i Sheng: Kung Pao, Organizer and Financier of Great 1 ... twKL . -yd it :' is- IMS JL-j ,J$i9M-y-:- : " : . T'"'"' ! -' ' , 1 1 t" "J ' Rank of flh,n at ffhj n5hai. h . - s szsi w a u ir sm. "x. k. ." w j m nw i . f i bb i - - - m m I a?: -; t i y the Tierpont Morgan of Chtna li ' x.vd immwiiii in,tiiiwwwaM.wtiiW iU"TTr,i - ili)i.,wna'iiiii'-a?'8Lii r i "ffiV'BTVWffiMftJ ' .' Bli '' ;-i I Idould not kpgp mLgXff, his hand (Copyright. by Frank O. Ciirpertr. l-iANOHAI, l'()t'.-(ripeclul Corrp- Sl gpondcnce of The Hee. ) I have I Jut i!turned froin an Interview I nlth nna nf thp rlrhpnt Anrl ablest men of all Asia. I rs- for to Shont Kunit Po, tlie I'ierpunt Morgan of China, and I might ay the Rockefeller as well. Shenff la worth his tens of millions. Like Pler pont Morgan, he started life rich, and, like him, he has multiplied His Inherited fortune manyfohl. All his life he has been the organizer of gnat enterprlxes and to day his financial fingers are mixed up in very profitable undertaking on this side the globe, (lo owns railroads, factories, mines and steamships. He has a Kteel plant 600 miles up the Yang!' Kiang, which Is capitalized at J1d.000.000. and has mountains of Iron and great beds of cjhI not far away. It was Sheng who had much to do with organizing the telegraph (or China. It was he who built the railroad from Hankow to Peking and he got the concession for tha Americans to construct a road from Canton to Hankow. Shrng Kung Pao I one of the leading officials of this empire. He succeeded LI Hung Chang nf the government minister of commerce arid he Is now the vice min ister of the Imperial Board of Communica tions. lTe Is also a chief owner of the f'hlni Mrchnnts Fteamsh'p company nnd t largely Interested In the Chinese Im perial bank. He Is by all odds the best financial authority among the celestials and his Ideas as to the present conditions are of great value. Mhruar Knng Pao al Home. 1 It was at Sheng Kung Pno's home that I met him. This li In a section of Shang hai where the land Is so valuable that one has to almost plate It with silver to buy It. Sheng's establishment consists of a half dozen great buildings, any. one rf Which would be a mansion In Washington or Chicago. Its grounds cover more than ten acres and are surrounded by walls vo high that you cannot see over them. Wide drives load through the lawns and the whole Is kept like a park. One of :ho buildings, devoted to Sheng's business of fices. Is as larae as that of a government department. Among the others are resi dences, occupied by Sheng and his wife and his relatives and servants. All are beautifully furnished and some have a great framework In front of them, over Exciting: Adventures ANAMA, Pec. 10. If Italboa had received the same treatment from the Pacific ocean that fell to my lot on the last day of October I fear the king .of oceans would weur a less flattering title. It that stout pathfinder had been obliged to crawl on hands and knees for a quarter ot a mile with alliiratit'a nHttarlnir alitnir In flic miwl close behind him perhaps school children would now have another Idea ot the great water he brought to the notice of the modern' world. No doubt he had troubles enough of his own. But I bolleve 1 would rather have had to blase the way through the Indians and the mosquitoes across the Isthmus than to go through what I did. mis is wnai eciuany loon pisce wnnin the sound ot the blasting on Culebra hill. where Uncle fam Is fast bringing to reality the dream of centuries, Tho Cmleto river Is one of those little Pj strams which run down from the contl- For It was In this mud at the mouth of nental divide Into the sea all along the Cumlolo that there hefell me a more dU shcres of the narrow strip which we are agreeable and possibly dangerous experi bent on cutting In twain. It rises In one ence than ever caught me in Central Asia. of the last spur of the Vergua moun tains, where those high peaks Lcisln to taper down toward the pass where Culchra lius so long stood sentinel. Mountains are High. It la not often realised that these mnnn. tains are higher than the highest of the Alleghenlts. Indeed, ono of the Chlrlqul range near by is 11.000 feut hlsh. It ia certainly a strange perversion ot fact to regard Panama as a land of low lying jungle and morass, as one of the geograph- leal enoycloppedlaes In my library has It. U Is really almost as mountainous as Bwltserland. From any hill along the shore of either ocean one can see the sharp outline of mountain after mountain up against the bright tropical sky, and only the wide horizon of dasslina watar on very hand shows one that he ts not iu Colorado or New Hampshire. It la these mountains which help to make Central America such a condenser ot the force of the tide as It is compressed into ocean vapors as to be among the bosl the channels is tremendous. Immense watered parts of the globe. The steaming waves are often produced, traveling up water laden atmosphere Is blowa up from stream with, astonishing velocity and a Atlantic and Paclfio against ths cool force resistless save to the rocky ram peaks whch lower the temperature to parts ot the cordtllera which-Jut out Into the point of preclpltstlon and send down the streams and send long spurs Into the cvrr the land three times as much water ocean. as falls on New Jersey or Boutlt Carolina. Tha annual rainfall at Colon on the At lantic aids is 117. tl Inches, mean; (hat for Panama la TtM. Put for the stiff clay soil and the heavy this fact has made the place a good nat Uoptcal vegetation this great rainfall might ural harbor and caused ths aggregation of which matting can be stretched In summer to shut out the sun. There ts no sign of the poverty which we associate with the ordinary celestial. Rheng belongs to the rich and, Ilka his class, he wears satins and velvets and entertains In great style, His butler always has champagne on tap, and among the dishes served at his feasts are pigeon-egg stews, shark fins and blrds nest soup, tho latter costing several dol lars) a plate. It was In the finest of his buildings that his excellenoy received me. It Is a com bination of Chinese and foreign architec ture, built of gray brick, three stories high, and of van extent. Passing through a wido hall I came into a court, over which, on a framework of poles, matting was stretched. This waa surrounded by rooms, tiot of which are Intended for receptions, The servants led ua into a, large parlor, furnished in Chinese style. Heavy chairs of black wood, Inlaid with mother of pearl and wonderfully carved, stood against tha walls. There was a divan at the back, and in the center of this a low table, upon which two guests could rest their elbows as they sat and chatted.' There were Chinese paintings on the walls and here nd there shone out a baautlfullv written text of the Chinese classics. In the center of the room was a table. This was of carved teakwood. II had no cover, but, with a view to my reception, It was set with refreshments of various kinds. There were cokes, fruits and candle, and ot'ier dalntles were brought in during the au dience. I was ubla to meet Sheng Kung Pao by an Introduction from Dr. John C, Fergu son, an American who Is high In the con fidence of the leading Chinese officials. Ho was for a long time, and la now, one of the confidential" foreign advisers of Sheng, and he hat) bean associated In a similar capacity with the viceroys of Nanking and Wuchang. He accompanied me to the palaco and performed tho ceremony of in troduction, after which ho left me with Sheng and the Interpreter. Trte-a-Tete With a Millionaire. We had but a short time lo wait. Ilia excellency came In through a xide door and as iJr. Ferguson presented me he reached tut his hand and shook mine In American fashion. He used the right hand, giving me a strong grip with his long yellow fin gers. As he did so he looked me straight long ago have saved us our iwo.ww.oa) joo and have cut the Isthmus an to pieces iy Itself. All the little rivers along the coast have brought duwn as much soil as the cloy and the rank growth allowed, and in consequence their, mouths are full of mud. Advantage of the Mud. In most cases this sedimentary deposit is not sandy, as tho soil ot the country Is M'Uually deficient In sillclous muterial. It consists largely of the fine silt produced by the erosion of red and blue clay, and it is one of the most treacherous and the stickiest beach foundations to be found anvu'liBrn Ftannllv it la twit what a miivlv ,an(Jv ,e(jlment mlght ba,ftimo.t bottom- less and shifting. It paoks down at the bottom, and that fact Is what Colonel Goethals is relvlnir on for some of his In0Bt important work at the Pacific en- trance to the canal. But the packing is at the bottom and not on top, as I found to my great discomfort. Although the little river Is not more than twenty-five miles long It spreads out half a mile wido where it rushes from the hills into the Hay of Panama. It has bem building up a sort of delta on which a few trees lift their heads above the soft muck about their roots, while It has also lined BlJ" 'or a few ml,M wllh lay" of th fine silt In which the mangrove has taken hold and completely established itself. This mangrove, by the way, is a valu able timber, rioh In pyrollgneous acid and tannin, and ono variety furnishes good tim ber. Locally It Is used fur the most highly Drl.ed flre-ooll. b.,nr Infiammbl- .. pllWi ,, w for onming pitch for the canoes and sailboats. It is also largely used to convert into charcoal, for which Panama buddIIos a heavv demand. These mangrove jungles are partly In undated by the I Id us, which are some times extraordinary high on this coast. Owing to the narrow funnel shaped val leys of these little mountain rivers the -4- Nattves of Panama, Camteto, however, has kept a clear chan nel through this ooze about Its mouth, and In the fdi-e, and his bright black eyes emed to be searching my soul. Indeed his eyes were so keen that me remainder of hlH personality was thrown Into the background, and it was some time before I took in the details. Then I observed that the oyes belonged to an old Chinese, of me dium height and stooping shoulders. They shone out of a sallow complexion, over high cheekbones .and from a rather thin faoe. His excellency waa dressed In a long black gown of blue silk. He hud a black silk hat on his head, the rim of which wis turned up all around and out of the back of which extended a broad waving feather. He wore a white turnover collar and his coat had buttons of gold. The great financier smiled as he greeted me. He led me across the room and mo tioned me to sit down at the table giv ing me a chair at his left, which is the scat of honor in China. As we sat there, our elbows almost touching, rested his left hand on the table, and, as be became in terested In the talk, now and then tapped the board with hi nnlls. As ha did ao I could not keep my eyes off his hand. The nails on the last three fingers that Is, on all of the fingers except the In dex finger were at least three Inches long, and the thumb hall stood out like a spoon. When not tapping his excelloncy's hand, resting on the nails, had the tips of the fingers raised above the table Itself to tha height of an ordinary glass tumbler, and the wrist was well up off the table. The finger, nails were as white as ivory, and it struck me that It must be a trouble so mo matter to keep them so clean. China's Steel Industry. The conversation opened with the dis cussion of the Hanyang steel works, which I told his excellency I had Just visited. I asked him how they were doing. He replied that they were steadily In creasing In efficiency and in their ability to turn out modern rail, structural steel and other such materials, lie fa id that the company had already exported pig Iron to America, and that It could, If it would, now sell Iron there In competi tion with the United Htates steel trust at profit. He said that the day would come when China, would produce all Its own steel, and that every province would even tually nave Its own factories and foundries. Hheng expects much from Japan as a pur chaser of Chinese iron and steol, and he considers our Pacific coast a legitimate tributary of the industrial China of the Incident villages on each side. One of these, on the. eastern side, Is culled N'arruncho, that on the western shore being Puerto Chorrcra, as it is the port for the lniand town ot Chorrera, five miles up Camieto Valky. These settlements are so typical ot one side of Central American Ufa that per haps a word about them would not be amiss. As one approaches them from sea or land, there is no evidence of human hab itation until the huts are right at hand. They are completely hidden In tho trees and surrounding vegetation. Tliu houses are built on sand dunes above high tide, and each; one has appro priated a dune to Itself without consider ation of order or symmetry. In Nsrrancho there are about a dozun ot thtse huts on ten acres of land. You cannot see one hut from the door ot another though the place is regarded as a town and has a sort of lntendant. Of course there are no streets; trails through ihe grass and brush leud beach Is the only common highway, from one dwelling to another, and . the Tluate huts are distinctly African In thu type of their architecture, though the in habitants may be largely Indian In blood. But one who has traveled much In the In terior of Africa, can easily sue that the African type of culture to all sorts lias prevailed over the Indluu, where, as prac tically everywhere In Central America, there has been a mingling of the two races. The huts are generally square In shape, like, those ot my old friends, the Ilakuuu and the Baschllele. The walls are of up light stlcka, with as many cracks as sticKs. The roof Is made of palm leaves. Under the eaves Is a loft In which the residents sleep, while below is the kitchen and liv ing room. There Is a doorway, and rarely a secure door In It. But no one seems to fear thieves here It ia the most honest country I ever saw. I sometimes wonder how long this happy oondltion will last after 'he American influence has become entirely dominant. !nsleth"r Ilooaes. In these houses are the usual primitive belongings of a rude and simple people. One or more large wooden mortars, in which Is pounded out the rice or corn; big, heavy, daiuble-headed pestles, which give the women arms Ilka a feminine Hercules; earthen water Jars, tin cans galore, muz-sle-loadlng shotguns, splendid machetes, the one thing whose quality Is above re proach; fishnets and lines, deer and alli gator hides, heron plumes and feathers, a few plates, cups and other utensils; some pictures of ths Madonna flanking he cigarette girls; a bench or two and a rough table, wooden saudals, strings over TIIE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: DECEMBER 26, 1D09. future. I asktd bint as to his Iron mines. He replied that the Bu.nply of ore Is al most Inexhaustible and Is finer than that of most parts of the world. It Is GQhOveniiiliY&n,ghtn& 115,000,000 ffiM as pure as the famed Iron of Sweden and Is muoh more easily won Th. on.l he Is now using maljes fine coke, and China ha been 'Iiuirllnr inl tn T.n.n Ttla cxcellency believes that China has all the materials to make It a great manufacturing country and that Its people are naturally fitted to be the ohlef Industrial nation of Asia. China's Railroad Kra. I here referred to the new railroads wu.u.i mim nas projecieo ana asaea him if their construction would be pushed. He replied; "We intend to build new rail- roads Just as fast as we can. Wa need thorn and the imperial government realises that fact, and will do all It' can to aid In the construction. The first roads to be built will be trunk lines, connecting the chief centers of population. We must have them on political grounds, as well as for business development. Railroads are a mil- Itary necessity to the new civilisation, and to China's holding the place she should have In the far east and ths world. We need a strong central government, and to that end must be able to send troops from one part of the empire to another by rail on telegraphic notice. After wo have onoe bullt our trunk, lines, branch lines and feeders will rapidly follow. The traffic will be large, and the roads will soon be- coma profitable. As coon as our people realise that monev can be made from railroad enterprises there will be no trouble In raising the capital necessary to carry them on. Ko far they are a now thing to us, and as we are a conservative p?ople, we arc cautious about embarking In them." Foreign Capital for China. "Your excellency was among the first to advise the government that H should secure foreign capital for building 'Its rail roads, wera you not? "Yes. Hut that policy became unpopular. The cry of China for the Chinese, and for the Chinese only,' wa raised, and for awhile our people were Inclined to bu.ld everything with their own money and to to a Day's tho llreplace on wli.cli Jerked meVt Is smoking, piles of thu shells of clams, oys ters and crabs, and a box or two for Ihe br'.ght colored cloths which come out for the fiestas and funerals such are the fur nlshinss, with dogs, pigs, chickens and ducks pottering about In the midst of It all. Did any one ever see a negro's horno without ducks? The dogs are mongrel to the last degree; in a land where deer hunt ing might be indulged to the heart's con tent I have, not yet seen a deerhound, and In a country where cattla H the or.o reliance 1 have yet to find a collie. Nan audio also boasts a flock of turkeys, but the guinea Is conspicuous by Its absence. The population Is what was left hy the Spanish of the Indian, and what waa brought ovor of the negro and what was produced by the mix up of all three. You can see the Indian In the straight hair, the negro In the thick Hps and the Spaniard in the aquiline nose. Sometimes It Is all neKio, sometimes all Indian, hardly ever all Spaniard. Pride of tho Hpnuiarcl. The last do not live wlui the rent, except by Indirection. But tlie names are all Cas tilian enough Santo lJoinlngo is the mayur, Kc'.uurdo tht main b.iat-bullder, Juan the heaviest tippler, Federico an expert char ccal burner, Cutallna a lucky fisherman, George, an Kngiluh-speaking Jamaican who drllted it. to the old Canal company's service and was never able to get away, a ml;ihty hinter. If they heve any surnames I have no; yet been able to discover them. It is sometimes conceived that these poo plo are degenerate desp radoes, ripe for revolution, ready for any desperate deed. As a matter of fact, they are a docile, simple. Inoffensive class of men, and what evil they do in times of riot and confusion con.es from instigation of rum. The revulu tk i.lsta are the work of designing and un scrupulous politicians and these lower classes are often more the victims than tho pioducers of the revolutions. It is Interesting to hear these people talk about tha fact that now since the Ameri cans are in evidence on the Isthmus there are to be no more revolutions. Whatever may be the attitude of some of ths wealthier men in Colombia, Il Is emphati cally true that In Panama the bulk of the people are delighted to have a government which Is not likely to have to call them to arms every few months. Just above Narrancho la a red hill, on top ot which are piles of stones which were ths breastworks for the defense of the harbor In the last revolution. There were several thousand head of cattla on the adjoining hacienda and the government troops ate them all up. As the government then was Colombia, and the revolution accept no help from outside. The cost of rallrouil ImlMlnv however, is so areat. and our people understand It so little, that tl.ni. Ulai. In anil art nnu- rnmlnr to favor foreign loans." "And, Indeed. I still believe In foreign loans for railroad building," continued Sheng Kung Pao. "I think It will pay us to borrow the money, and let the road earn the interest. The situation In regard to such loans has changed during reoent years. In the past the roads were mort- BB.A dk seeurltv Mr the bonds; hut tha government is now guaranteeing thoni. and the road, to a certain extent, are free from such Incumbrances. A guarantee by the Chinese aovernment Is better than that of nv raiirnari. it ima all i-hina hanii of It, and the Interest is absolutely seoure." "But. I understand you want to borrow some millions of dollars to extend your steel works at Hanyang, and that you are asking the Chinees to put up the money, Why do you not go abroad for a loan of that kind?" "We do not think it advisable. Similar obligations which we have entered Into during recent years have caused Interna- tlonaJ trouble. The men who borrow the money, In case of a dispute as to the settle- ment, ars likely to call In the government to which they belong to enable them to bring things their way, and that without regard to Jurtlce or rlgbt. The mortgaging ' private enterprises and public works has. In certain caaes, given the control ot uch wof-ks over to the foreigners who maae me loan, ana mat we cannot ptrmil We feel that we Chlneso snould control our own mines, and that Ih the present condltlons cf affairs It Is not safe for us to go outside tor capital so secured." . 7 ' . China's Kew Rnnki. "Your excellency Is connected with tlie Imperial Bank of China? is that a govern ment bank?" 'No. It Is a commercial institution, with headquarters at Shanghai and branches at Hankow and Peking. It has a capital of 5,000,000 taels, over half of which Is paid In.' Work of which succeeded came so quickly on tlie htils of that which failed the owner never lias obtained anV Indemnity. This condi tion obtained all over i'anunia. The truth is that It has been the very docility and simplicity of these peon people which hss led to the possibility of these frequent poli tical disturbances. 'this dlgrtSHion popped in In spite of 'he bid resoives, Just as the tide rolled over my boat in spite of twenty years' experi ence with paddle and oar. Having some letters of importance lo get off by the first mall, and reiisl.ing the ride ur.d a lilt of canoeing, I decided to bo my own mes senger and to take them down to Puerto Chorrcra myself from my headquarters near the ttrminus of the canal. At Narracncho I found the canoes all In use except one small one about twelve faet long. The tide was then out und the river calm. The distance Is about a mile. There was nothing to disturb the trip going over, and the letters were duly put Into the hands of Senor Flllpo Torre tp be sent to Pan ama early next morning on the sailboat which carried the mall between Chorrera and the capital. I did not tarry, as the t'de was turning, and I wished to have Its help against 'lie current of Camieto as I went back up stream. There was a gentle breeze blowing from the sea as I stepped into the cano. while the tide had set In. When 1 had gone a few hundred yards the wind In creased to a light gale. It also threw he boat into the trough ot the waves. I did not like this, as the bout was small and the river was twenty feet deep. I could swim across the river thsre, but with botn alligators and sharks In these waters It was not a pleasant prospect for swimming. I turned the boat in the direction of thu mangrove swamp nad pulled away. The gale Increased, the tide came in as if by magic, the waves seeumr to threaten to overwhelm the canoe ever ir.inute. At lest I drew near the first mangrove tree, not much more than a bush, on the edge cf the river. I tried to dodge It, so as to get into shal lower water. Then came a big wave and a strong puff of wind and threw the cock leshell of a craft against the tree as It It were a feather. Over it went. ft Treed In the Swamp, With that Instinctive mechanical Intuition which is almost Insiantaneuus with those who have roughed It in dangerous places, I had thrown my gun Into my armpit and grasped the paddle with the left hand, und as the boat went over I threw myself Into the water and Immediately turned over, throwing the fres arm over ths bottom cf tha boat. Then, fighting the tossing waves with every breath, I slid along the boat Asiatic Enterprises The only government hank me have U tho llu Pu bank, which baa Its liAtdtiuarters In Peklna. and branches ncaUored here and there ovor the country." "Will China ever have a na , tlonai banking system, such Japan or the United States?" Yes, I think so, although u Will probably be some time be fore tt can be established. It Ik one of the crying needs of the ftniDlre. and would be of enor- moua good, not only to the gov ernment, but to al! Industries." "Will you ever have postal savings banks?" "Not soon. But I should Plant like to see them established, and they are bound to come. They are Invaluable in tho teaching ot mm . and In making a P" "' savings of the people. With ' "'bl' f''" rnmnnt Illl'h Institution Will be Very Pop- ular. and they would enormously Increase our national wealth. They ,ou, nmke y the richest poople of the world, tor o savings depositors would be m lllons in number. I should uae w .... hanks, such as the Japanese ut tished lit China, and shall probably have agricultural banks. New Mlnta n Banknotes. "How about your new coinage?-' "There Is a movement on foot to atana- .nil. it We are sadly In need of a o'- form coinage, and It la bound to come." "Will the unit be the silver dollar or the tael?" "Most probably the dollar. Many of our people have come to know that coin fairly vn, and we like the decimal system upon wnlch it a based. I thlnlc It la better than the tael." "Will China ever be on a gold basis?" "in time, yes; but not soon. I should ne to see all our finances managed on the eo$ standard." "How about the now bank notes which are being issued In so many parts of the emplre? Are they properly secured?" "I think they are all rignt now, re plied the Chinese financier. "Such notes as are already in us are safe enough. j have no doubt but that they will ho safe for some time to come. I consmor them a daiiR-erous medium of exchange, lowovcr, and I can easily Imagine condl- tlons which might arise In connection with them which would create great financial disturbance and possible los?. rn Kduratlon. "Your excellency was among the oilgl- nators of the new education? You estab- lished the Nan Yung college at Shanghai, and the Chinese university at Tientsin, Has modem education come to stay?" a Panama Pioneer to the anchor rope, grasped il and ma le a plunge for the tree. It had a fork about a foot below water, and I wrapied the line around the trunk and then pulled at the boat to get It into the fork. Then I twlBted a leg around the tree, and tried to turn the boat over, hav ing broken a branch and thrown the gun strap over It. The paddle 1 had wrapped with the rope. Hut I might as well have tried to overturn Oatun dam as to get that boat over with the waves beating me at every life. Finally I steadied myself in the fork of the tree and took a survey of the situation. It was far from encouraging. The tido was now coming In in full force and the water marks told mo that this little treu would afford no permanent roost. Already the water was at my waist and It was creeping up with fatiful certainty. There was a taller mangrove some thirty yards away which seemed my only chance, but between my perch and that tree whs a tempest of waves and possibly both sharks and alligators. But there was nothing else to be done. Under ordinary circumstances such a swim would be child's play when I am in condition, but I never made a plunge I disliked more. I threw the gunstrap over my back and let go boots lcgvlns and all. One does not get such things easily here and I did not wish to lose them. Tha gun had been my faithful companion for thousands of miles in Afr'ca and I had almost as soon lose a hand. Still fate gave me a shove and I got to thu taller tree and went up It with an. alacrliv such as only one can know who ever had to act In such a case. Then I breathed a while and took another survey. l.on Wnlt oil the Tile. It waa certain that nji boatman would be venturing out In that gale. Tho lido would not be out s.aln at least for five hours. It was then 4 o'clock In the after noon. The moon would not risa until 10 o'clock. I must stuv on ihat perch until nearly midnight and Hum wade through the mud If I could wad at all. for sev eral hundred yards, towing the boat. I did hot dare to try to strike the bout lust When the tide hud ebbed enough for ma to get at it. as then the allgators swarm, going out of the swamp with the tide. It is not cold In this latitude and alti tude at any time, but I was cold with that drenching and then as aeon as the wind had dried my clothes It began to rain and I got pelted for two hours. Fearing that ' I might fall asleep I fastened myself to the tree with my gunstrap. I became terri bly drowsy and once did actually doze Xarg'el owned byheng. "I'udoubtMlly so. The Chinese classics are of great valuo In training tha mind and suul; but as far as business matters are conoorned, they are) ethical rather thajt practical. I want the elaanlcs kept' In our school, but I think the modern sciences should supplement them." "How are you training your own chil dren?" "I have two boys who are learning Kng- f llsh. They are now going to the college f hPrf. 'and Kurope or I shall send them abroad, to the United Htates, as soon as they are prepared to enter thej untvarstue of those countries." "Whom do you think Is of the most vain ti China, the man trained at home along the old linos or the one educated abroad?" I think both kinds of training are necea- S(U.y. They are both needed to make an Rll.aroun(1 man. the man of business and tne man en iiioihi, i.i h man for us." ) plain and Foot Blndlnsj. At this moment tho champagne brought In, and with It came the red vlalt ing cards of some Chinese officials. In high society here the entrance of the wine always means tho closo of an Interview, and when your host asks you to drink you know that the time has come for you to depart. For this reason my last questions were rapidly put: "What does your excellency think of tho new constitution? Are the Chinese prepared for It?" Not perhaps, but they-will be by the Uma It g.oes lnto effect. We are to have eight years of education, and at the end we Bhau nave a new China." will you be able to wipe out the opium evu7 Ym But ,u aboUon b, gradual, The confirmed smoker cannot give up tha habit at tha wink of an eye. Some may be abe t0 BtoPi but Othors will hold on t,j thejr death. It Is only from the young that we can expect much as to ths aboll- ,. of onium. The custom Is already compered disgraceful, and if wa can keep it bo, we can get rid of the bvil." "How about foot binding?" "That will go, too. The better class women have, stopped binding the feet of their children. The custom begins to be unpopular. I have no bound feet In my household, and I am glad to say that tho day lias come for the bound foot to go." At this point we had already taken thres sips of champsgna. There was a crowd of Chinese callers waiting outside, and I knew it was high time to leave. As I rose, his excellency again gave me his hand, saying he rogretted he had not had a chance to ask soma questions of me, and that our whole conversation had been taken up with his answers to queries of mine. ' FRANK O. CAKPKNTER. and tumbled off the tree, to be held up by the belt. Then I thought I had better not risk sunk a thing again and I began to sing to keep myself awake. Training In singing three babies to sleep stood me in good stead this time, but what the alligators and the cranes and herons thought of It is a matter for imagination. Sometimes a great white heron would fly along until he espied me on his perch, then he would give a siiort cry of astonishment and veer off abruptly lu another direction. Then of course us the sun went down theie arrived a new diversion. The mos quitoes came, not In single file, but in hordes and whole divisions. I broke a branch of tlie tree and quit singing. There was no danger of sleeping now. Fortu nately the thick khaki and heavy legnlngs protected me everywhere but In the face and on the hands, and I set to work to keep them ort. For three long hours I kept up the battle, while tho fishes leaped in Hie water below and the alligators eplushcd about and the frogs on shore croaked dismally and an owl somswhers hooted his sympathy. lce to Think Abont. Looking at It from tho safe and comfort able hacienda, of a former governor of Panama in which 1 write this account of it tiio experience does not Seem so dan gernus as it did whn going through it, but It was never a bit pleasant. I had no way cf lulling how high the tide might reach. I watched It coming on until dark und then began to throw down bits of the liinlit of the mangrove into the water which was strongly phosphorescent and which when disturbed glramcd and shone nt as to Indicate how high It was. In this way I managed at lust to be sure that it had began to recede. Then I got a long limb with which to sound, and when the water was about a foot deep I decided to venture' down. Be fore leaving the tree I tried a shot with, the gun in the direction of where I had left ti o boat, so as to frighten away any piowllng alligators Then I started to wadeover to the boat, sinking above my knees at every step. To my dlsmuy the boat bad sunk face downward into the soft mud. and whoa 1 tried to lift it I Immediately sank up to my wult In th'j slime, and waa sinking deoiier when I made a strong pull on ths boat and extricated myself. It was evi dent that thu boat must be abandoned. This meant that I should have to walk through the swamp to the edge ot the liver and then along Its hank up to where I would be opposite ths huts at Narrae (Continued on Page Four.) t Y v. i