D llLE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: DECEMBER 26, 1909. ' 3 Social Life at Omaha High School Takes on Great Holiday Activity : - ' '.-.',' ' i I I Ii Coy Corner iJ I mi A im lip if ; ,''-7' d) A x h--::Ok- rmh v2 s i ? ; ; jji ' , . At : "AWS H vmrKXf J' r;;.-(i. f.v .- link r -ft B 1 fci. . , "k ma m ' m mm - a - y f , J "'"AW ,;-d..v ftJP- h- " H- If resourcs nd if he bvirins bv Indolent and ill-nn. the firm er Is apt tu be the iM. A little nocal life stimulates the 'tudent to bp proficient In hin Mudio In order that he my hold the egteem of h:a clatuimatcs. RecentJy a well known Omaha man waa heard to give thla advice to a Bon who ia iot at all keen about school or itudiea. "Hava as cood a time as you can, my aim. If jou wish to please me you will try to win honors In athletics and become popular with your clansmatrs. and I will five you ail of the funds that I can." A friend of the father remarked that this waa unusual advice, and not word had been aald about studies. The father replied that a boy was not eligible for athletic honors unless he kept up with his studies and the boy or girl who Is popular with his school friends Is not the one who fails In his studies. mn t. noiiaay season means mora to the school boys and Kirls than to any one rise. Christ mas day la the children's day. but the rest of the usual fort nichts' vacation belongs to the school set. The High school student have planned a gay round of pleasure with a few days left for Impromptu affairs, such as Jolly skating parties and coasting or bobsled parties. 1'anclng Is a favorite pastime with tha young people and aoros elaborate affairs are planned by different clubs and aocietiea which take the place of the ta booed Greek letter fraternities and aororl- ttes at the Hitch school. Two large mas wfii used to decor ste. There is alwars considerable rivalry between the Junior and senior classes, and tha seniors have to give an elaborate party or they will be surpassed by the Junior Prom, which is an event in the life of each student who has the good fortune to become a junior. Surpassing all other school affairs for grandeur, is the hop given by the Cadet Officers' club, or In school language the "C. O. C. hop." The cadet officers and cadets each Invites h I favorite girl friend months ahead, and for a few weeks ahead of the hop the c ad e t a are treated royally by the young women. for' It would be a lng the holidays by the young people. One calamity not to be Invited to the C. O. C. of these is not a High school society, but hop. Military decorations are usually in most of the young men belong to the club order at these hops and though the thar are High school cadets. The young moroeter may register sero each rAt oirve women of the club are scattered In the dtf- herolcally wears white linen trousers with ferent schools of the city. This is the his cadet uniform coat. The cadet officers junior Dancing club, which meets every wear their swords and make the cadets second Friday during the winter at Cham bers'. The masquerade party given Thurs- look envious until one of the officers hap pens to trip on his sword. The students day the 23d. was the largest and most make a remarkably good showing at these eisoorate arrair that the club will give affairs and one might easily imagine 61m during the year. self at a cadet bop at West Point Military The Senior Prom last Monday evening, academy, given by members of the senior class of Christmas eve a party of twenty-four the Omaha High school at Chambers' High school students gave a masquerade academy, was enjoyed Immensely bv the querade dancing parties were given dur- students. The clsss pennants and colors most of the costumes were comic sj.d af forded much amusement. Monday evening. December ?T, the alumni members of the Phi Lambda Epailon, a National High School fraternity, who form erly had a large chapter here, will hold their annual reunion and dancing party at Chambers' academy. This Is always a social event for the young people home from college, many of whom belong to the chapter. The fratern ity pennants form a conspicious part in the decoration of the ball room and usually miniature pennants are given as favors. Tuesday evening, the twenty-eighth alumni irembers of Les Hiboux club will hold their annual reunion and banquet at the Henshaw cafe. This club Is a live organi sation and has planned to give several parties during the year. Two of the alumnv classes of the Omaha High school, IK and 1M9. will hold an an iual reunion during the holidays. Wednes day evening Miss Louis Northrup will be the hostess for the class of 190U for ths second annual reunion. There will be a reception and musical program, followed by an election of officers for next year. This class has developed a wonderful mount of class patriotism, and during the year parts of the class have held several smaller functions. Thursday evening the class of 1 will hold Its reunion at the home of Mr. Harry Carpenter. There wl!l also be a class election following the re ception. The junior prom will be given January at Chambers' academy. This is always an event on the social calendar of any school and Is anticipated by the junior class, who will try to make this one of tne elaborate parties of the year. There are a number of literary and so cial clubs In the high school which play a prominent part in the student's life. Friendships are made which last through life. One of the oldest societies which is now represented only by some of the mem bers of the faculty, was the Atheneum Literary society. A pin In the form of a silver A was their emblem. The Lipper club was a girl's orgariixa tlnn two nr thte yfr, pern mt the hieh school. Several of the members of this club are now In the university and most of them joined the same sorority. An other girl's club, which was formed two years ago. was the Royl club. Half of the members of this cluB sre away at school, several belntr at the Chicago Art school, where two Omaha High school girls have recently won honors. During- the Christmas holidays the Royle club will hold a reunion. At present thei-e are more societies in the high school than they have ever had. These clubs are mostly for the study of literature. There are three pro gressive debating societies. I .est week sev eral of the students gave a m.-vck trial at the high- school, which was both educa tional and amusing. The depatlng societies include the Denios thenlan. the Webster and the Atheneum. Among the girls' societies are the Wy Deltx and the Nor Nels. Tfcere is a Graduate club which includes several graduates of High school and some under graduates who are preparing for college. Among the literary clubs at the school, at present are The Elaine, the Margaret Fuller, the Pleiades, the Frances Wlllard, the Hawthorne, the Priscilla Alden. the Browning's society. Besides these clubs are the Llninger Travel club, which meets very fortnight, the High School Art so city, the German club and the Latin club. Although nearly all of these are study clubs, there is a social side which makes (he students enjoy the meetings and come in closer touch with thetr classmates. When the boys and girls enter the high school they are usually at the traditional awkward age. these clubs lend much as sistance in character building by giving confidence and poise. The first year In high school Is probably the most Import ant. The student is thrown upon his owa HabitS Of the Presidents needed physical exercise. Even his amuse ments were not of a very active kind, for Continued from Page One.) h "ly fished and ehct from a boat. i Selections from the Story Teller's Collection iraBttaaT the Old Han. PRUPOS of divorce. Judge Himon I L. Hushes of Denver said at a I recent dinner: a uiuiao unviy 10 end In divorce was celebrated last ek in Clrcleville. A minister told me about it. "An oldish man-70 or eo a as led rather unwillingly to th altar by a widow of about 45. "He was a slow-witted old fellow, and the minister couldn't get him to repeat the respons-s properly. Finally, in despair, the minister t-ald: " 'Ixt.k here, my friend. 1 really can't marry you unlrsa you do what vou are told.' "But the aged bruiegrvom still remained tupld and silent, ami the bride, losing all patience1 with him. shook him roughly by the arm and h!yed: " Go on, you old toot: hay it after him lust as if you were mocking him." Man with at Menior. The senator was making a fcpeech. After he had finished there was a reception at one of the hotels. A little man pushed eagerly forward. "Hello, senator!" he houted. "How do you do. air 7" "fay, senan.r. you remember me? I m Jones Jonea of Springfield, you know. I met you dewn there. Remember how full we got toKetherr' "I d' n..t." replied the senator icily. Th?y pukhtd Jones away, but soon he waa back. "Hello, senator!" he shouted. "Don't you remen;b.r tint time down In 8t. Louie we went out and made a night of it? Jones of elprliiga. Id. yj know." They shoved Jones away again and some body star.ding neur the wnator asked. "Who's your friend?" ' I don't know who ne is. but he seems to be h I on reminiscences." Saturday Even ing Pest. why soatherniralB Are lte. bcrstch a southerner and ou will find a knightly soul, might be sid to be one of the mutals of tha Chicago Record-Her-tid story below the second moial is more reasonably obvious. "What is tha raon." began the irritated traveler from the north, "that the trains In this part tf the country are always be hind time? 1 have ntver een one yet that irto eccotdirg l schedule." "That, suh." replied the dignified Geor gian, "ia a nullah that is eaaily explained. It la due tit southern chivalry." "Southern chivalry? Where does that come lu?" "You s-. uh. tbs trains are always lata In lhl country because they wait for tin- lad". God bleat them:" Prwfaally by Asreeateal. Hmhop Olmsted of Denver lella a story illustrative of the fact that clergymen must keep very much farther away from evil than the ordinary man, The blb b wae once ta king la Olmsted- vllle with an old fisherman about a neigh boring divine. "A very good man," the bishop said. "A good man, yes," assented the old fish erman. "H swears a good bit for a preacher, though." "Swears?" exclaimed Bishop Olmsted. "I can't believe that." "But I heard him." said the old fisher man, obstinately. "I sat beside him at our Thanksgiving treat, you know. air. We both of us were hacking away at a turkey leg. His got away from him. It slid across the table towards me and a lot of cranberry sauce was spattered about. "I said to him, sympathetic like, for I could see he was worked up: "Theso legs are damn tough, ain't 'they, sirT' "He answered back, quick as a flash: " 'Yes. George, they certainly are.' "Now. if that ain't swearing." concluded the old fisherman, "what Is it?" Kansas City Star. Private Joha'a Office. "When I first decided to sXow the people of Tupelo to use man name as a candidate for congress I went out to a neighboring parish to speak." said Private John AUen to some friends at the old Metropolitan hotel in Washington. "An old darky came up to greet me after the meeting. 'Marse Allen,' he said. 'I'se powerful glad to see you. I'se known ob you sinco you wss a babby. Knew yo' pappy k.ug beo' you-aJl wus bohn, too. He used ter hold de aame office you got now. I 'members how he held dat same office fo' years an" years.' "What office do you mean, uncle?" I asked, as I never knew pop held any office. " 'Why de office of candidate. Marse John; yo' poppy was candidate fo' many years.' "National Monthly. seen one of Ote's legs, and then I seen one of Ole's arms, and then another leg. and then over one side Ole's head, and I says, 'My God: Something muster happen to Ole: " ranaa Has Well Posted. Senator TUlman at a recent banquet told this story: "The pastor of a Tallapoosa church." he began, "said rather polntendly from the pu pit one Sunday morn:ng: " Ah sutny am rej'lced to see Bruddaii Caihuun White In chu'eh once mo'. Ah'a glad Bruddah Calhoun has saw de error of his wa s at law st, fo dere is mo' joy obah one sinnah dat repenteth don obah de ninety an" nine ' "But at this point Brother Calhoun White Interrupted, angrily: " h.' said be, from his seat, 'de ninety an' nine needn't crow. Ah could tell some tilings rrbvut de ninety an' nine ef Ah wanted tcr.' "Washington 6tar. heaae I h I Hs7 pm e . According to Everybody's, a witness ill a railroad case at Fort Worth, asked to tll In hla owa way huw the accident hap peued. aald: "Well, Ole and I was walking down tne track and I heard whistle, and I got off the track, and the train went by. and I got bark on the track, and I didn't Fee O'.e, but I walked along, and pretty soon I seen O.e s hat. and I walked on and Bat Seldoua. Prof. Brander Matthews, the brilliant es sayist and scholar of Columbia, said at a dinner party, apropos of changes in the meaning of words: "At the height of our mayoralty cam paign "a little boy. looking up from hts adventure book, said to his father: "'Father, what's a cormorant? " 'A ccnorant' the father answered, as he turned the huge pages of his news paper, 'is a corrupt and hoggish politi cian.' " 'But. the lad objected. 'I thought it was a bird.' "Oh, yes. to be sure." the other agreed, 'The word is used In tbst sense now and then." "St. Louis Globe-Democrat ft Melted the Wire. V The resistance of the ordinary- copper wire is not nearly as high, according to a practical test, as that claimed for it by the electrician sharps. In theory a wire may stand up sgalnat all manner of high tenalon currents, but when it comes down to brass tacks, why. It simply Isn't there. Take the case of Oeorge Gordon, who has Just gone back into the coal business after affirming on a stack of temperance tracts that he was through with it-yea. sir, and don't you ferget It. The fruit-raising bus lness in the Caribbean islands for hlm nothlng stronger. Anyhow, he is back among the black diamonds and seems u enjoy It Came a ring at his telephone ha d been complaining of the service-and the man said he was an inspector, test ing the line. "Stand a little to the right of the n etrument, please," he said, "and talk." George stood and talked. "Thai s good. Now stand a little to :he left of the instrument and talk." Again Oeorge talked. "Now." said the inspector, "pleAae stand In front of the instrument, about two feet back, and talk." Oeorge talked obediently, although i.e baa little enough to say. "Fine," aald the Inspector. "Now stsnd on your head and talk.'' Right there is where the wire melted, is sistance or no resistance. The heat waa too great. Cleveland Plain Dealer. The Head ta Faase. A southerner noted tor the liberality of his tips stopped at a Baltimore betel heie negro porters predominated. His name w as speedily known to every member ef the serving fraternity, and his every wlh an ticipated. Soon after his arrival he sent hla card to a friend who made his borne la the hotel, but whose temperament hap pened to fee quite the opposite of that of his open-banded caller retiring, not given to ' tipping." of any other forw of sociabil ity, and who therefore lived almost un known to those about him. The old darky who received the crd studied it for a full minue. " 'Scuse me, colonel," he said, "but J don't b'leebe nobody by dat name come here dls mawnlng." "This morning:" returned the other. "Of course not! Mr. Blsnk has lived here for months. Tou know my name well enough, and I haven't been here a day. Do you mean to say you can't remember a man who has made his home here since some time Isst winter?" " 'Reuse me. colonel, sah," began the old man. deferentially, "but you muat know, sah" as if uttering the sublett comall metib "dat dere's gemmena what can make demsels more notorious In one day, sah. dan odder gemmans does In a yeah, sah!" Touth's Companion. One oa Morgaa's Partner. Of course It may seem mean to dig it up on him now that he's made good, but George W. Perkins, now famous as partner of J. Plerpont Morgan, was once a singer In a church choir In Cleveland and his only claim to distinction in those days was an incident now past the memory of ail but the older Inhabitants of the town. Oeorge lived here, says the Cleveland Leader, when he was a young man In his tr.rly twenties and he liked to lng. He had a first rate voice and made the choir out at Beckwith Memorial church, if one I correctly informed as to the particular church. The choir singers sat In a loft back of the pulpit almost hidden from the congregation. At that time thtre were two or three remarkably pretty young women In the choir. Weil, there wasn't any harm In the bass or tenor singers looking at the contralto or soprano members of the choir and feasting their eyes on them when the sermon dragged, was there? Certainly there wasn't But being seated all in a row. It was necessary sometimes for one to tilt back one's chair in order to get a square view of a face at the other end. That is what George W. Perkins did one bright Sunday morning, if the dope Is handed down aright He shifted his chair about a trifle to get a still better view. I'nhapplly. one leg of his chair had been resting close U the top of the steps that ltd down from the choir loft to the main auditorium. When George shifted his chair he shifted one leg over the edge of that stairway. A second later i bright young man, destined to be one of the great financial geniuses of the aountry, lay all In a heap at the foot of the pulpit. And the sermon was brought to a complete stop just as effectively as if it had been wound up by a peroration. Civil War Order. Au anecdote with a smile in it an J at the aame time characteristic of the man. ia told by the Kansas City Journal of Coluoel D. R. Anthony, who for many years wss one of the potent factors in Kansas affairs. Anthony was colonel f the Seventh Kansas cavalry, which in ls2, somewhere In the early part of the year, was stationed in Kentucky guarding the reconstruction work of the Mobile railroad. General R. B. Mitchell was In command of the brigade of which 'Anthony's cavalry was a part Mitohell was absent for a short time while the brigade was on that particular duty, and Anthony was placed In command. It was then that he Issued his famous order: "Any officer or soldier of this command, who shall arrest and deliver to his master a fugitive slave shall be summarily and severely punished according to the laws relative to such crimes." General Mitchell upon returning to his command was, to say the least Immensely surprised at the order. ' "Colonel Anthony," he roared, "please rescind that order at once." Anthony refused. "I am no longer In command," he answered. "Tou have re lieved me and I cannot countermand a brigade order." "Wei!." declared General Mitchell! with a great deal of heat. "I will place you In command long enough to rescind It." "All right" said Anthony, "am I In com mand?" "Yes. sir:" retorted Mitchell. "Then." said Anthony, "you as an officer without command have no authority to In struct me as to ray duties." The whole thing wore off with a smile. If the order was ever countermanded, it wss not done by Anthony. $ Framed l. Taking advantage of the presence of the minister and their friends at the wedding of two co'isins in St. Louis. Clark A. Grlf feth of Canton. Mo., and Miss Mildred Hawkins of Webster Groves surprised the guests by announcing that they, too, were ready to be married. The wedding thereupon was made a dou ble affair, three of the parties bearing the cume. of Hawkins. The other couple, to whose wedding Orlffeth and Miss Hawkins were invited, were Miss Hazel Hawkins of s0a Page boulevard and Cash C. Haw kins of Canton, Mo. Mrs. Grirfeth is a alsur of Cash C Haw kins and she at one lime had been a sweetheart of the man who now is her hut band. Mrs. Hawkins invited the two to her wedding at her home, thinking that the Old romance might be revived. Her plaa worked out well. After her marriage to Mr. Hawkins br Rev. Frederick M. Rogers of Long Beach, Cal.. and just as they were about to cut the wedding cake. Grlffeth sprung a sensa tion by proposing to MI-s JJIMr.d Hawkins. "Will ycu have me?" he a.ikcd. before ail of the guesta Miss Hawkins was embarrassed, of eoLrte. but nodded her head in cousent "1 guese we'll get married right new." aald Grlffeth. and he triumphantly flour ished a marriage license, which lie pro cured la the afternoon. Quincy Adams, who was uncomfort able when he attracted popular attention, rose early In warm weather and bathed be fore sunrise in the Potomac, something that probably no other president ever did. When he ceremoniously began the digging for the Baltimore & Ohio railroad in l&S the crowd cheered on seeing how well be handled the spade. Jackson, like Washington, had led a life of hardship and much physical activity, but he was five years older than Washing ton on coming to the presidency and by tl at time a less active man. He show ed himself on foot in public at Washington and gave an audacious enemy a chance to tweak his nose. He also made the long land journey from the capital to his home In Tennessee, and it must have been upon one of these trips that a foolish fellow at Cumberland asked an Impudent question about the Irregularity of his marriage, to which Jackson responded with a sternly repressive glance and the answer that his questioner seemed to be a very bold man. Jackson, however, was not one of the spe cially active presidents. Van Buren was not an outdoor person or a special lover of physical exercise, though he liked to get away to his quiet Kinder hook, where he could move about undis turbed by staring crowds. There ia a pleasant description of him in old age long after his retirement from the presidency as walking the streets of New York with hl.i son John, small, quick, white haired and clear eyed, with the activity of a much younger man. From Harrison to Pierce the presidents were mostly oldixh and not especially active men. Tyler, like the other Virginians, bred on a plantation, rode on horseback, but he had long been occupied with indoor activities. Taylor entered upon the presidency at to, soon after he bad finished a hard cam paign in Mexico. His life had been passed at frontier army posts and In fighting the Indians, and upon assuming the presidency be had more things to learn about civil government than any of his predecessors. The change from camp to court was not the best thing for a man of bis age. else perhaps he would not have yielded to bil ious colic, six months after his Inaugur ation. Fillmore was fifteen years younger than the man whom he succeeded, but loo heavy In body and too sedentary by habit for great physical activity. Pierce was young and active, a gallant figure, his admirers thought who moved freely about Wash ington and left the president y so well in tcdy that he traveled several years in Europe. He was fond of the open air, and It was while on a long drive in the White mountains with Pierce that Nathaniel Hawthorne In ISM was seised with his fatal 11! n ss. Buchanan was not an active man phy sically, though be liked to lounge about his farm, Wheatlands, near Lancaster, Pa., and enjoyed the unconventional outdoor life of Bedford Springs. Lincoln had been all his life a rider on horseback, but was never aught but an awkward cavalier. Iq spite of warnintrs that his life was in danger he used to walk at midnight with a single companion from the War department to the White House, and he somtlmes took exercise in the White House grounds after, nightfall. It was this habit that led to an early plan to kidnap him, and a man who after ward lived for years In New York told an acquaintance In the confederate army that he had lain several nights In the shrubbery of the White Houre grounds hoping for an opportunity to seise Lincoln unaware. He must have had accomplices near at hand, for only a giant could easily have over come Lincoln even in his middle fifties. In spite of the fact that the assasslnutlon of Lincoln had made every one feel that the president could not safely go about on foot Grant was sometimes seen walking the streets of Washington. An unfriendly observer described him ss a shabby and alouchy looking man In an unbuttoned frock coat walking along Pennsylvania avenue. Gran't life had been much of the time one of physical hardship, but be wus not a very active man physically. He liked a good horse and always had one at Wash ington. By this time the actual office work of the presidency had become most exactiug. so that tl.e man of the White House had almost to fight for physical existence. Hayes, who gave personal attention to many details, was much disturbed by bis lack of oportunlty for outdoor exercise. A Boston woman Invited to dinner at the White House during bis administration found herself suddenly seised by the presi dent a few minutes before the dinner wss announced, rushed vlo'ently out of a door, trotted through the conserv stories, and back again. She returned breathlesa and Mrs. Hayes explained that the president frequently took this method of getting a bit of exercise before dinner. Mr. Cleveland's increasing weight and his intense application to the details of his office made It difficult for hire to get Westerners in New York W'ben Colonel Robert C. Clowry came to New York from Chicago to assume the presidency of the Western Union Telegraph company, a friend gave him a luncheon at the Lawyers' club. He wanted the colonel to know some New Yorkers and not be lonely during the first period of his resi dence in the grest city. Twenty-four men sat down to the table. Instead of, finding himself among strangers. Colonel Clowry met a great many old-time friend A poll was taken to find out where the guesta hailed from. Only one man waa born In New York. All the rest and the list was a miniature "directory of directors.', were westerners, part of the vast human toll that New York takes of the rest of the country. That luncheon waa typical of similar gatherings In New York. The one-time stranger within the gates is the rule; the nstive son is the exception. While all sections have poured their tribute of youth, brains and energy Into the hungry maw of New York, the west has done so to a remarkable degree. Tha rich blood of a free young region has) mingled with the Knickerbocker blue, af fording a much-needed replenishment for broken down strains. To eastern conserv atism the west has brought the quick ening and broadening sense of real de mocracy. Turn where you will In the swift march of metropolitan events, and you will find the hardy impress of the westerner. Many meo drop their western ways, as they would throw off a coat, when they come to New York. Anxious to stamp themselves as old New Torkers, It may be, or because they yield more esslly to environment than the rugged westerner Is supposed to do. they abandon the traits of speech and manner that would distin guish them among their associates, and allow themselves to be merged into Wall street's composite mass. A striking exception to this rule Is Psjl Morion, president of the Equitable Life Assurance society. He Is one of the most conspicuous WTHtern men in New Tork, and the one who is most a westerner. Born In Nebraska ten years before It bees me a Ktate, and spending many of bis later years in Colorado and along the old Santa Fe trail, after steel rails had converted it into the Fanta Fe railroad, he has all of the candor, courage, vigor and democracy of the old frontiersman, with the culture ot the born gentleman. He ranks men above money, and his sm bitlon runs to the accomplishment of olg things rather than to the mere accumula tion of millions. His Americanism is In tense, but his heart is In the great west, and he never tires of telling of Its re sources and Its wonders. In Wall street he is known an . a "missionary from the west" because of his constant effort t.l bring about a better understanding be tween the east and the west and to wipe out all sectional feeling. He is so modest that he dislikes to see his name in print, but he has the easy confidence In himself of the true westerner. It was to gratify his governing ambi tion that Mr. Morton acepted the presi dency of the Equitable Life. To project himself Into the turmoil of the Insurance scandals, he rejected at least one offer which would have given him a larger in come, but which presented no opportun ity for constructive work. He came Into 1'- situation at a time when the newa paper men who were working on the greatest story of years were suspicious of every one. and it was not surprising that Ihey questioned his motives. They tried him out in many ways and for many days, but they never could get hirn to distort the truth in any degree. Long afterward, one of hla newspaper friends was telling him how one of the biggest man In Wsll street had lied to him about an important deal. , "He was in a difficult position." said Mr. Morton, thoughtfully. "If he had told you the truth, he would have jeopardised not only hla own interests, but a lot of other Interests that were entrusted to him. I don't know what I would have done if I had been In ills Placs." "I know what you wouldn't have done," poVe up the reporter quickly. "You wouldn't have lied about It." 'No, I wouldn't have tied about It," as sented Mr. Morton. "I probably would have said I couldn't talk about It A man needs a long memory to be a good liar, and my memory la very bad." As a matter of fsct. he has a mavel oils memory. Not long ago one of his admirers ex pressed to Mm the belief t.iat hts meth ods of square dealing were being adopted by many men In the financial district, simply because they had become con vinced that he had profited by them. "Bosh!" was his brush reply. And then he added: "Any man who la honest because It pays won't be honest ery long, and he won't be very honest at any time." Munssy's Magax oe. t