Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 25, 1909, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
to to th home Is read by the
women sell good! for Advertiser.
For Nebraska Knlr and Colder.
For Iowa I'nsottlod.
For wpnthcr report srp pas:? 3.
Former President of Nicaragua Goes
to Western Port on Special
Another Report Says He is Trying to
Organize Liberal Ministry.
Of 3,000 Men Only 600 Escape from
Estrada's Troops.
Inaurorent Commander Aiarrti III
Mnrrh o Managua, 'Will Be I'd.
opposed Detail of llot
tl of IVaina.
COP.INTO, Nicaragua, Dec. 24. Former
President Zelaya arrived at C'urlnto today
on a special train from Managua, whence
he departed this morning at 3 o'clock. He
wa accompanied by a guard of fifty men
with a Maxim gun.
WASHINGTON, Doc. 2I.-A rumor
gained currency here today that President
Aladrli of Nicaragua had resigned Ef
forts to trace It source proved unaval.tng,
although the representatives of the Es
trada party in this city had written word
to the same effect. They, however, vouch
safe nothing definite, nor could tho other
Central American diplomats.
A telegram to the mate department from
Consul Caldera at Managua, received to
day, stated that Madris was organizing a
cabinet made up of liberals and conserva
tives, mostly from Leon, his home cliy.
This is assumed to mean that Aladrli
Is making an effort to carry water on both
shoulders, with the probability that he will
meet with a catastrophe.
Kstrada, It Is believed here. Is reorganis
ing his army with a vr to promptly
taking up the mardf westward over the
mountains to Managua. That he will have
little opposition la generally believed and
there are Indications that a considerable
percentage of the prisoners taken at Rama
will Join Estrada's army in operations
against Managua and the west coast cities.
When questioned today a to whether
the United States would take measures to
prevent Zelaya from leaving the country,
Btata department officials declined to an
swer. The presumption, however, Is the
matter of allowing him to leave the coun
try either on board the Mexican gunboat
General Ouberro or by other meuns is still
bejd in abeyance.
''i Insurgent Victory Complete.
BLUEFIKLDb, Aicaragua. Dec. 24. The
fetalis of the battle of llama are now
noiuVTh'6 yretdl'y'Gf the insurgents was
. as complete as has been claimed by them.
After two days of fighting, the fiercest
that Central America has seen. General
Estrada on Tuesday wiped out the enemy.
Of Zelaya'a army of 3,000 men but 600 es
caped. The killed and wounded on both
sides, as before reported, numbered 000, and
1,000 of the government troops surrendered
after a desperate resistance. Three Hotch
klss and four Maxim guns. 2000 rifles and
1,000,000 round of ammunition wcro Included
In the booty.
General Kstrada professes to believe his
march to Managua will be unopposed.
Blueflelds and the neighboring country
ars delirious with Joy. The victory Is said
to have been won on the very day sched
uled for the Inauguration of Dr. ' Madrlz
as president of Nicaragua In succession to
General Luis Mena Is again here. His
troops arrived on the scene of battle when
victory was in the ba'ance and turned the
tide In favor of the Insurgents.
At the- request of Cnlttd States Consul
Moffstt, Commander f'hlpley of the United
Btates cruiser Des Moines, sent his hos
pital squad ashore, establishing an Inde
pendent hospital where forty of the
wounded are receiving rare. The American
medical men have been able to give their
.services to all who were In need of them.
Six Americans participated In the battle,
operating rapid fire guns. They escaped
injury with the exception of one named
Itafahford, who received three bullets In a
Ttto General Captured.
The prisoners Include General Gonxales
and General Castrillo. General Vasquex,
who was returning to Rama from Managua
when hostilities began, did not reach the
scene during thr fighting. He was a few
miles distant when the government troops
wers routed and it la possible that some 600
men escaped with him.
After Zelaya's trenches had been shelled
they were taken by assault. In the trenches
wers several women who preferred risking
their lives In the conflict to starvation in
camp. These women were armed with
rifles and fought courageously. One of
them was wounded and later brought to
the hospital here.
A large proportion of the prisoners were
found to be boys under 16 years of age.
They expected defeat as thouwh It was
. General Oonialea, the leader of the gov
ernment troops, tocbiy shares the quarters
of General Kstrada and Is eatlns; the lat
ter's rations with great relish and smoking
Insurgent tobacco as though he enjoyed It.
Widow Wander Street.
Today widows and orphans may be seen
wandering about the streets weeping. Yet
no expression of regret Is heard. The
provisionals admit their heavy losses and
estimate those of the enemy at ,about an
equal number.
General Chamorro, General Iai and
General Matuty first faced the enemy.
The tugs. Pioneer and Blanca. upon which
were mounted Hotchkiss guns, half burled
In stand, steamed up a creek, tributary to
the Mlco river, upon which the village of
Jtecreo is situated.
For hours they shelled the village, the
runners maintaining great accuracy.
Zelaya's troops frequently left the trenches
and. advancing through the jungles, met
the Insurgents In hand-to-hand conflicts.
These dashes were followed In each In
stance by a retreat to the trenches and a
forward movement by the provisionals,
who Cut the wire enUnglementb with their
machetes. In these brushes many were
killed or wounded.
General Chamorro, who looks l!ke a
typical North American regular troop.-r.
fought with frensled vigor. General Dlaa
disdained, aa did Chamorro. to take to
cover. Mas walked erect amid a hall of
bullets, directing the fire of his men. who.
(Continued on Second rage.'
; i
L. Maketh prayer and bitter moan? I 1 f"
Daughter of Mark Twain is Drowned
in Bathtub.
Father Isaac Statement Saying She
Probabl) Had Attack While Dath
Ins Had Planned 'Trip
with Hlin,
REDDING, Conn., Dec. 24. Miss Jean
Clemens, daughter of Samuel L. Clemens
(Mark Twain), was found drowned In a
bath tub. In Mr. Clemens' home here t'iday.
It 1 believed that Miss Clemens suf
fered from an attack of epilepsy while In
the bath and was drowned while in a
convulsion. She had suffered from epll
epay for a number of year.
Speaking of hla daughter's death Mr.
Clemens said:
"My daughter, Jean Clemens, passed
from this life suddenly this morning at
7:30 o'clock.
"All the last half of her life she w:is
an eptleptlo, but she grew better latterly.
For the pat two years we considered her
practically well, but she was not allowed
to be entirely free. Her maid, who haa
served us twenty-eight years, was always
with her when ahe went to New York on
ahopplng excuralons and such things. She
had very few convulsions In the past two
years and those sh had were not violent.
At 7: SO this morning a mnld went to her
room to see why she did not come down to
her breakfast, and found her In the bath
tub drowned. It means that she had a
convulsion and could not get out
"Sh had been leading a very active
life. She spent the greater part of her
Urn looking after a farm which I bought
for her, and she did much of my secretary
work besides. l-t night she and 1
chatted later than usual In the library and
she told m all their plans sbout the house
keeping, for she was also my housekeeper.
I said everything was going on smoothly,
that I thought I would make another trip
to Bermuda In February, and she said if
I would put It off till March, that ahe and
her maid would go with me. So we made
that arrangement.
"But sh is gone, poor child. Sh wa
(Continued on Second Page.)
mn 1 . . . ,i 1
Yet His God forgetteth not
When the garden lights are dim,
Lo. an angel comforts HimT
OA, Babe, a shadow on Thee lie ;
What sorrow darkens in Thine eyes ?
"One I see, His head bowed down
Underneath a thorny crown.
Staggering toward a distant hill,
Fainting, yet triumphant still
Since upon His cross He bears
All the world's unnumbered cares.!"
Boiler Expl des
in Ro9k Island ,
Shops at Pawnee
Two Men Are Killed and Twelve
Iniured Several Reported Miss
ing' and Building Wrecked.
SHAWNEE. Okl., Dec. 24.-Two men are
known to be dead and twelve Injured as
the result of the explosion of an engine
In the shops of the Chicago, Rock Island
& Pacific railroad here shortly after noon
today. Hallway officials have given out a
statement that only two are dead. Sev
eral employes, however, are said to bo
The dead:
8. W. COOK.
The explosion occurred during the noon
hour, while ninny of the employes of t!:e
shops were at lunch. For this reason th.
casualties wer light. The explosion
f wrecked one wall of the shops and hurled
pieces of machinery several rids. Win
dows all over town were shattered. The
two men who were killed were working on
the engine.
Bryan is Better;
Leaves for Miami
Commoner Suffered from Severe Cold
and Canceled Lecture
JACKSONVILLE, Fla.. Dec. 24. The
condition of W. J. Bryan who wa taken
111 yesterday was so greatly Improved this
morning that, he will leave during the
afternoon for Miami.
Mr. llryan will go from Miami to Cuba
and South American countries, where he
will Join Mr. Bryan.
He is still very hoarse and suffers pain
In his chest, but, if his condition war
rants, he will go out from Mlamti to wit
ness dredge boat operations In th Ever
glades tomorrow. His physlcUn here
stated today that reports of Mr. Bryan's
llluesa hav been greatly oxaggerated.
fT- '&lSJiC,J M A3 KOCir-r I II- . I I II
QH, Babe, on Mother Mary's knee,
. What do thine eyest at npndering, see?
" In a garden. One alone
Maketh prayer and bitter moan?
'Him His comrades have forgot
Explorers' Club Finds He Did Not
Climb Mount McKinley.
Committee Sny It Report I Based
Entirely on Scientific Testimony
Delietrs He I) I sa pea red
NEW YORK, Dec. 24.-The committee of
the Explorers' club which has been in
veKtiKatlng the claim of Dr. Frederick A.
Cook that lie rsnchrd the summit of Mount
McKinley today reported to the board of
governors of that club that after exhaus
tive Investigation it failed' to find any
evidence to support Dr. Cook's claim.
The committee in Its report said it had
made every effort to obtain information
'torn Dr. Cook on the Mount McKinley
expedition and that Dr. Cook fippeared
before the co nmlttee on October 17, last,
and promised to submit data and other
Information, which he failed to do. and
that the committee believes he purposely
The committee says It examined Edward
Barrill, the guide, who was with Dr. Cook
on his expedition and nlso took the testi
mony of the packer, Fru' nek Prints, but
(Continued on Second Page.)
Merry Xmas!
Did Santa Claus
brin vou what you
want? He is all
right but
He only fills your wants one
.day in the year, while Bee
want ads fills them the other.
three hundred and sixty-four.
Have you read the want ads yet
Oh, Babe, the shadows deeper grow
What deepening sorrow grieves Thee so?
"Now I see a leailess tree
On a height called Calvary.
And its bitter fruit God saith,
Ripens for My hour of death;
Yet within that awful hour
Life immortal breaks in flower I"
Oh, Babe, o,i Mother Mary's knee.
As her arms encompass Thee,
Sleepnor dream of a day to bet
Two Passenger
Trains Collide
at Mason City
Milwaukee Train Runs Into Rock
Island Train and One Man is
Killed and One Badly Hurt.
MASON CITY, la., Dec. 24.-Chlcngo, Mil
waukee & St. Taul passenger train No. 10!
plunged Into a Itock Island passenger train
at a crossing near Plymouth th after
noon, killing Patrick O'Nell. a land seeker,
and seriously Injuring C. K. lllldreth of
Kensett, In. A number of others wer
also injured.
The baggage car and smoker of the Roc'
Island train was smashed into splinter
The mall, baggage and smoking cars
the St. Taul train were badly damage;!
The -engineer and fireman of the St. Pau
train escaped by Jumplpg.
It Is said that the wreck waa caused by
a mistake in signals.
Search for Seals,
Not South Pole
Captain Bartlett of Peary Expedition
Will Not Join British
ST. JOHNS, N. F., Dec. 24. Captain "Bob"
Bartlett, the commander of the Peary Arc
tic steamer Roosevelt, will not go In search
of the South pole as a member of the Brit
ish Antarctica expedition under Lieutenant
Bcott. Captain Bartlett has notified the
owners of the sealing steamer Southern
Cross that he will accept the command of
that Vessel.
Junior lloy Entertained.
LOGAN. Ia., Dec. 24 Spclal.)-Accom-panled
by Miss Oeorgle Sumpter, language
teaoher. Superintendent Charle 8. Cobb
and wife and the Junior girl etnertalned
the Junior boy of the Logan high school
at th home of Miss Jtossi Hall, near
Logan, last venlng.
1 1 1 ' I
President Spends Hour and aHalf in
Washington Shops.
Day at the White Hoik Will Be
Like that In Million Other
Home Present for All
' Employe.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 24. President Taft
went shopping afoot this afternoon, wan
dering from shop to shop, taking a hearty
Interest In the store windows and good
laturedly returning the Jostling of the
rowda. Captain Archibald Butt, his mil
iary aide, walked with nlm, but Immedl
tely behind trailed two aecret service
'ien. After nearly an hour and a half's
ealk, the presidential party returned to
lie White House.
The president left the executive offices
at 4 o'clock and walked down Pennsyl
vania avenue to a Jeweler's shop, where
he remained some little time, selecting a
present for Mrs. Taft and his daughter.
Miss Helen. He next walked oevr to a
leather establishment on F street where
Captain Butt halted Mr. Taft on the walk
before the. broad display window.
"That Is Just the thing," he exclaimed,
pointing with his walking stick, to an
elaborate traveling bag of Russia leather
that was spread to the gaze of the envi
ous. '
"You're right," exclaimed the president,
hovlng the officer ahead of him, good
naturedly. "Let' get a closer view."
Com mot Ion In the Store. .
Theer wa a commotion In the crowded
store when the president and his party en
tered. They remained nearly a quarter of
an hour, going then to a book dealer's es
tablishment, where Mr. Taft purchased a
number of volumes. One of them, which
he wanted to mall tonight, he turned over
to Captain Butt. ' "
Cuptaln Butt stuck the volume under
his arm and the party returned to the
Jeweler's place. As (he president passed
a hotel on Fifteenth street th ptnwheel
door to the bar spun merrily. Four bibu
lous holiday celebrants emerged. They
gained th sidewalk, laughing effusively,
- i
(Continued on Bocond Page.)
Gladsome YuletMe Dawns on Storm
Lashed City After Evening of
Hurry and Hustle.
Belated Shopper Strongly in Evi
dence as Big Stores Close. ,
Private and Public Entertainment
Arranged for Everybody.
Fortunate One of t'My Make Kffort
to Kutertalu Those Not So Well
Illessed Holiday (brer
Iteistii ftnprriue.
Tlotor Moor In "Th Talk of JTsw York"
at th Boyd.
Vandevllle at th Orphsnra.
"Th Uy Witness" at th Krugr.
Grew Stock company at tbt C4ayty.
posTorncB hours.
Genral delivery open nntll noon.
Stamp and money ordar departments
open until 10:30.
Two morning dellvoris down-town, ons
In residence districts.
Christinas day has dawned. It was
ushered In by an evening of hurry and
hustle in the downtown district by tho
usual holiday crowd that throngs the
streets on Christmas eve.
The last cars on tho city llnrs, as thy
slowly crept over the slippery rails and
plunged Into the storm of Friday night,
carried their heavy burdens of human
frelgl-t, laden down with yuletldn tokens
for the little ones at home. Many a be
lated shopper made It a special point to
catch tho hist owl car rather than face
tho ChristninB elements.
Down in the district where the lights
burn brightest there was feverish excite
ment during the night hours. Tired clerk
In the big department stores mechanically
sold their woros to the late shopper who
put off buying until the last moment. There
was no S o clock closing . ruli for tli
Christmas clrrk
All It.-ndy for Kris Krlnsrle.
Then, when tho doors were closed and
the people were left out In the storm, thera
was a mad scramble for
people crowded and pushed to board tho
cars for home! The tired motormen Ami
conductors then had their Inning. Whon
the last fare had been rung up the merry,
merry Christmas day was at hand.
Uhe day will find Omaha folk at thrlr
ease In the enjoyment of all the holiday
season offers. The charitable, snlrti f
good will is making the holiday season one
ot Joy to every one. No Omaha, home, ba
It palace or hovel, need ba without it. .
Christmas cheer. y .... t
upon the big, restless business district' of
the city to find the hurry and busllu '
hushed In homage to tho one greatest holi
day. Stores and offices will be closed all
day jjenernlly throughout the city. In those
few Institutions where public service de
mands that there shall be no closing,
activities on Christmas are at their lowest
In the churches there will he many
religious observances of the rtav Th
Christmas gaiety Is even lnvndl
pltals and reaches to the bedsides of -'.ho
surrering. In all of the hospitals thore will
bo something to give the Inmates a taste
of the festivities of the more fortunate
outside world. There will bo special din
ners for those who are able to enjoy them
and even Christmas trees for the grown
ups, and musical programs.
ServlcM at Hospital.
At the Presbyterian hospital, a Chrlstmna
tree for the attendants and patients wilt
make the holiday gay. The gift giving
there has been limited to oblects nf ih
value of not to exceed 10 cents, that there
can bo no holiday extravngances to be re
gretted. St. Joseph's hospital holds a re
ligious program beginning with mass at
midnight, and, of course, there will be a
Christmas tree and entertainment.
The deaf and dumb children, although
they may not enjoy the Christmas carols
or the music of the season, will have a
most gaily bedecked Christmas tree and a
real turkey dinner. The Knights of Col
umbus are giving the children- of St.
James Orphans' homo their holiday Joys
with a picture show and a Christmas tree
and a good old-fashioned Banta Claus.
Meotlngs and programs of a holiday na
ture will be held all over the city. There
will be an all day stag party at Metropoli
tan hall.
Charitable Institutions have prepared a
Christmas for the poor of Omaha and
every effort la being made to reach Into
etery abode of the needy. Preparation
have been made at the People's church,
615 North Eighteenth street, for a Christ
mas dinner to 1,00 persons, If they will
but apply. The dinner will be served to
all who come between the hours ot 11:80
o'clock In the morning and 4 In the after
noon. '
Ask, and Thon Shall Receive.
"No one will have to prove his poverty,
said Rev. Charles W. 8avdge, pastor,
"they only have to come and ask."
The prisoners in the city Jail ars to
have their Christina dinner, too. It will
be of the royal American turkey with tha
time-honored and much beloved cran
berries alongside.
All of the big stores downtown will ba
closed for the day, and officially Omaha
will be at rest, with the city hall and to
court house closed.
The newsboys of the olty got their Christ
mas, too. "Mogey" Bernstein, nrohntlnn
officer, together with representatives from
tne newsnoy lorces from each of the three
papers of Omaha, gave out dinner baskets
to ISO newsboys Friday afternoon.
Each of the newsies got a live chicken,
together with all proper trimmings for a.
Christmas dinner, and a pair of warm
woolen mittens. The newsboys will thus
eat their Christmas dinner with their
families and their holiday lova will ha en.
hanced by sharing with others.
Christinas Dinner for Poor.
The Omaha City mission more than car
ried out Its good Intention this Christmas
season by providing 1,400 poor people with
Christmas dinners, and todav will mika
many hearts happy by special Christmas
services and entertainments.
At t o'clock this morning there will be
a special meeting and gathering for the
boys. Following a short program and dis
tribution of gifts there will be a sleigh rids
for all. '
In the afternoon the girls and nrlmiru
department will b treated to a program.