you jtrarment. positively worth to .".UV. No stretch of the i ma a.i nation or intiated values, hut the actual prices as marked dur ina: the sean. Monday, without a single es&eption. ail hee superb tyle go at a jriee such as Eennett's alone are known to make. Over 2,000 Suits, Goafs and Dresses in the Sale All the best eolors, including bla.eks. Every size so all can be fit ted. Garments from the master tailors of America sacrificed almost unbelievably. Be early. Extra salespeople. . CLEARING H AMD KERCHIEFS Thi if the eefc for the het hjiIkrrhief bargains. Thousand of them that ; muwi anl tamhleil la the t 'h.r1tmH mih or a lirtJe a,ilet in ami nimlun ierorationa at I.KSS THIN H-lLr". Kvery one must be clearetj aaay hefore inrentory. January t. Ltok for ("aiii lot plain!- pla-rari-Hl Mondiv women ani ran's haudkerrhiefs. Swiss anil llnn iiandltr''h!f, hetnstirrhel, embroidered, uralloorl and initial handkrraie!. .". kin'lB. 2 1 f kiuds. for 4f 12-sr kinds, for Tic 1 " kinds, for 2r kinds, for 10 io ati ne mnr X9na! itmuK. al3i less than half re ilar val js. CLOVES nrokn lines of women's Vid and Kr.glian. cane gloves, worth to . $1.23. Hearing M f at. pair ... 7C r A History Eriat Clearing 'tfarkiownj en SLIPPERS F.verybJy haa neet of lipoer. Only at This time is it onMhle to buy thetn so low in prirr. We hare too mauriT. so here they in sharply reilnreil. iien's tan and black alligator and embroidered T5c slip- A f pers. now "VWW AJ1 men's $1.30. $1.23 and $1.00 Opera and Everetts, 88c Women's $123. Juliets; red, gray, tan. brown and bUok. QIFTn tur trimmed. U ......03C allppers. tana and blacks, for Long after this sale is over you'll hear it recalled with a feeling of satisfaction by those who were fortunate enough to share in it. Thcs are pre-inventory bargains of sur pas3ing greatness. Rarely, if ever, are such announcements made and lived up to. Qual ities are extremely good; weaves are new and up-to-date; colors are those now in greatest vogue. The window displays have brought scores of women to 3e the goods, but none are offered until tomorrow. Beautiful Moire Silk3 Everybody knows j hour popular these silks are now. They are I exceptional v fine for waist. There whole ronze of colors, too rose, pink, blue. t.'opetihagen brown. witena. myrtle, red. et.: exeeiie-it 7-"ic silks, all marked Flori da v. at navv a i I i olive. Messalines, Peau de Cygnes, tii'tt;u- anl eref-e de chine: 7." pieces in all, also Moire antique silks: these come in every conceiv able shade for evening and street wear. They are exquisite, shimmering, soft silk.-; jnst ai the fashion demands. f ff (Jur biggest silk bargain with- out a doubt: $1.00 values, at Dress Goods Remnants in to 1 --yd. p1-'''? to close before inventory j all sorts of g Q j fabrics, yd. ... 33C , Tany of the? ae worth double anil more and all are ne- g-'oda Be Early It Pay Superb $1.50 Silks A variety as broad a the ut't'erinsr i- unusual. Just look at this range (."aslimire de Soie, in new shades: Peau tie Xymph. 3i-inch Black Taffetas. $1.."j0 blark Moire Silks. .l.f0 and 1.2." i;k piaid-. fl..") crepe de chine. 43-inch printed Chiffons, etc.. all at. . 69c Yshrits $1.31 values, for coats and dresses. 70 pieces all colors. AQ v. rJ 'OC Costings B'-avers. a s t r a r hans and bearskins for chil dren's coata. worth to $5.00, at, yd $1.43 Closing Out Sales Books, Calendars, Stationery In the jostling Christmas crowds many books became finger marked, scuffed and i Jfj ear marked these, along wita odds and ends, are to be closed out without regard HC 3Ttu HijC to cost. Two immense lots, at . . CALENDARS Our splendid stocks of beauti ful gift calendars for 1910 Eatire line at GREAT REDCCTIOSrt. mctu CAiinus By Wayne Whipple, author of 'The Story of Lincoln." In Ui following nubjta: Llnccln. Wuhinirton, Ca'.antiar Gaj dn Calendars.. 43c mi 93c STATIONERY RVTOJAINS Beanrifully boisej stationery that old up to $1.50 and slightly .rA: .49c USE THIS COUPON FOR Clip this Coupon and bring it with you to get the benefit of our big Jewelry Markdown. Commencing Moaday, and for the entire wt. you bay all jewelry (excepting Watchea and Diamonds) at PER 25 CENT IF F 9 Ttis embraces Jewelry Novelties, Silver ware, Clocks. Leather Goods. Cmb.-elias, etc. Poaitiely ery article In the stock at one fourth off ( Watchea and Diamonds excepted. Doa"t forget, bring this Coupon with yoa. THaiBDOUS GLEAM-UP SALES HALF PRICE A aweeniog anl uacialitionaI mark down, affertia all toym, inrlndinif our Kinematographo. Magia' Lanterna. strain Knaiaeis Train, M chaairal Toy, Iron Toy iu fat everythui goes aC half. DO IJjs- Dressed Dolls and k4and 1 rrr jointed doUs, none reserved, afv Li 1 TOY FYRNTCTRE PUnos, Chairs. Desks, Go Carta, Sleds, Bureaus, etc. i nrr reduced Uri All Doll Sundries, Stockiiii. Shoes. Parasols t Half learance CHINA CLASS LAMPS The gift season in over. Here's your oppor tunity to supply your own neeIi ax a mere frae tloa of actual value. We must sell at any roar this week. fancy Frenca China. t Umiii Painted China. at Lihliv's Cut tilaiis. at L'irinerware. mci::dinj HavCandi perforated ware Electric and Gaa Lamps, al Jxoanese Vun. all k.nus. at wr hin Tabies loaded wiTii Kam--.- 7hlna. at . w ill e?.-y piete wortn duujie or more our bijiyest fatur-3. THIRD OFF HALF OFF 35 "AZr OFF FIFTH OFF THIRD OFF HALF OFF 25:-43c-33c-JI,93 ;s one of Prt-limntory Salts HARDWARE S.nie of our finest bargains for the week are In this list "Socks are heavy and markdouras are necessarily more severe. na Ok"'".". PornnJator. of!Ve hiNui. off and Ta Pors piife in our stock Ma Xnamalwara n HL Xaatara ul Baa Barnera- ln tftt-lt Ba ii f 1 n." on in Jit. t; Carrina ai I l.27 jae Heiu. aa.50 I k' Flour I'ina 5o Waii Bi.iers. .nppir and tin. silently drii'd di rr -Any one Anv imi in aroii, 20 eff 23 off 20 10 ff 20 off B. B. 9."ic If Skat-" N. J i. ;r irla....50c S:.3." B. o. E. Si Iron-, at Ma Mr. Potts Sl.l'i Irons TSa Bennett's Big Grocery . f 1.75' lou atjnps i ijjni'-' ISO i'l t:unpn Sao il siaxnpa I3o I" stampa 1I siainna Hicelsmr Flour. sa'k Be'inert'a Gouln ijoff. ib. . Bonnett a i ha.ln ;ofi?e. lb Toajt. uMior'oii. !U Ta .iftinifa. ib. pl: Diamond ? "h!'.i im:e !h1 rt.eine "lua-ii:.-. ib So anadown CcxifiaH, I pk;9 3e to stamps :iiuer'a T'imat j .oup aoo ?0 stumna t'apitol Pure PppT. -lb can....lOo a stjunpn Soina. Frani-o-Amerlcan. qt- can..3a XO stamps t.inen E-:le Currants. ;h. pk....iao ; stajiuia Hartley's Pure Fmit Jama lao 20 sujiimb Cirri, W'.nte Oa.i brand, ihree rans 3o Bailna i it it n n Laver Kmina. lb 10a lnit:iU Sieede.1 Rj.aine ib. aK XOo l aaitoi Minre Meat Z pka 10 atunps Ptntel Beef. Franco- Ajnerii-aii .... lOa 5 suimiis Oai'-Iard Olive OtJ 45a 30 atamns L.Dion's Jellv. 3 nkp 1 stamps P-anut Eiuter. two jam aoai(t stamps Some Thing's You Want to Know The Holy Land The City of Processions Only on Cliriaunaa d.ty does BethJenam ;a rank above Jerusalem ma the moot holy Chrtatian city. Every oiher day in :he year Jerusalem is the arena of the eiebrauon of soma attend holy day, and ait frequent ara theee ntuaiiatlc abservaauea Lbat JeruasJem may wail be caUed tba ("liy of Procession. The ChurcU of tile Holy Sepukhre ia, of courae. Uie center ii most of tti celebrations, but the city a!xuDds In aacred aarines and is bieaaed : -h many churchea autt cunvenu, eacn 'i .ta own time Uie scene of some apectac ...r rei-eqitiny of worship. Then. too. thre a tile Jewiah and t!' Mohxmmeitan fes ' .s. uat the Christians far outstrip the jsii'jUfti th.f two otiier rei;&;ona wh.i-ti :m Jeniirtit-iu as tue liolr lit?. tSe t'hur ii f ttie Holy epiiicht. ouilt ui tjia si'e f tn datn. the hm'ai and tue fiiurreiM.uii of Chrut. la Ule holiest n:ma tn 'hi 'stenaom. The M-iui; f ul. --ea. fvom wn-re He ascended iiuu h'-aven. me tiaidrn of iJethaeinane Wjer.- H. i eufteid the n . the Via Doioroaa. aio whu-ti He camel the croaa. the J.1.14M1-111 : of PVa:e here He was condemned y th? poiiuoa. stale, the house of Caiaphui the h.h pneet. where He "vaa coinleiij ed Uy li.e!aiattiHi siaiii. I. i-! and nia.iv oiiier authencca'.ed and i.nauthetiTii-ated wenes in the life of the .-aw ior are :he obj La uC ielious vt.tier 1.011. uue ia ahos n the atona upon t niuit Jeaua s;uud S"'.it-n li, mountnl the aa "Inch iu to car y Ii:in into JerusaJeui. .'r,e is iiue,n the sim upn which roue led tie cuck rhoee turd cr-isr broufht r p. Ucajii'e l-j the n-.-e. t of the erring- Peter, and au one eema 10 1. 'ma ft atrai(e that una atone iii an nuifcy difTereot tuarter of the city from that in which. P" er was suppuai to be ua mat Xaufui DillU rui nut a.l of .he vut aocum ulation of Craas tmi a" t-aditiona a, id aoaurd auixtau tiona can biot out the tact that Jeruaa.eni, ia tact, la the city n which Our Lord, brouetnt Kia ministry to a cloea and whera He aufterad martyrdom. For tha reaaoa the Lai Tor b Jerusalem, whatever baa awn rw 1 f.oii belief, must be interested in the iranw aitd peculiar rois;1oua ewieoraciuiia a hick ara (Oitf sa about hi a a.1 the time. Ear!y in the mormnaj one ses a proceasion of brown-cowled, bare-f h -d Fraaclacana maJusa: Its way through Lao narrow streata ta the church. It ia very simple, very solemn and not at ail spec tacular. A little later in the day. perhapa. one eea the Latin Pau-!ar-h of Jeruam. acc wnpanied by the Frinch Cjum li-cien-etai !n his sorgvoua un'.forru. at itie head of a procession maii cit i'i v fr.m .ne of the modrm clvirvhe tj some nrvrii shruie. In -Marp cuurradt is ti.e pr.M-eseiun of Armenian prleyta wea.-inif hauits of hcaek and high, brmli-w. chimney-put hats, pro cee.lins; fmm U:e fliaccn of Si. Jamea. uie aeat of lie Armeiuaa Ptr:areh. toward the Holy S-oulchr-.'. Then a small ;id rMKM pr enuu.n of Sj r an Ja.-oOrtes aoin 10 Uieu- i.ny ctiapel c lose nv t tie T'imh of the Lo -L The gaies of the At' convent open and s:v-s forth a pro eaion uf pnrsta of l.'i.a peon. a 1' r-e. er a .11: s:-ry and a womier 10 i.K cidrn tal 1 'iirtst '.ans. And ihen. sometimes tiiere is a proce -.-ion in purpie a.i.l wtine and black !ed by lha AJidtlica-i Biahop jf Jer usaicm. for even Lie Proiesianis have tneir repre.eiitaiion in iLeee spectacular rlltj .uua ceiebraUiina. lniei-eatiiiaj as are. these formal pit)cK I't'oa to te eye. ever mora inte-estu".a are the infjrmaJ and motley parades of tne pilirrims. On the Mount of Oi;ves one may loo townrd Jrusaiera and see he city as Chr-st saw it when He sa.J H-an ard eann r.a-l pa-ss awav. but My words sha I r.ot paa away." Wmling- up Ule '.vng road f-.n :lie city t, the Uoiy moan; cornea a company of Russian ptiaTtma. They nave sated from Taeir poverty the: small sum ne:eaary ta pay the.r pifuji from Odeaea tit Jafra. and they wiil wa.k tram hers ta the Jordan to ba rebapcaed to toe watara of that holy nver. Tei not the burden of tLeir extreme pov erty and their treat phyaicai misery can weth down their ralisnoua exa.taiion. They have bo prtaeta to head their proeeaaiun. thay hare no eapta.n, they are aimpa pll- iu oai. uie enr ana e n e Kuaaiaa, ' ' v " ' v - vvi nueiMcea ror uieir ! entertainment and. while mey are in the I Holy Land, taey are well ca.od lor. i'roia ! uje church at tr.e summit of the Mount of -!'ves jisues for:h a procession of P.ussian Gym pnesta to receive the pllgrtma and 10 lea4 them in their worship hera. where they n look out icnss Lie desert ta the Dead eea rfreen mi'.es away, and beyond it to the mountains of M ah. where Moses lies in his lonely sepulchre. "h-wr.aTi are so likely :o forget Uiat J-sim r'hr-si is es;eeme by Islam aa the ea; of the P-op(iej but Mohammed, and It is lnterMi.ns to note that on the Mount of Olives the most sacred Chrtatian shnne a n possession of the Mohamme dans and is a piace frequented by devout pilgnma who fuiiow th ProoJiet of Arabia. A mosmie here marks the sit of the place f-om whence .IesU9 Is la-d ta hare as cended into lies -en. and taere ia one of the footprints of Jtfsus in the aolld stone to pmve the sior?'. Yet of a.l the prra-eMiinn. of Jer-iiva.em u'ic mos; unpressive is that disjointed and unorganised march of tne d-vuut along the V a Doiorcwa. the route which Jeaus trod ou His last ,r.arcn to Ciirty. Along Una and narrow way are um station of Lhe cross so familiar tn the worship uf ail Christians of the Laun nte. There are only nine of the fourteen staiions of : er jaa iu i. ta L-olor..a. a- the last f- e are covered over by tue building of u;e 'liurcti of the Holy .fepuic.'ii-e. The pinrrtina who mae lain ,oj:ney repieeent almost ever' natior.aiity and al most everv class in Christian society. Tiirre :s t ie faaaticaj devotrt who makes arxiuiHia pilgrimane rver- Fr-day i-oaj-.ntij under the weight of a huip wootian ross. almost as larg as that whi. h Jesus t.i rif.1 Handinia of these pi'giims d-s themseivea as they imagine Jesus ould dreaa and maaa tna pfl primage. Aa tiiey tase thesr ideas uf the -mime from paintina-s wtun which they ara familiar, and aa tha European painters of the middle agea were anything hut accurate in deuuL tha coetumxng ta must motley. Soma wear German clothes of tha mediaeval periods, some ara tli-eased aa Romans, and sums as P.ossians. These piigrtma may be seen any day. but on Fridae- there ta usu a.!y a greater number. Then there ara auiama said, Zotmaa ceramumai pruceaatons v. mae ti.e piig.-inia of the Via j rviurona a sacrelotal splendor, with ail i Lie trapping of gnrcou.s eccletiasLcai '.j jits. Then there are the ordinary uur- j !sti every party of whom goes over this j way. There is rarely a t;me when some : procession ia not moving over this rou'.e. As Christmas day is the climax of the Christmas year in Bethlehem, so in i Jerusalem does Easter mark the tide 1 of the reJiifiouK observance. The church of the Holy .Sepulchre enuiusing the tomb 't from which Chnst roue Is, of course. Lie eenter of the eastern i-eJebratinn. The I Greek, chufh holds its most solemn sex- vices on this day. but for various reasons ' th. service in the Church of tha Holy j S. pulchra upon Easter mortiirg is ; iaroi. the Lutherans and tlie other western ctnif-iies Dhwr e Earner in Jerusalem jUJit as the?- lo in anv ith-r riiy. bt rmzszBac j. kasxxs . Tomorrow TU BOLT IVAJTS The ancient Fort of Jappa. WYOMING'S BOOM IS COVflNG UNCLE BILL'S APPLE ORCHARD degenerated iuui a not in which lives are often lost. The chap-el of tne is tiv into two smal er chape s, one conta-ning the sepulchre, winch ia Latin, and the other containing the suine which was roiled away from fie door of the sepwichre. which la Grii and Armenian. In the i ll! j of the latter tiny chaoei a hole through ' w:ucii Lte holy fire of Kster will i-snc. ' Ou the mght before iia'tc- the church is criW'ied with as many pe-nr.a aa the' Turkish soldiers w'l a.Jmtt and the Kiua.-e , in front of tha building and the 'tr-ets in t!ie neighborhood are packed dt-ner' "th; a suoutins. uriiiing tiirnff of Oriental j Christians. j Inside tlie churci t ie people run round I and round and round the a-pirTchra anout i:ig. "This :s the tomn of J-ana Chi-uu .l-l si've the mitiUi JesuM I'lmst had re ieemeit us.'- It is a wild orap' which has no er.iu'ajice of wliat westerners d--m ' a proper rii-.uus le.-uruiti. Fina.ri' a 1 proceiun of G-eelt pr .rt. ij. einbroiilerod I Vfnuwilieomni forth eicoitirj liie bishop. H?. after a friiiiun:.'. goei into tne ;in -.iiapet and c oaes The lNir. In ther a.tiiie. ! I. a piaya for fire to Jew-end f-Tn nev-.n. After a lung time, du.!: which the! cro'vd haa tvn working nae'f up to the 'iiS'iest fr"u-. tlie fire com-s fji-tn 'run the hole in the side of the ctiapel. it :s caught on the cai.dlea uf the wa-ting-pnems, and then cemmumcated raa uly all through tha church, seven waiter having a candle ready, out the door and f-om candle to candle in ths great throng outside. Men fight with each other to be Hrs. to rwcewe tha holy f'.rw and Easter morning is often ' tha (treason of disgraatefui hraw'a at tha rory sepulchre of the Christ That tha Ere actually deacenda from heaven In answer to tha prayers of the bishop no one of theee eaaer ana devout worshippers aver duubta. The Laaue bave nothing to do win ilua ceremony. They, tne Episcopal- j MADE "B00KS0N PONIES" W ems as lavailsn af Literary Field Hitkerta "llonoaeiiiswal ay the Mew. Amonif other "stT'ictly n;sje profefiionrt" lateiy invad.i by the twentieth c-nt-.iry W'iman .a tha "bHkaiuKmg ' huHiueafl. Laura Johnson pleaded guilty in one of the Chicago courts """the other una to tha cnargw of keeping a 'oook " on the pomes and was fined fc. and cUi-t.. The jvilice tilers say it was the fit ca--e on r-curd w-h.-iT a wiiinan "bteffiinakcr ' appeared This is Uie story the feminine "bookie" toid as she left the court room. "I am a Chicago g;rl.'- she organ smil ingly and with self-confidence. "I am making" a good living, much better thaa any other working g-rl I know uf. There is a g eat deal of money :n my busmuss. I tnaH t lots of miinev-. "I was edacated m an easlent convent and came back here Men still uuitc young. I first leamen .if horse racing and bet ting at close rar.a-c at a card party which I attended with oth-r wumen. Nearly aal of t.ieni piayd the races and soma of t.'iem iui-.y.sed me to. I ieard their talk for sume time, and one day when I waa ca.ling on a woman acuua.ntance a mea soiiier came to her house and she sent a bet by him ta some handhuc.K. "-he sug gested tiiat 1 do likewise, and I sent a bet by tne ame hoc it n as my first bet. I kiSL "I uho; an increasing -.ill -rest and stuuied up on iti poniet. L'ui-ing the n--t five or s,x years I placed it tiie tracks mostly Eelinijiil and N..i rl ans. The higsesl winning I evr made when I was b.-tt:ng wad C .' in one mr. nut I o-t in tha lung niu and foia.!.' ia in-d that tlie only persons aiiii;t 'y made money on belLug wore Lie buoemaaci s. "I snew a great many women -n Ken wood and Hyde Park who made beta, many of them ia.i.-. 1 opened a book In an apartment building. I installed a tele phone and Later added a messenger service of my own. - I have a. ways had mea aangwra. There ara women who doo t want to bet aver tha telephone and who do not want to come iu the rat I send the hoys ta them and they forward to me their beta recorded on lips of paper and their mofiev. Weil. 1 fuea mat's all. Chicagu journal. Saaae Llaat aa the Orawbaeka af Other Dare aae rrnsseels ia -Marat. "Nii wi: iiaianding her Kreat natural re sources and her geographical advantages. 'Vyoming is ihe slowest 10 gro v of ail the 'aes in the union." according to Joseph G. Bunoiighs of Cheyenne. Wyo.. n an interview in the Washington Hetald. "Wyoming has kept a little ahead of Nevada !n population. " ?a:d Mr. Burroughs, "but has never oeen aoie to round up a sufficient number of voter"! .0 command mure than one memoer of cong-s. I: u now cJaime.1 mat the state has led " m habitanta. having ga.ued mora than H pnr cent since the aist censua. but that cannot be stated definitely until nexi year. "There a-e three reasons in the past why eeiiiement has not been mora rapid." con tinued Mr Bureonghs. "FirM. tha lack of rransivii tauon faciii'.ea and Llie unfortu na.e line la-en o" the Union Pacific ra.l rnaci in its -instruction across ihe state. I:iateeJpf following the snort est a;id must feaurthie nute un tne P'atte and 3weei water. hy way of .-?ou:h Pasn and along tne old established California tra 1, the engi neers aiiopted ttie present route through tiie aoutliem part of tha state and across the Red C-esert. following no water cour-rfi and traversing the most desolate section. Couseuuenily. for ail tha years of our his tory territorial and stats, people traveling across the country have passed through the leaat sttraet'.ve sect.on and the leajt fr "ia. and. returning to 'heir homea. i.ave aiwa.-3 nad favorable reports 10 make of every ot.-ier state excat Wyoming: but when mentioning th.s commonwealth tnec have tiiciwn up their hands in horror ar.4 declared: it to ba oisct rally tiriliihabl'aoie and a desert in the full sense of the word. "Se-ond. the untmthf il reprta of nu climatic conditlor.a. whlcli have led tiie general public to baueve that winteta in Wyoming are estremeiy hard ard cold. This is not exactly according facta. Range stock of ail k nds have always win. tared on our open ran gee. and under the average oondluona coma through tha win tar tn excellent shape without any cars er feed. "Any ana desiring work of any kind can always find employment anywhere, and satisfactory employment. There :s no man out uf a job In Wyoming exceyt by aia own wUL Aa Illasiratiaa af tha Caltft Wniaaat by Irriawtiaa ia tha West. -"one ten nr j lioeen veers afio a few of us went out to Colorado (0 hunt black 1 a.1 deer. We slopped at the ranch of one ' Uncle Bill Thompson, located well towa.d. 1 tii! head of a plea.--.anL but wholly barre-i , little '. alley. Uncle Bill lived In a lou hut. round about which stood a fa w 1 straggling little apple trees, planted by his own somewhat hardened hands and watered ' w'th a ragged little ditch which he hart dug with tha same hands. Uncle Bill waa ; living on the venison of blackta.l de nr citiontail rabbit. When ue went ou: lu hunt w'th as. he took with linn uniy threw cartridges because they were a.l he had. and a.l he could afford. So far as I know. Uncle Bill Thompeon never did anything in his life that caused him to bluan. hu: if he has biuslic-i. he has been blushing unseen these last len years. Nona th lees, in some "ay lie aot tugtuher munev ' enough to come to the city, where lately he casually wandered into the of oue of bis f irmer guests. With some com pui SNions. and with t.'ia- certain coudescen sioti usually employed by any ciuy man t'. ward anyone who does not Hv In h'.s own particular city. I asked Unda Bill iow his rancn ia along and what I, ib 'and was now worth, t wanted Lo ba plumb aifahle a-ttli him. 'Well. ' answered Uncle Bill, nibbing ma cnin. "I dunnu ;ust wuat you would cait that .and worth now. The apple buyers jn-t u l mi-t,-Sj i aoje for my appli s n tlie reee. I auppoee you prouahly might all that eot of ami worth about tl an a're. mightn't . ou ' I rex-kon that would be annul a fair pece. ' "Uncle Bill." -raid I to him sudden. y "have y jii got more than thiee cartridge -n ".iiir liiiie nua "" "f ha-, e." he siinDi-. lie ha.'. When Uncle B.ll came into the off'., e i,c incited to be smaller than myself. When he went out. I concluded that on the w'io'm !i - looked a great deal larger than myself; . because I -lo not recall any personal trans au Hon of In wnich anyone has cume along and offered me Oti an acre foe I my kind of city appiea on tha iree. How ! about your own city apples 'Emerson Hough in Colller's. 1 There ia no oangni of croup renultiror aertously if Chaicueriaui e Couau Baiucd ia gjvsa.