THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: DECEMBER 2G, 1909. ft The Omaha Sunday Dee, FOUKDF.D BT EDWARD ROSKWATF.H VICTOR ROSEWATEIl. EDITOR. Entered t Omaha postoffice second ers matter TERMS OK SUBSCRIPTION. Dally Bee (without flnnrtev, one yir..M Dally Bee ond Sunday, nnf yr COO HELIVFRKD BT CARRIER. Dally Dm (including Sunday). per week..!' Dally Bee (without Sunday). per wek..lOe JTvninm timm lfiiiut Kinidai-'i. Dr week 6C Evening Bee (with Sunday), per week. . .1V: , U . . J . t" ,( I I nuranv nv. one year i'rrtl Bstirdey Bee. one veer 1 I Artdrees all comolalnt of Ir-teumrmei in delivery to City Circulation Department. OKFICEP. Omaha Tha Bee Building. flouth Omaha Twenty-fourth ana N. Council Bluffs 1A Feoff Street. Lincoln 6IA Little Building. Chlrajo 154 Marquette Building. New Tork-Rooma 1101-112 No. 54 West Thirty. ihlrd Ktreet. Washington 72S Fourteenth Street. N. . CORRESPONDKNCK. Cnmmunlcatlona relating to tiw and edi torial matter ahuuld be addressed: Omaha Be. Editorial Department. REMITTANCES. Remit br draft, express or postal order payable to The Bee Publishing Company. Onlv 2-cent itimm received In payment or niall accounts. Peraonal check, except on Omaha or eastern exchanges, not accepted. STATEMENT or CjnCTTDATJON. tata of Nebraska. Douglas County. . : George B. Tsaahuck. treasurer of Tho Publishing Company. btlrg duly swjrn. snvs that the actual nttmbe- of full and complete copies of The Dally. Morning. Evening and Bunda Bee printed during the month of November, 1900, wn aa follows: 1 43,070 1 i,rso I 43.0C 17 a.lK ( 43,700 II 41,800 4 43,150 1 41,30 40,440 0 41,390 43,170 21 40,340 7 40,040 II 41,3K 4130 aa ii,7o 43.1M 34 41,73) 13 41,830 2S 41,700 31 41,733 t 43,840 13 43,630 27 41,810 It 41,730 SI 40,400 14 40,100 29 41,050 II 41,300 Sv 41,330 Total 1,353,860 He turned Coplaa 3,845 Nat Totai M 43.006 Dally Average 41,733 GEO. O. TZSCHUCK. Treasurer. Subscribed lr, ruy presence and aworn to before ma Lhla lat day of December, 18W. (Seal) U. P. XMotary Public. fcserlfcwre tearing tfc city tesa orarlly ekoaU) ba Th nallee) to tkees. A4res will ba baa aa (! aa reaated. It W33 a merry Christmas for the Pearyodicals. Trio Turkey, trust can now go Into seclusion again. Oh, woll, If you didn't do it early this year, you may next. Did It taste as good for breakfast today as it did for dinner yesterday? Only ninety-six days until the 1st of April. This ought to cheer the base ball fan a little. That hot wave In Europe may be merely the exhaust from the Copen hagen safety valve. And If today there is anyone who does not believe In Santa Claus, he should be driven back to the reserva tion, Won't the safety razor men invent a safety be ard for Santa Claua before the next annual crop of whisker fires is due? Korea apparently is not aware of the fact, but it is a good guess that it is about to become one of the brides of Japan. If Dr. Cook is where he can read the papers, It is fair to assume that he is engaged in remarks which can only bo expressed by making dashes. Like the old-time religion, the old faehioned winter seems to be good enough for the native in many regions cf the United States this year. No ono can deny that Dr. Cook has discovered the pathway to the land of covering up. He has the old vanishing lady trick backed off the boards. Now the people who were recently uproarious for a sane Fourth of July are beginning to agttate for a sane Christmas. Views of sanity differ. How could Cuba expect Ita lottery to be .anything but a blank, with Uncle Sam keeping the sporting blood at low temperature by means of his U. 8. mail ice-pack T Amerioan robins have been trans planted to England with success. We are willing to trade for them our entire crop of English sparrows, and no ques tions asked. Canada's first warship la the Rain bow, and before It gets very far with its program It will find it needs the ex hsustless pot of gold supposed to je at the end of it. While many surgeons pronounce the new anaesthetic, stovalne, a success, the layman continues to stumble over ita pronunciation. But many a good thing cannot be pronounced that should not be renounced. Advocates of foot ball are arraying much eloquent argument In support of the game, but none of these will con vince the relatives of a victim of the sanity of the sport. The sooner foot ball Is debrutallted the bettor it will be for college athletics. Railroad manager a who are refusing an lucrease of wages to employes, while proposing to Increase rates to patrons at a time when the companies are paying the htghodt rate of divi dends known to history, art not serv ing their employers to the best advan tage. The temper of the American people at present is not the sweetest towurd th railroads. Reform in Trading. The executive heads of two of the leading trading firms on the Chicago Board of Trade were punished by bus pension from the Board of Trade for one day. Their crime was the alleged manipulation of prices to suit their own ends. On the same day an ex pelled member of the New York Stock cxrhsnge bea;an suit against the presi dent of the exchange for reinstatement, alleging that he had been expelled be cause of unfounded charges affecting bit integrity as a member of the organ ization. Th significance of these two news items will be apparent when the details arc examined Into a little more closely. In the case of the gralnmen it was es tablished that they controlled the sup ply of oats for September and thaf. through trading between themselves they succeeded in running the price up to a fictitious point, at which they un dertook to compel the victims of their manipulations to settle. The stock broker was found guilty of giving in formation to a rival stock exchange. The public interest In this consists largely of a desire to know how much of the retribution viRited upon these offenders Is founded on a real desire to purify tlio operations of the grent trad ing board? involved, and how much is due merely to an effort on the part of the "squeezed" to get even with the "squeezers." The great outcry of the public against the various trading exchanges of the world has been because of the well-established fact that prices have been manipulated and Juggled for the benefit of shrewd and daring specula tors who have found themselves tem porarily in control. By these opera tions millions have been wrung through advancing prices from the publtc and landed in private pockets. Events of this nature raised a public clamor not so very long ago so in sistent that, reform was premised. Men most Interested in the business insist that here, as elsewhere, reform should come from within, and that it left to work out their destiny the boards of trade and stock exchanges would as far as possible eliminate speculative deal ings. If the suspension of two of the moat prominent grain dealers should have the moral effect intended It will be an evidence of the sincerity of the promise of reform.! Under ; modern conditions the great markets of the world cannot be properly conducted without the centralization of control. But this great power must be adminis tered w-ith great wisdom and prudence in order that it may be a blessing and not a menace to the public welfare. Gambling in foodstuffs and other necessities of life cannot longer be tolerated. Belated Attack On the Canal. Now that we are beginning to per ceive the end of the Panama achieve ment, it is rather wearisome to behold the muck-rakers' own magazines re viving attacks on the canal, in the ab sence of later topics. Some of them are renewing prophecies of earthquake that shall swallow up our millions, while others are harking back vo the cry already repudiated by the experts. that tho lock canal la doomed to failure and that it should have been engi neered at sea level. These attacks are very much be lated. The nation is committed to the construction of the canal along the lines that are now being pushed to such satisfactory completion. As for the plea of Rear Admiral Evans, that the canal be made absolutely free of traffic charges to all the world, that is a matter which can be adjusted, if It shall be found necessary, after its suc cessful operation is begun. The Sues canal exacts charges to this day which enable its operators to pay large divi dends, and no plausible reason for our sacrificing the legitimate revenues of the waterway have as yet been ad vanced. Let us finish the canal with no more bickering, and then if our ini tial rates need readjustment, that can follow. Under the Hay-Pauncefote treaty the rates to all nations roust be equitable, which la the main point. ' Educating; for Practical Life. We have been hearing a good deal lately of the cry, "back to the farm," with very little definite suggestion as to what was to draw the youth to ag riculture save the visible rewards of the career Itself. Secretary Wilson has shown that the farmer has demon strated his to be the most independent and one of the most profitable of occu pations, but to be successful according to the modern standard, up-to-date methods must be employed. It has remained for President Waters of the Kansas. Agricultural col lege to point a possible way for the spread of the gospel of agriculture among the youthful masses, Agricul ture In the rural schools be regards as the next great educational problem. The question is immediately before us, he urges, how to shape instruction in the unorganized, isolated and poorly equipped school to that the pupils may not lose sight of the farm, its life, its problems, its beauties and'iti profits. And he considers that the hope of these schools snd of our entire system of public education lieu, not in thj abandonment of the country schools, nor in the attempt to substitute some thing else for them, but rather in mak ing them serve their rnnetltuwncy bet ter. He would weave the courses around the knowledge of the common phenomena of the world. His first step, that of teaching home economics and agriculture in the coun try schools, with the option, also, of taking up manual training; is part of his general scheme for preparing the pupils for practical as well as iatelleo- tual life. So that the balance should be maintained, he recommends that In city schools home economics and man ual training be taught, with'the option of agriculture. The teaching of vocational studies in the common schools Is not entirely a -new thought, but President Waters has given a new twist to the proposal, and it may be that he will prove to have evolved a basis for definite under takings toward putting into practice some of the sermons we are hearing preached on every hand for the prepa ration of our coming generations for the utilitarian work of mankind. Safety in Coal Mining. "An ounce of prevention Is worth a pound of cure" today Just ho much as it was at any former time In the world's history, and this applies with such force to mining operations, as well as to other industrial activities, that it would seem to need no argu ment. Secretary Balllnger is now urg ing that rescue stations be established by the United States government at points central to the various coal fields of the country so that trained experts may be hurried to the scene of any pos sible disaster. This Is, perhaps, well In its wy, but it would be far better If steps were taken to compel mine owners to adopt modern appliances that would as far as possible prevent accidents. The fact that death from mine accidents In the United States is three or 'more times greater in any other civilized country is not at all to our credit. It has been pointed out in connection with the St. Paul mine at Cherry, 111., that the expenditure of a few hundred dollars In equipment would have saved the lives of all the men who were sacrificed in that latest terrible disaster. John Mitchell pro poses that mines be equipped in their underground workings with telephone systems, with water pipes and other easily arranged appliances that would enable imprisoned men to communi cate with the surface and to maintain themselves pending the arrival of res cue parties. Other suggestions of a similar practical nature have been made by men familiar with under ground operations of the coal industry. No drnstie legislation should be re quired, nor any unreasonable burdens laid upon the mine owners, but the re sponsibility to care for the safety of the men who work in the mines should be forced home absolutely to the men who own the mines. Penalty or Protection. Is the culprit sent to prison to be punished, or to be reformed? Does society, when sequestering a convicted criminal, do so for the purpose of rid ding itself of his presence, or to pro vide that at the end of a reasonable time he shall be returned a useful member and not a perambulating threat? Is the object of the law to protect society by punishing the crimi nal or to work a reformation in the ways of one whoso moral obliquities have rendered him temporarily, at least, an undesirable? These questions are suggested by the reoccurrence of the discussion as to the efficacy of laws providing for parole or Indeterminate sentences, and for other means of ameliorating the condition of the convicted culprit. It Is admitted that our system of pen srogy is not perfect. Civilization has gone faster, perhaps, in the development of man's intellectual than of his moral nature. But with the extension in mental horlaon has come a change in the attitude of, so ciety towards offenders against its es tablished canons. Punishment is sel dom, if ever, inflicted any more for purposes of vengeance, and only for the most aggravated of crimes is the ex treme penalty exacted. The humane theory on which the law is today administered is that in all natures some good exists, and, if given an opportunity, it will develop to a point where the apparent criminal may be made an honest and upright citizen. Just when this point is attained is not to be determined by a hard and fast rule. For this reason many efforts at reformation have proven apparent dis appointments, yet the advocates of the doctrine that the law la administered not to punish, but to protect, to aid the offender rather than to visit on blm the resentment of society, find encour agement in the fact that the list of sec ond and third offenders and habitual criminals 1b growing constantly smaller. The impulses of the normal man or woman are for good, and if given proper encouragement the bent of the individual will be directed along the right ljnes. aatJBM3BB3SBBB3BB3aBaWBBaSBlBBBM3BB) Unselfishness in Public Office. Some people believe lu carrying the Christmas spirit into the conduct of real life throughout the year, and something of that nature may be cred ited as animating the health commis sioner of Chicago, who has asked that his salary be cut 10 per cent so that the pay of his subordinates may be In creased without seriously taxing the public. Such an attitude toward office-holding, makes the professional politician gasp, for It is a characteristic of no race or time to regard public office as a private graft. Indeed, the commis sioner wss Immediately made the butt of Jest and ridicule, which Is an un worthy way of receiving a serious and well intentloned proposal. It is to be hoped that the city of Chicago will have the good sense and spirit to grant the health chief's re quest. It would be a mistake to in terpret his suggestion merely as a bid for his helpers. If the city will ac cept the doctor's magnanimous offer, the Jesters will be silenced, and the commissioner's public-spirited stand will have the widespread good effect to which such generosity is entitled. Our National Son;. Much criticism of popular ignorance has been expressed of late because so many people unconsciously rise when they hear "America" played, and Brtf iHhers present have smiled at the tri bute to the English air of "God Save the King," to which "My Country" is sung. It is only in recent years that the American has acquired the habit of standing out of reopect for the national song, and there has been as yet, no def inite agreement as to what that na tional song is. Every effort has been made to crystallize sentiment on "The Star-Spangled Banner," which Is dis tinctly American in authorship, senti ment and atmosphere; It commemor ates a definite and characteristic Inci dent, and appeals throughout to pa triotism. But while it is as spirited as one may wish when played by a brass band, still it Is almost ImpoRslble to render it in song, especially when at tempted by a mixed and untrained chorus. A voting contest Just concluded un der the auspices of the division of music of the library of congres,r di rected by Chief Sonneck, gives prece dence to "Dixie," over "The Star Spangled Banner," "Yankee Doodle" and "America." "Dixie" Is a catchy and Infectious tune, and when played by tho orchestra or bands of the great resorts where people of all sections gather, it never fails of enthusiastic reception. But the some holds true of "Maryland, My Maryland," another dashing and fiery air that is alive with the martial spirit. Probably no one would decry either of these tunes be cause of Its sectional origin, for the days of such sectionalism are past. But with all their merits they, lack the grandeur and nobility that characterize the robust production of Francis Scott Key, and in spite of the triumph of "Dixie" in the voting contest, which at its best is an unsatisfactory test, "The Star-Spangled Banner" will hold its place as appealing to ail the American people with force and exultant pa triotism more thoroughly than any of its existing competitors. Control of Wireless. There appears to be good reason for the measure now before congress for the establishment of a wireless tele graph board whose duty it shall be to control the electric currents of the air, for, according to the evidence pre sented in connection with the resolu tion, the wireless service of both com merce and of the navy has at times been rendered useless by the interfer ence of conscienceless amateurs. One of the immediate results made necessary by the activities of irrespon sible operators Is the abandonment of the famous "C Q D" distreBalgnal; and the development of the wireless as a toy has resulted In the sending broadcast of vile messages. Wireless telegraphy has become such an important institution that it is es sential for the government to check the abuses that are already growing up to its discredit and to the destruc tion of Its utility. If relief can be given by the establishing of an expert board with control of all mediums of wireless .interchange, that would be a simple expedient. But if more drastic measures are necessary congress should not withhold its hand. In spite of its enormously expensive filtration beds, Philadelphia finds its city water supply so vilely odorous that it cannot be used for drinking or cook ing purposes, and is even offensive for bathing. The muckrakers will charge that it is the natural result, of munici pal corruption, but the matter has passed the Joktng stage, for the house holds are seriously confronted with a famine of potable water and the own ers of springs and distilling outfits are reaping a harvest. It begins to look as though the city would have to follow the example of New York and build costly aqueducts into remote sources of supply instead of pumping from nearby rivers that, with the concentration of population, have become open sewers. Philadelphia's plight emphasizes the fact that water is the prime essential of all comfortable living, and that no precaution should be omitted to make its supply wholesome and safe. We must not Imagine that other countries are not up to snuff. London has a governmental school of instruc tion in the gentle art of being a colo nist, which haa elicited the admiration of visiting cowboys from the United States. There the English lad is taught how to rough it in the Australian bush and on the Canadian ranch, and the government's graduates are found to be fitter for the ordeal of emigration to the rough places of earth than are many of the boastful youth of our own land. It is now in order to begin to charge the home storage batteries with a full quantity and prime quality of patience, for the census man is getting ready to come around with Uncle Sam's imper tinent questions. It will be harder to look pleasant than over the reception of those Christmas gifts that you didn't want, but more compulsory, for there are legal penalties attached. And re member that the census taker has the troubles of everyone In your block, while you have only your own. The moral hazard of the' protective tariff is Just now receiving a great deal of attention. It is hardly likely that smuggling operations are more exten sive at present than formerly, the reason for the apparent Increase being the unusual efforts of the customs offi cials to detect and run down evaders of Import duties. With the more en ergetic enforcement or the law Is cer tain to come a greater respect for the law, and out of the activity of the cus toms officials will grow a condition where smuggling will become a lost art in the United States. Uncle Sam pro poses now to InslBt on rigid honesty In the dealings between his nephews and nieces. The United States Steel corporation's offer to allow Its employes to subscribe for a specified amount of its preferred stock, at the highest price that stock ever attained, is a doubtful privilege. The workingmen employed by the com pany would, perhaps, enjoy some con cessions of a more definite character. Profit-sharing Is an excellent means for settling differences between labor and eapltal when it is placed on an equita ble basis, but when it involves the ven turing of the worklngman'a hardly earned savings through investment in stock at a price never attained on the open market it loses much oflts at tractiveness. A good deal of prominence has been given to the fact that the ships bore a multitude of gifts from America to other lands, but tt should be remem bered that the Joys over seas are only a fragment to the myriad happinesses borne to every part of our own land through the medium of the malls. The carriers staggering under their con stant burden during the holiday weeks were a visible attestation of the na tional habit of gift-sending to distant friends. Santa Claus In the domestic mails is a vastly more prodigious per sonage than St. Nicholas across the seas. Why Thta Silence f Kansas City Time?. "I told yon so" la the purport of Com mander Peary's comment on the Cook ver dict. If thlB la true, wjiy didn't he ay It so Homeoiiu could litar him? Why didn't he mention the matter lo the reporters? Blafflnst Bill. Indianapolis News. Home additional economy might be ef fected In the government print shop if some way could be devised to prevent con gressmen fr6m Introducing bills which they as well as,cvery body else know will never get farther than the committee they are referred to. Nnrpaaslng- Railroad Mystery. New York World. A Nebraska man has figured out that it cost him $i7.50, Ubs 25 per cent, to send a Ipony 350 miles by exprese, while a Jackasa of the same weight can travel in comfort for $19.80. leas 25 per cent. The mystery of freight clarification has ever been beyond the ordinary human Intellect Aa Overworked ladnatry. St. Louis Olobe-Democrat. The five republics of Central America have an area of 176,000 square miles. , a population of 3,000,000 and a coast Una on the Atlantic and Paclflo of 1000 miles. But as long as their chief Industry la revolu tion they will be a burden to themselves and. a menace to other countries. . i i ( lleroea of Civil Life. Nw York Tribune. That is a fine showing of practical anJ efficient heroism which Is made In the re port of the life Raving service, telling of 1,73 marine disaster imperilling the lives of 8,!00 persons, with only thirty lives ac tually lost, and also of property worth $13,316,815 aaved. Of the exertions, perils and self-sacrifice of those who did the work no report could adequately tell. Sennit for the "nboellnr. ' Philadelphia Record. ' The Immigration commission sent forth by congress has been hashing tip and chew ing over the results of scientific Investiga tions of racial development and changes for the last hundred years and more. Then the commission has crudely, and In many respects falsely, applied their results to the Immigrants to tha United States. The worst of It Is that all of this stuff will be accumulated In several volumes by the public printer and then consigned to the aubcellar of the national capltol with the rest of the pile of waste paper. , PERSONAL AND OTHERWISE. It was the Panes, not Homer, who smote the blooming liar. Billing Christmas an Saturday lends an aspect of delicious repose to the day after. The Hon. Knud Rasmussen has another guess coming. And there are a host of others. The aweet tooth of the Ksklmos Is in no danger of decay from excessive chewing of gumdrops. A Bt. Louis seer bodly declares that there will be no lawyers In heavens. That Is to say, no St. Louis lawyers. The late Mr. Leopold of Belgium affected the beard of a patriarch, but It waa not esteemed a seer Bign In Paris or else where. Dr. Cook "told It to the Daneji'f all right And the Danes didn't do a thing to him, which shows the danger of responding to an encore. Tha marked activities of Americans In the Medicine Hat region of Canada may explain the prematura scattering of front In tha adjacent territory. Enterprising brokers, appreciating the American hunger for pie, propose to register the foreign built confections and Import them under tha law admitting ancient Works of art duty free. As It appears now the difference between Peary's and Cook's literary efforts Is tha difference between hiotory and fiction. In popular estimation fiction beats history a mils. - Tha social altitude of New Tork swells, as revealed In divorce courts, Is measurable by tha number of highballs and cocktails disposed of In a given day. Four cock tails In the morning are esteemed a fashion able eye-opener. The Milk trust of New York City, feeling annoyed by Inquisitive state officials, cut short Its acquaintance by moving into New Jersey. Prom the off aide of the river the trust can milk, the town in mora artistic fachlon and no questions asked. "Endless fields of purple snows," w;ote Dr. Cook In describing tha pole. "No life, no land, no spot to relieve the monotony of frosts." A slight change in the color achama of Die atiuwa, and tha pictuie presents with photographic accuracy tha doctor's present situation. Thomas V. Cooper, a state senator of Pennsylvania, met death aa tragically as Congressman Da Armond of Missouri. A nap on a couch, a lighted cigar, and In flammable draperies constituted his funeral pyre. Mr. Cooper was a civil war veteran, a newapaper man. and a stalwart, pugnacl oua poltlciau. Sight Draft at Maturity Tolf Hanson The Equitable Life was organized to my losses nnd not to withhold flainis from widows nnd orphans or deserving creditors. Jjossos do not disturb us in tho least even on n doubtful ease we are always looking for a. justification to pay, rather than for opportunity to dispute. Here is another letter that will rather tend to help us in our business: COURTNEY & CO., GROCERIES OMAHA, NEH. Onmlm, Neb., Dee. 18, liKR Mr. II. 1). Xeely, Manager, Equitable Life Assurance Soe-iety, Omaha, Neb. Dear ISir: I have received from your hand draft in full Im policy of $25,000.00 on the life of Tolf Hanson. ' I have now a praetiea) demonstration that a policy in the EQUITABLE is a 4 4 Sight Draft at Ma turity." 1 hand you today my application for a policy in the sum of $50,000.00 and I shall not forget to tell my friends where to bjiy insurance that insures. Yours very truly, C1IAS. It. COURTNEY. TREASURER'S NO. 17031 NEW YORK, THE EQUITABLE Or NEW PAY TO THE ORDER OF Twenty five Thousand THE EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF THE UNITED STATES T. M. Bailey M. M. Murray mfott coHrntouu EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF NEW YORK PAUL MORTON, Pres. "STRONGEST IN THE WORLD" H. D. NEELY, Mgr. Merchants National Bank Building, .... Omaha SERMONS BOILED DOWN. It's ulways easier to give your lif- than It I to lve your Iflaurc. aettlnf to heaven Is a good tfal moro than backing up from liell. Our rood deeds seldom bear fruit until we have forgotten them. Grace Is free, but the religious niuti ned not be free from grace. If your religion Is sunshine you will no, need to argue about II. No man sees anything- as it Is ui:le ln sees that which Is not. The heart without fellow feeliig can have no room for divine faith. The way to the sorrow free land is to try to free some life from sorrow. There Is a lot of difference between good will and willingness to be good. Often you must forget the good you have won to reach the good you would be. The measure of love Is not whether U drains your bank account, but whether it draws on your heart. Chicago Tribune, SECULAH SHOTS AT PULPIT. Charleston News and Courier: A Chit-ago bishop says: "Our, congregations come an milliners' and tailors' dummies." No chunoe for a collection from folks like that. New Tork Post: When a clergyman can make a great sensation by sermon on the chances of a prlietlghter getting back Into form, It la no wonder that the theo logical students at Chicago demand that Hebrew be dropped from their curriculum. It la a pure waste of time. Charleston News and Courier: In preuuh Ing on woman and her sphere, a minister recently declared that the average man "will choose a woman who, in after years, will love a baby more than a bull pup," We may observe that women never get the bull pups until after they are man-led. Boston Herald: Emperor William of Ger many no longer has the center of the stage as a preacher-ruler. The Kooseveit pace and fervor as an evangelist are fast being rivaled by his successor, who has the art vantage of a diplomatic record at the Vatican as well as en evangelistic tour of the Bowery and good standing among the heterodox. We may not have union of state and church In this country.but we are coming to have much more outspoken advocacy of religion by statesmen. - DOMESTIC PLEASANTRIES. Visitor Isn't either of your parents homo, MMaria No, ma'am. Ma has gone for an hour S sitting at the photographer s sn1 pa has gone for an afternoon's straddle on his horse. Judge. "Hal" said the haughty muld of mll ., ..u... awiit mi- hair of linns, III ytui vvir , gold, my ruby lips and my teeth of pear "'.L "l- - A.. .. , mlirhtv dollar." Ay" said the poor, but proud, lover, "It was a scent I meant."-Iitiltiinor Amer ican. Miss Loftelgh-There are some social chasms that cannot be bridged with gold, MMrLrnibb True; but If you have enough of It' you can fill them In. Bust-on Tran crlpt. "Parker and his wife have st-prat'd." "What are the terms?" "They each gel. their cook for six months." Dlfe. "I love you! Will you marry ni?" "This is so sudden!" "Well?" "Give me little time." "How much timer "Enough to go Into the library and ask papa." Cleveland Leader. Mr.. Nagvby You know vary well you were perfectly crasy to many me. Mr. Nsgsby 1 admit It, my dear; but tt loss paid? Yes! f VOUCHER NO 4937 Dec. 16, 1909 TRUST COMPANY YORK Charles R. Courtney ($25,000) DOLLARS ASST. IFEASCHm -J We Sell 100 Kinds Mineral Wafer We will pell i.ver ! kfnd.i imported a:-. 1 Am'rlo.m Mineral Waters, ami. ns wt nil tain direct from pprltigs or Imp-ii-trr, -ii i guarantee freMinem and genuineness. Boro l.lthia Water, but.. SOc: rase. fi.iA Boro IJthiii Water, pint.", doren. jl.Hr. Ci se, WO, fw.on. We are distributing agents In Omaha fu;- the celebrated waters from Excelsior springs, Mu.. : ltd sell r.t fallowing prloe.4: Kegent. tniait bottle, 25c; dozen, 2.,; case, 50 buttles, $,.nf). Sulpho-KHllne. quart bottle, 25l rloaen, t2.lh;; ."H) botfles. 1.00. Hulpho-f aline, quart bottle. Sic; ilo.en. i Soterian, quart bottle. 20c: doren. JMKi. Soterian, pint bottle, lie; doien. jl.'.O. Soterian Ginger Ale,. pint bottle, lie;, dozen, 11.50. ' .Soterian Ginger .Mr, quart botile, Uic;, dozen. $2.."!. Diamond I.ithln. lialC-guilon bottle. 40c: I case, 1 dozen. $4.00. ! Crystal Llthla, 5-gullon lusts, each. 2.00.' Salt Sulphur. 5-gallon Jugs, each, S'.'.aR.. j Delivery free to any part of Omaha, ( Council Bluffs or Soutly Omul, a. t Sherman & McConnell Drug; Co. 10th and Ikxlg; Sis. Owl Drug Co. J 6th and Harney St. vas merely a ease of temporary lnsatilt. Philadelphia Record. "Maria, who in the spider leggfii gawk that comes to see Bessie two or three times a week?" "!-, don't you know, John? That's young Mr. Welloph. the Junior partner in the firm of Spoteash & Co." "Well, confound her, wtiy doesn't nhe kuv him a little more encouragement !"- lil cago Tribune. "What a beautiful sight it is, Mrs. Mutes, to see your two little boys alwas to gether!" the summer boarder exclaimed, l,i an ecstasy, on the approach of Bobby and Tommy Bates, hand In liund. "Such bretherly love Is as rare s It Ik exquisite."' Mrs. Bates nodded In pleasant assent. "I tell Kary," she said, "tliui they're a-., Insep'r'ble as a pair of pants." Youth's Companion. THE DINNEE AT GRANDPA'S.. W. I). Nesblt In Hurpers. When Christmas was w'y, we all went To gramma's house, 'cause grampa h Is got a leg 'at s stiff an' bent 'I th no Joint water In his knee. But he don't care: He say some, folks Is scarce o' legs not got a pair' My grampa cracks a lot o' Jokes- An we et Christmas dinner there. My gramma all her hair Is white Mke snow is. but It Ian t cold. An' gramma say 'at my hair might Be white, too. when I'm Jut as old My papa say we must be nice, But gramma call my papa "John ' An' say we don't need hie ad-vie. To put our comp'ny manners on. I Ilka my gramma 'most th' same As I do mama. Cousin Ixu An' Cousin Fred an' Cousin Memo An' all the others they do too My gramma a hi-red girl, she cooked Whole lots o' mincemeat pie, an" make Mora Jelly! My, bow good It looked! An four-five dirrunt kinds o' cake! Nen all o' us we all sit atlll While grampa look down at hia plat An' talk about th' he'v'nly wllj-. An" It la pretty hard to waltf He help us children first, an" fill Our plates llli turkey etuffm', ton. An' gravy, till It almost spill Off o' th' plate on Cousin Jou! Oh, yes! We had plum-puddln", made O' lots o' things, an' set on fire' But ain't nobody is afraid To eat It. An' we all ad-mire Th puddtn' 'cause my gramma keep It tnos' a year to have It there An' nen, w'y, I'm gone sound asleep Klgut at th' table, In m chair!