TITE BEE: OMATTA, 'WEDNESDAYS DECEMBER 22, Nebraska Nebraska ' Nebraska TRACTION CASE AT L1NC0L City Railroad Makes Hard right to Increase Stock. eBVICE H BEING . E EDUCED Representative Heffernan Relaa Take. Office f Conntr Jadae . Lore luiri Letter to Cities. ' (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Pee. tl (fpeelal.) The trac tion company hearing which was started yesterday, at which time statements from the attorney were heard, will be resumed Tburada. at which time testimony will be taken. This morning; County Attorney Tyrrell asked for the continuance so that ' his witness, Mr. E. P. Bcmls of Cleveland, would have more time In which to look into the reports and valuation of the com pany. Mr. Tyrrell contends that the people are Interested In the Amount of stork and bonds th company issut, notwithstanding Mr. Allen argued that the people were in terested merely . In adequate service at a reasonable rate. Srocks and bonds lssud In excess of the value of the property. Air. t Tyrrell Insisted meant Orat -some time and some how the people would have to pay. If the abnor mal lsstle Is permitted TioW posterity will have to pay the bill, and he quoted at some length ;the statement 'of Commissioner i Clarke along these lines In his findings In the rase of the.Clttaena' company, which ia now a part .of the traction company. Mr. Clarke argued then as does Mr. Tyrrell row. , J In dlscusslngvthe question as to whethet W (ha merger had profited anyone save those ' who sold stock Mr. Tyrrell Insisted that the two lines covered practically the same territory and. the citlrens' line was now a burden to the traction company, Inasmuch as tha franchise forced the company to run cars on It which doublet) the expense, and not havlna sufficient power had resulted In poor service.. It was his opinion that pos sibly tha traction company was worth less now than before the merger. Mr. Bemls will be placed on the stand, Thursday morning. . ' ;Dsn C. Htffernan of "Dakota counts, representative of the Sixteenth district, has resigned and his resignation has been ac cented by Governor Shallenberger. Mr. Heffernan has been elected judge of Lkota county. , , Be-df Taken to, aurora. Funeral services we're held over the re mains of Mrs. 8. H- Baftorj, deceased wife of Auditor Barton, at the family residence, 1010 E street, this morning.' Rev. Mr. Har mon, pastor of the. Fh-st'CbrtsUan church, officiating. At U o'clock the remains were taken to Aurora, vhere tomorrow after noon funeral. Service wilt "te held there. . 11 of the state offices were closed dur ing the hour-of the -uneraj this morning id pracficalry; ell ol the state officers and many of '.the' empJoy.es attended the uivlces. The. office of Uje .auditor will be c'osed durihs the hirur of the funeral tomorrow.' - -Msiori Are invited. Mayor Love has sent out Invitations to mayors of all Nebraska towns of over-1000 population ' to appolel delegates to attend meeting here In Lincoln' Jan 26 and 27,'. cThele8d'Hloi' 'i 1 rJ -It has ben eciihii fo relies the eltles arid towns of the state of Nebraska to appoint two or' more dek-gajes each to assemble In the city ol Lincoln on Janu 1 ary 26 and 17,' 110, for the purpose of or ganising a league jMrfrforasKa municipal ities.. . . The general objects of this organisation will be the affiliation of municipal officials and the general Improvement of every branch of municipal administration by the following means; First, the perpetuation of the organiza tion as an agency for the co-operation of Nebraska cities in the practical study of all questions pertaining to municipal gov ernment. Becond, the meeting of an annual and ...r t iriv.-nlioi s fof di.cus Ion Of mutilci ,t . e'fairs. T'rirr! the establishment and maintenance f . cntrl bureau of Information for use n the roil.'ction. compilation and distri bution of statistics, reports and ail kinds if Information relative to municipal gov ernment. At this preliminary meeting we hajre ar ranged a .program which will consist of jsners and addresses upn subjects of en eral municipal Interest by men of ability and reputation and a general discussion by the delegates. A copy of this program will be published ard mailed to you as soon as It Is fully prepared. We believe It will be of sufficient Inter et to reray the time and effort of atten dance. We earnestly request you to ap point delegates to represent your city. Normal I'atroas Object. Persons living at Normal on the College View line of the traction company object to the recommendation of Mr. Powell and Mr. Hurd that service be shut off beyond Normal In order that the traction company will be kble to serve a majority of the peo ple well rather than all of the people very poorly. The railway commission received a petition from these parties signed by 100 persons protesting apalnst the adoption of this part of the report. rhyslrlan Charged with Marder. An anonymous letter received by a citi zen was sent to the county attorney this morning which may result in an Investiga tion of the cane of the death of a Lincoln young woman some weeks ago. The letter sild the young woman had been murdered by malpractice on the part of her attend ing physician. Some days ago the county attorney re ceived an anonymous letter telling of the death of a young woman at the hands of physicians. The result was the arrest of the physician, who has since been bound over to the district court. TkompMi Not Candidate. Attorney General Thompson today said he was not a candidate for district attor ney of the federal court at Omaha, had not been and would not be, and had so In formed Attorney General Brown. Mr. Thompson would not resign his present position and permit the governor to ap point a democrat to head the legal depart ment of the state aimply to get the other Job, so he Intimated. Besides he has con siderable litigation which he desires to see finished before stepping out of bis present position. NORMAL BOARD CETS BUSY Preparation Made for Trip to Inspect School Sites. SECRETARY SENDS OUT REQUESTS Asks Con net I" Towns to Have Defin ite Propositions Beady nnd "Warns Beds for the Members. K.OI I'Ol'XTY EDITORS MEET Derision Reached ot to Pnt In Bids lor Printing;. BLOOM FI ELD, Neb., Dec. 21 Special) The annual meeting of the Knox County Publishers' association was held here Sat urday, but owing to the extreme cold weather only a few of the editors appeared. Those present were W. L. Kirk of the Crelghton News, V. H. Need ham of .the Bloomfield Monitor; M. Robert of the Jour nal and M. L. Llewer, Frank Wledermann and J. H. Lohmann of Die Germanla. In the absence of both the president and vice president the meeting was called to order by Secretary J. 11. Lohmann. The following officers were e:ected for the en suing year: President, W. L. Kirk, Crelgh ton; vice president, J. B. McCoy, Crofton; secretary W. H. Needham. Bloomfield; treasurer, Carl Anderson, Wauaa. The officers of the association will act also , as the executive committee. It was decided that the publishers should not pre sent any bid to the county board of su pervisors for legal and official printing for the coming year, but to let the board designate such paper or papers In which this official printing shall appear at full legal rates. Date of Snnilnr School Convention. BEATRICE.. "Neb,", pec. 21. (Special.) A meeting of the district, officers of the Gaga County .Sunday School association was held here yesterday and it was derided to make the dates of the state convention June. 14 to 15. A committee was appointed to secure the option of three of the largest churches in the city for the convention, which will bring more than 1,000 delegates to the city. Clocks FRENZEK iota ana Dodge. Now Is the time to boost your Christ mas business by advertising in The Bee. 9 ; zZ i'"'"i,rnTi n For the Whole Family w ' This special outfit a ' ' New Champion' ' : ' ' Columbia Graphophone, 6 Columbia " Double-Disc Records (24 selections) and 200 needles costs 3rou $28.90 com .' . ' i plete. And it's the one best Christmas - . . present in town. An opportunity to make a present that IS a pres-stand pay on easy terms after Christmas, (Finer outfits, disc or cylinder, op to $250.) . - . . ' -CO L U M B I A Phonograph Company r v . Schiuoller Jt Mueller Bldg. . .. lSll-lS rarnam SU. i. L. Itl'lUt, Mgr. t 6. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Dec 21. (Special.) Luther P. Ludden has Issued the following statement to the towns which want the new normal school In the northwest, asking them to have definite propositions ready: "To the local committees Interested In the locating of the new normal school In the northwest. Gentlemen The Board of Education has completed all arrangements for visiting the several localities that have properly filed for the location of the 'addi tional normal school,' as provided for In house roll No. 232. Leave Lincoln Monday, January S. 1210, at 1:35 a. m.. via Burlington. Reach Alliance Monday, January t, 1 6 p. nr.. Leave Alliance Tuesday, January 4, 4:10 a. m. Reach Crawford Tuesday, January 4. 5:52 a. m. Leave Crawford Tuesday, January 4. 6:10 p. m.. via Northwestern. Reach Chadron Tuesday, January 4, 6 p. m. Ieave Chadron Wednesday, January 6:20 p. m. Reach Rushvllle Wednesday, January 5, at 7:30 p. m. Leave Rushvllle Thursday, January 6, at 7:30 p. m. Reach Gordon Thursday, January I, at 8 03 p. m. Leave Gordon Friday, January 7, at 8:03 p. m. Reach Alnsworth Saturday, January I, 12:3ft a. m. '"Phe Inspection closes with Alnsworth and those desiring to go west can leave at 5:49 p. m.; those going east can leave at midnight or :44 a. m. On Business Tsar. "Get your local committee together and complete the details of what you want us to do while we are in your city. The time you expect to show us the location and the time you desire to present the different facts and Items that you desire to give us. If possible send me, the secretary, a copy of your program so that we can work out our program and have It fit yours at each place. "Remember this is a business trip made by busy men for one purpose complying with the law securing a location for the 'additional normal school.' We are not going out for our health, or for pleasure or for any kind of midnight suppers. "The members of the board all have comfortable homes and if your local hotel cannot furnish warm rooms for us cannot you, the local committee, secure for us ac commodations in private homes where we can have a warm room? The members of the board would rather pay a private fam ily for a warm room than a hotel for a cold room." Governor Holds Back. "I have not yet decided what to do about calling the legislature together In special session," said Governor Shallenberger to day. "I am still considering the matter." It Is the belief of many who have talked to the governor that the -proposed Income tax amendment will be bitterly fought whenever it is brought before the legisla tures and for that reason they are urging hint to get busy now and carry out the orders of the late democratic slate conven tion. While he is saying little, the governor gives out the impression that, he personally sees no reason for the extra Session at this time. Early Bandar Schools. At the regular meeting of the Lincoln Ministerial association Monday morning It as decided that the best time In the day to hold the Sunday school was before the morning church service, about 9:45 or 10 clock being selected as the most desirable hour. The ministers took no official action on the matter, their decision being In the form of a recommendation to their Sunday schools. R. E. Moore Settles Snlt. Upon recommendation of the county at torney. Frank Tyrrell, the County Board of Commissioners at a meeting Monday ac cepted the offer of R, E. Moore for the settlement of the case of Dennis Berry against R. E. Moore, a suit for delinquent taxes, by a payment of $2,331 into the county exchequer. Tkanlu to the Gnard. Adjutant General Hartigan has Issued a statement thanking the members of the National Guard on behalf of the governor and himself for efforts put forth to improve the service. You shouldn't think of making a purchase of pift-wearnbles without seeing what the great clothing store of King-Swnn-son Co. has to offer. AVe confine ourselves to the study of Men's and Hoy's Clothing preferences-and have the very things they'll appreciate the most. JVing the largest store of its kind our stocks are necessarily much larger than in other stores. Being the most perfectly appointed store in the West, shopping is carried on with a degree of comfort and pleasantry totally unknown in other clothes stores.- Take it all in all there is only one store that should interest you with men's or boys' wearables this store , S Give Agent Vote of Confidence and Oppose Consolidation with Winnebago Agency. Omaha Indians Honor Pollock Moderate Priced Gifts for a Man Smoking Jacket. .$4.00 to f 12.50 Bath and Lounging Kobes, $4 up Ilcautiful Neckw ear . . 50c to 92.50 Mufflers 50c to S.OO. Fancy Hosiery. . 25c to $2.00 Fancy Suspenders . . . 50c to $2.50 Fancy Handkerchiefs 25c and 50c Dressy Shirts . ...fl.OO to $3.50 Dress Gloves $1.15 to $2.50 Lined Gloves. ... .$1.25 to $6.50 Fur Gauntlets $2.50 to $5.00 Sweater Coats . Fancy Vests. . Fur Caps . . . . 05c to $7.00 . .$1.50 to $6.00 .$3.50 to $10.00 Traveling Bags..$4.00 to $25.00 Suit Cases. $4.5Q to $27.50 Jewelry Seta $2.50 to $5.00 Also Military Brushes, Jewelry Casas, Flasks, Shaving Sets, Collar Bags, Etc. It would be hard to find a man or young fellow who wouldn't feel delighted to receive one of our Handsomely Tailored Suits or Ono of Our Beautiful Overcoats for Christmas. Xo store better prepared to supply you with just the garment he would like and the price will please you as well as the cJothes will please him. Suits or Overcoats, $10, $12, $15, $18, $20, $25 and Up. Why Not Give Footwear? A new pair of our shoes will please any man or boy, and a pair of cozy slippers will make his evenings at home delightful better see us about it. Men's Shoes . . . $2.50, $3.50, $1.00, $ 1.50 House Slippers $1.50 to $3.00 Boys' Shoes $1.50 and Up Boys' High Cuts $2.25 to $3.00 STORE OPEN EVENINGS IM52i THE HOME OF QUALITY CLOTHES Moderate Priced Gifts for a Boy One of Our Superb Suits, $1.50 to $15 One of Our Beautiful Overcoats, $2.50. to $10.00 Wool Lined Gauntlet Gloves . . 50c Flewe Lined School Gloves . .25c Wool Lined Kid Gloves 75c Wool Lined Mocha Gloves. . . .50c Fur Gauntlets . . . .$1.00 to $4.00 Silk Lined Mocha Gloves. . .$1.25 Boys' Felt Hats...$1.00 to $2.50 Boys' Lined Caps. .50c, 75c, $I.0O Boys' Neckwear, In bones. .. .85c Boys' Night Robes 50c Boys' Fyjaraas.' .,.$1.00 Sleeping Garments 50c Extraordinary Waists '. .50c Elevator Firm Sued by Farmers Suit Bejrun in Pierce County Against Nye-Schneider-Fowler Co. Under Discrimination Law. PIERCE, Nb.. Deo. 21 (Special.) A case of state-wide Interest was filed In the county court of Pierce county last Monday by Charles H. Stewart, county attorney of this county. The suit Is brought against the Nye-Schneider-Fowler company of Fre mont, that corporation being charged in the Information with violating the anti trust law of this state. It la alleged that this corporation, which has a branch grain and lumber office and yards at Hadar, In this county, has discriminated In prices of grain at that town when compared with the prices paid at other places where they have yards located, when 'the.' quality of grain Is the same -a jnrrrtiased on the market at ther plaqrS' afi Cu allowance has been made for the difference In actual cost of transportation. A-. WALTHILL. Neb.. Dec. tL (Special.) At a special council of Omaha Indians held Monday the tribe voted unanimously against the proposed consolidation of the Omaha and Winnebago agencies and for the retention of their present agent. A. G. Pollock. There were more than 100 repre sentative Indians present. The feeling ex hibited was noticeable for its Intensity and bitterness, mingled with sadness at times on the part of the older Omaha. Har mony marked the meeting throughout. The agent. A. Q. Pollock, probably re ceived the highest honor ever paid an agent by the Indians when he received a solid vote of confidence from the tribe, the hope being expressed that he would remain with them. Mr. Pollock departed for Washing ton today. The tribe elected four delegates to repre sent them in Washington, the delegates being Dr. Susan La Flesche Plootte. Hiram Chase. Daniel Webster and Simeon Hallo- well. Dr. Picotte was the first and unani mous choice of the meeting, but would only accept the honor with the understanding that she would pay her own expenses. Tbe other delegates go at tribal expense. About a year ago, the. Farmers Elevator company was organized at Hadar and that Institution ereoled a fine elevator building during tha summer and started to do busi ness this fall upon tha opening of the graii. season. A nearly every farmer surround ing that town took stock In the new con cern, they naturally delivered their grai. to the new elevator, and the Institution diu a thriving business from, the start. It was then. It Is alleged, that the Nye-Schneider-Fowler people began to discriminate, and put up the prices of grain from S to 8 cents per busbel over the regular market price paid by the dealers In surrounding towns. The Independent elevator was forced to meet prices and tip to the present time a merry war has been going on. Lately the stockholders became tired of doing business at a loss and last week de cided to close down the elevator, or at least accept grain only when It could be bought at a fair shipping margin. The Ny-Schneider-Fowler company, however, still keep up the high prices, and as a conse quence the Independents are doing no busi ness to speak of. ' ' 1 v In their effort to put the Independents out of business, it Is said, that th Nye-Schneider-Fowler folks have boosted the price of grain so that they have been forced to pay In many . Instances a higher price than that paid on the Omaha market. The state law says that a corporation owning a line of elevators In this state must pay the same prices at each elevator on each day, after making a reasonable allowance for actual cost of transportation. Upon . con viction of violating this law the corporation will lose its charter and cannot transact business In the state thereafter. This Is the first case to be tried under this statute tin the state. raised and by . the close of the evening service S9.SG8 had been secured, of which sum $1,305 Is for a pipe organ fund. Great credit Is given the pastor. Rev. B. W. Marsh and the board of trustees and build ing committee. Special music under the leadership of Miss Emma Preston was ren dered at each service. Rev. W. D. Parr of Kokomo, Ind., had charge of the services and was assisted by District Superintendent Rev. W. B. Alexander, Rev. J. 11. Woodcock and Rev. C. L. Smith, both former pastors. HOODOO DAY AT BEAVER CITY Two Sodden Deaths and Three Acci dents In Twentr-Fonr Honrs. BEAVER C1TT, Neb., Dec. 21. Special.) Saturday was one. of sudden deaths and accidents In Beaver City. Mrs. J. H. Haw- ikins, mother of Mrs. George E. Bowsman, and one of the oldest pioneers of the county died suddenly. She had eaten the evening meal and was busy with some sewing when she was taken ill and died within two hours. The babe of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Palmer,. bo , reside,-. north. . of . town. waa taken, ill early in the -morning, and died within a short time, the trouble being an acute attack of' croup. "Grandma" Ball, one of the oldest Inhabitants of the county, slipped on the Ice at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Garnett and sustained a frac tured hip, which will result most seriously on account of her age and feeble condi tion. The son of Fred Leonig was thrown from a horse and broke an arm. Mrs. Sarah Laub slipped on the Ice and sprained an ankle which will probably make her a cripple for life. hearing next Tuesday. Rertuca was a member of a gang of Italians employed bv the Burlinetnn when the deed was com mitted. Ho has been In Jail here ever since. BLOOM Fl EL.I Freiheit lodt;e No. 8, O. of H. S., at its regular meeting last nipht elected the following officers for the ensulnp year: President, John Grohmann; vice president. Rudolph Lafrantz; secre tary. J. H. Lohmann; treasurer, W. H. Harm; trustee. M. Yadersen; escort. H. M. Kolls; outside watchman, Henry Uerdan; inside watchman, John Logos. SUTTON John tturfer. formerly agent of the Burlington at (irarton, died at his home in Grafton Saturday morning and wa burled today. Mr. Snider had traveled through the west and spent last winter in Mexico, hoping the warmer climate would benefit his failing health, which the physi cians sa!d was due to tuberculosis of the bronchial tubes. He returned laBt August and had been gradually failing. YORK The York Cement Post company, one of the latest business enterprises, has secured Ihe large Downie-Wright brick manufat tunng building in North York and is installing the latest machinery. It will mtke cement poet muulds which, by reason of a stretched wire at high tension, pro duces greater strength and rigidity. The moulds are made so that four posts can be made at a time. The orficers of the com pany are: II. Haas. president: R. Rogers, manager; F. E. Lloyd, secretary and. super intendent.,.. . ,; I . BENiiDICT'-Frlends of Mrs. L. H. Don aldsqu.. formerly a. resident, here, learned of her sudden death ly burning at Los Argeles. Cal. Mrs. Donaldson, on entering their home, 'stepped to the open- fireplace and her clothing caught tire. She tried to extinguish the flames, and failing, ran to her daughter's home and fell, expiring shortly after In the presence of husband and daughter. She was one of the first settlers in north York county and before moving to the coast lived at York. that had not yet bought machliiery-i but had raised nearly $10,000 In money. A notice of an appeal for a new trial has been served by attorneys of Nelson, which was overruled and Nelson received a five years' sentence. Fall to Rob Bank Vanlt. HUTCHINSON. Kan.. Dec. 21.-After cut ting all the wires in the central telephone office at Abbyvllle. Kan., nrar here, early today, robbers made an unsuccessful at tempt to dynamite the vault of the State bank of that town. The robbers were de tected while at work In the bank and be coming frightened fled and escaped on a handcar. : ',. The Weather FOR NEBRASKA Snow. FOR IOWA Generally fair; not much chanire In temperature. Temperature at Oruuha yesterday; njui ligjU ia . . Hour. Deg. J" X3J 7 a. m , X r 8 a. m 3 tS a. m r 4 10 a. m.... 11 a. m.i...v........ s -. li m..j..-.w........ 12 .. 1 p. m.,. n 3 p. m i3 4 p. m. K . . ft p. m. . , C . P- m.. 17 ' 7 p. m 17 p. m 16 1 p. m 16 Record. Watt' Home In Nelson. NELSON, Neb.. Dec. a. (Special. Tele gramsHarry Wyatt, who was killed at Lincoln, yesterday -by" a Burlington train at the depot, where he was employed as baggageman, lived in this vicinity with his parents for fifteen years and left two months ago to take ths position. He was 22 years old and unmarried. Mtnden Finances. MINDEN.' Neb.. Dec. XI. (Speclal.)-The city council ordered a notice published for refunding the Mlnden City water bonds, which become due on February 15, 1910, at the last meeting. It seems that the city is In good condition, financially better than It ever has been. There are several funds, all of which are on a cash basis,- and no unpaid warrants outstanding. The amount of bonds voted and issued twenty years ago was C.O00, but only S2LO0U will be le funded. The bonds will draw S per cent and be optional at any time. The city has just Installed a new boiled and paid for It In cash. Lawyer Stricken la Conrt. KEARNEY, Neb... Dec, rWSpeclal.) While pleading a case in the district court of Buffalo county Monday afternoon. Judge H. M. Sinclair suffered a relapse of an Illness from which he bad Just recovered and waa removed to bis home. The case waa that of J. O. Lowe against F. O. Keen. Mr. Lowe as treasurer of the Episcopal church, is suing Mr. Keen for a subscrip tion made several year ago. Mr. Keen la one of the wealthiest men In this section and his reason for not paying the sub scription la that the plana were changed and altered on the new edifice recently erected In this city. The case waa post poned until Mr. Sinclair la able to plead. Jewelry FRENZERlith and Dodge. A Brora Dedicates New Chnrch. AURORA. Neb.. Dec. 2L Speclal.) The Methodist Episcopal church of this ciiy dedicated a new church touikling Sunday. It is of cream colored brick with while stone trimmings and will seat about ! people when all the rooms are open. The basement Is complete with plastered walls, cemented floor, kitchen and toilet rooms. The total cost of the building Is about 000., When the service was opened at t5 Sunday morning there was 17,000 to be if you have anything to sell or trade. advertise la the Want Ad columns of The Lumbago Stiff Nack and Sciatica Are all forms of rheumatism, which de pends on an acid condition of tbe bleod re sulting from defective action, of the liver, kdneys and ekln and affecting the muscles and joints, causing Inflammation, stiffness and pain. For any form take Hood's Garsaparilta which corrects the acid condition of tha bluod and effects sjermaaent cures. In usual liquid form or 'chelate tablets called Sara tabs. isjO Doaea tL Nebraska News Notes. BEATRICE Fred Hall and Miss Jeanette Shepardson. both of this city, were marrioJ yesterday at Grand Island. BEATRICE Arthur Randall and Ms? Pearl Buck, both of this city, were married yesterday. Rev. J. E. Davis officiating. YORK In the death of Mrs. John Lloyd, sr., York loses one of Its oldest residents and mother of two of York's successful business men. SUTTON The meat market formerly owned by Mr. Klunti has been sold to Dan Griffith of Madison, who will continue in the tame business. SUTTON Harry Reper, for -many years a fireman on the branch between Stroms- burg and Alma, was appointed foreman at the roundhouse here yesterady. YORK A Fper-ia! met ting has been called of the County Hoard of Supervisors for the purpose of approving .. the bonds of the county officials. The meeting is called for January 4. KEARNEY Joseph A. Goodell and Miss Kentner were mariifd at the house of Rev. Charles Stephfns Saturday ev nine. Poih are children of retire.) fnrmers in thi' city and were raised in this county. REPUBLICAN" CTTY Harold A. Smith, the 6-vear-old son of John Smith, d'ed a St. Elisabeth's hospital- In Lincoln shortly after an operation for sppf-n1 citls. l)r Yalllcott took him there last Friday. BEATRICE The local Ice dea'er ir removing the first crop of l( fnm ill. river which formed while the stream wa high and muddy. They wii freezo new ic with the hope of getting a good, clear crop' I.EATR1CE The new brick block of Kil Patrick lsros.. the rairoad contractors, i r early completed. The firm yesterd r bfgan moving iruo the buildirg. The seco -. floor rooms will be occupied by the L:K ..nd the Commercial club. REPUBLICAN CITY-Lum Riley of Na ponee and Miss Eila Brandt of this c t were married In Lincoln. The brde wa born and raised here and all were sur prised to hear of her marriage. They will reside In Lincoln. R EA TRICK H. H. Luebbn and MIfs Mildred C. Hilton, both of tWOc'ty, w. re married hern- today. The groom Is i:i charge of the Lm-bben hay baler plart here and Is amnni: the prominent young business men of the city. YORK The first election held under the new drainage laws was held at the court house. In which only property owners hav ing interest in properly in the Waco drain ace district, situated north and west of Waco, this county, took part. KEARNEY The Eleclrie Light company is Installing new arc lights on Central avenue. The new light Is known as the Adam Bagnell flaming arc light and when a Uring of tnem are p!rrd alone Central a'diue It will make a great improvement. YORK Twelve thousand dollars Is the sum thought necessary by the committee to build an addition to the Metnodisl church of thiet city. The large Increase in mem bership makes necessary more room to be provided, and the ponularity of its minister, Rev. A. Be4inl(. fil trie lare building at times beyond Its capacity. BEATRICE The water committee of th- city council met .yesterday and engaged W. K. Palmer, an expert eng'neer fr!n Kansas CUy. to maki a report on the nkter sltB.itlon and prepure an estimate of tha probal le coat of revising the water plant to enable the city to use water from ihe wells north of the city. BEATRICE In ,the district court yester day the ae against- Fioritio Rertuca, charged wMh murdering John Pruehs. a boy, at Wymore, last April, was set fur YORK ALFALFA PROMOTER SENTENCED TO FIVE YEARS J. Nelson Convicted of Embesslina , Funds of Company In Process of Formation. YORK, Neb.. Dec. 21. (Speclal.)-J. Nel son, formerly a resident of Grand Is'.and. an alfalfa meal mill promoter, who, when arrested, charged with embezzlement of several thousand dollars by the York Al falfa Meal company, had about completed arrangement for the promotion of two other1 alfalfa mills ln this state, was found guilty of embezzlement of funds of the York Alfalfa Meal Mill company and of appropriating $1.W0. Something'Uke 7,000.or 38,000, put up by Y'ork citizens and farmers found Its way to the treasurer of the organization, a stranger In Kansas City, Mo., who was entrusted with the' funds. In such a way thet he qould not" draw checks against the bank account of the company. Nelson, be ing one of the promoters, succeeded on various' pretexts in . getting checks and money, and had it not been or a halt, called after It was nearly tort, late, by York stockholders, there would not have been a cent In the treasury of the concern Loral OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAT.', OMAHA. Dec. 21 Off Icial, record ol tem perature and precipitation, compared with the corresponding period of the last three years: 19CH. jyOV 1W7. 1SO0. Maximum temperature .. 17 40 32 29 Minimum temperature t 23 14 23 Mfan temperature ...... 10 32 43 & Precipitation T .00 .W T Temperature and precipitation departures from the normal at Omana since March 1. and compared with the last two years: Normal temperature .-...'....... 26 Deficiency for the day 14 Deficiency since March 1...., , ...20 Normal precipitation 03-fnch Deficiency for the day 07 Inch Total rainfall since March 1 83. 4 Inches Excess since March 1 4.4 Inches Deficiency for cor. period. 10.. 4.90 Inches Deficiency for cor. period, 1W7.. 7.2S iiirhes Reports from Stations at T P., M. Station and State Tern. Max. Rain- of Weather. - 7 p. m. Tern.- - fall. Bismarck, cloudy 14 14 . T Cheyenne, clear . 3 ,4-"lt T Chicago, clear 14 in .00 Davenport, cloudy 18 16 T Denver, part cloudy 12 t'14 T Havre, cloudy 2 4 "T Htlena clear .00 Huron, cloudy 14 16 .1 Kansas City, clear' 24 2 .00 North Platte, clear 1 V f M Omaha, cloudy 16 18 T Rapid City, clear 4 14 .0C St. Louis, clear ..i,,'i6 f 3 - .00 St. Paul, cloudy 18 18 .01 Salt Lake City, cloudy.. 24 28 .00 Valentine, cloudy 4 12 .00 Williston: cloudy 12 . 16 .00 T Indicates trace of precipitation. L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster. IF Orchard & Wilhelm mq.lb.18 South .6th Street Special Toy Bargains ' Reduced Prices on a Large Lot of the Most Desirable Large Toys and Dolls. F rices Reduced for Quick Selling. HOBBY HORSES Xo. 640 Hobby Horses, regular price $2.25, reduced to SI. 85 No. C42 Hobby Horses, regular price $2. CO, reduced to 2.10 Xo. 643 Hobby Horses, regular rlce $3.60, reduced to 2.05 PETS TOY GROCERY STORES "t he Natural Grocery Store All Complete, Including Cash Kegfrter 541 regular price $1.60, reduced to 1,35 Xo, No No 542 regular price $2.25, reduced to 543-regular price $5.75, reduced to DOLLS 1.05 5.00 No. 4 22 Tcotsle Dolls, rag body, unbreakable bead, all dressed with buttons and button holes In clothing, regular price $1.00, . reduced to , . No. 751 Kestner, regular price $1.30, reduced to 1.10 No. 79 Gibbon Doll, 21 Inches in length, kid body, sleeping eyes, shoes and stockings, regular price $3, reduced to .... No. 774 Gibson Doll, kid body, regular price $2.75, reduced to No. '771. Kestner Doll, regular price 70c, reduced to No. 755 Kfbtner Doll, natural eye lashes, natural hair, sleep ing eyes, regular price $3.75, reduced to No. 754 Kestner Doll, regular price $3.75, reduced to ...... No.-761 Kestner Doll, IS inches in length, natural eye lashes, regular price $1.85, reduced to No. -,75'J Kestner Doll, 19 Inches la length, eye lathes long, to ; No. 760 Doll,' 16 inches In length, regular rrlcec $1.80, reduced to . : No. 76 Kcwtner Doll, regular price $1.45, -reduced to Vntamtttitffi 'JR rrnViirmfrrm:v i mm nnnnrirti: .75 2.70 2.30 .55 3.25 2.75 1.G5 1.55 1.50 1.25