THE OMAHA SUNDAY. DEE: DECEMBER 2."!, lCln). TV ! f ( : ! Getting Best Results in Home Building Arthur O. Olanaca, ' ArehlUot. I uvirva rooav A, , BI- . I fl1 1 M TORCH a i I rSICyS .MO. 348 ' W I i U " ' -4 TATML.Y CHAMBER, HALL, L . ARTHUR-C CLAUSES- -A.K.CHITE.CT AMVIEAT'OI.IS, ,WNV 7"! ul CHAMEJ) HE entire planning of a -home T might be dwelled upon under the title of "od1 and ends," mm for a house la compound of ECV, many parts and materials mmZhzzJ which should all be assembled together as a harmonious whole, after having been considered separately as to their appropriateness and their financial and artistic value. While every house should be planned to suit Its location, and the requirements, of locations vary to a large extent, there are a few principles which can be applied in most cases. It matters not whether ; a lot is fifty feet wide or one hundred feet wide, a better plan can be obtained and more value, "and enjoyment realized out of ' its situation through placing the broad side of- the house to the front than placing the narrow side of the house at the front and extend ing It back a considerable distance to ob; tain the required amount of room. Most lots are between fifty and' sixty-five feet wide. In a lot under sixty-five feet .wide It matters not whether the house is thirty feet on the front or forty-five feet wide. In either case the space left on each side of the house can be used for little more than a passageway from the front to the rear. To plan the broad side of the house to the front makes the house shallow from front to rear and by setting well back on the lot you will thereby obtain a good lied front ,yard and a good sized back yard and other advantages which I will enumerate. ' Placing the broad side of the house to the front permits locating the stairway through the center of the house. This means that the entrance also will be In the center, both to the porch and the house, which is desirable for outside ap pearance as well as Inside convenience. It also permits of placing two of the prin cipal, rooms in the front corners of the house where they can get a splendid view of .the street and even from the "side win dows obtain a better view than if one of the ' rooms ' were located farther back in the house, which would be necessary were the house planned so narrow that the Stair hall would have to be placed In one of. the corners. Placing the stair hall in the center of the house and so planning the. stairway that it will .bring" the stair hall on the second floor in the center of the house makes it ' possible to place the bed rooms In the four corners. If the house Is square, .thereby obtaining' light and air and a good view from two sides of each room. The principal bearing partition on the first floor can also be carried up through the second floor In the center of the house, giving It a good back bone. When this occurs, tthe partitions should also be carried down through to the base ment. So much In favor of the wide house. There are probably more patented sys tems and attachments for heating" plants than any other mechanical part of n house r building. Each heating contractor lias his own pet theory, which he claims .Is right, and that all other heating contrac tu, a who do not agree with him ore wrong. The man selling a furnace naturally, for business reasons, does not think much of a hot water heating plant, and with a hot water heating man the reverse opinion is also naturally held. Laying aside all pet theories, pro or con, there is no doubt but what the most practical heating plant for a modern home is the hot water heating system. The reason that hot water heat ing plants are not always a success Is because of the manner in which they au Installed, and the owner Is sometimes to blame for this, since he is too often tempted to let his contract at the lowest possible bid that he can obtain regardless of the contractor's reputation. . We will take for example a certain house, requiring 1,000 feet of radiation. Contractor Brown states that he will Install the plant complete in every respect for $800. Con tractoi1 Jones cives the home builder a little lecture, stating that he hasn't figured on sufficient radiation and recommends that he put In 1,200 feet, stating that he will furnish such a plant complete for $700, with really no intention of doing so, his real intention being to give the home builder but 900 feet of radiation, knowing that the home builder will never know the differ ence, unless he has the architect superin- THE BEE'S PLAN BOOK Through an arrangement with Ar thur C LMrtiisen, architect, the read ers of The omiuui uee cun obtain a 'copy of ins Ueautitul OooK, 'THE AST, SCIE3TCB AND BES-'llMUMl- Or BOMitUlLU JJICi." for On Dollar. This book contains loriy-nlx chap- tlla uIHi iW UiUil ill luim, plllllvu O.I liuuty . unit. t.u !4(j.iw, . ,.a tuttr s.&.i.tnU in goiu. n mills v.Uh the plACkiltal iuu holllt UUItlilllg, Hiv ing Luiiipieie nil uriiutiiuii uu uiv p.ainiu.K una Uin,fc4..iin ui every kind ut Home, x Here is burning inuie piacicui than i.ialniig uu homo ur umic, uulluing u on &cienluiu lines and to liifcuie s.iuitaiy conditions and wnrnun. The author uf me uuoK anus to give the inieiiuing nume bunder acu ice on snujceis nucn ha buying the lot, planning the Home, letting the contract., chuoHinj the mattiiais, etc. Piobiunm aouut iron, douis, windows, stairways, piaces, exteriors, interior iinixh, etc., lire taken up In detail una tieateU with good common sense. Nearly all questions that could be anticipated are answered and the book haould povo a great heip to who are about to plan a home. It Is pro fusely illustrated. Send all ontern to Arthur C. Clausen, 113G-a7-3S Lumber Exchange, Minneapolis. tend the const ruction of the house, until the following winter, nnd then It Is teo late, for the contractor has obtained the owner's satlsfnetory acceptance of tin heating plant, alno his money. This is a very common trick among some unscrupu lous heating contractors A hentir.g plant which would ordinarily require 1.000 feet of radiation can be operated end keep the house warm on BOO feet, hut you must crowd the boiler by frequent attention to the fire and keep it burning up to a high pitch at all times during very cold weather. When both radiation and the boiler are of proper capacity a small even flro can be kept up which requires but little atten tion. The circulation throughout the plant is plow and ensy and the water never boils over the expansion tank on the second floor. While all facts point to the advisability of Installing a hot water heating plant in an average sized home, there is no but what a small home can be heated In a very satisfactory manner with a hot air furnace, provided that It la properly In stalled. Here again the home builder has to lie careful with whom he deals and be sure that his furnace la of the proper size. Most people put In a hot air heating plant because It Is the cheapest, which I of course a good reason, when a man Is limited to a certain amount In the con struction of hit home. Some contractors renlise this fact and select the cheapest apparatus that they can possibly get the owner to buy and pass It oft as a heating plant with the usual results. It makes no particular difference where the hot water boiler It located, but a fur nace should Invariably be loeated as near the center of the house as possible, even if it Is necessary to carry the smoke pipe a long distance to the flue, for furnace hot air pipes, If 'carried any great dlstaneo on A level, will not give heat. Here Is an other point to take Into consideration. It Is practical to put hot water radiators around the outside walls of a house, prefcrobly near the windows, to heat the cold air as it enters. In a hot air plant, however, It Is more practical to place the registers In every room where they will take "the least amount of pipe to connect with the furnace. Every furnace pipe should have a damper In the basement, for it very often occurs, where two pipes leave the furnace near each dther, that the one having the shortest run to the register takes the heat from the other. Under these circumstances It would be best to partially close the damper In the pipe conducting more than Its ahare of heat Into the other so as to throw the heat Into the other pipe. All hot air heating plants chould be regulated In this manner and when the dampers are once regulated in a manner that Insures an even distribu tion of heat they should then be wired in lace so ;'iat their positions cannot be altered. , After reading the above a prospective hon e builder will naturally ask how ho Is going to know whether or not he is get ting the right amount of radiation with out going to the expense of hiring an ex pert to examine the plant or engage the architect to superintend the construction of his house. The most practical way to handle this situation Is to have the con tractor guarantee a sufficient amount of radiation. In other words, do not ask a heating contractor to figure on a certain amount of radiation, but lay your plans before him, telling him that you want the best figure on a heating plant, complete In every detail, which will heat your house to 70 degrees In coldest weather. State that you will make him guarantee the amount of radiation he agrees to furnish to do the work properly, and that In your protection you are going to reserve 10 per cent of the amount of his bid until the first cold spell, enabling you to give the plant a thorough test, or, to be more specific, until the 1st of January of the year In which you build. EB83 IWWIMHUW,Wlt'4U..W.J We IVfae Them in Omaha and can duplicate any manufactured in the world also Save You Money Hydraulic-Press Brick Co. 330 Be Building. Let us show you samples. imAiUiJinifiiiniiMfliiiiH, , kunms.iiiiii...iiiMjiii1jiimjm.L i BBS Pre-Inventory Clothing Clearance HAYDENS TMC MLIttU TOK Men's Suiis and Overcoats Youths1 Suits and Overcoats Boys' Suits and Overcoats Broken lines and odd lots from our own regular stock will be sacrificed this week to effect a com plete clearance before inventory, Jan. 1st. Monday $075 At Ozz: Men's Suits that sold regularly at $12.50 up to $20.00. Fine worsteds, cas simeres, cheviots splendid assort ment of styles and patterns. ts3 ' Men's Suits, worth from $20.00 up to $25.00 fine import ed Scotch suitings, imported English worsteds, $flf775 wonderful Ej M values, at. . La Remember we personally guarantee every Suit or Over coat sold here, no matter whether at regular or special sale prices. Come early Monday. Men's Overcoats, worth $14.50 up to $22.50 Choice fabrics, color ings and style? ; values seldom if ever equaled at fllfjj 75 our isaie price mm All BOYS' SUITS and OVERCOATS at ABOUT HALF. All Men's and Boys' Winter Caps at Half, and Less Regular Prices, v S Try HATBEH'S First P!ys Tie Bee The Best for Snorts 4 HkAW MltLIOAN PAINTS t, J7aiT 1 - . V.. .' V' .Ifc- ! V, 5 .,4 l. 1 - liniHijil. - J -I Forty Carloads of IHIeath aed. TT 0 t t 0 p Mflfiligan: iimaii'imiuMJiii itt'ifTrwiWi'riiiiifcfrj'HMWijaui eb a lets Shipped from Chicago, November 29, 1909, to ( Marshall-Wells Hardware Co., Duluth, Portland and Spokane The largest shipment of paint ever made the total weight of paint in this train load is 1,600,000 pounds; the cars contained 15,727 Boxes, 160 Barrels, 4,262 Kegs and Casks in which were packed 194,414 packages of Heath and Milligan Paints, Enamels and SUNSHINE. This is sufficient paint to paint a strip 1 foot wide around the world, or in other words an area of 131,000,000 square feet. Merit Wins The trade necessitating the placing of this enormous order was built up in 9 years. This would be impossible except on paints of Merit. "Quality goes in every package of Heath and Milligan Paints before the name goes on.'' WHEN IN NEED. OF PAINT ASK FQR TtT IT 17 TT IfHAM TA IT RnTHT 11 -- liL EATM . MILLIGAN MFC, CO., Paint and Color Makers 0 OMAHA BRANCH, 1007 JONES STREET Hi 1 '