B 10 THK OMAHA SUNDAY HKK: DFA'KMHKK 3C urn tk RayY keeu' KI All Brandcis Winter Merchandise Must Be Sold Down to the Lowest Possible Point Before Invoicing This Great Reduction Sale will completely !' This is all seasonable, up-to-date merchan dise that you can buy Monday at extraordinary reductions. dispose of all our odds and ends in one day j: before invoicing. 9 f' 1 .... .Mil .n.ii. mm Very Fine Embroideries 25c YA BOUGHT SPECIALLY FOR THE HOLIDAY TRADE, MANY OF THEM WORTH UP TO 50c A YARD 'nioso TTT& very fino wide embroideries, in beautiful new patterns skirtings, flounc; ingn and corset cover effects worth up to .r(V; on bargain square, at, yard 25c Samples and Odd Lots of All Kinds of 1 ! Women's Neckwear at 11 ACTUALLY WORTH UP TO 50c EACH. rreity styles of all kinds jabots, stocks, Dutch collars, etc. Prices Greatly Reduced Monday on JEWELRY AND SILVERWARE German silver Mesh Hags, large size, stamped, kid lined, at $12.69 Sterling silver Comb, Brush and Mirror Sets, that sold up to $1!0.00. at $10.00 This is Webster sterling silver, stamped 925-1000 fine and carries guarantee. - All the Men's Smoking Sets, at 3, regular price. Manning-Bowman Coffee l'ercolators, at reduced prices all sizes. All our Jet Back Comb and Barrettes at price. All our fancy Elastic Belts at VL price. W. A. lingers 26-piece Silver Chest 6 knives. 6 forks, 6 tea spoons, 6 table spoons, 1 butter lenife, 1 sugar shell, at $519$ Choice of any quadruple pjate silver (including International, with 15-year guarantee) at M price. All our Holiday Stationery That Has Become Somewhat Mussed All in Boxes AT JUST ONE-HALF PRICE 4 ii I -Jy J 1 I JXU All Our Fur Coats and Jackets Greatly Reduced in Price ."0-inch Astrakhan Cape worth $25, at $10 Near Seal Jackets, worth $50, at $35 Brook Mink Jackets, worth $65, at... $U5 Krimmer Jackets, worth $5!), at $39 52-inch Blended Squirrel Coat, worth $!(!!, at $98 N(jar Seal Jacket, beaver collar, worth $69, at $39 Alleutian Seal 52-inch Coat, worth $125, at $75 50-inch Carucal Coat, worth $95, at. .$65 Gray Coney Box Coat, worth $50, $32.50 50-inch Pony Coats, worth $75, at $49 50-ineh Pouy Coats, worth $150, at. . .$98 Jt Women's Sweater Coats Worth from $3.60 to 97.50, at $1.98, $2.50, $2.98 and $3.98 YOUR UNRESTRICTED CHOICE Any Woman's -$ Cloth Coat in our entire stock ACTUALLY WORTH UP TO $50.00 YOUR CHOICE of 800 Women's Suits all up-to-date styles WORTH UP TO $45, at. REMARK RLE K EDUCTIONS IN HANDKERCHIEFS That Are Somewhat Mussed from Handling. Women's and Men's Mussed Handkerchiefs in scores of stylos that have been selling up to 15c all last week in one big lot Monday, each Women's aud Men's shamrock lawn and pure linen handkerchiefs many aro Zoc quaiu, out somewnnt mussed of A Anf T. CI' .1, tX- , 5c 2C DRES 6 GOODS at Reduced Prices More than 5,000 yards of the season's newest dress gomfs in broken lots, but good lengths, from 5 to 20 yards plain and fancy serges, diagonals, suitings, semi-rough suitirigs, mohairs, etc special, 25 C 49c $15 BRANDEIS STORES-OMAHA Remarkable offer of SILKS Iks from foulard All kinfji of broken lins of . plain and fancy si our stock fancy stripes, checks, dress silks, 39c silks, plaid silks, crepe de chines, etc., at half price and less on bargain square, at, yard A11 TKCCfX Q Leftover From Our the UWUIlO Christmas Sales Some Slightly Damaged or Mussed by Handling. Owing to the Immense crowds that thronged our hook department ' before Christmas, hundreds of books became slightly injured from handling. All these books have been gathered together and marked away down to close them out at once, each, at 10c-25c 100 VISITING CARDS, 4J)tf Genuine leather card case with gold initial free with each order. New Year's Cards and New, Year's Calendars AH New Designs Low lrlces. 11 ii GAELIC A REAL LIVE TONGUE Thousand! of New Yorkers are Able to Speak It. USED BY MANY EVERY DAY Hue la Part to Immigration ud In I'art nTlTi Which the Gaeilo 1.ei(n la Kacoaraarlna; la lre la ad and America. NKW TOpK, lice. 25. Two Irishmen in Js'ew York 'mads a bet one day. Though both were born In the little green Isle they were not the same kind of Irishmen. One was an enthusiast and one was a scoffer. The enthusiast bet that In half an hour's walk, taken at random through New Tork, be. could raise an answer' In the Irish language every time he chose to speak It. The scoff ex scoffed. They went down West street first and lopped at the first group of dock laborers. The enthusiast let fall a salutation in the Gaelic. He got an answer so quickly that It cost him the drinks for old Ireland be fore he got away. Next he went Into a dry goods store. Be hind the counter was a lrl with blue eyes "tubbed In with a dirty finger." He ut leitd a sentence in Gaelic, and though It did not cost him the drinks this time he got an answer and a quotation from a bit of Irish poetry, and the girl was born In fJew Tork, too. I.st they wandered out on an old pier where come the boats of a little old New Kngland line. Out on the end they found a shack where at a desk sat a white-haired clerk, as he bad been sitting for the last thirty or forty years. .Tha enthusiast sized up the old man and tried an observation in the Gaelic on him. He got an answer that nearly wrung his band off. and then the old clerk showed the visitors a box of books in the Irish language, some of them dating back to the early days of printing, which he had Stored In bis office. Thoasaads Know (he Toitir, Some Irishmen declare that people In New Toik City ctn speak Gaelic. Ottier fix the number at double that. It is all a matter of estimate, but when It Is re membered that IriHh Is Htill Kiioken all through the west of Ireland, in Donegal and Oalway, Hligo. Muyo. fork. Kerry, Clara and moot of all in the Isle of .M-ran. and that Irish liuniiKT.t!oii to America Is till going on st the rate of lO.OUO a year, l is not strange that the old lonsue still lingers In the streets 'of No York, the largest Irish city In the world. Hut In addition to this the Gaelic league, both In America and Ireland. i making It a matter of pride with educated Irish people to be able to (.peak their aboriginal language. Twenty years ago an educated person In Ireland was apt to be a .bit ashamed to confe.ua that he knew the lan guage. He feared that it vouId proclaim him from the backaooda. Today liw.uu) children are studlng their own Ungua-n In the national schools ot Ireland and there an- chairs of the Irish language ia moot of the universities of Germany. France knd Scandinavia and here and there In America. The best Irtah scholar lu the oiM ia a Scandinavian profesaor. .Tha Gaelic league of America has for lta object the awakening of interest la the ancient language, art, customs and history of Iceland and the financial assistance of the home society for the same purpose. Much money goes to Ireland annually for the purpoae. Work of the Gaelic Lragae. The league has eight societies In New Tork. several each in lioeion and Chicago and others lu Uuffalo, lialtloiore, Phila delphia, Washington, Worcester, Westfleld, Bridgeport, Pawtucket, Brockton, Holyoke, Springfield, Providence, Montreal, Quebec and San Francisco. There Is not a week through tha winter In New York when on one or more nights a program entirely In Gaelic may not be found In progress. Usually thc Is an hour or more of study first under a teacher provided by the so ciety and then a musical and literary pro gram, often with Irish dancing as a finale whan some one can be found who knows the real old Irish steps. There must be thousands In New York who know the true Irish flannea, but they are lost in the multi tude. A passenger who crossed tha Atlantic not long ago found bis way down Into the steer age when an entertainment was In progress. One number was furnished by a little peas ant girl fresh from tha bogs, green aa the graas of tha Emerald Isle. She was dan now the true national instrument of Ire land. Yet so much influence has the Gaello revival bad that one firm In Dublin la doing a very good business In the manu facture of harps. Both the harp and the pipe arc often heard at the league meet ings in New York when players worthy of the Instruments can be found. Often at the entertainments of the various societies In New York there will be talks on old IriHh customs by those who knew them well In their youth. The typical Irish merrymakings have now lost much of their vitality through Increasing English Intercourse. But dancing at the crossroads is still to be found In the rural districts. A few colleens and young men meet at a crossroadi; of a summer evening, not by Invitation, but merely on the chance that dancing will be going on. They send to 1 artmA U.K.. .-!.... 1 - -. - cing a true Irish Jig and the little people " ..uu.er or themselves had put the motion In her feet, strength, and leaning over he caught tho boulder and threw It back. But in the effort the saddlo girth broke, he fell to the ground, and alas! there he lay, an old man; older than anything human could be, for he had dwelt many years in the land of his dear enchantress, and the time had passed as a sons; that Is sung, for it was the matfie lai.d of Youth and L,ove. It waa the poetry of motion a wild, primitive step, not voluptuous like the Oriental dances, but having that peculiar influence on the beholder that all primi tive dances have whether the Highland fling, the tarantella or any other that has come down from the childhood of the race. Good round dollars were waiting for the lit tle Irish maid could any one have gentry guided her steps to a vaudeville stage. But she melted away In the throng at Kills is land and today no doubt stands over some prosalo diahpan, an artls-'t lost to the world. The national dance of Ireland is the Rinca Fosha. the "long dance," which Is some thing like the Virginia reel. The Irish jig Is danced at four corners In the form of the figure 8. It may be danced by one, two or four, but the same figures are always used. Some Old Irlah Alra- The Irish Jig tunes have been played under different names the world over. They have lost their original names, and their authorship is lost, If ever known, but they have become part cf the world's legacy of music. One of them known before St. Patrick's time, had a name given It and wotda set to It by some rhymster within arrive, and often they foot it till the gray dawn is breaking. They dance on the road, which Is hard with crushed limestone and level as a floor. The Irish revival aims to revive the na tive cottage industries of the island, of which one, the lacemaklng, ever died out. But its most Interesting phase Is perhaps the opening' up of a whole unknown litera ture. Thousands of manuscripts In tho Ilish tongue, full of ancient tales and folk lore, exist In the Dublin museum and the library of Trinity college, which are being printed as fast as money can be had to do It. Revival In Literature. The. revival has also started the produc tion of a modern Irish literature. One aged priest in south Ireland, Peter O'Leary, who did not begin to write till he was past 70, has since then put out several plays and novels In Irish, beside textbooks and a flood of articles; and all through Ireland people who have never seen an English play In their lives have taken to wilting and acting little plays in Irish, a spontane ous rise of a people's drama. The same, thing Is beiuu done from time to time in the Gaelic societies of New York. It is the investigation of the ancient a century past. V'nder its new guise It has literature and art of Ireland which attracts was the only country In Kurope which de veloped a civilization absolutely unlnflu played Tommy Atkins away to the wara over seven seas, and made its way Into every nook and corner of civilization. Its new name Is "The Girl I Left Behind Me." The old tune "Alleen Aroon." which means "Darling Ellen." has been known a thousand years In Ireland, and "The UK turn From Flugal" was composed In 1011. The later waa the funeral match or lament played by tho pipers at the burying ot Hi Ian Hoi u. one of the old kings. The story of "Aileen Aroon"' Is distinctly reminiscent of I.ochlnvar. Klleu had an exiled lover, driven away by the hostility of hor parents. He returned to find her on the eve of marriage with a wealthy suitor. ' He went to the weddiV.g disguised as a harper and played the melody cf "Alleen Aroon." known tc. him and Kllen on lj. Aa he played he cunningly wove Into TIMELY REAL ESTATE GOSSIP Several Large Deals Were Made in Omaha Seal Estate Last Week. ACTIVITY IN SPITE OF THE COLD ented by that of the Uoman empire. Its relics are of the same interest to scholars as would be those of un l!isolatd Indian tribe which hail developed totally un tocehrd by American Influence. Some of the Irish folktales rescued from the manuscripts are exceedingly quaint and beautiful. There is that of Olsln, for In stance, tho son of Finn, who Is that same Ossian who figures In Scottish folklore, although the Irish hero's name is pro nounced "Orhecn." Ottln encountered a beautiful lady, a stir.nger, whom lie loved very much. .She a.-lied him to so awny with her to Inr father's oxiiitry, which lay far beyond tho w Fl i n t'ea. Lie consenting, she gave him the words a prayer to Kllen to slip away I a tplrndid white home, on which they and fly with him before the priest said the fatal words, which she did, or she would have been no Alleen Aroon. "The Hard's Legacy" was written by Moore for a very ancient Irish air. and in tart nothing and no one has done so much to preserve the old melodies from extinc tion as Moore, by reason of the character istic and beautiful words which he set to them. And although the deepest dyed ot the Gaelic revivalists declare -Lt Moore's poems form no part of Irish literature, being written in English, yet the true Milesian heart loves his memory and strivea to forget his tuft hunting qualities In the land of the Sassenach. Pipes aad tha liara. The bagplpea are as much Irish as Scotch, but tha original Irish Instrument was the harp, the Irish form of the universal primitive atrlnged instrument. The use of the harp has died out until tha violin is both rodj In safety over the wuvts In the land of Youth. The lady's country, was Tir-nu-nog, the I.aiid of You'll, and her father wns king of II anil she Its princess. Olsln bad re mained there but a little while, so he HALLEY'S COMET COMING FAST Fleeting; Wonder' of the Sky AVIIhln Range of Small Tele scopes. With enormous and unimaginable ve locity Hallcy's comet has combined ever since its rediscovery on September 11, to speed earthward until its visibility has greatly Increased to, telescopic eyes. Har vard college observatory has Issued a bul letin, stating that a telegram from Smith college observatory, Northampton, Mass., reports that the comet was visible there on December 4 In a three-Inch teleaoope. Home Idea of the rapidity with which it has been speeding toward the earth may be gathered from a comparison of the Northampton observations with other ob servations made In September and October. When It was first detected, by photography by Prof. Max Wolff, nearly three months ago, it was scarcely visible in any but the Jarger telescopes. Photographs showing the approach of the famous comet to the northern limits of Orion were obtained at the Greenwich observatory with a 3.0 inch reflector on September 9, but the cometary images were so faint that they were not I.Ian. ifiA until aftae 1 1. M ruiiinl nf thft telegram announcing the discovery by Prot Wolff at Heidelberg. Several weeks elapsed before it became bright enough to be visible with a twelve InMr telescope. Prof. Newall reported to the London Times that ho observed the comet visually with a twenty-five inch re fractor on October 21, as Prof. Barnard at the Yerkes observatory 'bed done on Oc tober 17 and St, by the aid of the great forty-Inch telescope. As thou seen with this powerful Instru ment of Yerkes observatory, Prof. Barnard found the comet not a fainter than the ISM. magnitude, having an Indefinite bright ness in the middle, but showing no elonga tion. Its computed distance from the earth In mid-October was 230.000.000 miles, and its rati? of motion exceeding 2,0U -.000 miles per day. While its subsequent velocity may have variod considerably. Its approach to the earth has been .constant and exceedingly rapid. And there can, therefore, be no doubt thjrtt as the winter advances It will become a notably blight object of Intense Interest to all star gaxers. Although there haa not been entire agree ment In the computations of the comet's orbit made by different astronomers, the orbit computed by Messrs. Cowell and Crommelln at Greenwich observatory Is probably a very near approximation to ac curacy. 1'pon the basis of the Greenwich orbit tho Hev. Father George M. Hearle, supervisor of the Paulisl Fathers of New York City, haa lalculuted It will make Its Dealers W ill Try to lleclde How Far a Contract la Hlndlna; aud If an Option Muat Hold Uood. ' thought, when ha grew homesick and nearest approach to the earth on May If, wished to return to Ireland for a vis't. Long tint lady wept and pleaded to dis suade him. but whun she saw he won determined she charged him to travel on the while horsa and never set foot on the soli of Ireland )'- sore mishap should befall him. So he came riding back to Tara, which was the ancient palaoe of the Irish kings In County Mea'.h. And to his sad be wilderment he found It all dismantled and in ruins. Riuing on. putxled and lonely, he came to a field where men were trying to hti a great atone. Olsln waa famed for his and that It will then be only 14,000.000 milts distant from us. New York Herald. llachelor'e IteMeellous. A sneer on a woman's lips Is like poison in nectar. Next to weddings and funerals a woman gets the most satisfaction out of religion. it's Imagination that makes people be lieve they are having fun when they are Just being plain fools. tiympatliy tor people In trouble is pre tending you feel as bar for them as they would protend to feel for you it It was your trouble. Women don't take any Inleieat in going out camping to caich fish, becauxe lucre Is so much more sport In catching men at bouie, and lt a ten lUnes as eaay. Several large deals In Omaha property were completed during tho last week which show that there Is still considerable lie- I tlvlty among the dealers and investors in spite of the foot ot snow and the zero j weather. . Sherman Saunders, who has been in I Omaha for somo little time, bought the Om hotel at Fifteenth and Jackson for 8(i.000 for an investment. This Includes several stores and a barn, and Mr. Saun ders will improve the property. This hotel was built, twenty years ago by Peier Goos and was taken over some years ago by the Philadelphia Mortgage and Trust com pany to satisfy a claim. Thomas Brenen made the deal. The Coad corner at Seven teenth and Harney streets was sold lust week for $156,000 to a syndicate headed by W. II. Thomas. The new owners expect to build a three-stcry office and store building. Fred Hamilton has bought a splendid j site fur a home at Thirty-eighth and Jack son streets and will build In the spring. The better residence section is spreading fast and new locations are required to ac commodate all who wish 'to build In the "bon ton" district. The price paid by Mr. Hamilton was flOO a front foot, and al though he was forced to pay considerable : more than he would last summer the price I Is considered quite reasonable for such a good location,. Streets are being graded and paved and the resideift-e district is stretching out toward the Field club dis trict, i J. M. Guild, commissioner of the Com mercial club, lias completed his new home In the Field club district and has movtd in. The house is located at 1.130 South Thirty-fifth avenue. The new home which J. S. White is building nearby Is nearly completed. While the zero weather put a stop to some of the outside brick laying during the I last week, the larger buildings still con- j tlnue to rear their steel frames skyward. The huge derrick has now been placed on top of the seventh story of the City Na tional Bank building and will do service from that height until several additional stories of steel are added. The contractora expect to have all the steel In place before brick and stone work Is resumed. ' The Omaha Heal Kstato exchange Is to discuss a code of ethics among real estate n.en st a meeting In the near future. C. F. Harrison has prepared a little ta'k on the subject and he says that he will be able to answer any of the complex questions which might be fired at him. The question to be considered Is how far a contract is binding on a dealer ho has an option on 4 piece of property. Some maintain that the mere fact that an agent has property listed and that he has a sign on the lot does not prohibit another agent from seek ing the owner and asking tha price. Another question to be considered is whether a dealer who has property list -d may put the price considerably higher and maka tha sale without telling the owner the leal price. This question was put to Mr. Harrison at the meeting of the ex change Wednesday and ho says he will be ready to answer that also at the next meeting. The Payne Investment company closed a big deal a few days ago, when they sold the St. George cattle ranch. This ranch was owned by Omaha men, a number of them forming a syndicate several years ago to go Into ranching and stock raising on a big scale.- They bought the ranch and cattle. At that time there were 70,000 acres of land In the range and under fence. Some of the land was bought for 70 cents per acre. Gradually sales have been made of smaller tracts, and the lust four sec tions, 2,500 acre3 in all, were sold to C. L Jones of Hastings for $50,000. This sale In cludes the farm buildings, barns, corrals, and feed yards. Few ranches In the state are as well equipped for cattle raising and ranching, there being a splendid water supply, irrigation ditches and buildings that even a city man might envy. The home and all the large barns are built of stone and there are acres and acres of fine alfalfa. The St. George ranch was a pioneer In the growing of alfalfa and has revolutionized farming In western Ne braska. The St. George ranch is four miles east of Sidney in Cheyenne county aud is a conspicuous land mark for all Union Pa cific travelers. gIWlWiElBM-ami "The "present ags- knows ;io Invention or development which ine.uw so much to humanity In general as does Dr. Cole's wonderful Anstomlk Shoe." 1 iW M ML 1 B H i,x. X . Hi I U Xi 8 8 Ii i THOl'SAXH.S. upon thousands of F'eople young, middle aged and old - are suffering from some one or more of I he hyruptoms produced by some stage of lbs malady known aa "fiat-fruit .." or broken-down arch. aa it Is frequently tailed. The early stages of "flat-foot" are usually the most painful. At this time very little. If any deformity or change In the foot's outline can be observed, consequently the palus are attributed to other causes frequently to rheum atism. The rheumatlc-ltke pains may be in the feet, calves or legs, knees, hips, back, and sometimes there Is a dull nain In back of the neck. Other symptoms are swollen, painful toes, eularged .great toe joints, pain In the heel, bunions, cramps In the feet, toes drawn up or down, weak ankles and a generally "used-up" feeling at the end of the day. Come to our store and let us demon strate to you a siinnle lesson In fool pH v-ou will quickly see why Aniilonilk Hliocs are considered hy thousands of people to be one of the -r-tat blessings ever given to humanity. KXCIA'SIVK AfiKNTS Tor Men and Woman Drexel Shoe Co. Change Your Shoes Don't stick to a light pair of shoes now. Think of your health. H . .. . M A n n. f n your apiMrarance, tun iooi i""1"" ' because our new shoes are ad easv foot-feeling as au old pair. S There is no Justifiable excuse for , . . n Ua nKAn. yuu to wear uuaeaaoiiaoi mv, No, not even the prloe. All styles, all leathers for outdoor wear S3. 50 and $4.00 FRY SHOE CO. THK SHOKKS, Itltli end iKiuglas Htreets. Where's . happiness, heallh, love, comfort and love, comfort and fcs wealth in ' A j THE BCCH YOU LIKC Mavgg itNTMom OOUeiAt 420. IN0. A-1420 FRED KRUG BREWING Co. FOUNDED SO VCABB AOO Si m BAILEY & MACH - DENTISTS Best equipped dental office la tbe middle west. Highest grade dentistry at reasonable prices. Porcelain fillings, just like the tooth. All Instru ments carefully sterilized after each patient. iUlltU I LiOOH . PAXTON ULOCk Cor 10th and Faroe m bt.