THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: DECEMBER 1000. .! ! "sJl., IT JaawSk MM A t As REAL ESTATE FIRM JLD RANCH I.AMJ rOR ALRjA Metlre. Old Mexico, American Colony The Atas ador land consist of 1M.0U0 acres of the finest agricultural land In the world. Thi tract is a atrlctly American colony with American schpols. Ameri can churchea and American newspapers. This tract la near Tamplco, one of the finest harbors on the Gulf Coaiit. They grow two crops of corn each year. An Ideal climate. No freeiing nor froet, no ex treme heat In the aummer. Corn, fibre, orange and lemons are a (treat success In thla locality. An Ideal atock country, cattle grow and fatten the year round on the native grasses. Being 'near the coast this tract has an abundant rainfall. Suit a hlaek, rich loam. X j Thla land Is being sold at $13 per ere on esy terms. Hundreds of Nebraska and Iowa farmer have purchased land, and a part of them are now living on the Ataa ' ador tract. Write for literature giving a full description of this wonderful country and for a list of names of Nebraska and Iowa parties who have purchased some of these lands. An excursion party will leave Omaha, with us on January 4 to visit this tract. Arrange to go with us and see this country and Its products for yourself. Railroad fare for the round trip from Omaha to Tamplco, Mexico and return at very low rates. Mexico Gulf Coast Land Co. 171 BRANDKIS BLDC1. Caba. CUBA, ,'illE TROPICAL GARDEN SPOT A ell. It's all paid for now, those 6,000 aru located on the Cuba Railroad company of Eastern Cuba, located about six miles from Oniaja, Orients Province, Cuba, where there is a colony of Omaha people, all making money. Wa have the deed, and there isn't one ootnpany In fifty that haa one. Wa have spent three years and lots of money in selecting thla 6.000 acres, which is known aa "El palenque Plantation," and In formulating a proposition that Is eminently fair to the Investor and to thla Company, ad we are now ready. Ws ha'e the best preposition on the market for orange and grape-frtut trove, and we can prove it, if you will let ua hear from you. Our manager, Mr. C R. Glover, who la president of the Olover Reality Syndicate of Omaha, la well known throughout Nebraska, having been resident of the state for thirty years. With his family, Mr. Glover la now located on "El Palen que" getting the land cleared of the valuable hardwood timber ready to trans form 1,000 acre Into orange and grape fruit groves, aa well as lemons and pine apples. It la his Intention to stay in Cuba and manage the plantation, and with such a nun to look after your Interests, you can see they will be well taken care of. Wa don't aim to make any money out of this 1,000 acres, but when planted to citrus fruit, our other 4.000 acres will then be placed on the market. Coma In and see ue, write or telephone us for prospectus and "Our Proposition in a Nut Shell" and ba convinced. You csn Invest from $100 up, and if It don't beat any investment proposition aver put before you, we miss our guess. Telephone Douglas 8963 or Ind. A-3863 GLOVER CUBAN LAND CO., around Floor, N. T. Life Bldg. Ml csotn. MINNESOTA farms for bargains. See F. M. Young, Plattamouth. Neb. SNAPS IN WESTERN NEBRASKA ') Acres Banner Co., fiO per acre, :it Acres Kimball Co., 114.00 pea- acre. 330 Acres Cheyenne Co., 130.00 per acre. The above land la all good solL Wa can make easy terms on any of these tracts. W. & RODMAN REALTY CO. 06 Baa Bid. klafewsaa. OKLAHOMA We hare 181 eos acres ef choloe lajcd te seleet from, ranging la nrloe from H te IM par acre. Thla lead is in the oil ana gas district ana jrou aaigkt get aa ail wall with your land, NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO. Bolt Us New Tork Ufa Bid. FOR SALE Greatest bargain in South Dakota' S30 acre well Improved farm, near . i ity of Mitchell; new buildings; not a foot of waste land; oould not lay nicer; beet of soli; alfalfa land; tenant raised over 17,000 of crtipA this year; com went TO bu. to acre; H acre, worth ISO acre; $13,000 can remain long time. Mather 4k Co., Cedar Rapids, la. Waafclasrtoa. Fortunes Made in Seattle and "Washington Buy suburban city lots, $350 to $600 each. Will double In value In five years or sooner. Garden. Fruit, Farm, Timber and Coal Lands from S10 per acre and upwards. Tttlea perfect and Information reliable. . . MORRISON & ESHELMAN, Office 1308 Alaska Building, Seattle, Wash. Texas FREE Map of Texas giving elevations, rainfall, cities, railroads, products, etc, with every lc) I j months subscription to Texas Realty Journal, a magaalne telling all about Texaa development, resources, op portunities, eta Texas Realty Jounal. Hou- Mt An H ' V . MILLION acres, Texas school land for sale by the state; 81.60 to 26 ner acre: onlv one-fortieth cash, 40 yeara on balance; three per cant interest; good agricultural land; some don't require residence; send 60 cents for 110 Book of Instruction. New Htate Law and description uf lands. J. J. Snyder, School Land Locator. 664 Congress Ave., Austin, Tex. Reference, Austin Nat. Bank. ANNOUNCEMENTS ('() A I CLEAN Carbon Cooking, $6 W. vu Coutant & 8u,uiree, 1406 Far. D. WW. Saratoga Drug Co.. Mth and Ames Avs , accurate compounders of prescription Free delivery. Store open 1.30 a. m. to 12 p. m. PIANOS BMwln Co- Wholesale player P'"1"' rtD-- McCague B MONEYlttSS Phone Doua 24. UNION LOAN COMPANY. Douglaa Printing Co. TeL DougUa 444. i'OATi Illinois lump per ton . 7e7 V JAU P j creedon A Sons, $.50 Mh and Iwdge. TeL Harney tltO. All kinds of CEMEN-TwkToUNdFe CEMtNT STONE WORKS. 46th 4k Dodas! V,lpftrir0n,,h 'flrlo works repairs ele iieiiui,,,,. 1Vi s uth j, Usl A.litK KOD MERCHANTS LiInChT" i in" A. JETES, ImA Douglas St. tJO, OMAHA Safe and Iron Works makes t siHialty of fire eaxapes. shutters, doors and safes. U. Aodreen. Prop., 102 p. lOih A.' CJ5CHA Expert wairhmakrr and jeweler. Lepairlng gueran'eed. lit S. lJth. " I LKlMi i: AX I ) I lOTEl7 r.neet !u '.ht T,,, l.: , 1 1. wth and llo.n: J ' Ul ulsli JJiltliS BoilJr Kepaiiiug KZn&WL Boiler Co.. 1Mb and Pierce. Douglas 1141. . IDEAL OIFTS for men: Box fine ciirare liumidora mischaum pipe and cigar lioidara, oiaar caavj. tobacco jars, etc at MoRlTZ METIER tWHro, mi I Farnam. REAL ESTATE RM AD K4.X H I.AXn FOR K ALB OMAHA, NEB. ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued.) THE Bon Ton restaurant, 203 South 13th St.. open Dec. 27. Management of Leo Wing and Charles Leo. Chinese and Amer ican dlshea. chop suey. Creditors of former proprietors. Call Deo. 24. FRITZ E. SANDWAUcT.n formerly So. Omaha, now 001 Paxton Blk. HINDOO TABLETS will build, brace, strengthen, 60c. BELL DRUG CO. V a T Andover. Egg and $6.50 l.Urt . Lump. Tel w. aiofi nr Ti-yU R. H. MOREHOUSE CO Distinctive and Artistic Jewelry AT MODERATE PRICES. FRANK 8, 1811 Farnam St. D. ' 744. nYJATftl 'n special holiday boxes. VAU-V our line before buying. H. King, 24th and Farnam. See 9. flTY7T"'SMJo to order. Imported lea vJi-A-f v lo there, best of workmanship. Omaha Glove Mfg. Co., Crounse blk., opp. postofflce, second floor. WEDDING rings made by hand, sold by weight. T. L. Combs It Co., 151-0 Douglas. UNREDEEMED diamond rings 115 up. Metro. Loan A Jewelry Co., 1124 Dotiglar FANCT HOLIDAY CANDY. Perfumes, hand-painted china toilet sets, etc. Haines Drug Co., 1610 Farnam. COAL AND KINDLING In any quantity, by Frank Stroud A Co. Also express and bagg.ige. Tel. Doug. 6647, ind. B-6076. 11S California St. DAVID COLE Creamery Co. ' OT APT. Keys and gen. repairing; new W-CXJ-VU lnnatlnn IK A TivananHI, ROBT. J. HAMILTON. PLUMBING. STEAM and GAS FITTING. 2231 Leaven worth fit Phonea D 496L Ind. A 430s. f)OA1 8- H- Oreen Trading Stamps pie's Coal Co. Doug. 2471; Ind. A-1468. CleftTlinrr AND flBlNO. Twin City WOOD. Dr. O. 8., 8H N. Y. L. Homeopath. OFFICE STATIONERY g',v Kotera A Co., 1506 Jackson. 'Phone D. 1M&. ANCHOR FENCE CO. Iron and wire fences cheaper than wood. Last Lifetime. 207 N. 17th. 'Phone Red S14. MISSOURI filters made and sold. Homer St. 1310 PIANO TUNING Let our expert take care of your piano. Tuning, 1160. ReDalrlnr and reconstruo. tlon our great specialty. J. MARSHALL eaiirri CO., iWB-Jlt M. 1Mb. Depositions. F. J. Sutollffe. KS Bee Bldg W. W. SCOTT, PHOTOGRAPHER Photos taken anywhere, anytime. Call Douglas Bis. TRT our cream bread; always fresh. LeaVworth St. Bakery, tlVl llworth. H. 8098. MILLKR eV JAMIESON. oulck printers 12U Deuglaa St. TeL Doug. 3s; IndT, A-4tf lea and Ttilliov1 on1 T)l Best tabl A&AIUAVX CUIU X JJl . , vug. LUUI ruu. mi L,r,Ln- ENTRA NCE through TRACT BROS. C1QAR STORE, 141fi Douglas. Monuments. J. T. Bloom & Co.. 1BU Far. Piano TuninEJpr,'nctlJnen- c- H- umug Thatcher. 1908 Har. DWlt RAMSER, practical HATTER. t S. 14 8L THE Moms Cafe. Just opened. 1J14 Dodge. V e serve the beat dinners In town. Phone D. 7807. MEXICAN WHITE SAPPHIRE-Oreet-est discovery of the 20Ui century; haa the brilliancy and hardness, can't be detected trom a genuine D.amnnd; will puxxle experts at one-lhirlieth cost of diamonds. Call or mrlte for Illustrated catalogue. DeLong acvinii smg., umuu, fEElarge Illustrated display ad on page 8. AUTOMOBILES MIDWAT AUTO OARAGE. Steam heat space for storage; repairing done promptly anywhere, dsy or night. Fire vulcanising, oils snd supplies. 1I2 Broadway, Council Bluffs. Independent C7L Blac k so. SEN D for our list ef second-hand cars. DKR1GHT AUTOMOBILE CO., 1&14 Farnam St. WRITE for list of second-band automobile bargains. H. E. FREDRICKSON AUTO CO.. Omaha. ANTROGENOUS AYELDING AH kinds of broken cylinders, crank cases and castings promptly repaired. Ai: work guaranteed. BERTSCHY MOTOR COMPANY. Council Bluffs, la. AUTO STORAGE, Painting and Repairing. WM. PFEIFER CARRIAGE WORKS, Kth Ave and Leavenworth. IKJN'T have a puncture, we treat your tlrea and guarantee them for one year. Ne braska Puncture Proof Co., 70 N. Mth. ' BARGAINS In used cars. Send for list. Counull Bluffs Auto Co.. 510 Pisrl St FOR SALE Have taken In trade one "w 19i model H. P. White Steamer touring car; perfect condition: never used; Tainted rich maroon: black stripe; will sell this month at dealer's discount: dxllvered i"!, '.Llw p " -o JM. Beatrice. Neb. Bell 'Phone tut BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET In or out of bualneaa call on OANUESTAD. 44 Bee Bldg. TeL D. .7. FOR RALE The only breeding barn In one of the beet farmlr.g communities in the stale; three Imported pedigreed stallions, one standard bred stallion and one mam moth lack; fine locatiou. Address J. H. Sherwood. Oxford. Neb. SEND for descriptive circular ou United Slates Llfchl and litallng Cu : IUU stocV bvught and sold. Junes Co . 40 llivsd St.. Ne York BUSINESS CHANCES Continued. I Tl IEU HOSrs1fcDlXON (iOLD MINING COMPANY OMAHA. NEB Invent In mining stocks where you have no chance to lose a so 14 bond to the amount of yojr Investment delivered with each certificate of stuck. We are only too glad to show the finest ore In the city from this mine, also sssays, mill treat menu, etc. All communications addressed to this office, not matter how aearcliing. will be answered at once. We ran operate this mine for one-half It costs In the west. This mine Is owned and controlled by Ne braska people only. Investigate this. 'Phone Douglas 2.;SJ. Suite til. Paxton Blk. We have a proposition in the famous Bit ter Root Valley, where live men can make t,",.rcj on an Investment of IS.OOO, providing they can sell Irrigated orchard lands. This Is becoming the most famous valley In the west. We only want to hear from live wires, who are willing to take a chance, with prospects of good returns. Write for further Information, If Interested. The O. W. Kerr Company, Minneapolis, Minn. PHYSICIANS PRACTICE KOR SALE. Unopposed field In live town In eastern Ne braska; $40,000 business done In ten years; collection the best; will sell for cost of my centrallv located 10-room house, mod ern except furnuaoe; spacious grounds, all needed outbuildings, large barn, all In first-class condition: permanent walks, private water system. Price. $4,600; half cash, and will Introduce successor. Ad dress Y 117. care Bee. WHEAT Bur on breake. sell on bulges. Send for booklet. Facts and Figures, and market letters. Osbom Oraln Co., Minne apolis, Minn. THROUGH SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Industrially, scenically. by rail, automo bile and trail. Life In the picturesque southwest graphically described via LOS ANGELES TIMES' MIDWINTER NUMBER. Out January 1. 1910; A)0 paxes brim full of text and handsome Illustrations in color. Learn about the "Iand of Opportunity." Its climate, growth, Industrial enterprises. Investments, living, amusements, Mparts, mineral and agricultural resources and fu ture prospects by sending for the largest sneclal newspaper publication ever Issued. Price, postpaid. 15 cents. Address The Times, Los Angeles. Cal." FOR RENT SPACE FOR THE TAILORING DEPARTMENTS Dry Goods. Clothing, Shoes. Oenta' Fur nishing. Groceries and Millinery, In the new and modern store building on 16th Ht., room 96x90, two-story and basement. For particulars see H. Krssne, 1Z1 Marney Ht. 'Phones: Douglas KM 3, Webster tu. 14 000 wanted to complete an Investment guaranteed to net you 11.000 profit In four months, security given. Money waniea at once. Address J 218, Bee. FOR SALE A small stock of imple ments, well located near Omaha, at the right price, at your terms. Aaaress x-iis, rare Bee. r- FULLY occupied rooming house. 2206 Harney St. RE1S-KOHN Printing Co., 107 S. 14th St. HERE IS TOUR CHANCE. 11-room rooming house, modern, well fur nished, location 23d and Douglas. Price, 1460. Address E 681, Bee. HOTEL and restaurant near depot; cheap rent; best location and business In town; about VO0 cash will buy; see this at once. Address Wm. S. Bishop, Weeping Water, Neb. 13,000 STOCK 'in live local corporation, of fered to Increase facilities for handling rapidly growing business; unlimited mar ket; exceptional earning capacity; a re sponsible guarantee will be given purchaser to buy back stock In one year at par plus per cent Interest if not satisfied with the Investment; will stand scrutiny; a gilt edge opportunity for a prompt Investor. Address K 836, Bee. WANTED By an experienced physician, a first-class opening In Nebraska. Address with full particulars, L 830. Bee. - i MAKE big dividends by Investing In a going concern: large and small investors fully protected; Investigation solicited. Particulars and references, address. Max son A Howe, Box 572, Kansas City, Mo. STOCK dry goods, groceries and general merchandise; will Invoice about $8,000; stock in good, clean shape; corner room, brick, Kx90 feet: good basement; large win dows; must be sold auick; no clothing. E. B. Borland. Wray, Coin. FOR SALE Pool hall. 702 North Mth, South Omaha. Terms to suit purchaser. WHY NOT START A STORE OF YOUR OWN 7 We know of many places where retail stores are needed we also know something about a retail line that will p-y handsome profits on comparatively small Investment a line In which the possibilities of growth Into a large general store are great. This Is really an exceptional chance to get started In a paying business and tn a thriving town. No charge for these serv ices. Write todav for particulars and booklet, telling how others have succeeded In this line, and how you can make a sub stantial success wan small capital. Address Y 82, care Bee. CAPITAL furnished for meritorious en terprises, stock and bonds sold on com mission. Facilities for Incorporating and reorganization of companies. Johnson 4k Co.. selling brokers, Madison and La Salle, Chicago. PATENT secured or fee returned: Il lustrated guide book and list of Inventions wanted free to any address; patents se cured by 'us advertised free in World's Progress; sample copy free. Victor J. Evans 4k Co., &88 f St., Washington, D. C COMPANIES FINANCED. Securities marketed. Railway, Industrial, mining, power. Established house. Dept. 28, P. O. Box UTS. New York. CHRISTMAS HINTS IDEAL GIFTS for men: Bo fine Cigars, Humidors, Meerschaum Pipe and Cigar Holders, Cigar Cases, Tobacco Jars, etc., at MORITZ MEYER CIGAR CO., 1314 Farnam. BEAUTIFUL Fired China makes an ac ceptable holiday gift- Call 1K4J N. lth. Webster 3v Distinctive and Artistic Jewelry AT MODERATE PRICES. FRANKS, 1611 FAliNAM ST. niWUVV'!'0' Xmas. Saratoga Drug UJ II .1 JUJ j 'Co- 84th and Ames. FANCY CHRISTMAS CANDY. Perfumes, hand-painted china toilet sets, eta Haines Drug Co., 1610 Farnam. rjT -VTVe Made to order. Imported lea- l-0 thera, best of workmanship, Omaha Glove Mfg Co.. Crounse blk., opp. postofflce, second floor. CHINA and water color work for Xmas gift a Misa Pachman. 01 Paxton Block. WEDDING rlnga made by band, sold by weight. T. L. Combs 4k Co., 160 Douglas. JAPANESE art objects, new goods Just arrived, suitable for Xmas gifts. Cor. 10th and Jackson. THE TOYO CO. GAB and electric table lamps are al ways acoeptable If practical; ouis are al ways practical. Burgeaa-Granden Co.. 1511 Howard St. UMBRELLAS SV!' ZZT. VcE erlng, 106 So. 16th St. UNREDEEMED diamond rings 818 up. Metro. Loan 4k Jewelry Co., 11.4 Douglas. Loot kinds Christmas perfumes In dainty packages. 16e to 810. Stierman-McConnell Drug Co., lth and Dodge Sts., Owl Drug Co., Uth and Harney Sts. CHRISTMAS candles In sealed boxes, te to 86 each. Sherman-McConnell Drug Co., loth Dodge, Owl Drug Co., Kth Harney. A FEW unsold holiday articles on sale st greatly reduced prices to close out. Dun ning Hardware Co., 1(11 Harney. . CHIROPODISTS I'M KOY. IM Farnam Ht. Douglas M7. DENTISTS BAILEY A MACK. 84 floor, Paxton. DW TArra Dental Rooms. 1617 Douglas It. EDUCATIONAL What Will the New Year Bring You? :.." days before you! What will they brini? you! How much nearer HEAL success will you he when the oOoth has passed T It depends upon yourself! You tvin make 1910 bring to you a TRAINING that will make you SURE of steady, pplendidly-paid employment as long as you like. You can MAKE 1010 give yon iin expert ability as a Sten ographer, Bookkeeper or Telegrapher. You can MAKE 1910 give you a positive knowledge that will enable you to qualify for the superb Civil Serviee Positions of Railway Mail Clerk or (lovern- ment Clerk or Government Stenographer or Government Book keeper. - Or you can just drift along like thousands ot others and get begrudged pay for long, long hours of drudgery. That's the fate of the UNTRAINED man or woman! That's all they can expect! BOYLES COLLEGE OFFERS YOU A GREAT OPPORTUNITY IN 1910. THE MID WINTER TERM BEGINS JANUARY P, 1910, IN BOTH THE DAY AND NIGHT SESSIONS. IN Boyles College you can speedily acquire great, signal ability as a Stenographer, Bookkeeper or telegrapher. THROUGH the prestige of Boyles College you can, immedi ately, upon proving yourself competent, obtain a splendid salaried position as a Stenographer, Bookkeeper or Telegrapher. (Boyles College is Official Training School for Telegraphers for the Union Pacific R. R.) ' Just to satisfy yourself upon the point of how great this op portunity Boyles College holds ont to you send for a free copy of that big book "Bread and Butter Science." And send for it todav ! BOYLES COLLEGE Boyles Bldg., Omaha. II. B. Boyles, President. THE VAN SANT SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND Wead Building 18th and Farnam Sts. Now that Christmas is over you will be thinking about your plans for the coming year. If you are Intending to take a course in shorthand and typewriting you cannot do better than to attend a school which devotes its entire energies to the training of stenographers. Only those are admitted who have suf ficient education to make success prob- NaMe. Over 98 per cent of all the students who have attended the Van Sant School In the past eighteen years have secured and held stenographic positions. In this school you will be certain of success If you are enrolled. . If, for any reason students desire to leave the school, money will be refunded for unexpired time. To enable you to s?e what the school is like, a trial week Is given free. If you are not enrolled no charge In made for this week. This enables you to determine be fore making any payment whether or not the school is adapted to your needs. A. C. Van Sant, Proprietor. MOSHER-LAMPMAN BUSINESS COLLEGE. Unexcelled couise In business, short hand, penmanship and English. None but experienced teachers. Day and evening sessions. Most interesting catalogue pub lished In Cms ha. Send tor one today. . MOSHER & LAMPMAN, Seventeenth and Farnam Streets. I WINTER TERM Omaha Commercial College. 19th and Far nam; M. O. Rohrbough. Pres.; K. A. Zart man. V. P. Opens Monday. Jan. 8. 1910. Day and night sessions. New classes In all departments. It means everything to you to begin at the opening. Courses: Business, shorthand, telegraphy, civil service. Advan tages; cannot be excelled. Cnta!ogue free. gives all particulars. Send at once for a copy. Address. M. G. Rohrbough. THE MID-WINTER TERM OF BOYLES COLLEGE OPENS MONDAY. JANUARY 1. 1910 In both the day and night sessions. The late cata.ogue, giving full particulars In re gnrd to the various courses Is now reedy Huslness training, bookkeepina. shorthand telegraphy, civil service. Call, 'phone or write tor u at once. Boyiea college, Omaha, Neb. MID-WINTER OPENING Y. M. C. A. NIGHT SCHOOL. MONDAY, JANUARY X Sixteen weeks' term. Moderate fees. Booklet describing courses free. We liave helped many men to better salaries why not you? CALL EDUCATIONAL DIRECTOR Douglas 841. DETECTIVES OMAHA Det. Agency. 428 Paxton. D. 1318. .DRESSMAKERS MI6S STURDY, 247 Dodge. Tel. Doug. 635. TERRY College, 20th and Farnam Sts. McDowell dressmaking school. 16.3 Farnam. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN FURS FOR SALE Mrs. J. B. I-aug-worlhy and daughter. Pauline, unexpect edly taking a reuldence. tor the winier In Florida, villi sacrifice thttr magnificent furs recently purchased, consisting of gen-' uine American mink sets, 84 and $4 O), value tU and 1 t. respectively; genuine Russian black lynx, long-haired. l-VSO value 86; French lynx seta. 8-7.60 and 8-t. value 8106 and i; white evening sets, ex clusive style, I-: worth 8110. All large rug muffs and shawls, bent silk linings, late.t styles; also handsome Russian pony c. ais. Z6 and bust, 6. length; fine funcy bro caded silk linings; una I collar, latest Pariblan cut, 8.i0 to 8'5. value glo and flou Will send C. O. D. allowing examinatW-n. Address 2103 Leland Ave.. Chicago. III. TWW? r ' Save 40. let us make iij.ii.rjL,ij o 5o0r ful. t,, Klsk amJ Broalway Pattern Hats one-ralf off. CHINA decorating; order work a special ty, lesscns Tuesday, Thursday und S-tui-days. Firing ds l Children's clafeses Sat urday morning, Mrs. (". C. Hungaie, s-4 Brandeis Bldg. Tel. Red 54M. HAIR OOtJDS, Mrs Mathews. 2ZI Neville! ARSENIC and IKON' complexion wafers makes clear, white skin. Ity mall .W ai.d 111.'. Siiarman & McConnrll Drug Co., Ouiali. KDTK'F Th t'malnder of the stock of i'v-' 4 high-grade hair goods from Mrs. Little of Denver. Colo., will be cloved out at liobkon's Beauty Shop, l6os Douglas, second floor, starting Dec. W. K. L)e serves special parties. 1718 Burt St. Hliler's Pure Food Port Wins, wholesome I win,: iii iin, wucnen, onuarcn; r iry uuiiiv suvuj- nave u. timer a. uui remain. FLORISTS F. W. MENERAT Nursery Co.. 4-H BRANDEIS BLDG. Bell Phons Doug. i6S. A. DONAOHUE, 1607 Fax. D. HOT; A -1001. EDUCATIONAL FLORISTS (.Continued.) HESS & SWOBODA, 1415 Farnam St, J. H. BATH. 123 Harney. Douglas 8000. L. Henderson. 1619 Farnam St. T)oug. 1258. BRANDrio CUT FLOWER DEPT. BENNETT S Flower Dpt. E. store entr'ce. J. F. WILCOX Co. Bluffs. Ia.; largest greenhouses In west; beautiful flowers for any occasion shipped anywhere In U. 8. FURNACES AND REPAIRS WE have In stock repairs for all makes of stoves, ranges, furnace, steam and hot water heaters, water fronts. Thermostat, laundry tank heaters, Excelsior and Marvel furnaces. Both 'phones. Omaha Stove Re pair Works, 1206-ta Douglas Hu HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical aaa Office. Stenographer, to act as private secretary, f-W-876. Stenographer, (Insurance), 8o0. Bookkeeper, $o0-$50. Cashier and cigar clerk. Stenographer, ont of city, 84f CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE ,CO. 675-77 Brandeis Bldg. OCT OF A POSITION? WANT ONE? IF YOU DO, SEE ME. I can always use STENOS., BKPRS., CASHIERS. SALESLADIES, etc. Get busy, CARSON, THE REFERENCE MAN, 674-6 Brandeis Bldg. SEE large Illustrated display ad on page 8. HELP WANTED MALE Agents, Solicitors aad BaJeaaaen. WANTED A solicitor with horse and buggy to drive through the eountry and solicit subscriptions. Call and see circu lation manager. The Bee Publlsuing Co. INSURANCE OPPORTUNITY The Hartford Life Insurance company of Hartford. Conn., wishes to appoint a few general agents In the state of Nebraska. An opportunity for men of character and ability. Contracts liberal and direct with the home office. Every possible assistance offered to new men In the business. Be fore making contracts for 1910 see or corre spond with C. A. McOervey, supervisor of Nebraska Hartford Life Insurance com pany. 640 Bee Bldg., Omaha. AGENTS WANTED High grade spe cialty; good profits: easy sales; don't delay; write today for free Information. Bartlett Supply Co., Brown Block. Omaha, Neb. 8Pp;CIALTY SALESMAN WANTED. A reliable, established house wants a high grade specialty salesman to sell Its line to dealers In Iowa. Will give ex clusive territory, pay salary of 8160 to ixuO a month, expenses and commission to the men who will work and produce the busi ness. This is not a snap, but a position where honest, hard work and selling abil ity will produce a good and permanent income. A-good record as a salesman, staying qualities, good habits. Integrity, square dealing and the best references are necessarv. Give fall particulars in first letter. Box S32. Omsha, Neb. WANTED Good live sales agents to sell stock remedies, "not stock food;'" perma nent position with well established firm; men with ability can net 8i& to 8Ti0 per week. Address Council Bluffs Remedy Co., Council Bluffs. Ia. SALESMEN WANTED Resident. to .place carbon paper directly with consumer; can he made either a side line or rcgu ar 1 burlnws; previous excellence need not count: immediate profits; big future draw ing account. Address Cameron Corpora tion, as-41 Cortlandt St., New York City. WANTED Aggressive, experienced, suc cessful proprietary medicine salesman ta sell old established line In Nebraska. Beggs Mfg. Co.. Chicago AGENTS We manufacture and control !0 fast sellers; no other firm handles them; big illustrated catalogue of 860 specialties free; samples furnished; every housewife a purchaser: fall specialties. Peaae Mfg. Co.. Dept. 87. Buffalo. N. Y. WA NT El First-class salesman for Ne braska territory to sell staple line on ab solutely new and exceptional terms; ono having successful specialty experience pre ferred, attractive contract for 1S10. con taining liberal weekly advance clause; refi rencejt required. Miles F. Qtxler Co., Cleveland. Ohio. SALKSMAN Experienced In premium or assortment lines, for 1K10; our men making 84 0UO to H M yearly. Sterling Mfg. Co., Cedar Rapids, la- SALESMEN to carry side line, best ana lar7-'t line of souvenir post cards In coun try: start 1910 with big money maker. Gartner 4t Bender, Dept. a, Chicago. WE WANT thirty whip salesmen Jan uary 10; experienced men preferred; refer ence must accompany application. United Stales Whip Co., Westfleld, Mass. CAPABLE Salesman to cover Nebraska with staple line. High commissions, with I loo 00 monthly advanre. permanent po sition to riK lit man. Jess H. Smith Co., Detroit. Mich. LARGE Manufacturer with excellent line and established trade wants experi enced trsveliug salesmen, ."diary position. Apply vwth references. Iroquois Mfg. Co., Cleveland. O. ! CIGAR Salesmen In your locality to 'i .rernt us. kxperience unnecessar ; 8110 per mo., and expense. Write ua fur par ticulars. Mouarrti cigar Co.. b Louis. WANTED Salesmen for the best view and fancy poet card proposition of fered. Addr, Souvenir Post'Card Co., 4J-4K Mercer St., N. Y. City. WE pay 83t a week and expenses to men with rigs to Introduce poultry compound; ) ear's contract. Imperial Manufacturing Company, Depl 78, Parsons, Kan. 1910 CONTRACTS open for estsbllsned Spark Plug; good Income. Wm. Frostier, tales -Unagsr, 848 K. ted. Cleveland, O. HELP WANTED MALE Age aa4 Aaleassea -toallaaed. Wli WANT several automobile sales men In Nebraska and western Iowa to travel and appoint county and township agents for the most complete line of care on the maiket. Address B-sll Hee. CALENDAR SALESMAN 4 ir lU Line of calendars und sdvertlslng novelties row complete, if you went to connect with the most progresKlve Calendar House alio treat their salesmen aa equals. Write John Raumgarth Co., .4n Dearborn St., Chicago WE PAY a month salary and fur nish rig and all expenses to Introduce poul try and stock powders: new plan; strartv work. Blgler Co.. X !. Springfield. I I." NEW 4-sleve strainer and "no splash" sold agents only; sample f t S-Md -" stamp, cost of mnlling; 1 pn ni rift "tftv l.'t us prove It. Seeds. 164 Iu;uie St., New York RH YOUR OWN ROSS-Mak.- M per day silvering niotrors. Write f,,r fue booklet. Schaefer Supply Co., 18 lv 7th S;., Cin cinnati. Ohio. STOVINK Wonderful new discovery: a stove Marking thst never burns off; agents making 110 a day; season Just commencing ; scure territory quick. The Haydcn- irif fin Co., Toledo, O SALESMAN Fx jierlenced In any line to sell general trade In Nebraska. An unex celled specialty proposition; vacancy after January 1; commissions, with ! weeklv for eipenses. The Continental Jewelry Com pany, Cleveland. O. WANTED Salesmen to place specialty line with country trade; hustlers making IS.onn and over yearly. Addrees liox Cedar Rapids. la. WANTEI' High-clasa traveling K pet la ty salesman, that has been successful In sell ing cash resisters. typewriters. Jewelry or Other standard specialties, to Introduce uew display system, appeal to five classes of dealers: no competition; year's contract worth 5.ono to right man. M. M. R. Co.. 122 Franklin St., Chicago. WANTED Salesmen of ability and neat appearance to tall on ell ner chants in their territory; elegant side line; convenient to carry; good commis sions; prompt remittance. Belmont Mfg. Co.. Cincinnati, O. SALESMEN First tlsss salesmen to sell our "Puritan Grape Juice'' as a side line or exclusive; big seller with good commissions. Paw Paw Grape Juice Co., Ltd , Paw Paw. Mich. MEN and women make quick sales, large profits, selling our new household Fpecialty. easily handled, spot delivery. Write George Henry Co., Elinhurst, New York City. TRAVELING MEN Side Line Mexi can hats: elegant side line for hustler. Quick sales. Liberal commissions. Sample case. 20 pounds In demand everywhere. Mex cnn-Ameilcin Hat Co.. Dallas, Tex. AGENTS You can make quick sales and big profits with our new self-lighting, wind-proof pocket cigar lighter; every smcker buys on sight; sells itself. Rath burn Mfg. Co., Indianapolis, Ind. AGENTS Most attractive proposition. Our Sun-Ray Incandescent Kerosene Bur ner, fits all lamps. Liberal Inducements; description free. 8t-ri" Gaslight Co., 23 Park Row. New York. AGENTS. LISTEN! Our "Substitute for Slot Machines" sells like wildfire. No cap ital required: exclusive territory. Ander son Game Co.. Anderson. Ind. A FEW good salesmen can make big earnings traveling exclusively for our Im perial Calendars and Novelties; best com bined line on road; be prompt. Spotswood Specialty Co., Lexington, Ky. SALESMEN Specialty, the line you have always been looking for; staple: sells every where over and over again; samples light and commlssloiisiberal. National Mercan tile Co., Iowa City, la AGENTS wanted for a high class beau tifully printed and Illustrated dollar-a-year woman's magazine; commission 60c on ech dollar subscription. Write for agents' free outfit. American Home Monthly, 27 Spruce St. New York. AGENTS make 500 per cent profit selling "Novelty Sign Cards," merchants buy 10 to 100 on sight. 8tv vsrieties. Catalogue free. Sullivan Co., 406 Y. Von Buren St., Chicago, 111. ADVERTISING SOLICITOR to secure 8200 of advertising for annual catalogue. Liberal percentage contract. Address L-S37 Bee V WE SELL necessities that are needed In every family: camples sent io you free; write vs. "Goodman," Box Laramie, Wyo. FEE large illustrated display ad on page K. WANTED Experienced salesmen to sell high class line of exclusive art calendars and complete line of advertising specialties In established territory; state experience snd references. Robertson-Putnam Co.! All Advertising Material. 213 Institute Place, Chicago. SALESMEN Best commission offer on earth: new, pleasant, all retailers; samples, coat pocket; best men earning 8600 to 81.000 per month. Main, 99 College St., Iowa City. Ia. Boys, WANTED Several trustworthy boys; good wagea. A. D. T. Co.. 212 S. 1.1th St. Clerical red Office. WANTED A young man for stenogra pher and to help on the books. Address F-S15, Care Bee. DON'T be out of employment. See us. City salesman, electrical supplies, 81,200 81,600. Stenographer, 860-875. Salesman, heavy hardware, 81.200. Bookkeeper. 860-876. Four office clerks, quick at figures, 160 865. Salesman, carpets and draperies, 1,20 $1,600. Stenographer (bank), 875. Stenographer, out of city, $".0. We have many others, call, 'phone or write. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO. 675-77 Brandeis Bldg. WANTED Men and women everywhere to copy letters at home during spare time. 826 made weekly; no capital required. Daisy Rug. Co.. Baraboo, Wis. OUT OF A POSITION? WANT ONE? IF YOU DO. SEE ME. MANAGER Insurance office, city. Fine opportunity. BOOKKEEPER to manage office. $75-8100. TWO BOOK KEEPERS at OMce. $76. STENO. and UK PR. Out of town. 8'0. LUMBER SALESMAN, exp. $160-$-00. BUGGY SALESMEN. $7M100. GOOD SALESMEN, different lines at once. COLLECTOR, married man. $12, com mission. ' NIGHT HOTEL CLERK. 835, r. and b. CARSON. THE REFERENCE MAN. 674-6 Brandeis Bldg Factory aad Trades. Drug stores (snaps) Jobs. Knlest. Bee Bldg. PHOTOGRAPHER to manage printing room, developing and paper only. State age and experience, etc. Address G-816, tare Bee. M laeell eee. RAILWAY mall cleras: sprit. g examina tions; preparation free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 192 J., Rochester. N. Y. WANTED Railway mail clerks: n,m menrtment salar) 8-uO; spring examinations everywhere; candidates prepare. Ires, franklin Institute, Dept. 19. J, Rochester, N. Y, ASK me how you can start a profitable mall order business at home evening. Heacock. Loikport, N. Y. MEN WANTED Working men; men of neglected education, middle-aged men, foreigners, men ambitious for sdvancrmeitt and all others, except "don't rare" men and "snobs." Congenial fellowship and helpful asslstsnce In Y. M. C. A. clssses. Investigate 'all Educational Director, Douglas 849 TWO men wanted on farm by uiunth. Ai'di'ei-s G G. Gans. St. I'-ul. Neb. WANT F.I) Men to learn bi'.rber trade. The demand for barbers greater than sup ply. Oradu-tes earn splendid pay. Tools given, wages while learning. Few weeks competes. Unusual opporturlty te start an Independent business for youiself. Call or write Moler Barber Cullaga. U0 8. 14th street. HELP WANT CEr MALE M leeellaaeoas Coatlaaed. CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS will soon be held In every slate. Full Informa tion and questions used bv the Commission free. Columbian Correspondence College, Washington. 1. C GOVERNMENT Positions-Chances never better to set ure one of the thoussnds of appointments to be made; full parllculara as to salaries, positions, dates of exami nations In Omaha, sainla questions, etc., sent free In drooler ill. Natl Cor. In stllute. Washington, P. C GILLETTE and other thin saftey raior blades sharpened. o dosen. We guaran tee tn sharpen old blades and that they will shave as good as new one. Money refunded If vie fall. Send trial order with this understandlnr VICTOR SAFETY RAZOR CO., Sl IWxton Blk. Omaha. Neb WANTED Young man with W.Ono to 86,fl"0 to take active Interest In a woll es tablished wholesale business. Address C 67. Bee HOW MUCH of the world have you seen? How erect are youT now mucn muscle have you? How much do you know? IH you know a trade? How much money do you save? How do you like our present position? How much chance have you of being promoted? Do you ever exiHct to be a success? What Is there In the future for you? How much ambition have you? Become a bluejacket In the United States haw and von will see some of the United Stales maybe some of the world; you will become erei t, muscular, powerful, learn by travel, study and blgh-clasa asso ciates; mav learn a trade: can save monev as neariy all vour expenses are paid: will like your job most boys re-enllat tS per cent re-enliHted iat ytr If you are ha right stuff you'll get promoted, and ths training you get in the navy will help iniRhlllv to make a success, even If yuu leave the navy. If you are 17 fo 85 years old: right morally and phvsically. and your future at home doesn't look bright, find out what the United S'af-s navy haa to offer you. You will be surprised. Knowing a trade Is an advantage In Join ing the navy. 92.014) applied for positions last year. Onlv 19, W were accepted. Navy department doesn't urge you to enlist. Only urges you to Investigate. Talk it over with the recruiting officer today. He will tell you everything. Call or write. Navy Recruiting Station, P. O. Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. A NEW YORK real estate development companv desires live, pushing, represen tative for Omaha and vicinity to sell de slrnbU New York Suburban lots on eaay P-Cmento. Liberal Inducements. Address 'Particulars. ' P. O Box 188, New York. KARN $10 to $15 a week during spare time; we are manufacturers: start you and furnish everything: no canvassing; 8 sim ple, successful mall order plans to keep our fariuiles busy: v.-e coaoh you and show you how to get business; you pay us In 3 months and make big profits; spare time to start; write today for positive proof. Pease Mfg. Co., t6 Pease Bldg., Buffalo. N Y RESIDENT Manager Wanted for local control of Gillette Sanitary Spray, the new dustless cleaning system that saves money, lator and health. Must nave small capital, open office and handle agents on new plan devised by us. An opportunity for a man of broad ability, who can deal with large corporations, as well as smaller businesses snd women In the household. Highest references required. No salary It a a chance for a man. who wants no limit on what he can earn. Address, Gillette Chemical Co., 42 Broadway, New York, City. WANTED men for 1910. travel In Ne braska: good pay and tailor made suit In 90 days; experience unnecessary; reliable firm; write for particulars. J. E. McBrady & Co., Chicago. ANYBODY Either sex can make 4 dally all winter raising muuhrooma for ho tels and restaurants wltu my spawn In cel lars, sheds, boxes, etc. i'Yee Illustrated booklet. Hlrman Barton, 829 West 4th SU, New York. America la simply , AUTOMOBILE CRAZY. Automobile factories are turning out lBO.OuO new cars for 1910. end we are training men of mechanical tastes AS CHAUFFEURS AND REPAIR MEN, to fill the thousands of positions created by this enormous pro duction of new cars. You can learn at home through our PRACTICAL AUTO MAIL COURSE, or you can attend the oldest and motit re liable auto engineering school of all. TIME IS MONEY, SO WRITE NOW for our easy payment, liberal and prurtlca; auto educational offer, to the AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL OF AMERICA, lSfti MICHIGAN AVENUE, CHICAGO, ILL." LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses aad Vehicles. HALL & MORRIS, Veterinarians. Suraery h specialty. Hospital 2868 Farnam. Both phns. M'CRARY buys and sells all kinds of horses. Blue barn, rear Millard hotel. D. 4"W. .BLANKET BARGAINS Heavy white canvas storm blankets; reg ular $6 value, only $8 60. BENNETT S HARNESS DEPT.. BASE MENT. UPHOLSTERED Swell Box Cutter for sale. $10. 'Phone Harney 15t. GOOD street hsck, landaulet style, but little used; new rubber tires; - owner paid $1,100, but will sell now for $?G0. Johnson-Danforth Co., 10th and Junes. FINE $76 Portland speeding cutter, slightly UBtd one winter; red velvet plusli trtmmed. cane bottom, slat under cushion; yellow gear, dark blue body, with pole or shafts, $36. vFlne Christmas present. Lln lnger Implement Co., Omaha. Cows, Birds and Diiga. FOR SALE Beagle Hounds. 8 months ' old natural rabbit hunters and a friend! v companion for children. Write me at David City, Neb.. A. B. Parker. LOST AND FOUND LOST Gold spectacles with Kryptok lenses In Columbian Opt. Co. case. Return Columbian Opt. Co., 211 S. ltth. Reward. A REWARD of $100 for return of dia mond pendant, lost Christmas mornlnf between JMti and Farnam and 40th and Burt street. Return to Bee office. LOST On Farnam car or In shopping district lady's small open face gold watch, monogram "F. M. P." Return for reward to Edholm, Jeweler, 16th and Harney, A LADY'S gold watch, between 8918 lilrkory and the postofflce. Name and Illinois address In back of watch. Reward. Harney i.t'.O. A Reward will be paid to finder of mink muff Sunday eve, at Elite No. I. Call Web. 2436 MEDICAL FREE medical and surgical treatment at Creighton Medical college, 14th and Dav enport Sts.; special attention paid to con finement cases: all treatment uprvlstT by college profors. 'Phone Douglas lit,. Calls annaered day or night. BEST nerve brace fur man. Gray's Nerve Food Pills. $1 a box, postpaid. Sherman 4k McConuell Drug Co., Omaha. MONEY TO LOAN HILARY AM) MATTEL. DO YOU NEED MONEY? Money is no object to us. We will loan you any . amount ou any security. Easy payments. Business strictly private. POSITIVELY THE I)WEST RATES. NEBRASKA LOAN CO.. Phones: Bell. Douglaa 13S; ind . A 11.4. Sulto 7 snd 8. Crounse Block. Cor. 16th arid Capitol Ae.. Opp. Poatoffiie. MONEY FOR CHRISTMAS Any eniounl, on your v'sln note: uo security; lowest tales: easiest payments THE J. A. iiUTi'ON Co., 114-14 Paxton Block. Tel Douglas lsu7. SALARY and chattel loans, lowest rates confidential, open Saturday evening. Bote) phones. STAR LOAN CO , 44 Paxit a