Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 22, 1909, Page 5, Image 5

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Some Things You Want to Know
The Holy Land Thrice Holy Palestine.
Untying Knots
Kew Ordinic:e Will Caus Lonj i
Drawn Out Wail of Protest. i
that Slipped
i at
Mnt Meve latn Oar-Story Flaai
rnnt etrartares, tvtlh Coatly P
ptlaarea, hy First Day
of rll.
(Several DiTorcei Granted and More j
Coniinj Up in Douglaa
County Tribunal.
"And suddenly there was with the an;e1 tlm In the fulfilment for all. of the
multitude of the heavenly host praising of mon ot Jerusalem:
-v.rwthlrg will be Arln In the eorrn!Ars
cf :'ie eitr 'hall am! later In th council,
chamber u soon aa the dry cleaning e- j
t.i , iahmenu can net their forces a.lg"ed.
Tle fjitet cily builiirs; Is due to !)und :
v l:n a holler tiiat H1 be soraethlii In the I
ra;jre of a yell. ,
A r.ew ordinance Indorsed by th. council
committee of the h.le will put a dosen
or molt dry cleaning firms out of bulness
cn April 1 unies :hey can ?et Into one
etnrv flrnm.f hu:.Ilnz. eluiDPd HH
vnia near the floor, with
Albert Morrison has o-n given a decree
nf divorce bv Judge Es'elle In district
court from Wllletie Morrison
God, ajnd saying glory to O'i In the high- "Lord, now lettest Thou Thy servant tie,
r 'and on earth teace. gocd will toward part in peace, according ta Thy word: For
meru-' mine eyes have seen Thy salvation, wnicn j
This the first Christmas greeting. f!nd Thou hast prepared before the face of all
echo this week In the hearts of million, of people: A light to l'ghten the Gentiles, and
Christians In. all parts of the world who me g:ory or inv peup.e
1 '.i.h,t. ik. hrhf:-.v of Jrsus Christ th
I. the ground. The hearrng too, p ac- so-,, ( ca one f th,
day, .go. but the decree has Just be,-i , g (n whjch ,f MMtA
s gr.ti and entered. i i,. was born: Nasar-
! Mrs. Anna Malthy wa. granted a djcrej - He grew to manhood, and
by Judge Redick from V. Rov Miltbv. '" "
'Jlv-ling -.-man. T.e c.upL me to , rusa;era wher e r H is deach. la
! Omaha December n. lm. a year .so tr.e j - Jws who do not icwpt ent.r the courtyard of the Church of the
; day the decree is given. ,,,, ,w. ,. Holy Sepulchre. For twelve hundred years!
, Anton Jensen ha, bn granted a decree : the faith o' the Co .r, f the gr eat e. Jew has stood upon the site of the!
I of rfivnrr. on the ground cf cruelty from ; of the Jew for J.ruealem la now. as It ,,.... ft, rim. I
Mrs. M ., Mr,. An. S.panek i baa been since t he da y of David, the cap,
inmi. -..
Within the year since last Chrtstm.'w the !
light of fred-m hss broken upon this d.s-
tressed holy land and for the f'rst tlmej
In all the centuries its people hive known ;
the spirit of the fatherhood of God and :
the brotherhood of man. For eighteen ;
centuries it has been dath for a Jew to ,
... k . .1 i.x..Ma linuld aud i jiranar fjruuni.
frr c.en;n; stored in air-tight receptacles ! x. given in Bohemian. Frank TI,
Th.r Ll ill in 4ivjm
in this easa 1 Is
clarity and Jewry,
rome distance from the nunaing. iwj ... ' .... , K.
.t, i. ' imrnritr lann ui
musx iso nave an iuivuug .....u, , - r .-r. ..... i vf, virt.s
.:i .h. tr.sldfl of the Herbert V. OUtnore is suing -"- - ; Kgriiicr n. "" "
r.i'mnr. for il tore on me iromi i i
cruelty. The couple wera married In Fre
mont October TL 1'JW.
system runnin.
build, ng. to si'jirt water on occasion into
and through any fins tha-. enay start with
out dj warning.
Wa don't know whether to regard this
new regulation aa a Christmas box of
trouble or aa April fool, bat In the face.'
sa J one manager of a large dry cleaning
es;abiihmtnt located on the second floor
cf a business block. "One thing La cer
tain. If we are to rorsply with the terms
of that proposed ard.tance by April I a
lit mora cement, stone or brick one-story
buildings will have to be built in mlhty
Q.iicfc time. The sponsors for the ordinance
irut think'th dry cleaners are part of
the Standard Oil concern, cr the under
studies fur banks. To abandon all present
locations and put up toe kind of building
r;::red would bankrupt every man In the
i -less. Faihng to comply and dolnf
a.'.nesa under coyer would put us all In
danger of the law. So we seem to be up
against It.' unless our lawyers ean figure
a way out - or the council can be got to
defer the time- when the ordinance becomes
effective until we can make tne necessary
motiey." ,
Bloodthirsty Chrla-
ords of the Master !
also the holy latd to the followers of "5n the cross, have murdered Jews who ;
for Islam, as wrll as Chris- mucn as uarea ipi"'
la build-d upon the ul wsu. i.ur, u.. -....(
rho offered- up as a bv - n throats of pious Jews who;
sought to nr. up tneir voices m prayer
the hill where st.xvd the temple of Solomon, "P" M-icnesek ana,
ALranam, Isaac ana jacoo. kiviu nu
u . . id.ii. tanrht. from whenc Mo
.j soit moo. wesi.'kian ana ine .hjcctots in-
Salt Klatt .May Renal la
latll After (krUlai,
Joy Morton. "The Salt King." son of the
late J. Sterling Morton and a native of
Omaha. Is In the city, owing to the death
of his sister-in-law, Mrs. C. L. Deuel.
"I have nothing to say for the public
and don't want to be Interviewed," said
Mr. Morton.
While In Omaha he Is a truest at the
home of Jasepb Cudahy. Thirty-eighth
avenue and Dodge streets. He reached the
city Tuesday morning from Chicago and
probably will remain here for Christmas.
Cat Gl
FRENZEXV IJth and Dodge.
Want to Work for ,
Turk Without Pay?
The sultan of Turkey wants a representa
tive In Omaha to promote tha commercial
relations of Turkey tth this city.
The Commercial club has received a com
munication from Seoretary of Commerce
and Labor Nagel asking that the club as
sist In finding someone to fill a consular
post in this city to represent the Oitoman
empire. A consulate will be established
here under the imperial embassy at Wash-
.r.gton. While there Is no salary attacnea
to the office the club expects no diffi
culty In finding someone to fill th post
Cosaaaay Which Will Coadact Motor
C Espoaltlasi Hlwa Mectiast
aa. Electa Officers.
J. J. De right has been elected president
of the Omaha Automobile Show associa
tion; J. T. Steward. 2d. was chosen vice
president and C. G. Powell, secretary-treasurer.
These three and WUlard D. Hoe
ford and T. R. Kimball, comprise tne
board of directors.
Messrs. Hoe ford and Powell were named
the executive committee to have charge
f th Kiitrtmahtle show, which will be
February Zl-K, Inclusive. A large number
of dealers were present at the meeting.
which was held at the office of J. J. Deright
and moet of those present subscribed for
stock and became members of the associa
tion. Ther-s were twenty old dealers on
the list of stockholders, and twenty new
names were idded. Invitations to join will
be sent to all dealer.
We've exclusive and eleirant Neckwear, np from 50c
The best make of Gloves, up from .$100
Perfection in Shirts, up from $1.00
Best brands of Underwear, per garment, up from. . i . . .50c
Choice Hosiery, up from 25c
Warm Dressy Mufflers, up from.. 50c,
Night Robes 50c
Pyjamas, up from $1.00
House Coats, up from w $2.50
Lounging Robes, up from $3.50
Umbrellas, Bags, Cases and Novelty Articles, all rea
sonably priced,
AND the only Suits and Ovecoats worth while
at $10.00 to $40.00
choice selections VV:c:vlVt . , XP.'A
of Men's Fur- VVCvHrfvV V . it ' h
nis hint's for mvfelaaJ'11 1 '" . 1
Christmas gifts 1
hammed ascended Into heaven
today stands the noble dome of the mosque
of Omar.
In the world today there are
Christians, LO.000.oro Mohammedans and
UOOOOjO Jews, making together one-half
of the total population of the world and
more than a third of the civtllxed world,
who look upon Palestine as holy land. It
la a tiny bit of country, perhapa a hundred
and fifty miles long and fifty or sixty
iru'.es wide. Within this narrow compass
is contained a startling variety of topo
graphical wonders. From the mountains
of Lebanon at the north stretching to the
d'sert which girts Ml Slnal at the south.
the country is divided Into four narrow
strips. Along the coast a ribbon of green
beauty; then a rugged range of brown
hills whose verdure has long since been
stripped away; then the depressed river
valley leading down Into the abyssmal
horrors of the Dead sea, and beyond that
the purple peaks of those mountains
t -hereon stood Mosea when he was vouch
safed that one glimpse of the Promised
Land which was to him forbidden.
It la difficult for the" twentieth century
man. be he Jew or Gentile, to realise how
small was the stage upon which was en
acted those great events which have shaped
religious belief and which have moulded
political action in all the occidental world
for nearly 000 years. It Is even more dif-
voked the surcnr of Jhovah. Treacherous
and vindictive Jews, suffering under the
perscutions of centuries, have dealt death
to their enemies of other creeds. Ever
since Jesus died on the cross of Calvary
has Jerusalem and all this holy land been
drerched with blood shed by murderers
who slew their victims In the name of re
ligion. Then came this year 13.' of the Christian
era. 563 of the Jewish era and L7 of th
Mohammtfan era, and the light of liberty
for the first time broke throuch the clouds
of religious Intolerance am' Illumined the
churches and synagogues and mosques of
the city of Jerusalem. It was the young
Tvrks' revolution.
The despotic sultan, Abdul Hi mid, was
overthrown, and -the constitution became
a reality in benighted Turkey, of which
Palestine la a part. What a great cele
bration it was In Jerusalem! Tour.g men
of every creed united In the demonstration
and Mohammedans went boldly Into the
holiest of all holy Christian churches, the
Church of the Holy Sepulchre, and gave
thanks for their new found liberty. Mo
hammedans took with them Jews and
Christians to the platform of the temple.
surrounding the moaque of Omar, and gave I
vent to their joyous feeling. Jews took i
Christians and Turkish political allies Into :
ficult to realise that Palestine today la he th aacred precincts of ll elr synagogues, j
home of the miserable descendants of those
same people who were there when It be
came, by successive dramas, the Holy Land
of Israel, Christendom and Islam; and that
those people cow are engaged In a struggle
for political freedom which has Tor 'he
Every difference of faith was forgotten In
the common Joy. Of course this religious
union lasted only for a day and now the
old lines are drawn again, but they are
not as taut as they used to be, and never
again will they mean death to the tres-
flrst time united many men of many faiths Pasr- Turkey la free and the holy land
In this country of religious strife. u delivered from the curse of despotism.
It is difficult for Christiana In America. Not re ,n nse that we Americans
hearing at this glad holiday season the ever know freedom, for the habits of centuries
new message announcing the birth of the may not b overthrown entirely in a mo
Prince of Peace, to reallxe that in the Holy mnt Du to the sense that for the
Land It is necessary every hour of every fIrst Um the splrlt of IibT and of uni
day for Mohammedan soldiers to stand on r9nai brotherhood hi permitted to Influence
guard In Christian churches to prevent t'ie tn" minds of the people. The railroad, the
rival sects of the followers of the lowly t,leTPh- the aewspaper and the schools
Jesus from cutting each other's throats. nCW hT their opportunity- to remake and
and from slaying the Jews m remoI tn Land a the light of true
! I " "
ii a-i mas . m-rm-immi
r ' We point with
M choice selections V' V
11 of Men's Fur- .VXv VV'i v t- n
"mm tl TV h w. -t - -t--. -m V a ( " t 'i i I
?M nishings for W-
ill t.i Christmas trifts .aW
f Store Open Evenings
! i .... Ji
j i
liMZssawWassii ssisl sWli ihtaT mi ' Mt ti'K. "ll III fltim 1aslsT11-srMlgsll-"- irhsi r T iHI " II n awsTnOTl ll i st tli issn T tptI
i Vt".' - S rt.. :.: W 4
1- I t k-i- ' V XI V a lh Ml. J -A 9
; !, i . But two more noppln; days. We hav prepared for j !
, tte Slut! raih Of tht lilt fev K. .nnTln. nM .l.rk. II I
I I tt our custotner shall have prompt attention. Our 1 1
j I ,tCH"k fa tl11 Try large, despite th recent heafy gales, be- 11
I cu tave received new goods dally up to the Vast I I
I I wees-. Remember, what little Is left of the Mawhlnney ft II
I L Ryan ttock la blng aold at cost Watch our wlndowa for I 1
I j I Ky Jewelry Co., M
It Is difficult In this modern day, to re
allxe why the physical misery and degrada
tion of tha Holy Land should not- be over
come" and alleviated by the hosts of Chris
tian ptlgrtma who annually make the
Journey to the scenes of the every -day 'tfe
of their Saviour. It Is
that In this country where was revealed
the religion of cleanliness that mortal men
i should be more dirty than In any other
place on earth. It Is difficult to realise
At this Christmas season every American
Christian, Protsstant and. Catholic, and
every American Jew ahoeid rwjoica that ft
was the American Influence! more than all
else besides, that made, possible these "good
tidings of great Joy." The American Mis
sionary mllpr. nf .Sv.iS f H m.a .J .W - w
Aim l. , . ' inr uuil
" rr';I" of education which made the Toung Turk
movement possible. The American Catho
lics In Jerusalem did their part la brinrinc
to the people the knowledge of free institu
tions. And msir H(i-.tlv K. . .w- .
I ?"J? ,UnI WhT th Gr, PhJriCi" "ctlvely. It was th. XmcZ enc.
: .I . l; "" 1nl m opening the empire of Japan to arestern
blind, that there should be more lepers and elvUlxaxion that gave the Aaiatic peoples
more blind men than in any other country, a new sense of rower, and which Impelled
.oi. m rTuesune, tne Turks m the near east to emulate the
from whence came the Inspiration for the example of the victorious Japanese In the
mi- ii.iuiu wnicn nave man possible far east.
every progressive step In the western world Not since the wise men of the east saw
. v. tocir oemg amia me otar oi uetnienem, not since the
conditions practically unchanged from Angelic host charmed the shepherds with
those which obtained 1.000 years ago. It Is their heavenly chorus, not since Jesus was
difficult to reallxe that among all the peo- laid In the manjer, has there been such a
pie of all the world the people of Palestine happy Christmas In Palestine aa will be
should be least responsive to the clvlllxlng celebrated this month. All Christendom will
Influence of the railroad and the refining iol with the Christians of the Holy Land
Inspiration of the telegraph. In the repetition of the good tidings, "Glory
But at thla particular Christmas season to Gyi ln highest, and en earth peace.
in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred Kd wui toward men."
and nine, the Christian world, the remnant MT rXJISEXIO J. XASXXH.
vi nrn ua me nousenoia or toe prophet xosaorrow Tas EOLT LAJTBn
of Allah may rejoice together for the first The Jerusalem of Today.
Question &ued by Baiineu Men as
to 5,000 Hungry.
Daaht that the City Has That Xaay
Peaple Wha Are Vaahla to
Pravlae Their Owa
Love of Curios
Bests Scruples;
Letter Betrays
Church Builder Arrested for Loot
ing- Collections of Deacon
and Host.
.1 :
Author ot 'Pis la Figs"
Generally when a writer produces one notably
famous story he finds it hard to 4trepeat," but Mr.
Butler certainly "repeated" in mirth with Teeth Is
Teeth in which S. Potts tells Watchman Daniel
about Peter Guppy
An inventor, too lazy to eat, who invented Guppy's Auxiliary Motor
Teeth (guaranteed 60 "chomps" per second), to save himself the
effort of chewing. .
The stunts these "chawers" do, make the story
chuckle, run along in continual laughter and end with
Read it.
berin with
a side-splitting
Some business men are beginning to ask
questions about the many campaigns at
present being conducted throughout the city
for the raising of funds ostensibly for
Christmas dinners to be given nomeisss or
needy people.
"As near as I can figure it out, after
questioning the canvassers." said one mer
chant, "steps are being taken to furnish
Christmas dinners for between 4. and
! 5,000 Individuals. Now. I don't believe
j there are that many perple ln Omaha who
(cannot provide their own Christmas din
ners. This belief led me to question one
! canvasser pretty closely, after proving by
! his own statement that he had already
n.ore money than would provide the num
1 h-r of dinners mentioned. Then the can
' tvsser came back at me with the blunt
statement. 'Tea. but we have a debt of a
Urge sum to take care of.'
"Now, that statement set me to thinking,
and I have about come to the conclusion
that It la not quite right to use
; the Christmas spirit as aa excuse to raise
' money, not for dinners for needy people
i altogether, but to pay debts.
Inquiry among other business men proved
: that a great many of them have given
' pretty liberally for Christmas dinners
' without any particular question. It seems
reasonably certain, from what can be
' learned even whea the givers are not prone
to talk about their contributions that
enough money haa beea raised by a dosea
j or more canvassers this year to buy thou-
i i roar.
' if V II MUM! JiSril
II Wm ejsaBF aaatfftaam M. J" V M t i-. a hsa . JF JT II
flflvSMflPOUTA N J. ,W
At All News Stands. 15c a Copy. N Jj
MMi central!,
s n i t&jYji issm iii i r
IK wm mm is m
B .' t !" . .-i V. Illi' t 5 O 'l I I V OS an. tM.m Am
over tha "Central Routt to Florida and Cuba"
00 pen
L Chlesoo.,
Lv St. Louie...
Ar.. .Birmingham.
Ar Columbus..
Ar Albany
.Jackson villa...
....Ar T.ISam
.. Lv ll.asam
....Lv t.COi
Lv 2.30 am
.40 pm
T.I am
1 1 .49 am
e.M am
.40 pm
Observation sleeping car. ten-section two-drawing-room sleeping
car, free reclining chair car (steel construction) and combination
baggage car and coach between Chicago and Jacksonville. Through
sleeping car. and free chair car service, between St. Louis and
Jacksonville. All meals en route in dining cars. Connection at
Columbus with through sleeping car to and from Savannah; also
with trains at Jacksonville for all Florida points and steamship
Connections for Havana. Cuba
If you don't want your letters read, don't
leave them lying around.
If a letter contains incriminating evi
dence against you. destroy it on the spot.
First of all, do not let your passion for
art and desire to furnish a coay den get
away with your ability to discriminate be
tween meum and tuum. (From the maxims
of J. J. Healy.)
Some month ago, J. J. Healy, skilled
bricklayer, went to O'Neill. Holt county,
to help build a church. This pious occupa
tion does not seem to have resulted ln the
moral uplift which It should have -"but
we anticipate," as says Nick Carter. I
Mr. Healy secured quarters in the family j
very church which HeI worked upon. In (0RGE S. LULL LOjES LEG
years gone by Mr. Shlrbing let his liking j
for th.ngs wordly get the better of him !
A special Florida Folder and inf nrmation as to low winter
tourist fares, reservations and tickets of your home ticket
ajents or by addressing
S. NORTH, District Passenger Afeat, Illinois Ceatral H t,
140a Fsraam St.. Oauha, Neb.
New Fast Through Train to
and he amassed a handsome ejection of ) Omaha Packing Home Tire
Indian relics and souvenirs. , . , ,
Most of the curio, he stored in trunk, Caat Under EnSUM.
which was kept ln the attic -
To the same dusty repository Healy's '
track was carried. Healy had occasion to i
visit that trunk of h.s several times ar.d, I " "
once, probably by mistake, he opened the 1 H" Crashed a ad Has to Be la.
sands of Christmas dinners. And It la
; equal ry cen&u. mm.j momm wm su(ai w f)n paaaace ln th
I know, that there are not several thousand 1 nicely we have fixed
: homeless ana needy men and women la
j Omaha at this time who will have to be
fed by charity on Christmas day.
rong trunk.
To hasten the story: Healy left for
Omaha after a time, leaving the memory
of a pleasant acquaintance, which dtmned
somewhat when the curias were found
mlssivg. He also left a letter from his
sister. Miss Shlrbing. daughter of thj
deacon, suspected Healy ail held desrtie
with her mother about reading the letter.
Mother opposed It; daughter favor.-d it ad
had her way.
let;." t;.i ' h .
u? ti'e d-r. vltlt
those cute curios." -
Mias bhirbing went to sheriff C. K. Hall
of Holt county.
patated A bare the Kaee, hat
Injared Maa Is Espeeted
ta Live.
George 8. Hill fire chief of the Omaha
Packing company, lost his leg through
an accident In the railroad yards. He
was at the old plant and attempted to
mrunt the foot board of engine No. 15. of
the Tnton 5tock Yards company. The
ground and the foot board were slippery
with Ice and frost and he missed h'.e
f lot ng and went under the trucks of the
piiot- His leg was severea oeiow tne snee.
and has a family dependent on him He
recovered from the Immediate chock of
the Injury and operation and probably will
live. .
Omaha, and Healr is now fcunivir..
Lame back may be cured br apply ng to aS'iU with Sheriff HalL W herelosw
Chamberlain's Liniment two or three times
a day, with a vtgurous rubbing at each ap
I Ucatloa.
the maxima.
Sheriff Hall came te i When he was taken to the hospital the
physicians round it necessary to amputate
above the right knee, because the leg was
so badly crushed up to the knee joint.
He has been fire chief at the Omaha
Packing compeer for a number of years
NoveiUta FrU.NiiLtt-U'.u and &odgt.
Lleease Inspector Woald Give City
Share la "Velvet- Made aa
Peatlac Permits.
License Inspector Snyder has secured the
indorsement of the council committee of
the whole for an ordinance to make bill
distributers poy a l'. ense of l a year.
Bill posters pay a license of I'.OO a year,
but some ot them, and other Individuals
ln the bill posting business have been dis
tributing bills as a business and making
a good thing out of it
Mr. Snyder want to be put In a posi
tion where he ean license and control the
methods of distributing bills, which are
often scattered about the streets and la
other public places promiscuously. The or
dinance is In line with similar enactments
in other cities.
SLlaaed fraas Head ta Heel
was Ben Pool Threet. Ala., when dragged
ovr a gravel roadway, but Bucklen's Ar
nica Salve cured hiua. Cc. For sale by
&caloa Druj Co,
Twa Mea il aspect ed af Heataas
Crisaee There aad Are Held 8 ab
ject ta Ideatlfleatlaa.
The local police are anxlous'y awailtng!
wonl from Karsas City for Mentlf 'cation
of the photographs and BertlUon nvasiare
ments of Larl Brown and John Adams, sus
pected hold-up men. as being mergers of
a gang that operated extensively tn Kan
sas City, and who murdered a saloon
keeper named Spangler and dangerously
ounded bis son. who Is still in a hospital
At the time Drown and Adams were he'd
for district court In 0;rah3 their photos
were taken snd descriptions of them were
sent to the principal cities of the country.
Including Kansas t'tyr. Sice then bo
word tas been received by the local po'.lre,
who still believe Brows and AJjjtui ere the
men wanted in the Missouri eit, I ir mur
der and attempted mufifer, ae welT sS a
long string of burgiarWa, ,
Brown and Adams are held at the county
Jail pending trial la district court, but if
Identified as the men wanted for the kill- ,
lng of ripajigler. will likely be turned avag
to the Ksnjsas City authorities