" 1 ' - ,mmmm , jur-mrnim-- v - hum,,,, M - - ,, hi,,,,,,, nmt m imiU,a , . , , , y THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1903. 10. i r Want - Ads Adverttaemeata lit the want rnlimiii will he fa km mil IS m. (" the edition and antll SiSO . . for th Marnlair aad Saedar tlon. Cash must arrompaar ''M' want arte mil a adrertlerTaeat will he aereptrd for Ira than 0 era for flrat Insertion. HatM apnlr ta either Tk Datlr Sanita? Rr, Alwer t werda ta a llaa. CASH RATRJ FOI WAST AD. RRCCLAR CLASSIFICATION Insertion, 1 1 rent a art ward and 1 rent per ward far rack enhaent Insertion. Eaeh laarrtlen mad aa mid daya, 1 1-9 wall per ward) t.S per Una per aaoath. Want a da far Tk Br mar fc Irfl at any at tk fallewlaa; draw atarra ear la year "earner dmlt" tfcry are all bra ark office fer Tke Be and roar ad will ka laaerted Jaat aa propratly ead a tk ansa rate a at the mala effle la Tk Be Balldlas, rvrateeatk aad Far-earn street! Albach. W. C. wfh and Farnam. Beranck, A.. 140 S, Wth Pt. Recht Pharmacy, 710 8 ltb St. Benson Pharmacy, Benaon, Neb. Demls Park Pharmacy, X3rt and Ctrmlng. Blakv-Rradlsh, t81 Jherman Are. Caughlln. C. R., th and Pierce St. Clifton Hill Pharmacy. J2..1 Military Are, Conte, J. B., 81. Ave. and Farnam. Crlsacy Pharmacy, 24'ii and Lake. Conney pharmacy, 1213 South Uth St Cermak, Emll, VM-t M. Uth St Ehlcr. P. H.. 280f Leavenworth. Foeter Arnoldl, 113 K. thth St. Freytag, John J., 1914 K. t4th St. Fregger Drue Co., lift N. 16th fit. Florence Drug Co., Florence, Neb. Goldman Pharmacy, JOth and Lake. Grrena Pharmacy. Park Ave. and Pacific UreiMtougn. G. A., IK 8. 10th bt. s...- . , . .. IJtrknrv uirciiuUBH. u. -., JVIU mil ..-... Huvden, William, C, 29V0 Farnam St. Haiiscom I'a.k Phar.. loOl S. tn Ave. Hoist, John, L4 N. lKth Ht. Huff. a. L., &3 Utvao worth Si. Johanaoa Drug Co., I4th and Spalding Sta. Kin, H. S.. aaan Farnam Bt Koun e Plare Pharmacy, 8304 N. HtB. Klaira, Fred U, 2U1 Central Boulevard. i'ttirick irug Co.. Id24 N. 4th U n lAUiiop, Ciiarlea K., 1324 N. 84th St. Poyion, U 4th and Lavenworth BU Saratoga Drutf Co., Mto and Amea Ave. . Hchaefer'a Cut Pile lruc Utora, Uth and Chicko til. bchaeier, Ausuat, ZC31 N. Uth St bcuir.idt, J. li.. 84th and Cuinlng Sta. Hioim i'liarmacy, Uth and Martha Bta. Walnut UiU Pharroaoy. 40th aud Cumin Cta. vs'alton Pharmacy, 20tn and Grace Sta. Wtrth. O. II.. 40th and Hamilton Si. DUATH AIM I) FUNERAL NOTICES EL8ASS1SR J ohn, Monday morning, of heart failure; born In Worthingourg, Uurmany, April 12, 1851. "-uriei! Friuay afternoon at 2 p. m. from tatiiily renidence, SUWi South Twenty third atreet. Interment Laurel Hill ceme tery. Friend Invited. REED David, of Greenwood, Neb., at preabytertan hospital, aged B8 years. Funeral Friday, December 24, at 1:30 p. m. at HUlse & iilepen undertaking parlors, 70S) South Slxteeneth street. Interment in Evergreen cemetery. ERIC KSON John, aged 69 years, December 2j, im Funeral Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Swanson undertaking rooms, Seventeenth and Cuming streets. Inter-iin-nt Forest' Lawn cemetery. Friends In vited. STEFFE Charles F., aged 61 years and 9 months, December 22, VMJO. Funeral Friday morning at 9:30 o'clock from the family residence. 2S19 South Eigh teenth street. Interment Forest Lawn cemetery. Friends Invited. WINSPEAR James H., Wednesday even in a. Funeral Friday at 2 p. m. .CARD OF THANKS. The family of the late Samuel E. Collins desire to return their sincere thanks to friends and Mr. Finney, general manager of Armour's; Mr. J. E. O'Hearne, all tha foremen and fellow employes, Knighta of Columbus, Ancient Order United Workmen lodge No. 227, Temple association, Onvaha and South Omaha letter carriers and Omaha polios department for their kindness and boiullful floral offerings. MRS. MARtJARET COLLINS. MISS GERTRUDE AND MIL, CLARENCE COLLINS. LODGE NOTICE. Odd Fellows Funeral Notice. , Mombers of the local lodges and sojourn ing Odd Fellows are requested to assemble at I. O. O. F hall, Fourteenth and Dodge streets, Friday at 1 p. m. for the purpose of attending the funeral of Brother David Heed of Greenwood Lodge No. t)8. W. H. LARKINS. U1HTI1S AND DEATHS. Births John Kovarlck, 1428 South Twelfth, girl; Ashford Grady, 2!2f South Twenty-third, girl; W. Daber, 2780 South Twelfth, boy; S. K. Kustcr, 2711 South Fifteenth, boy. Deaths John Peterson, 813 North Twen-ty-stcond, ii; Julia Ward Dakln, Fiftv- lourili and Hamilton, 87; Charles Stffe, Duugias County hospital. 60: Alfon Ue- bersr 1903 South Sixth, 19; Baby James Ceare. 711 Leuvnworth; David Heed, Tenth ana vviiuam, xti. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following marriage license have been Issued; Nam and Residence. Age. Stephen T. Tool, Mangan,' S. D 3i ivailierine Urauer, liuOson, N. D 27 John F. Haller. Omaha over ?i Margaret i. Walktr, Braddy vllle, la,, ov. Hi Eaton Congdon, Knowlos, Okl 24 Pearl Harvey, Omaha i Bradley A. DUta, Omaha Zella Hickeraon, bkldmore, Mo..., Gunner Nestor, Omaha Lotta BrldweH, Omaha Sidney S. How, Council Bluffs Auna Banther, Council Bluffs Oulan Barratt, Shelby, la juiia Fraxey, Hillsdale, Wyw . 24 . 21 . 26 . 21 . 34 . 28 .. 26 .. 24 Hartwlg B. Pettis. Brunswick 25 Aiveana Anderson, Malmo 2J Kdward Mathewson, Shenandoah, la 44 Cura M. 'i huinpsou, Snenandoali, la 2i Andrew Clements, Shenandoah, la 21 Lisle Mathewson, 8hnandoaii, la 17 James Fisher, Hastings, la Nellie Van Dorn, Gr.enwood, la.. Arthur Nelson, Omaha.... Mifuun Pito, Omaha Rasmus Ptderscn, Florence Ella boons, Florence - 1111am Irving. Omaha Flora ricnef tmeyer, Omaha ANNOUNCEMENTS VI CLEAN Carbon Cooking, J6.no sJlj Coutant A Squires, 140. Far. D. 90. Saratoga Drug Co., 24th and Ames Ave., accural compounders of prescription. Free delivery. Store open 6:o0 a. m. to 12 p. tn. I'IAW Baldwin Co.. wholesale player A"' y-"-- pianos, organs, lini McCague B. MONEYS TO LOAN LOW -tAll, In aunts to ault. -Ml Bee Bldg. UNION LOAN COMPANY. Douglas Printing Co. Tel. Douglaa G44. lfWJ. Illinois lump per ton a.' pr V'UAAJ P. J. Creedon & Sons, O.OU 46tb and Dodge. Tel. Harney 2180. All klnda of CEMENT WORK, DUNDEE CEMENT STONE WORKS, 46th A Dodga. V.lfrtrir0nlan olertrlo works repairs ele- "-"" " vat a. los M. 11th. D. Um, A-1418. GOOD MERCHANTS LUNCH. K fVU A. J EXES, 1302 Douglas St. l-LO. OMAHA Safe and Iron Works make a specialty of fir escapes, shutters, door and safes. U. Andreen, Prop., 102 B. loth. A. CECHA Expert watchmaker and fctwaler. Itepa 'ng guaranteed. 1U & 13ih. ANNOUNCEMENTS tContlnued 1LE11 OK AND HOTEL FlnpBt In the et. rp,,i, i, H.-itvo loth and Howaid Bta. "i-'ou ua.u;, -x x Andover, Egs; and l()A Lump. Tel. W. 1106 $6.50 H. H, MORtHOUSFJ CO. COAL AND K1NDLINO In any quantity, by Frank Ktroud Co. Also eipresa and bK,igc. ThI. Doug. 664, Ind. H-60;S. 161 California St. Boiler Repairing prompt wou Boiler Co., lth and Pierce. Douglaa 1141. THE Bon Ton restaurant, 20$ South 13th St., opn Pec. 27. Management of Le Wlmr and Charles Leo. Chinese and Amer ican dishes, chop suey. Creditor cf former proprietors. Call Deo. 24. FRITZ E. SANDWAL170;tte..n. formerly So. Omaha, now 801 Paxton Blk. 1 DAVID COLE Creamery Co. CT MJT.Ky1 an1 ,n- rrpairlna;; new . UV-lVU iOPtlon. 1709 Leavenworth. KOBT. 3. HAMILTON. PLUMBINO. 8TKAM and OAS FITTING. 2231 leaven worth St. Phonea D. 4961. Ind. A 43ti. AT S. St H. Green Tradlna: Stamps KJ2IJ w(tn hBr(j anj goft coa Peo ple' Coal Co. Doug. 8471; Ind. A-1468. rnpnninfr AND DTEINO- Tw,n Clt ijye vvorxs, wi B. 15th St COAL by the BASKET. Red 7C65. HINDOO TABLETS will build, brace, strengthen, BOc. BELL DRUG CO. WOOD. Dr. O. S., 621 N. Y. L. Homeopath OFFICE STATIONERY SK- Kotera & Co., 1G05 Jackson. 'Phone D. 1X60. ANCHOR FENCE CO. Iron and wire fences cheaper than wood. Last a Lifetime. 207 N. 17th. 'Phone Red 814. MISSOURI filters mada and sold. 1310 Howard St. PIANO TUNING Let our expert take care of vour Dlano. Tuning, $2.60. Repairing and reconstruc tion our great specialty. J. MARSHALL SMITH CO., 308-310 S. 18th. Depositions. F. J. Sutcllffe, 628 Bee Bldg. W. W. SCOTT. PHOTOGRAPHER Photos taken anywhere, anytime. Call Douglas 916. TRY our cream bread : alwavs frenh. Leav'worth St. Bakery, 2707 llworth. II. 6096. MILLER A JAMIESON. oulck printers. 1212 Douglas St. Tel. Doug. 4V; Ind., A-4y. 4 Billiard and Tool T- tentlon. ENTRANCE through TRACY BROS. CIGAR STORE, 1416 Df uglas. Monuments, J. F. Bloom & Co., 1S15 Far. Piano TiininrFxnerlPnoe1 mm. c. h. x uuiu i uiilllgThatcner 190g Har DE019 RAMSER, practical HATTER. 220 S. 14 St THE Vnrrli t 4...-, T71 , Dodge. We serve the best dinners In town. 'Phone D. 7807. AUTOMOBILES MIDWAY AUTO GARAGE. Kteflm h.nl .nana frti ntir.... Mn.Mnif done promptly anywhere, day or night. Fire vulcanizing, oils and supplies. 1329 Broadway, Council Bluffs. Independent 671, Black 809. SEND for our list of second-hand cars. DERIGHT AUTOMOBILE CO.,' 1814 Farnam St. WRITE for list of second-hand automobile bargains. H. E. FREDRICKSON AUTO CO., Omaha. ANTROGENOUS WELDING All kinds of broken cylinders, crank caaes and castings promptly repaired. All work guaranteed. BERTSCHY MOTOR COMPANY, Council Bluffs, la. AUTO STORAGE. Painting and Repairing. WM. PFEIFER CARRIAGE WORKS, 20th Ave and Leavenworth. DON'T have a puncture, we treat your tires ana guarantee them for one year. Ne braska Puncture Proof Co., 706 N. 16th. BARGAINS In used cars. Send for list. Council Bluffs Auto Co.. 610 Pearl St. BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET In or out of business call on QANGESTAD, 404 Bee Bldg. Tol. D. S3C7. HEAVY TIMBER LAND Tou now have an opportunity to make application for 100 acres of very heavy tim ber land, not more than 160 acres to each applicant, at $2.60 per acre. Location free. Including attorney's services, very reason able. Call or write 413 Karbach Bldg., Omaha, Neb. $76.00 WILL locate you on 160 acres of choice productive land; price $2.60 per acre at time of securing title. 413 Karbach uiuvn. THE GROSS & DIXON GOLD MINING COMPANY OMAHA, NEB. Invest in mining stocks where you have no chance to lose a gold fond to the amount of your Investment delivered with each certificate of stock. We are only too glad to show the finest ore In the city from this mine, also assays, mill treat ments, ete. AH communications addressed to this office, not matter how searching, will "be answered at once. We can operate this mine for one-half It costs In the west. This mine is owned and controlled by Ne braska people only. Investigate this. 'Phone Douglas 2632. Suit 611. Paxton Blk. FOR SALE The only breeding barn In one of the best farming communities In the state; three Imported pedigreed stallions, one standard bred stallion and one mam moth jack; fine location. Address J. H. Sherwood, Oxford, Neb. FOR RENT SPACE FOR THE TAILORING DEPARTMENTS. Dry Goods. Clothing, Shoes. Gents' Fur nishings, Groceries and Millinery, In the new and modern store building on 16th St., room 08x90, two-story and basement. For particulars see H. Krasne, 1215 Harney St. 'Phones: Douglas 8943, Webster 2911. $4,000 wanted to complete an investment guaranteed to nt you $1,000 profit in four monins. security given. Money wanted at once. Address J 218. Bee. FOR SALE A small stock of Imple ments, well located near Omaha, at the rluht price, at your terms. Address Y.llfl care Bee. H1A'KSMITH shon for sale Onlv nhnn In Kord town. Plenty of work for two men uu ino time. Also resilience, and six lots. J. H. Crolghton, Benedict, Neb. FULLY occupied rooming house. 2206 Harney fit. REIS-KOHN Printing Co., 107 8. 14th St . HERE IS YOUR CHANCE. 11-room rooming house, modern, well fur nished, location 23d and Douglas. Price, $460, Address E 681, Bee. HOTEL and restaurant near dopot; cheap rni, iem iticaiion ana business in town; about $s00 cash will buy; see this at one. Address Wm. 8. 'Bishop, Weeping Water, Neb. $.1,000 STOCK In live local corporation, of fered to Increase facilities for handling rapidly growing business; unlimited mar ket; exceptional earning capacity; a re sponsible guarantee will be given purchaser to buy back stock In one year at par plus 6 per cent Interest If not satisfied with the Investment; will stand scrutiny; a gilt edge opportunity for a prompt investor. Address XL &J8, Be. STOCK dry goods, groceries and general merchandise; will Involca about $8,000; stock In good, clean shape; corner room. Drlck, 2x90 feet; good basement; large win dows; must be sold oulck; no clothing, E. B. Borland. Wray, Colo. ais - P-TO-PATE harder store in a fine location for business; only store of the kind In town; doing a good business and la a fine opening for a business man; better Investigate thla. Nowata l-and and isoi lo., buii 6.1 New York LI fa Bldg. CHRISTMAS HINTS THE BEST ; CHRISTMAS GIFT ISA SCHOLARSHIP IN THE MOSIIER-LAMPMAN COLLEGE IT WILL INSURE A GOOD INCOME FOR LIFE FOR CATALOGUE ADDRESS MOSIIER & LAMPMAN, 17TH AND FARNAM STS., OMAHA, NEB. nil AXTTlTr'TQ Cut Flower I-'Pt.. south -''i.-..-.,'---'---' siuo, new aiore. .hi variety of Holiday needs. Holly, Holly Wreaths, Mistletoe, Evergreen wreaths and roDltiK at special low prices for the Holt- days; also a large variety of blooming plants ana cut nowem. iuw -cu win be open inrisimi- uaj. . . . t .IIWQ ..an. fin. Plirapa Humidors, Meerschaum Pipe and Cigar Holders, Cigar Cases, Tobacco Jars, etc., at MORITZ MEYER CIGAR CO., 1314 Farnam. BEAUTIFUL Fired China makes an ac ceptable holiday gift. Call 1842 N. Wth. Webster 639. BRIAR pipes, 25o up; cigars, 25c box up; tobacco Jars, smokers' novelties; ladles In vited. Tracy Bros. Co., 1415 Douglaa St. Distinctive and Artistic Jewelry AT MODERATE PRICES. FRANKS, 1611 FARNAM ST. T nTtTXTir V Saratoga Drug ' CO., Htu Traveling Goods For Xmas Presents WELL, I SHOULD SAY. Trunks, Suitcases and Bags; large stock; cheapest in the city. Harness, Saddles, Automobile Robes. Alfred Cornish & Co., 1210 Farnam St. I 1 rjT "IVTT'Q Made to order, imported lea V there, best of workmanship. Omaha Glove Mfg Co., Crounsa blk., opp. postofflce, second floor. CHINA and water color work for Xmas gifts. Miss Baohman. 601 Paxton Block. HOLIDAY MEATS AT THIS SEASON THE BEST IN MEATS ts desired for the holiday table. We dress our own meats under the most sanitary conditions. You will find our market just the place to buy your MEAT AND TURKEY. J. HOUSKA, "Home of Good Meats." Both 'Phones. ' 2623 Sherman -Ve. TTf TSn 'SI BEAUTY SHOP. See our I1UJ30U1N O do)1 WKS. Fin. Una hair goods for Xmas. Entrance through Kerns' Millinery Store. 1608 Douglas St. Doug. 2966. FOLDING SLEDS In sleds only $1.60 each. DUNNING HDW. CO.. 1612 Harney. BEAUTIFUL stamped sofa pillows, table pieces, etc Art needle work. So order for Xmas gifts, stamped a specialty. Mrs. H. P. Nlles, 408 Broadway. Council Bluffs. PAWnV Let make you a price or. ljA1" 1J1 Christmas candy; bulk or packages. H. s. King, 24th and Farnam. SAVE MONEY ON XMAS JEWELRY Being out of the high rent district, we can at least SAVE YOU 20 PER CENT, on anything In the Jewelry line. FRITZ SANDWALL, 601 Paxton Block, 16th and Farnam Sts. one Douglas 2H23. FANCY CHRISTMAS CANDY. Perfumea, hand-painted china toilet sets, etc. Haines Drug Co., 1610 Farnam. JUST THE THING FOR BOYS OR GIRLS of any age, one of our rebuilt typewriters. Nothing will please a little boy, a little girl, a big boy or a big girl like a type writer. Not a toy typewriter, but a prac tical, sure enough writing machine. We have some fine bargains as low as $7.60. All makes, Oliver. Remington, Smith, Un derwood at all prices. $100 machines down Central Typewriter Exchange 1607 Farnam. WEDDING rlnes mad by hand, sold by weight. T. L. Combs & Co., Iu20 Douglas. MANUAL TRAINING TOOLS We show a full line. Jas. Morton & Son Co., 1511-13 Dodge St. FOUNTAIN PENS Mak. Ideal CHRISTMAS GIFTS A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF PAHKER PENS To Kelect rrom- 30 PER CENT DISCOUNT to reduce stock. COREY & McKENZIE PRINTING CO., 112 S. 14th St. JAPANESE art objects, new goods Just arrived, suitable for Xmsa gifts. Cor. 10th and Jackson. THE TOYO CO. 'M19 rinn't mlas It. vour Dhoto. Stuts man's, The Bassett Studio. Give Her a Year's Ticket for the Young Women's Christian asso ciation gymnasium. A TICKET for ten weeks tn the sewing classes at Young Women's Christian mXiaf,n CHRISTMAS GIFT GIVE YOUR MAID tn":LJZ domestic science at Young Women's Chris tian association. GAS and electric table lamps are al ways acceptable If practical;, ours are al ways practical. Burgeas-Granuen Co., 1511 Howard St. 1,000 kinds Christmas perfumes in dainty packages. 15c to $10. Sherman-MuCunnoll Drug Co., lfith and Dodge Sts., Owl Drug Co., Wth and Harney Sis. TT1V4 IJlJtT T For men, women and UMiiKr-LilxAC. children. Ed. F. Pick ering. 106 So. lf.th St. UNREDEEMED diamond rings $15 up. Metro. Loan A Jewelry Co., 1124 Douglas. CHRISTMAS candles In sealed boxes, 5c to ti each. Sherman-McConnell Drug Co., ldth Dodge, Owl Drug Co., 16lh Harney. SPECIAL PRICES TO DIAMOND BUYERS FROM OMAHA DURING THE HOLIDAYS. LEFFERT S, JEWELERS. COUNCIL BLUFFS. RED RUBBER TOYS Last forever Indestructible, hand-painted Rubber Balls, Rubber Dolls, etc. OMAHA RUBBER CO., E. H. Sprague, Prea. Juat around the corner, 1608 Harney St CHIROPODISTS DR. ROY, 1506 Farnam St Douglas 6497. All Kinds of live stoclc and poul try can be sold by advertising It. Try using n Dee want ud. DENTISTS BAILEY & MACK, 3d floor, Paxton. D.10S6 TAFT'8 Dental- Rooms. 1617 Douglas St. DETECTIVES OMAHA Det. Agency. 428 Paxton. D. 1219. DRESSMAKERS MISS STURDY, 2427 Dodge. Tel. Doug. 7635. TERRY College, 20th and Farnam Sts, McDowell dressmaking school, 1623 Farnam. EDUCATIONAL MOSHER-LAM I'M A N BUSINESS COLLEUE. Unexcelled couise In business, short hand, penmanship and English. None but experienced teachers. Day and evening sessions. Most Interesting catalogue pub lished in Omaha. Send for one today. MOSIIER & LAMPMAN, Seventeenth and Farnam Streets. WINTER TERM Omaha Commercial College, 19th snd Far nam; M. G. Rohrbough, Ties.; E. A. Zart man, V. P. Opens Monday, Jan. 8, 1910. Day and night sessions. New classes in all departments. It menns everything to you to begin at the opening. Courses: Business, shorthand, telegraphy, civil service. Advan tagea; cannot be excelled. Catalogue free, gives all particulars. Send at once for a copy. Address, M. G. Rohrbough. THE MID-WINTER TERM OF BOYLES COLLEGE OPENS MONDAY, JANUARY 8. 1910. in both the day and night Htssions. The late catalogue, giving full particulars tn re gard to the various courses is now ready. Business training, bookkeeping, shorthand, telegraphy, civil service. Call, 'phone or write for It at once. Boyle Colloga, Omaha, Neb. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN PENNELL'S 5 harkd6 Broadway Pattern Hats one-half off. CHINA decorating; order work a special ty. Lessons Tuesday, Thursday and Satur days. Firing dally. Children's classes Sat urday morning. Mrs. C. C. Hungate, 8-4 Brandeis Bldg. Tel. Red 64S6. HAIR GOODS, Mrs Mathews, 332 Neville. Hitler's Pure Food Port Wine, wholesome tonic for the aged, women, children: every home should have it. Hlller's. 1309 Farnam. ARSENIC and IRON complexion wafers makes clear, white skin. By mall 60c and $1.00. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. W. K. Lea serves special parties. 1718 Burt St. FLORISTS F. W. MENERAY Nursery Co.. 4K2V4 BRANDEIS BLDG. Bell Phone Doug. 9058. A. DONAGHUE. 1607 Ir. D. 1001; A-1001. HESS & SWOBODA, 1416 Farnam St. J. H. BATH, 1623 Harney. Douglas 8000. L. Henderson, 1519 Farnam St Doug. 1258. BRANDEIS CUT FLOWER DEPT. BENNETT'S Flower Dpt. E. store entr"ce. J. F. WILCOX Co. Bluffs. Ia.; largest greenhouses In west; beautiful flowers for any occasion Shipped anywhere In U. S. FURNACES AND REPAIRS -44- WE havy in stock repairs for all makes of stoves,' .ranges, furnace, steam and hot water heaters, water fronts. Thermostat, laundry tank heaters, Excelsior and Marvel furnaces. Both 'phones. Omaha Stove Re palr Works, 1206-08 Douglas St. HELP WANTED-FEMALE Clerical and Office. Several good STENOS., $40-$50-$60. Two BOOKKEEPERS, $60 to $r5. I can use several good CASHIERS and SALESLADIES at once; good salaries. We are not open XMAS day. ' WHEN OTHERS FAIL SEE ME. CARSON, THE REFERENCE MAN, 674- Brandels Bldg. Housekeepers and Domeatics. GIRL or middle-aged woman wanted; no laundry work. 38th and California, north west corner. Phone Harney 4892. ' HELP WANTED MALE Affeats, Solicitor and Saleamen. WANTED A solicitor with horse and buggy to drive through the country and solicit subscriptions. Call and see circu lation manager. The Bee Publishing Co. CIGAR salesman wanted; experience un necessary; big pay. Globe Cigar Co., Cleveland. Ohio. ANSON, TEXAS Wanted Five experi enced townslte men; 300 residence lots and 300 tracts of land from 20 to 1,280 acres. To be sold in next 60 days. One lot and one tract of land for $160, payable $10 monthly. Quarter million dollars Improvements. If you can produce business we can use you Indefinitely. Immigration Company, Anson, Texas. INSURANCE OPPORTUNITY The Hartford Life Insurance company of Hartford, Conn,, wishes to appoint a few general agents in the state of Nebraska. An opportunity for men of character and ability. Contracts liberal and direct with the home office. Every possible assistance offered to new men In the business. Before making contracts for 1910, see or corre spond with C. A. McGervey, supervisor of Nebraska Hartford Life Insurance com pany, 630 Bee Bldg., Omaha. AGENTH' WANTED High grade spe clalty; good profits; easy sales; don't delay; write today for free Information. Bartlett Supply Co., Brown Block, Omaha, Neb. CIGAR salesman wanted In your local ity to represent us. Experience unneces sary. $110 per month and expenses. Write for particulars. Monarch Cigar Co., St. Louis, Mo. SALESMEN The only proposition in America of Its kind. If you can earn $2,000 a year and expenses answer this ad. Give references, age and experience first letter. Address B, Box 413, Waterloo, la. SPECIALTY SALESMAN WANTED. A reliable, established house wants a hlKh grade specialty salesman to sell its line to dealers In Iowa. Will give ex clusive territory, pay salary of $150 to $-00 a month, expenses and commission to the man who will work and produce the busi ness. This Is not a snap, but a position where honest, hardHvork and selling abil ity will produce a good snd permanent income. A ijoud record i-H a salesman, staying qualities, good habits. Integrity, square dealing and the best references are necessary. Uive full particulars in first letter. Box 12, Omaha, Neb. C'lericnl f ad Office. OFFICE MGR., $200 per mo. Experienced hardware man, $75-$100. Traveling salesman, experienced in car pets. $100. 2 Stenographers and bookkp'ers, bank, $ii5. Young nun' with high school education, $T!6. WESTERN HEP. & BOND ASS'N, INC., 721-22 N. Y. Life Bldg. Three BOOKKEEPERS at once. 175-1100. Ten SALESMEN dlffnrent lines, $75-$O0. Three HOTEL CLERKS, $.15. U. & R. I can use several good COLLECTORS, SOLICITORS and CLERKS at once; GOOD SA IA RI ES to right parties. We are not open XMA9 day. WHEN OTHERS FAIL SEE ME. CARSON. THE REFERENCE MAN, 674-6 Brandels Bldg. WANTED A first-class office man, with experlrnc a bookkkeeper and on general office work. Sxlary to start not over $100. Address II 834, Bee. v ! , x ' 'i i V I . , . ; .'1. .i , ..aJ HELP WANTED MALE Clerical aad OfBcr Coatlaaed. Hoa. WANTED Several trustworthy boys; good wages. A. I. T. Co., 212 S. Uth St Factory and Trade. Drug stores (snaps). Jobs, Knlest Bee Bldg. WANTED & voun men who hav had experience in handling boots and shoes to work In stock In wholesal store; state ags and whether married or slnal and give references. Address K 729. Be. Ulaeellaaaoaa. WANTED Railway mall clerks; com mencement salar) Va); spring examinations everywhere; candidates prepared free. Franklin institute, Dept 192 J, Rochester, N. Y. ASK me how you can start a profitable mail order business at hoin evenings. lleucock, 739. Lockport N. Y. RAILWAY mall clerks; spring examina tions; preparation free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 192 J., Rochester. N. Y. MEN WANTED Working men; men of neglected education, middle-aged men, foreigners, men ambitious for advancement and all others, except "don't care" men and "snobs." Congenial fellowship and helpful assistance in Y. M. C. A. rlaBses. Investigate. Call Educational Director, Doualas 849. ) WANTED Will buy a good diamond: will pay cash and must be a bargain. Call at 413 Karbach B'.ock. MEN Learn the barber trade. Splendid pay after few weeks with us. Shop ex perience and wages while learning. Tools, demonstrations, examinations and diplomas given. Start now. Coll or write, Moler Barber college, 110 S. 14th at LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horse and Vehicle. HALL & MORRIS, Vrt&,n! specialty. Hospital 2858 Farnam. Both phns. M'CRARY buys and sells all kinds of horses. Blue barn, rear Millard hotel. D. 4096. BLANKET BARGAINS Heavy white canvas storm blankets; reg ular $5 value, only $3.50. ' BENNETT'S HARNESS DEPT., BASE MENT. UPHOLSTERED Swell Box Cutter for sale, $10. 'Phone Harney 1605. FINE Drummond depot carriage. Must sacrifice, at club stable. Tel. Harney 623. UOOD street hack, landauiet style, Dut little used; new rubber tires; owner paid $1,100, but will sell now for $250. Johnson-Danforth Co., 10th and Jonea. FINE $75 Portland speeding outter, slightly used one winter; red velvet plush trimmed', cane bottom, slat under cushion; yollow gear, dark blue body, with pole or Bhafts, $.15. Fine Christmas present Lin lnger Implement Co., Omaha, LOST AND FOUND LOST Gold spectacles with Kryptok lenses in Columbian Opt. Co. case. Return Columbian Opt. Co., 211 S. 16th. Reward. BULL Dog, female, Boston terrier pup. Zettes Slmonaen, 2502 Blondi. LOSTN-Small purse, lined with red, con taining about $11; call Webster 4923 or Douglas 7703. Reward. WHEN answering these advertisements, kindly mention The Bee. FOUND In Dundee by Updike Lumber & Coal, Co., 1 horse blanket LOST Party snatching lady's purse on Plnkney St., or flndor of It, may return papers to H. P. Funke, 1222 Harney St No questions asked. MEDICAL BEST nerve brace for man. Gray's Nerve Food Pills, $1 a box, postpaid. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. FREE medical and surgical treatment at Creighton Medical college, 14th and Dav enport Sts.; special attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised by college professors. 'Phone Douglas 1167, Calls answered day or night MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CHATTELS. $$m$$m$$$$$m$$$$Mu$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $ MONEY l MONEY It TO LOAN, t i$$$$$i$$$$$$$$$$$$$i$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$m$$$$$$ CHRISTMAS MONEY MONEY.' And yours 'for the asking. If you should ba in need of money for MONEY, your N CHRISTMAS SHOPPING MONEY, or other necessary expenses call on us and we will loan you tha MONEY, amount you need on your FUR NITURE, PIANO, WARE MONEY. HOUSE RECEIPT, HORoES, WAOONS, PICTURES, etc, MONEY, without removing the same from your possession. We will also MONEY. LOAN you MONEY If you hav a steady SALARIED position, MONEY, and you neea no other security. REMEMBER, we advertise no MONEY, misleading rates and terms; but are doing tha same as we hav MONEY, don for years Meeting all com petition. MONEY. GOOD, QUICK AND CONFI dentlal dtal is what you wish at MONEY. Christmas time. This wa assure you. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., Sd Floor, 307-8 Paxton Bik., N. MONEY. E. cur. lGih and Farnam Sts. $$ $10 TO $200 MONEY FOR HOLIDAYS DON'T BE BASHFUL n i it $$ n II $ COME TO OUR OFFICE and gat $1 ft all the money you need on your furnl- tl 1$ tuie, piano or salary at tha $$ FOLLOWING HOLIDAY RATES 60c a week pays io ioan. 7,".o a week pays 90a a week pays $1.00 a week pays $1.60 a week pays 12.10 a week pays $15 Loan. i-lo Loan. $$ U $$ $ M $t ;so Loan. $u0 Loan. $75 Loan. 12. 06 a week pays $i00 Loan. You can pay monthly if you wish, Thesa payment include interest it and prlnclpul; no other charges. If II i$ you have ever borrowed money ba- ft H fore you will realise now much easier $ it our terms are man tnoge given by J (V other companies, it win pay you to Vi see us before getting money - aisa it where. No red tape. It Everything sLrlody confidential. f Open till 6:3) p. m. OMAHA FINANCIAL CO, H 601 Brown Block, opposite Brandels. t 16th St. Entrance. It 'Phones Doug. 2036. A-2036. U MWe Will Loan You MONEY FOR CHKISTMAS Q We Will Loan It to You XT FREE pK COST TO YOU. IN We've been here EIGHTEEN P years, a guarantee that wa will du as we advertise. YOmaba Mortgage Loan Co., 119 Board of Trade 306 S. 16th. Tel. Douglas 2296. CALL US UP. " YOU CAN BORROW $10. Or more on your own note; private party; no red tape. Be Independent of friends. Oet what you need now. 620 Paxton Block. SALARY and chattel loans, lowaat rata, confidential, open Saturday evening. Both phone. STAR LOAN CO., C44 Paxton Blk. MONEY TO LOAN alary aad Chattel Coatlaaed. DO YOU NEED MONEY T Money Is no object to us. W will loan you any amount on any security. Easy payments. Business strictly private. POSITIVELY THE LOWEST RATES. NEBRASKA LOAN CO.. - - 'Phones: Bell, Douglas KM; Ind., A 1358. Sult( 7 and 8. Crounse Block, Cor. 16th and Capitol Ave., Opp. Postofflc. MONEY FOR CHRISTMAS Any amount, on your ptaln nota; no security; lowest rates; easiest payments. THE J. A. HUTTON CO.. 614-1$ Paxton Block. Tel. Douglas 1607. money loaned salaried people, women keeping house and oth ers, without security; easy payments. Office In 6 principal cities. Tolman, room 613 New York Life Bldg. FURNITURE, liv stock, salary loans. Duff Green Loan Co., R. 8, Barker Block. LOANS on FURNITURE. PIANOS or SALARIES. LOANS on your plain note. LOWEST PAYMENTS IN CITY. OMAHA CHATTEL BANK, 1404 FARNAM. MONEY TO LOAN on chattel security. Room 608, Barker Block, Uth and Farnam. t on DIAMONDS. W. FLATAU.1514 Dodge MOVING AND STORING EXP. Delivery Co., office 16th and Dav enport Sts.; warehouse, 2207-09 Iiard St. i.-i . gTnnir.it' A MflVlvn COLE'S EXPRESS. 1616 Capitol Ave. D. 670. A-3937. OFFERED FOR RENT Boarding: and Rooma. DESIRABLE south front furnished room with board; summer home; fine lawn, 123 S. 25th Ave. DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Far nam. TWO large nicely furnished rooms; good home cooking; rates reasonable; gentlemen only. 408 8. 24th St. Furnished Rooms. DODGE HOTBL Larg outside, and steam heat In every room; rates by week. ONE large furnished room, suitable for two; modern; gentlemen preferred. Board If desired. 2644 Dodga St NICELY furnished rooms, steam heated, Sd floor. Tsl. Douglas 5UL 1817 Leaven worth St ONE nice furnished room, single, mod ern; private family. 1818 Chicago. FURNISHED rooms for gentlemen. 110 S. Uth St, Th Chatham. NICELY furnished room. 6trlctty mod ern. 217 8. 26th St Phone D. 8837. WARM, rooms, $2 per wk; free bath. Ogden Hotel, Council Bluffs. ROOMS for men. $1 and up. 1617 Cass. STEAM heated rooms. 2013 Harney St. FRONT room, steam heat and bath. Flat S, Davldge Blk. Phone Douglaa 2498. TWO nicely furnished front rooms, com plete for housekeeping, $15 per month, 8018 Davenport ONE large south room, also one smaller room; modern brick house: walking dls tanoe. 1608 Dodge St. Tel. Harney 2365. LARGE, nicety furnished rooms; every thing modern; steam heat 211 N. 18th St 2221 DODGE St.,-, 2 steam-heated rooms. NICELY furnished front room, modern house, eleotrio lights, fin bath; reason able; gentlemen preferred. ' Phone Ind. B08i Apartment and Flat. S ROOMS. Id floor, 1606 Rees St., bath and toilet, (IS. Chris Boyer, 22d and cum lng Sts. TO LET New Cornish apartments, south west corner 10th and William; steam heated and fully modern; location ideal, easy walking distance from wholesale dis trict and depots. All Farnam cars pass these apartments; one block from Harney car Una. - Two apartments finely furnished. W. FARNAM SMITH CO., 1320 Farnam St. Tels. Doug. 1064 A-1864. 7-R. flats, 617-19 So. lth St. O. G. Powell, 2020' Farnam. Doug. 921. NEW 4-room apartment bath, eras, elec tric light 2618 Marcy. 636 So. 26th Ave., attractive 6-roorn flat on second floor, nearly new brick. Btrlctly modern, tn best condition. $35.00. Phone Harnay 3196. Hontrkeeplag Room. A SUITE of three elegant new rooms, modern. 820 North 20th. Untarnished Hoomi, ROOMS for rent, modern except heat. Ind. B2352 Honaea and Cottasea. OMAHA Van & Storage Co., pack, move, store, h. h. goods; storehouse, 1120-24 N. Wth; office 309 S. 17th St. Tel, Douglas 1553. FIVE-ROOM cottage, city water and sewer; gas; newly papered throughout S009 Decatur St. $14 per month. W. J. DERMODY INVESTMENT CO., Tol. Doug. 6108 or A-2033. 836 N. Y. Life Bldg. HOUSES, insurance. Ring-wait. Barker Blk FOR RENT B-room brick house, :t mod ern, on car line. C. M. Bachmann, 430 Paxton Block. 2967-69 PACIFIC, 9-room bricks, strictly modern, excellent condition, $40. BENSON & MYERS CO., Phone Douglas 746. 412 N. Y. Life Bldg. 2877 Wirt St., 7-room, $16 per month. 4225 Farnam, 9-room, mod.; reduced to $35 per month. 2031 Decatur St., 7-room, mod. except heat, $20 per month. WESTERN REAL ESTATE CO.. 411 Karbach, 'Phone Red 8607; A-8646. Almost every room for rent in Omaha will be found advertised on this page. If you are looking for a room you will find what you want by going over the Want Ads, then calling to see those that seem the kind you want. OFFERED FOR RENT Ilaaar and (otta roattaaed. SEVEN MODERN rooms near KounU Place, lot lerel, east front, 1 blk, to No. 14th car, at Went Maple. Nearly new. excellent condition. Shades and screens. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE ca 1001 N. Y. Life. Douglas, or AIlBt HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed. fOrJrtd; rhw.p freight ratea; moving and storing. Expressmen Delivery Co. Tel. Doug. $M. EIGHT-ROOM house, 8239 Evans. $10. Sovcn-roorn house, 2132 N. 27th, $1$ 60. Five rooms, modern. 1712 N. 89th, $11(0. J, H. PARROTTE, BOARD OF TRADE. SNAP in winter rent 6-room oottav. new, bath; brtok, cemented cellar; on Wal nut Hill car Una. Reduced rent to small family. Inquire at Wl N. Uth St Tel. Red 6264. . IPATTIt . M . , All .-! 1 K. ' WnU l' 1 W" 1 . . . . rooms, hall, bath and baumant 820 M. 23d. TirTTCtt",Cl In alt part of th city. lIUUt3r0 creigh Sons Co.. Be Bldg. 4638 N. 39TH ST.. on bloek from Am Ave. car, new b-room modern oottage, very cheap at $16. J. W. Rasp Co., Bran dels Bldg. 6 ROOMS, 2d floor, bath and tollt Mt4 Rees St., $15. 6 rooms, 2d floor, toilet. 190 Parker St $15. J 6-room house, modern, 1606 Bristol St, $3L 6 rooms, modern except beat 409 William St.. $16. CHRIS BOYER, IJd and Cuming St. FIVE-ROOM cottage, In good repair, modern except furnace. 8011 Decatur St $16 per month. W. J-rDE RMODY INVESTMENT OfV Tel. Doug. 6108 or A-2032. 836 N. Y. IJf Bldg. FOR RENT $ rooms; city water, 1828 N. 17th St. C. M. Bachmann, 436 Pajiton Blk. Tel., 2639. Res., D. 60M. 4-ROOM modern. 1110 N. td. 6-R. cottage, 8018 Ohio, $30; mod. except hewt Carlberg, 911 N. Y. Life. FOR RENT. 716 Bancroft St.,- 6-r..... S2J0 Charles St., 4 rooms imrr i . . K .$10 . 10 . II iv, , ciiivi i. , w iuuiiih... ,,,,l.,, 2621 Blnney St., 6 rooms k.. 2216 Grace St., 6 rooms, modern..,....!.. 11 . 20 2218 urace, new, strictly modern 8 rooms 1539 N. 19th St., 7 rooms, partly modern, vacant January 1 W. G. 8HRIVER, 1023 New York Life Bldg. 8E FOR RENT On or about Jan. 1, 19H, 8 room, all modern house; combination fix ture. C. M. Bachman, 436 Paxton Blk. HOUSES Peter Trust Co., N.Y.LIfe Bldg" 2868 DOUGLAS, 8-room. $27.6a John K t Tenser. Both Phone. MODERN, 8-room house, 216 8. 86th Ave!" x-nune iouKiaa .oar. FOR RENT West Farnam. 2-story. $ rooms and bath, stairway to floored attlo, laundry in basement, furnace, electrio and gas combination, cement basement heater, gas range and all window shade free, newly papered and painted; rent $30. Apply at house, 4269 Farnam St., or WILLOWS, 864 BRANDEIS BLDG. 7-ROOM modern house, laundry, furnace, Hanscom park district $26. Tel. Harney 468. MAGGARD Van Jk Storag Co. D. 14S6. Pack, store and ship household goods. HOUSES, flats, Garvin Bros., 818 N. Y. L. 7 ROOMS, modern house, 1608 Spruce St H. I. Plumb, 110 8. 13th 8t LARGE cottage, 6 rooms and bath. Har wood & Harwood, 416 Bee bldg. FOR RENT 9-room house, all modern, first class condition. $30. 607 Bo. 29th St Key at 616 South 29th 8t . BRICK house, 2614 Dewey Ave, 7-room, modern. Moyer Stationery Co., 1616 Far nam St. NEW HOTTSK FOR RJCNT. Seven rooms, all modem. Just completed) t -r.1,, .-, n t" n .QW Iln n. IllnA V , Sts. $27.60 per month. W. J. DERMODY INVESTMENT CO., Tel. Doug. 6108 or A-20S3. 836 N. Y. L. Bldg. HOUSES FOR RENT. 2769 Webster St, 8 rms., fully modern, $27.60 2710 Davenport St., 8 rms., fully mod ern, close In Z7.00 PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 1st Floor, N. Y. L. Bldg. BaUding. 44x44 FEET, ground floor, 10th and Doug las. Peters & Edholm Co. Stores. STOREROOM and basement in Scargo block, S. O., 620 N. 24th. Hall, 433 Ramge Bldg., both phones. OFFERED FOR SALE Farnltur. FOR SALE A fancy buffet sideboard, birch-mahogany finish, built especially for club. Also display icebox, serving oounter ana large humidor. Should be seen tn be appreciated. Very low price for Immediate sale. Address The Brunswlck-Balke-Col-lender Co., 409 S. 10th St., Omaha, Neb. Mualcal Inatrunaenta. IVERS A POND piano, almost raw; 1 cheap. 106 Mccagua block. Typewrltera. SECOND hand tvnewrltera anld. renalred. Central Typewriter Exchange, 1007 Farnam. MI4ellaaeona. PT1R KAT.TT Mot-- mnA U.ho.l hllllard UU 11,1,1 IRUIOB, W ti IM-Cf ma WVIIU 111 cheap bar fixtures, easy payments. Bruns- . , .! n, a . , I Jt m -ILft'-BIDE-VUIIGIIUOl, V O. IVlll CC A T AT CUT PRJCES V .V AA I j We aave vou from 60c to $1.60 on every ton and give better coal. We guarantee corrrct weights. Rosenblatt's Cut Price Coal uo. COAL 6 ba-rkets, $1. Dry kindling, a load. $1 delivered. Star loa A CoU Co. D. 44. b Jl) 9 i I vi, 1 Kl i